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Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship

      The Northern New Mexico Agritourism Corridor:
           Results and Report of Survey Activities

                       January 2013


                    The Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship, the MRCOG
The Partnership     AgCollaborative, Bernalillo County, USDA, and RDC/REDI have partnered to
                    build a core group of agritourism sites that will attract people to north and
                    central New Mexico. The partnership aims to build economic opportunities
                    that align with our cultural values, support local food production, and
                    increase revenue opportunities for farmers. The initiative is providing
                    support to local food and farm enterprises in six counties: Bernalillo, Los
                    Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Taos.

                    The project includes three phases:

                    1.) Product development (2012 and 2013)                     8/
                                                                             <1$1 #59:;'
                    2.) Marketing (2013 and 2014)                             (:9// 31";'

                    3.) Innovation and expansion.

                    This report provides a summary of the                        !""#$%&#"'
                    work and activities undertaken toward
                    product development.

                    Specifically, the results and analysis of recently completed outreach, and
                    an extensive questionnaire.

     According to national agritourism expert Jane Eckert,

        “Agritourism is the crossroads of
        tourism and agriculture: when the
        public visits working farms, ranches
        or wineries to buy products, enjoy
        entertainment, participate in activities,
        shop in a country store, eat a meal
        or make overnight stays."

                   The most recent USDA Census (2007)
 USDA Census       reports 23,350 farms offering agritourism            “Travelers are very
                   and outdoor activities, totaling $566 million         willing to pay for a
                   in annual revenues for farms. This number is         unique ‘farm to fork’
                   expected to grow as the heritage and culture          type experience.”
                   tourism market expands.

                   The heritage and cultural traveler spends more and travels for more days
                   when on vacation. On average, heritage and cultural travelers spend
                   30% more and travel 5 days instead of 3 while on travel. Combining these
                   data with the increase in travel by car suggests that agritourism will
                   continue to prove a viable strategy for rural and urbane communities
                   determined to maintain their agricultural heritage and outputs.

State Support of   States vary in their agritourism activities, policies, and levels of support.
  Agritourism      However, states are becoming more organized and more competitive in
                   this emerging market. In several states Departments of Agriculture and
                   Tourism are collaborating to provide funding and policy support to
                   agritourism operators. Colorado passed C.R.S. 38-13-116.7 in 2011,
                   allocating $300,000 annually to support agritourism endeavors;
                   Oklahoma has enacted legislation approving an Agritourism Revolving
                   Fund. States are passing legislation that defines agritourism operations,
                   limits liability for operators, and improves road signage. Overall 26 states
                   have passed agritourism legislation that will strengthen their
                   competitiveness in the marketplace.

                                                                Percent of Farms in Area with
                                                                  Income from Agritourism

                To gain an in-depth understanding of the needs of growers and market
Outreach and    venues we conducted outreach, an online questionnaire, and online
 Farm Visits    research into current national agritourism trends and data.

                GCCE visited over 40 farm and/or
                market sites (see Appendices for
                complete list of Sites Visited).
                Additionally, GCCE participated in
                AgCollaborative meetings, met
                with regional and local policy and
                tourism leaders, and hosted a
                                                                               Centinela Arts
                “FAM” tour.

                         FAM Tour in Abiquiu               The FAM (familiarization)Tour
 FAM Tour                                                  engaged local tourism and
                                                           policy leaders in a realistic
                                                           agritourism tour. The day-long
                                                           trip was hosted by Santa Fe
                                                           Walkabouts and included 9
                                                           participants. Four sites were
                                                           visited: Purple Adobe Lavender
                                                           Farm, The Feasting Place,
                                                           Centinela Traditional Arts, and
                                                           Estrella del Norte Vineyard.

                After the FAM Tour was completed and a majority of farm/agritourism sites
Questionnaire   had been visited, and after a thorough review of relevant research, a
                questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was developed by GCCE
                and J. McEntire llc between July and September, 2012. A test version of the
                questionnaire was distributed in September by e-mail to ten persons
                representing producers, markets, and support organizations; eight
                responded. Feedback from the test respondents led to a few corrections
                and adjustments to the questionnaire.

                The final questionnaire was open for responses from October 6 to
                November 20. The questionnaire was “advertised” through email blasts,
                announcements at meetings, and at farmers markets and during visits to
                sites. The questionnaire was made available through the online survey
                service, SurveyMonkey.

                Limitations of the questionnaire include that it was only available in
                English and only online.

41 Questions   The questionnaire included 41 questions addressing a wide range of topics

                  • Growers’ interest in agritourism as an added revenue stream;
                  • Diversity of experiences (products)currently available in the region;
                  • Readiness of agritourism sites to receive tourists;
                  • Current marketing activities of agritourism ventures;
                  • Existing knowledge about, understanding of agritourism issues;
                  • Existing technical support available for agritourism entrepreneurs;
                  • Gaps in technical assistance and/or skills to support agritourism;
                  • Relevant topics and information for an agritourism training.

    160        We received responses from 160 people. Of these respondents:
Respondents       63 = “I am a farmer/rancher and/or I produce goods with agricultural
                  19 = “I work for a market venue, farmers' market, restaurant, winery, CSA,
                  Co-op, other.”
                  78 = “I work with an agency or organization that supports farmers and
                  food businesses, or I'm an individual supporter.”

                                                Of these Farmer/Rancher/Producer group,
                  33 currently offer            33 currently offer agritourism activities, while
                 agritourism activities         22 more would like to offer agritourism on
                     on their site.             their farm or ranch. Only 9 are not planning
                                                on engaging in agritourism.

               Additionally, there is strong interest in learning more about how to grow
               agritourism success:

                                              Would you be interested in learning more
                                             about marketing activities that attract more
                                              visitors to your agricultural site or market

                                                                                  Not sure

  47 Growers,   The wide array of experiences for tourists range from outdoor enjoyment to
   17 Market    community engagement to traditional culture. A sampling includes:
    Venues        • Explore progressive orchard practices
Described Their   • See radical sustainability and subsistence horticulture
“Claim to Fame”   • Tour a cattle ranch
                     •      Visit American buffalo and Himalayan Yak herds
                     •      Volunteer at “farm for food bank”
                     •      Purchase heritage poultry, feather crafts
                     •      View 500 varieties of iris
                     •      Discover 85 historic fig tree types
                     •      Walk in sunflower fields
                     •      Eat fresh chile at festivals
                     •      Join planting parties in the spring
                     •      Taste a wide variety of unique fruit
                     •      Milk a goat
                     •      Grind blue corn
                     •      Canning and jam making
                     •      Community acequia activities
                     •      Rent a casita on a farm
                     •      Eat authentic traditional Pueblo food
                     •      Feel community cheer at Farmers Markets

                                What types of products do you grow and sell?


                      +&"#$%                                           Flowers or plants

                  +!"#$%                                               Herbs and spices

                                                                       Grains, seeds or legumes

                                                                       Honey, other bee products
                                                     &'"#$%            Meats

                                                                       Dairy products (8%)
                                                                       Nuts (6%)

                                                                       Wine or Beer crops (5%)

                                  What types of farm or agricultural experiences do you currently offer?
                                                          Check all that apply.































































                                    Farmers and growers’ sites vary in their readiness to
READINESS,                          host visitors. Best practices in agritourism suggest
CAPACITY TO                         that regular opening hours and clear and visible
HOST VISITORS                       signage are essential for success. Unfortunately,
                                    agritourism is a seasonal business, farmers are
                                    subject to weather, seasons, and the resulting
                                    available experiences (u-pick, garden tours, etc.)
How often is                        Respondents varied in their regularity of opening
your business
                                    dates/hours: 53 are open “Varies by month or
open for visitor
                                    season”, 23 are open 2-7 days per week, and 23 are
                                    open only for special events.
Number of                           As we strive for market competitiveness, agritourism sites across the region
farmer/grower                       will do well to collaborate and organize so we can collectively provide a
agritourism                         diverse and accessible array of products. Additionally, we need to engage
sites offering                      outdoor tour operators more effectively as their hunting, fishing, and birding
the following:                      operations compliment the current seasonality of experiences we offer.

                                       Wheelchair accessibility
               Signage on site (Way-finding / parking)
                    Language spoken - other than English
  External signage directing visitors to your location
              Picnic tables or resting area with benches
                                         Restroom for public use
                                           Visitor Parking spaces
                                                     Drinking water

                                                                           0                 5               10             15             20              25                30

  Growth           Currently, the majority of agritourism visitors in the region stem from locales
Opportunities      within our region. This likely reflects the fact that the majority of farmers/
                   growers/producers market themselves through local farmers markets. Thus,
                   advertising and marketing campaigns that target visitors from outside the
                   region will likely increase the number of tourists visiting our sites from
                   neighboring states as well as origins beyond the southwest.

                   Advertising in southwest region food and wine publications, development of
                   google and facebook ads, and implementation of a geomapping-based
                   application or website is essential to reach beyond our current market to tourists
                   passionate about food and farms, authentic experiences, and regional cultures.

                Where do you sell your agricultural products? Check one or more.

                                                                    Farmers Market

                                                                    Local Stores

                                                                    Local Restaurants or Pubs


                                                                    Online - my own website

                                                                    Farm stand / Onsite Gift Shop

                                                                    Other people's websites


                                                                    Local Lodging


                  Where do you think most of your customers come from?

                                                      Our local community

                                                      New Mexico

                                                      Surrounding states (CO, AZ, TX, UT)


                       A noticeable opportunity for our agritourism marketing is the current lack of use
                       of Facebook and Google ads. Only 3% of respondents use these low-cost,
                       highly targeted ad tools. Yet the marketing budgets of sites indicates these
                       tools are likely their best “bang for their buck.”

                          How do most people find out about your business?

                               Facebook Ads
                                Google Ads
                                Our website
Listings of tourism events, sites, activities
   Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc)
                           Word of mouth

                                                0       10     20    30   40   50      60      70      80      90    100

                 Approximately how much money do you spend each MONTH marketing your
                                         products and services?


  Over $750


Less than $50

            0.0%        5.0%      10.0%         15.0%        20.0%    25.0%    30.0%        35.0%      40.0%        45.0%

                Approximately how much time do you spend each MONTH marketing
                                  your products and services?

  31+ hours

16-30 hours

  6-15 hours

   0-5 hours

                0.0%       5.0%           10.0%          15.0%        20.0%      25.0%              30.0%       35.0%

      Taxes and                   Managing a successful agritourism endeavor requires extensive knowledge
       Zoning                     of both the marketing and product side of the business, as well as the
                                  mundane aspects related to taxes, regulations, and zoning. Additionally,
                                  we have been told in interviews with agritourism operators that zoning
                                  challenges have made sales channels such as farmstands illegal in certain
                                  counties, and tax codes for retail sales of products or classes (GRT applies)
                                  vary as compared to fees for produce sales (no tax).

                                  Operators need to be both aware and accountable to these regulations.
                                  Additionally, as a collective, we need to stay abreast of these challenging
                                  topics --like changes in county zoning laws -- that impede the development
                                  of a robust local food and agricultural sector so we can collectively
                                  advocate for sensible policies that support our communities and heritage.

                                  Human nature being what it is, respondents declared the least knowledge
                                  and the least interest in issues related to taxes and zoning. Our trainings
                                  will cover these topics despite their relative lack of appeal.

      In relation to having people visit agritourism sites (farms, farmstands, markets), how knowledgeable are
                                            you about the following topics?
  Taxes on visitor-related activity
                 Sanitation codes                                                                                  Very knowledgeable
                           Permits                                                                                 Knowledgeable
                     Zoning codes                                                                                  A little knowledge
                   Building codes                                                                                  No knowledge
                                      !"     #!"    $!"      %!"        &!"         '!"        (!"         )!"

                             What types of technical assistance would you be interested in?
      Marketing and sales Website and social   Coaching on          Site preparation,     Accounting and         Zoning / regulatory
          assistance      media planning and    developing         signage, customer       bookkeeping              information
                            development      agritourism for my         readiness           assistance

                 How interested are you in receiving the following services from an agritourism support organization?


                                                                                                                  Not interested at all
    %!"                                                                                                           Very interested


            Collaborating with Support in reaching Assistance in using Support in improving Assistance in using
           other farmers, market more customers from technology to reach our branding and     technology to
             venues, and food outside New Mexico       more customers     sales operations improve our business
                 producers                                                                       efficiency

                             The below chart shows the relative lack of technical assistance for farmers
                             working to diversify their income streams. This indicates a need for further
                             training and support for agritourism entrepreneurs. While a wide range of
                             support organizations offer assistance to agritourism operators, the key areas
                             that seem to be overlooked are in research, financing ventures, and diversifying

                             GCCE will provide agritourism entrepreneurship trainings to address these gaps.

                 What types of services do you provide to support local growers and producers?

                                    Networking opportunities
Events that feature local food, products, and beverages
                           Media, marketing, or publications
          Classes or tours that feature local food, products
                         Marketing and technical assistance
                          Policy advocacy and development
                      Preservation of agricultural resources
 Business development training for growers/producers
          Youth development for future farmers/producers
                          Options to diversify income stream
                                                                    0          5          10          15          20        25            30

              Agritourism is an expanding value-added market for agricultural producers.
              As New Mexico offers a wide variety of experiences, and as our unique culture
              and heritage delight visitors, this market is a clear fit for our state.

              However, several barriers stand between us and our potential success:
  Barriers      • We currently lack sufficient statewide support to increase our
                  competitiveness against other states’ initiatives in this market
                • Local regulations fail to take into account agritourism needs and
                  opportunities and squash our competitiveness in this market
                • Our region’s marketing approach is scattered and fails to leverage new,
                  low-cost technologies
                • Advertising needs to be targeted to culture/heritage travelers in print,
                  online, and through social media
                • Farmers and producers are not collaborating to collectively build a
                  diverse and seasonality-immune product offering
                • more diverse products are currently not recognized or engaged in the
                  agritourism community - horseback riding and hunting tour companies
                  as an example
                • Our support organizations tend to duplicate one another’s efforts
                • Farmers and producers need to develop a more sophisticated
                  understanding of regulations and taxes that affect their potential success
                • Our farm and producer sites lack signage.

              Over the next 12 months GCCE will work to provide
              training and technical assistance that builds farmer/
              producer capacity and knowledge related to the
              above issues. Toward this ends we will:
              1.) Build a Core Mentors Group with outstanding
              agritourism entrepreneurs providing support and
              advise to emerging agritourism entrepreneurs;
              2.) Offer trainings to farmers/growers/support
              organizations in Agritourism Entrepreneurship in
              Albuquerque, Española, and Taos;
              3.) Advocate for increased statewide leadership on
              regulations and policies that affect agritourism, and
              follow best practices of states across the nation.

Survey Team   Alice Loy, PhD, and Selena Marroquin, Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship
              Ann Simon and Tiffany Terry, Mid-Region Council of Governments
              Bernadette Miera, Bernalillo County Cultural Services
              Joanne McEntire, J. McEntire LLC


                                  Agritourism Sites Visited
Fred and Ruby’s Orchard                        La Chiripada Winery
Talpa Gardens                                  Española Farmers Market
Los Poblanos                                   Estrella del Norte Vineyard
San Felipe Farmers Market                      South Valley Growers Market
Chimayó Weavers                                El Bosque Garlic Farm
Pena Blanca Sunflowers                         Dixon Studio Tour
Bernalillo Farmers Market                      Casa Rondeña Winery
Black Mesa Winery                              Cerro Vista Farm
Molland Gardens                                Romero's Orchards
Abiquiu Studio Tour                            Purple Adobe Lavender Farm
Mesilla Valley Corn Maze                       Montoya Orchard
Mer Girl Gardens                               Nob Hill Growers' Market
ABQ Downtown Market                            New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum
Armijo Farmers Market                          Organic Farmers Conference
Blue Corn Guys                                 Don Quixote Distillery & Winery
Taos Arts School                               The Feasting Place
Los Lunas Farmers Market                       Los Ranchos
Santa Fe Farmers Market                        Uptown Farmers Market
Gutierrez-Hubbell House                        Matt Romero Farms
Vivac Winery                                   New Mexico Acequia Association
New Mexico Wine Growers Association            Taos Cooking Studio
Sostenga                                       Gaia Garden
Centinela Traditional Arts
List of Organizations Supporting Agritourism in our Region

•   Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau
•   Albuquerque Downtown Growers Market
•   Bountiful Conservation
•   Central Colorado Foodshed Assoc
•   Chamber of Commerces
•   Delicious New Mexico
•   Edible Santa Fe
•   El Chante
•   Farm to Table
•   Grower's Market South Valley Economic Development Center
•   Hubbell House
•   Il Piatto restaurant
•   La Boca/Taberna restaurant
•   La Montanita Coop
•   Las Cruces Convention and Visitors Bureau
•   LGBTQ Resource Center
•   Los Alamos Farmers' markets
•   Los Poblanos Noticias
•   Master Gardeners
•   Mixing Bowl New Mexico
•   Mid Region Council of Governments (MRCOG)
•   Native Plant Society
•   New Mexico Farmers Market Association Pueblo of Pojoaque
•   New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce
•   New Mexico State University Ag extension
•   Open Space Visitors Center
•   Raza Graduate Student Association
•   Santa Fe Farmer's Market
•   Shabeta's Healing Garden and Healing Center
•   Sierra Co Farmers Market
•   SLV Local Foods Coalition
•   Taos Farmers Market
•   The Bountiful Alliance
•   The Mixing Bowl
•   University of New Mexico Sustainability Program
•   Village of Los Ranchos

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Agritourism Survey

  • 1. Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship The Northern New Mexico Agritourism Corridor: Results and Report of Survey Activities January 2013 Contact:
  • 2. THE NORTHERN NM AGRITOURISM INITIATIVE The Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship, the MRCOG The Partnership AgCollaborative, Bernalillo County, USDA, and RDC/REDI have partnered to build a core group of agritourism sites that will attract people to north and central New Mexico. The partnership aims to build economic opportunities that align with our cultural values, support local food production, and increase revenue opportunities for farmers. The initiative is providing support to local food and farm enterprises in six counties: Bernalillo, Los Alamos, Rio Arriba, Sandoval, Santa Fe, and Taos. The project includes three phases: 1.) Product development (2012 and 2013) 8/ <1$1 #59:;' =#> 2.) Marketing (2013 and 2014) (:9// 31";' 1";-' 3.) Innovation and expansion. .%/01&"2' (3456)*+7-' This report provides a summary of the !""#$%&#"' ()*+,-' work and activities undertaken toward product development. Specifically, the results and analysis of recently completed outreach, and an extensive questionnaire. According to national agritourism expert Jane Eckert, “Agritourism is the crossroads of tourism and agriculture: when the public visits working farms, ranches or wineries to buy products, enjoy entertainment, participate in activities, shop in a country store, eat a meal or make overnight stays."
  • 3. THE AGRITOURISM MARKET The most recent USDA Census (2007) USDA Census reports 23,350 farms offering agritourism “Travelers are very and outdoor activities, totaling $566 million willing to pay for a in annual revenues for farms. This number is unique ‘farm to fork’ expected to grow as the heritage and culture type experience.” tourism market expands. The heritage and cultural traveler spends more and travels for more days when on vacation. On average, heritage and cultural travelers spend 30% more and travel 5 days instead of 3 while on travel. Combining these data with the increase in travel by car suggests that agritourism will continue to prove a viable strategy for rural and urbane communities determined to maintain their agricultural heritage and outputs. State Support of States vary in their agritourism activities, policies, and levels of support. Agritourism However, states are becoming more organized and more competitive in this emerging market. In several states Departments of Agriculture and Tourism are collaborating to provide funding and policy support to agritourism operators. Colorado passed C.R.S. 38-13-116.7 in 2011, allocating $300,000 annually to support agritourism endeavors; Oklahoma has enacted legislation approving an Agritourism Revolving Fund. States are passing legislation that defines agritourism operations, limits liability for operators, and improves road signage. Overall 26 states have passed agritourism legislation that will strengthen their competitiveness in the marketplace. Percent of Farms in Area with Income from Agritourism
  • 4. SURVEY & QUESTIONNAIRE To gain an in-depth understanding of the needs of growers and market Outreach and venues we conducted outreach, an online questionnaire, and online Farm Visits research into current national agritourism trends and data. GCCE visited over 40 farm and/or market sites (see Appendices for complete list of Sites Visited). Additionally, GCCE participated in AgCollaborative meetings, met with regional and local policy and tourism leaders, and hosted a Centinela Arts “FAM” tour. FAM Tour in Abiquiu The FAM (familiarization)Tour FAM Tour engaged local tourism and policy leaders in a realistic agritourism tour. The day-long trip was hosted by Santa Fe Walkabouts and included 9 participants. Four sites were visited: Purple Adobe Lavender Farm, The Feasting Place, Centinela Traditional Arts, and Estrella del Norte Vineyard. After the FAM Tour was completed and a majority of farm/agritourism sites Questionnaire had been visited, and after a thorough review of relevant research, a questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was developed by GCCE and J. McEntire llc between July and September, 2012. A test version of the questionnaire was distributed in September by e-mail to ten persons representing producers, markets, and support organizations; eight responded. Feedback from the test respondents led to a few corrections and adjustments to the questionnaire. The final questionnaire was open for responses from October 6 to November 20. The questionnaire was “advertised” through email blasts, announcements at meetings, and at farmers markets and during visits to sites. The questionnaire was made available through the online survey service, SurveyMonkey. Limitations of the questionnaire include that it was only available in English and only online.
  • 5. RESULTS: INTEREST IN AGRITOURISM 41 Questions The questionnaire included 41 questions addressing a wide range of topics including: • Growers’ interest in agritourism as an added revenue stream; • Diversity of experiences (products)currently available in the region; • Readiness of agritourism sites to receive tourists; • Current marketing activities of agritourism ventures; • Existing knowledge about, understanding of agritourism issues; • Existing technical support available for agritourism entrepreneurs; • Gaps in technical assistance and/or skills to support agritourism; • Relevant topics and information for an agritourism training. 160 We received responses from 160 people. Of these respondents: Respondents 63 = “I am a farmer/rancher and/or I produce goods with agricultural products.” 19 = “I work for a market venue, farmers' market, restaurant, winery, CSA, Co-op, other.” 78 = “I work with an agency or organization that supports farmers and food businesses, or I'm an individual supporter.” Of these Farmer/Rancher/Producer group, 33 currently offer 33 currently offer agritourism activities, while agritourism activities 22 more would like to offer agritourism on on their site. their farm or ranch. Only 9 are not planning on engaging in agritourism. Additionally, there is strong interest in learning more about how to grow agritourism success: Would you be interested in learning more about marketing activities that attract more visitors to your agricultural site or market venue? Yes No Not sure
  • 6. RESULTS: PRODUCT OFFERINGS 47 Growers, The wide array of experiences for tourists range from outdoor enjoyment to 17 Market community engagement to traditional culture. A sampling includes: Venues • Explore progressive orchard practices Described Their • See radical sustainability and subsistence horticulture “Claim to Fame” • Tour a cattle ranch • Visit American buffalo and Himalayan Yak herds • Volunteer at “farm for food bank” • Purchase heritage poultry, feather crafts • View 500 varieties of iris • Discover 85 historic fig tree types • Walk in sunflower fields • Eat fresh chile at festivals • Join planting parties in the spring • Taste a wide variety of unique fruit • Milk a goat • Grind blue corn • Canning and jam making • Community acequia activities • Rent a casita on a farm • Eat authentic traditional Pueblo food • Feel community cheer at Farmers Markets What types of products do you grow and sell? Vegetables Fruit +*"#$% !!"#$% +&"#$% Flowers or plants +!"#$% Herbs and spices Grains, seeds or legumes Honey, other bee products (*"#$% &'"#$% Meats Dairy products (8%) ()"#$% Nuts (6%) Wine or Beer crops (5%)
  • 7. RESULTS: PRODUCT OFFERINGS What types of farm or agricultural experiences do you currently offer? Check all that apply. 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 e l ps nd t es ck s es t s g ng g g or f ia an isi uc ur to nt in in in iti iti ho pi ec sta pi sv e ve to od nt dg ur rid os iv iv U- in m sp ks hu sta le er rm ct ct m pr Lo rw rm Ca k or on ra sa m ac ia g/ ts Re Fa r fa rw fo fo sto ec isi eb ee in n' ts e ng Sp ng rv re sh si so cu nt id rs vi ild Ho s Fi pi lu fo pi se A ad ic op op Vo Ch CS n as bl Ro pe Sh Sh Cl Pu O Farmers and growers’ sites vary in their readiness to READINESS, host visitors. Best practices in agritourism suggest CAPACITY TO that regular opening hours and clear and visible HOST VISITORS signage are essential for success. Unfortunately, agritourism is a seasonal business, farmers are subject to weather, seasons, and the resulting available experiences (u-pick, garden tours, etc.) How often is Respondents varied in their regularity of opening your business dates/hours: 53 are open “Varies by month or open for visitor season”, 23 are open 2-7 days per week, and 23 are activities? open only for special events. Number of As we strive for market competitiveness, agritourism sites across the region farmer/grower will do well to collaborate and organize so we can collectively provide a agritourism diverse and accessible array of products. Additionally, we need to engage sites offering outdoor tour operators more effectively as their hunting, fishing, and birding the following: operations compliment the current seasonality of experiences we offer. Wheelchair accessibility Signage on site (Way-finding / parking) Language spoken - other than English External signage directing visitors to your location Picnic tables or resting area with benches Restroom for public use Visitor Parking spaces Drinking water 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
