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Essay about Animal Cruelty on Farms
It is so easy to become complacent in our sheltered world and to turn the other cheek to the violence
and misery that our every life decision can perpetrate, and that the majority of the country (mostly
unknowingly) buys into. The fact is that if the horrors of the meat industry were common
knowledge, the business would decrease, and drastically at that. So, to keep the knowledge from
becoming widespread, meat and animal factory farms are content to work quietly and discreetly in
the sparsely–populated back corners of the country where no one can see what is being done
without making an active effort. The problem for them is, many people have been making an active
effort– as the animal cruelty cause became more mainstream, the US saw more content...
Factory farms have taken advantage of this loose definition, and have been known to give a facility
of 100,000 animals a door opening to a 5x5 pen of dirt, and then have the audacity to label the
animals free range. This is almost incomprehensibly cruel– an sadly, is more of the rule than the
exception when it comes to this industry. According to most sources, chickens are the most
brutally treated of all farm animals. They are packed into wire cages that deform their feet, and are
on average given a space of only 8x10 inches in which they will live out their entire lives. Their feet
tangle and grow around the wire, as they don't have enough room to move or even turn around. The
wire cages are stacked, meaning that everything– old food, waste, remains of other chickens who
have died– fall through the cracks and infect other chickens, causing rampant disease. One study
showed that in factory farms nationwide, 95% of chickens had e coli, and 75% of chickens sold
in stores also showed traces of e coli. Unfortunately, it is cheaper to let a chicken die a sickly,
infected death than it is to get a vet to treat them, so it is rare that disease gets taken care of. Beaks
are removed at a young age without the use of anesthesia. A chicken's beak is analogous to an
elephant's trunk– it is used for eating and communication, but also for exploring and discovering. A
chicken's beak is its main link to the world
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A.How is this an ethical and moral issue? What are the different opinions about the actual issue or
how to solve the issue? Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take
care of an animal. Either way, or whether the animal is a pet, a farm animal or wildlife, the victim
can suffer terribly. Animal cruelty is an ethical and moral dilemma as there is no clear right or
wrong answers that can solve all of the issues. There are numerous opinions on how this issue can be
solved, these include; –Creating more animal protection laws e.g. ban animals in circuses –Harsher
fines for animal abusers –Educate people on why animal cruelty is a problem ANIMAL ABUSE–
CATHOLIC Catholic views on animal abuse is varied greatly. The 'traditional' view is that humans
are made in a different image than animals. It proclaims that humans have been given 'dominion'
over nature, meaning humans can use animals in accordance to their own needs (gen 1:28).
However, many Catholics disagree and believe that God gave human 'stewardship' over the
animals, which means we are put on this Earth to look after and care for God's creation (Luke
12:6). There are a number of Catholic authorities that discourage animal abuse; The Church of
England held a conference in 1988 and 1986 that was concerned with this issue. It reinforced that
'human beings are both co–partners with the rest of creation and living bridges between Heaven and
Earth, with responsibility to make
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Animal Cruelty Speech
Have you ever seen an animal get beaten? Did it make you sad and sick to your stomach? Well
everyday around the world their is an animal being abused and neglected. I believe it's time for a
change we should protect and love our animals because it's wrong to harm another creature and to
put them through so much pain. I believe it's time for a change we should protect and love our
animals because it's wrong to harm another creature and to put them through so much pain. Animal
cruelty either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. Either way, and
whether the animal is a pet or a farm animal or wildlife the victim can suffer terribly don't despair
though anyone can take steps against cruelty. I believe that animal cruelty is wrong. Even so " All
animal cruelty is a concern because it is wrong to inflict suffering on any living creature." Animals
are beautiful creatures and we should not more content...
" Most cases are never reported and most animal suffering goes unnoticed and unabated." I
believe everyone should report animal cruelty because no one should suffer abuse or neglect. "
Although there is no national report Ming system for animal abuse media reports suggest that it
is common in rural and urban areas.'' We shouldn't harm creatures just for fun it's not right we
should report all crimes so we can protect and save as many as we can. " The HSUS estimates that
nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence 50 states
currently have felony provisions within their animal cruelty laws." These laws protects as many
animals as they can which is a great
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Persuasive Essay On Animal Cruelty
Animal Cruelty
Paul McCartney once said, "if slaughterhouses had glass walls, we would all be vegetarian." There
are many different forms of animal cruelty, ranging from labs, to farms, to even circuses. People
have been using animals for a long time, they have controlled them for even longer. But despite that,
there have still been some positive outcomes from this otherwise dark subject. Some people support
the things that are happening to these animals. But others make it their mission to stand up for the
animals that are mistreated everyday. Animal cruelty can mean many things to many different
people, it can be a controversial topic, with many different sides and stories to it, it has a long
history, much of it being good, much of it bad.
There are more types of animal cruelty then one could even imagine. Many people do not consider
that what they are eating, or wearing, or using, or enjoying came at the cost of an animal. According
to Rachel Hajar, one form of animal cruelty that has been put into the spotlight in recent years is
animal testing (Alternative to Animal Testing 39). Animals are brought into labs and spend their
entire lives there being tortured, used, and experimented on. It's estimated that each year, more than
100 million animals are used for experimenting. They use all sorts of animals, including dogs, cats,
rabbits, hamsters, monkeys, fish, and more. They are forced to live in cages, confined, and isolated.
Another form of animal cruelty can be found
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Animal Cruelty And Animal Abuse
A.Nestle and the Beagles4
B.Yakult and the Mice4
C.Danone and the Piglets4
China, US and the EU5
A.Research Connections to Animal Cruelty and Abuse6
B.Alternatives to Animal Testing6
The abuse and cruelty by humans towards animals have been on the rise as producers and retailers of
cosmetics and drugs rush to position their products in the global markets. Scientific tests remain a
leading player in animal abuse, especially due to the controlled environment while being
experimented (Norton, 157). While there are myriads of local and international rules and regulations
guiding the more content...
This attracted the attention of animal rights activists, urging the consumers to reject products tested
and verified using animal testing (Barnett, n.d.).
A.Nestle and the Beagles
Nestle has also been implicated for restraining food from overfed and obese beagles and feeding
them with low–calorie Purina in order to test whether it is able to reduce weight. This withdrawal
of the natural food from the piglets not only starves them but confuses their growth. The same
company has previously fed 60 mice on a diet high in fat to make them obese. Once obese, the same
animals fed on food rich in cinnamon to see if cinnamon can help reverse or retard obesity in human
B.Yakult and the Mice
Yakult scientists in North Korea on the other hand underfed their mice then gave them probiotic
bacteria. The mice were kept hairless and irradiated. The mice developed aging wrinkles on their
skin. The scientists would use these results to conclude on the aging effect of the probiotic bacteria.
The mice were killed after the experiment and studied for skin examination.
C.Danone and the Piglets
Danone inserted tubes into the bellies of 8 two–week piglets to research on the rate of absorption of
different formula products by babies. The Danone project ended with one piglet dying after the
experiment and a second one being removed from the experiment due to tube leakage. Instead, these
tests should be
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Animal Cruelty Essay examples
Intro: Can you imagine having the urge to intentionally hurt or even kill your helpless little puppy?
Over the years, animal abuse has increased an unbelievable amount. I believe animal rights need to
be enforced to people across the world. Animals are helpless creatures that should only be making
the world a better place. I will enforce my belief by explaining what animal cruelty are, animal
abandonment laws, and how to report animal cruelty.
