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'The Ad1-isor

I Competency-Based Holistic Evaluation of
  Prehealth Applicants

    Ei'i'ziI T.Chuck, PbD


                                 C     ommunicating the qualifications of
                                       an applicant through a reference let-
                                 ter is always a challenge. hlany references
                                                                                         In other n~ords, is designed as a de-ei-
                                                                                         opmental model and standard against
                                                                                         r-hich all are measured. hl!- goal in
                                 take a position of strongly recommending                developing a competency-based eralua-
                                 candidates based on the academic record                 tion rubric was to emphasize the lifelong
                                 and accomplishments in the contest of                   development of these professional
                                 specific classes, but often the humanistic              traits to applicants, references, and eralu-
                                 elements of an applicant are not easily                 ators by providing a framenrork for dis-
                                 discussed or deciphered.                                cussion and assessment of the individual
                                                                                         applicant without resorting to arbitrary
                                 With the emphasis on an applicant's abil-              "class rank" or subjectil-e, non-specific
                                 ity to del-elop the professional s l d s and            characterizations.
                                 insights necessary to becoming an escel-
                                 lent health care provider, it is unfortunate            The Process and Research Rationale
                                 how little these s M s and insights are
                                 evaluated within the contest of academic                At Virgnia Commonwealth Unirrersity,
                                 letters of recommendation. T:llile it is               the competencies articulated by the Ac-
                                 important for professors to describe the                credtation Council for Graduate hfedical
                                 context of a student's grade in a lecture               Education (ACGhlE) have been applied
                                 or small-group discussion-based course,                 to prehealth students'. But the literature
                                 there is often very little insight offel-ed to          reveals few efforts where a system of ad-
                                 admissions committees (and institutional                vising focused on competency-based
                                 evaluation committees) on the non-aca-                  evaluations is utilized. At the time I be-
                                 demic qualities. Yet, nriting about an                  gan advising at George hlason Uniwrsit!;
                                 applicant's character and/or service ori-               no evaluation rubric for committee let-
                                 entation is often a complete1~-   subjective            ters or professional letters s~~pporting
                                 assessment. If an applicant did not have                prehealth students could be found
                                 a modicum of compassion for others,                     online. ,It the same time, my own inter-
                                 XI-ouldwe be willing to write a letter on               est in professional career del-elopment
                                 behalf of the applicant? In the current                 for graduate students and postdoctoral
   Let-IIIassisfnntpi.@rsor      application system, all applicants hare                 scholars in science and engineering fields
       of' biolqgi ut George     that compassion which unfortunatel!.                    brought me to participate as a committee
                            He   fails to materialize in patient assessments.            member and Professionalism section au-
  a~elromes    co~x~?/ents ci/~d                                                         thor for the National Postdoctoral
    jedbcirk o hir r~tb/-lc hle&cal education most recentlj- has
                 m                                                                       Association's Core Competencies.
fi-o/ll nlili~oi.s,an~~/issio~ls         adopted competent!--based el-aluations to
    denlrs lid dil-ecto/:r,01.           guide professional development to irr-          Eventuallj; my search for guidance
           health ~ ~ ~ o f e s s ~ o i ~pro-e the qualin- of patient-doctor inter-
                                          .r                                             brought me to the Technical Standards
     .schools .ctt~dellt
                       .ffC~its          actions and of patient care. Competen-          for admitted students outhned b! man!-
             clenns. f dd1.e.r.r
                     i                   cies are best described as the masteri- of      medical, dental, pharmac!; optometry,
                                         sMls that express specific characteristics      podiatry, 1-etennary, and other health
                                         or criteria that are d u e d by a profession.   professional programs. Regardless of
The Advisor

the degree offered, all the Technical Standards at             kno- whether the applicant's career goals can be fa-
these schools n-ere fairly uniform in the expectations         cllitated througll the mission, resources, and experi-
for students and graduates of their programs. Fur-             ences offered b!- a particular institution. Y'hile t h s
thermore, these standards paralleled the basic tenets          piece ma!- not bc easily addressed in generic letters of
of Harold Gardner's multiple intelhgence theory                recommendation, I hare evaluated earl!--admission
From these data, I identified ten areas of competency          sophomore applicants n-ho v a n t to gain admission
that characterize the holistic quabties desired in in-         through articulation agreements x-ith this element in
coming students and future professionals.                      mind.

         Academic acconrplishments.the scientific grade        Competencies in each area are ewluated based on
         point average, coursework rigor, overall              evidence that demonstrates the derelopment of that
         coursework variety and difficult); depart-            area. In general, the levels of competencies are best
         mental or school-wide honors, scholarships            described as follovs.
         and recognition.
                                                               A'azic           There is little mention or support-
                            competency with, success in                         ing evidence of interest or devel-
         and interest in lifelong learning.                                     opment.
                                                               KOLIZCE:         Evidence and references suggests
         S o d intelligence: demonstration of interper-                         that one passi~el!; accepts the im-
         sonal sldls, empathy, effective teamwork, and                          portance of those s l d s and is
         cultural awareness (especially outside one's                           "learning" new tasks.
         own identity).                                        Adt~a~icedNol~ice:
                                                                                While the skill has been taught, the
                                                                                individual needs more practice on
         Practicalintelligence:leadership, project and time                     his/her on7n.
         management, fiscal management.                        PrOfinent:       The individual can perform the
                                                                                task satisfactorily.
