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Analysis of Sirianni´s Investing in Democracy
Sirianni in his book "Investing in Democracy" has examined how government can serve as a civic
enabler of productive engagement and collaborative problem solving among civic associations,
ordinary citizens, and stakeholder groups. He also tried to find out how the public policy and
administration can be designed to help the involvement of the government. Siriannni has argued on
the view that in recent era the government's role is becoming more important due to the increasing
complexity of public problems, diversity among the stakeholders, and continued erosion of civic life
by the deep cultural and institutional trends. Sirianni tried to reflect the image of the government,
local, state, and federal as civic enabler whose work should be to ... Show more content on ...
However, it is found that the groups like civic associations and nonprofit funders make most
investments in promoting innovations and building civic capacity. They should be inspired to do so
continuously more ambitiously and effectively but still such contributions are not enough to match
with the rising cost of civic democracy. So, the government can and should rise to the occasion.
More government's involvement as civic enabler will help the country to cope with this problem.
Collaborative governance will redesign the policies which will aim to empower, enlighten, and
engage the citizens in the process of self–government. Sirianni has done some case studies and
empirical analyses of civic engagement and collaborative governance. From the case studies he has
extracted eight core principles of collaborative governance. These eight core principles of
collaborative governance and policy design are as pointed below:
(1) Coproduce public goods: The first principle of design should be such that it will encourage and
recognize roles for ordinary citizens in coproducing public goods. Public goods are much
complicated and there is no such direct tool of government which can produce this public goods. So
the policy should be designed in such a way that it will help the ordinary
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What Are The Nexus Between Good Governance?
Discuss the nexus between good governance and prevention of corruption and fraud in work places
Governance refers to a number of institutions that serve to regulate how a given set of individuals
manage other individuals' property.
Corruption is defined as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption comes in many
guises but fraud and bribery are the forms that are most rampant and affect the company's operation
and reputation.
The nexus between good governance and presentation of corruption and fraud in work places can be
seen from the characteristics of good governance as highlighted below:
Organizations have set up good internal control systems for effective governance. Good governance
requires that efficient and adequate internal control systems should be introduced across the
organization and the systems should be regularly reviewed and revisions made to make them
practical and flexible with the changing business environment. In prevention of corruption and fraud
at the workplace, these systems will ensure proper checks to control fraudulent practices in
organizational functioning.
Good governance is characterized by transparency. In an organization, transparency means that all
decisions and actions taken by the board and organization ... Show more content on
Participation in this case means to all stakeholders are engaged in management processes in one
form or the other as a key cornerstone for good governance. The board at this stage also performs its
oversight role to ensure that the shareholders and stakeholders investments and rights are protected
and the organization is on track in regards to its vision, mission and goals. Effective communication
can play the vital role in this process. Participation helps good governance to prevent corruption and
fraud in that the abuse of power by a single individual is eliminated as all stakeholders are involved
which in turn helps to monitor the activities of each individual
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Corporate Governance : Good Business Management
The general idea we have in mind when we hear the term "Corporate Governance", is that it is an
almost unattainable goal. The reason is the only companies that have "corporate governance" are big
businesses with exorbitant capital, or, at least have shares on the stock–market. It is based on the
idea that applying good organizational governance practices, is exclusive and expensive. But those
who argue this idea are very far from reality. I must confess that I was one of these people. Currently
all companies regardless of their capital or size, implement some system of administration (Knell
2008, p. 5), i.e. they have a "Corporate Governance".
Why is it important to discuss Corporate Governance?
Good "Corporate Governance" is ... Show more content on ...
Furthermore, each company has different objectives and seeks their own benefit. When they have
corporate governance practices in common it influences the economy of a country, and therefore
growth in their development. This is because the investors or "financial institutions abroad, will be
more attracted to inject resources". Consequently, the companies will access to better conditions in
international capital markets, being, ultimately, less exposed to the economic crisis.
Who is in charge?
Currently, the "underlying theoretical concepts" are applied in order to understand or explain, the
roles and behaviours of members of corporate governance.
Firstly we find the "agency theory", refers to the owners and managers of the companies that have
different interests. That is, the shareholders or owners should confront the problems related with
managers, who may be acting based on their own interest.
In "management theory", the organization seeks a structure with contents. The management is
control, and direction is "spans the action program of the economic unit"; shareholders and
executives create partnerships. Moreover, in "stakeholder theory" the function of the "board
directors" is to represent the interests of the members in the organization. Finally, the "dependency
theory" refers to organizations which are dependent substantially from other organizations and
external resources (2012, p.
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It Governance And Strategic Alignment Domain
IT Governance
Dr. Yemer Hassan
Naga RaghuTej Vankamamidi
1. This course explains and records and interprets some important existing theories, models, and
practices in the IT governance and strategic alignment domain. IT governance be defined and its
relationship with corporate governance and IT management clarified; devoted to the concept of
strategic alignment, a detailed set of IT governance structures, processes, and relational mechanisms
is discussed that can be leveraged to implement IT governance in practice. In your own words, how
IT governance explained and why do we need to study IT governance?
Identify two important IT governance processes and key elements of IT governance.
Answer: IT governance is a ... Show more content on ...
IT governance reflects broader corporate governance principles while focusing on the management
and use of IT to achieve corporate performance goals. Because IT outcomes are often hard to
measure, firms must assign responsibility for desired outcomes and assess how well they achieve
them. IT governance shouldn't be considered in isolation because IT is linked to other key enterprise
assets (i.e. financial, human, intellectual property, physical and relationships). Thus, IT governance
might share mechanisms (such as executive committees and budget processes) with other asset
governance processes, thereby coordinating enterprise–wide decision making processes.
Every enterprise engages in IT decision making, but firms differ considerably in how thoughtfully
they define accountability and how rigorously they formalize and communicate decision making
processes. Without formal IT governance individual managers are left to resolve isolated issues as
they arise. These individual actions can be at odds. For example, the CIO at a global transportation
firm was instructed to cut the corporate IT budget. This CIO introduced a chargeback system to
curtail demand for IT services. Unhappy with their new charges managers within each of the
business units hired technical specialists to provide services at a price they were willing to pay. The
new technical specialists did not show up in the corporate IT budget so it looked like the CIO had
achieved his goal, but the impact of the
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Democracy And ' Good Governance ' Presents Its Own...
Democracy and 'good governance' presents its own problematic. There is inherent contradiction
between the perfect representation of society through the elaboration of democratic ideas, the
precedence of economic power. Furthermore, the growing influence of capital has transcended the
realm of politics, into the global economy. As the global economic relationships grow
transnationally, as do the ideologies which govern them. Controlling economic power can be seen as
impinging on property rights in those who are power. This limits role of ideas in taking precedence
over the political economy (Campbell: 1998). The ideas represented by the class of organic
intellectuals needs to extend beyond just the interests of society, state interests, ... Show more
content on ...
Then, I am suggesting that if the Bank's political economy analysis constituted a broad inquiry to the
wider institutional processes which influence the reform outcome, the picture of the deliberative
process might well be different. And in accounting for the wider institutional processes, so too could
the outcomes. Actors are not only driven by material interests, but they are driven ideologies,
expectations and institutions, which cannot be adequately represented in the reform process. PEA in
its unfettered form a can allow us to see the construction of complex societal processes in creating
'good governance' over time. Yet, given the opportunity the PEA could also help understand
relationship between society, the state and the wider institutional processes which govern reform
I suggest that PEA, in the case of the ABSM to grasp a comprehensive analysis of 'what maintains
and restores a system's equilibrium, rather than identifying the contradictions which can lead to a
systems transformation' (Cox: 1981). While PEA has an important role in analysing the outcomes of
the Bank's anti–corruption work it can also can prompt a turn towards utilising PEA through the lens
of critical theory. Critical theory would allow for an analysis of what constitutes the process of
historical change. It should call into question the very frameworks for action accepted under a
merely problem–solving theory, challenging it through an enquiry into the origins
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Explain How Great Results Begin With Good Governance
Great Results Begin with Good Governance I've had the privilege of working with many nonprofits
during my career, from the smallest human services agencies to large colleges and universities. It
has been a great pleasure to watch some of them start as fledgling nonprofits and grow into highly
successful organizations that meet important needs in the communities they serve. Some of these
nonprofits haven't just survived...they have thrived. What sets these nonprofits apart? How is it that
some nonprofits stand the test of time, regardless of the financial climate of the day? Is there a
single theme that runs through all high performing nonprofits? High performing nonprofits all
exhibit good governance. Governance is an essential element of the ... Show more content on ...
Understand and provide effective fiduciary oversight – While appropriate policies and procedures
may be in place, it is essential for board members (or committees) to review financial statements,
audits, investments and compensation either monthly, quarterly or annually as appropriate. 2.
Operate with up–to date, consistent governing documents – More than once I have reviewed an
organization's bylaws only to find another nonprofit's name somewhere in the document. This is a
clear sign that bylaws for one nonprofit were used for another, quite possibly without thorough
review. High performing nonprofits and their respective boards conduct regular review of governing
documents and they amend them accordingly as the organization evolves. 3. Hold executives and
directors accountable – An annual performance review of the CEO is essential. Likewise, the board
of directors should complete a board assessment annually. Be willing to take corrective action when
necessary. 4. Document all actions appropriately – It is essential to maintain minutes of every
meeting, particularly those where action was taken. Consider maintaining both electronic and hard
copies of all minutes and file them by date in a book of
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Disadvantages Of E Governance
The 'E' means Electronic (Information and Communication Technology). Governance means a
systematic process by which Public and Corporate Organizations are controlled.
E–Governance is the application of ICT in the Governance process with the aim to protect the
interest of different stakeholders.
E–government and innovation can provide significant opportunities to transform public
administration into an instrument of sustainable development. The strategic objective of E–
governance is to support and simplify governance of all parties – Government, Citizens and
Businesses. All the parties need to work as an interlinked team and are supported with social media
tools which ultimately results in Good Governance.
E–Governance involves ... Show more content on ...
The strategic objective as mentioned (Heeks 2001) clearly demonstrates that social media can help
to achieve a Good Governance needed for overall economic development.
The objectives of e–governance are similar to the objectives of good governance. Good governance
can be seen as an exercise of economic, political, and administrative authority to better manage
affairs of a country at all levels, national and local.
Types of E–Governance
E–governance can take place in different forms with a broader aim of improved governance through
improved transparency and disclosure.
Government to Government (G2G):
Governments use e–governance for better co–ordination and reporting, administrative functioning,
staff management between departments, organizations and back office operations for managing the
overall governance systems.
It improves operational efficiency for municipal agencies and helps in economies of cost. Gone are
the days when files used to move physically through a messenger for reviews and approvals.
In theory, there are currently four major levels of e–government in municipal governments:
The establishment of a secure and cooperative interaction among government
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Canad A Case Of Good Governance And Good Luck
2008 Canada: a Case of Good Governance and Good Luck The global financial crisis of 2008 shook
the pillars of economic institutes of nations all over the world including Canada. The crisis caused
the financial meltdown of various global financial organizations such as the Lehman Brothers
brought the US economy to its knees with matters being exacerbated by the burst of the sub–prime
mortgage bubble. Financial markets including various banks went into bankruptcy with
governments having to chalk out large bailout packages and the reserve parachute of financial
reforms and regulations to stop the free fall of financial institutions. Asian Markets had huge
amounts of savings that they were itching to spend buying up US government bonds which resulted
in a fall in interest rates, as a result of lowered interest rates bankers began to lend to creditors with
poor banking histories, this lending was backed by credit rating agencies who were far too generous
in their triple A rating of credits that were in actuality far more highly exposed. Banks as a result
began betting on themselves with borrowed money, there was an underlying assumption that the
property bubble would remain steady or rise and thus banks did not keep enough margins on their
balance sheets to cover for losses and this was exactly what happened. As the property bubble
exploded there was an acute fall in prices and a proportional rise in foreclosures. At this point banks
had to revalue their assets and sell at fire
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The World Bank 's Anti Corruption Policy Essay
This essay will address the question of whether the World Bank's Anti–Corruption policy can be
improved through the adaption of a Political Economy Analysis (PEA) framework. Since John
Wolfensohn, then President of the World Bank, addressed the 'cancer of corruption' as a major
impediment to growth in 1996 the World Bank has adopted a mounting concern over corruption.
Today, the Bank's fixation on corruption incorporates concerns over 'good governance', particularly
in underdeveloped countries. Corruption and governance are political issues by nature. Yet, scholars'
have criticized the Bank for their reform strategies for being based largely in economic
considerations (Khan: 2002, Marquette: 2004, Forest and Wild: 2011). Since then, the World Bank
employed a stakeholder approach to address the political dimension of creating 'good' governance.
Yet, academics and policy makers agree the World Bank's anti–corruption initiatives continue to
reject the need to integrate politics into their work, as they continue to be based in economic
rationalism and the technical approach to governance. I will observe this in the context of political
pressure that governs the World Bank's mandate. Then looking at corruption as a moral category
with reference to Bukovansky (2006) which suggests that, in order to achieve 'good governance' a
country must follow a set of prescribed liberal approaches in order to grow. Considering the failures
of the current approach, I suggest that a PEA
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The Importance Of A Good Corporate Governance Framework
This paper will discuss why a good corporate governance framework must incorporate stakeholder
accountability. For the purpose of this paper, the term stakeholder governance will be used to
incorporate all aspects of stakeholder accountability and engagement, that is; dialogue, decision
making, transparent operations and implementation of solutions to common problems or goals.
