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Quoting the Motivators: The Amity Leadership
Mentors: Prof. Mamta Srivastav, Addl. Director &
Dr. Aditya Tomer, Dy,Director
Editor-in-Chief : Parveen Kumar Sharma
Dr. As hok K. Chauhan
Founder President
“Amity is not just a
group of institutions
which imparts world-
class education, but
an experience where
everyone associated is
part of a dream, a
mission to see that we
nurture truly great
Dr. Atul Chauhan
Chancellor, AUUP
“We are creating
centres of thought
leadership across the
world, where faculty,
scientists and brilliant
students can explore
and expand the frontiers
of knowledge.”
Dr. (Mrs.) Balvinder Shukla
“At Amity, we focus on each
& every student, to bring out
their full potential and
empower them with a
winning attitude.”
In this AmiComm: Quoting the Motivators, Messages and Motivation, Editorial Note, Editorial Mantra, CSEC-
Introduction, CSEC & AmiComm Team, Featured Article on Careers, Expert Advice, AmiComm Literary, AmiComm
EdTech, Movies & Lawyers (Movie Reviews), AmiComm August Agenda, ALS-II :Events-Planned and Organised,
Invitation to Join AmiComm
To meet the demand of this dynamic era, a lot of emphasis is being given these days on the
academics, innovations, technology, and value based education. Amity is accelerating
towards achieving the goal of being globally ranked education group.
Amity believes in the all-inclusive development of its students and provides them quality
platforms to nurture talents. The vision of Hon’ble Founder President is to create ambassa-
dors of learning and values, and that is exactly we are aiming at through various academic
and associated activities. Value addition has been a very important part of our education and
Communication Skills remains a priority among the skills imparted to each Amitian.
I am pleased to see that Amity Law School, Centre-II has come up with yet another Amity
initiative to accomplish the Amity vision and mission through this newsletter.
I congratulate the Communication Skills Enhancement Club (CSEC) of ALS-II for initiating
AmiComm- Communication Skills Newsletter, which has the essence of Amity’s foundation:
Competence, Commitment and Self-Motivation.
My best wishes and blessings to the Team of Students and Faculty.
Prof. Dr. Balvinder Shukla
Vice Chancellor
Professor – Entrepreneurship & Leadership
Words from the Motivator
Page # 02/ AmiComm/ July 2015
Communication Skills Enhancement is a
Mission and We are Committed to
Impart the Best Skills to Our Students.
Page # 03/ AmiComm/ July 2015
Mentor’s Note:
Communication is the key to success and we at Amity University envision a successful future for our students. Following
the vision of our dynamic Amity leaders, we nurture talent. Students, as well as the faculty who teaches them, need to stay
connected beyond the classroom as well. As students of Law, each student is required to earn the multi-dimensional skill
sets. Communication Skills is most significant in these skills. In this age of Information Overload, AmiComm is initiated to
establish a strong and shared foundation of ‘Communication’. “Amity Communication” becomes AmiComm and this
monthly newsletter is presenting itself as a platform of learning and sharing . It is for Amitians and by Amitians.
I wish to congratulate the Communication Skills Enhancement Club and AmiComm Team of ALS-II for coming ahead with
this newsletter. I am sure that with the active participation of ALS-II students and faculty, AmiComm team will add new
dimensions to learning. Each issue of AmiComm shall bring advice from career experts and will give enough space to stu-
dents to present their learning, observation, legal aid initiatives and will also serve as a monthly communiqué of ALS II.
Dr. Aditya Tomer, Dy. Director, ALS-II
1. Courtesy
2. Consideration
3. Clarity
4. Correctness
5. Completeness
6. Concreteness
7. Conciseness
‘Communication for Management’
 Workplace Management
 Decision Making
 Problem Solving
 Image Building and Public Relations
 Inter-Cultural Harmony at Workplace
 Motivational Aspects
The 7 Cs of Communication
“Don't watch the clock; do what it
does. Keep going.”-Sam Levenson
"If your ship doesn't come in, swim
out to it." - Jonathan Winters
Editorial Mantra
From the Editor’s Desk:
AmiComm– Communication Skills Newsletter, aims at making sense to each one of you. As an Amitian, I am sure that
all our students will join this mission of Skill Enhancement. Through this monthly e-newsletter, we shall be sharing the
best of expert advice for a successful career. Each aspect, that relates to Communication Skills, shall be kept in
The priority is to assist each learner in establishing a strong foundation of Communicative Competence.
