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Andrew Jackson Term Papers
Andrew Jackson
Research paper
Nick Garcia
United States History 1
Mrs. BurkeMarch 11,2011 Andrew Jackson a great leader and a president of the United States.
Jackson got involved in the war at a very early age in his life. He had a hatred for the British for
taking his family away from him. As his life went on he became a lawyer. He was also elected to the
House of Representatives in 1796 and to the U.S. Senate in 1797. In 1801, Jackson was named
colonel of the Tennessee militia. Jackson gained publicity all over the U.S. because of his heroic
leadership during the War of 1812. Jackson won a huge victory for the U.S. which stopped Britain
from invading America at the battle of New Orleans. Jackson attacked Florida in 1818 ... Show
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Though his education wasn't much he got by just enough to be a lawyer on the frontier. He had
started his career on his own and soon began to grow in frontier law. In 1788, he was named to work
as Solicitor of the Western District. Jackson was elected as a delegate to the Tennessee constitutional
convention in 1796. When Tennessee was named a state, Jackson was elected to be its
representative. The following year, he was elected to be the United States Senator as a Democratic–
Republican, but resigned in less then a year. In 1798, he was judge of the Tennessee Supreme Court
serving until 1803.
"Andrew Jackson | HistoryNet." HistoryNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"Andrew Jackson | Orphan, General, President, Legend." The Hermitage ICal. N.p., n.d. Web. 10
Mar. 2016.
"Andrew Jackson." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
"King Andrew and the Bank." King Andrew and the Bank. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016.
N.p., n.d. Web.
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The Life and Work of Carl Warren
Carl Warren was appointed the 14th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1953.' Warren was
appointed to take the place of the current Chief Justice Fred Vinson who died suddenly of a heart
attack.' So, Warren immediately began his term in the Supreme Court and did not get Senate
approval with March 1, 1954 on a simple voice vote of the full Senate without any of the typical
confirmation hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee,' This approval process was very
noncontroversial and without any of the detailed reviews that a Supreme Court appointment would
typically face.4 Warren became a very controversial Supreme Court Justice after the Senate did little
to review how he might act as a Supreme Court Justice. This may have changed how much review
future Supreme Court appointments would get from the Senate. Carl Warren was an average student
in college with no experience as a judge before he became a very active leader of the Supreme
Court, making many controversial decisions for the times.' His leadership and decisions still impact
our lives today. He was appointed by President Eisenhower mostly because Eisenhower thought
Warren was a middle of the road Republican (like Eisenhower) and because Warren was a Catholic'
Eisenhower wanted to appeal to the Northeastern USA catholic voters.' Also, during the Republican
Party presidential nominating convention of 1952, Warren, then the Governor of California and a
potential rival to Eisenhower for the office of President of
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Arguments Against The Electoral College
In the "The Electoral College Is Important Because It Reflects the Will of the States," Charles Fried,
a law professor at Harvard Law School and was solicitor general of the United States, argues that
the Electoral College should continue. Due to the U.S.A being a direct democracy, the
representatives and members of the electoral college are chosen by the citizens; however, they do
not elect their presidents directly. He expresses that the states have their own political culture,
personalities, and traditions, and they are not the administrative elements of the the federal
government; therefore, they can only elect their governors by popular vote. Ultimately he concludes
that it is not always the popular vote which determine the winner; sometimes ... Show more content
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I will use this source to show that the states successfully use the popular vote to elect their
governors with focusing more on democracy; thus, the national government can elect the president
by popular vote. I will also use this source to show that people should be the primary elements of
the governments not the subsidiary. In "States Don't Use Electoral College to Choose Their Leader,
Neither Should the Nation," Akhil R. Amar, a law professor at Yale University and the author of the
many of the books one of which is "The Constitution Today: Timeless Lessons for the Issues of Our
Era," argues that the Electoral College should be abolished because states choose their own
governors directly; therefore, the federal government should use the same model when choosing its
president. He proves that the direct technique that the states use is smart and working. He also
claims that unlikely to the current election system, in a direct election system, states would have
incentive to encourage people to vote. Ultimately, he believes that with an agreement of the two
major political parties' candidates, the future national elections could happen without a
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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Essay
Today there are now a total of eight Supreme Court Justices in the United States Government. The
oldest of the group being 83 and the youngest being 56. The members of this court are Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, Anthony McLeod Kennedy, Stephen Gerald Breyer, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Anthony
Alito, Sonia Maria Sotomayor, John Glover Roberts Jr., and Elena Kagan. Each of these Associate
Justices have different backgrounds and history, so here's the background information on these
important figures. Starting off with a Justice in the Liberal Court, Democratic Ruth Bader Ginsburg
(Ruth Joan Bader before marriage) was born March 15th, 1933 in Brooklyn, New York. Ruth
Ginsburg grew up in a low–income working class neighborhood. Ruth Ginsburg's ... Show more
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Elena Kagan was first nominated by President Obama as the Solicitor General of the United States;
a year later the President nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on May 10,
2010 and she took her seat on August 7, 2010. Kagan was born in New York, New York, on April
28, 1960. During her education she received an A.B. from Princeton in 1981, an M. Phil. from
Oxford in 1983, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1986. In the beginning she had clerked for
Judge Abner Mikva of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit from 1986–1987 and then for
Justice Thurgood Marshall of the U.S. Supreme Court during the 1987 Term. Later after briefly
practicing law at a Washington, D.C. law firm, she became a law professor. She first started off as a
law professor at the University of Chicago Law School and later on at Harvard Law School. Kagan
also served for four years in the Clinton Administration as Associate Counsel to the President and
then as Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. Between 2003 and 2009 she had
served at Harvard Law School as the
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Solicitors General Influence Supreme Court Justices
Bailey, Kamoie, and Maltzma's article answers the question to whether Solicitors General (S.G.)
influence Supreme Court justices to behave differently than they would like. The article argues that
unlike some studies that assert that S.G.'s influence the justices decisions, the reality is somewhat
contradictory. They claim that Justices are more sympathetic to motions from the S.G. when both
the justice and S.G. are "ideologically proximate" or when the Solicitors General's motion is
conflicting to his own ideological tendency. According to them, "justices will find a solicitor
general's information more credible when the solicitor general and the justice are ideologically
congruent or when the signal from the S.G. is ideologically counter to his typical policy views". (p
72) That means justices are sympathetic to the SG's signals under two circumstances: when their
ideology is close to the S.G.'s ideology or when the S.G. files a motion that opposes his own
ideological tendency. ... Show more content on ...
By using the signaling theory to defend their position, it makes impossible to interpret their thinking
as valid. In fact, the signaling theory suggests that organisms with contradictory interests should be
expected to communicate honestly. That means justices sympathize with the S.G. when he files a
motion that opposes his own ideological predisposition because they believe the SG could only vote
against his own ideology if he/she is sincere. Also, the authors' approach focuses on success of the
S.G. rather than the influence. Bailey, Kamoie, and Maltzma's logic is that the S.G. wins cases
depending on merits; not based on its influence which I can say is partially
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The Supreme Court Of The United States
The Supreme Court of the United States is thought to be the keep going word on legitimate choices,
being profoundly particular about which cases it considers. It just acknowledges cases that have
been through the lower courts and offers forms until there are no different choices and no tasteful
determination to the current issue. This paper will talk about four of the eight judges of the Supreme
Court and a brief synopsis of what their jobs entail as a supreme court judge. The motivation behind
the Supreme Court is not to make law, yet rather to decipher law and regardless of whether the
issues being considered are steady with the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court is the
most elevated court in the country for all question emerging under the Constitution or the laws of
the United States. It is the last judge of the law and it is entrusted with ensuring that the American
individuals have parallel equity under the law. It is basically the watchman and mediator of the
Constitution. The Supreme Court includes the Chief Justice (John Roberts) and seven Associate
Judges ( Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito,
Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan) and one vacancy, a number that is controlled by Congress. The
President has the duty of naming judges, whose affirmations are controlled by the United States
Senate. These arrangements are lifetime residencies. Likewise, there are court officers who are
instrumental in helping the
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The Causes Of President Richard Nixon And The Watergate...
The Watergate Scandal
During the early 1970's, a scandal took place at the hands of former president, Richard Nixon.
Richard Nixon wanted to ensure that he got the chance to get reelected. He took extreme measures
to do so, one of those extreme measures included espionage. On June 17, 1972, five burglars were
taken down to the police station after breaking into the Watergate complex buildings in Washington,
D.C. The five burglars; James McCord, Virgilio Gonzalez, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, and
Bernard Baker. "These five men broke into Headquarters for the Democratic National Committee,
which was located in the Watergate hotel. This triggered the entire scandal and eventually led to
Nixon's demise."
"The prowlers were connected to President Richard Nixon's reelection campaign, and they had been
caught wiretapping phones and stealing documents. Nixon took aggressive steps to cover up the
crime afterwards, and in August 1974, after his role in the conspiracy was revealed, Nixon resigned.
The Watergate scandal changed American politics forever, leading many Americans to question their
leaders and think more critically about the presidency." (insert citation) "A forceful presidential
campaign therefore seemed essential to the president and some of his key advisers. Their aggressive
tactics included what turned out to be illegal espionage. In May 1972, as evidence would later show,
members of Nixon's Committee to Re–Elect the President (known derisively as CREEP) broke into
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Switzerland Legal System Essay
Switzerland's legal system is reliant on a civil law tradition and thus is dependent on written codes
which is held as a primary source for statements of law with authority. Going back in history it is
shown that civil law is composed of a group of legal ideas and systems stemmed from a collection
of fundamental works in jurisprudence, cloaked by Napoleonic, Germanic, canonical, feudal and
local practises including doctrinal strains such as natural law, codification and legal positivism.
Swiss foreign policy has since 1815 been governed by the principle of neutrality, so they did not
support or aid either side to a conflict and remained impartial during the first and second World War.
England's law on the other hand was made by judges sitting in courts thus known as common law so
has become more like Switzerland as legislation has stated to overtake judicial law making. Their
laws are seen to be dominated by statutory law, which generate general principles and sets aside
functional and procedural rules. Unlike the United Kingdom judicial decisions are not rated as high.
Switzerland is a federal union, meaning civil procedure and the make–up of the judiciary are
governed by state law of 26 cantons, in unifying the various cantonal rules enshrines the rights to
take part in decision making process's on Federals state level, having equal share in the central
legislator. Switzerland is also not a part of the European Union despite having strong ties into the
EU. Its legal
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Essay on The Legal Profession: One Career, Many Avenues
The Legal Profession: One Career, Many Avenues
Whether we are reading about the heroic small–town attorney Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mocking
Bird, or watching in awe as Richard Gere portrays a smooth attorney in Primal Fear, it is apparent
through culture and media that there is a power and prestige associated with the law in American
society. This paper compares the training and education of such American lawyers with their
English counterparts, concluding as to why it may behoove us in the US to adopt the apprenticeship
requirements of England.
To begin, it is important to note that n the English system, the legal profession is distinctly divided;
lawyers are either Barristers or Solicitors. While the Barristers are governed by the ... Show more
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Much like how the US has three branches of the government in an effort at a system of checks and
balances, a Barrister acts as a check on the Solicitor conducting the trial. According to some critics,
a distinct disadvantage of the split profession is that a multiplicity of legal advisers can lead to an
inefficient process and higher costs (Law Observer).
Given our understanding of the two divisions, we are in a better position to appreciate the variations
among education and training. A prospective Barrister must first complete the academic stage of
their legal education by obtaining a qualifying law degree (The Law Society of England and Wales).
However, instead of obtaining a formal law degree, the student may undertake a one–year law
conversion course, now known as a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL), so long as he has initially
graduated in a subject other than law. From this juncture the student joins one of the Inns of Court
and takes the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) at one of the accredited providers (The Law
Society of England and Wales).
Additionally, there is the tradition of "keeping terms" before the prospective may be called to the
bar. By participating in 12 qualifying sessions, some of which require dining with practitioners for
full evenings while others involve attending specified training events, the student may then be called
to the bar (Blackstone & Sharswood). Once
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War On Terrorism Pros And Cons
"Our war on terror begins with Al– Qaida, but it does not end there, It will not end end until every
terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated." – President George W. Bush
after 9/11. After the attack on the twin towers the Bush Administration and some of the United
States' allies formed an organization that fought against terrorism, known as the war on terror. The
idea of the war on terror, that one day terrorism would be eliminated entirely, is a great idea but we,
as a nation, should have went about it differently. The war on terror has a negative influence on the
world as demonstrated by the increase in racial profiling, unethical use of torture, and the decrease
of privacy. Racial profiling has made the war
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Regarding Indefinite Administrative Detention Essay
Regarding Indefinite Administrative Detention
Blind patriotism and resounding public support of President Bush's 'War' on terrorism after the
events of September 11 th have allowed considerable leeway to be taken by the Federal Government
in terms of indefinite detention of non–U.S. citizens in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. But all the flag
waving seems to have helped a lot of people dismiss the idea that, even though the detainees taken
from Afghanistan in the past year are not U.S. citizens, they remain innocent until proven guilty
according to American legal principles.
One might ask: 'if the suspects haven't been proven guilty in court (or the remarkably prosecutor–
friendly military tribunals), how can they be, for all intents and ... Show more content on ...
Constitution, to be protected by the 5 th Amendment Due Process clause, which "forbids the
Government to "depriv[e]" any "person ... of ... liberty...without due process of law.""(Zadvydas,
III(A)) is absolutely crucial to maintaining a fair, evenhanded administration of justice by the U.S.
courts system. The U.S. Supreme Court took this into consideration when deciding Zadvydas v.
