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University of Chakwal, Pakistan
Topic: Androgenic Hormones Disturbances
Department of Zoology
Presented by: Hifza Arif
Reg. No.# UOC-BSZOL-F2020/022
Session: 2020-2024
Course Title: Endocrinology
Instructor Name: Dr. Syeda Nadia Ahmad
❖Concentration in body
❖Genetic Disturbances
❖Recent Approaches
❖Future Direction
❖ Introduction
Androgens are steroid hormones.
Produced in the adult female ovaries and male testes, and in
adrenal glands.
Essential for sexual development and reproduction.
Also modulate other organs including bone, muscle, adipose
tissue, skin, hair , the brain, and the cardiovascular system,
thereby effecting growth, body shape and human behavior
(Elzenaty, 2022).
❖ Discovery
 Term “androgen” is derived from the Greek words “andros”
(meaning, man) and “gen” (meaning, to generate).
 Concept of androgens, male sex hormones, dates back to the 18th
century when scientists began to understand their role in male
sexual development.
 Androgens were first discovered in 1936.
 Later, it is explained, they are also the original anabolic steroids
and the precursor of all estrogens, the female sex hormones.
❖ Types of Androgens
Testosterone: the predominant androgen in all genders
Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)
Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S)
❖ Concentration of Androgens in Males and
Conc. in Males:
 In male adults, testosterone is the most abundant androgen produced in testes
that is present in circulation.
 Total testosterone concentrations are about 10-30 nmol/L at age 30 years in
men and decline at an average rate of 1-2% per year with aging.
 Testosterone can be converted to the most potent endogenous androgen,
dihydrotestosterone (DHT).
 DHT has about 5-10-fold greater affinity for androgen receptor compared to
testosterone (Elzenaty, 2022).
Conc. in Females:
 In a 30 year old woman, the most abundant androgens in circulation are
dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHES-S; 1.2-10 nmol/L),
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA; 0.1-23 nmol/L) and androstenedione
(0.5-7.9 nmol/L).
 These all are considered weak androgens according to their low affinity
towards the androgen receptor.
 However, these weak androgens can be metabolised to more potent
androgens (such as testosterone or dihydrotestosterone) in peripheral
tissue through multiple pathways (Elzenaty, 2022).
Conc. in Menstruating Females:
 In menstruating women, circulating androgens originate in part from
the adrenal cortex ( mainly DHEA and DHEA-S) and more so from the
ovaries (androstenedione).
 Total plasma testosterone levels of a 30 year old woman are about 10 to
15 fold lower than in a same –aged male (0.4-2.1 nmol/L).
 After menopause, when ovarian steroidogenesis has ceased, circulating
androstenedione levels are cut in half and total testosterone levels
decrease by about 25% (Elzenaty, 2022).
❖ Importance of Androgens in both Males and Females
 Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone which is responsible for the development of
male reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics such as facial and body hair,
deepening of the voice, and increased muscle mass. It is also crucial for maintaining bone
density and muscle mass in both males and females.
 Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is derived from testosterone and is vital for the development
of male external genitalia. In females, it is involved in maintaining the health of hair
follicles and sebaceous glands.
 Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is produced in larger quantities in females and serves
as a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen. It helps in maintaining hormonal balance in
both males and females.
 Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) acts as a reservoir for DHEA and plays a
crucial role in various bodily functions, including immune response, in both males and
females. It is also essential for normal ovulation and plays a crucial role in initiating and
regulating puberty in females.
 Androstenedione, a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen, has implications for
reproductive and bone health, and also helps in maintaining hormonal balance in the body,
in both males and females.
❖ Production of Androgens
 Production of androgens in adult gonads is controlled by the hypothalamus
pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis, which involves the gonadotropin releasing
hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicular stimulating
hormone (FSH), and comprises of balanced feed-forward and feed-back loops.
This system is sex specific and characterized by the testis or ovary as target
 Within the testis, leydig cells produce and secrete testosterone abundantly. By
contrast n the ovary, theca cells produce androstenedione, that is mostly
transferred to granulosa cells as precursor for the production of estrogens,
while only small amounts are secreted into circulation (Elzenaty, 2022).
