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Disorders of Tissue Perfusion
Hematological System
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 1
RBC Disorders
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 2
 Anemia is a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of hemoglobin, in red
blood cells that transports oxygen.
 It is a lower than normal number of red blood cells, usually measured by a
decrease in the amount of hemoglobin.
 Is the most common disorder of blood which leads to hypoxia in organs.
 Not specific disease but a sign of underlying disorder.
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 3
4/6/2023 4
 Functional definition: A significant reduction in red cell mass and a
corresponding decrease in the 02 carrying capacity of the blood.
 Laboratory definition: A reduction of the Hemoglobin concentration, red
cell mass or Hematocrit, to below normal levels.
 Anemia is not a specific disease by itself but a syndrome of other
underlying disorders.
 Is a condition in which the hemoglobin concentration is lower than normal,
reflects the presence of fewer than normal RBCs within the circulation.
The normal ranges
4/6/2023 5
• Hemoglobin
• Males: 13–18 gm/dl
• Females: 12–16 gm/dl)
• Hematocrit
• Males: 42%–52%
• Females: 35%–47%)
Classifications of Anemia
4/6/2023 6
1. Impaired RBC Production
☞ Aplastic anemia,
☞ Iron deficiency,
☞ Megaloblastic anemia,
☞ Anemia of chronic diseases, and
☞ Drug related.
4/6/2023 7
2. RBC loss or destruction
☞Hereditary hemolytic anemia
☞Bleeding from uterus, GIT, nose, or a wound.
4/6/2023 8
3. Morphological classification
☞Hypochromic microcytic anemia
☞Macrocytic anemia
☞Normochromic normocytic
4/6/2023 9
Potential causes
1. Loss of RBCs—bleeding, (e.g.. GIT, uterus, nose, or wound)
2. Decreased production of RBCs (ineffective hematopoiesis): deficiency in
cofactors for erythropoiesis; bone marrow suppression or lack of
3. Hemolysis: overactive RES (e.g. hypersplenism) or production of
abnormal RBCs (e.g., sickle cell anemia)
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 10
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA)
4/6/2023 11
☞ Occurs when body iron stores become inadequate for the needs of
normal RBC production (erythropoiesis)
☞ It is a manifestation of diseases, not by itself a complete diagnosis
☞ It is the commonest cause of anemia world wide
Etiologies of Iron Deficiency Anemia
4/6/2023 12
Chronic blood loss
 Uterine bleeding
 Gastrointestinal, e.g. Esophageal varices; hiatal hernia; PUD; aspirin ingestion;
 Hook worm infestation;
 Poor diet
 Mal absorption of iron (chronic gastritis, gastroectomy)
Clinical manifestation
4/6/2023 13
 Is insidious in onset and progressive in course
 Usually non-specific symptoms
 Smooth, sore tongue, brittle and ridged nails, and angular cheliosis (an
ulceration of the corner of the mouth).
 These signs subside after iron-replacement therapy.
 GI bleeding, and pica (a craving for unusual substances, such as ice, clay)
Treatment of IDA
4/6/2023 14
 Identify underlying cause and treat it
 Ferrous sulfate 300mg (60 mg elemental iron) 3x/day for 4-6 months
 Absorption increased by giving between meals, but side effects are less if
given with meals
 Iron could be also given IM or IV
 Response to treatment; an expected daily rise of hemoglobin by 0.1-0.2 gm /dl
Aplastic Anemia
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 It is a rare disease caused by
o a decrease in or damage to marrow stem cells,
o damage to the microenvironment within the marrow, and
o replacement of the marrow with fat.
 It can be congenital or acquired, but most cases are idiopathic
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Etiology is unknown, but it is hypothesized that the body’s t cells mediate
an inappropriate attack against the bone marrow resulting in bone marrow
aplasia (i.e., markedly reduced hematopoiesis).
Infections and pregnancy can trigger it, or it may be caused by certain
medications, chemicals, or radiation damage.
4/6/2023 17
Manifested by infection and symptoms of anemia (e.g., fatigue, pallor,
dyspnea), Purpura (bruising)
Severe anemia, significant neutropenia and thrombocytopenia (a deficiency
of platelets) are also seen.
