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Apache Spark
On HDInsight
Chandrashekhar Deshpande
Module 1
Introduction to Apache Spark
Apache Spark Overview
• An Engine to process big data in faster(than MR), easy and extremely scalable way
• An Open Source, parallel, in-memory processing, cluster computing framework
• Solution for loading, processing and end to end analyzing large scale data
• Iterative and Interactive : Scala, Java, Python, R and with Command line interface
• Stream Processing (Real time streams and DStreams)
• Unifies Big Data with Batch processing, Streaming and Machine Learning
• Appreciated and Widely used by: Amazon, eBay, Yahoo
• Can very well go with Apache Kafka, ZeroMQ, Cassandra etc.
• Powerful platform to implement Lambda and Kappa Architecture
Spark Evolution
• Recent release of Spark is 2.3
• We will work on 2.1.1
Spark - Benefits
Using in-memory computing, Spark is
considerably faster than Hadoop (100x in
some tests).
Can be used for batch and real-time data
Developer Productivity
Easy-to-use APIs for processing large
Includes 100+ operators for transforming.
Spark has built-in support for many data
sources such as HDFS, RDBMS, S3, Apache
Hive, Cassandra and MongoDB.
Runs on top the Apache YARN resource
Unified Engine
Integrated framework includes higher-level
libraries for interactive SQL queries,
processing streaming data, machine learning
and graph processing.
A single application can combine all types of
Spark is fast
Spark is the current (2014) Sort Benchmark winner.
3x faster than 2013 winner (Hadoop).
… especially for iterative applications
7Logistic regression on a 100-node cluster with 100 GB of data
Logistic Regression
Spark 0.9
Tuples of MR Vs. RDDs of Spark
in Map
RDDs in
Spark in-memory
• Spark does all intermediate steps in-memory…
• Faster in execution with fewer Secondary Storage r/w.
• Memory extensive
• The memory objects are called as Resilient Distributed Datasets.
• RDD’s are partitioned memory objects existing in multiple worker machines along with their
A unified Framework
An unified, open source, parallel, data processing framework for Big Data Analytics
Spark Core Engine
Spark SQL
Stream processing
Spark MLlib
Yarn Mesos
Advantages of Unified Platform
Spark Streaming
Spark SQL
Spark in Lambda Architecture
Spark Framework
Prog. Inter
Spark Core
ML Lib
Graph X
Azure Blob Storage / Data Lake Store
Spark Modes
• Batch mode: A scheduled program executed through scheduler in periodic
manner to process data.
• Interactive mode: Execute spark commands through Spark Interactive command
• The Shell provides default Spark Context and works as a Driver Program. The Spark context
runs tasks on Cluster.
• Stream mode: Process stream data in real time fashion.
Spark Scalability
Single Cluster, Stand-alone,
Single Box
• All components (Driver,
Executors) run within same
• Partitions data for multiple
• Runs as Single Threaded mode.
Managed Clustered
• Can scale from 2 to 1000
• Can use different cluster
managers like- YARN, MESOS
• Partitions data for all nodes.
Area of applicability
• Data Integration and ETL
• Interactive Analytics
• High performance batch and micro-batch computations
• Advanced and complex analytics
• Machine learning
• Real time stream processing including IoT
• Example:
• Market trends and patterns
• Predicting sales
• Credit card frauds detection
• Network intrusion detection
• Advertisement targeting
• Customer’s 360 analysis
Spark – Use cases
Use case Description Users
Data Integration and
Cleansing and combining data from
diverse sources
Palantir: Data analytics platform
Interactive analytics
Gain insight from massive data sets tin
ad hoc investigations or regularly
planned dashboards.
Goldman Sachs: Analytics platform
Huawei: Query platform in the
telecom sector.
High performance
batch computation
Run complex algorithms against large
scale data
Novartis: Genomic Research
MyFitnessPal: Process food data
Machine Learning
Predict outcomes to make decisions
based on input data
Alibaba: Marketplace Analysis
Spotify: Music Recommendation
Real-time stream
Capturing and processing data
continuously with low latency and high
Netflix: Recommendation Engine
British Gas: Connected Homes
Module 2
Sparks Architecture and Basics
Spark Architecture
• Spark Master: Manages number of applications. In
HDInsight, it also manages resources at cluster level.
• Spark Driver: Per application to manage workflow of an
• Spark Context: Created by driver and keeps track and
metadata of RDDs. Gives API to exercise various
features of Spark.
• Worker Node: Read and write data from and to
Spark Execution components
• Driver Program
• It’s a main initiating program from where Spark operations are defined. It is executed in
Master Node.
• It controls and co-ordinates all operations.
• It defines RDDs.
• Each driver program execution is a ‘Job’.
Spark Execution components
• Spark Context
• Provides access to Spark functionalities.
• Represents connection to the computing cluster.
• Builds, partitions and distributes RDDs to clusters.
• Works with Cluster Manager
• Splits job as parallel task and executes them on worker nodes
• Collects and accumulates results and present them to the driver program
Resilient Distributed Datasets
• Operations with spark are mostly with RDDs. We create, transform, analyze and store RDDs in
Spark operations.