Fig. 1: Androgen Biosynthesis
Fig. 2: Androgen Secreting and Expressing Tissues
❖ Role of Androgens
All Genders Males Females
Other body chemicals convert
androgen into estradiol, a
form of “estrogen”. This
▪Bone density ▪Deep voice (vocal cord
▪Regulates mensturation
▪Muscle development ▪Hair growth on face, scalp,
chest, underarms, and genitals
▪Aids conception and
▪puberty ▪Sperm development ▪Minimizes bone loss
▪Red blood cells production ▪Stimulates pubic and
underarms hair growth
▪Sexual desire and function
❖ Androgenic Hormones Disturbances
 Males and females need androgens and its action to develop normally and
stay healthy, but the dosage of androgens is highly sex specific.
 Both androgen deficiency and excess may lead to endocrine disorders that
may manifest with a phenotype of disorders of sex development at birth,
disturb pubertal development, and sexual functioning and fertility.
 Both lack and excess of androgen action may also manifest at any time of
life with adverse effects on other organ systems including overall
metabolism, the cardiovascular system, muscles, bones, brain and
psychological system (Elzenaty, 2022).
➢ Manifestations of genetic disorders of gonadal and
adrenal steroidogenesis:
 During fetal development, the liver and the placenta play major roles in this
 The fetal liver, functions to metabolise and inactivate androgens, and while the
placenta is not considered an androgen producing organ, it does express all the
necessary steroidogenic enzymes to convert maternal progesterone to androgens,
including those that can biosynthesise testosterone.
 Notably, placental aromatase would convert androstenedione and testosterone to
estrogens, while other androgens might not be biotransformed to estrogen
derivatives in vivo (Elzenaty, 2022).
 As the development of the typical female and male external genitalia relies largely
on the absence or presence of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, any disturbance
in androgen production may result in apparent virilization of a female fetus or
under-masculinization of a male fetus.
 After birth and minipuberty, gonadal steroidogenesis is quiescent until puberty,
when activation of the hypothalamus pituitary gonadal axis commands to resume
sex steroid production for normal sexual maturation, fertility and reproduction.
 Also, in postnatal/adult life, steroids secreted by the adrenals and gonads are
converted to active and inactive metabolites by peripheral organs, and this complex
peripheral steroid metabolism may then be responsible for the formation of unusual
steroids through alternate pathways in genetic disorders of steroidogenesis
(Elzenaty, 2022).
➢ Specific Monogenetic Defects of Androgen Biosynthesis:
 Pathogenic variants in all genes involved in human androgen biosynthesis and
metabolism may cause androgen deficiency or excess.
 Genetic defects affecting early steps of steroid biosynthesis and cortisol
production in particular are known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).
 According to the current disorders of sex development classification, these
disorders may be grouped in defects causing;
1. Male disorders of sex development CAH
2. Female disorders of sex development CAH
3. Disorders of sex development CAH in both chromosomal sexes (Elzenaty, 2022).
First group Second Group Third Group
Male disorders of sex development CAH Female disorders of sex development CAH Disorders of sex development CAH in both
Mutations in the genes i.e. StAR,
CYP11A1, CYP17A1
Mutations in the genes i.e. CYP21A2 and
These genes are necessary for
glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoid
synthesis, in adrenal cortex.
Genetic mutations in 3b-hydroxysteroid
dehydrogenase type II (HSD3B2) and
cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR)
Lack of androgens Excess of androgen
Individuals are not able to synthesize
cortisol and androgens.
It causes the lack of cortisol, that elevates
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and
thus increased adrenal androgen
Manifest with cortisol deficiency
Affected chromosomalmale fetuses are
born with typical female external genitalia
and raised
Affected girls show variable degrees of
external genital virilization at birth
Variable severity of disorders of sex
development at birth in both chromosomal
sexes depending on the specific variants
Affected boys have no disorders of sex
development phenotype but still suffer from
neonatal onset adrenal insufficiency with
severe variants.
➢ Genetic Defects of Androgen Action- Androgen
Insensitivity Syndromes
 Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a rare, inherited, sexual
development disorder. People with AIS are genetically male, but don’t
develop male external genitals because their bodies can’t respond to male
sex hormones. AIS can cause problems during puberty, as well as infertility.
 Complete or partial androgen insensitivity syndromes (CAIS/PAIS) are
caused by genetic mutations affecting androgen receptors function. In these
syndromes of male phenotypic under-masculinization, androgen
concentrations are typically elevated (Elzenaty, 2022).
