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Ajax Control ToolKit
 The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
  makes adding rich animations and
  interactivity to a Web application easy.
 The Toolkit contains some controls that
  have AJAX functionality and many
  control extenders.
 The control extenders attach to
  another control to enhance or “extend”
  the control’s functionality
Ajax Control ToolKit
 The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
  makes adding rich animations and
  interactivity to a Web application easy.
 The Toolkit contains some controls
  that have AJAX functionality and many
  control extenders.
 The control extenders attach to
  another control to enhance or “extend”
  the control’s functionality
Installing Toolkit
Follow this link
 Right-click in the Toolbox and select
  Add Tab and name the tab as you
 With the new tab in your
  Toolbox, right-click the tab and select
  Choose Items from the provided
 Select the AjaxControlToolkit.dll from
   Following shows what your ASP.NET
      page looks like after the addition of a
      single ASP.NET AJAX control to it
<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true …….. %>
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit"
   Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 .......>
<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <asp:toolkitscriptmanager ID="Toolkitscriptmanager1"
ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit
   Extenders are basically controls that
    reach out and extend other controls.
AnimationExtender        03

 This control allows you to program
  elements that can move around the page
  based on specific end user triggers
 These events are:
    ◦   OnClick
    ◦   OnHoverOver
    ◦   OnHoverOut
    ◦   OnLoad
    ◦   OnMouseOver
    ◦   OnMouseOut
   The AutoCompleteExtender control
    enables you to help end users find
    what they might be looking for when
    they need to type in search terms
    within a text box.
CalendarExtender         06

The CalendarExtender attaches to a
 text box and pops up a calendar for
 selecting a date
 PopupButtonID is ID of another
 control, that will show the calendar if
 The Format property specifies the
 string format for the date input of the
 text box
CollapsiblePanelExtender         07

  The CollapsiblePanelExtender server
   control allows you to collapse one
   control into another.
  The TargetControlID is shown when
   the ExpandControlID is clicked or
   hidden when the CollapseControlID is
  It can also be shown or hidden based
   on a mouse hover if the AutoCollapse
   and AutoExpand properties are set to
CollapsedText , ExpandedText and
TextLabelID are used to title the Panel
 according to it’s state.
<asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1"
<asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server“
    BackColor="#000066” ForeColor="White">
    <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server"
         Text="This is my title"></asp:Label>
    <asp:Label ID="Label1“ runat="server“/>
<asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server"
     Style="overflow: hidden;” Height="0">      Collapse
     This is going to show or hide
<asp:CollapsiblePanelExtender runat="server"
   TargetControlID="Panel2" Collapsed="true"
   CollapsedText="[Click to expand]"        Text for Label1
   ExpandedText="[Click to collapse]"         depending
ColorPickerExtender          09

   The ColorPickerExtender control
    quickly and easily extend something
    like a TextBox control to a tool to
    select color
ConfirmButtonExtender            10

 ConfirmButtonExtender allows you to
  question the end user’s action and
  reconfirm action, using a dialogbox .
 If the end user clicks OK then the
  page will function normally as if the
  dialog never occurred.
 If Cancel is clicked, the dialog will
  disappear and the form will not be
ModalPopupExtender              11

 ModalPopupExtender server control
  enables you to create your own
  confirmation form. It points to another
  control to use for the confirmation.
 User must work with the control
  designated by the PopupControlID
  before he can proceed.
 OkControlID and the CancelControlID
  , along with OnOkScript and
  OnCancelScript properties that will run
  based on the user’s selection
<asp:ConfirmButtonExtender ID="ConfirmButtonExtender1"
    runat="server" TargetControlID="Button1"
    <asp:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1"
      CancelControlID="ButtonNo" OkControlID="ButtonYes"
    <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
    <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server"
    style="display:none; background-color:White; width:200;
    border-width:2px; border-color:Black; border-style:solid;
    Are you sure you wanted to click this button?<br />
    <asp:Button ID="ButtonYes" runat="server" Text="Yes" />
    <asp:Button ID="ButtonNo" runat="server" Text="No" />
DragPanelExtender        12

