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Getting in touch with text: Designing a mobile phone
           application for illiterate users to harness SMS
               Elsa Friscira                                     Hendrik Knoche                               Jeffrey Huang
                 EPFL                                                 EPFL                                        EPFL
          Station 14, IC LDM                                   Station 14, IC LDM                          Station 14, IC LDM
      1015 Lausanne, Switzerland                           1015 Lausanne, Switzerland                  1015 Lausanne, Switzerland
           +33 63 112 3494                                      +41 21 693 1315                             +41 21 693 1341                                 

ABSTRACT                                                                     asynchronous communication channel of text messaging has been
A large number of illiterate people – 800 million worldwide – are            inaccessible to illiterate or semi-literate people.
currently excluded from the benefits of asynchronous and cheap               Much of the previous work on illiterate user interfaces (UI) on
communication through text messages also known as SMS. Smart                 mobile devices and computers has been pointing to shortcomings
phones with touch screen will soon be in financial reach of                  in terms of usability of UIs that were not adapted to this special
illiterate people in developing countries. Our application                   user group. However, the uptake of mobile phones in developing
EasyTexting allows illiterate users to listen to received SMS and            countries is staggering and research has shown that incentives in
compose text messages by augmenting words with touch-initiated               real world contexts were high enough [19] to overcome initial
text-to-speech support, icons for frequent phrases and by re-using           usability hurdles in learning a UI or technology.
words from previous messages. The application sends and
                                                                             While much of the ICT4D literature is at odds with the use of text
receives plain SMS and makes no assumption on second parties’
                                                                             in user interfaces for illiterate users we see a great potential to
SMS editors. We present the motivation for this application
                                                                             connect illiterate users through text messaging - a cheap,
derived from interviews and the evolution of the design along
                                                                             asynchronous and convenient communication channel. Touch
with an exploratory evaluation of the interface both with illiterate
                                                                             screen smart phones offer a new opportunity for illiterate people
                                                                             to interact with textual content in connections with text-to-speech
Categories and Subject Descriptors                                           solutions. To that effect, we present the design evolution and
                                                                             evaluation of EasyTexting an application that enables illiterate
H.5.1 [Information Systems]: Multimedia Information Systems –
                                                                             users to use this medium via text-to-speech for reading out words
animations, audio input/output.
                                                                             and by making composition possible through icons and reuse of
General Terms                                                                previous words. The application sends and receives plain SMS
Design, Experimentation, Human Factors.                                      and there is no requirement for a second party to utilize the
Keywords                                                                     The goal of this paper was to address the following questions:
ICTD, mobile phones, touch screens, texting, SMS, illiterate                 How do illiterate people use mobile phones or other artifacts
people                                                                       within their coping strategies in general and how SMS in
                                                                             particular? Which UI conventions from current SMS editors can
1. INTRODUCTION                                                              be kept and how can illiterate users be enabled to use text
Around 800 million people worldwide cannot read or write their               messaging in conjunction with audio, text, and visuals through a
mother tongue. Most of them live in developing countries –                   touch screen interface? After the first prototypes were developed,
mainly in rural areas. Mobile phones have been a phenomenal                  our goal was to understand how users would experience this novel
success in terms of sustainable development and its business                 interaction with text.
model proved viable in many developing countries despite huge
                                                                             We addressed these questions by following a user-centered design
infrastructural shortcomings in terms of e.g. the availability of
                                                                             method with illiterate users in Switzerland consisting of initial
electricity. Coverage has seen huge improvements and most of the
                                                                             interviews, various prototyping with expert reviews and an initial
growth for mobile provider now lies in attracting customers in
                                                                             exploration through task-based scenarios. Our study was focused
rural areas who mainly work in agriculture. Low-end smart
                                                                             on illiterate users in Western countries but we think that some of
phones with touch screens have already dropped below the $100
                                                                             our findings will generalize to illiterate people in developing
mark and will be soon within financial reach of less affluent rural
populations in developing countries. However, so far the cheap
                                                                             We summarize previous research in section 2 and our own results
                                                                             from interviews with illiterate immigrants in section 3. We detail
 Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for   our early design work, the design evolution of EasyTexting and an
 personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
                                                                             exploratory evaluation with illiterate users in sections 3-5. We
 not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that
 copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy    discuss our findings in relation to previous research in section 6
 otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists,    and the final design in section 7.
 requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.
 DEV '12, March 11-12, Atlanta, GA
 Copyright © 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1262-2/12/03... $10.00
2. BACKGROUND                                                          Otherwise users might think the icons represent locations or
Literacy can be defined in many ways. The U.N. defines a literate      objects, for instance a kitchen instead of cooking [13]. Prasad et
person as someone who can “…with understanding, both read              al. found that the metaphor of a postcard symbol worked well in a
and write a short simple statement in his or her everyday life”        video mail application and helped users overcome their
[21]. Semi-literates represent another large group struggling with     difficulties in understanding the notion of asynchronicity in a
reading simple text passages [7]. Many illiterate people have basic    video mail application [15]. Bhamidipaty & Deepak improved
numeracy skills, i.e., they can to some degree understand, read        contact management for illiterates by adding symbols to the
and write numbers. Huenerfauth distinguished between                   phone’s physical number keypad, which allowed users to filter
technological illiteracy and written language illiteracy [4].          contacts through combinations of these symbols [1]. The meaning
                                                                       of an icon represents a learnt concept some of which can be more
A large number of development initiatives now evolve around the        easily understood and recalled than others. However, if additional
use of mobile phones but so far most of the commercial offerings       modalities are available in the UI to explain their meaning
(see [16] for an overview on mobile information services for           designers often discount concerns about their lack of
agriculture) require their users to be literate. A number of ICTD      appropriateness or intuitiveness.
projects have aimed at improving rural communication and
knowledge building for illiterate users, e.g. through audio wikis      Audio feedback and voice annotation support represent two such
[8], discussion forums that extend existing mass media coverage        modalities, which are used in many designs for illiterate users e.g.
such as community radios [14], and spoken web interfaces for           [2], [11], [12], [18], [13], [14]. Audible instructions given to
user generated content [9]. However, to the best of our knowledge      illiterate users needed to be short and simple and instructions
no previous work has tried to empower illiterate users to use text-    containing multiple steps have to be avoided [18], [10], [15].
based communication through mobile phones. Possibly the closest        When given audio instructions with multiple steps, illiterate users
to our idea is Shankar’s work on speech writing or spriting [17].      usually performed only the first or the last one. Findlater et al.
                                                                       reported that the combination of text and audio disturbed illiterate
As a hardware platform for ICT the mobile phone poses various          users but that semi-literates - with rudimentary reading skills -
challenges to illiterate users. According to Chipchase work            benefitted from them in transitions from audio+text to text-only
turning on the mobile phone and accepting incoming calls were          interactions [3]. To illiterate users text in the UI simply
the most successfully completed tasks by illiterate users of low-      represented visual noise. In the search for optimal audio-visual
end or feature phones [2]. Dialing numbers for an outgoing call        representations for illiterate users of health kiosks Medhi et al.
already proved more difficult. More complicated features such as       created visual representations of health symptoms. Voice
contact management or asynchronous text messaging were outside         annotations helped the user in speed of comprehension and
their current reach. To make mobile phones accessible for              increased correct responses. If not told, however, some
illiterate users he proposed: a design not recognizable as targeting   participants did not understand that the voice annotations were
illiterate people due to the associated stigma and a minimal           meant to explain the visuals [12].
feature set by supporting only incoming and outgoing calls and a
simplified way to store contacts through call logs [2]. The            As an input method voice has yet to overcome some hurdles.
Motorola Motofone F3 fit many checkboxes to be designed for            During a longitudinal field trial of Avaaj Otalo - an interactive
poor, illiterate people. It was light, very rugged, and provided       voice forum for small farmers accessed through voice calls – the
audio feedback for its functions from power on throughout its          users could choose between voice commands and touchtone as
main (minimal) menu. Its e-ink screen could easily be read in          input methods to navigate menus. Touchtone input was preferred
bright sunlight, it had a phenomenal battery life (nominally 30        in the large majority of cases over voice and users unanimously
days on standby) useful in rural areas with long power cuts and, at    preferred touchtone navigation. Users found voice input more
around 20 USD it was affordable. However, it was not a success.        error prone. However, this could have been due to the low
According to an unnamed Motorola source the company had                accuracy of the speech recognizer, which was trained on
underestimated the aspirational aspects of the device. Given that      American English and often faced inputs with noisy background
many people see mobile phones as extensions of themselves they         [14].
did not want to be seen with a cheap phone.                            Common UI conventions and elements presented problems for
Most studies that we surveyed employed illiterate users who were       lingual and technologically illiterate people. Chipchase cautioned
numerate but all agreed that they could not understand text-based      against the use of soft-buttons and suggested that each hardware
UIs. Researchers advocated minimal use of text and some even           button on mobile phones should map to one task only. Prasad et
text-free UIs [13]. In the greater socio-technical context, however,   al. found that users were confused when faced with modes e.g.,
many illiterate people rely on proxy-literacy and seek out literate    when creating a mail required them to choose from: video, audio,
helpers to mitigate encounters with text. These helpers can benefit    drawn images and text as input methods [15]. Lalji & Good found
from the existence of text, making their involvement less onerous      the use of lists far more effective than a hierarchical classification.
in comparison to text-free UIs. Fore example, Chipchase argued         According to this study, participants remembered that they could
for the value of textual descriptions to accompany icons and           use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ buttons but easily forgot how to access
deemed icon-only interfaces inferior for use by illiterate users.      features when presented with a menu-based interface accessible
                                                                       through soft keys [10]. They warned that color-coding was
The value of icons in UIs for illiterate users has been                insufficient if users’ instructions were based on identifying
acknowledged and demonstrated in many studies, e.g. [2], [12],         different colored buttons. In their lab studies, users often pressed
[10], [3] but they are not universally recognizable and need to be     the green button when instructed to press the blue, and vice versa
adapted culturally. For instance, participants understood the          [10]. In a study by Prasad et al. participants were likely to click on
“house” icon as a village hut and mistook musical notes for birds      anything green when asked to click on a green arrow [15]. Medhi
[10]. Hand-drawn icons were preferred to realistic photos in           et al. mentioned that scrollbars were not initially understood in the
studies by Medhi et al. and she noted that icons, which indicate an    sense that subjects did not realize that there were functions
action may require visual cues for indicating motion [12].             displayed below the fold. These users coincided with the ones
who had mobile phones restricted to making voice calls [11].             with illiterate people before and her involvement eventually
Screen navigation was an issue frequently quoted in previous             proved helpful to establish a trusted connection with the schools.
work [11], [10], [15]. To curb confusion from abrupt screen
changes, Prasad et al. proposed that navigation employed                 3.1 Participants
animation to transition from one screen to the next [15] - now           We carried out semi-structured interviews (60-90 minutes in
supported and common in e.g. iPhone and Android UIs. Katre               duration) in cafés or if they felt comfortable with it in the
argued focusing on thumb-based interaction in the design of              participants’ home. All of the 9 participants (7f, 2m) living in
applications for semi- and illiterate users on smart phones with         Switzerland had immigration backgrounds from Africa and Brasil
touch screen [5]. He claimed that this user group lacked fine            and had only very recently started a course to learn how to read
motor skills due to non-practice in writing. This made stylus and        and write. Most of them did not currently hold a job and were
index finger based input slower compared with literates.                 supported by either partners or the state. Except one retired
                                                                         woman all participants had enrolled in the school to be able to
Methodologically, involving illiterate users in HCI studies is more
                                                                         find jobs. They received 20 CHF/h as compensation for their time.
challenging than with literate users in advanced economies.