• RDDs are fast in access as stored in memory.
• Partitioned and Distributed as divided in parts and each part exist in a cluster.
• The data sets are formed of Strings, rows, objects, collection.
• They are immutable.
• To change, apply transformation and create new RDD.
• They can be cached and persisted.
• Actions produce summarized results.
Demo 1
Aim: This program basically demonstrates...
1. Configuring Spark context.
2. Using Resilient Distributed Datasets.
3. Introduction to Mappings, Filtering, Actions etc.
4. Creating String RDD from CSV text file.
5. Applying simple Map to convert strings to Upper case
6. Browser monitoring of Spark Context.
Spark architecture
Module 3
Working with RDD’s and Paired RDDs in Spark
Loading data.
• RDD Loading sources…
• Text files
• JSON files
• Sequence files of HDFS
• Parallelize on collection
• Java Collection
• Python Lists
• R data frames
• Use direct API
• Bring it first as Collection (DAO Classes) and then create RDD.
• Very large data sets
• Create HDFS out side spark and then create RDDs using Apache Sqoop.
• Spark aligns its own partitioning techniques to the partitioning of Hadoop.
Storing data
• Storing of RDD in variety of data sinks.
• Text files
• Sequence Files
• Collection
• For persistence
• Spark Utilities
• Language specific support
Spark power lies in processing data in distribute manner.
Though Spark provides API for Loading and sinking of data,
here where its real power does not lay. Out side capabilities
are recommended for simplicity and performance.
Lazy Evaluation
• Spark will not load or transform data unless action is encountered.
• Step 1: Load a file content into RDD.
• Step 2: Apply filtration
• Step 3: Count for number of records (Now Step 1 to 3 are executed).
• The above statement is true even for interactive mode.
• The lazy evaluation helps spark to optimize operations and manage resources in
better way.
• Makes trouble shooting difficult: Any problem in loading is detected while
executing Action.
• Recall: RDDs are immutable.
• Transformation: Operation on RDD to create a new RDD.
• Examples: Maps, Flat map, Filter etc.
• Operate on one element at a time.
• Evaluates lazily.
• Distributed across multiple nodes and executed by Executor within a cluster
on local RDD independently.
• Creates its own subset of resultant RDD.
Transformations: Maps
JavaRDD<String> mutateRDD1 =;
• Simulate Map Reduce of Hadoop.
• Element level computation or transformation.
• The result RDD may have same number of elements as source RDD.
• Result type may be different.
• In java it allows Lambda expressions or anonymous class.
• Scala/Python: Inline function, function reference allowed.
• Use cases:
• Data standardization of may be names
• Data type conversion i.e. from String to Custom object.
• Data Computation like tax calculations.
• Adding new attributes like calculating Grade.
• Data checking, cleansing etc.
Transformations: Filters
JavaRDD<String> mutateRDD1 = autoAllData.filter(function);
• From RDD, it selects element which passes given criterion.
• Result in RDD of smaller size than original RDD as some records getting eliminated.
• The filter() takes a function which returns Boolean value.
• In java it allows Lambda expressions (Predicate) or anonymous class.
• Scala/Python: Inline function, function reference allowed.
• Acts on entire RDD to reduce to a precise and consolidated result.
• Max/Min, Summerization
• Spark lazily evaluates all processing on encountering an Action.
• Simple Actions
• The collect() operation: Converts RDD into collection.
• The count() operation: Count number of elements of RDD.
• The first() operation: Returns first record as a string.
• The take(n) operation: Returns first ‘n’ elements as a List of Strings.
Module 4
Apache Spark on Azure HDInsight
Apache Spark on HDInsight
Azure Storage
Azure Data Lake Store
Hive and HBase
Azure Data Factory
Event Hub
Apache Kafka
Apache Flum
Spark Support on HDInsight
Feature Description
SLA 99.9% uptime
Ease of creating a
Possible using Azure Portal, Azure Powershell, Azure Insight .Net SDK.
Ease of use For interactive data processing and visualization, Jupyter and Zeppeline notebooks are provided.
Spark Cluster in HDInsight include Livy, a REST API based Spark Job Server to remotely submit and
monitor jobs.
Azure DataLake
The Azure DataLake Store can be used as primary storage (HDInsight 3.5 onwards) or an additional
Integration with
Azure services
Provides connectors for Azure Event Hub, Kafka.
R Server Can setup R Server and run R computations.
Supports concurrent queries. This enables multiple queries from one user or multiple queries from
various users and applications to share the same cluster resources.
SSD cache Cache of data either in memory or in SSD for better performance.
BI tools
Connectors available for Power BI and Tableau for data analytics.
Machine Learning
Preloaded 200 Anaconda libraries for Machine Learning, data analysis and visualization.
Scalability The Cloude’s prominent feature
Azure Storage for HDInsight
Azure Data Lake Store
• Enterprise-wide hyper-scale repository for big data analytic workloads.
• Can capture data of any size, type, and ingestion speed in one single place
for operational and exploratory analytics.
• Hadoop accesses Data Lake Store through Web-HDFS REST API.
• Is tuned for performance for data analytics scenarios.
