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IBM Software                                           Software Design and Development

IBM Rational solution for
systems and software
An end-to-end solution for creating smarter products
2   IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering

Highlights                                                          Products and systems can no longer be developed the way they
●   Implement a unified lifecycle approach to build and validate     used to be. Complexity is rising, and late changes are common.
    complex products, systems and the software that powers them     Global competition and increasing compliance requirements
●   Adopt integrated tools and process support to reduce the time   demand that products be delivered faster, with greater proof of
    to market                                                       quality and more functionality. They have to be smarter, safer
●   Apply best practices for safety-critical development to help    and connected—yet more secure. Increased functionality and
    reduce the cost of compliance                                   rapid differentiation are achieved through a significant increase
●   Enhance cross-team collaboration in systems and software        in software and electronics. Simply put, how companies design
    engineering to help improve quality and speed innovation        and develop products must change if they want to win in this
                                                                    new environment.
Smarter products are all around us: More fuel-efficient cars.       Traditional product development took place in a siloed fashion,
Safer planes. Life-saving implanted medical devices.                with each team handing off its work to the next stage in the
Smartphones.                                                        development lifecycle. Building smarter products requires a
                                                                    smarter environment. New development approaches must unify
Customers now expect products to be smart.                          disparate contributors such as:

                                                                    ●   Developers distributed across different geographical locations
                                                                        and time zones
Managing complexity                                                 ●   Lifecycle teams (requirements, design, development, test)
IBM clients are spending more than 40 percent of their                  that must break down complexity together and deliver proven,
engineering efforts on electronics and software. IBM is helping         incremental results
them take on the challenge of the complexity this creates in        ●   Cross-discipline teams (mechanical, electrical, software)
the product development lifecycle. One client, an automotive            that must respond in unison to changes for impact analysis and
manufacturer, uses the Rational solution for systems and                rapid course correction
software engineering to simplify the complex design process.        ●   Ecosystem partners for connecting products with other sys-
They break the process into smaller, manageable pieces and
                                                                        tems for data, remote monitoring or function control
distribute them to an engineering team that is located all
                                                                    ●   Key stakeholders needing visibility to manage customer
around the world. Real-time auditing and information tracing
                                                                        expectations, timelines, budgets and partner activity
helps the client keep track of each part of the process as it
moves through their complex systems. For more information,
view this video                                                     As a result, companies around the world that are producing
                                                                    smart products have identified five major challenges:
                                                                    Complexity, quality, compliance, competition and predictability.
IBM Software   3

IBM® Rational® software is helping companies meet these
challenges of effective product and systems delivery by providing                IBM Rational solutions help a railway signaling systems
a smarter approach to describing, building and validating                        company develop smarter products
complex systems and the software that powers them. The
                                                                                 With the advent of high-speed trains, the margin of error for
IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering
                                                                                 railway operators is akin to that of air traffic controllers, and
provides collaborative, integrated systems engineering and                       the stakes are just as high: Provide virtually 100 percent
embedded software development capabilities on an open                            reliability or risk loss of life. Invensys Rail Dimetronic develops
platform that enables companies to compete in our new world                      signaling systems used by railway operators throughout
and overcome the five major challenges of developing smart                        Europe. These systems must meet a single set of railway
products (Figure 1).                                                             signaling system standards and those standards are
                                                                                 continually evolving. Modernized development processes
                                                                                 are necessary to keep pace with the standards, meet the
                                                                                 unique needs of their railway operator customers and
                                                                                 integrate systems with other railway technologies.

                                                                                 Invensys Rail Dimetronic deployed an automated application
                                                                                 development platform to achieve this modernization.
                                                                                 Developers from numerous autonomous teams, who share
                                                                                 code management responsibilities, use automated require-
                                                                                 ments management capabilities and a web-based interface
                                                                                 to track changes and generate reports. As standards or
                                                                                 customer needs change, developers analyze those changes to
                                                                                 form a plan of attack, quickly modeling, configuring, validating
                                                                                 and demonstrating the integration of components in the
                                                                                 signaling systems software—and even isolating errors early
                                                                                 in the design process.