Participants in previous studies typically had no faith in               The interview script included the description of a typical day in
technology [13], had difficulties understanding abstract questions       their life, problems or inconveniences faced, technology used in
and were not used to being tested [18], lacked self-confidence and       the home, their use of means of communication, interacting with
felt they were not clever enough to use technology and wanted to         necessary machinery e.g. automated teller machines (ATMs) and
observe and be taught [10]. Sherwani et al. proposed incremental         with a special focus on the use of their mobile phones including
tutorials for participants before the study in order to better prepare   receiving and placing calls, SMS, managing contacts and other
them to use a UI [18]. Prasad et al. reported that congratulatory        functionality used.
audio messages after users performed a task seemed to produce
encouragement and excitement in order for them to continue               3.2 Results
navigation the application with more self-confidence. For                In this paper we focus on the use and coping mechanisms for text
instance, after successfully logging in to an application, an audio      messaging. The broader results from the interviews are reported in
congratulatory message informing the users that they had                 [1]. Living in a foreign country our Swiss participants needed to
successfully entered their inbox and that they could now retrieve        stay in touch with family and friends in their home countries.
their mails [15].                                                        Calling abroad was expensive and they often used internet cafes’
In summary previous research on designing for illiterate users has       to make calls through special operators or VoIP which required
produced many recommendations, which are, however, often                 synchronizing with the called party to be at a place at a certain
remind us of the problems faced by all novice users of computers         time. Many regarded asynchronous communication such as SMS
such as conventions of UIs and the affordances controls have. The        as a convenient and cost-efficient alternative to stay in a touch. As
recommendations were often derived from usability studies in             one woman whose daughter was living in Morocco stated:
which people encounter systems for the very first time and outside       “I would love to send an SMS to my daughter such as ‘I’m
the context in which they typically discover and learn a new             thinking of you’, but unfortunately, this is far too complicated for
technology. Most of the previous work focused on mobile phones           me.”
with keypads that soon might become obsolete. In particular,             Moreover, some had been asked by others to send texts rather than
some of the described hurdles in basic and feature phones e.g. the       call. However, its reliance on literacy seemed an insurmountable
problems with soft keys could be overcome if illiterate users were       barrier to using it to contact people. All of them had received text
able to find out what effect a button press would have analogously       messages often unsolicited. Dealing with received text messages
to a mouse-over help text, i.e. without the need for pressing the        varied and depended to some degree on the content. Three of our
button and carrying out its action. In order to look at requirements     interviewees had stored SMS that contained telephone numbers
we wanted to find out more about illiterate people actual use,           for months as another way of looking up contacts.
specifically with respect to text messaging and possibly on more
advanced mobile phones that were used six years ago when                 “I know X sent me this text message that has the telephone
Chipchase conducted his seminal work on illiterate people’s              number from a friend of mine in Togo. So I go back here [to the
mobile phone use.                                                        inbox of his messages] and need to find his message. Here this is
                                                                         it, he wrote this text in front of the number – my wife read it to me.
3. STUDY 1                                                               It’s the name of the friend.”
We conducted interviews with illiterate immigrants in Switzerland        Some had developed simple heuristics in detecting unsolicited
to study their use of mobile phones. We got access to them               SMS through the length of the sending telephone numbers and the
through schools in Switzerland that taught adults how to read and        fact that it contained lots of text. Mostly interviewees responded
write French. We told the school directors that we were interested       to an incoming SMS by calling the sender – either they had
in illiterate peoples’ coping strategies as well as their use of         memorized how to do this through the context menu or they noted
mobile phones and the tricks they employ to overcome their               down the number and typed it into the phone again. Some
inability to read and write. Coming from a scientifically reputable      interviewees treated all text messages as spam and had learned
school helped only to some extent as the teachers and directors of       how to either exit the mode into which the phone switched on
the schools found it hard to understand what would come out of           reception or how to quickly delete them without checking the
this study, whether their students would be treated with respect,        content or their origin. Others asked for help with the content of
anonymity would be guaranteed and overall what benefit the               the text messages. None of the interviewees felt bad about being
students and the school would enjoy in return. Some of the               read to but one of them who was in a new relationship found
teachers were not even sure that many of their students were using       asking close friends to read SMS with romantic content exciting at
mobile phones. A retired researcher that had worked extensively          first but recently increasingly annoying. One participant wondered
                                                                         whether it would be possible to forward the SMS to a service and
listen to the content on the phone through a human or machine            To compose a new message, the user could re-use words from
voice.                                                                   previous messages or rely on icons. In the former case when the
The signing of receipts for the payment turned out to be a problem       user tapped on the “Edit” button (see fig 2 left), the whole
for three of our participants. They never signed any documents           message was added to the New Message editor area. By tapping
unless a trusted person was present to make sure they are not            on the pencil button the application switched into the edit mode
being taken advantage of.                                                and the user could select only some parts of the previous
                                                                         messages. In the latter case by tapping on the smiley icon, the user
4. EasyTexting                                                           could navigate to two selection screens:
Inspired by the findings around illiterate people’s use and non-use      1. The Quick sender screen contained nine icons representing the
of SMS and their interest in this form of communication we                  most frequent messages sent such as “ok”, “no”, “I miss you”.
developed a prototype for a voice-assisted SMS application                  The icons did not have text labels, however, each of them had
dubbed EasyTexting. This idea was born during a design course,              a sound support. When the user selected one icon to be added
which evolved around four expert reviews. The first author of this          to the message, the icon in itself was added to the message
paper developed the conceptual idea iteratively during this course          editor (see the question mark icon “Why” in Figure 1 left).
and obtained feedback from interaction designers and researchers
                                                                         2. The Customize screen contained multi-sentence icons
who had published in the area of ICT4D.
                                                                            arranged by topics such as “Places and activities, feelings”.
First explorations of the concept were carried out with paper and           Each icon had multiple meanings: For instance, the skyscraper
post-it notes to simulate screen navigation and later Powerpoint            icon, had three associated sentences: “1_ I am at work. 2_ I
slides to simulate interactivity with audio. These early evaluations        cannot answer, I am busy. 3_ I am doing some shopping in the
were based on the idea of sending an SMS through icons only.                city”. By long tapping on this icon the user could listen to all
                                                                            the sentences associated to it. If the user wanted to use the
4.1 First prototype                                                         second sentence, he had to tap the icon twice. There was no
In order to be able to test the application with users we developed         visual/audio feedback on how many times he had already
an interactive prototype (see Figure 1) with Microsoft Expression           tapped. Voice prompts read out the content but did not
Blend on an LG Optimus 7 - a WVGA (800x480 at 246ppi) multi-                provide any action cues. There was the possibility to “add a
touch screen phone running the Windows Phone 7 (WP7)                        new entry” to extend the repertoire and add sentences from
operating system. It allowed for users to ‘read’ SMS through text-          previous messages to some of the existing icons. For instance,
to-speech audio rendition and compose SMS through a range of                after reception of a message e.g. “I really miss you today”, the
icons the user can drag into the message editor and by re-using             user could add this sentence to his repertoire in the Feelings
words from previous messages. The icons represented common                  section.
text messages such as ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. We used generic faces
drawing to represent contacts in the phone.
This prototype was composed of five main screens: the thread
overview or Inbox screen (entry point), the individual thread or
Conversation screen (see Figure 1, left), the Quick Sender screen,
the Multi-sentences icon or Customize icon screen and the
Message reviewing (see Figure 1, right).
(1) The Inbox screen enabled users to see an overview of message
threads by contact.
(2) The Conversation screen allowed users to see all the messages
with a contact chronologically ordered. It also allowed users to
read incoming messages and to create a new message by:
selecting icons for most frequently used messages (in the Quick
sender screen), selecting multi-sentence icons by category
(Customize screen) and turning into an edit mode to reuse words
from previous messages.
(4) The Message reviewing screen helped users reviewing the
content of messages during their creation.                                  Figure 1: First prototype Conversation screen (left) and
                                                                                       Message reviewing screen (right)
(5) A part from selecting multi-sentences icons by category the
Customize screen enabled users to create new entries for multi-          After composing a new message, the user could navigate to the
sentence icons (to extend the repertoire of available sentences          Message reviewing screen and listen to its audio rendition. The
through icons).                                                          icons were transformed into text and read out through text-to-
                                                                         speech. Each group of words played and its corresponding icon
 The Inbox screen contained all the inbox messages displayed as a        was highlighted. For instance, in Figure 1 (right), the skyscraper
vertical list. It contained an iconic picture of a person, their first   icon and the sentence “I am at work” are highlighted while the
name and envelopes that represented the new messages (closed)            phone plays this group of words.
and read messages (open). Tapping on a thread in the list brought
up the Conversation screen Figure 1 (left).                              We carried out walk-throughs with four experts, brainstorming
                                                                         sessions and corridor testing with students to improve the design.
