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2 Highland Road
St Gabriel’s Primary School (1969 – 1992)



SGPS entrance in 1969, 				
with Mr John Teo & Mr Peter Goh

Afternoon school assembly



View of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and
School Field from SGPS

All decked out with flags and decorations for
our Silver Jubilee


The gates of SGPS in Highland Road closes for the
last time in 1988

2 Highland Road Today: Catholic Archdiocesan
Education Centre
220 Lorong Chuan
St Gabriel’s Primary School


SGPS at 220, Lorong Chuan in 1989

Field of Dreams


SGPS after PRIME in 2013

24 Serangoon Avenue 2
St Gabriel’s Secondary School



Christening the school field with a kick-about





SGSS Today
Assembly and recess



Assembly in 1958

25th Anniversary Gala Concert in 1978

Recess 1959

SGSS Chinese New Year Celebrations




SGPS Aces Day 2001

End of Term Concert 1963



The Jovial Kachang Man

SGSS Speech Day 2010

Gabrielite Spirituality



Bro Adolphus hands over a statue
of our Lady to Mr Paul Lee
Sister Victorine and Ms Gomez leading
the Crusaders in prayer



First Friday Mass at IHM Church

Holy Week 1999 with Bro Dennis



SGPS Chapel service


Classroom lessons


Juniorates hard at work in 1960

Group study and cooperative learning


Mr Koh Huai Pang in the Science Lab


Science Monitor Training at SGPS

Art and Craft lesson

Learning Journey at SGSS using mobile devices at Fort Canning

Then: Character Development,
Student Leadership And Citizenship



This is how you spike a volleyball

Mr Peter Goh and the Red Cross



Hoisting our flag high at the parade 1969 NDP

Old boys soccer team in 1972



Rifle practice at SGSS school field
March with pride at our SGPS opening in 1969


Swing that bat in 1974

Sprinting to victory at the National stadium in 1983

Table Tennis

Teachers as Swimming Instructors in our inaugural
Swim Program, 1983


Weeding the flower beds outside our classes in 1990


Charithon 1992

Now: Character Development,
Student Leadership and Citizenship Today

SGPS Leaders

SGSS Speech Day, Gold Standard for Scouts, NCC, NCC (Air), NPCC and Red Cross

soccer games in

Soccer: National B Division 4th


Judo and Karate

Trying fo
hole-in- a

Golf Champions



SGSS Badminton



ts Club!

r Spor
Hail ou


Now: Character Development,
Student Leadership and Citizenship Today


en hous


Shooting champions




Games and Sports Day

try Run

nual Cross-Coun

line at our an
cing to the finish

SGSS Sports
SGPS Brass Band
at our outdoor

SGSS Concert Band (SYF Distinction Award)


Chorale (SYF Distinction Award)

SGSS Guitar Ensemble (SYF Accomplishment Award)

SGPS Media Club
and Media Resource
Infocomm Club
and Library

SGSS Aesthetics
Recreation Club
SGPS Robotics and Science Club

SGPS Creative
Expression Club

Our Gabrielite Prayer
Father, ever loving, You who have heard the cry of your people, make us attentive to the cries of all Your
children, our brothers and sisters.
Jesus, our brother, You came into this world not to judge but to save, help us to follow Your example of
compassion and charity.
Holy Spirit, breath of love and unity, give us the courage to commit ourselves to justice and peace.
Mary, Mother of the human family, enable us to join hands with all those working to liberate children,
women, and all the victims of injustice and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty.
Montfort and Deshayes, our founders and our inspiration, give us your courage and your strength to commit
ourselves, to meet the great challenges of our time, to build a society where love and faithfulness will meet;
justice and peace will embrace. Help us thus become authentic leaders for a greater brotherhood.

St Gabriel’s Foundation Flag Day

SGPS Virtues Week

Visit the Sick: SGPS Home Visit

Visit to Metta Home: To Communicate and Give Comfort

“Those whom the
world rejects must
move you the most!” –
St Louis De Montfort.