AIS Type I
 AIS incidence is reported internationally in 1 in
20,400 live born male infants, with CAIS
occurring at a higher rate than PAIS.
 AR mutations have been described in individuals
with AIS, classified as AIS type I.
 In CAIS, severe hemizygous androgen receptor
mutations cause the loss of androgen receptor
▪ Affected male individuals show male typical inner
genital organs and undescended gonads with the
prostate, vas deferens and seminal vesicles missing.
External genitalia are typical female with a vaginal
▪ Female carriers are phenotypically normal.
 In male PAIS, the phenotypic variability in under-
masculinization is large and depends on the
residual activity of the androgen receptor.
▪ In the mildest form of PAIS, gynecomastia and
male infertility may be the only clinical signs.
 By contrast, individuals with AIS without
AR mutations are classified as AIS type II.
 In these individuals largely unidentified
regulators or cofactors of the androgen
receptor (AR) are responsible for the
impaired AR signaling as revealed by an
AR-dependent bioassay using genital skin
fibroblasts and the targeted APOD as a
 As AR activity can be regulated at various
levels, the possible mechanisms of AIS
type II are manifold. Thus far, altered DNA
methylation of the AR promoter has been
found in some individuals with PAIS.
❖ Acquired Disorders of Androgen Excess
and Deficiency
 It is a condition in which the
body produces too much
androgen. It is most common
in women of reproductive age,
but it can also occur in men
and children.
 It is a condition in which the
body produces too little
androgen. It is most common
in men, but it can also occur in
women and children.
➢ Androgen Excess in Males:
Symptoms Effects Treatment Common Disorder
▪ Increased Body
▪ Acne
▪ Muscle Mass
▪ Baldness
▪ Reduced
Testicular Size
▪An altered physical
psychological effects.
managing weight,
improving diet, and
exercising can help.
▪Surgery: In cases of
tumors, surgical
removal may be
Prostate cancer
growth and
development critically
dependent on
androgens and
androgen receptor
➢ Androgen Excess in Females:
Symptoms Effects Treatment Common Disorder
▪Irregular Menstrual
▪Male-Pattern Baldness
▪Weight Gain
▪Emotional distress.
▪Metabolic issues like
insulin resistance
Hormonal medications,
such as birth control
pills or anti-androgen
▪Lifestyle Changes
▪Surgery: In cases of
tumors, surgical
removal may be
▪Management: For
conditions like PCOS,
managing insulin
resistance is key.
Polycystic ovary
syndrome (PCOS):
characterized by
menstrual disturbances
and polycystic ovaries.
➢Androgen Deficiency in Males:
Causes Symptoms Effects Treatment
▪Decreased libido
▪Erectile dysfunction
▪Muscle loss
▪Decreased bone
▪Mood changes, such
as irritability and
▪Decreased facial and
body hair growth
▪Testicular problems,
such as injury,
infection, or genetic
▪Age-related: As men
age, their natural
testosterone levels may
decline, leading to
symptoms of androgen
▪Decreased muscle
mass and strength
▪Weaker bones
▪Lower sperm count
and fertility
▪Changes in body
composition, such as
increased fat mass
▪Decreased quality of
replacement therapy
(TRT) with gels,
injections, or patches
can raise testosterone
▪Lifestyle changes like
regular exercise, a
balanced diet, and
weight management
may also help.
➢Androgen Deficiency in Females:
Causes Symptoms Effects Treatment
▪Polycystic Ovary
Syndrome (PCOS)
▪Premature Ovarian
▪Irregular or absent
menstrual periods
▪Excess facial and body
hair (hirsutism)
▪Male-pattern baldness
▪Decreased libido
▪Mood changes
▪PCOS can lead to
insulin resistance and
an increased risk of
type 2 diabetes.
▪Emotional distress due
to hirsutism and other
visible symptoms.
▪Management of PCOS
may involve birth
control pills, anti-
androgen medications,
or insulin- sensitizing
▪Hormone replacement
therapy may be used for
premature ovarian
❖ Recent Approaches
 Recently, androgen receptor (AR) expression and signaling is widely investigated in
hormone-dependent cancers such as prostate and breast. The incidence and mortality of
these cancers are, however, somewhat related to gender and, specifically, are higher in men
than in women (Sabbatino, 2023).
