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Animal Cruelty
One of the biggest issues in today's diet is in the increase in meat. This has led to animal cruelty
being a relevant topic in today's fast–paced society. Many people do not know that animal cruelty
happens every day. Humans want the next invention that they do not even think about the
consequences of this wanting. The expansion of agriculture to produce more meat and more
byproducts has led society to animal cruelty. I will argue thathuman increase in desires and increase
in meat–based diets has created an evil corporation in agriculture.
Humanity's behavior has negatively impacted the quality of life, as well as, the environment of
many animals. Vegucated, a 2011 documentary directed by Marisa Miller Wolfson, is a documentary
about a six–week social experiment of a change in diet of three meat–loving New York citizens:
Tesla Lobo, Brian Flegel, and Ellen Mausner (00:06:00–00:09:12). The experiment follows the
journey of the three participants as they follow a change in diet to vegan, along with conferences and
videos to understand why becoming vegan is important. The three participants are able to tour
factory farms to see the cruelty that farm animals have to endure. One animal population that has
been severely impacted are herd animals, such as cows. Gunderson suggests humans shift from
viewing cattle to a "capitalistic" mindset narrows humans view to only be concerned with the profit
an animal can bring rather than the animals' welfare (267). In the documentary, the
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Animal Cruelty
Animal Cruelty
Liz Rasey
English 112
Humans have been using animals for consumption ever since we have been around on the Earth. As
the populations of humans rapidly increases throughout many centuries so has the consumption
levels. Just within the last few decades has the awareness for animal rights gained tons of popularity.
PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) was created in 1980 and "Focuses its attention on
the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest
periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment
industry." ([–>0]) As the knowledge of animal cruelty becomes more popular , will people take more content...
There argument is that they need to make sure they are making legit food for our household pets
that is also beneficial to them. They claim nutrition research for animals is important, and most
people can agree, but they also claim it is not enough to just study animals that die from natural
disease. Iams, a leading maker of dog food, also claims they purchase and test on animals
specifically bred for experiments. Iams also told PETA they "Will continue to conduct laboratory
tests on animals." PETA's undercover investigation revealed dog's vocal cords severed so they
would not bark and they were confined to "dungeon–like cells." (SpoilerAlert) There are several legit
reasons why animals should not be used for food production and treated the way they are and
why the laws should be strengthened. On the other hand, we have been using animals for food
consumption for millions of years and it is undoubtedly humans main source of food consumption.
The pros and the cons expand across the board, but one view seems to go with both sides: the
health risks and cleanliness of the factories need to be held at a higher standard, for everyone's
sake. Without the strict laws in place, the easy accessibility poses a great risk on humans and all
other forms of life.
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Essay On Animal Cruelty
Why is our generation getting crueler each day? Nowadays you don't show respect to everyone
or everything. You could hurt or kill someone or something without expressing any emotions.
Animals also have feelings. For example, they can feel pain. I know that when we get hurt it's the
worst feeling. Imagine how these poor animals are feeling. Anyone who approves of these cruel
actions is sick. Let me tell you of a story of a stone cold hearted monster. There was a man who I
guess didn't like dogs and kicked the small little dog to death. This is the type of action that police
should be a little more alert with. Why are we not doing anything about this? Isn't this a crime?
Why is this not taken more seriously? We need to find more ways on more content...
This means that animals aren't meant to perform. This demonstrates how animals are abused,
now we will see how tortures are hidden. The use for animal entertainment is cruel because
they're abused. According to The Last Chance for Animals Organization the weapons used in
circus are bats, pitchforks etc. These are the things circus people use to show cruelty towards the
animals. The article also states that, "these training practices generally will be hidden from public
view"(Peta 1). This is saying what happens off stage are not shown on stage meaning, tortures
towards animals. Physical tortures are hidden and now going into animals being sexually abused.
The use for animal entertainment is cruel because they're abused. According to Peta, many people
including factory people rape/sexually abuse animal. This is information is clear, it's saying
desperate and disgusting people do their wanted perverted action on animals and not just farm
animals. There is a story where this man raped a bird, now thats's just sick. The article also states
that "cruel twisted, perverted and this kind of sexual violence happens everyday on factory farms"
(Peta). This is saying that people who must not be right in the head, get on these animals and rape
them. People think sexually abusing animals is alright, but it's not. We will see how animals are
isolated from the world. The use for animal entertainment is cruel because animals are imprisoned.
