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Analysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan
The article "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan is insightful because she shares the struggles of growing
up as a bilingual Asian–American, where in her home English wasn't the primary language. She
expresses the challenges she faces in her life growing up hearing her mother using broken English.
Amy Tan can speak fluent English she proves this by starting off her writing by explaining the first
time her mother heard her speaking in the English she doesn't use at home(Amy Tan, 20 ). She grew
up using the limited English that was inherited from her mother. Amy Tan was ashamed by the
"Broken English" and how people view her mother, but She then learns to accept her background.
The author's goal is to show the audience that when it comes to the perception of perfect English
there should be no boundaries because everyone has their own understanding of what perfect
English is, based on mother tongue, that shapes their perspective on the world. She supports this
throughout her essay by giving several examples of how everyone viewed her mother's English as
broken or fractured. Although Amy was ashamed of her mother's "Broken English," she viewed it as
if it was normal. Growing up in America for a person who is not fluent in the English language can
be hard because they are discriminated against, their ideas are viewed as imperfect and they receive
low expectations from others. In Tan's Article she brings emotion to her writing when she expresses
her background. When she talks about using simple English, not only with her mother but, with her
husband. The reading supports this point because it showed what the English symbolized. In her
article, she says "It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to
family talk, the language I grew up with." (Amy Tan 20) Although the public didn't accept the
simple English and her friends couldn't understand her mother's "broken English", she learned to
embrace it. I agree with her goal and the evidence because she had her own perspective of what
perfect English is. However, when talking about using the Simple English with her husband she
should have added more details about his background. For example, letting readers know if he's also
Asian–American, or
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[Writer Name] [Supervisor Name] [Subject] [Date] History...
[Writer Name] [Supervisor Name] [Subject] [Date] History of the English Language and some of
the many Factors that have influenced its Evolution Language is surely the most influential form of
communication. It is the most powerful instrument an individual can have. By definition, language
is the use voice sounds by human beings, organized in order to express and communicate thoughts
and feelings. It is what has shaped our society into what it has become today, what has allowed our
civilization to excel and progress into what is now modern day. Language has allowed the individual
to communicate within a group as well as within him in order to accomplish many goals. Language
gives us a means by which we can organize our ideas and ... Show more content on
And semantic indeterminacy is the ether of attitude of language. It fills the interstices of our
intentions and pervades accounts of presupposition, tense, fiction, translation, and especially,
elusiveness. Language is primarily formed through the interaction of people. This interaction could
be of any nature, but in today's world when English is undoubtedly the universal language, external
factors play a pivotal role in English language's evolution. Therefore, it would be imperative to look
at the influences of these factors on the English language. The English language of today reflects
many centuries of development (Naomi 24). The political and social events that have in the course
of English history so profoundly affected the English people in their national life have generally had
a recognizable effect on their language. The Christianizing of Britain brought England into contact
with Latin civilization and made significant additions to our vocabulary. The Scandinavian invasions
resulted in a considerable mixture of the two races and their languages. The Norman Conquest made
English for two centuries the language mainly of the lower classes, while the nobles and those
associated with them used French on almost all occasions (Baugh 2). And when English once more
regained supremacy as the language of all elements of the population, it greatly changed in both
form and vocabulary from what it had been in the 11th century.
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Discuss the Relative Importance of Physical and Human...
Discuss the relative importance of physical and human factors in accounting for changes to
vegetation over time within ecosystems in the British Isles (40 marks)
The British Isles can be found in the Northern Hemisphere where deciduous forest is the main
biome. Here physical and human factors have accounted for changes to the vegetation for many
years. Human factors can include tourism, agriculture, urbanisation, interception and deforestation.
Physical factors can be such things as natural disasters, succession and diseases.
The human factor of interception can vary between many situations. For example, humans can
intercept and alter the vegetation through predator control. By reducing the predators which feed
upon that particular ... Show more content on ...
For example, the chemicals could leak into a local water supply through surface runoff and
eutrophication could occur. This is where an algae bloom takes place resulting in the depletion of
oxygen disabling plants such as pondweed to respire and therefore die. These then decompose and
with a high build up of toxic chemicals the fish of the freshwater lake or pond then die too.
A physical factor which can alter the vegetation of an ecosystem within the British Isles can be
natural disasters. There are a range of natural disasters that take place all over the world but the ones
most common in the British Isles are forest fires, floods and earthquakes. Irrespective that the value
on the Richter scale is usually quite low a lot of vegetation can still be disrupted. Small plants can be
uprooted and even fallen debris from damaged properties can fall upon an ecosystem and damage
the already existing plants resulting in another physical factor–secondary succession– leading to
other species colonising the land and becoming the dominant species.
In addition, forest fires and floods act in a similar way. For example, in 2004 in Boscastle there was
severe flooding which resulted from a large amount of precipitation that the water basin just couldn't
hold. This led to increased surface runoff and high saturation of the soil, decreasing it stability. With
much of the
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Bagpipes History
The history of the bagpipes is as unique as the music that was written for the bagpipes. The bagpipes
consist of two tenor Drones and one bass Drone that extrude from the bag in a vertical position and
produce rich harmonic tones. The Drones are tied together with a long cord with a tassel on the end.
Generally, this cord is made of silk and is tied approximately six inches in between each Drone,
making the instrument approximately eighteen inches in width. The bass Drone rests on the player's
left shoulder and the bag is held firmly between the player's left side and arm. The player uses the
arm to push the air out of the bag. This produces the resonant sound as the piper blows into the blow
pipe thus keeping the bag pressurized. The bottom ... Show more content on ...
These notes are as follows: Low G, A, B, C, D, E, F, High G and High A. Memorizing two
sentences, "Good Boys Deserve Fun Always" and, "All Cows Eat Grass," is a useful pneumonic
device for remembering the notes. Being able to read and understand sheet music is of utmost
importance with playing any instrument. The first song you learn when following the instruction
book from the College of Piping, Educational Institution located in Glasgow, Scotland is The Scots
Wha Hae. The lyrics of The Scots Wha Hae were written in 1793 by Robert Burns in the form of a
speech given by Robert the Bruce before the battle of Bannockburn in 1314, where Scotland
maintained its sovereignty. The lyrics were supposed to imitate the Trumpet which according to the
article by Stephane BEGUINOT was the tradition for Bruce's army to play during the battle. The
tune was even carried by Scottish archers to France and was heard by Joan of Arc while entering
Orleans (Copyright 2009–2016 Stephane
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Literary Analysis Of Amy Tan's 'Mother Tongue'
Amy Tan was born in the United States and grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received
her Bachelor of Arts with a double major in English and Linguistics. She also has a Masters in Arts
in Linguistics. Among her many publications and speeches one of the most notable is called
"Mother Tongue." It was originally published in "The Threepenny Review" (a literary magazine)
and was selected for the 1991 edition of Best American Essays. In her essay she wrote about her
experience of being a daughter to an immigrant mother. She used multiple rhetorical devices such
establishing credibility and appealing to emotions to convey to her readers that those who cannot
articulate their thoughts properly will not be heard and will be wrongfully perceived.
From the very beginning, Amy Tan let her audience know what role she is playing in this essay. Tan
wrote, "I am not a scholar of English or literature. I cannot give you much more than personal
opinions on the English language and its variations in this country or others. I am a writer." Before
reading the essay the readers knew that Amy Tan is a Linguist, someone who studies language
scientifically. However, after writing those sentences, Amy Tan lets everyone know that she is not a
scholar, she is simply a writer who is sharing her personal opinions. She is allowed to break
grammar or word choice rules. No one can criticize her or expect a scientific explanation. This is
important because it lets the readers know what will
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Mother Tongue Literary Analysis
The literary narrative Mother Tongue is written by a Chinese American author named Amy Tan. The
story discusses the challenges she faced growing up speaking Chinese and English. "Amy discusses
several examples of how the English language has different variations when spoken, and how her
English has evolved over time by interacting with others and the acceptance version used by
Americans as a whole in comparison to what Amy describes her mother speaking as 'broken' or
'fractured' English"(Tan,78). Due to her mother's fragmented English, she faces criticism and
prejudice and how it has affected her everyday life. Therefore highlighting the biggest theme of the
book, Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" discusses the links between language and identity. The story
begins with Amy's experience using the "different English's". In a book club meeting, Amy talks
about her writing pieces, her life experiences, and her book. "The talk was going well enough, until I
remembered one major difference that made the whole talk sound wrong. My mother was in the
room. And it was perhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kind of
English I have never used with her" (Tan, 178). While growing up my mother's limited English
limited my perception of her. Tan was ashamed of her mother's English, she felt her own English
was being affected by the English her mother spoke. Many of Tan's friends had a difficult time
understanding what her mother way saying, because of this
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Why Did the Spanish Armada Fail?
Why did the Spanish armada fail?
The Spanish armada started in 1588 and finished around a month later. The Spanish lost
dramatically for several reasons. This essay will tell you why the Spanish failed so badly and why
England won.
Medina Sidonia the Spanish admiral was not as strong as the English admirals Drake and Howard
for a lot of reasons. This will have caused the Spanish a major setback from winning the Spanish
armada because they would not have been as strong as the English navy. Medina was not as strong
as drake and Howard because he had never commanded a navy at sea before. If the Spanish had
maybe chosen an admiral that had commanded at sea before they might have had a greater chance of
Also ... Show more content on ...
Another flaw was that when the Spanish fleet got scattered because drake had used explosive on the
fire ship they were forced to sail around the British Isles just to arrive back home safely. Through all
this time many of the Spanish ships got lost because of the bad storms. Many sailors also died
because they
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Analysis Of Terence Mcdonough, Ireland A Colony?...
Terence McDonough, Was Ireland a Colony? Economics, Politics and Culture in Nineteenth–
Century Ireland (Dublin, 2005)
Post–colonial theory has still prevailed in Irish literary and cultural studies for some time. New
perspectives are coming up in the spheres of history and economics. Lately, there has been a great
need for the analysis of the entire history to come up with effective ways for persons to clearly
understand the history of Ireland. The nineteenth century Ireland is still in a dilemma due to the
controversies that explain the value of colonial and post–colonial Irish history and culture. There is
always need to discuss colonial perspectives so as to better understand various aspects about this
country. This essay will focus on the analysis of Terrence McDonough's book and will analyze how
the book was effective in giving an account of Ireland's history.
This book basically analyzes the aspects of whether or not Ireland is a colony, and it also describes
its political as well as the culture of its people. Terence McDonough denotes in his introduction that
the colonial experience of Ireland cannot be assumed in the development of a complete
understanding of the nineteenth century. From McDonough's point of view, the reluctance of not
taking the colonial status into concern is in part due to the influence of Northern Irish conflicts and
the need for historical help and comfort of the affected ones during the era. If the nineteenth century
Ireland is not recognized
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A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis
The Role of Humor in 'A Modest Proposal' Jonathan Swift uses humor in his essay 'A Modest
Proposal' in the form of satire. His writing style specialized in gaining entertainment and humor
from the issue that is being criticized. Jonathan Swift was a satirist who is famous for his 'Modest
Proposal', in which he proposed a shocking but humorous remedy to satirize the false modesty of
British pamphlets and the government during eighteenth century. Ireland encountered a devastating
famine in consequence of the war that was broken by Oliver Cromwell and his armies. The Irish
rebels that were against the English rule and the Hierarchy were overthrown and executed by Oliver
Cromwell. Beyond just conquering Ireland, Cromwell's army contaminated the land by burning their
land. This Irish problem became a social issue in England and widely spread throughout the whole
country due to numerous anonymous pamphlets. The regulation of print and what people printed
was very little that this period was called 'the great age of pamphlets'. Thus, a lot of essays came out
anonymously this period as people felt safe to write their opinions more freely. In fact, that Swift's
'A Modest Proposal' was first released anonymously as well. Swift wrote this essay in a perspective
of a principal English gentleman who has an impressive solution to solve the poverty of Ireland to
make fun of the pamphlets that were being circulated during the period. The word 'modest' in the
title and his word choices throughout his essay highlight his satire by mocking the false modesty of
the pamphlets. Their subjects may have been seemed reasonable, but their proposal displayed an
arrogance that was common in British ruling class toward the Irish subject. Like the other numerous
number of circulating pamphlets, Swift's 'A Modest Proposal' begins with a sympathetic description
of poor Irish people who can't afford raising their kids to give one a sense of sympathy towards
them. Unlike the other pamphlets of his contemporaries which proposed remedies or just
complained about the problem like how the British government did, he emphasizes that his proposal
" of a much greater extent, and shall take in the whole number of infants at a certain age who are
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British Socialization And British Moralization
Highlighting the absurdity in the belief that socialization, particularly British socialization, is an
indicator an individual's (un)likely descent into barbarism, William Golding explores a narrative in
which a plane crash has left a group of adolescent boys stranded on an island, in his novel "Lord of
the Flies". Through the mild jingoism and naivete of his characters, Ralph, Jack, and Piggy, Golding
demonstrates that believing a British upbringing is inherently moralizing is not only a flawed
judgement, but also leaves space for an abundance of disappointment. Of all the boys, the one who
distinctively establishes himself as more knowledgeable than the rest is Piggy. Piggy, with his fierce
rationality and intellect, is an astute believer in the moralizing nature of socialization. Thus, he goes
to extensive lengths in order to maintain the remnants of English society the boys have attempted to
establish on the island. Most notably are his efforts to preserve the sanctity of the conch. In the
opening chapter, he is ecstatic when he and Ralph stumble upon the conch and exclaims, "We can
use this to call the others. Have a meeting. (Chapter 1, pg. 16)" For him, this shell signifies that all is
not lost, that although they make be away from the comfort of their superior English society, there is
still some semblance of order and discipline. Any disrespect or disregard for this symbol frustrates
him, instilling in him utter disbelief that good English boys like themselves
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Personal Essay: My Love With The English Language
92 A Paper Passer. My fascination with the English language had been rooted as far back as my
youth. It was as if each word stroke to me, as if each string of sentence never fails to draw me into a
trance. I am Alice, and likewise, the English language is my wonderland. The thick books with large
letter strewn in patterns never once intimidated me. I read Jack Kerouac, and Sylvia Plath as soon as
I knew how to read, for their novels had nefarious characters, entangled in thrilling occurrences,
doused in enviable lucidity. I fell in love with the English language, before I know what love is.