I-Carnival Fundraising

I remember, I remember
By Bro Jean Denis
I will never forget St Gabriel’s Secondary, its staff and its pupils! You are all
recorded in the deepest recesses of my heart.
St Gabriel’s wrapped my life like my skin wrapped my body. My years at St Gabriel’s
were a picnic! My former students may not say the same thing as I was quite strict
with them, But I LOVED THEM A LOT TOO.
My relationship with the staff from morning till afternoon was a sunny ‘Hi!’ followed
by a big smile reflecting my great happiness to work with them. They were all so
lovely, so caring, so generous to me. It’s no wonder that I was so fond of them!
Bro Denis

St Gabriel’s boys have always been ‘walking surprises’! Most of the time, they were
adorable but they could be cheeky or really naughty. However, when we were relying heavily on
them, they never failed to be their best. When we had special appeals to make for donations,
they would put their left hands on their hearts and their right ones in their pockets to help out.
Any tragic incident during my stay? I would say one, when the inspector tried to dump me from
school because of my poor English – with a French accent on top of that! But Principal Brother
Noel asked me to teach Science and Maths instead and that turned out to be a blessing to me
as I had taught these subjects for 15 years in Canada before coming here.
You know what? Everything turns out to the advantage of those who love God! I want to leave
you with this thought. May I suggest that you live by this message – you will be happy for the
rest of your life.
With much love for you all,
Brother Jean Denis

Mr Lim Kok Kee: The Pioneer
An interview by Jonathan Chen, SGPS, 2011
“I wanted to be a teacher in St Gabriel’s because I wanted to carry on the
tradition”, Mr Lim Kok Kee, a former student and now retired teacher said.
He was among the first batch of students in 1953, when the school was
founded. There were just eight classes for the Primary School and two
classes for the Secondary School with only eight teachers.
Just like any other current student, Mr Lim Kok Kee was quite playful in
school. When he was in Secondary 1 and 2, he and his classmates would throw a basketball
down from the classroom to the basketball court as they wanted to play right after the school
bell rang. As this was rather dangerous, the Brothers would scold them for the rash act.
When he first returned to school to teach, he was just an ordinary teacher who taught
aesthetics. But he gained fame when he became a volleyball coach of two fantastic teams. One
of his volleyball pupils was Mr Glenn Batchelor, who would later return to St Gabriel’s to teach.
Mr Lim also fondly reminisces about the “supervisor warning system” that the teachers in
St Gabriel’s had at one time. The successful system worked like this: The first teacher who
knew that the supervisor had arrived would send a student to alert the other teachers. But
there was one instance when it did not work. By the time the pupil had alerted the teachers,
the supervisor was already sitting inside a classroom! The supervisor then “commended” the
teachers on having such a good system.
Today, Mr Lim is retired from teaching. He is an inspiration to many Gabrielites for his loyalty
and dedication.

Let us live and thus prove, Saint Gabriel’s boys
Mr Henry Phang: A True Friend of the School
An interview by David Lui, Michael Chen and Gabriel Lee, SGPS, 2011

Mr Henry Phang has many fond memories of his days at St Gabriel’s. He recalls, “There was never
a dull moment at school. The bonds between the Brothers of St Gabriel, teachers and classmates
were all close-knitted and friendly.” He loved going to school and always looked forward to
returning to school after the holidays.
He joined St Gabriel’s as a 14-year old secondary student in 1959. He was a scout
and prefect, as well as a member of the Young Christian Society and also the
Literacy, Debating and Drama Society. He even represented the school in the
National Oratorical Contest in 1960. One of his most memorable day was a trip
organised by the Brothers to visit St Joseph’s English School, a Gabrielite school
in Johore Bahru, Malaysia. A retreat was held there followed by a swim at Lido
Beach. Not many people had the opportunity to travel and this was his first trip
outside Singapore.
The spirit of St Gabriel’s is still very much with him today. He has supported and helped St
Gabriel’s loyally in so many ways for the past 40 years and his contribution to the schools is
deeply appreciated. He has been on the school’s Board of Management for more than 25 years
right up to the inception of the St Gabriel’s Foundation in 2001. He then became a Governor of
the Board till today. He also plays an active role as the Chairman of the School Management
Committee and President of the Old Boy’s Association.
On his aspirations for the Gabrielite schools, he has this to say, “I hope more Gabrielites will
return and be active to serve their school. Everyone can contribute a little of his time to volunteer
in any of the committees, and help organise activities so that members can build the Old Boys
Association into a more vibrant Alumni Association every Gabrielite can be proud of!”