We hope that AmiComm shall serve as a platform of expressions and will be able to initiate the mission of
Skill Enhancement. Let us walk together towards Learning to Communicate Effectively.
Parveen Kumar Sharma
CSEC– Communication Skills Enhancement Club
“Do not ask your children
to strive for extraordinary lives.
Such striving may seem admirable,
but it is the way of foolishness.
Help them instead to find the wonder
and the marvel of an ordinary life.
Show them the joy of tasting
tomatoes, apples and pears.
Show them how to cry
when pets and people die.
Show them the infinite pleasure
in the touch of a hand.
And make the ordinary come alive for them.
The extraordinary will take care of itself.”
(William Martin)
The Most ordinary thing in our life is ‘Communication’!
For us, Communication Skills is not an alien thing to master. We just need to
revitalize our competence and re-believe in what we are!
Remember: ‘None of us is as smart as all of us.’
Page # 04/ AmiComm/ July 2015
With determination and sincere strategy to add skills to our communication,
CSEC invites you all to be on board with us. CSEC has only one objective:
To Assist the Learners in the Enhancement of their Communication Skills
With Student Leadership and Cooperation from All our ALS-II Faculty and Staff,
we shall be conducting and Managing Special Interactions, Workshops, Blogs,
Mock Interviews, Communication Skills Practices, Public Speaking, Personality
Development Guidance, Creative Writing, Newsletter, Podcast and YouTube
Presentations….and everything that you suggest to really Enhance the Communi-
cative Competence of each one of us.
We shall be available for honest assistance and will do our best to guide every
Amitian accomplish a skilled ground. We solicit the cooperation of all teachers,
who are in fact our real strength.
Students, who want to join CSEC and want to share their Learning with all, are welcome!
They are also invited to join the Team of AmiComm- Communication Skills Newsletter.
Mail your queries to / or visit any of the
CSEC faculty members:
To the Students– For the Amitians
Parveen Kumar Sharma
Assistant Professor-II
Amity Law School-II
Dr. Sumitra Singh
Associate Editor
Assistant Professor-II
Amity Law School-II
Lekha Rani Singh
Associate Editor
Assistant Professor-II
Amity Law School-II
Page # 05/ AmiComm/ July 2015
A Degree in Law! WHY? ‘Careers and Possibilities’
 The Courtroom Career - Criminal Lawyer, Matrimonial Lawyer etc.
 Legal Practitioner / Advocate / Legal Advisor
 Corporate and Tax Lawyer-Consultant or Advisor
 Solicitor for the Government
 Patent/IPR related Advisory
 Jobs with NGOs
 Legal Journalism– Columnist/Reporter/Anchor/Editor etc.
 Judiciary/Administrative Jobs
 Labour and Employment Lawyers
 Education- Teaching & Training
 Publishing Industry as Authors/Content Writers/Editors
 Legal Outsourcing (Legal Aid/Assistance Abroad)
Mr. Ankit Ahluwalia, Advocate, Supreme Court & Delhi High Court
Information on the Walk...
Page # 06/ AmiComm/ July 2015
Featured Article
“AmiComm Confident Communicator”
The first thing you need to realise is that a career in the media is not a regular 9 to 5 job. If your expectation
from your job is regular hours, maybe you need to consider a different profession. Now that is out of the way,
let us look at the basic attributes that one looks for when hiring for the media:
a) Communication – whichever medium you work in, the fact remains that you are in the business of commu-
nication. The ability to communicate an idea to your audience is crucial. More importantly you need to be able
to communicate precisely and succulently. Practice communication. Write draft letters, draft pitches, draft epi-
sode synopsis, movie synopsis. More importantly read what other people have written, because it gives you an
idea of how good communication works.
b) Cultivate interests outside the media : Beyond Bollywood or IPL. The media is about communicating
ideas; and ideas do not develop in the abstract. The best media works are by people who have a variety of inter-
c) Power of listening and observation – absolutely important to learn to observe and listen. Do not learn bad
habits from broadcast news television – the less you interrupt, the more you listen, and the more you observe –
the more likely you are to develop a good piece of content. Ideas are usually one liners. The success of an idea
depends on how well you flesh it out, and points b) and c) help you to do this.
d) Easy Going – it is only in films that the difficult maverick, who gets on with nobody, ends up successful. In
real life, it is those who are easy going and easy to get along with who end up doing well. The only attitude that
works well is the desire for excellence, and the desire to collaborate with others. Working in the media is all
about working with people, and it is these people who will determine your success (or failure).
e) Curiosity (as opposed to nosiness) – while curiosity may have killed the cat, it helps young entrants into the
media get a great start. Learn your job, understand how others do their jobs, be curious about subjects you work
on – do your research.
f) Passion – is an underrated virtue, but it is always good to interact with those who are passionate about life,
interests and the media. With all things being equal, it is passion that wins the day.
