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Presented By:
Dr Nishank Verma
MPT Sports
Jamia Millia Islamia
Anatomy (1)
 Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Originates at postero-medial corner of lateral femoral condyle.
Inserts at anterolateral aspect of tibial spine.
It is intra-capsular and located outside the synovial fluid.
The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) consists of two major fiber
bundles, namely the anteromedial (AM) and postero-lateral (PL)
The AM bundle overlies the PL bundle, and the PL bundle
can only be seen by retraction of the AM bundle with a
When the knee is extended, the PL bundle is tight and the
AM bundle is moderately lax. As the knee is flexed, the
femoral attachment of the ACL becomes horizontally
oriented, causing the AM bundle to tighten and the PL bundle
to relax.
Functions: The AM bundle is the primary restraint against
anterior tibial translation in flexion, the PL bundle tends to
stabilize the knee near full extension, particularly against
rotatory loads.
Epidemiology of ACL Injuries(2,3)
 There’s an incidence of 36.9 injuries per 1,00,000 person per
year in United States.
 There are an estimated 80,000 to 100,000 anterior cruciate
ligament (ACL) repairs in the U.S each year.
 Most ACL tears occur from non-contact injuries.
 There is 1.4 to 9.5 times increased risk of ACL tear in women.
 The intensity of play is a factor, with a three to five times greater
risk of ACL injuries occurring during games compared with
Epidemiology in sports (4)
Activity when injured Annual ACL reconstructions incidence
per 100 000 participants
Skiing (alpine and downhill) 417
Australian rules football 273
Rugby (League and Union combined) 255
Soccer (indoor and outdoor combined) 211
Netball 188
Touch football 157
Basketball 109
Motorcycling 65
Skiing has the highest incidence of ACL reconstructions per 100 000
Mechanism of injury (3)
 ACL injuries caused by contact require a fixed lower leg (i.e., when
planted) with enough force to cause a tear.
 Contact injuries account for only about 30 percent of ACL injuries.
 The remaining 70 percent of ACL tears are noncontact injuries
occurring primarily during deceleration of the lower extremity, with
the quadriceps maximally contracted and the knee at or near full
 The rate for non-contact ACL injuries ranges from 70 to 84% of all
ACL tears in both female and male athletes.
 A non-contact ACL injury include: change of direction or cutting
maneuvers combined with deceleration, landing from a
jump in or near full extension, pivoting with knee near full
extension and a planted foot.
 Boden et al. reported a lower extremity alignment
associated with non-contact ACL injury in which the
tibia was externally rotated, the knee was close to full
extension, the foot was planted during deceleration with
valgus collapse at the knee.
ACL injury through a combination of knee valgus and
anterior tibial translation force during a side-cut maneuver in
soccer players
Risk factors (5)
 Environmental factors
Shoe-surface interaction
 Anatomical factors
Joint laxity
Pelvis and trunk
Notch width, ACL size and strength
Foot pronation
Risk factors
 Hormonal factors
Effects on laxity
Effects on ACL tensile strength
 Neuromuscular factors
Relative strength and recruitment
Muscular fatigue
 Biomechanical factors
Sagittal plane
Coronal plane
Transverse plane
Environmental risk factors
 Weather:
Scranton found a higher ACL injury rate on natural grass
during dry compared to wet conditions.
Orchard et al. found that high water evaporation in the month before
the match and low rainfall in the year before the match in Australian
Football were significantly associated with a higher incidence of
ACL injuries. This could be explained by an increased friction and
torsional resistance from the shoe-surface interface compared to
wet conditions.
Torg et al. demonstrated that an increase in turf temperature, in
combination with cleat characteristics, affects shoe-surface interface
friction and potentially places the athlete’s knee and ankle at risk of
Environmental risk factors
 Shoe-surface interaction
Orchard et al. found in Australian Football that games and
practices played on rye grass appeared to have a lower
incidence of ACL tears compared to Bermuda grass.
It was hypothesized that Bermuda grass, with a thicker layer,
would increase shoe-surface traction.
Also, grass cover and root density has been associated with a
greater shoe-surface traction.
Environmental risk factors
 Footwear
Footwear is considered a potential risk factor for ACL tears,
since it modulates foot fixation during the game.
It has been shown that the number, length and cleat
placement was associated with the chance of ACL injuries.
Lambson found a higher risk of ACL tears for the
‘‘edge’’ cleat design. This cleat placement may have provided
significantly higher torsional resistance compared to other
types of cleats.
Anatomical risk factors
 Joint laxity (6,7)
Soderman et al. investigated the risk of leg injuries among
female soccer players presenting with general joint laxity
and knee hyperextension.
Uhorchak specifically reported a 2.8 times greater risk of
non-contact ACL injury in the United States Military
Academy cadets with generalized joint laxity compared to
normal joint laxity subjects in a prospective 4-year
Anatomical risk factors
 Pelvis and trunk
Anterior pelvic tilt places the hip into an internally rotated,
anteverted, and flexed position, which lengthens and
weakens the hamstrings and changes moment arms of the
gluteal muscles.