Davis (2001), in which plaintiff argued that a law regulating the lengthy detention process applied to
'deportable' aliens whose deportation/reception arrangements were still pending violated his right to
Due Process. This will be discussed in depth later. But the case was not based on constitutional
issues, rather it focused on statutory laws that define the complex procedures for holding and
deporting aliens. Before an analysis of the legal reasoning used to decide Zadvydas can be
appropriately understood, one must receive a brief overview of exactly how and why this case
applies to Attorney General John Ashcroft's ability to indefinitely detain 'suspected terrorists' at
Guantanamo Bay.
The complication here is that the main focus of this case is not on suspected terrorists, prisoners of
war, or any issue of national security regarding deportation of enemies of the state. The primary
legal question in Zadvydas is "whether 8 U.S.C. §1231(a)(6), a provision permitting the United
States Attorney General to detain a deportable alien
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Comparative Law Report : United Kingdom And The United States
BSc Computer Science
1. Introduction
1.1 United Kingdom Jurisdiction
1.2 United States Jurisdiction
2. Main Body (comparison)
2.1 The Constitution
2.2 Creating Laws
2.3 The Lawyers
2.4 The Jury
3. Conclusion
4. References
1.1 The United Kingdom Jurisdiction:
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consisted of England, Wales, Scotland
and Northern Ireland. It achieved its present form in 1922 after the partition of Northern Ireland.
England and Wales have a combined Judicial system and Scotland and Northern Ireland have their
own independent judicial systems under the Act of 1707 and 1800. There is no single written
constitution for The U.K. The Constitutional Laws of the UK contain Statute Law, Case Law and
Constitutional Convention. They do not have any statutory authority but do consist the binding
force. The relationship between the Sovereign (the Queen) and the parliament is rather conventional
than statutory. The ministry of Justice is the responsible government body for the justice system and
the constitutional policy. The head of the body is called the Lord Chancellor and the Secretary of
State for Justice. The cabinet office has the duty to look over specific areas of the constitutional
policy that are devolution election and the royal succession.
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The Accomplishments Of Lyndon B. Thurgood Marshall
On July 2nd, 1908, Thurgood Marshall was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to William and Norma
Marshall. He attended Baltimore's Colored High and Training center. He was an above average
student and was a star member of the debate team. In high school, marshall's greatest
accomplishment was memorizing the entire United States' Constitution. After graduating in 1926,
Thurgood attended Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. This was a historically black college. After
graduating, with honors, from Lincoln, in 1930, he applied to the University of Maryland Law
School. He was overqualified with his academics, but was turned away because of his race. This
experience with discrimination in education stayed with Marshall and helped determine his career.
Insted of Maryland, Thurgood attended Howard University in Washington ... Show more content on ...
Marshall served as a circuit court judge for 4 years. in 1965, Lyndon B Johnson, appointed Marshall
to serve as the first black us solicitor general, the attorney designated to argue on behalf of the
federal government before The Supreme Court. Marshall spent two years as solicitor general. In
1964, president Lyndon B Johnson nominated Thurgood Marshall to serve on the United States
Supreme Court. on October 2nd, 1967, so good was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice, becoming
the first African American to serve on the nation's highest court. As a Supreme Court Justice
Thurgood supported rulings to uphold a strong protection of individual rights. Thurgood Marshall
spent 24 years on the Supreme Court. Marshall retired from the Supreme Court in 1991. Thurgood
Marshall was one of the greatest and most important figures of the Civil Rights Movement.
Thurgood was one of the most instrumental in the movement's achievement towards racial equality.
Thurgood Marshall died on January 24th, 1993, at the age of 84 in Bethesda
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Ted Cruz Biography
Ted Cruz our New President
Who is Ted Cruz, a political machine that came from congress to become the next United State of
America president, that's who Ted Cruz is. From his very humble background to becoming a power
house for the Republican Party, Cruz is the second in line in the GOP to be running for the 2016
presidential office. From his humble uprising to becoming a senator, Cruz could be the first
Hispanic president of the United States.
Cruz Political background has been in the making for more than ten years. He started working as an
attorney for some time, Cruz later served as an adviser on the 2000 presidential campaign of George
W. In 2012 he won election to the U. Bush. Born on December 22, 1970, American conservative
politician ... Show more content on ...
He also never though he would be the toughest running opponent In another effort to energize his
campaign after Trump's sweep of primaries in the eastern states, Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as
his vice presidential running mate. With Trump in the lead, Cruz and Kasich announced in April a
joint strategy to try to stop the frontrunner's momentum. Regarding the issue of climate change, the
presidential hopeful acknowledges that climate change is real, but he has questioned the scientific
evidence of its causes and impact as presented by what he calls "global warming alarmists. Instead
of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that
works to defend the sanctity of human life, and to uphold the sacrament of marriage," he said in a
speech announcing his run for president. Cruz said he would focus on winning Indiana while Kasich
would dedicate his campaign to winning the Oregon and New Mexico primaries. In March, after
Rubio lost his home state of Florida to Trump, he dropped out, making it a three–way race between
Trump, Cruz and Ohio governor John Kasich. His words struck a chord with many on the religious
right, and the day after his announcement his campaign brought in approximately $1 million in
donations. In 2014, Cruz renounced his dual Canadian citizenship, though his eligibility to run for
president was not in jeopardy. As a 2016 presidential hopeful, he has called for more "boots on the
ground" to increase security at the border. As the son of a Cuban immigrant, Cruz says he
"celebrates legal immigration," according to his official
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Emergency Center Patients For Primary Care Via Telehealth
Redirecting Emergency Center Patients to Primary Care via Telehealth PILOT: Regional Health
Command – Atlantic (Provisional) Background: RHC–A (P) and Telehealth (TH) Service Line The
Regional Health Command – Atlantic (Provisional) (RHC–A), is one of five US Army Medical
Commands (MEDCOM) under the Office of the Army Surgeon General (OASG) that oversees the
day–to–day operations of all the Military Training Facilities (MTFs) in the region. With an
operating budget of $2 billion and over 600,000 beneficiaries, the RHC–A is the biggest regional
command, spanning 27 states plus Puerto Rico. Its vision, to strengthen the health of our Nation by
improving the health of our Army, is carried out through its mission of providing proactive, ... Show
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As stated by former ASG, Patricia D. Horoho, "telehealth is the future of medicine..." and
significant strategic investments have been made in TH providers and staff, program support,
research and development and technology due to the tremendous value that TH brings to the
military (ATH, 2015). TH is the use of telecommunications and information technologies to connect
people to healthcare across distance. Both synchronous (real–time) and asynchronous (store–and–
forward) technologies allows for the distribution of electronic health information, services, and
education between providers and patients and/or providers and providers (ATH, 2015). The use of
telephone, Internet, interactive radio and video equipment, remote sensory devices or robotics are all
tools of TH. Encompassing over 30 specialties including psychiatry, neurosurgery, dermatology,
radiology, pharmacy and nutrition, the RHC–A is continuously working on testing and building its
capabilities in terms of policies, processes, organization, products, and systems in order to provide
safe, high quality care both in garrison and in deployed locations (RHC–A(P), 2016). Problem and
Response Emergency departments in military hospitals experience overcrowding and extensive wait
times due to space constraints, budget cuts and a shortage of providers. Telehealth may allow for a
cost and time effective alternative to providing medical services to military members and
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Ted Cruz Leadership Style
Ted Cruz was born in canada in December 22,1970 he graduated from Princeton University in 1992,
and then from Harvard Law school in 1995. Ted started off as a office director of policy planning at
the Federal Trade commision as a associate deputy attorney general at the united states department
of justice, between 1999 and 2003. He was also a domestic policy advisor to President George W.
Bush. Ted served as a solicitor general of texas. He was one of the first hispanics that served the
longest in a solicitor general in texas.
Ted is currently a republican running as a candidate for president for the Republican Party. In order
for him to run for president he has to be born in the united states, needs to have at least 35 or more
of age, be a resident of the united states for 14 years, he needs to have world experience and control
problems that middle class can relate to. Thats ... Show more content on ...
The republican party is major political party in the united states. The presidential primaries is going
to take place in the united states republican. The republican national began polling email
subscribers. Nomination with 32 potential nominees are telling the supporters.
His goals of holding office is he wants to embrace a big positive job growth and opportunity agenda,
repeal Obama care, secure the border, stop the president's unconstitutional amnesty, hold
government accountable, rein in judicial activism, ted wants to stop culture of corruption, pass
fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, fatter, fairer,audit federal reserve, repeal
common care and deal seriously with the threats off isls and nuclear Iran.
Once ted is in office he wants to rescind every illegal and unconstitutional action taken by Obama,
instruct the department of justice to open an investigation over videos and prosecute planned
parenthood for any criminal violations and direct the DOJ and the IRS to put an end to the
persecution of the religious
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Unique Paths to the Supreme Court Essay
Article III of the Constitution of the United States vests judicial power in "one supreme Court".
With incredible adaptability, the Constitution has stood the test of time. Largely due to the limited
specificity as to the application of its words, the Constitution has allowed the character of the Court
to be historically defined by the individuals who have held the position of "Chief Justice of the
United States". The ideology and individual Constitutional interpretation of each Chief Justice has
changed both the influential power and message of the Court. Earl Warren, Warren Burger, and John
G. Roberts, Jr. have all successfully been appointed to the Court as Chief Justices. And although the
Constitutionally proscribed process of ... Show more content on ...
It had been a long time since Warren had practiced law and he had only practiced for a short amount
of time after law school (Newton 42). During a private meeting at the McClellan Air Force Base in
California, Eisenhower's Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Jr. told Governor Warren that
President Eisenhower was going to appoint him as Solicitor General until a spot on the Supreme
Court became vacant. "The President believed that service as Solicitor General would be valuable
prior to membership" on the Court (Schwartz 2). Typical of standard informal appointing procedure,
Attorney General Brownell, Jr. played a large role in Warren's transition from Governor to Chief
Justice of the Supreme Court. According to David O'Brien in Storm Center, "Most presidents
delegate responsibility to their attorneys general and close White House adverse for selecting
candidates and getting them throughout the Senate (O'Brien 40). Only a few days after the meeting
with Attorney General Brownell, Jr., Earl Warren's future changed when Chief Justice Fred M.
Vinson died unexpectedly of a heart attack (Schwartz 3). President Eisenhower had promised
Warren the first vacant seat without expecting Chief Justice Vinson's seat to become vacant;
Eisenhower had an Associate Justice's seat in mind for Earl Warren (Schwartz 3). While talking with
President Eisenhower at a White House breakfast, Representative Willam S. Mailliard, who had
been Earl
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The Importance Of A Civic Engagement Opportunity As A...
The Civic Engagement assignment illustrates the value of incorporating a civic engagement
opportunity as a supplement to traditional lecture and reading materials. While this assignment
differs from service learning, the civic learning that takes place during the semester leads to the
development of knowledge, skills, and community contacts that are necessary for active citizenship.
As described throughout this paper, despite the passive–sounding title of courtroom "observation,"
this assignment requires significant interaction and engagement with court personnel to be
completed successfully.
Since my father is a sheriff's deputy, it was easy for me to gain clearance to sit in the jury's box and
to watch criminal plea charges. The process I observed was startling because I did not imagine that,
in one morning, a single courtroom could go through almost five pages of client sentences
(approximately forty clients). In addition, I gained a better understanding of how courts operate
without the presence of a jury. Still, I was confused; What is the purpose of the judicial center? Who
else is involved? Are charges fairly made?
It was 7:30 a.m. on Monday, November 7, 2016. I woke up, took a cold shower, put on my formal
attire, and then left with my father to go to the judicial center at the McDonough Square. By 8:00
a.m., my father introduced me to the sheriff deputies that had scanned me into the building. Officer
Thomas Palmer, also called "Tiny," acted as my tour
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Essay about Biography of Thurgood Marshall
Why was Thurgood Marshall Famous?
Thurgood Marshall was born on July 2, 1908, in Baltimore, MD. He was born to his Mother Norma
Marshall and Father William Marshall. In his lifetime he was a civil Right Activist, Lawyer, Circuit
Court Judge & Solicitor General, and a Supreme Justice. He died at the age 84 on January 24, 1993.
He was married twice in his lifetime first to Vivien "Buster" Burey till her death in 1955 then to
Cecilia Suyat till his death. He had two sons by his second wife Thurgood Marshall. Jr and John W.
Thurgood Marshall attended Frederick Douglass High School and graduated with an above average
in 1926. Three years later he got married to his first wife Vivian Burey in September 4, 1929 at the
age of 21. He ... Show more content on ...
Smith because S.E. Allwright didn't allow him to vote in the 1940 Texas primary election.
Thurgood received the highest award the Spingarn Medal. It received its name from chief Joel
Spingarn. This award is appointed to the most highest or noblest achievement by a nigro.
The Brown v. Board of Education was Marshall greatest achievements as a civil–rights Lawyer. The
lawsuit was because a group of black parents in Topeka, Kansas were forced their children to attend
all black segregated schools. This was one of the most important cases of the 20th century. The
Supreme Court's unanimously ruled that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," On
May 17, 1954. Racial segregation of public schools, violated the 14th Amendment. The court's
provided the legal foundation during the enforcement. The inspiration for the American Civil Rights
Movement that unfolds over the next decided. His Victory in this case put Marshall as one of the
best lawyers in America. As a lawyer he worked on 32 cases and won 29 of these cases.Thurgood
Marshall, Jr. his son was born 12 Aug. 1956
Thurgood was appointed as the U.S second Circuit in 1961 for four years none of Marshall's
decision were overturned by the Supreme Court. Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Thurgood as the first
black U.S solicitor general. Marshall won 14 of the 19 cases he argued before the Supreme Court for
two years as solicitor.