  • 8. RESULTS: MARKETING ACTIVITIES Growth Currently, the majority of agritourism visitors in the region stem from locales Opportunities within our region. This likely reflects the fact that the majority of farmers/ growers/producers market themselves through local farmers markets. Thus, advertising and marketing campaigns that target visitors from outside the region will likely increase the number of tourists visiting our sites from neighboring states as well as origins beyond the southwest. Advertising in southwest region food and wine publications, development of google and facebook ads, and implementation of a geomapping-based application or website is essential to reach beyond our current market to tourists passionate about food and farms, authentic experiences, and regional cultures. Where do you sell your agricultural products? Check one or more. Farmers Market Local Stores Local Restaurants or Pubs Wholesale Online - my own website Farm stand / Onsite Gift Shop Other people's websites Nursery Local Lodging Wineries Where do you think most of your customers come from? Our local community New Mexico Surrounding states (CO, AZ, TX, UT) USA International
  • 9. RESULTS: MARKETING ACTIVITIES A noticeable opportunity for our agritourism marketing is the current lack of use of Facebook and Google ads. Only 3% of respondents use these low-cost, highly targeted ad tools. Yet the marketing budgets of sites indicates these tools are likely their best “bang for their buck.” How do most people find out about your business? Facebook Ads Google Ads Newsletters Newspaper Our website Listings of tourism events, sites, activities Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc) Word of mouth 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Approximately how much money do you spend each MONTH marketing your products and services? $250-$750 Over $750 $50-$250 Less than $50 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0% 40.0% 45.0% Approximately how much time do you spend each MONTH marketing your products and services? 31+ hours 16-30 hours 6-15 hours 0-5 hours 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0% 20.0% 25.0% 30.0% 35.0%
  • 10. RESULTS: GAPS IN TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Taxes and Managing a successful agritourism endeavor requires extensive knowledge Zoning of both the marketing and product side of the business, as well as the mundane aspects related to taxes, regulations, and zoning. Additionally, we have been told in interviews with agritourism operators that zoning challenges have made sales channels such as farmstands illegal in certain counties, and tax codes for retail sales of products or classes (GRT applies) vary as compared to fees for produce sales (no tax). Operators need to be both aware and accountable to these regulations. Additionally, as a collective, we need to stay abreast of these challenging topics --like changes in county zoning laws -- that impede the development of a robust local food and agricultural sector so we can collectively advocate for sensible policies that support our communities and heritage. Human nature being what it is, respondents declared the least knowledge and the least interest in issues related to taxes and zoning. Our trainings will cover these topics despite their relative lack of appeal. In relation to having people visit agritourism sites (farms, farmstands, markets), how knowledgeable are you about the following topics? Taxes on visitor-related activity Sanitation codes Very knowledgeable Permits Knowledgeable Zoning codes A little knowledge Insurance Building codes No knowledge !" #!" $!" %!" &!" '!" (!" )!" What types of technical assistance would you be interested in? 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Marketing and sales Website and social Coaching on Site preparation, Accounting and Zoning / regulatory assistance media planning and developing signage, customer bookkeeping information development agritourism for my readiness assistance site
  • 11. RESULTS: TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE NEEDS How interested are you in receiving the following services from an agritourism support organization? )!" (!" '!" Not interested at all &!" Interested %!" Very interested $!" #!" !" Collaborating with Support in reaching Assistance in using Support in improving Assistance in using other farmers, market more customers from technology to reach our branding and technology to venues, and food outside New Mexico more customers sales operations improve our business producers efficiency The below chart shows the relative lack of technical assistance for farmers working to diversify their income streams. This indicates a need for further training and support for agritourism entrepreneurs. While a wide range of support organizations offer assistance to agritourism operators, the key areas that seem to be overlooked are in research, financing ventures, and diversifying income. GCCE will provide agritourism entrepreneurship trainings to address these gaps. What types of services do you provide to support local growers and producers? Networking opportunities Events that feature local food, products, and beverages Media, marketing, or publications Classes or tours that feature local food, products Marketing and technical assistance Policy advocacy and development Preservation of agricultural resources Business development training for growers/producers Youth development for future farmers/producers Research Options to diversify income stream Financing 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