Education and Degrees are important. But being in the media, which is fast evolving, means that you have
to keep evolving and bettering yourself. These are exciting times for the media, hope you enjoy the ride.
Page # 07/ AmiComm/ July 2015
Harini Calamur
Head - Digital Content at Zee Media Corporation
A career in the media is exciting. And rewarding. And extremely demanding.
Referring to Legal Journalism as a Career
Expert Advice
Sabba Quidwai (Apple Distinguished Educator)
Director, Innovative Learning
KSM, University of Southern California USA
Let the World Be Your Stage!
Technology and communication go hand in hand and over the years our potential reach
has expanded. In our early beginnings communication was immobile - written in stone
visible only to those who were within walking distance. With the 15th century came the invention of the
printing press which allowed information to travel to people. As technology progressed the passing of this
information became faster and faster. However, one’s audience was still limited. With the rise of the
world wide web the world is now your stage and the power of reach lies within your hands. The possibili-
ties for you as a student are limited only to your imagination.
In the book, “Show Your Work,” Austin Kleon argues that you don’t find an audience for your work, they
find you. Of course in order for people to find you, you have to be findable. Imagine having shared your
work over the course of your academic career, you never know when a project or blog post may catch
someone’s attention creating opportunities that you may have never thought possible.
As a communications student, how can you leverage the power of the tools available to you so that you can
present yourself on the world stage? What can you be doing to become more findable?
Share Your Work
Kleon argues that people who are able to make themselves findable do so by sharing their work. They
don’t just present a finished product; rather they engage people in their process creating a following. This
following in turn is there to support you through feedback and fellowship. Sharing can often be intimidat-
ing. Will people judge me? Will people like what they see? Will I look like an amateur? Kleon says it is
the amateur who was the liveliest spirit of them all. He opens this section with a quote from Charlie Chap-
lin, “That’s all any of us are: amateurs. We don’t live long enough to be anything else.”
Everyone has something to contribute and it is through the sharing of your ideas that your ideas can in-
volve. Great creations do not come at once, they come from the combination of lots of bits and pieces that
when come together create an explosion. Kleon’s advice, “Share what you love and the people who love
the same things will find you.”
Why not allow others to witness and share in your journey?
Page # 08/ AmiComm/ July 2015
Let the World Be Your Stage
Congratulations on the inaugural newsletter and I wish Amity University, its
faculty and students lots of success. : Sabba
Page # 09/ AmiComm/ July 2015
AmiComm EdTech (Softwares, Apps & Web for Communication Skills)
OXFORD ADVANCE Learner’s Dictionary: CD- ROM with Oxford iWriter
Take a Look at the Dictionary’s CD ROM which has the Advanced Learning Features
that enables you to Do the same dictionary functions along with some super-special fea-
The iWriter helps you in working on Presentation, Reports and Resume etc.
The list of 3000 Words, Vocabulary Activities, Grammar, Maps, are some other
features that make Oxford ALD an integral part of our learning system.
Get the latest edition and install the complimentary Software on Desktop/Laptop and
“Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of
thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior.
It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or a group of living creatures.
Pragmatics defines communication as any sign-mediated interaction that follows
combinatorial, context-specific and content-coherent rules. Communicative competence
designates the capability to install inter-subjective interactions, which means that
communication is an inherent social interaction.”
 Active Listening Activity Ideas
 Assertive Communication Skill Tips
 Communication Skills Activities
 Effective Business Communication Skills
AmiComm Literary:
Experience the Magic of
Words and See How a
Young Writer Captures
the Hearts!