The first part of this paper will describe how the landscape has changed for business operations due
to environmental, economic and social reasons. It will set out the evolution of corporate governance
as a result of historical events and academic debate and suggest that, ultimately, the top–down,
narrow paradigm of mainstream business, namely profit ... Show more content on ...
Business, no Longer an Island
Corporate governance is no longer viewed in isolation, as a matter for companies and their
institutional shareholders. Business scandals, global economic and social crises, climate change and
environmental disasters have impacted billions of people, hold high risk consequences and extensive
strategic and geopolitical implications for society at large. Issues traditionally seen as outside of the
business remit are becoming recognised as critical factors to long–term business success.
Organisations are now being called to account for their impact on the environment and non–
shareholding stakeholders. Just as a company board should ensure that financial statements are
properly audited, it is also responsible for ensuring that management is aware of, and properly
manages, less tangible, nonfinancial risks. In this regard, well managed and considered stakeholder
governance programmes should open up dialogue which encourages questions and thereby provide
access to a broader view of potential risks. Today, revenues of the world's largest multinationals
exceed the gross domestic products of a host of countries, multinationals have a global reach not
enjoyed by countries and private companies are increasingly being called upon to deliver services
that were once the domain of governments. The power relationship between country states and
multinational companies has shifted dramatically over the past 40 years and with that, the
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Toyota: an Example of “Good” Corporate Governance
1.0 INTRODUCTION Corporations the world over have been publicly criticized for improving their
firm's bottom line at any moral or social cost. Ethics essentially "refers to the issues of right, wrong,
fairness and justice." Clearly, examples such as Enron, WorldCom, and even Conrad Black tested
society's views on sound ethical business and the link to what society sees as "good" governance
practices. Although the controversies involve issues matched in variety only by the types of
companies, they all virtually involve some form of abuse of stakeholders trust. These cases are not
representative of the entire spectrum of today's business environment; in fact, there are a number of
companies whose competitive advantages are based on ... Show more content on ...
Naturally, these companies do not have Toyota as their sole customer, suppliers have begun selling
these environmentally friendly products to various related companies. In turn they have begun
requiring more environmentally friendly products from their own suppliers, thus Toyota's ethical and
sound business decision to protect the environment has had an effect on the entire automotive supply
chain. Toyota's relationship with suppliers has influenced them to reduce the environmental impact
of their own companies. Considering the revenue to be generated from a contract with Toyota,
certain suppliers found it financially beneficial or even necessary to comply with these
environmentally friendly requirements of being a Toyota supplier. Finally, these environmentally
friendly initiatives set a trend for the industry now attempting to close in on the considerable
advantage enjoyed by Toyota. Competitors are now attempting to develop technologies in
conjunction with their own suppliers that will benefit them and the natural environment in the long
term. In addition, the American government (among others) has recently raised the minimum fuel
efficiency requirements of all vehicles sold in the USA , further increasing Toyota's competitive
advantage as the large majority of their vehicles already exceed those requirements. Toyota was able
to utilize both their relationships of trust and their economic power to bring about a positive
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Middle Class Heroes : The Best Guarantee Of Good Governance
Social Classes: More than Just a Label In life, there are many ways in which people are classified
and put into different groups or levels. In school, students are classified by their chosen pathway
through courses that are divided into Apprenticeship, College, University or AP levels. In George
Orwell's novel, 1984, the citizens of Oceania are divided into either the Proletarians, the Outer Party
and the Inner Party based on the importance of their job in relation to Big Brother. A similar
example of a classification system would be the social class system that exists today. Like the novel
1984, modern society has a class system that divides people into the lower class, middle class, and
first class. In simpler terms, these classes indicate the poor, the financially stable and the rich people
within a society. In Nancy Birdsall's article, "Middle class heroes: the best guarantee of good
governance", Nancy analyzes the growth of the middle class and its relationship to the success and
stability of modern societies around the world. Class systems may seem like just labels but, with the
right components, they can create the structure to a better government, economy and overall life.
However, by analyzing the size of the social classes in 1984, the lack of desire for change, and the
control of the government, it is evident that the class system in 1984 prevents the citizens from
escaping the totalitarian rule of the government of Oceania.
The saying, 'bigger is better' is not
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The Role Of External Auditing On Promoting Good Corporate...
The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of external auditing in promoting good corporate
governance. The role of auditors has been emphasized after the pass of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act as a
response to the accounting scandal of Enron. Even though auditors are hired and paid by the
company, their role is not to represent or act in favor of the company, but to watch and investigate
the company's financials to protect the public from any material misstatements that can affect their
decisions. As part of this role, the auditors assess the level of the company's adherence to its own
code of ethics.
External Auditing
Since reliable financial information is essential for investors and other stakeholders to take adequate
decisions, this reliability must be backed by independent review performed by independent and
certified auditing firms, which are supposed to verify and certify financial statements issued by a
company's management. If the auditor is not competent and independent from management, the
audit of the financial statements loses its credibility (Schelker, 2013, p.295). According to Impastato
(2003), because of audit failures, accountants are to blame for investors losing billions of dollars in
earnings in addition to market capitalization (as cited in Grubbs & Ethridge 2007).
As explained by Schelker (2013), the agency problem between the owners and the management of a
firm is at the heart of the corporate governance literature. Hence, there is a need for a
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Critically Evaluate The Link Between Good Governance And...
Critically evaluate the connection between good governance and peace.
I) Introduction
The question of what constitutes a "good government" has been a subject written about since the
earliest known time. In fact, in the western tradition, Plato wrote extensively on the question, most
notably in The Republic (Blackburn and Vance, 2007). He (in the voice of Socrates) asked if the
purpose of government was to help one 's friends and hurt one 's enemies, for example. Aristotle,
Plato 's student picked up the subject in his treatise on Politics. Many centuries later, John Locke
addressed the question of abuse of power by writing on the importance of checks and balances to
prevent or at least constrain the abuse of power (Powell, 1996).
In ... Show more content on ...
Finally, the third section
A final section discusses how the weaknesses of the good governance concept pose problems for
one of the most central claims in the policy literature, that good governance promotes economic
II) Definitions and Historical Link Between Good Governance and Peace
The term "good governance" is perceived, in general as a normative principle of administrative law,
which obliges the State to perform its functions in a manner that promotes the values of efficiency,
non–corruptibility, and responsiveness to civil society (Rosenau, 1997). It is therefore a principle
that is largely associated with statecraft. While the government is not obliged to substantively
deliver any public goods, it must ensure that the processes for the identification and delivery of such
goods are concrete in terms of being responsive to public demands, and respect for the principles of
fairness, justice, and equality, as well as the implementation of policies that are effective and
efficient, in order to promote "the deeper human requisites of the citizenry" (Henry, 2010, p. 3).The
principles of good governance have also been espoused in the context of the internal operations of
private sector organizations (Rae and Wong, 2004, p. 135; see also, Paris, R., 2004, p.
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Benefits of Good Governance
Corporate Governance refers to the way a corporation is governed. It is the technique by which
companies are directed and managed. It means carrying the business as per the stakeholders' desires.
It is actually conducted by the board of Directors and the concerned committees for the company's
stakeholder's benefit. It is all about balancing individual and societal goals, as well as, economic and
social goals. Corporate Governance is the interaction between various participants (shareholders,
board of directors, and company's management) in shaping corporation's performance and the way it
is proceeding towards. The relationship between the owners and the managers in an organization
must be healthy and there should be no conflict between the ... Show more content on ...
These tangible benefits also suggest that good governance helps enterprises through difficult
economic times like the current financial crisis, since well–governed companies tend to deliver not
only higher but also more sustainable value.
The benefits are real and measurable. For one, good governance leads to higher market valuation.
Buenaventura, a Peruvian company, managed to improve its corporate governance and the CEO
estimates that these improvements resulted in an additional 20 per cent increase in market valuation.
Better corporate governance also decreases the cost of capital and helps to attract and retain
shareholders. Credit Suisse raised its valuation of Brazil Telecom from "hold" to "outperform"
because of governance improvements.
Empirical evidence shows that Companies Circle members, due to their focus on improved
corporate governance, produced substantially better operational and market results than other Latin
American companies. Their profitability reflected by average ROE (Return on Equity) of 21.7 per
cent from 2005 to 2007 was higher than other firms in the same period (16.7 per cent). Companies
Circle members also pay more dividends, which helps attract additional investors, and have better
access to credit at a lower cost.
The report concludes that investors buying Companies Circle member stocks on December 31,
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Public Sector Reform Around The World
In recent times, there has been a new proclivity towards public sector reform around the world
primarily driven by citizens, who are placing new demands on their governments for quality,
efficiency, accountability, transparency and better service delivery. Today, globally, the success of
any government is increasingly benchmarked based on social inclusion and citizens' participation in
Advances in recent years have created an unprecedented case for change in the ways in which public
services work. There is a greater focus on effectiveness, efficiency and accountability and far more
demanding citizens who expect an increasingly high level of service delivery, comparable to what
they get from the private sector. At the same time, in a climate of budgetary pressures and, in the
drive for greater efficiency, government organizations are expected to do more for less. Traditional
government, originally built on principles of the industrial society is no longer able to face all the
complex demands and problems of the information society, with the trends towards decentralisation
and intertwining activities [8].
On the other hand, basic values, such as integrity, legitimacy and accountability remain important.
Governments are expected to adhere to core values, such as protection of civil and political rights,
equal opportunities and equal treatment for all [35]. The principles of good governance [36] –
openness, participation, accountability, effectiveness and
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A Sustainable Governance Of Our Agricultural Systems
4. Towards a sustainable governance of our agricultural systems
The rethinking of the institutional analysis of the municipalities in metropolitan cities reveals a new
question with respect to the type of governance to be implemented to restore to agricultural systems
a leading role in the creation of well–being and especially for its maintenance over time and space.
The metropolitan cities will implement agricultural systems and not only from a geographical and
institutional point of view but also in functionality. In this perspective, it becomes essential to adopt
appropriate governance models, capable of ensuring a substantial contribution of agriculture to the
pursuit of sustainable well–being, but above all to resolve the apparent question between local or
global governance (Webb, Kernaghan, 2005). More precisely, new forms of governance and
organization of the sector are required so that agriculture can find in the proximity markets the right
tools to sustain the building and the keeping of well–being of society and of the territories in which
the various stakeholders can pursue shared objectives and no longer exclusively local ones. In other
words, it becomes essential to adopt models of sustainable territorial governance .
In the new millennium, there has been an exponential growth in the number of books and papers on
this subject. This would undoubtedly be due to the fact that the Brundtland report in 1987 (WCED,
1987), did not explain exactly how the sustainable
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Advantages Of Good Governance
"Developing Good Governance is more than money..." Today, to do everything, even to create a
Performance–oriented organization one should have good governance but before talking about the,
'Good Governance – the path ahead for India', it's important to understand that what does 'Good
Governance' and 'Bad Governance' exactly mean. 'Good governance' refers to the process of
decision–making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented).
Governance can be used in several contexts such as corporate governance, international governance,
national governance and local governance. Whereas, the 'Bad Governance' is just opposite of good
governance, it is the term used when one of the roots causes of all evil within our societies has
increased ... Show more content on ...
It is very obvious that if the opportunity to ensure that the 'Good Governance is the path ahead for
India', may or may not be given to us by our elders, parents, teachers, or siblings, one will really do
something for the good governance. Actually, the new comers of governmental body are either not
that much perfect in their work or they get the feeling of greediness very soon of making more
money, respect and reputation and thus gets corrupt. But, one will really work hard in both these
cases by understanding my work properly and that one can easily do by maintaining mainly
participation, accountability, responsibility, effectiveness, ensuring a management focus, making
primary responsibilities for policy making,efficiency, and follows the rule of law, protocols, which
are meant for all. Also one will look or one will assure that the corruption is minimized by getting
control into the feeling of greediness and also by not making differences among poor and rich which
is again a big and a major problem being faced by every poor family that their work is kept aside
and first the work of a millionaire is
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Causes Of Good Governance In Africa
citizens. Fundamentally therefore, to describe governance as a good one and to determine whether it
is a bad one requires the understanding of the essence of the state which are not only embedded in
the constitution but also a function of the ethical and religious ideals and the nature of current
problems confronting the state. The curious question however is: what went wrong in the
governance realm in Africa? Two factors seem to have facilitated bad governance in Africa. First is
obviously the colonial pedigree. There is a strong linkage between the absence of good governance
in the colonial era and that of the postcolonial period. The political structures and values, economic
base and social orientation promoted in the colonial era were antithetical to the evolution of good
governance and democracy in Africa. These structures and processes, firmly implanted, took new
manifestations as experienced in maladministration and bad governance, both internal and external
in the post–colonial and the neo–colonial era.
Although a lot of hopes and expectations are provided in the current process of democratic
modification and its capacity to engineer good governance, the possible outcome of the process
remains uncertain and open to speculation. In Africa, just like any other region of the world, the
indicators and cost of bad governance are corruption, injustices, inequity, integration crisis, ethno–
religious feuds and a host of others. Corruption has generated an unthinkable level
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The State 's Capacity Of Policy Making And Governance
Q Has the state's capacity in policy–making and governance been reduced with the advent of
different modes of governance like markets, networks or associations? For the last forty years it has
become an accepted notion that the state's capacity in policy–making and governance has changed
through the increasing use of different modes of governance, like markets, networks or associations.