Consequently, I had decided to study English language as to further my skills in writing, and to
refine my knowledge in the subject that I had so easily fall in love with. My love for the English
language had been most definitely prominent throughout the courses of my life. I had taught English
for elementary kids twice, first in my home country in Indonesia, then in Thailand, both for charity
work. Correspondingly, the sparks floating in the children's eyes as they listened to me told me that
they had felt the same way I did, too, in ... Show more content on ...
However, I did not let that stop me. I chose the subjects that would help enhance my skills in the
English language, as an attempt to patch up the lack of resources I am able to gain in high school. I
had developed a prominence in marketing thanks to Business, which conversely helped me view a
book from the point of view of a publisher, along with the ways to market books. Sociology helped
me comprehend the human behavior along with complex cognition of the vindication behind their
actions. ICT had further my skills in apprehending the Science Fiction snuggled in comfortable in
between my bookshelf. To understand the scientific, and the complex element added as to spin a tale
of wonder. Those subjects have escalated my competence in apprehending the English
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Relationship Between The English And The Native Americans
Shayne Chen Mrs. Allen OCO AP US History 27 August 2015 The War of the Change The
relationship between the English and the Native Americans in 1600 to 1700 is one of the most
fluctuating and the most profound relationships in American history. On the one side of the picture,
the harmony between Wampanoag and Puritans even inspires them to celebrate "first
Thanksgiving"; while, by contrast, the conflicts between the Pequots and the English urge them to
antagonize each other, and even wage a war. In addition, the mystery of why the European settlers,
including English, become the dominant power in American world, instead of the indigenous
people, or Indians, can be solved from the examination of the relationship. In a variety of ways, the
relationship drastically alters how people think about and relate to the aborigines. Politically, the
relationship changes to establish the supremacy of the English; the English intends to obtain the land
and rules over it. Socially, the relationship changes to present the majority of the English settlers; the
dominating population is mostly the English settlers. Economically, the relationship changes to
obtain the benefit of the English settlers; they gain profit from the massive resource in America.
Therefore, the relationship does, in fact, change to foreshadow the discordance of the two groups of
people. Firstly, the relationship changes in the politics in many ways. To begin with, the European
settlers, the English, crave so much land
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The Cultural Differences Of Irish Identity And Individual...
Many countries and people from different parts of the world established individual identities
throughout the course of the twentieth century which greatly impacted globalization. Identity relates
to self–image and is crucial for the development of culture. "A person's identity is defined as the
totality of one's self–construal, in which how one construes oneself in the present expresses the
continuity between how one construes oneself as one was in the past and how one construes oneself
as one aspires to be in the future, " (Weinreich, 1986). The way that people view themselves in the
past, present and future can alter the course of history for generations and dictates international
relations for years to come. Globalization, or the way that people interact with one another whether
through ideas, culture, money or socially is dependent upon preserving individualism which has not
proven to be the easiest task to master. The cultural differences related to the Irish living on the
British Isles, the Basque population in Spain, Serbs under Ottoman rule, as well as Moroccans under
French control can still be felt in many ways today and have impacted people and nations around the
The Irish have a longstanding history of struggle when it comes to establishing identity and
independence. As we witnessed with Irish immigrants coming to the United States in the 1800s,
difficulties were experienced in the British Isles which created a sense of tension and brought about
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Guests of the Nation, a Review of Conflicts Essay
"Guests of the Nation," a short story by Frank O'Connor takes place in 1921 during Ireland's fight
for independence from British rule. Set in a small cottage in the countryside of Ireland, the story
tells of two Englishmen who are prisoners and are being watched over by three Irishmen. The story
tells of the relationship that develops between the captives and their captors and explores the
conflict that arises when the soldiers are called to duty.
The story consisted of seven main characters, each adding depth to the story and contributing to the
development of the plot. Two of the seven characters where the Englishmen Hawkins and Belcher.
Hawkins was a "little Englishman" with a "deplorable tongue" who "never did a stroke of ... Show
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Noble and Bonaparte were the young soldiers who were guarding the Englishmen. Both befriended
the Englishmen as they played cards with each other and even argued about politics and religion.
Jeremiah Donavan, on the other hand, did not have such a rapport with the prisoners. Though he
supervised the card games and even yelled at the Englishman Hawkins as if he were one if his own
soldiers, he kept his distance and was thus not as close as Noble and Bonaparte were.
The plot of the story unfolded as Jeremiah Donavan revealed that the prisoners were actually
hostages and that there was a possibility that they would have to execute the Englishmen. As the
story continued to unfold, the possibility became reality when Feeney the intelligence officer
revealed that the prisoners were ordered to be executed. It is in this pivotal moment that the conflict
of the story arises and that the soldiers are faced with a conflict that in turn, proves to be deeply
complex in that it is both internal and external.
While externally the soldiers had to deal with the act of actually shooting the prisoners (more simply
killing a man), internally Bonaparte and Noble dealt with the internal conflict of having to kill a
friend. As Hawkins pleaded the case of friends shooting friends, we were forced as readers to also
question the call of duty to a cause versus the call of
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The Druids: A Major Division Of Indigenous Religion
The Druids are a major division of Indigenous Religion and are located in the British Isles and
Scotland. The Druids are most commonly associated with the Indigenous Celtic people of Ireland.
Druids are known to have existed as far back as 3rd century B.C.E. (History of Britain: Rise and
Fall of the Druids) The Druids passed down rituals and history through stories rather than through
written text so a lot is still unknown about how they lived. There are still many people in today's
culture who actively practice Druidism. Today, Druidism is split into two sects, Cultural Druidism or
Religious Druidism. Cultural Druids are classified by having descendants who are Druids. Usually
these people lightly follow the practices of Druidism but most ... Show more content on ...
Many people associate Druids with both animal and human sacrifice during their rituals although it
has never been historically proven. The druids are also known for creating stone circles to perform
their rituals in. It is believed that they created these open stone circles because thought it was
degrading to the gods to confine them with walls during rituals (Partington, 635). In Britain and
Ireland there are more than 1,300 stone circles attributed to the Druids. The most famous of these
stone circles is Stonehenge in England. It is believed that these stone circles are used during their
Midsummers Eve Rituals (Knight 17). Today on June 22nd, the Druids gather at Stonehenge. At
sunrise they perform a sacred ritual on the alter stone which is ended by an ancient horn being
blown in the four directions. (Matthews, 135). Another festival celebrated by the Druids is Lammas
Day or the Celtic Celebration of Lughnasadh. This festival took place in the fall time around the
beginning of August. The celebration was held to mark the gathering of all the tribes at the height of
summer. (Matthews, 138). Cauldrons, in particular Cauldron of Ceridwen, are commonly mentioned
as being a part of ritual for the Druids. These cauldrons were used to mash up plants and "the water
of inspiration and science" (Davies, 217–218). It was believed that tasting a drop of the water would
open up the future for the persons viewing. Today Druidism is still an actively
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Comparison Between Easter 1916 And Yeats
Yeats in many of his poem he portray about how Ireland undergone so many difficulties under
British rule. His love and affection for his country are mostly seem in his poems. The poem Easter
1916 and To Ireland in coming are written in order to show the struggle taken by Ireland for
freedom. In the poem "To Ireland in the coming times" mainly focuses on Yeats view on the changes
taking place in the country. Before Ireland is under British rule but now as time passed Ireland is
declared as free state. And Ireland was undergoing a change from a nation under British rule to a
nation of its own with an identity. It also mainly focuses on Yeats feelings that Ireland is a strong
nation and no matter what the obstacles may be the nation has always ... Show more content on ...
The theme portrayed in Easter 1916 is immortality because it was written during the time when Irish
are revolting against British for their freedom. Immortality played an important role in gaining
independence because due to their great leader's executing Irish people they got freedom and
independence from British. In Easter (1916) Yeats says that "A shadow of a cloud on the stream
changes minute by minute". This line says that like the shadow of a cloud on the stream changes,
likewise the life of Irish people will also change one day because nothing in this world is permanent,
even British rule is not going to last for longer duration. It also means that Ireland will no longer be
under the rule of British. Many Irish people are killed in order to stop further revolution. Similarly
in the poem To Ireland in coming times the another theme portrayed is "freedom" because it was
written during the time when Ireland was declared as a free state from British. In To Ireland in
coming times(1893) Yeast says that " when time began to rant and rang the measure of her flying
feet made Ireland's heart begin to beat and time bade all his candles flare to light a measure here and
there, And may the thoughts of Ireland brood upon a measured quietude." This line says that when
Ireland is declared as free state from British, it made Irish people
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English: The Language Of The English Language
English language is the most widely used language in the whole world and it is considered as the
"language of the sea" so consequently, we aspiring seafarers should learn how to communicate
properly using the English language. In MAAP, we are obligated to speak in English at all times so
we could practice our English skills every day; which is very clever because once we go on board,
we will work with different persons with different races which might make communication very
hard especially if we can't speak and understand English fluently. For instance, I was instructed to
do something important in the ship but I cannot understand the instruction since I can't understand
English very well, it might be the cause of a fatal accident since miscommunication is one of the
leading reason on why accidents at sea happens. On the other hand, it will also make ... Show more
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Our whole class has learned some useful and interesting skills and numerous other things that we
can apply in our daily life, especially as MAAP cadets. We have four major topics in our subject
which is the library, reading, listening and writing comprehension. Mrs. Orbe, our English 1
instructor, has kept us engaged and interested at all times by using different techniques like using
videos, PowerPoint presentations and music which makes our classes fun and exciting. For instance,
she made us listen to some inspiring songs like "The Greatest Love of All" by Whitney Houston to
improve our listening skills which kept us interested in the subject. It also helped us to enhance our
focus because we should listen to it very attentively so we could understand the lyrics and message
of the songs. We also learned to how to think outside the box because most of the lyrics are not
direct to the point and we have to understand it more carefully so we will not miss the real message
behind the
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English Around Time By Samuel Johnson
English Across Time Natalie Trang
11ENL02 TRA0130
Across time, many people have advocated for the stabilisation of the English language. Samuel
Johnson was a lexicographer who dedicated his life to doing so. He published his dictionary in 1755,
in an effort to prescribe the use of the London dialect of English. However, his aims were not met
and people continued to speak in their various dialects. What Samuel Johnson did not expect was the
unstoppable way in which language evolves. Neither did he realise the timeframe required for ...
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The people of England in Johnson's time lived segregated lives in their various social classes. The
royals would have had a use for words that the lower–class may never have even heard of. It would
be difficult to create one version of English that was current and able to accommodate all the
speakers. The needs of its speakers direct the change in a language. Dr. Samuel Johnson's dictionary
was unable to encapsulate everything that the speakers wanted to express, so they continued to
mould the English language to suit them.
Changes in a language require time for its users to learn how to incorporate it into daily speech and
spread it. For Dr. Johnson's version to become the only version of English, it would require many
speakers to make changes in their speech and writing habits. Before this happened though, the
Industrial revolution came about and brought with it major developments in people's lives. Technical
words such as 'cylindrical steam press' were invented to describe the newly developed technology.
These additions to the speakers' lexicons were not limited to technology. The industrial revolution
increased trade and with this, the English borrowed words, such as 'crinoline', a stiffened petticoat.
Along with neologisms, the semantic meanings of words also broadened in order to cover new uses.
One such word was vacuum, which meant 'devoid of matter', and later also came to mean 'a machine
that sucks up
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Family History Project
For my genius hour project, I decided that I am going to researching my family history and my
family past, where my family is from. It sounds really cool to learn about my family history and
where they came from? I really want to know where my family is from because I want to know
where I am also from and what I have parts of the world are in me. I know that most of my family is
from Europe, that is all I really knew before I started this project. But I did not know what parts of
Europe my family came from. I really wish that I could know where all of my family is from and
what their last names mean. My thesis for the genius hour project is to find out where my family
came from, how old they were when they came to America. And did my family ... Show more
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Which is the part of the British Isles And I also found out that Scotland and that their national
animal is a unicorn.
I also found out that a person in my family signed the mayflower compact which means that they
were part of the first "government" in the Thirteen colonies of the united states. Which only forty–
one people signed in over on November Eleventh in the year sixteen twenty.
