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Detailed Analysis of
Use of a pull quote:
This is a direct quote taken from the article or interview
with the audience. This is to give the audience an extra
bit of interest in this magazine and to make them buy it.
Also, to give them a slight insight of what the article will
be about. The quote may also be used to relate it to the
target audience due to the strong presentation and use of
language. The compa has targeted this magazine at
those who share the same attitude as Dizzie, hence the
pull quote, and making the reader want to buy the

Front Cover

The main cover line:
This cover line is layered on top of Dizzie
Rascal giving a clear indication of who the
person in the magazine cover is. It's a very
large text and it is in bold which makes it stand
out to the target audience. This is the main text
of the magazine as it is in a big font size. Also, it
is bold, in capital letters and has a drop shadow,
which gives the idea that this is the main text of
the the magazine cover. Furthermore, this
informs the target audience that this magazine
has important information and contains attitude.
The reason why this is placed at the bottom, is
because the barcode is not important to the reader.
However, it is important to the company NME,
because it tells them how many copies were sold.
The barcode informs the reader on the price and
date (when it was published)
The footer provides additional information for
the target audience. It is at the bottom of the
front cover, making the target audience only
drawn to the main elements of the front
cover, hence why the footer is at the bottom
– to avoid any distractions.

Left third
The left third of the cover reveals where
the main part of the information and
content is. In this magazine, it has all the
main aspects and area in each third. The
colour of the text is white, which stands
out on the cover, and so when the
audience look at this text they would
automatically read on.

Flash/pull sticker:
Gives the reader an impression of an important offer or news that is important. This attracts the reader
and would push/persuade them to buy the magazine as they would want to read more about the
offer/important news, due to the way it's laid out (the sticker) by making it seem interesting and by making
it stand out through the use of red.

The header:
This suggest that this is special copy of
autumn. The header is used to attract the
reader's attention, by showing an important
highlight of the magazine. Also, the use of
bold, capital letters and simple text makes
the information stand out to the target
audience, because of the way it is
Cover lines:
This gives the reader more information of who which
artists are featured in this magazine. The “& more”
suggests that there are plenty more artists featured.
They also suggest the genre of the magazine, by
naming popular hip hop singers/rappers. The use of
colour – black and red – helps the magazine to stand
out and make it eye catching for the target audience.
The main image/Genre:
The main image is of Dizzie Rascal, crouching over a
grafited wall. This suggests the genre of this magazine
which is hip hop. The image also gives the reader a very
good first impression of what this article is about. The
expression of Dizzie Rascal fives the idea of loudness
which creates the impression of the magazine content and
genre. This is a long shot of Dizzie Rascal. This image
allows the audience to see his clothes, as well as the
background. In this image, Dizzie Rascal is wearing a white
vest top, grey baggy jeans, red and white trainers and a
chain which hangs from his chest. In the background, the
reader can see grafitti. This may suggest that Dizze Rascal
also has a cheeky side to him. All of this help the audience
recognise his music genre (hip hop), as well as NME's
genre (rock/indie).

The Masthead:
The masthead has been presented in a way so it is
first seen on the front cover by the reader. The
masthead has been placed in top left-hand corner
(to show its importance) it is in of bold, capital
letters and the variation of different colours (red,
black and white) to make it be seen first by the
reader. Also, this is used to inform the target
audience of the company 'NME' who have
produced this magazine. The masthead is strong
and powerfully presented so it stands out to the
target audience.
Target Audience
Who is the target audience for NME?
●It is targeted at both male and female.
However, mainly males. The image used is
of a hip hop artist, which may appeal to the
younger part of the audience. The target
audience is approximately 72% male. This
is because mostly men would listen to the
artist used in this magazine cover (Dizze
Rascal). This is because of the theme of
the magazine. Also, Dizzie Racal's facial
expression and gesture gives us a sense
that it is mainly aimed at male's who like to
have fun, party and enjoy themselves on a
night out.
●The age group that it is targeted is mainly
between 16-24.
●The magazine costs around £2.50, which
suggests that the NME have targeted it at
middle class people who are able to afford
to buy this magazine. Also, the majority of
the target audience are people with low
wage or no wage at all. However, the price
of this magazine shows that it is not as
expensive as other similar magazines to

How does the NME attract its audience?
●The use of the big bold text and the image
itself of Dizzee Rascal, attracts the audience.
This is because he is a very well known
artist, and the target audience would easily
recognise him by the image and would
persuade them to buy it. Because of this, the
magazine would sell more.
●Another method of the way the NME tries to
attract its target audience, is by including
names of other well known artists who will
also be featured magazine. This will make
the target audience want to buy the
magazine, because they will not only find out
more about Dizzie Rascal, but also other
artists alongside.
●Also, the use of language “joy around the
world, man” gives a sense to the target
audience that the NME are trying to grab
attention from people who have a similar
attitude to Dizziee Rascal.
●Mise en sence is used very well in this
magazine which appeals to its target
audience (people who are very urbanised).
For example, the background (graffiti),
trainers, baggy jeans, vest top and a chain. It
is all very urban and fits in with Dizzie
Rascal's music genre 'hip hop' really well.
This has been used on the cover
page, as well as the contents page,
which reinforces the brand identity.

Contents Page

Band index:
This is to make the reader aware that the
band names are listed down below,
which is in red. The colour red in this
case signifies that they take their music
really seriously. The page number are
next to it in black. These two bold
colours are used to make the band index
anchor with the rest of the magazine.
Main image:
This is the main focus of the contents
page, which suggests that the contents
are mainly based on the image. It also
relates to the music and the writing
below. It has been edited to make it look
more like a photograph and to make it
look informal. This has done to relate it
to the target audience. The clothes the
model is wearing in the image also relate
to the genre of this issue and magazine.

Drop cap:
A drop cap is usually used in all
magazine contents pages. In this
contents page, the drop cap begins with
a 'Y' which is big and bold. This is to
make the target audience to be drawn to
the text as well as the other things on the
contents page.

This text sets the tone. For example, “thank
God the sun has disappeared, eh?”. The use
of the question in the very first sentence
makes the reader feel more involved and
engaged. Also, the tone of the question is very
informal, making the reader feel comfortable
and related whilst reading.

Combinations of capital and lower
cases. All the subheadings are in
white on a black background. The
headings have made the page split
into three sections, this is so the
audience are able to follow it and
read it clearly without getting
confused with the layout.
Subscription box:
This makes the reader intrigued through
the use of the colour yellow, which
stands out on the contents page and
makes it eye catching for the target
audience. Also, it separates itself from
the style of the contents page, as it is
made to look different. However, there is
an image of a previous NME magazine,
to make the reader aware that it is still
related to NME. This subscription box
informs the target audience that if they
have read past issues of the NME
magazine before and are really
interested in especially these types of
magazines, then they can buy them at a
cheaper price by subscribing. This again
grabs the reader's attention as most of
the target audience would subscribe to
NME because of this. The company's
website and number has been included
to make the target audience feel more
involved in the magazines they produce.
“subscribe” and “an issue” are in big,
bold, capital letters, to grab the reader's
attention to this bit of the contents page,
as it is an important bit of information for
those who are interested in buying NME
This is where the use of mise en
scene comes in, because the
background is full of graffiti on the
wall. It also shows Dizzee Rascal's
personality and how he was during
his childhood/ how he grew up. The
effect of this is to make the readers
feel more engaged when reading
this magazine.

Double Page Spread

Dizzee Rascal is wearing a red
jacket. He's wearing a red jacket,
because it fits in with the style of the
rest of the magazine. He's facial
expression shows that he is guilty of
something or a sneaky look, which
may suggest that he is doing
something bad or up to something
mischievous. This again relates to
the target audience, as it tries to
draw them in.
Drop cap:
This drop capital is 6 lines down.
It is in black and bold, making it
stand out for the target
audience,as it will attract
The house style is constant throughout
this double page spread. NME's colour
theme is black, white and red, which
have been used on this double page
spread. The use of colours clearly show
that this magazine is aimed at a young
rock audience. Also, the main image
uses all 24/10/13 which makes it
three colours,
blend in with overall image of the

The article has been split up into
four columns with equal width, so
sticking to a consistent style of the
rest of the magazine. Also, the
columns make it easier for the
reader to follow and read clearly.