This essay will argue that generalised or blanket statements are unhelpful when examining state
capacity in policy–making and governance and that we must begin to examine such questions on a
case by case basis. In arguing this point, a comparative analysis of five case studies will be used to
demonstrate why this approach is necessary in understanding the process of governance in
contemporary society. The first method of governance observed is hierarchy. Hierarchy focusses on
a more top down approach, where those in charge develop and implement policies from a top down
perspective (Jansen 2007: p 6). It must be understood that hierarchical forms of governance do not
just exist in government, but can be found in many forms, whether in private business organisations
or small non–government organisations (NGO's) (Benz and Papadopoulos 2006: p 182). This is
where most often the implementation of policy is top down with the leaders of the organisation
having final control over whether or not a policy is implemented (Morcol 2006: p 170–171). Taking
this into account, it must be shown that
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Lesser Developed Countries
Paul Collier is the author of The Bottom Billion a 2007 book about Lesser Developed Countries
(LDCs) and why they struggle to progress despite vast amounts of foreign aid. Collier makes the
argument that while much of LDCs are becoming wealthier, this isn't the case in Africa and Central
Asia who is stuck due to four development traps. Seventy percent of the bottom billion is in Africa.
According to Collier, the first trap is the conflict trap. He claims that 73% in the bottom billion are
in or have been in a war like conflict, almost always an internal civil war. Countries with high rates
of poverty are more likely to break out in civil war and the war itself lowers incomes, therefore
perpetuating the problem. This is partly due to the large amount of available young men who are out
of work and ready for a rebellion and due to the weakness of the state, this becomes quite easy. The
longer a country is at war, more actors become involved due to the potential of profiting of it. A civil
war also increases the risk of future conflicts and according to Collier it is development in reverse.
Economic loss and disease do not stop when the fighting does. Furthermore, during conflict,
political rights disappear and almost all of the world's hard drugs come from these areas due to little
law enforcement. Low income, slow growth, and commodity export dependence make up the top
three attributes of a high civil war risk country, which is hard to live down after it begins, since
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Good Corporate Governance Is Good For Bank's Bottom Line
Introduction: Corporate governance mechanisms are developed to ensure that the managers of the
firm act in the best interests of shareholders/owners. Since the global financial crisis, there has been
much attention placed on the importance of corporate governance, specifically on the banking
sector. Good corporate governance is a significant factor in the publics' perception of its corporate
social responsibility (Young & Thyil, 2014). The duties and responsibilities of a company's board of
directors and the way they can manage their relationships with stakeholder groups and internal
stakeholders can be described as a corporate governance (Pass, 2004). In the recent article "Good
Corporate Governance is Good for Bank's Bottom Line" published by The Conversation (Academic
Rigour, Journalistic Flair) will be discussing the issues raised in relation to corporate governance
with a brief summary of the articles. Good Corporate Governance is Good for Bank's Bottom Line:
The authors state that Australian banks improved efficiency after the Australian Securities Exchange
(ASX) Principles of Good Governance was introduced in 2003 as shown by a study which was
published in the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. The study
examines the performance of 11 Australian banks from 1999 to 2013 as regards to the effectiveness
of certain corporate governance measures. Adverse impacts are to be undoubtedly expected without
good corporate governance. The said
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Companies Should Be Controlled And Directed Accordance...
Companies should be controlled and directed in accordance with a system of good corporate
governance and ethical business principles. It is through creating this corporate governance
framework that a company can ensure effective business practices and corporate success. The
demise of an international retailer, Ahold, was the result of an absence of such corporate governance
mechanisms and in turn corporate malfeasance. The Ahold financial scandal emerged in February
2003 when accounting irregularities were uncovered during the audit of its accounts, in particular at
its US Foodservice subsidiary (USF). The extent of this scandal was an overstatement of earnings by
an estimated $880 million within the years of 1999 and 2002. The main ... Show more content on ...
It was the manipulation of these balances that ultimately led to the seemingly deliberate forecast
overstatement. In response to the announcement, the company's stock price plummeted in value by
over 72 per cent within just two weeks, and the accounts for this reporting period had to be restated.
The disclosure of the scandal also led to the resignation of the chief executive officer, Cees van der
Hoeven, the chief financial officer, Michael Meurs, along with numerous other members of senior
management. Evidently, this case had an enormous impact on Ahold's reputation, stock price and
shareholders. More recently, on 22nd September 2014, Tesco also faced criminal investigation into
accounting irregularities after similarly announcing an overstatement of profits by $408.8 million. In
response to this disclosure, similar to Ahold, the share prices in Tesco plunged rapidly as profit
forecasts were significantly lowered. This led to the suspension of four senior executives and outside
auditors were called in to investigate. Among those suspended include Kevin Grace, former
commercial director, and Carl Rogberg, the UK finance director. At Tesco the financial error was,
like Ahold, said to have occurred as a result of the miss–booking of rebate payments from suppliers,
through which there was an accelerated acknowledgment and recording of commercial income,
alongside a delayed accrual of costs. The correct time for recognition of
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Impact Of Economic Governance On Total Investment Volatility
A sustained level of investment plays a critical role for the growth and development of an economy.
However, the investment levels are subject to high degree of variability and fluctuations within and
across countries. Volatility in investment triggers uncertainty and deters capital accumulation and
thereby substantially reduces the growth potentials. Good governance is a critical stimulant for
backward and forward linkages of sustained productive investment. In view of this, the present
study analyses the impact of economic governance on total investment volatility in a sample of 24
Asian and African countries during the period 1985–2011. The total investment volatility has been
calculated using Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filter and economic ... Show more content on ...
It is considered as the most volatile part of aggregate demand. Several growth models have
advanced the rate of investment as a primary driver of an economy's performance. However, the
investment rates have not been the same among different regions of the world. Within Asia,
investment has been comparatively lower in South Asia as compared to East Asia. The investment
rate in Sub–Saharan Africa has shown a decline over a period of time. In addition, the investment
rates in Asia and Africa have exhibited significant variability with time, thereby indicating its
The investment climate is believed to be influenced by the quality of governance in an economy.
According to Dixit (2001), the concept of economic governance can be defined as, "the structure
and functioning of the legal and social institutions that support economic activity and economic
transactions by protecting property rights, enforcing contracts and taking collective action to provide
physical and organizational infrastructure."
The catalytic role played by institutions in the performance of an economy came into prominence in
the post First World War, in the form of 'Old Institutional Economics' but gained its momentum in
the 70's. The emergence of 'New Institutional Economics', a term put forth by Oliver Williamson in
1975, owes itself mainly to Douglass North (North and Thomas 1976; North 1981, 1990 and 2005).
It aims at expanding the neo classical model by incorporating the
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Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainability Essay
Vision or Mission statement
Values of the organisation
Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability
SMART analysis
Reference list
This assessment is about analysing the management of two different companies Macquarie group of
services and David Jones. Both got many similarities and differences between their organisational
structure and management. They also work with a vision in market from many years. There values
and aims are pretty different from each other. In present days, both companies are doing a great
business in their fields, so the management of both companies have high responsibilities. They have
thousands of stakeholders, which convert these companies in to big firms. This simply means, more
complex task for managers.
Lets compare and contrast both companies and we will find the similarities and differences in
management of both firms.
Vision or Mission statement
Mission statement is a statement of the business aims, companies need to capture for what purpose
they stand for. Aims are the long term plan from which companies derives its objectives. why the
company exit, and tell three important factors to the public . Mission statement describes three
factors of a company:
What the company does
Who the company does it for
How the company does it
Mission statement is the initial step for any company to get the objective hierarchy. Actually the
mission statement
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Challenges Faced By Pakistan As An Impoverished Nation And...
Issues of unstable governance are directly related to the difficulties confronted by developing
nations (BU 2014). The government plays a crucial role in uplifting a country and its development.
It can achieve this by managing the country and its problems in a decently proficient manner, taking
the right decisions at the right time, imposing rules and regulations and by setting up viable
strategies to fight the obstacles coming in its way of advancement. Most of the developing countries
tend to face similar problems and require serious government reforms in order to defeat them.
Surprisingly, Pakistan is among one of those countries that are tormented by issues such as poverty,
illiteracy, terrorism, civil war and overpopulation. This paper will shed light on some of the
challenges faced by Pakistan as an impoverished nation and also provide some suggestions on how
these issues can be tackled.
Pakistan is an Islamic state located in South Asia that covers an area of 796,095 square kilometers. It
shares border with India, Afghanistan, Iran and China and a marine border with Oman. It came into
existence as an independent nation in 1947 and since then, it has been encompassed by incalculable
issues including underdeveloped infrastructure, infertile and old production lines, international
interference, instable government and corruption underscoring every deliberation towards progress
(Africaw 2014). Moreover, regardless of being rich in natural resources, it struggles to be
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Globalization And Foreign Aid Syndrome
For the past four decades the development challenge has been rich world of one million people
facing poor world of five billion people. 80% of the five billion people live in developing countries.
There are a few countries at the bottom billion that are falling behind and often falling apart. Paul
collier through this book takes a dynamic approach of the problems faced by the bottom billion, the
reason why they are falling behind and what can be done about this. The arguments collier points
out are based on conclusions from his exhaustive list of peer reviewed research. He successfully
answered the questions stated on the cover of book.
This book is divided into 5 parts: the first part introduces the issues. second part explains the traps of
development. third part explains factors of globalization and foreign aid syndrome fourth part
explains the instruments to solve the issues fifth part explains the agenda for action
In the golden era of 1990 's when all the countries are developing, the incomes in the bottom billion
declined by 5%. There are about 58 countries that fall into this category. About 1 billion people live
in these countries. 70% of these are in Africa. The rest in places like Haiti, Bolivia, central asian
countries, Cambodia, Yemen, Burma and north Korea and collier describes these countries as Africa
+. The per capita income of these countries is less than that of most rich world cities.
During 1970 's bottom billion diverged
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The Culture And Practice Of Good Governance
The culture and practice of good governance set out beliefs and rules that soccer corporate sponsors
need to vigilant about. Kavitha (2015) highlights governance malpractices that are happening within
the global soccer governing body, FIFA. These malpractices include money that has been alleged to
come through illegal channels, such as money laundering, racketeering, and wire fraud. FIFA
officials, including nine of its high–ranking officials and five sports marketing executives, were
implicated in the said scandal (Jennings, 2011). These scandals involved the individuals'
involvement in a series of bribery cases as well as other backdoor deals that were aimed at securing
tournaments and FIFA events' marketing rights. The concerns of the ... Show more content on ...
Currently FIFA is a powerful player in the global economy, and its corporate governance needs to
touch on the areas of financial compliance, anti–corruption compliance, FIFA's organizational
structure, the elections of FIFA officials, bidding decisions, events hosting decisions, marketing
issues as well as the areas of relationships between FIFA and its members concerning the conflicts
of interests and the development programs (Pieth, 2011). Modern financial compliance systems
require the inclusion of all financial transactions of corporations in the corporations' audited
bookkeeping as well as their financial reporting systems, a condition that is fulfilled in FIFA but
with rather a narrow consolidation that excludes several organizations with activities that the general
public can attribute to FIFA (Pieth, 2011). This presents a risk for the investments of AII in
companies sponsoring FIFA as FIFA's large activity base combined with its narrow consolidation
makes its financial controls difficult. It is important that FIFA work out on a catalogue of all
payments that can be considered critical and related to corruption, and make a decision whether
there is need for direct controls or the direct controls in place are sufficient to prevent the corruption
risk. Also, FIFA's specific anti–corruption controls existing within the system needs to be intensified
to ensure that their scope is expanded. The current coverage of FIFA's internal controls, which
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Collaborative Governance, Citizen Participation, And...
Admittedly, it is important to have an effective government for the growth and development of a
nation. Equally, it is important to maintain a democratic government. While there are different ways
of understanding what constitutes a democratic government, in public administration, democratic
government can be viewed as a government that is responsive to the perspectives of its citizens and
exhibit responsibility to the citizens. This can be promoted by the public institutions and public
administrators (King, Feltey, & Susel, 1998). They can use various processes to ensure a democratic
government including collaborative governance, decision making, citizen participation,
administrative reforms, and budgeting. This paper seeks to discuss and analyze the efforts that the
public organizations and the public administrators can make with regards to collaborative
governance, citizen participation, and decision making to maintain a democratic government.
Collaborative governance
Public organizations and the public administrators have an important duty of promoting and
maintaining democratic government especially by ensuring good governance. Social and economic
development can be achieved through good governance. Collaborative governance is a primary
component of good governance (Ansell & Gash, 2008). Admittedly, public management reforms are
fundamental to improving the abilities of various nations to address issues that touch on democratic
government. Some of the
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Cyber Defence And Information Assurance
Cyber Defence and Information Assurance
Reflective Portfolio
Module 01 : Governance and Management
Kinshuk De
This portfolio is a reflective account of what I have learnt during the Governance and Management
module and reflect on the three tasks posed, based on the case study of a system D.I.A.M.O.N.D
(Driver Identification After Motoring Offence using Numerous Databases).
We worked in groups and deliberated (Deliberations, 9 March 2015) what the D.I.A.M.O.N.D.
system would do, that is to accept, store, process, return result pertaining to sensitive data from
limitless interconnections, not only limited to end users or external departments, and who own the
data. All of us agreed that this is a ... Show more content on ...
That is to positively identify speed violator beyond doubt and how the system should be governed to
create a secure system and operate. Each team presented their view points, including discussing the
various stakeholders of the system and their responsibilities. As part of the case study, we exercised
the 6–point Governance model which I believe maximizes management's ability to implement and
the system owner's ability to exercise oversight governance.
