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▸ Sr. Database Architect at Medallia
▸ Recent fun employments:
▸ Principal Database Engineer@ WithMe
▸ Lead Database Architect @ OmniTI
▸ Expertise in PostgreSQL , Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL
▸ Contact : or
▸ Twitter: @DenishPatel
▸ Blog:
▸ Postgres Slack Channel (
▸ What to look for monitoring solution in general?
▸ Comparison - selected open source and commercial monitoring solutions
▸ Which metrics to collect and how?
▸ Which metrics to alert on and how to define thresholds?
▸ How to keep up with monitoring changes ?
▸ How to react on alerts at 3AM?
▸ Open discussion
▸ Blend of system monitoring with Postgres support
▸ Centralized monitoring
▸ Hosted vs On-premise
▸ Security concerns of clients
▸ Alerting and Dashboard/Graphs
▸ Easy installation and configuration
▸ Postgres Support
▸ pg_stat_statements
▸ Resource monitoring - CPU, RAM, DISK IO & Network
▸ pgbouncer support
▸ Open Source
▸ Sensu
▸ Zabbix
▸ Zenoss (Limited capabilities)
▸ Nagios
▸ (Stop using Nagios so it can die peacefully!!)
▸ SAAS Offerings
▸ Wavefront
▸ Circonus
▸ Vividcortex
▸ OkMeter
▸ NewRelic
Configuration Reco Confidence
Sensu Yes
Zabbix Yes Plugin
Zenoss Yes
Nagios Yes
Postgres support Configuration Confidence
Yes collectd plugins HIGH
Circonus Yes Default checks HIGH
Vividcortex Yes Default checks HIGH
Okmeter Yes
One click install
New Relic Yes
Plugins - missing
some metrics
▸ Capacity Planning
▸ Real Time Analytics
▸ Anomaly Detection
▸ Data Retention
▸ Support Reviews
▸ Pricing
▸ Nice Dashboard and alerting functionality
▸ Very scalable solution
▸ Works with existing metrics collection tools i.e collectd
▸ Real time analytics capability
▸ Complete monitoring suite
▸ It is agent based system so you just need to install agent in your environment
to monitor application, database or any other servers
▸ Very easy to install and configure
▸ Provides easy to configure Postgres Server monitoring using
pg_stat_statements with server stats. Once you install agent, you get
everything without any effort
▸ Built-in pgbouncer monitoring
▸ Built-in all resources monitoring ; Disk, CPU, Network & Memory
▸ 150+ DB clusters across the globe
▸ Easy installation
▸ Standardization
▸ Centralized solution
▸ Real time analytics
▸ Support new Infra - Docker/Aurora/Mesos
create role collectd login encrypted password 'XXX';
create schema collectd;
set search_path = collectd,pg_catalog;
grant usage on schema collectd to collectd;
alter role collectd set search_path = collectd,pg_catalog;
▸ Things to consider:
▸ Separate role for monitoring
▸ Limited permissions
LoadPlugin postgresql #
<Plugin postgresql>
<Database dba>
Host "localhost"
Port "5432"
User "collectd"
Query backends
Query transactions
Query queries
Query table_states
Query disk_io
Query disk_usage
Query query_plans
Query connections #custom
Query slow_queries #custom
Query txn_wraparound #custom
Query locks #custom
Query wal_files #custom
Query scans #custom
Query seq_scans #custom
Query avg_querytime #custom
Query checkpoints #custom
Query slave_lag #custom
Query backends>
Statement "SELECT count(*) AS count 
FROM pg_stat_activity 
WHERE datname = $1;"
Param database
Type "pg_numbackends"
ValuesFrom "count"
create or replace function pg_stat_activity()
returns set of pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity
as $$
return query(select * from pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity);
end $$
language plpgsql security definer;
revoke all on function pg_stat_activity() from public;
grant execute on function pg_stat_activity() to collectd;
<Query transactions>