Main headline/Lure:
It is in black, block capital letter
and is on a white/grey background,
which again anchors the
magazine. This can also be a lure,
because it uses a catchy
phrase/slogan. This makes the
reader interested in what it is
about and would make them want
to read more. Another reason why
it might be a lure is because the
writing goes to the middle of the
page, as it gets bigger. The effect
of this is to make the target
audience follow it and believe in it
as it gets bigger, which means it is
more important and interesting.
Second image:
This image is of a radio and
beer bottles. The use of this
is because it might be related
to the genre of this page
(rock/R&B). This again
suggests that this magazine
is targeted at young
adults/teenagers, as they
stereotypically listen to lots of
music and drink lots of beer.

Stand first:
This is a little
introduction of the
interview with Dizzee
Rascal, so that if the
target audience read
this bit of information, it
would make them want
to read further on, and
find out more about how
Dizzee Rascal's
interview went.
The elements that connect the 3 different parts of
the magazine:
The over all style of the magazine connects all three different parts of the
●The font-style, use of colours and layout are exactly the same on all the
pages of the magazine, which anchors with the rest of the magazine.
●The same sort of language has been used throughout the magazine. The use
of language is targeted at young adults/teenagers.
●Photographs of Dizzee Rascal are used on the cover page and the double
page spread, with the exact same background in both of them.

The font style, language and photographs of Dizzee Rascal are the elements
that connect the three different parts of the magazine.

Background History of NME
NME stands for New Musical Express, it is a popular music magazine in the UK,
published weekly since March 1952.
●It started as a newspaper and gradually moved towards magazine format during
1980's changing from news print in 1998.
●It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, in the 14 November 1952
edition. In the 1970s it became the best-selling British music newspaper.
● During the period 1972 to 1976, it was particularly associated with gonzo
journalism (self-involved reporting), then became closely associated with punk rock
through the writing of Tony Parsons.
●Mike Williams was named as NME editor on 31 May 2012, taking over from Krissi
Murison on 25 June 2012.[2] has been edited most recently by Luke

“KERRANG!” Magazine Analysis

The writing is in white with a red paint stroke behind it.
This is to anchor it with the rest of the magazine, as this
style has been used throughout the front cover. This
effect makes it seen by the reader easily. “MASSIVE
DOWNLOAD TICKET GIVE AWAY!” is in block capital
letters. The exclamation mark is used to put emphasis in
what they are trying to say. Also, to make the audience
want to buy it to get involved.

Front Cover

The main image:
In this image there are three artists. The person in the
middle has been shown to look more dominant and as
the one who has the main role in the band. We can
see this, as he is wearing different clothes to the other
two men and is also placed in the middle. Also, the
image has been placed on top of the masthead, as
this sells the story more than the masthead/logo. The
pictures is mid shot, allowing the audience to see their
facial expressions, their hand gestures and some of
their clothes. It is in the centre of the magazine with
the text behind, informing the reader that the
magazine is going to be mostly about the band. The
band members are looking directly towards the
audience, making them feel connected and involved in
some way with band members.

The footer is an extra small piece of
information. This has been included in
this magazine to again grab the
readers attention. “PLUS!” which is
part of the footer, engages the reader,
as it informs them of other artists or
activities that will be featured within Barcode:
this magazine. Also “PLUS!” is in a
The barcode informs the reader of the price of
bgger text compared to the other text the magazine. However, it is not that important
in the footer. Also, it is in block capital to them, hence why it is in one corner in a very
letters with an exclamation mark at
small size, as it does not want to distract the
the end, trying to grab the reader's
reader from the other elements of the
attention to the footer, as well as the magazine. On the other hand, it is very
rest of the magazine, to show that the important to the company, as it informs them of
footer is also an important bit of
how many copies of this magazine were sold
information for the reader/target
and whether this publication of the magazine
was successful through the number of copies

The masthead/logo:
The masthead that has been used in this magazine is
in bold and in block capital letter. The use of the
exclamation mark is to make it stand out, and to put
emphasis on the masthead, which may suggest the
kind of genre they are promoting (Rock/R&B). The
colour black is used to give the title importance and
attention from the target audience and to make it stand
out. Black is associated with power, elegance,
formality, death, evil and mystery. Therefore, this will
help the selling of the magazine as it gives the
magazine as sense of mystery. Also, it's made to look
like the main colour of the magazine and is one of the
main things that the target audience will be drawn
towards. The cracked glass effect of the font style is
used in order to make it come across as violent,
dangerous, outrageous and on the edge. It has taken
up all of the masthead section, as it is stretched across
near the top. The effect of this is to make it stand out
from the other magazines placed on the shelves and to
show its importance.
This informs the reader of the the free poster that
they'll receive if they buy this magazine. They have put
the text in bold white writing and have placed a red
paint stroke behind it. The use of this is to make the
magazine as a whole stand out on the shelf placed
with other magazines, and to make to easier for the
target audience to spot. The free poster that is in the
magazine, makes the reader want to buy it.
The main cover line:
This is the name of the main person in the image
above. The name has been placed in the middle, as
one of the main text, to catch the reader's attention,
“Biyyu Clyro” is a well known artist. And as soon as the
target audiece see the name of the artist, they would
want to read more about him. It is in white and bold,
which stands out on the dark background. This has
been done to attract the reader's attention towards the
Target Audience
Who is the target audience for Kerrang?
●The magazine appeals to a specific niche
audience because it concerns topics and
themes that are relevant to people who listen to
and are interested by rock music and its
●Kerrang! identifies its audience as ‘individually
minded, independent of thought and musically
experienced, an audience defined by attitude,
passion and loyalty’.
●Aimed at white British people with a target
population of 16-24 year olds.
●The magazine’s psycho-graphic is defined as
‘people who aspire to be respected among
other people and people who wish to have a
high paid job.’
●It is evident that the magazine is aimed at a
young audience, through the use of graphics,
fonts, layouts and presentation. Kerrang! is
aimed at the youth and their lifestyles.
● It has a contemporary and up-to-date look,
making use of modern typefaces and a down-toearth feel.
●Kerrang! aims itself more at a male audience
and appeals to them by using content such as
hard rock and metal iconic male bands on the
front cover pulling angry faces or violent
expressions. Female readers are targeted by
the use of male bands on free pull out posters
and feature interviews.


How does Kerrang attract its audience?
- The magazine accommodates the young
readership by using advertisements that relate to
their interests.
- it attracts its audience through the use of graphics,
fonts, layouts and presentation.
- they use a very edgy, underground and
individualistic style to their magazines, which
appeals to rock readers and so attracts them to their
- Pages of letters, drawings and photos, reader’s
polls, gig reviews, editorial team recommended
entertainment, competitions and the Kerrang! diary
of upcoming gigs. Through of all these makes the
reader really engaged and feel involved. This attracts
them to the magazine, as it gives them a chance to
respond and share their views and opinions.
- they use lots of strong imagery and keywords on
the front cover, in order to attract their targeted
audience, as this is what every buyer would first see.
- Kerrang! uses a significant colour pallet, the main
colours are white, black, yellow, red and green.
These enable the magazine to be eye-catching and it
allows certain cover lines to stand out. These basic
colours are continued throughout the 70 pages
creating a dark and moody ambiance.
'CONTENTS' is in block capital letters and
is in a bright yellow colour. This is to make
the reader aware that this is the contents
page as soon as they turn over. Also, it
makes the reader really intrigued through
the use of colour and would make them
want to read the contents page.

Main image:
This image is of one of the band
members giving his autograph to the
fans around him. He is wearing a
checkered shirt which stands out to the
reader, because of the colours – light
blue, pink and black – this particular
shirt gives him a look which relates to
his music genre 'Rock'. Also, he has
long hair, with most of them gelled to
one side, this again adds to his genre
and makes him stand out from the
crowd. This image has been used on the
contents page, to advertise to the reader
what the inside of the magazine will be
related to. Also, this image has been
used to make it more interesting for the
Subscription box:
The main colour which is used for the
subscription box is red. This is to grab
the reader's attention to this part of the
contents page. They have included a
subscription box, to make the reader
feel engaged and more involved. Also,
so it motivates the target audience to
buy their magazines more often, as they
try to get the reader involved and would
not want them to feel bored whilst
reading it. As some readers stop reading
half way through the magazine, because
they get bored. It also addresses the
The pages are sectioned into 5 columns
making it easier for the reader to find what target audience with the use of “you”
which is a direct address and makes the
they are looking for. The headings are in
bright yellow text with a black strip
reader feel as though they are
background – which is the general style of
addressing them (which they are), which
the whole magazine (to give it the same
makes them feel more comfortable
house style and ethos so that it is all similar whilst reading the magazine.