• Supports all enterprise-grade capabilities—security, manageability,
scalability, reliability, and availability.
• Stores variety of data in native format without transformation. Can handle
structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.
Azure Data Lake Store
Azure Storage Vs. Azure Data Lake
Azure Data Lake Store Azure Blob Storage
General purpose scalable object store Hyper-scale repository for big data analytics workload.
Use cases: Batch, interactive, streaming analytics and
machine learning data such as log files, IoT data, click
streams, large datasets
Any type of text or binary data, such as application back
end, backup data, media storage for streaming and
general purpose data.
Folders containing data in files Containers containing data in blobs.
Hierarchical file system Object store with flat namespace
Authentication: Azure AD identity Account Access Keys, Shared signature Access key
Optimized performance for parallel analytical workload Not optimized for analytics workload
Size Limit: No limit on file size or number of size. Specific limits as mentioned in document.
Geo-Redundancy: Locally redundant. Locally redundant, Globally redundant, Read Access
Globally Redundant.
Azure Data Factory
• A cloud data integration service, to compose data storage,
movement, and processing services into automated data
• Can handle ETL and complex hybrid ETL.
• Allows you to create data-driven workflows in the cloud for
orchestrating and automating data movement and data
Azure Data Factory
Azure Event Hub
• A highly scalable ingestion system
• Can ingest millions of events per second, enabling an application to process
and analyze the massive amounts of data produced by your connected
devices and applications.
• Works as Event Ingestor which works as intermediate between even
publisher and event consumer.
• Decouples production of Even streams from consumption mechanism.
• Enables behavior tracking in mobile apps, traffic information from web
farms, in-game event capture in console games, or telemetry collected from
industrial machines, connected vehicles, or other devices.
Event Hub
Demo 3.1 : Spark cluster on HDInsight
Creating a HDInsight Spark Cluster
HDInsight Spark Dashboard
HDInsight Spark Resource Manager
The Resource Manager
enables you to control the
number of cores and amount
of memory allocated to Spark
cluster components and
Increasing the resources
allocated to the Thrift Server
can potentially improve the
performance with BI Tools
Resizing a HDInsight Spark Cluster
Notebooks: Jupyter and Zeppelin
HDInsight Spark: Jupyter Notebooks
A Jupyter notebook showing a Spark program in Python 2
HDInsight Spark: Zeppelin Notebooks
Zeppelin notebook must be connected to a
Spark cluster to run
A notebook ‘paragraph’ can be executed
by clicking this icon
Like Jupytr, Zeppelin enables interactive
charts and graphs to be easily included in
a notebook.
You can control the visualization using the
“Settings” drop-down menu
A number of charts and graphs are already
built into the Zeppelin notebook
The Visualization tools: PowerBI
Module 5
Apache Spark SQL and Data Frames
Spark SQL
• It’s a library built on Spark to support SQL Like operations.
• Facilitate eliminating RDDs from API for simplicity.
• Traditional RDBMS developers can easily transit to Big Data.
• Works with Structured Data that has a Schema.
• Seamlessly mix SQL Queries with Spark Programs.
• Supports JDBC.
• Mix with RDBMS and NoSQL.
Data Frames
Spark Session
• Like SparkContext for RDDs.
• Gives Data Frames and Temp Tables.
Data Frames
• RDDs are for Spark Core while Data Frames are for Spark SQL.
• Built upon RDDs
• It’s a distributed collection of data organized as Rows and Columns.
• Has a schema with column names and column types.
• Interoperability with…
• Collections, CSV, Data Bases, Hive/NoSQL tables, JSON, RDD etc.
Operations on Data Frames
• The filter: Its like ‘where’ clause.
• The join: Its like joins in SQL.
• The groupby: For grouping to get consolidation.
• The agg: Compute aggregation like sum, average.
• Allows mapping and reducing.
• Operations nesting allowed.
Spark SQL
• Spark SQL :
• Not intended for interactive/exploratory analysis.
• Spark SQL reuses the Hive frontend and meta-store.
• Gives full compatibility with existing Hive data, queries, and UDFs.
• Spark SQL includes a cost-based optimizer, columnar storage and code generation to make
queries fast.
• It scales to thousands of nodes and multi hour queries using the Spark engine. Performance
is its biggest advantage.
• Provides full mid-query fault tolerance.
Module 6
Apache Spark Streaming
What is Streaming?
Standing Queries
Sources Targets
Devices, Sensors
Web servers
Pagers &
Monitoring devices
KPI Dashboards
AdaptersStreaming Engine
Application at Runtime
ATM Security
Why Spark Streaming?
• One of the real powers of Spark
• Typically analytics is performed on data at rest:
• Databases, Flat files. The historical data, survey data etc.
• The real time analytics is performed on data the moment generated
• Complex Event Processing, Fraud detections, click stream processing etc.
• What Spark Stream can do?
• Look at data the moment it is arrived from source.
• Transform, summarize, analyze
• Perform machine learning
• Prediction in real time
Spark Streaming and MicroBatch Processing
Spark Streaming
Credit card fraud detection with high scalability and parallelism.