Statement "SELECT xact_commit, xact_rollback 
FROM pg_stat_database 
WHERE datname = $1;"
Param database
Type "pg_xact"
InstancePrefix "commit"
ValuesFrom "xact_commit"
Type "pg_xact"
InstancePrefix "rollback"
ValuesFrom "xact_rollback"
<Query queries>
Statement "SELECT sum(n_tup_ins) AS ins, 
sum(n_tup_upd) AS upd, 
sum(n_tup_del) AS del, 
sum(n_tup_hot_upd) AS hot_upd 
FROM pg_stat_user_tables;"
Type "pg_n_tup_c"
InstancePrefix "ins"
ValuesFrom "ins"
<Query table_states>
Statement "SELECT sum(n_live_tup) AS live, sum(n_dead_tup) AS dead 
FROM pg_stat_user_tables;"
Type "pg_n_tup_g"
InstancePrefix "live"
ValuesFrom "live"
Type "pg_n_tup_g"
InstancePrefix "dead"
ValuesFrom "dead"
<Query query_plans>
Statement "SELECT sum(seq_scan) AS seq, 
sum(seq_tup_read) AS seq_tup_read, 
sum(idx_scan) AS idx, 
sum(idx_tup_fetch) AS idx_tup_fetch 
FROM pg_stat_user_tables;"
Type "pg_scan"
InstancePrefix "seq"
ValuesFrom "seq"
<Query disk_io>
Statement "SELECT coalesce(sum(heap_blks_read), 0) AS heap_read, 
coalesce(sum(heap_blks_hit), 0) AS heap_hit, 
coalesce(sum(idx_blks_read), 0) AS idx_read, 
coalesce(sum(idx_blks_hit), 0) AS idx_hit, 
coalesce(sum(toast_blks_read), 0) AS toast_read, 
coalesce(sum(toast_blks_hit), 0) AS toast_hit, 
coalesce(sum(tidx_blks_read), 0) AS tidx_read, 
coalesce(sum(tidx_blks_hit), 0) AS tidx_hit 
FROM pg_statio_user_tables;"
<Query disk_usage>
Statement "SELECT pg_database_size($1) AS size;"
Param database
Type pg_db_size
ValuesFrom "size"
<Query connections>
Statement "SELECT COUNT(state) AS count, state FROM (SELECT CASE
WHEN state = 'idle' THEN 'idle'
WHEN state = 'idle in transaction' THEN 'idle_in_transaction'
WHEN state = 'active' THEN 'active'
ELSE 'unknown' END AS state
FROM collectd.pg_stat_activity) state
GROUP BY state
SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, 'waiting' AS state
FROM collectd.pg_stat_activity WHERE waiting ;"
Type "pg_numbackends"
InstancePrefix "state"
InstancesFrom "state"
ValuesFrom "count"
<Query slow_queries>
Statement "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM collectd.pg_stat_activity WHERE state='active'
AND now()-query_start > '300 seconds'::interval
AND query ~* '^(insert|update|delete|select)' ;"
Type "counter"
InstancePrefix "pg_slow_queries"
ValuesFrom "count"
<Query txn_wraparound>
Statement "SELECT age(datfrozenxid) as txn_wrap_age FROM pg_database ;"
Type "counter"
InstancePrefix "txn_wraparound"
ValuesFrom "txn_wrap_age"
<Query locks>
Statement "SELECT COUNT(mode) AS count, mode FROM pg_locks GROUP BY mode
UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, 'waiting' AS mode FROM pg_locks
WHERE granted is false ;"
Type "gauge"
InstancePrefix "pg_locks"
InstancesFrom "mode"
ValuesFrom "count"
<Query wal_files>
Statement "SELECT archived_count AS count, failed_count AS failed FROM pg_stat_archiver;"
Type "gauge"
InstancePrefix "pg_wal_count"
ValuesFrom "count"
Type "gauge"
InstancePrefix "pg_wal_failed"
ValuesFrom "failed"
</Result> </Query>
<Query scans>
Statement "SELECT sum(idx_scan) as index_scans, sum(seq_scan) as seq_scans,
sum(idx_tup_fetch) as index_tup_fetch, sum(seq_tup_read) as seq_tup_read
FROM pg_stat_all_tables ; "
Type "pg_scan"
InstancePrefix "index"
ValuesFrom "index_scans"
<Query seq_scans>
Statement "SELECT CASE WHEN status='OK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS status
FROM ( SELECT get_seq_scan_on_large_tables AS status
FROM collectd.get_seq_scan_on_large_tables) AS foo;"
Type "gauge"
InstancePrefix "pg_seq_scans"
ValuesFrom "status"
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables AS
SELECT relid, schemaname, relname, seq_scan, seq_tup_read ,