 The DragPanelExtender enables you to
  define areas where end users can move
  elements around the page as they want
 First is to create a <div> area on the
  page that is large enough to drag the
  item around in.
 Then specify the drag handle and
  another control that will follow the drag
  handle around
DropDownExtender          13

 The DropDownExtender control allows
  you provide a drop-down list of options
  below a control
 TargetControlID property defines the
  control that becomes the initiator of the
  drop-down list.
 DropDownControlID property defines
  the element on the page that will be
  used for the drop-down items that
  appear below the control
DropShadowExtender             14/15

 The DropShadowExtender allows you
  to add a DropShadow effect to an
  ASP.NET panel or image on the page.
 Set the TargetControlID, you can then
  control the Width and Opacity, and
  Rounded corner effect.
 Set TrackPosition property to True to
  indicate that JavaScript should run to
  track the panel and update the
  DropShadow as needed.
FilteredTextBoxExtender          18

 The FilteredTextBoxExtender control
  works off a TextBox control to specify
  the types of characters the end user
  can input into the control.
 The FilterType property can be set to
  Custom, LowercaseLetters, Numbers,
  and UppercaseLetters
FilterMode property can be set to
 ValidChars or InvalidChars value.
 The ValidChars and InvalidChars
 property can be used to define it
HoverMenuExtender           19

 The HoverMenuExtender control
  allows you to make a hidden control
  appear on the screen when the end
  user hovers on another control.
 PopDelay property is used for delay.
 The OffsetX and OffsetY properties
  specify the location of the pop-up
  based on the targeted control
ListSearchExtender           20

 This extender allows you to provide
  search capabilities through large
  collections that are located in either of
  these controls
 You can customize the text that
  appears at the top of the control with
  the PromptCssClass, PromptPosition,
  and PromptText properties.
 The MaskedEditExtender control is
  similar to the FilteredTextBoxExtender
  control ,but it takes the process one
  step further by providing end users with
  a template within the text box for them
  to follow
 The MaskType property supplies the
  type of mask or filter to place on the
  text box and can be
  None, Date, DateTime, Number, or
 The Mask property provides the mask
 Mask Chars are :
    ◦ 9 — Only a numeric character
    ◦ L — Only a letter
    ◦ $ — Only a letter or a space
    ◦ C — Only a custom character (case
    ◦ A — Only a letter or a custom character
    ◦ N — Only a numeric or custom character
    ◦ ? — Any character
    This control uses the ControlExtender
     property to associate itself with the
     MaskedEditExtender control and uses
     the ControlToValidate property to watch
     a specific control on the form
<asp:MaskedEditValidator ID="MaskedEditValidator1"
   EmptyValueMessage="A three digit number is required!"
der   22

   This control is used for when you need to
    offer a list of check boxes that behave as if
    they are radio buttons.
   You cannot associate
    control with a CheckBoxList control
   The check boxes needs to be laid out with
    CheckBox controls
   You need to have one
    control for each CheckBox control on the
   Use the Key property to group CheckBox
NumericUpDownExtender              23

 The NumericUpDownExtender control
  allows you to put some up/down
  indicators next to a TextBox control
  that enable the end user to more
  easily control a selection
 You must set the Width
  property, otherwise, you will see only
  the up and down arrow keys
 You can set the limit with a Maximum
   value and a Minimum value
  You can use text by using refValues
  ID="NumericUpDownExtender1" runat="server"
  TargetControlID="TextBox1" Width="150"
PagingBulletedListExtender            25

   The PagingBulletedListExtender
    control allows you to take long
    bulleted lists and easily apply
    alphabetic paging to the list
PopupControlExtender                        26

   The PopupControlExtender control
    allows you to create a pop-up for any
    control on your page.
   Pass the value from the pop-up
    control back to the target control using
    the Commit() method:
ResizableControlExtender                27