Genu recurvatum, excessive navicular drop, and excessive
subtalar pronation are more commonly found in ACL-
injured subjects compared to non-ACL-injured subjects,
all factors that have also been related to ACL preloading.
Anatomical risk factors
 Torsional anatomic abnormalities are also related to
altered lower extremity biomechanics.
 The toe-in gait demonstrates the femoral torsion position and is
often associated with increased external tibial torsion which has
been related to the functional valgus collapse at the knee joint.
Anatomical risk factors
 Q-angle
The Q-angle is the angle formed by a line
directed from the anterior-superior iliac spine to central
patella and a second line directed from the central patella to
tibial tubercle.
A high Q-angle may alter the lower limb biomechanics and
place the knee at a higher risk to static and dynamic valgus
Anatomical risk factors
 Notch width, ACL size and strength
Chandrashekar et al. found that ACLs in women were smaller
in length, cross-sectional area, volume, and mass when
compared with that of men.
The authors also demonstrated a lower fibril concentration
and lower percent area occupied by collagen fibrils in
females compared to males.
Women may have lower tensile linear stiffness with less
elongation at failure, and lower energy absorption and load at
failure than men.
Anatomical risk factors
 The smaller the inter-condylar notch the smaller the
cross-sectional area of the ACL.
 An impingement of the ACL at the anterior and
posterior roof of the notch may occur during tibial
external rotation and abduction.
Anatomical risk factors
 Foot pronation
Foot pronation and navicular drop have been considered a
risk factor for ACL injuries.
Subtalar joint pronation creates a compensatory increase in
the internal tibial rotation, at the knee during extension
(Beckett et al.)
Hormonal risk factors
 Hormones
Human ACL cells had both estrogen and progesterone
receptor sites.
Hormonal risk factors are believed to play an important
role for non-contact ACL injuries among female athletes.
Studies show an effect of pre-ovulatory phase, of the
menstrual cycle for increased ACL injuries.
Hormonal risk factors
 Effects on laxity
There is an increased knee laxity during the ovulatory or
post-ovulatory phases of the cycle.
Hicks-Little et al.found that the ovulation and luteal phases
of the menstrual cycle significantly increased anterior
displacement about the knee.
Hormonal risk factors
 Effects on ACL tensile strength
Estrogen and progesterone have been found to affect the
collagen metabolism in both animal models and humans.
Essentially, estrogen decreased fibroblast
proliferation and type I pro-collagen synthesis whereas
progesterone levels attenuated estrogen inhibitory effect on
collagen metabolism of female ACLs, both in a dose- and
time-dependent manner.
Neuromuscular risk factors
 Relative strength and recruitment
Women may have an imbalance between muscular
strength, flexibility, and coordination within their lower
extremities. Deficits in relative hamstring strength may
contribute to increased risk of ACL injury in soccer
Chappell et al. found that female soccer, basketball,
and volleyball players prepared for landing with
increased quadriceps activation and decreased hamstring
activation, which may result in increased ACL loading
during the landing of the stop-jump task and the risk for
non-contact ACL injury.
Neuromuscular risk factors
 Muscular fatigue
Since muscles contribute to joint stability, muscular fatigue might
be a risk factor for ligament injuries.
Fatigued muscles are able to absorb less energy before reaching
the degree of stretch that causes injuries .
Under fatigued conditions, it was shown that males and females
decrease knee flexion angle and increase proximal tibial anterior
shear force and knee varus moments when performing stop-jump
Fatigue increased initial and peak knee abduction and internal
rotation motions and peak knee internal rotation, adduction, and
abduction moments, with the latter being more pronounced in
Biomechanical risk factors
 Biomechanics of playing actions are necessary to
understand the pathomechanics of ACL injuries and to
offer effective prevention programs.
 It was postulated that hip low forward flexion, hip
adduction, hip internal rotation, knee valgus, knee
extension, and knee external rotation may place the
ACL to a high risk of rupture. It was called the
‘‘position of no return’’
Position of No Return
Biomechanical risk factors
 Sagittal plane
Sagittal plane biomechanics have yielded many studies on
trunk, hip, knee, and ankle flexion angles when performing
sport tasks. The more joints are flexed during landing, the
more the energy is absorbed and the less the impact is
transferred to the knee.
Blackburn and Padua demonstrated that increased trunk
flexion during landing also increased hip and knee flexion
angles. A less erected posture during landing has been
associated with a reduced ACL injury risk.
Biomechanical risk factors
 Decker suggested that a decreased hip musculature
activity may produce a higher ground reaction force,
because muscles would be used to absorb energy from a
certain task.
 It is also postulated that a decreased hip and knee flexion
angles at landing places the ACL at a greater risk of injury,
because a greater peak landing force is transmitted to the knee.