Task 1 This task necessitated discussing elements 0 to 3 involving deliberations and knowledge
sharing on the four elements 'Introduction', 'Responsibility', 'Strategy' and 'Acquisition'. Previously, I
had a hazy understanding of the difference between governance and management, wherein I often
used these terms interchangeably We deliberated that while the "System Owner" is accountable for
the system. A wider consensus was arrived on this (Deliberations, 9 March 2015). We could call him
the "Information Officer", and he will be accountable for the system from Governance standpoint
and the Project Manager will be the management layer with an organization under him including
relations with external stakeholders to plan and do things on day to day basis.
My interactions with Dresner (2015) during lecture sessions and group discussions (Deliberations, 9
March 2015) gave me an understanding of the definition and role of governance and management
respectively. As part of exercise, I looked into
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Implementation of Good Governance in Pakistan
Good Governance in Pakistan
'Governance' is the exercise of power or authority – political, economic, administrative or otherwise
–to manage a country 's resources and affairs. It comprises the mechanisms, processes and
institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights,
meet their obligations and mediate their differences. 'Good governance' means competent
management of a country's resources and affairs in a manner that is open, transparent, accountable,
equitable and responsive to people's needs.
Characteristics of Good Governance
1. Participation
2. Rule of law
3. Transparency
4. Responsiveness
5. Consensus orientation
6. Equity
7. Effectiveness and efficiency
8. ... Show more content on ...
3. Non serious behaviour of law makers: The root cause of increasing corruption is that our leader
don 't take it serious, they just give visionary statements. Interior Minister, Mr Rehman Malik gave a
statement that we will eradicate corruption within a week. Secondly he said that we will give pride
of performance to the department which will report us that there is a corruption in our department.
These statements show the behaviour of our leadership toward the eradication of corruption. It is
just impossible to eradicate corruption within a week and secondly pride of performance is being
given to corruptors.
4. Inconsiderable salaries: It is one of the major causes of corruption. Suppose when a clerk not
earning enough to live on or not being sure that he will have a job tomorrow so that he supplements
his income with bribes.
5. Lack of accountability: when public officials are not supposed to inform about or explain what
they are doing, they mostly indulge in corruption.
6. Weak enforcement: when law agencies do not impose sanctions on power holders who have
violated their public duties.
7. The abuse of public office for private gains has emerged as a fashion
8. unavailability of principles of good governance
9. Unawareness about rights:
10. To get unfair advantage over other:
i. To get Promotion ii. To get new job iii. To threat others(through police) iv. To get rid of from
charge etc.
11. Increased rate of
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Political Science And Its Influence On The Country 's...
Political Science teaches us about how political power is dispersed, how different governments
operate and interact, how rules are made and enforced. We will come to know both the "who" of
politics, such as international organizations, politicians, and the public, and the "how", such as
political institutions, elections, and public administration. Politics have its essence in every aspect of
our lives, including the availability of education, jobs, housing and healthcare. Whatever
government does and whoever supports the government everything have its influence on the country
's current situation whether to be in war or in peace. Political science is the study of a wide range of
political knowledge, events, actions, and institutions. We all take part in politics, though most of the
time we do so unknowingly. Politics is not only about simply voting in an election or working in
government. When we read or listen to news, make donations to aid groups, or talk with friends and
family about social issues and values are some of the examples of political activity in our everyday
Political Science is concerned with the many institutions, organizations and norms that determine
how people apperceive society, and in turn, how they interact within it. In Political Science, multiple
issue can come for discussion like Power or it can be democracy or government as well, in order to
aware us about our surroundings, and our place in it. When we acquire enough knowledge
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Competition Law- Effective Tool for Good Corporate...
Submitted to Prof. I. Sridhar Legal Aspects of Business IIM Indore
By Vinod Kumar 2012FPM20 Section F IIM INDORE
A. Introduction 1. Introduction...............................................................................................3 B.
Analysis 2. Analysis of property rights in the case of tangibles................................4 3. Common
features of Intellectual property rights...................................6 4. Common features of Intellectual
property rights..................................12 5. The extension of property rights to new
objects....................................15 C. Existing systems 6. ... Show more content on ...
Competitive business environment and appropriate good Corporate Governance have a nexus, the
former fuelling, influencing and impacting the latter and the latter seeking to meet the challenges of
the former. For Corporate Governance, inhering Competition principles in policy making would
appear sine qua non. Corporate Governance consequently needs to fashion itself to meet
Competition and prevent enterprises indulge in (inadvertently or otherwise) anti–competitive
practices. Corporate Governance needs to incorporate the interests of consumers and economic
development. Competition maximizes incentives to innovate, engage in new promising activities,
offer better services and wider choices at lower prices. The continuous quest for efficiency and
improvement is not merely a result of the competitive process, it is the competitive process, where
companies– small, medium–sized or large– concentrate on becoming as efficient as possible, rather
than on surviving by other (illegal) means, their competitiveness will increase whether they operate
in their domestic market or in the worldwide stage. Competition law understood the need of good
corporate governance for fair competition. The need for implementation of good Corporate
Governance strategy is not only social, but there are good economic reasons also. The Companies
possessing Governance practices are more likely to gain a competitive advantage over their
counterparts. The benefits that
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Good Corporate Governance Practice Is Beneficial For...
It is well established that good corporate governance practice is beneficial for firms, its stakeholders
and whole economy. Further based on studies such as by Levine (2004), saving rates, investment
decisions, technological progress and consequently economic growth are encouraged as financial
systems reduce market frictions. So developing countries require reforms to stimulate financial
system for revival of economy. This will enable financial institutions and markets to better execute
their important function that is to monitor investments and exert corporate governance. Their control
can compel firms to pursue activities which generate higher value and retain investor's confidence
which is essential for continuous flow of capital ... Show more content on ...
In early developmental stage of economy FI's are more influential in exerting corporate governance
as compared to the markets (Levine, 2002). Firms mostly rely on internal funding sources but prefer
to seek banks for capital financing rather than markets and therefore banks gain an advantage to
exert corporate governance over borrowers (Gorton and Winton, 2002). Better governance can be
exercised by making prudent investment decisions by FI's. They are required to make adequate due
diligence of investee by assessing its past performance, feasibility analysis and management quality
which enables effective allocation of the limited savings (Yuan et al, 2006). The same research paper
also stated number of reasons for FI's inability to affect governance which included weak legal
environment, inadequate disclosures, conflict of interest, monitoring cost, etc but higher state
ownership is most significant constraint. FI's with large shareholdings are better apt at influencing
the performance of investee firms in their portfolios by being a quasi insider and creating knowledge
advantage using private information gained through regular meetings (Holland, 1999). Through
cooperative means FI's are able to probe, monitor and direct the corporate strategies, management
and financial performance without direct intervention. Private and informal influencing is favored to
public interventions as it may affect reputation of all parties involved.
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African Countries And The Quality Of Governance
One of the biggest problems facing most African countries and impeding their development is the
quality of governance. In most cases, the quality of governance is considered as "poor" or "bad".
How bad or how poor? Perhaps following conclusions from the aggregation of scores and
percentiles for different governance indicators set by organizations such as the World Bank
(Kaufmann & Mastruzzi, 2011), Transparency International and Mo Ibrahim Foundation.
It is not ideal to hear of good governance in Sub–Saharan Africa. The region is characterized by
wide spread corruption and political instability, especially in francophone countries. The persistence
of relatively poor governance in Cameroon, which, unlike some sub–Saharan African countries,
have 'technically' had no major conflict or civil war or political turbulence calls for probing. It raises
questions of whether a country with such ethnic diversity as Cameroon (over 240 ethnic groups,
according to the website of the Office of the Prime Minister), historically constructed by
colonialism, and cursed by its own resources (crude oil, natural gas and petroleum reserves, gold,
iron, diamond) can have, enjoy and sustain good governance. At large, we aim at uncovering why
bad/poor governance is persistent in Cameroon? In this paper, we address this question through the
exploration of scholarly literature, anecdotal evidence and data about the effects of the availability
of resources, the dual heritage of French and British
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The Pharmaceutical Industry
Pharmaceutical Industry: Governance–Association Standards Two sided coin aspects of Governance
in the Public Pharmaceutical Sector
Pharmaceutical products are the key element of health systems that helps the community. Despite
pharmaceutical being a huge multi–billion dollar industry. This element of governance describes the
negative and positive sides of the pharmaceutical industrial parameters.
Good governance is one of the factors for economic growth and sustainable development at almost
all sectors of society. The chaos in such negative parameters, are the prime drawbacks and violence
that are failed and clearly pictures the results that prevents bad governance exist. There are many
parameters that define pharmaceutical governance ... Show more content on ...
Practically examining the corruption in pharmaceutical systems, WHO established the Good
Governance for Medicines (GGM) programme The programmers' objective is to reduce corruption
in all possible manners in pharmaceutical systems through the application of transparent,
accountable administrative procedures and the promotion of ethical practices. The GGM is executed
in a 3‐step approach as follows: Governance and the pharmaceutical system Pharmaceuticals are a
very analytical in terms of governance for pharmaceutical industry, with high value participation for
health delivery systems and other deliverance that often make a healthy difference for individuals
and an entire population. Access to high quality medicines and other pharmacy needs is a opaque
issue, especially for disadvantage, weak populations. Despite an effective provide of an international
aid, the advent of specialized agencies and funds (such as the Global financial aid to prevent AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria) and many government supported or donor programs keen to improve and
look towards the broader global pharmaceutical access, still there is a gap between supplying drugs.
The net worth of global pharmaceutical market is almost figured over US$500 billion, in making
this pharmaceutical sector profitable with a bad side of a coin of unethical practices and corruption.
· Components of a Framework for Good Governance in the Public Pharmaceutical Sector
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Challenges of Good Governance in Pakistan
Challenges of Good Governance The nation celebrated this 'Pakistan Day' in a significant and
unconventional manner. It was a noteworthy occasion in history of Pakistan this time for the
challenges facing in maintaining good governance are yet to appear in coming days for government
in place. The leaders of Pakistan adopt the course and principles which had been conveyed by the
founder of Pakistan to make a true enlightened moderated state which ensures basic rights of people,
secures the prosperity of Pakistan. Their deeds and actions would determine in future either their
policies are in accordance with the sayings of Quaid–e–azam or deviation from his golden
principles. The elements including failure of Civil and military rule, ... Show more content on ...
The balance of power and exercising authority between President and Prime minister require
immediate attention for the resolution of these issues would assist in bring about issues in
connection with folks. The at stake security and progress of country need tremendous review. As a
first step concerete action must be taken to support the triggered economy. The economic stress can
be avoidable by employing mutual political consent and reconciliation policy.Beside these
measures, the 1 points resolution passed by the parliament in October 2008 must be pragmatically
implemented with its true spirit. By this means, the growing militancy from Swat to Fata could be
minimised to get rid of emerging ever devastating situation. The policy with the mutual consent of
Obama's administration should be adopted by the government clear in its objectives and result
oriented. The policy should not only be based on guaranteeing the national security but also portray
a picture of the people of Pakistan as a responsible nation to protecct her homeland from hostile
circumstances. Born in inquity and conceived in sin, the spirit of nationalism has never ceased to
bend human institutions to the service of dissention and distress –––––––– VEBLIN The Prime
minister Yousaf Raza Gilani after special envoy of U.S.A Richard Holbrooke and chairman joint
chief of staff Mike Mullen visit must cakk upon session consisting of all political forces
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Cleopatra's Guide To Good Governance Schiff Summary
In "Cleopatra's Guide to Good Governance", Schiff presents Cleopatra's leadership secrets that one
can use in daily life. Schiff states that Cleopatra VII possessed the most lucrative empire in
existence at that time. She goes on to examine how Cleopatra handles the power she possessed in
her daily life; The author then goes on to explore the leadership secrets used by Cleopatra. to stay on
top. Schiff states taking over or eliminating the competition is the perfect way to be like Cleopatra.
She points out the Cleopatra used this method when killing her siblings to reign supreme. Schiff
proceeds to suggest that you should set your sights high, if you're going to seduce someone. The
author implies that Cleopatra "set her sights high" when she in relation with the most ... Show more
content on ...
Schiff suggests that women have most brilliant beauty and are at the peak of intellectual power.
Cleopatra is used by the author again; The author says that Cleopatra was a military genius and had
many extravagant possessions. Schiff proceeds to point out the trouble of land war in Asia. The
author explains previously mentioned statement by examining the trouble the Romans had in Asia
such as their legions being slaughtered. The author advances to not promising but always delivering
on everything. Schiff points out that Cleopatra was good at this; the author implies that Cleopatra
was good with this concept expect in her situation with Cicero and the manuscript. Schiff continues
with stating that Cleopatra devalued her economy to pay off debt. The author uses this example to
point out something lucrative arrangements can come from a weird decision. The author follows the
previously mentioned concept by noting Cleopatra failed to charm Herod in which the reader learns
that mutual friends might be an enemy. Schiff shifts to Cleopatra's end as she states Cleopatra's
defeat by Octavian. The author explores how Cleopatra defeat was challenging as a result of
neighbors providing protection for
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The Pillars Of Good Corporate Governance Framework
Horsch also says that 'a spirit of cooperation and trust must be established between agencies, the
state and local actors, if accountability systems are to be successful. In return for measurable results,
agencies with traditional oversight responsibilities will need to delegate authority and provide the
resources and technical assistance necessary for others to implement meaningful stakeholder
governance programmes'. Therein lies huge dependencies on certain stakeholders having such
All that said, overall, including stakeholder governance as one of the pillars of good corporate
governance framework can result in a more comprehensive understanding of corporate risk and
opportunity, drive learning, innovation and performance while contributing to a strong reputation
and prosperity over time. In fact, it is said that stakeholder governance has the potential to turn
'distrustful opponents into critical friends '.
