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Bringing the Real
World into a Hybrid
Statistics Class
Adam H. Littig
Los Angeles Valley College
Our Statistics Students

Most students in your statistics courses
are NOT STEM majors.


They do NOT find the proof of the Central
Limit Theorem fascinating!
Critical Thinking!?

Why not teach them critical thinking using
topics from the real world?


Use an online Learning Management
System (LMS) to host discussions with
statistics in the real world.
Proposed Soda Tax

Students are grouped in 20-30 people.


I posted a PSA about a proposed Soda
Tax in Albany, NY.


The directions are “Discuss.”


Actual student comments follow…
Actual Student Comments

I believe that taxing soda does sound
right. It is not good for us. We have been
trying all sorts of new things in the
government, why not give this a shot as
well. Yes to soda tax!
Actual Student Comments

A huge tax was added to cigarettes to get
people to stop smoking, but that didn't
really work.
Actual Student Comments

They should not say, "many statistics
imply..." because then we aren't seeing
the information and we believe them
because the person seems like he or she
knows what they are saying.
Actual Student Comments

Are we going to start taxing everything
that we think is bad?
Actual Student Comments

This looks more like an excuse for the
government to increase taxes on whatever
they can because it is for a “good cause.”
Actual Student Comments

Often times government crosses the
boundaries of freedom. As far as
enforcing a special tax on soda to send a
message, it is not their duty to dictate
what we can consume.
Actual Student Comments

Upon reading some of the articles you
guys posted, I decided to look up a couple
of articles that were interesting to me.
Among these were two articles that I
Actual Student Comments

I found an interesting article regarding
soda tax bill in California. What stuck out
most to me from the article is the following
Actual Student Comments

So I went online and did a little research
on the statistics of obesity among kids.
Obesity has apparently been decreasing.
Actual Student Comments

This law is assuming that soda is the
cause of obesity and it's putting a easy
"solution" to this problem. Unfortunately
everyone would suffer even though soda
might not be the only cause of obesity.
Actual Student Comments

How strong is the relationship between
drinking soda and gaining weight, and
how good are the models that predict a
soda tax would reduce obesity?
Actual Student Comments

“According to a University of Colorado
study, the introduction of HFCS 20 years
ago coincided with the start of a twodecade rise in national obesity.”
Actual Student Comments

Comprehensive implementation implies
analyzing all aspects of the issue. In
Griffin P. Rodgers, MD & Francis S.
Collins, MD, PhD article, “The Next
Generation of Obesity Research” they
Actual Student Comments

I believe, slowly, the government is
breaching that fine line. By indirectly
dictating the amount of sugar consumed
they are one stop closer of stripping us of
our freedoms.
Actual Student Comments

But, because these politicians know that
most Americans don't dissect misleading
information thrown at them like this video,
it works for them most of the time.
Shock and Awe!

No two discussions groups are the same.


Expect to be surprised!


You might learn something too…
“…And Equal
Participation for All”
Using Interaction to Reinforce
Concepts and Metacognition in
Mathematics Classes

Fred Feldon
Coastline CC
“The best thing to learn first is
how to learn.”
Keep students engaged
Increase Metacognition
“There must be far less telling
on the part of the teacher,
and far more doing on the
part of the student.”
Jean Piaget
So, how do I do it?
• How much class time will I lose?
• How do I cover all the content?
• How do I quit being the “sage on stage”?
• How do I keep them from taking shortcuts?
• How do I teach them the “easy way” or the
“right way” to get an answer?
• How do I make sure they don’t
Facebook, text or e-mail during class time?
• How can students possibly learn everything
on their own that I normally cover in my
So, how do I do it?
• YOU are still the Professor
• YOU provide a course outline, syllabus,
schedule, learning resources, supplemental
material, student support, tutorial
resources, academic rigor and standards of
• YOU create a safe, non-threatening
classroom environment
• YOU make sure students are engaged and
participate equally
So, how do I do it?
• YOU change student attitudes from a “Fixed” to
a “Growth” mindset
• YOU cheer students on and let them know when
they are on the right track
• YOU highlight important points made during
• YOU question students and ask them to explain
their thinking and justify their answers
• YOU correct misconceptions/misunderstandings
• YOU may provide direct instruction on topics
students appear to be struggling with
So, how do I do it?
• YOU will discover the joy of doing what is
uniquely human and more interactive, rather
than simply delivering lectures.
• YOU will have more time to interact personally
with students, to mentor, advise, review
individual work, and answer questions
• YOU will learn more
than ever about your
subject matter and the
way students learn!
So, how do I do it?
• Avoid omniscient, overbearing or evaluative
comments that inhibit future participation

• Sustain the interaction and create a rich
environment for critical thinking to flourish
So, how do I do it?
• “Students like to be spoon fed. It’s easier for
them. But they need to learn how to feed
themselves. That means putting a plate of food
in front of them and giving them a spoon. Those
of us who have kids know what happens next
and it isn’t pretty. But is there a better way
to learn how to eat?”
-- Maryellen Weimer, PhD
Professor Emeritus of Teaching and
Learning, Penn State University
So, how do I do it?
• Flash cards, go down the rows, up and down
your roster, use sticks in a cup, random number
generator or get an app, to call on students
at random
The Big Question:
How do I replicate this
interaction online?
• 85% of Coastline’s math enrollment is online
• Each section has 40-80 students
• Interaction & communication is
• Communicating mathematically is difficult
with a keyboard
• Students may have limited equipment and
varying comfort levels with technology
Some Possibilities:
Some Possibilities:
• The Magic of Mistakes
• Angelo-Cross CAT
 Muddiest Point
 Documented Problem Solutions
 Audio and Videotaped Protocols
 Student Generated Test Questions
• Mal-Rules vs Correct Rules
• Math Was/Math Is
Some Possibilities:


Which is bigger, one-half of a small
pizza, or one-fourth of a large? Explain
your answer.
Some Possibilities:
Which is better? To get 1/3 Off the
price of an item? Or 1/3 More for
the same price? Explain your
-- Michael Tsiros, Marketing Professor, University of Miami
School of Business, 9/1/2012
Full article at
Which of these are Correct Rules and which are MalRules? Explain your answer. You may give examples.

