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The Agbar Tower




This paper will deal with the Agbar Tower which is a mega structure in Spain that stretches high

above the Barcelona skyline and lights up the night sky with illuminating LED’s that provide an

artistic look to Barcelona. The Agbar tower began construction in 1999 and ended in 2005. This

paper will discuss what the tower is made of, the inner design, the group and the architect who

designed it, as well as other aspects of the tower that will be covered in the paragraphs to follow.
The Agbar Tower

       Agbar Tower (Torre Agbar in Catalan) is a high rise, high tech, tower in Spain that

opened in 2005 and is one of the premier architectural works in all of Spain, winning the

International Highrise Award of 2006. The Agbar tower lies right outside of Barcelona and is

one of the premier towers in the area, shooting up 38 stories of office space and standing alone as

the sole tower that mimics itself in appearance. The tower itself was inspired by the shape of a

geyser, which explains the shape which seems to shoot out from the Barcelona skyline. Prolific,

imposing, overpowering, and beautiful, the Agbar Tower is one of the most modern looking, and

high tech buildings in all of Europe and is a dream in terms of the absolute modernity of it.

Breaking ground in 1999, and finally being christened by the King of Spain in 2005, the Agbar

tower remains a wonder of Barcelona and a major credit to Jean Nouvel, its French creator who

has a history of awe inspiring, and high tech architectural works. The Agbar tower is one of the

most inspiring high tech works in all of architecture, and serves as a model for high tech projects

in all modern times. The beautiful sellout that rises above the ground is a testament to the

innovation and uniqueness on the French creator. It is also considered an epic tome of modern

engineering and is something that could not have been produced a couple of decades ago.

       The Agbar Tower broke ground for construction in 1999 on the outskirts of Barcelona,

Spain, in Catalonia. It was not the first project that acclaimed architect Jean Nouvel had worked

on, but it was a welcomed addition of his to the skyline of Barcelona which was looking to ramp

up the high tech feel that it was giving out. In a city with so much history and old structures, it

was a welcomed addition to the skyline. During its construction, it was often joked at as being of
a phallic nature in its design, as for the first phase of its construction and erection, it was of a

cylindrical, closed shape which jetted into the sky high above the heads of the citizenry. The

Dragados company was commissioned to complete the Agbar tower, and the process of its

construction went on for a six year period after ground was initially broken in 1999. The

construction of the building was a lengthy one and the tower underwent change in its design

during the process of being constructed. Originally intended to be 142 meters, the tower, in its

final completion, rose 144 meters above the ground due to a small change in the decision of its

final height upon construction. The Agbar Tower was envisioned as one of the premier pieces of

artwork in architecture in all of Europe upon its conception, and was designed to live up to the

moniker that it had envisioned for itself. Construction was a lengthy process due to the design

and sheer ambition of the Agbar tower to begin with. The design of the tower was something that

had never been attempted before and therefore some extra effort was done to make sure that the

unknown variables were caught before. While most buildings that workers who were employed

to build the Agbar tower are used to building are made of materials such as concrete, wood,

plaster, and other assorted materials, the Agbar tower was a completely new design in terms of

construction and a new approach had to be taken to it. It is completely logical to say that the

Agbar tower was revolutionary in its design, as well as its construction. The phallic construction

off the bird tower created design challenges for the architect and the construction team. A lot of

people and media were interested in this building and there was added pressure to make sure that

the design off the tower was not only revolutionary but the same time appealing and functional.

        The Agbar tower began construction in 1999 and was not completed and open until 2006.

This lengthy process was due to the sheer ambition of the building itself as well as the materials

and techniques that were employed and put into practice for the building which sought out to be
one of the most revolutionary in all of Europe, adding prestige to Barcelona which is already a

city of high prestige and high design. The tower sought to combine the flamboyant nature of

much of Europe’s new skyscrapers designed by architects that are more artists than they are

architects as well as a high tech feel about it that would be known the world over in architectural

circles. The Agbar tower sought out to, and met the ambitious goal that it set for itself. The

construction of the Agbar tower was a lengthy one, and began in 1999. The group commissioned

to build the Agbar tower was the Dragados company, which over the course of 6 years used the

manpower of 1170 workers to complete the prestigious project in Barcelona. Usually building

prestigious, high tech buildings like this includes modest heights and somewhat of a modest

design in that manner as well. The designer wanted to take a different path and therefore the

tower was created with different materials and the same time stands at 120 m. The Agbar tower

defied all odds of buildings that are made like this and jetted up 120 meters into the skyline of