Contents Page

The logo of this magazine is in a black strip
across the middle under a large image. The
company name 'KERRANG!' has been set out
in the exact style and format as the front cover.
This is to keep the audience aware that they're
reading a kerrang magazine. Also 'THIS
WEEK' is again in capital letters, but with a
different font style and colour to kerrang. It is in
yellow, just like the 'contents' which is in the left
hand corner of the page. No only is this to
make it stand out and eye catching for the
audience, but to remind the audience of that
this is the contents page, so they are not
confused. Also, kerrang magazine contents
pages uses a very similar style, font and colour
to this contents page. Yellow is a very eye
catching colour, and the effect of this colour to
be used on the contents page is so that more
people would be attracted to it and would want
to buy it, as the use of colour looks very
appealing to the target audience.
The editor's letter has also been sectioned into a column
making it fit in with the rest of the contents page. It makes
the audience feel like the magazine is more personal like the
editor. Also, the use of the image clearly informs the target
audience of who has written this letter. The fact we see an
image and a signature makes it feel more personal. Also, the
letter has been added to the contents page to get the
readers intrigued in what the other famous band members
have to say and to inform them of more exciting news related
to their music.

and so the audience can see the similarity
easily and feel comfortable with the style
which is used throughout the magazine.
Also, it is all very tidily and clearly set out,
in order for the reader to follow and
understand it.
In the content on the top left it gives you
a sneak insight on what the next
kerrang magazine is going to look like
and what it is going to be about. This
helps the selling of their magazine by
allowing the reader to know what that
next magazine is going to look Like and
they will notice in it the shop rather
quickly. This increase the chance of the
reader buying the next magazine.

Main image:
This image is of the main band
member. It's a medium long shot,
which allows the target
audience/reader to see some of his
clothes. He is wearing a jacket with a
top and jeans. However, the reader is
unable to see the colour of the clothes
he is wearing, as it has been edited to
black and white, which merges with
the black background on the other
side. This might be, because they
want to put across the type of music
they are trying to promote. The artist
is holding the mic and has his hair
head down, allowing us to see his long
hair. This creates a stereotypical look
of a rock artist. This image has been
taken over half of the page, which
informs the reader that this band
member is the lead singer and is more
important then the other band
The title 'NEWS' is in block capital letters.
Not only does this go with the alternative
colour scheme, but si also used to make it
eye catching and to make this double page
stand out to the reader. This bold colour has
been used to go with the band's name and
genre. The article is expressed as a “World
Exclusive”, makes it seem unique and
special, where it is only available to the
readers of ‘Kerrang’-it is also emphasized
that the band has “invited” the magazine
specially to their recording studio, so that
readers can get an insight into the life of a
famous band and the ‘celebrity lifestyle’increasing fandom for the band.

Double Page Spread

Drop cap:
The drop cap on
this page is in red
and bold. It links to
the colour scheme
that has been used
throughout the
magazine, mainly
this page and the
cover page. The
use of the colour
red to start the
editorial draws the
readers attention
House stlye:
and makes them
In this double page spread, the house style has
been carried on by using thes same font style and want to read it.
colours as the front cover, red and white. The
house style is effective, because if the reader is
after their company's magazine, they only have to
look at a magazine which has red and white
colours, rather than looking through all of the
magazines that are stacked on the shelf.


Main headline/Lure:
This is in both red and white. It is a quote
taken from the interview with the band,
CAN BE!'. It is not angled straight,
because the genre of the band and the
genre of the magazine is aimed at is not
going by normality, hence why it is
angled, smashed, ruined, looking to yet
again go with the idea of the genre as
being rough, aggressive, violent, etc.
Extra information:
on the left hand side of the double
page spread there is a teaser section
of which it talks about the new songs
which are going to be in the album
making the audience think they are
getting a sneak preview of there
album before anyone else
The editorial has been put into
columns to make it clear for the
reader to follow and read.

This article has a completely
dark black background This is
to make the images and text
used to stand out on the dark
background Also, to not make
the audience distracted from
the main focus of the article.

Subheading/Stand first:
The subheading has the bold words of the band's name 'MY
CHEMICAL ROMANCE', with a small summary of the
interview. It is in white, to make it stand out on the black
background Also, because white and black contrast together
really well. Also, this has been included on the double page,
so that if the audience read this part, they would be intrigued
to read the rest of the interview.

More images:
These images are of the rest of the band, under the editorial. They are also in black and
white to go with the home style and ethos, this to make it come across as more professional
and fit in with the alternative style. Each of these pictures has been manipulated, to create a
black and white effect, which matches the dark (almost gothic) emotional rock style of the
band and its music. This is complemented by the bright red colour of certain text on the
double page, which also relates to the bands style, with connotations of anger, blood and
The elements that connect the 3 different parts of
the magazine:
The use of the colours – mainly red, black and white. This was the colour
scheme and was used throughout the magazine.
●Imagery – lots of images of well known bands and band members were used,
in order to attract attention from the target audience, as they would recognise
them from far away.
●Anchorage text – the text that was used throughout the magazine was to
attach meaning to the genre and to show what the images mean.

Background History of KERRANG!
Kerrang! magazine was first published on June 6, 1981 as a one-off supplement in The Sounds
newspaper. Named after the onomatopoeic word that derives from the noise made when smashing an
electric guitar, Kerrang! was initially devoted to the new wave of British Heavy Metal and the rise of hard
rock acts such as AC/DC who appeared on Kerrang!’s first cover. Launched as a monthly magazine its high
demand meant it could then be printed fortnightly and eventually weekly.

Here in the United Kingdom the magazine is published by Bauer Consumer Media and has become the
world’s biggest selling weekly rock magazine.
Starting out their company in a small printing house, the Bauer Publishing Group has grown into a
worldwide publishing empire. They first entered the UK scene with Bella magazine in 1987 and now have
6,600 employees and an annual turnover of 1.79 billion Euros. Managed by four generations, the Bauer
family own 238 magazines including some of the UK’s biggest sellers such as FHM, ZOO, Closer, Heat,
Grazia, Take a Break, Kerrang!, Mojo and Q as well as TV and radio stations worldwide in 15 countries.

During the 1980s and early 1990s the magazine placed many thrash and glam metal acts on the cover
(like Motley Crue, Slayer, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Poison, and Venom) but later discarded them when grunge
acts such as Nirvana rose to fame. Readers often criticise the magazine for repeating this process every
time a new musical trend becomes popular.

“Q” Magazine Analysis

The masthead for this magazine uses a single
letter 'Q' which is in bold and capital block. The
colour of 'Q' is in capital and has a red square
block around it. The effect of this is to make the
colour white stand out on red. Also, to make it
eye catching and for the audience to spot from
far away. The use of the colour would grab their
attention and would persuade them to buy it to
read the inside of the magazine. It is important
for the masthead to be eye catching, noticeable
and clear. This is so the reader is able to
recognise which type of magazine it is. The
letter 'Q' has been made to look sharp to give
the name some importance. This may suggest
that the magazine is expensive and may be
aimed at people who are able to afford this type
of magazine.
Main image:
The main image of this magazine is of Alex Turner.
They've made it look very simple, yet effective at
the same time, by having the rest of the band
behind him. They have used a medium shot,
allowing us to some of the clothes Alex Turner is
wearing, his facial expression and hair. The use of
the big jacket Alex is wearing parallels with their
band name “Arctic Monkeys” and goes along with
the theme as being cold. He is looking directly in
the camera, making the audience feel as though
he is looking directly at them. This makes him look
intimidating (through his facial expression), the
main and important band member. This may
suggest that he is going to be much successful
than the other artists. His facial expression shows
he is very confident and that other artists should
start to worry as he will be the most talked about
music artist.
The barcode is near the bottom of the magazine. It has
been included to inform the reader of the price. However,
it is not that important to the reader, hence why it is in
small. On the other hand, it is quite important to the
company, as it informs them of how many of copies of
this magazine were sold.


Front Cover

The company of this magazine have used a
flasher on the front cover. It has been laid out
similar to the masthead. The flasher is one of the
main things that the reader will first come across.
The use of the flash is used to give the reader an
extra bit of information. 'ultimate festival guide' is
in bold and block capital letters. The effect of this
is to make the reader intrigued, suggesting that
they have an insight of the best upcoming gigs
and they have the best guides.
The main cover line:
The main cover line of this magazine is the
band name “Arctic Monkeys”, suggesting that
they are the main feature in this magazine.
Also, it the second biggest text on the cover,this
is to make it noticeable to the audience. Also,
Arctic Monkeys, is a well known band and the
reader would want to buy this magazine to read
more about them as they are familiar with the
band name and the band members. “Arctic” is
bigger than “Monkeys” which suggests that their
theme represents winter/cold. The text is in
white, which goes with the colour scheme of the
magazine. Also, the colour white stand out on
green (the coat), to make this cover line stand
out to the audience as well as other things on
this front cover.