                                                                                 To learn more, visit:

Figure 1: A railway systems developer speeds innovation and solution
deployment with a unified IBM Rational platform for modeling, testing, tracking
and documenting highly iterative, multistage development processes.
4   IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering

Unify the development lifecycle                                                   Provide collaboration guidance
The Rational solution breaks down silos and enables stakehold-                    It is not enough to have documented best practices in papers
ers and contributors to collaborate closely and effectively. All                  and procedure manuals today. Distributed development
major lifecycle disciplines are integrated: Requirements manage-                  organizations and suppliers need just-in-time, accessible and
ment, architecture and design, development, collaboration and                     automated process guidance to make cross-lifecycle and
change management, and quality management. This helps                             cross-discipline collaboration happen.
ensure, for example, that:
                                                                                  Customizable practices and workflows with automated execution
●   Requirements are validated in designs and proven in tests.                    templates are offered to improve collaboration:
●   Designs are shared for more effective communication.
●   All lifecycle artifacts are linked in work items, including                   ●   Tool mentors show how to apply tool integrations that facili-
    requirements, designs, development artifacts, changes                             tate communication in the day-to-day activities of individuals.
    and tests.                                                                    ●   Traceability is built into the workflows and tools.
●   Changes can be tracked and managed effectively—from pro-                      ●   Metrics, real-time dashboards and 24×7 communication are
    posal and impact analysis to decision sign-off and execution.                     automatically enabled in the processes and tools.
●   Complexity can be peeled away with an integrated, iterative                   ●   Security is maintained when and where it is needed.
    lifecycle that enables greater agility, faster impact analysis and            ●   An on-demand practice library contains both systems
    effective response to change at any point.                                        engineering and embedded software practices.

                                                                                  Improving predictability
            Best Practices and Integrated Process Guidance
                                                                                  Between 20 - 60 percent of the time, companies miss the
          REQUIREMENTS                                                 QUALITY    deadline for their products.1 An IBM client in the aerospace
          MANAGEMENT                                                 MANAGEMENT   and defense industry uses the Rational solution to define the
                                                                                  scope and the content of products and then measure the
                                 ARCHITECTURE                                     progress of product development through the lifecycle with a
                                   & DESIGN
                                                                                  set of metrics and dashboards. This methodology helps them
                                                                                  deliver products on time, time after time. Getting the products
                       COLLABORATION, PLANNING
                        & CHANGE MANAGEMENT                                       to market on schedule creates excitement for the customers,
                                  Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration
                                                                                  increases the credibility for the investors and adds significant
                                                                                  business value. For more information, view this video

Figure 2: Rational solution for systems and software engineering: Best
practices, tools and services on an open platform.
IBM Software   5

Comply with standards and regulations                                lifecycle data and processes. This makes it possible to incorpo-
Compliance is always a concern for companies that develop            rate legacy databases and existing applications in systems
products for regulated industries. Meeting compliance require-       development environments.
ments can raise costs, lengthen schedules and consume resources
unless more efficient processes and tool automations are applied.    To apply this approach to a broad ecosystem of tools and data, it
The Rational solution offers industry-specific support for            relies on an open community for defining integration specifica-
safety-critical standards, including ISO 26262 for automotive,       tions. Called Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC),
DO-178B for aerospace and defense and more.                          this community consists of vendors who develop tools and the
                                                                     companies who use them.

Streamlining compliance                                                                    Open Services for
                                                                                           Lifecycle Collaboration
IBM works very closely with clients to find out what data they                              Lifecycle integration inspired by the web
need to satisfy an audit and uses that information to make it
possible for engineers to virtually press a button and get a
compliance report. Recently, IBM helped a client in the
medical devices industry reduce the time it took them provide        Enabling innovation for competitive advantage
compliance information from 3 - 4 weeks to a matter of
minutes. For more information, view this video                       Innovation is the lifeblood for surviving in today’s tough
                                                                     competitive market. IBM is really focused on knocking down
                                                                     the barriers to innovation by helping our clients transform how
                                                                     they work with standardized tools, processes and more. One
                                                                     client was using a thousand different tools in their develop-
Open access to data across the lifecycle
                                                                     ment process. IBM reduced that number to a standard set
No one vendor, tool set or monolithic database can serve all of
                                                                     of a handful and they were able to develop an innovative
your needs in complex systems development and delivery.              technology product in half the time. Getting to market faster
Closed tools and platforms and disjointed processes can result       than they ever had before has translated into more choices
in development silos and a lack of access to critical data and       for their customers and direct market share for them.
information.                                                         For more information, view this video