Mr Lionel Louis: St Gabriel’s
will always have a special
place in my heart

Mr Hariss Harun:
It is an understatement to say
thank you

My days spent in St Gabriel’s Secondary
School will always have a special
space in my heart. It was here where
I discovered my hidden talents. My
teachers and principals provided
me with a variety of opportunities
to further develop my talents. I also build confidence
in public speaking because of the various emceeing,
opportunities I had. Though it has been years since I
graduated in 2000, the life lessons I have learnt from
school are still remembered and practised till today.
– Lionel Louis

I graduated from St Gabriel’s in
2007. My time at St Gabriel’s was
a memorable one. The experiences
it brought me were priceless, from
representing my school team to
achieving grades that were respectable.
St Gabriel’s has taught me many life-skills like selfdiscipline and perseverance. It’s an understatement to
say thank you to all those who made my journey at St
Gabriel’s a fruitful and pleasant one.
– Hariss Harun

Let us live and thus prove, Saint Gabriel’s boys
A Tribute to Bro. Emmanuel
By Lloyd Yeo
Brother Emmanuel, our beloved Supervisor of Gabrielite Schools, celebrates his 62nd
Anniversary of religious vows in 2013 but it is a joy tinged with sadness because we also see
him step aside from the post of Supervisor of the schools of the Brothers of St. Gabriel for health
reasons as of 1 July 2013.
Bro. Emmanuel was born on 28 October 1933 in Montreal, Canada. He came from a family of 10
children and grew up in a Gabrielite institution.

Bro Emmanuel (1954)

Bro. Emmanuel’s calling to be a religious is inspirational and a great story to be told. During an
outing to a Gabrielite training centre at St. Bruno as a child, a Gabrielite brother told him, “Have
a good look. This is the place where people who wish to give their lives to God as brothers can
come. And I think God may have an invitation for you”.
Those words inspired Bro. Emmanuel to develop a love and desire to serve others as St Louis
Marie de Montfort did. Other Brothers like Bro. Dede , his teacher, nurtured his vocation.
Bro. Emmanuel came to Singapore in 1954 and dedicated himself to his adopted country as a
Singapore citizen. His many years of experience continues to touch many lives. Always jovial,
inspiring and a role-model for many, he started teaching at Holy Innocents’ English School and
he was also Principal of Boys’ Town English School/ Assumption English School (1960, 1963 –
1966), St Gabriel’s School (1960 – 1963,1969 – 1974) and Director of Boys’ Town for more than
30 years.

Bro Emmanuel (2013)

Bro. Emmanuel will always be our friend in Christ and we hold his farewell address close to our
hearts: “I will still be around for as long as God will keep me alive and healthy enough; Singapore
is my home. Do not be surprised if I come in from time to time to visit you and to give you words
of encouragement. My new mission is to support all of you in schools with more prayers and
love. God bless you and see you soon.”
God Bless You, Brother Emmanuel! Thank you 						
for the very special and unique way you pray, 						
care and inspire us! Ad Multos Annos!