• More at
Thank You
This presentation is available to download at
What Would My
Fitness Trainer Do?
Rebecca Schantz
Instructor, Mathematics
St. Louis Community College – Wildwood
Well, another day
has passed
and I didn’t do a
Well, another day
has passed
and I didn’t do a
Fitness Trainer: Client
Teacher: Student
Have a vision/goal.
Have a vision/goal.
Measure often;
mark your milestones.
Measure often;
mark your milestones.
Get your money’s worth;
If you cheat, you’re only
cheating yourself.
Change it up,
step it up,
compete with
the best!
Have a support system.
“Look for the helpers.”
- Mister Rogers
Be prepared.
Learn properly,
When it gets rough,
just remember:
it’s temporary.
Take your glasses off.
Take your glasses off.
Thank you! And remember

Photo taken after AMATYC 2012

You can find me on Pinterest under
Becky Schantz Teaching Tool Faves board
and Twitter @isntmathtweet
Coaching Your Math

Nancy Che Mahan

Santa Ana College
Math Instructor

Focused on delivering the math material


Lesson planning…Creative lesson plans!


Class worksheets


Study Guides


Exam Reviews


Assigning Homework


Quizzes and Exams
 50-65% pass rate 
Morphing my role to
becoming a Math “Coach”

Sees the students wholistically


Connect world skills with math skills


Implement study and life skills that applies
to mathematics and BEYOND


Encourage & Motivate




Help identify blocks


Provide strategies to overcome
Morphing my role to
becoming a Math “Coach”

Sees the students wholistically


Connect world skills with math skills


Implement study and life skills that applies
to mathematics and BEYOND


Encourage & Motivate




Help identify blocks


Provide strategies to overcome
My 2 main tools…
My 2 main tools…


Dear Class,
First day of class:

Identify your STRENGTH  How will it help
you in this math class?


Identify your weakness/barrier  What is a
strategy to overcome it?


Identify your VISION  Not just to pass this
class, but WHY you need to pass this class).

A vision propels us forward….
Write it down, Share with others, Get feedback.
 “Test Analysis”
 Self Analysis
Reflection allows us to have
an opportunity to celebrate
or grieve, to correct bad
habits, to renew our vision
for ourselves, and also to realign ourself for what’s
coming up next.
Otherwise, we live in a pattern of repeated
cycles and we can get stuck.
The Power of a Thought

Be Aware of our thoughts & its affect


Identify Negative verses Neutral


Intervene our Thoughts
Utilize Your Resources

Amazing things can happen when you
look outside yourself and utilize the
resources around you.
Look Beyond the Mundane
Enjoy the Journey
Other Study Skills

Time Management


Grade Check Up


Classroom Behavior


Preparing for an Exam


Test-Taking Skills


Why do Homework?


Successful Student Behavior


Teacher’s Evaluation
Community College
Is it worth it?
Math Instructor
 15 out of 30 students passed
my Intermediate Algebra class
during the Spring

 50-65% Pass Rate
Math Instructor + Math Coach
 32 out of 35 students passed my
Intermediate Algebra class next

 91% Pass Rate
Nancy’s Morphing Job Title:
Math Instructor &
Math / Life “Coach”


Morphing your role…to
become more like YOU


Label: “Math”
“Flipping the Grading”
Improving Student Learning through
Self Assessment

Lawrence Perez
Saddleback College
A Communications Model


of Message





Form of

Device or

Perception and
of Message

of Message

Bagin, D., Gallagher, D., & Moore, E. (2007).
The School and Community Relations (9th ed).
Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing
A Communications Model


of Message






Form of

Device or

Perception and
of Message

of Message

Math Language

or Media

Math Language

A Communications Model


of Message






Form of

Device or

Perception and
of Message

of Message

Math Language

or Media

Math Language
Student Learning Environment

A Communications Model


of Message






Form of

Device or

Perception and
of Message

of Message

Math Language

or Media

Math Language
Student Learning Environment

Generally, we as teachers grade to
evaluate individual students’
learning and performance.
When students grade their own
individual work, it provides a
means of self assessment.
Thinking about thinking.
Having students grade their
own work may make them
more aware of what they
really don’t understand.
“Flipping the Grading”
Take Home Quiz with Self Assessment

Take Home

Students are given
the quiz solutions
to correct the quiz.


Next, they complete
a self assessment
survey and give it
to the instructor.

Instructor grades the students’ self assessment.
Student Self Assessment Samples
Student thinks about a test taking strategy.
Student Self Assessment Samples
Student acknowledges dependency on class
notes and become aware of a specific skill
that needs improvement.
Student Self Assessment Samples
Student reflects on the homework sets from
the text and becomes more aware of specific
types of problems that are challenging.
“Flipping the Grading”
Exam Corrections with Self Assessment

In Class

Students are given
the exam solutions
to correct the exam.

Instructor grades
the exam.

Next, they complete
a self assessment
survey and give it
to the instructor.