Spam filtering
Network intrusion detection
Real time social media analytics
Click Stream analytics
Stock market analysis
Advertise analytics
Spark Streaming architecture
Master Node
Driver Program
Spark Context
Worker Node
Task Receiver
Input Source
Worker Node
Worker Node
Spark Streaming architecture
A master node is with driver program with Spark Context.
Create a streaming context from Spark Context.
One of the worker node is assigned a long task of listening a source.
The receiver keeps receiving data from input source.
The receiver propagate data to worker nodes.
The normal tasks in worker node act upon data.
The DStream
• Discretized stream
• Created from Stream context
• The micro batch window is set up for Dstream (Normally in secords)
• The micro batch window is a small time slice (around 3 sec) in which
generated real time data is accumulated as batch and wrapped in RDD called
• The Dstream allows all RDD operations.
• A common data can be shared across Global Variables
The Dstream windowing functions
• They are for computing across multiple Dstreams.
• All RDD functions are applicable on data accumulated from last X
• Ex: Accumulate last 3 batches together, Average of something of last 5
Windowing in Spark
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
First 8 sec Window Second 8 sec Window
Windowing Sample Code
Callback OperationWindow Length Sliding IntervalWindow Operation
“Exactly once”, “At Least Once” Guarantees
Streaming with Azure Event Hub
Azure Event Hub HDInsight Spark Streaming Power BI
Module 7
Apache Spark : Analytics and Machine Learning
Types of Analytics
Descriptive Analytics :
• Defining problem
statement. What exactly
Exploratory Data
• Why something is
Inferential Analytics:
• Understand population
from the sample. Take
sample and extrapolate to
whole population.
Predictive Analytics:
• Forecast what will
Causal Analytics:
• Variables are related.
Understanding effect of
change in one variable to
another variable.
Deep Analytics:
• Analytics uses multi-
source data sources,
combining some or all
above analytics.
Data Analytics is needed everywhere –
Smart meter
monitoringEquipment monitoringAdvertising analysisLife sciences research
Healthcare outcomes
Weather forecasting
for business planningOil & Gas exploration
Social network analysis
Traffic flow
IT infrastructure &
Web App optimization
discovery and
document archivingIntelligence Gathering
tracking & services
Pricing Analysis
Personalized Insurance
Machine Learning in Sparks
• Makes ML easy
• Standard and common interface for different ML algorithms.
• Contains algorithms and utilities.
• It has two machine learning libraries.
• The spark.mllib: Original API built on RDDs. May be deprecated soon.
• The New higher level API built on Data Frames.
• The Machine Learning Algorithms of Spark uses these data types…
• Local Vector
• Labeled Point
• Every data to be submitted to ML must be converted to these data types.
Other algorithms supported
• Decision Tree
• Dimensionality Reduction
• Random Forest
• Linear Regression
• Naïve Bayes Classification
• K-Means Clustering
• Recommendation Engines
• …. And many more
Q & A
• Online reference:
Thank You

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Apache Spark on HDinsight Training

  • 1. Build COMPETENCY across your TEAM Apache Spark On HDInsight Chandrashekhar Deshpande
  • 3. Apache Spark Overview • An Engine to process big data in faster(than MR), easy and extremely scalable way • An Open Source, parallel, in-memory processing, cluster computing framework • Solution for loading, processing and end to end analyzing large scale data • Iterative and Interactive : Scala, Java, Python, R and with Command line interface • Stream Processing (Real time streams and DStreams) • Unifies Big Data with Batch processing, Streaming and Machine Learning • Appreciated and Widely used by: Amazon, eBay, Yahoo • Can very well go with Apache Kafka, ZeroMQ, Cassandra etc. • Powerful platform to implement Lambda and Kappa Architecture
  • 4. Spark Evolution • Recent release of Spark is 2.3 • We will work on 2.1.1
  • 5. Spark - Benefits 5 Performance Using in-memory computing, Spark is considerably faster than Hadoop (100x in some tests). Can be used for batch and real-time data processing. Developer Productivity Easy-to-use APIs for processing large datasets. Includes 100+ operators for transforming. Ecosystem Spark has built-in support for many data sources such as HDFS, RDBMS, S3, Apache Hive, Cassandra and MongoDB. Runs on top the Apache YARN resource manager. Unified Engine Integrated framework includes higher-level libraries for interactive SQL queries, processing streaming data, machine learning and graph processing. A single application can combine all types of processing
  • 6. Spark is fast 6 Spark is the current (2014) Sort Benchmark winner. 3x faster than 2013 winner (Hadoop).
  • 7. … especially for iterative applications 7Logistic regression on a 100-node cluster with 100 GB of data Logistic Regression 140 120 100 80 40 20 0 60 Hadoop Spark 0.9
  • 8. Tuples of MR Vs. RDDs of Spark Tuples in Map Reduce RDDs in Spark
  • 9. Spark in-memory • Spark does all intermediate steps in-memory… • Faster in execution with fewer Secondary Storage r/w. • Memory extensive • The memory objects are called as Resilient Distributed Datasets. • RDD’s are partitioned memory objects existing in multiple worker machines along with their replicas.