Marshall was nominated in 1967 by President Johnson to survive on the
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Case Analysis: Sherriff Of Saluda County
Ethics are defined as rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad. Ethics is
also an area of study that involves ideas about what is good and bad behavior and what is morally
right or wrong. Ethics can vary from person to person. Ethics deals with making moral judgments
about what is right or wrong, good or bad. Right and wrong are qualities or moral judgments we
give to actions and conduct. Ethics provides us with a way to make moral choices when we are
uncertain about what to do in a situation involving moral issues. In everyday life we make moral
choices and judgements. Ethical issues have existed in relation to government and policing for
hundreds of years. The standard code of ethics that law enforcement personnel ... Show more
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Leaders such as Booth in this situation should have been playing an important role by setting the
example of high moral conduct that should be passed on to his subordinate employees. Instead in
this case Booth was the individual that was breaking the law. In my opinion training should be
conducted consistently on policies and the enforcement of those policies. Ethical behavior should
start from the top and work its way down to the newest member of a department. Leaders such as
Jason Booth needed to practice instilling the highest moral behavior in his deputies to create the
most ethical leaders for today and tomorrow. Booth betrayed a lot of individuals by his actions.
After meeting him personally a couple of times, he appeared to be an individual that had allowed the
power of being the Sheriff of Saluda County make him think that he was above the laws of The
State of South Carolina and The United States of America. When law enforcement personnel begin
to feel that they deserve special compensation for their regular duties, it is time for them to find a
new line of work. Unethical behavior arises when officers' demands for compensation overrides
their public
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Court Justice Elena Kagan Essay
The Judicial branch in our court system is made of our highest courts. Our federal judges are
appointed and not elected, because the framers believed that federal judges should be separated
from public pressures and the other branches trying to persuade them with treats. This branch help
enforce the laws that are put in place to maintain order, protect the people, and settle conflicts. In the
courts the judges must base their decisions off of the law and not the possibly of removal for issuing
the unpopular decision. In addition to the courts enforcing the laws officers of the law also help
enforce the laws.
In our judicial branch we have a dual court system; federal courts and state courts. These courts are
both separate and different, but they also work together in a way. One of the courts that are with the
federal ... Show more content on ...
Elena Kagan was the second child out if three, making her the middle child. Once she was out of
high school she attended Oxford, Princeton, and Harvard. Elena graduated from Princeton in 1981
as a summa cum laude with a bachelor's degree. Elena Kagan the first women to serve as a solicitor
general of the United States and she was the fourth woman to serve on the supreme court. Before
president Clinton left office he nominated Kagan to serve on the U.S court of appeals D.C circuit.
When Barack Obama was in office he appointed Elena Kagan to become a justice. Obama
appointed Kagan on April 7, 2010. The senate confirmed Kagan with a 63 to 37 vote; this allowed
her to become a justice. Elena Kagan first major court case was Obergefell V. Hodges. This case
was about fighting to make same–sex marriage legal in all 50 states. The final vote was 5–4
allowing same–sex marriage to be legal in all 50 states. This case was very important because it was
not fair to people who were in a same–sex relationship not to have the same rights as the people in
an opposite–sex
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Newton Vs Ferguson
Ferguson and others v. City of Charleston and others 532 U.S. 67, 83, 121 S.Ct. 1281, 149 L.Ed.2d
205 (2001)
Argued: October 4, 2000 Decided: March 21, 2001
In the fall of 1988, with the concerns to the escalation use of cocaine among pregnant patients
whom were receiving prenatal treatment, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) begun
to order drug screenings to be accomplished on the urine samples of the patients. The pregnant
patients that tested positive were referred by the MUSC staff to the county substance abuse
commission for counseling and treatment. This would lead to a relationship of MUSC staff and the
Solicitor of Charleston, which would then lead to a policy outlining the legal actions to be taken ...
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"The U.S. District Court jury found for the City of Charleston. The Court of Appeals affirmed,
holding that the searches were reasonable as a matter of law under our line of cases recognizing that
"special needs" may, in certain exceptional circumstances, justify a search policy designed to serve
non–law–enforcement ends. On the understanding, 'that MUSC personnel conducted the urine drug
screens for medical purposes wholly independent of an intent to aid law enforcement efforts,' the
majority applied the balancing test, and concluded that the interest in curtailing the pregnancy
complications and medical costs associated with maternal cocaine use overweighed what the
majority termed an minimal intrusion on the privacy of the parents. We conclude that the judgement
should be reversed and the case remanded for a decision on the consent issue" (Samaha,
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Was William Taft an Effective President?
A fat guy stuck in a bathtub? Or an effective President? Though President Taft was mostly thought
of as the man who had to be lifted out of the bathtub, in reality, he was much more than that.
President William Howard Taft was the 27th President of the United States. But, was he any good?
Although Taft is not a famous president (aside from the only thing that people actually remember
him for), he did make some very important contributions to our country. Persistence and intelligence
are two of the most important qualities of an effective president. President Taft had both of these
qualities, and that is part of what made him an effective president. Even before his presidency, Taft
was a lawman. His first venture into politics and law was becoming Assistant Prosecutor of
Hamilton County, Ohio. In 1887, he was appointed judge of the superior court in Cincinnati. At age
32, he became the Solicitor General of President Benjamin Harrison. He was the youngest person to
receive this position at the time. From 1901 to 1904, he was the first civilian Governor–General of
the Philippines. The last position he held before his he became president was Roosevelt's secretary
of war in 1904. All of these positions gave him political experience, which prepared him for
presidency. Taft was extremely intelligent. As a young adult, he attended Yale College. He graduated
2nd in his class and received a bachelor's degree in law. He was also highly educated in politics. His
proposals as
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Why Is Thurgood Marshall Significant
What was the short term significance of Thurgood Marshall in 1947–1967?
Thurgood Marshall was significant as he was the first African–American to be appointed a position
in the U.S Supreme Court, in 1967. His significance to civil rights is evident between 1947 and
1967, in one contemporary newspaper he was even referred to as "Mr Civil Rights". In 1947–1961
Thurgood worked as the NAACP's lawyer, where he argued his most famous cases – Brown v
Topeka (1954) and Browder v Gayle (1956). Furthermore, the appointments by both, President John
F. Kennedy and President Johnson, are significant in themselves because he was the first African–
American to be appointed to the Supreme Court. Despite his influence on the civil rights movement,
Thurgood took a lot of criticism which effected his attitudes towards other people involved with the
civil rights movement and, in general.
Thurgood Marshall's position in the Supreme Court as the NAACP's lawyer is extremely significant.
The segregation within school systems following the "separate but equal" legislation passed by the
court, Plessy v Ferguson case, was something he continuously challenged. In 1934 he first
represented the NAACP as their lawyer in the court case of Murray v Pearson, following this he was
successful in winning 29 of 32 civil rights cases against the Supreme Court in 1950s. The most
famous cases he argued were Browder v Gayle (1956) and Brown v Board of Education (1954), in
these cases he was able to adjust and change
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The Role Of Lawyers And Interest Of The Judicial Process
Student's Name:
Professor's Name:
Course Title:
Date submitted:
The role of lawyers and interest groups in the judicial process
A judicial process involves a series of rules undertaken to administer justice through a system of
courts defined in a given constitutional law. The lawyers and the interest groups are important actors
in any judicial process, (The U.S. Department of State publication, 2008). In the United States, a
plaintiff or a defendant has a constitutional right to a fair hearing before judgement. The litigants
would always need the lawyers to build their defence or prosecutions cases before the judge or jury.
The interest groups are known for influencing the judicial process. In the United States, the interest
groups have such as influenced the judges' appointment, just as a single form of influence. This
paper describes in details the roles of the lawyers and interest groups in the judicial process. In
addition to the roles, the paper seeks to explain the reasons behind unpopularity of lawyers in the
United States since colonial years to present day; the impact of stratification in the legal profession
on delivery and quality of legal services provision and how an impartial and unbiased system can
allow interest groups to take part in the judicial process.
The lawyer represents the clients in their cases in a court of law. The client could be from the
general society or government. A judgment by the judge or the jury is purely dependent on the
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The Roles and Responsibilities of the Institutional...
26. United Kingdom (UK) is one of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU), and is,
hence, directly affected by laws & policies of the European Union. Give a brief description of the
roles & responsibilities of the Institutional Triangle of the EU, including their law making
(legislative) powers. Also, give a very brief description of the other two main institutions of the EU,
namely, the European Council and the European Court of Justice (ECJ). (5 Marks) The roles and
responsibilities of the institutional triangle of the EU is that the institutional triangle produces the
policies and the laws that are applied throughout the EU. The rules and procedures that the
institutions must follow are laid down in the treaties, which ... Show more content on ...
– Article 8 > Right to respect for private and family life. Everyone has the right to respect private
and family life, his/her home and his/her correspondence. There shall be no interference by a public
authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law. (For the
prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the
rights and freedoms of others) – Article 14 > Prohibition of discrimination. The enjoyment of the
rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any
ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social
origin. – Protocol 1, Article 1 > Protection of property. This is when every natural or legal person is
entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No–one shall be deprived of his possessions
except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general
principles of international law. Relevant cases include John Sole v Secretary of State for Trade &
Industry, and London Development Agency [2007] whereby Articles 1 and 8 were violated. A
second case was the Dale Farm Travellers/Gypsies High Court Case (12 Oct 2011), whereby the
Irish were being discriminated breaching article 14. 28. Give a description of the
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Article Review On Human Rights
My assignment will be a discussion about Article 6 (Right to a fair trial) of the HRA 1998. I will
explore the article and define it in detail. I will explain why this article is particularly important for a
Police officer/Investigator dealing with an offender from the beginning of a case until a court
appearance. Furthermore I will discuss the possible consequences if the Police officer/Investigator
fails to comply with Article 6. Article 6 (the right to a fair trial) has been developed over centuries,
originally copied from sources such as the "Magna Carta, the 1689 Bill of Rights and the common
law." (Fair Trial, 2014) But is now Article 6. Article 6 derived from the European convention on
Human Rights. The European Convention on Human Rights is an international treaty to protect
human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe and was signed in Rome (Italy) on 4 November
1950 by 12 member states of the Council of Europe and entered into force on 3 September 1953.
Article 6 was created during the aftermath of World War Two, when motivated by the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights. The universal Declaration of Human Rights "proclaimed by the
General Assembly of the United Nations on 10th December 1948;" (Rights) It was thought to be a
wider response of the Allied Powers in distributing a human rights agenda, in the hopes that the
violations of human
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Who Is William H. Taft And How Did They Achieve His Legacy?
William H. Taft, the man that was supposedly stuck in a White House bath tub. Taft did many
remarkable things throughout his lifetime. The only man to be a United States President and a
Supreme Court Justice, William Howard Taft sure lead a very interesting life. From his childhood to
adulthood, education, and professional life in the oval office and later the United States Supreme
Court Taft accomplished many great things. William Howard Taft was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on
September 15, 1857. (Staff) William Taft was born to parents Alphonso and Louisa Maria Tourey
Taft. Taft married Helen Herron in 1886 and had three children, a daughter and two sons. (Cushman
and Rehnquist) Many of Taft's ancestors before him practiced law and politics. Taft followed his
family's footsteps into law and politics.
Taft attended Yale College. While at Yale, Taft joined the secret society Skull and Bones, a society
that his father co–founded in 1832. (Editors) In 1878, Taft graduated second in his class from Yale
College. (Cushman and Rehnquist) After Yale, Taft attended Cincinnati College of Law. During his
time at Cincinnati he ... Show more content on ...
Taft replaced Edward D. White as Chief Justice. Taft was able to organize and improve the
efficiency of the court system. Taft helped secure passage of the Judge's Act of 1925. This act gave
the Supreme court the ability to decide which cases they would choose to hear. (Staff) Taft
accomplished a lot during his time as a Supreme Court Justice. One of Taft's greatest
accomplishments was securing funds to build the first building designed for the use of the Supreme
Court. (Cushman and Rehnquist) Taft personally supervised the building's design and earl stages of
construction. (Cushman and Rehnquist) Sadly, Taft did not live to see the building finished in 1935.
William Howard Taft passed away on March 8, 1930 from complications of heart disease.
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The Role Of Barristers And Barristers
The Oxford dictionary 2015 defines a solicitor as " A legal practitioner admitted to practice under
the provisions of the Solicitors Act 1974" The legal profession in England and Wales can be divided
into two main sections, barristers and solicitors. Each professional has its own governing body and
duties. There are currently 136.940 practicing solicitors in England and Wales (Solicitors Regulating
Body SRA 2015). Their functions and duties are widely varied these include: conveying, drawing up
wills, divorce settlements, civil litigation, winding up the estates of a deceased persons. Solicitors
can carried out these duties from their offices. Solicitors have automatic rights of audience court
appearances are infrequent, ... Show more content on ...
Paralegals have been previously known as "solicitors managing clerks" they had their own
organisation called "The solicitors managing clerks association" in the early 1960s they became
dissatisfied with the title because of the importance of the work they were doing. Another title was
chosen for them "Legal executives" and a new association, which was called "The institute of Legal
Executives" they have now evolved to give people with a non law degree the chance to gain practice
Paralegals are relied oh heavily in law firms and many have their own clients and carry out much of
what a solicitor can do with very little specific supervision. The National Association has instituted
a framework for the regulation and licensing of paralegals. The main advantage of being a qualified
paralegal is that you can be
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Samuel Alito Essay
Based on the research of Justice Alito, he was appointed by former president Gorge W. Bush as one
of the Supreme Court Justices on January 31, 2006 and is currently a Republican Party federal
justice. His approaches to things are very unpredictable and distinctive from what he is viewed as.
However, his conservative standpoint is still a part of his image. This paper will include: the
background of the justice, the judicial philosophy he approaches, and his opinion on a dispute.
Samuel Alito was born on April 1, 1950 in Trenton, New Jersey, to Rose Fradusco and Samuel A.