Ankit Kumar, Amitian
(B.Tech.- 2008-2012
Batch) AmiComm
Literary will bring for
you What Amitians have
created and shared with
AmiComm Literary
Blogs & Websites:
 (News-Views for the Youth-by the Youth)
 (terribly tiny tales brings together a diverse pool of fantastic writers to cre-
ate one tweet-sized story, everyday. We invite readers to contribute a word from which the writer picks a word
of his/her choice )
If you carry Creative
Writing in heart… Bring it in
the AmiComm Literary
Join AmiComm
Philadelphia (1993, Directed by Jonathan Demme)
As a courtroom drama it is extremely effective, and a fine cast, which
includes Mary Steenburgen and Joanne Woodward, stirs the emotions without
sentimental overtones. Arguably, the horror of death from Aids has been
sanitized for popular consumption, but nevertheless it is a brave and
commendable effort.
Soon after Tom Hanks, a young hotshot in a Philadelphia law firm wins pro-
motion, a lesion forms on his forehead. It transpires that he has Aids, and eventually the physical effects
are impossible to conceal from the partners, led by Jason Robards. They fire him, unconvincingly
citing incompetence as their reason. He knows death is inevitable he resolves to sue his old firm on the
grounds that his dismissal was really because of his illness, and therefore unfair. The closed society of
Philadelphia law turns its back on him, and in desperation he goes to a fiercely heterosexual black law-
yer (Denzel Washington) who makes a point of standing up for the oppressed. He is essentially ho-
mophobic but he is also against persecution and after initial reluctance, takes on the case. It gives Hanks
Movies & Lawyers
A Few Must Watches….
12 Angry Men (1957)
12 Angry Men, masterfully directed by Sidney Lumet, begins when Juror # 8
(Henry Fonda) refuses to raise his hand when the other jurors are about to finalize
their verdict – 11 votes against one, which means a delay in sending a man
accused of murdering his own father to the electric chair. Uncertainty, and a bad
defense causes Henry Fonda`s character to have a reasonable doubt about the
entire case, which makes the other jurors reconsider, analyze, and examine each
aspect of the life of an unseen man for the audience.
Even though Juror #8 is certain of his beliefs, he asks the other jurors to explain why they think that
the young man must be sentenced to death for a crime he may not have
committed. It is fascinating to see how all these men express their strong arguments against juror #8.
And, when they dig deep into the story, they understand that nothing is as simple as it seems, and
maybe, just maybe, the 18-year old man did not kill his father. While they argue about his life, a great
battle begins between juror #8 and a very stubborn juror #3 (Lee J. Cobb), who has no intention of
changing his decision under the heavy facts brought up by the rest of the jurors.
What is most amazing about 12 Angry Men is the simplicity of the story written by Reginal
Rose. The character study is done so well and is so educational and inspiring, that the audience will
keep thinking about it even after watching this film.
हिन्दी संस्करण : एक रुका हुआ फै सला (निर्देशक: बासु चटर्जी) Juror # 8 played by K.K. Raina
Page # 10/ AmiComm/ July 2015
Page # 11/ AmiComm/ July 2015
Making An Impressive Social Media Profile
‘Ready to Add’ Skills and Communication Tips
Personalities: Inspiring Profiles
Websites/Blogs/Twitter Handles/FB Profiles for Learners
EdTech Integration Tips for Teachers
Conversational English Tips
AmiComm Agenda for ‘AmiComm August’ -Proposed Aspects
AmiComm Literary– Prose, Poetry, Travelogue and Diaries
Legal Aid, General Awareness, Correspondence Tips
Remedial Grammar Tips, Avoiding Common Errors
Article by ‘Confident Communicator of the Month’
There is no end to what we plan and what we toil for…
Join Learning!
ALS-II Achievements & Highlights
Employability Skills Enhancement Tips
Resume Writing, GD & Interview Guidelines
AmiComm Talks
‘AmiComm August’ awaits Your Contribution!
Contact the Editorial Board:
Parveen Kumar Sharma/Dr. Sumitra Singh/Ms. Lekha Rani Singh
Amity Law School, Centre-II
Amity University, Sector-125
Noida (UP) 201313
Students are invited to Write on varied aspects of Communication Skills
–Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing– All We have in AmiComm.
Share Your Experiences and Observations!
Collaborate with Your Communication Skills Faculty– Submit Your
Content on Suggested Topics and Themes.
Bring Expert Advice from the Industry and Get it Shared with All!