Transition: First, I am going to talk about the different types of animal cruelty. I. When people hear
the two words animal cruelty, many think this just includes hitting a dog. But these two words have
so many different meanings. II. Animal cruelty is broken down into two more content...
vi. Hoarders have hundreds of animals living in their home living in filth including garbage and
layers of feces. vii. Hoarders feel that they love the animals, but they are blind to the fact they are
not caring for them responsibly. viii. Dead animals are found in the freezer, laying around the
house, and embedded in the carpet. e. Another form of animal cruelty is animal fighting. ix. People
specifically breed animals to train and fight each other within an enclosed pit or ring for the benefit
of individuals who place bets on the animal they believe will win. x. Fights are extremely brutal, with
animals fighting to death. f. Animal experimentation is also considered to be animal cruelty. xi.
According to Peta, People for the ethical treatment of animals, 75,000 dogs are tormented in U.S
laboratories every year. xii. Dogs are a favored species in toxicology studies. Large doses of a test
substance like a household product or pesticide are pumped into animal's bodies, slowly poisoning
them. xiii. At Ohio State University, George Billman forced surgically manipulated dogs to run on a
treadmill until they collapsed from a heart attack. The dogs were killed, and the damage to their
heart tissue was studied. xiv. In a violent experimentation at the
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Animal Cruelty Should Not Be A Big Deal
Animal Cruelty
Almesha Jones (Mesha)
Introduction and Background
All around the world, people are abusing animals. Animal cruelty is a big deal because some
people do not look at animals as being important; some people do not see a problem with hurting
them. Animal cruelty can be define as being a malicious treatment that can cause undue pain or
being mistreated. Seeing an animal get brutalize by some humans seems to be cruel. Getting kicked
in the ribs, left for starvation and even used for entertainment seems to be heartless. Why abuse
animals when they have not done anything to harm a human. If one must see what they are really
doing to these animals, then animal cruelty would not be a big deal.
There are two types of animal cruelty, "cruelty can be manifested in two ways: actively and
passively. Active behavior includes 'acts of commission. Passive behavior 'includes acts of omission
and negligence" (Tanner, 2015). Animals are very smart creatures, no matter their size or looks.
Animals should not have to suffer from humans acts. Since animals have a failure of speech, they
cannot speak for themselves, which means they are helpless to stop being abusively controlled by
humans. Everyday animals in the United States and in other countries are abused and, neglected for
no particular reason
According to Delaware law, 'every act or omission to act whereby unnecessary or unjustifiable
physical pain or suffering is caused or permitted' is cruel, and this includes 'mistreatment
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Animal Cruelty Essay
Animals around the world are being taken out of their natural habitats, being breaded and fed
antibiotics. Cruelty among the animals range from puppy mills, zoos, factory farms, and many
more. People who hurt animals may not even know they're doing harm to them, but animals are
dying all around us. According to DГ©sirГ©e Achollo of People for Ethical Treatment of Animals
(PETA), families that adopt rabbits, goldfish, and hermit crabs don't take good enough care of the
animals and the animals end up in the garbage (February 2010 n.p). Animal Cruelty is happening all
around us through the mistreatment of dolphins, puppies, exotic animals, cows, and many more. Are
dolphins dealing with animal cruelty? The answer is yes. Dolphins more content...
Also some were kept in feeding troughs and turtles in shipping containers. There are more interesting
animals being harmed around the world, such as animals in fairs, midways, etc.
Elephants, tigers, and many more in fairs and midways are being maltreated. They have elephant
rides, tiger photo booths, petting zoos and animals are being put on display. DГ©sirГ©e Achollo
of PETA states that they take very little care of these animals and many of them are forced into
crammed cages (February 2010 n.p). She found that when baby tigers outgrow their cuteness they
are dumped at roadside zoos or left to languish in crammed cages. Along with cute baby tigers
being poorly taken care of, puppies around the world are dealing with brutality. What exactly is a
puppy mill? It's a dog breeding operation that doesn't consider genetic quality. These puppies are
sold to pet shops at as young as eight weeks old. Since they're breaded they're prone to congenital
and hereditary conditions, such as heart and kidney failure, deafness, eye problems, blood
disorders and many more. According to ASPCA the puppies live in overcrowded and unsanitary
areas with no care, food, water and socialization (197). They're kept in cages with wiring floors that
hurts the puppy's paws and legs. The breeder dogs at the mills live either outside or
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Animal Cruelty Essay
The social anathema which is animal cruelty has perspired for too long a time. Elephants deserve
to roam the forests and Savannahs freely instead of being killed and the later mutilated for their
brilliant tusks. It has also been verified that many "elephants that perform in circuses are often kept
in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies (" Elephants
are not the only animal treated in this fashion. Furthermore, the beautiful and majestic stallion
belongs on the open prairie and not locked away in a 6x4 cage, dying from starvation and thirst.
Elephants and stallions are only two animals out of the thousands that are negatively affected by
people. Together, we have to be the voice for more content...
Before you can act against animal cruelty, you must understand the causes although there are many
reasons that lead to the cruelty. Some religions and traditions call for sacrifices to reach some other
level (Joshi). A thought process that humans are meant to control animals is another additive that
contributes to the cruelty. Use of animals for entertainment purposes, such as circuses, is yet another
cause. The selfishness of mankind is the most despicable. An author by the name of Neha Joshi said
in a very compelling article; "laboratory tests are perhaps...the most inhumane practices carried out
today, all in the name of betterment of the human race (Joshi)." A very wise philosopher named
Jeremy Bentham once said "the question is not, can they reason, nor can they talk, but can they
suffer (Goldstein 273)?" The unanimous answer is yes. The pain threshold in animals and humans
are very similar, but the only difference is that humans can effectively communicate with other
humans. Animals try and their cries are dismissed because they cannot verbally say "stop" or "that
hurts". Researchers often perform surgeries that may last for six or more hours although,
"...anesthesia however, may wear off in an hour or two. A few
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Animal Cruelty Essay
Animal Cruelty
How would you like it if you were used in an experiment to see if the mascara your girlfreind used
was safe? And then when they were done with you, they disposed of you and killed you off as if
you didn't matter. Well that's what is being done to animals. They are being tested on. Sometimes
scientist give animals radioactive material to eat to see how fast they die. If you know that the
animal is going to die, why would you do something so inhumane for no apperant reason?
On the other hand, what if you were being tested on to see if a new kind of medicine could treat
some kind of virus. Then you could help hundreds and hundreds of people. In the case, testing could
be good. You never know the outcome. Scientists more content...
It was founded in 1980, PETA is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals.
PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat,wear, experiment on, or
use for entertainment."–PETA
Some of the tests that people perform on animals are Acute toxicity tests, commonly called lethal
dose or poisoning tests. They determine the amount of a substance that will kill a percentage, even
up to 100 percent, of a group of test animals.
In these tests, a substance is forced by tube into the animals' stomachs or through holes cut into their
throats. It may also be injected under the skin, into a vein, or into the lining of the abdomen; mixed
into lab chow; inhaled through a gas mask; or introduced into the eyes, rectum, or vagina.