The process of finding my family was very difficult because I used what I had already known from
my parents. But the rest that I did not know was what I had to use google. I used websites like
finding a grave and other websites like that. It was not very easy because you had to be careful what
you clicked on and other things like that. Because if you click on the wrong one then you have to go
back and restart the whole process again. At times it made me very and sometimes I get very tired of
this project and it was very difficult, I wanted to quit and give up on the project. And when you
messed up, you had to restart because you got the wrong people that were not your family and not
even related to you or anything, it was really
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British Isles Storms
Discuss the impacts of storm events in the British Isles and evaluate the responses to them (40
The British Isles has a Cool Temperate Western Maritime Climate which is owing to its location at
the edge of a continent, between two seas and subject to the influences of five major air masses;
north–westerly, south–westerly, northerly, easterly and southerly. British climate is classified as
temperate as it rarely features the extremes of heat or cold, rain, drought or wind that are common in
other climates. Basic characteristics of this climate include temperature, precipitation, wind and air
The mean summer temperatures in the UK are lower than the average for its latitude which is due to
the cooling influence from the ... Show more content on ...
15 million trees were knocked down and trees blocked roads and railways. Power lines were taken
down and 5 million homes were left without electricity. Insurance claims were up to £2 billon and so
premiums increased for everyone the following year. The Met Office were criticised in the
immediate aftermath of this event as it failed to forecast the storm correctly which arguably led to
the death of many more people than necessary due to them sleeping through gale force 11 winds. In
the aftermath, however, a great deal of money and effort was put into a post–storm 'clean up', yet
some thought that nature would've been better left to re–assert itself. For example, there was
unnecessary destruction of trees which, thought fallen, were still living and so could have been
recovered through nature. The Met Office learnt from their mistakes in this event and so a number
of recommendations were made. Observational coverage of the atmosphere over the ocean to the
south and the west of the UK were improved by increasing the quantity and quality of observations
from ships, aircrafts, buoys and satellites. Continued refinements were made to the computer models
used in forecasting and the training given to forecasters was improved. Substantially more warnings
will be put out in future in the event of a storm in an attempt to mitigate the effects for humans and
therefore the response to the 1987 depression resulted in some positive aspects for the future, yet the
negative impact
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The Origins of Celtic Music
Even though Celtic Music does not have a set date in which it was created, it still has a long and
fervent history. The origins of Celtic music, the historical events, and the style of Celtic music are
the key factors that led to the creation of Celtic music.
The origins of Celtic music and the instruments used in order to create such healthily flamboyant
music. Fiddle, Flute and whistle, uilleann pipes, harp, accordion, banjo, mandolin, guitar, drums,
and many others were used in the creation of Celtic Music. The creation of these instruments gave
the British Isles a distinct sound when it came to music. This sound was recognised around the
world and still is. The British isles which consists of Ireland Scotland and Britain was not in touch
with the rest of the world as far as culture was concerned very early in their history. This exclusion
from external influences allowed Ireland to develop music that had its own unique sound. Even in
this area some of the instruments changed in sound and shape. Not only were there the uilleann
pipes in Ireland across the sea in Scotland the war pipes were prevalent. The distinction between the
two is actually quite great. The tone of the two are different as well as the physical appearance. The
War Pipes have three Drone pipes separately in the bag while the uilleann pipes has all three drones
in one spot.
"The CLAIRSEACH was the large harp [...] having from 29 to 58 strings, and even 60, but as a rule
30 strings."
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Benefits Of Learning A New Language
Learning a new language can not only intimidating but also require hard work and dedication.
However, even amongst all the trials and tribulations, learning a new language can be very
rewarding in the end. Learning a new language can assist with gaining employment, getting through
day to day activities, and even help within the dating world for those that are interested in dating
outside of their race. With knowing all of the hard work that goes into learning a new language, I
wanted to see what things were like for those who wanted to learn the English language. A language
that is most commonly used around the world and one that is set to help many gain much reward.
For my interview I decided to interview my coworker Anastasia. Anastasia was born in Estonia, a
small country within Europe. Her father was a military doctor so they moved around a lot
throughout the country. When she was six months old Anastasia and her family moved to Moldova.
After living in Moldova for the next 25 years she and her husband decided they wanted to give their
new born baby girl a better life in the US so they decided to make the move.
Anastasia's native language is Romanian which is spoken throughout Moldova as well as Russian.
For her she began to learn the English language at a pretty early age. While learning to speak her
parents would teach her English as well as she grew up. It wasn't until 9th grade when she really
begin to put fourth more effort to learn English. Anastasia's grandmother
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Explain Why The Climate Of The British Isles
To what extent is the climate of the British Isles a product of the air masses that affect it? (40 marks)
The British Isles are a group of islands located off the north–western coast of continental Europe.
The climate is usually considered to be temperate maritime; however, the weather is very
changeable from place to place and from time to time. Air masses greatly affect the weather
experienced in the British Isles and therefore, its climate. An air mass is a body of air with uniform
levels of temperature, humidity and pressure acquired from prolonged contact in its source region.
Despite having an effect on British climate, there are other factors which play major roles and need
to be considered.
Much of the weather that the British ... Show more content on ...
The effects of these continental air masses are less prevalent than maritime influences; however they
still have important influences on weather in the British Isles, and are also fundamental in
explaining temporal and spatial differences in climate across the country.
It is not only the weather that the air masses bring that affects the climate of the UK, but also, the
complex interactions between the air masses. Most importantly, the interactions between the Polar
Maritime and Tropical maritime air masses can lead to the formation of areas of significantly low
pressure called depressions. These depressions usually form in the Atlantic Ocean at the boundary
between PM and TM air, and bring characteristic cloudy, wet and windy conditions. These
depressions are what are responsible for many of the winter storms. They are regular occurrences
and so contribute to the overall pattern of weather over a long period i.e. the climate of the British
Isles. The interaction between continental air masses often leads to anticyclones which are the
opposite of depressions – areas of significantly high pressure. They bring settled weather, with clear
skies and light winds. In the summer they can be responsible for temperatures of over 30⁰C. Many
say it is the pattern of depressions and anticyclones passing over Britain that is responsible for its
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My Passion For Reading
My passion for reading is an aspect of me that has never failed to go unnoticed – it is hardly a
surprise for those around me to see a book in my hand wherever I go, absorbed by a world that was
not invented by me. As a result of this, I was recognised within school as my picture was placed on
the wall in the English Department praising how much I read. As a child I wanted to become an
author so the ability to enter somebody's thoughts through words on a page has always filled me
with a genuine excitement. There is no doubt that an English degree at University is for me, I want
to continue my love for the subject in depth and take this further to become a Secondary Teacher of
Through studying English at University I will be able to study modules that truly fascinate me and
encourage me to read books more imaginatively and critically. Recently in the news it has been said
that due to Brexit there is the possibility that a new language could be forming – Euro–English.
Developments in the English language never fail to intrigue me as teaching English at a secondary
school is the career I am working towards and this ultimately changes the future of teaching.
At A–level I study English Literature, Psychology and Biology all of which are essay based. Essay
based subjects are beneficial to me as this is how I am most comfortable working. I also completed
the Extended Project Qualification in which I chose to write an investigation on the moon landing's
of 1969. This
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Disadvantages Of A Bilingual Language
with her mother, that they are very distant and that she hid things from her, giving the fact that
Călina and her mother have a very close relationship, she turned to her mother and started to cry and
to tell her in English (even if she spoke in Romanian until then) what she feels about the main
character's actions and she told her that she would not want those things to happen in their
relationship ever. Also, I observed that even if her mother is native Romanian speaker, she used the
same language as her daughter to express deep feelings maybe because she lives in America since
she had 20 years. In the same time, I observed a kind of unusual habit that Romanians have –and I
must admit that I have this habit too sometimes– that is to say we use to swear in another language –
in my case, English– when we are joking with somebody or simply when we did not mean to really
say and mean that. The reason is that in a second language swears are less powerful in meaning and
are not so harsh than in our first language, it is used more for amusement. Furthermore, the context
in which a person learnt these languages have also an influence on what language has a powerful
emotional force because ... Show more content on ...
Often the mismatch which appears in their conversations with others in created because multilingual
people tend to shift from one language to another ; the reason why they use to proceed this way is
that the meaning they want to express may be specific to the first or second
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The Pros And Cons Of The Northern Ireland Assembly
The Northern Ireland Assembly should be made up of 108 members being "elected from 18
constituencies" and having both an elected First Minister as well as a Deputy First Minister. While
most issues are resolved via a common majority it is possible for members to subscribe a petition of
concern which will lead to a decision being made via both a Unionist and a Nationalist assembly
members' majority. In addition to those, the assembly can decide on the legislation in Northern
Ireland as long as it is within the limitations set by London. Furthermore, a Civic Forum should be
introduced to deal with "social, economic and cultural" matters. Ultimately, "the principles of non–
violence and democracy" must be upheld by all members.
Strand 2 – North/South Ministerial Council
In order for the two states to co–operate and collaborate concerning affairs which affect both – such
as the European Union – a North/South Ministerial Council, consisting out of the First and Deputy
First Minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly and two members of ... Show more content on ...
Every seven years the Secretary of State can initiate a referendum if she/he believes that a majority
of people would vote for a United Ireland. Furthermore, if there is a majority for a United Ireland in
Northern Ireland, then the government of the United Kingdom would have to allow it. Moreover,
every citizen has the right to declare themselves as either British or Irish and, if they want it, a dual
citizenship has to be provided. At last, by rephrasing Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish constitution the
territorial claim over Northern Ireland will be abolished, the right of electoral consent is supported
and the Irish laws will, instead of applying to all 32 counties, only apply to
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The Impact the Romans Made on British Isles
Examine the impact the Romans made on the British Isles Although there had been increasing
contact between the British Isles and the classical world during the Late Iron Age, the first real
Roman presence here was that of Julius Caesar. In 55BC a Roman army of around ten thousand men
crossed the channel and invaded Britain, yet were defeated and had to return to Gaul. Then in the
following year; 54BC, Caesar came to Britain again. This time with a much larger army, although on
this occasion he won the majority of battles and was victorious, he still returned to Gaul. It wasn't
until 43AD that the real invasion took place and the real 'Romanisation' of the British Isles began.
Romanisation is commonly seen as the coming of ... Show more content on ...
Those from the lower social class still lived in Iron Age houses within poor rural communities. They
still relied on Pre–Roman farming technology to live and trade from. This was shown when
archaeologist discovered a settlement in Devon dating back to the Roman period. The remains show
inhabitants were still living in native roundhouses, as Britons had done for centuries before, despite
the presence of Roman pottery and coins.[4] One of the most visible changes in landscape was the
construction of Roman roads. Prior to this, Britain used unpaved track ways for their
communications. The Roman created straight, paved roads which could be used in all weather
conditions. The development of Over 9,000kilometres of roads meant communication and travel
from one area of Britain to another was made substantially easier. Although they were mainly
designed for a military purpose, it had a positive impact on trade as it became easier to transport
goods. Speaking of trade, the Romans made vast improvements in agriculture. They introduced to
Britain a range of new crops, as well as better farming equipment. Iron equipment created by the
Romans allowed farmers to work on much larger and tougher areas of land which would have
proved too difficult during the pre–roman era. Along with this, livestock was also improved;
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Summary Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan
There are numerous bilingual and multicultural individuals on the planet today. For some, decisions
of which language they utilize, and how they utilize it, relate to what social or social group they
have a place with. Amy Tan, a Chinese American writer, depicts this well in her short exposition
"Mother Tongue". Tan experienced childhood in two unfathomably unique universes utilizing
diverse English's. The primary world, which comprises of her nearby family, she talks what we may
call "broken" or "constrained" English. The second world, which is her business and expert world,
tan talks and composes culminate standard and scholastic English. In the essay Tan writes about her
mother's English and its influence. Learning a language can be very difficult because not only you
have to learn the language, but you also must learn vocabulary and having to cope with a different
culture. Tan's mother is a great illustration of this adjustment to English–based American culture
while in some cases proceed to think in Chinese ways. Tan to begin with thought that her mother's
English is "broken", but she then realized that her mother's English reflects a blend of diverse
societies, and she really benefits from this blend of both Chinese and American societies through her
distributed making, appearing to as a one of a kind class of Chinese American composing both in
this paper and her other books. when I carefully read through this essay. As Tan was growing up, the
discourse she utilized
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Books Are Humanity in Print Essay
British Lit Final Exam
May 26, 2010
Books Are Humanity in Print,
The human race is known for change; it has evolved from prehistoric 'cavemen', ancient empires,
and Vikings to aristocratic monarchies, democracies, and dictatorships. With each passing year,
there are technological advancements, changing political platforms, and a progressively mobile
worldwide population. Each literary era reflects the human feats, lifestyles, and changing times:
Anglo–Saxon epics consist of glory battle scenes, bloodied warriors, and feuding countries; Middle
English works consist of glorified knights, the chivalric code, and a greedy, materialistic court; and,
modern literary classics depict worlds of which the human race is ruled by technology. ... Show
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While most of the poem depicts pagan customs, such as wergild,, there are three specific ways that
Christianity is seen: the title character, Beowulf, is depicted as good while Grendel, who descended
from Cain, is depicted at evil; there are conflicting ideas of fate and free will; and the lord is seen as
an almightily, singular being. Following the Norman Conquests, the French influence drastically
changed the British Isles: the language of the aristocracy became French; feudalism, a social and
economic hierarchy, became the caste system of choice; and, chivalry was abounded. However, The
French influence quickly declined following the Crusades, the struggle between church and state,
the Magna Carta, the Hundred Years War, the Bubonic Plague, and the rise of cities. The
anonymously authored, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, reflects the shifting social order. A satire
of a culture in moral decline, the poem is filled with elaborate descriptions of courtly festivities, the
accouterments of knighthood, and the inane codes of chivalry. The knights of both the era and the
poem are dressed to the nines: fancy belts, gold plated shields, and various other garments
unnecessary for warfare. The knights pledged their loyalty to their kings, their honor to women, and
their defense to the Christian faith. In the poem, Christmas
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The Impact Of Viking Raids On The British Isles
Coming from Scandinavian countries, predominantly Denmark and Norway, the Vikings began
raiding the British Isles in the late 700s (James). The Vikings primarily targeted monasteries,
because that is where most of the wealth was concentrated (Loughrey). These raids were very
violent, people were killed, and the survivors were sold into slavery (Loughrey). These violent raids
earned the Vikings the reputation of barbarians, much like the Mongols a few centuries later in Asia.
