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  Learning Centre, University of
What do markers want when setting essays?

No matter what course you are doing, it's
designed with two specific goals in mind:

     to show knowledge of a particular subject

     to show your skills in thinking and
Common criteria of undergraduate essay writing focus on the
  following requirements:
  students need to be analytical and critical in their response
  students need to structure their writing logically
  students need to be persuasive writers
  students need to answer the question
Essay Questions
Set questions are usually written in order to judge
your ability to understand a topic or theme, and
to relate general ideas to specific applications (or
vice versa).

In order to demonstrate that you can do these
things you must be able to:
correctly identify the focus of the question
deal with it consistently and within the terms of
the essay and discipline
That is, you must answer the set question.
Exercise 1
First year students were asked to write an essay on the
following question:
“The science of ergonomics is central to good
modern design.” Discuss this statement.
About half of the group wrote essays that answered this question
appropriately. The other half wrote essays which really answered other
questions. Read the essay extracts below and match each essay extract
with the question it appears to be answering. Write the letters a) - d) in
the boxes.
Essay extracts:
a)Ergonomics is important in design as it can cut down workloads and
the energy needed to perform a task.
b)During the industrial revolution, the word "ergonomics" had a rather
negative implication about it. .... However, the word has taken on a
different meaning through time.
c)Whilst the statement seems straight forward enough I take issue with
the words "modern" and "good".
d)If we were to design a chair we should have an understanding of the
purpose of the chair - will it be used for work or just to sit on and eat.

Essay questions:
[ ] Discuss the wording of this question.
[ ] Why is ergonomics important?
[ ] Describe an ergonomically designed object.
[ ] What is ergonomics?
Extracts                                   Questions

Ergonomics is important in design as it        Why is ergonomics important?
can cut down workloads and the energy          (i.e. some students gave reasons why
needed to perform a task.                      ergonomics is important.)

During the industrial revolution, the word     What is ergonomics?
"ergonomics" had a rather negative             (i.e. some students defined the
implication about it. .... However, the        term.)
word has taken on a different meaning
through time.
Whilst the statement seems straight            Discuss the wording of this
forward enough I take issue with the           question.
words "modern" and "good".                     (i.e. some students criticised the
                                               wording of the question.)
If we were to design a chair we should         Describe an ergonomically designed
have an understanding of the purpose of        object.
the chair - will it be used for work or just   (i.e. some students described an
to sit on and eat.                             ergonomic object - usually a chair.)
There may also be some sections of your essay where you
will write descriptively. However, most disciplines,
especially in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, will
set essay questions that involve the process of analysis.

Analysis is the process of

 •breaking down a topic/concept/group of facts into components or

 •looking for relationships between them

 •understanding how each component contributes to the whole picture

 •drawing conclusions about their significance
For example, an essay question such as
“How does play contribute to the development of the primary school-aged child? ”
requires you to:

•understand what is meant by the two key concepts of play and development

•identify different types of play, for example, board games, group games, solitary play,
imaginative play, ...

•organise these different types of play into logical groupings or categories for your discussion,
for example, inside versus outside play, group versus solitary play, organised versus
spontaneous play and so on

•identify different areas of development, for example, social, cognitive, emotional, physical,
language and psychological development and so on

•then by referring to the research literature show how (= in what ways) the different
categories of play contribute to different areas of development.
Essay questions requiring analysis may also involve some (or
   all) of the following processes.

PROCESS/TYPE                      PURPOSE

EXPLANATION                       to offer explanation on why things happen

INTERPRETATION                    to look at assumptions/ information in terms of
                                  key/ model/ framework
EVALUATION                        to present and justify a value judgement about
                                  certain information
ARGUMENTATION                     to take and justify a position on some issue/

Adapted from Martin, J. R. & Peters, P. [1985] "On the analysis of exposition" in Hasan, R. (Ed) Discourse on Discourse, ALAA Occasional
Papers, No. 7, p. 88.)
Why was the early 19th century so important for the development of