  • 10. A unified Framework 10 An unified, open source, parallel, data processing framework for Big Data Analytics Spark Core Engine Spark SQL Interactive Queries Spark Streaming Stream processing Spark MLlib Machine Learning GraphX Graph Computation Yarn Mesos Standalone Scheduler
  • 11. Advantages of Unified Platform 11 Spark Streaming Machine Learning Spark SQL
  • 12. Spark in Lambda Architecture
  • 13. Spark Framework Prog. Inter Library Engine Platforms Storage Scala SQL Spark Core YARN Local Java ML Lib MESOS HDFS Python Graph X Scheduler HBase R Streaming Standalone RDBMS NoSQL AWS S3 Azure Blob Storage / Data Lake Store
  • 14. Spark Modes • Batch mode: A scheduled program executed through scheduler in periodic manner to process data. • Interactive mode: Execute spark commands through Spark Interactive command interface. • The Shell provides default Spark Context and works as a Driver Program. The Spark context runs tasks on Cluster. • Stream mode: Process stream data in real time fashion.
  • 15. Spark Scalability Single Cluster, Stand-alone, Single Box • All components (Driver, Executors) run within same JVM. • Partitions data for multiple core. • Runs as Single Threaded mode. Managed Clustered • Can scale from 2 to 1000 nodes. • Can use different cluster managers like- YARN, MESOS etc. • Partitions data for all nodes.
  • 16. Area of applicability • Data Integration and ETL • Interactive Analytics • High performance batch and micro-batch computations • Advanced and complex analytics • Machine learning • Real time stream processing including IoT • Example: • Market trends and patterns • Predicting sales • Credit card frauds detection • Network intrusion detection • Advertisement targeting • Customer’s 360 analysis
  • 17. Spark – Use cases 17 Use case Description Users Data Integration and ETL Cleansing and combining data from diverse sources Palantir: Data analytics platform Interactive analytics Gain insight from massive data sets tin ad hoc investigations or regularly planned dashboards. Goldman Sachs: Analytics platform Huawei: Query platform in the telecom sector. High performance batch computation Run complex algorithms against large scale data Novartis: Genomic Research MyFitnessPal: Process food data Machine Learning Predict outcomes to make decisions based on input data Alibaba: Marketplace Analysis Spotify: Music Recommendation Real-time stream processing Capturing and processing data continuously with low latency and high reliability Netflix: Recommendation Engine British Gas: Connected Homes
  • 19. Spark Architecture • Spark Master: Manages number of applications. In HDInsight, it also manages resources at cluster level. • Spark Driver: Per application to manage workflow of an application. • Spark Context: Created by driver and keeps track and metadata of RDDs. Gives API to exercise various features of Spark. • Worker Node: Read and write data from and to HDFS/Storage.
  • 20. Spark Execution components • Driver Program • It’s a main initiating program from where Spark operations are defined. It is executed in Master Node. • It controls and co-ordinates all operations. • It defines RDDs. • Each driver program execution is a ‘Job’.
  • 21. Spark Execution components • Spark Context • Provides access to Spark functionalities. • Represents connection to the computing cluster. • Builds, partitions and distributes RDDs to clusters. • Works with Cluster Manager • Splits job as parallel task and executes them on worker nodes • Collects and accumulates results and present them to the driver program
  • 22. Resilient Distributed Datasets • Operations with spark are mostly with RDDs. We create, transform, analyze and store RDDs in Spark operations. • RDDs are fast in access as stored in memory. • Partitioned and Distributed as divided in parts and each part exist in a cluster. • The data sets are formed of Strings, rows, objects, collection. • They are immutable. • To change, apply transformation and create new RDD. • They can be cached and persisted. • Actions produce summarized results.
  • 23. Demo 1 Aim: This program basically demonstrates... 1. Configuring Spark context. 2. Using Resilient Distributed Datasets. 3. Introduction to Mappings, Filtering, Actions etc. 4. Creating String RDD from CSV text file. 5. Applying simple Map to convert strings to Upper case 6. Browser monitoring of Spark Context.
  • 25. Module 3 Working with RDD’s and Paired RDDs in Spark
  • 26. Loading data. • RDD Loading sources… • Text files • JSON files • Sequence files of HDFS • Parallelize on collection • Java Collection • Python Lists • R data frames • RDBMS/NoSQL • Use direct API • Bring it first as Collection (DAO Classes) and then create RDD. • Very large data sets • Create HDFS out side spark and then create RDDs using Apache Sqoop. • Spark aligns its own partitioning techniques to the partitioning of Hadoop.
  • 27. Storing data • Storing of RDD in variety of data sinks. • Text files • JSON • Sequence Files • Collection • RDBMS/NoSQL • For persistence • Spark Utilities • Language specific support Spark power lies in processing data in distribute manner. Though Spark provides API for Loading and sinking of data, here where its real power does not lay. Out side capabilities are recommended for simplicity and performance.
  • 28. Lazy Evaluation • Spark will not load or transform data unless action is encountered. • Step 1: Load a file content into RDD. • Step 2: Apply filtration • Step 3: Count for number of records (Now Step 1 to 3 are executed). • The above statement is true even for interactive mode. • The lazy evaluation helps spark to optimize operations and manage resources in better way. • Makes trouble shooting difficult: Any problem in loading is detected while executing Action.