Critical Friends
Risk and Reputation Management
Lombardo says that 'in the past the challenge for organisations was to support process and design
improvements and to increase their profits, the challenge of the future is to improve relationships in
order to reduce and manage the most important risks'. Building this social capital by engaging with
stakeholders means organisations can reduce financial, reputational and political risks.
Understanding the concerns and interests of employees, customers, NGOs, politicians and business
partners, for
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Analysis Of Sirianni´S Investing In Democracy

  • 1. Analysis of Sirianni´s Investing in Democracy Sirianni in his book "Investing in Democracy" has examined how government can serve as a civic enabler of productive engagement and collaborative problem solving among civic associations, ordinary citizens, and stakeholder groups. He also tried to find out how the public policy and administration can be designed to help the involvement of the government. Siriannni has argued on the view that in recent era the government's role is becoming more important due to the increasing complexity of public problems, diversity among the stakeholders, and continued erosion of civic life by the deep cultural and institutional trends. Sirianni tried to reflect the image of the government, local, state, and federal as civic enabler whose work should be to ... Show more content on ... However, it is found that the groups like civic associations and nonprofit funders make most investments in promoting innovations and building civic capacity. They should be inspired to do so continuously more ambitiously and effectively but still such contributions are not enough to match with the rising cost of civic democracy. So, the government can and should rise to the occasion. More government's involvement as civic enabler will help the country to cope with this problem. Collaborative governance will redesign the policies which will aim to empower, enlighten, and engage the citizens in the process of self–government. Sirianni has done some case studies and empirical analyses of civic engagement and collaborative governance. From the case studies he has extracted eight core principles of collaborative governance. These eight core principles of collaborative governance and policy design are as pointed below: (1) Coproduce public goods: The first principle of design should be such that it will encourage and recognize roles for ordinary citizens in coproducing public goods. Public goods are much complicated and there is no such direct tool of government which can produce this public goods. So the policy should be designed in such a way that it will help the ordinary ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. What Are The Nexus Between Good Governance? Discuss the nexus between good governance and prevention of corruption and fraud in work places Governance refers to a number of institutions that serve to regulate how a given set of individuals manage other individuals' property. Corruption is defined as the misuse of entrusted power for private gain. Corruption comes in many guises but fraud and bribery are the forms that are most rampant and affect the company's operation and reputation. The nexus between good governance and presentation of corruption and fraud in work places can be seen from the characteristics of good governance as highlighted below: Organizations have set up good internal control systems for effective governance. Good governance requires that efficient and adequate internal control systems should be introduced across the organization and the systems should be regularly reviewed and revisions made to make them practical and flexible with the changing business environment. In prevention of corruption and fraud at the workplace, these systems will ensure proper checks to control fraudulent practices in organizational functioning. Good governance is characterized by transparency. In an organization, transparency means that all decisions and actions taken by the board and organization ... Show more content on ... Participation in this case means to all stakeholders are engaged in management processes in one form or the other as a key cornerstone for good governance. The board at this stage also performs its oversight role to ensure that the shareholders and stakeholders investments and rights are protected and the organization is on track in regards to its vision, mission and goals. Effective communication can play the vital role in this process. Participation helps good governance to prevent corruption and fraud in that the abuse of power by a single individual is eliminated as all stakeholders are involved which in turn helps to monitor the activities of each individual ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Corporate Governance : Good Business Management The general idea we have in mind when we hear the term "Corporate Governance", is that it is an almost unattainable goal. The reason is the only companies that have "corporate governance" are big businesses with exorbitant capital, or, at least have shares on the stock–market. It is based on the idea that applying good organizational governance practices, is exclusive and expensive. But those who argue this idea are very far from reality. I must confess that I was one of these people. Currently all companies regardless of their capital or size, implement some system of administration (Knell 2008, p. 5), i.e. they have a "Corporate Governance". Why is it important to discuss Corporate Governance? Good "Corporate Governance" is ... Show more content on ... Furthermore, each company has different objectives and seeks their own benefit. When they have corporate governance practices in common it influences the economy of a country, and therefore growth in their development. This is because the investors or "financial institutions abroad, will be more attracted to inject resources". Consequently, the companies will access to better conditions in international capital markets, being, ultimately, less exposed to the economic crisis. Who is in charge? Currently, the "underlying theoretical concepts" are applied in order to understand or explain, the roles and behaviours of members of corporate governance. Firstly we find the "agency theory", refers to the owners and managers of the companies that have different interests. That is, the shareholders or owners should confront the problems related with managers, who may be acting based on their own interest. In "management theory", the organization seeks a structure with contents. The management is control, and direction is "spans the action program of the economic unit"; shareholders and executives create partnerships. Moreover, in "stakeholder theory" the function of the "board directors" is to represent the interests of the members in the organization. Finally, the "dependency theory" refers to organizations which are dependent substantially from other organizations and external resources (2012, p. ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. It Governance And Strategic Alignment Domain IT Governance FINAL EXAM Dr. Yemer Hassan Naga RaghuTej Vankamamidi 1. This course explains and records and interprets some important existing theories, models, and practices in the IT governance and strategic alignment domain. IT governance be defined and its relationship with corporate governance and IT management clarified; devoted to the concept of strategic alignment, a detailed set of IT governance structures, processes, and relational mechanisms is discussed that can be leveraged to implement IT governance in practice. In your own words, how IT governance explained and why do we need to study IT governance? Identify two important IT governance processes and key elements of IT governance. Answer: IT governance is a ... Show more content on ... IT governance reflects broader corporate governance principles while focusing on the management and use of IT to achieve corporate performance goals. Because IT outcomes are often hard to measure, firms must assign responsibility for desired outcomes and assess how well they achieve them. IT governance shouldn't be considered in isolation because IT is linked to other key enterprise assets (i.e. financial, human, intellectual property, physical and relationships). Thus, IT governance might share mechanisms (such as executive committees and budget processes) with other asset governance processes, thereby coordinating enterprise–wide decision making processes. Every enterprise engages in IT decision making, but firms differ considerably in how thoughtfully they define accountability and how rigorously they formalize and communicate decision making processes. Without formal IT governance individual managers are left to resolve isolated issues as they arise. These individual actions can be at odds. For example, the CIO at a global transportation firm was instructed to cut the corporate IT budget. This CIO introduced a chargeback system to curtail demand for IT services. Unhappy with their new charges managers within each of the business units hired technical specialists to provide services at a price they were willing to pay. The new technical specialists did not show up in the corporate IT budget so it looked like the CIO had achieved his goal, but the impact of the ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Democracy And ' Good Governance ' Presents Its Own... Democracy and 'good governance' presents its own problematic. There is inherent contradiction between the perfect representation of society through the elaboration of democratic ideas, the precedence of economic power. Furthermore, the growing influence of capital has transcended the realm of politics, into the global economy. As the global economic relationships grow transnationally, as do the ideologies which govern them. Controlling economic power can be seen as impinging on property rights in those who are power. This limits role of ideas in taking precedence over the political economy (Campbell: 1998). The ideas represented by the class of organic intellectuals needs to extend beyond just the interests of society, state interests, ... Show more content on ... Then, I am suggesting that if the Bank's political economy analysis constituted a broad inquiry to the wider institutional processes which influence the reform outcome, the picture of the deliberative process might well be different. And in accounting for the wider institutional processes, so too could the outcomes. Actors are not only driven by material interests, but they are driven ideologies, expectations and institutions, which cannot be adequately represented in the reform process. PEA in its unfettered form a can allow us to see the construction of complex societal processes in creating 'good governance' over time. Yet, given the opportunity the PEA could also help understand relationship between society, the state and the wider institutional processes which govern reform outcomes. I suggest that PEA, in the case of the ABSM to grasp a comprehensive analysis of 'what maintains and restores a system's equilibrium, rather than identifying the contradictions which can lead to a systems transformation' (Cox: 1981). While PEA has an important role in analysing the outcomes of the Bank's anti–corruption work it can also can prompt a turn towards utilising PEA through the lens of critical theory. Critical theory would allow for an analysis of what constitutes the process of historical change. It should call into question the very frameworks for action accepted under a merely problem–solving theory, challenging it through an enquiry into the origins ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Explain How Great Results Begin With Good Governance Great Results Begin with Good Governance I've had the privilege of working with many nonprofits during my career, from the smallest human services agencies to large colleges and universities. It has been a great pleasure to watch some of them start as fledgling nonprofits and grow into highly successful organizations that meet important needs in the communities they serve. Some of these nonprofits haven't just survived...they have thrived. What sets these nonprofits apart? How is it that some nonprofits stand the test of time, regardless of the financial climate of the day? Is there a single theme that runs through all high performing nonprofits? High performing nonprofits all exhibit good governance. Governance is an essential element of the ... Show more content on ... Understand and provide effective fiduciary oversight – While appropriate policies and procedures may be in place, it is essential for board members (or committees) to review financial statements, audits, investments and compensation either monthly, quarterly or annually as appropriate. 2. Operate with up–to date, consistent governing documents – More than once I have reviewed an organization's bylaws only to find another nonprofit's name somewhere in the document. This is a clear sign that bylaws for one nonprofit were used for another, quite possibly without thorough review. High performing nonprofits and their respective boards conduct regular review of governing documents and they amend them accordingly as the organization evolves. 3. Hold executives and directors accountable – An annual performance review of the CEO is essential. Likewise, the board of directors should complete a board assessment annually. Be willing to take corrective action when necessary. 4. Document all actions appropriately – It is essential to maintain minutes of every meeting, particularly those where action was taken. Consider maintaining both electronic and hard copies of all minutes and file them by date in a book of ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Disadvantages Of E Governance E–Governance The 'E' means Electronic (Information and Communication Technology). Governance means a systematic process by which Public and Corporate Organizations are controlled. E–Governance is the application of ICT in the Governance process with the aim to protect the interest of different stakeholders. E–government and innovation can provide significant opportunities to transform public administration into an instrument of sustainable development. The strategic objective of E– governance is to support and simplify governance of all parties – Government, Citizens and Businesses. All the parties need to work as an interlinked team and are supported with social media tools which ultimately results in Good Governance. E–Governance involves ... Show more content on ... The strategic objective as mentioned (Heeks 2001) clearly demonstrates that social media can help to achieve a Good Governance needed for overall economic development. The objectives of e–governance are similar to the objectives of good governance. Good governance can be seen as an exercise of economic, political, and administrative authority to better manage affairs of a country at all levels, national and local. Types of E–Governance E–governance can take place in different forms with a broader aim of improved governance through improved transparency and disclosure. Government to Government (G2G): Governments use e–governance for better co–ordination and reporting, administrative functioning, staff management between departments, organizations and back office operations for managing the overall governance systems. It improves operational efficiency for municipal agencies and helps in economies of cost. Gone are the days when files used to move physically through a messenger for reviews and approvals. In theory, there are currently four major levels of e–government in municipal governments: The establishment of a secure and cooperative interaction among government ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Canad A Case Of Good Governance And Good Luck 2008 Canada: a Case of Good Governance and Good Luck The global financial crisis of 2008 shook the pillars of economic institutes of nations all over the world including Canada. The crisis caused the financial meltdown of various global financial organizations such as the Lehman Brothers brought the US economy to its knees with matters being exacerbated by the burst of the sub–prime mortgage bubble. Financial markets including various banks went into bankruptcy with governments having to chalk out large bailout packages and the reserve parachute of financial reforms and regulations to stop the free fall of financial institutions. Asian Markets had huge amounts of savings that they were itching to spend buying up US government bonds which resulted in a fall in interest rates, as a result of lowered interest rates bankers began to lend to creditors with poor banking histories, this lending was backed by credit rating agencies who were far too generous in their triple A rating of credits that were in actuality far more highly exposed. Banks as a result began betting on themselves with borrowed money, there was an underlying assumption that the property bubble would remain steady or rise and thus banks did not keep enough margins on their balance sheets to cover for losses and this was exactly what happened. As the property bubble exploded there was an acute fall in prices and a proportional rise in foreclosures. At this point banks had to revalue their assets and sell at fire ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The World Bank 's Anti Corruption Policy Essay This essay will address the question of whether the World Bank's Anti–Corruption policy can be improved through the adaption of a Political Economy Analysis (PEA) framework. Since John Wolfensohn, then President of the World Bank, addressed the 'cancer of corruption' as a major impediment to growth in 1996 the World Bank has adopted a mounting concern over corruption. Today, the Bank's fixation on corruption incorporates concerns over 'good governance', particularly in underdeveloped countries. Corruption and governance are political issues by nature. Yet, scholars' have criticized the Bank for their reform strategies for being based largely in economic considerations (Khan: 2002, Marquette: 2004, Forest and Wild: 2011). Since then, the World Bank employed a stakeholder approach to address the political dimension of creating 'good' governance. Yet, academics and policy makers agree the World Bank's anti–corruption initiatives continue to reject the need to integrate politics into their work, as they continue to be based in economic rationalism and the technical approach to governance. I will observe this in the context of political pressure that governs the World Bank's mandate. Then looking at corruption as a moral category with reference to Bukovansky (2006) which suggests that, in order to achieve 'good governance' a country must follow a set of prescribed liberal approaches in order to grow. Considering the failures of the current approach, I suggest that a PEA ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. The Importance Of A Good Corporate Governance Framework