Write Short-Stories and Publish them with AmiComm Literary! Or Bring
Page # 12/ AmiComm/ July 2015
Share AmiComm Online with
Read beyond these Pages on the AmiComm Blog:
ALS-II Events/July 2015
 10 August, 2015 - Extempore Competition
 12 August, 2015 - Workshop: ‘Communication Skills & Lawyers’
 19 August, 2015 - Career Counseling Session
 27 August, 2015 - Fresher's Party

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AmiComm- Communication Skills Newsletter July 2015

  • 1. Quoting the Motivators: The Amity Leadership Mentors: Prof. Mamta Srivastav, Addl. Director & Dr. Aditya Tomer, Dy,Director Editor-in-Chief : Parveen Kumar Sharma E-mail: Dr. As hok K. Chauhan Founder President “Amity is not just a group of institutions which imparts world- class education, but an experience where everyone associated is part of a dream, a mission to see that we nurture truly great leaders.” Dr. Atul Chauhan Chancellor, AUUP “We are creating centres of thought leadership across the world, where faculty, scientists and brilliant students can explore and expand the frontiers of knowledge.” Dr. (Mrs.) Balvinder Shukla Vice-Chancellor,AUUP “At Amity, we focus on each & every student, to bring out their full potential and empower them with a winning attitude.” In this AmiComm: Quoting the Motivators, Messages and Motivation, Editorial Note, Editorial Mantra, CSEC- Introduction, CSEC & AmiComm Team, Featured Article on Careers, Expert Advice, AmiComm Literary, AmiComm EdTech, Movies & Lawyers (Movie Reviews), AmiComm August Agenda, ALS-II :Events-Planned and Organised, Invitation to Join AmiComm
  • 2. To meet the demand of this dynamic era, a lot of emphasis is being given these days on the academics, innovations, technology, and value based education. Amity is accelerating towards achieving the goal of being globally ranked education group. Amity believes in the all-inclusive development of its students and provides them quality platforms to nurture talents. The vision of Hon’ble Founder President is to create ambassa- dors of learning and values, and that is exactly we are aiming at through various academic and associated activities. Value addition has been a very important part of our education and Communication Skills remains a priority among the skills imparted to each Amitian. I am pleased to see that Amity Law School, Centre-II has come up with yet another Amity initiative to accomplish the Amity vision and mission through this newsletter. I congratulate the Communication Skills Enhancement Club (CSEC) of ALS-II for initiating AmiComm- Communication Skills Newsletter, which has the essence of Amity’s foundation: Competence, Commitment and Self-Motivation. My best wishes and blessings to the Team of Students and Faculty. Prof. Dr. Balvinder Shukla Vice Chancellor Professor – Entrepreneurship & Leadership Words from the Motivator Page # 02/ AmiComm/ July 2015
  • 3. Communication Skills Enhancement is a Mission and We are Committed to Impart the Best Skills to Our Students. Page # 03/ AmiComm/ July 2015 Mentor’s Note: Communication is the key to success and we at Amity University envision a successful future for our students. Following the vision of our dynamic Amity leaders, we nurture talent. Students, as well as the faculty who teaches them, need to stay connected beyond the classroom as well. As students of Law, each student is required to earn the multi-dimensional skill sets. Communication Skills is most significant in these skills. In this age of Information Overload, AmiComm is initiated to establish a strong and shared foundation of ‘Communication’. “Amity Communication” becomes AmiComm and this monthly newsletter is presenting itself as a platform of learning and sharing . It is for Amitians and by Amitians. I wish to congratulate the Communication Skills Enhancement Club and AmiComm Team of ALS-II for coming ahead with this newsletter. I am sure that with the active participation of ALS-II students and faculty, AmiComm team will add new dimensions to learning. Each issue of AmiComm shall bring advice from career experts and will give enough space to stu- dents to present their learning, observation, legal aid initiatives and will also serve as a monthly communiqué of ALS II. Dr. Aditya Tomer, Dy. Director, ALS-II 1. Courtesy 2. Consideration 3. Clarity 4. Correctness 5. Completeness 6. Concreteness 7. Conciseness ‘Communication for Management’ Functions:  Workplace Management  Decision Making  Problem Solving  Image Building and Public Relations  Inter-Cultural Harmony at Workplace  Motivational Aspects The 7 Cs of Communication “Don't watch the clock; do what it does. Keep going.”-Sam Levenson "If your ship doesn't come in, swim out to it." - Jonathan Winters Editorial Mantra From the Editor’s Desk: AmiComm– Communication Skills Newsletter, aims at making sense to each one of you. As an Amitian, I am sure that all our students will join this mission of Skill Enhancement. Through this monthly e-newsletter, we shall be sharing the best of expert advice for a successful career. Each aspect, that relates to Communication Skills, shall be kept in AmiComm. The priority is to assist each learner in establishing a strong foundation of Communicative Competence. We hope that AmiComm shall serve as a platform of expressions and will be able to initiate the mission of Skill Enhancement. Let us walk together towards Learning to Communicate Effectively. Parveen Kumar Sharma