 Among men, androgens are associated with a decrease in Alzheimer's disease risk.
Research increasingly suggests that changes in estrogen levels during aging may increase
risk for Alzheimer disease, the most common type of dementia. Among women,
genetically determined effects of sex hormones were limited or null. Among men, a higher
concentration of androgens decreased Alzheimer disease risk (Kusters, 2023).
 According to the findings, male patients with COVID-19 infection are at an increased
risk for severe complications than females. This study reveals the role of androgen
receptor in COVID-19 infection (Mjaess, 2020)and (Lott, 2023).
❖ Future Direction
As hormone replacement therapy is treatment for
various hormonal imbalances (excess or deficiency), so,
future researches are concerned about the wide spread
acceptance of the hormone replacement therapy and
development of safe regimes which minimize unwanted
side effects (Vigneswara & Hamoda, 2022).
❖ References
 Elzenaty, R. N., Du Toit, T., & Flück, C. E. (2022). Basics of androgen synthesis and action. Best Practice &
Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 36(4),101-665.
 Kusters, C. D., Paul, K. C., Romero, T., Sinsheimer, J. S., & Ritz, B. R. (2023). Among men, androgens are
associated with a decrease in Alzheimer's disease risk. Alzheimer's & Dementia.
 Lott, N., Gebhard, C. E., Bengs, S., Haider, A., Kuster, G. M., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., & Gebhard, C. (2023). Sex
hormones in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility: key players or confounders?. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 19(4),
 Mjaess, G., Karam, A., Aoun, F., Albisinni, S., & Roumeguère, T. (2020). COVID-19 and the male
susceptibility: the role ofACE2, TMPRSS2 and the androgen receptor. Progrès en urologie, 30(10), 484-487.
 Sabbatino, E., Tutino, V., Licitra, F., Di Donato, M., Castoria, G., Migliaccio, A., & Giovannelli, P. (2023).
Role of the Androgen Receptor in Gender-Related Cancers. Endocrines,4(2), 407-426.
 Vigneswaran, K., & Hamoda, H. (2022). Hormone replacement therapy–Current recommendations. Best
practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology,81, 8-21.
Androgenic Hormones Disturbances.pdf

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Androgenic Hormones Disturbances.pdf

  • 2. Topic: Androgenic Hormones Disturbances Department of Zoology Presented by: Hifza Arif Reg. No.# UOC-BSZOL-F2020/022 Session: 2020-2024 Course Title: Endocrinology Instructor Name: Dr. Syeda Nadia Ahmad
  • 4. ❖ Introduction Androgens are steroid hormones. Produced in the adult female ovaries and male testes, and in adrenal glands. Essential for sexual development and reproduction. Also modulate other organs including bone, muscle, adipose tissue, skin, hair , the brain, and the cardiovascular system, thereby effecting growth, body shape and human behavior (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 5. ❖ Discovery  Term “androgen” is derived from the Greek words “andros” (meaning, man) and “gen” (meaning, to generate).  Concept of androgens, male sex hormones, dates back to the 18th century when scientists began to understand their role in male sexual development.  Androgens were first discovered in 1936.  Later, it is explained, they are also the original anabolic steroids and the precursor of all estrogens, the female sex hormones.