Introduction This paper will discuss why a good corporate governance framework must incorporate stakeholder accountability. For the purpose of this paper, the term stakeholder governance will be used to incorporate all aspects of stakeholder accountability and engagement, that is; dialogue, decision making, transparent operations and implementation of solutions to common problems or goals. The first part of this paper will describe how the landscape has changed for business operations due to environmental, economic and social reasons. It will set out the evolution of corporate governance as a result of historical events and academic debate and suggest that, ultimately, the top–down, narrow paradigm of mainstream business, namely profit ... Show more content on ... Business, no Longer an Island Corporate governance is no longer viewed in isolation, as a matter for companies and their institutional shareholders. Business scandals, global economic and social crises, climate change and environmental disasters have impacted billions of people, hold high risk consequences and extensive strategic and geopolitical implications for society at large. Issues traditionally seen as outside of the business remit are becoming recognised as critical factors to long–term business success. Organisations are now being called to account for their impact on the environment and non– shareholding stakeholders. Just as a company board should ensure that financial statements are properly audited, it is also responsible for ensuring that management is aware of, and properly manages, less tangible, nonfinancial risks. In this regard, well managed and considered stakeholder governance programmes should open up dialogue which encourages questions and thereby provide access to a broader view of potential risks. Today, revenues of the world's largest multinationals exceed the gross domestic products of a host of countries, multinationals have a global reach not enjoyed by countries and private companies are increasingly being called upon to deliver services that were once the domain of governments. The power relationship between country states and multinational companies has shifted dramatically over the past 40 years and with that, the ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Toyota: an Example of “Good” Corporate Governance 1.0 INTRODUCTION Corporations the world over have been publicly criticized for improving their firm's bottom line at any moral or social cost. Ethics essentially "refers to the issues of right, wrong, fairness and justice." Clearly, examples such as Enron, WorldCom, and even Conrad Black tested society's views on sound ethical business and the link to what society sees as "good" governance practices. Although the controversies involve issues matched in variety only by the types of companies, they all virtually involve some form of abuse of stakeholders trust. These cases are not representative of the entire spectrum of today's business environment; in fact, there are a number of companies whose competitive advantages are based on ... Show more content on ... Naturally, these companies do not have Toyota as their sole customer, suppliers have begun selling these environmentally friendly products to various related companies. In turn they have begun requiring more environmentally friendly products from their own suppliers, thus Toyota's ethical and sound business decision to protect the environment has had an effect on the entire automotive supply chain. Toyota's relationship with suppliers has influenced them to reduce the environmental impact of their own companies. Considering the revenue to be generated from a contract with Toyota, certain suppliers found it financially beneficial or even necessary to comply with these environmentally friendly requirements of being a Toyota supplier. Finally, these environmentally friendly initiatives set a trend for the industry now attempting to close in on the considerable advantage enjoyed by Toyota. Competitors are now attempting to develop technologies in conjunction with their own suppliers that will benefit them and the natural environment in the long term. In addition, the American government (among others) has recently raised the minimum fuel efficiency requirements of all vehicles sold in the USA , further increasing Toyota's competitive advantage as the large majority of their vehicles already exceed those requirements. Toyota was able to utilize both their relationships of trust and their economic power to bring about a positive ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Middle Class Heroes : The Best Guarantee Of Good Governance Social Classes: More than Just a Label In life, there are many ways in which people are classified and put into different groups or levels. In school, students are classified by their chosen pathway through courses that are divided into Apprenticeship, College, University or AP levels. In George Orwell's novel, 1984, the citizens of Oceania are divided into either the Proletarians, the Outer Party and the Inner Party based on the importance of their job in relation to Big Brother. A similar example of a classification system would be the social class system that exists today. Like the novel 1984, modern society has a class system that divides people into the lower class, middle class, and first class. In simpler terms, these classes indicate the poor, the financially stable and the rich people within a society. In Nancy Birdsall's article, "Middle class heroes: the best guarantee of good governance", Nancy analyzes the growth of the middle class and its relationship to the success and stability of modern societies around the world. Class systems may seem like just labels but, with the right components, they can create the structure to a better government, economy and overall life. However, by analyzing the size of the social classes in 1984, the lack of desire for change, and the control of the government, it is evident that the class system in 1984 prevents the citizens from escaping the totalitarian rule of the government of Oceania. The saying, 'bigger is better' is not ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Role Of External Auditing On Promoting Good Corporate... The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of external auditing in promoting good corporate governance. The role of auditors has been emphasized after the pass of the Sarbanes–Oxley Act as a response to the accounting scandal of Enron. Even though auditors are hired and paid by the company, their role is not to represent or act in favor of the company, but to watch and investigate the company's financials to protect the public from any material misstatements that can affect their decisions. As part of this role, the auditors assess the level of the company's adherence to its own code of ethics. External Auditing Since reliable financial information is essential for investors and other stakeholders to take adequate decisions, this reliability must be backed by independent review performed by independent and certified auditing firms, which are supposed to verify and certify financial statements issued by a company's management. If the auditor is not competent and independent from management, the audit of the financial statements loses its credibility (Schelker, 2013, p.295). According to Impastato (2003), because of audit failures, accountants are to blame for investors losing billions of dollars in earnings in addition to market capitalization (as cited in Grubbs & Ethridge 2007). As explained by Schelker (2013), the agency problem between the owners and the management of a firm is at the heart of the corporate governance literature. Hence, there is a need for a ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Critically Evaluate The Link Between Good Governance And... Critically evaluate the connection between good governance and peace. I) Introduction The question of what constitutes a "good government" has been a subject written about since the earliest known time. In fact, in the western tradition, Plato wrote extensively on the question, most notably in The Republic (Blackburn and Vance, 2007). He (in the voice of Socrates) asked if the purpose of government was to help one 's friends and hurt one 's enemies, for example. Aristotle, Plato 's student picked up the subject in his treatise on Politics. Many centuries later, John Locke addressed the question of abuse of power by writing on the importance of checks and balances to prevent or at least constrain the abuse of power (Powell, 1996). In ... Show more content on ... Finally, the third section A final section discusses how the weaknesses of the good governance concept pose problems for one of the most central claims in the policy literature, that good governance promotes economic development. II) Definitions and Historical Link Between Good Governance and Peace The term "good governance" is perceived, in general as a normative principle of administrative law, which obliges the State to perform its functions in a manner that promotes the values of efficiency, non–corruptibility, and responsiveness to civil society (Rosenau, 1997). It is therefore a principle that is largely associated with statecraft. While the government is not obliged to substantively deliver any public goods, it must ensure that the processes for the identification and delivery of such goods are concrete in terms of being responsive to public demands, and respect for the principles of fairness, justice, and equality, as well as the implementation of policies that are effective and efficient, in order to promote "the deeper human requisites of the citizenry" (Henry, 2010, p. 3).The principles of good governance have also been espoused in the context of the internal operations of private sector organizations (Rae and Wong, 2004, p. 135; see also, Paris, R., 2004, p. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Benefits of Good Governance Corporate Governance refers to the way a corporation is governed. It is the technique by which companies are directed and managed. It means carrying the business as per the stakeholders' desires. It is actually conducted by the board of Directors and the concerned committees for the company's stakeholder's benefit. It is all about balancing individual and societal goals, as well as, economic and social goals. Corporate Governance is the interaction between various participants (shareholders, board of directors, and company's management) in shaping corporation's performance and the way it is proceeding towards. The relationship between the owners and the managers in an organization must be healthy and there should be no conflict between the ... Show more content on ... These tangible benefits also suggest that good governance helps enterprises through difficult economic times like the current financial crisis, since well–governed companies tend to deliver not only higher but also more sustainable value. The benefits are real and measurable. For one, good governance leads to higher market valuation. Buenaventura, a Peruvian company, managed to improve its corporate governance and the CEO estimates that these improvements resulted in an additional 20 per cent increase in market valuation. Better corporate governance also decreases the cost of capital and helps to attract and retain shareholders. Credit Suisse raised its valuation of Brazil Telecom from "hold" to "outperform" because of governance improvements. Empirical evidence shows that Companies Circle members, due to their focus on improved corporate governance, produced substantially better operational and market results than other Latin American companies. Their profitability reflected by average ROE (Return on Equity) of 21.7 per cent from 2005 to 2007 was higher than other firms in the same period (16.7 per cent). Companies Circle members also pay more dividends, which helps attract additional investors, and have better access to credit at a lower cost. The report concludes that investors buying Companies Circle member stocks on December 31, 1997, ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Public Sector Reform Around The World In recent times, there has been a new proclivity towards public sector reform around the world primarily driven by citizens, who are placing new demands on their governments for quality, efficiency, accountability, transparency and better service delivery. Today, globally, the success of any government is increasingly benchmarked based on social inclusion and citizens' participation in governance. Advances in recent years have created an unprecedented case for change in the ways in which public services work. There is a greater focus on effectiveness, efficiency and accountability and far more demanding citizens who expect an increasingly high level of service delivery, comparable to what they get from the private sector. At the same time, in a climate of budgetary pressures and, in the drive for greater efficiency, government organizations are expected to do more for less. Traditional government, originally built on principles of the industrial society is no longer able to face all the complex demands and problems of the information society, with the trends towards decentralisation and intertwining activities [8]. On the other hand, basic values, such as integrity, legitimacy and accountability remain important. Governments are expected to adhere to core values, such as protection of civil and political rights, equal opportunities and equal treatment for all [35]. The principles of good governance [36] – openness, participation, accountability, effectiveness and ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. A Sustainable Governance Of Our Agricultural Systems 4. Towards a sustainable governance of our agricultural systems The rethinking of the institutional analysis of the municipalities in metropolitan cities reveals a new question with respect to the type of governance to be implemented to restore to agricultural systems a leading role in the creation of well–being and especially for its maintenance over time and space. The metropolitan cities will implement agricultural systems and not only from a geographical and institutional point of view but also in functionality. In this perspective, it becomes essential to adopt appropriate governance models, capable of ensuring a substantial contribution of agriculture to the pursuit of sustainable well–being, but above all to resolve the apparent question between local or global governance (Webb, Kernaghan, 2005). More precisely, new forms of governance and organization of the sector are required so that agriculture can find in the proximity markets the right tools to sustain the building and the keeping of well–being of society and of the territories in which the various stakeholders can pursue shared objectives and no longer exclusively local ones. In other words, it becomes essential to adopt models of sustainable territorial governance . In the new millennium, there has been an exponential growth in the number of books and papers on this subject. This would undoubtedly be due to the fact that the Brundtland report in 1987 (WCED, 1987), did not explain exactly how the sustainable ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Advantages Of Good Governance "Developing Good Governance is more than money..." Today, to do everything, even to create a Performance–oriented organization one should have good governance but before talking about the, 'Good Governance – the path ahead for India', it's important to understand that what does 'Good Governance' and 'Bad Governance' exactly mean. 'Good governance' refers to the process of decision–making and the process by which decisions are implemented (or not implemented). Governance can be used in several contexts such as corporate governance, international governance, national governance and local governance. Whereas, the 'Bad Governance' is just opposite of good governance, it is the term used when one of the roots causes of all evil within our societies has increased ... Show more content on ... It is very obvious that if the opportunity to ensure that the 'Good Governance is the path ahead for India', may or may not be given to us by our elders, parents, teachers, or siblings, one will really do something for the good governance. Actually, the new comers of governmental body are either not that much perfect in their work or they get the feeling of greediness very soon of making more money, respect and reputation and thus gets corrupt. But, one will really work hard in both these cases by understanding my work properly and that one can easily do by maintaining mainly participation, accountability, responsibility, effectiveness, ensuring a management focus, making primary responsibilities for policy making,efficiency, and follows the rule of law, protocols, which are meant for all. Also one will look or one will assure that the corruption is minimized by getting control into the feeling of greediness and also by not making differences among poor and rich which is again a big and a major problem being faced by every poor family that their work is kept aside and first the work of a millionaire is ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Causes Of Good Governance In Africa citizens. Fundamentally therefore, to describe governance as a good one and to determine whether it is a bad one requires the understanding of the essence of the state which are not only embedded in the constitution but also a function of the ethical and religious ideals and the nature of current problems confronting the state. The curious question however is: what went wrong in the governance realm in Africa? Two factors seem to have facilitated bad governance in Africa. First is obviously the colonial pedigree. There is a strong linkage between the absence of good governance in the colonial era and that of the postcolonial period. The political structures and values, economic base and social orientation promoted in the colonial era were antithetical to the evolution of good governance and democracy in Africa. These structures and processes, firmly implanted, took new manifestations as experienced in maladministration and bad governance, both internal and external in the post–colonial and the neo–colonial era. Although a lot of hopes and expectations are provided in the current process of democratic modification and its capacity to engineer good governance, the possible outcome of the process remains uncertain and open to speculation. In Africa, just like any other region of the world, the indicators and cost of bad governance are corruption, injustices, inequity, integration crisis, ethno– religious feuds and a host of others. Corruption has generated an unthinkable level ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. The State 's Capacity Of Policy Making And Governance Q Has the state's capacity in policy–making and governance been reduced with the advent of different modes of governance like markets, networks or associations? For the last forty years it has become an accepted notion that