pg_relation_size(relid) as relsize, now() as refreshed_at
FROM pg_stat_all_tables
WHERE pg_relation_size(relid) > 1073741824
AND schemaname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema')
UNION ALL SELECT 0,'0','0','0',0,0,now();
ALTER materialized VIEW collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables OWNER TO collectd;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION collectd.get_seq_scan_on_large_tables()
v_matview text;
v_refreshed_at timestamptz;
v_tables_with_seq_scan text[];
SELECT refreshed_at INTO v_refreshed_at
FROM collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables WHERE relid=0;
-- refresh MV every 4 hours
IF v_refreshed_at < now() - interval '4 hours' and pg_is_in_recovery() is false THEN
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables;
SELECT ARRAY (SELECT base.relname ||':'|| (current.seq_scan-base.seq_scan) INTO v_tables_with_seq_scan
FROM collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables AS base
LEFT JOIN pg_stat_all_tables AS current ON (base.schemaname=base.schemaname AND base.relname=current.relname)
WHERE (current.seq_scan-base.seq_scan) > 0 AND ((current.seq_tup_read-base.seq_tup_read)/(current.seq_scan-base.seq_scan)) > 50000 ) AS
IF v_tables_with_seq_scan = '{}' THEN
RETURN 'PROBLEM: Seq scan on table: '|| array_to_string(v_tables_with_seq_scan,'&');
<Query avg_querytime>
Statement "SELECT sum(total_time)/sum(calls) AS avg_querytime FROM
collectd.get_stat_statements() ;"
Type "gauge"
InstancePrefix "pg_avg_querytime"
ValuesFrom "avg_querytime"
<Query scans>
create extension IF NOT EXISTS pg_stat_statements WITH SCHEMA collectd;
alter schema collectd owner to collectd;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION collectd.get_stat_statements() RETURNS SETOF
pg_stat_statements AS
SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements
WHERE dbid IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database());
<Query checkpoints>
Statement "SELECT (checkpoints_timed + checkpoints_req) AS total_checkpoints
FROM pg_stat_bgwriter ;"
Type "counter"
InstancePrefix "pg_checkpoints"
ValuesFrom "total_checkpoints"
<Query slave_lag>
Statement "SELECT CASE WHEN pg_is_in_recovery = 'false' THEN 0
ELSE COALESCE(ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp())),0) END
AS seconds
FROM pg_is_in_recovery();"
Type "counter"
InstancePrefix "slave_lag"
ValuesFrom "seconds"
▸ Uptime
▸ Waiting Connections
▸ # of connections waiting > 5
▸ Slow queries
▸ # of slow queries > 5
▸ Seq scan on large tables
▸ TXN Wraparound
▸ Age Over 1.5B
▸ Disk space usage
▸ 85%?
▸ Slave lag
▸ 5 minutes?
▸ Design with failover in mind
▸ Keep eyes on new features for monitoring in latest DB or OS version
▸ Postgres 9.5 enhancements
▸ Commit timestamp tracking
▸ SELECT * FROM pg_last_committed_xact();
▸ cluster_name
▸ $ ps -ef | grep checkpointer
▸ postgres 12181 12178 0 11:12 ? 00:00:00 postgres: personnel: checkpointer process
▸ postgres 12207 12204 0 11:12 ? 00:00:00 postgres: reportsdb: checkpointer process
▸ postgres 12233 12230 0 11:12 ? 00:00:00 postgres: management: checkpointer process
▸ A bunch of changes coming in Postgres 9.6
▸ Improve the pg_stat_activity view provides more details about waiting on what resources
▸ Deploy monitoring through config management tools 41
▸ PagerDuty calendar :
▸ Document metrics
▸ URL for the Dashboard
▸ Alert resolution procedure
▸ Clear SLAs (Decision)
▸ Escalation policy
▸ Scenarios
▸ Wait for server to bring backup
▸ Failover
▸ Review alerts before going OnCall
▸ Oncall notification
▸ Think for the worst and document accordingly
▸ What if you are in movie theatre/beach etc.?