IBM’s solution takes a different approach. Inspired by the
Internet, the solution integration platform enables a loosely cou-
pled “web” of engineering data. This web is achieved by apply-
ing an open-standards-based, federated approach to managing
6   IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering

What makes this solution different?
The Rational solution supports systems engineering approaches      A leading medical device provider enhances collaboration
to unify software engineering and other disciplines such as        for significant results
electrical and mechanical engineering. Delivered on an open        Diagnostic Grifols is a leading medical device provider. The
integration platform, it uses an end-to-end approach to building   international scale of this company’s business calls for strict
and validating complex products, systems and the software that     compliance of the software it uses to manage and control
powers them. In addition, it provides:                             the development of its products. And, the complexity of its
                                                                   development cycle requires software that can enhance team
●   Support for the entire lifecycle from requirements through     collaboration to deliver products faster. So, the company
    delivery                                                       implemented a Rational solution to enhance collaboration
●   Industry-leading requirements management and design            throughout its product development cycle.
    applied in both systems-level and software-level development
                                                                   The solution connects all stages of the development cycle, so
●   A leading Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution
                                                                   different developers working on the same project can build
●   Web-based sharing (view, markup) of designs for cross-
                                                                   and share all regulated product data in a controlled environ-
    discipline and cross-team collaboration
                                                                   ment. Teams use collaboration features to adapt to changes
●   Best practices developed and refined through years of working   in regulations and take action on potential conflict. By better
    with product development companies                             anticipating schedules, teams keep investment and profitabil-
●   Systems engineering and software engineering implementation    ity on track. Automation of operations documentation enables
    and consulting services based on process improvement and       the company to support compliance audits better.
    best practices

The result? Companies like yours can deliver higher quality,
smarter products on time with reduced risk.

But you don’t have to take our word for it.

                                                                   Figure 3: Apply the Rational solution to help achieve compliance by efficiently
                                                                   capturing regulated product data in a controlled environment.
IBM Software    7

Real companies. Real results
Companies that are already using the Rational solution for
systems and software have seen significant results:

●   Railway signal systems developer Invensys Rail Dimetronic
    reduced time to market for signaling systems products by
    40 percent and facilitated a 100 percent compliance rate with
    standards for code traceability and safety.
●   Diagnostic Grifols, a medical device provider, decreased
    product time-to-market by 20 percent.
●   One major aerospace and defense company reduced typical
    system design time by 70 percent, and another reduced scope
    creep from 98 percent to 16 percent.

To learn about other successful applications, visit:
or view the solution video
                                                                    Figure 4: Products of all types are becoming more instrumented, intercon-
                                                                    nected and intelligent.

Improving quality
Product defects risk your brand, revenues and profits. The
                                                                    To succeed in today’s fast-paced, competitive marketplace,
Rational solution emphasizes quality management throughout
                                                                    companies that manufacture smart products must cultivate
the product development lifecycle to reduce risk. A multina-
                                                                    efficient and effective communication and collaboration. The
tional IBM client using the Rational solution reduced defects
by 75 percent early enough in the design cycle to maintain an       IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering
aggressive six-week development cycle. This resulted in prod-       integrates a set of practices and tools for systems and software
ucts with a higher level of quality that met time to market         development, helping everyone in the product development
requirements. For more information, view this video                 lifecycle collaborate to deliver smart products and systems.
For more information
To learn more about how Rational solution for systems and
software engineering delivers the tools, best practices, services
and a platform to manage the product and systems development
lifecycle, contact your IBM representative or IBM Business
Partner, or visit the following website:                                 © Copyright IBM Corporation 2012                              IBM Corporation
                                                                         Software Group
                                                                         Route 100
Additionally, IBM Global Financing can help you acquire the IT           Somers, NY 10589
solutions that your business needs in the most cost-effective and
                                                                         Produced in the United States of America
strategic way possible. We’ll partner with credit-qualified clients       February 2012
to customize an IT financing solution to suit your business goals,
                                                                         IBM, the IBM logo,, Jazz, and Rational are trademarks of
enable effective cash management, and improve your total cost            International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other
of ownership. IBM Global Financing is your smartest choice to            countries or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on
fund critical IT investments and propel your business forward.           their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™),
                                                                         these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by
For more information, visit:                            IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also
                                                                         be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of
                                                                         IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark
                                                                         information” at

                                                                         Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service
                                                                         marks of others.

