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Section 1
*Understand how
geography influenced
development of
civilization in the
Fertile Crescent
*Outline the main
features of Sumerian
*Explain how the
advances in learning
made the Sumerians
left a lasting legacy for
later people to build
*What were the characteristics of the world's
first civilization?
*What type of environment does the fertile
crescent lie?
*Why would Mesopotamia be a reasonable
civilization to rise?
*According to the map, what geographic
challenges did early Sumerians face?
*Fertile Crescent
*Is a region of the Middle east named for its rich
soils and golden wheat fields
*Over time, this place was often invaded, traders
were able to easily overcome the regions few
natural barriers
*This area was a cross road where different
people mingled.
*It lies within the Fertile Crescent
*It is the area of land between the Tigris and
Euphrates rivers
*It is where the worlds first civilization began
(3300 BC) (Sumer region in south eastern
*Organizing for Floods and Irrigation
*Controlling the Tigris and Euphrates river was key
to development
*There were many floods that washed away topsoil
and homes
*The Epic of Gilgamesh
*It is a story that speaks about a great flood that
destroys the world
* Archaeologists and historians have found evidence of
these type of floods in that area
*Organizing for Floods and Irrigation
*Villagers had to build up the riverbanks
*They had to channel water with canals as well
*This needed strong leadership
*Sumerians Build Thriving Cities
*They had few natural resources but they made
the most of what they had
*They built with clay since there was no a lot of
* The Great cities of Ur and Uruk were made out of mud
*They had a lot of water
*Had trade
*Within a few hundred
years there were 12
separate city states
*There were often
battles for territory
Government Unfolds
*In each city state, the
ruler was responsible
for maintaining the
city walls and the
irrigation systems
*Led the military, kept
the law, made peace
*Sumerians Structure Their Society
*Each city-state had a distinct social hierarchy-
system of ranking groups
*In other words, a class system
* Ruling Family
* Priests
* Leading officials
*Majority of people were peasant farmers
*Few owned their own land
*There were slaves and artisans as well
*Role of Women
*Changed over time
*There were goddesses that were highly honored in
religious practices
*This may be why women were held in higher status
then in later civilizations
*Women never held legal rights equal to men
*Some of the ruler's wives' had power to supervise
*It means "wedge"
*Wrote making wedge shaped marks on clay
*Grew out of a system of pictographs that were
used to record goods brought to temple store
*More symbols became
to be used for
complicated thoughts
*Around 2500 BCE armies of conquering
people invaded
*They overwhelmed the Sumerian City-states
*By 1900 BCE the Sumerian Civilization was
replaced by others
*Their legacy was
*Their writing
Section 2
*Outline the achievements of the first empires
that arose in Mesopotamia
*Understand how conquests brought new
empires and ideas into the Middle East
*Describe how the Persians established a huge
*Summarize the contributions the Phoenicians
made to the ancient Middle East
*People invaded, war, chaos, there was a need for
• 2300 BCE Sargon, the
Ruler of Akkad, invaded
neighboring city states of
• He expanded territory
• Created an empire
•After his death his land
was invaded and
• 1790 BCE Hammurabi, king
of Babylon, brought much
of Mesopotamia under the
control of his empire
• Babylonian Empire
• Significance and lasting
• The Hammurabi Code
• It was a set of laws that had
been around since Sumer but
he made it the legal law of
all of his Empire
• It was the first attempt to
codify (arrange and set down
in writing) all the laws that
would govern a state
*Establishing Civil Law
*Civil Law is the branch of law that deals with
private rights and matters such as property
inheritance, contracts, taxes, marriage, etc.
*Hammurabi's Code attempted this
*Babylonian Example
*Husband was over his wife, but he had to support
her as well
*Defining Crime and Punishment
*Criminal Law- The branch of law that deals with
offenses against others, such as robbery, assault,
and murder
*Before Hammurabi Code
*Victims of crime were allowed to take law in their own
*After Hammurabi Code
*Limited personal vengeance and encouraged social order
*An Eye for an Eye and a life for a life
*Other Accomplishments made by
*Hammurabi united his empire by….
