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By: Ellie and Alice
In 3000 BC, the Minoans civilization
began. They lived on the island Crete,
south of the mainland. In 2000 BC, the
Greek- speaking people began to
migrate to Greece from the north. By
about 1600 BC, towns had been built
and each were centered on a palace.
These group of Greek-speaking people
were called Mycenaeans, based on the
large and powerful town of Mycenae.
The Mycenaeans soon claimed Crete
for themselves. This caused
retribution between the Minoans and
the Mycenaeans. The Mycenaeans
successfully took away the land but
soon fell out of power, and the Greeks
entered the “Dark Age”. The Dark Age
ended in 800 BC and the Greeks soon
colonized places like Italy and Turkey.
And in around 400 BC, Greece became
what we call Classical Greece.
 Ancient Greece is the first ancient civilization to allow citizens to vote and was
  the first civilization to have a democracy. This civilization lasted from the 8th
  century to the 6th century BC, until the Romans took over. The Greeks had
  many new ideas about science, art, and philosophy. They were the first to
  invent the Olympic Games and had many stories on why things happen.
 There were 2 important cities in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta. These 2
  cities were very different from each other. Sparta was strict but the people had
  more rights, in Athens, people had less rights.
 Ancient Greece was the birthplace of democracy -“power of the people”.
  Although women were unable to participate in political discussions, men were
  allowed to vote and run for government.
   The Greek’s social structure had 2 main
                                         groups, slaves and free people. The slaves
                                         were looked at like things. They were
                                         workers and servants and had no legal
                                         rights. They could be sold to other
                                         countries. Free people were divided into
         Pure Athenians                  the citizens and the Metics. Citizens had
                                         rights and was higher in the society. But
                                         citizens who are pure Athenian have the
                                         most power. Citizens are expected to take
                                         part for making decisions. Metics are
                                         foreign people that came to Athens for a
                                         long time. They had to pay taxes. But they
                                         couldn’t own a house or land and couldn’t
   Metics           Citizens             speak out against things. In Athens, your
                                         rank is higher by how much money you
(foreigners)                             have. In Sparta, when you finish your
                                         education, you are a equal citizen. The
                                         kings in Sparta had the most power. Men
                                         also had more rights than women.

   Greek’s designed their homes so they could stay cool in the summer and warm in the
    winter. Men and women would live in different parts of the house because they had
    different jobs. Women stayed deeper into the house so people outside of the family
    can’t see them. The houses were made of sun-dried mud bricks, with a small yard in the
    middle. After a few years the houses had to be rebuilt as the mud brick was not very
    durable and crumbled easily. The roofs of houses were made with clay bricks and in the
    windows there was no glass. Instead there were wooden shutters to keep out the hot
    sun. Rich people had as many as 50 slaves. The slaves did all of the hard work in the
    house and on the farm. In the houses, they have rooms but do not have a lot of
    furniture in it. Most people had no bathrooms. Only rich people enjoyed private baths.
    As the slaves would carry buckets of water for them to bathe in.
In Ancient Greece the wealthy lived very differently than
the poor. Wealthy people in Ancient Greece lived in large
houses that were usually centered on a courtyard and had
an upper storey. Downstairs there was a kitchen and a
dining room (called an andron), as well as a living room.
Upstairs there would be bedrooms and a gynaecium (a
gynaecium is a room for women-it is where they eat and
weave). The furniture in a wealthy person’s house would
be quite basic. There would be chests and hooks to store
things, as well as a dresser to display expensive cups and
pottery. There would also be simple couches in a wealthy
ancient Greeks house for them to recline on (these could
also be used as beds). Wealthy Greeks had a more varied
diet than less wealthy people. There meals consisted of
roasted meat, peacock and other types of eggs, and irises
coated in vinegar. In wealthy household women were kept
away from men to keep them ‘safe’ from men that they
were unfamiliar with. Wealthy women were expected to
manage the home and sometimes keep track of the
finances, and they did not do the shopping as they could
send one of there many slaves to do it for them. Wealthy
women also were expected to spin and weave cloth.