Bro Emmanuel as a Soccer Player

Welcome address by Br Emmanuel
as New Principal, 1969

Bro Emmanuel, our
Golf Champ in 2013

Let us live and thus prove, Saint Gabriel’s boys
School Management Committee

Mr Henry Phang

Brother Dominic Yeo Koh
Supervisor of Schools

Mr Yeo Ann Tai

Mr Andrew Ng

Mr Charles Lee

Mr Francis Wong

Dr Chen Sze Hua


Mrs Esther Loo

Mr Edmund Lee

Mrs Catherine Chiang
Principal, SGPS

Mr Stephen Chin
Principal, SGSS
The Gabrielites (OBA) Executive Committee

Mr Henry Phang
Class of 1962

Bro Dominic Yeo Koh
Supervisor of Schools

Mr Yeo Ann Tai
Class of 1962

Mr Paul Edwards
Class of 1968

Mr Gerald Ong
Class of 2003

Mr Bernard Chiang
Asst Secretary,
Class of 1968

Mr Daniel Tan
Class of 1968

Mr Tony Goh
Honorary Auditor,
Class of 1968

Mr Francis Lee
Honorary Auditor,
Class of 1972

Mr Lionel Foo
Committee Member,
Class of 1968

Mr John Chia
Committee Member,

Mr Gordon Lim
Committee Member,
Class of 1982

Raymond Leong
Committee Member,
Class of 1978

Mr Lloyd Yeo
Committee Member,
Class of 1986

Mr Soh Kai Guan
Committee Member,
Vice-Principal of SGPS,
Class of 1983

Mr Anith Kumar

Ms Jackie Cheng

Mrs Catherine Chiang
Advisor, Principal, SGPS

Mr Stephen Chin
Advisor, Principal, SGSS






Seeds Mind Offers candidates an
alternative career path – a learning
journey not commonly ventured,
are you brave enough to take up
this challenge?
Type of Courses Offered:
• Sport Aesthetics Message
• Holistic Message & Reflexology
• Eyebrow Embroidery
• Aromatherapy
• Professional ITEC Certifications, UK
Training Centre: Funan IT Mall, Funan Digital Life Mall, 109 North Bridge Rd #04-32
Enquiries, contact Lionel, HP: 9435 1166 or email to


St. Gabriel’s Primary School
220 Lorong Chuan, Singapore 556742.
Tel: 6280 3628

St. Gabriel’s Secondary School
24 Serangoon Avenue 1, Singapore 556140.
Tel: 6288 9470


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Alumni mag nov 2013 (2)