Experimenters observe the animals' reactions, which can include convulsions, labored breathing,
diarrhea, constipation, emaciation, skin eruptions, abnormal posture, and bleeding from the eyes,
nose, or mouth. This kind of testing is very inhumane, and for what porpose do they do this? PETA
tries to stop this kind of animal testing.
It is very diffucult to find a company that doesn't test on animals for unreasonable purposes. More
than 500 manufacturers of cosmetics and household products that have shunned animal tests. These
companies take an alternatives available today, including cell cultures, tissue cultures, corneas from
eye banks, and sophisticated computer and mathematical models. Companies
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Introduction 1. ATTENTION GETTER: Millions of animals are abused each year. Over a million
of these animals are abused or killed just due to the involvement with domestic violence. Despite
animal cruelty being a felony which can result in jail time for over 15 years and 500,000 dollars
in fines, it is still an issue which occurs on a daily basis across the United States. It is important
for these animals to not go unnoticed, which can be achieved if society became more enlightened
and educated on the topic of animal cruelty. (Pacelle, 2011). 2. THESIS/PURPOSE: Today we will
explain the significance, and inherency due to animal cruelty, as well as several solutions which can
help to prevent cases of animal abuse. more content...
Children who live in homes where animal abuse is present are often abused themselves and
unfortunately, sometimes carry on with the cycle of abuse later on in life. "More than 80 percent of
family members being treated for child abuse also had abused animals. In one–third of the cases, a
child victim continued the cycle of violence by abusing a pet ("The animal abuse home violence
connection", 2013)." 1. In a study done in 2005 by Christopher Hensley and Suzanne E. Tallichet,
it was discovered that "inmates who were younger when they first witnessed someone hurt or kill
animals and those who witnessed a friend hurt or kill animals were more likely to commit animal
cruelty more frequently (Dutkiewicz,Hensley, and Tallichet, 2011)." 1. Violent criminals often
have a history of abusing animals. In fact, "The FBI sees animal cruelty as a predictor of violence
against people and considers past animal abuse when profiling serial killers ("The animal abuse
violence connection", 2013)." a. Because of this, we need to take cruelty towards animals
seriously. It is a sign of aggression and violence and can often lead to even more gruesome crimes,
not just towards animals, but towards humans as well. b. If left alone, abuse towards an
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Animal Cruelty and Abuse
Animal Abuse/Cruelty
"I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter... the cast–offs of human society. I saw in their eyes
love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal. And I was angry. "God," I said, "this is
terrible! Why don't you do something?" God was silent for a moment and then He spoke softly, I
have done something," He replied. "I created you." ~The Animals' Savior Copyright Jim Wills 1999
Second Paragraph–
The problem is that the old days, they used to trade exotic pets in the U.S, and that means breeding
wild animals together. When this people breeding this happens the stress being violently removing
them from their homes and this is killing them. This means that they are dyeing rapidly. Another
reason is that circuses hurt their animals, like beating them to death. If someone reports them, they
go to the (AWA) United StatesAnimal Welfare. Third Paragraph– When someone hates cats, or have
neighbors with cats, they try to attempt to kill them. If someone is having a bad day, they would
take it out on the animal. People say if you abuse an animal, it is showing strength, or toughness.
Many people think that, if you punish your dog, it will help your dog do its duties, and listens to
you. That statement is wrong!! People abuse their animals, if they fail to do the perform right, than
animal will do the stunt in fear. If a dog is abuse 24/7, that dog will bite someone or the owner.
Many people hold a grudge against someone; they
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Animal Abuse
Animal Abuse or Cruelty is when a animal is neglected, used to fight, or hurt mentally or
physically. Although animal abuse has happened for years and still continues to happen, they are
so many companies and people fighting to help animals and yet there are still to many cases that
are not even recognized. There are a lot of individuals that underthink animal abuse and say that it
is not a "big deal." It is sad that someone would think like that because animals feel pain, have
emotions, and have a heart. They have a soul and mind they just cannot speak for themselves. If
more case were brought to light by witnesses then animal abuse statistics could decrease.
Animal Cases RSPCA launched one of their biggest investigations ever after receiving multiple calls
relating to buying puppies that ended up severely sick, dying, or died after purchase. The members
of the gang created fake pedigree document, health check cards, and produced glossy brochures to
trick interested buyers.The gang would offer puppies such as Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Spaniels,
Shih Tzus, and Yorkshire Terriers at up to six
–hundred–and–fifty dollars each. All the dogs were
suffering with serious illnesses such as parvo virus, or only had days left to live. It's believed that
the gang scoured Europe to find the puppies. Police seized a total of thirty–nine puppies from one of
the gang members address. Police also seized three–thousand–and–five–hundred dollars in cash and a
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Animal Abuse Of The PSA
introduction This PSA covers all aspects of animal abuse from neglect of care to deliberate acts of
cruelty and includes suffering in the process of factory farming and scientific research.
I have chosen animal abuse for my PSA topic because I love animals and would like to educate
myself and others in hopes to finding a way to stop the cruelty. In researching this topic, I was
saddened with the discovery that while there are laws that protect animals and those violating these
laws may be prosecuted, there are so many cases that are never reported or taken seriously enough.
The PSA includes the pernicious acts towards animals in the everyday life of human beings.
summary The main purpose of this PSA is to show the neglect of animals in many ways displaying
depressing pictures of agonizing situations inflicted upon many types of animals. The first picture is
titled "Neglect," and shows a little puppy that looks as if it has mange, but appears to be in good
hands now. Depressing music plays in the background. more content...
The PSA had one melancholy song that was a good background noise when watching the PSA.
There were pictures that would change about every second to different scenarios and different
cruelties that happen to animals which made it seem not quite organized because you did not
really get the chance to feel the sadness of these shameful events that happen every day in the
world. On top of the pictures of the abused animals, there are only about one or two words listed on
each picture not really depicting the cruelty or sadness of the situation. The PSA gave you sad
music, painful pictures, and only vague ideas of what was happening, but it wasn't organized well
nor did it give you enough information about the animals in the photos or actual facts about animal
cruelty in
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Animal Cruelty Essay
Animal cruelty is something that many people believe is wrong and agree that the laws should be
much stricter and enforced to protect every animal. They are many cases where they are not much
justice for animals. Every state has different laws some are stricter than others, but most states do
not make animal cruelty a big deal. They are different types of animal cruelty they are neglect, acts
of abuse, animal fighting, abandonment, and bestiality (Jones). Imaniage having four beautiful dogs
roaming around carefree and happy, being able to pet them and see their happy wagging tails. After
arriving home the dogs are found lying on the porch unresponsive in panic you rush to them. They
are not dead, but something is definitely wrong. more content...
Animal cruelty is strongly linked to other violent crimes against humans. Studies found that
eighty–eight percent of homes that had child abuse in it also had some form of animal abuse in it as
well (Buff). Statistics say that thirty percent of children who have witnessed domestic violence acts
out a similar type of violence against their pets (Johnston). Animal abusers are five times more likely
to harm other humans (Buff). Eighty– three percent of women that reported domestic violence also
reported that the abuser also had abused animals in the household (Buff). Many abusers use animals
as an example of what they will do to a person to scare them. A survey in psychiatric patients found
that the ones that have repeated abuse against cats and dog all have high aggression toward humans
(Animal Abuse...Crime). A police study in Australia found that one hundred percent of sexual
homicide offenders examined had a history of animal cruelty (Animal Abuse... Crime). Animal
cruelty is a number one sign of troubled youth. Of the people that have been arrested for animal
abuse sixty–five percent of them have also been charged with battery (Animal Cruelty... Violence).