Alito Sr. His mother was a schoolteacher and father was a an Office Director of Legislative
Services. He was raised in an upper–middle class catholic Italian–American family. He attended
Steiner High School graduating at the top of his class. After high school he entered Princeton
University as an undergrad. While attending Princeton University he joined challenging activity
such as ROTC. After graduating from Princeton University in 1972 he continued his education at
Yale Law School and graduated in 1975. During his time at Yale, he was the school's law journal
editor and also served on active duty until 1975. He was discharged from active duty in 1980. There
were many qualifications that made Justice Alito suitable to become a Supreme Court Justice. After
succeeding law school, Justice Alito became a clerk for Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge
Leonard I. Garth in 1976 and 1977 in Newark, New
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Elena Kagan Research Paper
Elena Kagan was born on April 28, 1960, in New York City. She the daughter of an elementary
school teacher, and a housing attorney; this where her interest for academic and law first developed.
As an adolescent Elena Kagan attended Hunter College High School, and then later on attended
Princeton University in 1977. While at Princeton she majored in History and graduated summa cum
laude in 1981, she then attended Worchester College in Oxford, England where she earned her
master's degree in philosophy in 1983. After graduating form Worchester College in Oxford,
England, she attended Harvard Law School where she graduated magna cum laude in 1986. Justice
Kagan has accomplished a vast amount of achievements academically, after graduating law school
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Some of the cases that she has chosen the conservative side for were Voisine v. United States,
United States v. Texas, Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro, Rjr Nabisco Inc. v. European
Community, Taylor v. United States, Utah v. Strieff, and Universal Health Services, Inc. v. Escobar,
Julio, Et Al.
Justice Kagan is the youngest sitting justice, and has no prior judicial experience; she brings a more
pragmatic approach to the way she interprets the law. With that being said I feel as if Roe v. Wade
(1973) was a current case her deliberation would be on the conservative side. Meaning she rule on
behalf of Jane Roe. The facts about Jane Roes case deals with a pregnant mother named Jane Roe
who wished to obtain an abortion, she sued on behalf of all women in an effort to prevent the
enforcement of Texas statuses criminalizing all abortions except when medically advised for the
purpose of saving the life of the mother, which is an invasion of privacy.
With Justice Kagan voting as the majority in the Obergefell v. Hodges case that declared that same–
sex marriage was a constitutional right, with her having a liberal ideology, and is a strong supporter
of privacy rights. Shows me that she is a very open minded, educated woman, who feels as if
women should have the right to choose what happens to their
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Switzerland Legal System Essay
Switzerland's legal system is reliant on a civil law tradition and thus is dependent on written codes
which is held as a primary source for statements of law with authority. Going back in history it is
shown that civil law is composed of a group of legal ideas and systems stemmed from a collection
of fundamental works in jurisprudence, cloaked by Napoleonic, Germanic, canonical, feudal and
local practises including doctrinal strains such as natural law, codification and legal positivism.
Swiss foreign policy has since 1815 been governed by the principle of neutrality, so they did not
support or aid either side to a conflict and remained impartial during the first and second World War.
England's law on the other hand was made by judges sitting in courts thus known as common law so
has become more like Switzerland as legislation has stated to overtake judicial law making. Their
laws are seen to be dominated by statutory law, which generate general principles and sets aside
functional and procedural rules. Unlike the United Kingdom judicial decisions are not rated as high.
Switzerland is a federal union, meaning civil procedure and the make–up of the judiciary are
governed by state law of 26 cantons, in unifying the various cantonal rules enshrines the rights to
take part in decision making process's on Federals state level, having equal share in the central
legislator. Switzerland is also not a part of the European Union despite having strong ties into the
EU. Its legal
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Ollie's Barbecue: Supreme Court Case
The case here at hand was argued October 5th of 1964. The issue was one that dealt with Ollie's
Barbecue and its owner Ollie McClung in Alabama and the refusal of black patrons coming inside to
dine–in. Ollie's only allowed take out to black customers, even though the majority of employees
were black. With the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that was handed down in July, Congress along with
Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach were arguing that a clear violation of Title II of the
Act was being committed by McClung. This case was close in distinction and timing of the Heart of
Atlanta Motel case brought before the Supreme Court, as they were argued at the same time.
"Section 201 (a) of Title II commands that all persons shall be entitled to ... Show more content on ...
Ten years prior we had Brown v. The Board of Education, which a few of the same Justices serving
on Katzenbach v. McClung were on, that stated that "separate educational facilities is inherently
unequal". Then, with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 we saw the outlawing of segregation and
discrimination in public places. This was put to the test by two small southern businesses that
claimed Congress had no right to interfere with their local establishments, but the Supreme Court
did right by upholding the constitution, and it seemed to be a no brainer as seen by the unanimous
decision by the court. It was tense time and shameful part of our history, but without decisions made
by these men we might not be where we are today. Racism and discrimination still exist all over the
globe to this day. We have come a long way though, and if it wasn't for people continuing to do the
right thing whether they are a majority or minority then we wouldn't have the freedoms that we have
today. The Supreme Court got it right with this decision, not just by upholding the Constitution, but
for our Country and Humanity in
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Litigant Criminal Case
Eric Gao Mrs. Mitchell AP Gov, Period 3 17 May 2018 Chapter 15 Study Questions: The Federal
Courts 1. The Judiciary act of 1859 established: A) judgeships for circuit courts, B) pensions for
judges And C) the Supreme Court's size of 9 justices 2. Compare/Contrast criminal cases and civil
cases. A: In a criminal case, an individual is charged with breaking a particular law, such as robbery,
and he/she usually serves prison time as a punishment. Sometimes, criminal cases elicit fines. In a
civil case, it is often about a dispute between two parties over claims, contracts, or licenses and it
usually leads to monetary awards for one side. 3. What is standing to sue? A: Standing to sue is the
requirement that plaintiffs who sue must have a serious and vetted interest in a case, meaning the
plaintiff has sustained or is in danger of sustaining a direct and substantial injury from the actions of
the other(which can be the government) 4. What are litigants? A: Litigants are those involved in a
case, typically the plaintiff and defendant. 5. Compare/contrast: courts with "original" jurisdiction
and courts with "appellate" jurisdiction. A: Courts with "original jurisdiction" ... Show more content
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In landmark cases, an opinion can set precedence for future cases, due to its broadness and boldness.
A narrowly–tailored opinion has no impact in setting precedence and would only be used for the
case at hand. A majority opinion is an opinion that is supported by the majority of the justices and it
is typically written by the chief justice if he/she is in the majority. If not, the senior associate justice
in the majority writes it. A concurring opinion is an opinion that supports the majority decision but it
also stresses a different viewpoint for the majority decision. Finally, a dissenting opinion is one that
is either completely or partially opposed to the majority
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Thurgood Marshall: First African-American Supreme Court...
Thurgood Marshall, First African– American Supreme Court Justice, Dies
Thurgood Marshall – well known for his victory in the U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of
Education of Topeka – has died at the age of 84. Marshall's education, determination, and
appreciation for the United States Constitution and the rule of law are paramount factors which led
him to become one of the most accomplished African Americans during the civil rights era. He
played a key role in advancing equality for African–American men and women in the United States.
Marshall's death symbolizes the resilience and prosperity not only among the African–American
people, but concurrently in the lives of each and every American citizen. When he was ready to
further his ... Show more content on ...
In 1940, he founded the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to provide legal assistance to civil rights and
voting rights activists, and lawsuits against violators of civil rights. In 1954, Marshall's victory in
Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka overturns the infamous Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v.
Ferguson's, "separate but equal." The Supreme Court's ruling to desegregate educational facilities
brought African–Americans one step closer to gaining true equality.
By 1961, he was nominated to Second Court of Appeals by President John F. Kennedy. As
appointed circuit judge, Marshall made 112 rulings, all of which have been upheld by the Supreme
Court. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Marshall U.S. solicitor general. As U.S.
solicitor general, he was victorious in 14 of 19 cases which he argued for the U.S. government. In
1967, Marshall became the first African–American elevated to the U.S. Supreme Court. He
represented and won more cases before the U.S. Supreme Court than any other American in U.S.
From the beginning of his career in law to his service for the American people as Supreme Court
Justice, Marshall has left numerous indelible revisions among the American people that increased
equality and diminished the intensity of racism in the United States of
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Legal Case Analysis Essay
Legal Case Analysis
1. In this matter I am asked to advise those instructing me as to whether the prosecution can adduce
evidence of a written statement of a witness unwilling to testify at trial and secondly how her
evidence might be presented if she decides to give evidence at trial.
2. I understand that Chrissie lives within close proximity to the scene of the crime and is in fact a
'next door neighbour'.
3. Anterior to Chrissie's involvement, the victim, Bella, was attacked in her bedroom by an intruder
wearing a balaclava. The intruder broke into the house through the kitchen window and repeatedly
stabbed her with a 'large knife'.
4. Bella did not see the attacker's face, but perhaps by serendipity, Chrissie caught a ... Show more
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As Lord Normand stated in Teper : "The rule against the admission of hearsay is fundamental... The
truthfulness and accuracy of the witness whose words are spoken by another person cannot be tested
by cross–examination, and the light which his demeanour would throw upon his testimony is lost."
10. This rule is not inflexible. As Heffernan explained: "Notwithstanding its merit in excluding
unreliable evidence and enhancing adjudication, the rule against hearsay suffers from the
disadvantage that it is overly broad in its application. Because the rule can and does lead to the
exclusion of probative evidence, it has been constrained over the years in the UK and Ireland by
numerous common law and statutory exceptions."
11. Tapper highlights some Common Law exceptions. For the purposes of brevity, these exceptions
shall not be expatiated. These include evidence relating to:
(a) Public Information
(b) Reputation: character and family matters
(c) Res gestae: statements relating to a relevant event and statements relating to a contemporaneous,
relevant mental state
(d) Admissions & Confessions.
12. The statutory exceptions include the admission of written statements in s9 CJA 1967. These
statements are admissible only if certain formalities are adhered to such as providing signatures, a
declaration of truth and serving a copy of the statements to the relevant
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Rudy Giuliani Is The Embodiment Of An American Dream?
Rudy Giuliani is the embodiment of an America Dream. Rudy climbed the political ladder and now
lies as president–elected global chair of cybersecurity (CNN Library). People who are in the public
eye and in politics are at times involved in a scandal or multiple scandals. Scandals have been
present since the beginning of time and can very much affect your credibility and your public
response to any of your further doings. Rudy Giuliani did experience a similar scandal to John
Proctor from The Crucible and many others have too but, each situation is different and unique to
their own.
Growing up in Brooklyn and having a father who owned a tavern could easily affect your views on
politics. Giuliani's family came to the United States of America from Italy and they are a family of
working–class and are Catholics. Giuliani's father, Harold Angel Giuliani, was a member of an
organized crime group. Giuliani (father), would later be convicted of assault and robbery. This
would later foreshadow on this position and responsibility on crime once he became mayor of New
York in 1941 – 2001. Before any of his political career, Giuliani attended Catholic High School.
Religion was very important to Giuliani as was to Proctor, as he stated in The Crucible, "God sees
my name; God knows how black my sins are" (Miller 142). In the beginning Giuliani wanted to be a
priest but in time his fond for law grew. He would later attend New York City University of Law
and pursue his dream. After
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The Movie Marshall Movie
In the movie "Marshall" we take a look at one of Thurgood Marshall early cases. In "Marshall",
Thurgood starts off at a train station getting ready to board and some bad cats walk up to him and
started screaming obscene things at Thurgood. We see Thurgood going into the NAACP office and
someone is waiting for him to tell him he will be taking a rape case in New York. Thurgood tells his
wife that he will have to leave again for another court case. So he goes to New York and enlists the
help of local lawyer Samuel Friedman. Marshall needed a co–counselor based in Connecticut to
help him argue the case, someone more familiar with the laws and politics particular to the state.
Sam's response wasn't to welcoming. He felt like this was a case that could possible ruin his career.
He wanted nothing to do with it. After a few movie minutes we go to see the man accused of rape.
It's an African American male named Joseph Spell. Spell is accused of raping his former boss
Eleanor Strubing. Mrs.Strubing had come home from dinner with friends. She was fresh from the
shower and wearing only a robe when Spell knocked on her bedroom door and asked if he could
borrow some money. She claims Spell raped her made her get dressed took her downstairs, bound
her hands and feet, and raped her again. After forcing her to write a ransom note, he put her in the
car, cut off the bottom of her dress and gagged her with the remnant, and drove until a policeman
stopped the car. The officer did not
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Twin Metals: A Case Study
I. Issue
What is the scope of Twin Metals Minnesota's (TTM) authority to conduct exploration or other
activities on its reinstated federal mineral leases prior to an approved mine plan? And what
additional authorizations are needed from federal or state agencies to conduct various activities on
the leased lands?
II. Background
a. Governing Statutes
Mineral leasing in most of the land in which the leases are situated is governed by 16 U.S.C. § 508b.
Specifically, it authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to permit the prospecting, development, and
utilization on Minnesota national forest land, which are withdrawn from the general mining laws, as
the Secretary of the Interior should act in the best interests of the United States. Id. Moreover, the
Secretary of the Interior must obtain consent from the Secretary of Agriculture to permit mineral
development in these lands. Id.
Mineral leasing in the remainder of the land in which the leases are situated is governed by 16
U.S.C. § 520. Specifically, it authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to permit the prospecting,
development, and utilization on lands acquired under the Weeks Act. Id. Meanwhile, Section 402 of
the Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1946 transfers the functions of the Secretary of Agriculture to the
Secretary of the Interior, providing that the Secretary of the Interior only ... Show more content on ...
43 C.F.R. § 3505.10. After an initial review of permit application, but before the prospecting permit
is issued, the operator is required to submit three copies of an exploration plan. 43 C.F.R. § 3505.40.
An exploration plan shows how you intend to determine the existence and workability of a valuable
deposit. 43 C.F.R. §
... Get more on ...