  • 1. 2 Highland Road St Gabriel’s Primary School (1969 – 1992) 1988 1969 SGPS entrance in 1969, with Mr John Teo & Mr Peter Goh Afternoon school assembly 1988 1969 View of Immaculate Heart of Mary Church and School Field from SGPS All decked out with flags and decorations for our Silver Jubilee 22 The gates of SGPS in Highland Road closes for the last time in 1988 2 Highland Road Today: Catholic Archdiocesan Education Centre
  • 2. 220 Lorong Chuan St Gabriel’s Primary School 1989 SGPS at 220, Lorong Chuan in 1989 Field of Dreams 2013 SGPS after PRIME in 2013 23
  • 3. 24 Serangoon Avenue 2 St Gabriel’s Secondary School 1993 SGSS Christening the school field with a kick-about 2003 2013 SGSS after PRIME 24 SGSS Today
  • 4. Assembly and recess 1978 1958 Assembly in 1958 25th Anniversary Gala Concert in 1978 Recess 1959 SGSS Chinese New Year Celebrations 1959 2001 1963 SGPS Aces Day 2001 End of Term Concert 1963 1963 2010 The Jovial Kachang Man SGSS Speech Day 2010 25
  • 5. Gabrielite Spirituality 1960 1983 Bro Adolphus hands over a statue of our Lady to Mr Paul Lee Sister Victorine and Ms Gomez leading the Crusaders in prayer 1978 1999 First Friday Mass at IHM Church Holy Week 1999 with Bro Dennis 2012 2012 SGPS Chapel service 26 SGSS Mass
  • 6. Classroom lessons 1960 Juniorates hard at work in 1960 Group study and cooperative learning 1963 Mr Koh Huai Pang in the Science Lab 2013 Science Monitor Training at SGPS 1990 2013 Art and Craft lesson Learning Journey at SGSS using mobile devices at Fort Canning 27
  • 7. Then: Character Development, Student Leadership And Citizenship 1970 1960 This is how you spike a volleyball Mr Peter Goh and the Red Cross 1972 1969 Hoisting our flag high at the parade 1969 NDP Old boys soccer team in 1972 1976 1969 Rifle practice at SGSS school field March with pride at our SGPS opening in 1969 28
  • 8. 1983 1974 Swing that bat in 1974 Sprinting to victory at the National stadium in 1983 1990 1983 Table Tennis Teachers as Swimming Instructors in our inaugural Swim Program, 1983 1990 Weeding the flower beds outside our classes in 1990 1992 Charithon 1992 29
  • 9. Now: Character Development, Student Leadership and Citizenship Today SGPS Leaders Investiture SGSS Speech Day, Gold Standard for Scouts, NCC, NCC (Air), NPCC and Red Cross Exhibition soccer games in Thailand Soccer: National B Division 4th 30 Judo and Karate Wushu
  • 10. Trying fo r hole-in- a one Golf Champions uttlers SGPS sh SGSS Badminton Floorball: National Floorball Runners-Up Health Recreation Club ts Club! r Spor Hail ou Softball 31
  • 11. Now: Character Development, Student Leadership and Citizenship Today e en hous SGPS op Shooting champions Skipathon Ra 32 Games and Sports Day try Run nual Cross-Coun line at our an cing to the finish SGSS Sports Carnival
  • 12. SGPS Brass Band at our outdoor performance SGSS Concert Band (SYF Distinction Award) SGPS Aesthetics Chorale (SYF Distinction Award) SGSS Guitar Ensemble (SYF Accomplishment Award) SGPS Media Club and Media Resource Library Infocomm Club and Library SGSS Aesthetics Recreation Club SGPS Robotics and Science Club SGPS Creative Expression Club 33
  • 13. Our Gabrielite Prayer Father, ever loving, You who have heard the cry of your people, make us attentive to the cries of all Your children, our brothers and sisters. Jesus, our brother, You came into this world not to judge but to save, help us to follow Your example of compassion and charity. Holy Spirit, breath of love and unity, give us the courage to commit ourselves to justice and peace. Mary, Mother of the human family, enable us to join hands with all those working to liberate children, women, and all the victims of injustice and dehumanizing conditions of extreme poverty. Montfort and Deshayes, our founders and our inspiration, give us your courage and your strength to commit ourselves, to meet the great challenges of our time, to build a society where love and faithfulness will meet; justice and peace will embrace. Help us thus become authentic leaders for a greater brotherhood. St Gabriel’s Foundation Flag Day SGPS Virtues Week Visit the Sick: SGPS Home Visit Visit to Metta Home: To Communicate and Give Comfort “Those whom the world rejects must move you the most!” – St Louis De Montfort. I-Carnival Fundraising 34