         Emotionalintelligence:profession&sm, ethics,          Couqeterrr:      The individual considers ways to
         morality, emotional stability, and competency                          improre the task or outcome and
         to self-assess and improre.                                            makes adjustments.
                                                             The individual tests improvements
                intelligence: observational and diagnostic                      to tasks in a systematic manner.
        skills.                                                ilrla~fe~:       The individual is rccognized by
                                                                                others for contributions that reflect
         Killesthetic intelligence manual dexterity and fine                    masten- of the area.
         motor shlls.
                                                               Examples of holistic evaluation
         Written commtttticatiol~
                                skills, as evidenced by
         pre-application essays, personal statement,           For this article, I draw upon some fictionalized es-
         and general communication.                            amples of comments in solicited letters of recom-
                                                               mendation or feedback from committee interviews
        Oral commrrnicotion skills, as eridenced by inter-     that could help me to assess an applicant's competen-
        views and general communication.                       cies. All of these examples are composite partial pro-
                                                               files, and the intent of this document is to provide a
        h%to~vleAge t h e p r d e s ~ iawareness of chal-
                   ~                   o~~:                    platform for discussion with frequent letter-writers,
        lenges that WILI face health care and the pro-         interviev evaluators, co~nlnittee  letter writers, and
        fession, with sensitirit!. to adjust to those          adn~issions   officers to determine whether these ex-
        challenges on a personal, professional, and            amples mould provide better insight for an adrnis-
        societal level.                                        sions decision. Vhile the possible examples can be
                                                               infinite, I have deliberately tried to provide diverse
The one other area that is also critical for admissions        experiences as models, noting that many of the ex-
decisions is the question of "fit with the institution."       amples can also touch more than one competency
This criteria is not a competency, but it is critical to       area. Feedback is always elcom come, and a competency
The rdvisor

Competency-Based Holistic Evaluation of Prehealth Applicants          ~ ~ o / I / ~ ; I I I ~

rating should alva!-s be rien-ed with possible error of            Intellectual ability, including willingness to
one rating category hgher or lover than assigned.                  succeed in lifelong acquisition of knowledge
Alost of these examples corer undergraduate and re-
cent graduate applicants instead of postbaccalaureate                   ,e:
                                                                    ATc/ji                         The applicant apparentlj- did really
or career-changing applicants.                                                                    XI-ellin my class, though I hardly
                                                                                                   remember llun/her connecting I-ith
Academic accomplishments                                                                           others during class dscussions.
                                                                    So~,ice:                       The applicant's lab reports were
A7c7it'e:               The applicant has just begun to                                            grammatically correct but reflect
                        take science-rigorous courset-ork.                                        ven- little adclitional insight or in-
                        As mentioned in the personal state-                                        terest in the main topics COI-ered
                        ment, the applicant has occasionally                                       with the exercise.
                        vithdra~:n from courses n-hen             A d ~ ~ n n c e d N o ~ i c e :In a club meeting -here -e
                        his/her n-orliload outside the class-                                      brought in a cardiologist to talk
                        room seems to get heal-; but st111                                        about his/her career journey, the
                        believes that s/he can handle the                                          applicant askeci questions which
                        challenges of a health professional                                        reflect a desire to clarify topics
                        education.                                                                 that were apparently confusing.
Ad~lamced o ~ ~ i c e : The applicant's science GPA stands
             X                                                      Proficie~zt                    The applicant -as engaged in the
                        at 3.07 because of transitional is-                                        course I teach on the homeless
                        sues that occurred in the semester                                         community. The questions s/he
                        after changing from sociology to                                           asked were probative and
                        biophysics as a major. So far the                                          thoughtful.
                        applicant has only taken prereclui-         Co71pete11f:                  The applicant mas inspired from
                        site courses with a couple of up-                                          taking my class on cancer biology
                        per-level biomedical courses in                                            epidemiology. hlany of the ques-
                        progress. In the last year, the                                            tions s/he asked revealed intellec-
                        applicant's semester-b!.-semester                                          tual engagement in the topic, so I
                        GPA has risen to 3.6 in science                                           +as pleased when the applicant
                        coursevork.                                                              asked me to mentor him/her in
                        The applicant's difficulties freshman                                     an independent study project.
                        year contribute to the 3.17 science         E3,pe/per-t:                  The applicant has been verj- help-
                        GPA. Sophomore-year and be-                                                ful in designing surveys for our
                        yond grades ha-e been above 3.50                                         psychology esperiment on interra-
                        each semester.                                                            cial dating and sexual behavior,
(Io//lpele/,fi          The applicant has escelled in chal-                                       and s/he has further decided to
                        lenging science coursevork (science                                       take language courses in Farsi to
                        GPLI3.42) despite a C in first-se-                                        develop the project further.
                        mester physics (calculus-based). In         L 1~1.rter
                                                                          l                       The applicant was instrumental in
                        fact, -hle the applicant is an art                                      giving 1-ital feedback 11-hile writing
                        hlstorp major, s/he has shon-n sur-                                       a peer-rerien-ed journal article on
                        psisingly little difficulty with science.                                 more effective health comrnunica-
                        The applicant's outstandingperfor-                                        tion strategies for Nspanic youth,
                        mance in science-rigorouscourse-m-ork                                     ~-Ilich submitted one month ago.