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Andrew Jackson Term Papers

  • 1. Andrew Jackson Term Papers Andrew Jackson Research paper Nick Garcia United States History 1 Mrs. BurkeMarch 11,2011 Andrew Jackson a great leader and a president of the United States. Jackson got involved in the war at a very early age in his life. He had a hatred for the British for taking his family away from him. As his life went on he became a lawyer. He was also elected to the House of Representatives in 1796 and to the U.S. Senate in 1797. In 1801, Jackson was named colonel of the Tennessee militia. Jackson gained publicity all over the U.S. because of his heroic leadership during the War of 1812. Jackson won a huge victory for the U.S. which stopped Britain from invading America at the battle of New Orleans. Jackson attacked Florida in 1818 ... Show more content on ... Though his education wasn't much he got by just enough to be a lawyer on the frontier. He had started his career on his own and soon began to grow in frontier law. In 1788, he was named to work as Solicitor of the Western District. Jackson was elected as a delegate to the Tennessee constitutional convention in 1796. When Tennessee was named a state, Jackson was elected to be its representative. The following year, he was elected to be the United States Senator as a Democratic– Republican, but resigned in less then a year. In 1798, he was judge of the Tennessee Supreme Court serving until 1803. Bibliography "Andrew Jackson | HistoryNet." HistoryNet. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. Website "Andrew Jackson | Orphan, General, President, Legend." The Hermitage ICal. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. Website "Andrew Jackson." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. Website "King Andrew and the Bank." King Andrew and the Bank. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2016. Website
  • 2. N.p., n.d. Web. ... Get more on ...
  • 3. The Life and Work of Carl Warren Carl Warren was appointed the 14th Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court in 1953.' Warren was appointed to take the place of the current Chief Justice Fred Vinson who died suddenly of a heart attack.' So, Warren immediately began his term in the Supreme Court and did not get Senate approval with March 1, 1954 on a simple voice vote of the full Senate without any of the typical confirmation hearings by the Senate Judiciary Committee,' This approval process was very noncontroversial and without any of the detailed reviews that a Supreme Court appointment would typically face.4 Warren became a very controversial Supreme Court Justice after the Senate did little to review how he might act as a Supreme Court Justice. This may have changed how much review future Supreme Court appointments would get from the Senate. Carl Warren was an average student in college with no experience as a judge before he became a very active leader of the Supreme Court, making many controversial decisions for the times.' His leadership and decisions still impact our lives today. He was appointed by President Eisenhower mostly because Eisenhower thought Warren was a middle of the road Republican (like Eisenhower) and because Warren was a Catholic' Eisenhower wanted to appeal to the Northeastern USA catholic voters.' Also, during the Republican Party presidential nominating convention of 1952, Warren, then the Governor of California and a potential rival to Eisenhower for the office of President of ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Arguments Against The Electoral College In the "The Electoral College Is Important Because It Reflects the Will of the States," Charles Fried, a law professor at Harvard Law School and was solicitor general of the United States, argues that the Electoral College should continue. Due to the U.S.A being a direct democracy, the representatives and members of the electoral college are chosen by the citizens; however, they do not elect their presidents directly. He expresses that the states have their own political culture, personalities, and traditions, and they are not the administrative elements of the the federal government; therefore, they can only elect their governors by popular vote. Ultimately he concludes that it is not always the popular vote which determine the winner; sometimes ... Show more content on ... I will use this source to show that the states successfully use the popular vote to elect their governors with focusing more on democracy; thus, the national government can elect the president by popular vote. I will also use this source to show that people should be the primary elements of the governments not the subsidiary. In "States Don't Use Electoral College to Choose Their Leader, Neither Should the Nation," Akhil R. Amar, a law professor at Yale University and the author of the many of the books one of which is "The Constitution Today: Timeless Lessons for the Issues of Our Era," argues that the Electoral College should be abolished because states choose their own governors directly; therefore, the federal government should use the same model when choosing its president. He proves that the direct technique that the states use is smart and working. He also claims that unlikely to the current election system, in a direct election system, states would have incentive to encourage people to vote. Ultimately, he believes that with an agreement of the two major political parties' candidates, the future national elections could happen without a constitutional ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Ruth Bader Ginsburg Essay Today there are now a total of eight Supreme Court Justices in the United States Government. The oldest of the group being 83 and the youngest being 56. The members of this court are Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Anthony McLeod Kennedy, Stephen Gerald Breyer, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Anthony Alito, Sonia Maria Sotomayor, John Glover Roberts Jr., and Elena Kagan. Each of these Associate Justices have different backgrounds and history, so here's the background information on these important figures. Starting off with a Justice in the Liberal Court, Democratic Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Ruth Joan Bader before marriage) was born March 15th, 1933 in Brooklyn, New York. Ruth Ginsburg grew up in a low–income working class neighborhood. Ruth Ginsburg's ... Show more content on ... Elena Kagan was first nominated by President Obama as the Solicitor General of the United States; a year later the President nominated her as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court on May 10, 2010 and she took her seat on August 7, 2010. Kagan was born in New York, New York, on April 28, 1960. During her education she received an A.B. from Princeton in 1981, an M. Phil. from Oxford in 1983, and a J.D. from Harvard Law School in 1986. In the beginning she had clerked for Judge Abner Mikva of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit from 1986–1987 and then for Justice Thurgood Marshall of the U.S. Supreme Court during the 1987 Term. Later after briefly practicing law at a Washington, D.C. law firm, she became a law professor. She first started off as a law professor at the University of Chicago Law School and later on at Harvard Law School. Kagan also served for four years in the Clinton Administration as Associate Counsel to the President and then as Deputy Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy. Between 2003 and 2009 she had served at Harvard Law School as the ... Get more on ...
  • 6. Solicitors General Influence Supreme Court Justices Bailey, Kamoie, and Maltzma's article answers the question to whether Solicitors General (S.G.) influence Supreme Court justices to behave differently than they would like. The article argues that unlike some studies that assert that S.G.'s influence the justices decisions, the reality is somewhat contradictory. They claim that Justices are more sympathetic to motions from the S.G. when both the justice and S.G. are "ideologically proximate" or when the Solicitors General's motion is conflicting to his own ideological tendency. According to them, "justices will find a solicitor general's information more credible when the solicitor general and the justice are ideologically congruent or when the signal from the S.G. is ideologically counter to his typical policy views". (p 72) That means justices are sympathetic to the SG's signals under two circumstances: when their ideology is close to the S.G.'s ideology or when the S.G. files a motion that opposes his own ideological tendency. ... Show more content on ... By using the signaling theory to defend their position, it makes impossible to interpret their thinking as valid. In fact, the signaling theory suggests that organisms with contradictory interests should be expected to communicate honestly. That means justices sympathize with the S.G. when he files a motion that opposes his own ideological predisposition because they believe the SG could only vote against his own ideology if he/she is sincere. Also, the authors' approach focuses on success of the S.G. rather than the influence. Bailey, Kamoie, and Maltzma's logic is that the S.G. wins cases depending on merits; not based on its influence which I can say is partially ... Get more on ...
  • 7. The Supreme Court Of The United States The Supreme Court of the United States is thought to be the keep going word on legitimate choices, being profoundly particular about which cases it considers. It just acknowledges cases that have been through the lower courts and offers forms until there are no different choices and no tasteful determination to the current issue. This paper will talk about four of the eight judges of the Supreme Court and a brief synopsis of what their jobs entail as a supreme court judge. The motivation behind the Supreme Court is not to make law, yet rather to decipher law and regardless of whether the issues being considered are steady with the United States Constitution. The Supreme Court is the most elevated court in the country for all question emerging under the Constitution or the laws of the United States. It is the last judge of the law and it is entrusted with ensuring that the American individuals have parallel equity under the law. It is basically the watchman and mediator of the Constitution. The Supreme Court includes the Chief Justice (John Roberts) and seven Associate Judges ( Anthony Kennedy, Clarence Thomas, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen Breyer, Samuel Alito, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan) and one vacancy, a number that is controlled by Congress. The President has the duty of naming judges, whose affirmations are controlled by the United States Senate. These arrangements are lifetime residencies. Likewise, there are court officers who are instrumental in helping the ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The Causes Of President Richard Nixon And The Watergate... The Watergate Scandal During the early 1970's, a scandal took place at the hands of former president, Richard Nixon. Richard Nixon wanted to ensure that he got the chance to get reelected. He took extreme measures to do so, one of those extreme measures included espionage. On June 17, 1972, five burglars were taken down to the police station after breaking into the Watergate complex buildings in Washington, D.C. The five burglars; James McCord, Virgilio Gonzalez, Frank Sturgis, Eugenio Martinez, and Bernard Baker. "These five men broke into Headquarters for the Democratic National Committee, which was located in the Watergate hotel. This triggered the entire scandal and eventually led to Nixon's demise." "The prowlers were connected to President Richard Nixon's reelection campaign, and they had been caught wiretapping phones and stealing documents. Nixon took aggressive steps to cover up the crime afterwards, and in August 1974, after his role in the conspiracy was revealed, Nixon resigned. The Watergate scandal changed American politics forever, leading many Americans to question their leaders and think more critically about the presidency." (insert citation) "A forceful presidential campaign therefore seemed essential to the president and some of his key advisers. Their aggressive tactics included what turned out to be illegal espionage. In May 1972, as evidence would later show, members of Nixon's Committee to Re–Elect the President (known derisively as CREEP) broke into ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Switzerland Legal System Essay Switzerland's legal system is reliant on a civil law tradition and thus is dependent on written codes which is held as a primary source for statements of law with authority. Going back in history it is shown that civil law is composed of a group of legal ideas and systems stemmed from a collection of fundamental works in jurisprudence, cloaked by Napoleonic, Germanic, canonical, feudal and local practises including doctrinal strains such as natural law, codification and legal positivism. Swiss foreign policy has since 1815 been governed by the principle of neutrality, so they did not support or aid either side to a conflict and remained impartial during the first and second World War. England's law on the other hand was made by judges sitting in courts thus known as common law so has become more like Switzerland as legislation has stated to overtake judicial law making. Their laws are seen to be dominated by statutory law, which generate general principles and sets aside functional and procedural rules. Unlike the United Kingdom judicial decisions are not rated as high. Switzerland is a federal union, meaning civil procedure and the make–up of the judiciary are governed by state law of 26 cantons, in unifying the various cantonal rules enshrines the rights to take part in decision making process's on Federals state level, having equal share in the central legislator. Switzerland is also not a part of the European Union despite having strong ties into the EU. Its legal ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Essay on The Legal Profession: One Career, Many Avenues The Legal Profession: One Career, Many Avenues Whether we are reading about the heroic small–town attorney Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mocking Bird, or watching in awe as Richard Gere portrays a smooth attorney in Primal Fear, it is apparent through culture and media that there is a power and prestige associated with the law in American society. This paper compares the training and education of such American lawyers with their English counterparts, concluding as to why it may behoove us in the US to adopt the apprenticeship requirements of England. To begin, it is important to note that n the English system, the legal profession is distinctly divided; lawyers are either Barristers or Solicitors. While the Barristers are governed by the ... Show more content on ... Much like how the US has three branches of the government in an effort at a system of checks and balances, a Barrister acts as a check on the Solicitor conducting the trial. According to some critics, a distinct disadvantage of the split profession is that a multiplicity of legal advisers can lead to an inefficient process and higher costs (Law Observer). Given our understanding of the two divisions, we are in a better position to appreciate the variations among education and training. A prospective Barrister must first complete the academic stage of their legal education by obtaining a qualifying law degree (The Law Society of England and Wales). However, instead of obtaining a formal law degree, the student may undertake a one–year law conversion course, now known as a Graduate Diploma in Law (GDL), so long as he has initially graduated in a subject other than law. From this juncture the student joins one of the Inns of Court and takes the Bar Professional Training Course (BPTC) at one of the accredited providers (The Law Society of England and Wales). Additionally, there is the tradition of "keeping terms" before the prospective may be called to the bar. By participating in 12 qualifying sessions, some of which require dining with practitioners for full evenings while others involve attending specified training events, the student may then be called to the bar (Blackstone & Sharswood). Once ... Get more on ...
  • 11. War On Terrorism Pros And Cons "Our war on terror begins with Al– Qaida, but it does not end there, It will not end end until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated." – President George W. Bush after 9/11. After the attack on the twin towers the Bush Administration and some of the United States' allies formed an organization that fought against terrorism, known as the war on terror. The idea of the war on terror, that one day terrorism would be eliminated entirely, is a great idea but we, as a nation, should have went about it differently. The war on terror has a negative influence on the world as demonstrated by the increase in racial profiling, unethical use of torture, and the decrease of privacy. Racial profiling has made the war ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Regarding Indefinite Administrative Detention Essay Regarding Indefinite Administrative Detention Blind patriotism and resounding public support of President Bush's 'War' on terrorism after the events of September 11 th have allowed considerable leeway to be taken by the Federal Government in terms of indefinite detention of non–U.S. citizens in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. But all the flag waving seems to have helped a lot of people dismiss the idea that, even though the detainees taken from Afghanistan in the past year are not U.S. citizens, they remain innocent until proven guilty according to American legal principles. One might ask: 'if the suspects haven't been proven guilty in court (or the remarkably prosecutor– friendly military tribunals), how can they be, for all intents and ... Show more content on ... Constitution, to be protected by the 5 th Amendment Due Process clause, which "forbids the Government to "depriv[e]" any "person ... of ... liberty...without due process of law.""(Zadvydas, III(A)) is absolutely crucial to maintaining a fair, evenhanded administration of justice by the U.S. courts system. The U.S. Supreme Court took this into consideration when deciding Zadvydas v. Davis (2001), in which plaintiff argued that a law regulating the lengthy detention process applied to 'deportable' aliens whose deportation/reception arrangements were still pending violated his right to Due Process. This will be discussed in depth later. But the case was not based on constitutional issues, rather it focused on statutory laws that define the complex procedures for holding and deporting aliens. Before an analysis of the legal reasoning used to decide Zadvydas can be appropriately understood, one must receive a brief overview of exactly how and why this case applies to Attorney General John Ashcroft's ability to indefinitely detain 'suspected terrorists' at Guantanamo Bay. The complication here is that the main focus of this case is not on suspected terrorists, prisoners of war, or any issue of national security regarding deportation of enemies of the state. The primary legal question in Zadvydas is "whether 8 U.S.C. §1231(a)(6), a provision permitting the United States Attorney General to detain a deportable alien ... Get more on ...