  • 29. Transformations • Recall: RDDs are immutable. • Transformation: Operation on RDD to create a new RDD. • Examples: Maps, Flat map, Filter etc. • Operate on one element at a time. • Evaluates lazily. • Distributed across multiple nodes and executed by Executor within a cluster on local RDD independently. • Creates its own subset of resultant RDD.
  • 30. Transformations: Maps JavaRDD<String> mutateRDD1 =; • Simulate Map Reduce of Hadoop. • Element level computation or transformation. • The result RDD may have same number of elements as source RDD. • Result type may be different. • In java it allows Lambda expressions or anonymous class. • Scala/Python: Inline function, function reference allowed. • Use cases: • Data standardization of may be names • Data type conversion i.e. from String to Custom object. • Data Computation like tax calculations. • Adding new attributes like calculating Grade. • Data checking, cleansing etc.
  • 31. Transformations: Filters JavaRDD<String> mutateRDD1 = autoAllData.filter(function); • From RDD, it selects element which passes given criterion. • Result in RDD of smaller size than original RDD as some records getting eliminated. • The filter() takes a function which returns Boolean value. • In java it allows Lambda expressions (Predicate) or anonymous class. • Scala/Python: Inline function, function reference allowed.
  • 32. Actions • Acts on entire RDD to reduce to a precise and consolidated result. • Max/Min, Summerization • Spark lazily evaluates all processing on encountering an Action. • Simple Actions • The collect() operation: Converts RDD into collection. • The count() operation: Count number of elements of RDD. • The first() operation: Returns first record as a string. • The take(n) operation: Returns first ‘n’ elements as a List of Strings.
  • 33. Module 4 Apache Spark on Azure HDInsight
  • 34. Apache Spark on HDInsight Azure Storage Azure Data Lake Store Hive and HBase Azure Data Factory Event Hub S P A R K Apache Kafka Apache Flum Orchestration
  • 35. Spark Support on HDInsight 35 Feature Description SLA 99.9% uptime Ease of creating a cluster Possible using Azure Portal, Azure Powershell, Azure Insight .Net SDK. Ease of use For interactive data processing and visualization, Jupyter and Zeppeline notebooks are provided. REST APIs Spark Cluster in HDInsight include Livy, a REST API based Spark Job Server to remotely submit and monitor jobs. Azure DataLake The Azure DataLake Store can be used as primary storage (HDInsight 3.5 onwards) or an additional storage. Integration with Azure services Provides connectors for Azure Event Hub, Kafka. R Server Can setup R Server and run R computations. Concurrent Queries Supports concurrent queries. This enables multiple queries from one user or multiple queries from various users and applications to share the same cluster resources. SSD cache Cache of data either in memory or in SSD for better performance. BI tools integration Connectors available for Power BI and Tableau for data analytics. Machine Learning Libraries Preloaded 200 Anaconda libraries for Machine Learning, data analysis and visualization. Scalability The Cloude’s prominent feature
  • 36. Azure Storage for HDInsight
  • 37. Azure Data Lake Store 37 • Enterprise-wide hyper-scale repository for big data analytic workloads. • Can capture data of any size, type, and ingestion speed in one single place for operational and exploratory analytics. • Hadoop accesses Data Lake Store through Web-HDFS REST API. • Is tuned for performance for data analytics scenarios. • Supports all enterprise-grade capabilities—security, manageability, scalability, reliability, and availability. • Stores variety of data in native format without transformation. Can handle structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data.
  • 39. Azure Storage Vs. Azure Data Lake Azure Data Lake Store Azure Blob Storage General purpose scalable object store Hyper-scale repository for big data analytics workload. Use cases: Batch, interactive, streaming analytics and machine learning data such as log files, IoT data, click streams, large datasets Any type of text or binary data, such as application back end, backup data, media storage for streaming and general purpose data. Folders containing data in files Containers containing data in blobs. Hierarchical file system Object store with flat namespace Authentication: Azure AD identity Account Access Keys, Shared signature Access key Optimized performance for parallel analytical workload Not optimized for analytics workload Size Limit: No limit on file size or number of size. Specific limits as mentioned in document. Geo-Redundancy: Locally redundant. Locally redundant, Globally redundant, Read Access Globally Redundant.
  • 40. Azure Data Factory 40 • A cloud data integration service, to compose data storage, movement, and processing services into automated data pipelines. • Can handle ETL and complex hybrid ETL. • Allows you to create data-driven workflows in the cloud for orchestrating and automating data movement and data transformation.
  • 42. Azure Event Hub 42 • A highly scalable ingestion system • Can ingest millions of events per second, enabling an application to process and analyze the massive amounts of data produced by your connected devices and applications. • Works as Event Ingestor which works as intermediate between even publisher and event consumer. • Decouples production of Even streams from consumption mechanism. • Enables behavior tracking in mobile apps, traffic information from web farms, in-game event capture in console games, or telemetry collected from industrial machines, connected vehicles, or other devices.