Biomechanical risk factors
 Coronal plane
Coronal plane knee biomechanics are also related to
ACL injury.
Women have greater valgus moments than men during the
landing phase. This can lead to increased risk of ACL tear.
Landry et al. found an increased ankle eversion angle in elite
female soccer players compared with male players for
unanticipated run and cross-cut maneuvers.
Excessive ankle eversion may increase internal tibial
rotation, knee valgus stress, anterior tibial translation, and
loading on the ACL during extension.
Biomechanical risk factors
 Transverse plane
Hip biomechanical findings mainly refer to a greater hip
internal rotation, maximum angular displacement and a
lower gluteal EMG activity at landing in female soccer,
basketball, and volleyball players compared to males.
When performing unanticipated side-cut maneuvers, female
soccer players exhibited more hip external rotation
compared with the male athletes.
Signs and symptoms
 Triad:
An acute blow or twisting or cutting injury
An immediate effusion
Inability to continue to play
 Popping
 Giving way- sudden weakness in the leg that causes the
leg to go into mild hyperextension.
Diagnosis (11)
 The most accurate diagnosis is achieved by integrating
patient history, physical examination findings, imaging
studies, and routine orthopedic follow-up.
 Patient History
ACL injuries typically occur in patients who
participate in activities that require running, jumping,
or cutting.
Injury may be characterized as a “pop” or buckling
of the knee with eventual swelling from a traumatic
 Physical Examination
The knee is first inspected for any bruising or contusion that may
indicate a more serious injury.
The knee is checked for an effusion.
Range of motion is assessed. Limited motion may indicate
concomitant meniscal pathology.
Locking of the knee or a block to extension may be the result of
interposition of a partial ACL tear.
The knee is then examined for any tenderness or swelling along the
joint line.
 The ligamentous examination is performed, and its findings
compared with those of the contralateral extremity.
 Special tests:
Anterior drawer test
Lachman test
Anterior drawer test Lachman test
 Imaging studies
Radiographs have limited value in the diagnosis of acute
ACL injury.
Findings are indirect and limited to bone abnormalities.
Avulsion fracture of ACL at the tibial insertion or femoral
origin can be found on radiographs.
 Segond fracture: Avulsion fracture of lateral tibial condyle
of the knee
Diagnosis (contd.)
 MRI: The oblique sagittal plane is the most helpful in diagnosis.
Normal ACL Torn ACL
 In chronic case the fibres can be completely absorbed.
 Partial tears are characterized by
increased signal intensity and fiber
laxity with increased concavity (or
bowing) of the ACL.
 If >50% of the ACL fibres are torn
= high grade tear,
 If 10% -50% of fibres torn =
medium grade tear
 If <10% of fibres torn = low grade
tear (13)
Diagnosis (contd.)
 The deep lateral femoral
notch sign, although
uncommon, is quite
specific for ACL tear and
is due to impaction
injury of the lateral
femoral condyle onto the
Patellar buckling sign and lateral femoral
notch sign
Diagnosis (contd.)
 Anterior tibial translation
 If there is ≥ 5 mm anterior
translocation of the tibia relative to
the femur, this would be indicative
of ACL tear, while an anterior
tibial translation > 7 mm is fully
diagnostic of ACL tear.
Management of ACL injuries
Surgical approach
 The surgical approach to ACL tears is the
reconstruction of the ACL with the use of a graft (a
piece of tendon) passed through tunnels drilled into the
tibia and femur at insertion points of the ligament to
approximate normal anatomy, with the goal of
eliminating ACL instability.
 Either patellar tendon or hamstring tendon may be used.
ACL Reconstruction with patellar tendon
Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (15)
 Resistive exercises:
Leg extensions, leg curls, and leg press .
Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions at 50% of the 1-
repetition maximum
2 sets of 8 repetitions at 75% of the 1-repetition
2 sets of 5 repetitions using maximum effort.
The leg extension exercise is performed through a
joint excursion from 90 to 45 degrees of flexion to
minimize anterior tibial shearing during the exercise.
Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)
 Cardiovascular training techniques:
Selected based on each subject's sports activities.
A graded running program is used for subjects involved in running
The running program:
begin with treadmill running level surface running
hill running sprinting figure-
eight running.
Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)
For skating sports:
training begin with sliding-board skating simulation
straight ice skating quick stops
and starts cutting changing directions
Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)
 Agility training techniques:
Side sliding
Forward and backward quick start-and-stop shuttle runs
Multi-directional quick start-and-stop running
Figure-eight running
Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)
 Sport-specific skills: initiated when subjects tolerate
full-effort agility training without pain or swelling.
 Sport-specific tasks, such as ball catching, passing, and
 Sport-specific skills are also practiced in the context of
playing situations.
 For example, basketball players begin practicing
dribbling skills, jump shots.
 Hockey players would perform stick handling, passing,
and shooting drills during their workouts.
Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)
 Perturbation training program:
 Techniques are:
Anteroposterior and Medio-lateral rotary perturbations on a
tilt board,
Multidirectional perturbations while the subjects are
standing with one lower extremity on a roller board and the
contralateral lower extremity on a stationary platform.
Multi-directional perturbations while the subjects were
standing in single-limb support on a roller board.
Tilt board Roller board
Roller board/ stationary
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (16)
 Phase I: PO Weeks 1–4
 Goals:
Protect graft fixation
Minimize effects of immobilization
Control inflammation
Full extension ROM
 Brace/WB status
Brace Week 0–1
Week 1–2 Unlocked for ambulation when full extension
with no lag
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Week 2–4
DC brace when full extension with no lag
WB as tolerated
Bilateral axillary crutches
 Therapeutic exercises
Heel slides as tolerated
Wall slides
Quadriceps sets
Patellar mobilizations
Gastrocnemius and hamstring stretches
SLR – with brace if extensor lag
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Quadriceps isometrics
 Toe raises bilaterally
 Terminal knee extension
 Balance – bilateral weight shifts
 Stationary bike (high seat, low tension)
 Criteria for Advancement II
 Good quad set
 Approximately 120° flexion
 Full knee extension
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Phase II: PO Weeks 4–6
 Goals:
Restore normal gait
Maintain full extension
Progress flexion ROM
Protect graft fixation
 WB status: No assistive device when gait with no pain.
 Toe raises unilaterally
 Leg press – bilaterally
 Balance – bilateral weight shifts – unilateral
 Hamstring isometrics
 Hamstring and gastrocnemius & soleus stretch
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Criteria for Advancement III
Excellent quadriceps set
SLR without extensor lag
Full knee extension
No signs of inflammation
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Phase III: PO 6 Weeks–3 Months
 Goals:
 Full ROM
 Improve strength
 Improve endurance
 Improve proprioception
 Prepare for functional activities
 Avoid overstressing graft
 WB status: functional brace may be recommended for use
during sports for first 1-2 years after surgery
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Therapeutic exercise:
 Flexibility as appropriate
 Isolated knee extension 90°–45° progress to eccentrics
 Advanced CKC – Single leg squats; leg press – unilaterally (0°–45°)
 Step-ups (begin 2′′ progressing to 8′′)
 Criteria for Advancement to IV
 Full pain-free ROM
 85% quadriceps and hamstring strength
 Good static proprioception and balance
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Phase IV: PO 3 months–6 months
 Goals:
 Progress strength
 Progress power
 Progress proprioception
 Prepare for return to controlled individual functional
 WB status: functional brace may be recommended for
use during sports for first 1-2 years after surgery
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Therapeutic exercise:
 Begin in-line jogging
 Initiate bilateral plyometric exercises
 Progress proprioception
 Walk/jog progressions
 Criteria for Advancement to V
 Full pain-free ROM – flexion and extension
 No patellofemoral irritation
 90% quadriceps and hamstring strength
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Phase V: 6 months +
 Goals:
Progress strength
Progress power
Progress proprioception
Prepare for full return to athletics including individual/team
Safe return to athletics including individual team sports
 WB status: functional brace may be recommended for use
during sports for first 1-2 years after surgery.
Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament
reconstruction protocol (contd.)
 Therapeutic exercise:
Continue to progress flexibility and strength
Progress plyometrics-unilateral
Walk/jog progression
Forward/ backward running progression from ½, ¼, full
Cutting, cross-over drills, carioca
Initiate sports specific drills
Gradual return to sports participation
Maintenance of strength and endurance.
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Thank You

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Anterior cruciate ligament injuries micro

  • 1. Presented By: Dr Nishank Verma MPT Sports Jamia Millia Islamia
  • 2. Anatomy (1)  Anterior Cruciate Ligament Originates at postero-medial corner of lateral femoral condyle. Inserts at anterolateral aspect of tibial spine. It is intra-capsular and located outside the synovial fluid. The anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) consists of two major fiber bundles, namely the anteromedial (AM) and postero-lateral (PL) bundles.
  • 3. Anatomy The AM bundle overlies the PL bundle, and the PL bundle can only be seen by retraction of the AM bundle with a probe. When the knee is extended, the PL bundle is tight and the AM bundle is moderately lax. As the knee is flexed, the femoral attachment of the ACL becomes horizontally oriented, causing the AM bundle to tighten and the PL bundle to relax. Functions: The AM bundle is the primary restraint against anterior tibial translation in flexion, the PL bundle tends to stabilize the knee near full extension, particularly against rotatory loads.
  • 4. Epidemiology of ACL Injuries(2,3)  There’s an incidence of 36.9 injuries per 1,00,000 person per year in United States.  There are an estimated 80,000 to 100,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) repairs in the U.S each year.  Most ACL tears occur from non-contact injuries.  There is 1.4 to 9.5 times increased risk of ACL tear in women.  The intensity of play is a factor, with a three to five times greater risk of ACL injuries occurring during games compared with practices.