  • 4. CSEC– Communication Skills Enhancement Club “Do not ask your children to strive for extraordinary lives. Such striving may seem admirable, but it is the way of foolishness. Help them instead to find the wonder and the marvel of an ordinary life. Show them the joy of tasting tomatoes, apples and pears. Show them how to cry when pets and people die. Show them the infinite pleasure in the touch of a hand. And make the ordinary come alive for them. The extraordinary will take care of itself.” (William Martin) The Most ordinary thing in our life is ‘Communication’! For us, Communication Skills is not an alien thing to master. We just need to revitalize our competence and re-believe in what we are! Remember: ‘None of us is as smart as all of us.’ Page # 04/ AmiComm/ July 2015
  • 5. With determination and sincere strategy to add skills to our communication, CSEC invites you all to be on board with us. CSEC has only one objective: To Assist the Learners in the Enhancement of their Communication Skills With Student Leadership and Cooperation from All our ALS-II Faculty and Staff, we shall be conducting and Managing Special Interactions, Workshops, Blogs, Mock Interviews, Communication Skills Practices, Public Speaking, Personality Development Guidance, Creative Writing, Newsletter, Podcast and YouTube Presentations….and everything that you suggest to really Enhance the Communi- cative Competence of each one of us. We shall be available for honest assistance and will do our best to guide every Amitian accomplish a skilled ground. We solicit the cooperation of all teachers, who are in fact our real strength. Students, who want to join CSEC and want to share their Learning with all, are welcome! They are also invited to join the Team of AmiComm- Communication Skills Newsletter. Mail your queries to / or visit any of the CSEC faculty members: To the Students– For the Amitians Parveen Kumar Sharma Editor-in-Chief Assistant Professor-II Amity Law School-II Dr. Sumitra Singh Associate Editor Assistant Professor-II Amity Law School-II Lekha Rani Singh Associate Editor Assistant Professor-II Amity Law School-II Page # 05/ AmiComm/ July 2015
  • 6. A Degree in Law! WHY? ‘Careers and Possibilities’  The Courtroom Career - Criminal Lawyer, Matrimonial Lawyer etc.  Legal Practitioner / Advocate / Legal Advisor  Corporate and Tax Lawyer-Consultant or Advisor  Solicitor for the Government  Patent/IPR related Advisory  Jobs with NGOs  Legal Journalism– Columnist/Reporter/Anchor/Editor etc.  Judiciary/Administrative Jobs  Labour and Employment Lawyers  Education- Teaching & Training  Publishing Industry as Authors/Content Writers/Editors  Legal Outsourcing (Legal Aid/Assistance Abroad) Mr. Ankit Ahluwalia, Advocate, Supreme Court & Delhi High Court Information on the Walk... Page # 06/ AmiComm/ July 2015
  • 7. Featured Article “AmiComm Confident Communicator” The first thing you need to realise is that a career in the media is not a regular 9 to 5 job. If your expectation from your job is regular hours, maybe you need to consider a different profession. Now that is out of the way, let us look at the basic attributes that one looks for when hiring for the media: a) Communication – whichever medium you work in, the fact remains that you are in the business of commu- nication. The ability to communicate an idea to your audience is crucial. More importantly you need to be able to communicate precisely and succulently. Practice communication. Write draft letters, draft pitches, draft epi- sode synopsis, movie synopsis. More importantly read what other people have written, because it gives you an idea of how good communication works. b) Cultivate interests outside the media : Beyond Bollywood or IPL. The media is about communicating ideas; and ideas do not develop in the abstract. The best media works are by people who have a variety of inter- ests. c) Power of listening and observation – absolutely important to learn to observe and listen. Do not learn bad habits from broadcast news television – the less you interrupt, the more you listen, and the more you observe – the more likely you are to develop a good piece of content. Ideas are usually one liners. The success of an idea depends on how well you flesh it out, and points b) and c) help you to do this. d) Easy Going – it is only in films that the difficult maverick, who gets on with nobody, ends up successful. In real life, it is those who are easy going and easy to get along with who end up doing well. The only attitude that works well is the desire for excellence, and the desire to collaborate with others. Working in