After some time, once the Vikings exhausted most of the wealth in the monasteries, they turned their
interest into settling the British Isles (James). By the late 9th century the Vikings had conquered
most of England (James). However, even though these Viking kingdoms did not last very long, the
Scandinavians who resided there stayed. These Scandinavians would go on to change the British
Isles in many ways. Despite the violent and negative impacts of Viking raids on the British Isles,
once the Vikings settled down, they had a significant and positive peaceful impact on the British
Isles culturally, politically, and economically. The first of these positive impacts was on the culture
of the British Isles. One of the ways that the Vikings influenced the culture is evidenced by how they
changed the English language. Since Old Norse and Old English are very similar, it can be very hard
to detect where Old Norse coincides with modern English (Treharne 3). However, a very obvious
influence is seen in the
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Causes And Effects Of The North Sea Flood
The North Sea Flood occurred within Saturday, 31st January 1953, and seemed to remain persistent
prior to subsiding within the morning of Sunday, 1st February. Regardless of initial concerns
regarding a plausible flood arising, citizens within the coastal regions of England and the
Netherlands remained ignorant toward constant cautionary aids. The North Sea Flood has been
considered as a calamitous phenomenon that has forced detriments upon the citizens that resided
nearing the Northern Sea ; coastal areas of Netherlands, England, Belgium, France as well as
Denmark. Oblivion toward the aftermath of the flooding resulted within fatalities and varying
injuries. This remains as the focal reasoning referring to constant fatalities regarding floods.
(Social Impacts)
Immense devastation was apparent consequential to the occurrence of the disaster, the number of
casualties were intensified through the lack of initial response to warnings, that hindered individuals
to evacuate prior to the flooding. Foregoing the flood devastating the citizens within several eastern
European nations, Princess Victoria; an English passenger vessel, attempted to journey across the
Irish Sea. Once departed, the passengers' ferry experienced the initial developments of the European
windstorm. 133 fatalities occurred once the Princess Victoria voyaged across the Irish Sea, the
vigorous windstorm continually developed to form a flood that aimed to devastate the social and
environmental stability
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British Isles Research Paper
The British Isles are a large set of islands located in the northern hemisphere, and are comprised of a
mild climate and varied soils, as well as also being home to a diverse pattern of vegetation and a
climatic–climax community of deciduous woodland. These isles are home to many ecosystems, in
which they are a dynamic interlinked system characterised by the interaction of plants and animals
that are shared with each other, being that organic and non–organic components of the environment.
The British Isles are an example of a Lithosere succession, with the Lithosere as its primary
succession (although not its only type of natural succession), meaning that the area began as a rock
based environment, and succeeded into a plant and deciduous based ... Show more content on ...
The reasons behind the desire for ecological conservation include encouraging wildlife back into
cities, making cheap use of derelict areas and maintaining a diverse species base by reintroducing
locally extinct species. Work done in such areas involves planting trees (predominantly native
species), dredging of ponds, and soil improvements, and will often involve local volunteers,
showing the human activity catering for a natural succession in a positive light. An example of a
successful ecological conservation area is that of Troopers Hill, located in southeast Bristol. The
conservation of the Troopers Hill Local Nature Reserve has preserved much of the pre–existing
habitats of the area, consequently enabling the survival of native species and plants. The main aim
of the project has been fulfilled, as a variety of different habitats have been preserved, resulting with
an increase in biodiversity; including mammals such as hedgehogs and foxes, as well as more than
40 species of bird and a wide variety of insects, with around 70 species of bee, with bees being a
crucial part in almost every natural succession. Another reason for the creation of such areas is due
to the fact that local people want a safe environment for leisure activities and that local authorities
desire to make cheap use of
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English Language Learners : Bilingual Education
During the nineteenth and early twentieth century there was no set way of how to teach an English–
language learner. Some schools practiced bilingual education. Other schools placed immigrant
children in English–language learner programs to prepare them for the English–only classroom.
Other schools segregated schools specifically for the immigrants aimed at teaching them the
language. Some schools just placed immigrant children in English–only classrooms and hoped they
would learn. Even though schools like those in New York reported that 60 percent of their student
body was immigrants in the early twentieth century, there was no law or regulation of how to teach
the students. This varied across the country and two counties in the same state could have differing
policies. It depended on the superintendent's and school board's view on language programs.
It was not until 1950 that classes started such as English as a Second Language aimed at helping
immigrant children learn the English language. In the United States in 1950 and in 2016, the most
popular language among English–language learners is Spanish; about 80 percent of English–
language learners speak Spanish as their first language. Prior to English as a Second Language
classes, immigrants exhibited a high dropout rate, they were not supported in schools. The purpose
of the English as a Second Language is not only to help students learn the English language, but also
help them succeed in their other classes by
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Essay On Traditional Construction Of History
The Issuses of Traditional Construction of History Does history over centuries truly define the past
as its origin? Dr. Francis Pryor re–examines the origin of Britain in one of his series about Britain
AD, "Britain AD – The Not So Dark Age." His reinvestigation finds out a handful of evidences that
disprove the written history regarding how Britain's culture was formed. Pryor effectively explores
the flaw in history through the idea of invasion, cultural artifacts, and the creation of identity. In the
narrative, the idea of Anglo–Saxon invasion is clearly not reliable. To begin with, there are a plenty
of Rome buildings that might have a different purpose than people traditionally believe in. To
illustrate, Pryor has a discussion with ... Show more content on ...
Beside the invasion, cultural artifacts is also an aspect that is misjudged towards people's genesis.
Firstly, cultural artifacts are merely shown the adaption to what is better, rather than expression of
one's origin. For example, Pryor has a conversation with Sam Lucy, an archaeologist, about the
change in burial rights in Britain during the end of The Roman period; Lucy mentions how people
were buried with different objects: "a cross shaped branch, and this approach isn't a continental
import. It's idea came ultimately from the continent, but it is a British product" (Sam Lucy). This
reveals that the idea of the object comes from outside of Britain, but British people are the one who
modify and execute that idea. The fact that British takes the ideas from continent to differ their style
proves that artifacts are found to belong to Anglo–Saxon people could actually be made similarly by
the British to improve their daily life. So this idea indicates that culture artifacts do not tell where
people come from. Moreoever, cultural artifacts are found around the world might have been traded
and transported there, and did not belong to local inhibitants. Particularly, Mark Cartwright, who has
a Master of Arts in Greek philosophy, talks about trading goods in ancient times: "goods were not
only exchanged across the Roman world, however, as bustling ports such as Gades, Ostia, Puteoli,
Alexandria, and Antioch also imported goods from such far–flung places as Arabia,
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My A-Level English Course Analysis
Over the past few years I have really gained an interest in the way writers can influence different
emotions onto their readers and how a simple sentence can change meaning based on how different
audiences view it. I am intrigued by the way authors can manipulate different emotions by
expressing individual thoughts yet also encouraging the reader to express their understanding of the
texts. Language is a subject that defines us personally, it is universal but yet still define us as
individuals. My decision to study English is based on my desire to enhance my understanding of
how we, as humans, speak and interact with each other on a daily basis. Although the linguistic
element is something I have only recently studied, I have a strong interest in analysing the precise
elements of the English language, more specifically the relationship between the spoken features of
a text based upon who is listening. ... Show more content on ...
Not only has this course allowed me to expand in my writing, it has also made me aware of how
features, such as phonology, is used and how I am able to adapt and change how I speak based upon
who I am trying to communicate with. As I currently study English Literature and Language I have
been given opportunities to specifically analyse a text from a literary and linguistic perspective, this
has allowed me to analyse, the purpose of a text and the reasons behind why it portrays what it does.
David Crystal's 'How Language Works' has really helped me reflect on how English has changed
over thousands of years and highlights the science behind the
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The Power Of English Masculinity In Shakespeare's 'Catriona'
Both Jeremy and Leo use their English masculinity to charm their way into Catriona's home, and
eventually her bed. As the men spend more time with Catriona, they develop a sexual relationship
with her which does not read as entirely consensual. When Jeremy has sex with Catriona for the first
time, he acknowledges the strength of his body and the nature in which she generously gave herself
to him. Hogan describes the aftermath of the event, claiming that Catriona, "looked more like an
Irish country girl after that" because she engaged in a dirty activity, further isolating her from
English modesty. At this point, Jeremy's dominance and Northern Irish blood corresponds more with
England than Catriona's, even though she grew up in England. Both Carthage and Jeremy use sex, or
the result of sex, to exemplify their power over seemingly weak, Irish females.
Despite the overwhelmingly destructive power of British men and their desire to revoke free will
from feminine Irish protagonists, Miles, Hester, and Catriona all claim power to escape their
tumultuous worlds. When Desmond finally checks back up on Miles after years of separation, he
finds Miles outside of a gay bar, smiling at his next customer. Even though Dublin ostracized Miles
for his mother's work as a prostitute, he finds himself in the same profession, working to claim his
own sexuality and power over his body. Throughout his personal endeavours, Miles embodies
symbolic characteristics of a swan, as he nearly
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The Study on English Idioms by Western Culture
The language is a part of the culture and the carrier of the culture at the same time. The culture can
not get away from the language. The language can not get away from the culture, either. It is
impossible to study a foreign language text without considering the culture it embodied. Idiom is the
essence and crystallization of a language and culture. It is the summary of life experiences of the
people in a particular district. Usually, it is short but it can reflect the special features of a certain
culture. Therefore, the accurate understanding of the English idiom does not only involve the
phonetic conversion but also involve the western cultural conversion. It requires that the learner
know the western culture background well. ... Show more content on ...
1. The influence of history
England has a history of more than one thousand years. Generally speaking, people like to embellish
their speech or writing with references to characters or events from their history, that is to say,
idiomatic expressions are closely related to a country's history.
1. 1 The influence of Roman Conquest
In 43 A.D. the Roman emperor Claudius headed 40000 soldiers to invade the British Isles. It took
him 3 years to occupy successfully the central and southeastern parts. From then on, Roman culture
and customs penetrated into Britain gradually. Roman clothing, ornaments, poetry and glass
containers became popular in Britain, where people's social life began to Romanize. Taking the
aspect of language for instance, there are a lot of idioms which are from the history of Roman
Conquest. For example, the following idioms are related to Rome: "Do in Rome as the Romans do"
(入乡随俗); "Rome was not built in a day" (伟业非一日之功); "All roads lead to Rome" (殊途同
归). Besides, Roman customs are handed down by English idioms. For example, "bear the palm"
(戴棕榈枝) has a figurative meaning "the symbol of victory". In ancient Rome, a bullfighter who
won in the sports arena would bear the palm as the symbol of victory. Similar idioms "thumbs up"
(赞成)historically means "live" and "thumbs down"(反对,贬斥) anciently signified "die" which
also come from the bloody arena.
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Critical Analysis Report : Celts 500 Bc The Earliest...
Critical Analysis Report Celts 500 BC–43 BC the earliest linguistic inhabitants of the British isles.
The term Celt applies to any of the European people who spoke Celtic language. The first
appearance of the Celts occurred during the 500 BC mark, and it began to spread over many regions
in France and Spain. The Celts are the earliest inhabitants from the British isles to leave an impact
on our language. It is also known that there is rarely words from the Celts that are still used today,
but some words that are still left are known as London, Dover, and Kent. There were three west
Germanic invaders to settle in the British Isles known as: the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. These
invaders pushed away the Celtic–speaking inhabitants out of England into Scotland, Wales,
Cornwall, and Ireland, which left behind a few Celtic words. Most of modern English words come
from foreign, not Old English roots. Stats show about one sixth of the Old English words have
descendants surviving today. The Romans 43 BC–CA 450 A.D invades and begin to rule the British
Isles. The invasion for Britain was the most significant event that ever occurred to the British Isles.
It affected the language, culture, geography, architecture, and the way individuals was thinking. The
Roman had a unity and order for Britain that it never had before. Before the Romans invasion,
Britain was a nobody. Most people believe that Rome 's most important legacy was its roads, and it
is not. The most important legacy
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Reason For European Imperialism
Imperialism, a policy in which one country seeks authority over another country by economic and
political domination. The Europeans at this time in history, were looking for resources and
something to help them show their national pride; the best way to do that was to imperialize
different countries. Africa, which was not industrialized, was seen as not capable to lead themselves
into modernization. The europeans as well as many other countries began to seek land in the
divided, war–filled country. The reasons for europeans seeking imperialism is because of the strive
for natural resources, the need to show national pride, and thoughts upon racism.
In imperialism, natural resources where a large driving cause to the spread of authority all ... Show
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An empire such as Britain requires an imperial race (Primrose). People from all over saw how
different people and cultures came from all over the world which create hate and a variety of
disapproval for others. African people were seen as hated, uncivilized people only because, they had
so many different cultures and different ways of living. If Africa was to be industrialized before
other countries came it would have been seen as a land that is respected because the people who live
in it are capable of industrialization. But because the land was not industrialized before imperialism
racism became a strong attacking point upon the uncivilized. France went with a fully developed
race into territories marked by barbarism and people who cannot develop their own land (Merlin).