Barcelona, illuminating the city and itself with colorful lights. This is one of the many reasons

that construction of the Agbar tower took such a long time. Another reason that construction took

a long time was the incorporation of state of the art, innovative technology in the Agbar Tower

which also made the construction take a while as well. As was mentioned previously, the Agbar

tower illuminates, at night, itself as well as the Barcelona skyline. This is done with the

integration of Light Emitting Diodes (hereafter referred to as LED’s) into the building structure,

on the outside, that accomplish this marvelous feat and blend of art and architecture. This LED

design provided a high tech feel to the building as well as a feature that announced the

prominence of such a building to not just Barcelona, but all of Spain and beyond that as well.

The LED’s are a sort of way to announce to Europe that Spain now has a high tech high rise of

its own and it accomplished this in a most perfect manner that could be accomplished. (Pictured)

As was also previously mentioned, the height of the tower itself is another major feature of it

which provides it with an imposing nature as well as an awe inspiring beauty that is announced

to all of Barcelona. The tower was actually designed that way in order to provide great views of

the stunning and historical city of Barcelona as well as views of the Spain and Catalan country

that lies beyond the direct, and peripheral, vicinity of the Agbar tower. When these two elements

of the Agbar tower are combined, the lights that light up the entire skyline and announce its

presence, as well as the height which provides an imposing and overpowering nature of the
tower, it is a small wonder why it is one of the most prominent buildings on the Iberian

peninsula, as well as all of Spain and Europe and beyond that. (Pictured)

What Nouvel set out to accomplish in creating such a structure was fully realized by not only

him but the workers who built the tower as well as the entire city of Barcelona which gained

such high prestige in the construction and implication of one of the most ambitious projects to

ever come to the Iberian peninsula in Nouvel’s Agbar tower. The Agbar tower is for the two

reasons above, but not limited to them, one of the most awe inspiring, and creative buildings in

all of Europe and it remains to be seen what kind of structure can be brought to Spain that would

ever come close to knocking it off as the head of creative and beautiful, and not to mention

majestic, as well, buildings in all of Europe and even the world.

       The Agbar tower is occupied in its own right by a water utility company, which set to

give the building a design that would be unique and also serve and represent what the building

was to be about upon completion. For this reason, the Agbar tower was created with a sort of
water geyser design (according to Nouvel himself) which is mimicked by the phallic shape of the

object as being water rising from the ground through a geyser and exploding into the sky in a

million colors that are represented by the LED’s. The LED’s are not meant to be just that,

however, and are also meant as an artistic touch to an artistic building, one that converts its

nature to that at night when it shows its colors using thousands of light emitting diodes. These

lights not only give the tower a unique beauty which is unrivaled across the Barcelona skyline

but it also allows for the conservation of energy. Green technology which at its heart is about

building efficient buildings and at the same time using less electricity is a growing movement in

the United States. However, in the construction off this tower the light emitting diodes were used

as a way to conserve energy at the same time create a white rinse and brilliance which would

make the tower stand out from the rest of the buildings.

As can be seen from the image above, the Agbar tower is one of the more imposing structures

when looked at from the point of view of an average bystander, and pedestrian on the ground. It

has the kind of power that will make someone immediately look up and take a gaze at this

breathtaking structure which jets out of the ground, just as it wants to, like a geyser of water

penetrating the peaceful, blue, Catalan sky.

       The Agbar tower is constructed, in itself, mostly of the basic building material of

concrete. It may seem strange that such a majestic and beautiful building is made of this, but it is.

The concrete was made to last and be durable, and the building relies on it for its integral

structure build that is so crucial to the tower standing. Now, it is probably obvious to say that the

Agbar tower itself is not made of exposed concrete; otherwise it would not have the look that it

has. The Agbar tower relies on a heavily artistic and majestic design, and this could not be

accomplished with what concrete in itself could accomplish in terms of providing this artistic and
high tech look. For this reason, different materials are employed on the outside of the Agbar

tower which gives it its majestic and awe inspiring look that differ from the structures innards

that are quite boring in comparison but are crucial to the structural integrity of the Agbar tower

itself. The outside of the Agbar Tower is not concrete; otherwise it would take quite the artist and

the builders to make it what it actually is and looks like. If it were pulled off using concrete, it

would probably require some sort of trick photography, or amazingly large decal cast on its

outside to make it look the way that it actually does when viewed in person, or even in a picture

of the tower itself that may be stumbled upon by someone. The outside of the Agbar tower is

constructed using painted sheet metal strips, which in totality number to be 59,619 in number.