This essay question assumes that the 19th century was very
important in the development of archaeology and is asking you
to explain why it was so important, and to give your reasons for
each of the points made or issues raised.
'Jemma (aged 14 years) fights a lot with her parents but not with
her friends. She used to be a keen student but now seems to have
lost interest in both her school studies (she wants to leave school
next year) and outside school activities. She does however take a
passionate interest in the environment and in boys.‘
Interpret these behaviours in the light of Erikson's stage theory on
adolesence. (Education)

This essay question is asking you to interpret particular behaviours
in a brief case study of an adolescent in terms of Erikson's theory
on adolescence.
Evaluate the role of J.S.Mills in the transition from Classical,
Political Economy to Modern Economics, with particular reference
to value and distribution. (Economics)

This essay question is asking you to make a judgement
on the contribution made by J.S.Mills giving the reasons
for your judgement. By making a judgement you are also
taking a position - that he played a major role or a minor
Nursing practice has been crucial in preventing the spread of
disease. Do you agree?(Nursing)

This essay question is asking you to discuss the relationship
between nursing practice and the prevention of the spread of
disease. You would select and show how different examples of
nursing practices have prevented the spread of disease/s and you
would take a position on this relationship, i.e. that nursing
practice has been crucial or has not been crucial in preventing the
spread of disease.
Look closely at what you are being asked to
do in your
(Deconstructing the Question):
There are:
������ ‘content’ words
������ ‘task’ words
������ ‘limit’ words and
������ The Assignment Structure

The content words tell you the subject matter of the essay

The task words set out the academic action you must

The limit words are those that tell you the boundaries of
the essay;

The Assignment structure tells you what type of writing you
should produce (Academic Action): essay; report; critical
review; literature review; reflective journal; portfolio and case
Commonly Used Task Words Overview :
                     analyse          examine
                      argue            explain
                     assess          illustrate
                     compare         interpret
                       contrast        justify
                      criticise        outline
                       define           prove
                      describe         review
                    discuss         summarise
                        evaluate        trace
Analysis in Action
For example, look closely at the following question:
Discuss the effects of the 2000 Olympic Games on
Australia’s international reputation (2500 word essay)

In this question:
������ The assignment structure is ‘essay’ – the format of the
������ The content words are ‘the effects of the 2000 Olympic
Games’ and
‘Australia’s international reputation’— the subject matter
������ The limit words are - ‘2000 Olympic Games’ and
������ ‘discuss’ is the task (direction)
Your Turn
������ Try out your analysis skills with a partner:
Present a written argument or case on the following
The internet will bring about a new freedom of information
and so narrow the technology gap between developed and
developing countries.

Using the above essay topic, divide it into its various parts:
������ Decide what the assignment structure is likely to be.
������ Highlight the content words.
������ Circle the direction word.
������ Put square brackets around the limits of the topic.

Deconstructing the question guides your writing in terms of what the
assignment is asking of you (as well as setting limits to what you do):

You should:
������ Identify the key points and note them down

Ask yourself:
������ What specific material needs to be addressed?
������ What specific issues need to be explored?
������ What commentators and theories are particularly relevant?
������ What questions need to be considered?
Consider this question from a first year International
Relations course:

What is the “world food crisis”? What are the
political causes of it and what might be the political
responses to it? (2,000 words)

While you are reading the following section on
subject, angle and process,
think about how they apply to the question above.

Analysing the question in terms of subject/angle/process helps you
identify the task in preparation to developing a plan.

• The subject of your essay is the broad field or topic - it is the “what”
your topic is about: ask yourself, “What do I have to demonstrate
knowledge about?”

• The angle of your essay is the controversy or debate that is at the
heart of the subject - “why” you should examine this topic: ask yourself,
“What questions do I have to answer?”

• The process is the “how” your essay is going to proceed in answering
the “what” and the “why”: ask yourself, “How should I answer?”
The process is the way in which you demonstrate your academic point
of view, using evidence to develop your answer to the question.
If you look at the handout "What do markers want in an essay?" you'll
notice that -
the "subject" above corresponds to the “focus,"
the "angle" corresponds to the “wide and critical reading,” and
the "process" corresponds to the “argument.“

In the essay question above, the subject is the “world food crisis.” In this
question, the angle for International Relations is to identify what the
“world food crisis” is, the political causes of it and the possible political
responses to it.
The process involves explaining the politics of trade and the inequalities
of wealth, and some suggestion of how these might be overcome.
Now you are in a position (though this will adapt and evolve) to develop
an argument: ask yourself, “What do I want to persuade (with evidence)
the reader to think?”
The first point is about the subject matter: if you are studying commerce, you will learn the
significance of a debt to equity ratio and how to read a company’s financial statements.