   Food in Ancient Greece was very simple. For
    example bread, milk, beans , olives, grapes, fresh
    vegetables, herbs and figs were a typical meal in
    the summer. But in the winter food was sparse
    and tour meals would consist of apples,
    chestnuts, lentils, and smelly goat cheeses. Even
    though there was no sugar you could purchase
    sweet honey from mountain farms. If you lived
    near the coast your diet would be much
    different. Only the rich would be able to eat a lot
    of meat, such as hare, deer, and wild boars that
    were killed by hunters. Rich people would
    always eat inside. Poor people and slaves would
    eat outside. Olives were very important food in
    the Greek diet. They would eat the olive,
    crushed it to make olive oil, for cooking,
    lighting, and cosmetics.
   Men and women in ancient Greece have
    very different lives. Men were expected to
    participate in the public life, like going to
    the Assembly, or the Olympic Games, etc.
    They went to parties and horseback riding
    for fun. Women were not allowed to
    attend these things. They were expected to
    run the house. Their jobs were to make
    clothes, cook, and bear children. They
    could not go anywhere without their
    husband’s permission. Slaves helped
    women to the household jobs, but their
    jobs were harder and tougher. The female
    slaves cooked, cleaned, and worked on the
    farm. The male slaves helped too, but they
    also guard the door so strangers wouldn’t
    go inside the house. Women had more
    freedom in Sparta. Children help around
    the house too, before they leave to go to
    school or get married. Girls help their
    mother cook and run the house. Boys help
    in the fields and fish.
   Girls in Ancient Greece would get married at a young age, at about 13-16 years old. The
    richer girls would marry younger, and poorer girls would marry older. Her father would
    chose her husband, who would be at about his 30’s. She would sacrifice her toys to
    Artemis to say that her childhood is over. There were no marriage ceremonies. The
    parents would arrange a party. After that, the parents would pay the dowry to the man
    and the girl would move into his house. If she lives in the man’s house, they are married.
    If not, they are divorced. When they get divorced, the man has to give back the dowry, so
    the girl has money to live on. The man gets to keep the children to teach them their
    education. The pomegranate was a symbol of married love.
   The child is usually delivered by midwives and
    is usually delivered on a birthing stool. If the
    baby was overdue, they used herbs to help it
    come out. Some materials that they use to help
    delivering the baby easier are: olive oil, warm
    water, soft sea sponges, things to smell, and a
    pillow. These materials are used so the baby is
    delivered properly and the women is fine after
    delivering the child. It is believed that if the
    women is not having trouble with the baby, the
    baby will be a boy. If not, it will be a girl.
    Because the girls married so young, they would
    also get pregnant young too. This causes death
    because the girls are not fully developed to bear
    a child. It has been said that there are the same
    number of deaths of women delivering a child
    than men dying in a war. Eilithyia is the
    goddess of childbirth. She is believed to sooth
    the pain and help delivering the baby.
   Many Greeks wanted sons instead of
    daughters. This is because the sons would
    stay and take care of their parents at old age.
    And daughters would go out and get married,
    which was expensive. If the baby was weak
    and small, the parents could abandon their
    baby on the street. Someone might come
    across the baby and take it in. Rich people
    have their kids taken care of by a slave. When
    the child is 3, they are given a jug to say that
    their babyhood is over. The boys went to
    school at 7. Girls stayed at home and learned
    how to take care of a family. Only rich people
    could afford to go to school. Besides school,
    boys had to learn how to work, like a farmer ,
    a fisherman, stonecarvers, etc. Girls, at the
    age of 13-16, get married. They would sacrifice
    their toys to Artemis to show that their
    childhood was over.
Canada                               Both                                 Greece
Girls and boys both are educated     Some of the toys in Ancient          Only boys are educated as they
at public school                     Greece are still used today-         are considered more important
                                     dolls, rattles, swings, tops, etc…   than girls
Usually start school at the age of   Children are not named               Start school at the age of seven
four or five                         immediately after birth (usually)    (boys only)
It is optional whether or not you    In both places families kept pets    Girls were kept in their mothers
join the army at 18 years of age     Canada=dogs, cats, fish, etc...      quarters until the age of seven,
                                     Greece= tortoises, birds, goats,     and they were taught to weave,
                                     etc...                               etc…
Children are usually not separated   In both places boys sometimes        In Sparta boys were sent to
from their parents at young ages     take up the trade/work of their      barracks at the age of seven and
                                     father                               trained for the military
Don’t marry as young. At about 16                                         Some children were put into
to 25.                                                                    slavery because they were
                                                                          abandoned after birth
Boys and girls are treated equally                                        Girls married between the ages
                                                                          of 12-16
                                                                          Girls were also expected to have
                                                                          a baby quite young (after they
                                                                          In some Greek cities boys were
                                                                          required to do two years in the
                                                                          army after they turned 18
   The education is private for Ancient Greece,
    except for Sparta. Only wealthy families could
    afford a teacher. Girls were less important so
    they learned read, write, do simple math,
    importantly, to run a house and do household
    jobs. They don’t usually receive any education
    after this, or sometimes, don’t get any at all.