The Conversation screen represented the history of all the               We did not test this prototype with any illiterate user. The biggest
messages the user exchanged with a particular person. Each               concern was that there were too many screens to go through. For
message could be listened to and visually contain combination of         instance the Conversation screen could be combined with the
icons and text (cf. Figure 1, left).                                     Message reviewing screen. The edit mode was deemed too
complicated, especially for illiterate users and gestures available     language schools. According to them none knew how to read or
on touch screens such as scrolling and drag and drop could reduce       write in their mother tongue either. A 40-year old woman from
the amount of taps required.                                            Angola was married and her husband was literate. She had a
                                                                        feature phone without a touch-screen. A 35-year old Moroccan
4.2 Second prototype                                                    widow (her late husband was a researcher) and mother of a three
The second prototype was simplified yet contained additional            year old had had an iPhone, which broke after being thrown in the
information. It included the same main screens as the first             toilet by her toddler. She was planning on buying a newer iPhone
prototype: Inbox screen, Conversation screen, Quick sender,             model with an Internet subscription in the near future but for the
Customize screen but we removed the Message reviewing screen.           transition was using a Nokia feature phone. A 35-year old
The Inbox screen included the date of the last message received         Senegalese father of a six-month old, married to a literate nurse
and the telephone numbers of the contact. By tapping on a thread,       had an iPhone with an international subscription.
the application brought up the Conversation screen that lists all
SMS with a given contact. We removed the need for an editing            5.2 Method
mode by turning every word into a button. This allowed the users        We invited the participants for lunch before their session to make
to single tap on them to listen to its spoken form and to reuse them    them feel at ease. We started by introducing the motivation and
by dragging them into the New message editor area that was fixed        the purpose of the application. We guaranteed anonymity and
on the bottom of the Conversation screen (see Figure 2). During         explained that our goal was not to test them but to obtain their
the audio playback of a read out word it was visually highlighted       feedback as illiterate users. To boost their confidence, we stressed
in synch. We will refer to this assistive function as karaoke from      that they were ‘the experts’ who tested applications designed by
hereon. This represented a new way of reviewing the message             students. For data collection we used note taking by the
composed and due to its fixed placement allowed for removing            experimenter in-situ while the participants were performing the
the Message reviewing screen.                                           tasks. With their permission we video recorded the interaction of
                                                                        their hands with the UI of the phone along with the soundtrack.
                                                                        Each session lasted about 40 minutes and consisted of four parts:
                                                                        1. a socio-demographic questionnaire,
                                                                        2. a semi-structured interview,
                                                                        3. a usability test of the application including a participatory
                                                                        element around the design of the employed icons, and
                                                                        4. a debrief interview.
                                                                        Before starting the questionnaire we introduced ourselves and
                                                                        tried to establish some common ground with the participants. The
                                                                        teachers assured us that the participants did not know how to read
                                                                        or write simple sentences in French. Hence we did not perform
                                                                        additional literacy tests. Since we tried to establish a setting in
                                                                        which the participants were encouraged to provide feedback in a
      Figure 2: Second prototype: Message details screen                confident way we deemed literacy tests counterproductive to this
To select icons, the user could horizontally scroll the top part of
the Conversation screen to bring up the screens containing icons:       The semi-structure interview focused on their use of mobile
Quick sender, Feelings and Places and Activities. While the top         phones and SMS in their every day lives. We asked them to show
part of the screen was horizontally scrollable, the New message         us their mobile phones and the main functions they used.
editor area remained fixed on the bottom of the screen. To select       Specifically we probed how they checked call logs, if they stored
an icon, the user simply had to drag it into the New message            contacts on their phones and how they interacted with SMS. We
editor and to listen to its meaning he had to single tap on it. As in   used note taking by the experimenter in-situ and a video camera
the previous prototype, icons themselves were appended to the           that recorded the participant’s actions on the mobile phone and the
message editor.                                                         discussions we had with them.
We introduced a second approach for multi-sentences icons. It           We started the usability test by demonstrating the application, the
required the user to tap and hold a multi-sentence icon to open a       content of which was entirely in French. We demonstrated
pop-up on the right hand side of the icon with all associated           navigating through the different screens to check for new
sentences. A small play button at the end of each sentence allowed      messages, listen to a new message and reply to a message by
for playing it. To append the sentence the user had to tap on it in     double tapping on icons and re-using existing words from
the pop-up. We tried both this pop-up based version and the pre-        previous messages. Before having them listen to the meaning of
listen version described in section 4.1 in study 2.                     selected icons, we asked them what their meaning might be. When
                                                                        they could not infer the meaning of an icon we used for a
5. STUDY 2                                                              particular phrase we asked them to sketch or to explain us how
                                                                        they would represent this idea visually. We then demonstrated
5.1 Participants                                                        how the audio counterpart of an icon was invoked by tapping on
We conducted exploratory lab-based tests with three paid (20
                                                                        it. After this demonstration we asked our participants to repeat the
CHF/h) participants that had participated in study 1. All of them
                                                                        same actions and encouraged them to take the phone to scroll, tap
spoke French as their second language and had recently started a
                                                                        and double tap to get familiar with the touch screen UI. This
course to learn how to read and write in French. All three of them
                                                                        watch and repeat approach was supposed to emulate their
were from a course for beginners from one of the aforementioned
                                                                        learning strategy when confronted with new technology with a
literate helper, as mentioned in study 1. Throughout the session        For the usability test, the video recordings were our first source of
we tried using simple, non-technical language for all explanations.     data collection. We reviewed the recordings and for each
For example, the participants were not familiar with terms like         performed task reviewed the kind of errors they made and on
application and icons. The pictograms and icons we referred to as       which screen it occurred. Due to the low number of participants
‘little pictures’, for example. We encouraged them to talk-out-         we did not conduct any statistical tests, however. During the
loud especially about any problems they encountered or parts they       debrief interviews, we elicited if they found the application easy
found unclear. We stressed that if they did not understand the          to use and whether it would be useful for them in their everyday
application or parts of it was not their fault but the programmers.     lives.
Once we felt that they were confident and understood the main
features of the application we started the usability test, which
                                                                        5.3 Results
                                                                        All three participants were comfortable with their own phones.
focused on multi-sentence icons, message composition and
                                                                        They navigated very quickly on it and used several functionalities
reading, and specifically the karaoke feature.
                                                                        such as radio, photo camera apart from making and receiving
We started with the two different versions of the multi-sentence        calls. The man from Senegal even used a football app on his
icons both of which were available from different icons on the          iPhone to check the outcome of football matches and who scored
same screen. We compared the pre-listen version we introduced in        since he understood both the number format of scores and the
the first prototype with the pop-up based one introduced in the         roster, which featured players’ head shots along with icons for
second prototype. Recall that in the pre-listen version users had to    goals scored. In terms of SMS all of them knew how to handle
tap and hold on the icon to listen to all the sentences associated to   and open incoming SMS and used literate helpers for the content.
it in a row. Then, to select the sentence number i, users had to tap    The three of them were numerate and knew how to read date and
on the icon i times. In the pop-up version users were required to       time but they found the latter easier from a digital than from an
tap and hold on the icon and a little pop-up appeared on the screen     analog clock with handles. When asked if she knew how to search
with all the associated sentences. To select a sentence, users          for her messages one participant proudly showed how quick she
simply had to tap on it. For both versions we asked them to long-       was at searching for new SMS. She knew how to create a new
tap on the multi-sentence icon and queried whether they had an          SMS but could not compose text in it. She used SMS very often
idea on how to append one of the offered sentences to the message       with the help of literate friends and had 256 SMS in her inbox. “I
editor.                                                                 know how to check the call logs, how to delete, how to do almost
For the composition, we situated them in the following scenario:        everything on my cell phone, the only problem I have is reading
“Let’s suppose you received an SMS from Amisha a friend of              and writing SMS.” The Senegalese man never used SMS since it
yours. You can see you have a new message from Amisha in your           was too long and too complicated for him to try composing one
INBOX [participants are in the thread screen]. Now, you can tap         but he had a number of SMS in his inbox, which mostly contained
on this message to see why Amisha is sending you this SMS               telephone numbers of people along with their names. His wife had
[participants navigate to the message details screen (see Figure        read the SMS to him and he consulted them when he needed the
1)].” After they had navigated to the Conversation screen we            phone number of that contact.
made them listen to what Amisha had sent by tapping on the play
                                                                        The two iPhone owners succeeded in sending the SMS “Tonight,
button next to the text message “Cinema tonight?” that was on top
                                                                        no”. The third participant seemed not as confident. She hardly
of the list. To double check that they had understood the audio
                                                                        touched the phone during the whole interview even if we
message we asked them to explain why Amisha had sent them an
                                                                        encouraged her several times to do so. Worrying that this might
SMS. After their explanation, we asked them to reply that they
                                                                        embarrass or stress her too much we refrained from pushing her
were not free tonight with “Tonight, no.” To make it easier, we
                                                                        further through the scenario. This participant found it difficult to
broke this task into two subtasks through which we walked the
                                                                        come up with possible meanings of the icons and struggled with
                                                                        the concept of text being associated with the icons. For her icons
(1) We asked them to reuse the word “tonight” from the previous         represented or were related to actions: “this [pointing to the
    message by first finding it in the previous message and to          smiling emoticon] means I am talking with someone and this
    append it to the message editor. When necessary we reminded         pointing to [sad emoticon] represents the person I am talking
    them to use a double tap on the word.                               with”. The two iPhone owners roughly understood the meaning of
(2) We asked them to find the icon “No” from the list of icons in       the icons but were not entirely sure. Asked about the meaning of
    the Quick sender screen and to append it to the editor.             the call icon (depicting a receiver) one said: “This might mean
Before sending they had to review the composed message by               ‘Call me’ or maybe ‘I will call you later’”. Hearing the audio
tapping on the “play” button.                                           counterpart removed any doubts for them.
For reading we tested what happened if we removed the karaoke
                                                                        The idea of having multiple meaning for an icon and making them
function (the words currently played were highlighted in red). We
                                                                        available (in both versions) through multiple taps was challenging
had two versions of the application: one with karaoke support and
                                                                        for all participants. None of them succeeded in appending a
another one in which the whole sentence was played out but with
                                                                        sentence to the editor and asked for help on what they had to do.
no visual feedback in the UI. We tested two sentences in French
                                                                        In the pre-listen version the length of the entire prompt “One:
“When do you come back?“ (“Tu rentres quand?”) and “Cinema
                                                                        sentence 1, Two: sentence 2, Three: sentence 3” was too long and
tonight?” (“Cine ce soir?”). First we asked the participants to play
                                                                        at the end the participants could not remember the first sentence
out the sentences and identify as many words as they could in the
                                                                        anymore. In the version with the pop-up, they were surprised by it
karaoke version. Then we asked them to repeat this with the same
                                                                        and did not know where to tap to listen to the several associated
sentences in the version without the karaoke. They could listen to
                                                                        sentences. The corresponding play buttons at the end of each
the message as many times as they wanted. At the end of each
                                                                        sentence in the pop-up were relatively small but clearly visible.
sub-task completed we provided congratulatory or encouraging
feedback.                                                               We tested playing back a message with and without the karaoke.