*Improving Irrigation
*Organizing an army
*Repairing temples
*Promoted Religious unity
*He promoted Marduk the patron god of Babylon
*Hittites Learn the Secret of Ironworking
*Hittites were from the region of Asia Minor
*Started to expand into Mesopotamia in 1400 BC
*They were able to create Iron which was harder and
shaper then the weapons made from Bronze or
*There was a lot a lot of Iron, so they were able to arm many
*They kept this a secret until their empire collapsed
in 1200 BCE and their blacksmiths went elsewhere.
*Assyrian Warriors Expand Ancient Knowledge
*1350 BCE they began to expand and create an Empire
across Mesopotamia
*They originated North of the Tigris
*For over 500 years they were the most feared people in
the World
*They had a culture of warfare
*They encouraged a well ordered society
*They had trade
*Well organized cities
*They had and expanded Law
*They even founded one of the worlds first libraries
*Nebuchadnezzar Revives Babylon
*After a great king of Assyria passed away, neighboring
people joined forces to crust the once dreaded Assyrian
*In 625 BCE Babylon reestablished itself
• He was a ruthless king
• He stretched his empire very
• Oversaw the rebuilding of
irrigation, temples, walls,
and palaces
• He built moats and public
• The famous Hanging Gardens
as well
*Have students do the Map Skills on pg. 41
*The Babylonians eventually fallto another
empire- the Persians
*The Persians were tolerant and respected
people's cultures and customs
• Ruled from 522 BCE-486 BCE
• He set up a bureaucracy
• A system of government
through departments and
subdivisions administered by
officials who follow set rules
• This became a model for other
• Adapted laws from the
peoples he conquered
• Built roads to unite the
*Darius Unites Many Peoples
*Improving Economic Life
*set up a common set of weights and measure to improve trade
*He also encouraged the use of coins
*Barter Economy- a trade system in which one person exchanges
goods or services for another
*This was the Most common
*Money Economy- goods and services are paid for through the
exchange of some token of an agreed value, such as a coin or a bill
*This began to grow
* Darius made a Persian coin
*New Religion takes Hold
*Zoroaster- he was a Persian
thinker who helped unite the
*Lived somewhere from 1700 BCE- 1000
*His Ideas began to take root during the
period of the Darius
• The World was broken up
between two powers
• Ahura Mazda (the all
powerful wise God)
• Ahriman (the Prince of Evil
• Every person serves one or
the other
• At the end of time, all people
will be judged by there deeds
*There were huge empires who were led by great
rulers, but don't count out the little guy
*There were city states that contributed to History
*Expanding Manufacturing and Trade
*The Phoenicians became best known for this
*They made glass from coastal sand
*Set up Colonies in other areas
*Colony- is a territory settled and ruled by people
from another land
*Establishing an Alphabet
*Phoenicians were "carriers of Civilization"
*The spread Middle Eastern ideas around the Mediterranean
*They developed the Alphabet
*Alphabet- is a writing system in which each symbol represents a
single basic sound, such as a consonant or vowel
*This is unlike cuneiform in which symbols represent words
*There were 22 symbols for the alphabet
Section 3
*The Nile is surrounded by rich and fertile land
*Not far past that though are never ending deserts.