  • 12. ANALYSIS AND SUMMARY Agritourism is an expanding value-added market for agricultural producers. As New Mexico offers a wide variety of experiences, and as our unique culture and heritage delight visitors, this market is a clear fit for our state. However, several barriers stand between us and our potential success: Barriers • We currently lack sufficient statewide support to increase our competitiveness against other states’ initiatives in this market • Local regulations fail to take into account agritourism needs and opportunities and squash our competitiveness in this market • Our region’s marketing approach is scattered and fails to leverage new, low-cost technologies • Advertising needs to be targeted to culture/heritage travelers in print, online, and through social media • Farmers and producers are not collaborating to collectively build a diverse and seasonality-immune product offering • more diverse products are currently not recognized or engaged in the agritourism community - horseback riding and hunting tour companies as an example • Our support organizations tend to duplicate one another’s efforts • Farmers and producers need to develop a more sophisticated understanding of regulations and taxes that affect their potential success • Our farm and producer sites lack signage. Over the next 12 months GCCE will work to provide training and technical assistance that builds farmer/ producer capacity and knowledge related to the above issues. Toward this ends we will: 1.) Build a Core Mentors Group with outstanding agritourism entrepreneurs providing support and advise to emerging agritourism entrepreneurs; 2.) Offer trainings to farmers/growers/support organizations in Agritourism Entrepreneurship in Albuquerque, Española, and Taos; 3.) Advocate for increased statewide leadership on regulations and policies that affect agritourism, and follow best practices of states across the nation. Survey Team Alice Loy, PhD, and Selena Marroquin, Global Center for Cultural Entrepreneurship Ann Simon and Tiffany Terry, Mid-Region Council of Governments Bernadette Miera, Bernalillo County Cultural Services Joanne McEntire, J. McEntire LLC Contact:
  • 13. Appendices Agritourism Sites Visited Fred and Ruby’s Orchard La Chiripada Winery Talpa Gardens Española Farmers Market Los Poblanos Estrella del Norte Vineyard San Felipe Farmers Market South Valley Growers Market Chimayó Weavers El Bosque Garlic Farm Pena Blanca Sunflowers Dixon Studio Tour Bernalillo Farmers Market Casa Rondeña Winery Black Mesa Winery Cerro Vista Farm Molland Gardens Romero's Orchards Abiquiu Studio Tour Purple Adobe Lavender Farm Mesilla Valley Corn Maze Montoya Orchard Mer Girl Gardens Nob Hill Growers' Market ABQ Downtown Market New Mexico Farm and Ranch Heritage Museum Armijo Farmers Market Organic Farmers Conference Blue Corn Guys Don Quixote Distillery & Winery Taos Arts School The Feasting Place Los Lunas Farmers Market Los Ranchos Santa Fe Farmers Market Uptown Farmers Market Gutierrez-Hubbell House Matt Romero Farms Vivac Winery New Mexico Acequia Association New Mexico Wine Growers Association Taos Cooking Studio Sostenga Gaia Garden Centinela Traditional Arts
  • 14. List of Organizations Supporting Agritourism in our Region • Albuquerque Convention and Visitors Bureau • Albuquerque Downtown Growers Market • Bountiful Conservation • Central Colorado Foodshed Assoc • Chamber of Commerces • Delicious New Mexico • Edible Santa Fe • El Chante • Farm to Table • Grower's Market South Valley Economic Development Center • Hubbell House • Il Piatto restaurant • La Boca/Taberna restaurant • La Montanita Coop • Las Cruces Convention and Visitors Bureau • LGBTQ Resource Center • Los Alamos Farmers' markets • Los Poblanos Noticias • Master Gardeners • Mixing Bowl New Mexico • Mid Region Council of Governments (MRCOG) • Native Plant Society • New Mexico Farmers Market Association Pueblo of Pojoaque • New Mexico Green Chamber of Commerce • New Mexico State University Ag extension • Open Space Visitors Center • Raza Graduate Student Association • Santa Fe Farmer's Market • Shabeta's Healing Garden and Healing Center • Sierra Co Farmers Market • SLV Local Foods Coalition • Taos Farmers Market • The Bountiful Alliance • The Mixing Bowl • University of New Mexico Sustainability Program • Village of Los Ranchos