                                                                        With the karaoke, all of them succeeded matching some words to
the played sound. While the karaoke was playing, the woman             avoid misinterpretations especially when seeing them for the first
from Morocco remarked: “Oh, yes, cinema, this word is cinema…          time. Additionally, any mistakes could easily be corrected by
Ci ne ma” she pointed at the word and tapped on it to check she        deleting erroneously added words from the editor. The corpus of
was right. Without the karaoke, the participants did not even          icons was limited but we hope that this will provide an initial
realize there was a link between what they were hearing and the        entry point for illiterate users to create words through which they
sentence played by the phone.                                          can express themselves. Obviously a speech recognition facility
None of our participants seemed uncomfortable with being tested        could be more versatile and powerful.
but their confidence varied. The woman from Angola often asked         The participants struggled with the concept of multi-sentence
“Am I right? Am I saying the right thing?” while the other two         icons. For the pre-listen version none our participants understood
were more self-confident. The man from Senegal immediately             that the numbers “1, 2, 3” corresponded to the number of times
wanted to touch the phone, play the messages, drag some icons          they had to tap on the icon to add the sentence to the message
into the message editor and scroll to go through all the screens.      editor. Thus, after long-tapping on the icons and listening to the
When he and the other iPhone user succeeded in sending the             three options, the users did not know what to do since the voice
SMS, they asked: “That's it? Is my message really sent?” They          prompts did not provide any action cues. Instead of having the
seemed surprised by the simplicity.                                    rather abstract guideline “One: I will be late. Two: …” we should
From the beginning, the woman from Morocco was excited about           have given an action cue such as “Tap this icon once for I will be
the application: “This could be wonderful for people like me, is it    late, tap it twice for…”. The combined prompts were too long and
possible to get the application on my mobile phone today?” The         in hindsight reminded us of Medhi et al.’s recommendations about
other iPhone owner called us one hour after the interview to thank     short and simple audio instructions [12]. Our participants did not
us about dedicating our time to help “people like him” and             succeed in memorizing the three different meanings for a single
expressing his interest in obtaining the application.                  icon. Once reminded of the sentence and that the numbers
                                                                       corresponded on how many times they had to tap on the icon,
At the end of the test, they seemed proud for helping us and for       their main problem was that there was no feedback on how many
being useful to help researchers from a respected university. The      times they had already tapped on the icon. This behavior was also
feedback we obtained from the teachers of the school was very          inconsistent with how words and regular icons responded to taps.
positive and conveyed that the man from Senegal was
“transformed” after the session and for the first time he learned      Compared to voice mail or voice-based SMS services (e.g. India’s
his lesson for the next day.                                           VoiceSMS) our application offers additional value. In voice mail,
                                                                       users need to have network access to compose a new SMS, with
6. DISCUSSION                                                          our application however, users can review and compose their
Although our two studies were based on a small number of users         SMS offline. Standard SMS are cheap or even free (e.g. a hundred
we found consistently how proficient illiterate users were in          SMS per day) as part of certain prepaid contracts. Most
navigating and using their mobile phones – be it low-end, feature      importantly voice mails offer no potential learning whereas our
or smart phones. Since two out of three users in study 2 had           application provides an audio-visual matching between text and
iPhones already, our results were biased compared to users who         audio, which can represent a source of learning for users.
had never used smartphones before but it added to the existing         According to Srivastava [20] an India NGO has started
evidence that using a smartphone proficiently is not a cognitive       encouraging women to buy mobile phones English because of the
matter but a matter of habits. Illiterate users who are used to        potential to learn various alphabets through them. We do not want
smartphones can be as proficient as literate users in using their      to claim that illiterate users will learn how to read and write with
mobile phones at least for the functions that are important to them.   this application alone. But we see potential for it in providing
                                                                       additional encounters with text with concrete short-term goals
Similar to Lalji & Good’s finding in which participants were
                                                                       providing reading practice and thereby incentivizing and
uncomfortable with touch screens our feature phone owner from
                                                                       catalyzing literacy acquisition. Particularly the fact that our
Angola, despite encouragement was disinclined to touch the
                                                                       participants were not able to identify words after removing the
phone. In the few cases when she did her styled, long and curved
                                                                       karaoke function convince us that illiterate, neo-literate and semi-
fingernails made interactions with the touch screen seem a little
                                                                       literate users will find this application helpful. Every day exposure
awkward because they would click on the screen first and the
                                                                       to text in conjunction with audio in same language subtitles of
angle for touching was quite low. But both iPhone users had no
                                                                       movie content was also shown to improve reading and writing
problem interacting with our touch screen based application
                                                                       skills in neo-literates [7]. Semi-literates in Findlater et al.’s study
whatsoever and with initial explanations managed to compose
                                                                       benefited from combination of text and audio and had superior
messages successfully. Like Medhi et al., we do not believe this to
                                                                       word recognition at the end of each session after the second day of
be a cognitive issue since the other two participants were
                                                                       use [3].
confident using the touch screen even with an application that
they had no previous experience with. Before testing touch-screen      Chipchase recommended that phones for illiterates should not be
applications users need to be taught the basics of touch screen        recognizable as such because of the associated stigma [2]. The
interaction. In contrast to Katre’s study, our participants had no     only thing that might reveal a user’s illiteracy to by-standers while
problems using their index fingers for interacting with the touch      using our application is the sound played when tapping on words
screen although some of the icons were relatively small. We are        and icons. This can be mitigated by headphone use. Moreover, all
aware that these differences with Katre’s observations might be        the SMS sent from our application are regular SMS. If an
due to the difference between our users (Swiss immigrants from         EasyTexting user sends an SMS there will be no way for the
developing countries) and the rural farmers he studied.                recipient to know that it was written with an application for
As can be expected, the icons we used – although carefully chosen
- were not self-explanatory. Each participant had his own              Recruiting and running studies with illiterate users in Western
representation of an idea. Audio support for icons was helpful to      countries is a challenge since they are not numerous and since
they usually try to hide their illiteracy. Our way to get in contact   approach for blind users. We used monochrome simple icons to
with them was via schools. Establishing initial contacts with the      mimic the WP7 metro design’s look and feel.
schools and to gain the trust of the staff and teachers took time.
Partly, they wanted to make sure we were going to treat their
students with respect and without a patronizing attitude. Despite
the testimonials of teachers only some of the students volunteered
to participate despite remuneration. Almost all of our participants
were financially relying on their partners.

The entry screen of the application depicted in Figure 3 is the
Inbox screen, which contains all the threads of received messages.
Each thread item contains the picture, phone number, name of the
contact and one line of the last exchanged message. The last three
digits are highlighted by putting them apart from the rest to aid
recognition of contacts by phone numbers as mentioned in [6].
Tapping on a list item brings up all the messages exchanged with
this particular contact.

                                                                        Figure 4: Third prototype: Conversation screen (left) Quick
                                                                                         sender sub-screen (right)
                                                                       The final design of EasyTexting application is composed of two
                                                                       main screens: the Inbox and the Conversation, the latter of which
                                                                       extends to the sub-screens providing access to icons (Quick
                                                                       sender, Feelings, Places and activites).
                                                                       The Inbox screen is similar to the existing SMS composition tool
                                                                       on WP7 except for the added contact picture and the last three
                                                                       digits of the phone numbers that are visually separated.
                                                                       The Conversation screen with the history of all the previous
                                                                       messages exchanged with someone differs in various points from
                                                                       the WP7 counterpart. The picture, phone number and name of the
                                                                       contact users are exchanging SMS with are displayed at the top of
            Figure 3: Third prototype: Inbox screen                    the page. While the middle of the screen is scrollable, this part at
Contrary to the other prototypes, we added a text label underneath     the top is fixed. We followed the Windows convention and
each icon (cf. Figure 4, right). For the composition of a message      displayed SMS in speech bubbles. However, each word is a button
the user can rely on icons, re-use of words or both. Double            the user can reuse in a new message. This removes the need for
tapping on a word in a previous message results in appending the       copy and paste functionality of the regular SMS version. But
word to the message editor (the grey speech bubbles in Figure 4).      words can only be added sequentially to the end of the message
Icons only have one meaning and the user has to scroll                 editor. The current application does not allow users to use the
horizontally to the Quick Sender screen as illustrated in Figure 4.    keyboard, attach a picture (MMS) or to save it as a draft.
Analogously to words, single taps on icons play the sound of the       Comparing to the standard SMS application on WP7, our
words or sentence associated with it. Contrary to the previous         application includes sound support. Each word is a playable
prototypes in which double tapping on an icon placed the icon          button and each SMS can be played with karaoke support.
itself on the message editor, double taps on icons place their         Without this feature, users cannot “read” or understand the
corresponding words in the message editor. As with received            content of an SMS by themselves and not make use of text
messages each word of the sentence under composition is a button       messaging.
and on tap delivers its audio. Double tapping on words in the          From the Conversation screen, users can directly access the icons
message editor results in its deletion. We enlarged the word           dictionaries screens by scrolling horizontally. Each icon is
borders to improve tapping on single letter words and punctuation.     playable and has a predefined sentence associated with it.
Initially we had experimented with single taps on icons and words
to add them to the editor and long taps for the audio. But after       8. CONCLUSION
some corridor tests long-taps proved to be too time-consuming.         Along this research we discovered that illiterate people did use
Since the equivalent of a mouse over event does not exist on touch     their mobile phones a lot but were unable to use text-based
screens we needed to find a way to provide its audio rendition         applications. Managing their contacts and dealing with SMS were
without triggering another action. We settled with single taps to      the two things they struggled with most or could not do at all.
play the sound and double tap to add the icon’s associated text to     However when it came to SMS, they used some tricks such as
the message editor. Thus, a single tap was used to represent a         asking their relatives to read SMS or calling back the senders. On
mouse over event. This is akin to the iPhones accessibility            our prototype, we kept many UI conventions that we had found
                                                                       usable for illiterate users such as the threaded view of SMS and
the main presentation of the inbox screen. No previous            
applications on touch-screen phones for illiterate users were               2005/index.html.
developed before. Our findings from two studies add to the            3.    Findlater, L., Balakrishnan, R., and Toyama, K. Comparing
evidence that using touch-screen phones does not represent a                semiliterate and illiterate users’ ability to transition from
cognitive problem for illiterate users but only a problem in terms          audio+text to text-only interaction. Proceedings of the 27th
of lacking confidence or technological literacy. We found                   international conference on Human factors in computing
promising first evidence that illiterate users can use text                 systems, ACM (2009), 1751–1760.
messaging in conjunction with audio, text and visuals when initial    4.    Huenerfauth, M.P. Design approaches for developing user-
training is provided. Overall, users we interviewed were interested         interfaces accessible to illiterate users. University College
in making use of text messaging and some of them wanted to take             Dublin, Ireland, (2002).
the application home with them. From our findings we argue that       5.    Katre, D. One-handed thumb use on smart phones by semi-
ICTD research should not reduce mobile phones to mere                       literate and illiterate users in India: A usability report with
telephones with simplified storage for contacts. This restrictive           design improvements for precision and ease. Proceedings of
approach would most likely fail in the market place because it              Workshop on Cultural Usability and Human Work Interaction
denies illiterates to enjoy other functions such as entertainment           Design, NordiCHI Conference, Lund, Sweden, (2008).
through music, pictures and video. Touch screen phones with on-       6.    Knoche, H., Huang, J. Text is not the enemy - How illiterates
demand voice feedback can enable illiterate users to use                    use their mobile phones. NUIs for New Worlds: New
potentially important information services by leveraging the                Interaction Forms and Interfaces for Mobile Applications in
affordances of multimedia UIs on touch screen phones. Chipchase             Developing Countries - CHI’2012 workshop, (2012).
concluded that to improve literacy skills the best solution would     7.    Kothari, B., Takeda, J., Joshi, A., and Pandey, A. Same
be a phone. We aimed at this by providing an application that               language subtitling: a butterfly for literacy? International
allows illiterates to compose and listen to SMS. We combined                Journal of Lifelong Education 21, 1 (2002), 55–66.