Between 1997 and 2010 they was seven school shooting. Everyone of the boys that took a part in
the school shooting had some form of animal cruelty on their records (Animal Cruelty.... Violence).
As a kid
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Animal Cruelty Essay
People always say that animals are our friends. They can help us and in most of the time, they are
part of our family. Whatever what happen, we should be kind and treat them in good way. However,
according to my experience, when I walked on the streets, I could see many dirty dogs and cats,
while they were rummaging in bins for food. Although they are wretched and innocentпјЊthere are
still many people hurt them probably just because they are stray animals. It's cruel for me to face
those case happen. But when the dirty stray animals walked to me, I avoid them too. I don't want to
get hurt by them. Probably in my subconscious, they are stray animals but not the pet. I should stay
away with them. However, when I experienced many cruel things happen. I changed my opinion. I
think it is not fair for them, they should be fair treatment as the normal pets. We should protect
them not hurt them again and again. And now I am trying to help them during my free time to
prove my belief. Being an animal lover, I own two dogs in my home, one is a black poodle which
called Heiniu and the other one is a black Labrador which called Lucky. For my personal opinion,
feeding them are very easy, but feeding them well is a little bit harder because it takes many steps.
Firstly, I need to clean their nests, so I can ensure that they have a clean environment. Then I have
feeding them. After they full, I will walk them outside and so on. I have feed them at least three
years, each time when I went
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Animal Cruelty Essay
My final one page paper is going to be about animal cruelty. This is gonna be about how my mind
was changed and how I feel about it. Last week our class watched a video about animal cruelty.
The video was basically about how the animals we eat are treated, killed and why. Obviously the
animals are killed because so many of us humans, eat them. Some people need to eat meat to live and
to be healthy. The video showed mostly cows, pigs, chickens, and fish. I never knew how these
animals are treated and how they get killed, just for us to eat on a daily basis. It really bothered
me, but I feel like it was something I and most of us needed to see. The video was talking about
how cows, pigs and chicken have similarities to us humans, when it comes to pain. They feel a lot
of stuff we do, they even have feelings like us. Growing up I never really thought about eating
meat. I felt like it was normal because I grew up eating it, all my family eats meat. I never thought
it was that bad, that's because it tastes so good and gives you your protein you need. I love meat, I
eat it, it's delicious. So, I guess i'm a hypocrite because I eat meat. Eating meat, and feeling bad
for the animals I eat makes me a hypocrite, but that doesn't mean I can stop eating it. It's possible
for everyone to stop eating meat, and let the beautiful animals live their lives. Not everyone is
going to stop eating it, like I said some people need it and I understand that. I can't be mad at the
world because we
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Proposal On Animal Abuse
This proposal will demonstrate the link between cruelty to pet animals in families where battering
occurs. There's little data to cover this topic, but this type of abuse is very common Animal cruelty
may be a sign of a family environment that is violent or abusive (Duncan & Miller, 2002) but few
studies have actually examined this link.This study will try to make that link using measurement of
qualitative data. Researching the link between violence in the home and animals is very important
because it can serve as an indicator of abuse. The animal abuser can be either a child or an adult in
the family where the abuse occurs. The Results will suggest that animal abuse may indicative of
family violence in the home. Introduction The greatest distortion of the human/animal relationship is
the act of cruelty towards animals. The legislative response to animal cruelty first became known in
North America and Europe in the beginning of the eighteenth centuries. Concern for the pain and
suffering experience of animals came about when we started "humanizing animals". Animals were
allowed in the house, given a name and taken care for much like you would a child. Thomas (1983)
study found the following: "It encouraged [people) to form optimistic conclusions about animal
intelligence:... it stimuВlated the notion that animals could have character and individual
personaliВty; and [most of all) it created the psychological foundation for the view that some animals
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Animal Cruelty Essay
Introduction People don't know the full scope of animal cruelty, but they should know so they can
properly report situations. People might not understand the ways in which animal cruelty can show
itself and may not know the frequency and effects of these criminal acts today. Animal cruelty,
briefly defined, is the inadequate caring, beating, hurting, or some other abuse/neglect of an animal.
Animal cruelty is an illegal act in the United States, but there is a controversial discussion around
whether animals have rights in the first place. There are many different cases and situations of
animal abuse, but the main ones include dog fighting and animal neglect and abuse. Animal Cruelty
Animal cruelty has many different specifics more content...
"Animal control shelter" means a facility operated by a county, city, village, or township to
impound and care for animals found in streets or otherwise at large contrary to any ordinance of
the county, city, village, or township or state law. "Licensed veterinarian" means a person licensed
to practice veterinary medicine. "Neglect" means to fail to sufficiently and properly care for an
animal to the extent that the animal's health is jeopardized. "Sanitary conditions" means space free
from health hazards including excessive animal waste, overcrowding of animals, or other conditions
that endanger the animal's health. This definition does not include any condition resulting from a
customary and reasonable practice pursuant to farming or animal husbandry. "Shelter" means
adequate protection from the elements and weather conditions suitable for the age, species, and
physical condition of the animal so as to maintain the animal in a state of good health. "State of
good health" means freedom from disease and illness, and in a condition of proper body weight
and temperature for the age and species of the animal, unless the animal is undergoing appropriate
treatment. "Tethering" means the restraint and confinement of a dog by use of a chain, rope, or
similar device. In the state of Michigan, an owner, possessor, or person having the charge or
custody of an animal cannot do any of the following: Fail to provide an animal with adequate
care. Cruelly
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Persuasive Essay On Animal Cruelty
Animal Cruelty is a problem that many ignore. People are oblivious to these animals and the
negligence their owners show. Animal cruelty is an underlying problem in today's society, and
the only way to counteract these problems, is for this generation to do something about it. Many
people do not report cases of animal cruelty. Reports of animal cruelty are less common than
crimes against people. This is because the cases do not go through state agencies. The animals
that come to mind when someone mentions animal cruelty is often Dogs and cats. These animals
do have a higher percent rate, with dogs at 70.1%, cats at 20.9% and all other animals at 24.1%.