According to the Humane Society
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Animal Cruelty Essay examples
Intro: Can you imagine having the urge to intentionally hurt or even kill your helpless little puppy?
Over the years, animal abuse has increased an unbelievable amount. I believe animal rights need to
be enforced to people across the world. Animals are helpless creatures that should only be making
the world a better place. I will enforce my belief by explaining what animal cruelty are, animal
abandonment laws, and how to report animal cruelty.
Transition: First, I am going to talk about the different types of animal cruelty. I. When people hear
the two words animal cruelty, many think this just includes hitting a dog. But these two words have
so many different meanings. II. Animal cruelty is broken down into two more content...
vi. Hoarders have hundreds of animals living in their home living in filth including garbage and
layers of feces. vii. Hoarders feel that they love the animals, but they are blind to the fact they are
not caring for them responsibly. viii. Dead animals are found in the freezer, laying around the
house, and embedded in the carpet. e. Another form of animal cruelty is animal fighting. ix. People
specifically breed animals to train and fight each other within an enclosed pit or ring for the benefit
of individuals who place bets on the animal they believe will win. x. Fights are extremely brutal, with
animals fighting to death. f. Animal experimentation is also considered to be animal cruelty. xi.
According to Peta, People for the ethical treatment of animals, 75,000 dogs are tormented in U.S
laboratories every year. xii. Dogs are a favored species in toxicology studies. Large doses of a test
substance like a household product or pesticide are pumped into animal's bodies, slowly poisoning
them. xiii. At Ohio State University, George Billman forced surgically manipulated dogs to run on a
treadmill until they collapsed from a heart attack. The dogs were killed, and the damage to their
heart tissue was studied. xiv. In a violent experimentation at the
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Essay about Animal Cruelty on Farms
It is so easy to become complacent in our sheltered world and to turn the other cheek to the violence
and misery that our every life decision can perpetrate, and that the majority of the country (mostly
unknowingly) buys into. The fact is that if the horrors of the meat industry were common
knowledge, the business would decrease, and drastically at that. So, to keep the knowledge from
becoming widespread, meat and animal factory farms are content to work quietly and discreetly in
the sparsely–populated back corners of the country where no one can see what is being done
without making an active effort. The problem for them is, many people have been making an active
effort– as the animal cruelty cause became more mainstream, the US saw more content...
Factory farms have taken advantage of this loose definition, and have been known to give a facility
of 100,000 animals a door opening to a 5x5 pen of dirt, and then have the audacity to label the
animals free range. This is almost incomprehensibly cruel– an sadly, is more of the rule than the
exception when it comes to this industry. According to most sources, chickens are the most
brutally treated of all farm animals. They are packed into wire cages that deform their feet, and are
on average given a space of only 8x10 inches in which they will live out their entire lives. Their feet
tangle and grow around the wire, as they don't have enough room to move or even turn around. The
wire cages are stacked, meaning that everything– old food, waste, remains of other chickens who
have died– fall through the cracks and infect other chickens, causing rampant disease. One study
showed that in factory farms nationwide, 95% of chickens had e coli, and 75% of chickens sold
in stores also showed traces of e coli. Unfortunately, it is cheaper to let a chicken die a sickly,
infected death than it is to get a vet to treat them, so it is rare that disease gets taken care of. Beaks
are removed at a young age without the use of anesthesia. A chicken's beak is analogous to an
elephant's trunk– it is used for eating and communication, but also for exploring and discovering. A
chicken's beak is its main link to the world
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Animal Cruelty
This is an essay on behalf of animals receiving the respect and freedom they've always deserved. A
big question that's lingered in my mind and maybe even yours, is why we are still having to fight
for freedom and respect? And what's even more ludicrous to me is the fact that this is still a
problem with humans! I have always been passionate about this subject, and my hope with this
paper is that I bring awareness and compassion to a serious situation at hand. I believe at this time, it
is best to have stricter laws against animal cruelty and mistreatment. I'm not the best at coming up
with ways of preventing people from doing things (enforcement), and I hope to find those that can!
Let's start with the question of, why animals are seen more content...