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9. FUTURE WORK                                                              creation through low-end mobiles. Proceedings of the 2010
We plan to further add to this application by improving the input           International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web
of text a) through keyboard entries, e.g. for numbers b) through            Accessibility (W4A), ACM (2010), 1–10.
speech recognition c) by reusing words from previous SMS from         10.   Lalji, Z. and Good, J. Designing new technologies for illiterate
all threads d) providing tactile feedback when words are added to           populations: A study in mobile phone interface design.
the message composer e) by providing a movable insertion point.             Interacting with Computers 20, 6 (2008), 574–586.
We would like to improve the contact manager for illiterate users     11.   Medhi, I., Gautama, S.N., and Toyama, K. A comparison of
both for picking contacts and the management itself. Searching              mobile money-transfer UIs for non-literate and semi-literate
through a contact long list of contacts is time consuming for               users. Proceedings of the 27th international conference on
illiterate users since the search is based on alphabetic order.             Human factors in computing systems, (2009), 1741–1750.
Moreover, creating a new entry can be difficult when written          12.   Medhi, I., Prasad, A., and Toyama, K. Optimal audio-visual
names are required for a contact – see [6] for more details.                representations for illiterate users of computers. Proceedings
                                                                            of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web,
We plan to port the application to the Android platform and                 (2007), 882.
extend it with speech recognition for the composition of messages     13.   Medhi, I., Sagar, A., and Toyama, K. Text-free user interfaces
and carry out field studies. We would like to evaluate the                  for illiterate and semiliterate users. Information Technologies
application with illiterate and semi-literate users was well as             and International Development 4, 1 (2007), 37–50.
elderly.                                                              14.   Patel, N., Chittamuru, D., Jain, A., Dave, P., and Parikh, T.S.
                                                                            Avaaj Otalo—A Field Study of an Interactive Voice Forum
10. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                                                         for Small Farmers in Rural India. Proceedings of the
We would like to express our gratitude to Oscar Bolanos and                 Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human
Lukas Frelich for helping with the implementation; Anne                     factors in computing systems (Atlanta, GA, USA, 2010). ACM,
Marquis, Catherine Wick, Annick Mello Spano and the teachers                (2010).
from Lire-et-écrire and Français-en-jeu and all interviewees for      15.   Prasad, A., Medhi, I., Toyama, K., and Balakrishnan, R.
their time; Jeffrey Huang, Jan Blom, Florian Egger, Mairi Willis,           Exploring the feasibility of video mail for illiterate users.
Daniel Keller, Gunnar Harboe and Saket Sathe for providing                  Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual
valuable feedback and guidance. This research has been funded by            interfaces, (2008), 103–110.
the Swiss Development Council in collaboration with                   16.   Rao, K.V. and Sonar, R.M. M4D Applications in Agriculture:
cooperation@EPFL.                                                           Some Developments and Perspectives in India. Defining the
                                                                            “D”in ICT4D, (2009), 104–111.
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ACM DEV '12 Proceedings of the 2nd ACM Symposium on Computing for Development

  • 1. Getting in touch with text: Designing a mobile phone application for illiterate users to harness SMS Elsa Friscira Hendrik Knoche Jeffrey Huang EPFL EPFL EPFL Station 14, IC LDM Station 14, IC LDM Station 14, IC LDM 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland +33 63 112 3494 +41 21 693 1315 +41 21 693 1341 ABSTRACT asynchronous communication channel of text messaging has been A large number of illiterate people – 800 million worldwide – are inaccessible to illiterate or semi-literate people. currently excluded from the benefits of asynchronous and cheap Much of the previous work on illiterate user interfaces (UI) on communication through text messages also known as SMS. Smart mobile devices and computers has been pointing to shortcomings phones with touch screen will soon be in financial reach of in terms of usability of UIs that were not adapted to this special illiterate people in developing countries. Our application user group. However, the uptake of mobile phones in developing EasyTexting allows illiterate users to listen to received SMS and countries is staggering and research has shown that incentives in compose text messages by augmenting words with touch-initiated real world contexts were high enough [19] to overcome initial text-to-speech support, icons for frequent phrases and by re-using usability hurdles in learning a UI or technology. words from previous messages. The application sends and While much of the ICT4D literature is at odds with the use of text receives plain SMS and makes no assumption on second parties’ in user interfaces for illiterate users we see a great potential to SMS editors. We present the motivation for this application connect illiterate users through text messaging - a cheap, derived from interviews and the evolution of the design along asynchronous and convenient communication channel. Touch with an exploratory evaluation of the interface both with illiterate screen smart phones offer a new opportunity for illiterate people immigrants. to interact with textual content in connections with text-to-speech Categories and Subject Descriptors solutions. To that effect, we present the design evolution and evaluation of EasyTexting an application that enables illiterate H.5.1 [Information Systems]: Multimedia Information Systems – users to use this medium via text-to-speech for reading out words animations, audio input/output. and by making composition possible through icons and reuse of General Terms previous words. The application sends and receives plain SMS Design, Experimentation, Human Factors. and there is no requirement for a second party to utilize the application. Keywords The goal of this paper was to address the following questions: ICTD, mobile phones, touch screens, texting, SMS, illiterate How do illiterate people use mobile phones or other artifacts people within their coping strategies in general and how SMS in particular? Which UI conventions from current SMS editors can 1. INTRODUCTION be kept and how can illiterate users be enabled to use text Around 800 million people worldwide cannot read or write their messaging in conjunction with audio, text, and visuals through a mother tongue. Most of them live in developing countries – touch screen interface? After the first prototypes were developed, mainly in rural areas. Mobile phones have been a phenomenal our goal was to understand how users would experience this novel success in terms of sustainable development and its business interaction with text. model proved viable in many developing countries despite huge We addressed these questions by following a user-centered design infrastructural shortcomings in terms of e.g. the availability of method with illiterate users in Switzerland consisting of initial electricity. Coverage has seen huge improvements and most of the interviews, various prototyping with expert reviews and an initial growth for mobile provider now lies in attracting customers in exploration through task-based scenarios. Our study was focused rural areas who mainly work in agriculture. Low-end smart on illiterate users in Western countries but we think that some of phones with touch screens have already dropped below the $100 our findings will generalize to illiterate people in developing mark and will be soon within financial reach of less affluent rural regions. populations in developing countries. However, so far the cheap We summarize previous research in section 2 and our own results from interviews with illiterate immigrants in section 3. We detail Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for our early design work, the design evolution of EasyTexting and an personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are exploratory evaluation with illiterate users in sections 3-5. We not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy discuss our findings in relation to previous research in section 6 otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, and the final design in section 7. requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. DEV '12, March 11-12, Atlanta, GA Copyright © 2012 ACM 978-1-4503-1262-2/12/03... $10.00
  • 2. 2. BACKGROUND Otherwise users might think the icons represent locations or Literacy can be defined in many ways. The U.N. defines a literate objects, for instance a kitchen instead of cooking [13]. Prasad et person as someone who can “…with understanding, both read al. found that the metaphor of a postcard symbol worked well in a and write a short simple statement in his or her everyday life” video mail application and helped users overcome their [21]. Semi-literates represent another large group struggling with difficulties in understanding the notion of asynchronicity in a reading simple text passages [7]. Many illiterate people have basic video mail application [15]. Bhamidipaty & Deepak improved numeracy skills, i.e., they can to some degree understand, read contact management for illiterates by adding symbols to the and write numbers. Huenerfauth distinguished between phone’s physical number keypad, which allowed users to filter technological illiteracy and written language illiteracy [4]. contacts through combinations of these symbols [1]. The meaning of an icon represents a learnt concept some of which can be more A large number of development initiatives now evolve around the easily understood and recalled than others. However, if additional use of mobile phones but so far most of the commercial offerings modalities are available in the UI to explain their meaning (see [16] for an overview on mobile information services for designers often discount concerns about their lack of agriculture) require their users to be literate. A number of ICTD appropriateness or intuitiveness. projects have aimed at improving rural communication and knowledge building for illiterate users, e.g. through audio wikis Audio feedback and voice annotation support represent two such [8], discussion forums that extend existing mass media coverage modalities, which are used in many designs for illiterate users e.g. such as community radios [14], and spoken web interfaces for [2], [11], [12], [18], [13], [14]. Audible instructions given to user generated content [9]. However, to the best of our knowledge illiterate users needed to be short and simple and instructions no previous work has tried to empower illiterate users to use text- containing multiple steps have to be avoided [18], [10], [15]. based communication through mobile phones. Possibly the closest When given audio instructions with multiple steps, illiterate users to our idea is Shankar’s work on speech writing or spriting [17]. usually performed only the first or the last one. Findlater et al. reported that the combination of text and audio disturbed illiterate As a hardware platform for ICT the mobile phone poses various users but that semi-literates - with rudimentary reading skills - challenges to illiterate users. According to Chipchase work benefitted from them in transitions from audio+text to text-only turning on the mobile phone and accepting incoming calls were interactions [3]. To illiterate users text in the UI simply the most successfully completed tasks by illiterate users of low- represented visual noise. In the search for optimal audio-visual end or feature phones [2]. Dialing numbers for an outgoing call representations for illiterate users of health kiosks Medhi et al. already proved more difficult. More complicated features such as created visual representations of health symptoms. Voice contact management or asynchronous text messaging were outside annotations helped the user in speed of comprehension and their current reach. To make mobile phones accessible for increased correct responses. If not told, however, some illiterate users he proposed: a design not recognizable as targeting participants did not understand that the voice annotations were illiterate people due to the associated stigma and a minimal meant to explain the visuals [12]. feature set by supporting only incoming and outgoing calls and a simplified way to store contacts through call logs [2]. The As an input method voice has yet to overcome some hurdles. Motorola Motofone F3 fit many checkboxes to be designed for During a longitudinal field trial of Avaaj Otalo - an interactive poor, illiterate people. It was light, very rugged, and provided voice forum for small farmers accessed through voice calls – the audio feedback for its functions from power on throughout its users could choose between voice commands and touchtone as main (minimal) menu. Its e-ink screen could easily be read in input methods to navigate menus. Touchtone input was preferred bright sunlight, it had a phenomenal battery life (nominally 30 in the large majority of cases over voice and users unanimously days on standby) useful in rural areas with long power cuts and, at preferred touchtone navigation. Users found voice input more around 20 USD it was affordable. However, it was not a success. error prone. However, this could have been due to the low According to an unnamed