Sell lines/use of a pull quote:
They have been used to match the rest of the
magazine's style and colour scheme. Also, the
company is trying to make the reader buy this
magazine through the sell line “their most
explosive interview ever” this suggests that they
are making the reader feel as though they will be
revealed about something completely new about
the band inside the magazine. Also, “explosive” is
in block capital letters as well as the words in this
sell line, but is also in red, to make it stand out to
the reader. The pull quote “They'd stab me to get
to the top” suggests that Alex Turner is very
confident with his talent, although this may
suggest violence. This may also suggest at the
age group that this magazine is aimed at. The pull
quote is used to make the reader feel intrigued
and wanting to find out more about how their
interview went, which would make them the

Left third:
This give the reader an insight of some of the main
features that will be included in the magazine. The colour
of the font is red and white, which again follows the
colour scheme. The effect of the left third is to inform the
audience of what they are going to be reading about
before they buy the magazine.
Q magazine have not included a footer for this
magazine. This is because they do not want to make the
reader feel uncomfortable with the layout of the cover.
Also, they've already given enough cover lines to
suggest what the inside of the magazine will be about.
They do not want to make the reader feel confused with
too much information, as it will distract them from the
main parts of the cover.
Target Audience
Who is the target audience for Q?
●The founders of Q Mark Ellen and
David Hepworth felt the older
generation of music buyers were
being ignored, so instead of aiming Q
magazines at teenagers, they
decided to aim it at 25 and over of
both genders.
●The magazine costs around £3.50. it
is expensive because it is aimed at a
older generation who are able to
afford to buy these magazines. This
is because the majority of them have
paid jobs.
●The magazine have a mass
audience but could also be referred
to as having a niche audience, as it is
specifically aimed at only music fans.


How does Q attract its
● They attract their audience by
getting their favourite bands,
artists involved, writing and being
part as some of the biggest
festivals in the UK, this makes the
magazine very popular and has a
very large following.
●In their magazine they always
make there models look attractive,
usually dressed in high quality
clothes, and usually have eye
contact with the reader on the front
cover, they do this to make the
reader feel in contact with the
magazine. They often make the
models pose for the cover image
and edit the brightness and try to
make it look very high quality and
usually as attractive as possible.
The title is quite big and is the first thing the
reader will notice, as it is in bold and block
capital letters. It has been placed at the top
(“contents”) so that the reader is aware that this
is the contents page as soon as they turn to
this page. It's made to look professional as
there's a black block behind the title. The logo
Q has also been featured on this page. This is
to show consistency throughout the magazine
and to also remind the reader of the company
that this magazine is produced by. The colour
of the logo stands out from black and white,
which makes it more affective.

Contents Page

The page numbers are in red. They have used
the colour red, because it is bright and so it
stand out. Also, the page numbers have been
included on the contents page to inform the
reader of which page to turn to for a particular
article that they'd want to read about. The page
numbers and titles are in bigger than the
information of the articles which is underneath
them. The information of the articles is in
small, this is it does not distract the reader
from the other main things on this page. The
'special' is used in a different colour, this has
been done to make that section stand out to
the reader. The page title and page numbers
are listed in a list, which makes it come across
as professional.
Every month:
This section of the contents page informs the reader of what is always
featured in the magazine. This section informs the reader that there is a
page which is about subscriptions. The company try to make the reader
subscribe to their articles. The reader can subscribe to have each edition
delivered to their door for a lower price. Also, this makes the reader feel
more involved. The 'every mont' has been used in the exact style and
format as the logo. This has been done to give this part section as much
importance as the slogan. Also, Q magazine always use this box of the
contents page to show what is normally featured in the magazine.


The data has been included on top
right corner of the contents page. This
informs the reader of when this
magazine was launched. However,
this is not that important to the reader,
hence it is in small.
Main image:
This image is of the band which takes up most of
the page and comes across as dominating. This is
because the editor wants to see the image first
when they turn to this page. This is a master shot of
the band. This shot allows the reader to see the
clothes each of the band members are wearing,
their body language and the setting. The colour of
their clothes go with some of the main colours of the
magazine (black and white). By having one of the
band members not looking at
the camera makes them seem like they're not really
bothered about this photo-shoot or how they are
portrayed. This instantly make s them seem ʻcool ʼ
as they are shown to have a care-free attitude. This
image, again give the reader an idea of what most
of this magazine will be about. The quote which has
been added on top of the image, is to inform the
reader that this quote is from one of the band
members and gives the reader brief information of
what the article will be about.. Also, from reading
this quote, the reader would want to read the rest of
the magazine to find out more about the band.

This is a box for the review of the magazine. This image is of Nick Cave,
who is also a very well known artist. The company have included an
image of another artist to inform the reader that they will be reading
about other artists as well as the band. They have added another artist
for the magazine, so the reader does not get bored of reading too much
about the band. Nick Cave works in lots of different sectors of media,
which will make the reader intrigued and they would want to know more
about him.
Drop capital letters are often used
in Q magazines as well as other
music magazines. The drop capital
'I' is in red which goes with the
companies colour scheme. Also, it
stand out on the plain white
background and other black text.
Also, the use of the drop capital
makes the page look more
interesting. The use of the colour
red which draws the readers
attention to the text and to make
them want to read it.

Double Page Spread

This double page spread has been
divided up into columns. This is how
most of the q magazines and other
music magazines layout their double
page spread. This layout also follows
the conventions of the rule of third.
The layout on this page make it look
more neat and professional, and the
reader is able to follow it easily
without getting confused or distracted
by anything else.
The masthead on this double page is in block
capital letters, bold and formal font. It is the biggest
text on the page, to show its importance, and it
stands out on the background, so the first thing the
reader will come across is the masthead. The
colours used are white and red, which follows up
the general colour scheme of the magazine and
they are the colours also used for the logo 'Q', so it
links back to the company name. The word “uproar”
is in red and bold to make it stand on the double
page, as it is the main focus point. This word also
suggests, loudness and noisiness. This is often
associated with rock music. This also suggests the
bands genre which is rock.


The houstlye has been
carried out on the double
page spread. They've
used an image of the
band. Also, the main
colours, red and white,
have been used
throughout the magazine,
which reminds the reader
of the company's logo.
Using the same
housestyle adds a sense
of professionalism to the

Main image:
This image was taken 20 years ago,
hence it being in black and white. It is of
a rock band, with the main band
member at the front. However, he is not
looking in the camera, he is looking
somewhere else – at one of the fans in
the audience. This is a medium long
shot, although the reader cannot see the
colour of the clothing, the black and
white affect helps them understand that
they were dressed in dark colours which
connotes the genre of 'Rock' band. The
use of black and white suggests that
20years was a very long time ago. In the
background the reader is able to see
one of the band members with a guitar,
which is a main prop often used in a
rock band.

Stand first:
This is used to conclude the
interview with the use of humour.
The company have decided to
include humour to make the reader
feel entertained and so they read
the full interview to feel even
entertained. At the bottom of the
stand first, they've included the
name of the person who wrote this
article. The name is in red, to so
the reader also read the name.

The language used in this interview
is very sophisticated which
suggests that the target audience
that this magazine is aimed at the
more older and mature age group
19+. it includes words like
“oppressed” which suggests that it
is not aimed at a younger age
group, as they are unable to
understand such sophisticated
words. Also, the interview includes
many dates, such as “UK gigg in
1984” which may suggest that it is
very serious. Although it is formal
and serious, there is still a little
humour used in the interview, for
example, 20 years ago, the band
said that they had music in their
heart but they also had “ecstasy”.
Background History of Q
it is published monthly in the UK. It's publishing company is Bauer Consumer Media (Emap).
Mark Ellen and David Hepworth founded the magazine because they felt it was a niche market
as there wasn't a magazine for the older generation who were still buying CD's. Q was first
published first in 1986. setting itself apart from much of the other music press with monthly
production and higher standards of photography and printing. In the early years, the magazine
was sub-titled "The modern guide to music and more". Originally it was to be called Cue (as in
the sense of cueing a record, ready to play), but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be
mistaken for a snooker magazine. Another reason, cited in Q's 200th edition, is that a singleletter title would be more prominent on newsstands.