France in this description sees themselves as superior to the Africans because, they do not have
fighting within their country and they are industrialized. Without their ability to come together as a
country and grow an economy France would be another Africa. Racism drove France to come to
Africa and show their superiority over them. Racism was a large reason for imperialism.
Africa was a resource rich, divided, different country. Every country that took a part in Africa's
imperialism saw this matter and took advantage. If Africa had time to figure out how to develop an
economy, unify with each other, and industrialize itself; imperialism from other countries would
... Get more on ...

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Analysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan

  • 1. Analysis Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan The article "Mother Tongue" by Amy Tan is insightful because she shares the struggles of growing up as a bilingual Asian–American, where in her home English wasn't the primary language. She expresses the challenges she faces in her life growing up hearing her mother using broken English. Amy Tan can speak fluent English she proves this by starting off her writing by explaining the first time her mother heard her speaking in the English she doesn't use at home(Amy Tan, 20 ). She grew up using the limited English that was inherited from her mother. Amy Tan was ashamed by the "Broken English" and how people view her mother, but She then learns to accept her background. The author's goal is to show the audience that when it comes to the perception of perfect English there should be no boundaries because everyone has their own understanding of what perfect English is, based on mother tongue, that shapes their perspective on the world. She supports this throughout her essay by giving several examples of how everyone viewed her mother's English as broken or fractured. Although Amy was ashamed of her mother's "Broken English," she viewed it as if it was normal. Growing up in America for a person who is not fluent in the English language can be hard because they are discriminated against, their ideas are viewed as imperfect and they receive low expectations from others. In Tan's Article she brings emotion to her writing when she expresses her background. When she talks about using simple English, not only with her mother but, with her husband. The reading supports this point because it showed what the English symbolized. In her article, she says "It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk, the language I grew up with." (Amy Tan 20) Although the public didn't accept the simple English and her friends couldn't understand her mother's "broken English", she learned to embrace it. I agree with her goal and the evidence because she had her own perspective of what perfect English is. However, when talking about using the Simple English with her husband she should have added more details about his background. For example, letting readers know if he's also Asian–American, or ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. [Writer Name] [Supervisor Name] [Subject] [Date] History... [Writer Name] [Supervisor Name] [Subject] [Date] History of the English Language and some of the many Factors that have influenced its Evolution Language is surely the most influential form of communication. It is the most powerful instrument an individual can have. By definition, language is the use voice sounds by human beings, organized in order to express and communicate thoughts and feelings. It is what has shaped our society into what it has become today, what has allowed our civilization to excel and progress into what is now modern day. Language has allowed the individual to communicate within a group as well as within him in order to accomplish many goals. Language gives us a means by which we can organize our ideas and ... Show more content on ... And semantic indeterminacy is the ether of attitude of language. It fills the interstices of our intentions and pervades accounts of presupposition, tense, fiction, translation, and especially, elusiveness. Language is primarily formed through the interaction of people. This interaction could be of any nature, but in today's world when English is undoubtedly the universal language, external factors play a pivotal role in English language's evolution. Therefore, it would be imperative to look at the influences of these factors on the English language. The English language of today reflects many centuries of development (Naomi 24). The political and social events that have in the course of English history so profoundly affected the English people in their national life have generally had a recognizable effect on their language. The Christianizing of Britain brought England into contact with Latin civilization and made significant additions to our vocabulary. The Scandinavian invasions resulted in a considerable mixture of the two races and their languages. The Norman Conquest made English for two centuries the language mainly of the lower classes, while the nobles and those associated with them used French on almost all occasions (Baugh 2). And when English once more regained supremacy as the language of all elements of the population, it greatly changed in both form and vocabulary from what it had been in the 11th century. ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Discuss the Relative Importance of Physical and Human... Discuss the relative importance of physical and human factors in accounting for changes to vegetation over time within ecosystems in the British Isles (40 marks) The British Isles can be found in the Northern Hemisphere where deciduous forest is the main biome. Here physical and human factors have accounted for changes to the vegetation for many years. Human factors can include tourism, agriculture, urbanisation, interception and deforestation. Physical factors can be such things as natural disasters, succession and diseases. The human factor of interception can vary between many situations. For example, humans can intercept and alter the vegetation through predator control. By reducing the predators which feed upon that particular ... Show more content on ... For example, the chemicals could leak into a local water supply through surface runoff and eutrophication could occur. This is where an algae bloom takes place resulting in the depletion of oxygen disabling plants such as pondweed to respire and therefore die. These then decompose and with a high build up of toxic chemicals the fish of the freshwater lake or pond then die too. A physical factor which can alter the vegetation of an ecosystem within the British Isles can be natural disasters. There are a range of natural disasters that take place all over the world but the ones most common in the British Isles are forest fires, floods and earthquakes. Irrespective that the value on the Richter scale is usually quite low a lot of vegetation can still be disrupted. Small plants can be uprooted and even fallen debris from damaged properties can fall upon an ecosystem and damage the already existing plants resulting in another physical factor–secondary succession– leading to other species colonising the land and becoming the dominant species. In addition, forest fires and floods act in a similar way. For example, in 2004 in Boscastle there was severe flooding which resulted from a large amount of precipitation that the water basin just couldn't hold. This led to increased surface runoff and high saturation of the soil, decreasing it stability. With much of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Bagpipes History The history of the bagpipes is as unique as the music that was written for the bagpipes. The bagpipes consist of two tenor Drones and one bass Drone that extrude from the bag in a vertical position and produce rich harmonic tones. The Drones are tied together with a long cord with a tassel on the end. Generally, this cord is made of silk and is tied approximately six inches in between each Drone, making the instrument approximately eighteen inches in width. The bass Drone rests on the player's left shoulder and the bag is held firmly between the player's left side and arm. The player uses the arm to push the air out of the bag. This produces the resonant sound as the piper blows into the blow pipe thus keeping the bag pressurized. The bottom ... Show more content on ... These notes are as follows: Low G, A, B, C, D, E, F, High G and High A. Memorizing two sentences, "Good Boys Deserve Fun Always" and, "All Cows Eat Grass," is a useful pneumonic device for remembering the notes. Being able to read and understand sheet music is of utmost importance with playing any instrument. The first song you learn when following the instruction book from the College of Piping, Educational Institution located in Glasgow, Scotland is The Scots Wha Hae. The lyrics of The Scots Wha Hae were written in 1793 by Robert Burns in the form of a speech given by Robert the Bruce before the battle of Bannockburn in 1314, where Scotland maintained its sovereignty. The lyrics were supposed to imitate the Trumpet which according to the article by Stephane BEGUINOT was the tradition for Bruce's army to play during the battle. The tune was even carried by Scottish archers to France and was heard by Joan of Arc while entering Orleans (Copyright 2009–2016 Stephane ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Literary Analysis Of Amy Tan's 'Mother Tongue' Amy Tan was born in the United States and grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. She received her Bachelor of Arts with a double major in English and Linguistics. She also has a Masters in Arts in Linguistics. Among her many publications and speeches one of the most notable is called "Mother Tongue." It was originally published in "The Threepenny Review" (a literary magazine) and was selected for the 1991 edition of Best American Essays. In her essay she wrote about her experience of being a daughter to an immigrant mother. She used multiple rhetorical devices such establishing credibility and appealing to emotions to convey to her readers that those who cannot articulate their thoughts properly will not be heard and will be wrongfully perceived. From the very beginning, Amy Tan let her audience know what role she is playing in this essay. Tan wrote, "I am not a scholar of English or literature. I cannot give you much more than personal opinions on the English language and its variations in this country or others. I am a writer." Before reading the essay the readers knew that Amy Tan is a Linguist, someone who studies language scientifically. However, after writing those sentences, Amy Tan lets everyone know that she is not a scholar, she is simply a writer who is sharing her personal opinions. She is allowed to break grammar or word choice rules. No one can criticize her or expect a scientific explanation. This is important because it lets the readers know what will ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Mother Tongue Literary Analysis The literary narrative Mother Tongue is written by a Chinese American author named Amy Tan. The story discusses the challenges she faced growing up speaking Chinese and English. "Amy discusses several examples of how the English language has different variations when spoken, and how her English has evolved over time by interacting with others and the acceptance version used by Americans as a whole in comparison to what Amy describes her mother speaking as 'broken' or 'fractured' English"(Tan,78). Due to her mother's fragmented English, she faces criticism and prejudice and how it has affected her everyday life. Therefore highlighting the biggest theme of the book, Amy Tan's "Mother Tongue" discusses the links between language and identity. The story begins with Amy's experience using the "different English's". In a book club meeting, Amy talks about her writing pieces, her life experiences, and her book. "The talk was going well enough, until I remembered one major difference that made the whole talk sound wrong. My mother was in the room. And it was perhaps the first time she had heard me give a lengthy speech, using the kind of English I have never used with her" (Tan, 178). While growing up my mother's limited English limited my perception of her. Tan was ashamed of her mother's English, she felt her own English was being affected by the English her mother spoke. Many of Tan's friends had a difficult time understanding what her mother way saying, because of this ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Why Did the Spanish Armada Fail? Why did the Spanish armada fail? Introduction The Spanish armada started in 1588 and finished around a month later. The Spanish lost dramatically for several reasons. This essay will tell you why the Spanish failed so badly and why England won. Admirals Medina Sidonia the Spanish admiral was not as strong as the English admirals Drake and Howard for a lot of reasons. This will have caused the Spanish a major setback from winning the Spanish armada because they would not have been as strong as the English navy. Medina was not as strong as drake and Howard because he had never commanded a navy at sea before. If the Spanish had maybe chosen an admiral that had commanded at sea before they might have had a greater chance of winning. Also ... Show more content on ... Another flaw was that when the Spanish fleet got scattered because drake had used explosive on the fire ship they were forced to sail around the British Isles just to arrive back home safely. Through all this time many of the Spanish ships got lost because of the bad storms. Many sailors also died because they ... Get more on ...