The percent's come from cases that people report. If people were to fill all cases of animal cruelty,
the rates would be much more different. A common form of negligence is people taking their
animal to a place far from home to just leave them there. Animal control pick up these animals
everyday and send them to shelter. For the most part the animals have a healthy portion of food and
they have shelter from the environment. Most shelters are kill shelters. No–Kill shelters become less
common to their counterpart. Animals not adopted within a certain period of time undergo
euthanasia. This keeps room for more animals. No–kill shelters protect the animals and help
rehabilitate them. The other 24.1% is the factory animals. The purpose of a factory animal's life
is a food source. So the owners mistreat their animals because the animals purpose is to be a food
source. It is almost as if they do not matter. They deserve animal rights just as much as the other
animals do. All animals are affected by animal cruelty, even if the animal does not experience the
cruelty on a personal level. Although the ones that experience the cruelty have greater issues after
the abuse. Other animals like pit bulls getting a bad name by their owners being negligent. Pit bulls
can be aggressive; they do have an aggressive nature about them. This is only when they are
provoked, but these dogs are not dangerous. If the dog is taught right than the aggression is
non–existent. If the owner is negligent to the animal and abuses the dog, it often brings out the more
mean side of the dog. The
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Animal Cruelty Essay Introduction

  • 1. Essay about Animal Cruelty on Farms It is so easy to become complacent in our sheltered world and to turn the other cheek to the violence and misery that our every life decision can perpetrate, and that the majority of the country (mostly unknowingly) buys into. The fact is that if the horrors of the meat industry were common knowledge, the business would decrease, and drastically at that. So, to keep the knowledge from becoming widespread, meat and animal factory farms are content to work quietly and discreetly in the sparsely–populated back corners of the country where no one can see what is being done without making an active effort. The problem for them is, many people have been making an active effort– as the animal cruelty cause became more mainstream, the US saw more content... Factory farms have taken advantage of this loose definition, and have been known to give a facility of 100,000 animals a door opening to a 5x5 pen of dirt, and then have the audacity to label the animals free range. This is almost incomprehensibly cruel– an sadly, is more of the rule than the exception when it comes to this industry. According to most sources, chickens are the most brutally treated of all farm animals. They are packed into wire cages that deform their feet, and are on average given a space of only 8x10 inches in which they will live out their entire lives. Their feet tangle and grow around the wire, as they don't have enough room to move or even turn around. The wire cages are stacked, meaning that everything– old food, waste, remains of other chickens who have died– fall through the cracks and infect other chickens, causing rampant disease. One study showed that in factory farms nationwide, 95% of chickens had e coli, and 75% of chickens sold in stores also showed traces of e coli. Unfortunately, it is cheaper to let a chicken die a sickly, infected death than it is to get a vet to treat them, so it is rare that disease gets taken care of. Beaks are removed at a young age without the use of anesthesia. A chicken's beak is analogous to an elephant's trunk– it is used for eating and communication, but also for exploring and discovering. A chicken's beak is its main link to the world Get more content on
  • 2. A.How is this an ethical and moral issue? What are the different opinions about the actual issue or how to solve the issue? Animal cruelty can be either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. Either way, or whether the animal is a pet, a farm animal or wildlife, the victim can suffer terribly. Animal cruelty is an ethical and moral dilemma as there is no clear right or wrong answers that can solve all of the issues. There are numerous opinions on how this issue can be solved, these include; –Creating more animal protection laws e.g. ban animals in circuses –Harsher fines for animal abusers –Educate people on why animal cruelty is a problem ANIMAL ABUSE– CATHOLIC Catholic views on animal abuse is varied greatly. The 'traditional' view is that humans are made in a different image than animals. It proclaims that humans have been given 'dominion' over nature, meaning humans can use animals in accordance to their own needs (gen 1:28). However, many Catholics disagree and believe that God gave human 'stewardship' over the animals, which means we are put on this Earth to look after and care for God's creation (Luke 12:6). There are a number of Catholic authorities that discourage animal abuse; The Church of England held a conference in 1988 and 1986 that was concerned with this issue. It reinforced that 'human beings are both co–partners with the rest of creation and living bridges between Heaven and Earth, with responsibility to make Get more content on
  • 3. Animal Cruelty Speech Have you ever seen an animal get beaten? Did it make you sad and sick to your stomach? Well everyday around the world their is an animal being abused and neglected. I believe it's time for a change we should protect and love our animals because it's wrong to harm another creature and to put them through so much pain. I believe it's time for a change we should protect and love our animals because it's wrong to harm another creature and to put them through so much pain. Animal cruelty either deliberate abuse or simply the failure to take care of an animal. Either way, and whether the animal is a pet or a farm animal or wildlife the victim can suffer terribly don't despair though anyone can take steps against cruelty. I believe that animal cruelty is wrong. Even so " All animal cruelty is a concern because it is wrong to inflict suffering on any living creature." Animals are beautiful creatures and we should not more content... " Most cases are never reported and most animal suffering goes unnoticed and unabated." I believe everyone should report animal cruelty because no one should suffer abuse or neglect. " Although there is no national report Ming system for animal abuse media reports suggest that it is common in rural and urban areas.'' We shouldn't harm creatures just for fun it's not right we should report all crimes so we can protect and save as many as we can. " The HSUS estimates that nearly 1 million animals a year are abused or killed in connection with domestic violence 50 states currently have felony provisions within their animal cruelty laws." These laws protects as many animals as they can which is a great Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Animal Cruelty Animal Cruelty Paul McCartney once said, "if slaughterhouses had glass walls, we would all be vegetarian." There are many different forms of animal cruelty, ranging from labs, to farms, to even circuses. People have been using animals for a long time, they have controlled them for even longer. But despite that, there have still been some positive outcomes from this otherwise dark subject. Some people support the things that are happening to these animals. But others make it their mission to stand up for the animals that are mistreated everyday. Animal cruelty can mean many things to many different people, it can be a controversial topic, with many different sides and stories to it, it has a long history, much of it being good, much of it bad. There are more types of animal cruelty then one could even imagine. Many people do not consider that what they are eating, or wearing, or using, or enjoying came at the cost of an animal. According to Rachel Hajar, one form of animal cruelty that has been put into the spotlight in recent years is animal testing (Alternative to Animal Testing 39). Animals are brought into labs and spend their entire lives there being tortured, used, and experimented on. It's estimated that each year, more than 100 million animals are used for experimenting. They use all sorts of animals, including dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters, monkeys, fish, and more. They are forced to live in cages, confined, and isolated. Another form of animal cruelty can be found Get more content on
  • 5. Animal Cruelty And Animal Abuse Contents I.INTRODUCTION3 II.SUMMARY OF CSR NEWS3 A.Nestle and the Beagles4 B.Yakult and the Mice4 C.Danone and the Piglets4 III.LITERATURE REVIEW5 China, US and the EU5 A.Research Connections to Animal Cruelty and Abuse6 B.Alternatives to Animal Testing6 IV.SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION7 V.REFERENCES8 I.INTRODUCTION The abuse and cruelty by humans towards animals have been on the rise as producers and retailers of cosmetics and drugs rush to position their products in the global markets. Scientific tests remain a leading player in animal abuse, especially due to the controlled environment while being experimented (Norton, 157). While there are myriads of local and international rules and regulations guiding the more content... This attracted the attention of animal rights activists, urging the consumers to reject products tested and verified using animal testing (Barnett, n.d.). A.Nestle and the Beagles Nestle has also been implicated for restraining food from overfed and obese beagles and feeding them with low–calorie Purina in order to test whether it is able to reduce weight. This withdrawal of the natural food from the piglets not only starves them but confuses their growth. The same company has previously fed 60 mice on a diet high in fat to make them obese. Once obese, the same animals fed on food rich in cinnamon to see if cinnamon can help reverse or retard obesity in human beings. B.Yakult and the Mice Yakult scientists in North Korea on the other hand underfed their mice then gave them probiotic bacteria. The mice were kept hairless and irradiated. The mice developed aging wrinkles on their skin. The scientists would use these results to conclude on the aging effect of the probiotic bacteria. The mice were killed after the experiment and studied for skin examination. C.Danone and the Piglets Danone inserted tubes into the bellies of 8 two–week piglets to research on the rate of absorption of different formula products by babies. The Danone project ended with one piglet dying after the experiment and a second one being removed from the experiment due to tube leakage. Instead, these tests should be