 The ResizableControlExtender control
  allows you to take a Panel control and
  give end users the ability to grab a handle
  and change the size of the element.
 Anything you put inside the Panel control
  will then change in size depending on how
  the end user extends the item.
 You also need to create a handle for the
  end user to work from in pulling or
  contracting the item.
 Use the HandleCssClass property to
  specify the style information about the
  appearance of the handle
 The ResizableCssClass property refers
  to style information shown while the
  panel is being altered.
 The control also exposes events that
  are raised that you can attach code to in
  order to react to the panel being
  OnClientResizeBegin, OnClientResizing
  , and finally OnClientResize.
RoundedCornersExtender            28

 The RoundedCornersExtender control
  allows you to put rounded corners on
  the elements on your page
 You can even choose the corners that
  you want to round using the Corners
 The possible values of the Corners
  property include All, Bottom,
  BottomLeft, BottomRight, Left, None,
  Right, Top, TopLeft, and TopRight.
SliderExtender       29

 This control gives you the ability to
  create a slider control that allows the
  end user to select a range of numbers
  using a mouse instead of typing in the
 Adding a Label control to the page
  and adding a BoundControlID
  property gives you the signifier to tell
  user what value they have selected
Some useful properties :
 Decimal: Allows you to specify the number
  of decimals the result should take.
 HandleCssClass: The CSS class that you
  are using to design the handle.
 HandleImageUrl: The image file you are
  using to represent the handle.
 Length: The length of the slider in pixels.
  The default value is 150.
 Maximum: Minimum: Range
 Orientation: Horizontal and Vertical.
 RailCssClass: The CSS class that you are
  using to design the rail of the slider.
 ToolTipText: The tooltip when the end user
  hovers over the slider
SlideShowExtender           30

 The SlideShowExtender control allows
  you to put an image slideshow in the
 The SlideShowExtender has a server-
  side method called GetSlides() to call
  for the photos.
 It returns an array of Slide objects that
  require the location of the object, the
  title, and the description.

 The TextBoxWatermarkExtender
  control allows you to put instructions
  within controls for the end
  users, which gives them a better
  understanding of what to use the
  control for.
 To apply some style to the content that
  you use as a watermark, you can use
  the WatermarkCssClass property.
ToggleButtonExtender         34

 The ToggleButtonExtender control
  works with CheckBox controls and
  allows you to use an image of your
  own instead of the standard check box
  images that the CheckBox controls
  typically use.
 This control allows you to specify
  images for checked, unchecked, and
  disabled statuses.

 The UpdatePanelAnimationExtender
  control allows you to apply an
  animation to a Panel control for two
  specific events, OnUpdating event and
  OnUpdated event.
 You can then use the animation
  framework provided by ASP.NET AJAX
  to change the page’s style based on
  thesetwo events.
ValidatorCalloutExtender             36

  This control allows you to add a more
  noticeable validation message to end
  users working with a form.
 You associate this control not with the
  control that is being validated, but
  instead with the validation control itself
Accordion Control         37

 The Accordion control is used to specify
  a set of panes
 Each pane is made up of a header
  template and a content template.
 The header templates of all panes are
  always visible, whereas only one content
  template is visible.
 The user selects which pane to view by
  clicking on the header. The content from
  the previously active pane is hidden from
  view, and the content of the newly
  selected pane is displayed instead.
 Set the FadeTransitions property to
  True and then you can set the
  TransitionDuration and
  FramesPerSecond values to provide
  fade effect. The default values are 250
  milliseconds and 40 frames per second,
 The SelectedIndex property lets you
  declaratively and programmatically
  control which pane to show.
 When the AutoSize property is set to
  Limit, the size is restricted to the Height
  value. The active pane will display
  scrollbars if the content is larger than the
  space available.
 The other possible value is Fill, which will
  result in expanding a pane if the content is
  not large enough to satisfy the Height
  value provided
 RequireOpenedPane properety specifies
  that at least one pane is required to be
  open at all times. A value of False means
  that all panes can be collapsed.
NoBot Control
 CutoffMaximumInstances is the number
  of times the end user is allowed to try to
  submit the form within the number of
  seconds specified by the
  CutoffWindowSeconds property.
 The ResponseMinimumDelaySeconds
  property defines the minimum number of
  seconds the end user has to submit the
 The OnGenerateChallengeAndResponse
  property allows you to define the server-
  side method that works with the challenge
  and allows you to provide a response
PasswordStrength Control              41