The magazine has an extensive review section, featuring: new releases (music), reissues
(music), music compilations, film and live concert reviews, as well as radio and television
reviews. It uses a star-rating system from one to five stars; indeed, the rating an album
receives in Q is often added to print and television advertising for the album in the UK and
Ireland. It also compiles a list of approximately eight albums, which it classes as the best
new releases of the last three months

The elements that connect the 3 different parts of
the magazine:
They choose to use a colour scheme consisting of three colours – red, white
and black (and all writing is bold and eye-catching).
●They use bright and bold images, often looking directly in the camera.
●The same layout and same sort of language in every music magazine they


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Analysis of music magazines

  • 3. Use of a pull quote: This is a direct quote taken from the article or interview with the audience. This is to give the audience an extra bit of interest in this magazine and to make them buy it. Also, to give them a slight insight of what the article will be about. The quote may also be used to relate it to the target audience due to the strong presentation and use of language. The compa has targeted this magazine at those who share the same attitude as Dizzie, hence the pull quote, and making the reader want to buy the magazine. Front Cover The main cover line: This cover line is layered on top of Dizzie Rascal giving a clear indication of who the person in the magazine cover is. It's a very large text and it is in bold which makes it stand out to the target audience. This is the main text of the magazine as it is in a big font size. Also, it is bold, in capital letters and has a drop shadow, which gives the idea that this is the main text of the the magazine cover. Furthermore, this informs the target audience that this magazine has important information and contains attitude. Barcode: The reason why this is placed at the bottom, is because the barcode is not important to the reader. However, it is important to the company NME, because it tells them how many copies were sold. The barcode informs the reader on the price and date (when it was published) Footer: The footer provides additional information for the target audience. It is at the bottom of the front cover, making the target audience only drawn to the main elements of the front cover, hence why the footer is at the bottom – to avoid any distractions. Left third The left third of the cover reveals where the main part of the information and content is. In this magazine, it has all the main aspects and area in each third. The colour of the text is white, which stands out on the cover, and so when the audience look at this text they would automatically read on. Flash/pull sticker: Gives the reader an impression of an important offer or news that is important. This attracts the reader and would push/persuade them to buy the magazine as they would want to read more about the offer/important news, due to the way it's laid out (the sticker) by making it seem interesting and by making it stand out through the use of red. The header: This suggest that this is special copy of autumn. The header is used to attract the reader's attention, by showing an important highlight of the magazine. Also, the use of bold, capital letters and simple text makes the information stand out to the target audience, because of the way it is presented. Cover lines: This gives the reader more information of who which artists are featured in this magazine. The “& more” suggests that there are plenty more artists featured. They also suggest the genre of the magazine, by naming popular hip hop singers/rappers. The use of colour – black and red – helps the magazine to stand out and make it eye catching for the target audience. The main image/Genre: The main image is of Dizzie Rascal, crouching over a grafited wall. This suggests the genre of this magazine which is hip hop. The image also gives the reader a very good first impression of what this article is about. The expression of Dizzie Rascal fives the idea of loudness which creates the impression of the magazine content and genre. This is a long shot of Dizzie Rascal. This image allows the audience to see his clothes, as well as the background. In this image, Dizzie Rascal is wearing a white vest top, grey baggy jeans, red and white trainers and a chain which hangs from his chest. In the background, the reader can see grafitti. This may suggest that Dizze Rascal also has a cheeky side to him. All of this help the audience recognise his music genre (hip hop), as well as NME's genre (rock/indie). The Masthead: The masthead has been presented in a way so it is first seen on the front cover by the reader. The masthead has been placed in top left-hand corner (to show its importance) it is in of bold, capital letters and the variation of different colours (red, black and white) to make it be seen first by the reader. Also, this is used to inform the target audience of the company 'NME' who have produced this magazine. The masthead is strong and powerfully presented so it stands out to the target audience.
  • 4. Target Audience Who is the target audience for NME? ●It is targeted at both male and female. However, mainly males. The image used is of a hip hop artist, which may appeal to the younger part of the audience. The target audience is approximately 72% male. This is because mostly men would listen to the artist used in this magazine cover (Dizze Rascal). This is because of the theme of the magazine. Also, Dizzie Racal's facial expression and gesture gives us a sense that it is mainly aimed at male's who like to have fun, party and enjoy themselves on a night out. ●The age group that it is targeted is mainly between 16-24. ●The magazine costs around £2.50, which suggests that the NME have targeted it at middle class people who are able to afford to buy this magazine. Also, the majority of the target audience are people with low wage or no wage at all. However, the price of this magazine shows that it is not as expensive as other similar magazines to this. How does the NME attract its audience? ●The use of the big bold text and the image itself of Dizzee Rascal, attracts the audience. This is because he is a very well known artist, and the target audience would easily recognise him by the image and would persuade them to buy it. Because of this, the magazine would sell more. ●Another method of the way the NME tries to attract its target audience, is by including names of other well known artists who will also be featured magazine. This will make the target audience want to buy the magazine, because they will not only find out more about Dizzie Rascal, but also other artists alongside. ●Also, the use of language “joy around the world, man” gives a sense to the target audience that the NME are trying to grab attention from people who have a similar attitude to Dizziee Rascal. ●Mise en sence is used very well in this magazine which appeals to its target audience (people who are very urbanised). For example, the background (graffiti), trainers, baggy jeans, vest top and a chain. It is all very urban and fits in with Dizzie Rascal's music genre 'hip hop' really well.
  • 5. Masthead/contents: This has been used on the cover page, as well as the contents page, which reinforces the brand identity. Contents Page Band index: This is to make the reader aware that the band names are listed down below, which is in red. The colour red in this case signifies that they take their music really seriously. The page number are next to it in black. These two bold colours are used to make the band index anchor with the rest of the magazine. Main image: This is the main focus of the contents page, which suggests that the contents are mainly based on the image. It also relates to the music and the writing below. It has been edited to make it look more like a photograph and to make it look informal. This has done to relate it to the target audience. The clothes the model is wearing in the image also relate to the genre of this issue and magazine. Drop cap: A drop cap is usually used in all magazine contents pages. In this contents page, the drop cap begins with a 'Y' which is big and bold. This is to make the target audience to be drawn to the text as well as the other things on the contents page. Copy/Editorial: This text sets the tone. For example, “thank God the sun has disappeared, eh?”. The use of the question in the very first sentence makes the reader feel more involved and engaged. Also, the tone of the question is very informal, making the reader feel comfortable and related whilst reading. Contents/Heading/subheading: Combinations of capital and lower cases. All the subheadings are in white on a black background. The headings have made the page split into three sections, this is so the audience are able to follow it and read it clearly without getting confused with the layout. Subscription box: This makes the reader intrigued through the use of the colour yellow, which stands out on the contents page and makes it eye catching for the target audience. Also, it separates itself from the style of the contents page, as it is made to look different. However, there is an image of a previous NME magazine, to make the reader aware that it is still related to NME. This subscription box informs the target audience that if they have read past issues of the NME magazine before and are really interested in especially these types of magazines, then they can buy them at a cheaper price by subscribing. This again grabs the reader's attention as most of the target audience would subscribe to NME because of this. The company's website and number has been included to make the target audience feel more involved in the magazines they produce. “subscribe” and “an issue” are in big, bold, capital letters, to grab the reader's attention to this bit of the contents page, as it is an important bit of information for those who are interested in buying NME magazines.
  • 6. Background: This is where the use of mise en scene comes in, because the background is full of graffiti on the wall. It also shows Dizzee Rascal's personality and how he was during his childhood/ how he grew up. The effect of this is to make the readers feel more engaged when reading this magazine. Double Page Spread Main-image: Dizzee Rascal is wearing a red jacket. He's wearing a red jacket, because it fits in with the style of the rest of the magazine. He's facial expression shows that he is guilty of something or a sneaky look, which may suggest that he is doing something bad or up to something mischievous. This again relates to the target audience, as it tries to draw them in. Drop cap: This drop capital is 6 lines down. It is in black and bold, making it stand out for the target audience,as it will attract attention. House-style: The house style is constant throughout this double page spread. NME's colour theme is black, white and red, which have been used on this double page spread. The use of colours clearly show that this magazine is aimed at a young rock audience. Also, the main image uses all 24/10/13 which makes it three colours, blend in with overall image of the magazine. Columns: The article has been split up into four columns with equal width, so sticking to a consistent style of the rest of the magazine. Also, the columns make it easier for the reader to follow and read clearly. Main headline/Lure: It is in black, block capital letter and is on a white/grey background, which again anchors the magazine. This can also be a lure, because it uses a catchy phrase/slogan. This makes the reader interested in what it is about and would make them want to read more. Another reason why it might be a lure is because the writing goes to the middle of the page, as it gets bigger. The effect of this is to make the target audience follow it and believe in it as it gets bigger, which means it is more important and interesting. Second image: This image is of a radio and beer bottles. The use of this is because it might be related to the genre of this page (rock/R&B). This again suggests that this magazine is targeted at young adults/teenagers, as they stereotypically listen to lots of music and drink lots of beer. Stand first: This is a little introduction of the interview with Dizzee Rascal, so that if the target audience read this bit of information, it would make them want to read further on, and find out more about how Dizzee Rascal's interview went.
