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Krishna Sankar
June 1, 2016
1. Paco Nathan, Scala Days 2015,
2. Big Data Analytics withSpark-Apress
3. Apache Spark Graph Processing-Packt
4. Spark GarphX in Action - Manning
7. Mining Massive Datasets book v2
10. Zeppelin Setup
11. Data
Thanks to the Giants whose work helped to prepare this tutorial
Agenda-Topic Time Data Description
1. Graph Processing Is Introduced 10 Min Graph Processing vs GraphDB,
Introduction to Spark GraphX
2. Basics are Discussed & A Graph Is
10 Min Simple
Edge,Vertex, Graph
3. GraphX API Landscape Is discussed 5 Min Explain APIs
4. Graph Structures Are Examined 5 Min Indegree, outdegree et al
5. Community, Affiliation & Strengths
Are Explored
5 Min Connected components, Triangle et al
6. Algorithms Are Developed 10 Min PartitionStrategy (is what makes GraphParallel work),
PageRank, Connected Components; APIs to implement
Algorithms viz. aggregateMessages, Pregel
Type Signature - aggregateMessages
Algorithms with aggregateMessages
7. Case Study (AlphaGo Tweets) Is
10 Min AlphaGo
E2E Pipeline w/real data, Map attributes to properties,
vertices & edges, create graph and run algorithms
8. Questions Are Asked & Answered 10 Min
AGENDA Titles Styled after Asimov’s ROBOT SERIES !!!
Graph Applications
§ Many applications from social network to understanding collaboration,diseases, routing
logistics and others
§ Came across 3 interesting applications, as I was preparing the materials !!
1) Project effectiveness by social network analysis on the projects' collaboration structures :
“EC is interested in the impact generated by those projects … analyzing this latent impact
of TEL projects by applying social network analysis on the projects' collaboration structures
… TEL projects funded under FP6, FP7 and eContentplus, and identifies central projects
and strong, sustained organizational collaboration ties.”
2) Weak ties in pathogen transmission : “structural motif … Giraffe social networks are
characterized by social cliques in which individuals associate more with members of their
own social clique than with those outside their clique … Individuals involved in weak,
between-clique social interactions are hypothesized to serve as bridges by which an
infection may enter a clique and, hence, may experience higher infection risk … individuals
who engaged in more between-clique associations, that is, those with multiple weak ties,
were more likely to be infected with gastrointestinal helminth parasites ... “
3) Panama papers : The leak presented them with a wealth of information, millions of
documents, but no guide to structure … (ie community detection)
Graph based systems
§ Graphs are everywhere – web pages, social
networks, people’s web browsingbehavior,
- Workingw/ graphshas become more
important. And harder due to the scaleand
complexityof algorithms
§ Two kinds– processingandquerying
§ Processing– GraphX, Pregel BSP, GraphLab
§ Querying– AllegroGraph,Titan, Neo4j, RDF
- SPARQL query language
§ Graph DBs have queries, canprocess
large dataset
§ Graph processingcanrun complex
§ For Graph Analyticssystemsboth are
- Processon graphx, store in neo4j is a
good alternative.
- E.g. Panamapapers analytics
Graph Processing Frameworks
§ History – Graph based systems were specializedinnature
- Graph partitioningis hard
- Primitives of record based systemswere different than what graphbased systems
§ Rapid innovationin distributed data processingframeworks– MapReduce etc
- Disk based, with limited partitioningabilities
- Still an impedancemismatch
§ Graph-parallelover Data ParallelRDD ! – Best of both worlds ?
ü We will see, later, GrapnX’s PartitionStrategy
Enter Spark§ More powerful partitioning mechanism
§ In-memory system makes iterative processing
§ GraphX – Graph processing built ontop of Spark
§ Graph processing at scale (distributed system)
§ Fast evolving project
GraphX …§ Graph processing at Scale - “Graph Parallel System”
§ Has a rich
- Computational Model
- Edges, Vertices, Property Graph
- Bipartite & tripartite graphs (Users-Tags-Web pages)
- Algorithms (PageRank,…)
§ Current focus on computationthan query
§ APIs include :
§ Attribute Transformers,
§ Structure transformers,
§ Connection Mining & Algorithms
§ GraphFrames – interesting development
§ Exercises (lotsof interesting graph data)
- Airline data,co-occurrence &co-citation from
- The AlphaGo Community – ReTweet network
- Wikipedia Page Rank Analysisusing GraphX
Graphx Paper :
Pragel paper :
Scala, python support
Java API for Graphx
Vertex Vertex(VertexId,VD) VD can be any object
Edges Edge(ED) ED can be any object
Graph Graph(VD,ED)
StructuralQueries Indegrees, vertices,…
AttributeTransformers mapVertices, …
StructureTransformers, Join Reverse, subgraph
Connection Mining connectedComponents, triangles
Algorithms Aggregate messages, PageRank
o EdgeTriplet
o EdgeContext
o Computational Model
o Directed MultiGraph
o Directed - so in-degree & out-degree
o MultiGraph – so multiple parallel edges between nodes including loops !