*Yearly Floods Bring Benefits
*There was predictable flooding every spring
*It fed the land with water and created rich deposits of salt
*People built dikes, reservoirs, and irrigation ditches to
channel the rising water during the dry season
*Uniting Two Regions
*Upper Egypt
*Stretched from the Nile's first cataract- waterfall- to the
*Also included the delta- a triangular area of marshland formed
by deposits of silt at the mouth of some rivers
*Southern Kingdom
*King in the North
*In 3100 BCE he united
the Upper Egypt with
the South
*Founded Egypt's first
capital at Memphis
*There are three main periods of ancient Egyptian
*Old Kingdom (2575 BCE-2130 BCE)
*Middle Kingdom (1938 BCE-1630 BCE)
*New Kingdom (1539 BCE-1075 BCE)
*Ruling family
*A Strong Government Takes Hold
*Kings were called pharaohs
*They organized a strong centralized state
*Had absolute power
*Were believed to be Gods
*Old Kingdom ruled by bureaucracy- a system of government
that includes departments and levels of authority
*Each Pharaoh has vizier- chief minister
* He supervised the government
* Taxes
* Farming
* Irrigation system
*There were aristocrats and nobles
*They were powerful locally
*They were a small middle class
*The Great Pyramids are built
*These were necropolises - cemeteries
*They were considered homes for the deceased
*Issues with the Old Kingdom
*Crop failures
*Building cost of the Pyramids
*Middle Kingdom was full of hardship
*Nile did not flood regularly
*Corruption in government
*Invasion of Hyksos (1700 BCE)
*They occupied Northern Egypt
*The people liked them
*They brought chariots and horses
*Egyptians mastered it in little time
*Hyksos adopted Egyptian customs
*Ruled for 100 years
*There arose powerful and ambitious pharaohs
which created an empire
*She ruled from 1472-
1458 BCE
*Encouraged trade with
eastern Mediterranean
lands along the coast of
*He was a great military
general and stretched
Egypt's borders to their
greatest extent evet
*Ruled between 1279 BCE to
1213 BCE
*Pushed Egyptian control
northward again as far as
*He was famous for many
*Egypt Battles With its Neighbors
*During Ramses II
*Egypt fought fierce battles against the
*Signed a peace treaty
*It is the first peace treaty every signed that
actually survived
*Egypt Declines
*After 1100 BCE Egypt declines
*Other Empires begin to attack it
* Assyrians and Persians conquered the Nile Region
*In 332 BCE the last Egyptian dynasty ended when
the Greeks conquered it
*Romans then conquered it
Section 3
*It is important to know that Religion was one of
the foundations of Egyptian society
• During the Old
•He was the head god
•He was the Sun God
• During the Middle
•He was known by Amon-
•He was the great god
and lord of all gods
•Gave the right of
Pharaohs to rule
*Osiris and Isis
*This god and goddess is what most people related to
*According to myth
*Osiris ruled Egypt until his younger brother Set became jealous
and killed him
*He was cut into pieces and tossed all over Egypt
*Isis saved him and brought him back to life
*Osiris became the god of the dead
*He was also the god of the Nile
* Remember what the Nile represented?
*Isis had special appeal for women
*Taught women how to grind corn, spin flax, etc.
*A Pharaoh Tries to Reshape Religion
*Amenhotep IV (1380 BCE)
*He devoted his life to worship Aton a minor god
*He took the name of Akhenaton and ordered priests
to worship only Anton
*He was radical but he was very hated
*Osiris and Isis were very important because they
promised an afterlife
*Proving Oneself to Osiris
*Each soul had to pass a test to win eternal life
*They would cross a lake of fire to the Hall of
*If they were deemed worthy they would pass into
the afterlife, if not, the Eater of the Dead would
take their souls!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
*Preparing the Dead for the Afterlife
*What do you think the Egyptians believed about
the afterlife?
*They thought it would be much like Earth
*This is why they would burry their dead with
everything they would need for eternity
*Mummification- the preservation of dead bodies
by embalming them and wrapping them in cloth
*Evidence Found in the Tomb of
*During the New Kingdom
*Many Pharaohs were buried in a desolate valley
known as the Valley of the Kings
*Tombs were filled with riches
The son in law of Akhenaton
was left untouched for more
then 3,000 years, its treasures
provided a lot of information.
*Egypt has their own class system
*Royal Family
*Government official and priests
*Merchants, scribes, artisans
*Most people were farmers
*For the majority of the year, most people farmed
the land
*On off seasons, peasants were expected to serve
the pharaoh to build palaces, temples, and
*Changes in Social Structure
*New Kingdom
*Social classes changed during the time of trade and
* Offered a growing merchant class
* Brought riches from foreign places
*Egyptian women enjoyed higher status
*Women could inherit property, enter buisness
deals, buy and sell goods, go to court, obtain
*Women work was not confined to the home
*They could produce perfume
*Become doctors
*Keeping Written Records
*They had multiple writing systems
* A system in which symbols or pictures represent
objects, concepts or sounds
* It was used to record important information
*Development of papyrus- a plant that grow along
the banks of the Nile.
*Paper was not discovered until 100AD in China
*Clues of the Rosetta Stone
*After ancient Egypt's decline the meaning of ancient
hieroglyphs were lost
*Jean Champollion
*Discovered the Rosetta Stone- a flat black stone that
presents the same passed carved in hieroglyphics, demotic
script and Greek
*He was able to decipher- figure out the meaning- or
*Furthering Science and Mathematics
*There was a deep belief in magic, but what do you think
happened because of Mummification?
*They learned a lot about anatomy.
*Doctors were skilled professionals
*They knew about symptoms
*Prescribed medicine
*They studied the heavens and mapped out constellations
*They developed a 12 month calandar that added 5 days to the
end of the year
*This developed due to practical problems
*They developed Geometry
*Egyptian Arts
*There is a rich legacy of Egyptian Art
*Temple Carvings
*Sculptures often remained unchanged or undamaged
*Egyptian Literature
*Includes hymns and prayers to gods, proverbs and
love poems
*Victories in battle as well
Section 5
*Open the smart board
*About 4000 years ago the ancient Israelites
developed the religion of Judaism
*Belief in one God
*While the surrounding peoples worshiped many
gods, the belief in a one and ultimate God
*Each event that happened to the Israelites was
reflected a a divine plan
*Torah- the sacred text of the Hebrew Bible. It
is the first 5 books
*According to the Torah, a man named Abraham lived
near Ur in Mesopotamia. About 2000 BC he left with
his family and herd.
*God Makes a Covenant with the Israelites
*A Covenant is a promise or agreement
*The Covenant included two things
*There would be a special relationship that God
would have with Abraham and his Descendants.
*Canaan would one day belong to the Israelites
* This became known as the promised land
*Later renewed God's covenant
*Freed the Israelite slaves from the Egyptians
*The Kingdom of Israel Established
*In 1000 BC David united the tribes under one
banner and was a wise second king of Judaism.
*Solomon was David's son
*Built the 1st holy temple in Jerusalem
*Israel Suffers Division and Conquest
*After Solomon died, people revolted
*There was high labor and high taxes
*The Split
*The North Kingdom of Israel'
*Conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BCE
*The South Kingdom of Judah
*Conquered by the Babylonians in 536 BCE
* The Babylonians carried them off to their home (Babylonian
* Eventually they were allowed to leave after 50 years
*Law was always central to the ancient Israelites
*There was no separation between religious law
and civil law
*Society was patriarchal
*Men held the greatest legal and moral authority
*The Ten Commandments as a guide
*What are the tend commandments?
*Teaching an Ethical Worldview
*Spiritual leaders emerged to interpret God's will
*Were these spiritual leaders
*They taught morality, social justice, protection
for the weak and poor
*Kings were also not above the law
*Jews maintain their beliefs over time and place
*The scattering of Jews across the world
*After the Babylonian captivity, many went abroad
*They developed close communities that stuck out in society
*They stayed relatively pure and not influenced by other
*Why is Judaism important to study at least
a little
*It is a major religion because it is fundamental to
both Christianity and Islam
*It has changed the world

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Ancient middle east and egypt

  • 1. *
  • 3. * *Understand how geography influenced development of civilization in the Fertile Crescent *Outline the main features of Sumerian civilization *Explain how the advances in learning made the Sumerians left a lasting legacy for later people to build on
  • 4. * *What were the characteristics of the world's first civilization?
  • 5.
  • 6. * *What type of environment does the fertile crescent lie? *Why would Mesopotamia be a reasonable civilization to rise? *According to the map, what geographic challenges did early Sumerians face?
  • 7. * *Fertile Crescent *Is a region of the Middle east named for its rich soils and golden wheat fields *Over time, this place was often invaded, traders were able to easily overcome the regions few natural barriers *This area was a cross road where different people mingled.
  • 8. * *Mesopotamia *It lies within the Fertile Crescent *It is the area of land between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers *It is where the worlds first civilization began (3300 BC) (Sumer region in south eastern Mesopotamia)
  • 9. * *Organizing for Floods and Irrigation *Controlling the Tigris and Euphrates river was key to development *There were many floods that washed away topsoil and homes *The Epic of Gilgamesh *It is a story that speaks about a great flood that destroys the world * Archaeologists and historians have found evidence of these type of floods in that area
  • 10.
  • 11. * *Organizing for Floods and Irrigation *Villagers had to build up the riverbanks *They had to channel water with canals as well *This needed strong leadership
  • 12. * *Sumerians Build Thriving Cities *They had few natural resources but they made the most of what they had *They built with clay since there was no a lot of stone * The Great cities of Ur and Uruk were made out of mud bricks *They had a lot of water *Had trade
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15. * *Intro *Within a few hundred years there were 12 separate city states *There were often battles for territory *Complex Government Unfolds *In each city state, the ruler was responsible for maintaining the city walls and the irrigation systems *Led the military, kept the law, made peace
  • 16. * *Sumerians Structure Their Society *Each city-state had a distinct social hierarchy- system of ranking groups *In other words, a class system * Ruling Family * Priests * Leading officials
  • 17. * *Majority of people were peasant farmers *Few owned their own land *There were slaves and artisans as well
  • 18. * *Role of Women *Changed over time *There were goddesses that were highly honored in religious practices *This may be why women were held in higher status then in later civilizations *Women never held legal rights equal to men *Some of the ruler's wives' had power to supervise
  • 19. * *Cuneiform *It means "wedge" *Wrote making wedge shaped marks on clay tablets *Grew out of a system of pictographs that were used to record goods brought to temple store houses
  • 20. * *Development *More symbols became to be used for complicated thoughts
  • 21. *
  • 22. * *Around 2500 BCE armies of conquering people invaded *They overwhelmed the Sumerian City-states *By 1900 BCE the Sumerian Civilization was replaced by others
  • 23. * *Their legacy was *Their writing *Astronomy *Mathematics *Poetry *Language
  • 25. * *Outline the achievements of the first empires that arose in Mesopotamia *Understand how conquests brought new empires and ideas into the Middle East *Describe how the Persians established a huge empire *Summarize the contributions the Phoenicians made to the ancient Middle East
  • 26. * *Intro *People invaded, war, chaos, there was a need for stability
  • 27. * • 2300 BCE Sargon, the Ruler of Akkad, invaded neighboring city states of Sumer • He expanded territory • Created an empire •After his death his land was invaded and conquered
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  • 29. * • 1790 BCE Hammurabi, king of Babylon, brought much of Mesopotamia under the control of his empire • Babylonian Empire • Significance and lasting contribution • The Hammurabi Code • It was a set of laws that had been around since Sumer but he made it the legal law of all of his Empire • It was the first attempt to codify (arrange and set down in writing) all the laws that would govern a state
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  • 32. * *Establishing Civil Law *Civil Law is the branch of law that deals with private rights and matters such as property inheritance, contracts, taxes, marriage, etc. *Hammurabi's Code attempted this *Babylonian Example *Husband was over his wife, but he had to support her as well
  • 33. * *Defining Crime and Punishment *Criminal Law- The branch of law that deals with offenses against others, such as robbery, assault, and murder *Before Hammurabi Code *Victims of crime were allowed to take law in their own hands *After Hammurabi Code *Limited personal vengeance and encouraged social order *An Eye for an Eye and a life for a life
  • 34. * *Other Accomplishments made by Hammurabi *Hammurabi united his empire by…. *Improving Irrigation *Organizing an army *Repairing temples *Promoted Religious unity *He promoted Marduk the patron god of Babylon
  • 35. * *Hittites Learn the Secret of Ironworking *Hittites were from the region of Asia Minor *Started to expand into Mesopotamia in 1400 BC *They were able to create Iron which was harder and shaper then the weapons made from Bronze or Copper *There was a lot a lot of Iron, so they were able to arm many people *They kept this a secret until their empire collapsed in 1200 BCE and their blacksmiths went elsewhere.
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  • 38. * *Assyrian Warriors Expand Ancient Knowledge *1350 BCE they began to expand and create an Empire across Mesopotamia *They originated North of the Tigris *For over 500 years they were the most feared people in the World *They had a culture of warfare *They encouraged a well ordered society *They had trade *Well organized cities *They had and expanded Law *They even founded one of the worlds first libraries
  • 39.
  • 40. * *Nebuchadnezzar Revives Babylon *After a great king of Assyria passed away, neighboring people joined forces to crust the once dreaded Assyrian armies *In 625 BCE Babylon reestablished itself
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  • 42. * • He was a ruthless king • He stretched his empire very far • Oversaw the rebuilding of irrigation, temples, walls, and palaces • He built moats and public works • The famous Hanging Gardens as well
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  • 44. * *Intro *Have students do the Map Skills on pg. 41 *The Babylonians eventually fallto another empire- the Persians *The Persians were tolerant and respected people's cultures and customs
  • 45.
  • 46. * • Ruled from 522 BCE-486 BCE • He set up a bureaucracy • A system of government through departments and subdivisions administered by officials who follow set rules • This became a model for other rulers • Adapted laws from the peoples he conquered • Built roads to unite the territory
  • 47. * *Darius Unites Many Peoples *Improving Economic Life *Darius *set up a common set of weights and measure to improve trade *He also encouraged the use of coins *Barter Economy- a trade system in which one person exchanges goods or services for another *This was the Most common *Money Economy- goods and services are paid for through the exchange of some token of an agreed value, such as a coin or a bill *This began to grow * Darius made a Persian coin
  • 48. * *New Religion takes Hold *Zoroaster- he was a Persian thinker who helped unite the empire *Lived somewhere from 1700 BCE- 1000 BCE *His Ideas began to take root during the period of the Darius
  • 49. * • The World was broken up between two powers • Ahura Mazda (the all powerful wise God) • Ahriman (the Prince of Evil • Every person serves one or the other • At the end of time, all people will be judged by there deeds
  • 50. * *Intro *There were huge empires who were led by great rulers, but don't count out the little guy *There were city states that contributed to History
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  • 52. * *Expanding Manufacturing and Trade *The Phoenicians became best known for this *They made glass from coastal sand *Set up Colonies in other areas *Colony- is a territory settled and ruled by people from another land
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  • 54. * *Establishing an Alphabet *Phoenicians were "carriers of Civilization" *The spread Middle Eastern ideas around the Mediterranean *They developed the Alphabet *Alphabet- is a writing system in which each symbol represents a single basic sound, such as a consonant or vowel *This is unlike cuneiform in which symbols represent words *There were 22 symbols for the alphabet
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  • 57. * *Intro *The Nile is surrounded by rich and fertile land *Not far past that though are never ending deserts. *Yearly Floods Bring Benefits *There was predictable flooding every spring *It fed the land with water and created rich deposits of salt *People built dikes, reservoirs, and irrigation ditches to channel the rising water during the dry season
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  • 60. * *Uniting Two Regions *Upper Egypt *Stretched from the Nile's first cataract- waterfall- to the Mediterranean *Also included the delta- a triangular area of marshland formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of some rivers *Southern Kingdom
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  • 62. *King in the North *In 3100 BCE he united the Upper Egypt with the South *Founded Egypt's first capital at Memphis *
  • 63. * *Intro *There are three main periods of ancient Egyptian history *Old Kingdom (2575 BCE-2130 BCE) *Middle Kingdom (1938 BCE-1630 BCE) *New Kingdom (1539 BCE-1075 BCE) *Dynasty *Ruling family
  • 64. * *A Strong Government Takes Hold *Kings were called pharaohs *They organized a strong centralized state *Had absolute power *Were believed to be Gods
  • 65. * *Old Kingdom ruled by bureaucracy- a system of government that includes departments and levels of authority *Each Pharaoh has vizier- chief minister * He supervised the government * Taxes * Farming * Irrigation system *There were aristocrats and nobles *They were powerful locally *Merchants *They were a small middle class
  • 66. * *The Great Pyramids are built *These were necropolises - cemeteries *They were considered homes for the deceased
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  • 69. * *Issues with the Old Kingdom *Crop failures *Building cost of the Pyramids *Disunity *Middle Kingdom was full of hardship *Nile did not flood regularly *Corruption in government *Rebellions
  • 70. * *Invasion of Hyksos (1700 BCE) *They occupied Northern Egypt *The people liked them *They brought chariots and horses *Egyptians mastered it in little time *Hyksos adopted Egyptian customs *Ruled for 100 years
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  • 73. * *Intro *There arose powerful and ambitious pharaohs which created an empire
  • 74. *She ruled from 1472- 1458 BCE *Encouraged trade with eastern Mediterranean lands along the coast of Africa *
  • 75. *He was a great military general and stretched Egypt's borders to their greatest extent evet *
  • 76. * *Ruled between 1279 BCE to 1213 BCE *Pushed Egyptian control northward again as far as Syria *He was famous for many battles.
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  • 79. * *Egypt Battles With its Neighbors *During Ramses II *Egypt fought fierce battles against the Hittites *Signed a peace treaty *It is the first peace treaty every signed that actually survived
  • 80. * *Egypt Declines *After 1100 BCE Egypt declines *Other Empires begin to attack it * Assyrians and Persians conquered the Nile Region *In 332 BCE the last Egyptian dynasty ended when the Greeks conquered it *Romans then conquered it
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  • 85. * *Intro *It is important to know that Religion was one of the foundations of Egyptian society
  • 86. * • During the Old Kingdom •He was the head god •He was the Sun God • During the Middle Kingdom •He was known by Amon- Re •He was the great god and lord of all gods •Gave the right of Pharaohs to rule
  • 87. * *Osiris and Isis *This god and goddess is what most people related to *According to myth *Osiris ruled Egypt until his younger brother Set became jealous and killed him *He was cut into pieces and tossed all over Egypt *Isis saved him and brought him back to life *Osiris became the god of the dead *He was also the god of the Nile * Remember what the Nile represented? *Isis had special appeal for women *Taught women how to grind corn, spin flax, etc.
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  • 93. * *A Pharaoh Tries to Reshape Religion *Amenhotep IV (1380 BCE) *He devoted his life to worship Aton a minor god *He took the name of Akhenaton and ordered priests to worship only Anton *He was radical but he was very hated
  • 94. *
  • 95. * *Intro *Osiris and Isis were very important because they promised an afterlife
  • 96. * *Proving Oneself to Osiris *Each soul had to pass a test to win eternal life *They would cross a lake of fire to the Hall of Osiris *If they were deemed worthy they would pass into the afterlife, if not, the Eater of the Dead would take their souls!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH
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  • 99. * *Preparing the Dead for the Afterlife *What do you think the Egyptians believed about the afterlife? *They thought it would be much like Earth *This is why they would burry their dead with everything they would need for eternity *Mummification- the preservation of dead bodies by embalming them and wrapping them in cloth
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  • 103. * *Evidence Found in the Tomb of Tutankhamen *During the New Kingdom *Many Pharaohs were buried in a desolate valley known as the Valley of the Kings *Tombs were filled with riches
  • 104. * The son in law of Akhenaton was left untouched for more then 3,000 years, its treasures provided a lot of information.
  • 105.