  • 7. The elements that connect the 3 different parts of the magazine: The over all style of the magazine connects all three different parts of the magazine. ●The font-style, use of colours and layout are exactly the same on all the pages of the magazine, which anchors with the rest of the magazine. ●The same sort of language has been used throughout the magazine. The use of language is targeted at young adults/teenagers. ●Photographs of Dizzee Rascal are used on the cover page and the double page spread, with the exact same background in both of them. ● The font style, language and photographs of Dizzee Rascal are the elements that connect the three different parts of the magazine. 24/10/13
  • 8. Background History of NME NME stands for New Musical Express, it is a popular music magazine in the UK, published weekly since March 1952. ●It started as a newspaper and gradually moved towards magazine format during 1980's changing from news print in 1998. ●It was the first British paper to include a singles chart, in the 14 November 1952 edition. In the 1970s it became the best-selling British music newspaper. ● During the period 1972 to 1976, it was particularly associated with gonzo journalism (self-involved reporting), then became closely associated with punk rock through the writing of Tony Parsons. ●Mike Williams was named as NME editor on 31 May 2012, taking over from Krissi Murison on 25 June 2012.[2] has been edited most recently by Luke Lewis ● 24/10/13
  • 10. Header: The writing is in white with a red paint stroke behind it. This is to anchor it with the rest of the magazine, as this style has been used throughout the front cover. This effect makes it seen by the reader easily. “MASSIVE DOWNLOAD TICKET GIVE AWAY!” is in block capital letters. The exclamation mark is used to put emphasis in what they are trying to say. Also, to make the audience want to buy it to get involved. Front Cover The main image: In this image there are three artists. The person in the middle has been shown to look more dominant and as the one who has the main role in the band. We can see this, as he is wearing different clothes to the other two men and is also placed in the middle. Also, the image has been placed on top of the masthead, as this sells the story more than the masthead/logo. The pictures is mid shot, allowing the audience to see their facial expressions, their hand gestures and some of their clothes. It is in the centre of the magazine with the text behind, informing the reader that the magazine is going to be mostly about the band. The band members are looking directly towards the audience, making them feel connected and involved in some way with band members. Footer: The footer is an extra small piece of information. This has been included in this magazine to again grab the readers attention. “PLUS!” which is part of the footer, engages the reader, as it informs them of other artists or activities that will be featured within Barcode: this magazine. Also “PLUS!” is in a The barcode informs the reader of the price of bgger text compared to the other text the magazine. However, it is not that important in the footer. Also, it is in block capital to them, hence why it is in one corner in a very letters with an exclamation mark at small size, as it does not want to distract the the end, trying to grab the reader's reader from the other elements of the attention to the footer, as well as the magazine. On the other hand, it is very rest of the magazine, to show that the important to the company, as it informs them of footer is also an important bit of how many copies of this magazine were sold information for the reader/target and whether this publication of the magazine 24/10/13 audience. was successful through the number of copies sold. The masthead/logo: The masthead that has been used in this magazine is in bold and in block capital letter. The use of the exclamation mark is to make it stand out, and to put emphasis on the masthead, which may suggest the kind of genre they are promoting (Rock/R&B). The colour black is used to give the title importance and attention from the target audience and to make it stand out. Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil and mystery. Therefore, this will help the selling of the magazine as it gives the magazine as sense of mystery. Also, it's made to look like the main colour of the magazine and is one of the main things that the target audience will be drawn towards. The cracked glass effect of the font style is used in order to make it come across as violent, dangerous, outrageous and on the edge. It has taken up all of the masthead section, as it is stretched across near the top. The effect of this is to make it stand out from the other magazines placed on the shelves and to show its importance. Flash: This informs the reader of the the free poster that they'll receive if they buy this magazine. They have put the text in bold white writing and have placed a red paint stroke behind it. The use of this is to make the magazine as a whole stand out on the shelf placed with other magazines, and to make to easier for the target audience to spot. The free poster that is in the magazine, makes the reader want to buy it. The main cover line: This is the name of the main person in the image above. The name has been placed in the middle, as one of the main text, to catch the reader's attention, “Biyyu Clyro” is a well known artist. And as soon as the target audiece see the name of the artist, they would want to read more about him. It is in white and bold, which stands out on the dark background. This has been done to attract the reader's attention towards the magazine.
  • 11. Target Audience Who is the target audience for Kerrang? ●The magazine appeals to a specific niche audience because it concerns topics and themes that are relevant to people who listen to and are interested by rock music and its background. ●Kerrang! identifies its audience as ‘individually minded, independent of thought and musically experienced, an audience defined by attitude, passion and loyalty’. ●Aimed at white British people with a target population of 16-24 year olds. ●The magazine’s psycho-graphic is defined as ‘people who aspire to be respected among other people and people who wish to have a high paid job.’ ●It is evident that the magazine is aimed at a young audience, through the use of graphics, fonts, layouts and presentation. Kerrang! is aimed at the youth and their lifestyles. ● It has a contemporary and up-to-date look, making use of modern typefaces and a down-toearth feel. ●Kerrang! aims itself more at a male audience and appeals to them by using content such as hard rock and metal iconic male bands on the front cover pulling angry faces or violent expressions. Female readers are targeted by the use of male bands on free pull out posters and feature interviews. 24/10/13 How does Kerrang attract its audience? - The magazine accommodates the young readership by using advertisements that relate to their interests. - it attracts its audience through the use of graphics, fonts, layouts and presentation. - they use a very edgy, underground and individualistic style to their magazines, which appeals to rock readers and so attracts them to their magazines. - Pages of letters, drawings and photos, reader’s polls, gig reviews, editorial team recommended entertainment, competitions and the Kerrang! diary of upcoming gigs. Through of all these makes the reader really engaged and feel involved. This attracts them to the magazine, as it gives them a chance to respond and share their views and opinions. - they use lots of strong imagery and keywords on the front cover, in order to attract their targeted audience, as this is what every buyer would first see. - Kerrang! uses a significant colour pallet, the main colours are white, black, yellow, red and green. These enable the magazine to be eye-catching and it allows certain cover lines to stand out. These basic colours are continued throughout the 70 pages creating a dark and moody ambiance.
  • 12. Masthead: 'CONTENTS' is in block capital letters and is in a bright yellow colour. This is to make the reader aware that this is the contents page as soon as they turn over. Also, it makes the reader really intrigued through the use of colour and would make them want to read the contents page. Main image: This image is of one of the band members giving his autograph to the fans around him. He is wearing a checkered shirt which stands out to the reader, because of the colours – light blue, pink and black – this particular shirt gives him a look which relates to his music genre 'Rock'. Also, he has long hair, with most of them gelled to one side, this again adds to his genre and makes him stand out from the crowd. This image has been used on the contents page, to advertise to the reader what the inside of the magazine will be related to. Also, this image has been used to make it more interesting for the reader. Subscription box: The main colour which is used for the subscription box is red. This is to grab the reader's attention to this part of the contents page. They have included a subscription box, to make the reader feel engaged and more involved. Also, so it motivates the target audience to buy their magazines more often, as they try to get the reader involved and would not want them to feel bored whilst reading it. As some readers stop reading half way through the magazine, because Heading/subheading/columns: they get bored. It also addresses the The pages are sectioned into 5 columns making it easier for the reader to find what target audience with the use of “you” which is a direct address and makes the they are looking for. The headings are in bright yellow text with a black strip reader feel as though they are background – which is the general style of addressing them (which they are), which the whole magazine (to give it the same makes them feel more comfortable house style and ethos so that it is all similar whilst reading the magazine. Contents Page Logo: The logo of this magazine is in a black strip across the middle under a large image. The company name 'KERRANG!' has been set out in the exact style and format as the front cover. This is to keep the audience aware that they're reading a kerrang magazine. Also 'THIS WEEK' is again in capital letters, but with a different font style and colour to kerrang. It is in yellow, just like the 'contents' which is in the left hand corner of the page. No only is this to make it stand out and eye catching for the audience, but to remind the audience of that this is the contents page, so they are not confused. Also, kerrang magazine contents pages uses a very similar style, font and colour to this contents page. Yellow is a very eye catching colour, and the effect of this colour to be used on the contents page is so that more people would be attracted to it and would want to buy it, as the use of colour looks very appealing to the target audience. Letter/image: The editor's letter has also been sectioned into a column making it fit in with the rest of the contents page. It makes the audience feel like the magazine is more personal like the editor. Also, the use of the image clearly informs the target audience of who has written this letter. The fact we see an image and a signature makes it feel more personal. Also, the letter has been added to the contents page to get the readers intrigued in what the other famous band members have to say and to inform them of more exciting news related 24/10/13 to their music. and so the audience can see the similarity easily and feel comfortable with the style which is used throughout the magazine. Also, it is all very tidily and clearly set out, in order for the reader to follow and understand it.