The second point is more complicated: these skills in thinking and communication are often not
acknowledged explicitly in your courses, but improving these skills is fundamental to successful
university study.

In developing your knowledge about the subject - whatever subject it is - you will need to:
         develop reading skills to order, test and evaluate ideas and evidence,
         assess the relationships of these ideas to other ideas and evidence, and
         formulate questions about these ideas and evidence
         become an increasingly independent learner
         develop a nuanced, coherent position which can be substantiated with evidence
         develop a questioning and academically critical mind
         learn writing and communication skills in order to express your position with clarity
         and precision.

With this list in mind, markers assess your ability as it is demonstrated in your assignment. This
assessment can be considered as four areas of competence: focus, wide and critical reading,
argument, and presentation.
In order to demonstrate your questioning and critical mind, it is
expected that your essay focuses clearly on the issues of the
question you have been given.
This involves several tasks:
    •understanding the question(s) or task(s) you have been
    given: what knowledge or skill are you being required to

   •identifying relationships between ideas: are these ideas in
   opposition with each other, in support of each other, or
   somewhere in between?

   •what, in a nutshell, are the most significant elements that
   you explore to answer the question?
Wide and critical reading
Of all the skills developed at university, reading is perhaps the most important.
Reading widely - from a variety of sources, authors and points of view - enables you to
understand the spectrum of points of view relevant to the topic.
Whatever the topic, it's likely that there is a range of views which take different positions,
contradict each other, support each other, use alternative evidence, refute the positions of
others and so on. As you read widely, your ideas will be tested, your assumptions may be
made clearer to you, and this will help you to develop a coherent argument for your essay.

Reading “critically” means reading for strengths and weaknesses to gain a deeper
understanding of a point of view rather than necessarily accepting the writer’s position. Ask
     •what is the writer’s argument?
     •what evidence is used to substantiate the argument?
     •what are the limitations to the argument?
     •what are the assumptions used by the writer?
     •what evidence might refute or question the writer’s argument?
     •how does this writer’s argument relate to other arguments?
The “argument” in this sense is not a dispute.
Your argument is a combination of
analysis and
constructed coherently and logically,
intended to persuade the reader to this position.

The argument of your essay is your answer to the
question and is a demonstration of your academic point
of view.
A reasoned argument requires:

   •coherence: its parts fit logically together; the argument
   announced in your introduction develops through your
   paragraphs and is confirmed in your conclusion.
   •explanation: background, theories, specialist terminology,
   evidence and conclusions are clearly identified and framed
   so that the reader gains a better understanding of the topic.
   •evidence: examples, source documents, the arguments of
   others and results of experiments from your wide and critical
   reading are explored so that they explain, support and
   develop your point of view, or refute the point of view of
   •reason: logical connections are made between actions or
   phenomena and results or implications, so that the reader
   better comprehends your argument.
Argument is the key to a successful essay, but it is important to
realise that your argument relies on the focus of your essay, the
wide and critical reading you demonstrate, and the presentation
of your essay.
Living in a foreign country can be fun and
exciting, but it can also be problematic. One
of the most serious problems that people
living in a foreign country face is culture
shock. What ways can you think of to help
people deal with this problem?
Culture Shock
  Frustration, anxiety and stress occur whenever people can’t do all the things they are
  accustomed to doing in their everyday lives.