the media is all about working with people, and it is these people who will determine your success (or failure). e) Curiosity (as opposed to nosiness) – while curiosity may have killed the cat, it helps young entrants into the media get a great start. Learn your job, understand how others do their jobs, be curious about subjects you work on – do your research. f) Passion – is an underrated virtue, but it is always good to interact with those who are passionate about life, interests and the media. With all things being equal, it is passion that wins the day. Education and Degrees are important. But being in the media, which is fast evolving, means that you have to keep evolving and bettering yourself. These are exciting times for the media, hope you enjoy the ride. Page # 07/ AmiComm/ July 2015 Harini Calamur Head - Digital Content at Zee Media Corporation A career in the media is exciting. And rewarding. And extremely demanding. Referring to Legal Journalism as a Career
  • 8. Expert Advice Sabba Quidwai (Apple Distinguished Educator) Director, Innovative Learning KSM, University of Southern California USA Let the World Be Your Stage! Technology and communication go hand in hand and over the years our potential reach has expanded. In our early beginnings communication was immobile - written in stone visible only to those who were within walking distance. With the 15th century came the invention of the printing press which allowed information to travel to people. As technology progressed the passing of this information became faster and faster. However, one’s audience was still limited. With the rise of the world wide web the world is now your stage and the power of reach lies within your hands. The possibili- ties for you as a student are limited only to your imagination. In the book, “Show Your Work,” Austin Kleon argues that you don’t find an audience for your work, they find you. Of course in order for people to find you, you have to be findable. Imagine having shared your work over the course of your academic career, you never know when a project or blog post may catch someone’s attention creating opportunities that you may have never thought possible. As a communications student, how can you leverage the power of the tools available to you so that you can present yourself on the world stage? What can you be doing to become more findable? Share Your Work Kleon argues that people who are able to make themselves findable do so by sharing their work. They don’t just present a finished product; rather they engage people in their process creating a following. This following in turn is there to support you through feedback and fellowship. Sharing can often be intimidat- ing. Will people judge me? Will people like what they see? Will I look like an amateur? Kleon says it is the amateur who was the liveliest spirit of them all. He opens this section with a quote from Charlie Chap- lin, “That’s all any of us are: amateurs. We don’t live long enough to be anything else.” Everyone has something to contribute and it is through the sharing of your ideas that your ideas can in- volve. Great creations do not come at once, they come from the combination of lots of bits and pieces that when come together create an explosion. Kleon’s advice, “Share what you love and the people who love the same things will find you.” Why not allow others to witness and share in your journey? Page # 08/ AmiComm/ July 2015 Let the World Be Your Stage Congratulations on the inaugural newsletter and I wish Amity University, its faculty and students lots of success. : Sabba
  • 9. Page # 09/ AmiComm/ July 2015 AmiComm EdTech (Softwares, Apps & Web for Communication Skills) OXFORD ADVANCE Learner’s Dictionary: CD- ROM with Oxford iWriter Take a Look at the Dictionary’s CD ROM which has the Advanced Learning Features that enables you to Do the same dictionary functions along with some super-special fea- tures. The iWriter helps you in working on Presentation, Reports and Resume etc. The list of 3000 Words, Vocabulary Activities, Grammar, Maps, are some other features that make Oxford ALD an integral part of our learning system. Get the latest edition and install the complimentary Software on Desktop/Laptop and “Communication is the activity of conveying information through the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information, as by speech, visuals, signals, writing, or behavior. It is the meaningful exchange of information between two or a group of living creatures. Pragmatics defines communication as any sign-mediated interaction that follows combinatorial, context-specific and content-coherent rules. Communicative competence designates the capability to install inter-subjective interactions, which means that communication is an inherent social interaction.”  Active Listening Activity Ideas  Assertive Communication Skill Tips  Communication Skills Activities  Effective Business Communication Skills AmiComm Literary: Experience the Magic of Words and See How a Young Writer Captures the Hearts! Ankit Kumar, Amitian (B.Tech.- 2008-2012 Batch) AmiComm Literary will bring for you What Amitians have created and shared with AmiComm Literary Blogs & Websites:  (News-Views for the Youth-by the Youth)  (terribly tiny tales brings together a diverse pool of fantastic writers to cre- ate one tweet-sized story, everyday. We invite readers to contribute a word from which the writer picks a word of his/her choice ) If you carry Creative Writing in heart… Bring it in the AmiComm Literary Join AmiComm