o Algorithms beware – can cyclic, loops
o Property Graph
o vertexID(64bit long) int
o Need property, cannot ignore it
o Vertex,Edge Parameterized over object types
o Vertex[(VertexId,VD)], Edge[ED]
o Attach user-defined objects to edges and vertices (ED/VD)
Graphs and Social Networks-Prof. Jeffrey D. Ullman Stanford University
G-N Algorithm for inbetweennessGood exercises
§ For our hands-on we will run thru 2 Zeppelin notebooks
( &
a. First we will work with the following Giraffe graph
o … carefully chosen with interesting betweenness and properties
o … for understanding the APIs
b. Second, we will develop a retweet pipeline
o With the AlphaGo twitter topic
o 2 GB/330K tweets, 200K edges,…
Graphs and Social Networks-Prof. Jeffrey D. Ullman Stanford University
G-N Algorithm for inbetweenness
val vertexList = List(
(1L, Person("Alice", 18)),
(2L, Person("Bernie", 17)),
(3L, Person("Cruz", 15)),
(4L, Person("Donald", 12)),
(5L, Person("Ed", 15)),
(6L, Person("Fran", 10)),
(7L, Person("Genghis",854)))
Good exercises
Fun facts about centrality betweenness : It shows how many paths an
edge is part of, i.e. relevancy. High centrality betweenness is the sign of a
bottleneck, point of single failure – these edges need HA, probably need
alternate paths for re routing, are susceptible to parasite infections and
good candidates for a cut !
Build A Graph
§ There are 4 ways
- GraphLoader.edgeListFile(…)
- From RDDs (shown above)
- fromEdgeTuples <- Id tuples
- fromEdges <- edgeList
Graph API Landscape
Separate algorithm from
Graph Implementation
on of analytic
Many details are documented in the
object not in the class e.g.
PartitionStrategy, Graph,…
Graphx Structure API
§ Applied in many ways
§ For example in Fraud & Security Applications
§ Triangle detection – for spam servers
§ The age of a community isrelated to the density of
- New community will have few triangles,then triangles
start to form
§ Strong affiliation ie Heavy hitter = sqrt(m) degrees!
- Heavy hitter triangle !
§ Connected Communities– structure
§ Graph-Parallel Computation
- aggregateMessages()Function
- Pregel() (
§ pageRank()
- Influential papers in a citation network
- Influencer in retweet
§ staticPageRank()
- Static no of iterations, dynamic tolerance – see the parameters (tol vs.
§ personalizedPageRank()
- Personalized PageRank is a variation on PageRank that gives a rank
relative to a specified “source” vertex in the graph – “People You May
§ shortestPaths, SVD++
§ LabelPropagation(LPA) as described by Raghavanet al
in their 2007 paper “Near linear time algorithm to detect
community structures in large-scale networks”
- Computationally inexpensive way to Identify
- Convergence not guaranteed
- Might end up with trivial solution i.e. single community
§ SDVPlusPlus takes an RDD of Edges
§ The Global Clustering Coefficient, is better in that it
always returns a number between 0 and 1
- For comparing connectnedness between different
sized communities
§ Versatile Function useful for implementing PageRank et al
- Can be difficult at first, but easier to comprehend if treated
as a combined map-reduce function (it was called
MapReduceTriplets !! With a slightly different signature)
o aggregateMessage[Msg](
o map(edgeContext=>mapFun,<- this can be up or downie sendToDst or Src!