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  • 7. Animal Cruelty Essay examples Intro: Can you imagine having the urge to intentionally hurt or even kill your helpless little puppy? Over the years, animal abuse has increased an unbelievable amount. I believe animal rights need to be enforced to people across the world. Animals are helpless creatures that should only be making the world a better place. I will enforce my belief by explaining what animal cruelty are, animal abandonment laws, and how to report animal cruelty. Transition: First, I am going to talk about the different types of animal cruelty. I. When people hear the two words animal cruelty, many think this just includes hitting a dog. But these two words have so many different meanings. II. Animal cruelty is broken down into two more content... vi. Hoarders have hundreds of animals living in their home living in filth including garbage and layers of feces. vii. Hoarders feel that they love the animals, but they are blind to the fact they are not caring for them responsibly. viii. Dead animals are found in the freezer, laying around the house, and embedded in the carpet. e. Another form of animal cruelty is animal fighting. ix. People specifically breed animals to train and fight each other within an enclosed pit or ring for the benefit of individuals who place bets on the animal they believe will win. x. Fights are extremely brutal, with animals fighting to death. f. Animal experimentation is also considered to be animal cruelty. xi. According to Peta, People for the ethical treatment of animals, 75,000 dogs are tormented in U.S laboratories every year. xii. Dogs are a favored species in toxicology studies. Large doses of a test substance like a household product or pesticide are pumped into animal's bodies, slowly poisoning them. xiii. At Ohio State University, George Billman forced surgically manipulated dogs to run on a treadmill until they collapsed from a heart attack. The dogs were killed, and the damage to their heart tissue was studied. xiv. In a violent experimentation at the Get more content on
  • 8. Animal Cruelty Should Not Be A Big Deal Animal Cruelty Almesha Jones (Mesha) Introduction and Background All around the world, people are abusing animals. Animal cruelty is a big deal because some people do not look at animals as being important; some people do not see a problem with hurting them. Animal cruelty can be define as being a malicious treatment that can cause undue pain or being mistreated. Seeing an animal get brutalize by some humans seems to be cruel. Getting kicked in the ribs, left for starvation and even used for entertainment seems to be heartless. Why abuse animals when they have not done anything to harm a human. If one must see what they are really doing to these animals, then animal cruelty would not be a big deal. There are two types of animal cruelty, "cruelty can be manifested in two ways: actively and passively. Active behavior includes 'acts of commission. Passive behavior 'includes acts of omission and negligence" (Tanner, 2015). Animals are very smart creatures, no matter their size or looks. Animals should not have to suffer from humans acts. Since animals have a failure of speech, they cannot speak for themselves, which means they are helpless to stop being abusively controlled by humans. Everyday animals in the United States and in other countries are abused and, neglected for no particular reason According to Delaware law, 'every act or omission to act whereby unnecessary or unjustifiable physical pain or suffering is caused or permitted' is cruel, and this includes 'mistreatment Get more content on
  • 9. Animal Cruelty Essay Animals around the world are being taken out of their natural habitats, being breaded and fed antibiotics. Cruelty among the animals range from puppy mills, zoos, factory farms, and many more. People who hurt animals may not even know they're doing harm to them, but animals are dying all around us. According to DГ©sirГ©e Achollo of People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), families that adopt rabbits, goldfish, and hermit crabs don't take good enough care of the animals and the animals end up in the garbage (February 2010 n.p). Animal Cruelty is happening all around us through the mistreatment of dolphins, puppies, exotic animals, cows, and many more. Are dolphins dealing with animal cruelty? The answer is yes. Dolphins more content... Also some were kept in feeding troughs and turtles in shipping containers. There are more interesting animals being harmed around the world, such as animals in fairs, midways, etc. Elephants, tigers, and many more in fairs and midways are being maltreated. They have elephant rides, tiger photo booths, petting zoos and animals are being put on display. DГ©sirГ©e Achollo of PETA states that they take very little care of these animals and many of them are forced into crammed cages (February 2010 n.p). She found that when baby tigers outgrow their cuteness they are dumped at roadside zoos or left to languish in crammed cages. Along with cute baby tigers being poorly taken care of, puppies around the world are dealing with brutality. What exactly is a puppy mill? It's a dog breeding operation that doesn't consider genetic quality. These puppies are sold to pet shops at as young as eight weeks old. Since they're breaded they're prone to congenital and hereditary conditions, such as heart and kidney failure, deafness, eye problems, blood disorders and many more. According to ASPCA the puppies live in overcrowded and unsanitary areas with no care, food, water and socialization (197). They're kept in cages with wiring floors that hurts the puppy's paws and legs. The breeder dogs at the mills live either outside or Get more content on
  • 10. Animal Cruelty Essay The social anathema which is animal cruelty has perspired for too long a time. Elephants deserve to roam the forests and Savannahs freely instead of being killed and the later mutilated for their brilliant tusks. It has also been verified that many "elephants that perform in circuses are often kept in chains for as long as 23 hours a day from the time they are babies (" Elephants are not the only animal treated in this fashion. Furthermore, the beautiful and majestic stallion belongs on the open prairie and not locked away in a 6x4 cage, dying from starvation and thirst. Elephants and stallions are only two animals out of the thousands that are negatively affected by people. Together, we have to be the voice for more content... Before you can act against animal cruelty, you must understand the causes although there are many reasons that lead to the cruelty. Some religions and traditions call for sacrifices to reach some other level (Joshi). A thought process that humans are meant to control animals is another additive that contributes to the cruelty. Use of animals for entertainment purposes, such as circuses, is yet another cause. The selfishness of mankind is the most despicable. An author by the name of Neha Joshi said in a very compelling article; "laboratory tests are perhaps...the most inhumane practices carried out today, all in the name of betterment of the human race (Joshi)." A very wise philosopher named Jeremy Bentham once said "the question is not, can they reason, nor can they talk, but can they suffer (Goldstein 273)?" The unanimous answer is yes. The pain threshold in animals and humans are very similar, but the only difference is that humans can effectively communicate with other humans. Animals try and their cries are dismissed because they cannot verbally say "stop" or "that hurts". Researchers often perform surgeries that may last for six or more hours although, "...anesthesia however, may wear off in an hour or two. A few Get more content on