  • 44. Demo 3.1 : Spark cluster on HDInsight 44
  • 45. Creating a HDInsight Spark Cluster 45
  • 47. HDInsight Spark Resource Manager 47 The Resource Manager enables you to control the number of cores and amount of memory allocated to Spark cluster components and notebooks. Increasing the resources allocated to the Thrift Server can potentially improve the performance with BI Tools
  • 48. Resizing a HDInsight Spark Cluster 48
  • 49. Notebooks: Jupyter and Zeppelin 49
  • 50. HDInsight Spark: Jupyter Notebooks 50 A Jupyter notebook showing a Spark program in Python 2
  • 51. HDInsight Spark: Zeppelin Notebooks 51 Zeppelin notebook must be connected to a Spark cluster to run A notebook ‘paragraph’ can be executed by clicking this icon Like Jupytr, Zeppelin enables interactive charts and graphs to be easily included in a notebook. You can control the visualization using the “Settings” drop-down menu A number of charts and graphs are already built into the Zeppelin notebook
  • 53. Module 5 Apache Spark SQL and Data Frames
  • 54. Overview Spark SQL • It’s a library built on Spark to support SQL Like operations. • Facilitate eliminating RDDs from API for simplicity. • Traditional RDBMS developers can easily transit to Big Data. • Works with Structured Data that has a Schema. • Seamlessly mix SQL Queries with Spark Programs. • Supports JDBC. • Mix with RDBMS and NoSQL.
  • 55. Data Frames Spark Session • Like SparkContext for RDDs. • Gives Data Frames and Temp Tables. Data Frames • RDDs are for Spark Core while Data Frames are for Spark SQL. • Built upon RDDs • It’s a distributed collection of data organized as Rows and Columns. • Has a schema with column names and column types. • Interoperability with… • Collections, CSV, Data Bases, Hive/NoSQL tables, JSON, RDD etc.
  • 56. Operations on Data Frames • The filter: Its like ‘where’ clause. • The join: Its like joins in SQL. • The groupby: For grouping to get consolidation. • The agg: Compute aggregation like sum, average. • Allows mapping and reducing. • Operations nesting allowed.
  • 57. Spark SQL • Spark SQL : • Not intended for interactive/exploratory analysis. • Spark SQL reuses the Hive frontend and meta-store. • Gives full compatibility with existing Hive data, queries, and UDFs. • Spark SQL includes a cost-based optimizer, columnar storage and code generation to make queries fast. • It scales to thousands of nodes and multi hour queries using the Spark engine. Performance is its biggest advantage. • Provides full mid-query fault tolerance.
  • 59. What is Streaming? Standing Queries Query Logic Sources Targets ` Devices, Sensors Web servers Pagers & Monitoring devices KPI Dashboards Input Adapters Output AdaptersStreaming Engine Query Logic Query Logic Application at Runtime
  • 61. Why Spark Streaming? • One of the real powers of Spark • Typically analytics is performed on data at rest: • Databases, Flat files. The historical data, survey data etc. • The real time analytics is performed on data the moment generated • Complex Event Processing, Fraud detections, click stream processing etc. • What Spark Stream can do? • Look at data the moment it is arrived from source. • Transform, summarize, analyze • Perform machine learning • Prediction in real time
  • 62. Spark Streaming and MicroBatch Processing
  • 63. Spark Streaming Credit card fraud detection with high scalability and parallelism. Spam filtering Network intrusion detection Real time social media analytics Click Stream analytics Stock market analysis Advertise analytics
  • 64. Spark Streaming architecture Master Node Driver Program Spark Context Stream Context Cluster Manager Worker Node Executor Long Task Receiver Input Source Worker Node Worker Node Executor Tas k Cache
  • 65. Spark Streaming architecture A master node is with driver program with Spark Context. Create a streaming context from Spark Context. One of the worker node is assigned a long task of listening a source. The receiver keeps receiving data from input source. The receiver propagate data to worker nodes. The normal tasks in worker node act upon data.
  • 66. The DStream • Discretized stream • Created from Stream context • The micro batch window is set up for Dstream (Normally in secords) • The micro batch window is a small time slice (around 3 sec) in which generated real time data is accumulated as batch and wrapped in RDD called Dstream. • The Dstream allows all RDD operations. • A common data can be shared across Global Variables
  • 67. The Dstream windowing functions • They are for computing across multiple Dstreams. • All RDD functions are applicable on data accumulated from last X batches. • Ex: Accumulate last 3 batches together, Average of something of last 5 batches.
  • 68. Windowing in Spark 68 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 First 8 sec Window Second 8 sec Window
  • 69. Windowing Sample Code 69 Callback OperationWindow Length Sliding IntervalWindow Operation
  • 70. “Exactly once”, “At Least Once” Guarantees 70
  • 71. Streaming with Azure Event Hub 71 Azure Event Hub HDInsight Spark Streaming Power BI
  • 72. Module 7 Apache Spark : Analytics and Machine Learning
  • 73. Types of Analytics Descriptive Analytics : • Defining problem statement. What exactly happened. Exploratory Data Analytics: • Why something is happening. Inferential Analytics: • Understand population from the sample. Take sample and extrapolate to whole population. Predictive Analytics: • Forecast what will happen. Causal Analytics: • Variables are related. Understanding effect of change in one variable to another variable. Deep Analytics: • Analytics uses multi- source data sources, combining some or all above analytics.