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  • 15. Analysis Of Terence Mcdonough, Ireland A Colony?... Terence McDonough, Was Ireland a Colony? Economics, Politics and Culture in Nineteenth– Century Ireland (Dublin, 2005) Post–colonial theory has still prevailed in Irish literary and cultural studies for some time. New perspectives are coming up in the spheres of history and economics. Lately, there has been a great need for the analysis of the entire history to come up with effective ways for persons to clearly understand the history of Ireland. The nineteenth century Ireland is still in a dilemma due to the controversies that explain the value of colonial and post–colonial Irish history and culture. There is always need to discuss colonial perspectives so as to better understand various aspects about this country. This essay will focus on the analysis of Terrence McDonough's book and will analyze how the book was effective in giving an account of Ireland's history. This book basically analyzes the aspects of whether or not Ireland is a colony, and it also describes its political as well as the culture of its people. Terence McDonough denotes in his introduction that the colonial experience of Ireland cannot be assumed in the development of a complete understanding of the nineteenth century. From McDonough's point of view, the reluctance of not taking the colonial status into concern is in part due to the influence of Northern Irish conflicts and the need for historical help and comfort of the affected ones during the era. If the nineteenth century Ireland is not recognized ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. A Modest Proposal Rhetorical Analysis The Role of Humor in 'A Modest Proposal' Jonathan Swift uses humor in his essay 'A Modest Proposal' in the form of satire. His writing style specialized in gaining entertainment and humor from the issue that is being criticized. Jonathan Swift was a satirist who is famous for his 'Modest Proposal', in which he proposed a shocking but humorous remedy to satirize the false modesty of British pamphlets and the government during eighteenth century. Ireland encountered a devastating famine in consequence of the war that was broken by Oliver Cromwell and his armies. The Irish rebels that were against the English rule and the Hierarchy were overthrown and executed by Oliver Cromwell. Beyond just conquering Ireland, Cromwell's army contaminated the land by burning their land. This Irish problem became a social issue in England and widely spread throughout the whole country due to numerous anonymous pamphlets. The regulation of print and what people printed was very little that this period was called 'the great age of pamphlets'. Thus, a lot of essays came out anonymously this period as people felt safe to write their opinions more freely. In fact, that Swift's 'A Modest Proposal' was first released anonymously as well. Swift wrote this essay in a perspective of a principal English gentleman who has an impressive solution to solve the poverty of Ireland to make fun of the pamphlets that were being circulated during the period. The word 'modest' in the title and his word choices throughout his essay highlight his satire by mocking the false modesty of the pamphlets. Their subjects may have been seemed reasonable, but their proposal displayed an arrogance that was common in British ruling class toward the Irish subject. Like the other numerous number of circulating pamphlets, Swift's 'A Modest Proposal' begins with a sympathetic description of poor Irish people who can't afford raising their kids to give one a sense of sympathy towards them. Unlike the other pamphlets of his contemporaries which proposed remedies or just complained about the problem like how the British government did, he emphasizes that his proposal " of a much greater extent, and shall take in the whole number of infants at a certain age who are ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. British Socialization And British Moralization Highlighting the absurdity in the belief that socialization, particularly British socialization, is an indicator an individual's (un)likely descent into barbarism, William Golding explores a narrative in which a plane crash has left a group of adolescent boys stranded on an island, in his novel "Lord of the Flies". Through the mild jingoism and naivete of his characters, Ralph, Jack, and Piggy, Golding demonstrates that believing a British upbringing is inherently moralizing is not only a flawed judgement, but also leaves space for an abundance of disappointment. Of all the boys, the one who distinctively establishes himself as more knowledgeable than the rest is Piggy. Piggy, with his fierce rationality and intellect, is an astute believer in the moralizing nature of socialization. Thus, he goes to extensive lengths in order to maintain the remnants of English society the boys have attempted to establish on the island. Most notably are his efforts to preserve the sanctity of the conch. In the opening chapter, he is ecstatic when he and Ralph stumble upon the conch and exclaims, "We can use this to call the others. Have a meeting. (Chapter 1, pg. 16)" For him, this shell signifies that all is not lost, that although they make be away from the comfort of their superior English society, there is still some semblance of order and discipline. Any disrespect or disregard for this symbol frustrates him, instilling in him utter disbelief that good English boys like themselves ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Personal Essay: My Love With The English Language 92 A Paper Passer. My fascination with the English language had been rooted as far back as my youth. It was as if each word stroke to me, as if each string of sentence never fails to draw me into a trance. I am Alice, and likewise, the English language is my wonderland. The thick books with large letter strewn in patterns never once intimidated me. I read Jack Kerouac, and Sylvia Plath as soon as I knew how to read, for their novels had nefarious characters, entangled in thrilling occurrences, doused in enviable lucidity. I fell in love with the English language, before I know what love is. Consequently, I had decided to study English language as to further my skills in writing, and to refine my knowledge in the subject that I had so easily fall in love with. My love for the English language had been most definitely prominent throughout the courses of my life. I had taught English for elementary kids twice, first in my home country in Indonesia, then in Thailand, both for charity work. Correspondingly, the sparks floating in the children's eyes as they listened to me told me that they had felt the same way I did, too, in ... Show more content on ... However, I did not let that stop me. I chose the subjects that would help enhance my skills in the English language, as an attempt to patch up the lack of resources I am able to gain in high school. I had developed a prominence in marketing thanks to Business, which conversely helped me view a book from the point of view of a publisher, along with the ways to market books. Sociology helped me comprehend the human behavior along with complex cognition of the vindication behind their actions. ICT had further my skills in apprehending the Science Fiction snuggled in comfortable in between my bookshelf. To understand the scientific, and the complex element added as to spin a tale of wonder. Those subjects have escalated my competence in apprehending the English ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Relationship Between The English And The Native Americans Shayne Chen Mrs. Allen OCO AP US History 27 August 2015 The War of the Change The relationship between the English and the Native Americans in 1600 to 1700 is one of the most fluctuating and the most profound relationships in American history. On the one side of the picture, the harmony between Wampanoag and Puritans even inspires them to celebrate "first Thanksgiving"; while, by contrast, the conflicts between the Pequots and the English urge them to antagonize each other, and even wage a war. In addition, the mystery of why the European settlers, including English, become the dominant power in American world, instead of the indigenous people, or Indians, can be solved from the examination of the relationship. In a variety of ways, the relationship drastically alters how people think about and relate to the aborigines. Politically, the relationship changes to establish the supremacy of the English; the English intends to obtain the land and rules over it. Socially, the relationship changes to present the majority of the English settlers; the dominating population is mostly the English settlers. Economically, the relationship changes to obtain the benefit of the English settlers; they gain profit from the massive resource in America. Therefore, the relationship does, in fact, change to foreshadow the discordance of the two groups of people. Firstly, the relationship changes in the politics in many ways. To begin with, the European settlers, the English, crave so much land ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. The Cultural Differences Of Irish Identity And Individual... Many countries and people from different parts of the world established individual identities throughout the course of the twentieth century which greatly impacted globalization. Identity relates to self–image and is crucial for the development of culture. "A person's identity is defined as the totality of one's self–construal, in which how one construes oneself in the present expresses the continuity between how one construes oneself as one was in the past and how one construes oneself as one aspires to be in the future, " (Weinreich, 1986). The way that people view themselves in the past, present and future can alter the course of history for generations and dictates international relations for years to come. Globalization, or the way that people interact with one another whether through ideas, culture, money or socially is dependent upon preserving individualism which has not proven to be the easiest task to master. The cultural differences related to the Irish living on the British Isles, the Basque population in Spain, Serbs under Ottoman rule, as well as Moroccans under French control can still be felt in many ways today and have impacted people and nations around the globe. Analysis The Irish have a longstanding history of struggle when it comes to establishing identity and independence. As we witnessed with Irish immigrants coming to the United States in the 1800s, difficulties were experienced in the British Isles which created a sense of tension and brought about ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Guests of the Nation, a Review of Conflicts Essay "Guests of the Nation," a short story by Frank O'Connor takes place in 1921 during Ireland's fight for independence from British rule. Set in a small cottage in the countryside of Ireland, the story tells of two Englishmen who are prisoners and are being watched over by three Irishmen. The story tells of the relationship that develops between the captives and their captors and explores the conflict that arises when the soldiers are called to duty. The story consisted of seven main characters, each adding depth to the story and contributing to the development of the plot. Two of the seven characters where the Englishmen Hawkins and Belcher. Hawkins was a "little Englishman" with a "deplorable tongue" who "never did a stroke of ... Show more content on ... Noble and Bonaparte were the young soldiers who were guarding the Englishmen. Both befriended the Englishmen as they played cards with each other and even argued about politics and religion. Jeremiah Donavan, on the other hand, did not have such a rapport with the prisoners. Though he supervised the card games and even yelled at the Englishman Hawkins as if he were one if his own soldiers, he kept his distance and was thus not as close as Noble and Bonaparte were. The plot of the story unfolded as Jeremiah Donavan revealed that the prisoners were actually hostages and that there was a possibility that they would have to execute the Englishmen. As the story continued to unfold, the possibility became reality when Feeney the intelligence officer revealed that the prisoners were ordered to be executed. It is in this pivotal moment that the conflict of the story arises and that the soldiers are faced with a conflict that in turn, proves to be deeply complex in that it is both internal and external. While externally the soldiers had to deal with the act of actually shooting the prisoners (more simply killing a man), internally Bonaparte and Noble dealt with the internal conflict of having to kill a friend. As Hawkins pleaded the case of friends shooting friends, we were forced as readers to also question the call of duty to a cause versus the call of ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Druids: A Major Division Of Indigenous Religion The Druids are a major division of Indigenous Religion and are located in the British Isles and Scotland. The Druids are most commonly associated with the Indigenous Celtic people of Ireland. Druids are known to have existed as far back as 3rd century B.C.E. (History of Britain: Rise and Fall of the Druids) The Druids passed down rituals and history through stories rather than through written text so a lot is still unknown about how they lived. There are still many people in today's culture who actively practice Druidism. Today, Druidism is split into two sects, Cultural Druidism or Religious Druidism. Cultural Druids are classified by having descendants who are Druids. Usually these people lightly follow the practices of Druidism but most ... Show more content on ... Many people associate Druids with both animal and human sacrifice during their rituals although it has never been historically proven. The druids are also known for creating stone circles to perform their rituals in. It is believed that they created these open stone circles because thought it was degrading to the gods to confine them with walls during rituals (Partington, 635). In Britain and Ireland there are more than 1,300 stone circles attributed to the Druids. The most famous of these stone circles is Stonehenge in England. It is believed that these stone circles are used during their Midsummers Eve Rituals (Knight 17). Today on June 22nd, the Druids gather at Stonehenge. At sunrise they perform a sacred ritual on the alter stone which is ended by an ancient horn being blown in the four directions. (Matthews, 135). Another festival celebrated by the Druids is Lammas Day or the Celtic Celebration of Lughnasadh. This festival took place in the fall time around the beginning of August. The celebration was held to mark the gathering of all the tribes at the height of summer. (Matthews, 138). Cauldrons, in particular Cauldron of Ceridwen, are commonly mentioned as being a part of ritual for the Druids. These cauldrons were used to mash up plants and "the water of inspiration and science" (Davies, 217–218). It was believed that tasting a drop of the water would open up the future for the persons viewing. Today Druidism is still an actively ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Comparison Between Easter 1916 And Yeats Yeats in many of his poem he portray about how Ireland undergone so many difficulties under British rule. His love and affection for his country are mostly seem in his poems. The poem Easter 1916 and To Ireland in coming are written in order to show the struggle taken by Ireland for freedom. In the poem "To Ireland in the coming times" mainly focuses on Yeats view on the changes taking place in the country. Before Ireland is under British rule but now as time passed Ireland is declared as free state. And Ireland was undergoing a change from a nation under British rule to a nation of its own with an identity. It also mainly focuses on Yeats feelings that Ireland is a strong nation and no matter what the obstacles may be the nation has always ... Show more content on ... The theme portrayed in Easter 1916 is immortality because it was written during the time when Irish are revolting against British for their freedom. Immortality played an important role in gaining independence because due to their great leader's executing Irish people they got freedom and independence from British. In Easter (1916) Yeats says that "A shadow of a cloud on the stream changes minute by minute". This line says that like the shadow of a cloud on the stream changes, likewise the life of Irish people will also change one day because nothing in this world is permanent, even British rule is not going to last for longer duration. It also means that Ireland will no longer be under the rule of British. Many Irish people are killed in order to stop further revolution. Similarly in the poem To Ireland in coming times the another theme portrayed is "freedom" because it was written during the time when Ireland was declared as a free state from British. In To Ireland in coming times(1893) Yeast says that " when time began to rant and rang the measure of her flying feet made Ireland's heart begin to beat and time bade all his candles flare to light a measure here and there, And may the thoughts of Ireland brood upon a measured quietude." This line says that when Ireland is declared as free state from British, it made Irish people ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. English: The Language Of The English Language English language is the most widely used language in the whole world and it is considered as the "language of the sea" so consequently, we aspiring seafarers should learn how to communicate properly using the English language. In MAAP, we are obligated to speak in English at all times so we could practice our English skills every day; which is very clever because once we go on board, we will work with different persons with different races which might make communication very hard especially if we can't speak and understand English fluently. For instance, I was instructed to do something important in the ship but I cannot understand the instruction since I can't understand English very well, it might be the cause of a fatal accident since miscommunication is one of the leading reason on why accidents at sea happens. On the other hand, it will also make ... Show more content on ... Our whole class has learned some useful and interesting skills and numerous other things that we can apply in our daily life, especially as MAAP cadets. We have four major topics in our subject which is the library, reading, listening and writing comprehension. Mrs. Orbe, our English 1 instructor, has kept us engaged and interested at all times by using different techniques like using videos, PowerPoint presentations and music which makes our classes fun and exciting. For instance, she made us listen to some inspiring songs like "The Greatest Love of All" by Whitney Houston to improve our listening skills which kept us interested in the subject. It also helped us to enhance our focus because we should listen to it very attentively so we could understand the lyrics and message of the songs. We also learned to how to think outside the box because most of the lyrics are not direct to the point and we have to understand it more carefully so we will not miss the real message behind the ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. English Around Time By Samuel Johnson English Across Time Natalie Trang 11ENL02 TRA0130 Across time, many people have advocated for the stabilisation of the English language. Samuel Johnson was a lexicographer who dedicated his life to doing so. He published his dictionary in 1755, in an effort to prescribe the use of the London dialect of English. However, his aims were not met and people continued to speak in their various dialects. What Samuel Johnson did not expect was the unstoppable way in which language evolves. Neither did he realise the timeframe required for ... Show more content on ... The people of England in Johnson's time lived segregated lives in their various social classes. The royals would have had a use for words that the lower–class may