                        ( G P L ~ nas recent$ acknov-1-
                        edged with the "outstanding or-             Social intelligence
                        ganic chemistry student" award.
                        Representing our school, the appli-         A-023e:                     The applicant keeps remarlcing
                        cant was finished the top score on                                      hor- because I n-as not raised in
                        the team in the recent Putnam                                           his/her famil!- that I would not
                        mathematics competition.                                                understand the pressure to be-
                                                                                                come a doctor.
The Advisor

Aiolice:          Yhen describing his/her role as
                                      -                     PrOfiir~~t:       The applicant attended the re-
                  president, the applicant's authority                        quired meetings for club treasurers
                   and indi~idual   contributions is ap-                      but did -en- little to help the club
                   parent. Yrllat is not obvious is the                      request new funds for programs it
                  applicant's abhty to consider the                           intended to run.
                   opinions of hs/her collaborators,        Co/llpete~tt:     The applicant created a notebook
                  and he/she gets very defensive when                         (:hich we never had before) that
                  it comes to constructi~~e   criticism.                      documented the steps taken to or-
Ad~uncedAro~'ice: f hile the applicant claims to enjoy                        ganize the annual awards banquet.
                  diverse company when it comes to                            The notes included comments on
                  group projects, the applicant pre-                          how to improve the process for
                  sents very few definitive examples                          the next person assigned to orga
                  that she knows what constitutes a                           nize the event.
                  good team versus a bad one.               E.ybe?-t          The applicant's answers indicate a
                  The applicant has been volunteer-                           vcrg veil-planned process of se-
                  ing at a local nursing home. YMe                           lecting a career in the health pro-
                  the supervisor's letter re~eals    that                     fessions n~hile maintaining personal
                  the applicant seems to "work well                           interests outside the health profes-
                  with the staff" without providing                           sions. illternate timelines in case
                  much detail, the applicant does ar-                         the applicant were to reapply were
                  ticulate his/her duties at the nursing                      considered and evaluated.
                  home.                                     A.laste7:         The applicant was cited by refer-
Competent         Through this exchange program,                              ences repeatedly for hls/her abkty
                  the applicant exchanged emails                              to multitask and address contin
                  with a pen pal in an Iranian sci-                           gencies and emergencies calmly
                  ence-oriented school for girls. Her                         and reliably. The applicant re-
                  description of what she learned                             ceived a leadership award from
                  about Iranian culture articulates                           the Office of Student Activities.
                  great respect for the hstory and
                  scientific contribution of Persia.        Emotional intelligence
Expert:          The applicant's dedication to build
                  large student support for the club's      1Yaz1x          The applicant is solely focused on
                  Relay for Life team helped him/                           doing well in class and on stan-
                  her attract over 30 students and                          dardized exams that s/he sees little
                  friends and collect over 92000 in                         reason to consider others' opinions
                 pledges.                                                   on alternatives.
                                                            Nouicp.         The applicant responds to stressful
Practical intelligence                                                      situations by avoidmg discussion
                                                                            or changng the subject. Vhile the
hTai'ue:           The applicant fails to understand                        applicant appears remorseful, s/he
                   the importance of deadlines when                         tends to obsess over all the faults
                   submitting assignments.                                  of his/her application and has not
hrozice:           The applicant consistently arrives                       sought additional support to
                   late to advising appointments and                        handle the stress.
                   forgets to bring the appropriate         Ah~ancedNouire: The applicant is au7are of some of
                   materials that would make the                            the resources at the college that
                   meeting productive.                                      ?ill help him/her with stress man-
AdvancedhTouice:   The applicant occasionally needs                         agement. Holverer, the applicant
                   and expects attention, alvays ask-                      appears conrinced that successful
                   ing others to show him/her how to                        practitioners would never use these
                   use the spectrophotometer.                               resources because one should
                                                                            never look weak to one's peers.
I l ~ Advisor
Competency-Based Holistic Evaluation of Prehealth Applicants     ro~iti~ilred

Projcitnk          The applicant confides often with the       Eqert              The applicant's description of the
                   University chaplain rrhenever s/he                            patients s/he saw and the emo-
                   finds hlrn/herself doubting his/her                            tions he experienced by watching
                   abilities. B?llie reference may express                       how the phj-sicians consoled them
                   confidence in the applicant, none of                           mere vivid and sensitive.
                   the references reflects a strong role as    . laster:         The applicant produced a series of
                   a confidant or a mentor.                                       tea kettles for a local art sho~v
                   References express confidence in                               n-on a "people's choice" award.
                   the applicant's integrity and charac-
                   ter in general terms. When asked            Kinesthetic intelligence or dexterity
                   about ways that s/he ,ill manage
                   the stress of a professional career,        Xak~e:           There is no mention of the
                   the applicant identifies a few issues                        applicant's dexterity.
                   nrith some specific resources that          A70tire:         The applicant cites texting as
                   s/he could access.                                           evidence of dexterity.