Managed by Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) or
peripheral stem cell transplantation (BSCT), immunosuppressive therapy
Megaloblastic Anemia
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It is a delayed in maturation of the RBC due to deficiencies of vitamin B12
or folic acid, which is essential for normal DNA synthesis.
The RBCs that are produced are abnormally large and are called
megaloblastic RBCs.
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 Pernicious anemia: is megaloblastic anemia due to destruction of the
Parietal cells in the stomach, which produce intrinsic factors, as in
chronic atrophic gastritis, which results impaired production of
intrinsic factors.
 Correct underlying cause
 Antibiotics for bacterial over growth and treatment of fish tapeworm
 Vit B12 Deficiency: is treated with Hydroxocobalamine
 Prophylactic therapy: is indicated in patients with Total gastroectomy
and Ileac resection
 Folic acid given orally 5 mg Po daily
Sickle cell anemia
4/6/2023 21
 Is hemolytic anemia that results from inheritance of the sickle
hemoglobin gene which causes the hemoglobin molecule to be
 Sickle hemoglobin (HbS) acquires a crystal-like formation when
exposed to low oxygen tension.
4/6/2023 22
 RBC is deformed, rigid, and sickle-shaped, long, rigid which can
adhere to the endothelium of small vessels; and reduce blood flow to
organ causes ischemia to distal part.
Sickle Cell Anemia
4/6/2023 23
Clinical Manifestations
4/6/2023 24
All sign of Anemia
 Abdominal pain; fever, signs of infection (any part could be infected)
Chest pain; dyspnea, Weakness, Dehydration
Bone pain, especially hips
Pain, skin ulcer
↓ Vision; blindness,
4/6/2023 25
☞ Usually supportive management
☞ Bone marrow transplantation
☞ Hydroxyurea (Hydrea), a chemotherapy agent, has been shown to be
effective in increasing hemoglobin
☞ Long term RBC transfusion.
Prevention of anemia
 Eat foods high in iron
 Eat and drink foods that help your body absorb iron,
 Don't drink coffee or tea with meals.
 Make sure to consume enough folic acid and vit. B12.
 Make balanced food choices.
 Avoid food fads and dieting
 Talk to doctor about taking iron pills (supplements): ferrous and ferric.
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 26
Possible complications of Anemia
☞ Diminishes the capability to perform physical activities.
☞ Hypoxemia
☞ Brittle or rigid fingernails,
☞ Cold intolerance,
☞ Possible behavioral disturbances in children.
☞ Exacerbation of pre-existing cardio-pulmonary problems
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 27
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 28
 Shock is a serious, life-threatening medical condition where
insufficient blood flow reaches the body tissues.
 Reduced blood flow hinders oxygen and nutrients delivery to the
tissues, and can stop the tissues from functioning properly.
 It is a medical emergency and one of the most common causes of
death for critically-ill people.
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 29
Stages of shock
 There are four stages of shock, although shock is a complex and
continuous condition
Initial stages
Compensatory (Compensating)
Progressive (Decompensating)
Refractory (Irreversible)
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 30
Initial stage
 Changes attributed to this stage occur at the cellular level and not
detectable clinically.
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Compensatory Stage
Blood pressure remains within normal limits.
Vasoconstriction, increased HR and contractility to maintain adequate
cardiac output (SNS)
The patient displays the “fight or flight” response.
The body shunts blood to the brain and heart
Skin is cold and clammy, bowel sounds are hypoactive, and urine
output decreases
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 32
Anaerobic metabolism and metabolic acidosis.
Respiratory rate increases causing compensatory respiratory alkalosis.
Mental status changes, such as confusion
If treatment begins in this stage of shock, the prognosis for the patient
is good
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 33
Progressive Stage
 The mechanisms that regulate BP can no longer compensate and the
MAP falls below normal limits,
 The overworked heart becomes dysfunctional;
 Ischemia and myocardial depression
 The autoregulatory function of the microcirculation fails, increased
capillary permeability, vasoconstriction
 Interstitial edema and return of less fluid to the heart.
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 34
Irreversible Stage
 Organ damage is so severe that the patient does not respond to treatment
and cannot survive.
 Despite treatment, blood pressure remains low.
 Complete renal and liver failure, compounded by the release of necrotic
tissue toxins, metabolic acidosis.