never have even heard of. It would be difficult to create one version of English that was current and able to accommodate all the speakers. The needs of its speakers direct the change in a language. Dr. Samuel Johnson's dictionary was unable to encapsulate everything that the speakers wanted to express, so they continued to mould the English language to suit them. Changes in a language require time for its users to learn how to incorporate it into daily speech and spread it. For Dr. Johnson's version to become the only version of English, it would require many speakers to make changes in their speech and writing habits. Before this happened though, the Industrial revolution came about and brought with it major developments in people's lives. Technical words such as 'cylindrical steam press' were invented to describe the newly developed technology. These additions to the speakers' lexicons were not limited to technology. The industrial revolution increased trade and with this, the English borrowed words, such as 'crinoline', a stiffened petticoat. Along with neologisms, the semantic meanings of words also broadened in order to cover new uses. One such word was vacuum, which meant 'devoid of matter', and later also came to mean 'a machine that sucks up ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Family History Project For my genius hour project, I decided that I am going to researching my family history and my family past, where my family is from. It sounds really cool to learn about my family history and where they came from? I really want to know where my family is from because I want to know where I am also from and what I have parts of the world are in me. I know that most of my family is from Europe, that is all I really knew before I started this project. But I did not know what parts of Europe my family came from. I really wish that I could know where all of my family is from and what their last names mean. My thesis for the genius hour project is to find out where my family came from, how old they were when they came to America. And did my family ... Show more content on ... Which is the part of the British Isles And I also found out that Scotland and that their national animal is a unicorn. I also found out that a person in my family signed the mayflower compact which means that they were part of the first "government" in the Thirteen colonies of the united states. Which only forty– one people signed in over on November Eleventh in the year sixteen twenty. The process of finding my family was very difficult because I used what I had already known from my parents. But the rest that I did not know was what I had to use google. I used websites like finding a grave and other websites like that. It was not very easy because you had to be careful what you clicked on and other things like that. Because if you click on the wrong one then you have to go back and restart the whole process again. At times it made me very and sometimes I get very tired of this project and it was very difficult, I wanted to quit and give up on the project. And when you messed up, you had to restart because you got the wrong people that were not your family and not even related to you or anything, it was really ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. British Isles Storms Discuss the impacts of storm events in the British Isles and evaluate the responses to them (40 marks) The British Isles has a Cool Temperate Western Maritime Climate which is owing to its location at the edge of a continent, between two seas and subject to the influences of five major air masses; north–westerly, south–westerly, northerly, easterly and southerly. British climate is classified as temperate as it rarely features the extremes of heat or cold, rain, drought or wind that are common in other climates. Basic characteristics of this climate include temperature, precipitation, wind and air masses. The mean summer temperatures in the UK are lower than the average for its latitude which is due to the cooling influence from the ... Show more content on ... 15 million trees were knocked down and trees blocked roads and railways. Power lines were taken down and 5 million homes were left without electricity. Insurance claims were up to £2 billon and so premiums increased for everyone the following year. The Met Office were criticised in the immediate aftermath of this event as it failed to forecast the storm correctly which arguably led to the death of many more people than necessary due to them sleeping through gale force 11 winds. In the aftermath, however, a great deal of money and effort was put into a post–storm 'clean up', yet some thought that nature would've been better left to re–assert itself. For example, there was unnecessary destruction of trees which, thought fallen, were still living and so could have been recovered through nature. The Met Office learnt from their mistakes in this event and so a number of recommendations were made. Observational coverage of the atmosphere over the ocean to the south and the west of the UK were improved by increasing the quantity and quality of observations from ships, aircrafts, buoys and satellites. Continued refinements were made to the computer models used in forecasting and the training given to forecasters was improved. Substantially more warnings will be put out in future in the event of a storm in an attempt to mitigate the effects for humans and therefore the response to the 1987 depression resulted in some positive aspects for the future, yet the negative impact ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. The Origins of Celtic Music Even though Celtic Music does not have a set date in which it was created, it still has a long and fervent history. The origins of Celtic music, the historical events, and the style of Celtic music are the key factors that led to the creation of Celtic music. The origins of Celtic music and the instruments used in order to create such healthily flamboyant music. Fiddle, Flute and whistle, uilleann pipes, harp, accordion, banjo, mandolin, guitar, drums, and many others were used in the creation of Celtic Music. The creation of these instruments gave the British Isles a distinct sound when it came to music. This sound was recognised around the world and still is. The British isles which consists of Ireland Scotland and Britain was not in touch with the rest of the world as far as culture was concerned very early in their history. This exclusion from external influences allowed Ireland to develop music that had its own unique sound. Even in this area some of the instruments changed in sound and shape. Not only were there the uilleann pipes in Ireland across the sea in Scotland the war pipes were prevalent. The distinction between the two is actually quite great. The tone of the two are different as well as the physical appearance. The War Pipes have three Drone pipes separately in the bag while the uilleann pipes has all three drones in one spot. "The CLAIRSEACH was the large harp [...] having from 29 to 58 strings, and even 60, but as a rule 30 strings." ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Benefits Of Learning A New Language Learning a new language can not only intimidating but also require hard work and dedication. However, even amongst all the trials and tribulations, learning a new language can be very rewarding in the end. Learning a new language can assist with gaining employment, getting through day to day activities, and even help within the dating world for those that are interested in dating outside of their race. With knowing all of the hard work that goes into learning a new language, I wanted to see what things were like for those who wanted to learn the English language. A language that is most commonly used around the world and one that is set to help many gain much reward. For my interview I decided to interview my coworker Anastasia. Anastasia was born in Estonia, a small country within Europe. Her father was a military doctor so they moved around a lot throughout the country. When she was six months old Anastasia and her family moved to Moldova. After living in Moldova for the next 25 years she and her husband decided they wanted to give their new born baby girl a better life in the US so they decided to make the move. Anastasia's native language is Romanian which is spoken throughout Moldova as well as Russian. For her she began to learn the English language at a pretty early age. While learning to speak her parents would teach her English as well as she grew up. It wasn't until 9th grade when she really begin to put fourth more effort to learn English. Anastasia's grandmother ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Explain Why The Climate Of The British Isles To what extent is the climate of the British Isles a product of the air masses that affect it? (40 marks) The British Isles are a group of islands located off the north–western coast of continental Europe. The climate is usually considered to be temperate maritime; however, the weather is very changeable from place to place and from time to time. Air masses greatly affect the weather experienced in the British Isles and therefore, its climate. An air mass is a body of air with uniform levels of temperature, humidity and pressure acquired from prolonged contact in its source region. Despite having an effect on British climate, there are other factors which play major roles and need to be considered. Much of the weather that the British ... Show more content on ... The effects of these continental air masses are less prevalent than maritime influences; however they still have important influences on weather in the British Isles, and are also fundamental in explaining temporal and spatial differences in climate across the country. It is not only the weather that the air masses bring that affects the climate of the UK, but also, the complex interactions between the air masses. Most importantly, the interactions between the Polar Maritime and Tropical maritime air masses can lead to the formation of areas of significantly low pressure called depressions. These depressions usually form in the Atlantic Ocean at the boundary between PM and TM air, and bring characteristic cloudy, wet and windy conditions. These depressions are what are responsible for many of the winter storms. They are regular occurrences and so contribute to the overall pattern of weather over a long period i.e. the climate of the British Isles. The interaction between continental air masses often leads to anticyclones which are the opposite of depressions – areas of significantly high pressure. They bring settled weather, with clear skies and light winds. In the summer they can be responsible for temperatures of over 30⁰C. Many say it is the pattern of depressions and anticyclones passing over Britain that is responsible for its ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. My Passion For Reading My passion for reading is an aspect of me that has never failed to go unnoticed – it is hardly a surprise for those around me to see a book in my hand wherever I go, absorbed by a world that was not invented by me. As a result of this, I was recognised within school as my picture was placed on the wall in the English Department praising how much I read. As a child I wanted to become an author so the ability to enter somebody's thoughts through words on a page has always filled me with a genuine excitement. There is no doubt that an English degree at University is for me, I want to continue my love for the subject in depth and take this further to become a Secondary Teacher of English. Through studying English at University I will be able to study modules that truly fascinate me and encourage me to read books more imaginatively and critically. Recently in the news it has been said that due to Brexit there is the possibility that a new language could be forming – Euro–English. Developments in the English language never fail to intrigue me as teaching English at a secondary school is the career I am working towards and this ultimately changes the future of teaching. At A–level I study English Literature, Psychology and Biology all of which are essay based. Essay based subjects are beneficial to me as this is how I am most comfortable working. I also completed the Extended Project Qualification in which I chose to write an investigation on the moon landing's of 1969. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Disadvantages Of A Bilingual Language with her mother, that they are very distant and that she hid things from her, giving the fact that Călina and her mother have a very close relationship, she turned to her mother and started to cry and to tell her in English (even if she spoke in Romanian until then) what she feels about the main character's actions and she told her that she would not want those things to happen in their relationship ever. Also, I observed that even if her mother is native Romanian speaker, she used the same language as her daughter to express deep feelings maybe because she lives in America since she had 20 years. In the same time, I observed a kind of unusual habit that Romanians have –and I must admit that I have this habit too sometimes– that is to say we use to swear in another language – in my case, English– when we are joking with somebody or simply when we did not mean to really say and mean that. The reason is that in a second language swears are less powerful in meaning and are not so harsh than in our first language, it is used more for amusement. Furthermore, the context in which a person learnt these languages have also an influence on what language has a powerful emotional force because ... Show more content on ... Often the mismatch which appears in their conversations with others in created because multilingual people tend to shift from one language to another ; the reason why they use to proceed this way is that the meaning they want to express may be specific to the first or second ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. The Pros And Cons Of The Northern Ireland Assembly The Northern Ireland Assembly should be made up of 108 members being "elected from 18 constituencies" and having both an elected First Minister as well as a Deputy First Minister. While most issues are resolved via a common majority it is possible for members to subscribe a petition of concern which will lead to a decision being made via both a Unionist and a Nationalist assembly members' majority. In addition to those, the assembly can decide on the legislation in Northern Ireland as long as it is within the limitations set by London. Furthermore, a Civic Forum should be introduced to deal with "social, economic and cultural" matters. Ultimately, "the principles of non– violence and democracy" must be upheld by all members. Strand 2 – North/South Ministerial Council In order for the two states to co–operate and collaborate concerning affairs which affect both – such as the European Union – a North/South Ministerial Council, consisting out of the First and Deputy First Minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly and two members of ... Show more content on ... Every seven years the Secretary of State can initiate a referendum if she/he believes that a majority of people would vote for a United Ireland. Furthermore, if there is a majority for a United Ireland in Northern Ireland, then the government of the United Kingdom would have to allow it. Moreover, every citizen has the right to declare themselves as either British or Irish and, if they want it, a dual citizenship has to be provided. At last, by rephrasing Articles 2 and 3 of the Irish constitution the territorial claim over Northern Ireland will be abolished, the right of electoral consent is supported and the Irish laws will, instead of applying to all 32 counties, only apply to ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Impact the Romans Made on British Isles Examine the impact the Romans made on the British Isles Although there had been increasing contact between the British Isles and the classical world during the Late Iron Age, the first real Roman presence here was that of Julius Caesar. In 55BC a Roman army of around ten thousand men crossed the channel and invaded Britain, yet were defeated and had to return to Gaul. Then in the following year; 54BC, Caesar came to Britain again. This time with a much larger army, although on this occasion he won the majority of battles and was victorious, he still returned to Gaul. It wasn't until 43AD that the real invasion took place and the real 'Romanisation' of the British Isles began. Romanisation is commonly seen as the coming of ... Show more content on ... Those from the lower social class still lived in Iron Age houses within poor rural communities. They still relied on Pre–Roman farming technology to live and trade from. This was shown when archaeologist discovered a settlement in Devon dating back to the Roman period. The remains show inhabitants were still living in native roundhouses, as Britons had done for centuries before, despite the presence of Roman pottery and coins.[4] One of the most visible changes in landscape was the construction of Roman roads. Prior to this, Britain used unpaved track ways for their communications. The Roman created straight, paved roads which could be used in all weather conditions. The development of Over 9,000kilometres of roads meant communication and travel from one area of Britain to another was made substantially easier. Although they were mainly designed for a military purpose, it had a positive impact on trade as it became easier to transport goods. Speaking of trade, the Romans made vast improvements in agriculture. They introduced to Britain a range of new crops, as well as better farming equipment. Iron equipment created by the Romans allowed farmers to work on much larger and tougher areas of land which would have proved too difficult during the pre–roman era. Along with this, livestock was also improved; ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Summary Of Mother Tongue By Amy Tan There are numerous bilingual and multicultural individuals on the planet today. For some, decisions of which language they utilize, and how they utilize it, relate to what social or social group they have a place with. Amy Tan, a Chinese American writer, depicts this well in her short exposition "Mother Tongue". Tan experienced childhood in two unfathomably unique universes utilizing diverse English's. The primary world, which comprises of her nearby family, she talks what we may call "broken" or "constrained" English. The second world, which is her business and expert world, tan talks and composes culminate standard and scholastic English. In the essay Tan writes about her mother's English and its influence. Learning a language can be very difficult because not only you have to learn the language, but you also must learn vocabulary and having to cope with a different culture. Tan's mother is a great illustration of this adjustment to English–based American culture while in some cases proceed to think in Chinese ways. Tan to begin with thought that her mother's English is "broken", but she then realized that her mother's English reflects a blend of diverse societies, and she really benefits from this blend of both Chinese and American societies through her distributed making, appearing to as a one of a kind class of Chinese American composing both in this paper and her other books. when I carefully read through this essay. As Tan was growing up, the discourse she utilized ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Books Are Humanity in Print Essay British Lit Final Exam May 26, 2010 Books Are Humanity in Print, The human race is known for change; it has evolved from prehistoric 'cavemen', ancient empires, and Vikings to aristocratic monarchies, democracies, and dictatorships. With each passing year, there are technological advancements, changing political platforms, and a progressively mobile worldwide population. Each literary era reflects the human feats, lifestyles, and changing times: Anglo–Saxon epics consist of glory battle scenes, bloodied warriors, and feuding countries; Middle