  • 13. Comparative Law Report : United Kingdom And The United States COMPARATIVE LAW REPORT THE UNITED KINGDOM AND THE UNITED STATES CTEC 1412 COMPUTER ETHICS, LAW and PORTFOLIO RAJAT RAJPUT BSc Computer Science P15222274 CONTENT PAGE 1. Introduction 1.1 United Kingdom Jurisdiction 1.2 United States Jurisdiction 2. Main Body (comparison) 2.1 The Constitution 2.2 Creating Laws 2.3 The Lawyers 2.4 The Jury 3. Conclusion 4. References 1. INTRODUCTION: 1.1 The United Kingdom Jurisdiction: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consisted of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. It achieved its present form in 1922 after the partition of Northern Ireland. England and Wales have a combined Judicial system and Scotland and Northern Ireland have their own independent judicial systems under the Act of 1707 and 1800. There is no single written constitution for The U.K. The Constitutional Laws of the UK contain Statute Law, Case Law and
  • 14. Constitutional Convention. They do not have any statutory authority but do consist the binding force. The relationship between the Sovereign (the Queen) and the parliament is rather conventional than statutory. The ministry of Justice is the responsible government body for the justice system and the constitutional policy. The head of the body is called the Lord Chancellor and the Secretary of State for Justice. The cabinet office has the duty to look over specific areas of the constitutional policy that are devolution election and the royal succession. ... Get more on ...
  • 15. The Accomplishments Of Lyndon B. Thurgood Marshall On July 2nd, 1908, Thurgood Marshall was born in Baltimore, Maryland, to William and Norma Marshall. He attended Baltimore's Colored High and Training center. He was an above average student and was a star member of the debate team. In high school, marshall's greatest accomplishment was memorizing the entire United States' Constitution. After graduating in 1926, Thurgood attended Lincoln University in Pennsylvania. This was a historically black college. After graduating, with honors, from Lincoln, in 1930, he applied to the University of Maryland Law School. He was overqualified with his academics, but was turned away because of his race. This experience with discrimination in education stayed with Marshall and helped determine his career. Insted of Maryland, Thurgood attended Howard University in Washington ... Show more content on ... Marshall served as a circuit court judge for 4 years. in 1965, Lyndon B Johnson, appointed Marshall to serve as the first black us solicitor general, the attorney designated to argue on behalf of the federal government before The Supreme Court. Marshall spent two years as solicitor general. In 1964, president Lyndon B Johnson nominated Thurgood Marshall to serve on the United States Supreme Court. on October 2nd, 1967, so good was sworn in as a Supreme Court Justice, becoming the first African American to serve on the nation's highest court. As a Supreme Court Justice Thurgood supported rulings to uphold a strong protection of individual rights. Thurgood Marshall spent 24 years on the Supreme Court. Marshall retired from the Supreme Court in 1991. Thurgood Marshall was one of the greatest and most important figures of the Civil Rights Movement. Thurgood was one of the most instrumental in the movement's achievement towards racial equality. Thurgood Marshall died on January 24th, 1993, at the age of 84 in Bethesda ... Get more on ...
  • 16. Ted Cruz Biography Ted Cruz our New President Who is Ted Cruz, a political machine that came from congress to become the next United State of America president, that's who Ted Cruz is. From his very humble background to becoming a power house for the Republican Party, Cruz is the second in line in the GOP to be running for the 2016 presidential office. From his humble uprising to becoming a senator, Cruz could be the first Hispanic president of the United States. Cruz Political background has been in the making for more than ten years. He started working as an attorney for some time, Cruz later served as an adviser on the 2000 presidential campaign of George W. In 2012 he won election to the U. Bush. Born on December 22, 1970, American conservative politician ... Show more content on ... He also never though he would be the toughest running opponent In another effort to energize his campaign after Trump's sweep of primaries in the eastern states, Cruz announced Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential running mate. With Trump in the lead, Cruz and Kasich announced in April a joint strategy to try to stop the frontrunner's momentum. Regarding the issue of climate change, the presidential hopeful acknowledges that climate change is real, but he has questioned the scientific evidence of its causes and impact as presented by what he calls "global warming alarmists. Instead of a federal government that works to undermine our values, imagine a federal government that works to defend the sanctity of human life, and to uphold the sacrament of marriage," he said in a speech announcing his run for president. Cruz said he would focus on winning Indiana while Kasich would dedicate his campaign to winning the Oregon and New Mexico primaries. In March, after Rubio lost his home state of Florida to Trump, he dropped out, making it a three–way race between Trump, Cruz and Ohio governor John Kasich. His words struck a chord with many on the religious right, and the day after his announcement his campaign brought in approximately $1 million in donations. In 2014, Cruz renounced his dual Canadian citizenship, though his eligibility to run for president was not in jeopardy. As a 2016 presidential hopeful, he has called for more "boots on the ground" to increase security at the border. As the son of a Cuban immigrant, Cruz says he "celebrates legal immigration," according to his official ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Emergency Center Patients For Primary Care Via Telehealth Redirecting Emergency Center Patients to Primary Care via Telehealth PILOT: Regional Health Command – Atlantic (Provisional) Background: RHC–A (P) and Telehealth (TH) Service Line The Regional Health Command – Atlantic (Provisional) (RHC–A), is one of five US Army Medical Commands (MEDCOM) under the Office of the Army Surgeon General (OASG) that oversees the day–to–day operations of all the Military Training Facilities (MTFs) in the region. With an operating budget of $2 billion and over 600,000 beneficiaries, the RHC–A is the biggest regional command, spanning 27 states plus Puerto Rico. Its vision, to strengthen the health of our Nation by improving the health of our Army, is carried out through its mission of providing proactive, ... Show more content on ... As stated by former ASG, Patricia D. Horoho, "telehealth is the future of medicine..." and significant strategic investments have been made in TH providers and staff, program support, research and development and technology due to the tremendous value that TH brings to the military (ATH, 2015). TH is the use of telecommunications and information technologies to connect people to healthcare across distance. Both synchronous (real–time) and asynchronous (store–and– forward) technologies allows for the distribution of electronic health information, services, and education between providers and patients and/or providers and providers (ATH, 2015). The use of telephone, Internet, interactive radio and video equipment, remote sensory devices or robotics are all tools of TH. Encompassing over 30 specialties including psychiatry, neurosurgery, dermatology, radiology, pharmacy and nutrition, the RHC–A is continuously working on testing and building its capabilities in terms of policies, processes, organization, products, and systems in order to provide safe, high quality care both in garrison and in deployed locations (RHC–A(P), 2016). Problem and Response Emergency departments in military hospitals experience overcrowding and extensive wait times due to space constraints, budget cuts and a shortage of providers. Telehealth may allow for a cost and time effective alternative to providing medical services to military members and ... Get more on ...
  • 18. Ted Cruz Leadership Style Ted Cruz was born in canada in December 22,1970 he graduated from Princeton University in 1992, and then from Harvard Law school in 1995. Ted started off as a office director of policy planning at the Federal Trade commision as a associate deputy attorney general at the united states department of justice, between 1999 and 2003. He was also a domestic policy advisor to President George W. Bush. Ted served as a solicitor general of texas. He was one of the first hispanics that served the longest in a solicitor general in texas. Ted is currently a republican running as a candidate for president for the Republican Party. In order for him to run for president he has to be born in the united states, needs to have at least 35 or more of age, be a resident of the united states for 14 years, he needs to have world experience and control problems that middle class can relate to. Thats ... Show more content on ... The republican party is major political party in the united states. The presidential primaries is going to take place in the united states republican. The republican national began polling email subscribers. Nomination with 32 potential nominees are telling the supporters. His goals of holding office is he wants to embrace a big positive job growth and opportunity agenda, repeal Obama care, secure the border, stop the president's unconstitutional amnesty, hold government accountable, rein in judicial activism, ted wants to stop culture of corruption, pass fundamental tax reform making our tax code simpler, fatter, fairer,audit federal reserve, repeal common care and deal seriously with the threats off isls and nuclear Iran. Once ted is in office he wants to rescind every illegal and unconstitutional action taken by Obama, instruct the department of justice to open an investigation over videos and prosecute planned parenthood for any criminal violations and direct the DOJ and the IRS to put an end to the persecution of the religious ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Unique Paths to the Supreme Court Essay Article III of the Constitution of the United States vests judicial power in "one supreme Court". With incredible adaptability, the Constitution has stood the test of time. Largely due to the limited specificity as to the application of its words, the Constitution has allowed the character of the Court to be historically defined by the individuals who have held the position of "Chief Justice of the United States". The ideology and individual Constitutional interpretation of each Chief Justice has changed both the influential power and message of the Court. Earl Warren, Warren Burger, and John G. Roberts, Jr. have all successfully been appointed to the Court as Chief Justices. And although the Constitutionally proscribed process of ... Show more content on ... It had been a long time since Warren had practiced law and he had only practiced for a short amount of time after law school (Newton 42). During a private meeting at the McClellan Air Force Base in California, Eisenhower's Attorney General Herbert Brownell, Jr. told Governor Warren that President Eisenhower was going to appoint him as Solicitor General until a spot on the Supreme Court became vacant. "The President believed that service as Solicitor General would be valuable prior to membership" on the Court (Schwartz 2). Typical of standard informal appointing procedure, Attorney General Brownell, Jr. played a large role in Warren's transition from Governor to Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. According to David O'Brien in Storm Center, "Most presidents delegate responsibility to their attorneys general and close White House adverse for selecting candidates and getting them throughout the Senate (O'Brien 40). Only a few days after the meeting with Attorney General Brownell, Jr., Earl Warren's future changed when Chief Justice Fred M. Vinson died unexpectedly of a heart attack (Schwartz 3). President Eisenhower had promised Warren the first vacant seat without expecting Chief Justice Vinson's seat to become vacant; Eisenhower had an Associate Justice's seat in mind for Earl Warren (Schwartz 3). While talking with President Eisenhower at a White House breakfast, Representative Willam S. Mailliard, who had been Earl ... Get more on ...
  • 20. The Importance Of A Civic Engagement Opportunity As A... The Civic Engagement assignment illustrates the value of incorporating a civic engagement opportunity as a supplement to traditional lecture and reading materials. While this assignment differs from service learning, the civic learning that takes place during the semester leads to the development of knowledge, skills, and community contacts that are necessary for active citizenship. As described throughout this paper, despite the passive–sounding title of courtroom "observation," this assignment requires significant interaction and engagement with court personnel to be completed successfully. Since my father is a sheriff's deputy, it was easy for me to gain clearance to sit in the jury's box and to watch criminal plea charges. The process I observed was startling because I did not imagine that, in one morning, a single courtroom could go through almost five pages of client sentences (approximately forty clients). In addition, I gained a better understanding of how courts operate without the presence of a jury. Still, I was confused; What is the purpose of the judicial center? Who else is involved? Are charges fairly made? It was 7:30 a.m. on Monday, November 7, 2016. I woke up, took a cold shower, put on my formal attire, and then left with my father to go to the judicial center at the McDonough Square. By 8:00 a.m., my father introduced me to the sheriff deputies that had scanned me into the building. Officer Thomas Palmer, also called "Tiny," acted as my tour ... Get more on ...