Problem    Communication – language – friendship ; Environment
           – bigger/smaller; weather; ways of dressing ;
           Transport ; Shopping ; Food ; Money problems
           Accommodation ; Values – religion, moral behaviour,
            Learn the way your hosts do things from as simple as shaking hands to
            what is taboo ; Be more flexible in your thinking ; Join as many
            different groups that will allow you to mix and form friendships ; be
            prepared to open up to new experience at least once to broaden your
            outlook ; be prepared but if not learn quickly ; become familiar with
            your surroundings ; expect and learn to cope with teasing and ridicule ;
            talk with people who have “been there, done that” ; meet someone
            local who can guide you through the problems that may arise ; try
            talking to counsellors and teachers.
Understanding the Question Example 2
Present a written argument or case to an educated reader
with no specialist knowledge of the following topic:
We live in a technological age. However, technology
cannnot solve all the world’s problems. Therefore some
people argue that we need to place less emphasis on
technological solutions and more on other values.
• To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
• You should use your own ideas, knowledge and
  experience to support your arguments with examples
  and relevant evidence.
Understanding the Question Example 2
The first part of the instruction makes it clear that
a) you need to present a serious argument in a formal style (for an 'educated
b) you are not being tested on your deep knowledge or understanding of the
subject ('with no specialist knowledge').

The last part of the instruction offers a suggestion about what to include.
should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your
with examples and relevant evidence.')

Now let us look at the question itself.
This also has two components:
          a) the description of the topic, which is usually expressed as a point
          of view on a current situation and
          b) a question asking you what your opinion is.
Understanding the Question Example 2
Part a) is generally expressed in 1 to 3 sentences. One or
two sentences may present a statement or a question
about a situation: (’We live in a technological age, but
technology cannot solve all our problems').
 The second part will probably present a conclusion that
some people draw from this situation ('therefore we
should place less emphasis on technology and more on
other values'). This is designed to help you to think about
the contents.

Part b) asks the question. This may be phrased as to what
extent do you agree? or
what is your opinion? or do you agree with this? or
words to that effect.
Understanding the Question Example 2
Now what is your task?
    a) to present both sides of the argument?
    b) to either strongly support or strongly oppose the argument, depending on
    your own personal opinion?
    c) to partly support or partly oppose the argument, depending on your
    own personal opinion?

The correct answer is either b) or c).

The words to what extent mean the same as how much. That is, your
answer will express one of these attitudes:
    a) I agree completely
    b) I agree partly and disagree partly
    c) I disagree completely.

We live in a technological age. However, technology cannnot solve all the world’s
problems. Therefore some people argue that we need to place less emphasis on
technological solutions and more on other values.
Finding the Focus

a) Many people believe that the Internet is the most revolutionary
new invention of the last century. Do you agree?

b) The Internet has revolutionized the modern world, but many
people argue that it has also created new problems and inequalities.
What is your opinion?

c) The Internet could revolutionize the world in future, if everyone
could have easy access to all the information that is available on
the World Wide Web. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Finding the Focus

Each question has a topic of the internet and its role in the
world.However each must be answered differently. How?

a) Many people believe that the Internet is the most revolutionary
new invention of the last century. Do you agree?

b) The Internet has revolutionized the modern world, but many
people argue that it has also created new problems and inequalities.
What is your opinion?

c) The Internet could revolutionize the world in future, if everyone
could have easy access to all the information that is available on
the World Wide Web. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
You can see that
 a) involves comparing the Internet with other
inventions, and arguing that it is, or is not, the
most revolutionary.
On the other hand
b) expects you to accept that it is revolutionary,
and to consider both its benefits and the
problems it has created.
c) wants you to speculate about the future, and
to consider how much you believe the future
benefits will change the world.
Which of the following basically ask the same question. (In each case the statement would be followed by
a question asking for your opinion.)

a)Tertiary education is of greater benefit to the individual receiving it than to the society as a
whole. It is therefore not desirable for governments to spend the taxpayers' money on
supporting students just so that they can earn more money in future.

b) Parents have a greater influence on their children’s future success than schools do.
Governments should therefore provide ‘parent training courses’ rather than 'teacher training

c) Free tertiary education is essential for every country since tertiary graduates are the only
qualified and educated people that can help countries to progress in the modern world.

d) Education is the most important source of children’s development, no matter what their
background, if children have good schools and teachers they can progress. Governments should
therefore put their major resources into school education.

e) Modern science and technology can solve environmental problems, such as pollution and
global warming, if we apply enough resources to research.