o redcuce(Msg,Msg) => reduceFun)
If you really want to know what is
underneath the aggregateMessages()…
sendToDst vs sendToSrc
Pregel BSP API
§ Bulk SynchronousParallelMessagePassingAPI
- Developed by Leslie Valiant1
- Synchronizeddistributedsuper steps
- Super Step – local,in-memorycomputations
§ Computations on the vertex – “Think likea Vertex”
§ graphx.lib.LabelPropagationAlgorithmuses Pregelinternally
§ graphx.lib.PageRankuses Pragel(for the runUntilConvergenceWithOptionsversion,while
it uses the aggregateMessagesfor the runWithOptions(staticPageRank)version)
§ Pregel is implementedsuccinctlywith the old mapReduceTriplets API
Graphx Partitioning & Processing
§ Unlike a relationaltable,graph processing is contextual w.r.t
a neighborhood
- Maintain locality,equal size partitioning
§ Edge-cut : The communication& storage overhead of an
edge-cut is directlyproportional to thenumber ofedges
that are cut
§ Vertex-cut : Thecommunication and storage overhead ofa
vertex-cut is directlyproportional to the sum of the
number of machines spanned byeach vertex
§ Vertex-cut strategy by default (balance hot-spot issue due to
power law/Zipf’s Law) w/ min replication ofedges
§ Batch processing/not streaming
§ Org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph.
- partitionBy(partitionStrategy: PartitionStrategy, numPartitions: Int)
- partitionBy(partitionStrategy: PartitionStrategy)
- 4 PartitionStrategies
1) RandomVertexCut(usually the best) : random vertex cut that colocates all same-
direction edges between two vertices (hashingthe source and destination vertexIDs)
2) CanonicalRandomVertexCut - a random vertexcut that colocates all edges between
twovertices, regardless of direction (hashing the source and destination vertex IDs in
a canonical direction) … remember GraphX is multi graph
3) EdgePartition1D - Assigns edges to partitions using only the source vertex ID,
colocating edges withthe same source
4) EdgePartition2D : 2D partitioning of the sparse edge adjacency matrix,
AlphaGo Tweets Analytics Pipeline
Collect Data Transform & Extract
GraphX Model
§ Initiallyprimed data (7days from
§ Then used thesinceID to get
incremental tweets
§ Use application authentication for higher
§ Used tweepy, wait_on_rate_limit=True,
§ ~330K tweets (see Download program),
§ => MongoDB ~820 MB w/compression)
§ Rich data (see MongoDB)
- Retweet, user ids, hash tags,
locations et al
§ This exercise only covers the retweet
interest network
1-Extract Tweets
2-Pipeline screen shots§ Get max tweet id
§ db.alphago.find().sort({id:-1}).limit(1).pretty()
- "id" : NumberLong("709550216467185664"),
§ db.alphago.find().sort({id:+1}).limit(1).pretty()
- "id" : NumberLong("709211132498714627")
§ /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --drop --file tweets-20160313.txt
- 232296
- Min : "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632")
- Max : "id" : NumberLong("709211104719872000")
§ /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160314.txt
- +21368
- Min : "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"),
- Max : "id" : NumberLong("709550216467185664"),
- Count : 253664
§ /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160315.txt
- +38452
- Min: "id_str" : "705845567537221632",
- Max: "id" : NumberLong("709817136437403649")
- Count : 292116
§ /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160316.txt
- +17331
- Min: "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"),
- Max: "id" : NumberLong("710312094227300352"),
- Count : 309447
§ /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160318.txt
- +10797
- Min: "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"),
- Max: "id" : NumberLong("710883718903140353"),
- Count : 320244
§ /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160320.txt
- +11511
- Min: "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"),
- Max: "id" : NumberLong("711720090954108928"),
- Count : 331755
§ /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160322.txt
- +5166
- Min: "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"),
- Max: "id" : NumberLong("712410062820511744"),
- Count : 336921
3-Twitter gives lots of fields in Mongo
4-Extract Retweet Fields
5-Store in csv
6-Read as dataframe
7-Create Vertices, Edges & Objects
8-Finally the graph & run algorithms
The Art of an AlphaGo GraphX Vertex Vertex(VertexId,VD)
VD can be
any object
Edges Edge(ED)
ED can be
any object
Graph Graph(VD,ED)
[(VertexId , VD)] [(VertexId, VertexId, [(VertexId, VD)]ED)]