  • 21. Essay about Biography of Thurgood Marshall Why was Thurgood Marshall Famous? Thurgood Marshall was born on July 2, 1908, in Baltimore, MD. He was born to his Mother Norma Marshall and Father William Marshall. In his lifetime he was a civil Right Activist, Lawyer, Circuit Court Judge & Solicitor General, and a Supreme Justice. He died at the age 84 on January 24, 1993. He was married twice in his lifetime first to Vivien "Buster" Burey till her death in 1955 then to Cecilia Suyat till his death. He had two sons by his second wife Thurgood Marshall. Jr and John W. Marshall. Thurgood Marshall attended Frederick Douglass High School and graduated with an above average in 1926. Three years later he got married to his first wife Vivian Burey in September 4, 1929 at the age of 21. He ... Show more content on ... Smith because S.E. Allwright didn't allow him to vote in the 1940 Texas primary election. Thurgood received the highest award the Spingarn Medal. It received its name from chief Joel Spingarn. This award is appointed to the most highest or noblest achievement by a nigro. The Brown v. Board of Education was Marshall greatest achievements as a civil–rights Lawyer. The lawsuit was because a group of black parents in Topeka, Kansas were forced their children to attend all black segregated schools. This was one of the most important cases of the 20th century. The Supreme Court's unanimously ruled that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal," On May 17, 1954. Racial segregation of public schools, violated the 14th Amendment. The court's provided the legal foundation during the enforcement. The inspiration for the American Civil Rights Movement that unfolds over the next decided. His Victory in this case put Marshall as one of the best lawyers in America. As a lawyer he worked on 32 cases and won 29 of these cases.Thurgood Marshall, Jr. his son was born 12 Aug. 1956 Thurgood was appointed as the U.S second Circuit in 1961 for four years none of Marshall's decision were overturned by the Supreme Court. Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Thurgood as the first black U.S solicitor general. Marshall won 14 of the 19 cases he argued before the Supreme Court for two years as solicitor. Marshall was nominated in 1967 by President Johnson to survive on the ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Case Analysis: Sherriff Of Saluda County Ethics are defined as rules of behavior based on ideas about what is morally good and bad. Ethics is also an area of study that involves ideas about what is good and bad behavior and what is morally right or wrong. Ethics can vary from person to person. Ethics deals with making moral judgments about what is right or wrong, good or bad. Right and wrong are qualities or moral judgments we give to actions and conduct. Ethics provides us with a way to make moral choices when we are uncertain about what to do in a situation involving moral issues. In everyday life we make moral choices and judgements. Ethical issues have existed in relation to government and policing for hundreds of years. The standard code of ethics that law enforcement personnel ... Show more content on ... Leaders such as Booth in this situation should have been playing an important role by setting the example of high moral conduct that should be passed on to his subordinate employees. Instead in this case Booth was the individual that was breaking the law. In my opinion training should be conducted consistently on policies and the enforcement of those policies. Ethical behavior should start from the top and work its way down to the newest member of a department. Leaders such as Jason Booth needed to practice instilling the highest moral behavior in his deputies to create the most ethical leaders for today and tomorrow. Booth betrayed a lot of individuals by his actions. After meeting him personally a couple of times, he appeared to be an individual that had allowed the power of being the Sheriff of Saluda County make him think that he was above the laws of The State of South Carolina and The United States of America. When law enforcement personnel begin to feel that they deserve special compensation for their regular duties, it is time for them to find a new line of work. Unethical behavior arises when officers' demands for compensation overrides their public ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Court Justice Elena Kagan Essay The Judicial branch in our court system is made of our highest courts. Our federal judges are appointed and not elected, because the framers believed that federal judges should be separated from public pressures and the other branches trying to persuade them with treats. This branch help enforce the laws that are put in place to maintain order, protect the people, and settle conflicts. In the courts the judges must base their decisions off of the law and not the possibly of removal for issuing the unpopular decision. In addition to the courts enforcing the laws officers of the law also help enforce the laws. In our judicial branch we have a dual court system; federal courts and state courts. These courts are both separate and different, but they also work together in a way. One of the courts that are with the federal ... Show more content on ... Elena Kagan was the second child out if three, making her the middle child. Once she was out of high school she attended Oxford, Princeton, and Harvard. Elena graduated from Princeton in 1981 as a summa cum laude with a bachelor's degree. Elena Kagan the first women to serve as a solicitor general of the United States and she was the fourth woman to serve on the supreme court. Before president Clinton left office he nominated Kagan to serve on the U.S court of appeals D.C circuit. When Barack Obama was in office he appointed Elena Kagan to become a justice. Obama appointed Kagan on April 7, 2010. The senate confirmed Kagan with a 63 to 37 vote; this allowed her to become a justice. Elena Kagan first major court case was Obergefell V. Hodges. This case was about fighting to make same–sex marriage legal in all 50 states. The final vote was 5–4 allowing same–sex marriage to be legal in all 50 states. This case was very important because it was not fair to people who were in a same–sex relationship not to have the same rights as the people in an opposite–sex ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Newton Vs Ferguson CASE BRIEF Ferguson and others v. City of Charleston and others 532 U.S. 67, 83, 121 S.Ct. 1281, 149 L.Ed.2d 205 (2001) Argued: October 4, 2000 Decided: March 21, 2001 FACTS: In the fall of 1988, with the concerns to the escalation use of cocaine among pregnant patients whom were receiving prenatal treatment, the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) begun to order drug screenings to be accomplished on the urine samples of the patients. The pregnant patients that tested positive were referred by the MUSC staff to the county substance abuse commission for counseling and treatment. This would lead to a relationship of MUSC staff and the Solicitor of Charleston, which would then lead to a policy outlining the legal actions to be taken ... Show more content on ... "The U.S. District Court jury found for the City of Charleston. The Court of Appeals affirmed, holding that the searches were reasonable as a matter of law under our line of cases recognizing that "special needs" may, in certain exceptional circumstances, justify a search policy designed to serve non–law–enforcement ends. On the understanding, 'that MUSC personnel conducted the urine drug screens for medical purposes wholly independent of an intent to aid law enforcement efforts,' the majority applied the balancing test, and concluded that the interest in curtailing the pregnancy complications and medical costs associated with maternal cocaine use overweighed what the majority termed an minimal intrusion on the privacy of the parents. We conclude that the judgement should be reversed and the case remanded for a decision on the consent issue" (Samaha, ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Was William Taft an Effective President? A fat guy stuck in a bathtub? Or an effective President? Though President Taft was mostly thought of as the man who had to be lifted out of the bathtub, in reality, he was much more than that. President William Howard Taft was the 27th President of the United States. But, was he any good? Although Taft is not a famous president (aside from the only thing that people actually remember him for), he did make some very important contributions to our country. Persistence and intelligence are two of the most important qualities of an effective president. President Taft had both of these qualities, and that is part of what made him an effective president. Even before his presidency, Taft was a lawman. His first venture into politics and law was becoming Assistant Prosecutor of Hamilton County, Ohio. In 1887, he was appointed judge of the superior court in Cincinnati. At age 32, he became the Solicitor General of President Benjamin Harrison. He was the youngest person to receive this position at the time. From 1901 to 1904, he was the first civilian Governor–General of the Philippines. The last position he held before his he became president was Roosevelt's secretary of war in 1904. All of these positions gave him political experience, which prepared him for presidency. Taft was extremely intelligent. As a young adult, he attended Yale College. He graduated 2nd in his class and received a bachelor's degree in law. He was also highly educated in politics. His proposals as ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Why Is Thurgood Marshall Significant What was the short term significance of Thurgood Marshall in 1947–1967? Thurgood Marshall was significant as he was the first African–American to be appointed a position in the U.S Supreme Court, in 1967. His significance to civil rights is evident between 1947 and 1967, in one contemporary newspaper he was even referred to as "Mr Civil Rights". In 1947–1961 Thurgood worked as the NAACP's lawyer, where he argued his most famous cases – Brown v Topeka (1954) and Browder v Gayle (1956). Furthermore, the appointments by both, President John F. Kennedy and President Johnson, are significant in themselves because he was the first African– American to be appointed to the Supreme Court. Despite his influence on the civil rights movement, Thurgood took a lot of criticism which effected his attitudes towards other people involved with the civil rights movement and, in general. Thurgood Marshall's position in the Supreme Court as the NAACP's lawyer is extremely significant. The segregation within school systems following the "separate but equal" legislation passed by the court, Plessy v Ferguson case, was something he continuously challenged. In 1934 he first represented the NAACP as their lawyer in the court case of Murray v Pearson, following this he was successful in winning 29 of 32 civil rights cases against the Supreme Court in 1950s. The most famous cases he argued were Browder v Gayle (1956) and Brown v Board of Education (1954), in these cases he was able to adjust and change ... Get more on ...
  • 27. The Role Of Lawyers And Interest Of The Judicial Process Student's Name: Professor's Name: Course Title: Date submitted: The role of lawyers and interest groups in the judicial process A judicial process involves a series of rules undertaken to administer justice through a system of courts defined in a given constitutional law. The lawyers and the interest groups are important actors in any judicial process, (The U.S. Department of State publication, 2008). In the United States, a plaintiff or a defendant has a constitutional right to a fair hearing before judgement. The litigants would always need the lawyers to build their defence or prosecutions cases before the judge or jury. The interest groups are known for influencing the judicial process. In the United States, the interest groups have such as influenced the judges' appointment, just as a single form of influence. This paper describes in details the roles of the lawyers and interest groups in the judicial process. In addition to the roles, the paper seeks to explain the reasons behind unpopularity of lawyers in the United States since colonial years to present day; the impact of stratification in the legal profession on delivery and quality of legal services provision and how an impartial and unbiased system can allow interest groups to take part in the judicial process. The lawyer represents the clients in their cases in a court of law. The client could be from the general society or government. A judgment by the judge or the jury is purely dependent on the ... Get more on ...
  • 28. The Roles and Responsibilities of the Institutional... 26. United Kingdom (UK) is one of the 27 Member States of the European Union (EU), and is, hence, directly affected by laws & policies of the European Union. Give a brief description of the roles & responsibilities of the Institutional Triangle of the EU, including their law making (legislative) powers. Also, give a very brief description of the other two main institutions of the EU, namely, the European Council and the European Court of Justice (ECJ). (5 Marks) The roles and responsibilities of the institutional triangle of the EU is that the institutional triangle produces the policies and the laws that are applied throughout the EU. The rules and procedures that the institutions must follow are laid down in the treaties, which ... Show more content on ... – Article 8 > Right to respect for private and family life. Everyone has the right to respect private and family life, his/her home and his/her correspondence. There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except such as is in accordance with the law. (For the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others) – Article 14 > Prohibition of discrimination. The enjoyment of the rights and freedoms set forth in this Convention shall be secured without discrimination on any ground such as sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin. – Protocol 1, Article 1 > Protection of property. This is when every natural or legal person is entitled to the peaceful enjoyment of his possessions. No–one shall be deprived of his possessions except in the public interest and subject to the conditions provided for by law and by the general principles of international law. Relevant cases include John Sole v Secretary of State for Trade & Industry, and London Development Agency [2007] whereby Articles 1 and 8 were violated. A second case was the Dale Farm Travellers/Gypsies High Court Case (12 Oct 2011), whereby the Irish were being discriminated breaching article 14. 28. Give a description of the ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Article Review On Human Rights My assignment will be a discussion about Article 6 (Right to a fair trial) of the HRA 1998. I will explore the article and define it in detail. I will explain why this article is particularly important for a Police officer/Investigator dealing with an offender from the beginning of a case until a court appearance. Furthermore I will discuss the possible consequences if the Police officer/Investigator fails to comply with Article 6. Article 6 (the right to a fair trial) has been developed over centuries, originally copied from sources such as the "Magna Carta, the 1689 Bill of Rights and the common law." (Fair Trial, 2014) But is now Article 6. Article 6 derived from the European convention on Human Rights. The European Convention on Human Rights is an international treaty to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe and was signed in Rome (Italy) on 4 November 1950 by 12 member states of the Council of Europe and entered into force on 3 September 1953. Article 6 was created during the aftermath of World War Two, when motivated by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The universal Declaration of Human Rights "proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 10th December 1948;" (Rights) It was thought to be a wider response of the Allied Powers in distributing a human rights agenda, in the hopes that the violations of human ... Get more on ...
  • 30. Who Is William H. Taft And How Did They Achieve His Legacy? William H. Taft, the man that was supposedly stuck in a White House bath tub. Taft did many remarkable things throughout his lifetime. The only man to be a United States President and a Supreme Court Justice, William Howard Taft sure lead a very interesting life. From his childhood to adulthood, education, and professional life in the oval office and later the United States Supreme Court Taft accomplished many great things. William Howard Taft was born in Cincinnati, Ohio on September 15, 1857. (Staff) William Taft was born to parents Alphonso and Louisa Maria Tourey Taft. Taft married Helen Herron in 1886 and had three children, a daughter and two sons. (Cushman and Rehnquist) Many of Taft's ancestors before him practiced law and politics. Taft followed his family's footsteps into law and politics. Taft attended Yale College. While at Yale, Taft joined the secret society Skull and Bones, a society that his father co–founded in 1832. (Editors) In 1878, Taft graduated second in his class from Yale College. (Cushman and Rehnquist) After Yale, Taft attended Cincinnati College of Law. During his time at Cincinnati he ... Show more content on ... Taft replaced Edward D. White as Chief Justice. Taft was able to organize and improve the efficiency of the court system. Taft helped secure passage of the Judge's Act of 1925. This act gave the Supreme court the ability to decide which cases they would choose to hear. (Staff) Taft accomplished a lot during his time as a Supreme Court Justice. One of Taft's greatest accomplishments was securing funds to build the first building designed for the use of the Supreme Court. (Cushman and Rehnquist) Taft personally supervised the building's design and earl stages of construction. (Cushman and Rehnquist) Sadly, Taft did not live to see the building finished in 1935. William Howard Taft passed away on March 8, 1930 from complications of heart disease. ... Get more on ...