Instructor grades the students’ self assessment.
Traffic Light Self Assessment
Traffic Light Self Assessment
Larry Perez
Saddleback College
A LOOC Becomes a
MOOC: CCCOnline's
Math Assessment Prep
Erica Marlys Hastert

Math Assessment Prep MOOC




Not for credit


Not graded
Don’t be afraid! Let’s meet
the MOOC!

CCCOnline Math


Erica and Terry along with CCCOnline


Created for CCCS students and everyone
Erica, Terry and Affy

To provide a “soft landing” to students who
can’t place into lowest level math courses


To help students score higher on the


To refresh math skills


Just-in-time math instruction


Response to Colorado Dev Ed Math
Redesign (FIVE Dev Ed courses shrunk
magically into TWO!)
MAT 050 & MAT 055

MAT 050: Quantitative Literacy


MAT 055: Algebraic Literacy


(you know the drill…)




1. Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to solve problems involving ratios, rates, proportions, percents, and
measurement conversions.


2. Demonstrate knowledge and usage of formulas.


3. Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to solve linear equations and inequalities.


4. Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to calculate and simplify expressions containing exponents and numeric
square roots.


5. Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to perform algebraic manipulations involving polynomials, polynomial
operations, and basic factoring.


6. Demonstrate the use of critical thinking skills to problem solve.

Summer 2013: July 1 – August 9


Fall 2013: October 7 – December 14


Spring 2014: January 20 – May 13
October 7 – December 14



D2L Open Courses Shell




Online Tutoring Lab
CCCOnline “Course”
How? The Nuts & Bolts

Desire2Learn Open Course shell


NROC Content


Facilitated Discussions


Unit-Content Map
NROC Virtual Classroom
What units to study?
But really, how?



Unit Map/My Learning Path








And now for something fun…

Videos by CCCOnline faculty and staff


Fun breaks (Dr. Michio Kaku youtube
What happened?

Summer 2013 Pilot: 100+ students


98%+ worked in at least one unit


50%+ worked in 2+ units


About 20% worked in 4+ units


Several worked in majority of the units (18
of them!)
What next?

Current MOOC offering


Data collection/Surveys


Spring 2014 MOOC


Summer 2014 MOOC


Every semester thereafter


Peer tutors?


More personality? Yes, please.
Want more information?

Register now!


Erica Hastert, Associate Dean for
Math,, 720-8582334


Terry Reeves, Academic
Dean,, 720-8582215


Tonia Lock, Dev Ed Math Program
Chair,, 720-858-2273
Your Stat Class
Latrica Williams
Associate Professor of Mathematics

Your Stat Class is a FREE Resource for Help
Learning Elementary Statistics!!


FREE Lectures!! FREE Statistics Book!!
FREE Videos!! FREE Practice Problems!!
The InspirationStudents!

Is there a video example
showing how to compute
the standard deviation?


Where can I find more
practice problems?


Where can I find additional
resources to help me?
A One-Stop Shop & It’s Free!

Your Stat Class is a single site which
students can utilize to receive help.
Plus, it’s completely free.

No Access Fee
No Sign Up
No Login
No Registration
No Email Address Required
A Full Course Curriculum

The content on the site is equivalent to
a first semester elementary statistics
 Textbook
 Homework
 Videos
 Tests
 Final Exams














The textbook includes formulas and
tables (i.e. z, t, Χ2, F).


It has been peer reviewed and class


The textbook is open source.


It is in the form of an e-book. It’s also
mobile device compatible.
Tests and Final Exams
Tweet Us for Help!
Tweet Us for Help!
The Many Uses

Additional Resource
- Students often struggle with finding
additional resources to help them with
learning statistics. This site puts it all in
one place.
- The course materials on the site can also
supplement an existing course to make it
more robust.
The Many Uses

Preview and Preparation
- For students needing to take the course
in class, it allows them to preview the
content in advance. It is also self-paced.
Thus, they can get a head start on
learning the material. As a result, it
allows students to be better prepared.
The Many Uses

Flipped Classroom or Blended Learning
- Faculty can use it as part of a flipped
classroom or blended learning model.
Since this site has all of tools needed to
support these models, students can use
the course to learn the material at home
while class time can be spent on critical
thinking activities.
The Many Uses

Student Centered Environment
- Faculty can use class time to implement
activities and projects for deeper
understanding. This creates a student
centered learning environment in class
rather than an instructor centered
Questions or Comments?

Don't Let Verifying
Trig Identities Die!
Breathe new life into trigonometric functions
with Jigsaw and Boardwalk Models

Divides multiple tasks into smaller tasks


Opportunity for a problem solving session


Break down barriers between students

Promotes active learning


Engages students in discussion


Reveals understanding and misconceptions
Introducing Trigonometric
Verifications…not a Jigsaw yet

Work the first one as a class


Use the document camera


Put the verification in the correct order


Teacher moves the parts as directed by
the students


Discuss the rationale for each step of the
Guided practice as a class…all the steps
are here…
Place the strips on document camera and figure out the first step.
Find the initial statement to verify.
Verifying can be tough. Many students don’t know where to start!
Choose a side to work.
Often the more complicated side, but not always…
Make something complicated look simpler.
Use what you know…visualize the graphs.
Co-function Identities allow us to rewrite the given statement with the
appropriate equivalent statement.
Keep the end in mind…
Use Ratio Identities to rewrite
Verify that the left side is the same as the
right side
Show an identity such as 1=1 or x=x. In this case, tan x = tan x.
Conclude the verification complete. Use a
therefore statement to finish what you start.
Show the first and last statements are the same
Still not quite ready for Jigsaw, but
now the students take the lead

Work the next one as a class but the
teacher steps back


Again use the document camera


Students place the steps in the verification
in the correct order


One student per step until complete


Discuss the rationale for each step
Find the initial statement for the verification
Choose a side to work
Think LCD keep working until…
the verification is completed
Now it’s Jigsaw time…

Jigsaw is a method of making the group as
a whole dependent upon subgroups.


Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece-each student's part--is essential for the
completion and full understanding of the
final product. If each student's part is
essential, then each student is essential.
Verifying Trigonometric Identites
with Jigsaw

Divide students into groups of 3-4


Each group gets the SAME verification


Give students 5-8 minutes to work


Have groups circulate to check each
others work


Fix errors as needed and discuss as a
Now they get it…

Keep students in groups of 3-4


Each group gets a DIFFERENT


Give students 5-8 minutes to work


Have groups circulate to check each
others work


Fix errors as needed and discuss as a
Using different colors of paper makes it easy to
see the verifications are not the same
Boardwork Models
Breathe new life into trigonometric functions
with Jigsaw and Boardwalk Models
Boardwork Models

Assist student in organizing work


Facilitate understanding of process in
mathematical problems


Promotes problem solving strategies
Boardwork Models

Asks student to reflect on connections
and prior knowledge


Help to “chunk” different approaches
to problems


Check for understanding
The Boardwork Model

from University of Missouri, Kansas City,
Supplemental Instruction program.


method of organizing board work


facilitates an understanding of problem
solving strategies as a process not a
Information required
Four parts:

Prerequisite knowledge


Mathematical steps


Narrative of the mathematical steps


Identification, solution, or construction of a
similar problem

A statement indicating where the student
is still struggling and what needs
continued attention.
The Boardwork model can be
completed by a student or group of
students at the board, on a note card,
or on a sheet of paper.

Format 1- Four Columns



Example or
“What I need to
work on”
Format 2- Two Columns
Mathematical steps: Simplify,
Evaluate, Verify, or Solve

Narrative of Mathematical Steps

What I need to know

What I need to work on
Format 2- Focusing on top row
Mathematical steps: Simplify, Evaluate,
Verify, or Solve

Narrative of Mathematical Steps
Format 2- Focusing on bottom row

What I need to know

What I need to work on
Requires student reflection
What I need to work on
Varies depending on individual student need
but must write something…
What do students learn?

To think critically about how to begin the
problem while keeping the end in mind


To use the language of the course


To think deeply about the concepts not
simply go through the motions


To reflect on their learning and what they
know and still need to work on
You try…Verify the following
identity using a Boardwork
Now turn the
Boardwork model
into a Jigsaw!
Shelly Ray Parsons, PhD
Aims Community College
Director of Academic Assessment
Professor of Mathematics

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Similar to Amatyc ignite 2013 second half

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Fred Feldon
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Fred Feldon

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And Equal Participation for All 2013
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Amatyc ignite 2013 second half