f) People throughout the world are ignoring the dangers of environmental pollution and of
global warming in the hope that science and technology can find solutions. This is not true. We
all need to take responsibility for the damage we are causing and must change our life-styles.
a)and c) ask the same question, but from
  opposing ends;

b ) and d) both compare the role of the home
and the school in education;

e ) and f) deal with the same question from
opposing ends

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Essay Writing
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analysing an essay question

  • 1. ANALYSING AN ESSAY QUESTION Learning Centre, University of Sydney
  • 2. What do markers want when setting essays? No matter what course you are doing, it's designed with two specific goals in mind: to show knowledge of a particular subject to show your skills in thinking and communication.
  • 3. Introduction Common criteria of undergraduate essay writing focus on the following requirements: students need to be analytical and critical in their response students need to structure their writing logically students need to be persuasive writers students need to answer the question
  • 4. Essay Questions Set questions are usually written in order to judge your ability to understand a topic or theme, and to relate general ideas to specific applications (or vice versa). In order to demonstrate that you can do these things you must be able to: correctly identify the focus of the question deal with it consistently and within the terms of the essay and discipline That is, you must answer the set question.
  • 5. Exercise 1 First year students were asked to write an essay on the following question: “The science of ergonomics is central to good modern design.” Discuss this statement. About half of the group wrote essays that answered this question appropriately. The other half wrote essays which really answered other questions. Read the essay extracts below and match each essay extract with the question it appears to be answering. Write the letters a) - d) in the boxes.
  • 6. Essay extracts: a)Ergonomics is important in design as it can cut down workloads and the energy needed to perform a task. b)During the industrial revolution, the word "ergonomics" had a rather negative implication about it. .... However, the word has taken on a different meaning through time. c)Whilst the statement seems straight forward enough I take issue with the words "modern" and "good". d)If we were to design a chair we should have an understanding of the purpose of the chair - will it be used for work or just to sit on and eat. Essay questions: [ ] Discuss the wording of this question. [ ] Why is ergonomics important? [ ] Describe an ergonomically designed object. [ ] What is ergonomics?
  • 7. Extracts Questions Ergonomics is important in design as it Why is ergonomics important? can cut down workloads and the energy (i.e. some students gave reasons why needed to perform a task. ergonomics is important.) During the industrial revolution, the word What is ergonomics? "ergonomics" had a rather negative (i.e. some students defined the implication about it. .... However, the term.) word has taken on a different meaning through time. Whilst the statement seems straight Discuss the wording of this forward enough I take issue with the question. words "modern" and "good". (i.e. some students criticised the wording of the question.) If we were to design a chair we should Describe an ergonomically designed have an understanding of the purpose of object. the chair - will it be used for work or just (i.e. some students described an to sit on and eat. ergonomic object - usually a chair.)
  • 8. There may also be some sections of your essay where you will write descriptively. However, most disciplines, especially in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, will set essay questions that involve the process of analysis. Analysis is the process of •breaking down a topic/concept/group of facts into components or categories •looking for relationships between them •understanding how each component contributes to the whole picture •drawing conclusions about their significance
  • 9. For example, an essay question such as “How does play contribute to the development of the primary school-aged child? ” (Education) requires you to: •understand what is meant by the two key concepts of play and development •identify different types of play, for example, board games, group games, solitary play, imaginative play, ... •organise these different types of play into logical groupings or categories for your discussion, for example, inside versus outside play, group versus solitary play, organised versus spontaneous play and so on •identify different areas of development, for example, social, cognitive, emotional, physical, language and psychological development and so on •then by referring to the research literature show how (= in what ways) the different categories of play contribute to different areas of development.
  • 10. Essay questions requiring analysis may also involve some (or all) of the following processes. PROCESS/TYPE PURPOSE EXPLANATION to offer explanation on why things happen INTERPRETATION to look at assumptions/ information in terms of key/ model/ framework EVALUATION to present and justify a value judgement about certain information ARGUMENTATION to take and justify a position on some issue/ debate Adapted from Martin, J. R. & Peters, P. [1985] "On the analysis of exposition" in Hasan, R. (Ed) Discourse on Discourse, ALAA Occasional Papers, No. 7, p. 88.)