Vertex VertexEdge
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An excursion into Graph Analytics with Apache Spark GraphX

  • 2. 1. Paco Nathan, Scala Days 2015, 2. Big Data Analytics withSpark-Apress Practitioners/dp/1484209656 3. Apache Spark Graph Processing-Packt spark-graph-processing 4. Spark GarphX in Action - Manning 5. 6. 7. Mining Massive Datasets book v2 - 8. 9. 10. Zeppelin Setup - 11. Data - - 12. Thanks to the Giants whose work helped to prepare this tutorial
  • 3. Agenda-Topic Time Data Description 1. Graph Processing Is Introduced 10 Min Graph Processing vs GraphDB, Introduction to Spark GraphX 2. Basics are Discussed & A Graph Is Built 10 Min Simple Graph Edge,Vertex, Graph 3. GraphX API Landscape Is discussed 5 Min Explain APIs 4. Graph Structures Are Examined 5 Min Indegree, outdegree et al 5. Community, Affiliation & Strengths Are Explored 5 Min Connected components, Triangle et al 6. Algorithms Are Developed 10 Min PartitionStrategy (is what makes GraphParallel work), PageRank, Connected Components; APIs to implement Algorithms viz. aggregateMessages, Pregel Type Signature - aggregateMessages Algorithms with aggregateMessages 7. Case Study (AlphaGo Tweets) Is Conducted 10 Min AlphaGo Retweet Data E2E Pipeline w/real data, Map attributes to properties, vertices & edges, create graph and run algorithms 8. Questions Are Asked & Answered 10 Min AGENDA Titles Styled after Asimov’s ROBOT SERIES !!!
  • 4. Graph Applications § Many applications from social network to understanding collaboration,diseases, routing logistics and others § Came across 3 interesting applications, as I was preparing the materials !! 1) Project effectiveness by social network analysis on the projects' collaboration structures : “EC is interested in the impact generated by those projects … analyzing this latent impact of TEL projects by applying social network analysis on the projects' collaboration structures … TEL projects funded under FP6, FP7 and eContentplus, and identifies central projects and strong, sustained organizational collaboration ties.” 2) Weak ties in pathogen transmission : “structural motif … Giraffe social networks are characterized by social cliques in which individuals associate more with members of their own social clique than with those outside their clique … Individuals involved in weak, between-clique social interactions are hypothesized to serve as bridges by which an infection may enter a clique and, hence, may experience higher infection risk … individuals who engaged in more between-clique associations, that is, those with multiple weak ties, were more likely to be infected with gastrointestinal helminth parasites ... “ 3) Panama papers : The leak presented them with a wealth of information, millions of documents, but no guide to structure … (ie community detection)
  • 5. Graph based systems § Graphs are everywhere – web pages, social networks, people’s web browsingbehavior, logisticsetc. - Workingw/ graphshas become more important. And harder due to the scaleand complexityof algorithms § Two kinds– processingandquerying § Processing– GraphX, Pregel BSP, GraphLab § Querying– AllegroGraph,Titan, Neo4j, RDF stores. - SPARQL query language § Graph DBs have queries, canprocess large dataset § Graph processingcanrun complex algorithms § For Graph Analyticssystemsboth are required - Processon graphx, store in neo4j is a good alternative. - E.g. Panamapapers analytics
  • 6. Graph Processing Frameworks § History – Graph based systems were specializedinnature - Graph partitioningis hard - Primitives of record based systemswere different than what graphbased systems needed § Rapid innovationin distributed data processingframeworks– MapReduce etc - Disk based, with limited partitioningabilities - Still an impedancemismatch § Graph-parallelover Data ParallelRDD ! – Best of both worlds ? ü We will see, later, GrapnX’s PartitionStrategy
  • 7. Enter Spark§ More powerful partitioning mechanism § In-memory system makes iterative processing easier § GraphX – Graph processing built ontop of Spark § Graph processing at scale (distributed system) § Fast evolving project § § - - § § §