  • 1. Bringing the Real World into a Hybrid Statistics Class Adam H. Littig Los Angeles Valley College
  • 2. Our Statistics Students ๏ Most students in your statistics courses are NOT STEM majors. ๏ They do NOT find the proof of the Central Limit Theorem fascinating!
  • 3. Critical Thinking!? ๏ Why not teach them critical thinking using topics from the real world? ๏ Use an online Learning Management System (LMS) to host discussions with statistics in the real world.
  • 4. Proposed Soda Tax ๏ Students are grouped in 20-30 people. ๏ I posted a PSA about a proposed Soda Tax in Albany, NY. ๏ The directions are “Discuss.” ๏ Actual student comments follow…
  • 5. Actual Student Comments ๏ I believe that taxing soda does sound right. It is not good for us. We have been trying all sorts of new things in the government, why not give this a shot as well. Yes to soda tax!
  • 6. Actual Student Comments ๏ A huge tax was added to cigarettes to get people to stop smoking, but that didn't really work.
  • 7. Actual Student Comments ๏ They should not say, "many statistics imply..." because then we aren't seeing the information and we believe them because the person seems like he or she knows what they are saying.
  • 8. Actual Student Comments ๏ Are we going to start taxing everything that we think is bad?
  • 9. Actual Student Comments ๏ This looks more like an excuse for the government to increase taxes on whatever they can because it is for a “good cause.”
  • 10. Actual Student Comments ๏ Often times government crosses the boundaries of freedom. As far as enforcing a special tax on soda to send a message, it is not their duty to dictate what we can consume.
  • 11. Actual Student Comments ๏ Upon reading some of the articles you guys posted, I decided to look up a couple of articles that were interesting to me. Among these were two articles that I found…
  • 12. Actual Student Comments ๏ I found an interesting article regarding soda tax bill in California. What stuck out most to me from the article is the following quote...
  • 13. Actual Student Comments ๏ So I went online and did a little research on the statistics of obesity among kids. Obesity has apparently been decreasing.
  • 14. Actual Student Comments ๏ This law is assuming that soda is the cause of obesity and it's putting a easy "solution" to this problem. Unfortunately everyone would suffer even though soda might not be the only cause of obesity.
  • 15. Actual Student Comments ๏ How strong is the relationship between drinking soda and gaining weight, and how good are the models that predict a soda tax would reduce obesity?
  • 16. Actual Student Comments ๏ “According to a University of Colorado study, the introduction of HFCS 20 years ago coincided with the start of a twodecade rise in national obesity.”
  • 17. Actual Student Comments ๏ Comprehensive implementation implies analyzing all aspects of the issue. In Griffin P. Rodgers, MD & Francis S. Collins, MD, PhD article, “The Next Generation of Obesity Research” they write…
  • 18. Actual Student Comments ๏ I believe, slowly, the government is breaching that fine line. By indirectly dictating the amount of sugar consumed they are one stop closer of stripping us of our freedoms.
  • 19. Actual Student Comments ๏ But, because these politicians know that most Americans don't dissect misleading information thrown at them like this video, it works for them most of the time.
  • 20. Shock and Awe! ๏ No two discussions groups are the same. ๏ Expect to be surprised! ๏ You might learn something too…
  • 21. “…And Equal Participation for All” Using Interaction to Reinforce Concepts and Metacognition in Mathematics Classes Fred Feldon Coastline CC
  • 22. “The best thing to learn first is how to learn.”
  • 25. “There must be far less telling on the part of the teacher, and far more doing on the part of the student.” Jean Piaget
  • 26. So, how do I do it? • How much class time will I lose? • How do I cover all the content? • How do I quit being the “sage on stage”? • How do I keep them from taking shortcuts? • How do I teach them the “easy way” or the “right way” to get an answer? • How do I make sure they don’t Facebook, text or e-mail during class time? • How can students possibly learn everything on their own that I normally cover in my lectures????
  • 27. So, how do I do it? • YOU are still the Professor • YOU provide a course outline, syllabus, schedule, learning resources, supplemental material, student support, tutorial resources, academic rigor and standards of behavior • YOU create a safe, non-threatening classroom environment • YOU make sure students are engaged and participate equally
  • 28. So, how do I do it? • YOU change student attitudes from a “Fixed” to a “Growth” mindset • YOU cheer students on and let them know when they are on the right track • YOU highlight important points made during discussion • YOU question students and ask them to explain their thinking and justify their answers • YOU correct misconceptions/misunderstandings • YOU may provide direct instruction on topics students appear to be struggling with
  • 29. So, how do I do it? • YOU will discover the joy of doing what is uniquely human and more interactive, rather than simply delivering lectures. • YOU will have more time to interact personally with students, to mentor, advise, review individual work, and answer questions • YOU will learn more than ever about your subject matter and the way students learn!
  • 30. So, how do I do it? • Avoid omniscient, overbearing or evaluative comments that inhibit future participation • Sustain the interaction and create a rich environment for critical thinking to flourish
  • 31. So, how do I do it? • “Students like to be spoon fed. It’s easier for them. But they need to learn how to feed themselves. That means putting a plate of food in front of them and giving them a spoon. Those of us who have kids know what happens next and it isn’t pretty. But is there a better way to learn how to eat?” -- Maryellen Weimer, PhD Professor Emeritus of Teaching and Learning, Penn State University
  • 32. So, how do I do it? • Flash cards, go down the rows, up and down your roster, use sticks in a cup, random number generator or get an app, to call on students at random
  • 33. The Big Question: How do I replicate this interaction online?
  • 34. Obstacles: • 85% of Coastline’s math enrollment is online • Each section has 40-80 students • Interaction & communication is asynchronous • Communicating mathematically is difficult with a keyboard • Students may have limited equipment and varying comfort levels with technology
  • 36. Some Possibilities: • The Magic of Mistakes • Angelo-Cross CAT  Muddiest Point  Documented Problem Solutions  Audio and Videotaped Protocols  Student Generated Test Questions • Mal-Rules vs Correct Rules • Math Was/Math Is
  • 37. Some Possibilities: r1 r2 Which is bigger, one-half of a small pizza, or one-fourth of a large? Explain your answer.
  • 38. Some Possibilities: Which is better? To get 1/3 Off the price of an item? Or 1/3 More for the same price? Explain your answer. -- Michael Tsiros, Marketing Professor, University of Miami School of Business, 9/1/2012 Full article at
  • 39. Which of these are Correct Rules and which are MalRules? Explain your answer. You may give examples. • More at cmc-fall-2012-give-it-all-you-got
  • 40. Thank You This presentation is available to download at
  • 41. WWMFTD: What Would My Fitness Trainer Do? Rebecca Schantz Instructor, Mathematics St. Louis Community College – Wildwood 636-422-2243
  • 42.
  • 43. Well, another day has passed and I didn’t do a DEADLIFT once.
  • 44. Well, another day has passed and I didn’t do a DEADLIFT once.
  • 45. WHAT I’VE DISCOVERED Fitness Trainer: Client as Teacher: Student
  • 50.
  • 51. Get your money’s worth; If you cheat, you’re only cheating yourself.