  • 11. Animal Cruelty Essay Animal Cruelty How would you like it if you were used in an experiment to see if the mascara your girlfreind used was safe? And then when they were done with you, they disposed of you and killed you off as if you didn't matter. Well that's what is being done to animals. They are being tested on. Sometimes scientist give animals radioactive material to eat to see how fast they die. If you know that the animal is going to die, why would you do something so inhumane for no apperant reason? On the other hand, what if you were being tested on to see if a new kind of medicine could treat some kind of virus. Then you could help hundreds and hundreds of people. In the case, testing could be good. You never know the outcome. Scientists more content... It was founded in 1980, PETA is dedicated to establishing and protecting the rights of all animals. PETA operates under the simple principle that animals are not ours to eat,wear, experiment on, or use for entertainment."–PETA Some of the tests that people perform on animals are Acute toxicity tests, commonly called lethal dose or poisoning tests. They determine the amount of a substance that will kill a percentage, even up to 100 percent, of a group of test animals. In these tests, a substance is forced by tube into the animals' stomachs or through holes cut into their throats. It may also be injected under the skin, into a vein, or into the lining of the abdomen; mixed into lab chow; inhaled through a gas mask; or introduced into the eyes, rectum, or vagina. Experimenters observe the animals' reactions, which can include convulsions, labored breathing, diarrhea, constipation, emaciation, skin eruptions, abnormal posture, and bleeding from the eyes, nose, or mouth. This kind of testing is very inhumane, and for what porpose do they do this? PETA tries to stop this kind of animal testing. It is very diffucult to find a company that doesn't test on animals for unreasonable purposes. More than 500 manufacturers of cosmetics and household products that have shunned animal tests. These companies take an alternatives available today, including cell cultures, tissue cultures, corneas from eye banks, and sophisticated computer and mathematical models. Companies Get more content on
  • 12. Introduction 1. ATTENTION GETTER: Millions of animals are abused each year. Over a million of these animals are abused or killed just due to the involvement with domestic violence. Despite animal cruelty being a felony which can result in jail time for over 15 years and 500,000 dollars in fines, it is still an issue which occurs on a daily basis across the United States. It is important for these animals to not go unnoticed, which can be achieved if society became more enlightened and educated on the topic of animal cruelty. (Pacelle, 2011). 2. THESIS/PURPOSE: Today we will explain the significance, and inherency due to animal cruelty, as well as several solutions which can help to prevent cases of animal abuse. more content... Children who live in homes where animal abuse is present are often abused themselves and unfortunately, sometimes carry on with the cycle of abuse later on in life. "More than 80 percent of family members being treated for child abuse also had abused animals. In one–third of the cases, a child victim continued the cycle of violence by abusing a pet ("The animal abuse home violence connection", 2013)." 1. In a study done in 2005 by Christopher Hensley and Suzanne E. Tallichet, it was discovered that "inmates who were younger when they first witnessed someone hurt or kill animals and those who witnessed a friend hurt or kill animals were more likely to commit animal cruelty more frequently (Dutkiewicz,Hensley, and Tallichet, 2011)." 1. Violent criminals often have a history of abusing animals. In fact, "The FBI sees animal cruelty as a predictor of violence against people and considers past animal abuse when profiling serial killers ("The animal abuse violence connection", 2013)." a. Because of this, we need to take cruelty towards animals seriously. It is a sign of aggression and violence and can often lead to even more gruesome crimes, not just towards animals, but towards humans as well. b. If left alone, abuse towards an Get more content on
  • 13. Animal Cruelty and Abuse Animal Abuse/Cruelty Introduction– "I looked at all the caged animals in the shelter... the cast–offs of human society. I saw in their eyes love and hope, fear and dread, sadness and betrayal. And I was angry. "God," I said, "this is terrible! Why don't you do something?" God was silent for a moment and then He spoke softly, I have done something," He replied. "I created you." ~The Animals' Savior Copyright Jim Wills 1999 Second Paragraph– The problem is that the old days, they used to trade exotic pets in the U.S, and that means breeding wild animals together. When this people breeding this happens the stress being violently removing them from their homes and this is killing them. This means that they are dyeing rapidly. Another reason is that circuses hurt their animals, like beating them to death. If someone reports them, they go to the (AWA) United StatesAnimal Welfare. Third Paragraph– When someone hates cats, or have neighbors with cats, they try to attempt to kill them. If someone is having a bad day, they would take it out on the animal. People say if you abuse an animal, it is showing strength, or toughness. Many people think that, if you punish your dog, it will help your dog do its duties, and listens to you. That statement is wrong!! People abuse their animals, if they fail to do the perform right, than animal will do the stunt in fear. If a dog is abuse 24/7, that dog will bite someone or the owner. Many people hold a grudge against someone; they Get more content on
  • 14. Animal Abuse Introduction Animal Abuse or Cruelty is when a animal is neglected, used to fight, or hurt mentally or physically. Although animal abuse has happened for years and still continues to happen, they are so many companies and people fighting to help animals and yet there are still to many cases that are not even recognized. There are a lot of individuals that underthink animal abuse and say that it is not a "big deal." It is sad that someone would think like that because animals feel pain, have emotions, and have a heart. They have a soul and mind they just cannot speak for themselves. If more case were brought to light by witnesses then animal abuse statistics could decrease. Animal Cases RSPCA launched one of their biggest investigations ever after receiving multiple calls relating to buying puppies that ended up severely sick, dying, or died after purchase. The members of the gang created fake pedigree document, health check cards, and produced glossy brochures to trick interested buyers.The gang would offer puppies such as Chihuahuas, Pomeranians, Spaniels, Shih Tzus, and Yorkshire Terriers at up to six –hundred–and–fifty dollars each. All the dogs were suffering with serious illnesses such as parvo virus, or only had days left to live. It's believed that the gang scoured Europe to find the puppies. Police seized a total of thirty–nine puppies from one of the gang members address. Police also seized three–thousand–and–five–hundred dollars in cash and a Get more content on
  • 15. Animal Abuse Of The PSA introduction This PSA covers all aspects of animal abuse from neglect of care to deliberate acts of cruelty and includes suffering in the process of factory farming and scientific research. I have chosen animal abuse for my PSA topic because I love animals and would like to educate myself and others in hopes to finding a way to stop the cruelty. In researching this topic, I was saddened with the discovery that while there are laws that protect animals and those violating these laws may be prosecuted, there are so many cases that are never reported or taken seriously enough. The PSA includes the pernicious acts towards animals in the everyday life of human beings. summary The main purpose of this PSA is to show the neglect of animals in many ways displaying depressing pictures of agonizing situations inflicted upon many types of animals. The first picture is titled "Neglect," and shows a little puppy that looks as if it has mange, but appears to be in good hands now. Depressing music plays in the background. more content... The PSA had one melancholy song that was a good background noise when watching the PSA. There were pictures that would change about every second to different scenarios and different cruelties that happen to animals which made it seem not quite organized because you did not really get the chance to feel the sadness of these shameful events that happen every day in the world. On top of the pictures of the abused animals, there are only about one or two words listed on each picture not really depicting the cruelty or sadness of the situation. The PSA gave you sad music, painful pictures, and only vague ideas of what was happening, but it wasn't organized well nor did it give you enough information about the animals in the photos or actual facts about animal cruelty in Get more content on
  • 16. Animal Cruelty Essay Animal cruelty is something that many people believe is wrong and agree that the laws should be much stricter and enforced to protect every animal. They are many cases where they are not much justice for animals. Every state has different laws some are stricter than others, but most states do not make animal cruelty a big deal. They are different types of animal cruelty they are neglect, acts of abuse, animal fighting, abandonment, and bestiality (Jones). Imaniage having four beautiful dogs roaming around carefree and happy, being able to pet them and see their happy wagging tails. After arriving home the dogs are found lying on the porch unresponsive in panic you rush to them. They are not dead, but something is definitely wrong. more content... Animal cruelty is strongly linked to other violent crimes against humans. Studies found that eighty–eight percent of homes that had child abuse in it also had some form of animal abuse in it as well (Buff). Statistics say that thirty percent of children who have witnessed domestic violence acts out a similar type of violence against their pets (Johnston). Animal abusers are five times more likely to harm other humans (Buff). Eighty– three percent of women that reported domestic violence also reported that the abuser also had abused animals in the household (Buff). Many abusers use animals as an example of what they will do to a person to scare them. A survey in psychiatric patients found that the ones that have repeated abuse against cats and dog all have high aggression toward humans (Animal Abuse...Crime). A police study in Australia found that one hundred percent of sexual homicide offenders examined had a history of animal cruelty (Animal Abuse... Crime). Animal cruelty is a number one sign of troubled youth. Of the people that have been arrested for animal abuse sixty–five percent of them have also been charged with battery (Animal Cruelty... Violence). Between 1997 and 2010 they was seven school shooting. Everyone of the boys that took a part in the school shooting had some form of animal cruelty on their records (Animal Cruelty.... Violence). As a kid Get more content on