I know this is a pretty foreign subject, and bring it up to about every other person and they'll deny
its legitimacy, moreso I believe to continue with their habitual ways and domestication. I am not
forcefully trying to convert people to what I know to be true, I am simply speaking what I know,
and hoping to spark awareness and compassion along the way. There have been lots of studies done
that link animal abuse with overall psychological issues, this isn't just about animals, it's about the
entire person! "A number of studies have drawn links between the abuse of animals and violence
against people. A 2001–2004 study by the Chicago Police Department 'revealed a startling propensity
for offenders charged with crimes against animals to commit other violent offenses toward human
victims.' Of those arrested for animal crimes, 65% had been arrested for battery against another
person." (Animal Cruelty & Human Violence– The Humane Society of the United States). The
factual, statistic information reveals that violence and mistreatment towards animals is closely
linked with violence against people and other criminal activity. Honestly this reminds me of human
segregation and the severity of it about 50 years ago, involving: skin color, religion, values,
interests, just whatever was not seen as right or normal in one's eyes. Here are some intrapsychic
factors that have been found as a major underlying cause for discrimination, according to many
psychologists "Psychologists have increasingly turned to measures of implicit prejudice, or forms of
racial bias that operate without conscious awareness yet can influence cognition, affect, and
behavior. Experiments in which subjects are unconsciously primed with words or images associated
with African Americans reveal strong negative racial associations, even among those who
consciously repudiate prejudicial beliefs" (The
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Animal Cruelty Essay
Introduction People don't know the full scope of animal cruelty, but they should know so they can
properly report situations. People might not understand the ways in which animal cruelty can show
itself and may not know the frequency and effects of these criminal acts today. Animal cruelty,
briefly defined, is the inadequate caring, beating, hurting, or some other abuse/neglect of an animal.
Animal cruelty is an illegal act in the United States, but there is a controversial discussion around
whether animals have rights in the first place. There are many different cases and situations of
animal abuse, but the main ones include dog fighting and animal neglect and abuse. Animal Cruelty
Animal cruelty has many different specifics more content...
"Animal control shelter" means a facility operated by a county, city, village, or township to
impound and care for animals found in streets or otherwise at large contrary to any ordinance of
the county, city, village, or township or state law. "Licensed veterinarian" means a person licensed
to practice veterinary medicine. "Neglect" means to fail to sufficiently and properly care for an
animal to the extent that the animal's health is jeopardized. "Sanitary conditions" means space free
from health hazards including excessive animal waste, overcrowding of animals, or other conditions
that endanger the animal's health. This definition does not include any condition resulting from a
customary and reasonable practice pursuant to farming or animal husbandry. "Shelter" means
adequate protection from the elements and weather conditions suitable for the age, species, and
physical condition of the animal so as to maintain the animal in a state of good health. "State of
good health" means freedom from disease and illness, and in a condition of proper body weight
and temperature for the age and species of the animal, unless the animal is undergoing appropriate
treatment. "Tethering" means the restraint and confinement of a dog by use of a chain, rope, or
similar device. In the state of Michigan, an owner, possessor, or person having the charge or
custody of an animal cannot do any of the following: Fail to provide an animal with adequate
care. Cruelly
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Animal Cruelty Essay
Animal cruelty is something that many people believe is wrong and agree that the laws should be
much stricter and enforced to protect every animal. They are many cases where they are not much
justice for animals. Every state has different laws some are stricter than others, but most states do
not make animal cruelty a big deal. They are different types of animal cruelty they are neglect, acts
of abuse, animal fighting, abandonment, and bestiality (Jones). Imaniage having four beautiful dogs
roaming around carefree and happy, being able to pet them and see their happy wagging tails. After
arriving home the dogs are found lying on the porch unresponsive in panic you rush to them. They
are not dead, but something is definitely wrong. more content...
Animal cruelty is strongly linked to other violent crimes against humans. Studies found that
eighty–eight percent of homes that had child abuse in it also had some form of animal abuse in it as
well (Buff). Statistics say that thirty percent of children who have witnessed domestic violence acts
out a similar type of violence against their pets (Johnston). Animal abusers are five times more likely
to harm other humans (Buff). Eighty– three percent of women that reported domestic violence also
reported that the abuser also had abused animals in the household (Buff). Many abusers use animals
as an example of what they will do to a person to scare them. A survey in psychiatric patients found
that the ones that have repeated abuse against cats and dog all have high aggression toward humans
(Animal Abuse...Crime). A police study in Australia found that one hundred percent of sexual
homicide offenders examined had a history of animal cruelty (Animal Abuse... Crime). Animal
cruelty is a number one sign of troubled youth. Of the people that have been arrested for animal
abuse sixty–five percent of them have also been charged with battery (Animal Cruelty... Violence).
Between 1997 and 2010 they was seven school shooting. Everyone of the boys that took a part in
the school shooting had some form of animal cruelty on their records (Animal Cruelty.... Violence).
As a kid
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Essays On Animal Cruelty

  • 1. Animal Cruelty One of the biggest issues in today's diet is in the increase in meat. This has led to animal cruelty being a relevant topic in today's fast–paced society. Many people do not know that animal cruelty happens every day. Humans want the next invention that they do not even think about the consequences of this wanting. The expansion of agriculture to produce more meat and more byproducts has led society to animal cruelty. I will argue thathuman increase in desires and increase in meat–based diets has created an evil corporation in agriculture. Humanity's behavior has negatively impacted the quality of life, as well as, the environment of many animals. Vegucated, a 2011 documentary directed by Marisa Miller Wolfson, is a documentary about a six–week social experiment of a change in diet of three meat–loving New York citizens: Tesla Lobo, Brian Flegel, and Ellen Mausner (00:06:00–00:09:12). The experiment follows the journey of the three participants as they follow a change in diet to vegan, along with conferences and videos to understand why becoming vegan is important. The three participants are able to tour factory farms to see the cruelty that farm animals have to endure. One animal population that has been severely impacted are herd animals, such as cows. Gunderson suggests humans shift from viewing cattle to a "capitalistic" mindset narrows humans view to only be concerned with the profit an animal can bring rather than the animals' welfare (267). In the documentary, the Get more content on
  • 2. Animal Cruelty Animal Cruelty Liz Rasey English 112 Humans have been using animals for consumption ever since we have been around on the Earth. As the populations of humans rapidly increases throughout many centuries so has the consumption levels. Just within the last few decades has the awareness for animal rights gained tons of popularity. PETA (People for Ethical Treatment of Animals) was created in 1980 and "Focuses its attention on the four areas in which the largest numbers of animals suffer the most intensely for the longest periods of time: on factory farms, in the clothing trade, in laboratories, and in the entertainment industry." ([–>0]) As the knowledge of animal cruelty becomes more popular , will people take more content... There argument is that they need to make sure they are making legit food for our household pets that is also beneficial to them. They claim nutrition research for animals is important, and most people can agree, but they also claim it is not enough to just study animals that die from natural disease. Iams, a leading maker of dog food, also claims they purchase and test on animals specifically bred for experiments. Iams also told PETA they "Will continue to conduct laboratory tests on animals." PETA's undercover investigation revealed dog's vocal cords severed so they would not bark and they were confined to "dungeon–like cells." (SpoilerAlert) There are several legit reasons why animals should not be used for food production and treated the way they are and why the laws should be strengthened. On the other hand, we have been using animals for food consumption for millions of years and it is undoubtedly humans main source of food consumption. The pros and the cons expand across the board, but one view seems to go with both sides: the health risks and cleanliness of the factories need to be held at a higher standard, for everyone's sake. Without the strict laws in place, the easy accessibility poses a great risk on humans and all other forms of life. Works Cited Get more content on
  • 3. Essay On Animal Cruelty Why is our generation getting crueler each day? Nowadays you don't show respect to everyone or everything. You could hurt or kill someone or something without expressing any emotions. Animals also have feelings. For example, they can feel pain. I know that when we get hurt it's the worst feeling. Imagine how these poor animals are feeling. Anyone who approves of these cruel actions is sick. Let me tell you of a story of a stone cold hearted monster. There was a man who I guess didn't like dogs and kicked the small little dog to death. This is the type of action that police should be a little more alert with. Why are we not doing anything about this? Isn't this a crime? Why is this not taken more seriously? We need to find more ways on more content... This means that animals aren't meant to perform. This demonstrates how animals are abused, now we will see how tortures are hidden. The use for animal entertainment is cruel because they're abused. According to The Last Chance for Animals Organization the weapons used in circus are bats, pitchforks etc. These are the things circus people use to show cruelty towards the animals. The article also states that, "these training practices generally will be hidden from public view"(Peta 1). This is saying what happens off stage are not shown on stage meaning, tortures towards animals. Physical tortures are hidden and now going into animals being sexually abused. The use for animal entertainment is cruel because they're abused. According to Peta, many people including factory people rape/sexually abuse animal. This is information is clear, it's saying desperate and disgusting people do their wanted perverted action on animals and not just farm animals. There is a story where this man raped a bird, now thats's just sick. The article also states that "cruel twisted, perverted and this kind of sexual violence happens everyday on factory farms" (Peta). This is saying that people who must not be right in the head, get on these animals and rape them. People think sexually abusing animals is alright, but it's not. We will see how animals are isolated from the world. The use for animal entertainment is cruel because animals are imprisoned. According to the Humane Society Get more content on
  • 4. Animal Cruelty Essay examples Intro: Can you imagine having the urge to intentionally hurt or even kill your helpless little puppy? Over the years, animal abuse has increased an unbelievable amount. I believe animal rights need to be enforced to people across the world. Animals are helpless creatures that should only be making the world a better place. I will enforce my belief by explaining what animal cruelty are, animal abandonment laws, and how to report animal cruelty. Transition: First, I am going to talk about the different types of animal cruelty. I. When people hear the two words animal cruelty, many think this just includes hitting a dog. But these two words have so many different meanings. II. Animal cruelty is broken down into two more content... vi. Hoarders have hundreds of animals living in their home living in filth including garbage and layers of feces. vii. Hoarders feel that they love the animals, but they are blind to the fact they are not caring for them responsibly. viii. Dead animals are found in the freezer, laying around the house, and embedded in the carpet. e. Another form of animal cruelty is animal fighting. ix. People specifically breed animals to train and fight each other within an enclosed pit or ring for the benefit of individuals who place bets on the animal they believe will win. x. Fights are extremely brutal, with animals fighting to death. f. Animal experimentation is also considered to be animal cruelty. xi. According to Peta, People for the ethical treatment of animals, 75,000 dogs are tormented in U.S laboratories every year. xii. Dogs are a favored species in toxicology studies. Large doses of a test substance like a household product or pesticide are pumped into animal's bodies, slowly poisoning them. xiii. At Ohio State University, George Billman forced surgically manipulated dogs to run on a treadmill until they collapsed from a heart attack. The dogs were killed, and the damage to their heart tissue was studied. xiv. In a violent experimentation at the Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Animal Cruelty on Farms It is so easy to become complacent in our sheltered world and to turn the other cheek to the violence and misery that our every life decision can perpetrate, and that the majority of the country (mostly unknowingly) buys into. The fact is that if the horrors of the meat industry were common knowledge, the business would decrease, and drastically at that. So, to keep the knowledge from becoming widespread, meat and animal factory farms are content to work quietly and discreetly in the sparsely–populated back corners of the country where no one can see what is being done without making an active effort. The problem for them is, many people have been making an active effort– as the animal cruelty cause became more mainstream, the US saw more content... Factory farms have taken advantage of this loose definition, and have been known to give a facility of 100,000 animals a door opening to a 5x5 pen of dirt, and then have the audacity to label the animals free range. This is almost incomprehensibly cruel– an sadly, is more of the rule than the exception when it comes to this industry. According to most sources, chickens are the most brutally treated of all farm animals. They are packed into wire cages that deform their feet, and are on average given a space of only 8x10 inches in which they will live out their entire lives. Their feet tangle and grow around the wire, as they don't have enough room to move or even turn around. The wire cages are stacked, meaning that everything– old food, waste, remains of other chickens who have died– fall through the cracks and infect other chickens, causing rampant disease. One study showed that in factory farms nationwide, 95% of chickens had e coli, and 75% of chickens sold in stores also showed traces of e coli. Unfortunately, it is cheaper to let a chicken die a sickly, infected death than it is to get a vet to treat them, so it is rare that disease gets taken care of. Beaks are removed at a young age without the use of anesthesia. A chicken's beak is analogous to an elephant's trunk– it is used for eating and communication, but also for exploring and discovering. A chicken's beak is its main link to the world Get more content on
  • 6. Animal Cruelty This is an essay on behalf of animals receiving the respect and freedom they've always deserved. A big question that's lingered in my mind and maybe even yours, is why we are still having to fight for freedom and respect? And what's even more ludicrous to me is the fact that this is still a problem with humans! I have always been passionate about this subject, and my hope with this paper is that I bring awareness and compassion to a serious situation at hand. I believe at this time, it is best to have stricter laws against animal cruelty and mistreatment. I'm not the best at coming up with ways of preventing people from doing things (enforcement), and I hope to find those that can! Let's start with the question of, why animals are seen more content... I know this is a pretty foreign subject, and bring it up to about every other person and they'll deny its legitimacy, moreso I believe to continue with their habitual ways and domestication. I am not forcefully trying to convert people to what I know to be true, I am simply speaking what I know, and hoping to spark awareness and compassion along the way. There have been lots of studies done that link animal abuse with overall psychological issues, this isn't just about animals, it's about the entire person! "A number of studies have drawn