 The PasswordStrength control allows
  you to check the contents of a password
  in a TextBox control and validate its
 Some of the important properties to work
  with here include
    ◦   MinimumLowerCaseCharacters,
    ◦   MinimumNumericCharacters,
    ◦   MinimumSymbolCharacters,
    ◦   MinimumUpperCaseCharacters,
    ◦   PreferredPasswordLength.
Rating Control       42!

 The Rating control gives your end
  users the ability to view and set
 You have control over the number of
  ratings, the look of the filled ratings,
  the look of the empty ratings
TabContainer Control         43

 The TabContainer and TabPanel controls
  make presenting the familiar tabbed UI
 It allows you to attach a server event
  called the ActiveTabChanged event, which
  is fired during a Postback if the active tab
  has changed.
 You can also use the
  OnClientActiveTabChanged event to have
  your JavaScript event triggered
 The ScrollBars property lets you designate
  whether scrollbars should be
  Horizontal, Vertical, Both, None, or set to
 The TabPanel control has a
  <HeaderTemplate> for the tab and a
  <ContentTemplate> for the body.
 OnClientClick event will be triggered
  when the tab is selected called.
 You can disable tabs programmatically
  in JavaScript in the browser by setting
  the Enabled property to False.

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Ajax control tool kit

  • 1. Ajax Control ToolKit  The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit makes adding rich animations and interactivity to a Web application easy.  The Toolkit contains some controls that have AJAX functionality and many control extenders.  The control extenders attach to another control to enhance or “extend” the control’s functionality
  • 2. Ajax Control ToolKit  The ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit makes adding rich animations and interactivity to a Web application easy.  The Toolkit contains some controls that have AJAX functionality and many control extenders.  The control extenders attach to another control to enhance or “extend” the control’s functionality
  • 3. Installing Toolkit Follow this link  Right-click in the Toolbox and select Add Tab and name the tab as you want  With the new tab in your Toolbox, right-click the tab and select Choose Items from the provided menu.  Select the AjaxControlToolkit.dll from
  • 4. Following shows what your ASP.NET page looks like after the addition of a single ASP.NET AJAX control to it <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true …….. %> <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 .......> <html xmlns=""> <head runat="server"> <title></title> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <div> <asp:toolkitscriptmanager ID="Toolkitscriptmanager1" runat="server"></asp:toolkitscriptmanager> </div> </form> </body> </html>
  • 5. ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit Extenders  Extenders are basically controls that reach out and extend other controls.
  • 6. AnimationExtender 03  This control allows you to program elements that can move around the page based on specific end user triggers  These events are: ◦ OnClick ◦ OnHoverOver ◦ OnHoverOut ◦ OnLoad ◦ OnMouseOver ◦ OnMouseOut
  • 7. AutoCompleteExtender  The AutoCompleteExtender control enables you to help end users find what they might be looking for when they need to type in search terms within a text box.
  • 8. CalendarExtender 06 The CalendarExtender attaches to a text box and pops up a calendar for selecting a date  PopupButtonID is ID of another control, that will show the calendar if clicked.  The Format property specifies the string format for the date input of the text box
  • 9. CollapsiblePanelExtender 07  The CollapsiblePanelExtender server control allows you to collapse one control into another.  The TargetControlID is shown when the ExpandControlID is clicked or hidden when the CollapseControlID is clicked  It can also be shown or hidden based on a mouse hover if the AutoCollapse and AutoExpand properties are set to True.
  • 10. CollapsedText , ExpandedText and TextLabelID are used to title the Panel according to it’s state.