  • 10. Philadelphia (1993, Directed by Jonathan Demme) As a courtroom drama it is extremely effective, and a fine cast, which includes Mary Steenburgen and Joanne Woodward, stirs the emotions without sentimental overtones. Arguably, the horror of death from Aids has been sanitized for popular consumption, but nevertheless it is a brave and commendable effort. Soon after Tom Hanks, a young hotshot in a Philadelphia law firm wins pro- motion, a lesion forms on his forehead. It transpires that he has Aids, and eventually the physical effects are impossible to conceal from the partners, led by Jason Robards. They fire him, unconvincingly citing incompetence as their reason. He knows death is inevitable he resolves to sue his old firm on the grounds that his dismissal was really because of his illness, and therefore unfair. The closed society of Philadelphia law turns its back on him, and in desperation he goes to a fiercely heterosexual black law- yer (Denzel Washington) who makes a point of standing up for the oppressed. He is essentially ho- mophobic but he is also against persecution and after initial reluctance, takes on the case. It gives Hanks Movies & Lawyers A Few Must Watches…. 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Angry Men, masterfully directed by Sidney Lumet, begins when Juror # 8 (Henry Fonda) refuses to raise his hand when the other jurors are about to finalize their verdict – 11 votes against one, which means a delay in sending a man accused of murdering his own father to the electric chair. Uncertainty, and a bad defense causes Henry Fonda`s character to have a reasonable doubt about the entire case, which makes the other jurors reconsider, analyze, and examine each aspect of the life of an unseen man for the audience. Even though Juror #8 is certain of his beliefs, he asks the other jurors to explain why they think that the young man must be sentenced to death for a crime he may not have committed. It is fascinating to see how all these men express their strong arguments against juror #8. And, when they dig deep into the story, they understand that nothing is as simple as it seems, and maybe, just maybe, the 18-year old man did not kill his father. While they argue about his life, a great battle begins between juror #8 and a very stubborn juror #3 (Lee J. Cobb), who has no intention of changing his decision under the heavy facts brought up by the rest of the jurors. What is most amazing about 12 Angry Men is the simplicity of the story written by Reginal Rose. The character study is done so well and is so educational and inspiring, that the audience will keep thinking about it even after watching this film. हिन्दी संस्करण : एक रुका हुआ फै सला (निर्देशक: बासु चटर्जी) Juror # 8 played by K.K. Raina Page # 10/ AmiComm/ July 2015
  • 11. Simple-Simple-Simple Page # 11/ AmiComm/ July 2015 Making An Impressive Social Media Profile ‘Ready to Add’ Skills and Communication Tips Personalities: Inspiring Profiles Websites/Blogs/Twitter Handles/FB Profiles for Learners EdTech Integration Tips for Teachers Conversational English Tips AmiComm Agenda for ‘AmiComm August’ -Proposed Aspects AmiComm Literary– Prose, Poetry, Travelogue and Diaries Legal Aid, General Awareness, Correspondence Tips Remedial Grammar Tips, Avoiding Common Errors Article by ‘Confident Communicator of the Month’ There is no end to what we plan and what we toil for… Join Learning! ALS-II Achievements & Highlights Employability Skills Enhancement Tips Resume Writing, GD & Interview Guidelines AmiComm Talks
  • 12. ‘AmiComm August’ awaits Your Contribution! Contact the Editorial Board: Parveen Kumar Sharma/Dr. Sumitra Singh/Ms. Lekha Rani Singh Amity Law School, Centre-II Amity University, Sector-125 Noida (UP) 201313 Students are invited to Write on varied aspects of Communication Skills –Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing– All We have in AmiComm. Share Your Experiences and Observations! Collaborate with Your Communication Skills Faculty– Submit Your Content on Suggested Topics and Themes. Bring Expert Advice from the Industry and Get it Shared with All! Write Short-Stories and Publish them with AmiComm Literary! Or Bring Page # 12/ AmiComm/ July 2015 Share AmiComm Online with #AmiComm Read beyond these Pages on the AmiComm Blog: ALS-II Events/July 2015  10 August, 2015 - Extempore Competition  12 August, 2015 - Workshop: ‘Communication Skills & Lawyers’  19 August, 2015 - Career Counseling Session  27 August, 2015 - Fresher's Party Planned Events: