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aipmt–Past papers BIOLOGY- UNSOLVED PAPER - 1998
SECTION – I (Total Marks : 100) Single Correct Answer Type There are five parts in this question. Four choices are given for each part and one of them is correct.  Indicate  you choice of  the correct  answer for  each part in  your answer-book by  writing  the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d)  whichever  is appropriate
01 Problem Albinism is known to be due to an autosomal recessive mutation. The first child of a couple with normal skin pigmentation was an albino. What is the probability that their second child will also be an albino?  50% 75% 100% 25%.
Problem 02 Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) has a protein coat and a genetic material which is   Double stranded RNA Double stranded DNA Single stranded DNA Single stranded RNA.
Problem 03 Recombinant DNA is achieved by cleaving the pro-DNAs by   Ligase Restriction endonulcease Primase Exonucleases.
Problem 04 In vertebrates lacteals are found in Oesophageous Ear  Ileum Ischium. 
Problem 05 Lactose is composed of   Glucose + galactose Fructose + galactose Glucose + fructose   Glucose+glucose.
Problem 06 How many different types of genetically different gametes will be produced by a heterozygous plant having the  genotype AABbCc?   Six  Nine  Two  Four.
Problem 07 In desert grasslands, which type of animals are relatively more abundant?   Aquatic  Fossorial Diurnal  Arboreal.
Problem 08 Crossing over in diploid organism is responsible for  Segregation of alleles  Recombination of linked alleles  Dominance of genes  Linkage between genes .
Problem 09 What is the major cause of diminishing wildlife number?   Felling of trees  Paucity of drinking water  Cannibalism Habitat destruction.
Problem 10 Which one of the following cells, found in testes of rabbit sedretes male  hormone?  Epithelial cells  Spermatocytes Leydig’s cell  Sertoli cells.
Problem 11 A condition of failure of kidney to form urine is called Anuria Deamination Entropy  None of these.
Problem 12 Transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another in the transduction process is through Bacteriophages released from the donor bacterial strain  Another bacterium having special organ for conjugation  Physical contact between donor and recipient strains  Conjugation between opposite strain bacterium.
Problem 13 The supersonic jets cause pollution by the thinning of O2 layer  O3 layer CO2 layer SO2 layer.
Problem 14 Which of the following is not the main function of lymph glands?  Forming RBC Destroying bacteria  Forming WBC Forming antibodies.
Problem 15 Which of the following organism is used as indicator of water quality?    Azospirillum Escherichia  Biggiata Chlorella.
Problem 16 If there was no CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, the temperature of earth’s surface would be   Higher than the present  Dependent on the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere  Same as present  Less than the present .
Problem 17 Two opposite forces operate in the growth and development of every population. One of them related to the ability to reproduce at a given rate .The force opposite to it is called  Fecundity  Environmental resistances  Biotic control  Mortality.
Problem 18 Plant such as Prosopic, Acacia and Capparis represent examples of tropical   Deciduous forests  Evergreen forests  Grass lands  Thron forests.
Problem 19 Carbon mono-oxide is a pollutant because  Reacts with haemoglobin Makes nervous system inactive  It reacts with O2 It inhibits glycolysis.
Problem 20 Which of the following is non-symbiotic biofertilizer ?  Anabaena  Rhizobium VAM Azotobacter.
Problem 21 Yeast (Saccharomycescerevisiae) is used in the industrial production of Tetracycline  Ethanol  Butanol Citric acid.
Problem 22 Transfusion tissue is present in the leaves of   Pinus Dryopteris Cycas Both ‘a’ and ‘c’ .
Problem 23 The most important component of the oral contraceptive pills is   Thyroxine Luteinizing hormone  Progesterone  Growth hormone.
Problem 24 Which one among the following chemicals is used for causing defoliation of forest trees?  Malichydrazide 2, 4-D Amo-1618 Phosphon D.
Problem 25 The hormone which regulates the basal metabolism in our body is secreted from   Adrenal cortex  Pancreas  Pituitary  Thyroid.
Problem 26 Which of the following micro-organisms is used for production of citric acid in industries?  Aspergillusniger Rhizopusnigricans Lactobacillus bulgaris Penicilliumcitrinum.
Problem 27 Phytochrome becomes active in  Red light  Green light  Blue light  None of these .
Problem 28 In mammals, histamine is secreted by Lymphocytes  Mast cells  Fibroblasts  Histiocytes.
Problem 29 Total number of bones in the limb of a man is   24 30 14 21.
Problem 30 The reason for vegatatively reproducing crop plants to suit for maintaining hybrid vigour is that    They are more resistant to disease  Once a desired hybrid produced, no chances of losing it  They can be easily propagated They have a longer life span.
Problem 31 The exchange of gases in the alveoli of the lungs takes place by   Passive transport  Active transport  Osmosis  Simple diffusion.
Problem 32 The role of double fertilization in angiosperms is to produce   Cotyledons  Endocarp  Endosperm  Integuments.
Problem 33 The contraction of gall bladder is due to  Cholecystoinin Entergastrone Gastrin Secretion.
Problem 34 Loss of a X-chromosome in a particular cell, during its development, results into   Gynandromorphs Diploid individual  Triploid individual  Both ‘b’ and ‘c’ .
Problem 35 The hormone that stimulates the stomach to secrete gastric juice is   Enterokinase Enterogastrone Gastrin Renin.
Problem 36  When a single gene influences more than one trait  it is called   Pseudodominance Pleiotrophy Epistasis None of these .
Problem 37 One of the factors required for the maturation of erythrocytes is   Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A.
Problem 38 The layer of cells that secrete enamel of tooth is   Osteoblast Odontoblast Dentoblast Ameloblast.
Problem 39 An adult human with average health has systolic and diastolic pressures as    120 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg 50 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg 80 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg 70 mm Hg and 120 mm Hg .
Problem 40 In the development history of mammalian heart, it is observed that it passes through a two chambered fish like heart, three chambered frog like heart and finally four chambered stage. To which hypothesis cab this above cited statement be approximated?  Lamarck’s principle  Mendalian principles  Biogenetic law  Hardy Weinberg law .
Problem 41 The lower jaw in mammals is made up of  Dentary Maxills Angualrs Mandible.
Problem 42 Calcitonin is a thyroid hormone which Elevates calcium level in blood  Has no effect on calcium  Elevates potassium level in blood  Lowers calcium level in blood.
Problem 43 The age of the fossil of Dryopithecus on the geological time scale is   2.5 x 106 years back 50 x 106 years back 75 x 106 years back 25 x 106 years back.
Problem 44 Which one of the following statement is correct?  Australopithecus is the real ancestor of modern man  Neanderthal man is the direct ancestor of Homo sapiens  Homo erectus is the ancestor of man  Cro-magnon man’s fossil has been found in Ethiopia.
Problem 45 Species occurring in different geographical area are called as   Sympatric  Allopatric Sibling  Neopatric.
Problem 46 The diversity in the type of beaks of finches adapted to different feeding habits on the Galapages Islands, as observed by Darwin, provides evidence for   Intraspecific competition  Interspecific competition  Origin of species by natural selection  Intraspecific variations.
Problem 47 Genetic drift operates only in  Larger populations  Mendelian populations  Island populations  Smaller populations.
Problem 48 Mental reterdation in man, associated with sex chromosomal abnormality is usually due to  Moderate increase in Y complement  Large increase in Y complement Reduction in X complement  Increases in X complement .
Problem 49 Most appropriate term to describe the life cycle of Obelia is   Metorphosis Neoteny Metagenesis All of these .
Problem 50 Warm ocean surge of the peru current recurring every 5 to 8 years or so in the East Pacific of South America is widely known as   EI Nino Aye Aye Magnox Cull stream.
Problem 51 Solencytes are the main excretory structures in  Echinodermates Platyhelminthes Annelids  Mollusks.
Problem 52 The functional unit of contractile system in strained muscle is   Sarcocomere Z-band  Cross bridges  Myofibril.
Problem 53 The periderm includes    Secondary phloem  Cork  Cambium  All of these .
Problem 54 Which one of the following is a protein deficiency disease?   Kwashiorkor  Night blindness  Eczema  Cirrhosis.
Problem 55 The water  potential  and osmotic  potential  of pure water are  100 are  200 zero and 100 100 and zero zero and  zero.
Problem 56 Which of  the following  meristems  is responsible  for  extrastelar  secondary  growth  in dictyledonous  stem ?  Interfascicular  cambium  Intercalary  meristem Phellogen Intrafascicular  cambium.
Problem 57 The long  bones are   hollow  and connected  by air passages.  They are  the characteristics  of    Reptilia Land vertebrates  Aves  Mammals.
Problem 58 Cellulose,  the most  important  constituent  of plant  cell wall is  made up of    Branched  chain of  glucose  molecules  linked  by β 1, 4 glycoside  bond in  straight  chain  and  α1, 6 glycosidic  bond at  the site  of branching  Unbranched  chain  of  glucose  molecules  linked  by 1, 4 glycosidic  bond  Branched chain  of glucose  molecules  linked  by 1, 6 glycosidic  bond at  the site of  branching  Unbranched  chain of glucose  molecules  linked  by  1, 4 glycosidic bond.
Problem 59 The embryo  in sunflower has  Two ctyledons Many  cotyledons No cotyledon  One cotyledon.
Problem 60 Which combination  of gases is suitable  for fruit  ripening ?   80 % CH4 and 20% CO2 80% CO2 and 20% O2 80% C2H4 and 20% CO2 80% CO2 and 20% CH2.
Problem 61 The chemical  knives  of DNA are   Endonucleases Transcriptases Ligases Polymerases.
Problem 62 What is  Agent  Orange?  Colour  used influorescent lamp A hazardous  chemical  used  in luminous  paints A biodegradable  insecticide A weedicide  containing  dioxin.
Problem 63 How many genome types  are present in a typical  green  plants  cell?   More than  five  More than  ten  Two  three.
Problem 64 Botulism  caused by Clostridium  botulinum  affects the  Lymph  glands Neuromuscular  junction  Spleen  Intestine.
Problem 65 Floral  features  are chiefly  used in  angiosperms  identification because  Flowers  can be  safely  pressed  Reproductive parts are more  stable  and conservative than  vegetative  parts  Flowers  are nice to work  with  Flowers are of various  colours.
Problem 66 How carbon  monoxide, emitted by automobiles,  prevents  transport  of oxygen  in the body  tissues? By forming  a stable  compound  with haemoglobin By obstructing  the  reaction  of oxygen with  haemoglobin By changing oxygen  into  carbon  dioxide  By destroying  the haemoglobin.
Problem 67 In a  terrestrial ecosystem  such as  forest, maximum  energy  is in which trophic  level ?  T3 T4 T1 T2.
Problem 68 DNA  elements,  which can switch  their  position,  are called   Cistrons Transposons Exons Introns.
Problem 69 An interesting  modification  of flower  shape  for  insect  pollination  occurs in some  orchids  in which  a male  insect mistakes  the pattern  on the orchid  flower  for the females  species  and tries  to copulate with it, thereby  pollinating  the flower,  This  phenomenon is  called  Pseudopollination Pseudoparthenocarpy Mimicry  Pseudocopulations.
Problem 70 Two  bacteria found to be very  useful  in genetic  engineering experiments  are   Nitrobacter  and Azotobacter Rhizobium  and Diplococcus Nitrosomonas  and Kiebsiella Escherichia  and Agrobacterium.
Problem 71 The walking  fen is so  named because  It  propagates  vegetatively   by its leaf tips  It known how  to walk  by itself  Its  spores  are able  to walk It is  dispersed  through  the agency  of walking  animals.
Problem 72 In the  five kingdom  system of  classification, which  single  kingdom  out of  the following  can include  blue-green  algae,  nitrogen  fixing  bacteria  and methanogenicarchaebacteria?  Plantae Protista Monera Fungi.
Problem 73 A few  organisms are known  to grow  and multiply  at temperatures  of  100-1500C. They belong  to   Thermophilicsulphur  bacteria  Hot spring blue-green  algae  Thermophilicsubaerial  fungi  Marine  archaebacteria.
Problem 74 B and O. Bryophytes  are dependent  on water,   because    Water is essential  for their  vegetative  propagation  The sperms can easily  reach upto  egg in  the archegonium Archegonium has to remain  filled  with water  for  fertilization  Water is  essential  for fertilization  for their  homosporous  nature.
Problem 75 The main  role of  bacteria in  the carbon  cycle  involves Chemosynthesis Digestion  or breakdown  of organic  compounds  Photosynthesis  Assimilation of  nitrogenous  compounds.
Problem 76 Puccinia  forms uredia  and  Telia  on wheat  leaves  Aecia  on barberry leaves  Pycnia  on barberry  leaves  Aecia  on wheat  leaves.
Problem 77 Ulothrix  can be  described as a  Filamentous  alga lacking  flagellated  reproductive  stages  Membranous  alga  producing  zoospores  Filamentous  alga with  flagellated  reproductive  stages    Non-motile  colonial  alga lacking  zoospor
Problem 78 Which of  the following  pesticides  is an  acetylcholinesterase  inhibitor?   Endosulfan Malathion Aldrin Y-BHC.
Problem 79 Biological  control  component  is central to  advanced  agricultural  production. Which  of the  following  is used  as a third  generation  pesticide?   Insect  repellants  Organophosphate  and carbamates Pathogens  Pheromones.
Problem 80 The DNA of  E.coli is   Double  stranded  and linear  Double  stranded  and circular  Single  stranded  and linear  Single stranded  and circular.
Problem 81 Largest  sperms in  the plants  world are found in  Banyan  Cycas Thuja Pinus.
Problem 82 Farmers have  reported  over 50% higher  yields of  rice  by using   which of  the following  biofertilizer?  Cyanobacteria Legume-Rhizobium  Symbiosis  Mycorrhiza Azollapinnata.
Problem 83 Genes  that are involved in   turning  on or  off the  transcription  of a  set of structural  genes  are called   Redundant  genes  Regulatory  genes Polymorphic genes Operator  genes.
Problem 84 If Mendel  had  studied  the seven   traits  using  a plant  with  12 chromosomes  instead  of 14, in what  way would  his interpretation  have been  different?   He would  not have  discovered the  law of independent  assortment  He would  have discovered  sex linkage  He could have  mapped  the chromosome  He would  not have  discovered  blending  or  incomplete  dominance.
Problem 85 A bacterium  divides every  35 minutes. If a culture  containing 105 cells  per ml is grown for  175 minutes,  what will  be the cell concentration  per ml after 175 minutes?  35 x 105 cells  32 x 105 cells  175 x 105 cells  85 x 105 cells.
Problem 86 What base is  responsible for hot  spots  for spontaneous  point  mutations?   5-bromouracil  5-methylcytosine  guanine  adenine.
Problem 87 Which of  the following  communities is more  vulnerable to invasion by  outside  animals  and plants ? Temperate  forests  Oceanic island  communities  Mangroves  Tropical  evergreen  forests.
Problem 88 Restriction  endonucleases are    Used  for in  vitro DNA  synthesis used in genetic engineering  Synthesized  by bacteria  Present in  mammalian cells for  degradation  of DNA.
Problem 89 Which one of  the following  statements  about cytochrome P450 is wrong?   It is a  coloured cell It is an enzyme  involved  in oxidation  reactions  It has an important  role in  metabolism  It contains  iron.
Problem 90 Typhoid  fever is  caused by   Shigella Escherichia  Giardia Salmonella
Problem 91 Genetic  engineering  is possible,  because We can but DNA  at specific  sites by  endonucleases  like DNAase I Restriction  endonucleases purified  from  bacteria can be used in vitro  The phenomenon of transduction  in bacteria is well underwood We can see DNA  by electron  microscope.
Problem 92 The response  of different  organisms to  the  environmental  rhythms  of light  and darkness  is  called   Vernalization Photoperiodism Phototaxis Phototropism.
Problem 93 A woman with two  genes for  haemophilia  and noe gene for colour blindness  on one of  the ‘X’ chromosomes  marries  a normal  man. How will the  progeny  be? 50% haemophiliccolour-blind  sons and 50% normal  sons  50% haemophilic daughters  and 50% colour blind  daughters  all sons  and daughters  haemophilic  and  colourblind haemophilic  and colour-blind  daughters.
Problem 94 The formation  of multivalents  at  meiosis  in diploid  organism  is due to Deletion  Reciprocal  translocation  Monosomy Inversion.
Problem 95 Which one of the following  statements  about Cycas  is incorrect? It has  circinatevernation Its xylem is  mainly  composed  of xylem  vessel   its roots  contain  some  blue-green  algae  it does not have a  well organized  female  flower.
Problem 96 The  rate at  which light energy  is converted  into  chemical energy  of organic  molecules  is the ecosystem’s   Net secondary  productivity  Gross primary productivity  Net primary productivity  Gross secondary productivity
Problem 97 Which  important  green-house  gas,  other  than  methane,  is being  produced  from the  agricultural fields? Ammonia  Nitrous oxide Arsine Sulphur  dioxide.
Problem 98 Microtubule  is involved in the Muscle  contraction  Membrane  architecture  Cell division   DNA recognition.
Problem 99 A plant  hormone  used for inducing  morphogenesis  in plant  tissue  culture  is   Cytokinins Ethylene Abscisic acid  Gibberellins.
Problem 100 Which of the  following  is the  contractile  protein  of a muscle? Tropomyosin Tubulin Myosin  All of these.
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AIPMT Biology 1998

  • 1. aipmt–Past papers BIOLOGY- UNSOLVED PAPER - 1998
  • 2. SECTION – I (Total Marks : 100) Single Correct Answer Type There are five parts in this question. Four choices are given for each part and one of them is correct. Indicate you choice of the correct answer for each part in your answer-book by writing the letter (a), (b), (c) or (d) whichever is appropriate
  • 3. 01 Problem Albinism is known to be due to an autosomal recessive mutation. The first child of a couple with normal skin pigmentation was an albino. What is the probability that their second child will also be an albino?  50% 75% 100% 25%.
  • 4. Problem 02 Human immune deficiency virus (HIV) has a protein coat and a genetic material which is   Double stranded RNA Double stranded DNA Single stranded DNA Single stranded RNA.
  • 5. Problem 03 Recombinant DNA is achieved by cleaving the pro-DNAs by   Ligase Restriction endonulcease Primase Exonucleases.
  • 6. Problem 04 In vertebrates lacteals are found in Oesophageous Ear Ileum Ischium. 
  • 7. Problem 05 Lactose is composed of   Glucose + galactose Fructose + galactose Glucose + fructose Glucose+glucose.
  • 8. Problem 06 How many different types of genetically different gametes will be produced by a heterozygous plant having the genotype AABbCc?   Six Nine Two Four.
  • 9. Problem 07 In desert grasslands, which type of animals are relatively more abundant?   Aquatic Fossorial Diurnal Arboreal.
  • 10. Problem 08 Crossing over in diploid organism is responsible for  Segregation of alleles Recombination of linked alleles Dominance of genes Linkage between genes .
  • 11. Problem 09 What is the major cause of diminishing wildlife number?   Felling of trees Paucity of drinking water Cannibalism Habitat destruction.
  • 12. Problem 10 Which one of the following cells, found in testes of rabbit sedretes male hormone?  Epithelial cells Spermatocytes Leydig’s cell Sertoli cells.
  • 13. Problem 11 A condition of failure of kidney to form urine is called Anuria Deamination Entropy None of these.
  • 14. Problem 12 Transfer of genetic information from one bacterium to another in the transduction process is through Bacteriophages released from the donor bacterial strain Another bacterium having special organ for conjugation Physical contact between donor and recipient strains Conjugation between opposite strain bacterium.
  • 15. Problem 13 The supersonic jets cause pollution by the thinning of O2 layer O3 layer CO2 layer SO2 layer.
  • 16. Problem 14 Which of the following is not the main function of lymph glands?  Forming RBC Destroying bacteria Forming WBC Forming antibodies.
  • 17. Problem 15 Which of the following organism is used as indicator of water quality?   Azospirillum Escherichia Biggiata Chlorella.
  • 18. Problem 16 If there was no CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere, the temperature of earth’s surface would be   Higher than the present Dependent on the amount of oxygen in the atmosphere Same as present Less than the present .
  • 19. Problem 17 Two opposite forces operate in the growth and development of every population. One of them related to the ability to reproduce at a given rate .The force opposite to it is called  Fecundity Environmental resistances Biotic control Mortality.
  • 20. Problem 18 Plant such as Prosopic, Acacia and Capparis represent examples of tropical   Deciduous forests Evergreen forests Grass lands Thron forests.
  • 21. Problem 19 Carbon mono-oxide is a pollutant because  Reacts with haemoglobin Makes nervous system inactive It reacts with O2 It inhibits glycolysis.
  • 22. Problem 20 Which of the following is non-symbiotic biofertilizer ?  Anabaena Rhizobium VAM Azotobacter.
  • 23. Problem 21 Yeast (Saccharomycescerevisiae) is used in the industrial production of Tetracycline Ethanol Butanol Citric acid.
  • 24. Problem 22 Transfusion tissue is present in the leaves of   Pinus Dryopteris Cycas Both ‘a’ and ‘c’ .
  • 25. Problem 23 The most important component of the oral contraceptive pills is   Thyroxine Luteinizing hormone Progesterone Growth hormone.
  • 26. Problem 24 Which one among the following chemicals is used for causing defoliation of forest trees?  Malichydrazide 2, 4-D Amo-1618 Phosphon D.
  • 27. Problem 25 The hormone which regulates the basal metabolism in our body is secreted from   Adrenal cortex Pancreas Pituitary Thyroid.
  • 28. Problem 26 Which of the following micro-organisms is used for production of citric acid in industries?  Aspergillusniger Rhizopusnigricans Lactobacillus bulgaris Penicilliumcitrinum.
  • 29. Problem 27 Phytochrome becomes active in  Red light Green light Blue light None of these .
  • 30. Problem 28 In mammals, histamine is secreted by Lymphocytes Mast cells Fibroblasts Histiocytes.
  • 31. Problem 29 Total number of bones in the limb of a man is   24 30 14 21.
  • 32. Problem 30 The reason for vegatatively reproducing crop plants to suit for maintaining hybrid vigour is that   They are more resistant to disease Once a desired hybrid produced, no chances of losing it They can be easily propagated They have a longer life span.
  • 33. Problem 31 The exchange of gases in the alveoli of the lungs takes place by   Passive transport Active transport Osmosis Simple diffusion.
  • 34. Problem 32 The role of double fertilization in angiosperms is to produce   Cotyledons Endocarp Endosperm Integuments.
  • 35. Problem 33 The contraction of gall bladder is due to  Cholecystoinin Entergastrone Gastrin Secretion.
  • 36. Problem 34 Loss of a X-chromosome in a particular cell, during its development, results into   Gynandromorphs Diploid individual Triploid individual Both ‘b’ and ‘c’ .
  • 37. Problem 35 The hormone that stimulates the stomach to secrete gastric juice is   Enterokinase Enterogastrone Gastrin Renin.
  • 38. Problem 36  When a single gene influences more than one trait it is called   Pseudodominance Pleiotrophy Epistasis None of these .
  • 39. Problem 37 One of the factors required for the maturation of erythrocytes is   Vitamin B12 Vitamin C Vitamin D Vitamin A.
  • 40. Problem 38 The layer of cells that secrete enamel of tooth is   Osteoblast Odontoblast Dentoblast Ameloblast.
  • 41. Problem 39 An adult human with average health has systolic and diastolic pressures as   120 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg 50 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg 80 mm Hg and 80 mm Hg 70 mm Hg and 120 mm Hg .
  • 42. Problem 40 In the development history of mammalian heart, it is observed that it passes through a two chambered fish like heart, three chambered frog like heart and finally four chambered stage. To which hypothesis cab this above cited statement be approximated?  Lamarck’s principle Mendalian principles Biogenetic law Hardy Weinberg law .
  • 43. Problem 41 The lower jaw in mammals is made up of  Dentary Maxills Angualrs Mandible.
  • 44. Problem 42 Calcitonin is a thyroid hormone which Elevates calcium level in blood Has no effect on calcium Elevates potassium level in blood Lowers calcium level in blood.
  • 45. Problem 43 The age of the fossil of Dryopithecus on the geological time scale is   2.5 x 106 years back 50 x 106 years back 75 x 106 years back 25 x 106 years back.
  • 46. Problem 44 Which one of the following statement is correct?  Australopithecus is the real ancestor of modern man Neanderthal man is the direct ancestor of Homo sapiens Homo erectus is the ancestor of man Cro-magnon man’s fossil has been found in Ethiopia.
  • 47. Problem 45 Species occurring in different geographical area are called as   Sympatric Allopatric Sibling Neopatric.
  • 48. Problem 46 The diversity in the type of beaks of finches adapted to different feeding habits on the Galapages Islands, as observed by Darwin, provides evidence for   Intraspecific competition Interspecific competition Origin of species by natural selection Intraspecific variations.
  • 49. Problem 47 Genetic drift operates only in  Larger populations Mendelian populations Island populations Smaller populations.
  • 50. Problem 48 Mental reterdation in man, associated with sex chromosomal abnormality is usually due to  Moderate increase in Y complement Large increase in Y complement Reduction in X complement Increases in X complement .
  • 51. Problem 49 Most appropriate term to describe the life cycle of Obelia is   Metorphosis Neoteny Metagenesis All of these .
  • 52. Problem 50 Warm ocean surge of the peru current recurring every 5 to 8 years or so in the East Pacific of South America is widely known as   EI Nino Aye Aye Magnox Cull stream.
  • 53. Problem 51 Solencytes are the main excretory structures in  Echinodermates Platyhelminthes Annelids Mollusks.
  • 54. Problem 52 The functional unit of contractile system in strained muscle is   Sarcocomere Z-band Cross bridges Myofibril.
  • 55. Problem 53 The periderm includes   Secondary phloem Cork Cambium All of these .
  • 56. Problem 54 Which one of the following is a protein deficiency disease?   Kwashiorkor Night blindness Eczema Cirrhosis.
  • 57. Problem 55 The water potential and osmotic potential of pure water are  100 are 200 zero and 100 100 and zero zero and zero.
  • 58. Problem 56 Which of the following meristems is responsible for extrastelar secondary growth in dictyledonous stem ?  Interfascicular cambium Intercalary meristem Phellogen Intrafascicular cambium.
  • 59. Problem 57 The long bones are hollow and connected by air passages. They are the characteristics of   Reptilia Land vertebrates Aves Mammals.
  • 60. Problem 58 Cellulose, the most important constituent of plant cell wall is made up of   Branched chain of glucose molecules linked by β 1, 4 glycoside bond in straight chain and α1, 6 glycosidic bond at the site of branching Unbranched chain of glucose molecules linked by 1, 4 glycosidic bond Branched chain of glucose molecules linked by 1, 6 glycosidic bond at the site of branching Unbranched chain of glucose molecules linked by 1, 4 glycosidic bond.
  • 61. Problem 59 The embryo in sunflower has  Two ctyledons Many cotyledons No cotyledon One cotyledon.
  • 62. Problem 60 Which combination of gases is suitable for fruit ripening ?   80 % CH4 and 20% CO2 80% CO2 and 20% O2 80% C2H4 and 20% CO2 80% CO2 and 20% CH2.
  • 63. Problem 61 The chemical knives of DNA are   Endonucleases Transcriptases Ligases Polymerases.
  • 64. Problem 62 What is Agent Orange?  Colour used influorescent lamp A hazardous chemical used in luminous paints A biodegradable insecticide A weedicide containing dioxin.
  • 65. Problem 63 How many genome types are present in a typical green plants cell?   More than five More than ten Two three.
  • 66. Problem 64 Botulism caused by Clostridium botulinum affects the  Lymph glands Neuromuscular junction Spleen Intestine.
  • 67. Problem 65 Floral features are chiefly used in angiosperms identification because  Flowers can be safely pressed Reproductive parts are more stable and conservative than vegetative parts Flowers are nice to work with Flowers are of various colours.
  • 68. Problem 66 How carbon monoxide, emitted by automobiles, prevents transport of oxygen in the body tissues? By forming a stable compound with haemoglobin By obstructing the reaction of oxygen with haemoglobin By changing oxygen into carbon dioxide By destroying the haemoglobin.
  • 69. Problem 67 In a terrestrial ecosystem such as forest, maximum energy is in which trophic level ?  T3 T4 T1 T2.
  • 70. Problem 68 DNA elements, which can switch their position, are called   Cistrons Transposons Exons Introns.
  • 71. Problem 69 An interesting modification of flower shape for insect pollination occurs in some orchids in which a male insect mistakes the pattern on the orchid flower for the females species and tries to copulate with it, thereby pollinating the flower, This phenomenon is called  Pseudopollination Pseudoparthenocarpy Mimicry Pseudocopulations.
  • 72. Problem 70 Two bacteria found to be very useful in genetic engineering experiments are   Nitrobacter and Azotobacter Rhizobium and Diplococcus Nitrosomonas and Kiebsiella Escherichia and Agrobacterium.
  • 73. Problem 71 The walking fen is so named because It propagates vegetatively by its leaf tips It known how to walk by itself Its spores are able to walk It is dispersed through the agency of walking animals.
  • 74. Problem 72 In the five kingdom system of classification, which single kingdom out of the following can include blue-green algae, nitrogen fixing bacteria and methanogenicarchaebacteria?  Plantae Protista Monera Fungi.
  • 75. Problem 73 A few organisms are known to grow and multiply at temperatures of 100-1500C. They belong to   Thermophilicsulphur bacteria Hot spring blue-green algae Thermophilicsubaerial fungi Marine archaebacteria.
  • 76. Problem 74 B and O. Bryophytes are dependent on water, because   Water is essential for their vegetative propagation The sperms can easily reach upto egg in the archegonium Archegonium has to remain filled with water for fertilization Water is essential for fertilization for their homosporous nature.
  • 77. Problem 75 The main role of bacteria in the carbon cycle involves Chemosynthesis Digestion or breakdown of organic compounds Photosynthesis Assimilation of nitrogenous compounds.
  • 78. Problem 76 Puccinia forms uredia and  Telia on wheat leaves Aecia on barberry leaves Pycnia on barberry leaves Aecia on wheat leaves.