  • 11. <asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server"> </asp:ToolkitScriptManager> <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server“ BackColor="#000066” ForeColor="White"> <asp:Label ID="Label2" runat="server" Text="This is my title"></asp:Label> <asp:Label ID="Label1“ runat="server“/> </asp:Panel> <asp:Panel ID="Panel2" runat="server" Style="overflow: hidden;” Height="0"> Collapse This is going to show or hide </asp:Panel> <asp:CollapsiblePanelExtender runat="server" ID="CollapsiblePanelExtender1" TargetControlID="Panel2" Collapsed="true" ExpandControlID="Panel1" CollapseControlID="Panel1" CollapsedSize="1" ExpandedSize="300" CollapsedText="[Click to expand]" Text for Label1 ExpandedText="[Click to collapse]" depending TextLabelID="Label1" SuppressPostBack="true"> </asp:CollapsiblePanelExtender>
  • 12. ColorPickerExtender 09  The ColorPickerExtender control quickly and easily extend something like a TextBox control to a tool to select color
  • 13. ConfirmButtonExtender 10  ConfirmButtonExtender allows you to question the end user’s action and reconfirm action, using a dialogbox .  If the end user clicks OK then the page will function normally as if the dialog never occurred.  If Cancel is clicked, the dialog will disappear and the form will not be submitted
  • 14. ModalPopupExtender 11  ModalPopupExtender server control enables you to create your own confirmation form. It points to another control to use for the confirmation.  User must work with the control designated by the PopupControlID before he can proceed.  OkControlID and the CancelControlID , along with OnOkScript and OnCancelScript properties that will run based on the user’s selection
  • 15. <asp:ConfirmButtonExtender ID="ConfirmButtonExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="Button1" DisplayModalPopupID="ModalPopupExtender1"> </asp:ConfirmButtonExtender> <asp:ModalPopupExtender ID="ModalPopupExtender1" runat="server" CancelControlID="ButtonNo" OkControlID="ButtonYes" PopupControlID="Panel1" TargetControlID="Button1"> </asp:ModalPopupExtender> <asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" /> <asp:Panel ID="Panel1" runat="server" style="display:none; background-color:White; width:200; border-width:2px; border-color:Black; border-style:solid; padding:20px;"> Are you sure you wanted to click this button?<br /> <asp:Button ID="ButtonYes" runat="server" Text="Yes" /> <asp:Button ID="ButtonNo" runat="server" Text="No" /> </asp:Panel> </div> </form> </body> </html>
  • 16. DragPanelExtender 12  The DragPanelExtender enables you to define areas where end users can move elements around the page as they want  First is to create a <div> area on the page that is large enough to drag the item around in.  Then specify the drag handle and another control that will follow the drag handle around
  • 17. DropDownExtender 13  The DropDownExtender control allows you provide a drop-down list of options below a control  TargetControlID property defines the control that becomes the initiator of the drop-down list.  DropDownControlID property defines the element on the page that will be used for the drop-down items that appear below the control
  • 18. DropShadowExtender 14/15  The DropShadowExtender allows you to add a DropShadow effect to an ASP.NET panel or image on the page.  Set the TargetControlID, you can then control the Width and Opacity, and Rounded corner effect.  Set TrackPosition property to True to indicate that JavaScript should run to track the panel and update the DropShadow as needed.
  • 19. FilteredTextBoxExtender 18  The FilteredTextBoxExtender control works off a TextBox control to specify the types of characters the end user can input into the control.  The FilterType property can be set to Custom, LowercaseLetters, Numbers, and UppercaseLetters
  • 20. FilterMode property can be set to ValidChars or InvalidChars value.  The ValidChars and InvalidChars property can be used to define it
  • 21. HoverMenuExtender 19  The HoverMenuExtender control allows you to make a hidden control appear on the screen when the end user hovers on another control.  PopDelay property is used for delay.  The OffsetX and OffsetY properties specify the location of the pop-up based on the targeted control
  • 22. ListSearchExtender 20  This extender allows you to provide search capabilities through large collections that are located in either of these controls  You can customize the text that appears at the top of the control with the PromptCssClass, PromptPosition, and PromptText properties.
  • 23. MaskedEditExtender  The MaskedEditExtender control is similar to the FilteredTextBoxExtender control ,but it takes the process one step further by providing end users with a template within the text box for them to follow  The MaskType property supplies the type of mask or filter to place on the text box and can be None, Date, DateTime, Number, or Time