  • 8. GraphX …§ Graph processing at Scale - “Graph Parallel System” § Has a rich - Computational Model - Edges, Vertices, Property Graph - Bipartite & tripartite graphs (Users-Tags-Web pages) - Algorithms (PageRank,…) § Current focus on computationthan query § APIs include : § Attribute Transformers, § Structure transformers, § Connection Mining & Algorithms § GraphFrames – interesting development § Exercises (lotsof interesting graph data) - Airline data,co-occurrence &co-citation from papers - The AlphaGo Community – ReTweet network - Wikipedia Page Rank Analysisusing GraphX Graphx Paper : Pragel paper : Scala, python support Java API for Graphx LDA
  • 9. Vertex Vertex(VertexId,VD) VD can be any object Edges Edge(ED) ED can be any object Graph Graph(VD,ED) GraphX-Basics V StructuralQueries Indegrees, vertices,… AttributeTransformers mapVertices, … StructureTransformers, Join Reverse, subgraph Connection Mining connectedComponents, triangles Algorithms Aggregate messages, PageRank InterestingObjects o EdgeTriplet o EdgeContext
  • 10. GraphX-Basics o Computational Model o Directed MultiGraph o Directed - so in-degree & out-degree o MultiGraph – so multiple parallel edges between nodes including loops ! o Algorithms beware – can cyclic, loops o Property Graph o vertexID(64bit long) int o Need property, cannot ignore it o Vertex,Edge Parameterized over object types o Vertex[(VertexId,VD)], Edge[ED] o Attach user-defined objects to edges and vertices (ED/VD) Graphs and Social Networks-Prof. Jeffrey D. Ullman Stanford University G-N Algorithm for inbetweennessGood exercises
  • 11. GraphX-Basics § For our hands-on we will run thru 2 Zeppelin notebooks ( & a. First we will work with the following Giraffe graph o … carefully chosen with interesting betweenness and properties o … for understanding the APIs b. Second, we will develop a retweet pipeline o With the AlphaGo twitter topic o 2 GB/330K tweets, 200K edges,… A D C E FG B 125 5 4.5 4.5 4 1.5 1.5 1 Graphs and Social Networks-Prof. Jeffrey D. Ullman Stanford University G-N Algorithm for inbetweenness val vertexList = List( (1L, Person("Alice", 18)), (2L, Person("Bernie", 17)), (3L, Person("Cruz", 15)), (4L, Person("Donald", 12)), (5L, Person("Ed", 15)), (6L, Person("Fran", 10)), (7L, Person("Genghis",854))) Good exercises Fun facts about centrality betweenness : It shows how many paths an edge is part of, i.e. relevancy. High centrality betweenness is the sign of a bottleneck, point of single failure – these edges need HA, probably need alternate paths for re routing, are susceptible to parasite infections and good candidates for a cut !
  • 12. Build A Graph § There are 4 ways - GraphLoader.edgeListFile(…) - From RDDs (shown above) - fromEdgeTuples <- Id tuples - fromEdges <- edgeList
  • 13. Graph API Landscape Separate algorithm from Graph Implementation Implementati on of analytic functions
  • 14. Hint: Many details are documented in the object not in the class e.g. PartitionStrategy, Graph,…
  • 16. Community-Affiliation-Strengths § Applied in many ways § For example in Fraud & Security Applications § Triangle detection – for spam servers § The age of a community isrelated to the density of triangles - New community will have few triangles,then triangles start to form § Strong affiliation ie Heavy hitter = sqrt(m) degrees! - Heavy hitter triangle ! § Connected Communities– structure
  • 17. Algorithms § Graph-Parallel Computation - aggregateMessages()Function - Pregel() ( § pageRank() - Influential papers in a citation network - Influencer in retweet § staticPageRank() - Static no of iterations, dynamic tolerance – see the parameters (tol vs. numIter) § personalizedPageRank() - Personalized PageRank is a variation on PageRank that gives a rank relative to a specified “source” vertex in the graph – “People You May Know” § shortestPaths, SVD++ § LabelPropagation(LPA) as described by Raghavanet al in their 2007 paper “Near linear time algorithm to detect community structures in large-scale networks” - Computationally inexpensive way to Identify communities - Convergence not guaranteed - Might end up with trivial solution i.e. single community § SDVPlusPlus takes an RDD of Edges § The Global Clustering Coefficient, is better in that it always returns a number between 0 and 1 - For comparing connectnedness between different sized communities
  • 18. § Versatile Function useful for implementing PageRank et al - Can be difficult at first, but easier to comprehend if treated as a combined map-reduce function (it was called MapReduceTriplets !! With a slightly different signature) o aggregateMessage[Msg]( o map(edgeContext=>mapFun,<- this can be up or downie sendToDst or Src! o redcuce(Msg,Msg) => reduceFun)
  • 19. If you really want to know what is underneath the aggregateMessages()…