    Boys on the other hand, learned how read,
    write, quote literature, sing, play one
    instrument, and were trained for the military.
    They also learned how to be a good citizen.
    They continued their education after 18 (their
    childhood). They study with a mentor that they
    had become close with when they were
    teenagers. This mentor teaches them more
    about subjects and other things. Sparta, as said
    before, has a public education. All boys went to
    school when they were 7 and learned how to be
    a Spartan warrior. They learned how to steal,
    jeer at the weak, and become strong.
    Punishments were cruel and hurtful.
   Ancient Greece has a mythology that contains
    stories that explain why things happen and why
    you shouldn’t do things. There were many gods
    in their stories. The twelve man ones on
    Olympus (The home of the gods) are: Zeus (the
    leader of all the gods), Hera (Zeus’s wife, goddess
    of marriage), Poseidon (Zeus’s brother, the god
    of the sea), Ares (god of war) Hermes (
    Olympus’s messenger), Hephaestus (the god of
    forge and fire), Aphrodite (the goddess of love
    and beauty), Athena (Zeus’s favourite daughter,
    goddess of wisdom and the arts), Apollo (god of
    the sun), Artemis (the goddess of wild animals),
    and Hades (the god of the underworld or dead,
    but doesn’t really spend a lot of time on
    Olympus). People believed these gods helped
    them and always think that things happen for a
    reason. They worship them and sometimes name
    cities after them, like Athens. The people of
    Greece worshiped these gods and sacrificed
    things for them. There are many rituals that the
    gods are involved in.
   Athena was the goddess of wisdom, strategy,
    and the arts. She was Zeus’s favourite
    daughter, which makes her very powerful. She
    helps many heroes along their journeys, like
    telling Perseus how to cut Medusa’s head off
    without turning into stone, and helping
    Odysseus get his wife back so there is peace.
    Her birth was from a headache that Zeus had.
    Zeus complained about these headaches so
    Hephaestus cut his head open, and out came
    Athena. Athena has done many great deeds to
    help civilization, such as growing the olive
    tree, turning Arachne into a spider, and
    turning Medusa into a gorgon. The capital of
    Greece, Athens, is named after Athena
    because of her gift of the olive tree. The
    Parthenon is a temple built in honour of
Ancient Greek hairstyles

      Ionian chiton with himation

                    In ancient Greece, babies usually didn’t wear anything. The women usually wore a
                     long tunic, called a chiton, which is made of cotton or linen. The chiton went
                     down to their ankles. Women also wore a cloak over top, which is called a
                     himation, and was thin in the summer and thick in the winter. Women were
                     expected to be covered up. Some rich or noble women cover their heads or wear a
                     veil in public. The men wore tunics or usually nothing at all. The young men
                     preferred to wear short tunics and the old preferred long ones. Nakedness was
                     pride for men. But they wore clothes in front of women. The slaves wore only a
                     strip of cloth. Everyone in Greece don’t usually wear shoes but they sometimes
                     wear sandals or high boots for horseback riding. Men and women wore wide-
                     brimmed hat to shade them from the sun. They had lots of jewelry and buried the
                     jewelry with their tombs. Women did not cut their hair because it was considered
                     a shameful thing.
Doric style woven tunic
   Art in Greece is quite similar to the art that we
    have today. The Greeks were famous for their
    pottery and lifelike sculptures. One of the
    most famous ancient Greek sculptures is called
    ‘Venus de Milo’, which was carved in around
    100BC; unfortunately it is missing it’s arms.