Motorola source the company had accuracy of the speech recognizer, which was trained on underestimated the aspirational aspects of the device. Given that American English and often faced inputs with noisy background many people see mobile phones as extensions of themselves they [14]. did not want to be seen with a cheap phone. Common UI conventions and elements presented problems for Most studies that we surveyed employed illiterate users who were lingual and technologically illiterate people. Chipchase cautioned numerate but all agreed that they could not understand text-based against the use of soft-buttons and suggested that each hardware UIs. Researchers advocated minimal use of text and some even button on mobile phones should map to one task only. Prasad et text-free UIs [13]. In the greater socio-technical context, however, al. found that users were confused when faced with modes e.g., many illiterate people rely on proxy-literacy and seek out literate when creating a mail required them to choose from: video, audio, helpers to mitigate encounters with text. These helpers can benefit drawn images and text as input methods [15]. Lalji & Good found from the existence of text, making their involvement less onerous the use of lists far more effective than a hierarchical classification. in comparison to text-free UIs. Fore example, Chipchase argued According to this study, participants remembered that they could for the value of textual descriptions to accompany icons and use the ‘up’ and ‘down’ buttons but easily forgot how to access deemed icon-only interfaces inferior for use by illiterate users. features when presented with a menu-based interface accessible through soft keys [10]. They warned that color-coding was The value of icons in UIs for illiterate users has been insufficient if users’ instructions were based on identifying acknowledged and demonstrated in many studies, e.g. [2], [12], different colored buttons. In their lab studies, users often pressed [10], [3] but they are not universally recognizable and need to be the green button when instructed to press the blue, and vice versa adapted culturally. For instance, participants understood the [10]. In a study by Prasad et al. participants were likely to click on “house” icon as a village hut and mistook musical notes for birds anything green when asked to click on a green arrow [15]. Medhi [10]. Hand-drawn icons were preferred to realistic photos in et al. mentioned that scrollbars were not initially understood in the studies by Medhi et al. and she noted that icons, which indicate an sense that subjects did not realize that there were functions action may require visual cues for indicating motion [12]. displayed below the fold. These users coincided with the ones
  • 3. who had mobile phones restricted to making voice calls [11]. with illiterate people before and her involvement eventually Screen navigation was an issue frequently quoted in previous proved helpful to establish a trusted connection with the schools. work [11], [10], [15]. To curb confusion from abrupt screen changes, Prasad et al. proposed that navigation employed 3.1 Participants animation to transition from one screen to the next [15] - now We carried out semi-structured interviews (60-90 minutes in supported and common in e.g. iPhone and Android UIs. Katre duration) in cafés or if they felt comfortable with it in the argued focusing on thumb-based interaction in the design of participants’ home. All of the 9 participants (7f, 2m) living in applications for semi- and illiterate users on smart phones with Switzerland had immigration backgrounds from Africa and Brasil touch screen [5]. He claimed that this user group lacked fine and had only very recently started a course to learn how to read motor skills due to non-practice in writing. This made stylus and and write. Most of them did not currently hold a job and were index finger based input slower compared with literates. supported by either partners or the state. Except one retired woman all participants had enrolled in the school to be able to Methodologically, involving illiterate users in HCI studies is more find jobs. They received 20 CHF/h as compensation for their time. challenging than with literate users in advanced economies. Participants in previous studies typically had no faith in The interview script included the description of a typical day in technology [13], had difficulties understanding abstract questions their life, problems or inconveniences faced, technology used in and were not used to being tested [18], lacked self-confidence and the home, their use of means of communication, interacting with felt they were not clever enough to use technology and wanted to necessary machinery e.g. automated teller machines (ATMs) and observe and be taught [10]. Sherwani et al. proposed incremental with a special focus on the use of their mobile phones including tutorials for participants before the study in order to better prepare receiving and placing calls, SMS, managing contacts and other them to use a UI [18]. Prasad et al. reported that congratulatory functionality used. audio messages after users performed a task seemed to produce encouragement and excitement in order for them to continue 3.2 Results navigation the application with more self-confidence. For In this paper we focus on the use and coping mechanisms for text instance, after successfully logging in to an application, an audio messaging. The broader results from the interviews are reported in congratulatory message informing the users that they had [1]. Living in a foreign country our Swiss participants needed to successfully entered their inbox and that they could now retrieve stay in touch with family and friends in their home countries. their mails [15]. Calling abroad was expensive and they often used internet cafes’ In summary previous research on designing for illiterate users has to make calls through special operators or VoIP which required produced many recommendations, which are, however, often synchronizing with the called party to be at a place at a certain remind us of the problems faced by all novice users of computers time. Many regarded asynchronous communication such as SMS such as conventions of UIs and the affordances controls have. The as a convenient and cost-efficient alternative to stay in a touch. As recommendations were often derived from usability studies in one woman whose daughter was living in Morocco stated: which people encounter systems for the very first time and outside “I would love to send an SMS to my daughter such as ‘I’m the context in which they typically discover and learn a new thinking of you’, but unfortunately, this is far too complicated for technology. Most of the previous work focused on mobile phones me.” with keypads that soon might become obsolete. In particular, Moreover, some had been asked by others to send texts rather than some of the described hurdles in basic and feature phones e.g. the call. However, its reliance on literacy seemed an insurmountable problems with soft keys could be overcome if illiterate users were barrier to using it to contact people. All of them had received text able to find out what effect a button press would have analogously messages often unsolicited. Dealing with received text messages to a mouse-over help text, i.e. without the need for pressing the varied and depended to some degree on the content. Three of our button and carrying out its action. In order to look at requirements interviewees had stored SMS that contained telephone numbers we wanted to find out more about illiterate people actual use, for months as another way of looking up contacts. specifically with respect to text messaging and possibly on more advanced mobile phones that were used six years ago when “I know X sent me this text message that has the telephone Chipchase conducted his seminal work on illiterate people’s number from a friend of mine in Togo. So I go back here [to the mobile phone use. inbox of his messages] and need to find his message. Here this is it, he wrote this text in front of the number – my wife read it to me. 3. STUDY 1 It’s the name of the friend.” We conducted interviews with illiterate immigrants in Switzerland Some had developed simple heuristics in detecting unsolicited to study their use of mobile phones. We got access to them SMS through the length of the sending telephone numbers and the through schools in Switzerland that taught adults how to read and fact that it contained lots of text. Mostly interviewees responded write French. We told the school directors that we were interested to an incoming SMS by calling the sender – either they had in illiterate peoples’ coping strategies as well as their use of memorized how to do this through the context menu or they noted mobile phones and the tricks they employ to overcome their down the number and typed it into the phone again. Some inability to read and write. Coming from a scientifically reputable interviewees treated all text messages as spam and had learned school helped only to some extent as the teachers and directors of how to either exit the mode into which the phone switched on the schools found it hard to understand what would come out of reception or how to quickly delete them without checking the this study, whether their students would be treated with respect, content or their origin. Others asked for help with the content of anonymity would be guaranteed and overall what benefit the the text messages. None of the interviewees felt bad about being students and the school would enjoy in return. Some of the read to but one of them who was in a new relationship found teachers were not even sure that many of their students were using asking close friends to read SMS with romantic content exciting at mobile phones. A retired researcher that had worked extensively first but recently increasingly annoying. One participant wondered whether it would be possible to forward the SMS to a service and
  • 4. listen to the content on the phone through a human or machine To compose a new message, the user could re-use words from voice. previous messages or rely on icons. In the former case when the The signing of receipts for the payment turned out to be a problem user tapped on the “Edit” button (see fig 2 left), the whole for three of our participants. They never signed any documents message was added to the New Message editor area. By tapping unless a trusted person was present to make sure they are not on the pencil button the application switched into the edit mode being taken advantage of. and the user could select only some parts of the previous messages. In the latter case by tapping on the smiley icon, the user 4. EasyTexting could navigate to two selection screens: Inspired by the findings around illiterate people’s use and non-use 1. The Quick sender screen contained nine icons representing the of SMS and their interest in this form of communication we most frequent messages sent such as “ok”, “no”, “I miss you”. developed a prototype for a voice-assisted SMS application The icons did not have text labels, however, each of them had dubbed EasyTexting. This idea was born during a design course, a sound support. When the user selected one icon to be added which evolved around four expert reviews. The first author of this to the message, the icon in itself was added to the message paper developed the conceptual idea iteratively during this course editor (see the question mark icon “Why” in Figure 1 left). and obtained feedback from interaction designers and researchers 2. The Customize screen contained multi-sentence icons who had published in the area of ICT4D. arranged by topics such as “Places and activities, feelings”. First explorations of the concept were carried out with paper and Each icon had multiple meanings: For instance, the skyscraper post-it notes to simulate screen navigation and later Powerpoint icon, had three associated sentences: “1_ I am at work. 2_ I slides to simulate interactivity with audio. These early evaluations cannot answer, I am busy. 3_ I am doing some shopping in the were based on the idea of sending an SMS through icons only. city”. By long tapping on this icon the user could listen to all the sentences associated to it. If the user wanted to use the 4.1 First prototype second sentence, he had to tap the icon twice. There was no In order to be able to test the application with users we developed visual/audio feedback on how many times he had already an interactive prototype (see Figure 1) with Microsoft Expression tapped. Voice prompts read out the content but did not Blend on an LG Optimus 7 - a WVGA (800x480 at 246ppi) multi- provide any action cues. There was the possibility to “add a touch screen phone running the Windows Phone 7 (WP7) new entry” to extend the repertoire and add sentences from operating system. It allowed for users to ‘read’ SMS through text- previous messages to some of the existing icons. For instance, to-speech audio rendition and compose SMS through a range of after reception of a message e.g. “I really miss you today”, the icons the user can drag into the message editor and by re-using user could add this sentence to his repertoire in the Feelings words from previous messages. The icons represented common section. text messages such as ‘Yes’ and ‘No’. We used generic faces drawing to represent contacts in the phone. This prototype was composed of five main screens: the thread overview or Inbox screen (entry point), the individual thread or Conversation screen (see Figure 1, left), the Quick Sender screen, the Multi-sentences icon or Customize icon screen and the Message reviewing (see Figure 1, right). (1) The Inbox screen enabled users to see an overview of message threads by contact. (2) The Conversation screen allowed users to see all the messages with a contact chronologically ordered. It also allowed users to read incoming messages and to create a new message by: selecting icons for most frequently used messages (in the Quick sender screen), selecting multi-sentence icons by category (Customize screen) and turning into an edit mode to reuse words from previous messages. (4) The Message reviewing screen helped users reviewing the content of messages during their creation. Figure 1: First prototype Conversation screen (left) and Message reviewing screen (right) (5) A part from selecting multi-sentences icons by category the Customize screen enabled users to create new entries for multi- After composing a new message, the user could navigate to the sentence icons (to extend the repertoire of available sentences Message reviewing screen and listen to its audio rendition. The through icons). icons were transformed into text and read out through text-to- speech. Each group of words played and its corresponding icon The Inbox screen contained all the inbox messages displayed as a was highlighted. For instance, in Figure 1 (right), the skyscraper vertical list. It contained an iconic picture of a person, their first icon and the sentence “I am at work” are highlighted while the name and envelopes that represented the new messages (closed) phone plays this group of words. and read messages (open). Tapping on a thread in the list brought up the Conversation screen Figure 1 (left). We carried out walk-throughs with four experts, brainstorming sessions and corridor testing with students to improve the design. The Conversation screen represented the history of all the We did not test this prototype with any illiterate user. The biggest messages the user exchanged with a particular person. Each concern was that there were too many screens to go through. For message could be listened to and visually contain combination of instance the Conversation screen could be combined with the icons and text (cf. Figure 1, left). Message reviewing screen. The edit mode was deemed too