  • 24.  The Mask property provides the mask  Mask Chars are : ◦ 9 — Only a numeric character ◦ L — Only a letter ◦ $ — Only a letter or a space ◦ C — Only a custom character (case sensitive) ◦ A — Only a letter or a custom character ◦ N — Only a numeric or custom character ◦ ? — Any character
  • 25. MaskedEditValidator  This control uses the ControlExtender property to associate itself with the MaskedEditExtender control and uses the ControlToValidate property to watch a specific control on the form <asp:MaskedEditValidator ID="MaskedEditValidator1" runat="server" ControlExtender="MaskedEditExtender1" ControlToValidate="TextBox1" IsValidEmpty="False" EmptyValueMessage="A three digit number is required!" Display="Dynamic"> </asp:MaskedEditValidator>
  • 26. MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExten der 22  This control is used for when you need to offer a list of check boxes that behave as if they are radio buttons.  You cannot associate MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender control with a CheckBoxList control  The check boxes needs to be laid out with CheckBox controls  You need to have one MutuallyExclusiveCheckBoxExtender control for each CheckBox control on the page.  Use the Key property to group CheckBox controls
  • 27. NumericUpDownExtender 23  The NumericUpDownExtender control allows you to put some up/down indicators next to a TextBox control that enable the end user to more easily control a selection  You must set the Width property, otherwise, you will see only the up and down arrow keys
  • 28.  You can set the limit with a Maximum value and a Minimum value  You can use text by using refValues property <asp:NumericUpDownExtender ID="NumericUpDownExtender1" runat="server" TargetControlID="TextBox1" Width="150" RefValues="Blue;Brown;Green;Orange;Black;White"> </asp:NumericUpDownExtender>
  • 29. PagingBulletedListExtender 25  The PagingBulletedListExtender control allows you to take long bulleted lists and easily apply alphabetic paging to the list
  • 30. PopupControlExtender 26  The PopupControlExtender control allows you to create a pop-up for any control on your page.  Pass the value from the pop-up control back to the target control using the Commit() method: PopupControlExtender1.Commit( Calendar1.SelectedDate.ToShortDateString())
  • 31. ResizableControlExtender 27  The ResizableControlExtender control allows you to take a Panel control and give end users the ability to grab a handle and change the size of the element.  Anything you put inside the Panel control will then change in size depending on how the end user extends the item.  You also need to create a handle for the end user to work from in pulling or contracting the item.
  • 32.  Use the HandleCssClass property to specify the style information about the appearance of the handle  The ResizableCssClass property refers to style information shown while the panel is being altered.  The control also exposes events that are raised that you can attach code to in order to react to the panel being resized: OnClientResizeBegin, OnClientResizing , and finally OnClientResize.
  • 33. RoundedCornersExtender 28  The RoundedCornersExtender control allows you to put rounded corners on the elements on your page  You can even choose the corners that you want to round using the Corners property.  The possible values of the Corners property include All, Bottom, BottomLeft, BottomRight, Left, None, Right, Top, TopLeft, and TopRight.
  • 34. SliderExtender 29  This control gives you the ability to create a slider control that allows the end user to select a range of numbers using a mouse instead of typing in the number  Adding a Label control to the page and adding a BoundControlID property gives you the signifier to tell user what value they have selected
  • 35. Some useful properties :  Decimal: Allows you to specify the number of decimals the result should take.  HandleCssClass: The CSS class that you are using to design the handle.  HandleImageUrl: The image file you are using to represent the handle.  Length: The length of the slider in pixels. The default value is 150.  Maximum: Minimum: Range  Orientation: Horizontal and Vertical.  RailCssClass: The CSS class that you are using to design the rail of the slider.  ToolTipText: The tooltip when the end user hovers over the slider