links between the abuse of animals and violence against people. A 2001–2004 study by the Chicago Police Department 'revealed a startling propensity for offenders charged with crimes against animals to commit other violent offenses toward human victims.' Of those arrested for animal crimes, 65% had been arrested for battery against another person." (Animal Cruelty & Human Violence– The Humane Society of the United States). The factual, statistic information reveals that violence and mistreatment towards animals is closely linked with violence against people and other criminal activity. Honestly this reminds me of human segregation and the severity of it about 50 years ago, involving: skin color, religion, values, interests, just whatever was not seen as right or normal in one's eyes. Here are some intrapsychic factors that have been found as a major underlying cause for discrimination, according to many psychologists "Psychologists have increasingly turned to measures of implicit prejudice, or forms of racial bias that operate without conscious awareness yet can influence cognition, affect, and behavior. Experiments in which subjects are unconsciously primed with words or images associated with African Americans reveal strong negative racial associations, even among those who consciously repudiate prejudicial beliefs" (The Get more content on
  • 7. Animal Cruelty Essay Introduction People don't know the full scope of animal cruelty, but they should know so they can properly report situations. People might not understand the ways in which animal cruelty can show itself and may not know the frequency and effects of these criminal acts today. Animal cruelty, briefly defined, is the inadequate caring, beating, hurting, or some other abuse/neglect of an animal. Animal cruelty is an illegal act in the United States, but there is a controversial discussion around whether animals have rights in the first place. There are many different cases and situations of animal abuse, but the main ones include dog fighting and animal neglect and abuse. Animal Cruelty Animal cruelty has many different specifics more content... "Animal control shelter" means a facility operated by a county, city, village, or township to impound and care for animals found in streets or otherwise at large contrary to any ordinance of the county, city, village, or township or state law. "Licensed veterinarian" means a person licensed to practice veterinary medicine. "Neglect" means to fail to sufficiently and properly care for an animal to the extent that the animal's health is jeopardized. "Sanitary conditions" means space free from health hazards including excessive animal waste, overcrowding of animals, or other conditions that endanger the animal's health. This definition does not include any condition resulting from a customary and reasonable practice pursuant to farming or animal husbandry. "Shelter" means adequate protection from the elements and weather conditions suitable for the age, species, and physical condition of the animal so as to maintain the animal in a state of good health. "State of good health" means freedom from disease and illness, and in a condition of proper body weight and temperature for the age and species of the animal, unless the animal is undergoing appropriate treatment. "Tethering" means the restraint and confinement of a dog by use of a chain, rope, or similar device. In the state of Michigan, an owner, possessor, or person having the charge or custody of an animal cannot do any of the following: Fail to provide an animal with adequate care. Cruelly Get more content on
  • 8. Animal Cruelty Essay Animal cruelty is something that many people believe is wrong and agree that the laws should be much stricter and enforced to protect every animal. They are many cases where they are not much justice for animals. Every state has different laws some are stricter than others, but most states do not make animal cruelty a big deal. They are different types of animal cruelty they are neglect, acts of abuse, animal fighting, abandonment, and bestiality (Jones). Imaniage having four beautiful dogs roaming around carefree and happy, being able to pet them and see their happy wagging tails. After arriving home the dogs are found lying on the porch unresponsive in panic you rush to them. They are not dead, but something is definitely wrong. more content... Animal cruelty is strongly linked to other violent crimes against humans. Studies found that eighty–eight percent of homes that had child abuse in it also had some form of animal abuse in it as well (Buff). Statistics say that thirty percent of children who have witnessed domestic violence acts out a similar type of violence against their pets (Johnston). Animal abusers are five times more likely to harm other humans (Buff). Eighty– three percent of women that reported domestic violence also reported that the abuser also had abused animals in the household (Buff). Many abusers use animals as an example of what they will do to a person to scare them. A survey in psychiatric patients found that the ones that have repeated abuse against cats and dog all have high aggression toward humans (Animal Abuse...Crime). A police study in Australia found that one hundred percent of sexual homicide offenders examined had a history of animal cruelty (Animal Abuse... Crime). Animal cruelty is a number one sign of troubled youth. Of the people that have been arrested for animal abuse sixty–five percent of them have also been charged with battery (Animal Cruelty... Violence). Between 1997 and 2010 they was seven school shooting. Everyone of the boys that took a part in the school shooting had some form of animal cruelty on their records (Animal Cruelty.... Violence). As a kid Get more content on