  • 5. complicated, especially for illiterate users and gestures available language schools. According to them none knew how to read or on touch screens such as scrolling and drag and drop could reduce write in their mother tongue either. A 40-year old woman from the amount of taps required. Angola was married and her husband was literate. She had a feature phone without a touch-screen. A 35-year old Moroccan 4.2 Second prototype widow (her late husband was a researcher) and mother of a three The second prototype was simplified yet contained additional year old had had an iPhone, which broke after being thrown in the information. It included the same main screens as the first toilet by her toddler. She was planning on buying a newer iPhone prototype: Inbox screen, Conversation screen, Quick sender, model with an Internet subscription in the near future but for the Customize screen but we removed the Message reviewing screen. transition was using a Nokia feature phone. A 35-year old The Inbox screen included the date of the last message received Senegalese father of a six-month old, married to a literate nurse and the telephone numbers of the contact. By tapping on a thread, had an iPhone with an international subscription. the application brought up the Conversation screen that lists all SMS with a given contact. We removed the need for an editing 5.2 Method mode by turning every word into a button. This allowed the users We invited the participants for lunch before their session to make to single tap on them to listen to its spoken form and to reuse them them feel at ease. We started by introducing the motivation and by dragging them into the New message editor area that was fixed the purpose of the application. We guaranteed anonymity and on the bottom of the Conversation screen (see Figure 2). During explained that our goal was not to test them but to obtain their the audio playback of a read out word it was visually highlighted feedback as illiterate users. To boost their confidence, we stressed in synch. We will refer to this assistive function as karaoke from that they were ‘the experts’ who tested applications designed by hereon. This represented a new way of reviewing the message students. For data collection we used note taking by the composed and due to its fixed placement allowed for removing experimenter in-situ while the participants were performing the the Message reviewing screen. tasks. With their permission we video recorded the interaction of their hands with the UI of the phone along with the soundtrack. Each session lasted about 40 minutes and consisted of four parts: 1. a socio-demographic questionnaire, 2. a semi-structured interview, 3. a usability test of the application including a participatory element around the design of the employed icons, and 4. a debrief interview. Before starting the questionnaire we introduced ourselves and tried to establish some common ground with the participants. The teachers assured us that the participants did not know how to read or write simple sentences in French. Hence we did not perform additional literacy tests. Since we tried to establish a setting in which the participants were encouraged to provide feedback in a Figure 2: Second prototype: Message details screen confident way we deemed literacy tests counterproductive to this end. To select icons, the user could horizontally scroll the top part of the Conversation screen to bring up the screens containing icons: The semi-structure interview focused on their use of mobile Quick sender, Feelings and Places and Activities. While the top phones and SMS in their every day lives. We asked them to show part of the screen was horizontally scrollable, the New message us their mobile phones and the main functions they used. editor area remained fixed on the bottom of the screen. To select Specifically we probed how they checked call logs, if they stored an icon, the user simply had to drag it into the New message contacts on their phones and how they interacted with SMS. We editor and to listen to its meaning he had to single tap on it. As in used note taking by the experimenter in-situ and a video camera the previous prototype, icons themselves were appended to the that recorded the participant’s actions on the mobile phone and the message editor. discussions we had with them. We introduced a second approach for multi-sentences icons. It We started the usability test by demonstrating the application, the required the user to tap and hold a multi-sentence icon to open a content of which was entirely in French. We demonstrated pop-up on the right hand side of the icon with all associated navigating through the different screens to check for new sentences. A small play button at the end of each sentence allowed messages, listen to a new message and reply to a message by for playing it. To append the sentence the user had to tap on it in double tapping on icons and re-using existing words from the pop-up. We tried both this pop-up based version and the pre- previous messages. Before having them listen to the meaning of listen version described in section 4.1 in study 2. selected icons, we asked them what their meaning might be. When they could not infer the meaning of an icon we used for a 5. STUDY 2 particular phrase we asked them to sketch or to explain us how they would represent this idea visually. We then demonstrated 5.1 Participants how the audio counterpart of an icon was invoked by tapping on We conducted exploratory lab-based tests with three paid (20 it. After this demonstration we asked our participants to repeat the CHF/h) participants that had participated in study 1. All of them same actions and encouraged them to take the phone to scroll, tap spoke French as their second language and had recently started a and double tap to get familiar with the touch screen UI. This course to learn how to read and write in French. All three of them watch and repeat approach was supposed to emulate their were from a course for beginners from one of the aforementioned learning strategy when confronted with new technology with a
  • 6. literate helper, as mentioned in study 1. Throughout the session For the usability test, the video recordings were our first source of we tried using simple, non-technical language for all explanations. data collection. We reviewed the recordings and for each For example, the participants were not familiar with terms like performed task reviewed the kind of errors they made and on application and icons. The pictograms and icons we referred to as which screen it occurred. Due to the low number of participants ‘little pictures’, for example. We encouraged them to talk-out- we did not conduct any statistical tests, however. During the loud especially about any problems they encountered or parts they debrief interviews, we elicited if they found the application easy found unclear. We stressed that if they did not understand the to use and whether it would be useful for them in their everyday application or parts of it was not their fault but the programmers. lives. Once we felt that they were confident and understood the main features of the application we started the usability test, which 5.3 Results All three participants were comfortable with their own phones. focused on multi-sentence icons, message composition and They navigated very quickly on it and used several functionalities reading, and specifically the karaoke feature. such as radio, photo camera apart from making and receiving We started with the two different versions of the multi-sentence calls. The man from Senegal even used a football app on his icons both of which were available from different icons on the iPhone to check the outcome of football matches and who scored same screen. We compared the pre-listen version we introduced in since he understood both the number format of scores and the the first prototype with the pop-up based one introduced in the roster, which featured players’ head shots along with icons for second prototype. Recall that in the pre-listen version users had to goals scored. In terms of SMS all of them knew how to handle tap and hold on the icon to listen to all the sentences associated to and open incoming SMS and used literate helpers for the content. it in a row. Then, to select the sentence number i, users had to tap The three of them were numerate and knew how to read date and on the icon i times. In the pop-up version users were required to time but they found the latter easier from a digital than from an tap and hold on the icon and a little pop-up appeared on the screen analog clock with handles. When asked if she knew how to search with all the associated sentences. To select a sentence, users for her messages one participant proudly showed how quick she simply had to tap on it. For both versions we asked them to long- was at searching for new SMS. She knew how to create a new tap on the multi-sentence icon and queried whether they had an SMS but could not compose text in it. She used SMS very often idea on how to append one of the offered sentences to the message with the help of literate friends and had 256 SMS in her inbox. “I editor. know how to check the call logs, how to delete, how to do almost For the composition, we situated them in the following scenario: everything on my cell phone, the only problem I have is reading “Let’s suppose you received an SMS from Amisha a friend of and writing SMS.” The Senegalese man never used SMS since it yours. You can see you have a new message from Amisha in your was too long and too complicated for him to try composing one INBOX [participants are in the thread screen]. Now, you can tap but he had a number of SMS in his inbox, which mostly contained on this message to see why Amisha is sending you this SMS telephone numbers of people along with their names. His wife had [participants navigate to the message details screen (see Figure read the SMS to him and he consulted them when he needed the 1)].” After they had navigated to the Conversation screen we phone number of that contact. made them listen to what Amisha had sent by tapping on the play The two iPhone owners succeeded in sending the SMS “Tonight, button next to the text message “Cinema tonight?” that was on top no”. The third participant seemed not as confident. She hardly of the list. To double check that they had understood the audio touched the phone during the whole interview even if we message we asked them to explain why Amisha had sent them an encouraged her several times to do so. Worrying that this might SMS. After their explanation, we asked them to reply that they embarrass or stress her too much we refrained from pushing her were not free tonight with “Tonight, no.” To make it easier, we further through the scenario. This participant found it difficult to broke this task into two subtasks through which we walked the come up with possible meanings of the icons and struggled with participants: the concept of text being associated with the icons. For her icons (1) We asked them to reuse the word “tonight” from the previous represented or were related to actions: “this [pointing to the message by first finding it in the previous message and to smiling emoticon] means I am talking with someone and this append it to the message editor. When necessary we reminded pointing to [sad emoticon] represents the person I am talking them to use a double tap on the word. with”. The two iPhone owners roughly understood the meaning of (2) We asked them to find the icon “No” from the list of icons in the icons but were not entirely sure. Asked about the meaning of the Quick sender screen and to append it to the editor. the call icon (depicting a receiver) one said: “This might mean Before sending they had to review the composed message by ‘Call me’ or maybe ‘I will call you later’”. Hearing the audio tapping on the “play” button. counterpart removed any doubts for them. For reading we tested what happened if we removed the karaoke The idea of having multiple meaning for an icon and making them function (the words currently played were highlighted in red). We available (in both versions) through multiple taps was challenging had two versions of the application: one with karaoke support and for all participants. None of them succeeded in appending a another one in which the whole sentence was played out but with sentence to the editor and asked for help on what they had to do. no visual feedback in the UI. We tested two sentences in French In the pre-listen version the length of the entire prompt “One: “When do you come back?“ (“Tu rentres quand?”) and “Cinema sentence 1, Two: sentence 2, Three: sentence 3” was too long and tonight?” (“Cine ce soir?”). First we asked the participants to play at the end the participants could not remember the first sentence out the sentences and identify as many words as they could in the anymore. In the version with the pop-up, they were surprised by it karaoke version. Then we asked them to repeat this with the same and did not know where to tap to listen to the several associated sentences in the version without the karaoke. They could listen to sentences. The corresponding play buttons at the end of each the message as many times as they wanted. At the end of each sentence in the pop-up were relatively small but clearly visible. sub-task completed we provided congratulatory or encouraging feedback. We tested playing back a message with and without the karaoke. With the karaoke, all of them succeeded matching some words to