  • 52. Change it up, step it up, compete with the best!
  • 53. Have a support system. “Look for the helpers.” - Mister Rogers
  • 57. When it gets rough, just remember: it’s temporary.
  • 60. Thank you! And remember Photo taken after AMATYC 2012 You can find me on Pinterest under Becky Schantz Teaching Tool Faves board and Twitter @isntmathtweet
  • 61. Coaching Your Math Class ๏ ๏ ๏ ๏ Nancy Che Mahan Santa Ana College
  • 62. Math Instructor  Focused on delivering the math material  Lesson planning…Creative lesson plans!  Class worksheets  Study Guides  Exam Reviews  Assigning Homework  Quizzes and Exams  50-65% pass rate 
  • 63. Morphing my role to becoming a Math “Coach” ๏ Sees the students wholistically ๏ Connect world skills with math skills ๏ Implement study and life skills that applies to mathematics and BEYOND ๏ Encourage & Motivate ๏ Empower ๏ Help identify blocks ๏ Provide strategies to overcome
  • 64. Morphing my role to becoming a Math “Coach” ๏ Sees the students wholistically ๏ Connect world skills with math skills ๏ Implement study and life skills that applies to mathematics and BEYOND ๏ Encourage & Motivate ๏ Empower ๏ Help identify blocks ๏ Provide strategies to overcome
  • 65. My 2 main tools…
  • 66. My 2 main tools… ENFJ Personality Experiences Passion Values Community Stories … Pain
  • 68. Vision First day of class:  Identify your STRENGTH  How will it help you in this math class?  Identify your weakness/barrier  What is a strategy to overcome it?  Identify your VISION  Not just to pass this class, but WHY you need to pass this class). A vision propels us forward…. Write it down, Share with others, Get feedback.
  • 69. Reflection  “Test Analysis”  Self Analysis Reflection allows us to have an opportunity to celebrate or grieve, to correct bad habits, to renew our vision for ourselves, and also to realign ourself for what’s coming up next. Otherwise, we live in a pattern of repeated cycles and we can get stuck.
  • 70. The Power of a Thought  Be Aware of our thoughts & its affect  Identify Negative verses Neutral  Intervene our Thoughts
  • 71. Utilize Your Resources Amazing things can happen when you look outside yourself and utilize the resources around you.
  • 72. Look Beyond the Mundane
  • 74. Other Study Skills  Time Management  Grade Check Up  Classroom Behavior  Preparing for an Exam  Test-Taking Skills  Why do Homework?  Successful Student Behavior  Etc.
  • 77. Is it worth it? Math Instructor  15 out of 30 students passed my Intermediate Algebra class during the Spring  50-65% Pass Rate Math Instructor + Math Coach  32 out of 35 students passed my Intermediate Algebra class next semester  91% Pass Rate
  • 78. Nancy’s Morphing Job Title: Math Instructor & Math / Life “Coach” ENFJ Personality Experiences Passion Values Community Stories … Pain
  • 81. “Flipping the Grading” Improving Student Learning through Self Assessment Lawrence Perez Saddleback College AMATYC 2013
  • 83.
  • 84. A Communications Model Feedback Source Conceptualization of Message Encoder Channel Decoder Receiver Form of Message Device or Signal Perception and Interpretation of Message Conceptualization of Message Bagin, D., Gallagher, D., & Moore, E. (2007). The School and Community Relations (9th ed). Boston, MA: Pearson Publishing
  • 85. A Communications Model Feedback Source Conceptualization of Message Instructor Encoder Channel Decoder Receiver Form of Message Device or Signal Perception and Interpretation of Message Conceptualization of Message Math Language Individual or Media Common Math Language Student
  • 86. A Communications Model Feedback Source Conceptualization of Message Instructor Encoder Channel Decoder Receiver Form of Message Device or Signal Perception and Interpretation of Message Conceptualization of Message Math Language Individual or Media Common Math Language Student Learning Environment Student
  • 87. A Communications Model Feedback Source Conceptualization of Message Instructor Encoder Channel Decoder Receiver Form of Message Device or Signal Perception and Interpretation of Message Conceptualization of Message Math Language Individual or Media Common Math Language Student Learning Environment Student
  • 88. Grading Generally, we as teachers grade to evaluate individual students’ learning and performance. When students grade their own individual work, it provides a means of self assessment.
  • 89. Metacognition Thinking about thinking. Having students grade their own work may make them more aware of what they really don’t understand.
  • 90. “Flipping the Grading” Take Home Quiz with Self Assessment Extensive Take Home Quiz Students are given the quiz solutions to correct the quiz. Days Later Next, they complete a self assessment survey and give it to the instructor. Instructor grades the students’ self assessment.
  • 91. Student Self Assessment Samples Student thinks about a test taking strategy.
  • 92. Student Self Assessment Samples Student acknowledges dependency on class notes and become aware of a specific skill that needs improvement.
  • 93. Student Self Assessment Samples Student reflects on the homework sets from the text and becomes more aware of specific types of problems that are challenging.
  • 94. “Flipping the Grading” Exam Corrections with Self Assessment In Class Exam Students are given the exam solutions to correct the exam. Instructor grades the exam. Next, they complete a self assessment survey and give it to the instructor. Instructor grades the students’ self assessment.
  • 95.
  • 96.
  • 97. Traffic Light Self Assessment
  • 98. Traffic Light Self Assessment
  • 99.
  • 101. A LOOC Becomes a MOOC: CCCOnline's Math Assessment Prep Course Erica Marlys Hastert CCCOnline
  • 102. What? ๏ Math Assessment Prep MOOC ๏ FREE ๏ Not for credit ๏ Not graded
  • 103. Don’t be afraid! Let’s meet the MOOC!
  • 104. Who? ๏ CCCOnline Math ๏ Erica and Terry along with CCCOnline staff ๏ Created for CCCS students and everyone else
  • 106. Why? ๏ To provide a “soft landing” to students who can’t place into lowest level math courses ๏ To help students score higher on the Accuplacer ๏ To refresh math skills ๏ Just-in-time math instruction ๏ Response to Colorado Dev Ed Math Redesign (FIVE Dev Ed courses shrunk magically into TWO!)
  • 107. MAT 050 & MAT 055 ๏ MAT 050: Quantitative Literacy ๏ MAT 055: Algebraic Literacy ๏ (you know the drill…) ๏ STANDARD COMPETENCIES: ๏ 1. Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to solve problems involving ratios, rates, proportions, percents, and measurement conversions. ๏ 2. Demonstrate knowledge and usage of formulas. ๏ 3. Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to solve linear equations and inequalities. ๏ 4. Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to calculate and simplify expressions containing exponents and numeric square roots. ๏ 5. Demonstrate knowledge of and the ability to perform algebraic manipulations involving polynomials, polynomial operations, and basic factoring. ๏ 6. Demonstrate the use of critical thinking skills to problem solve.
  • 108. When? ๏ Summer 2013: July 1 – August 9 ๏ Fall 2013: October 7 – December 14 ๏ Spring 2014: January 20 – May 13
  • 109. October 7 – December 14
  • 110. Where? ๏ Cyber-space ๏ D2L Open Courses Shell ๏ CCCOnline ๏ Online Tutoring Lab
  • 112. How? The Nuts & Bolts ๏ Desire2Learn Open Course shell ๏ NROC Content ๏ Facilitated Discussions ๏ Unit-Content Map
  • 114. What units to study?
  • 115. But really, how? ๏ Diagnose ๏ Unit Map/My Learning Path ๏ Study ๏ Practice ๏ Review ๏ Master!
  • 116. And now for something fun… ๏ Videos by CCCOnline faculty and staff ๏ Fun breaks (Dr. Michio Kaku youtube videos)
  • 118. What happened? ๏ Summer 2013 Pilot: 100+ students ๏ 98%+ worked in at least one unit ๏ 50%+ worked in 2+ units ๏ About 20% worked in 4+ units ๏ Several worked in majority of the units (18 of them!)