  • 11. Explanation Why was the early 19th century so important for the development of archaeology?(Archaeology) This essay question assumes that the 19th century was very important in the development of archaeology and is asking you to explain why it was so important, and to give your reasons for each of the points made or issues raised.
  • 12. Interpretation 'Jemma (aged 14 years) fights a lot with her parents but not with her friends. She used to be a keen student but now seems to have lost interest in both her school studies (she wants to leave school next year) and outside school activities. She does however take a passionate interest in the environment and in boys.‘ Interpret these behaviours in the light of Erikson's stage theory on adolesence. (Education) This essay question is asking you to interpret particular behaviours in a brief case study of an adolescent in terms of Erikson's theory on adolescence.
  • 13. Evaluation Evaluate the role of J.S.Mills in the transition from Classical, Political Economy to Modern Economics, with particular reference to value and distribution. (Economics) This essay question is asking you to make a judgement on the contribution made by J.S.Mills giving the reasons for your judgement. By making a judgement you are also taking a position - that he played a major role or a minor one.
  • 14. Argumentation Nursing practice has been crucial in preventing the spread of disease. Do you agree?(Nursing) This essay question is asking you to discuss the relationship between nursing practice and the prevention of the spread of disease. You would select and show how different examples of nursing practices have prevented the spread of disease/s and you would take a position on this relationship, i.e. that nursing practice has been crucial or has not been crucial in preventing the spread of disease.
  • 15. Look closely at what you are being asked to do in your assignment (Deconstructing the Question): There are: ������ ‘content’ words ������ ‘task’ words ������ ‘limit’ words and ������ The Assignment Structure
  • 16. Definitions: The content words tell you the subject matter of the essay question; The task words set out the academic action you must undertake; The limit words are those that tell you the boundaries of the essay; The Assignment structure tells you what type of writing you should produce (Academic Action): essay; report; critical review; literature review; reflective journal; portfolio and case Study.
  • 17. Commonly Used Task Words Overview : analyse examine argue explain assess illustrate compare interpret contrast justify criticise outline define prove describe review discuss summarise evaluate trace enumerate
  • 18. Analysis in Action For example, look closely at the following question: Discuss the effects of the 2000 Olympic Games on Australia’s international reputation (2500 word essay) In this question: ������ The assignment structure is ‘essay’ – the format of the writing ������ The content words are ‘the effects of the 2000 Olympic Games’ and ‘Australia’s international reputation’— the subject matter ������ The limit words are - ‘2000 Olympic Games’ and ‘2500’words; ������ ‘discuss’ is the task (direction)
  • 19. Your Turn ������ Try out your analysis skills with a partner: Present a written argument or case on the following statement. The internet will bring about a new freedom of information and so narrow the technology gap between developed and developing countries. Using the above essay topic, divide it into its various parts: ������ Decide what the assignment structure is likely to be. ������ Highlight the content words. ������ Circle the direction word. ������ Put square brackets around the limits of the topic.
  • 20. Summary Deconstructing the question guides your writing in terms of what the assignment is asking of you (as well as setting limits to what you do): You should: ������ Identify the key points and note them down Ask yourself: ������ What specific material needs to be addressed? ������ What specific issues need to be explored? ������ What commentators and theories are particularly relevant? ������ What questions need to be considered?
  • 21. Consider this question from a first year International Relations course: What is the “world food crisis”? What are the political causes of it and what might be the political responses to it? (2,000 words) While you are reading the following section on subject, angle and process, think about how they apply to the question above.
  • 22. Subject/angle/process Analysing the question in terms of subject/angle/process helps you identify the task in preparation to developing a plan. • The subject of your essay is the broad field or topic - it is the “what” your topic is about: ask yourself, “What do I have to demonstrate knowledge about?” • The angle of your essay is the controversy or debate that is at the heart of the subject - “why” you should examine this topic: ask yourself, “What questions do I have to answer?” • The process is the “how” your essay is going to proceed in answering the “what” and the “why”: ask yourself, “How should I answer?” The process is the way in which you demonstrate your academic point of view, using evidence to develop your answer to the question.
  • 23. If you look at the handout "What do markers want in an essay?" you'll notice that - the "subject" above corresponds to the “focus," the "angle" corresponds to the “wide and critical reading,” and the "process" corresponds to the “argument.“ In the essay question above, the subject is the “world food crisis.” In this question, the angle for International Relations is to identify what the “world food crisis” is, the political causes of it and the possible political responses to it. The process involves explaining the politics of trade and the inequalities of wealth, and some suggestion of how these might be overcome. Now you are in a position (though this will adapt and evolve) to develop an argument: ask yourself, “What do I want to persuade (with evidence) the reader to think?”