▸ What if you can’t jump on the server?
▸ Keep the document up-to-date 42
▸ You!
▸ Conference committee
▸ Contact for further Q/A
▸ Twitter: @DenishPatel

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Advanced Postgres Monitoring

  • 2. SPEAKER WHO IS THIS GUY? ▸ Sr. Database Architect at Medallia ▸ Recent fun employments: ▸ Principal Database Engineer@ WithMe ▸ Lead Database Architect @ OmniTI ▸ Expertise in PostgreSQL , Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL ▸ Contact : or ▸ Twitter: @DenishPatel ▸ Blog: ▸ Postgres Slack Channel ( 2
  • 3. AGENDA DISCUSSION LIST ▸ What to look for monitoring solution in general? ▸ Comparison - selected open source and commercial monitoring solutions ▸ Which metrics to collect and how? ▸ Which metrics to alert on and how to define thresholds? ▸ How to keep up with monitoring changes ? ▸ How to react on alerts at 3AM? ▸ Open discussion 3
  • 4. SELECTION CRITERIA WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN MONITORING SOLUTION ? ▸ Blend of system monitoring with Postgres support ▸ Centralized monitoring ▸ Hosted vs On-premise ▸ Security concerns of clients ▸ Alerting and Dashboard/Graphs ▸ Easy installation and configuration ▸ Postgres Support ▸ pg_stat_statements ▸ Resource monitoring - CPU, RAM, DISK IO & Network ▸ pgbouncer support 4
  • 5. COMPARISON MONITORING SOLUTIONS ▸ Open Source ▸ Sensu ▸ Zabbix ▸ Zenoss (Limited capabilities) ▸ Nagios ▸ (Stop using Nagios so it can die peacefully!!) ▸ SAAS Offerings ▸ Wavefront ▸ Circonus ▸ Vividcortex ▸ OkMeter ▸ NewRelic 5
  • 6. COMPARISON OPEN SOURCE SOLUTIONS 6 Postgres support? Configuration Reco Confidence Sensu Yes check_postgres Easy Graphite HIGH Zabbix Yes Plugin Easy MED Zenoss Yes Plugin Easy MED Nagios Yes check_postgres Difficult LOW
  • 7. COMPARISON SAAS OFFERINGS 7 Postgres support Configuration Confidence Wavefront Collectd Yes collectd plugins HIGH Circonus Yes Default checks HIGH Vividcortex Yes Default checks HIGH Okmeter Yes One click install pgbouncer HIGH New Relic Yes Plugins - missing some metrics MEDIUM
  • 8. COMPARISON SAAS OFFERINGS ▸ Capacity Planning ▸ Real Time Analytics ▸ Anomaly Detection ▸ Data Retention ▸ Support Reviews ▸ Pricing 8
  • 9. WAVEFRONT.COM WAVEFRONT ▸ Nice Dashboard and alerting functionality ▸ Very scalable solution ▸ Works with existing metrics collection tools i.e collectd ▸ Real time analytics capability ▸ Complete monitoring suite 9
  • 10. OKMETER.IO OKMETER ▸ It is agent based system so you just need to install agent in your environment to monitor application, database or any other servers ▸ Very easy to install and configure ▸ Provides easy to configure Postgres Server monitoring using pg_stat_statements with server stats. Once you install agent, you get everything without any effort ▸ Built-in pgbouncer monitoring ▸ Built-in all resources monitoring ; Disk, CPU, Network & Memory 10
  • 12. USE CASE MONITORING SOLUTION ▸ 150+ DB clusters across the globe ▸ Easy installation ▸ Standardization ▸ Centralized solution ▸ Real time analytics ▸ Support new Infra - Docker/Aurora/Mesos 12
  • 13. METRICS COLLECTION SETUP ROLE 13 create role collectd login encrypted password 'XXX'; create schema collectd; set search_path = collectd,pg_catalog; grant usage on schema collectd to collectd; alter role collectd set search_path = collectd,pg_catalog; ▸ Things to consider: ▸ Separate role for monitoring ▸ No SUPER ROLE ▸ Limited permissions