  • 119. What next? ๏ Current MOOC offering ๏ Data collection/Surveys ๏ Spring 2014 MOOC ๏ Summer 2014 MOOC ๏ Every semester thereafter ๏ Peer tutors? ๏ More personality? Yes, please.
  • 120. Want more information? ๏ Register now! ๏ Erica Hastert, Associate Dean for Math,, 720-8582334 ๏ Terry Reeves, Academic Dean,, 720-8582215 ๏ Tonia Lock, Dev Ed Math Program Chair,, 720-858-2273
  • 121. Your Stat Class Latrica Williams Associate Professor of Mathematics 727-265-1950
  • 122. ๏ Your Stat Class is a FREE Resource for Help Learning Elementary Statistics!! ๏ FREE Lectures!! FREE Statistics Book!! FREE Videos!! FREE Practice Problems!!
  • 123. The InspirationStudents! ๏ Is there a video example showing how to compute the standard deviation? ๏ Where can I find more practice problems? ๏ Where can I find additional resources to help me?
  • 124.
  • 125. A One-Stop Shop & It’s Free! ๏ Your Stat Class is a single site which students can utilize to receive help. Plus, it’s completely free. - No Access Fee No Sign Up No Login No Registration No Email Address Required
  • 126. A Full Course Curriculum ๏ The content on the site is equivalent to a first semester elementary statistics course.  Textbook  Homework  Videos  Tests  Final Exams
  • 128. Textbook ๏ The textbook includes formulas and tables (i.e. z, t, Χ2, F). ๏ It has been peer reviewed and class tested. ๏ The textbook is open source. ๏ It is in the form of an e-book. It’s also mobile device compatible.
  • 129. Videos
  • 130. Videos
  • 132. Tests and Final Exams
  • 133. Tweet Us for Help!
  • 134. Tweet Us for Help!
  • 135. The Many Uses ๏ Additional Resource - Students often struggle with finding additional resources to help them with learning statistics. This site puts it all in one place. - The course materials on the site can also supplement an existing course to make it more robust.
  • 136. The Many Uses ๏ Preview and Preparation - For students needing to take the course in class, it allows them to preview the content in advance. It is also self-paced. Thus, they can get a head start on learning the material. As a result, it allows students to be better prepared.
  • 137. The Many Uses ๏ Flipped Classroom or Blended Learning - Faculty can use it as part of a flipped classroom or blended learning model. Since this site has all of tools needed to support these models, students can use the course to learn the material at home while class time can be spent on critical thinking activities.
  • 138. The Many Uses ๏ Student Centered Environment - Faculty can use class time to implement activities and projects for deeper understanding. This creates a student centered learning environment in class rather than an instructor centered environment.
  • 141. Don't Let Verifying Trig Identities Die! Breathe new life into trigonometric functions with Jigsaw and Boardwalk Models
  • 142. Jigsaw Uses: ๏ Divides multiple tasks into smaller tasks ๏ Opportunity for a problem solving session ๏ Break down barriers between students
  • 143. Jigsaw Uses: ๏ Promotes active learning ๏ Engages students in discussion ๏ Reveals understanding and misconceptions
  • 144. Introducing Trigonometric Verifications…not a Jigsaw yet ๏ Work the first one as a class ๏ Use the document camera ๏ Put the verification in the correct order ๏ Teacher moves the parts as directed by the students ๏ Discuss the rationale for each step of the process
  • 145. Guided practice as a class…all the steps are here… Place the strips on document camera and figure out the first step.
  • 146. Find the initial statement to verify. Verifying can be tough. Many students don’t know where to start!
  • 147. Choose a side to work. Often the more complicated side, but not always…
  • 148. Make something complicated look simpler. Use what you know…visualize the graphs. Co-function Identities allow us to rewrite the given statement with the appropriate equivalent statement.
  • 149. Keep the end in mind… Use Ratio Identities to rewrite
  • 150. Verify that the left side is the same as the right side Show an identity such as 1=1 or x=x. In this case, tan x = tan x.
  • 151. Conclude the verification complete. Use a therefore statement to finish what you start. Show the first and last statements are the same
  • 152. Still not quite ready for Jigsaw, but now the students take the lead ๏ Work the next one as a class but the teacher steps back ๏ Again use the document camera ๏ Students place the steps in the verification in the correct order ๏ One student per step until complete ๏ Discuss the rationale for each step
  • 153. Find the initial statement for the verification
  • 154. Choose a side to work
  • 155. Think LCD keep working until…
  • 156. the verification is completed
  • 157. Now it’s Jigsaw time… ๏ Jigsaw is a method of making the group as a whole dependent upon subgroups. ๏ Just as in a jigsaw puzzle, each piece-each student's part--is essential for the completion and full understanding of the final product. If each student's part is essential, then each student is essential.
  • 158. Verifying Trigonometric Identites with Jigsaw ๏ Divide students into groups of 3-4 ๏ Each group gets the SAME verification ๏ Give students 5-8 minutes to work ๏ Have groups circulate to check each others work ๏ Fix errors as needed and discuss as a class
  • 159. Now they get it… ๏ Keep students in groups of 3-4 ๏ Each group gets a DIFFERENT verification ๏ Give students 5-8 minutes to work ๏ Have groups circulate to check each others work ๏ Fix errors as needed and discuss as a class
  • 160. Using different colors of paper makes it easy to see the verifications are not the same
  • 161. Boardwork Models Breathe new life into trigonometric functions with Jigsaw and Boardwalk Models
  • 162. Boardwork Models Uses: ๏ Assist student in organizing work ๏ Facilitate understanding of process in mathematical problems ๏ Promotes problem solving strategies
  • 163. Boardwork Models Uses: ๏ Asks student to reflect on connections and prior knowledge ๏ Help to “chunk” different approaches to problems ๏ Check for understanding
  • 164. The Boardwork Model ๏ from University of Missouri, Kansas City, Supplemental Instruction program. ๏ method of organizing board work ๏ facilitates an understanding of problem solving strategies as a process not a algorithm
  • 165. Information required Four parts: 1. Prerequisite knowledge 2. Mathematical steps 3. Narrative of the mathematical steps 4. Identification, solution, or construction of a similar problem OR A statement indicating where the student is still struggling and what needs continued attention.
  • 166. The Boardwork model can be completed by a student or group of students at the board, on a note card, or on a sheet of paper. BOARDWORK MODEL FORMATS
  • 167. Format 1- Four Columns Prerequisites Mathematical steps Mathematical Narrative Example or “What I need to work on”
  • 168. Format 2- Two Columns Mathematical steps: Simplify, Evaluate, Verify, or Solve Narrative of Mathematical Steps What I need to know What I need to work on
  • 169. Format 2- Focusing on top row Mathematical steps: Simplify, Evaluate, Verify, or Solve Narrative of Mathematical Steps
  • 170.
  • 171. Format 2- Focusing on bottom row What I need to know What I need to work on
  • 172. Requires student reflection What I need to work on Varies depending on individual student need but must write something…
  • 173. What do students learn? ๏ To think critically about how to begin the problem while keeping the end in mind ๏ To use the language of the course ๏ To think deeply about the concepts not simply go through the motions ๏ To reflect on their learning and what they know and still need to work on
  • 174. You try…Verify the following identity using a Boardwork Model
  • 175. Now turn the Boardwork model into a Jigsaw!
  • 176. Shelly Ray Parsons, PhD Aims Community College Director of Academic Assessment and Professor of Mathematics