  • 5. Epidemiology in sports (4) Activity when injured Annual ACL reconstructions incidence per 100 000 participants Skiing (alpine and downhill) 417 Australian rules football 273 Rugby (League and Union combined) 255 Soccer (indoor and outdoor combined) 211 Netball 188 Touch football 157 Basketball 109 Motorcycling 65 Skiing has the highest incidence of ACL reconstructions per 100 000 person-years.
  • 6. Mechanism of injury (3)  ACL injuries caused by contact require a fixed lower leg (i.e., when planted) with enough force to cause a tear.  Contact injuries account for only about 30 percent of ACL injuries.  The remaining 70 percent of ACL tears are noncontact injuries occurring primarily during deceleration of the lower extremity, with the quadriceps maximally contracted and the knee at or near full extension.  The rate for non-contact ACL injuries ranges from 70 to 84% of all ACL tears in both female and male athletes.  A non-contact ACL injury include: change of direction or cutting maneuvers combined with deceleration, landing from a jump in or near full extension, pivoting with knee near full extension and a planted foot.
  • 7.  Boden et al. reported a lower extremity alignment associated with non-contact ACL injury in which the tibia was externally rotated, the knee was close to full extension, the foot was planted during deceleration with valgus collapse at the knee.
  • 8. ACL injury through a combination of knee valgus and anterior tibial translation force during a side-cut maneuver in soccer players
  • 9. Risk factors (5)  Environmental factors Weather Shoe-surface interaction Footwear  Anatomical factors Joint laxity Pelvis and trunk Q-angle Notch width, ACL size and strength Foot pronation
  • 10. Risk factors  Hormonal factors Hormones Effects on laxity Effects on ACL tensile strength  Neuromuscular factors Relative strength and recruitment Muscular fatigue  Biomechanical factors Sagittal plane Coronal plane Transverse plane
  • 11. Environmental risk factors  Weather: Scranton found a higher ACL injury rate on natural grass during dry compared to wet conditions. Orchard et al. found that high water evaporation in the month before the match and low rainfall in the year before the match in Australian Football were significantly associated with a higher incidence of ACL injuries. This could be explained by an increased friction and torsional resistance from the shoe-surface interface compared to wet conditions. Torg et al. demonstrated that an increase in turf temperature, in combination with cleat characteristics, affects shoe-surface interface friction and potentially places the athlete’s knee and ankle at risk of injury.
  • 12. Environmental risk factors  Shoe-surface interaction Orchard et al. found in Australian Football that games and practices played on rye grass appeared to have a lower incidence of ACL tears compared to Bermuda grass. It was hypothesized that Bermuda grass, with a thicker layer, would increase shoe-surface traction. Also, grass cover and root density has been associated with a greater shoe-surface traction.
  • 13. Environmental risk factors  Footwear Footwear is considered a potential risk factor for ACL tears, since it modulates foot fixation during the game. It has been shown that the number, length and cleat placement was associated with the chance of ACL injuries. Lambson found a higher risk of ACL tears for the ‘‘edge’’ cleat design. This cleat placement may have provided significantly higher torsional resistance compared to other types of cleats.
  • 14. Anatomical risk factors  Joint laxity (6,7) Soderman et al. investigated the risk of leg injuries among female soccer players presenting with general joint laxity and knee hyperextension. Uhorchak specifically reported a 2.8 times greater risk of non-contact ACL injury in the United States Military Academy cadets with generalized joint laxity compared to normal joint laxity subjects in a prospective 4-year evaluation.
  • 15. Anatomical risk factors  Pelvis and trunk Anterior pelvic tilt places the hip into an internally rotated, anteverted, and flexed position, which lengthens and weakens the hamstrings and changes moment arms of the gluteal muscles. Genu recurvatum, excessive navicular drop, and excessive subtalar pronation are more commonly found in ACL- injured subjects compared to non-ACL-injured subjects, all factors that have also been related to ACL preloading.
  • 16.
  • 17. Anatomical risk factors  Torsional anatomic abnormalities are also related to altered lower extremity biomechanics.  The toe-in gait demonstrates the femoral torsion position and is often associated with increased external tibial torsion which has been related to the functional valgus collapse at the knee joint.
  • 18. Anatomical risk factors  Q-angle The Q-angle is the angle formed by a line directed from the anterior-superior iliac spine to central patella and a second line directed from the central patella to tibial tubercle. A high Q-angle may alter the lower limb biomechanics and place the knee at a higher risk to static and dynamic valgus stresses.
  • 19.
  • 20. Anatomical risk factors  Notch width, ACL size and strength Chandrashekar et al. found that ACLs in women were smaller in length, cross-sectional area, volume, and mass when compared with that of men. The authors also demonstrated a lower fibril concentration and lower percent area occupied by collagen fibrils in females compared to males. Women may have lower tensile linear stiffness with less elongation at failure, and lower energy absorption and load at failure than men.