                                                                         This document is current as of the initial date of publication and may be
                                                                         changed by IBM at any time. Not all offerings are available in every country
                                                                         in which IBM operates.

                                                                         The client examples cited are presented for illustrative purposes only. Actual
                                                                         performance results may vary depending on specific configurations and
                                                                         operating conditions.

                                                                         THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED
                                                                         “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR
                                                                         IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES
                                                                         OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR
                                                                         PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON-
                                                                         INFRINGEMENT. IBM products are warranted according to the terms
                                                                         and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided.

                                                                         The client is responsible for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations
                                                                         applicable to it. IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrant
                                                                         that its services or products will ensure that the client is in compliance with
                                                                         any law or regulation.
                                                                         Matt Asay, “62 Percent of IT Projects Fail? Why?” CNet News.
                                                                         21 Mar. 2008.

                                                                                   Please Recycle


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An end to-end solution for creating smarter products

  • 1. IBM Software Software Design and Development IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering An end-to-end solution for creating smarter products
  • 2. 2 IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering Highlights Products and systems can no longer be developed the way they ● Implement a unified lifecycle approach to build and validate used to be. Complexity is rising, and late changes are common. complex products, systems and the software that powers them Global competition and increasing compliance requirements ● Adopt integrated tools and process support to reduce the time demand that products be delivered faster, with greater proof of to market quality and more functionality. They have to be smarter, safer ● Apply best practices for safety-critical development to help and connected—yet more secure. Increased functionality and reduce the cost of compliance rapid differentiation are achieved through a significant increase ● Enhance cross-team collaboration in systems and software in software and electronics. Simply put, how companies design engineering to help improve quality and speed innovation and develop products must change if they want to win in this new environment. Introduction Smarter products are all around us: More fuel-efficient cars. Traditional product development took place in a siloed fashion, Safer planes. Life-saving implanted medical devices. with each team handing off its work to the next stage in the Smartphones. development lifecycle. Building smarter products requires a smarter environment. New development approaches must unify Customers now expect products to be smart. disparate contributors such as: ● Developers distributed across different geographical locations and time zones Managing complexity ● Lifecycle teams (requirements, design, development, test) IBM clients are spending more than 40 percent of their that must break down complexity together and deliver proven, engineering efforts on electronics and software. IBM is helping incremental results them take on the challenge of the complexity this creates in ● Cross-discipline teams (mechanical, electrical, software) the product development lifecycle. One client, an automotive that must respond in unison to changes for impact analysis and manufacturer, uses the Rational solution for systems and rapid course correction software engineering to simplify the complex design process. ● Ecosystem partners for connecting products with other sys- They break the process into smaller, manageable pieces and tems for data, remote monitoring or function control distribute them to an engineering team that is located all ● Key stakeholders needing visibility to manage customer around the world. Real-time auditing and information tracing expectations, timelines, budgets and partner activity helps the client keep track of each part of the process as it moves through their complex systems. For more information, view this video As a result, companies around the world that are producing smart products have identified five major challenges: Complexity, quality, compliance, competition and predictability.
  • 3. IBM Software 3 IBM® Rational® software is helping companies meet these challenges of effective product and systems delivery by providing IBM Rational solutions help a railway signaling systems a smarter approach to describing, building and validating company develop smarter products complex systems and the software that powers them. The With the advent of high-speed trains, the margin of error for IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering railway operators is akin to that of air traffic controllers, and provides collaborative, integrated systems engineering and the stakes are just as high: Provide virtually 100 percent embedded software development capabilities on an open reliability or risk loss of life. Invensys Rail Dimetronic develops platform that enables companies to compete in our new world signaling systems used by railway operators throughout and overcome the five major challenges of developing smart Europe. These systems must meet a single set of railway products (Figure 1). signaling system standards and those standards are continually evolving. Modernized development processes are necessary to keep pace with the standards, meet the unique needs of their railway operator customers and integrate systems with other railway technologies. Invensys Rail Dimetronic deployed an automated application development platform to achieve this modernization. Developers from numerous autonomous teams, who share code management responsibilities, use automated require- ments management capabilities and a web-based interface to track changes and generate reports. As standards or customer needs change, developers analyze those changes to form a plan of attack, quickly modeling, configuring, validating and demonstrating the integration of components in the signaling systems software—and even isolating errors early in the design process. To learn more, visit: Figure 1: A railway systems developer speeds innovation and solution deployment with a unified IBM Rational platform for modeling, testing, tracking and documenting highly iterative, multistage development processes.
  • 4. 4 IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering Unify the development lifecycle Provide collaboration guidance The Rational solution breaks down silos and enables stakehold- It is not enough to have documented best practices in papers ers and contributors to collaborate closely and effectively. All and procedure manuals today. Distributed development major lifecycle disciplines are integrated: Requirements manage- organizations and suppliers need just-in-time, accessible and ment, architecture and design, development, collaboration and automated process guidance to make cross-lifecycle and change management, and quality management. This helps cross-discipline collaboration happen. ensure, for example, that: Customizable practices and workflows with automated execution ● Requirements are validated in designs and proven in tests. templates are offered to improve collaboration: ● Designs are shared for more effective communication. ● All lifecycle artifacts are linked in work items, including ● Tool mentors show how to apply tool integrations that facili- requirements, designs, development artifacts, changes tate communication in the day-to-day activities of individuals. and tests. ● Traceability is built into the workflows and tools. ● Changes can be tracked and managed effectively—from pro- ● Metrics, real-time dashboards and 24×7 communication are posal and impact analysis to decision sign-off and execution. automatically enabled in the processes and tools. ● Complexity can be peeled away with an integrated, iterative ● Security is maintained when and where it is needed. lifecycle that enables greater agility, faster impact analysis and ● An on-demand practice library contains both systems effective response to change at any point. engineering and embedded software practices. Improving predictability Best Practices and Integrated Process Guidance Between 20 - 60 percent of the time, companies miss the REQUIREMENTS QUALITY deadline for their products.1 An IBM client in the aerospace MANAGEMENT MANAGEMENT and defense industry uses the Rational solution to define the scope and the content of products and then measure the ARCHITECTURE progress of product development through the lifecycle with a & DESIGN set of metrics and dashboards. This methodology helps them deliver products on time, time after time. Getting the products COLLABORATION, PLANNING & CHANGE MANAGEMENT to market on schedule creates excitement for the customers, Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration increases the credibility for the investors and adds significant business value. For more information, view this video Figure 2: Rational solution for systems and software engineering: Best practices, tools and services on an open platform.
  • 5. IBM Software 5 Comply with standards and regulations lifecycle data and processes. This makes it possible to incorpo- Compliance is always a concern for companies that develop rate legacy databases and existing applications in systems products for regulated industries. Meeting compliance require- development environments. ments can raise costs, lengthen schedules and consume resources unless more efficient processes and tool automations are applied. To apply this approach to a broad ecosystem of tools and data, it The Rational solution offers industry-specific support for relies on an open community for defining integration specifica- safety-critical standards, including ISO 26262 for automotive, tions. Called Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration (OSLC), DO-178B for aerospace and defense and more. this community consists of vendors who develop tools and the companies who use them. Streamlining compliance Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration IBM works very closely with clients to find out what data they Lifecycle integration inspired by the web need to satisfy an audit and uses that information to make it possible for engineers to virtually press a button and get a compliance report. Recently, IBM helped a client in the medical devices industry reduce the time it took them provide Enabling innovation for competitive advantage compliance information from 3 - 4 weeks to a matter of minutes. For more information, view this video Innovation is the lifeblood for surviving in today’s tough competitive market. IBM is really focused on knocking down the barriers to innovation by helping our clients transform how they work with standardized tools, processes and more. One client was using a thousand different tools in their develop- Open access to data across the lifecycle ment process. IBM reduced that number to a standard set No one vendor, tool set or monolithic database can serve all of of a handful and they were able to develop an innovative your needs in complex systems development and delivery. technology product in half the time. Getting to market faster Closed tools and platforms and disjointed processes can result than they ever had before has translated into more choices in development silos and a lack of access to critical data and for their customers and direct market share for them. information. For more information, view this video IBM’s solution takes a different approach. Inspired by the Internet, the solution integration platform enables a loosely cou- pled “web” of engineering data. This web is achieved by apply- ing an open-standards-based, federated approach to managing