(Vienne, p. 52) This large number of painted sheet metal strips is also interesting in that it comes

in all different colors and sizes. This provides the building with the artsy nature that it set out to

have in the first place and really does a great job of actually making it a work of art more than it

is an amazing feat and accomplishment of architecture. These painted sheet metal strips reflect

the sun during the day dazzling the eyes off all the people will behold it and at the same time

cool off the building considerably. The sheer amount of sheet metal required for this project is

another interesting fact all in itself, but it should not take anyone by surprise as the Agbar tower

is, in itself, a very large building. Not all of the pieces of sheet metal were the same size and

shape, as can be probably inferred by something of this size and magnitude. The shapes of the

Agbar tower sheet metal differ, as can be imagined. Some were painted, and straight sheet metal

strips, while others were curved and were meant to wrap around, or cover small areas. This had

to be done due to the shape of the tower, which is curved towards the top and circular at the top.

(Johnson, p. 17) The shape came to Nouvel after he realized (according to an interview) that not

all towers had to be the same and that the actual idea of a tower could be innovative in nature. He
wanted to reinvent the tower and he did a good job in pulling that feat off. The architect wanted

to create an organic building versus the rigid and linear designs that are so common in

skyscrapers across the world. To create this design required an enormous amount of innovation

and the use of different materials and especially the sheet metal to allow it to curve as in the case

of organic materials in nature. The tower itself is not so much a feat of sheet metal, though, in its

construction, but is also one of concrete as well. The tower is held together by two cylinders of

concrete that are separated from each other and sort of filled in to make the building go up and

provide content in it. It is the outer cylinder which provides the building with its majestic look

that lights up the Barcelonian skyline and is really what makes the Agbar tower the Agbar tower.

       The Agbar tower is an expression in itself of Barcelonian culture, and Catalan expertise

in its construction, design, and execution in how it was built. The structure is a testament to the

tenacity, and determination of Nouvel, as well as of the workers in the construction and design of

the project that ultimately became the world famous Agbar tower known throughout the globe.

Piercing the veil of historical and traditional Spanish art, but providing enough beauty and

majesty to fit in, the Agbar tower added, in the construction of itself, a new facet of Spanish art

and design that will surely be incorporated into future building projects that will come out of

Spain. Built with extensive manpower, extensive and copious amounts of steel, concrete, wiring,

and other materials like glass, and with building materials that were used and employed to match

the imposing size of the building, too. Cranes, cherry pickers, and extensive elaborate

scaffolding was used to make the building go, and it was obviously a tough project to complete,

so every one of these things had to be employed and coupled with the materials to make sure that

the Agbar tower could be pulled off and built in the way that it was to look the way it currently

looks to the average person. It is impossible not to notice it. If I can inject my own opinion into
this writing, I would say that that was another goal that Novel set out to achieve when he made

the Agbar tower, and he achieved that goal with flawless perfection, and the Agbar tower

absolutely lights up the air and generates excitement in the area that it is in and provides joy to

the Barcelonians who get to call it their own when they look up in the sky and see it.

        If the Agbar tower were constructed today, it could be pulled off, but maybe something

so prominent and protrusive on the skyline, in a place like New York for example could be

pulled off in another city besides Barcelona, which adds to the skyline there better than it would

in a dense, congested city where it might not be as noticed. But, that is what makes the Agbar

tower so great in its design and execution and its erection. In a city like New York, where there

are a lot of skyscrapers and other buildings to compete with, the at the tower could never be

realized. The reason being, that they would not be many people would be willing to invest in the

building that was so unique and different from the others. Because the Barcelona's felt that they

needed to create something that was different and we talked about for many years to come is part

of the reason why the architect was given so much freedom in creating something that was truly

unique and interesting. The tower stands as a testament to the risks that the investors and the

government took in giving the architect the freedom to create something that was truly amazing

and different. The other problem with creating a tower of this size and magnitude is the sheer

cost of something like this and with a design like this it would not be feasible to produce

something in the current economic climate. The fact that it jets up like a blue and silver sword

and pierces the night sky with its lights or the daytime with its sheer look is what makes it so

great and inspiring to artists and architects all the world over. In a modest city like Barcelona, it

is what was needed at the time to make it such an inspiring work of art. It is of the opinion of the

writer of this piece that it would not be so simple to put that together in a larger city, so a
reconstruction may not be so effective in another major city, but would have an effect in one

without a major and prominent skyline, maybe such as Phoenix or Tucson in the state of