    Ancient Greek pottery often showed scenes of
    Greek mythology, and everyday life. Wall
    paintings were also quite popular in ancient
    Greece, though very few examples survived. In
    Greece music was also very important to there
    culture. Greek musicians played a wind
    instrument quite similar to the clarinet. One
    pipe was called an aulo, and two pipes played
    together were called an auloi. Greek musicians
    also played the cymbals and a string
    instrument called a lyre. A tambourine called a
    timpanon was also very popular to play music.
   The festival Panathenaea is a festival
    to celebrate and worship the goddess
    Athena. During the festival there were
    many animal sacrifices, and a woven
    tunic was woven by the Athenian             It is not none for sure how many days the
    women for the goddess. This festival         festival lasted and what happened but here is
    was celebrated every year in mid             the modern reconstruction of it:
    August and every fourth year there          Day 1: Musical and Rhapsodic Contests
    would be a Great Panathenaea where          Day 2: Athletic Contests for Boys and Youth
    the festivities would be even more
    splendid than other years. This             Day 3: Athletic Contests for Men
    holiday is in mid-august because that       Day 4: Equestrian Contests
    is when it was believed to be Athena’s      Day 5: Tribal Contests
    birthday as well as the first month in      Day 6: Torch race and Pannychos (nocturnal
    the Athenian year.                           ritual): procession and sacrifice
                                                Day 7: Apobates (race in which an armed
                                                 warrior jumps off of a moving chariot) and
                                                 Boat Race
                                                Day 8: Awarding of prizes, feasting, and
 Overall Ancient Greece is a very important and interesting civilization.
  Some of their decisions and ideas have affected how we live today, like
  democracy and the Olympic Games. Although they contributed to our
  society the Ancient Greek culture is very different than ours. So it is
  important to learn their daily lifestyle.
 Thanks for watching our slideshow!!!!!!
                             - Alice and Ellie
   MacDonald, Fiona. How Would You Survive As An Ancient Greek? Danbury, Connecticut. Groiler Publishing.
   Toutant, Arnold. Doyle, Susan. Ancient Worlds. Don Mills, Ontario. Oxford University Press. 2000.
   Ancient Greece:
   Ancient Greek Family:
   Ancient Greeks:
   Athena:
   Children of Ancient Greece:
   Culture and Society:
   Daily Life:
   Everyday Life In Ancient Greece:
   Panathenaic Festival:
   Roles of Men, Women, and Children:
   The Greek House:
   Coin-
   Parthenon-
   Head-
   Warrior art-
   God and Bird-
   Map:
   Olympic Stadium:
   Greek Slaves:
   Wealthy Picture 1&2:
   Greek Family on vase:
   Women Daily Life Drawing-
   Marriage1:
   Marriage2:
   Stone Carving of Childbirth:
   Mother with Baby
   Horse with wheels:
   Old man teaching boys:
   Athena statue:
   Greek hairstyles:
   Greek vase:
   Equestrian race:
   Apobates:
   *All unmentioned pictures are from Microsoft clipart*

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  • 2. Map In 3000 BC, the Minoans civilization began. They lived on the island Crete, south of the mainland. In 2000 BC, the Greek- speaking people began to migrate to Greece from the north. By about 1600 BC, towns had been built and each were centered on a palace. These group of Greek-speaking people were called Mycenaeans, based on the large and powerful town of Mycenae. The Mycenaeans soon claimed Crete for themselves. This caused retribution between the Minoans and the Mycenaeans. The Mycenaeans successfully took away the land but soon fell out of power, and the Greeks entered the “Dark Age”. The Dark Age ended in 800 BC and the Greeks soon colonized places like Italy and Turkey. And in around 400 BC, Greece became what we call Classical Greece.
  • 3.  Ancient Greece is the first ancient civilization to allow citizens to vote and was the first civilization to have a democracy. This civilization lasted from the 8th century to the 6th century BC, until the Romans took over. The Greeks had many new ideas about science, art, and philosophy. They were the first to invent the Olympic Games and had many stories on why things happen.  There were 2 important cities in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta. These 2 cities were very different from each other. Sparta was strict but the people had more rights, in Athens, people had less rights.  Ancient Greece was the birthplace of democracy -“power of the people”. Although women were unable to participate in political discussions, men were allowed to vote and run for government.