  • 14. METRICS COLLECTION COLLECTD PLUGIN 14 LoadPlugin postgresql # <Plugin postgresql> <Database dba> Host "localhost" Port "5432" User "collectd" Query backends Query transactions Query queries Query table_states Query disk_io Query disk_usage Query query_plans Query connections #custom Query slow_queries #custom Query txn_wraparound #custom Query locks #custom Query wal_files #custom Query scans #custom Query seq_scans #custom Query avg_querytime #custom Query checkpoints #custom Query slave_lag #custom </Database> </Plugin>
  • 15. METRICS COLLECTION BACKENDS 15 Query backends> Statement "SELECT count(*) AS count FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = $1;" Param database <Result> Type "pg_numbackends" ValuesFrom "count" </Result> </Query>
  • 16. METRICS COLLECTION PG_STAT_ACTIVITY 16 create or replace function pg_stat_activity() returns set of pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity as $$ begin return query(select * from pg_catalog.pg_stat_activity); end $$ language plpgsql security definer; revoke all on function pg_stat_activity() from public; grant execute on function pg_stat_activity() to collectd;
  • 17. METRICS COLLECTION TRANSACTIONS 17 <Query transactions> Statement "SELECT xact_commit, xact_rollback FROM pg_stat_database WHERE datname = $1;" Param database <Result> Type "pg_xact" InstancePrefix "commit" ValuesFrom "xact_commit" </Result> <Result> Type "pg_xact" InstancePrefix "rollback" ValuesFrom "xact_rollback" </Result> </Query>
  • 18. METRICS COLLECTION QUERIES (DML) 18 <Query queries> Statement "SELECT sum(n_tup_ins) AS ins, sum(n_tup_upd) AS upd, sum(n_tup_del) AS del, sum(n_tup_hot_upd) AS hot_upd FROM pg_stat_user_tables;" <Result> Type "pg_n_tup_c" InstancePrefix "ins" ValuesFrom "ins" </Result> .. . . . </Query>
  • 19. METRICS COLLECTION TABLE_STATES 19 <Query table_states> Statement "SELECT sum(n_live_tup) AS live, sum(n_dead_tup) AS dead FROM pg_stat_user_tables;" <Result> Type "pg_n_tup_g" InstancePrefix "live" ValuesFrom "live" </Result> <Result> Type "pg_n_tup_g" InstancePrefix "dead" ValuesFrom "dead" </Result> </Query>
  • 20. METRICS COLLECTION QUERY_PLANS 20 <Query query_plans> Statement "SELECT sum(seq_scan) AS seq, sum(seq_tup_read) AS seq_tup_read, sum(idx_scan) AS idx, sum(idx_tup_fetch) AS idx_tup_fetch FROM pg_stat_user_tables;" <Result> Type "pg_scan" InstancePrefix "seq" ValuesFrom "seq" . . </Query>
  • 21. METRICS COLLECTION DISK_IO 21 <Query disk_io> Statement "SELECT coalesce(sum(heap_blks_read), 0) AS heap_read, coalesce(sum(heap_blks_hit), 0) AS heap_hit, coalesce(sum(idx_blks_read), 0) AS idx_read, coalesce(sum(idx_blks_hit), 0) AS idx_hit, coalesce(sum(toast_blks_read), 0) AS toast_read, coalesce(sum(toast_blks_hit), 0) AS toast_hit, coalesce(sum(tidx_blks_read), 0) AS tidx_read, coalesce(sum(tidx_blks_hit), 0) AS tidx_hit FROM pg_statio_user_tables;"
  • 22. METRICS COLLECTIONS DISK USAGE / DB SIZE 22 <Query disk_usage> Statement "SELECT pg_database_size($1) AS size;" Param database <Result> Type pg_db_size ValuesFrom "size" </Result> </Query>
  • 23. METRICS COLLECTION CONNECTIONS #CUSTOM 23 <Query connections> Statement "SELECT COUNT(state) AS count, state FROM (SELECT CASE WHEN state = 'idle' THEN 'idle' WHEN state = 'idle in transaction' THEN 'idle_in_transaction' WHEN state = 'active' THEN 'active' ELSE 'unknown' END AS state FROM collectd.pg_stat_activity) state GROUP BY state UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, 'waiting' AS state FROM collectd.pg_stat_activity WHERE waiting ;" <Result> Type "pg_numbackends" InstancePrefix "state" InstancesFrom "state" ValuesFrom "count" </Result> </Query>
  • 25. METRICS COLLECTION SLOW_QUERIES 25 <Query slow_queries> Statement "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM collectd.pg_stat_activity WHERE state='active' AND now()-query_start > '300 seconds'::interval AND query ~* '^(insert|update|delete|select)' ;" <Result> Type "counter" InstancePrefix "pg_slow_queries" ValuesFrom "count" </Result> </Query>
  • 26. METRICS COLLECTION TXN_WRAPAROUND 26 <Query txn_wraparound> Statement "SELECT age(datfrozenxid) as txn_wrap_age FROM pg_database ;" <Result> Type "counter" InstancePrefix "txn_wraparound" ValuesFrom "txn_wrap_age" </Result> </Query>
  • 27. METRICS COLLECTION LOCKS 27 <Query locks> Statement "SELECT COUNT(mode) AS count, mode FROM pg_locks GROUP BY mode UNION SELECT COUNT(*) AS count, 'waiting' AS mode FROM pg_locks WHERE granted is false ;" <Result> Type "gauge" InstancePrefix "pg_locks" InstancesFrom "mode" ValuesFrom "count" </Result> </Query>
  • 29. METRICS COLLECTION WAL_FILES 29 <Query wal_files> Statement "SELECT archived_count AS count, failed_count AS failed FROM pg_stat_archiver;" <Result> Type "gauge" InstancePrefix "pg_wal_count" ValuesFrom "count" </Result> <Result> Type "gauge" InstancePrefix "pg_wal_failed" ValuesFrom "failed" </Result> </Query>
  • 30. METRICS COLLECTION SCANS 30 <Query scans> Statement "SELECT sum(idx_scan) as index_scans, sum(seq_scan) as seq_scans, sum(idx_tup_fetch) as index_tup_fetch, sum(seq_tup_read) as seq_tup_read FROM pg_stat_all_tables ; " <Result> Type "pg_scan" InstancePrefix "index" ValuesFrom "index_scans" </Result> . . </Query>
  • 31. METRIC COLLECTION SEQ_SCANS 31 <Query seq_scans> Statement "SELECT CASE WHEN status='OK' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS status FROM ( SELECT get_seq_scan_on_large_tables AS status FROM collectd.get_seq_scan_on_large_tables) AS foo;" <Result> Type "gauge" InstancePrefix "pg_seq_scans" ValuesFrom "status" </Result> </Query>
  • 32. METRICS COLLECTION SEQ_SCAN_ON_LARGE_TABLES 32 CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables AS SELECT relid, schemaname, relname, seq_scan, seq_tup_read , pg_relation_size(relid) as relsize, now() as refreshed_at FROM pg_stat_all_tables WHERE pg_relation_size(relid) > 1073741824 AND schemaname not in ('pg_catalog', 'information_schema') UNION ALL SELECT 0,'0','0','0',0,0,now(); ALTER materialized VIEW collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables OWNER TO collectd;
  • 33. METRICS COLLECTION GET_SEQ_SCAN_ON_LARGE_TABLES 33 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION collectd.get_seq_scan_on_large_tables() RETURNS text AS $$ DECLARE v_matview text; v_refreshed_at timestamptz; v_tables_with_seq_scan text[]; BEGIN SELECT refreshed_at INTO v_refreshed_at FROM collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables WHERE relid=0; -- refresh MV every 4 hours IF v_refreshed_at < now() - interval '4 hours' and pg_is_in_recovery() is false THEN REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables; END IF; SELECT ARRAY (SELECT base.relname ||':'|| (current.seq_scan-base.seq_scan) INTO v_tables_with_seq_scan FROM collectd.seq_scan_on_large_tables AS base LEFT JOIN pg_stat_all_tables AS current ON (base.schemaname=base.schemaname AND base.relname=current.relname) WHERE (current.seq_scan-base.seq_scan) > 0 AND ((current.seq_tup_read-base.seq_tup_read)/(current.seq_scan-base.seq_scan)) > 50000 ) AS tables_with_seq_scan; IF v_tables_with_seq_scan = '{}' THEN RETURN 'OK'; ELSE RETURN 'PROBLEM: Seq scan on table: '|| array_to_string(v_tables_with_seq_scan,'&'); END If; END; $$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql' SECURITY DEFINER;