Arizona. The technology certainly is there to make a building like this and to possibly make a

building even more majestic and true to form than the Agbar tower is, but it may not have the

same effect and without that, it is not what the Agbar tower is to the people of Barcelona. If it

were theoretically recreated again, I think that it would mimic something about the city that it

was in. For example, if it was built in San Francisco, California, it might look something like a

sailboat like another famous structure has as its basis of design, or it might have some different

colors in it. San Francisco has much more of a brick and Victorian feel to it, so it might mimic

those designs in its constructions. Secondly, I can imagine that it would also light up the night

sky and sort of announce itself to the entire city as being a structure worth looking at and worth

being taken a picture with or a picture of it to send to friends back home. it would have to be a

defining structure of a city and I think, and know that it could be pulled off somewhere in the

United States with the correct amount of brain power, and will to make such a structure. The

Agbar tower could be created again, with a large labor force, but it would be a stretch since the

original Agbar tower stands on its own as a pioneer and leader of the architectural world and an

inspiration to architects and artists from Iberia, to Europe, to the rest of the globe. It stands on its

own as one of the major accomplishments of our times in terms of architectural design.

        In conclusion, the Agbar tower stands alone as an inspirational artwork of Barcelona that

also happens to double as a magnificent skyscraper that jets into the sky in a manner that lets

everyone know where it is at. This beautiful piece of work provides majesty and prestige to

Barcelona. The Agbar tower is a great piece from Nouvel and is interesting from its design to its

structure to the inner workings of this magnificent piece. It can never be made again in the
manner it was and stands alone as the sole gem of the Barcelona skyline for the reason of

determination, design, and planning by Nouvel and everyone involved in the project of the Agbar

Works Cited

      Heller, Steven, and Véronique Vienne. 100 ideas that changed graphic design. London:
Laurence King, 2012. Print.

       Johnson, Scott. Tall building: imagining the skyscraper. Los Angeles, Calif.: Balcony,
2008. Print.

        "Torre Agbar - Torre Agbar information and pictures." Go There Guide - Travel Guide.
N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>.