  • 4. The Greek’s social structure had 2 main groups, slaves and free people. The slaves were looked at like things. They were workers and servants and had no legal rights. They could be sold to other countries. Free people were divided into Pure Athenians the citizens and the Metics. Citizens had rights and was higher in the society. But citizens who are pure Athenian have the most power. Citizens are expected to take part for making decisions. Metics are foreign people that came to Athens for a long time. They had to pay taxes. But they couldn’t own a house or land and couldn’t Metics Citizens speak out against things. In Athens, your rank is higher by how much money you (foreigners) have. In Sparta, when you finish your education, you are a equal citizen. The kings in Sparta had the most power. Men also had more rights than women. Men Women Slaves
  • 5. Greek’s designed their homes so they could stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter. Men and women would live in different parts of the house because they had different jobs. Women stayed deeper into the house so people outside of the family can’t see them. The houses were made of sun-dried mud bricks, with a small yard in the middle. After a few years the houses had to be rebuilt as the mud brick was not very durable and crumbled easily. The roofs of houses were made with clay bricks and in the windows there was no glass. Instead there were wooden shutters to keep out the hot sun. Rich people had as many as 50 slaves. The slaves did all of the hard work in the house and on the farm. In the houses, they have rooms but do not have a lot of furniture in it. Most people had no bathrooms. Only rich people enjoyed private baths. As the slaves would carry buckets of water for them to bathe in.
  • 6. In Ancient Greece the wealthy lived very differently than the poor. Wealthy people in Ancient Greece lived in large houses that were usually centered on a courtyard and had an upper storey. Downstairs there was a kitchen and a dining room (called an andron), as well as a living room. Upstairs there would be bedrooms and a gynaecium (a gynaecium is a room for women-it is where they eat and weave). The furniture in a wealthy person’s house would be quite basic. There would be chests and hooks to store things, as well as a dresser to display expensive cups and pottery. There would also be simple couches in a wealthy ancient Greeks house for them to recline on (these could also be used as beds). Wealthy Greeks had a more varied diet than less wealthy people. There meals consisted of roasted meat, peacock and other types of eggs, and irises coated in vinegar. In wealthy household women were kept away from men to keep them ‘safe’ from men that they were unfamiliar with. Wealthy women were expected to manage the home and sometimes keep track of the finances, and they did not do the shopping as they could send one of there many slaves to do it for them. Wealthy women also were expected to spin and weave cloth.
  • 7. Food in Ancient Greece was very simple. For example bread, milk, beans , olives, grapes, fresh vegetables, herbs and figs were a typical meal in the summer. But in the winter food was sparse and tour meals would consist of apples, chestnuts, lentils, and smelly goat cheeses. Even though there was no sugar you could purchase sweet honey from mountain farms. If you lived near the coast your diet would be much different. Only the rich would be able to eat a lot of meat, such as hare, deer, and wild boars that were killed by hunters. Rich people would always eat inside. Poor people and slaves would eat outside. Olives were very important food in the Greek diet. They would eat the olive, crushed it to make olive oil, for cooking, lighting, and cosmetics.
  • 8. Men and women in ancient Greece have very different lives. Men were expected to participate in the public life, like going to the Assembly, or the Olympic Games, etc. They went to parties and horseback riding for fun. Women were not allowed to attend these things. They were expected to run the house. Their jobs were to make clothes, cook, and bear children. They could not go anywhere without their husband’s permission. Slaves helped women to the household jobs, but their jobs were harder and tougher. The female slaves cooked, cleaned, and worked on the farm. The male slaves helped too, but they also guard the door so strangers wouldn’t go inside the house. Women had more freedom in Sparta. Children help around the house too, before they leave to go to school or get married. Girls help their mother cook and run the house. Boys help in the fields and fish.
  • 9. Girls in Ancient Greece would get married at a young age, at about 13-16 years old. The richer girls would marry younger, and poorer girls would marry older. Her father would chose her husband, who would be at about his 30’s. She would sacrifice her toys to Artemis to say that her childhood is over. There were no marriage ceremonies. The parents would arrange a party. After that, the parents would pay the dowry to the man and the girl would move into his house. If she lives in the man’s house, they are married. If not, they are divorced. When they get divorced, the man has to give back the dowry, so the girl has money to live on. The man gets to keep the children to teach them their education. The pomegranate was a symbol of married love.