                   References enthusiastically pro-            Adrwced Kol~ire: It is peculiar how the microbiol-
                   mote the applicant. They articulate                          ogy lab instructor does not ex-
                   with specific examples their sup-                            press as much confidence in the
                   port for thc apphcant as a mentee.                           applicant'sdexterity. There is little
                   For example, one of the profes-                              mention of the lab exercises that
                   sors' letters recalls how the appli-                         the applicant had to complete
                   cant disclosed his/her absences                              w h c h requircd delicate handling.
                   from class due to family problems.          Pi-ojhe~zt:      The applicant has been washing
                   The applicant received the                                   dishmare and handling small tissue
                   Goldman award, honoring a stu-                               samples.
                   dent who best emulates the core              Cotltpetent:    As a co-recreational softball
                   values of integrity and service to-                          pitcher, the applicant describes
                   wards others.                                                hov he/she has practiced impart-
                                                                                ing spin on the ball while throwing
Aesthetic or observational intelligence                                         to get more batters to strike out.
                                                               Eqerr:           The professor discusses the
Nazue:            The applicant lacks any listening                             applicant's output in a circuit de-
                  s U s when it came to the intervieni.                         sign class as not only being func-
Arovice:          The applicant repeatedly needed                               tional but also economically artistic.
                  guidance in operating the labora-            it lastet:       Describing his discipline and focus
                  tory equipment.                                               approaching the campus "garage
Adva~~cediVovice: The applicant's description of the                            band" competition, the applicant
                  mission trip to Nicaragua mas de-                             plays lead guitar for a rock band
                  void of details about the village                             which recently finished in the Final
                  served, the people cared for, or                              Four.
                  the diseases being treated.
                  The applicant describes the way              Written a n d oral communications skills
                  the physician s/he shadowed me-
                  ticulousl?- look at a mammogram              Xuzi .t:           Responses are extremely brief, de-
                  to point out the location of the                                spite the opportumq- for the appli-
                  benign growths.                                                 cant to esplore his/her thoughts.
                  I was amazed hon. I was drawn                    ire:
                                                               L2'o~              Responses reflect estrcme diffi-
                  into the applicant's enthusiasm for                             culty in language skills. It is diffi-
                  model trains. The applicant taught                              cult to comprehend the applicant's
                  me some of the subtle differences                               thoughts or their organization.
                  and the histories each of his favor-
                  ite trains had. .
The Advisor

Ad~sa~lrrd         The applicant can respond to ques-                          The applicant realisticall!- describes
                   tions briefly though some difficulty                        the challenges facing the health care
                   in language slillls is discernible.                         system and has developed an-are-
                   Responses tend to provide little in-                        ness and sensitix-ity to how practi-
                   teresting information of relevance.                         tioners manage careers.
Profici~n~         The applicant's responses shon-                             The applicant's reference letter es-
                   satisfactor!- communications shlls.                         presses great tlust in the applicant
                   Grammar, spelling, and organiza-                            as a future health care practitioner
                   tion are generally clear despite an!-                       and provides extraordinary sup-
                   adbtional difficulties.                                     port of the applicant's contribu-
Competeni:         The applicant's responses show a                            tion to the profession.
                   relatively sophisticated level of
                   depth, detail, and focus when an-       Discussion
                   swering questions.
                   The applicant's responses appro-        Using this rubric to create my evaluation letters allows
                   priately acknon-ledge the evaluator     me to seek specific evidence in the applicant's submit-
                   and convey confidence as a future       ted materials - pre-application, letters of recommen-
                   professional.                           dation, interview feedback. This assists in a holistic
                   The applicant has received a com-       evaluation of the applicant against standards that are
                   mendation for submitting and de-        set forth by health professional programs themselves.
                   fending a senior project/thesis.        The articulated criteria are based on the schools' poli-
                                                           cies on admission and grounded in ps)-chological re-
Knowledge of the profession                                search and theory Additional considerations, such as
                                                           fit with the institution or an individual's background
Nazitp:           The applicant reveals little knowl-      and journey to the profession, provide additional
                  edge of the realities of the profes-     context to vien~ application. Secondly, the stan-
                  sion and shows no interest in other      dards set forth in the rubric prevent me from subjec-
                  health care careers.                     tively changng r ! standards based o n the q p e of
Nouice:           The applicant is able to articulate      program to vhich'the applicant is seehng entry or the
                  the appeal of a health professional      date when I write the letter. While I do have a tem-
                  career in very generic terms.            plate to present an applicant in my institutional eralua-
AduanredAToz~zce: The applicant has begun to volun-        tion letter, I am sure to address all of the ten compe-
                  teer in clinical or community set-       tency areas in my final eraluation.
                  tings to observe hov health pro-
                  fessionals work with patients wvith      Another advantage this rubric has is the opportunity to
                  various dnesses or disabilities.         engage students on the concepts of competency self-
                  The applicant has a broad set of         assessment wvhich the!- must become accustomed to in
                  experiences that describe how            their professional practice. I present thls rubric to in-
                  health professionals work with pa-       coming students as a n7ayfor each potential applicant to
                  tients. Applicant generally articu-      understand how their overall character and accomplish-
                  lates the challenges patients and        ments can be viewed. Presenting their skills in &us n7aj*
                  caregivers hare in the clinic or         avoids the "checl&st" mentality to a certain degree and
                  community center.                        focuses attenrion more on the personal and professional
Conpetelrt:       The applicant recognizes the chal-       development of the applicant. In a retrospective study
                  lenges of a health professional          of graduates from the University of Michigan, students
                  lifestyle in the career of choice and    who have had opportunities to become comfortable
                  in other associated careers in the       with self-assessment tools demonstrate a predictive ten-
                  field. There is substantial knon-1-      dency to exhbit professionally acceptable behavior'. By
                  edge of current challenges facing        having h s clear set of standards and goals, self-analysis
                  health care practitioners.               becomes possible for an indnidual seeking to pursue a
                                                           successful career in health care ser~lce establish ap-
                                                           propriate goals to address an!- areas of deficiency
The Advisor                                                                                                        jt~ne2009
Competency-Based Holistic Evaluation of Prehealth Applicants co/iti//ued

Acknowledgements                                              (XACOhl), AIelinda hIaris (formerly Johns Hopkins
                                                              University), and Michael Druitt (Hampton Univer-
hluch of the work that I did for this rubric mould not        sity). I thank the admissions administrators and com-
have been possible without the help of Dr. Laurie             mittees who may have reviewed the rubric online
Fathe (former director of the GAIU Center for                 when evaluating GhfU-associated candidates.
Teaching Excellence) and Ms. Mary Zamon (Office
of Institutional Assessment). Much of the discus-             References
sion was sparked by the National Postdoctoral Asso-
ciation Subcommittee for Core Competencies, with              ' Harduarsingh, Liebonltz, and Rodurtha. Prehealth students' re-
                                                               ceptivit!- to el-aluation b!- ACGAIE competencies. Tl~e
many valuable discussions chaired by Dr. Joan
                                                               (2): 21-26, June 2007.
Chesney (St. Jude's Medcal Center) and other mem-
bers of the committee. Discussions and informal               ' Stern, Frohna, and Gruppen.     The prediction of professional
reviews of this rubric were made by Gina Moses                                              2005; 39: 75-82.
                                                               behavior. ,iediraJEdticatio~r

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Competency-Based Holistic Evaluations for Prehealth Applicants

  • 1. 'The Ad1-isor I Competency-Based Holistic Evaluation of Prehealth Applicants Ei'i'ziI T.Chuck, PbD Introduction C ommunicating the qualifications of an applicant through a reference let- ter is always a challenge. hlany references In other n~ords, is designed as a de-ei- it opmental model and standard against r-hich all are measured. hl!- goal in take a position of strongly recommending developing a competency-based eralua- candidates based on the academic record tion rubric was to emphasize the lifelong and accomplishments in the contest of development of these professional specific classes, but often the humanistic traits to applicants, references, and eralu- elements of an applicant are not easily ators by providing a framenrork for dis- discussed or deciphered. cussion and assessment of the individual applicant without resorting to arbitrary With the emphasis on an applicant's abil- "class rank" or subjectil-e, non-specific ity to del-elop the professional s l d s and characterizations. insights necessary to becoming an escel- lent health care provider, it is unfortunate The Process and Research Rationale how little these s M s and insights are evaluated within the contest of academic At Virgnia Commonwealth Unirrersity, letters of recommendation. T:llile it is the competencies articulated by the Ac- important for professors to describe the credtation Council for Graduate hfedical context of a student's grade in a lecture Education (ACGhlE) have been applied or small-group discussion-based course, to prehealth students'. But the literature there is often very little insight offel-ed to reveals few efforts where a system of ad- admissions committees (and institutional vising focused on competency-based evaluation committees) on the non-aca- evaluations is utilized. At the time I be- demic qualities. Yet, nriting about an gan advising at George hlason Uniwrsit!; applicant's character and/or service ori- no evaluation rubric for committee let- entation is often a complete1~- subjective ters or professional letters s~~pporting assessment. If an applicant did not have prehealth students could be found a modicum of compassion for others, online. ,It the same time, my own inter- XI-ouldwe be willing to write a letter on est in professional career del-elopment behalf of the applicant? In the current for graduate students and postdoctoral Let-IIIassisfnntpi.@rsor application system, all applicants hare scholars in science and engineering fields of' biolqgi ut George that compassion which unfortunatel!. brought me to participate as a committee i,'et:iifjl. He fails to materialize in patient assessments. member and Professionalism section au- a~elromes co~x~?/ents ci/~d thor for the National Postdoctoral jedbcirk o hir r~tb/-lc hle&cal education most recentlj- has m Association's Core Competencies. fi-o/ll nlili~oi.s,an~~/issio~ls adopted competent!--based el-aluations to denlrs lid dil-ecto/:r,01. guide professional development to irr- Eventuallj; my search for guidance health ~ ~ ~ o f e s s ~ o i ~pro-e the qualin- of patient-doctor inter- .r brought me to the Technical Standards .schools .ctt~dellt .ffC~its actions and of patient care. Competen- for admitted students outhned b! man!- clenns. f dd1.e.r.r i cies are best described as the masteri- of medical, dental, pharmac!; optometry, sMls that express specific characteristics podiatry, 1-etennary, and other health or criteria that are d u e d by a profession. professional programs. Regardless of
  • 2. The Advisor the degree offered, all the Technical Standards at kno- whether the applicant's career goals can be fa- these schools n-ere fairly uniform in the expectations cllitated througll the mission, resources, and experi- for students and graduates of their programs. Fur- ences offered b!- a particular institution. Y'hile t h s thermore, these standards paralleled the basic tenets piece ma!- not bc easily addressed in generic letters of of Harold Gardner's multiple intelhgence theory recommendation, I hare evaluated earl!--admission From these data, I identified ten areas of competency sophomore applicants n-ho v a n t to gain admission that characterize the holistic quabties desired in in- through articulation agreements x-ith this element in coming students and future professionals. mind. Academic acconrplishments.the scientific grade Competencies in each area are ewluated based on point average, coursework rigor, overall evidence that demonstrates the derelopment of that coursework variety and difficult); depart- area. In general, the levels of competencies are best mental or school-wide honors, scholarships described as follovs. and recognition. A'azic There is little mention or support- I~~tellectualabifi~: competency with, success in ing evidence of interest or devel- and interest in lifelong learning. opment. KOLIZCE: Evidence and references suggests S o d intelligence: demonstration of interper- that one passi~el!; accepts the im- sonal sldls, empathy, effective teamwork, and portance of those s l d s and is cultural awareness (especially outside one's "learning" new tasks. own identity). Adt~a~icedNol~ice: While the skill has been taught, the individual needs more practice on Practicalintelligence:leadership, project and time his/her on7n. management, fiscal management. PrOfinent: The individual can perform the task satisfactorily. Emotionalintelligence:profession&sm, ethics, Couqeterrr: The individual considers ways to morality, emotional stability, and competency improre the task or outcome and to self-assess and improre. makes adjustments. The individual tests improvements Ae~thetic intelligence: observational and diagnostic to tasks in a systematic manner. skills. ilrla~fe~: The individual is rccognized by others for contributions that reflect Killesthetic intelligence manual dexterity and fine masten- of the area. motor shlls. Examples of holistic evaluation Written commtttticatiol~ skills, as evidenced by pre-application essays, personal statement, For this article, I draw upon some fictionalized es- and general communication. amples of comments in solicited letters of recom- mendation or feedback from committee interviews Oral commrrnicotion skills, as eridenced by inter- that could help me to assess an applicant's competen- views and general communication. cies. All of these examples are composite partial pro- files, and the intent of this document is to provide a h%to~vleAge t h e p r d e s ~ iawareness of chal- ~ o~~: platform for discussion with frequent letter-writers, lenges that WILI face health care and the pro- interviev evaluators, co~nlnittee letter writers, and fession, with sensitirit!. to adjust to those adn~issions officers to determine whether these ex- challenges on a personal, professional, and amples mould provide better insight for an adrnis- societal level. sions decision. Vhile the possible examples can be infinite, I have deliberately tried to provide diverse The one other area that is also critical for admissions experiences as models, noting that many of the ex- decisions is the question of "fit with the institution." amples can also touch more than one competency This criteria is not a competency, but it is critical to area. Feedback is always elcom come, and a competency
  • 3. The rdvisor Competency-Based Holistic Evaluation of Prehealth Applicants ~ ~ o / I / ~ ; I I I ~ rating should alva!-s be rien-ed with possible error of Intellectual ability, including willingness to one rating category hgher or lover than assigned. succeed in lifelong acquisition of knowledge Alost of these examples corer undergraduate and re- cent graduate applicants instead of postbaccalaureate ,e: ATc/ji The applicant apparentlj- did really or career-changing applicants. XI-ellin my class, though I hardly remember llun/her connecting I-ith Academic accomplishments others during class dscussions. So~,ice: The applicant's lab reports were A7c7it'e: The applicant has just begun to grammatically correct but reflect take science-rigorous courset-ork. ven- little adclitional insight or in- As mentioned in the personal state- terest in the main topics COI-ered ment, the applicant has occasionally with the exercise. vithdra~:n from courses n-hen A d ~ ~ n n c e d N o ~ i c e :In a club meeting -here -e his/her n-orliload outside the class- brought in a cardiologist to talk room seems to get heal-; but st111 about his/her career journey, the believes that s/he can handle the applicant askeci questions which challenges of a health professional reflect a desire to clarify topics education. that were apparently confusing. Ad~lamced o ~ ~ i c e : The applicant's science GPA stands X Proficie~zt The applicant -as engaged in the at 3.07 because of transitional is- course I teach on the homeless sues that occurred in the semester community. The questions s/he after changing from sociology to asked were probative and biophysics as a major. So far the thoughtful. applicant has only taken prereclui- Co71pete11f: The applicant mas inspired from site courses with a couple of up- taking my class on cancer biology per-level biomedical courses in epidemiology. hlany of the ques- progress. In the last year, the tions s/he asked revealed intellec- applicant's semester-b!.-semester tual engagement in the topic, so I GPA has risen to 3.6 in science +as pleased when the applicant coursevork. asked me to mentor him/her in The applicant's difficulties freshman an independent study project. year contribute to the 3.17 science E3,pe/per-t: The applicant has been verj- help- GPA. Sophomore-year and be- ful in designing surveys for our yond grades ha-e been above 3.50 psychology esperiment on interra- each semester. cial dating and sexual behavior, (Io//lpele/,fi The applicant has escelled in chal- and s/he has further decided to lenging science coursevork (science take language courses in Farsi to GPLI3.42) despite a C in first-se- develop the project further. mester physics (calculus-based). In L 1~1.rter l The applicant was instrumental in fact, -hle the applicant is an art giving 1-ital feedback 11-hile writing hlstorp major, s/he has shon-n sur- a peer-rerien-ed journal article on psisingly little difficulty with science. more effective health comrnunica- The applicant's outstandingperfor- tion strategies for Nspanic youth, mance in science-rigorouscourse-m-ork ~-Ilich submitted one month ago. was ( G P L ~ nas recent$ acknov-1- 3.62) edged with the "outstanding or- Social intelligence ganic chemistry student" award. Representing our school, the appli- A-023e: The applicant keeps remarlcing cant was finished the top score on hor- because I n-as not raised in the team in the recent Putnam his/her famil!- that I would not mathematics competition. understand the pressure to be- come a doctor.
  • 4. The Advisor Aiolice: Yhen describing his/her role as - PrOfiir~~t: The applicant attended the re- president, the applicant's authority quired meetings for club treasurers and indi~idual contributions is ap- but did -en- little to help the club parent. Yrllat is not obvious is the request new funds for programs it applicant's abhty to consider the intended to run. opinions of hs/her collaborators, Co/llpete~tt: The applicant created a notebook and he/she gets very defensive when (:hich we never had before) that it comes to constructi~~e criticism. documented the steps taken to or- Ad~uncedAro~'ice: f hile the applicant claims to enjoy ganize the annual awards banquet. diverse company when it comes to The notes included comments on group projects, the applicant pre- how to improve the process for sents very few definitive examples the next person assigned to orga that she knows what constitutes a nize the event. good team versus a bad one. E.ybe?-t The applicant's answers indicate a The applicant has been volunteer- vcrg veil-planned process of se- ing at a local nursing home. YMe lecting a career in the health pro- the supervisor's letter re~eals that fessions n~hile maintaining personal the applicant seems to "work well interests outside the health profes- with the staff" without providing sions. illternate timelines in case much detail, the applicant does ar- the applicant were to reapply were ticulate his/her duties at the nursing considered and evaluated. home. A.laste7: The applicant was cited by refer- Competent Through this exchange program, ences repeatedly for hls/her abkty the applicant exchanged emails to multitask and address contin with a pen pal in an Iranian sci- gencies and emergencies calmly ence-oriented school for girls. Her and reliably. The applicant re- description of what she learned ceived a leadership award from about Iranian culture articulates the Office of Student Activities. great respect for the hstory and scientific contribution of Persia. Emotional intelligence Expert: The applicant's dedication to build large student support for the club's 1Yaz1x The applicant is solely focused on Relay for Life team helped him/ doing well in class and on stan- her attract over 30 students and dardized exams that s/he sees little friends and collect over 92000 in reason to consider others' opinions pledges. on alternatives. Nouicp. The applicant responds to stressful Practical intelligence situations by avoidmg discussion or changng the subject. Vhile the hTai'ue: The applicant fails to understand applicant appears remorseful, s/he the importance of deadlines when tends to obsess over all the faults submitting assignments. of his/her application and has not hrozice: The applicant consistently arrives sought additional support to late to advising appointments and handle the stress. forgets to bring the appropriate Ah~ancedNouire: The applicant is au7are of some of materials that would make the the resources at the college that meeting productive. ?ill help him/her with stress man- AdvancedhTouice: The applicant occasionally needs agement. Holverer, the applicant and expects attention, alvays ask- appears conrinced that successful ing others to show him/her how to practitioners would never use these use the spectrophotometer. resources because one should never look weak to one's peers.
  • 5. I l ~ Advisor e Competency-Based Holistic Evaluation of Prehealth Applicants ro~iti~ilred Projcitnk The applicant confides often with the Eqert The applicant's description of the University chaplain rrhenever s/he patients s/he saw and the emo- finds hlrn/herself doubting his/her tions he experienced by watching abilities. B?llie reference may express how the phj-sicians consoled them confidence in the applicant, none of mere vivid and sensitive. the references reflects a strong role as . laster: The applicant produced a series of a confidant or a mentor. tea kettles for a local art sho~v which References express confidence in n-on a "people's choice" award. the applicant's integrity and charac- ter in general terms. When asked Kinesthetic intelligence or dexterity about ways that s/he ,ill manage the stress of a professional career, Xak~e: There is no mention of the the applicant identifies a few issues applicant's dexterity. nrith some specific resources that A70tire: The applicant cites texting as s/he could access. evidence of dexterity. References enthusiastically pro- Adrwced Kol~ire: It is peculiar how the microbiol- mote the applicant. They articulate ogy lab instructor does not ex- with specific examples their sup- press as much confidence in the port for thc apphcant as a mentee. applicant'sdexterity. There is little For example, one of the profes- mention of the lab exercises that sors' letters recalls how the appli- the applicant had to complete cant disclosed his/her absences w h c h requircd delicate handling. from class due to family problems. Pi-ojhe~zt: The applicant has been washing The applicant received the dishmare and handling small tissue Goldman award, honoring a stu- samples. dent who best emulates the core Cotltpetent: As a co-recreational softball values of integrity and service to- pitcher, the applicant describes wards others. hov he/she has practiced impart- ing spin on the ball while throwing Aesthetic or observational intelligence to get more batters to strike out. Eqerr: The professor discusses the Nazue: The applicant lacks any listening applicant's output in a circuit de- s U s when it came to the intervieni. sign class as not only being func- Arovice: The applicant repeatedly needed tional but also economically artistic. guidance in operating the labora- it lastet: Describing his discipline and focus tory equipment. approaching the campus "garage Adva~~cediVovice: The applicant's description of the band" competition, the applicant mission trip to Nicaragua mas de- plays lead guitar for a rock band void of details about the village which recently finished in the Final served, the people cared for, or Four. the diseases being treated. The applicant describes the way Written a n d oral communications skills the physician s/he shadowed me- ticulousl?- look at a mammogram Xuzi .t: Responses are extremely brief, de- to point out the location of the spite the opportumq- for the appli- benign growths. cant to esplore his/her thoughts. I was amazed hon. I was drawn ire: L2'o~ Responses reflect estrcme diffi- into the applicant's enthusiasm for culty in language skills. It is diffi- model trains. The applicant taught cult to comprehend the applicant's me some of the subtle differences thoughts or their organization. and the histories each of his favor- ite trains had. .
  • 6. The Advisor fi~nice: Ad~sa~lrrd The applicant can respond to ques- The applicant realisticall!- describes tions briefly though some difficulty the challenges facing the health care in language slillls is discernible. system and has developed an-are- Responses tend to provide little in- ness and sensitix-ity to how practi- teresting information of relevance. tioners manage careers. Profici~n~ The applicant's responses shon- The applicant's reference letter es- satisfactor!- communications shlls. presses great tlust in the applicant Grammar, spelling, and organiza- as a future health care practitioner tion are generally clear despite an!- and provides extraordinary sup- adbtional difficulties. port of the applicant's contribu- Competeni: The applicant's responses show a tion to the profession. relatively sophisticated level of depth, detail, and focus when an- Discussion swering questions. The applicant's responses appro- Using this rubric to create my evaluation letters allows priately acknon-ledge the evaluator me to seek specific evidence in the applicant's submit- and convey confidence as a future ted materials - pre-application, letters of recommen- professional. dation, interview feedback. This assists in a holistic The applicant has received a com- evaluation of the applicant against standards that are mendation for submitting and de- set forth by health professional programs themselves. fending a senior project/thesis. The articulated criteria are based on the schools' poli- cies on admission and grounded in ps)-chological re- Knowledge of the profession search and theory Additional considerations, such as fit with the institution or an individual's background Nazitp: The applicant reveals little knowl- and journey to the profession, provide additional edge of the realities of the profes- context to vien~ application. Secondly, the stan- the sion and shows no interest in other dards set forth in the rubric prevent me from subjec- health care careers. tively changng r ! standards based o n the q p e of n Nouice: The applicant is able to articulate program to vhich'the applicant is seehng entry or the the appeal of a health professional date when I write the letter. While I do have a tem- career in very generic terms. plate to present an applicant in my institutional eralua- AduanredAToz~zce: The applicant has begun to volun- tion letter, I am sure to address all of the ten compe- teer in clinical or community set- tency areas in my final eraluation. tings to observe hov health pro- fessionals work with patients wvith Another advantage this rubric has is the opportunity to various dnesses or disabilities. engage students on the concepts of competency self- The applicant has a broad set of assessment wvhich the!- must become accustomed to in experiences that describe how their professional practice. I present thls rubric to in- health professionals work with pa- coming students as a n7ayfor each potential applicant to tients. Applicant generally articu- understand how their overall character and accomplish- lates the challenges patients and ments can be viewed. Presenting their skills in &us n7aj* caregivers hare in the clinic or avoids the "checl&st" mentality to a certain degree and community center. focuses attenrion more on the personal and professional Conpetelrt: The applicant recognizes the chal- development of the applicant. In a retrospective study lenges of a health professional of graduates from the University of Michigan, students lifestyle in the career of choice and who have had opportunities to become comfortable in other associated careers in the with self-assessment tools demonstrate a predictive ten- field. There is substantial knon-1- dency to exhbit professionally acceptable behavior'. By edge of current challenges facing having h s clear set of standards and goals, self-analysis health care practitioners. becomes possible for an indnidual seeking to pursue a successful career in health care ser~lce establish ap- and propriate goals to address an!- areas of deficiency
  • 7. The Advisor jt~ne2009 Competency-Based Holistic Evaluation of Prehealth Applicants co/iti//ued Acknowledgements (XACOhl), AIelinda hIaris (formerly Johns Hopkins University), and Michael Druitt (Hampton Univer- hluch of the work that I did for this rubric mould not sity). I thank the admissions administrators and com- have been possible without the help of Dr. Laurie mittees who may have reviewed the rubric online Fathe (former director of the GAIU Center for when evaluating GhfU-associated candidates. Teaching Excellence) and Ms. Mary Zamon (Office of Institutional Assessment). Much of the discus- References sion was sparked by the National Postdoctoral Asso- ciation Subcommittee for Core Competencies, with ' Harduarsingh, Liebonltz, and Rodurtha. Prehealth students' re- ceptivit!- to el-aluation b!- ACGAIE competencies. Tl~e Adl,isor27 many valuable discussions chaired by Dr. Joan (2): 21-26, June 2007. Chesney (St. Jude's Medcal Center) and other mem- bers of the committee. Discussions and informal ' Stern, Frohna, and Gruppen. The prediction of professional reviews of this rubric were made by Gina Moses 2005; 39: 75-82. behavior. ,iediraJEdticatio~r