 Anaerobic metabolism contributes to a worsening lactic acidosis.
 Reserves of ATP are almost totally depleted.
 Multiple organ dysfunctions progressing to complete organ failure and
death is imminent.
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 35
Summary of Clinical Findings in Shock
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 36
Pathophysiology of shock
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 37
Types of shock
• There are four common types of shock:
1. Hypovolaemic,
2. Cardiogenic,
3. Distributive and
4. Obstructive shock
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 38
Hypovolemic shock
 This is the most common type of shock and is caused by insufficient
circulating volume.
 Cause and risk factors
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 39
Internal: Fluid Shifts
o Hemorrhage
o Severe Burns
o Ascites
o Dehydration
External: Fluid Losses
o Trauma
o Surgery
o Vomiting
o Diarrhea
o Diuresis
Pathophysiologic events in hypovolemic shock
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 40
Cardiogenic shock
 This type of shock is caused by the failure of the heart to pump
 Cause
 Myocardial infarction
 Arrhythmias
 Cardiomyopathy
 Congestive heart failure (CHF)
 Cardiac valve problems
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Pathophysiologic events in cardiogenic shock
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 42
Distributive shock
 As in hypovolaemic shock there is an insufficient intravascular
volume of blood.
 This form of "relative" hypovolaemia is the result of dilation of
blood vessels which diminishes systemic vascular resistance.
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 43
Examples of Distributive shock
A. Septic shock: is a type of shock caused by infection
Infections leading to vasodilatation caused by:
– Gram negative bacteria i.e. E.coli, Proteus species,
– Gram-positive cocci, such as streptococci
– Certain fungi
May be related to:
◦ Immunosuppression, Extremes of age, Malnourishment, Chronic illness, Invasive
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 44
B. Anaphylactic shock - Caused by a severe anaphylactic reaction to an
allergen, antigen, drug or foreign protein causing the release of histamine
which causes widespread vasodilation, leading to hypotension and increased
capillary permeability.
May be due to:
☞Penicillin sensitivity
☞Transfusion reaction
☞Bee sting allergy
☞Latex sensitivity
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 45
C. Neurogenic shock : is the rarest form of shock
☞ Trauma to the spinal cord resulting in the sudden loss of autonomic and
motor reflexes below the injury level
☞ Spinal anesthesia
☞ Depressant action of medications
☞ Glucose deficiency
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 46
Pathophysiologic events in circulatory shock
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 47
Obstructive shock
In this situation the flow of blood is obstructed which impedes
circulation and can result in circulatory arrest.
 Cardiac tamponade
 Constrictive pericarditis
 Tension pneumothorax
 Massive pulmonary embolism
 Aortic stenosis- obstruct the ventricular outflow tract
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Endocrine shock
• Recently a fifth form of shock has been introduced due to endocrine
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 49
Clinical manifestations of shock
Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Obstructive Distributive shock
Septic shock Neurogenic Anaphylactic
o Anxiety, restlessness,
altered mental state
o Hypotension
o A rapid, weak, thready
o Cool, clammy, mottled skin
o Rapid and shallow
o Hypothermia
o Thirst and dry mouth
o Fatigue
o Dilated pupil
S/S of
shock PLUS
jugular veins,
Absent pulse
S/S of
shock PLUS
Distended jugular
Pulsus paradoxus
S/S of
shock PLUS
Pyrexia and fever,
or hyperthermia-
in the initial stage
Vasodilation &
increased cardiac
S/S of
shock PLUS
warm and dry skin
Skin eruption
Localized edema
Weak & rapid
Breathlessness &
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 50
o Clinical
o Blood cultures
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 51
Treatment of shock
 In the early stages, shock requires immediate intervention to preserve life,
even before a diagnosis is made.
 Re-establishing perfusion to the organs is the primary goal through
restoring and maintaining the circulating blood volume to effective cardiac
function, and preventing complications.
 Raising blood pressure to be able to transport "safely"
 If surgery is required, it should be performed within the first hour to
maximize the patient's chance of survival.