  • 34. METRICS COLLECTION AVG_QUERYTIME 34 <Query avg_querytime> Statement "SELECT sum(total_time)/sum(calls) AS avg_querytime FROM collectd.get_stat_statements() ;" <Result> Type "gauge" InstancePrefix "pg_avg_querytime" ValuesFrom "avg_querytime" </Result> </Query> <Query scans>
  • 35. METRICS COLLECTION GET_STAT_STATEMENTS 35 create extension IF NOT EXISTS pg_stat_statements WITH SCHEMA collectd; alter schema collectd owner to collectd; CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION collectd.get_stat_statements() RETURNS SETOF pg_stat_statements AS $$ SELECT * FROM pg_stat_statements WHERE dbid IN (SELECT oid FROM pg_database WHERE datname = current_database()); $$ LANGUAGE sql VOLATILE SECURITY DEFINER;
  • 38. METRICS COLLECTIONS CHECKPOINTS 38 <Query checkpoints> Statement "SELECT (checkpoints_timed + checkpoints_req) AS total_checkpoints FROM pg_stat_bgwriter ;" <Result> Type "counter" InstancePrefix "pg_checkpoints" ValuesFrom "total_checkpoints" </Result> </Query>
  • 39. METRICS COLLECTION SLAVE LAG 39 <Query slave_lag> Statement "SELECT CASE WHEN pg_is_in_recovery = 'false' THEN 0 ELSE COALESCE(ROUND(EXTRACT(epoch FROM now() pg_last_xact_replay_timestamp())),0) END AS seconds FROM pg_is_in_recovery();" <Result> Type "counter" InstancePrefix "slave_lag" ValuesFrom "seconds" </Result> </Query>
  • 40. ALERTING SETUP ALERTS ON DB METRICS ▸ Uptime ▸ Waiting Connections ▸ # of connections waiting > 5 ▸ Slow queries ▸ # of slow queries > 5 ▸ Seq scan on large tables ▸ TXN Wraparound ▸ Age Over 1.5B ▸ Disk space usage ▸ 85%? ▸ Slave lag ▸ 5 minutes? 40
  • 41. MONITORING CHANGES HOW TO KEEP UP? ▸ Design with failover in mind ▸ Keep eyes on new features for monitoring in latest DB or OS version ▸ Postgres 9.5 enhancements ▸ Commit timestamp tracking ▸ SELECT * FROM pg_last_committed_xact(); ▸ cluster_name ▸ $ ps -ef | grep checkpointer ▸ postgres 12181 12178 0 11:12 ? 00:00:00 postgres: personnel: checkpointer process ▸ postgres 12207 12204 0 11:12 ? 00:00:00 postgres: reportsdb: checkpointer process ▸ postgres 12233 12230 0 11:12 ? 00:00:00 postgres: management: checkpointer process ▸ A bunch of changes coming in Postgres 9.6 ▸ Improve the pg_stat_activity view provides more details about waiting on what resources ▸ Deploy monitoring through config management tools 41
  • 42. INCIDENT MANAGEMENT HOW TO BE READY TO HANDLE 3AM CALL? ▸ PagerDuty calendar : ▸ Document metrics ▸ URL for the Dashboard ▸ Alert resolution procedure ▸ Clear SLAs (Decision) ▸ Escalation policy ▸ Scenarios ▸ Wait for server to bring backup ▸ Failover ▸ Review alerts before going OnCall ▸ Oncall notification ▸ Think for the worst and document accordingly ▸ What if you are in movie theatre/beach etc.? ▸ What if you can’t jump on the server? ▸ Keep the document up-to-date 42
  • 44. KEEP IN TOUCH THANKS & Q/A ▸ You! ▸ Conference committee ▸ Contact for further Q/A ▸ Twitter: @DenishPatel ▸ ▸ ▸ 44