  • 79. Problem 77 Ulothrix can be described as a Filamentous alga lacking flagellated reproductive stages Membranous alga producing zoospores Filamentous alga with flagellated reproductive stages Non-motile colonial alga lacking zoospor
  • 80. Problem 78 Which of the following pesticides is an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor?   Endosulfan Malathion Aldrin Y-BHC.
  • 81. Problem 79 Biological control component is central to advanced agricultural production. Which of the following is used as a third generation pesticide?   Insect repellants Organophosphate and carbamates Pathogens Pheromones.
  • 82. Problem 80 The DNA of E.coli is   Double stranded and linear Double stranded and circular Single stranded and linear Single stranded and circular.
  • 83. Problem 81 Largest sperms in the plants world are found in  Banyan Cycas Thuja Pinus.
  • 84. Problem 82 Farmers have reported over 50% higher yields of rice by using which of the following biofertilizer?  Cyanobacteria Legume-Rhizobium Symbiosis Mycorrhiza Azollapinnata.
  • 85. Problem 83 Genes that are involved in turning on or off the transcription of a set of structural genes are called   Redundant genes Regulatory genes Polymorphic genes Operator genes.
  • 86. Problem 84 If Mendel had studied the seven traits using a plant with 12 chromosomes instead of 14, in what way would his interpretation have been different?   He would not have discovered the law of independent assortment He would have discovered sex linkage He could have mapped the chromosome He would not have discovered blending or incomplete dominance.
  • 87. Problem 85 A bacterium divides every 35 minutes. If a culture containing 105 cells per ml is grown for 175 minutes, what will be the cell concentration per ml after 175 minutes?  35 x 105 cells 32 x 105 cells 175 x 105 cells 85 x 105 cells.
  • 88. Problem 86 What base is responsible for hot spots for spontaneous point mutations?   5-bromouracil 5-methylcytosine guanine adenine.
  • 89. Problem 87 Which of the following communities is more vulnerable to invasion by outside animals and plants ? Temperate forests Oceanic island communities Mangroves Tropical evergreen forests.
  • 90. Problem 88 Restriction endonucleases are   Used for in vitro DNA synthesis used in genetic engineering Synthesized by bacteria Present in mammalian cells for degradation of DNA.
  • 91. Problem 89 Which one of the following statements about cytochrome P450 is wrong?   It is a coloured cell It is an enzyme involved in oxidation reactions It has an important role in metabolism It contains iron.
  • 92. Problem 90 Typhoid fever is caused by   Shigella Escherichia Giardia Salmonella
  • 93. Problem 91 Genetic engineering is possible, because We can but DNA at specific sites by endonucleases like DNAase I Restriction endonucleases purified from bacteria can be used in vitro The phenomenon of transduction in bacteria is well underwood We can see DNA by electron microscope.
  • 94. Problem 92 The response of different organisms to the environmental rhythms of light and darkness is called   Vernalization Photoperiodism Phototaxis Phototropism.
  • 95. Problem 93 A woman with two genes for haemophilia and noe gene for colour blindness on one of the ‘X’ chromosomes marries a normal man. How will the progeny be? 50% haemophiliccolour-blind sons and 50% normal sons 50% haemophilic daughters and 50% colour blind daughters all sons and daughters haemophilic and colourblind haemophilic and colour-blind daughters.
  • 96. Problem 94 The formation of multivalents at meiosis in diploid organism is due to Deletion Reciprocal translocation Monosomy Inversion.
  • 97. Problem 95 Which one of the following statements about Cycas is incorrect? It has circinatevernation Its xylem is mainly composed of xylem vessel its roots contain some blue-green algae it does not have a well organized female flower.
  • 98. Problem 96 The rate at which light energy is converted into chemical energy of organic molecules is the ecosystem’s   Net secondary productivity Gross primary productivity Net primary productivity Gross secondary productivity
  • 99. Problem 97 Which important green-house gas, other than methane, is being produced from the agricultural fields? Ammonia Nitrous oxide Arsine Sulphur dioxide.
  • 100. Problem 98 Microtubule is involved in the Muscle contraction Membrane architecture Cell division DNA recognition.
  • 101. Problem 99 A plant hormone used for inducing morphogenesis in plant tissue culture is   Cytokinins Ethylene Abscisic acid Gibberellins.
  • 102. Problem 100 Which of the following is the contractile protein of a muscle? Tropomyosin Tubulin Myosin All of these.
  • 103. For solution visit