Editor's Notes

  2. Ernestine Shepherd, age 74
  4. Goes for food, exercise,hwk…
  5. Challenging problems, concepts… if you don’t change it up, compete with the better ones, lift the heavier weight, you won’t improve – work new muscles – shock your body. 1 strt leg sit up to 6 sets of 10… select baseball team AA plays AAA….
  6. There will be those who sabotage either knowingly or unknowingly. Be strong, there ARE helpers, those who are supportive. And who knows… may YOU will inspire THEM.
  7. Proper form, proper nutrition, proper math educators!
  8. Don’t worry about what others think, I am blind when I work out… can’t tell if that hottie over there is looking at me do burpees …. Who cares? Never know… you may or at least you will inspire someone some day.
  9. My 2 Main Tools:1) Strategies for Success: Study Skills for the College Math StudentBy Lynn Maracek & MaryAnne Anthony Smith – professors at SACAbout $30Worksheets – they did all the hard work for me. They put into writing a lot of things that were already on my heart.
  10. My 2 Main Tools:2) Me. My personality. My heart. My values. My experience. My own journey. My community. Who I am. Everyone’s coaching style will be different. It will look differently for you. Today, I share with you what it looked like for me to bring myself into this math coach role. I have been experimenting with morphing my role as a math instructor, to becoming a math/life "coach," by implementing study and life skills that applies to mathematics and BEYOND.  And I love fits my personality and my heart.  I enjoy teaching even more, because it's now more meaningful.
  11. My 2 Main Tools:2) Me. My personality. My heart. My values. My experience. My own journey. My community. Who I am. Everyone’s coaching style will be different. It will look differently for you. Today, I share with you what it looked like for me to bring myself into this math coach role. I have been experimenting with morphing my role as a math instructor, to becoming a math/life "coach," by implementing study and life skills that applies to mathematics and BEYOND.  And I love fits my personality and my heart.  I enjoy teaching even more, because it's now more meaningful.
  12. My 2 Main Tools:2) Me. My personality. My heart. My values. My experience. My own journey. My community. Who I am. Everyone’s coaching style will be different. It will look differently for you. Today, I share with you what it looked like for me to bring myself into this math coach role. I have been experimenting with morphing my role as a math instructor, to becoming a math/life "coach," by implementing study and life skills that applies to mathematics and BEYOND.  And I love fits my personality and my heart.  I enjoy teaching even more, because it's now more meaningful.