  • 106. * *Introduction *Egypt has their own class system *Pharaoh *Royal Family *Government official and priests *Merchants, scribes, artisans *Peasants
  • 107. * *Most people were farmers *For the majority of the year, most people farmed the land *On off seasons, peasants were expected to serve the pharaoh to build palaces, temples, and tombs
  • 108. * *Changes in Social Structure *New Kingdom *Social classes changed during the time of trade and warfare *Trade * Offered a growing merchant class *War * Brought riches from foreign places
  • 109. * *Egyptian women enjoyed higher status *Women could inherit property, enter buisness deals, buy and sell goods, go to court, obtain divorces *Women work was not confined to the home *They could produce perfume *Become doctors
  • 110. * *Keeping Written Records *They had multiple writing systems *Hieroglyphics * A system in which symbols or pictures represent objects, concepts or sounds * It was used to record important information *Development of papyrus- a plant that grow along the banks of the Nile. *Paper was not discovered until 100AD in China
  • 111.
  • 112. * *Clues of the Rosetta Stone *After ancient Egypt's decline the meaning of ancient hieroglyphs were lost *Jean Champollion *Discovered the Rosetta Stone- a flat black stone that presents the same passed carved in hieroglyphics, demotic script and Greek *He was able to decipher- figure out the meaning- or passages
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  • 114. * *Furthering Science and Mathematics *There was a deep belief in magic, but what do you think happened because of Mummification? *They learned a lot about anatomy. *Doctors were skilled professionals *They knew about symptoms *Prescribed medicine *Astronomy *They studied the heavens and mapped out constellations *They developed a 12 month calandar that added 5 days to the end of the year *Math *This developed due to practical problems *They developed Geometry
  • 115. * *Egyptian Arts *There is a rich legacy of Egyptian Art *Statues *Tombs *Temple Carvings *Sculptures often remained unchanged or undamaged *Egyptian Literature *Includes hymns and prayers to gods, proverbs and love poems *Victories in battle as well
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  • 121. * *About 4000 years ago the ancient Israelites developed the religion of Judaism
  • 122. * *Monotheism *Belief in one God *While the surrounding peoples worshiped many gods, the belief in a one and ultimate God emerged *Each event that happened to the Israelites was reflected a a divine plan *Torah- the sacred text of the Hebrew Bible. It is the first 5 books
  • 123. * *Intro *Abraham *According to the Torah, a man named Abraham lived near Ur in Mesopotamia. About 2000 BC he left with his family and herd.
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  • 125. * *God Makes a Covenant with the Israelites *A Covenant is a promise or agreement *The Covenant included two things *There would be a special relationship that God would have with Abraham and his Descendants. *Canaan would one day belong to the Israelites * This became known as the promised land
  • 126. * *Moses *Later renewed God's covenant *Freed the Israelite slaves from the Egyptians
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  • 128. * *The Kingdom of Israel Established *In 1000 BC David united the tribes under one banner and was a wise second king of Judaism. *Solomon was David's son *Built the 1st holy temple in Jerusalem
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  • 131. * *Israel Suffers Division and Conquest *After Solomon died, people revolted *There was high labor and high taxes *The Split *The North Kingdom of Israel' *Conquered by the Assyrians in 722 BCE *The South Kingdom of Judah *Conquered by the Babylonians in 536 BCE * The Babylonians carried them off to their home (Babylonian Captivity) * Eventually they were allowed to leave after 50 years
  • 132. * *Intro *Law was always central to the ancient Israelites *There was no separation between religious law and civil law *Society was patriarchal *Men held the greatest legal and moral authority
  • 133. * *The Ten Commandments as a guide *What are the tend commandments? *Teaching an Ethical Worldview *Spiritual leaders emerged to interpret God's will *Prophets *Were these spiritual leaders *They taught morality, social justice, protection for the weak and poor *Kings were also not above the law
  • 134. * *Jews maintain their beliefs over time and place *Diaspora *The scattering of Jews across the world *After the Babylonian captivity, many went abroad *They developed close communities that stuck out in society *They stayed relatively pure and not influenced by other traditions
  • 135. * *Why is Judaism important to study at least a little *It is a major religion because it is fundamental to both Christianity and Islam *It has changed the world