  • 17. Animal Cruelty Essay People always say that animals are our friends. They can help us and in most of the time, they are part of our family. Whatever what happen, we should be kind and treat them in good way. However, according to my experience, when I walked on the streets, I could see many dirty dogs and cats, while they were rummaging in bins for food. Although they are wretched and innocentпјЊthere are still many people hurt them probably just because they are stray animals. It's cruel for me to face those case happen. But when the dirty stray animals walked to me, I avoid them too. I don't want to get hurt by them. Probably in my subconscious, they are stray animals but not the pet. I should stay away with them. However, when I experienced many cruel things happen. I changed my opinion. I think it is not fair for them, they should be fair treatment as the normal pets. We should protect them not hurt them again and again. And now I am trying to help them during my free time to prove my belief. Being an animal lover, I own two dogs in my home, one is a black poodle which called Heiniu and the other one is a black Labrador which called Lucky. For my personal opinion, feeding them are very easy, but feeding them well is a little bit harder because it takes many steps. Firstly, I need to clean their nests, so I can ensure that they have a clean environment. Then I have feeding them. After they full, I will walk them outside and so on. I have feed them at least three years, each time when I went Get more content on
  • 18. Animal Cruelty Essay My final one page paper is going to be about animal cruelty. This is gonna be about how my mind was changed and how I feel about it. Last week our class watched a video about animal cruelty. The video was basically about how the animals we eat are treated, killed and why. Obviously the animals are killed because so many of us humans, eat them. Some people need to eat meat to live and to be healthy. The video showed mostly cows, pigs, chickens, and fish. I never knew how these animals are treated and how they get killed, just for us to eat on a daily basis. It really bothered me, but I feel like it was something I and most of us needed to see. The video was talking about how cows, pigs and chicken have similarities to us humans, when it comes to pain. They feel a lot of stuff we do, they even have feelings like us. Growing up I never really thought about eating meat. I felt like it was normal because I grew up eating it, all my family eats meat. I never thought it was that bad, that's because it tastes so good and gives you your protein you need. I love meat, I eat it, it's delicious. So, I guess i'm a hypocrite because I eat meat. Eating meat, and feeling bad for the animals I eat makes me a hypocrite, but that doesn't mean I can stop eating it. It's possible for everyone to stop eating meat, and let the beautiful animals live their lives. Not everyone is going to stop eating it, like I said some people need it and I understand that. I can't be mad at the world because we Get more content on
  • 19. Proposal On Animal Abuse This proposal will demonstrate the link between cruelty to pet animals in families where battering occurs. There's little data to cover this topic, but this type of abuse is very common Animal cruelty may be a sign of a family environment that is violent or abusive (Duncan & Miller, 2002) but few studies have actually examined this link.This study will try to make that link using measurement of qualitative data. Researching the link between violence in the home and animals is very important because it can serve as an indicator of abuse. The animal abuser can be either a child or an adult in the family where the abuse occurs. The Results will suggest that animal abuse may indicative of family violence in the home. Introduction The greatest distortion of the human/animal relationship is the act of cruelty towards animals. The legislative response to animal cruelty first became known in North America and Europe in the beginning of the eighteenth centuries. Concern for the pain and suffering experience of animals came about when we started "humanizing animals". Animals were allowed in the house, given a name and taken care for much like you would a child. Thomas (1983) study found the following: "It encouraged [people) to form optimistic conclusions about animal intelligence:... it stimuВlated the notion that animals could have character and individual personaliВty; and [most of all) it created the psychological foundation for the view that some animals at Get more content on
  • 20. Animal Cruelty Essay Introduction People don't know the full scope of animal cruelty, but they should know so they can properly report situations. People might not understand the ways in which animal cruelty can show itself and may not know the frequency and effects of these criminal acts today. Animal cruelty, briefly defined, is the inadequate caring, beating, hurting, or some other abuse/neglect of an animal. Animal cruelty is an illegal act in the United States, but there is a controversial discussion around whether animals have rights in the first place. There are many different cases and situations of animal abuse, but the main ones include dog fighting and animal neglect and abuse. Animal Cruelty Animal cruelty has many different specifics more content... "Animal control shelter" means a facility operated by a county, city, village, or township to impound and care for animals found in streets or otherwise at large contrary to any ordinance of the county, city, village, or township or state law. "Licensed veterinarian" means a person licensed to practice veterinary medicine. "Neglect" means to fail to sufficiently and properly care for an animal to the extent that the animal's health is jeopardized. "Sanitary conditions" means space free from health hazards including excessive animal waste, overcrowding of animals, or other conditions that endanger the animal's health. This definition does not include any condition resulting from a customary and reasonable practice pursuant to farming or animal husbandry. "Shelter" means adequate protection from the elements and weather conditions suitable for the age, species, and physical condition of the animal so as to maintain the animal in a state of good health. "State of good health" means freedom from disease and illness, and in a condition of proper body weight and temperature for the age and species of the animal, unless the animal is undergoing appropriate treatment. "Tethering" means the restraint and confinement of a dog by use of a chain, rope, or similar device. In the state of Michigan, an owner, possessor, or person having the charge or custody of an animal cannot do any of the following: Fail to provide an animal with adequate care. Cruelly Get more content on
  • 21. Persuasive Essay On Animal Cruelty Animal Cruelty is a problem that many ignore. People are oblivious to these animals and the negligence their owners show. Animal cruelty is an underlying problem in today's society, and the only way to counteract these problems, is for this generation to do something about it. Many people do not report cases of animal cruelty. Reports of animal cruelty are less common than crimes against people. This is because the cases do not go through state agencies. The animals that come to mind when someone mentions animal cruelty is often Dogs and cats. These animals do have a higher percent rate, with dogs at 70.1%, cats at 20.9% and all other animals at 24.1%. The percent's come from cases that people report. If people were to fill all cases of animal cruelty, the rates would be much more different. A common form of negligence is people taking their animal to a place far from home to just leave them there. Animal control pick up these animals everyday and send them to shelter. For the most part the animals have a healthy portion of food and they have shelter from the environment. Most shelters are kill shelters. No–Kill shelters become less common to their counterpart. Animals not adopted within a certain period of time undergo euthanasia. This keeps room for more animals. No–kill shelters protect the animals and help rehabilitate them. The other 24.1% is the factory animals. The purpose of a factory animal's life is a food source. So the owners mistreat their animals because the animals purpose is to be a food source. It is almost as if they do not matter. They deserve animal rights just as much as the other animals do. All animals are affected by animal cruelty, even if the animal does not experience the cruelty on a personal level. Although the ones that experience the cruelty have greater issues after the abuse. Other animals like pit bulls getting a bad name by their owners being negligent. Pit bulls can be aggressive; they do have an aggressive nature about them. This is only when they are provoked, but these dogs are not dangerous. If the dog is taught right than the aggression is non–existent. If the owner is negligent to the animal and abuses the dog, it often brings out the more mean side of the dog. The Get more content on