  • 31. The Role Of Barristers And Barristers Q3) SOLICITORS The Oxford dictionary 2015 defines a solicitor as " A legal practitioner admitted to practice under the provisions of the Solicitors Act 1974" The legal profession in England and Wales can be divided into two main sections, barristers and solicitors. Each professional has its own governing body and duties. There are currently 136.940 practicing solicitors in England and Wales (Solicitors Regulating Body SRA 2015). Their functions and duties are widely varied these include: conveying, drawing up wills, divorce settlements, civil litigation, winding up the estates of a deceased persons. Solicitors can carried out these duties from their offices. Solicitors have automatic rights of audience court appearances are infrequent, ... Show more content on ... Paralegals have been previously known as "solicitors managing clerks" they had their own organisation called "The solicitors managing clerks association" in the early 1960s they became dissatisfied with the title because of the importance of the work they were doing. Another title was chosen for them "Legal executives" and a new association, which was called "The institute of Legal Executives" they have now evolved to give people with a non law degree the chance to gain practice rights. Paralegals are relied oh heavily in law firms and many have their own clients and carry out much of what a solicitor can do with very little specific supervision. The National Association has instituted a framework for the regulation and licensing of paralegals. The main advantage of being a qualified paralegal is that you can be ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Samuel Alito Essay Based on the research of Justice Alito, he was appointed by former president Gorge W. Bush as one of the Supreme Court Justices on January 31, 2006 and is currently a Republican Party federal justice. His approaches to things are very unpredictable and distinctive from what he is viewed as. However, his conservative standpoint is still a part of his image. This paper will include: the background of the justice, the judicial philosophy he approaches, and his opinion on a dispute. Samuel Alito was born on April 1, 1950 in Trenton, New Jersey, to Rose Fradusco and Samuel A. Alito Sr. His mother was a schoolteacher and father was a an Office Director of Legislative Services. He was raised in an upper–middle class catholic Italian–American family. He attended Steiner High School graduating at the top of his class. After high school he entered Princeton University as an undergrad. While attending Princeton University he joined challenging activity such as ROTC. After graduating from Princeton University in 1972 he continued his education at Yale Law School and graduated in 1975. During his time at Yale, he was the school's law journal editor and also served on active duty until 1975. He was discharged from active duty in 1980. There were many qualifications that made Justice Alito suitable to become a Supreme Court Justice. After succeeding law school, Justice Alito became a clerk for Third Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Leonard I. Garth in 1976 and 1977 in Newark, New ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Elena Kagan Research Paper Elena Kagan was born on April 28, 1960, in New York City. She the daughter of an elementary school teacher, and a housing attorney; this where her interest for academic and law first developed. As an adolescent Elena Kagan attended Hunter College High School, and then later on attended Princeton University in 1977. While at Princeton she majored in History and graduated summa cum laude in 1981, she then attended Worchester College in Oxford, England where she earned her master's degree in philosophy in 1983. After graduating form Worchester College in Oxford, England, she attended Harvard Law School where she graduated magna cum laude in 1986. Justice Kagan has accomplished a vast amount of achievements academically, after graduating law school ... Show more content on ... Some of the cases that she has chosen the conservative side for were Voisine v. United States, United States v. Texas, Encino Motorcars, LLC v. Navarro, Rjr Nabisco Inc. v. European Community, Taylor v. United States, Utah v. Strieff, and Universal Health Services, Inc. v. Escobar, Julio, Et Al. Justice Kagan is the youngest sitting justice, and has no prior judicial experience; she brings a more pragmatic approach to the way she interprets the law. With that being said I feel as if Roe v. Wade (1973) was a current case her deliberation would be on the conservative side. Meaning she rule on behalf of Jane Roe. The facts about Jane Roes case deals with a pregnant mother named Jane Roe who wished to obtain an abortion, she sued on behalf of all women in an effort to prevent the enforcement of Texas statuses criminalizing all abortions except when medically advised for the purpose of saving the life of the mother, which is an invasion of privacy. With Justice Kagan voting as the majority in the Obergefell v. Hodges case that declared that same– sex marriage was a constitutional right, with her having a liberal ideology, and is a strong supporter of privacy rights. Shows me that she is a very open minded, educated woman, who feels as if women should have the right to choose what happens to their ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Switzerland Legal System Essay Switzerland's legal system is reliant on a civil law tradition and thus is dependent on written codes which is held as a primary source for statements of law with authority. Going back in history it is shown that civil law is composed of a group of legal ideas and systems stemmed from a collection of fundamental works in jurisprudence, cloaked by Napoleonic, Germanic, canonical, feudal and local practises including doctrinal strains such as natural law, codification and legal positivism. Swiss foreign policy has since 1815 been governed by the principle of neutrality, so they did not support or aid either side to a conflict and remained impartial during the first and second World War. England's law on the other hand was made by judges sitting in courts thus known as common law so has become more like Switzerland as legislation has stated to overtake judicial law making. Their laws are seen to be dominated by statutory law, which generate general principles and sets aside functional and procedural rules. Unlike the United Kingdom judicial decisions are not rated as high. Switzerland is a federal union, meaning civil procedure and the make–up of the judiciary are governed by state law of 26 cantons, in unifying the various cantonal rules enshrines the rights to take part in decision making process's on Federals state level, having equal share in the central legislator. Switzerland is also not a part of the European Union despite having strong ties into the EU. Its legal ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Ollie's Barbecue: Supreme Court Case The case here at hand was argued October 5th of 1964. The issue was one that dealt with Ollie's Barbecue and its owner Ollie McClung in Alabama and the refusal of black patrons coming inside to dine–in. Ollie's only allowed take out to black customers, even though the majority of employees were black. With the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that was handed down in July, Congress along with Deputy Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach were arguing that a clear violation of Title II of the Act was being committed by McClung. This case was close in distinction and timing of the Heart of Atlanta Motel case brought before the Supreme Court, as they were argued at the same time. "Section 201 (a) of Title II commands that all persons shall be entitled to ... Show more content on ... Ten years prior we had Brown v. The Board of Education, which a few of the same Justices serving on Katzenbach v. McClung were on, that stated that "separate educational facilities is inherently unequal". Then, with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 we saw the outlawing of segregation and discrimination in public places. This was put to the test by two small southern businesses that claimed Congress had no right to interfere with their local establishments, but the Supreme Court did right by upholding the constitution, and it seemed to be a no brainer as seen by the unanimous decision by the court. It was tense time and shameful part of our history, but without decisions made by these men we might not be where we are today. Racism and discrimination still exist all over the globe to this day. We have come a long way though, and if it wasn't for people continuing to do the right thing whether they are a majority or minority then we wouldn't have the freedoms that we have today. The Supreme Court got it right with this decision, not just by upholding the Constitution, but for our Country and Humanity in ... Get more on ...
  • 36. Litigant Criminal Case Eric Gao Mrs. Mitchell AP Gov, Period 3 17 May 2018 Chapter 15 Study Questions: The Federal Courts 1. The Judiciary act of 1859 established: A) judgeships for circuit courts, B) pensions for judges And C) the Supreme Court's size of 9 justices 2. Compare/Contrast criminal cases and civil cases. A: In a criminal case, an individual is charged with breaking a particular law, such as robbery, and he/she usually serves prison time as a punishment. Sometimes, criminal cases elicit fines. In a civil case, it is often about a dispute between two parties over claims, contracts, or licenses and it usually leads to monetary awards for one side. 3. What is standing to sue? A: Standing to sue is the requirement that plaintiffs who sue must have a serious and vetted interest in a case, meaning the plaintiff has sustained or is in danger of sustaining a direct and substantial injury from the actions of the other(which can be the government) 4. What are litigants? A: Litigants are those involved in a case, typically the plaintiff and defendant. 5. Compare/contrast: courts with "original" jurisdiction and courts with "appellate" jurisdiction. A: Courts with "original jurisdiction" ... Show more content on ... In landmark cases, an opinion can set precedence for future cases, due to its broadness and boldness. A narrowly–tailored opinion has no impact in setting precedence and would only be used for the case at hand. A majority opinion is an opinion that is supported by the majority of the justices and it is typically written by the chief justice if he/she is in the majority. If not, the senior associate justice in the majority writes it. A concurring opinion is an opinion that supports the majority decision but it also stresses a different viewpoint for the majority decision. Finally, a dissenting opinion is one that is either completely or partially opposed to the majority ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Thurgood Marshall: First African-American Supreme Court... Thurgood Marshall, First African– American Supreme Court Justice, Dies Thurgood Marshall – well known for his victory in the U.S. Supreme Court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka – has died at the age of 84. Marshall's education, determination, and appreciation for the United States Constitution and the rule of law are paramount factors which led him to become one of the most accomplished African Americans during the civil rights era. He played a key role in advancing equality for African–American men and women in the United States. Marshall's death symbolizes the resilience and prosperity not only among the African–American people, but concurrently in the lives of each and every American citizen. When he was ready to further his ... Show more content on ... In 1940, he founded the NAACP Legal Defense Fund to provide legal assistance to civil rights and voting rights activists, and lawsuits against violators of civil rights. In 1954, Marshall's victory in Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka overturns the infamous Supreme Court ruling in Plessy v. Ferguson's, "separate but equal." The Supreme Court's ruling to desegregate educational facilities brought African–Americans one step closer to gaining true equality. By 1961, he was nominated to Second Court of Appeals by President John F. Kennedy. As appointed circuit judge, Marshall made 112 rulings, all of which have been upheld by the Supreme Court. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson appointed Marshall U.S. solicitor general. As U.S. solicitor general, he was victorious in 14 of 19 cases which he argued for the U.S. government. In 1967, Marshall became the first African–American elevated to the U.S. Supreme Court. He represented and won more cases before the U.S. Supreme Court than any other American in U.S. History. From the beginning of his career in law to his service for the American people as Supreme Court Justice, Marshall has left numerous indelible revisions among the American people that increased equality and diminished the intensity of racism in the United States of ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Legal Case Analysis Essay Legal Case Analysis 1. In this matter I am asked to advise those instructing me as to whether the prosecution can adduce evidence of a written statement of a witness unwilling to testify at trial and secondly how her evidence might be presented if she decides to give evidence at trial. 2. I understand that Chrissie lives within close proximity to the scene of the crime and is in fact a 'next door neighbour'. 3. Anterior to Chrissie's involvement, the victim, Bella, was attacked in her bedroom by an intruder wearing a balaclava. The intruder broke into the house through the kitchen window and repeatedly stabbed her with a 'large knife'. 4. Bella did not see the attacker's face, but perhaps by serendipity, Chrissie caught a ... Show more content on ... As Lord Normand stated in Teper : "The rule against the admission of hearsay is fundamental... The truthfulness and accuracy of the witness whose words are spoken by another person cannot be tested by cross–examination, and the light which his demeanour would throw upon his testimony is lost." 10. This rule is not inflexible. As Heffernan explained: "Notwithstanding its merit in excluding unreliable evidence and enhancing adjudication, the rule against hearsay suffers from the disadvantage that it is overly broad in its application. Because the rule can and does lead to the exclusion of probative evidence, it has been constrained over the years in the UK and Ireland by numerous common law and statutory exceptions." 11. Tapper highlights some Common Law exceptions. For the purposes of brevity, these exceptions shall not be expatiated. These include evidence relating to: (a) Public Information (b) Reputation: character and family matters (c) Res gestae: statements relating to a relevant event and statements relating to a contemporaneous, relevant mental state (d) Admissions & Confessions. 12. The statutory exceptions include the admission of written statements in s9 CJA 1967. These
  • 39. statements are admissible only if certain formalities are adhered to such as providing signatures, a declaration of truth and serving a copy of the statements to the relevant ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Rudy Giuliani Is The Embodiment Of An American Dream? Rudy Giuliani is the embodiment of an America Dream. Rudy climbed the political ladder and now lies as president–elected global chair of cybersecurity (CNN Library). People who are in the public eye and in politics are at times involved in a scandal or multiple scandals. Scandals have been present since the beginning of time and can very much affect your credibility and your public response to any of your further doings. Rudy Giuliani did experience a similar scandal to John Proctor from The Crucible and many others have too but, each situation is different and unique to their own. Growing up in Brooklyn and having a father who owned a tavern could easily affect your views on politics. Giuliani's family came to the United States of America from Italy and they are a family of working–class and are Catholics. Giuliani's father, Harold Angel Giuliani, was a member of an organized crime group. Giuliani (father), would later be convicted of assault and robbery. This would later foreshadow on this position and responsibility on crime once he became mayor of New York in 1941 – 2001. Before any of his political career, Giuliani attended Catholic High School. Religion was very important to Giuliani as was to Proctor, as he stated in The Crucible, "God sees my name; God knows how black my sins are" (Miller 142). In the beginning Giuliani wanted to be a priest but in time his fond for law grew. He would later attend New York City University of Law and pursue his dream. After ... Get more on ...
  • 41. The Movie Marshall Movie In the movie "Marshall" we take a look at one of Thurgood Marshall early cases. In "Marshall", Thurgood starts off at a train station getting ready to board and some bad cats walk up to him and started screaming obscene things at Thurgood. We see Thurgood going into the NAACP office and someone is waiting for him to tell him he will be taking a rape case in New York. Thurgood tells his wife that he will have to leave again for another court case. So he goes to New York and enlists the help of local lawyer Samuel Friedman. Marshall needed a co–counselor based in Connecticut to help him argue the case, someone more familiar with the laws and politics particular to the state. Sam's response wasn't to welcoming. He felt like this was a case that could possible ruin his career. He wanted nothing to do with it. After a few movie minutes we go to see the man accused of rape. It's an African American male named Joseph Spell. Spell is accused of raping his former boss Eleanor Strubing. Mrs.Strubing had come home from dinner with friends. She was fresh from the shower and wearing only a robe when Spell knocked on her bedroom door and asked if he could borrow some money. She claims Spell raped her made her get dressed took her downstairs, bound her hands and feet, and raped her again. After forcing her to write a ransom note, he put her in the car, cut off the bottom of her dress and gagged her with the remnant, and drove until a policeman stopped the car. The officer did not ... Get more on ...
  • 42. Twin Metals: A Case Study I. Issue What is the scope of Twin Metals Minnesota's (TTM) authority to conduct exploration or other activities on its reinstated federal mineral leases prior to an approved mine plan? And what additional authorizations are needed from federal or state agencies to conduct various activities on the leased lands? II. Background a. Governing Statutes Mineral leasing in most of the land in which the leases are situated is governed by 16 U.S.C. § 508b. Specifically, it authorizes the Secretary of the Interior to permit the prospecting, development, and utilization on Minnesota national forest land, which are withdrawn from the general mining laws, as the Secretary of the Interior should act in the best interests of the United States. Id. Moreover, the Secretary of the Interior must obtain consent from the Secretary of Agriculture to permit mineral development in these lands. Id. Mineral leasing in the remainder of the land in which the leases are situated is governed by 16 U.S.C. § 520. Specifically, it authorizes the Secretary of Agriculture to permit the prospecting, development, and utilization on lands acquired under the Weeks Act. Id. Meanwhile, Section 402 of the Reorganization Plan No. 3 of 1946 transfers the functions of the Secretary of Agriculture to the Secretary of the Interior, providing that the Secretary of the Interior only ... Show more content on ... 43 C.F.R. § 3505.10. After an initial review of permit application, but before the prospecting permit is issued, the operator is required to submit three copies of an exploration plan. 43 C.F.R. § 3505.40. An exploration plan shows how you intend to determine the existence and workability of a valuable deposit. 43 C.F.R. § ... Get more on ...