  • 21. Anatomical risk factors  The smaller the inter-condylar notch the smaller the cross-sectional area of the ACL.  An impingement of the ACL at the anterior and posterior roof of the notch may occur during tibial external rotation and abduction.
  • 22. Anatomical risk factors  Foot pronation Foot pronation and navicular drop have been considered a risk factor for ACL injuries. Subtalar joint pronation creates a compensatory increase in the internal tibial rotation, at the knee during extension (Beckett et al.)
  • 23.
  • 24. Hormonal risk factors  Hormones Human ACL cells had both estrogen and progesterone receptor sites. Hormonal risk factors are believed to play an important role for non-contact ACL injuries among female athletes. Studies show an effect of pre-ovulatory phase, of the menstrual cycle for increased ACL injuries.
  • 25. Hormonal risk factors  Effects on laxity There is an increased knee laxity during the ovulatory or post-ovulatory phases of the cycle. Hicks-Little et al.found that the ovulation and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle significantly increased anterior displacement about the knee.
  • 26. Hormonal risk factors  Effects on ACL tensile strength Estrogen and progesterone have been found to affect the collagen metabolism in both animal models and humans. Essentially, estrogen decreased fibroblast proliferation and type I pro-collagen synthesis whereas progesterone levels attenuated estrogen inhibitory effect on collagen metabolism of female ACLs, both in a dose- and time-dependent manner.
  • 27. Neuromuscular risk factors  Relative strength and recruitment Women may have an imbalance between muscular strength, flexibility, and coordination within their lower extremities. Deficits in relative hamstring strength may contribute to increased risk of ACL injury in soccer players. Chappell et al. found that female soccer, basketball, and volleyball players prepared for landing with increased quadriceps activation and decreased hamstring activation, which may result in increased ACL loading during the landing of the stop-jump task and the risk for non-contact ACL injury.
  • 28. Neuromuscular risk factors  Muscular fatigue Since muscles contribute to joint stability, muscular fatigue might be a risk factor for ligament injuries. Fatigued muscles are able to absorb less energy before reaching the degree of stretch that causes injuries . Under fatigued conditions, it was shown that males and females decrease knee flexion angle and increase proximal tibial anterior shear force and knee varus moments when performing stop-jump tasks Fatigue increased initial and peak knee abduction and internal rotation motions and peak knee internal rotation, adduction, and abduction moments, with the latter being more pronounced in females.
  • 29. Biomechanical risk factors  Biomechanics of playing actions are necessary to understand the pathomechanics of ACL injuries and to offer effective prevention programs.  It was postulated that hip low forward flexion, hip adduction, hip internal rotation, knee valgus, knee extension, and knee external rotation may place the ACL to a high risk of rupture. It was called the ‘‘position of no return’’
  • 30. Position of No Return
  • 31. Biomechanical risk factors  Sagittal plane Sagittal plane biomechanics have yielded many studies on trunk, hip, knee, and ankle flexion angles when performing sport tasks. The more joints are flexed during landing, the more the energy is absorbed and the less the impact is transferred to the knee. Blackburn and Padua demonstrated that increased trunk flexion during landing also increased hip and knee flexion angles. A less erected posture during landing has been associated with a reduced ACL injury risk.
  • 32. Biomechanical risk factors  Decker suggested that a decreased hip musculature activity may produce a higher ground reaction force, because muscles would be used to absorb energy from a certain task.  It is also postulated that a decreased hip and knee flexion angles at landing places the ACL at a greater risk of injury, because a greater peak landing force is transmitted to the knee.
  • 33. Biomechanical risk factors  Coronal plane Coronal plane knee biomechanics are also related to ACL injury. Women have greater valgus moments than men during the landing phase. This can lead to increased risk of ACL tear. Landry et al. found an increased ankle eversion angle in elite female soccer players compared with male players for unanticipated run and cross-cut maneuvers. Excessive ankle eversion may increase internal tibial rotation, knee valgus stress, anterior tibial translation, and loading on the ACL during extension.
  • 34. Biomechanical risk factors  Transverse plane Hip biomechanical findings mainly refer to a greater hip internal rotation, maximum angular displacement and a lower gluteal EMG activity at landing in female soccer, basketball, and volleyball players compared to males. When performing unanticipated side-cut maneuvers, female soccer players exhibited more hip external rotation compared with the male athletes.
  • 35. Signs and symptoms  Triad: An acute blow or twisting or cutting injury An immediate effusion Inability to continue to play  Popping  Giving way- sudden weakness in the leg that causes the leg to go into mild hyperextension.
  • 36. Diagnosis (11)  The most accurate diagnosis is achieved by integrating patient history, physical examination findings, imaging studies, and routine orthopedic follow-up.  Patient History ACL injuries typically occur in patients who participate in activities that require running, jumping, or cutting. Injury may be characterized as a “pop” or buckling of the knee with eventual swelling from a traumatic hemarthrosis.