  • 24. The first point is about the subject matter: if you are studying commerce, you will learn the significance of a debt to equity ratio and how to read a company’s financial statements. The second point is more complicated: these skills in thinking and communication are often not acknowledged explicitly in your courses, but improving these skills is fundamental to successful university study. In developing your knowledge about the subject - whatever subject it is - you will need to: develop reading skills to order, test and evaluate ideas and evidence, assess the relationships of these ideas to other ideas and evidence, and formulate questions about these ideas and evidence become an increasingly independent learner develop a nuanced, coherent position which can be substantiated with evidence develop a questioning and academically critical mind learn writing and communication skills in order to express your position with clarity and precision. With this list in mind, markers assess your ability as it is demonstrated in your assignment. This assessment can be considered as four areas of competence: focus, wide and critical reading, argument, and presentation.
  • 25. Focus In order to demonstrate your questioning and critical mind, it is expected that your essay focuses clearly on the issues of the question you have been given. This involves several tasks: •understanding the question(s) or task(s) you have been given: what knowledge or skill are you being required to demonstrate? •identifying relationships between ideas: are these ideas in opposition with each other, in support of each other, or somewhere in between? •what, in a nutshell, are the most significant elements that you explore to answer the question?
  • 26. Wide and critical reading Of all the skills developed at university, reading is perhaps the most important. Reading widely - from a variety of sources, authors and points of view - enables you to understand the spectrum of points of view relevant to the topic. Whatever the topic, it's likely that there is a range of views which take different positions, contradict each other, support each other, use alternative evidence, refute the positions of others and so on. As you read widely, your ideas will be tested, your assumptions may be made clearer to you, and this will help you to develop a coherent argument for your essay. Reading “critically” means reading for strengths and weaknesses to gain a deeper understanding of a point of view rather than necessarily accepting the writer’s position. Ask yourself: •what is the writer’s argument? •what evidence is used to substantiate the argument? •what are the limitations to the argument? •what are the assumptions used by the writer? •what evidence might refute or question the writer’s argument? •how does this writer’s argument relate to other arguments?
  • 27. Argument The “argument” in this sense is not a dispute. Your argument is a combination of reason, analysis and evidence constructed coherently and logically, intended to persuade the reader to this position. The argument of your essay is your answer to the question and is a demonstration of your academic point of view.
  • 28. A reasoned argument requires: •coherence: its parts fit logically together; the argument announced in your introduction develops through your paragraphs and is confirmed in your conclusion. •explanation: background, theories, specialist terminology, evidence and conclusions are clearly identified and framed so that the reader gains a better understanding of the topic. •evidence: examples, source documents, the arguments of others and results of experiments from your wide and critical reading are explored so that they explain, support and develop your point of view, or refute the point of view of others. •reason: logical connections are made between actions or phenomena and results or implications, so that the reader better comprehends your argument.
  • 29. Argument is the key to a successful essay, but it is important to realise that your argument relies on the focus of your essay, the wide and critical reading you demonstrate, and the presentation of your essay.
  • 30. PROBLEMS/SOLUTIONS Living in a foreign country can be fun and exciting, but it can also be problematic. One of the most serious problems that people living in a foreign country face is culture shock. What ways can you think of to help people deal with this problem?
  • 31. Culture Shock Frustration, anxiety and stress occur whenever people can’t do all the things they are accustomed to doing in their everyday lives. Problem Communication – language – friendship ; Environment – bigger/smaller; weather; ways of dressing ; Transport ; Shopping ; Food ; Money problems Accommodation ; Values – religion, moral behaviour, Solution justice Learn the way your hosts do things from as simple as shaking hands to what is taboo ; Be more flexible in your thinking ; Join as many different groups that will allow you to mix and form friendships ; be prepared to open up to new experience at least once to broaden your outlook ; be prepared but if not learn quickly ; become familiar with your surroundings ; expect and learn to cope with teasing and ridicule ; talk with people who have “been there, done that” ; meet someone local who can guide you through the problems that may arise ; try talking to counsellors and teachers.