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 52
1. Hypovolaemic shock
If caused by bleeding
Control bleeding
Restore volume with infusions of balanced salt solutions
Blood transfusions -for loss of large amounts of blood (e.g. >20% of blood
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 53
If due to burns, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc:
Infusions of electrolyte solutions that balance the lost fluid
Prevent metabolic acidosis
As soon as the airway is maintained and oxygen administered the next
step is to commence replacement of fluids via the intravenous route
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 54
The most common fluids used are:
Crystalloids - Such as sodium chloride (0.9%), Ringer's lactate
Blood - Essential in severe hemorrhagic shock
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2. Cardiogenic shock
 Depending on the type of MI, one can infuse fluids or in shock refractory
to infusing fluids give drugs
 Inotropic agents- (like calcium, Digoxin, Dopamine, Dobutamine,)
 Fluid replacement with intravenous infusions;
 Use of vasopressing drugs to induce vasoconstriction;
 Use of anti-shock trousers
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 56
3. Distributive shock
Treating infection with antibiotics and supportive care
Anaphylaxis is treated with adrenaline & Corticosteroids
Neurogenic shock
 Trendelenburg position to shunt blood back to the body's core
 Vasopressors like adrenaline, noradrenaline, dubutamine, dopamine,
ephederine etc.
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Trendelenburg position
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4. Obstructive shock
The only therapy consists of removing the obstruction.
Pneumothorax/haemothorax is treated by inserting chest tube
Pulmonary embolism requires thrombolysis or embolectomy
Tamponade is treated by draining fluid from the pericardial space through
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 59
5. Endocrine shock
Correctting the hormone disturbances.
Hypothyroidism -supplementation by means of levothyroxine
Adrenal insufficiency is treated by supplementing corticosteroids
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 60
4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 61

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Anemia and Shock for DDU Nursing 2015.pdf

  • 1. Disorders of Tissue Perfusion & Hematological System 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 1
  • 2. RBC Disorders 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 2
  • 3. Anemia  Anemia is a qualitative or quantitative deficiency of hemoglobin, in red blood cells that transports oxygen.  It is a lower than normal number of red blood cells, usually measured by a decrease in the amount of hemoglobin.  Is the most common disorder of blood which leads to hypoxia in organs.  Not specific disease but a sign of underlying disorder. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 3
  • 4. Cont… 4/6/2023 4  Functional definition: A significant reduction in red cell mass and a corresponding decrease in the 02 carrying capacity of the blood.  Laboratory definition: A reduction of the Hemoglobin concentration, red cell mass or Hematocrit, to below normal levels.  Anemia is not a specific disease by itself but a syndrome of other underlying disorders.  Is a condition in which the hemoglobin concentration is lower than normal, reflects the presence of fewer than normal RBCs within the circulation.
  • 5. The normal ranges 4/6/2023 5 • Hemoglobin • Males: 13–18 gm/dl • Females: 12–16 gm/dl) • Hematocrit • Males: 42%–52% • Females: 35%–47%)
  • 6. Classifications of Anemia 4/6/2023 6 1. Impaired RBC Production ☞ Aplastic anemia, ☞ Iron deficiency, ☞ Megaloblastic anemia, ☞ Anemia of chronic diseases, and ☞ Drug related.