the state's capacity in policy–making and governance has changed through the increasing use of different modes of governance, like markets, networks or associations. This essay will argue that generalised or blanket statements are unhelpful when examining state capacity in policy–making and governance and that we must begin to examine such questions on a case by case basis. In arguing this point, a comparative analysis of five case studies will be used to demonstrate why this approach is necessary in understanding the process of governance in contemporary society. The first method of governance observed is hierarchy. Hierarchy focusses on a more top down approach, where those in charge develop and implement policies from a top down perspective (Jansen 2007: p 6). It must be understood that hierarchical forms of governance do not just exist in government, but can be found in many forms, whether in private business organisations or small non–government organisations (NGO's) (Benz and Papadopoulos 2006: p 182). This is where most often the implementation of policy is top down with the leaders of the organisation having final control over whether or not a policy is implemented (Morcol 2006: p 170–171). Taking this into account, it must be shown that ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Lesser Developed Countries Paul Collier is the author of The Bottom Billion a 2007 book about Lesser Developed Countries (LDCs) and why they struggle to progress despite vast amounts of foreign aid. Collier makes the argument that while much of LDCs are becoming wealthier, this isn't the case in Africa and Central Asia who is stuck due to four development traps. Seventy percent of the bottom billion is in Africa. According to Collier, the first trap is the conflict trap. He claims that 73% in the bottom billion are in or have been in a war like conflict, almost always an internal civil war. Countries with high rates of poverty are more likely to break out in civil war and the war itself lowers incomes, therefore perpetuating the problem. This is partly due to the large amount of available young men who are out of work and ready for a rebellion and due to the weakness of the state, this becomes quite easy. The longer a country is at war, more actors become involved due to the potential of profiting of it. A civil war also increases the risk of future conflicts and according to Collier it is development in reverse. Economic loss and disease do not stop when the fighting does. Furthermore, during conflict, political rights disappear and almost all of the world's hard drugs come from these areas due to little law enforcement. Low income, slow growth, and commodity export dependence make up the top three attributes of a high civil war risk country, which is hard to live down after it begins, since ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Good Corporate Governance Is Good For Bank's Bottom Line Introduction: Corporate governance mechanisms are developed to ensure that the managers of the firm act in the best interests of shareholders/owners. Since the global financial crisis, there has been much attention placed on the importance of corporate governance, specifically on the banking sector. Good corporate governance is a significant factor in the publics' perception of its corporate social responsibility (Young & Thyil, 2014). The duties and responsibilities of a company's board of directors and the way they can manage their relationships with stakeholder groups and internal stakeholders can be described as a corporate governance (Pass, 2004). In the recent article "Good Corporate Governance is Good for Bank's Bottom Line" published by The Conversation (Academic Rigour, Journalistic Flair) will be discussing the issues raised in relation to corporate governance with a brief summary of the articles. Good Corporate Governance is Good for Bank's Bottom Line: The authors state that Australian banks improved efficiency after the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) Principles of Good Governance was introduced in 2003 as shown by a study which was published in the Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money. The study examines the performance of 11 Australian banks from 1999 to 2013 as regards to the effectiveness of certain corporate governance measures. Adverse impacts are to be undoubtedly expected without good corporate governance. The said ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Companies Should Be Controlled And Directed Accordance... Companies should be controlled and directed in accordance with a system of good corporate governance and ethical business principles. It is through creating this corporate governance framework that a company can ensure effective business practices and corporate success. The demise of an international retailer, Ahold, was the result of an absence of such corporate governance mechanisms and in turn corporate malfeasance. The Ahold financial scandal emerged in February 2003 when accounting irregularities were uncovered during the audit of its accounts, in particular at its US Foodservice subsidiary (USF). The extent of this scandal was an overstatement of earnings by an estimated $880 million within the years of 1999 and 2002. The main ... Show more content on ... It was the manipulation of these balances that ultimately led to the seemingly deliberate forecast overstatement. In response to the announcement, the company's stock price plummeted in value by over 72 per cent within just two weeks, and the accounts for this reporting period had to be restated. The disclosure of the scandal also led to the resignation of the chief executive officer, Cees van der Hoeven, the chief financial officer, Michael Meurs, along with numerous other members of senior management. Evidently, this case had an enormous impact on Ahold's reputation, stock price and shareholders. More recently, on 22nd September 2014, Tesco also faced criminal investigation into accounting irregularities after similarly announcing an overstatement of profits by $408.8 million. In response to this disclosure, similar to Ahold, the share prices in Tesco plunged rapidly as profit forecasts were significantly lowered. This led to the suspension of four senior executives and outside auditors were called in to investigate. Among those suspended include Kevin Grace, former commercial director, and Carl Rogberg, the UK finance director. At Tesco the financial error was, like Ahold, said to have occurred as a result of the miss–booking of rebate payments from suppliers, through which there was an accelerated acknowledgment and recording of commercial income, alongside a delayed accrual of costs. The correct time for recognition of ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Impact Of Economic Governance On Total Investment Volatility A sustained level of investment plays a critical role for the growth and development of an economy. However, the investment levels are subject to high degree of variability and fluctuations within and across countries. Volatility in investment triggers uncertainty and deters capital accumulation and thereby substantially reduces the growth potentials. Good governance is a critical stimulant for backward and forward linkages of sustained productive investment. In view of this, the present study analyses the impact of economic governance on total investment volatility in a sample of 24 Asian and African countries during the period 1985–2011. The total investment volatility has been calculated using Hodrick–Prescott (HP) filter and economic ... Show more content on ... It is considered as the most volatile part of aggregate demand. Several growth models have advanced the rate of investment as a primary driver of an economy's performance. However, the investment rates have not been the same among different regions of the world. Within Asia, investment has been comparatively lower in South Asia as compared to East Asia. The investment rate in Sub–Saharan Africa has shown a decline over a period of time. In addition, the investment rates in Asia and Africa have exhibited significant variability with time, thereby indicating its volatility. The investment climate is believed to be influenced by the quality of governance in an economy. According to Dixit (2001), the concept of economic governance can be defined as, "the structure and functioning of the legal and social institutions that support economic activity and economic transactions by protecting property rights, enforcing contracts and taking collective action to provide physical and organizational infrastructure." The catalytic role played by institutions in the performance of an economy came into prominence in the post First World War, in the form of 'Old Institutional Economics' but gained its momentum in the 70's. The emergence of 'New Institutional Economics', a term put forth by Oliver Williamson in 1975, owes itself mainly to Douglass North (North and Thomas 1976; North 1981, 1990 and 2005). It aims at expanding the neo classical model by incorporating the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Corporate Social Responsibility And Sustainability Essay Contents Summery Vision or Mission statement Values of the organisation Corporate Social Responsibility/Sustainability SMART analysis Conclusions Reference list Summery This assessment is about analysing the management of two different companies Macquarie group of services and David Jones. Both got many similarities and differences between their organisational structure and management. They also work with a vision in market from many years. There values and aims are pretty different from each other. In present days, both companies are doing a great business in their fields, so the management of both companies have high responsibilities. They have thousands of stakeholders, which convert these companies in to big firms. This simply means, more complex task for managers. Lets compare and contrast both companies and we will find the similarities and differences in management of both firms. Vision or Mission statement Mission statement is a statement of the business aims, companies need to capture for what purpose they stand for. Aims are the long term plan from which companies derives its objectives. why the company exit, and tell three important factors to the public . Mission statement describes three factors of a company: What the company does Who the company does it for How the company does it Mission statement is the initial step for any company to get the objective hierarchy. Actually the mission statement ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Challenges Faced By Pakistan As An Impoverished Nation And... Issues of unstable governance are directly related to the difficulties confronted by developing nations (BU 2014). The government plays a crucial role in uplifting a country and its development. It can achieve this by managing the country and its problems in a decently proficient manner, taking the right decisions at the right time, imposing rules and regulations and by setting up viable strategies to fight the obstacles coming in its way of advancement. Most of the developing countries tend to face similar problems and require serious government reforms in order to defeat them. Surprisingly, Pakistan is among one of those countries that are tormented by issues such as poverty, illiteracy, terrorism, civil war and overpopulation. This paper will shed light on some of the challenges faced by Pakistan as an impoverished nation and also provide some suggestions on how these issues can be tackled. Pakistan is an Islamic state located in South Asia that covers an area of 796,095 square kilometers. It shares border with India, Afghanistan, Iran and China and a marine border with Oman. It came into existence as an independent nation in 1947 and since then, it has been encompassed by incalculable issues including underdeveloped infrastructure, infertile and old production lines, international interference, instable government and corruption underscoring every deliberation towards progress (Africaw 2014). Moreover, regardless of being rich in natural resources, it struggles to be ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Globalization And Foreign Aid Syndrome INTRODUCTION: For the past four decades the development challenge has been rich world of one million people facing poor world of five billion people. 80% of the five billion people live in developing countries. There are a few countries at the bottom billion that are falling behind and often falling apart. Paul collier through this book takes a dynamic approach of the problems faced by the bottom billion, the reason why they are falling behind and what can be done about this. The arguments collier points out are based on conclusions from his exhaustive list of peer reviewed research. He successfully answered the questions stated on the cover of book. This book is divided into 5 parts: the first part introduces the issues. second part explains the traps of development. third part explains factors of globalization and foreign aid syndrome fourth part explains the instruments to solve the issues fifth part explains the agenda for action KEYPOINTS: In the golden era of 1990 's when all the countries are developing, the incomes in the bottom billion declined by 5%. There are about 58 countries that fall into this category. About 1 billion people live in these countries. 70% of these are in Africa. The rest in places like Haiti, Bolivia, central asian countries, Cambodia, Yemen, Burma and north Korea and collier describes these countries as Africa +. The per capita income of these countries is less than that of most rich world cities. During 1970 's bottom billion diverged ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Culture And Practice Of Good Governance The culture and practice of good governance set out beliefs and rules that soccer corporate sponsors need to vigilant about. Kavitha (2015) highlights governance malpractices that are happening within the global soccer governing body, FIFA. These malpractices include money that has been alleged to come through illegal channels, such as money laundering, racketeering, and wire fraud. FIFA officials, including nine of its high–ranking officials and five sports marketing executives, were implicated in the said scandal (Jennings, 2011). These scandals involved the individuals' involvement in a series of bribery cases as well as other backdoor deals that were aimed at securing tournaments and FIFA events' marketing rights. The concerns of the ... Show more content on ... Currently FIFA is a powerful player in the global economy, and its corporate governance needs to touch on the areas of financial compliance, anti–corruption compliance, FIFA's organizational structure, the elections of FIFA officials, bidding decisions, events hosting decisions, marketing issues as well as the areas of relationships between FIFA and its members concerning the conflicts of interests and the development programs (Pieth, 2011). Modern financial compliance systems require the inclusion of all financial transactions of corporations in the corporations' audited bookkeeping as well as their financial reporting systems, a condition that is fulfilled in FIFA but with rather a narrow consolidation that excludes several organizations with activities that the general public can attribute to FIFA (Pieth, 2011). This presents a risk for the investments of AII in companies sponsoring FIFA as FIFA's large activity base combined with its narrow consolidation makes its financial controls difficult. It is important that FIFA work out on a catalogue of all payments that can be considered critical and related to corruption, and make a decision whether there is need for direct controls or the direct controls in place are sufficient to prevent the corruption risk. Also, FIFA's specific anti–corruption controls existing within the system needs to be intensified to ensure that their scope is expanded. The current coverage of FIFA's internal controls, which include ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Collaborative Governance, Citizen Participation, And... Introduction Admittedly, it is important to have an effective government for the growth and development of a nation. Equally, it is important to maintain a democratic government. While there are different ways of understanding what constitutes a democratic government, in public administration, democratic government can be viewed as a government that is responsive to the perspectives of its citizens and exhibit responsibility to the citizens. This can be promoted by the public institutions and public administrators (King, Feltey, & Susel, 1998). They can use various processes to ensure a democratic government including collaborative governance, decision making, citizen participation, administrative reforms, and budgeting. This paper seeks to discuss and analyze the efforts that the public organizations and the public administrators can make with regards to collaborative governance, citizen participation, and decision making to maintain a democratic government. Collaborative governance Public organizations and the public administrators have an important duty of promoting and maintaining democratic government especially by ensuring good governance. Social and economic development can be achieved through good governance. Collaborative governance is a primary component of good governance (Ansell & Gash, 2008). Admittedly, public management reforms are fundamental to improving the abilities of various nations to address issues that touch on democratic government. Some of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Cyber Defence And Information Assurance PGCert Cyber Defence and Information Assurance Reflective Portfolio Module 01 : Governance and Management Kinshuk De Introduction This portfolio is a reflective account of what I have learnt during the Governance and Management module and reflect on the three tasks posed, based on the case study of a system D.I.A.M.O.N.D (Driver Identification After Motoring Offence using Numerous Databases). We worked in groups and deliberated (Deliberations, 9 March 2015) what the D.I.A.M.O.N.D. system would do, that is to accept, store, process, return result pertaining to sensitive data from limitless interconnections, not only limited to end users or external departments, and who own the data. All of us agreed that this is a ... Show more content on ... That is to positively identify speed violator beyond doubt and how the system should be governed to create a secure system and operate. Each team presented their view points, including discussing the various stakeholders of the system and their responsibilities. As part of the case study, we exercised the 6–point Governance model which I believe maximizes management's ability to implement and the system owner's ability to exercise oversight governance. Task 1 This task necessitated discussing elements 0 to 3 involving deliberations and knowledge sharing on the four elements 'Introduction', 'Responsibility', 'Strategy' and 'Acquisition'. Previously, I had a hazy understanding of the difference between governance and management, wherein I often used these terms interchangeably We deliberated that while the "System Owner" is accountable for the system. A wider consensus was arrived on this (Deliberations, 9 March 2015). We could call him the "Information Officer", and he will be accountable for the system from Governance standpoint and the Project Manager will be the management layer with an organization under him including relations with external stakeholders to plan and do things on day to day basis. My interactions with Dresner (2015) during lecture sessions and group discussions (Deliberations, 9 March 2015) gave me an understanding of the definition and role of governance and management respectively. As part of exercise, I looked into ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Implementation of Good Governance in Pakistan Good Governance in Pakistan 'Governance' is the exercise of power or authority – political, economic, administrative or otherwise –to manage a country 's resources and affairs. It comprises the mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences. 'Good governance' means competent management of a country's resources and affairs in a manner that is open, transparent, accountable, equitable and responsive to people's needs. Characteristics of Good Governance 1. Participation 2. Rule of law 3. Transparency 4. Responsiveness 5. Consensus orientation 6. Equity 7. Effectiveness and efficiency 8. ... Show more content on ... 3. Non serious behaviour of law makers: The root cause of increasing corruption is that our leader don 't take it serious, they just give visionary statements. Interior Minister, Mr Rehman Malik gave a statement that we will eradicate corruption within a week. Secondly he said that we will give pride of performance to the department which will report us that there is a corruption in our department. These statements show the behaviour of our leadership toward the eradication of corruption. It is just impossible to eradicate corruption within a week and secondly pride of performance is being given to corruptors. 4. Inconsiderable salaries: It is one of the major causes of corruption. Suppose when a clerk not earning enough to live on or not being sure that he will have a job tomorrow so that he supplements his income with bribes. 5. Lack of accountability: when public officials are not supposed to inform about or explain what they are doing, they mostly indulge in corruption. 6. Weak enforcement: when law agencies do not impose sanctions on power holders who have violated their public duties. 7. The abuse of public office for private gains has emerged as a fashion 8. unavailability of principles of good governance 9. Unawareness about rights: 10. To get unfair advantage over other:
  • 62. i. To get Promotion ii. To get new job iii. To threat others(through police) iv. To get rid of from charge etc. 11. Increased rate of ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Political Science And Its Influence On The Country 's... Introduction Political Science teaches us about how political power is dispersed, how different governments operate and interact, how rules are made and enforced. We will come to know both the "who" of politics, such as international organizations, politicians, and the public, and the "how", such as political institutions, elections, and public administration. Politics have its essence in every aspect of our lives, including the availability of education, jobs, housing and healthcare. Whatever government does and whoever supports the government everything have its influence on the country 's current situation whether to be in war or in peace. Political science is the study of a wide range of political knowledge, events, actions, and institutions. We all take part in politics, though most of the time we do so unknowingly. Politics is not only about simply voting in an election or working in government. When we read or listen to news, make donations to aid groups, or talk with friends and family about social issues and values are some of the examples of political activity in our everyday lives. Political Science is concerned with the many institutions, organizations and norms that determine how people apperceive society, and in turn, how they interact within it. In Political Science, multiple issue can come for discussion like Power or it can be democracy or government as well, in order to aware us about our surroundings, and our place in it. When we acquire enough knowledge ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Competition Law- Effective Tool for Good Corporate... COMPETITION LAW EFFECTIVE TOOL FOR GOOD CORPORATE GOVERNANCE IN INDIA Submitted to Prof. I. Sridhar Legal Aspects of Business IIM Indore By Vinod Kumar 2012FPM20 Section F IIM INDORE TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS PAGE NO. A. Introduction 1. Introduction...............................................................................................3 B. Analysis 2. Analysis of property rights in the case of tangibles................................4 3. Common features of Intellectual property rights...................................6 4. Common features of Intellectual property rights..................................12 5. The extension of property rights to new objects....................................15 C. Existing systems 6. ... Show more content on ... Competitive business environment and appropriate good Corporate Governance have a nexus, the former fuelling, influencing and impacting the latter and the latter seeking to meet the challenges of the former. For Corporate Governance, inhering Competition principles in policy making would appear sine qua non. Corporate Governance consequently needs to fashion itself to meet Competition and prevent enterprises indulge in (inadvertently or otherwise) anti–competitive practices. Corporate Governance needs to incorporate the interests of consumers and economic development. Competition maximizes incentives to innovate, engage in new promising activities, offer better services and wider choices at lower prices. The continuous quest for efficiency and improvement is not merely a result of the competitive process, it is the competitive process, where companies– small, medium–sized or large– concentrate on becoming as efficient as possible, rather than on surviving by other (illegal) means, their competitiveness will increase whether they operate in their domestic market or in the worldwide stage. Competition law understood the need of good corporate governance for fair competition. The need for implementation of good Corporate Governance strategy is not only social, but there are good economic reasons also. The Companies possessing Governance practices are more likely to gain a competitive advantage over their counterparts. The benefits that ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Good Corporate Governance Practice Is Beneficial For... It is well established that good corporate governance practice is beneficial for firms, its stakeholders and whole economy. Further based on studies such as by Levine (2004), saving rates, investment decisions, technological progress and consequently economic growth are encouraged as financial systems reduce market frictions. So developing countries require reforms to stimulate financial system for revival of economy. This will enable financial institutions and markets to better execute their important function that is to monitor investments and exert corporate governance. Their control can compel firms to pursue activities which generate higher value and retain investor's confidence which is essential for continuous flow of capital ... Show more content on ... In early developmental stage of economy FI's are more influential in exerting corporate governance as compared to the markets (Levine, 2002). Firms mostly rely on internal funding sources but prefer to seek banks for capital financing rather than markets and therefore banks gain an advantage to exert corporate governance over borrowers (Gorton and Winton, 2002). Better governance can be exercised by making prudent investment decisions by FI's. They are required to make adequate due diligence of investee by assessing its past performance, feasibility analysis and management quality which enables effective allocation of the limited savings (Yuan et al, 2006). The same research paper also stated number of reasons for FI's inability to affect governance which included weak legal environment, inadequate disclosures, conflict of interest, monitoring cost, etc but higher state ownership is most significant constraint. FI's with large shareholdings are better apt at influencing the performance of investee firms in their portfolios by being a quasi insider and creating knowledge advantage using private information gained through regular meetings (Holland, 1999). Through cooperative means FI's are able to probe, monitor and direct the corporate strategies, management and financial performance without direct intervention. Private and informal influencing is favored to public interventions as it may affect reputation of all parties involved. ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. African Countries And The Quality Of Governance One of the biggest problems facing most African countries and impeding their development is the quality of governance. In most cases, the quality of governance is considered as "poor" or "bad". How bad or how poor? Perhaps following conclusions from the aggregation of scores and percentiles for different governance indicators set by organizations such as the World Bank (Kaufmann & Mastruzzi, 2011), Transparency International and Mo Ibrahim Foundation. It is not ideal to hear of good governance in Sub–Saharan Africa. The region is characterized by wide spread corruption and political instability, especially in francophone countries. The persistence of relatively poor governance in Cameroon, which, unlike some sub–Saharan African countries, have 'technically' had no major conflict or civil war or political turbulence calls for probing. It raises questions of whether a country with such ethnic diversity as Cameroon (over 240 ethnic groups, according to the website of the Office of the Prime Minister), historically constructed by colonialism, and cursed by its own resources (crude oil, natural gas and petroleum reserves, gold, iron, diamond) can have, enjoy and sustain good governance. At large, we aim at uncovering why bad/poor governance is persistent in Cameroon? In this paper, we address this question through the exploration of scholarly literature, anecdotal evidence and data about the effects of the availability of resources, the dual heritage of French and British ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. The Pharmaceutical Industry Pharmaceutical Industry: Governance–Association Standards Two sided coin aspects of Governance in the Public Pharmaceutical Sector Pharmaceutical products are the key element of health systems that helps the community. Despite pharmaceutical being a huge multi–billion dollar industry. This element of governance describes the negative and positive sides of the pharmaceutical industrial parameters. Good governance is one of the factors for economic growth and sustainable development at almost all sectors of society. The chaos in such negative parameters, are the prime drawbacks and violence that are failed and clearly pictures the results that prevents bad governance exist. There are many parameters that define pharmaceutical governance ... Show more content on ... Practically examining the corruption in pharmaceutical systems, WHO established the Good Governance for Medicines (GGM) programme The programmers' objective is to reduce corruption in all possible manners in pharmaceutical systems through the application of transparent, accountable administrative procedures and the promotion of ethical practices. The GGM is executed in a 3‐step approach as follows: Governance and the pharmaceutical system Pharmaceuticals are a very analytical in terms of governance for pharmaceutical industry, with high value participation for health delivery systems and other deliverance that often make a healthy difference for individuals and an entire population. Access to high quality medicines and other pharmacy needs is a opaque issue, especially for disadvantage, weak populations. Despite an effective provide of an international aid, the advent of specialized agencies and funds (such as the Global financial aid to prevent AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria) and many government supported or donor programs keen to improve and look towards the broader global pharmaceutical access, still there is a gap between supplying drugs. The net worth of global pharmaceutical market is almost figured over US$500 billion, in making this pharmaceutical sector profitable with a bad side of a coin of unethical practices and corruption. · Components of a Framework for Good Governance in the Public Pharmaceutical Sector Despite ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Challenges of Good Governance in Pakistan Challenges of Good Governance The nation celebrated this 'Pakistan Day' in a significant and unconventional manner. It was a noteworthy occasion in history of Pakistan this time for the challenges facing in maintaining good governance are yet to appear in coming days for government in place. The leaders of Pakistan adopt the course and principles which had been conveyed by the founder of Pakistan to make a true enlightened moderated state which ensures basic rights of people, secures the prosperity of Pakistan. Their deeds and actions would determine in future either their policies are in accordance with the sayings of Quaid–e–azam or deviation from his golden principles. The elements including failure of Civil and military rule, ... Show more content on ... The balance of power and exercising authority between President and Prime minister require immediate attention for the resolution of these issues would assist in bring about issues in connection with folks. The at stake security and progress of country need tremendous review. As a first step concerete action must be taken to support the triggered economy. The economic stress can be avoidable by employing mutual political consent and reconciliation policy.Beside these measures, the 1 points resolution passed by the parliament in October 2008 must be pragmatically implemented with its true spirit. By this means, the growing militancy from Swat to Fata could be minimised to get rid of emerging ever devastating situation. The policy with the mutual consent of Obama's administration should be adopted by the government clear in its objectives and result oriented. The policy should not only be based on guaranteeing the national security but also portray a picture of the people of Pakistan as a responsible nation to protecct her homeland from hostile circumstances. Born in inquity and conceived in sin, the spirit of nationalism has never ceased to bend human institutions to the service of dissention and distress –––––––– VEBLIN The Prime minister Yousaf Raza Gilani after special envoy of U.S.A Richard Holbrooke and chairman joint chief of staff Mike Mullen visit must cakk upon session consisting of all political forces ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Cleopatra's Guide To Good Governance Schiff Summary In "Cleopatra's Guide to Good Governance", Schiff presents Cleopatra's leadership secrets that one can use in daily life. Schiff states that Cleopatra VII possessed the most lucrative empire in existence at that time. She goes on to examine how Cleopatra handles the power she possessed in her daily life; The author then goes on to explore the leadership secrets used by Cleopatra. to stay on top. Schiff states taking over or eliminating the competition is the perfect way to be like Cleopatra. She points out the Cleopatra used this method when killing her siblings to reign supreme. Schiff proceeds to suggest that you should set your sights high, if you're going to seduce someone. The author implies that Cleopatra "set her sights high" when she in relation with the most ... Show more content on ... Schiff suggests that women have most brilliant beauty and are at the peak of intellectual power. Cleopatra is used by the author again; The author says that Cleopatra was a military genius and had many extravagant possessions. Schiff proceeds to point out the trouble of land war in Asia. The author explains previously mentioned statement by examining the trouble the Romans had in Asia such as their legions being slaughtered. The author advances to not promising but always delivering on everything. Schiff points out that Cleopatra was good at this; the author implies that Cleopatra was good with this concept expect in her situation with Cicero and the manuscript. Schiff continues with stating that Cleopatra devalued her economy to pay off debt. The author uses this example to point out something lucrative arrangements can come from a weird decision. The author follows the previously mentioned concept by noting Cleopatra failed to charm Herod in which the reader learns that mutual friends might be an enemy. Schiff shifts to Cleopatra's end as she states Cleopatra's defeat by Octavian. The author explores how Cleopatra defeat was challenging as a result of neighbors providing protection for ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The Pillars Of Good Corporate Governance Framework Horsch also says that 'a spirit of cooperation and trust must be established between agencies, the state and local actors, if accountability systems are to be successful. In return for measurable results, agencies with traditional oversight responsibilities will need to delegate authority and provide the resources and technical assistance necessary for others to implement meaningful stakeholder governance programmes'. Therein lies huge dependencies on certain stakeholders having such capacities. All that said, overall, including stakeholder governance as one of the pillars of good corporate governance framework can result in a more comprehensive understanding of corporate risk and opportunity, drive learning, innovation and performance while contributing to a strong reputation and prosperity over time. In fact, it is said that stakeholder governance has the potential to turn 'distrustful opponents into critical friends '. Critical Friends Risk and Reputation Management Lombardo says that 'in the past the challenge for organisations was to support process and design improvements and to increase their profits, the challenge of the future is to improve relationships in order to reduce and manage the most important risks'. Building this social capital by engaging with stakeholders means organisations can reduce financial, reputational and political risks. Understanding the concerns and interests of employees, customers, NGOs, politicians and business partners, for ... Get more on ...