  • 13. Extras: In the content on the top left it gives you a sneak insight on what the next kerrang magazine is going to look like and what it is going to be about. This helps the selling of their magazine by allowing the reader to know what that next magazine is going to look Like and they will notice in it the shop rather quickly. This increase the chance of the reader buying the next magazine. 24/10/13
  • 14. Main image: This image is of the main band member. It's a medium long shot, which allows the target audience/reader to see some of his clothes. He is wearing a jacket with a top and jeans. However, the reader is unable to see the colour of the clothes he is wearing, as it has been edited to black and white, which merges with the black background on the other side. This might be, because they want to put across the type of music they are trying to promote. The artist is holding the mic and has his hair head down, allowing us to see his long hair. This creates a stereotypical look of a rock artist. This image has been taken over half of the page, which informs the reader that this band member is the lead singer and is more important then the other band members. Title: The title 'NEWS' is in block capital letters. Not only does this go with the alternative colour scheme, but si also used to make it eye catching and to make this double page stand out to the reader. This bold colour has been used to go with the band's name and genre. The article is expressed as a “World Exclusive”, makes it seem unique and special, where it is only available to the readers of ‘Kerrang’-it is also emphasized that the band has “invited” the magazine specially to their recording studio, so that readers can get an insight into the life of a famous band and the ‘celebrity lifestyle’increasing fandom for the band. Double Page Spread Drop cap: The drop cap on this page is in red and bold. It links to the colour scheme that has been used throughout the magazine, mainly this page and the cover page. The use of the colour red to start the editorial draws the readers attention House stlye: and makes them In this double page spread, the house style has been carried on by using thes same font style and want to read it. colours as the front cover, red and white. The house style is effective, because if the reader is after their company's magazine, they only have to look at a magazine which has red and white colours, rather than looking through all of the magazines that are stacked on the shelf. 24/10/13 Main headline/Lure: This is in both red and white. It is a quote taken from the interview with the band, 'WE'RE BEING THE BEST MCR WE CAN BE!'. It is not angled straight, because the genre of the band and the genre of the magazine is aimed at is not going by normality, hence why it is angled, smashed, ruined, looking to yet again go with the idea of the genre as being rough, aggressive, violent, etc. Extra information: on the left hand side of the double page spread there is a teaser section of which it talks about the new songs which are going to be in the album making the audience think they are getting a sneak preview of there album before anyone else Columns: The editorial has been put into columns to make it clear for the reader to follow and read. Background: This article has a completely dark black background This is to make the images and text used to stand out on the dark background Also, to not make the audience distracted from the main focus of the article. Subheading/Stand first: The subheading has the bold words of the band's name 'MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE', with a small summary of the interview. It is in white, to make it stand out on the black background Also, because white and black contrast together really well. Also, this has been included on the double page, so that if the audience read this part, they would be intrigued to read the rest of the interview. More images: These images are of the rest of the band, under the editorial. They are also in black and white to go with the home style and ethos, this to make it come across as more professional and fit in with the alternative style. Each of these pictures has been manipulated, to create a black and white effect, which matches the dark (almost gothic) emotional rock style of the band and its music. This is complemented by the bright red colour of certain text on the double page, which also relates to the bands style, with connotations of anger, blood and excitement.
  • 15. The elements that connect the 3 different parts of the magazine: The use of the colours – mainly red, black and white. This was the colour scheme and was used throughout the magazine. ●Imagery – lots of images of well known bands and band members were used, in order to attract attention from the target audience, as they would recognise them from far away. ●Anchorage text – the text that was used throughout the magazine was to attach meaning to the genre and to show what the images mean. ● 24/10/13
  • 16. Background History of KERRANG! Kerrang! magazine was first published on June 6, 1981 as a one-off supplement in The Sounds newspaper. Named after the onomatopoeic word that derives from the noise made when smashing an electric guitar, Kerrang! was initially devoted to the new wave of British Heavy Metal and the rise of hard rock acts such as AC/DC who appeared on Kerrang!’s first cover. Launched as a monthly magazine its high demand meant it could then be printed fortnightly and eventually weekly. ● Here in the United Kingdom the magazine is published by Bauer Consumer Media and has become the world’s biggest selling weekly rock magazine. Starting out their company in a small printing house, the Bauer Publishing Group has grown into a worldwide publishing empire. They first entered the UK scene with Bella magazine in 1987 and now have 6,600 employees and an annual turnover of 1.79 billion Euros. Managed by four generations, the Bauer family own 238 magazines including some of the UK’s biggest sellers such as FHM, ZOO, Closer, Heat, Grazia, Take a Break, Kerrang!, Mojo and Q as well as TV and radio stations worldwide in 15 countries. ● During the 1980s and early 1990s the magazine placed many thrash and glam metal acts on the cover (like Motley Crue, Slayer, Bon Jovi, Metallica, Poison, and Venom) but later discarded them when grunge acts such as Nirvana rose to fame. Readers often criticise the magazine for repeating this process every time a new musical trend becomes popular. ● 24/10/13
  • 18. Masthead: The masthead for this magazine uses a single letter 'Q' which is in bold and capital block. The colour of 'Q' is in capital and has a red square block around it. The effect of this is to make the colour white stand out on red. Also, to make it eye catching and for the audience to spot from far away. The use of the colour would grab their attention and would persuade them to buy it to read the inside of the magazine. It is important for the masthead to be eye catching, noticeable and clear. This is so the reader is able to recognise which type of magazine it is. The letter 'Q' has been made to look sharp to give the name some importance. This may suggest that the magazine is expensive and may be aimed at people who are able to afford this type of magazine. Main image: The main image of this magazine is of Alex Turner. They've made it look very simple, yet effective at the same time, by having the rest of the band behind him. They have used a medium shot, allowing us to some of the clothes Alex Turner is wearing, his facial expression and hair. The use of the big jacket Alex is wearing parallels with their band name “Arctic Monkeys” and goes along with the theme as being cold. He is looking directly in the camera, making the audience feel as though he is looking directly at them. This makes him look intimidating (through his facial expression), the main and important band member. This may suggest that he is going to be much successful than the other artists. His facial expression shows he is very confident and that other artists should start to worry as he will be the most talked about music artist. Barcode: The barcode is near the bottom of the magazine. It has been included to inform the reader of the price. However, it is not that important to the reader, hence why it is in small. On the other hand, it is quite important to the company, as it informs them of how many of copies of this magazine were sold. 24/10/13 Front Cover Flash: The company of this magazine have used a flasher on the front cover. It has been laid out similar to the masthead. The flasher is one of the main things that the reader will first come across. The use of the flash is used to give the reader an extra bit of information. 'ultimate festival guide' is in bold and block capital letters. The effect of this is to make the reader intrigued, suggesting that they have an insight of the best upcoming gigs and they have the best guides. The main cover line: The main cover line of this magazine is the band name “Arctic Monkeys”, suggesting that they are the main feature in this magazine. Also, it the second biggest text on the cover,this is to make it noticeable to the audience. Also, Arctic Monkeys, is a well known band and the reader would want to buy this magazine to read more about them as they are familiar with the band name and the band members. “Arctic” is bigger than “Monkeys” which suggests that their theme represents winter/cold. The text is in white, which goes with the colour scheme of the magazine. Also, the colour white stand out on green (the coat), to make this cover line stand out to the audience as well as other things on this front cover. Sell lines/use of a pull quote: They have been used to match the rest of the magazine's style and colour scheme. Also, the company is trying to make the reader buy this magazine through the sell line “their most explosive interview ever” this suggests that they are making the reader feel as though they will be revealed about something completely new about the band inside the magazine. Also, “explosive” is in block capital letters as well as the words in this sell line, but is also in red, to make it stand out to the reader. The pull quote “They'd stab me to get to the top” suggests that Alex Turner is very confident with his talent, although this may suggest violence. This may also suggest at the age group that this magazine is aimed at. The pull quote is used to make the reader feel intrigued and wanting to find out more about how their interview went, which would make them the magazine. Left third: This give the reader an insight of some of the main features that will be included in the magazine. The colour of the font is red and white, which again follows the colour scheme. The effect of the left third is to inform the audience of what they are going to be reading about before they buy the magazine. Footer: Q magazine have not included a footer for this magazine. This is because they do not want to make the reader feel uncomfortable with the layout of the cover. Also, they've already given enough cover lines to suggest what the inside of the magazine will be about. They do not want to make the reader feel confused with too much information, as it will distract them from the main parts of the cover.