English works consist of glorified knights, the chivalric code, and a greedy, materialistic court; and, modern literary classics depict worlds of which the human race is ruled by technology. ... Show more content on ... While most of the poem depicts pagan customs, such as wergild,, there are three specific ways that Christianity is seen: the title character, Beowulf, is depicted as good while Grendel, who descended from Cain, is depicted at evil; there are conflicting ideas of fate and free will; and the lord is seen as an almightily, singular being. Following the Norman Conquests, the French influence drastically changed the British Isles: the language of the aristocracy became French; feudalism, a social and economic hierarchy, became the caste system of choice; and, chivalry was abounded. However, The French influence quickly declined following the Crusades, the struggle between church and state, the Magna Carta, the Hundred Years War, the Bubonic Plague, and the rise of cities. The anonymously authored, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, reflects the shifting social order. A satire of a culture in moral decline, the poem is filled with elaborate descriptions of courtly festivities, the accouterments of knighthood, and the inane codes of chivalry. The knights of both the era and the poem are dressed to the nines: fancy belts, gold plated shields, and various other garments unnecessary for warfare. The knights pledged their loyalty to their kings, their honor to women, and their defense to the Christian faith. In the poem, Christmas ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Impact Of Viking Raids On The British Isles Coming from Scandinavian countries, predominantly Denmark and Norway, the Vikings began raiding the British Isles in the late 700s (James). The Vikings primarily targeted monasteries, because that is where most of the wealth was concentrated (Loughrey). These raids were very violent, people were killed, and the survivors were sold into slavery (Loughrey). These violent raids earned the Vikings the reputation of barbarians, much like the Mongols a few centuries later in Asia. After some time, once the Vikings exhausted most of the wealth in the monasteries, they turned their interest into settling the British Isles (James). By the late 9th century the Vikings had conquered most of England (James). However, even though these Viking kingdoms did not last very long, the Scandinavians who resided there stayed. These Scandinavians would go on to change the British Isles in many ways. Despite the violent and negative impacts of Viking raids on the British Isles, once the Vikings settled down, they had a significant and positive peaceful impact on the British Isles culturally, politically, and economically. The first of these positive impacts was on the culture of the British Isles. One of the ways that the Vikings influenced the culture is evidenced by how they changed the English language. Since Old Norse and Old English are very similar, it can be very hard to detect where Old Norse coincides with modern English (Treharne 3). However, a very obvious influence is seen in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Causes And Effects Of The North Sea Flood The North Sea Flood occurred within Saturday, 31st January 1953, and seemed to remain persistent prior to subsiding within the morning of Sunday, 1st February. Regardless of initial concerns regarding a plausible flood arising, citizens within the coastal regions of England and the Netherlands remained ignorant toward constant cautionary aids. The North Sea Flood has been considered as a calamitous phenomenon that has forced detriments upon the citizens that resided nearing the Northern Sea ; coastal areas of Netherlands, England, Belgium, France as well as Denmark. Oblivion toward the aftermath of the flooding resulted within fatalities and varying injuries. This remains as the focal reasoning referring to constant fatalities regarding floods. (Social Impacts) Immense devastation was apparent consequential to the occurrence of the disaster, the number of casualties were intensified through the lack of initial response to warnings, that hindered individuals to evacuate prior to the flooding. Foregoing the flood devastating the citizens within several eastern European nations, Princess Victoria; an English passenger vessel, attempted to journey across the Irish Sea. Once departed, the passengers' ferry experienced the initial developments of the European windstorm. 133 fatalities occurred once the Princess Victoria voyaged across the Irish Sea, the vigorous windstorm continually developed to form a flood that aimed to devastate the social and environmental stability ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. British Isles Research Paper The British Isles are a large set of islands located in the northern hemisphere, and are comprised of a mild climate and varied soils, as well as also being home to a diverse pattern of vegetation and a climatic–climax community of deciduous woodland. These isles are home to many ecosystems, in which they are a dynamic interlinked system characterised by the interaction of plants and animals that are shared with each other, being that organic and non–organic components of the environment. The British Isles are an example of a Lithosere succession, with the Lithosere as its primary succession (although not its only type of natural succession), meaning that the area began as a rock based environment, and succeeded into a plant and deciduous based ... Show more content on ... The reasons behind the desire for ecological conservation include encouraging wildlife back into cities, making cheap use of derelict areas and maintaining a diverse species base by reintroducing locally extinct species. Work done in such areas involves planting trees (predominantly native species), dredging of ponds, and soil improvements, and will often involve local volunteers, showing the human activity catering for a natural succession in a positive light. An example of a successful ecological conservation area is that of Troopers Hill, located in southeast Bristol. The conservation of the Troopers Hill Local Nature Reserve has preserved much of the pre–existing habitats of the area, consequently enabling the survival of native species and plants. The main aim of the project has been fulfilled, as a variety of different habitats have been preserved, resulting with an increase in biodiversity; including mammals such as hedgehogs and foxes, as well as more than 40 species of bird and a wide variety of insects, with around 70 species of bee, with bees being a crucial part in almost every natural succession. Another reason for the creation of such areas is due to the fact that local people want a safe environment for leisure activities and that local authorities desire to make cheap use of ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. English Language Learners : Bilingual Education During the nineteenth and early twentieth century there was no set way of how to teach an English– language learner. Some schools practiced bilingual education. Other schools placed immigrant children in English–language learner programs to prepare them for the English–only classroom. Other schools segregated schools specifically for the immigrants aimed at teaching them the language. Some schools just placed immigrant children in English–only classrooms and hoped they would learn. Even though schools like those in New York reported that 60 percent of their student body was immigrants in the early twentieth century, there was no law or regulation of how to teach the students. This varied across the country and two counties in the same state could have differing policies. It depended on the superintendent's and school board's view on language programs. It was not until 1950 that classes started such as English as a Second Language aimed at helping immigrant children learn the English language. In the United States in 1950 and in 2016, the most popular language among English–language learners is Spanish; about 80 percent of English– language learners speak Spanish as their first language. Prior to English as a Second Language classes, immigrants exhibited a high dropout rate, they were not supported in schools. The purpose of the English as a Second Language is not only to help students learn the English language, but also help them succeed in their other classes by ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Essay On Traditional Construction Of History The Issuses of Traditional Construction of History Does history over centuries truly define the past as its origin? Dr. Francis Pryor re–examines the origin of Britain in one of his series about Britain AD, "Britain AD – The Not So Dark Age." His reinvestigation finds out a handful of evidences that disprove the written history regarding how Britain's culture was formed. Pryor effectively explores the flaw in history through the idea of invasion, cultural artifacts, and the creation of identity. In the narrative, the idea of Anglo–Saxon invasion is clearly not reliable. To begin with, there are a plenty of Rome buildings that might have a different purpose than people traditionally believe in. To illustrate, Pryor has a discussion with ... Show more content on ... Beside the invasion, cultural artifacts is also an aspect that is misjudged towards people's genesis. Firstly, cultural artifacts are merely shown the adaption to what is better, rather than expression of one's origin. For example, Pryor has a conversation with Sam Lucy, an archaeologist, about the change in burial rights in Britain during the end of The Roman period; Lucy mentions how people were buried with different objects: "a cross shaped branch, and this approach isn't a continental import. It's idea came ultimately from the continent, but it is a British product" (Sam Lucy). This reveals that the idea of the object comes from outside of Britain, but British people are the one who modify and execute that idea. The fact that British takes the ideas from continent to differ their style proves that artifacts are found to belong to Anglo–Saxon people could actually be made similarly by the British to improve their daily life. So this idea indicates that culture artifacts do not tell where people come from. Moreoever, cultural artifacts are found around the world might have been traded and transported there, and did not belong to local inhibitants. Particularly, Mark Cartwright, who has a Master of Arts in Greek philosophy, talks about trading goods in ancient times: "goods were not only exchanged across the Roman world, however, as bustling ports such as Gades, Ostia, Puteoli, Alexandria, and Antioch also imported goods from such far–flung places as Arabia, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. My A-Level English Course Analysis Over the past few years I have really gained an interest in the way writers can influence different emotions onto their readers and how a simple sentence can change meaning based on how different audiences view it. I am intrigued by the way authors can manipulate different emotions by expressing individual thoughts yet also encouraging the reader to express their understanding of the texts. Language is a subject that defines us personally, it is universal but yet still define us as individuals. My decision to study English is based on my desire to enhance my understanding of how we, as humans, speak and interact with each other on a daily basis. Although the linguistic element is something I have only recently studied, I have a strong interest in analysing the precise elements of the English language, more specifically the relationship between the spoken features of a text based upon who is listening. ... Show more content on ... Not only has this course allowed me to expand in my writing, it has also made me aware of how features, such as phonology, is used and how I am able to adapt and change how I speak based upon who I am trying to communicate with. As I currently study English Literature and Language I have been given opportunities to specifically analyse a text from a literary and linguistic perspective, this has allowed me to analyse, the purpose of a text and the reasons behind why it portrays what it does. David Crystal's 'How Language Works' has really helped me reflect on how English has changed over thousands of years and highlights the science behind the ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Power Of English Masculinity In Shakespeare's 'Catriona' Both Jeremy and Leo use their English masculinity to charm their way into Catriona's home, and eventually her bed. As the men spend more time with Catriona, they develop a sexual relationship with her which does not read as entirely consensual. When Jeremy has sex with Catriona for the first time, he acknowledges the strength of his body and the nature in which she generously gave herself to him. Hogan describes the aftermath of the event, claiming that Catriona, "looked more like an Irish country girl after that" because she engaged in a dirty activity, further isolating her from English modesty. At this point, Jeremy's dominance and Northern Irish blood corresponds more with England than Catriona's, even though she grew up in England. Both Carthage and Jeremy use sex, or the result of sex, to exemplify their power over seemingly weak, Irish females. Despite the overwhelmingly destructive power of British men and their desire to revoke free will from feminine Irish protagonists, Miles, Hester, and Catriona all claim power to escape their tumultuous worlds. When Desmond finally checks back up on Miles after years of separation, he finds Miles outside of a gay bar, smiling at his next customer. Even though Dublin ostracized Miles for his mother's work as a prostitute, he finds himself in the same profession, working to claim his own sexuality and power over his body. Throughout his personal endeavours, Miles embodies symbolic characteristics of a swan, as he nearly ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. The Study on English Idioms by Western Culture Abstract The language is a part of the culture and the carrier of the culture at the same time. The culture can not get away from the language. The language can not get away from the culture, either. It is impossible to study a foreign language text without considering the culture it embodied. Idiom is the essence and crystallization of a language and culture. It is the summary of life experiences of the people in a particular district. Usually, it is short but it can reflect the special features of a certain culture. Therefore, the accurate understanding of the English idiom does not only involve the phonetic conversion but also involve the western cultural conversion. It requires that the learner know the western culture background well. ... Show more content on ... 1. The influence of history England has a history of more than one thousand years. Generally speaking, people like to embellish their speech or writing with references to characters or events from their history, that is to say, idiomatic expressions are closely related to a country's history. 1. 1 The influence of Roman Conquest In 43 A.D. the Roman emperor Claudius headed 40000 soldiers to invade the British Isles. It took him 3 years to occupy successfully the central and southeastern parts. From then on, Roman culture and customs penetrated into Britain gradually. Roman clothing, ornaments, poetry and glass containers became popular in Britain, where people's social life began to Romanize. Taking the aspect of language for instance, there are a lot of idioms which are from the history of Roman Conquest. For example, the following idioms are related to Rome: "Do in Rome as the Romans do" (入乡随俗); "Rome was not built in a day" (伟业非一日之功); "All roads lead to Rome" (殊途同 归). Besides, Roman customs are handed down by English idioms. For example, "bear the palm" (戴棕榈枝) has a figurative meaning "the symbol of victory". In ancient Rome, a bullfighter who won in the sports arena would bear the palm as the symbol of victory. Similar idioms "thumbs up" (赞成)historically means "live" and "thumbs down"(反对,贬斥) anciently signified "die" which also come from the bloody arena. 1.2 ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Critical Analysis Report : Celts 500 Bc The Earliest... Critical Analysis Report Celts 500 BC–43 BC the earliest linguistic inhabitants of the British isles. The term Celt applies to any of the European people who spoke Celtic language. The first appearance of the Celts occurred during the 500 BC mark, and it began to spread over many regions in France and Spain. The Celts are the earliest inhabitants from the British isles to leave an impact on our language. It is also known that there is rarely words from the Celts that are still used today, but some words that are still left are known as London, Dover, and Kent. There were three west Germanic invaders to settle in the British Isles known as: the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes. These invaders pushed away the Celtic–speaking inhabitants out of England into Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Ireland, which left behind a few Celtic words. Most of modern English words come from foreign, not Old English roots. Stats show about one sixth of the Old English words have descendants surviving today. The Romans 43 BC–CA 450 A.D invades and begin to rule the British Isles. The invasion for Britain was the most significant event that ever occurred to the British Isles. It affected the language, culture, geography, architecture, and the way individuals was thinking. The Roman had a unity and order for Britain that it never had before. Before the Romans invasion, Britain was a nobody. Most people believe that Rome 's most important legacy was its roads, and it is not. The most important legacy ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Reason For European Imperialism Imperialism, a policy in which one country seeks authority over another country by economic and political domination. The Europeans at this time in history, were looking for resources and something to help them show their national pride; the best way to do that was to imperialize different countries. Africa, which was not industrialized, was seen as not capable to lead themselves into modernization. The europeans as well as many other countries began to seek land in the divided, war–filled country. The reasons for europeans seeking imperialism is because of the strive for natural resources, the need to show national pride, and thoughts upon racism. In imperialism, natural resources where a large driving cause to the spread of authority all ... Show more content on ... An empire such as Britain requires an imperial race (Primrose). People from all over saw how different people and cultures came from all over the world which create hate and a variety of disapproval for others. African people were seen as hated, uncivilized people only because, they had so many different cultures and different ways of living. If Africa was to be industrialized before other countries came it would have been seen as a land that is respected because the people who live in it are capable of industrialization. But because the land was not industrialized before imperialism racism became a strong attacking point upon the uncivilized. France went with a fully developed race into territories marked by barbarism and people who cannot develop their own land (Merlin). France in this description sees themselves as superior to the Africans because, they do not have fighting within their country and they are industrialized. Without their ability to come together as a country and grow an economy France would be another Africa. Racism drove France to come to Africa and show their superiority over them. Racism was a large reason for imperialism. Africa was a resource rich, divided, different country. Every country that took a part in Africa's imperialism saw this matter and took advantage. If Africa had time to figure out how to develop an economy, unify with each other, and industrialize itself; imperialism from other countries would ... Get more on ...