                                            Copyright by

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Agbar tower revised

  • 1. The Agbar Tower Name School Date
  • 2. Abstract This paper will deal with the Agbar Tower which is a mega structure in Spain that stretches high above the Barcelona skyline and lights up the night sky with illuminating LED’s that provide an artistic look to Barcelona. The Agbar tower began construction in 1999 and ended in 2005. This paper will discuss what the tower is made of, the inner design, the group and the architect who designed it, as well as other aspects of the tower that will be covered in the paragraphs to follow.
  • 3. The Agbar Tower Agbar Tower (Torre Agbar in Catalan) is a high rise, high tech, tower in Spain that opened in 2005 and is one of the premier architectural works in all of Spain, winning the International Highrise Award of 2006. The Agbar tower lies right outside of Barcelona and is one of the premier towers in the area, shooting up 38 stories of office space and standing alone as the sole tower that mimics itself in appearance. The tower itself was inspired by the shape of a geyser, which explains the shape which seems to shoot out from the Barcelona skyline. Prolific, imposing, overpowering, and beautiful, the Agbar Tower is one of the most modern looking, and high tech buildings in all of Europe and is a dream in terms of the absolute modernity of it. Breaking ground in 1999, and finally being christened by the King of Spain in 2005, the Agbar tower remains a wonder of Barcelona and a major credit to Jean Nouvel, its French creator who has a history of awe inspiring, and high tech architectural works. The Agbar tower is one of the most inspiring high tech works in all of architecture, and serves as a model for high tech projects in all modern times. The beautiful sellout that rises above the ground is a testament to the innovation and uniqueness on the French creator. It is also considered an epic tome of modern engineering and is something that could not have been produced a couple of decades ago. The Agbar Tower broke ground for construction in 1999 on the outskirts of Barcelona, Spain, in Catalonia. It was not the first project that acclaimed architect Jean Nouvel had worked on, but it was a welcomed addition of his to the skyline of Barcelona which was looking to ramp up the high tech feel that it was giving out. In a city with so much history and old structures, it was a welcomed addition to the skyline. During its construction, it was often joked at as being of
  • 4. a phallic nature in its design, as for the first phase of its construction and erection, it was of a cylindrical, closed shape which jetted into the sky high above the heads of the citizenry. The Dragados company was commissioned to complete the Agbar tower, and the process of its construction went on for a six year period after ground was initially broken in 1999. The construction of the building was a lengthy one and the tower underwent change in its design during the process of being constructed. Originally intended to be 142 meters, the tower, in its final completion, rose 144 meters above the ground due to a small change in the decision of its final height upon construction. The Agbar Tower was envisioned as one of the premier pieces of artwork in architecture in all of Europe upon its conception, and was designed to live up to the moniker that it had envisioned for itself. Construction was a lengthy process due to the design and sheer ambition of the Agbar tower to begin with. The design of the tower was something that had never been attempted before and therefore some extra effort was done to make sure that the unknown variables were caught before. While most buildings that workers who were employed to build the Agbar tower are used to building are made of materials such as concrete, wood, plaster, and other assorted materials, the Agbar tower was a completely new design in terms of construction and a new approach had to be taken to it. It is completely logical to say that the Agbar tower was revolutionary in its design, as well as its construction. The phallic construction off the bird tower created design challenges for the architect and the construction team. A lot of people and media were interested in this building and there was added pressure to make sure that the design off the tower was not only revolutionary but the same time appealing and functional. The Agbar tower began construction in 1999 and was not completed and open until 2006. This lengthy process was due to the sheer ambition of the building itself as well as the materials and techniques that were employed and put into practice for the building which sought out to be
  • 5. one of the most revolutionary in all of Europe, adding prestige to Barcelona which is already a city of high prestige and high design. The tower sought to combine the flamboyant nature of much of Europe’s new skyscrapers designed by architects that are more artists than they are architects as well as a high tech feel about it that would be known the world over in architectural circles. The Agbar tower sought out to, and met the ambitious goal that it set for itself. The construction of the Agbar tower was a lengthy one, and began in 1999. The group commissioned to build the Agbar tower was the Dragados company, which over the course of 6 years used the manpower of 1170 workers to complete the prestigious project in Barcelona. Usually building prestigious, high tech buildings like this includes modest heights and somewhat of a modest design in that manner as well. The designer wanted to take a different path and therefore the tower was created with different materials and the same time stands at 120 m. The Agbar tower defied all odds of buildings that are made like this and jetted up 120 meters into the skyline of Barcelona, illuminating the city and itself with colorful lights. This is one of the many reasons that construction of the Agbar tower took such a long time. Another reason that construction took a long time was the incorporation of state of the art, innovative technology in the Agbar Tower which also made the construction take a while as well. As was mentioned previously, the Agbar tower illuminates, at night, itself as well as the Barcelona skyline. This is done with the integration of Light Emitting Diodes (hereafter referred to as LED’s) into the building structure, on the outside, that accomplish this marvelous feat and blend of art and architecture. This LED design provided a high tech feel to the building as well as a feature that announced the prominence of such a building to not just Barcelona, but all of Spain and beyond that as well. The LED’s are a sort of way to announce to Europe that Spain now has a high tech high rise of its own and it accomplished this in a most perfect manner that could be accomplished. (Pictured)