  • 14. I remember, I remember By Bro Jean Denis I will never forget St Gabriel’s Secondary, its staff and its pupils! You are all recorded in the deepest recesses of my heart. St Gabriel’s wrapped my life like my skin wrapped my body. My years at St Gabriel’s were a picnic! My former students may not say the same thing as I was quite strict with them, But I LOVED THEM A LOT TOO. My relationship with the staff from morning till afternoon was a sunny ‘Hi!’ followed by a big smile reflecting my great happiness to work with them. They were all so lovely, so caring, so generous to me. It’s no wonder that I was so fond of them! Bro Denis St Gabriel’s boys have always been ‘walking surprises’! Most of the time, they were adorable but they could be cheeky or really naughty. However, when we were relying heavily on them, they never failed to be their best. When we had special appeals to make for donations, they would put their left hands on their hearts and their right ones in their pockets to help out. Any tragic incident during my stay? I would say one, when the inspector tried to dump me from school because of my poor English – with a French accent on top of that! But Principal Brother Noel asked me to teach Science and Maths instead and that turned out to be a blessing to me as I had taught these subjects for 15 years in Canada before coming here. You know what? Everything turns out to the advantage of those who love God! I want to leave you with this thought. May I suggest that you live by this message – you will be happy for the rest of your life. With much love for you all, Brother Jean Denis Mr Lim Kok Kee: The Pioneer An interview by Jonathan Chen, SGPS, 2011 “I wanted to be a teacher in St Gabriel’s because I wanted to carry on the tradition”, Mr Lim Kok Kee, a former student and now retired teacher said. He was among the first batch of students in 1953, when the school was founded. There were just eight classes for the Primary School and two classes for the Secondary School with only eight teachers. Just like any other current student, Mr Lim Kok Kee was quite playful in school. When he was in Secondary 1 and 2, he and his classmates would throw a basketball down from the classroom to the basketball court as they wanted to play right after the school bell rang. As this was rather dangerous, the Brothers would scold them for the rash act. When he first returned to school to teach, he was just an ordinary teacher who taught aesthetics. But he gained fame when he became a volleyball coach of two fantastic teams. One of his volleyball pupils was Mr Glenn Batchelor, who would later return to St Gabriel’s to teach. Mr Lim also fondly reminisces about the “supervisor warning system” that the teachers in St Gabriel’s had at one time. The successful system worked like this: The first teacher who knew that the supervisor had arrived would send a student to alert the other teachers. But there was one instance when it did not work. By the time the pupil had alerted the teachers, the supervisor was already sitting inside a classroom! The supervisor then “commended” the teachers on having such a good system. Today, Mr Lim is retired from teaching. He is an inspiration to many Gabrielites for his loyalty and dedication. Let us live and thus prove, Saint Gabriel’s boys 35
  • 15. Mr Henry Phang: A True Friend of the School An interview by David Lui, Michael Chen and Gabriel Lee, SGPS, 2011 Mr Henry Phang has many fond memories of his days at St Gabriel’s. He recalls, “There was never a dull moment at school. The bonds between the Brothers of St Gabriel, teachers and classmates were all close-knitted and friendly.” He loved going to school and always looked forward to returning to school after the holidays. He joined St Gabriel’s as a 14-year old secondary student in 1959. He was a scout and prefect, as well as a member of the Young Christian Society and also the Literacy, Debating and Drama Society. He even represented the school in the National Oratorical Contest in 1960. One of his most memorable day was a trip organised by the Brothers to visit St Joseph’s English School, a Gabrielite school in Johore Bahru, Malaysia. A retreat was held there followed by a swim at Lido Beach. Not many people had the opportunity to travel and this was his first trip outside Singapore. The spirit of St Gabriel’s is still very much with him today. He has supported and helped St Gabriel’s loyally in so many ways for the past 40 years and his contribution to the schools is deeply appreciated. He has been on the school’s Board of Management for more than 25 years right up to the inception of the St Gabriel’s Foundation in 2001. He then became a Governor of the Board till today. He also plays an active role as the Chairman of the School Management Committee and President of the Old Boy’s Association. On his aspirations for the Gabrielite schools, he has this to say, “I hope more Gabrielites will return and be active to serve their school. Everyone can contribute a little of his time to volunteer in any of the committees, and help organise activities so that members can build the Old Boys Association into a more vibrant Alumni Association every Gabrielite can be proud of!” Mr Lionel Louis: St Gabriel’s will always have a special place in my heart Mr Hariss Harun: It is an understatement to say thank you My days spent in St Gabriel’s Secondary School will always have a special space in my heart. It was here where I discovered my hidden talents. My teachers and principals provided me with a variety of opportunities