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Aerospace Engineer
"I believe destiny and hard work go hand in hand"(Chopra). This quote was said by priyanka
chopra. He was explaining how much his work means to him and that life requires hard work. In this
job one can create models of engineering designs and explaining methods for different items.
Electrical, Electronics, and mechanical are just some subjects one might get to experience with.
Artificial intelligence systems are just one of the items one might design.
An advantage of being an aerospace engineer is it great pay. Aerospace engineers are very fortunate
it to get good pay for what they do. Most engineers get paid every week or every two weeks. One
can get paid as much as up toward 400 dollars a day but if one would only work 8 hours they get
$320. One is guaranteed a job because the government is always in need. When it's time to retire
they give a good plan and reasonable life insurance. They also will give one a pension for all the
years of hard work over the years of service. Typical aerospace engineers make around $107,803 per
year. They are always in competition with others to be the best so one will get more money. Average
pay per hour is around $51.84 which is better then a fast food restaurant. ... Show more content on ...
This job is the typically hands on for example won will have to invent objects to help the
government in ways that are needed. They will ask for new defence systems for example satellites
and such. In this ob there are million dollar ticket items such as engines for spacecraft, mars rovers
for planets and others this job is very involved with problem solving skills. They also make sure that
you are able to fix the objects they have like satellites and such. As like in apollo 13 movie with tom
hanks. This job is not an indoor constant job it's both indoor and outdoor. This is job is not for the
desk job people it's very
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Pursuing A Career As A Nuclear Engineer
I have been conducting research on nuclear engineers. I find this job fascinating because I have
always loved science and I think that radiation is interesting. Nuclear engineers are people who
design and create most of anything that deals with nuclear properties. Nuclear engineers are
important to the world because they are the minds behind things such as clean energy and many
medical tools and equipment. There are many different fields that a nuclear engineer can be
employed in such as medical fields or nuclear power plant design. The main thing about this
occupation that appeals to me is that they design and make this that improve our world in many
ways and there are endless possibilities for innovation. I would love to know that I can use my mind
to help change the world in whatever way I choose. ... Show more content on ...
As of 2014, only 16,800 people were employed as nuclear engineers. Not only is this a very small
group of people but this career is projected to have a –4% decline in employment from 2014 to
2024. This means that 700 jobs are projected to be lost by 2024. Nuclear engineers are most often
employed around areas where clean nuclear energy is mainstream such as California, South
Carolina, and Virginia. Other positions can be found across the country because nuclear engineers
can specialize in different fields like aerospace and medical ("Nuclear Engineers Summary").
Nuclear engineers have a broad range of responsibilities and duties due to the nature of the position.
If a nuclear engineer was employed with a company that built nuclear power plants they would be
expected to develop and design the reactor as a whole or many other essential components. Most of
the time a nuclear engineer will work in an office at a computer. They spend their day responding to
emails, attending meetings, and actually engineering
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Becoming An Automotive Engineer Essay
Becoming an Automotive Engineer Do you like to work with automobiles and modify them? Then
being an automotive engineer is for you. Say your car breaks down, what are you going to do? Oh
wait, you're an automotive engineer, you can fix it! To become an automotive engineer, there are
certain job tasks, special skills and talents, as well as a higher education that you need to be aware
of. Some of the most important job tasks you have to do are conducting and directing automotive
testing and preparing or presenting status reports. Special skills are also very important to becoming
a successful automotive engineer. They involve complex problem solving, judgement and decision
making, and reasoning. Most important of all is the educational aspect.
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The Engineer Discourse Community : A Journal Article
To open this essay I have to start with saying that I will not be analyzing a manuscript, but a journal
article instead, which the reason for will be explained later. Now, to define a journal article in a
simple and modern definition, we can say it is a professionally published article that deals with a
specialized subject. More specifically, in this case our genre is an engineering journal article.
Contents within will range from current research results, charts and graphs of data, even current
standings and analysis on subjects. A journal article is ultimately intended for engineers who have a
research interest in a field, with at least some prior knowledge. The level of which its usefulness
arises to is based on background knowledge on the topic. The engineer discourse community who
will pick up this genre will most likely be familiar, to a degree, with the content, or at least have
prior knowledge of engineering concepts. Those engineers who want to help or further their own
research will turn to these articles; they can then base where to begin once having been briefed by its
content. These engineering journal articles allow for the progression of engineering, making them
the most important genre encountered in the field. Engineers will want to carefully read the
information presented, perhaps even a couple times through to fully grasp what they read. In the end
spending ample time to fully explore the article. This shows that the genre itself is meant for
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The Engineer Extraordinaire
An engineering career can give options to a college–graduate that are hard to match. Engineering is
a rewarding career path that requires hard work, and dedication. The hard work of a prospective
engineer can be shown in the benefits he receives upon entering the workforce. For example,
according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the starting salaries of engineers are among the highest
in the nation ("Engineers", 2012, para. 4). Good things come to those who work hard. Mechanical
Engineering would agree in mentioning that because engineering is so applicable
to everyday situations, engineers can find work almost anywhere ("Mechanical Engineering salary",
2012). Both of these corporations help enlighten the fact that ... Show more content on ... tells of how an electrical engineer can earn an annual salary of
$55,353 at most with less than one year of experience ("Electrical Engineering Salary", 2012).
Mechanical engineers, according to, can receive up to the
average base salary which, " around $66,000 per year" ("Mechanical Engineering Salary", 2012).
As history progressed, the need for engineers greatly increased and more people were willing to pay
for a good engineer. The World Book verifies that it was around the time of the industrial revolution
that the role of engineers expanded more rapidly ("Engineering", 1999). Ever since then, the need
for engineers has grown even more. Engineering Degrees states that today, the body of
engineers in the U.S. is 1.5 million strong and still growing ("How long does it take to become an
engineer?", 2012). It would appear that these people liked being paid a lot of money, so they became
Quite often, prospective engineers partake in more than 4 years of college, but other options are
available. Sometimes an individual does not require any more than 2–years of education in
engineering. According to, "Some engineering schools and 2–year colleges
have agreements whereby the 2–year college provides the initial engineering education"
("Mechanical Engineers", 2003, para. 10). A field as broad as mechanical engineering often
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A Successful Engineer Essay
Obstacles had never been obstructing my effort to succeed in life. As an engineer to be, it is
important to me to be prepared for the hurdles in the real world. The world nowadays needs a person
who could compete and has great abilities to stand on the same level as others. Multiple skills and
critical opinion of an issue are essential for an engineer to jump into this challenging career. For me,
a strategic planning and full preparation need to achieve the aim of being an expert engineer.
To accomplish my goal, it is very vital to reflect myself and make an action in increasing my
effectiveness and reaching my potential. 4000 miles away from hometown are a sacrifice that I had
made not just for a degree but more than that. Being an ... Show more content on ...
Besides, I have the problem to find the key points and important facts during the lectures, and I am
wasting my time writing down the points which not necessary. I cannot see the overall concept
which the lectures try to deliver and the important ideas. I don't want this to be a problem for me
anymore as it may affect my study and my concentration during lecture time. So I make a step to
seek and think what the main concept is, and I try relating all the ideas of the course so that I can see
clearly the overall picture and understand the topics that I learn. I also read the notes and make an
effort to understand the lesson that will teach before going to the lecture. This helps me to give the
overall idea of new topic that I will learn.
Time management is the key thing of successful. I am not good in managing time because I don't
organize my study time carefully and not use my time wisely during work. I always leave everything
until the last minute, and sometimes I do unimportant things like playing games, surfing internet and
watching movie, but actually I know there a lot of work to finish off. I get to the bottom of this crisis
and try to systematize my study and set up my work. I make a schedule of revision, and I put a date
where I need to complete the schoolwork. I also make a small target, for example, I want to
understand the concept of heat transfer by the end of this week, and I have to achieve it no matter
what. I
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Why I Am An Engineer
Engineering is a field of boundless possibilities that makes everything that we do possible. Ranging
from bridges field with civil engineering and medical field with biomechanical engineering to the oil
industry with petroleum engineering, engineering is a vast field of opportunities.
The buildings we work at, the cars we drive, the technology we use have all been made possible by
the work of engineers. That is the main reason why I desire to be an engineer. I want to work in a
field that I will be able to make a difference and have a job that am proud of and still enjoy.
The first engineering class that I attended was quite surprising. My perception of engineering had
always been of technical equations and solving complex issues. This class on the other hand
introduced me to the work of Raymond B. Landis who wrote the book studying engineering. The
book was a revelation to me as it articulated what aclass engineering student is a student who has
mastered the tools of success, is confident and determined.
After reading the book I realized that if I was going to be a successful engineer I had to adopt a new
way in which I will use in the process of acquiring my degree in engineering. There are techniques
and steps that are used by world class engineer in the process of acquiring a degree in engineering.
The main focus of this paper is to articulate how I will proceed in my endeavor to become a world
class engineering student and graduate with a degree in engineering.
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The Career Of A Civil Engineer
As Corrie Ten Boom once said "When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don 't
throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." Engineering has always
been an interesting job for many people, dealing with how structures stand and what makes them
stand draws a large amount of people towards this career. Engineers aren 't just responsible for the
shape of a building, but they must bear the responsibility of the structural stability of the building as
well. They keep these structures safe for the people while meeting the design standards given, this
requires a tremendous amount of skill in physics, problem solving, and three–dimensional
conceptual skills to assist them during the challenges that they ... Show more content on ...
Combine all the responsibility for making sure that everything is safe and there will be no problems
years after the project is finished, they also have to meet all regulations and guidelines that are given
by the employer and the state. Moving past all the general duties, there are countless other small,
specific responsibilities that engineers undertake. An average day is filled with inspecting the goals
of the project, doing the math to make sure everything will stand sturdy and be safe, and they also
have to go out onto the site and make sure that everything fits together and there will be no
problems. Civil engineers must be prepared to follow the project from start to finish, they need to be
willing to endure extra hours and make any changes that seem necessary to complete the project
while ensuring the safety of the people. The average civil engineer works full time, and about one in
four engineers work more than forty hours a week, which could be even more depending on their
role and position on the construction job. The hours vary between engineers, however, with more
responsibility, the engineers must also be willing to work extra hours to complete what they have
Engineering is a very experienced based job, so there are not a large number of qualifications except
the ability to gain experience over time and some college education. To become a civil engineer, you
need to obtain a bachelor 's degree in college and study in
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Civil Engineer Responsibilities
The responsibilities of professional civil engineers
1.0 Introduction
Civil engineers play a massive role in building society as we know it they are responsible for our
quality of life. Civil engineers plan, design, maintain and construct infrastructure such as railways,
dams and water systems. This report will touch upon a few of the important day to day
responsibilities that civil engineers face and highlight the importance of these responsibilities. This
report will also mention a few of the key attributes of being a professional civil engineer taken from
the ICE (institute of civil engineers). Other attributes that haven't been mentioned in the report
include: a technical and practical application of engineering, independent responsibilities and
independent judgement, professional commitment, interpersonal skills and communication and
commercial ability.
2.0 Management and leadership
Management and leadership is a key attribute for being a civil engineer. Civil engineers face many
difficulties in their job which require advanced problem solving skills. This is Especially the case on
harder projects a lot of the time you will need help and ideas from your peers to get the work done
and also to check over the work once finished. Part of problem solving is working effectively with a
team around you and all working together and contributing to getting the job done. Another
important part of management is time keeping and making sure that everyone in your team is
keeping to their individual deadlines. A further skill to managing your team is to make sure
everyone is on the right job and everyone is clear on what it is they have to do. This also means
making sure your team are communicating sufficiently this is the key to your success as a leader. All
these skills within management and leadership are vital skills necessary for a professional civil
3.0 Health and safety
Health and safety is extremely important for civil engineers. There were 43 deaths in 2015/2016
from the construction sector. Fortunately, the number of fatal injuries in the uk has decreased
dramatically in recent years but there is still an alarming number of injuries to workers. In 2015 the
HSE (health and safety executive) replaced
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Why Do Engineers Need To Blame?
This paper will explore the perspectives of five engineers who use their skills in different fields to
assess their views of the link between ethics and technology as well as determining how to place
Interviewer 1: Alex Sloan Marine engineer Alex Sloan describes technology as the advancements
designed for specific tasks. Sloan sees engineers as problem solvers and their responsibilities lie not
in finding a problem but solving it when brought to their attention. Although scientist and engineers
are often lumped together Sloan differentiates through the different expectations of each field, a
scientist is expected to make discoveries, attempt to understand how the world words, and when
necessary find and test solutions. Engineers need ... Show more content on ...
As a child Ross liked math and science which in America often translates to some form of
engineering, she later combined these skills with an interest in mechanical energy. Ross' lab
specializes in what most people refer to as alternative energy, energy generated in ways that do not
deplete natural resources or harm the environment. Ross avoids using the term "alternative energy",
one reason is that "alternative" suggests that there is one correct form of energy. Also, there is a
strong association between alternative energy and replacing fossil fuels, which can be perceived as
bad. The oil industry is very important to the U.S. economy although there is a different mindset in
Germany, where alternative energy system's importance stem from the community's respect for the
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Mechanical Engineer : The Wheel Or The Road?
Which essential innovation came first, the wheel or the road? Well, that answer depends on who is
asked. This question has been a common debate among engineers for a very long time; in fact, it
might be as old as or older than the chicken and egg debate. A mechanical engineer might argue that
the wheel had to have come first while a civil engineer would argue the opposite. Why has this been
such a huge debate? Who is right? These are questions I have pondered for a while. I've always
wondered why these specific engineers have argued about these specific items. Growing up with a
mechanical engineer as a dad, I was raised with the knowledge that the wheel came first. When I
was younger I just went along with my dad's answer and never asked him to support his claim. I also
didn't know any civil engineers so I never heard the opposing view. Even though I've always been
on the side of the wheel, I have never been absolutely sure. When Dr. Almeda asked us to choose a
question we really cared about I thought of this topic immediately. One day I would like to become
a mechanical engineer, and I might be faced with this question from an interviewer or a client.
Through the research I am going to conduct I will hopefully find the answer. I started my research
by interviewing/emailing a mechanical and civil engineer. Because the reason I am aware of this
topic is because of my father, and because my father is a mechanical engineer, I decided that my
first "interview" would be with
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Professional Association For Mechanical Engineer
What is your professional association? for mechanical engineer
Why does it exist?
Asme has an important purpose. According to ASME web page published on the ASME web
site,"The ASME Foundation provides support for ASME programs, scholarships, awards and
honors. The ASME Foundation champions ASME's mission to serve diverse global communities by
advancing, disseminating and applying engineering knowledge for improving the quality of life, and
communicating the excitement of engineering." [1]. I personally believe this website is credible
because what they are offering could help many young engineers and even some experienced
engineers learn some new things, because as the saying goes "the more you know the more you are
worth" and that is ... Show more content on ...
According to ASME web page published on the ASME web site,"As an ASME student member, you
gain skills and practical experience outside the classroom. Connect with professional engineers in
your area of interest; get access to hundreds of key resources that will open doors when you start
your professional career.[4]"I believe the benefits are good on there own but these benefit a student
in the process of mastering something in my field more than someone who has done it for a while.
Where is your professions code of ethics of conduct located? How is it organized?
ASME standards that are located on the ASME website have their priorities in order"Develop the
best, most applicable codes, standards, conformity assessment programs, and related products and
services in the world for the benefit of humanity. Involved the best and brightest people from all
around the world to develop, maintain, and promote the use of these ASME products and services
world about. [5]" From the ASME has said they put the people's safety in front of everything else.
ASME is trying to throw america into the future while at the same time making sure we all me it to
dee that future safe and sound.
What are your professions values?
The whole point of mechanical engineering at a glimpse is to make life easier and better for the
human race, and ASME share that point of view as stated on the ASME website"ASME develops
voluntary standards that enhance
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Taking a Look at Civil Engineers
The job of a civil engineer is to fix, or build many of our modern conveniences including bridges.
Skill in math (specifically measurement and angles) is required for the most part. It is a risky job
though because if you design something wrong, you will pay big. Civil engineers are a soul of a
cities construction.
Civil Engineers have many job duties because many workers depend on them. Civil engineers have
a lot of variables in their building including construction cost, and government regulations. They
also preform many tests to determine how they will build on the area, and what the structure is built
with ("Civil Engineers." Career).The job requires provide or present findings, cost estimates, and
submit permits or applications. They manage many workers including Civil engineering technicians,
architects, and construction workers ("Civil Engineers." U.S.). Civil engineers have very important
job duties because if their structures fail that will not be good for them.
The work environments of a civil engineer can vary widely. Civil engineers Most of the time work
near major cities, but sometimes they work in remote or foreign areas. Offices, labs, factories and
the actual sites are work environments of many civil engineers. In offices they typically develop
plans for a survey. If the Civil engineers visit the site of the job they usually take photos and
measurements there ("Civil Engineers" Encyclopedia 529). Civil engineers stay indoors mostly at
their offices ("Civil
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Becoming A Successful Engineer Or Architect
Throughout my high school career I have learned a lot of things in my engineering classes, but my
junior year I have learned many things I can use in my future profession. From Studying skills to
dealing with social issues, this class has aided me in dealing with them all. From taking this class it
has prepared me a little more to try and be an architect or an engineer. I still have much to learn, but
I am heading in the right direction. Once I graduate from college I will have amassed enough
knowledge and experience to become a successful engineer or architect, I haven't really made up my
mind yet. In completing the numerous engineering projects in this class I have been tasked with
many types of group activities. When we worked on these ... Show more content on
If it performs well they move on to the next stage to refine and tweak it for the final product.
However if there we some problems they would have to identify it and fix it so that it functions
properly. This method is something that all engineers use and will be a key aspect in my field so I
had better get used to using it. The method I mentioned is something we used in all of our projects,
even those that were done individually. In a project of constructing our own nontraditional paper
airplane, we had to incorporate the method to construct a paper airplane without folding it like a
simple paper airplane usually is made. Initially I thought it would be a very simple project. Although
after a series of failures I had to change my approach. I brainstormed ideas for a while before I
thought of a Han glider design. Han gliders already fly or glide by themselves without any engine or
power supply, and they are aerodynamic in design to get me the required distance and then some. I
drew up the sketch and the draft with scales and all. Then construction of the Arius–glider I began.
Its first test flight was successful, but I knew that it could be pushed further. After more drafts and
tweaks to the design, I developed the Arius– glider VI that incorporated a coin to act as a weight and
give more distance and acceleration to the plane. All of this was made possible through the
engineering process and what I took from it. The majority of the projects we
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Chemical Engineering : A Chemical Engineer
Lexi Wiebersch
Mrs. Toews
English 1
15 April 2015
Chemical Engineer From food to fertilizer, chemical engineers will have researched it and
developed chemicals to go in it. A chemical engineer is a branch of engineering that applies physical
sciences and life sciences together with mathematics and economics to produce, transform,
transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy. This career is really interesting because
chemicals and experiments are really fun to learn about. To better understand this career, I aspire to
know the history of the career, job duties, job hours, and the education needed. According to "What
Do Chemical Engineers Do?", chemical engineers work in many different fields such as:
manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, design and construction, pulp and paper,
petrochemicals, food processing, specialty chemicals, polymers, business services, biotechnology,
and environmental health and safety industries. How did this career start? Chemical Engineering
began in 1888. Before that, it was just called a mechanical engineer who developed knowledge of
chemical process equipment or someone who had experience but no real education. When Professor
Lewis Norton introduced Course X in 1888, chemical engineers were given a formal degree. (Pafko)
Other schools then started adding four year chemical engineering programs in 1892 and 1894.
(Pafko, Wayne M.) According to "Chemical Engineering | Chemical Heritage Foundation", it is said
to have
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I Am A Professional Engineer
It is not easy to become a successful, professional engineer. A professional engineer requires high
responsibility, especially problem–based solving skills to cope with workplace environment and
compete with others. Problem–based learning (PBL) is really important to reflect the professional
practice of engineers. There have been several definitions of PBL. According to Lizinger, Lattuca,
Hadgraft and Newstetter (2011, p.134), PBL is the approach that allows learners to practice finding
solutions throughout their academy. Learners in a PBL process have to reflect, identify and learn
about the complex problem and the cycle is repeated until learners find a solution that they can do
both in writing and presentation. There are some basics of PBL such as decision–making,
communication, collaboration, self–regulation, self–motivation and flexibility. These basics are the
base for every engineer to become a successful professional practicing engineer.
Decision making ability helps engineers to learn deeply from the problems and have ability to
analyse and get the detail of the problems before planning to solve them. Deep learners focus on the
problem carefully and get all information about it. Lizinger, Lattuca, Hadgraft and Newstetter (2011,
p.126) state that the experiences of the effective learning from deep learning leads learners to
understand key words and general principle to develop both technic and profession. Not only deep
learning, decision–making ability improves
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Mathematician Vs Aerospace Engineer
Everybody has to grow up and someday, a future career has to be chosen. This choice is very
difficult and hard for some people. Two great choices would be a mathematician and an aerospace
engineer. Mathematician and aerospace engineering are two interesting and unique job choices, but
are highly different and offer different opportunities. These jobs have different working styles,
outlooks, environments, education needed, and salary. These jobs are also similar in a lot of ways.
First of all, aerospace engineering and mathematicians offer different working styles and job
descriptions. The skills needed for this job are very similar, but at the same time very different.
Aerospace engineers design and test aircraft, make sure planes are safe, ... Show more content on ...
Job growth is very important when choosing a job. Most of the time, a person would want to pick a
career that is growing fast because there are more opportunities. Job growth is favorable to
aerospace engineers if they know C++ programming(OOH). However, not all aerospace engineers
know C++ programming, and in the case, the job can be on the decline. Also according to the
Occupational Outlook Handbook, more and more companies are trying to provide access to space.
The more companies trying to get to space, the more aerospace engineers needed. According to
Sokanu, mathematicians are growing 21.4%, while aerospace engineers are declining 2.3%.
Mathematicians have a much faster growth than most jobs are predicted. Even though the
percentage is higher for mathematicians, there are way more jobs for aerospace engineers. There are
only 4,000 projected mathematicians projected in 2026 compared to the 73,800 aerospace engineers
that are projected and only 900 more jobs are predicted to come(OOH). According to the
Occupational Outlook Handbook, mathematicians are predicted to grow because of the increase in
smartphone usage and social media, which will increase the amount of stored data usage. This being
said, aerospace engineers as of now have the advantage. Even though the job is on the decline, there
are still way more jobs available and there will be for a while. However, way down in the future,
there could be a lot more
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A Career Plan To Become A Professional Engineer
One of my primary short term career is to get a job in the field of civil engineering within 3 months
of graduating. My goal would be for this job to located in the Midwest, more specifically in the tri–
state area of South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa. I am open to a job in any sub–discipline, but
preferably in the areas of structural, geotechnical, or transportation. To achieve this goal, I need to
be proactive in my job searching approach and to continue to do well in my class work and continue
my involvement with ASCE. My biggest criterion for my job would be that I would work
underneath a Professional Engineer doing engineering work that would allow me to sit for the
Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam, as becoming a Professional Engineer is also a
short term of mine. My goal would be to become a Professional Engineer within five years of
graduating. An important first step in my goal of becoming a PE is to pass the Fundamentals of
Engineering (FE) exam.
I believe that I will have the skill set to accomplish my short term goals once graduating. I believe
that not only my strong knowledge of fundamental principles of civil engineering, but also my
ability to learn quickly, will be adequate in achieving my goals. There are still skills that I feel I am
weak in, and if improved, would increase the likelihood of reach my goals. Skills I am still weak at
are being proactive in searching for a job and writing a resume. I can address my fault of not being
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Aerospace Engineer Essay
Aerospace Engineers design, develop, construct, and test aircrafts, satellites, missiles, and
spacecrafts. Aerospace Engineers also test prototypes of such aerial vehicles, conduct research on
different materials and equipment, and determine what should be used to design and mass produce a
certain aircraft. One task Aerospace Engineers perform is the evaluation of projects for safety, met
engineering principles, environmental factors, and consumer requirements. They are also involved
with the quality standard, methods of design, malfunction possibilities, and deadlines of their
vehicle of flight. Additionally, Aerospace Engineers have responsibilities beyond the direct machine
itself. They have to write up technical reports for management, ... Show more content on ...
A bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering, or other fields of engineering and science that can
relate to the aerospace studies, are almost always needed to even start being an Aerospace Engineer.
Practical experience and a considerable amount of training in this field are also highly requested by
the individual before becoming an Aerospace Engineer. Many skills, abilities, and strengths are
asked for from an Aerospace Engineer. Some include critical thinking skills, the ability to complex
problem solve, active listening skills, great reading comprehension, fluent speaking and writing, and
most importantly, mathematical strengths. The average salary for an Aerospace Engineer varies
greatly on what industry you work for and your experience. Entry level Aerospace Engineers,
disregarding industry, earn about $71,859 annually with experienced ones earning around $103,000
to $105,000 annually, Those who work for the Federal Government are shown to earn more than
their counterparts in scientific research and development services and those in navigational,
measuring, electromedical, and control instrument
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The Role Of An Engineer Essay
When talking about engineering, people would probably have pictures in their mind of engineers
using machines producing parts, drawing and sketching designs, or even doing some mathematical
calculations. A more general answer to what engineers actually do would be that they solve social
problems through the use of machines, devices, systems, materials and processes. They are all
absolutely correct. But in reality, both the job and the role of an engineer are more complicated.
They do not only have to work with machines and designs. Engineers are often involved in
communications and negotiations. They have to work with different people and the responsibility
that they have is massive. Important decisions are made by them and they have to use their own
judgement. And very often, ethical considerations are already built into the decisions they make. In
order to make the best decisions, they have to be understood in the context of their role in society
and, moreover, they need to develop good ethical awareness and be able to deal with the dilemmas
that they have to face every day. As mentioned above, it is very important for engineers to
understand their own responsibilities. In 1960, the Conference of Engineering Societies of Western
Europe and the United States of America defined "professional engineer" as follows:1 "A
professional engineer is competent by virtue of his/her fundamental education and training to apply
the scientific method and outlook to the analysis
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Working As An Engineer For Electrical Engineering
Working as an engineer is much different than training to be an engineer, unlike school, there is no
typical day. Typically, engineers work in office buildings, laboratories, or industrial plants, but
others work outdoors at construction sites, oil exploration and production sites. In outdoor sites,
engineers usually monitor, direct operations, or solve on–site problems. Some engineers travel
extensively to plants or work–sites in their area and abroad. Having investigated a career in
electrical engineering, I have learned some information that I did not know before and made the
decision of pursuing a career in electrical engineering based on research and interview answers.
Many engineers work a standard 40–hour week, but at times deadlines or design standards may
bring extra pressure to a job, requiring engineers to work longer hours. Although extra pressure can
be uncomfortable, for many engineers the pay is worth the long hours. According to the U.S. Bureau
of Labor Statistics, "The median annual wage for electrical engineers was $87,920 in May 2012.
The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that
amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $56,490, and the top 10 percent
earned more than $136,690 (Statistics)". This means that an electrical engineer can earn as much as
$136,690 in his or her career. That extra pressure in the field can lead to a raise for the hard work
and dedication an engineer
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Role Of A Professional Civil Engineer
Role of Civil Engineering
1.0 Introduction:
This report outlines the role of a professional civil engineering in the manufacturing industry.
Furthermore, there are some key works that engineers doing in our daily life. Moreover, this article
will introduce how civil engineers do for their professional. And what kind of ethics that engineers
require to be respect. In addition, how do they practice to solve issues to avoid failure generate
This report will shows the roles of engineers do in manufacturing industry and what kind of works
that they need to complete. Base on a large number of requirements that engineers need to practice
to engage in their professional works. For instance, they need these kinds of knowledge, skills and ...
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Civil Engineers plan, design and test the structures of private and public buildings and facilities.
(They are also involved in many environmental areas such as the assessment of the impact large
scale projects have on the environment and the collection and treatment of sewage and industrial
wastes, pollution control, environmental control and resource protection and management.(Civil
college, 2016)
What do mechanical engineer need to do are review the influence of design and test data to make
sure every products are safety to enter into the market. They should be providing with the ability of
failure analysis. Furthermore, manufacturing some electronic components (Webrecruit Ltd 2015).
3.0 How do civil engineers do for their professional practice: 3.1 What kind of skills do civil
engineers demand 3.2 What kind of knowledge do civil engineers have 3.3 What kinds of attributes
do civil engineers need
Civil engineers design major construction projects, such as roads, airports, tunnels, dams and
bridges. They also supervise project construction and maintenance. They must possess a very broad
skill set, from cost accounting to geology. Many civil engineers have jobs that require a very hands–
on role in construction, while others may have positions more heavily weighted toward supervisory
and administrative skills. They are often called upon to present reports to the public or government
officials. Whatever the details
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Civil Engineer Responsibilities
In the report, I will be discussing the responsibilities of a civil engineer. As well as the technical
role, they also have responsibilities to their colleagues, their profession and the wider society and
environment. A civil engineer is someone who designs and builds the environment around us. (ice,
n.d.) The responsibilities of a professional civil engineer are wide and varied, however, there are
several aspects to a civil engineer which without you could not run a successful company or site.
These include correct professional conduct, correct use of leadership and teamwork, Health and
safety and sustainability.
2.0 Professional conduct
In a profession like Civil Engineering, Professional Conduct is the utmost importance, this is due to
the fact that the Civil Engineers have a responsibility to the public good which includes care and
respect for humanity's cultural, historical and archaeological heritage. (ICE, 2014) Professional
Conduct also protects the health and wellbeing of future generations. It shows regard for the
environment and natural resources
For a profession like civil engineering professional conduct is vital due to the how individuals act
and are perceived by the public can often affect the view of the company. This could lead to getting
fewer contracts if the company has a bad reputation.
3.0 Teamwork
Teamwork exists in every organization structure. Without teamwork, an organization may not
survive or strive to complete a project. (LIKUP, 2006)
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The Ethics Of A Civil Engineer
We first deal with the ethical implication of ASCE preparing the report card and the benefit, which
benefits the engineers. The implication of the ASCE should be about moral neutral group of people
to prepare to the report card. Civil engineers should have Presence and obligations to the public as
they should in any other places .so a person who can be swayed by political corruption and bribery,
shouldn 't be involved with any activates, Now if ASCE prepare to the report card, the ratings given
could be changed to reflect the need of the economic situation. In case lower rating will be more
jobs available to workforce .If rating are higher few jobs will be needed for infrastructure
The primary concern of a civil engineer should always be the safety, health, and welfare of the
public. Working in any field should never compromise on moral principles at work. for example if a
project takes place in an area prone to natural disasters should not be used as an excuse to cut
concerns when it comes to safety. An engineer should make every effort to complete it to their
client's full satisfaction; an engineer should make every effort to complete it to their client's full
satisfaction; however they have to know where to draw the line when it comes to matters of safety.
So engineers should keep their obligations regardless of the cost, knowing the limits of their
knowledge and abilities, and determining what an adequate level of safety is. How might ASCE's
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Essay on Why I Want to be a Professional Engineer
Engineers are viewed as the backbone of modern society. The innovation and the creativity that
drives our society forward are inspired by the teachings of engineering, whether it is transporting on
a bus or making a phone call, the work of an engineer is experienced. Engineers satisfy both
themselves and humanity which is the reason for my passion for engineering.
The idea of seeing a project come to life is what provokes my desire to become an engineer. In the
past, engineers have created the greatest historic innovations such as health technology. My passion
for chemical engineering is seeing how the fundamental theories of Chemistry, Physics and Math
can be applied to create an innovative industry. In very concrete ways, engineers ... Show more
content on ...
I would like to add to my degree by completing an Engineering and Social Development
certification and a minor in French at UFT. Even more, the location of this campus is ideal for me
because I may easily commute and educate myself in the heart of Toronto.
Throughout my high school life, my extracurricular involvement has helped me develop a variety of
skills. Primarily, I have been a part of the Leadership and Peer Support group as a project manager
of a conference; I exercised my leadership and collaborative skills. As an engineer, there are times
where an individual with leadership and cooperative skills must rise and become the leader in
different projects. Interpersonal skills play a significant role in an engineer's life because they will
always be required to communicate with new people. Earlier this year, a peer and I decided to start a
Student Mentorship Program and as a co–founder of this group, I learned how to problem solve,
make decisions, think laterally, and work as a team. As a student, my skills will allow me to accept
challenges with confidence and contribute to discussions during lectures with new ideas. Teamwork,
leadership, interpersonal and hands–on skills are key abilities engineers must contain in order to be
Engineering is an exciting field that I believe will be enjoyable, challenging, and above all, intuiting
to undertake at university. I believe pursuing engineering means exceeding your expectations and
making a
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Aerospace Engineer Research Paper
1&3Aerospace Engineers are responsible for a variety of different things. They are responsible for
maintaining a professional work place and always being creative. They have to be able to explain
how operations work and how things are supposed to be used (Aerospace Engineers). The reason I
want to be an Aerospace Engineer is so I can always be around space crafts and help out build stuff
for the space shuttles. In this occupation you work on different designs for different space crafts.
4The number one organization that I can think of that will hire you if you have a degree in this
occupation is NASA. NASA is the main space organization in the world. They include just about
everything that is to do with the space program. Another program that has this position is the
Aerospace Manufacturing Supply Chain. They have a position opening for ... Show more content on ...
You work just as many hours a week being a carpenter as you do working as an aerospace engineer
(Aerospace Engineer). 15There are a couple of benefits in this occupation like sick leave, insurance,
and retirement. They probably give you comp time but I didn't read anything about that. 16There is
about a 40% chance that you will get a job in this occupation. Even if you have all the qualifications
there is still the same chances as if you were still going to school getting your degree in this field of
study. There are a couple of professional occupations that are associated with this particular
occupation. 17They include: Operation technicians, Architect engineers, computer hardware
engineers etc. they all are associated with this type of occupation. If you have a degree in
engineering you can get into any of these occupations (Aerospace Engineers)(Aerospace Engineers
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An Interview With A Mechanical Engineer
When college students enter a career field, we encounter many problems and concerns, such as
rules, traditions, and the writing involve. By doing the Discipline Investigation Assignment, it helps
me to explore my future career field and get advice on how to do well in the industry. Also, this
assignment is a great way to find out the struggles and problems as we encounter a new profession.
The discourse community I have chosen is Mechanical Engineering. I am very passionate in doing
machine work and repairing mechanisms, also I like math, physics, and sciences, therefore I want to
be am Mechanical Engineer. In order to know what I need to be prepared and what are the daily
work that I could be doing as a Mechanical Engineer, I conduct an ... Show more content on ...
First of all, Mr. King got his first job as an auto shop repairer when he was a junior, this job was a
part–time job. He had learned many skills from this first job, he mentions that the first job was
important and unforgettable because it built a path of his career. However, he found some difficulties
of this job, such as the communication was a big issue because when students enter to workforce,
the way that people communicate is different than the way that students learn in colleges.
Just right after graduate, some students might have hard time to find a professional position as an
engineer. During the interview, this engineer suggests that from the different perspectives, the
students should get employed first, then, think about their career. In "Your First Job Doesn't (Really)
Matter," Jodi Glickman, a contributor to the Harvard Business Review, describes the pre–job
training and knowledge that people learn should not be all for their professional learning. Indeed,
she says what she did do is "learn a whole lot about myself, about relating to others, about adjusting
expectations and managing difficult workplace environments" (Glickman). Same as what Glickman
describes, Mr. King did not suggest that student should immediately get into their professional
working when they get their first job or do not be too concerned about whether their first job is
related to their major. For them, the most
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Questions and Answers on A Career as an Engineer
Please, briefly tell me about yourself and your educational background.
I am an ambitious and well driven woman who believes in herself. After finishing my high school l
went to Vaal university of Technology for my diploma, University of Pretoria for my degree in
engineering, and then Sorbonne University for my masters in engineering.
What first draw you to study engineering?
It has always been a passion in my life to work with electricity and electronic devices. When l was
young l used to fix and repair adapters, radios and TVs. Being accepted to the engineering faculty
was just a continuation of the dream that l begun when l was young.
Which year of study was the most challenging, and why?
Probably, my first year was horrible because l was less prepared for university studies. I missed
most classes; fell behind in class, and l was very uncertain about whether l was following the right
career path.
What do you enjoy least or most about engineering?
I hate those long hours figuring out a solution to a problem that seems impossible to decode.
Why should one become an engineer?
Engineering is a challenging, high–paying career. If you have up to date engineering skills, jobs are
abundant. Engineering jobs often come with flexible hours, location flexibility, and the hard skills
you learn translate easily to new positions
What are some reasons one should not become an engineer?
In my opinion, you should never take a job simply
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Becoming A Person From Engineers Australia
In this application, I illuminate the critical information as to Engineers Australia where is the
greatest and trusted affiliation set up in Australia for Engineers. As I might need to apply and
transform into a cooperation in this establishment, from now on I have to show my own abilities to
meet the requirements by exhibiting my aptitude capacities and responding three units of
competency relating to my appropriate level, which is Migration Skills Assessment. I moreover
indicate how being a person from Engineers Australia preferences to my future occupation.
Executive Summary 1
Contents 2
Identifying ... Show more content on ...
EA is the top assortment of calling which sets the standard of specialized brilliance in all fields of
Engineers Australia gives an extensive variety of administrations for profession improvement of
individuals. It helps the part from the underlying stage i.e., to locate the main employment, keep the
abilities upgraded, changing the profession way or closure it. The profession improvement program
offered by EA gives administrations to engineers at all phases of their vocation including
understudies, graduates and even experienced designers who are searching for an open door or
As I am an understudy seeking after Master 's Degree, EA participation is the principal development
of my vocation which helps me in arranging my profession way giving important assets. It gives me
a chance to investigate my future profession alternatives. It helps me in building up the profession
steps. It keeps me associated with Australian Engineering Community where I become more
acquainted with the new advancements in my field of study. With Continuing Professional
Development occasions, it gives the chance to investigate controls of building and assess my present
zone of study. EA giving the
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College Admissions Essay: A Career As A Civil Engineer
As a kid, day and night I would draw. I would draw everything, from dinosaurs to cartoon characters
like Johnny Bravo. The pencil was my favorite toy, and I couldn't be kept from it. Even though I
would draw the average kid stuff, my favorite things to draw were cities. I would fill papers with
different types of structures; skyscrapers, bridges, and houses. It always amazed me to see what I
could come up with. There were never limitations and I could build anything I thought of. As I grew
up, I lost my love for drawing but never for designing. I love building web pages, using different
types of codes. I realized what I loved what going outside the box and never being limited. But the
decision to be a civil engineering is recent. When I started college, I thought I wanted to be a
businessman. Accounting was the class that changed my mind, I realized it was boring and I didn't
want to stay in an office 24/7. I decided engineering might be the career for me, since I would still
be messing with numbers but also be able to use my imagination. My mother was the final push to
me changing, she didn't like my business major and when I told her I was thinking about changing,
her face lit up and she said she wanted that all along. I lost 6 credit hours, I was really sad about that
but I know it's going to pay off in the future to change my careers. I don't think I'm going to change
majors again. It depends what kind of branch or company you choose to work for but what a Civil
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The Role Of Engineers In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein
Engineers hold a valuable place in our society. They lay the groundwork for and create artifacts
based on the foundation of knowledge that science grants. In our culture, however, it is not
uncommon for people to be confused about the role that engineers play. Often times, engineers are
portrayed as being skilled and knowledgeable, but lack a sense of moral responsibility for their
creations. This mentality is shown in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, in which, the inventor, Victor
Frankenstein attempts to defy the natural laws of life and death without first considering the
consequences. This phenomenon is not just present in works of fiction. The man who designed the
atom bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, said to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,
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Why I Want To Be An Engineer
Growing up, Math and science were always my favorite subjects. This led me to desire a career that
incorporates these two subjects. As I furthered my education, I discovered I was very interested in
engineering. Being able to learn new things and apply that new knowledge is something I have
always enjoyed doing. The high job market, life flexibility, financial security and social impact are
all reasons I have chosen to pursue a career in software engineering. One reason I want to be an
engineer is I enjoy that kind of work. Problem solving is one major part of engineering, and
something I have always enjoyed doing. If I enjoy the work I do, engineering will fell much less like
a "job", and make it much more enjoyable. I always knew I never wanted to have to wake up every
morning to go to a job I hated. With engineering, I am ... Show more content on ...
Currently, engineers are needed in all parts of the world. Being able to find a job easier will reduce a
great deal of stress that may come with other careers. On top of that, because engineers are need all
over the world, it is a great way to be able to travel. Although it may not be as relaxing is taking a
vacation and traveling, it would still be a great opportunity to see the world. For these reasons, I am
motivated to pursue a career in the engineering field. For me, the most important attribute for being
an engineer is life flexibility. Seeing the life flexibility my mother has with her engineering job
showed me how critical flexibility is. Anytime there was an emergency, my mother was always able
to make herself available due to the flexibility of her job. My mother is also able to do the majority
of her work from home. Having the flexibility to be able to work from home is another reason life
flexibility is on the top of my list. Overall, having a flexible job is very important to me, and the
flexibility of engineering is one reason I am drawn to that
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America Needs To Become An Aerospace Engineer
Aerospace engineering is an occupation that helps many different things that are done in America;
some of which being rockets for NASA and airplanes and fighter jets for the United States Military.
An aerospace engineer is a certain type of engineer that primarily designs aircraft, spacecraft,
satellites, and missiles. Aerospace engineers specialize in advanced aerodynamics, so they need
problem–solving, analytical, business, critical–thinking, math, and writing skills. They either
specialize in aeronautical engineering or astronautical engineering (working with aircraft or working
with spacecraft). In order to become an aerospace engineer, one needs to have a Bachelor's degree
(four years of college). This needs to be in aerospace engineering
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Mechanical Engineer Essay
I did not always want to be an engineer. I wanted to be many things, I wanted to be a veterinarian, I
wanted to be a singer, I wanted to be firemen. I wanted to be many things, but nothing was as
natural to me as working with my hands. When I create, and assemble I'm at my happiest. As a child
when begun helping around the house I was quickly drawn to any job that required me to fix things.
Changing light bulbs to assembling furniture, I was happy. Approaching high school, I was asked
frequently what I wanted to be when I grew up and I did not have an answer. I knew I wanted to do
something that required I work with my hands so I asked my mom and she mentioned architect's
build things. I thought about it and I wanted to be an ... Show more content on ...
They may also visit the problem to better understand it and work towards a solution. A mechanical
engineer, depending on where they work, may be asked to design steam or gas turbines, or make a
new design for head phones(Mechanical Engineers). No matter what the job the pay is great.
Mechanical engineers are averagely paid $84,190 per year, or $40.48 per hour(Mechanical
Engineers). Considering most mechanical engineers work full time, that would make 35– 40 hours
getting paid around $40 per hour(Mechanical Engineers). As the need for mechanical engineers
increases, as will the pay.
The need for Mechanical engineers is expected to increase with in the next 10–20 years(Mechanical
Engineers). This is true for developed and underdeveloped nations. The need does not only include
those who will build and fix problems, but those who design and can use such software required for
much of the designing prosses.
Because Technology is ever changing. It was only "40 years ago" (Berman , Alison E) that the
personal computer was commercially available, and in that time the computer has gone through so
much changes it can fit in a pocket. Nearly "two– thirds of Americans own..." A smart
phone(Berman , Alison E). This changed is rapid and it is only going to get faster, so of course a job
that is centered around technology would do the same. Technological advances such as the internet,
software and connectivity, have benefited the engineering field. Software has made
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Aerospace Engineer Research Paper
What I want to be when I grow up is an aerospace engineer. The reason for me wanting to be an
aerospace engineer is that I have a lot of interest in astronomy. In this paper I will tell you many
things like what Aerospace engineers do, what you need to do to become an Aerospace engineer,
colleges nearby that work with aerospace engineering, what the median pay is, and what the work
schedule may look like
Aerospace engineers have different duties according to O*NET ONLINE they test the aircraft and
aerospace products, another duty aerospace engineers might have is to determine proposals for
projects if they are technically and financially feasible, and direct or coordinate activities of
engineering or technical personnel involved in designing, modifying, or testing of aircraft or
aerospace products.
on ...
According to the bureau of labor statistics if high school students that are interested in becoming an
Aerospace engineer should take classes in chemistry, physics, and math that also includes algebra
trigonometry and calculus. According to the bureau of labor statistics Important qualities that you
need is analytically qualities you have to remember data, business qualities you have to know what
you are talking about suppose you are making proposals for projects, critical thinking is when you
need to stay focused on your task, math skills this by far is the most important because you will need
to remember many formulas you have to know how to solve out those equations, and finally writing
skills you will need to be clear when you right when you are transferring data the other person needs
to understand what you
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Post-Secondary Aerospace Engineer
Post–Secondary– Aerospace engineer
Job Description: Aerospace engineers' jobs are designing, creating, testing, and the supervision of
the making of aircrafts, space crafts, and missiles. Some of the most advanced technologies today
are developed by people who work in this field. Aerospace engineers have developed, tested, and
created things like lightweight gliders, airplanes that weigh over half a million pounds,
communication satellites, and the international space station. Aeronautical engineers and
astronomical engineers are the two categories aerospace engineers are usually broken into.
Aeronautical engineers generally work with aircraft, while astronomical engineers generally work
with spacecraft. However, all aerospace engineers must have an understanding of include the field's
core subjects, such as aerodynamics, propulsion, thermodynamics, and guidance and control
systems. Engineers typically specialize in one area such as structural design, propulsion systems,
instrumentation, communications, or production methods. Aerospace engineers are important as the
communication ... Show more content on ...
Also, some test and design military equipment such as jets and missiles. NASA, in the US hires
aerospace engineers to help them test and design equipment for space travel. Aerospace engineers
work with computers, blueprints, and cutting edge technology. Typically, aerospace engineers work
40 hours a week, but sometimes they work extra hours to meet deadlines. Knowing that many others
rely on technologies they create for survival, makes their job a little more stressful. Aerospace
engineers spend a lot of time testing the durability and safety of the machines they have built, but
most of the tests are done using computer simulations. Occasionally fieldwork is necessary in order
to test prototypes or
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Audio Engineer Essay
Audio Engineer An audio engineer is responsible for the operation of the soundboard and other
equipment in the recording of music, words, sounds, or any combination of such material. There are
several types of engineering positions available in today's studios. In large studios, there are usually
several engineers, each with the own duties and contributions. There are recording engineers,
recording assistants, set–up engineers, maintenance engineers, and even mix–down engineers in
some cases. In smaller studios the engineer is usually responsible for all of these duties. As a rule,
the engineer should be able to set–up, use, and fix the equipment they work with.
In the studio, the recording engineer has to prepare for the ... Show more content on
These can include courses in physics, acoustics, music theory and performance, mathematics, and
electrical engineering. The greater and more in depth than a student's education is, the better the
chance of climbing to the top of the career ladder. These programs can be quite intense, and some
even highly competitive.
Another method of obtaining an education is by convincing a studio to take you on as an intern, with
training in lieu of compensation. This seems to be a long, hard route, but one should remember that
the recording industry is fairly young, and some of the greatest engineers received no formal
schooling, learning as the technology was created.
After training or schooling has been received, there are a few ways that might get you in the door
and working for a studio. 1) Offer your services for free (or next to) to a studio to learn the business.
2) Check what seminars are being offered for Recording Engineers and go. Contacts can be made
and learn more about the business. 3) Check with record companies for availability of internships. 4)
Knock on every studio door in town. Just get involved, stay informed, do whatever you can to
break–in and work. It may take a while to get in the door, but once you do, as long as you're
talented, work hard, and persevere your career should advance.
Engineers have a choice of three main routes as far as advancement goes. Some advance up the
large studio ladder, and become Chief
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Nelson Garzon-Leon: Senior Engineer At Northrumman
Nelson Garzon–Leon is a senior engineer at Northrop Grumman. He did a presentation on
recruitment requirements for engineers, some job searching techniques and some job interviewing
tips. Mr. Garzon–Leon started by showing the four fundamental requirements for recruiting
engineers. The first thing employers consider is teamwork. Although, it might be difficult to work
with and to get along with teammates with contrasting characteristics and views, each individual
must try to get along with and conform to each other so as to contribute to the success of the project.
The second requirement is communication skills, namely, writing, speaking and listening. Some
examples of written communications in engineering include writing design reviews, test
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Chemical Engineering : A Chemical Engineer
A chemical Engineer discovers modern methods, for the world to operate in a delicate and evolving
society. Chemical Engineering is a branch of engineering that manufactures and designs chemical
products that help the world operate today. A Chemical Engineer works within a confidential precise
area in the chemical industry to convert primary compounds into a variety of delicate materials, and
deals with the design and operation of products consumers need to survive. Chemical Engineers
work condition can vary because of the career field being so broad. A chemical Engineer can work
in a manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and a food processing company. These areas are only a couple
work areas that are listed. A chemical Engineer has a complex career and is not for the weak of heart
or misguided.
A Chemical Engineer has problems that are unseen because of the rewarding pay scale and job
offers. Assisting the aid of every living creative survive in some way daily is not always relaxing or
satisfying. The career becomes challenging for a chemical engineer to preserve foods for ones eating
habits, fuel for a variable of cars and prepare the compounds of medicine for man and animals.
These are only a few problems that chemical engineers face. Chemical Engineers are ultimately a
helpful career for society, yet research has shown that there is difficulty within how to find
employment, the tedious education programs, and the working conditions. There will be a time
when one will
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Aerospace Engineer

  • 1. Aerospace Engineer "I believe destiny and hard work go hand in hand"(Chopra). This quote was said by priyanka chopra. He was explaining how much his work means to him and that life requires hard work. In this job one can create models of engineering designs and explaining methods for different items. Electrical, Electronics, and mechanical are just some subjects one might get to experience with. Artificial intelligence systems are just one of the items one might design. An advantage of being an aerospace engineer is it great pay. Aerospace engineers are very fortunate it to get good pay for what they do. Most engineers get paid every week or every two weeks. One can get paid as much as up toward 400 dollars a day but if one would only work 8 hours they get $320. One is guaranteed a job because the government is always in need. When it's time to retire they give a good plan and reasonable life insurance. They also will give one a pension for all the years of hard work over the years of service. Typical aerospace engineers make around $107,803 per year. They are always in competition with others to be the best so one will get more money. Average pay per hour is around $51.84 which is better then a fast food restaurant. ... Show more content on ... This job is the typically hands on for example won will have to invent objects to help the government in ways that are needed. They will ask for new defence systems for example satellites and such. In this ob there are million dollar ticket items such as engines for spacecraft, mars rovers for planets and others this job is very involved with problem solving skills. They also make sure that you are able to fix the objects they have like satellites and such. As like in apollo 13 movie with tom hanks. This job is not an indoor constant job it's both indoor and outdoor. This is job is not for the desk job people it's very ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Pursuing A Career As A Nuclear Engineer I have been conducting research on nuclear engineers. I find this job fascinating because I have always loved science and I think that radiation is interesting. Nuclear engineers are people who design and create most of anything that deals with nuclear properties. Nuclear engineers are important to the world because they are the minds behind things such as clean energy and many medical tools and equipment. There are many different fields that a nuclear engineer can be employed in such as medical fields or nuclear power plant design. The main thing about this occupation that appeals to me is that they design and make this that improve our world in many ways and there are endless possibilities for innovation. I would love to know that I can use my mind to help change the world in whatever way I choose. ... Show more content on ... As of 2014, only 16,800 people were employed as nuclear engineers. Not only is this a very small group of people but this career is projected to have a –4% decline in employment from 2014 to 2024. This means that 700 jobs are projected to be lost by 2024. Nuclear engineers are most often employed around areas where clean nuclear energy is mainstream such as California, South Carolina, and Virginia. Other positions can be found across the country because nuclear engineers can specialize in different fields like aerospace and medical ("Nuclear Engineers Summary"). Nuclear engineers have a broad range of responsibilities and duties due to the nature of the position. If a nuclear engineer was employed with a company that built nuclear power plants they would be expected to develop and design the reactor as a whole or many other essential components. Most of the time a nuclear engineer will work in an office at a computer. They spend their day responding to emails, attending meetings, and actually engineering ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Becoming An Automotive Engineer Essay Becoming an Automotive Engineer Do you like to work with automobiles and modify them? Then being an automotive engineer is for you. Say your car breaks down, what are you going to do? Oh wait, you're an automotive engineer, you can fix it! To become an automotive engineer, there are certain job tasks, special skills and talents, as well as a higher education that you need to be aware of. Some of the most important job tasks you have to do are conducting and directing automotive testing and preparing or presenting status reports. Special skills are also very important to becoming a successful automotive engineer. They involve complex problem solving, judgement and decision making, and reasoning. Most important of all is the educational aspect. ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Engineer Discourse Community : A Journal Article To open this essay I have to start with saying that I will not be analyzing a manuscript, but a journal article instead, which the reason for will be explained later. Now, to define a journal article in a simple and modern definition, we can say it is a professionally published article that deals with a specialized subject. More specifically, in this case our genre is an engineering journal article. Contents within will range from current research results, charts and graphs of data, even current standings and analysis on subjects. A journal article is ultimately intended for engineers who have a research interest in a field, with at least some prior knowledge. The level of which its usefulness arises to is based on background knowledge on the topic. The engineer discourse community who will pick up this genre will most likely be familiar, to a degree, with the content, or at least have prior knowledge of engineering concepts. Those engineers who want to help or further their own research will turn to these articles; they can then base where to begin once having been briefed by its content. These engineering journal articles allow for the progression of engineering, making them the most important genre encountered in the field. Engineers will want to carefully read the information presented, perhaps even a couple times through to fully grasp what they read. In the end spending ample time to fully explore the article. This shows that the genre itself is meant for ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Engineer Extraordinaire An engineering career can give options to a college–graduate that are hard to match. Engineering is a rewarding career path that requires hard work, and dedication. The hard work of a prospective engineer can be shown in the benefits he receives upon entering the workforce. For example, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the starting salaries of engineers are among the highest in the nation ("Engineers", 2012, para. 4). Good things come to those who work hard. Mechanical Engineering would agree in mentioning that because engineering is so applicable to everyday situations, engineers can find work almost anywhere ("Mechanical Engineering salary", 2012). Both of these corporations help enlighten the fact that ... Show more content on ... tells of how an electrical engineer can earn an annual salary of $55,353 at most with less than one year of experience ("Electrical Engineering Salary", 2012). Mechanical engineers, according to, can receive up to the average base salary which, " around $66,000 per year" ("Mechanical Engineering Salary", 2012). As history progressed, the need for engineers greatly increased and more people were willing to pay for a good engineer. The World Book verifies that it was around the time of the industrial revolution that the role of engineers expanded more rapidly ("Engineering", 1999). Ever since then, the need for engineers has grown even more. Engineering Degrees states that today, the body of engineers in the U.S. is 1.5 million strong and still growing ("How long does it take to become an engineer?", 2012). It would appear that these people liked being paid a lot of money, so they became engineers. Quite often, prospective engineers partake in more than 4 years of college, but other options are available. Sometimes an individual does not require any more than 2–years of education in engineering. According to, "Some engineering schools and 2–year colleges have agreements whereby the 2–year college provides the initial engineering education" ("Mechanical Engineers", 2003, para. 10). A field as broad as mechanical engineering often ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. A Successful Engineer Essay Obstacles had never been obstructing my effort to succeed in life. As an engineer to be, it is important to me to be prepared for the hurdles in the real world. The world nowadays needs a person who could compete and has great abilities to stand on the same level as others. Multiple skills and critical opinion of an issue are essential for an engineer to jump into this challenging career. For me, a strategic planning and full preparation need to achieve the aim of being an expert engineer. To accomplish my goal, it is very vital to reflect myself and make an action in increasing my effectiveness and reaching my potential. 4000 miles away from hometown are a sacrifice that I had made not just for a degree but more than that. Being an ... Show more content on ... Besides, I have the problem to find the key points and important facts during the lectures, and I am wasting my time writing down the points which not necessary. I cannot see the overall concept which the lectures try to deliver and the important ideas. I don't want this to be a problem for me anymore as it may affect my study and my concentration during lecture time. So I make a step to seek and think what the main concept is, and I try relating all the ideas of the course so that I can see clearly the overall picture and understand the topics that I learn. I also read the notes and make an effort to understand the lesson that will teach before going to the lecture. This helps me to give the overall idea of new topic that I will learn. Time management is the key thing of successful. I am not good in managing time because I don't organize my study time carefully and not use my time wisely during work. I always leave everything until the last minute, and sometimes I do unimportant things like playing games, surfing internet and watching movie, but actually I know there a lot of work to finish off. I get to the bottom of this crisis and try to systematize my study and set up my work. I make a schedule of revision, and I put a date where I need to complete the schoolwork. I also make a small target, for example, I want to understand the concept of heat transfer by the end of this week, and I have to achieve it no matter what. I ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Why I Am An Engineer Engineering is a field of boundless possibilities that makes everything that we do possible. Ranging from bridges field with civil engineering and medical field with biomechanical engineering to the oil industry with petroleum engineering, engineering is a vast field of opportunities. The buildings we work at, the cars we drive, the technology we use have all been made possible by the work of engineers. That is the main reason why I desire to be an engineer. I want to work in a field that I will be able to make a difference and have a job that am proud of and still enjoy. The first engineering class that I attended was quite surprising. My perception of engineering had always been of technical equations and solving complex issues. This class on the other hand introduced me to the work of Raymond B. Landis who wrote the book studying engineering. The book was a revelation to me as it articulated what aclass engineering student is a student who has mastered the tools of success, is confident and determined. After reading the book I realized that if I was going to be a successful engineer I had to adopt a new way in which I will use in the process of acquiring my degree in engineering. There are techniques and steps that are used by world class engineer in the process of acquiring a degree in engineering. The main focus of this paper is to articulate how I will proceed in my endeavor to become a world class engineering student and graduate with a degree in engineering. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Career Of A Civil Engineer As Corrie Ten Boom once said "When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don 't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer." Engineering has always been an interesting job for many people, dealing with how structures stand and what makes them stand draws a large amount of people towards this career. Engineers aren 't just responsible for the shape of a building, but they must bear the responsibility of the structural stability of the building as well. They keep these structures safe for the people while meeting the design standards given, this requires a tremendous amount of skill in physics, problem solving, and three–dimensional conceptual skills to assist them during the challenges that they ... Show more content on ... Combine all the responsibility for making sure that everything is safe and there will be no problems years after the project is finished, they also have to meet all regulations and guidelines that are given by the employer and the state. Moving past all the general duties, there are countless other small, specific responsibilities that engineers undertake. An average day is filled with inspecting the goals of the project, doing the math to make sure everything will stand sturdy and be safe, and they also have to go out onto the site and make sure that everything fits together and there will be no problems. Civil engineers must be prepared to follow the project from start to finish, they need to be willing to endure extra hours and make any changes that seem necessary to complete the project while ensuring the safety of the people. The average civil engineer works full time, and about one in four engineers work more than forty hours a week, which could be even more depending on their role and position on the construction job. The hours vary between engineers, however, with more responsibility, the engineers must also be willing to work extra hours to complete what they have started. Engineering is a very experienced based job, so there are not a large number of qualifications except the ability to gain experience over time and some college education. To become a civil engineer, you need to obtain a bachelor 's degree in college and study in ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Civil Engineer Responsibilities The responsibilities of professional civil engineers 1.0 Introduction Civil engineers play a massive role in building society as we know it they are responsible for our quality of life. Civil engineers plan, design, maintain and construct infrastructure such as railways, dams and water systems. This report will touch upon a few of the important day to day responsibilities that civil engineers face and highlight the importance of these responsibilities. This report will also mention a few of the key attributes of being a professional civil engineer taken from the ICE (institute of civil engineers). Other attributes that haven't been mentioned in the report include: a technical and practical application of engineering, independent responsibilities and independent judgement, professional commitment, interpersonal skills and communication and commercial ability. 2.0 Management and leadership Management and leadership is a key attribute for being a civil engineer. Civil engineers face many difficulties in their job which require advanced problem solving skills. This is Especially the case on harder projects a lot of the time you will need help and ideas from your peers to get the work done and also to check over the work once finished. Part of problem solving is working effectively with a team around you and all working together and contributing to getting the job done. Another important part of management is time keeping and making sure that everyone in your team is keeping to their individual deadlines. A further skill to managing your team is to make sure everyone is on the right job and everyone is clear on what it is they have to do. This also means making sure your team are communicating sufficiently this is the key to your success as a leader. All these skills within management and leadership are vital skills necessary for a professional civil engineer. 3.0 Health and safety Health and safety is extremely important for civil engineers. There were 43 deaths in 2015/2016 from the construction sector. Fortunately, the number of fatal injuries in the uk has decreased dramatically in recent years but there is still an alarming number of injuries to workers. In 2015 the HSE (health and safety executive) replaced ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Why Do Engineers Need To Blame? This paper will explore the perspectives of five engineers who use their skills in different fields to assess their views of the link between ethics and technology as well as determining how to place blame. Interviewer 1: Alex Sloan Marine engineer Alex Sloan describes technology as the advancements designed for specific tasks. Sloan sees engineers as problem solvers and their responsibilities lie not in finding a problem but solving it when brought to their attention. Although scientist and engineers are often lumped together Sloan differentiates through the different expectations of each field, a scientist is expected to make discoveries, attempt to understand how the world words, and when necessary find and test solutions. Engineers need ... Show more content on ... As a child Ross liked math and science which in America often translates to some form of engineering, she later combined these skills with an interest in mechanical energy. Ross' lab specializes in what most people refer to as alternative energy, energy generated in ways that do not deplete natural resources or harm the environment. Ross avoids using the term "alternative energy", one reason is that "alternative" suggests that there is one correct form of energy. Also, there is a strong association between alternative energy and replacing fossil fuels, which can be perceived as bad. The oil industry is very important to the U.S. economy although there is a different mindset in Germany, where alternative energy system's importance stem from the community's respect for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Mechanical Engineer : The Wheel Or The Road? Which essential innovation came first, the wheel or the road? Well, that answer depends on who is asked. This question has been a common debate among engineers for a very long time; in fact, it might be as old as or older than the chicken and egg debate. A mechanical engineer might argue that the wheel had to have come first while a civil engineer would argue the opposite. Why has this been such a huge debate? Who is right? These are questions I have pondered for a while. I've always wondered why these specific engineers have argued about these specific items. Growing up with a mechanical engineer as a dad, I was raised with the knowledge that the wheel came first. When I was younger I just went along with my dad's answer and never asked him to support his claim. I also didn't know any civil engineers so I never heard the opposing view. Even though I've always been on the side of the wheel, I have never been absolutely sure. When Dr. Almeda asked us to choose a question we really cared about I thought of this topic immediately. One day I would like to become a mechanical engineer, and I might be faced with this question from an interviewer or a client. Through the research I am going to conduct I will hopefully find the answer. I started my research by interviewing/emailing a mechanical and civil engineer. Because the reason I am aware of this topic is because of my father, and because my father is a mechanical engineer, I decided that my first "interview" would be with ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Professional Association For Mechanical Engineer What is your professional association? for mechanical engineer Why does it exist? Asme has an important purpose. According to ASME web page published on the ASME web site,"The ASME Foundation provides support for ASME programs, scholarships, awards and honors. The ASME Foundation champions ASME's mission to serve diverse global communities by advancing, disseminating and applying engineering knowledge for improving the quality of life, and communicating the excitement of engineering." [1]. I personally believe this website is credible because what they are offering could help many young engineers and even some experienced engineers learn some new things, because as the saying goes "the more you know the more you are worth" and that is ... Show more content on ... According to ASME web page published on the ASME web site,"As an ASME student member, you gain skills and practical experience outside the classroom. Connect with professional engineers in your area of interest; get access to hundreds of key resources that will open doors when you start your professional career.[4]"I believe the benefits are good on there own but these benefit a student in the process of mastering something in my field more than someone who has done it for a while. Where is your professions code of ethics of conduct located? How is it organized? ASME standards that are located on the ASME website have their priorities in order"Develop the best, most applicable codes, standards, conformity assessment programs, and related products and services in the world for the benefit of humanity. Involved the best and brightest people from all around the world to develop, maintain, and promote the use of these ASME products and services world about. [5]" From the ASME has said they put the people's safety in front of everything else. ASME is trying to throw america into the future while at the same time making sure we all me it to dee that future safe and sound. What are your professions values? The whole point of mechanical engineering at a glimpse is to make life easier and better for the human race, and ASME share that point of view as stated on the ASME website"ASME develops voluntary standards that enhance ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Taking a Look at Civil Engineers The job of a civil engineer is to fix, or build many of our modern conveniences including bridges. Skill in math (specifically measurement and angles) is required for the most part. It is a risky job though because if you design something wrong, you will pay big. Civil engineers are a soul of a cities construction. Civil Engineers have many job duties because many workers depend on them. Civil engineers have a lot of variables in their building including construction cost, and government regulations. They also preform many tests to determine how they will build on the area, and what the structure is built with ("Civil Engineers." Career).The job requires provide or present findings, cost estimates, and submit permits or applications. They manage many workers including Civil engineering technicians, architects, and construction workers ("Civil Engineers." U.S.). Civil engineers have very important job duties because if their structures fail that will not be good for them. The work environments of a civil engineer can vary widely. Civil engineers Most of the time work near major cities, but sometimes they work in remote or foreign areas. Offices, labs, factories and the actual sites are work environments of many civil engineers. In offices they typically develop plans for a survey. If the Civil engineers visit the site of the job they usually take photos and measurements there ("Civil Engineers" Encyclopedia 529). Civil engineers stay indoors mostly at their offices ("Civil ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Becoming A Successful Engineer Or Architect Throughout my high school career I have learned a lot of things in my engineering classes, but my junior year I have learned many things I can use in my future profession. From Studying skills to dealing with social issues, this class has aided me in dealing with them all. From taking this class it has prepared me a little more to try and be an architect or an engineer. I still have much to learn, but I am heading in the right direction. Once I graduate from college I will have amassed enough knowledge and experience to become a successful engineer or architect, I haven't really made up my mind yet. In completing the numerous engineering projects in this class I have been tasked with many types of group activities. When we worked on these ... Show more content on ... If it performs well they move on to the next stage to refine and tweak it for the final product. However if there we some problems they would have to identify it and fix it so that it functions properly. This method is something that all engineers use and will be a key aspect in my field so I had better get used to using it. The method I mentioned is something we used in all of our projects, even those that were done individually. In a project of constructing our own nontraditional paper airplane, we had to incorporate the method to construct a paper airplane without folding it like a simple paper airplane usually is made. Initially I thought it would be a very simple project. Although after a series of failures I had to change my approach. I brainstormed ideas for a while before I thought of a Han glider design. Han gliders already fly or glide by themselves without any engine or power supply, and they are aerodynamic in design to get me the required distance and then some. I drew up the sketch and the draft with scales and all. Then construction of the Arius–glider I began. Its first test flight was successful, but I knew that it could be pushed further. After more drafts and tweaks to the design, I developed the Arius– glider VI that incorporated a coin to act as a weight and give more distance and acceleration to the plane. All of this was made possible through the engineering process and what I took from it. The majority of the projects we ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Chemical Engineering : A Chemical Engineer Lexi Wiebersch Mrs. Toews English 1 15 April 2015 Chemical Engineer From food to fertilizer, chemical engineers will have researched it and developed chemicals to go in it. A chemical engineer is a branch of engineering that applies physical sciences and life sciences together with mathematics and economics to produce, transform, transport, and properly use chemicals, materials and energy. This career is really interesting because chemicals and experiments are really fun to learn about. To better understand this career, I aspire to know the history of the career, job duties, job hours, and the education needed. According to "What Do Chemical Engineers Do?", chemical engineers work in many different fields such as: manufacturing, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, design and construction, pulp and paper, petrochemicals, food processing, specialty chemicals, polymers, business services, biotechnology, and environmental health and safety industries. How did this career start? Chemical Engineering began in 1888. Before that, it was just called a mechanical engineer who developed knowledge of chemical process equipment or someone who had experience but no real education. When Professor Lewis Norton introduced Course X in 1888, chemical engineers were given a formal degree. (Pafko) Other schools then started adding four year chemical engineering programs in 1892 and 1894. (Pafko, Wayne M.) According to "Chemical Engineering | Chemical Heritage Foundation", it is said to have ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. I Am A Professional Engineer It is not easy to become a successful, professional engineer. A professional engineer requires high responsibility, especially problem–based solving skills to cope with workplace environment and compete with others. Problem–based learning (PBL) is really important to reflect the professional practice of engineers. There have been several definitions of PBL. According to Lizinger, Lattuca, Hadgraft and Newstetter (2011, p.134), PBL is the approach that allows learners to practice finding solutions throughout their academy. Learners in a PBL process have to reflect, identify and learn about the complex problem and the cycle is repeated until learners find a solution that they can do both in writing and presentation. There are some basics of PBL such as decision–making, communication, collaboration, self–regulation, self–motivation and flexibility. These basics are the base for every engineer to become a successful professional practicing engineer. Decision making ability helps engineers to learn deeply from the problems and have ability to analyse and get the detail of the problems before planning to solve them. Deep learners focus on the problem carefully and get all information about it. Lizinger, Lattuca, Hadgraft and Newstetter (2011, p.126) state that the experiences of the effective learning from deep learning leads learners to understand key words and general principle to develop both technic and profession. Not only deep learning, decision–making ability improves ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Mathematician Vs Aerospace Engineer Everybody has to grow up and someday, a future career has to be chosen. This choice is very difficult and hard for some people. Two great choices would be a mathematician and an aerospace engineer. Mathematician and aerospace engineering are two interesting and unique job choices, but are highly different and offer different opportunities. These jobs have different working styles, outlooks, environments, education needed, and salary. These jobs are also similar in a lot of ways. First of all, aerospace engineering and mathematicians offer different working styles and job descriptions. The skills needed for this job are very similar, but at the same time very different. Aerospace engineers design and test aircraft, make sure planes are safe, ... Show more content on ... Job growth is very important when choosing a job. Most of the time, a person would want to pick a career that is growing fast because there are more opportunities. Job growth is favorable to aerospace engineers if they know C++ programming(OOH). However, not all aerospace engineers know C++ programming, and in the case, the job can be on the decline. Also according to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, more and more companies are trying to provide access to space. The more companies trying to get to space, the more aerospace engineers needed. According to Sokanu, mathematicians are growing 21.4%, while aerospace engineers are declining 2.3%. Mathematicians have a much faster growth than most jobs are predicted. Even though the percentage is higher for mathematicians, there are way more jobs for aerospace engineers. There are only 4,000 projected mathematicians projected in 2026 compared to the 73,800 aerospace engineers that are projected and only 900 more jobs are predicted to come(OOH). According to the Occupational Outlook Handbook, mathematicians are predicted to grow because of the increase in smartphone usage and social media, which will increase the amount of stored data usage. This being said, aerospace engineers as of now have the advantage. Even though the job is on the decline, there are still way more jobs available and there will be for a while. However, way down in the future, there could be a lot more ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. A Career Plan To Become A Professional Engineer One of my primary short term career is to get a job in the field of civil engineering within 3 months of graduating. My goal would be for this job to located in the Midwest, more specifically in the tri– state area of South Dakota, Minnesota, and Iowa. I am open to a job in any sub–discipline, but preferably in the areas of structural, geotechnical, or transportation. To achieve this goal, I need to be proactive in my job searching approach and to continue to do well in my class work and continue my involvement with ASCE. My biggest criterion for my job would be that I would work underneath a Professional Engineer doing engineering work that would allow me to sit for the Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) exam, as becoming a Professional Engineer is also a short term of mine. My goal would be to become a Professional Engineer within five years of graduating. An important first step in my goal of becoming a PE is to pass the Fundamentals of Engineering (FE) exam. I believe that I will have the skill set to accomplish my short term goals once graduating. I believe that not only my strong knowledge of fundamental principles of civil engineering, but also my ability to learn quickly, will be adequate in achieving my goals. There are still skills that I feel I am weak in, and if improved, would increase the likelihood of reach my goals. Skills I am still weak at are being proactive in searching for a job and writing a resume. I can address my fault of not being proactive ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Aerospace Engineer Essay Aerospace Engineers design, develop, construct, and test aircrafts, satellites, missiles, and spacecrafts. Aerospace Engineers also test prototypes of such aerial vehicles, conduct research on different materials and equipment, and determine what should be used to design and mass produce a certain aircraft. One task Aerospace Engineers perform is the evaluation of projects for safety, met engineering principles, environmental factors, and consumer requirements. They are also involved with the quality standard, methods of design, malfunction possibilities, and deadlines of their vehicle of flight. Additionally, Aerospace Engineers have responsibilities beyond the direct machine itself. They have to write up technical reports for management, ... Show more content on ... A bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering, or other fields of engineering and science that can relate to the aerospace studies, are almost always needed to even start being an Aerospace Engineer. Practical experience and a considerable amount of training in this field are also highly requested by the individual before becoming an Aerospace Engineer. Many skills, abilities, and strengths are asked for from an Aerospace Engineer. Some include critical thinking skills, the ability to complex problem solve, active listening skills, great reading comprehension, fluent speaking and writing, and most importantly, mathematical strengths. The average salary for an Aerospace Engineer varies greatly on what industry you work for and your experience. Entry level Aerospace Engineers, disregarding industry, earn about $71,859 annually with experienced ones earning around $103,000 to $105,000 annually, Those who work for the Federal Government are shown to earn more than their counterparts in scientific research and development services and those in navigational, measuring, electromedical, and control instrument ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Role Of An Engineer Essay When talking about engineering, people would probably have pictures in their mind of engineers using machines producing parts, drawing and sketching designs, or even doing some mathematical calculations. A more general answer to what engineers actually do would be that they solve social problems through the use of machines, devices, systems, materials and processes. They are all absolutely correct. But in reality, both the job and the role of an engineer are more complicated. They do not only have to work with machines and designs. Engineers are often involved in communications and negotiations. They have to work with different people and the responsibility that they have is massive. Important decisions are made by them and they have to use their own judgement. And very often, ethical considerations are already built into the decisions they make. In order to make the best decisions, they have to be understood in the context of their role in society and, moreover, they need to develop good ethical awareness and be able to deal with the dilemmas that they have to face every day. As mentioned above, it is very important for engineers to understand their own responsibilities. In 1960, the Conference of Engineering Societies of Western Europe and the United States of America defined "professional engineer" as follows:1 "A professional engineer is competent by virtue of his/her fundamental education and training to apply the scientific method and outlook to the analysis ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Working As An Engineer For Electrical Engineering Working as an engineer is much different than training to be an engineer, unlike school, there is no typical day. Typically, engineers work in office buildings, laboratories, or industrial plants, but others work outdoors at construction sites, oil exploration and production sites. In outdoor sites, engineers usually monitor, direct operations, or solve on–site problems. Some engineers travel extensively to plants or work–sites in their area and abroad. Having investigated a career in electrical engineering, I have learned some information that I did not know before and made the decision of pursuing a career in electrical engineering based on research and interview answers. Many engineers work a standard 40–hour week, but at times deadlines or design standards may bring extra pressure to a job, requiring engineers to work longer hours. Although extra pressure can be uncomfortable, for many engineers the pay is worth the long hours. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, "The median annual wage for electrical engineers was $87,920 in May 2012. The median wage is the wage at which half the workers in an occupation earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $56,490, and the top 10 percent earned more than $136,690 (Statistics)". This means that an electrical engineer can earn as much as $136,690 in his or her career. That extra pressure in the field can lead to a raise for the hard work and dedication an engineer ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Role Of A Professional Civil Engineer Role of Civil Engineering 1.0 Introduction: This report outlines the role of a professional civil engineering in the manufacturing industry. Furthermore, there are some key works that engineers doing in our daily life. Moreover, this article will introduce how civil engineers do for their professional. And what kind of ethics that engineers require to be respect. In addition, how do they practice to solve issues to avoid failure generate again. This report will shows the roles of engineers do in manufacturing industry and what kind of works that they need to complete. Base on a large number of requirements that engineers need to practice to engage in their professional works. For instance, they need these kinds of knowledge, skills and ... Show more content on ... Civil Engineers plan, design and test the structures of private and public buildings and facilities. (They are also involved in many environmental areas such as the assessment of the impact large scale projects have on the environment and the collection and treatment of sewage and industrial wastes, pollution control, environmental control and resource protection and management.(Civil college, 2016) What do mechanical engineer need to do are review the influence of design and test data to make sure every products are safety to enter into the market. They should be providing with the ability of failure analysis. Furthermore, manufacturing some electronic components (Webrecruit Ltd 2015). 3.0 How do civil engineers do for their professional practice: 3.1 What kind of skills do civil engineers demand 3.2 What kind of knowledge do civil engineers have 3.3 What kinds of attributes do civil engineers need Civil engineers design major construction projects, such as roads, airports, tunnels, dams and bridges. They also supervise project construction and maintenance. They must possess a very broad skill set, from cost accounting to geology. Many civil engineers have jobs that require a very hands– on role in construction, while others may have positions more heavily weighted toward supervisory and administrative skills. They are often called upon to present reports to the public or government officials. Whatever the details ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Civil Engineer Responsibilities In the report, I will be discussing the responsibilities of a civil engineer. As well as the technical role, they also have responsibilities to their colleagues, their profession and the wider society and environment. A civil engineer is someone who designs and builds the environment around us. (ice, n.d.) The responsibilities of a professional civil engineer are wide and varied, however, there are several aspects to a civil engineer which without you could not run a successful company or site. These include correct professional conduct, correct use of leadership and teamwork, Health and safety and sustainability. 2.0 Professional conduct In a profession like Civil Engineering, Professional Conduct is the utmost importance, this is due to the fact that the Civil Engineers have a responsibility to the public good which includes care and respect for humanity's cultural, historical and archaeological heritage. (ICE, 2014) Professional Conduct also protects the health and wellbeing of future generations. It shows regard for the environment and natural resources For a profession like civil engineering professional conduct is vital due to the how individuals act and are perceived by the public can often affect the view of the company. This could lead to getting fewer contracts if the company has a bad reputation. 3.0 Teamwork Teamwork exists in every organization structure. Without teamwork, an organization may not survive or strive to complete a project. (LIKUP, 2006) ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. The Ethics Of A Civil Engineer We first deal with the ethical implication of ASCE preparing the report card and the benefit, which benefits the engineers. The implication of the ASCE should be about moral neutral group of people to prepare to the report card. Civil engineers should have Presence and obligations to the public as they should in any other places .so a person who can be swayed by political corruption and bribery, shouldn 't be involved with any activates, Now if ASCE prepare to the report card, the ratings given could be changed to reflect the need of the economic situation. In case lower rating will be more jobs available to workforce .If rating are higher few jobs will be needed for infrastructure development. The primary concern of a civil engineer should always be the safety, health, and welfare of the public. Working in any field should never compromise on moral principles at work. for example if a project takes place in an area prone to natural disasters should not be used as an excuse to cut concerns when it comes to safety. An engineer should make every effort to complete it to their client's full satisfaction; an engineer should make every effort to complete it to their client's full satisfaction; however they have to know where to draw the line when it comes to matters of safety. So engineers should keep their obligations regardless of the cost, knowing the limits of their knowledge and abilities, and determining what an adequate level of safety is. How might ASCE's role ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. Essay on Why I Want to be a Professional Engineer Engineers are viewed as the backbone of modern society. The innovation and the creativity that drives our society forward are inspired by the teachings of engineering, whether it is transporting on a bus or making a phone call, the work of an engineer is experienced. Engineers satisfy both themselves and humanity which is the reason for my passion for engineering. The idea of seeing a project come to life is what provokes my desire to become an engineer. In the past, engineers have created the greatest historic innovations such as health technology. My passion for chemical engineering is seeing how the fundamental theories of Chemistry, Physics and Math can be applied to create an innovative industry. In very concrete ways, engineers ... Show more content on ... I would like to add to my degree by completing an Engineering and Social Development certification and a minor in French at UFT. Even more, the location of this campus is ideal for me because I may easily commute and educate myself in the heart of Toronto. Throughout my high school life, my extracurricular involvement has helped me develop a variety of skills. Primarily, I have been a part of the Leadership and Peer Support group as a project manager of a conference; I exercised my leadership and collaborative skills. As an engineer, there are times where an individual with leadership and cooperative skills must rise and become the leader in different projects. Interpersonal skills play a significant role in an engineer's life because they will always be required to communicate with new people. Earlier this year, a peer and I decided to start a Student Mentorship Program and as a co–founder of this group, I learned how to problem solve, make decisions, think laterally, and work as a team. As a student, my skills will allow me to accept challenges with confidence and contribute to discussions during lectures with new ideas. Teamwork, leadership, interpersonal and hands–on skills are key abilities engineers must contain in order to be successful. Engineering is an exciting field that I believe will be enjoyable, challenging, and above all, intuiting to undertake at university. I believe pursuing engineering means exceeding your expectations and making a ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Aerospace Engineer Research Paper 1&3Aerospace Engineers are responsible for a variety of different things. They are responsible for maintaining a professional work place and always being creative. They have to be able to explain how operations work and how things are supposed to be used (Aerospace Engineers). The reason I want to be an Aerospace Engineer is so I can always be around space crafts and help out build stuff for the space shuttles. In this occupation you work on different designs for different space crafts. 4The number one organization that I can think of that will hire you if you have a degree in this occupation is NASA. NASA is the main space organization in the world. They include just about everything that is to do with the space program. Another program that has this position is the Aerospace Manufacturing Supply Chain. They have a position opening for ... Show more content on ... You work just as many hours a week being a carpenter as you do working as an aerospace engineer (Aerospace Engineer). 15There are a couple of benefits in this occupation like sick leave, insurance, and retirement. They probably give you comp time but I didn't read anything about that. 16There is about a 40% chance that you will get a job in this occupation. Even if you have all the qualifications there is still the same chances as if you were still going to school getting your degree in this field of study. There are a couple of professional occupations that are associated with this particular occupation. 17They include: Operation technicians, Architect engineers, computer hardware engineers etc. they all are associated with this type of occupation. If you have a degree in engineering you can get into any of these occupations (Aerospace Engineers)(Aerospace Engineers ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. An Interview With A Mechanical Engineer When college students enter a career field, we encounter many problems and concerns, such as rules, traditions, and the writing involve. By doing the Discipline Investigation Assignment, it helps me to explore my future career field and get advice on how to do well in the industry. Also, this assignment is a great way to find out the struggles and problems as we encounter a new profession. The discourse community I have chosen is Mechanical Engineering. I am very passionate in doing machine work and repairing mechanisms, also I like math, physics, and sciences, therefore I want to be am Mechanical Engineer. In order to know what I need to be prepared and what are the daily work that I could be doing as a Mechanical Engineer, I conduct an ... Show more content on ... First of all, Mr. King got his first job as an auto shop repairer when he was a junior, this job was a part–time job. He had learned many skills from this first job, he mentions that the first job was important and unforgettable because it built a path of his career. However, he found some difficulties of this job, such as the communication was a big issue because when students enter to workforce, the way that people communicate is different than the way that students learn in colleges. Just right after graduate, some students might have hard time to find a professional position as an engineer. During the interview, this engineer suggests that from the different perspectives, the students should get employed first, then, think about their career. In "Your First Job Doesn't (Really) Matter," Jodi Glickman, a contributor to the Harvard Business Review, describes the pre–job training and knowledge that people learn should not be all for their professional learning. Indeed, she says what she did do is "learn a whole lot about myself, about relating to others, about adjusting expectations and managing difficult workplace environments" (Glickman). Same as what Glickman describes, Mr. King did not suggest that student should immediately get into their professional working when they get their first job or do not be too concerned about whether their first job is related to their major. For them, the most ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Questions and Answers on A Career as an Engineer Please, briefly tell me about yourself and your educational background. I am an ambitious and well driven woman who believes in herself. After finishing my high school l went to Vaal university of Technology for my diploma, University of Pretoria for my degree in engineering, and then Sorbonne University for my masters in engineering. What first draw you to study engineering? It has always been a passion in my life to work with electricity and electronic devices. When l was young l used to fix and repair adapters, radios and TVs. Being accepted to the engineering faculty was just a continuation of the dream that l begun when l was young. Which year of study was the most challenging, and why? Probably, my first year was horrible because l was less prepared for university studies. I missed most classes; fell behind in class, and l was very uncertain about whether l was following the right career path. What do you enjoy least or most about engineering? I hate those long hours figuring out a solution to a problem that seems impossible to decode. Why should one become an engineer? Engineering is a challenging, high–paying career. If you have up to date engineering skills, jobs are abundant. Engineering jobs often come with flexible hours, location flexibility, and the hard skills you learn translate easily to new positions What are some reasons one should not become an engineer? In my opinion, you should never take a job simply ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Becoming A Person From Engineers Australia EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In this application, I illuminate the critical information as to Engineers Australia where is the greatest and trusted affiliation set up in Australia for Engineers. As I might need to apply and transform into a cooperation in this establishment, from now on I have to show my own abilities to meet the requirements by exhibiting my aptitude capacities and responding three units of competency relating to my appropriate level, which is Migration Skills Assessment. I moreover indicate how being a person from Engineers Australia preferences to my future occupation. CONTENTS Executive Summary 1 Contents 2 INTRODCUTION 3 BENEFITS OF ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA MEMEBERSHIP 3 LEVEL OF MEMEBERSHIP 4 AUDIT OF SKILL SET 4 Identifying ... Show more content on ... EA is the top assortment of calling which sets the standard of specialized brilliance in all fields of engineering. BENEFITS OF ENGINEERS AUSTRALIA MEMEBERSHIP Engineers Australia gives an extensive variety of administrations for profession improvement of individuals. It helps the part from the underlying stage i.e., to locate the main employment, keep the abilities upgraded, changing the profession way or closure it. The profession improvement program offered by EA gives administrations to engineers at all phases of their vocation including understudies, graduates and even experienced designers who are searching for an open door or change. As I am an understudy seeking after Master 's Degree, EA participation is the principal development of my vocation which helps me in arranging my profession way giving important assets. It gives me a chance to investigate my future profession alternatives. It helps me in building up the profession steps. It keeps me associated with Australian Engineering Community where I become more acquainted with the new advancements in my field of study. With Continuing Professional Development occasions, it gives the chance to investigate controls of building and assess my present zone of study. EA giving the
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  • 118. College Admissions Essay: A Career As A Civil Engineer As a kid, day and night I would draw. I would draw everything, from dinosaurs to cartoon characters like Johnny Bravo. The pencil was my favorite toy, and I couldn't be kept from it. Even though I would draw the average kid stuff, my favorite things to draw were cities. I would fill papers with different types of structures; skyscrapers, bridges, and houses. It always amazed me to see what I could come up with. There were never limitations and I could build anything I thought of. As I grew up, I lost my love for drawing but never for designing. I love building web pages, using different types of codes. I realized what I loved what going outside the box and never being limited. But the decision to be a civil engineering is recent. When I started college, I thought I wanted to be a businessman. Accounting was the class that changed my mind, I realized it was boring and I didn't want to stay in an office 24/7. I decided engineering might be the career for me, since I would still be messing with numbers but also be able to use my imagination. My mother was the final push to me changing, she didn't like my business major and when I told her I was thinking about changing, her face lit up and she said she wanted that all along. I lost 6 credit hours, I was really sad about that but I know it's going to pay off in the future to change my careers. I don't think I'm going to change majors again. It depends what kind of branch or company you choose to work for but what a Civil ... Get more on ...
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  • 122. The Role Of Engineers In Mary Shelley's Frankenstein Engineers hold a valuable place in our society. They lay the groundwork for and create artifacts based on the foundation of knowledge that science grants. In our culture, however, it is not uncommon for people to be confused about the role that engineers play. Often times, engineers are portrayed as being skilled and knowledgeable, but lack a sense of moral responsibility for their creations. This mentality is shown in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, in which, the inventor, Victor Frankenstein attempts to defy the natural laws of life and death without first considering the consequences. This phenomenon is not just present in works of fiction. The man who designed the atom bomb, J. Robert Oppenheimer, said to the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, ... Get more on ...
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  • 126. Why I Want To Be An Engineer Growing up, Math and science were always my favorite subjects. This led me to desire a career that incorporates these two subjects. As I furthered my education, I discovered I was very interested in engineering. Being able to learn new things and apply that new knowledge is something I have always enjoyed doing. The high job market, life flexibility, financial security and social impact are all reasons I have chosen to pursue a career in software engineering. One reason I want to be an engineer is I enjoy that kind of work. Problem solving is one major part of engineering, and something I have always enjoyed doing. If I enjoy the work I do, engineering will fell much less like a "job", and make it much more enjoyable. I always knew I never wanted to have to wake up every morning to go to a job I hated. With engineering, I am ... Show more content on ... Currently, engineers are needed in all parts of the world. Being able to find a job easier will reduce a great deal of stress that may come with other careers. On top of that, because engineers are need all over the world, it is a great way to be able to travel. Although it may not be as relaxing is taking a vacation and traveling, it would still be a great opportunity to see the world. For these reasons, I am motivated to pursue a career in the engineering field. For me, the most important attribute for being an engineer is life flexibility. Seeing the life flexibility my mother has with her engineering job showed me how critical flexibility is. Anytime there was an emergency, my mother was always able to make herself available due to the flexibility of her job. My mother is also able to do the majority of her work from home. Having the flexibility to be able to work from home is another reason life flexibility is on the top of my list. Overall, having a flexible job is very important to me, and the flexibility of engineering is one reason I am drawn to that ... Get more on ...
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  • 130. America Needs To Become An Aerospace Engineer Aerospace engineering is an occupation that helps many different things that are done in America; some of which being rockets for NASA and airplanes and fighter jets for the United States Military. An aerospace engineer is a certain type of engineer that primarily designs aircraft, spacecraft, satellites, and missiles. Aerospace engineers specialize in advanced aerodynamics, so they need problem–solving, analytical, business, critical–thinking, math, and writing skills. They either specialize in aeronautical engineering or astronautical engineering (working with aircraft or working with spacecraft). In order to become an aerospace engineer, one needs to have a Bachelor's degree (four years of college). This needs to be in aerospace engineering ... Get more on ...
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  • 134. Mechanical Engineer Essay Introduction I did not always want to be an engineer. I wanted to be many things, I wanted to be a veterinarian, I wanted to be a singer, I wanted to be firemen. I wanted to be many things, but nothing was as natural to me as working with my hands. When I create, and assemble I'm at my happiest. As a child when begun helping around the house I was quickly drawn to any job that required me to fix things. Changing light bulbs to assembling furniture, I was happy. Approaching high school, I was asked frequently what I wanted to be when I grew up and I did not have an answer. I knew I wanted to do something that required I work with my hands so I asked my mom and she mentioned architect's build things. I thought about it and I wanted to be an ... Show more content on ... They may also visit the problem to better understand it and work towards a solution. A mechanical engineer, depending on where they work, may be asked to design steam or gas turbines, or make a new design for head phones(Mechanical Engineers). No matter what the job the pay is great. Mechanical engineers are averagely paid $84,190 per year, or $40.48 per hour(Mechanical Engineers). Considering most mechanical engineers work full time, that would make 35– 40 hours getting paid around $40 per hour(Mechanical Engineers). As the need for mechanical engineers increases, as will the pay. The need for Mechanical engineers is expected to increase with in the next 10–20 years(Mechanical Engineers). This is true for developed and underdeveloped nations. The need does not only include those who will build and fix problems, but those who design and can use such software required for much of the designing prosses. Technology Because Technology is ever changing. It was only "40 years ago" (Berman , Alison E) that the personal computer was commercially available, and in that time the computer has gone through so much changes it can fit in a pocket. Nearly "two– thirds of Americans own..." A smart phone(Berman , Alison E). This changed is rapid and it is only going to get faster, so of course a job that is centered around technology would do the same. Technological advances such as the internet, software and connectivity, have benefited the engineering field. Software has made ... Get more on ...
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  • 138. Aerospace Engineer Research Paper What I want to be when I grow up is an aerospace engineer. The reason for me wanting to be an aerospace engineer is that I have a lot of interest in astronomy. In this paper I will tell you many things like what Aerospace engineers do, what you need to do to become an Aerospace engineer, colleges nearby that work with aerospace engineering, what the median pay is, and what the work schedule may look like THE DUTIES OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERS Aerospace engineers have different duties according to O*NET ONLINE they test the aircraft and aerospace products, another duty aerospace engineers might have is to determine proposals for projects if they are technically and financially feasible, and direct or coordinate activities of engineering or technical personnel involved in designing, modifying, or testing of aircraft or aerospace products. WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO TO BECOME AN AEROSPACE ENGINNEER ... Show more content on ... According to the bureau of labor statistics if high school students that are interested in becoming an Aerospace engineer should take classes in chemistry, physics, and math that also includes algebra trigonometry and calculus. According to the bureau of labor statistics Important qualities that you need is analytically qualities you have to remember data, business qualities you have to know what you are talking about suppose you are making proposals for projects, critical thinking is when you need to stay focused on your task, math skills this by far is the most important because you will need to remember many formulas you have to know how to solve out those equations, and finally writing skills you will need to be clear when you right when you are transferring data the other person needs to understand what you ... Get more on ...
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  • 142. Post-Secondary Aerospace Engineer Post–Secondary– Aerospace engineer Job Description: Aerospace engineers' jobs are designing, creating, testing, and the supervision of the making of aircrafts, space crafts, and missiles. Some of the most advanced technologies today are developed by people who work in this field. Aerospace engineers have developed, tested, and created things like lightweight gliders, airplanes that weigh over half a million pounds, communication satellites, and the international space station. Aeronautical engineers and astronomical engineers are the two categories aerospace engineers are usually broken into. Aeronautical engineers generally work with aircraft, while astronomical engineers generally work with spacecraft. However, all aerospace engineers must have an understanding of include the field's core subjects, such as aerodynamics, propulsion, thermodynamics, and guidance and control systems. Engineers typically specialize in one area such as structural design, propulsion systems, instrumentation, communications, or production methods. Aerospace engineers are important as the communication ... Show more content on ... Also, some test and design military equipment such as jets and missiles. NASA, in the US hires aerospace engineers to help them test and design equipment for space travel. Aerospace engineers work with computers, blueprints, and cutting edge technology. Typically, aerospace engineers work 40 hours a week, but sometimes they work extra hours to meet deadlines. Knowing that many others rely on technologies they create for survival, makes their job a little more stressful. Aerospace engineers spend a lot of time testing the durability and safety of the machines they have built, but most of the tests are done using computer simulations. Occasionally fieldwork is necessary in order to test prototypes or ... Get more on ...
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  • 146. Audio Engineer Essay Audio Engineer An audio engineer is responsible for the operation of the soundboard and other equipment in the recording of music, words, sounds, or any combination of such material. There are several types of engineering positions available in today's studios. In large studios, there are usually several engineers, each with the own duties and contributions. There are recording engineers, recording assistants, set–up engineers, maintenance engineers, and even mix–down engineers in some cases. In smaller studios the engineer is usually responsible for all of these duties. As a rule, the engineer should be able to set–up, use, and fix the equipment they work with. In the studio, the recording engineer has to prepare for the ... Show more content on ... These can include courses in physics, acoustics, music theory and performance, mathematics, and electrical engineering. The greater and more in depth than a student's education is, the better the chance of climbing to the top of the career ladder. These programs can be quite intense, and some even highly competitive. Another method of obtaining an education is by convincing a studio to take you on as an intern, with training in lieu of compensation. This seems to be a long, hard route, but one should remember that the recording industry is fairly young, and some of the greatest engineers received no formal schooling, learning as the technology was created. After training or schooling has been received, there are a few ways that might get you in the door and working for a studio. 1) Offer your services for free (or next to) to a studio to learn the business. 2) Check what seminars are being offered for Recording Engineers and go. Contacts can be made and learn more about the business. 3) Check with record companies for availability of internships. 4) Knock on every studio door in town. Just get involved, stay informed, do whatever you can to break–in and work. It may take a while to get in the door, but once you do, as long as you're talented, work hard, and persevere your career should advance. Engineers have a choice of three main routes as far as advancement goes. Some advance up the large studio ladder, and become Chief ... Get more on ...
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  • 150. Nelson Garzon-Leon: Senior Engineer At Northrumman Nelson Garzon–Leon is a senior engineer at Northrop Grumman. He did a presentation on recruitment requirements for engineers, some job searching techniques and some job interviewing tips. Mr. Garzon–Leon started by showing the four fundamental requirements for recruiting engineers. The first thing employers consider is teamwork. Although, it might be difficult to work with and to get along with teammates with contrasting characteristics and views, each individual must try to get along with and conform to each other so as to contribute to the success of the project. The second requirement is communication skills, namely, writing, speaking and listening. Some examples of written communications in engineering include writing design reviews, test ... Get more on ...
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  • 154. Chemical Engineering : A Chemical Engineer A chemical Engineer discovers modern methods, for the world to operate in a delicate and evolving society. Chemical Engineering is a branch of engineering that manufactures and designs chemical products that help the world operate today. A Chemical Engineer works within a confidential precise area in the chemical industry to convert primary compounds into a variety of delicate materials, and deals with the design and operation of products consumers need to survive. Chemical Engineers work condition can vary because of the career field being so broad. A chemical Engineer can work in a manufacturing, pharmaceutical, and a food processing company. These areas are only a couple work areas that are listed. A chemical Engineer has a complex career and is not for the weak of heart or misguided. A Chemical Engineer has problems that are unseen because of the rewarding pay scale and job offers. Assisting the aid of every living creative survive in some way daily is not always relaxing or satisfying. The career becomes challenging for a chemical engineer to preserve foods for ones eating habits, fuel for a variable of cars and prepare the compounds of medicine for man and animals. These are only a few problems that chemical engineers face. Chemical Engineers are ultimately a helpful career for society, yet research has shown that there is difficulty within how to find employment, the tedious education programs, and the working conditions. There will be a time when one will ... Get more on ...