  • 7. 4/6/2023 7 2. RBC loss or destruction ☞Bleeding ☞Hereditary hemolytic anemia ☞Bleeding from uterus, GIT, nose, or a wound. Cont…
  • 8. 4/6/2023 8 3. Morphological classification ☞Hypochromic microcytic anemia ☞Macrocytic anemia ☞Normochromic normocytic Cont…
  • 10. Potential causes 1. Loss of RBCs—bleeding, (e.g.. GIT, uterus, nose, or wound) 2. Decreased production of RBCs (ineffective hematopoiesis): deficiency in cofactors for erythropoiesis; bone marrow suppression or lack of erythropoietin. 3. Hemolysis: overactive RES (e.g. hypersplenism) or production of abnormal RBCs (e.g., sickle cell anemia) 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 10
  • 11. Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) 4/6/2023 11 ☞ Occurs when body iron stores become inadequate for the needs of normal RBC production (erythropoiesis) ☞ It is a manifestation of diseases, not by itself a complete diagnosis ☞ It is the commonest cause of anemia world wide
  • 12. Etiologies of Iron Deficiency Anemia 4/6/2023 12 Chronic blood loss  Uterine bleeding  Gastrointestinal, e.g. Esophageal varices; hiatal hernia; PUD; aspirin ingestion;  Hook worm infestation;  Poor diet  Mal absorption of iron (chronic gastritis, gastroectomy)
  • 13. Clinical manifestation 4/6/2023 13  Is insidious in onset and progressive in course  Usually non-specific symptoms  Smooth, sore tongue, brittle and ridged nails, and angular cheliosis (an ulceration of the corner of the mouth).  These signs subside after iron-replacement therapy.  GI bleeding, and pica (a craving for unusual substances, such as ice, clay)
  • 14. Treatment of IDA 4/6/2023 14  Identify underlying cause and treat it  Ferrous sulfate 300mg (60 mg elemental iron) 3x/day for 4-6 months  Absorption increased by giving between meals, but side effects are less if given with meals  Iron could be also given IM or IV  Response to treatment; an expected daily rise of hemoglobin by 0.1-0.2 gm /dl
  • 15. Aplastic Anemia 4/6/2023 15  It is a rare disease caused by o a decrease in or damage to marrow stem cells, o damage to the microenvironment within the marrow, and o replacement of the marrow with fat.  It can be congenital or acquired, but most cases are idiopathic
  • 16. 4/6/2023 16 Etiology is unknown, but it is hypothesized that the body’s t cells mediate an inappropriate attack against the bone marrow resulting in bone marrow aplasia (i.e., markedly reduced hematopoiesis). Infections and pregnancy can trigger it, or it may be caused by certain medications, chemicals, or radiation damage. Cont…
  • 17. 4/6/2023 17 Manifested by infection and symptoms of anemia (e.g., fatigue, pallor, dyspnea), Purpura (bruising) Severe anemia, significant neutropenia and thrombocytopenia (a deficiency of platelets) are also seen. Managed by Bone marrow transplantation (BMT) or peripheral stem cell transplantation (BSCT), immunosuppressive therapy Cont…
  • 18. Megaloblastic Anemia 4/6/2023 18 It is a delayed in maturation of the RBC due to deficiencies of vitamin B12 or folic acid, which is essential for normal DNA synthesis. The RBCs that are produced are abnormally large and are called megaloblastic RBCs.
  • 19. 4/6/2023 19  Pernicious anemia: is megaloblastic anemia due to destruction of the Parietal cells in the stomach, which produce intrinsic factors, as in chronic atrophic gastritis, which results impaired production of intrinsic factors. Cont…
  • 20. Management 20  Correct underlying cause  Antibiotics for bacterial over growth and treatment of fish tapeworm  Vit B12 Deficiency: is treated with Hydroxocobalamine  Prophylactic therapy: is indicated in patients with Total gastroectomy and Ileac resection  Folic acid given orally 5 mg Po daily
  • 21. Sickle cell anemia 4/6/2023 21  Is hemolytic anemia that results from inheritance of the sickle hemoglobin gene which causes the hemoglobin molecule to be defective.  Sickle hemoglobin (HbS) acquires a crystal-like formation when exposed to low oxygen tension.
  • 22. 4/6/2023 22  RBC is deformed, rigid, and sickle-shaped, long, rigid which can adhere to the endothelium of small vessels; and reduce blood flow to organ causes ischemia to distal part. Cont…
  • 24. Clinical Manifestations 4/6/2023 24 All sign of Anemia  Abdominal pain; fever, signs of infection (any part could be infected) Chest pain; dyspnea, Weakness, Dehydration Bone pain, especially hips Pain, skin ulcer ↓ Vision; blindness,
  • 25. Management 4/6/2023 25 ☞ Usually supportive management ☞ Bone marrow transplantation ☞ Hydroxyurea (Hydrea), a chemotherapy agent, has been shown to be effective in increasing hemoglobin ☞ Long term RBC transfusion.
  • 26. Prevention of anemia  Eat foods high in iron  Eat and drink foods that help your body absorb iron,  Don't drink coffee or tea with meals.  Make sure to consume enough folic acid and vit. B12.  Make balanced food choices.  Avoid food fads and dieting  Talk to doctor about taking iron pills (supplements): ferrous and ferric. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 26
  • 27. Possible complications of Anemia ☞ Diminishes the capability to perform physical activities. ☞ Hypoxemia ☞ Brittle or rigid fingernails, ☞ Cold intolerance, ☞ Possible behavioral disturbances in children. ☞ Exacerbation of pre-existing cardio-pulmonary problems 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 27
  • 28. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 28
  • 29. Shock  Shock is a serious, life-threatening medical condition where insufficient blood flow reaches the body tissues.  Reduced blood flow hinders oxygen and nutrients delivery to the tissues, and can stop the tissues from functioning properly.  It is a medical emergency and one of the most common causes of death for critically-ill people. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 29
  • 30. Stages of shock  There are four stages of shock, although shock is a complex and continuous condition Initial stages Compensatory (Compensating) Progressive (Decompensating) Refractory (Irreversible) 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 30
  • 31. Initial stage  Changes attributed to this stage occur at the cellular level and not detectable clinically. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 31
  • 32. Compensatory Stage Blood pressure remains within normal limits. Vasoconstriction, increased HR and contractility to maintain adequate cardiac output (SNS) The patient displays the “fight or flight” response. The body shunts blood to the brain and heart Skin is cold and clammy, bowel sounds are hypoactive, and urine output decreases 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 32
  • 33. Cont… Anaerobic metabolism and metabolic acidosis. Respiratory rate increases causing compensatory respiratory alkalosis. Mental status changes, such as confusion If treatment begins in this stage of shock, the prognosis for the patient is good 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 33
  • 34. Progressive Stage  The mechanisms that regulate BP can no longer compensate and the MAP falls below normal limits,  The overworked heart becomes dysfunctional;  Ischemia and myocardial depression  The autoregulatory function of the microcirculation fails, increased capillary permeability, vasoconstriction  Interstitial edema and return of less fluid to the heart. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 34
  • 35. Irreversible Stage  Organ damage is so severe that the patient does not respond to treatment and cannot survive.  Despite treatment, blood pressure remains low.  Complete renal and liver failure, compounded by the release of necrotic tissue toxins, metabolic acidosis.  Anaerobic metabolism contributes to a worsening lactic acidosis.  Reserves of ATP are almost totally depleted.  Multiple organ dysfunctions progressing to complete organ failure and death is imminent. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 35
  • 36. Summary of Clinical Findings in Shock 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 36
  • 37. Pathophysiology of shock 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 37
  • 38. Types of shock • There are four common types of shock: 1. Hypovolaemic, 2. Cardiogenic, 3. Distributive and 4. Obstructive shock 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 38
  • 39. Hypovolemic shock  This is the most common type of shock and is caused by insufficient circulating volume.  Cause and risk factors 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 39 Internal: Fluid Shifts o Hemorrhage o Severe Burns o Ascites o Dehydration External: Fluid Losses o Trauma o Surgery o Vomiting o Diarrhea o Diuresis
  • 40. Pathophysiologic events in hypovolemic shock 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 40
  • 41. Cardiogenic shock  This type of shock is caused by the failure of the heart to pump effectively.  Cause  Myocardial infarction  Arrhythmias  Cardiomyopathy  Congestive heart failure (CHF)  Cardiac valve problems 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 41
  • 42. Pathophysiologic events in cardiogenic shock 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 42
  • 43. Distributive shock  As in hypovolaemic shock there is an insufficient intravascular volume of blood.  This form of "relative" hypovolaemia is the result of dilation of blood vessels which diminishes systemic vascular resistance. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 43
  • 44. Examples of Distributive shock A. Septic shock: is a type of shock caused by infection Cause Infections leading to vasodilatation caused by: – Gram negative bacteria i.e. E.coli, Proteus species, – Gram-positive cocci, such as streptococci – Certain fungi May be related to: ◦ Immunosuppression, Extremes of age, Malnourishment, Chronic illness, Invasive procedures 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 44
  • 45. Cont… B. Anaphylactic shock - Caused by a severe anaphylactic reaction to an allergen, antigen, drug or foreign protein causing the release of histamine which causes widespread vasodilation, leading to hypotension and increased capillary permeability. May be due to: ☞Penicillin sensitivity ☞Transfusion reaction ☞Bee sting allergy ☞Latex sensitivity 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 45
  • 46. Cont… C. Neurogenic shock : is the rarest form of shock Cause ☞ Trauma to the spinal cord resulting in the sudden loss of autonomic and motor reflexes below the injury level ☞ Spinal anesthesia ☞ Depressant action of medications ☞ Glucose deficiency 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 46
  • 47. Pathophysiologic events in circulatory shock 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 47
  • 48. Obstructive shock In this situation the flow of blood is obstructed which impedes circulation and can result in circulatory arrest. Causes  Cardiac tamponade  Constrictive pericarditis  Tension pneumothorax  Massive pulmonary embolism  Aortic stenosis- obstruct the ventricular outflow tract 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 48
  • 49. Endocrine shock • Recently a fifth form of shock has been introduced due to endocrine disturbances 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 49
  • 50. Clinical manifestations of shock Type of shock Hypovolemic Cardiogenic Obstructive Distributive shock Septic shock Neurogenic Anaphylactic Sign and Symptoms o Anxiety, restlessness, altered mental state o Hypotension o A rapid, weak, thready pulse o Cool, clammy, mottled skin o Rapid and shallow respirations o Hypothermia o Thirst and dry mouth o Fatigue o Dilated pupil S/S of hypovolaemic shock PLUS Distended jugular veins, Absent pulse S/S of hypovolaemic shock PLUS Distended jugular veins, Pulsus paradoxus S/S of hypovolaemic shock PLUS Pyrexia and fever, or hyperthermia- in the initial stage Vasodilation & increased cardiac output S/S of hypovolaemic shock PLUS warm and dry skin Skin eruption Localized edema Weak & rapid pulse Breathlessness & cough 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 50
  • 51. Diagnosis o Clinical o CBC o Blood cultures 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 51
  • 52. Treatment of shock  In the early stages, shock requires immediate intervention to preserve life, even before a diagnosis is made.  Re-establishing perfusion to the organs is the primary goal through restoring and maintaining the circulating blood volume to effective cardiac function, and preventing complications.  Raising blood pressure to be able to transport "safely"  If surgery is required, it should be performed within the first hour to maximize the patient's chance of survival. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 52
  • 53. Cont… 1. Hypovolaemic shock If caused by bleeding Control bleeding Restore volume with infusions of balanced salt solutions Blood transfusions -for loss of large amounts of blood (e.g. >20% of blood volume) 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 53
  • 54. If due to burns, diarrhoea, vomiting, etc: Infusions of electrolyte solutions that balance the lost fluid Prevent metabolic acidosis As soon as the airway is maintained and oxygen administered the next step is to commence replacement of fluids via the intravenous route 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 54 Cont…
  • 55. The most common fluids used are: Crystalloids - Such as sodium chloride (0.9%), Ringer's lactate Blood - Essential in severe hemorrhagic shock Colloids 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 55 Cont…
  • 56. 2. Cardiogenic shock  Depending on the type of MI, one can infuse fluids or in shock refractory to infusing fluids give drugs  Inotropic agents- (like calcium, Digoxin, Dopamine, Dobutamine,)  Fluid replacement with intravenous infusions;  Use of vasopressing drugs to induce vasoconstriction;  Use of anti-shock trousers 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 56 Cont…
  • 57. 3. Distributive shock Treating infection with antibiotics and supportive care Anaphylaxis is treated with adrenaline & Corticosteroids Neurogenic shock  Trendelenburg position to shunt blood back to the body's core  Vasopressors like adrenaline, noradrenaline, dubutamine, dopamine, ephederine etc. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 57 Cont…
  • 58. Trendelenburg position 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 58
  • 59. 4. Obstructive shock The only therapy consists of removing the obstruction. Pneumothorax/haemothorax is treated by inserting chest tube Pulmonary embolism requires thrombolysis or embolectomy Tamponade is treated by draining fluid from the pericardial space through pericardiocentesis 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 59 Cont…
  • 60. 5. Endocrine shock Correctting the hormone disturbances. Hypothyroidism -supplementation by means of levothyroxine Adrenal insufficiency is treated by supplementing corticosteroids 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 60 Cont…
  • 61. 4/6/2023 By: Yonatan Solomon (Ass. Professor) DDU Nursing 61