  • 32. Understanding the Question Example 2 Present a written argument or case to an educated reader with no specialist knowledge of the following topic: We live in a technological age. However, technology cannnot solve all the world’s problems. Therefore some people argue that we need to place less emphasis on technological solutions and more on other values. • To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? • You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.
  • 33. Understanding the Question Example 2 The first part of the instruction makes it clear that a) you need to present a serious argument in a formal style (for an 'educated reader') b) you are not being tested on your deep knowledge or understanding of the subject ('with no specialist knowledge'). The last part of the instruction offers a suggestion about what to include. ('You should use your own ideas, knowledge and experience to support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.') Now let us look at the question itself. This also has two components: a) the description of the topic, which is usually expressed as a point of view on a current situation and b) a question asking you what your opinion is.
  • 34. Understanding the Question Example 2 Part a) is generally expressed in 1 to 3 sentences. One or two sentences may present a statement or a question about a situation: (’We live in a technological age, but technology cannot solve all our problems'). The second part will probably present a conclusion that some people draw from this situation ('therefore we should place less emphasis on technology and more on other values'). This is designed to help you to think about the contents. Part b) asks the question. This may be phrased as to what extent do you agree? or what is your opinion? or do you agree with this? or words to that effect.
  • 35. Understanding the Question Example 2 Now what is your task? a) to present both sides of the argument? b) to either strongly support or strongly oppose the argument, depending on your own personal opinion? c) to partly support or partly oppose the argument, depending on your own personal opinion? The correct answer is either b) or c). The words to what extent mean the same as how much. That is, your answer will express one of these attitudes: a) I agree completely b) I agree partly and disagree partly c) I disagree completely. We live in a technological age. However, technology cannnot solve all the world’s problems. Therefore some people argue that we need to place less emphasis on technological solutions and more on other values.
  • 36. Finding the Focus a) Many people believe that the Internet is the most revolutionary new invention of the last century. Do you agree? b) The Internet has revolutionized the modern world, but many people argue that it has also created new problems and inequalities. What is your opinion? c) The Internet could revolutionize the world in future, if everyone could have easy access to all the information that is available on the World Wide Web. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • 37. Finding the Focus Each question has a topic of the internet and its role in the world.However each must be answered differently. How? a) Many people believe that the Internet is the most revolutionary new invention of the last century. Do you agree? b) The Internet has revolutionized the modern world, but many people argue that it has also created new problems and inequalities. What is your opinion? c) The Internet could revolutionize the world in future, if everyone could have easy access to all the information that is available on the World Wide Web. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  • 38. You can see that a) involves comparing the Internet with other inventions, and arguing that it is, or is not, the most revolutionary. On the other hand b) expects you to accept that it is revolutionary, and to consider both its benefits and the problems it has created. Finally c) wants you to speculate about the future, and to consider how much you believe the future benefits will change the world.
  • 39. Which of the following basically ask the same question. (In each case the statement would be followed by a question asking for your opinion.) a)Tertiary education is of greater benefit to the individual receiving it than to the society as a whole. It is therefore not desirable for governments to spend the taxpayers' money on supporting students just so that they can earn more money in future. b) Parents have a greater influence on their children’s future success than schools do. Governments should therefore provide ‘parent training courses’ rather than 'teacher training courses'. c) Free tertiary education is essential for every country since tertiary graduates are the only qualified and educated people that can help countries to progress in the modern world. d) Education is the most important source of children’s development, no matter what their background, if children have good schools and teachers they can progress. Governments should therefore put their major resources into school education. e) Modern science and technology can solve environmental problems, such as pollution and global warming, if we apply enough resources to research. f) People throughout the world are ignoring the dangers of environmental pollution and of global warming in the hope that science and technology can find solutions. This is not true. We all need to take responsibility for the damage we are causing and must change our life-styles.
  • 40. TASK ANSWERS: a)and c) ask the same question, but from opposing ends; b ) and d) both compare the role of the home and the school in education; e ) and f) deal with the same question from opposing ends