  • 6. As was also previously mentioned, the height of the tower itself is another major feature of it which provides it with an imposing nature as well as an awe inspiring beauty that is announced to all of Barcelona. The tower was actually designed that way in order to provide great views of the stunning and historical city of Barcelona as well as views of the Spain and Catalan country that lies beyond the direct, and peripheral, vicinity of the Agbar tower. When these two elements of the Agbar tower are combined, the lights that light up the entire skyline and announce its presence, as well as the height which provides an imposing and overpowering nature of the
  • 7. tower, it is a small wonder why it is one of the most prominent buildings on the Iberian peninsula, as well as all of Spain and Europe and beyond that. (Pictured) What Nouvel set out to accomplish in creating such a structure was fully realized by not only him but the workers who built the tower as well as the entire city of Barcelona which gained such high prestige in the construction and implication of one of the most ambitious projects to ever come to the Iberian peninsula in Nouvel’s Agbar tower. The Agbar tower is for the two reasons above, but not limited to them, one of the most awe inspiring, and creative buildings in all of Europe and it remains to be seen what kind of structure can be brought to Spain that would ever come close to knocking it off as the head of creative and beautiful, and not to mention majestic, as well, buildings in all of Europe and even the world. The Agbar tower is occupied in its own right by a water utility company, which set to give the building a design that would be unique and also serve and represent what the building was to be about upon completion. For this reason, the Agbar tower was created with a sort of
  • 8. water geyser design (according to Nouvel himself) which is mimicked by the phallic shape of the object as being water rising from the ground through a geyser and exploding into the sky in a million colors that are represented by the LED’s. The LED’s are not meant to be just that, however, and are also meant as an artistic touch to an artistic building, one that converts its nature to that at night when it shows its colors using thousands of light emitting diodes. These lights not only give the tower a unique beauty which is unrivaled across the Barcelona skyline but it also allows for the conservation of energy. Green technology which at its heart is about building efficient buildings and at the same time using less electricity is a growing movement in the United States. However, in the construction off this tower the light emitting diodes were used as a way to conserve energy at the same time create a white rinse and brilliance which would make the tower stand out from the rest of the buildings. As can be seen from the image above, the Agbar tower is one of the more imposing structures when looked at from the point of view of an average bystander, and pedestrian on the ground. It has the kind of power that will make someone immediately look up and take a gaze at this breathtaking structure which jets out of the ground, just as it wants to, like a geyser of water penetrating the peaceful, blue, Catalan sky. The Agbar tower is constructed, in itself, mostly of the basic building material of concrete. It may seem strange that such a majestic and beautiful building is made of this, but it is. The concrete was made to last and be durable, and the building relies on it for its integral structure build that is so crucial to the tower standing. Now, it is probably obvious to say that the Agbar tower itself is not made of exposed concrete; otherwise it would not have the look that it has. The Agbar tower relies on a heavily artistic and majestic design, and this could not be accomplished with what concrete in itself could accomplish in terms of providing this artistic and
  • 9. high tech look. For this reason, different materials are employed on the outside of the Agbar tower which gives it its majestic and awe inspiring look that differ from the structures innards that are quite boring in comparison but are crucial to the structural integrity of the Agbar tower itself. The outside of the Agbar Tower is not concrete; otherwise it would take quite the artist and the builders to make it what it actually is and looks like. If it were pulled off using concrete, it would probably require some sort of trick photography, or amazingly large decal cast on its outside to make it look the way that it actually does when viewed in person, or even in a picture of the tower itself that may be stumbled upon by someone. The outside of the Agbar tower is constructed using painted sheet metal strips, which in totality number to be 59,619 in number. (Vienne, p. 52) This large number of painted sheet metal strips is also interesting in that it comes in all different colors and sizes. This provides the building with the artsy nature that it set out to have in the first place and really does a great job of actually making it a work of art more than it is an amazing feat and accomplishment of architecture. These painted sheet metal strips reflect the sun during the day dazzling the eyes off all the people will behold it and at the same time cool off the building considerably. The sheer amount of sheet metal required for this project is another interesting fact all in itself, but it should not take anyone by surprise as the Agbar tower is, in itself, a very large building. Not all of the pieces of sheet metal were the same size and shape, as can be probably inferred by something of this size and magnitude. The shapes of the Agbar tower sheet metal differ, as can be imagined. Some were painted, and straight sheet metal strips, while others were curved and were meant to wrap around, or cover small areas. This had to be done due to the shape of the tower, which is curved towards the top and circular at the top. (Johnson, p. 17) The shape came to Nouvel after he realized (according to an interview) that not all towers had to be the same and that the actual idea of a tower could be innovative in nature. He