  • 10. The child is usually delivered by midwives and is usually delivered on a birthing stool. If the baby was overdue, they used herbs to help it come out. Some materials that they use to help delivering the baby easier are: olive oil, warm water, soft sea sponges, things to smell, and a pillow. These materials are used so the baby is delivered properly and the women is fine after delivering the child. It is believed that if the women is not having trouble with the baby, the baby will be a boy. If not, it will be a girl. Because the girls married so young, they would also get pregnant young too. This causes death because the girls are not fully developed to bear a child. It has been said that there are the same number of deaths of women delivering a child than men dying in a war. Eilithyia is the goddess of childbirth. She is believed to sooth the pain and help delivering the baby.
  • 11. Many Greeks wanted sons instead of daughters. This is because the sons would stay and take care of their parents at old age. And daughters would go out and get married, which was expensive. If the baby was weak and small, the parents could abandon their baby on the street. Someone might come across the baby and take it in. Rich people have their kids taken care of by a slave. When the child is 3, they are given a jug to say that their babyhood is over. The boys went to school at 7. Girls stayed at home and learned how to take care of a family. Only rich people could afford to go to school. Besides school, boys had to learn how to work, like a farmer , a fisherman, stonecarvers, etc. Girls, at the age of 13-16, get married. They would sacrifice their toys to Artemis to show that their childhood was over.
  • 12. Canada Both Greece Girls and boys both are educated Some of the toys in Ancient Only boys are educated as they at public school Greece are still used today- are considered more important dolls, rattles, swings, tops, etc… than girls Usually start school at the age of Children are not named Start school at the age of seven four or five immediately after birth (usually) (boys only) It is optional whether or not you In both places families kept pets Girls were kept in their mothers join the army at 18 years of age Canada=dogs, cats, fish, etc... quarters until the age of seven, Greece= tortoises, birds, goats, and they were taught to weave, etc... etc… Children are usually not separated In both places boys sometimes In Sparta boys were sent to from their parents at young ages take up the trade/work of their barracks at the age of seven and father trained for the military Don’t marry as young. At about 16 Some children were put into to 25. slavery because they were abandoned after birth Boys and girls are treated equally Girls married between the ages of 12-16 Girls were also expected to have a baby quite young (after they marry) In some Greek cities boys were required to do two years in the army after they turned 18
  • 13. The education is private for Ancient Greece, except for Sparta. Only wealthy families could afford a teacher. Girls were less important so they learned read, write, do simple math, importantly, to run a house and do household jobs. They don’t usually receive any education after this, or sometimes, don’t get any at all. Boys on the other hand, learned how read, write, quote literature, sing, play one instrument, and were trained for the military. They also learned how to be a good citizen. They continued their education after 18 (their childhood). They study with a mentor that they had become close with when they were teenagers. This mentor teaches them more about subjects and other things. Sparta, as said before, has a public education. All boys went to school when they were 7 and learned how to be a Spartan warrior. They learned how to steal, jeer at the weak, and become strong. Punishments were cruel and hurtful.
  • 14. Ancient Greece has a mythology that contains stories that explain why things happen and why you shouldn’t do things. There were many gods in their stories. The twelve man ones on Olympus (The home of the gods) are: Zeus (the leader of all the gods), Hera (Zeus’s wife, goddess of marriage), Poseidon (Zeus’s brother, the god of the sea), Ares (god of war) Hermes ( Olympus’s messenger), Hephaestus (the god of forge and fire), Aphrodite (the goddess of love and beauty), Athena (Zeus’s favourite daughter, goddess of wisdom and the arts), Apollo (god of the sun), Artemis (the goddess of wild animals), and Hades (the god of the underworld or dead, but doesn’t really spend a lot of time on Olympus). People believed these gods helped them and always think that things happen for a reason. They worship them and sometimes name cities after them, like Athens. The people of Greece worshiped these gods and sacrificed things for them. There are many rituals that the gods are involved in.
  • 15. Athena was the goddess of wisdom, strategy, and the arts. She was Zeus’s favourite daughter, which makes her very powerful. She helps many heroes along their journeys, like telling Perseus how to cut Medusa’s head off without turning into stone, and helping Odysseus get his wife back so there is peace. Her birth was from a headache that Zeus had. Zeus complained about these headaches so Hephaestus cut his head open, and out came Athena. Athena has done many great deeds to help civilization, such as growing the olive tree, turning Arachne into a spider, and turning Medusa into a gorgon. The capital of Greece, Athens, is named after Athena because of her gift of the olive tree. The Parthenon is a temple built in honour of Athena.