  • 6. 6 IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering What makes this solution different? The Rational solution supports systems engineering approaches A leading medical device provider enhances collaboration to unify software engineering and other disciplines such as for significant results electrical and mechanical engineering. Delivered on an open Diagnostic Grifols is a leading medical device provider. The integration platform, it uses an end-to-end approach to building international scale of this company’s business calls for strict and validating complex products, systems and the software that compliance of the software it uses to manage and control powers them. In addition, it provides: the development of its products. And, the complexity of its development cycle requires software that can enhance team ● Support for the entire lifecycle from requirements through collaboration to deliver products faster. So, the company delivery implemented a Rational solution to enhance collaboration ● Industry-leading requirements management and design throughout its product development cycle. applied in both systems-level and software-level development The solution connects all stages of the development cycle, so ● A leading Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) solution different developers working on the same project can build ● Web-based sharing (view, markup) of designs for cross- and share all regulated product data in a controlled environ- discipline and cross-team collaboration ment. Teams use collaboration features to adapt to changes ● Best practices developed and refined through years of working in regulations and take action on potential conflict. By better with product development companies anticipating schedules, teams keep investment and profitabil- ● Systems engineering and software engineering implementation ity on track. Automation of operations documentation enables and consulting services based on process improvement and the company to support compliance audits better. best practices The result? Companies like yours can deliver higher quality, smarter products on time with reduced risk. But you don’t have to take our word for it. Figure 3: Apply the Rational solution to help achieve compliance by efficiently capturing regulated product data in a controlled environment.
  • 7. IBM Software 7 Real companies. Real results Companies that are already using the Rational solution for systems and software have seen significant results: ● Railway signal systems developer Invensys Rail Dimetronic reduced time to market for signaling systems products by 40 percent and facilitated a 100 percent compliance rate with standards for code traceability and safety. ● Diagnostic Grifols, a medical device provider, decreased product time-to-market by 20 percent. ● One major aerospace and defense company reduced typical system design time by 70 percent, and another reduced scope creep from 98 percent to 16 percent. To learn about other successful applications, visit: or view the solution video Figure 4: Products of all types are becoming more instrumented, intercon- nected and intelligent. Improving quality Conclusion Product defects risk your brand, revenues and profits. The To succeed in today’s fast-paced, competitive marketplace, Rational solution emphasizes quality management throughout companies that manufacture smart products must cultivate the product development lifecycle to reduce risk. A multina- efficient and effective communication and collaboration. The tional IBM client using the Rational solution reduced defects by 75 percent early enough in the design cycle to maintain an IBM Rational solution for systems and software engineering aggressive six-week development cycle. This resulted in prod- integrates a set of practices and tools for systems and software ucts with a higher level of quality that met time to market development, helping everyone in the product development requirements. For more information, view this video lifecycle collaborate to deliver smart products and systems.
  • 8. For more information To learn more about how Rational solution for systems and software engineering delivers the tools, best practices, services and a platform to manage the product and systems development lifecycle, contact your IBM representative or IBM Business Partner, or visit the following website: © Copyright IBM Corporation 2012 IBM Corporation Software Group Route 100 Additionally, IBM Global Financing can help you acquire the IT Somers, NY 10589 solutions that your business needs in the most cost-effective and Produced in the United States of America strategic way possible. We’ll partner with credit-qualified clients February 2012 to customize an IT financing solution to suit your business goals, IBM, the IBM logo,, Jazz, and Rational are trademarks of enable effective cash management, and improve your total cost International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other of ownership. IBM Global Financing is your smartest choice to countries or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on fund critical IT investments and propel your business forward. their first occurrence in this information with a trademark symbol (® or ™), these symbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarks owned by For more information, visit: IBM at the time this information was published. Such trademarks may also be registered or common law trademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright and trademark information” at Other company, product or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others. This document is current as of the initial date of publication and may be changed by IBM at any time. Not all offerings are available in every country in which IBM operates. The client examples cited are presented for illustrative purposes only. Actual performance results may vary depending on specific configurations and operating conditions. THE INFORMATION IN THIS DOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND ANY WARRANTY OR CONDITION OF NON- INFRINGEMENT. IBM products are warranted according to the terms and conditions of the agreements under which they are provided. The client is responsible for ensuring compliance with laws and regulations applicable to it. IBM does not provide legal advice or represent or warrant that its services or products will ensure that the client is in compliance with any law or regulation. 1 Matt Asay, “62 Percent of IT Projects Fail? Why?” CNet News. 21 Mar. 2008. Please Recycle RAB14062-USEN-00