  • 37. Diagnosis  Physical Examination The knee is first inspected for any bruising or contusion that may indicate a more serious injury. The knee is checked for an effusion. Range of motion is assessed. Limited motion may indicate concomitant meniscal pathology. Locking of the knee or a block to extension may be the result of interposition of a partial ACL tear. The knee is then examined for any tenderness or swelling along the joint line.
  • 38. Diagnosis  The ligamentous examination is performed, and its findings compared with those of the contralateral extremity.  Special tests: Anterior drawer test Lachman test Anterior drawer test Lachman test
  • 39. Diagnosis  Imaging studies Radiographs have limited value in the diagnosis of acute ACL injury. Findings are indirect and limited to bone abnormalities. Avulsion fracture of ACL at the tibial insertion or femoral origin can be found on radiographs.
  • 40. Diagnosis  Segond fracture: Avulsion fracture of lateral tibial condyle of the knee
  • 41. Diagnosis (contd.)  MRI: The oblique sagittal plane is the most helpful in diagnosis. Normal ACL Torn ACL
  • 42. Diagnosis  In chronic case the fibres can be completely absorbed.
  • 43. Diagnosis  Partial tears are characterized by increased signal intensity and fiber laxity with increased concavity (or bowing) of the ACL.  If >50% of the ACL fibres are torn = high grade tear,  If 10% -50% of fibres torn = medium grade tear  If <10% of fibres torn = low grade tear (13)
  • 44. Diagnosis (contd.)  The deep lateral femoral notch sign, although uncommon, is quite specific for ACL tear and is due to impaction injury of the lateral femoral condyle onto the tibia. Patellar buckling sign and lateral femoral notch sign
  • 45. Diagnosis (contd.)  Anterior tibial translation  If there is ≥ 5 mm anterior translocation of the tibia relative to the femur, this would be indicative of ACL tear, while an anterior tibial translation > 7 mm is fully diagnostic of ACL tear.
  • 46. Management of ACL injuries
  • 47. Surgical approach  The surgical approach to ACL tears is the reconstruction of the ACL with the use of a graft (a piece of tendon) passed through tunnels drilled into the tibia and femur at insertion points of the ligament to approximate normal anatomy, with the goal of eliminating ACL instability.  Either patellar tendon or hamstring tendon may be used.
  • 48. ACL Reconstruction with patellar tendon
  • 49. Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (15)  Resistive exercises: Leg extensions, leg curls, and leg press . Perform 2 sets of 10 repetitions at 50% of the 1- repetition maximum 2 sets of 8 repetitions at 75% of the 1-repetition maximum 2 sets of 5 repetitions using maximum effort. The leg extension exercise is performed through a joint excursion from 90 to 45 degrees of flexion to minimize anterior tibial shearing during the exercise.
  • 50. Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)  Cardiovascular training techniques: Selected based on each subject's sports activities. A graded running program is used for subjects involved in running sports. The running program: begin with treadmill running level surface running hill running sprinting figure- eight running.
  • 51. Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.) For skating sports: training begin with sliding-board skating simulation straight ice skating quick stops and starts cutting changing directions
  • 52. Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)  Agility training techniques: Side sliding Cariocas Forward and backward quick start-and-stop shuttle runs Multi-directional quick start-and-stop running Figure-eight running
  • 53. Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)  Sport-specific skills: initiated when subjects tolerate full-effort agility training without pain or swelling.  Sport-specific tasks, such as ball catching, passing, and kicking.  Sport-specific skills are also practiced in the context of playing situations.  For example, basketball players begin practicing dribbling skills, jump shots.  Hockey players would perform stick handling, passing, and shooting drills during their workouts.
  • 54. Non-operative ACL Rehabilitation (cont.)  Perturbation training program:  Techniques are: Anteroposterior and Medio-lateral rotary perturbations on a tilt board, Multidirectional perturbations while the subjects are standing with one lower extremity on a roller board and the contralateral lower extremity on a stationary platform. Multi-directional perturbations while the subjects were standing in single-limb support on a roller board.