  • 16. Ancient Greek hairstyles Ionian chiton with himation  In ancient Greece, babies usually didn’t wear anything. The women usually wore a long tunic, called a chiton, which is made of cotton or linen. The chiton went down to their ankles. Women also wore a cloak over top, which is called a himation, and was thin in the summer and thick in the winter. Women were expected to be covered up. Some rich or noble women cover their heads or wear a veil in public. The men wore tunics or usually nothing at all. The young men preferred to wear short tunics and the old preferred long ones. Nakedness was pride for men. But they wore clothes in front of women. The slaves wore only a strip of cloth. Everyone in Greece don’t usually wear shoes but they sometimes wear sandals or high boots for horseback riding. Men and women wore wide- brimmed hat to shade them from the sun. They had lots of jewelry and buried the jewelry with their tombs. Women did not cut their hair because it was considered a shameful thing. Doric style woven tunic
  • 17. Art in Greece is quite similar to the art that we have today. The Greeks were famous for their pottery and lifelike sculptures. One of the most famous ancient Greek sculptures is called ‘Venus de Milo’, which was carved in around 100BC; unfortunately it is missing it’s arms. Ancient Greek pottery often showed scenes of Greek mythology, and everyday life. Wall paintings were also quite popular in ancient Greece, though very few examples survived. In Greece music was also very important to there culture. Greek musicians played a wind instrument quite similar to the clarinet. One pipe was called an aulo, and two pipes played together were called an auloi. Greek musicians also played the cymbals and a string instrument called a lyre. A tambourine called a timpanon was also very popular to play music.
  • 18. The festival Panathenaea is a festival to celebrate and worship the goddess Athena. During the festival there were many animal sacrifices, and a woven tunic was woven by the Athenian  It is not none for sure how many days the women for the goddess. This festival festival lasted and what happened but here is was celebrated every year in mid the modern reconstruction of it: August and every fourth year there  Day 1: Musical and Rhapsodic Contests would be a Great Panathenaea where  Day 2: Athletic Contests for Boys and Youth the festivities would be even more splendid than other years. This  Day 3: Athletic Contests for Men holiday is in mid-august because that  Day 4: Equestrian Contests is when it was believed to be Athena’s  Day 5: Tribal Contests birthday as well as the first month in  Day 6: Torch race and Pannychos (nocturnal the Athenian year. ritual): procession and sacrifice  Day 7: Apobates (race in which an armed warrior jumps off of a moving chariot) and Boat Race  Day 8: Awarding of prizes, feasting, and celebrations
  • 19.  Overall Ancient Greece is a very important and interesting civilization. Some of their decisions and ideas have affected how we live today, like democracy and the Olympic Games. Although they contributed to our society the Ancient Greek culture is very different than ours. So it is important to learn their daily lifestyle.  Thanks for watching our slideshow!!!!!! - Alice and Ellie
  • 20. Books  MacDonald, Fiona. How Would You Survive As An Ancient Greek? Danbury, Connecticut. Groiler Publishing. 1996.  Toutant, Arnold. Doyle, Susan. Ancient Worlds. Don Mills, Ontario. Oxford University Press. 2000. Websites  Ancient Greece:  Ancient Greek Family:  Ancient Greeks:  Athena:  Children of Ancient Greece:  Culture and Society:  Daily Life:  Everyday Life In Ancient Greece:  Panathenaic Festival:  Roles of Men, Women, and Children:  The Greek House:
  • 21. Coin-  Parthenon-  Head-  Warrior art-  God and Bird-  Map:  Olympic Stadium:  Greek Slaves:  Wealthy Picture 1&2:  Greek Family on vase:  Women Daily Life Drawing-  Marriage1:  Marriage2: ebuster  Stone Carving of Childbirth:  Mother with Baby Top-5/Greece-5.8-percent  Horse with wheels:  Old man teaching boys:  Athena statue:  Greek hairstyles:  Greek vase:  Equestrian race:  Apobates:  *All unmentioned pictures are from Microsoft clipart*