  • 10. wanted to reinvent the tower and he did a good job in pulling that feat off. The architect wanted to create an organic building versus the rigid and linear designs that are so common in skyscrapers across the world. To create this design required an enormous amount of innovation and the use of different materials and especially the sheet metal to allow it to curve as in the case of organic materials in nature. The tower itself is not so much a feat of sheet metal, though, in its construction, but is also one of concrete as well. The tower is held together by two cylinders of concrete that are separated from each other and sort of filled in to make the building go up and provide content in it. It is the outer cylinder which provides the building with its majestic look that lights up the Barcelonian skyline and is really what makes the Agbar tower the Agbar tower. The Agbar tower is an expression in itself of Barcelonian culture, and Catalan expertise in its construction, design, and execution in how it was built. The structure is a testament to the tenacity, and determination of Nouvel, as well as of the workers in the construction and design of the project that ultimately became the world famous Agbar tower known throughout the globe. Piercing the veil of historical and traditional Spanish art, but providing enough beauty and majesty to fit in, the Agbar tower added, in the construction of itself, a new facet of Spanish art and design that will surely be incorporated into future building projects that will come out of Spain. Built with extensive manpower, extensive and copious amounts of steel, concrete, wiring, and other materials like glass, and with building materials that were used and employed to match the imposing size of the building, too. Cranes, cherry pickers, and extensive elaborate scaffolding was used to make the building go, and it was obviously a tough project to complete, so every one of these things had to be employed and coupled with the materials to make sure that the Agbar tower could be pulled off and built in the way that it was to look the way it currently looks to the average person. It is impossible not to notice it. If I can inject my own opinion into
  • 11. this writing, I would say that that was another goal that Novel set out to achieve when he made the Agbar tower, and he achieved that goal with flawless perfection, and the Agbar tower absolutely lights up the air and generates excitement in the area that it is in and provides joy to the Barcelonians who get to call it their own when they look up in the sky and see it. If the Agbar tower were constructed today, it could be pulled off, but maybe something so prominent and protrusive on the skyline, in a place like New York for example could be pulled off in another city besides Barcelona, which adds to the skyline there better than it would in a dense, congested city where it might not be as noticed. But, that is what makes the Agbar tower so great in its design and execution and its erection. In a city like New York, where there are a lot of skyscrapers and other buildings to compete with, the at the tower could never be realized. The reason being, that they would not be many people would be willing to invest in the building that was so unique and different from the others. Because the Barcelona's felt that they needed to create something that was different and we talked about for many years to come is part of the reason why the architect was given so much freedom in creating something that was truly unique and interesting. The tower stands as a testament to the risks that the investors and the government took in giving the architect the freedom to create something that was truly amazing and different. The other problem with creating a tower of this size and magnitude is the sheer cost of something like this and with a design like this it would not be feasible to produce something in the current economic climate. The fact that it jets up like a blue and silver sword and pierces the night sky with its lights or the daytime with its sheer look is what makes it so great and inspiring to artists and architects all the world over. In a modest city like Barcelona, it is what was needed at the time to make it such an inspiring work of art. It is of the opinion of the writer of this piece that it would not be so simple to put that together in a larger city, so a
  • 12. reconstruction may not be so effective in another major city, but would have an effect in one without a major and prominent skyline, maybe such as Phoenix or Tucson in the state of Arizona. The technology certainly is there to make a building like this and to possibly make a building even more majestic and true to form than the Agbar tower is, but it may not have the same effect and without that, it is not what the Agbar tower is to the people of Barcelona. If it were theoretically recreated again, I think that it would mimic something about the city that it was in. For example, if it was built in San Francisco, California, it might look something like a sailboat like another famous structure has as its basis of design, or it might have some different colors in it. San Francisco has much more of a brick and Victorian feel to it, so it might mimic those designs in its constructions. Secondly, I can imagine that it would also light up the night sky and sort of announce itself to the entire city as being a structure worth looking at and worth being taken a picture with or a picture of it to send to friends back home. it would have to be a defining structure of a city and I think, and know that it could be pulled off somewhere in the United States with the correct amount of brain power, and will to make such a structure. The Agbar tower could be created again, with a large labor force, but it would be a stretch since the original Agbar tower stands on its own as a pioneer and leader of the architectural world and an inspiration to architects and artists from Iberia, to Europe, to the rest of the globe. It stands on its own as one of the major accomplishments of our times in terms of architectural design. In conclusion, the Agbar tower stands alone as an inspirational artwork of Barcelona that also happens to double as a magnificent skyscraper that jets into the sky in a manner that lets everyone know where it is at. This beautiful piece of work provides majesty and prestige to Barcelona. The Agbar tower is a great piece from Nouvel and is interesting from its design to its structure to the inner workings of this magnificent piece. It can never be made again in the
  • 13. manner it was and stands alone as the sole gem of the Barcelona skyline for the reason of determination, design, and planning by Nouvel and everyone involved in the project of the Agbar tower.
  • 14. Works Cited Heller, Steven, and Véronique Vienne. 100 ideas that changed graphic design. London: Laurence King, 2012. Print. Johnson, Scott. Tall building: imagining the skyscraper. Los Angeles, Calif.: Balcony, 2008. Print. "Torre Agbar - Torre Agbar information and pictures." Go There Guide - Travel Guide. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Apr. 2012. <>. Copyright by