  • 55. Tilt board Roller board Roller board/ stationary platform
  • 56. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (16)  Phase I: PO Weeks 1–4  Goals: Protect graft fixation Minimize effects of immobilization Control inflammation Full extension ROM  Brace/WB status Brace Week 0–1 Week 1–2 Unlocked for ambulation when full extension with no lag
  • 57. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Week 2–4 DC brace when full extension with no lag WB as tolerated Bilateral axillary crutches  Therapeutic exercises Heel slides as tolerated Wall slides Quadriceps sets Patellar mobilizations Gastrocnemius and hamstring stretches SLR – with brace if extensor lag
  • 58. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Quadriceps isometrics  Toe raises bilaterally  Terminal knee extension  Balance – bilateral weight shifts  Stationary bike (high seat, low tension)  Criteria for Advancement II  Good quad set  Approximately 120° flexion  Full knee extension
  • 59. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Phase II: PO Weeks 4–6  Goals: Restore normal gait Maintain full extension Progress flexion ROM Protect graft fixation  WB status: No assistive device when gait with no pain.  Toe raises unilaterally  Leg press – bilaterally  Balance – bilateral weight shifts – unilateral  Hamstring isometrics  Hamstring and gastrocnemius & soleus stretch
  • 60. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Criteria for Advancement III Excellent quadriceps set SLR without extensor lag Full knee extension No signs of inflammation
  • 61. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Phase III: PO 6 Weeks–3 Months  Goals:  Full ROM  Improve strength  Improve endurance  Improve proprioception  Prepare for functional activities  Avoid overstressing graft  WB status: functional brace may be recommended for use during sports for first 1-2 years after surgery
  • 62. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Therapeutic exercise:  Flexibility as appropriate  Isolated knee extension 90°–45° progress to eccentrics  Advanced CKC – Single leg squats; leg press – unilaterally (0°–45°)  Step-ups (begin 2′′ progressing to 8′′)  Criteria for Advancement to IV  Full pain-free ROM  85% quadriceps and hamstring strength  Good static proprioception and balance
  • 63. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Phase IV: PO 3 months–6 months  Goals:  Progress strength  Progress power  Progress proprioception  Prepare for return to controlled individual functional activities/sports  WB status: functional brace may be recommended for use during sports for first 1-2 years after surgery
  • 64. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Therapeutic exercise:  Begin in-line jogging  Initiate bilateral plyometric exercises  Progress proprioception  Walk/jog progressions  Criteria for Advancement to V  Full pain-free ROM – flexion and extension  No patellofemoral irritation  90% quadriceps and hamstring strength
  • 65. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Phase V: 6 months +  Goals: Progress strength Progress power Progress proprioception Prepare for full return to athletics including individual/team sports. Safe return to athletics including individual team sports  WB status: functional brace may be recommended for use during sports for first 1-2 years after surgery.
  • 66. Postoperative anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction protocol (contd.)  Therapeutic exercise: Continue to progress flexibility and strength Progress plyometrics-unilateral Walk/jog progression Forward/ backward running progression from ½, ¼, full speed Cutting, cross-over drills, carioca Initiate sports specific drills Gradual return to sports participation Maintenance of strength and endurance.
  • 67. References 1. Petersen W. Zantop T. Partial Rupture of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament The Journal of Arthroscopic and Related Surgery, Nov.2006: 22(11); 1143-1145 2. Imino F.C,volk B.S, Md,don Setter D. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Diagnosis, Management, and Prevention American Academy of Family Physicians Oct15, 2010 ; 82 3. P Renstrom, A Ljungqvist, E Arendt, B Beynnon, T Fukubayashi, W Garrett, T Georgoulis,T E Hewett,R Johnson,T Krosshaug,B Mandelbaum,L Micheli,G Myklebust,E Roos,H RoosP Schamasch,S Shultz,S Werner,E Wojtys,L Engebretsen.Non-contact ACL injuries in female athletes: an International Olympic Committee current concepts statement Br J Sports Med 2008;42:394–412 4. K. W. Janssen J. W. Orchard, T. R. Driscoll, W. van Mechelen. High incidence and costs for anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions performed in Australia from 2003– 2004 to 2007–2008: time for an anterior cruciate ligament register by Scandinavian model? Scand J Med Sci Sports 2011 5. Geli E.A Gregory D. Myer, Holly J. Silvers,Samitier G.Romero D.Haro C.L Cugat R.Prevention of non-contact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in soccer players. Part 1: Mechanisms of injury and underlying risk factors Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (2009) 17:705-729
  • 68. References 6. Soderman K, Alfredson H, Pietila T, Werner S (2001) Risk factors for leg injuries in female soccer players: a prospective investigation during one out-door season. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc 9:313-321 7. Uhorchak JM, Scoville CR, Williams GN, Arciero RA, St Pierre P, Taylor DC (2003) Risk factors associated with noncontact injury of the anteriorcruciate ligament: a prospective four-year evaluation of 859 West Point cadets. Am J Sports Med 31:831-842 8. Chappell JD, Herman DC, Knight BS, Kirkendall DT, Garrett WE, Yu B (2005) Effect of fatigue on knee kinetics and kinematics in stop-jump tasks. Am J Sports Med 33:1022-1029 9. Landry SC, McKean KA, Hubley-Kozey CL, Stanish WD, Deluzio KJ (2007) Neuromuscular and lower limb biomechanical differences exist between male and female elite adolescent soccer players during an unanticipated side-cut maneuver. Am J Sports Med 35:1888-1900. 10. Knapik JJ, Bauman CL, Jones BH, et al. Preseason strength and flexibility imbalances associated with athletic injuries in female collegiate athletes. Am J Sports Med. 1991; 19(1):76-81 11. Tjoumakaris F.P, Donegan D.J,Jon Sekiya J.K. Partial Tears of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament: Diagnosis and Treatment. Am J Orthop. 2011;40(2):92-97
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