  • 19. Target Audience Who is the target audience for Q? ●The founders of Q Mark Ellen and David Hepworth felt the older generation of music buyers were being ignored, so instead of aiming Q magazines at teenagers, they decided to aim it at 25 and over of both genders. ●The magazine costs around £3.50. it is expensive because it is aimed at a older generation who are able to afford to buy these magazines. This is because the majority of them have paid jobs. ●The magazine have a mass audience but could also be referred to as having a niche audience, as it is specifically aimed at only music fans. 24/10/13 How does Q attract its audience? ● They attract their audience by getting their favourite bands, artists involved, writing and being part as some of the biggest festivals in the UK, this makes the magazine very popular and has a very large following. ●In their magazine they always make there models look attractive, usually dressed in high quality clothes, and usually have eye contact with the reader on the front cover, they do this to make the reader feel in contact with the magazine. They often make the models pose for the cover image and edit the brightness and try to make it look very high quality and usually as attractive as possible.
  • 20. Logo/Title: The title is quite big and is the first thing the reader will notice, as it is in bold and block capital letters. It has been placed at the top (“contents”) so that the reader is aware that this is the contents page as soon as they turn to this page. It's made to look professional as there's a black block behind the title. The logo Q has also been featured on this page. This is to show consistency throughout the magazine and to also remind the reader of the company that this magazine is produced by. The colour of the logo stands out from black and white, which makes it more affective. Contents Page Heading/subheading/columns: The page numbers are in red. They have used the colour red, because it is bright and so it stand out. Also, the page numbers have been included on the contents page to inform the reader of which page to turn to for a particular article that they'd want to read about. The page numbers and titles are in bigger than the information of the articles which is underneath them. The information of the articles is in small, this is it does not distract the reader from the other main things on this page. The 'special' is used in a different colour, this has been done to make that section stand out to the reader. The page title and page numbers are listed in a list, which makes it come across as professional. Every month: This section of the contents page informs the reader of what is always featured in the magazine. This section informs the reader that there is a page which is about subscriptions. The company try to make the reader subscribe to their articles. The reader can subscribe to have each edition delivered to their door for a lower price. Also, this makes the reader feel more involved. The 'every mont' has been used in the exact style and format as the logo. This has been done to give this part section as much importance as the slogan. Also, Q magazine always use this box of the contents page to show what is normally featured in the magazine. 24/10/13 Date: The data has been included on top right corner of the contents page. This informs the reader of when this magazine was launched. However, this is not that important to the reader, hence it is in small. Main image: This image is of the band which takes up most of the page and comes across as dominating. This is because the editor wants to see the image first when they turn to this page. This is a master shot of the band. This shot allows the reader to see the clothes each of the band members are wearing, their body language and the setting. The colour of their clothes go with some of the main colours of the magazine (black and white). By having one of the band members not looking at the camera makes them seem like they're not really bothered about this photo-shoot or how they are portrayed. This instantly make s them seem ʻcool ʼ as they are shown to have a care-free attitude. This image, again give the reader an idea of what most of this magazine will be about. The quote which has been added on top of the image, is to inform the reader that this quote is from one of the band members and gives the reader brief information of what the article will be about.. Also, from reading this quote, the reader would want to read the rest of the magazine to find out more about the band. Image: This is a box for the review of the magazine. This image is of Nick Cave, who is also a very well known artist. The company have included an image of another artist to inform the reader that they will be reading about other artists as well as the band. They have added another artist for the magazine, so the reader does not get bored of reading too much about the band. Nick Cave works in lots of different sectors of media, which will make the reader intrigued and they would want to know more about him.
  • 21. Drop-capital Drop capital letters are often used in Q magazines as well as other music magazines. The drop capital 'I' is in red which goes with the companies colour scheme. Also, it stand out on the plain white background and other black text. Also, the use of the drop capital makes the page look more interesting. The use of the colour red which draws the readers attention to the text and to make them want to read it. Double Page Spread Layout: This double page spread has been divided up into columns. This is how most of the q magazines and other music magazines layout their double page spread. This layout also follows the conventions of the rule of third. The layout on this page make it look more neat and professional, and the reader is able to follow it easily without getting confused or distracted by anything else. Masthead: The masthead on this double page is in block capital letters, bold and formal font. It is the biggest text on the page, to show its importance, and it stands out on the background, so the first thing the reader will come across is the masthead. The colours used are white and red, which follows up the general colour scheme of the magazine and they are the colours also used for the logo 'Q', so it links back to the company name. The word “uproar” is in red and bold to make it stand on the double page, as it is the main focus point. This word also suggests, loudness and noisiness. This is often associated with rock music. This also suggests the bands genre which is rock. 24/10/13 House-style: The houstlye has been carried out on the double page spread. They've used an image of the band. Also, the main colours, red and white, have been used throughout the magazine, which reminds the reader of the company's logo. Using the same housestyle adds a sense of professionalism to the magazine. Main image: This image was taken 20 years ago, hence it being in black and white. It is of a rock band, with the main band member at the front. However, he is not looking in the camera, he is looking somewhere else – at one of the fans in the audience. This is a medium long shot, although the reader cannot see the colour of the clothing, the black and white affect helps them understand that they were dressed in dark colours which connotes the genre of 'Rock' band. The use of black and white suggests that 20years was a very long time ago. In the background the reader is able to see one of the band members with a guitar, which is a main prop often used in a rock band. Stand first: This is used to conclude the interview with the use of humour. The company have decided to include humour to make the reader feel entertained and so they read the full interview to feel even entertained. At the bottom of the stand first, they've included the name of the person who wrote this article. The name is in red, to so the reader also read the name. Language: The language used in this interview is very sophisticated which suggests that the target audience that this magazine is aimed at the more older and mature age group 19+. it includes words like “oppressed” which suggests that it is not aimed at a younger age group, as they are unable to understand such sophisticated words. Also, the interview includes many dates, such as “UK gigg in 1984” which may suggest that it is very serious. Although it is formal and serious, there is still a little humour used in the interview, for example, 20 years ago, the band said that they had music in their heart but they also had “ecstasy”.
  • 22. Background History of Q it is published monthly in the UK. It's publishing company is Bauer Consumer Media (Emap). Mark Ellen and David Hepworth founded the magazine because they felt it was a niche market as there wasn't a magazine for the older generation who were still buying CD's. Q was first published first in 1986. setting itself apart from much of the other music press with monthly production and higher standards of photography and printing. In the early years, the magazine was sub-titled "The modern guide to music and more". Originally it was to be called Cue (as in the sense of cueing a record, ready to play), but the name was changed so that it wouldn't be mistaken for a snooker magazine. Another reason, cited in Q's 200th edition, is that a singleletter title would be more prominent on newsstands. The magazine has an extensive review section, featuring: new releases (music), reissues (music), music compilations, film and live concert reviews, as well as radio and television reviews. It uses a star-rating system from one to five stars; indeed, the rating an album receives in Q is often added to print and television advertising for the album in the UK and Ireland. It also compiles a list of approximately eight albums, which it classes as the best new releases of the last three months 24/10/13
  • 23. The elements that connect the 3 different parts of the magazine: They choose to use a colour scheme consisting of three colours – red, white and black (and all writing is bold and eye-catching). ●They use bright and bold images, often looking directly in the camera. ●The same layout and same sort of language in every music magazine they produce. ● 24/10/13