to further develop my talents. I also build confidence in public speaking because of the various emceeing, opportunities I had. Though it has been years since I graduated in 2000, the life lessons I have learnt from school are still remembered and practised till today. – Lionel Louis I graduated from St Gabriel’s in 2007. My time at St Gabriel’s was a memorable one. The experiences it brought me were priceless, from representing my school team to achieving grades that were respectable. St Gabriel’s has taught me many life-skills like selfdiscipline and perseverance. It’s an understatement to say thank you to all those who made my journey at St Gabriel’s a fruitful and pleasant one. – Hariss Harun Let us live and thus prove, Saint Gabriel’s boys 36
  • 16. A Tribute to Bro. Emmanuel By Lloyd Yeo Brother Emmanuel, our beloved Supervisor of Gabrielite Schools, celebrates his 62nd Anniversary of religious vows in 2013 but it is a joy tinged with sadness because we also see him step aside from the post of Supervisor of the schools of the Brothers of St. Gabriel for health reasons as of 1 July 2013. Bro. Emmanuel was born on 28 October 1933 in Montreal, Canada. He came from a family of 10 children and grew up in a Gabrielite institution. Bro Emmanuel (1954) Bro. Emmanuel’s calling to be a religious is inspirational and a great story to be told. During an outing to a Gabrielite training centre at St. Bruno as a child, a Gabrielite brother told him, “Have a good look. This is the place where people who wish to give their lives to God as brothers can come. And I think God may have an invitation for you”. Those words inspired Bro. Emmanuel to develop a love and desire to serve others as St Louis Marie de Montfort did. Other Brothers like Bro. Dede , his teacher, nurtured his vocation. Bro. Emmanuel came to Singapore in 1954 and dedicated himself to his adopted country as a Singapore citizen. His many years of experience continues to touch many lives. Always jovial, inspiring and a role-model for many, he started teaching at Holy Innocents’ English School and he was also Principal of Boys’ Town English School/ Assumption English School (1960, 1963 – 1966), St Gabriel’s School (1960 – 1963,1969 – 1974) and Director of Boys’ Town for more than 30 years. Bro Emmanuel (2013) Bro. Emmanuel will always be our friend in Christ and we hold his farewell address close to our hearts: “I will still be around for as long as God will keep me alive and healthy enough; Singapore is my home. Do not be surprised if I come in from time to time to visit you and to give you words of encouragement. My new mission is to support all of you in schools with more prayers and love. God bless you and see you soon.” God Bless You, Brother Emmanuel! Thank you for the very special and unique way you pray, care and inspire us! Ad Multos Annos! Bro Emmanuel as a Soccer Player Welcome address by Br Emmanuel as New Principal, 1969 Bro Emmanuel, our Golf Champ in 2013 Let us live and thus prove, Saint Gabriel’s boys 37
  • 17. School Management Committee Mr Henry Phang Chairman Brother Dominic Yeo Koh Supervisor of Schools Mr Yeo Ann Tai Vice-Chairman Mr Andrew Ng Treasurer Mr Charles Lee Member Mr Francis Wong Member Dr Chen Sze Hua Member 38 Mrs Esther Loo Member Mr Edmund Lee Member Mrs Catherine Chiang Principal, SGPS Mr Stephen Chin Principal, SGSS
  • 18. The Gabrielites (OBA) Executive Committee Mr Henry Phang President, Class of 1962 Bro Dominic Yeo Koh Supervisor of Schools Mr Yeo Ann Tai Vice-President, Class of 1962 Mr Paul Edwards Vice-President, Class of 1968 Mr Gerald Ong Secretary, Class of 2003 Mr Bernard Chiang Asst Secretary, Class of 1968 Mr Daniel Tan Treasurer, Class of 1968 Mr Tony Goh Honorary Auditor, Class of 1968 Mr Francis Lee Honorary Auditor, Class of 1972 Mr Lionel Foo Committee Member, Class of 1968 Mr John Chia Committee Member, Ex-Teacher Mr Gordon Lim Committee Member, Class of 1982 Raymond Leong Committee Member, Class of 1978 Mr Lloyd Yeo Committee Member, Class of 1986 Mr Soh Kai Guan Committee Member, Vice-Principal of SGPS, Class of 1983 Mr Anith Kumar Vice-Principal Ms Jackie Cheng Vice-Principal Mrs Catherine Chiang Advisor, Principal, SGPS Mr Stephen Chin Advisor, Principal, SGSS 39
  • 20. 41
  • 21. 42
  • 23. SEEDS MIND Seeds Mind Offers candidates an alternative career path – a learning journey not commonly ventured, are you brave enough to take up this challenge? Type of Courses Offered: • Sport Aesthetics Message • Holistic Message & Reflexology • Eyebrow Embroidery • Aromatherapy • Professional ITEC Certifications, UK Training Centre: Funan IT Mall, Funan Digital Life Mall, 109 North Bridge Rd #04-32 Enquiries, contact Lionel, HP: 9435 1166 or email to Website: 44
  • 24. 45
  • 25. St. Gabriel’s Primary School 220 Lorong Chuan, Singapore 556742. Tel: 6280 3628 St. Gabriel’s Secondary School 24 Serangoon Avenue 1, Singapore 556140. Tel: 6288 9470 46