  • 6. ❖ Types of Androgens Testosterone: the predominant androgen in all genders Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) Androstenedione
  • 7. ❖ Concentration of Androgens in Males and Females Conc. in Males:  In male adults, testosterone is the most abundant androgen produced in testes that is present in circulation.  Total testosterone concentrations are about 10-30 nmol/L at age 30 years in men and decline at an average rate of 1-2% per year with aging.  Testosterone can be converted to the most potent endogenous androgen, dihydrotestosterone (DHT).  DHT has about 5-10-fold greater affinity for androgen receptor compared to testosterone (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 8. Conc. in Females:  In a 30 year old woman, the most abundant androgens in circulation are dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHES-S; 1.2-10 nmol/L), dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA; 0.1-23 nmol/L) and androstenedione (0.5-7.9 nmol/L).  These all are considered weak androgens according to their low affinity towards the androgen receptor.  However, these weak androgens can be metabolised to more potent androgens (such as testosterone or dihydrotestosterone) in peripheral tissue through multiple pathways (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 9. Conc. in Menstruating Females:  In menstruating women, circulating androgens originate in part from the adrenal cortex ( mainly DHEA and DHEA-S) and more so from the ovaries (androstenedione).  Total plasma testosterone levels of a 30 year old woman are about 10 to 15 fold lower than in a same –aged male (0.4-2.1 nmol/L).  After menopause, when ovarian steroidogenesis has ceased, circulating androstenedione levels are cut in half and total testosterone levels decrease by about 25% (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 10. ❖ Importance of Androgens in both Males and Females  Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone which is responsible for the development of male reproductive organs and secondary sexual characteristics such as facial and body hair, deepening of the voice, and increased muscle mass. It is also crucial for maintaining bone density and muscle mass in both males and females.  Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is derived from testosterone and is vital for the development of male external genitalia. In females, it is involved in maintaining the health of hair follicles and sebaceous glands.  Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) is produced in larger quantities in females and serves as a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen. It helps in maintaining hormonal balance in both males and females.  Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate (DHEA-S) acts as a reservoir for DHEA and plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including immune response, in both males and females. It is also essential for normal ovulation and plays a crucial role in initiating and regulating puberty in females.  Androstenedione, a precursor to both testosterone and estrogen, has implications for reproductive and bone health, and also helps in maintaining hormonal balance in the body, in both males and females.
  • 11. ❖ Production of Androgens  Production of androgens in adult gonads is controlled by the hypothalamus pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis, which involves the gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), and comprises of balanced feed-forward and feed-back loops. This system is sex specific and characterized by the testis or ovary as target organs.  Within the testis, leydig cells produce and secrete testosterone abundantly. By contrast n the ovary, theca cells produce androstenedione, that is mostly transferred to granulosa cells as precursor for the production of estrogens, while only small amounts are secreted into circulation (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 12. Fig. 1: Androgen Biosynthesis
  • 13. Fig. 2: Androgen Secreting and Expressing Tissues
  • 14. ❖ Role of Androgens All Genders Males Females Other body chemicals convert androgen into estradiol, a form of “estrogen”. This hormone: ▪Bone density ▪Deep voice (vocal cord lengthening) ▪Regulates mensturation ▪Muscle development ▪Hair growth on face, scalp, chest, underarms, and genitals ▪Aids conception and pregnancy ▪puberty ▪Sperm development ▪Minimizes bone loss (osteoporosis) ▪Red blood cells production ▪Stimulates pubic and underarms hair growth ▪Sexual desire and function
  • 15. ❖ Androgenic Hormones Disturbances  Males and females need androgens and its action to develop normally and stay healthy, but the dosage of androgens is highly sex specific.  Both androgen deficiency and excess may lead to endocrine disorders that may manifest with a phenotype of disorders of sex development at birth, disturb pubertal development, and sexual functioning and fertility.  Both lack and excess of androgen action may also manifest at any time of life with adverse effects on other organ systems including overall metabolism, the cardiovascular system, muscles, bones, brain and psychological system (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 16. ➢ Manifestations of genetic disorders of gonadal and adrenal steroidogenesis:  During fetal development, the liver and the placenta play major roles in this network.  The fetal liver, functions to metabolise and inactivate androgens, and while the placenta is not considered an androgen producing organ, it does express all the necessary steroidogenic enzymes to convert maternal progesterone to androgens, including those that can biosynthesise testosterone.  Notably, placental aromatase would convert androstenedione and testosterone to estrogens, while other androgens might not be biotransformed to estrogen derivatives in vivo (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 17.  As the development of the typical female and male external genitalia relies largely on the absence or presence of testosterone and dihydrotestosterone, any disturbance in androgen production may result in apparent virilization of a female fetus or under-masculinization of a male fetus.  After birth and minipuberty, gonadal steroidogenesis is quiescent until puberty, when activation of the hypothalamus pituitary gonadal axis commands to resume sex steroid production for normal sexual maturation, fertility and reproduction.  Also, in postnatal/adult life, steroids secreted by the adrenals and gonads are converted to active and inactive metabolites by peripheral organs, and this complex peripheral steroid metabolism may then be responsible for the formation of unusual steroids through alternate pathways in genetic disorders of steroidogenesis (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 18. ➢ Specific Monogenetic Defects of Androgen Biosynthesis:  Pathogenic variants in all genes involved in human androgen biosynthesis and metabolism may cause androgen deficiency or excess.  Genetic defects affecting early steps of steroid biosynthesis and cortisol production in particular are known as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).  According to the current disorders of sex development classification, these disorders may be grouped in defects causing; 1. Male disorders of sex development CAH 2. Female disorders of sex development CAH 3. Disorders of sex development CAH in both chromosomal sexes (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 19. First group Second Group Third Group Male disorders of sex development CAH Female disorders of sex development CAH Disorders of sex development CAH in both chromosomalsexes Mutations in the genes i.e. StAR, CYP11A1, CYP17A1 Mutations in the genes i.e. CYP21A2 and CYP11B1, These genes are necessary for glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoid synthesis, in adrenal cortex. Genetic mutations in 3b-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type II (HSD3B2) and cytochrome P450 oxidoreductase (POR) Lack of androgens Excess of androgen Individuals are not able to synthesize cortisol and androgens. It causes the lack of cortisol, that elevates adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and thus increased adrenal androgen production. Manifest with cortisol deficiency Affected chromosomalmale fetuses are born with typical female external genitalia and raised Affected girls show variable degrees of external genital virilization at birth Variable severity of disorders of sex development at birth in both chromosomal sexes depending on the specific variants Affected boys have no disorders of sex development phenotype but still suffer from neonatal onset adrenal insufficiency with severe variants.
  • 20. ➢ Genetic Defects of Androgen Action- Androgen Insensitivity Syndromes  Androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) is a rare, inherited, sexual development disorder. People with AIS are genetically male, but don’t develop male external genitals because their bodies can’t respond to male sex hormones. AIS can cause problems during puberty, as well as infertility.  Complete or partial androgen insensitivity syndromes (CAIS/PAIS) are caused by genetic mutations affecting androgen receptors function. In these syndromes of male phenotypic under-masculinization, androgen concentrations are typically elevated (Elzenaty, 2022).
  • 21. AIS Type I  AIS incidence is reported internationally in 1 in 20,400 live born male infants, with CAIS occurring at a higher rate than PAIS.  AR mutations have been described in individuals with AIS, classified as AIS type I.  In CAIS, severe hemizygous androgen receptor mutations cause the loss of androgen receptor signaling ▪ Affected male individuals show male typical inner genital organs and undescended gonads with the prostate, vas deferens and seminal vesicles missing. External genitalia are typical female with a vaginal pouch. ▪ Female carriers are phenotypically normal.  In male PAIS, the phenotypic variability in under- masculinization is large and depends on the residual activity of the androgen receptor. ▪ In the mildest form of PAIS, gynecomastia and male infertility may be the only clinical signs. AIS Type II  By contrast, individuals with AIS without AR mutations are classified as AIS type II.  In these individuals largely unidentified regulators or cofactors of the androgen receptor (AR) are responsible for the impaired AR signaling as revealed by an AR-dependent bioassay using genital skin fibroblasts and the targeted APOD as a biomarker.  As AR activity can be regulated at various levels, the possible mechanisms of AIS type II are manifold. Thus far, altered DNA methylation of the AR promoter has been found in some individuals with PAIS.
  • 22. ❖ Acquired Disorders of Androgen Excess and Deficiency Hyperandrogenism  It is a condition in which the body produces too much androgen. It is most common in women of reproductive age, but it can also occur in men and children. Hypoandrogenism  It is a condition in which the body produces too little androgen. It is most common in men, but it can also occur in women and children.
  • 23. ➢ Androgen Excess in Males: Symptoms Effects Treatment Common Disorder ▪ Increased Body Hair ▪ Acne ▪ Muscle Mass ▪ Baldness ▪ Reduced Testicular Size ▪An altered physical appearance. ▪Potential psychological effects. ▪LifestyleChanges: managing weight, improving diet, and exercising can help. ▪Surgery: In cases of tumors, surgical removal may be necessary. ▪ProstateCancer: Prostate cancer growth and development critically dependent on androgens and androgen receptor signaling.
  • 24. ➢ Androgen Excess in Females: Symptoms Effects Treatment Common Disorder ▪Irregular Menstrual Periods ▪Hirsutism ▪Acne ▪Male-Pattern Baldness ▪Weight Gain ▪Infertility ▪Emotional distress. ▪Infertility. ▪Metabolic issues like insulin resistance ▪Medications: Hormonal medications, such as birth control pills or anti-androgen ▪Lifestyle Changes ▪Surgery: In cases of tumors, surgical removal may be necessary. ▪Management: For conditions like PCOS, managing insulin resistance is key. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS): characterized by hyperandrogenism, menstrual disturbances and polycystic ovaries.
  • 25. ➢Androgen Deficiency in Males: Causes Symptoms Effects Treatment ▪Fatigue ▪Decreased libido ▪Erectile dysfunction ▪Muscle loss ▪Decreased bone density ▪Mood changes, such as irritability and depression ▪Decreased facial and body hair growth ▪Testicular problems, such as injury, infection, or genetic factors. ▪Age-related: As men age, their natural testosterone levels may decline, leading to symptoms of androgen deficiency. ▪Decreased muscle mass and strength ▪Weaker bones (osteoporosis) ▪Lower sperm count and fertility ▪Changes in body composition, such as increased fat mass ▪Decreased quality of life ▪Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with gels, injections, or patches can raise testosterone levels. ▪Lifestyle changes like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and weight management may also help.
  • 26. ➢Androgen Deficiency in Females: Causes Symptoms Effects Treatment ▪Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) ▪Premature Ovarian Insufficiency ▪Irregular or absent menstrual periods ▪Excess facial and body hair (hirsutism) ▪Acne ▪Male-pattern baldness ▪Decreased libido ▪Mood changes ▪Infertility ▪PCOS can lead to insulin resistance and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. ▪Emotional distress due to hirsutism and other visible symptoms. ▪Management of PCOS may involve birth control pills, anti- androgen medications, or insulin- sensitizing drugs. ▪Hormone replacement therapy may be used for premature ovarian insufficiency.
  • 27. ❖ Recent Approaches  Recently, androgen receptor (AR) expression and signaling is widely investigated in hormone-dependent cancers such as prostate and breast. The incidence and mortality of these cancers are, however, somewhat related to gender and, specifically, are higher in men than in women (Sabbatino, 2023).  Among men, androgens are associated with a decrease in Alzheimer's disease risk. Research increasingly suggests that changes in estrogen levels during aging may increase risk for Alzheimer disease, the most common type of dementia. Among women, genetically determined effects of sex hormones were limited or null. Among men, a higher concentration of androgens decreased Alzheimer disease risk (Kusters, 2023).  According to the findings, male patients with COVID-19 infection are at an increased risk for severe complications than females. This study reveals the role of androgen receptor in COVID-19 infection (Mjaess, 2020)and (Lott, 2023).
  • 28. ❖ Future Direction As hormone replacement therapy is treatment for various hormonal imbalances (excess or deficiency), so, future researches are concerned about the wide spread acceptance of the hormone replacement therapy and development of safe regimes which minimize unwanted side effects (Vigneswara & Hamoda, 2022).
  • 29. ❖ References  Elzenaty, R. N., Du Toit, T., & Flück, C. E. (2022). Basics of androgen synthesis and action. Best Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 36(4),101-665.  Kusters, C. D., Paul, K. C., Romero, T., Sinsheimer, J. S., & Ritz, B. R. (2023). Among men, androgens are associated with a decrease in Alzheimer's disease risk. Alzheimer's & Dementia.  Lott, N., Gebhard, C. E., Bengs, S., Haider, A., Kuster, G. M., Regitz-Zagrosek, V., & Gebhard, C. (2023). Sex hormones in SARS-CoV-2 susceptibility: key players or confounders?. Nature Reviews Endocrinology, 19(4), 217-231.  Mjaess, G., Karam, A., Aoun, F., Albisinni, S., & Roumeguère, T. (2020). COVID-19 and the male susceptibility: the role ofACE2, TMPRSS2 and the androgen receptor. Progrès en urologie, 30(10), 484-487.  Sabbatino, E., Tutino, V., Licitra, F., Di Donato, M., Castoria, G., Migliaccio, A., & Giovannelli, P. (2023). Role of the Androgen Receptor in Gender-Related Cancers. Endocrines,4(2), 407-426.  Vigneswaran, K., & Hamoda, H. (2022). Hormone replacement therapy–Current recommendations. Best practice & research Clinical obstetrics & gynaecology,81, 8-21.