  • 74. Data Analytics is needed everywhere – Recommendation engines Smart meter monitoringEquipment monitoringAdvertising analysisLife sciences research Fraud detection Healthcare outcomes Weather forecasting for business planningOil & Gas exploration Social network analysis Churn analysis Traffic flow optimization IT infrastructure & Web App optimization Legal discovery and document archivingIntelligence Gathering Location-based tracking & services Pricing Analysis Personalized Insurance
  • 75. Machine Learning in Sparks • Makes ML easy • Standard and common interface for different ML algorithms. • Contains algorithms and utilities. • It has two machine learning libraries. • The spark.mllib: Original API built on RDDs. May be deprecated soon. • The New higher level API built on Data Frames. • The Machine Learning Algorithms of Spark uses these data types… • Local Vector • Labeled Point • Every data to be submitted to ML must be converted to these data types.
  • 76. Other algorithms supported • Decision Tree • Dimensionality Reduction • Random Forest • Linear Regression • Naïve Bayes Classification • K-Means Clustering • Recommendation Engines • …. And many more
  • 77. Q & A Contact:,
  • 78. References • Online reference: • • guide.html •

Editor's Notes

  1. 3 Slides - 5-10 Minute Discussion – Good to understand customers cloud strategy and see if S+S and Leveraging Existing Investments is important to them. Find out what cloud vendors and solutions they are evaluating. For more details on the cloud definitions see wikipedia
  2. points = spark.textFile(...).map(parsePoint).cache() w = numpy.random.ranf(size = D) # current separating plane for i in range(ITERATIONS):     gradient =         lambda p: (1 / (1 + exp(-p.y*( - 1) * p.y * p.x     ).reduce(lambda a, b: a + b)     w -= gradient print "Final separating plane: %s" % w
  3. The property graph is a directed multigraph which can have multiple edges in parallel. Every edge and vertex has user defined properties associated with it. The parallel edges allow multiple relationships between the same vertices. Calculating shortest path between two airports. Calculating cheapest travel between two stations etc.
  4. 3 Slides - 5-10 Minute Discussion – Good to understand customers cloud strategy and see if S+S and Leveraging Existing Investments is important to them. Find out what cloud vendors and solutions they are evaluating. For more details on the cloud definitions see wikipedia
  5. Master node: Driver Program: A program you write to initiate process. Spark Context: A gate way to all spark functionalities. Worker node: They work as per instruction from Master node. It executes Executor Programs. It is controlled by Cluster manager. The Cluster Manager may be YARN, MESOS or Spark Scheduler. How RDDs are created? The Spark Context reads the records from Data Source and hands they over to Cluster Manager. Cluster Manager partitioned and distribute them to different worker nodes. How transformation is applied to RDDs? The spark context delegate transformation (Job) through cluster manager to the Executors. They are now called as Tasks and are executed in Executors. Executors may create new RDDs as outcome of execution of Transformation. All these RDDs are collected in Master Spark Context.
  6. 3 Slides - 5-10 Minute Discussion – Good to understand customers cloud strategy and see if S+S and Leveraging Existing Investments is important to them. Find out what cloud vendors and solutions they are evaluating. For more details on the cloud definitions see wikipedia
  7. 3 Slides - 5-10 Minute Discussion – Good to understand customers cloud strategy and see if S+S and Leveraging Existing Investments is important to them. Find out what cloud vendors and solutions they are evaluating. For more details on the cloud definitions see wikipedia
  8. 3 Slides - 5-10 Minute Discussion – Good to understand customers cloud strategy and see if S+S and Leveraging Existing Investments is important to them. Find out what cloud vendors and solutions they are evaluating. For more details on the cloud definitions see wikipedia
  9. 3 Slides - 5-10 Minute Discussion – Good to understand customers cloud strategy and see if S+S and Leveraging Existing Investments is important to them. Find out what cloud vendors and solutions they are evaluating. For more details on the cloud definitions see wikipedia
  10. Credit card fraud detection: Every time credit card is swiped, a system must within fraction of seconds to analyze for abnormality situation to prevent credit card access from frauds by blocking. Spam filtering: Many mails may hit the email box in unit time. It is essential to apply some parameters to know is it a spam mail. Social media analytics: The data arising through social media need to be analyzed in real time to quickly arrive to some urgent conclusion. Network intrusion detection: To prevent hacking into system by quickly analyzing web logs and system logs. Click stream analysis: When internet user clicks through or browse through web pages, through analytics system need to give some recommendations Stock Market analysis: Very frequent fluctuations in stock market leads to analysis to anticipate and draw some conclusion. Advertise analysis: When search string is given, system needs to quickly show different advertises related to the search string.
  11. 3 Slides - 5-10 Minute Discussion – Good to understand customers cloud strategy and see if S+S and Leveraging Existing Investments is important to them. Find out what cloud vendors and solutions they are evaluating. For more details on the cloud definitions see wikipedia