  • 21. Pregel BSP API § Bulk SynchronousParallelMessagePassingAPI - Developed by Leslie Valiant1 - Synchronizeddistributedsuper steps - Super Step – local,in-memorycomputations § Computations on the vertex – “Think likea Vertex” § graphx.lib.LabelPropagationAlgorithmuses Pregelinternally § graphx.lib.PageRankuses Pragel(for the runUntilConvergenceWithOptionsversion,while it uses the aggregateMessagesfor the runWithOptions(staticPageRank)version) § Pregel is implementedsuccinctlywith the old mapReduceTriplets API 1 valiant.pdf
  • 22. Graphx Partitioning & Processing § Unlike a relationaltable,graph processing is contextual w.r.t a neighborhood - Maintain locality,equal size partitioning § Edge-cut : The communication& storage overhead of an edge-cut is directlyproportional to thenumber ofedges that are cut § Vertex-cut : Thecommunication and storage overhead ofa vertex-cut is directlyproportional to the sum of the number of machines spanned byeach vertex § Vertex-cut strategy by default (balance hot-spot issue due to power law/Zipf’s Law) w/ min replication ofedges § Batch processing/not streaming § Org.apache.spark.graphx.Graph. - partitionBy(partitionStrategy: PartitionStrategy, numPartitions: Int) - partitionBy(partitionStrategy: PartitionStrategy) - 4 PartitionStrategies 1) RandomVertexCut(usually the best) : random vertex cut that colocates all same- direction edges between two vertices (hashingthe source and destination vertexIDs) 2) CanonicalRandomVertexCut - a random vertexcut that colocates all edges between twovertices, regardless of direction (hashing the source and destination vertex IDs in a canonical direction) … remember GraphX is multi graph 3) EdgePartition1D - Assigns edges to partitions using only the source vertex ID, colocating edges withthe same source 4) EdgePartition2D : 2D partitioning of the sparse edge adjacency matrix,
  • 23. AlphaGo Tweets Analytics Pipeline Collect Data Transform & Extract Features GraphX Model GraphX Algorithms Store § Initiallyprimed data (7days from twitter) § Then used thesinceID to get incremental tweets § Use application authentication for higher rate § Used tweepy, wait_on_rate_limit=True, wait_on_rate_limit_notify=True § ~330K tweets (see Download program), 2GB § => MongoDB ~820 MB w/compression) § Rich data (see MongoDB) - Retweet, user ids, hash tags, locations et al § This exercise only covers the retweet interest network
  • 25. 2-Pipeline screen shots§ Get max tweet id § db.alphago.find().sort({id:-1}).limit(1).pretty() - "id" : NumberLong("709550216467185664"), § db.alphago.find().sort({id:+1}).limit(1).pretty() - "id" : NumberLong("709211132498714627") § /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --drop --file tweets-20160313.txt - 232296 - Min : "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632") - Max : "id" : NumberLong("709211104719872000") § /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160314.txt - +21368 - Min : "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"), - Max : "id" : NumberLong("709550216467185664"), - Count : 253664 § /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160315.txt - +38452 - Min: "id_str" : "705845567537221632", - Max: "id" : NumberLong("709817136437403649") - Count : 292116 § /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160316.txt - +17331 - Min: "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"), - Max: "id" : NumberLong("710312094227300352"), - Count : 309447 § /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160318.txt - +10797 - Min: "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"), - Max: "id" : NumberLong("710883718903140353"), - Count : 320244 § /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160320.txt - +11511 - Min: "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"), - Max: "id" : NumberLong("711720090954108928"), - Count : 331755 § /usr/local/mongo/bin/mongoimport --db admin --collection alphago --file tweets-20160322.txt - +5166 - Min: "id" : NumberLong("705845567537221632"), - Max: "id" : NumberLong("712410062820511744"), - Count : 336921
  • 26. 3-Twitter gives lots of fields in Mongo
  • 28. 6-Read as dataframe 7-Create Vertices, Edges & Objects 8-Finally the graph & run algorithms
  • 29. The Art of an AlphaGo GraphX Vertex Vertex(VertexId,VD) VD can be any object Edges Edge(ED) ED can be any object Graph Graph(VD,ED) [(VertexId , VD)] [(VertexId, VertexId, [(VertexId, VD)]ED)] Vertex VertexEdge