  • 36. SlideShowExtender 30  The SlideShowExtender control allows you to put an image slideshow in the browser  The SlideShowExtender has a server- side method called GetSlides() to call for the photos.  It returns an array of Slide objects that require the location of the object, the title, and the description.
  • 37. TextBoxWatermarkExtender 32/33  The TextBoxWatermarkExtender control allows you to put instructions within controls for the end users, which gives them a better understanding of what to use the control for.  To apply some style to the content that you use as a watermark, you can use the WatermarkCssClass property.
  • 38. ToggleButtonExtender 34  The ToggleButtonExtender control works with CheckBox controls and allows you to use an image of your own instead of the standard check box images that the CheckBox controls typically use.  This control allows you to specify images for checked, unchecked, and disabled statuses.
  • 39. UpdatePanelAnimationExtende r35  The UpdatePanelAnimationExtender control allows you to apply an animation to a Panel control for two specific events, OnUpdating event and OnUpdated event.  You can then use the animation framework provided by ASP.NET AJAX to change the page’s style based on thesetwo events.
  • 40. ValidatorCalloutExtender 36  This control allows you to add a more noticeable validation message to end users working with a form.  You associate this control not with the control that is being validated, but instead with the validation control itself
  • 41. Accordion Control 37  The Accordion control is used to specify a set of panes  Each pane is made up of a header template and a content template.  The header templates of all panes are always visible, whereas only one content template is visible.  The user selects which pane to view by clicking on the header. The content from the previously active pane is hidden from view, and the content of the newly selected pane is displayed instead.
  • 42.  Set the FadeTransitions property to True and then you can set the TransitionDuration and FramesPerSecond values to provide fade effect. The default values are 250 milliseconds and 40 frames per second, respectively.  The SelectedIndex property lets you declaratively and programmatically control which pane to show.
  • 43.  When the AutoSize property is set to Limit, the size is restricted to the Height value. The active pane will display scrollbars if the content is larger than the space available.  The other possible value is Fill, which will result in expanding a pane if the content is not large enough to satisfy the Height value provided  RequireOpenedPane properety specifies that at least one pane is required to be open at all times. A value of False means that all panes can be collapsed.
  • 44. NoBot Control  CutoffMaximumInstances is the number of times the end user is allowed to try to submit the form within the number of seconds specified by the CutoffWindowSeconds property.  The ResponseMinimumDelaySeconds property defines the minimum number of seconds the end user has to submit the form.  The OnGenerateChallengeAndResponse property allows you to define the server- side method that works with the challenge and allows you to provide a response
  • 45. PasswordStrength Control 41  The PasswordStrength control allows you to check the contents of a password in a TextBox control and validate its strength.  Some of the important properties to work with here include ◦ MinimumLowerCaseCharacters, ◦ MinimumNumericCharacters, ◦ MinimumSymbolCharacters, ◦ MinimumUpperCaseCharacters, ◦ PreferredPasswordLength.
  • 46. Rating Control 42!  The Rating control gives your end users the ability to view and set ratings  You have control over the number of ratings, the look of the filled ratings, the look of the empty ratings
  • 47. TabContainer Control 43  The TabContainer and TabPanel controls make presenting the familiar tabbed UI easy.  It allows you to attach a server event called the ActiveTabChanged event, which is fired during a Postback if the active tab has changed.  You can also use the OnClientActiveTabChanged event to have your JavaScript event triggered  The ScrollBars property lets you designate whether scrollbars should be Horizontal, Vertical, Both, None, or set to
  • 48.  The TabPanel control has a <HeaderTemplate> for the tab and a <ContentTemplate> for the body.  OnClientClick event will be triggered when the tab is selected called.  You can disable tabs programmatically in JavaScript in the browser by setting the Enabled property to False.