  • 7. the played sound. While the karaoke was playing, the woman avoid misinterpretations especially when seeing them for the first from Morocco remarked: “Oh, yes, cinema, this word is cinema… time. Additionally, any mistakes could easily be corrected by Ci ne ma” she pointed at the word and tapped on it to check she deleting erroneously added words from the editor. The corpus of was right. Without the karaoke, the participants did not even icons was limited but we hope that this will provide an initial realize there was a link between what they were hearing and the entry point for illiterate users to create words through which they sentence played by the phone. can express themselves. Obviously a speech recognition facility None of our participants seemed uncomfortable with being tested could be more versatile and powerful. but their confidence varied. The woman from Angola often asked The participants struggled with the concept of multi-sentence “Am I right? Am I saying the right thing?” while the other two icons. For the pre-listen version none our participants understood were more self-confident. The man from Senegal immediately that the numbers “1, 2, 3” corresponded to the number of times wanted to touch the phone, play the messages, drag some icons they had to tap on the icon to add the sentence to the message into the message editor and scroll to go through all the screens. editor. Thus, after long-tapping on the icons and listening to the When he and the other iPhone user succeeded in sending the three options, the users did not know what to do since the voice SMS, they asked: “That's it? Is my message really sent?” They prompts did not provide any action cues. Instead of having the seemed surprised by the simplicity. rather abstract guideline “One: I will be late. Two: …” we should From the beginning, the woman from Morocco was excited about have given an action cue such as “Tap this icon once for I will be the application: “This could be wonderful for people like me, is it late, tap it twice for…”. The combined prompts were too long and possible to get the application on my mobile phone today?” The in hindsight reminded us of Medhi et al.’s recommendations about other iPhone owner called us one hour after the interview to thank short and simple audio instructions [12]. Our participants did not us about dedicating our time to help “people like him” and succeed in memorizing the three different meanings for a single expressing his interest in obtaining the application. icon. Once reminded of the sentence and that the numbers corresponded on how many times they had to tap on the icon, At the end of the test, they seemed proud for helping us and for their main problem was that there was no feedback on how many being useful to help researchers from a respected university. The times they had already tapped on the icon. This behavior was also feedback we obtained from the teachers of the school was very inconsistent with how words and regular icons responded to taps. positive and conveyed that the man from Senegal was “transformed” after the session and for the first time he learned Compared to voice mail or voice-based SMS services (e.g. India’s his lesson for the next day. VoiceSMS) our application offers additional value. In voice mail, users need to have network access to compose a new SMS, with 6. DISCUSSION our application however, users can review and compose their Although our two studies were based on a small number of users SMS offline. Standard SMS are cheap or even free (e.g. a hundred we found consistently how proficient illiterate users were in SMS per day) as part of certain prepaid contracts. Most navigating and using their mobile phones – be it low-end, feature importantly voice mails offer no potential learning whereas our or smart phones. Since two out of three users in study 2 had application provides an audio-visual matching between text and iPhones already, our results were biased compared to users who audio, which can represent a source of learning for users. had never used smartphones before but it added to the existing According to Srivastava [20] an India NGO has started evidence that using a smartphone proficiently is not a cognitive encouraging women to buy mobile phones English because of the matter but a matter of habits. Illiterate users who are used to potential to learn various alphabets through them. We do not want smartphones can be as proficient as literate users in using their to claim that illiterate users will learn how to read and write with mobile phones at least for the functions that are important to them. this application alone. But we see potential for it in providing additional encounters with text with concrete short-term goals Similar to Lalji & Good’s finding in which participants were providing reading practice and thereby incentivizing and uncomfortable with touch screens our feature phone owner from catalyzing literacy acquisition. Particularly the fact that our Angola, despite encouragement was disinclined to touch the participants were not able to identify words after removing the phone. In the few cases when she did her styled, long and curved karaoke function convince us that illiterate, neo-literate and semi- fingernails made interactions with the touch screen seem a little literate users will find this application helpful. Every day exposure awkward because they would click on the screen first and the to text in conjunction with audio in same language subtitles of angle for touching was quite low. But both iPhone users had no movie content was also shown to improve reading and writing problem interacting with our touch screen based application skills in neo-literates [7]. Semi-literates in Findlater et al.’s study whatsoever and with initial explanations managed to compose benefited from combination of text and audio and had superior messages successfully. Like Medhi et al., we do not believe this to word recognition at the end of each session after the second day of be a cognitive issue since the other two participants were use [3]. confident using the touch screen even with an application that they had no previous experience with. Before testing touch-screen Chipchase recommended that phones for illiterates should not be applications users need to be taught the basics of touch screen recognizable as such because of the associated stigma [2]. The interaction. In contrast to Katre’s study, our participants had no only thing that might reveal a user’s illiteracy to by-standers while problems using their index fingers for interacting with the touch using our application is the sound played when tapping on words screen although some of the icons were relatively small. We are and icons. This can be mitigated by headphone use. Moreover, all aware that these differences with Katre’s observations might be the SMS sent from our application are regular SMS. If an due to the difference between our users (Swiss immigrants from EasyTexting user sends an SMS there will be no way for the developing countries) and the rural farmers he studied. recipient to know that it was written with an application for illiterates. As can be expected, the icons we used – although carefully chosen - were not self-explanatory. Each participant had his own Recruiting and running studies with illiterate users in Western representation of an idea. Audio support for icons was helpful to countries is a challenge since they are not numerous and since
  • 8. they usually try to hide their illiteracy. Our way to get in contact approach for blind users. We used monochrome simple icons to with them was via schools. Establishing initial contacts with the mimic the WP7 metro design’s look and feel. schools and to gain the trust of the staff and teachers took time. Partly, they wanted to make sure we were going to treat their students with respect and without a patronizing attitude. Despite the testimonials of teachers only some of the students volunteered to participate despite remuneration. Almost all of our participants were financially relying on their partners. 7. FINAL DESIGN The entry screen of the application depicted in Figure 3 is the Inbox screen, which contains all the threads of received messages. Each thread item contains the picture, phone number, name of the contact and one line of the last exchanged message. The last three digits are highlighted by putting them apart from the rest to aid recognition of contacts by phone numbers as mentioned in [6]. Tapping on a list item brings up all the messages exchanged with this particular contact. Figure 4: Third prototype: Conversation screen (left) Quick sender sub-screen (right) The final design of EasyTexting application is composed of two main screens: the Inbox and the Conversation, the latter of which extends to the sub-screens providing access to icons (Quick sender, Feelings, Places and activites). The Inbox screen is similar to the existing SMS composition tool on WP7 except for the added contact picture and the last three digits of the phone numbers that are visually separated. The Conversation screen with the history of all the previous messages exchanged with someone differs in various points from the WP7 counterpart. The picture, phone number and name of the contact users are exchanging SMS with are displayed at the top of Figure 3: Third prototype: Inbox screen the page. While the middle of the screen is scrollable, this part at Contrary to the other prototypes, we added a text label underneath the top is fixed. We followed the Windows convention and each icon (cf. Figure 4, right). For the composition of a message displayed SMS in speech bubbles. However, each word is a button the user can rely on icons, re-use of words or both. Double the user can reuse in a new message. This removes the need for tapping on a word in a previous message results in appending the copy and paste functionality of the regular SMS version. But word to the message editor (the grey speech bubbles in Figure 4). words can only be added sequentially to the end of the message Icons only have one meaning and the user has to scroll editor. The current application does not allow users to use the horizontally to the Quick Sender screen as illustrated in Figure 4. keyboard, attach a picture (MMS) or to save it as a draft. Analogously to words, single taps on icons play the sound of the Comparing to the standard SMS application on WP7, our words or sentence associated with it. Contrary to the previous application includes sound support. Each word is a playable prototypes in which double tapping on an icon placed the icon button and each SMS can be played with karaoke support. itself on the message editor, double taps on icons place their Without this feature, users cannot “read” or understand the corresponding words in the message editor. As with received content of an SMS by themselves and not make use of text messages each word of the sentence under composition is a button messaging. and on tap delivers its audio. Double tapping on words in the From the Conversation screen, users can directly access the icons message editor results in its deletion. We enlarged the word dictionaries screens by scrolling horizontally. Each icon is borders to improve tapping on single letter words and punctuation. playable and has a predefined sentence associated with it. Initially we had experimented with single taps on icons and words to add them to the editor and long taps for the audio. But after 8. CONCLUSION some corridor tests long-taps proved to be too time-consuming. Along this research we discovered that illiterate people did use Since the equivalent of a mouse over event does not exist on touch their mobile phones a lot but were unable to use text-based screens we needed to find a way to provide its audio rendition applications. Managing their contacts and dealing with SMS were without triggering another action. We settled with single taps to the two things they struggled with most or could not do at all. play the sound and double tap to add the icon’s associated text to However when it came to SMS, they used some tricks such as the message editor. Thus, a single tap was used to represent a asking their relatives to read SMS or calling back the senders. On mouse over event. This is akin to the iPhones accessibility our prototype, we kept many UI conventions that we had found usable for illiterate users such as the threaded view of SMS and
  • 9. the main presentation of the inbox screen. No previous applications on touch-screen phones for illiterate users were 2005/index.html. developed before. Our findings from two studies add to the 3. Findlater, L., Balakrishnan, R., and Toyama, K. Comparing evidence that using touch-screen phones does not represent a semiliterate and illiterate users’ ability to transition from cognitive problem for illiterate users but only a problem in terms audio+text to text-only interaction. Proceedings of the 27th of lacking confidence or technological literacy. We found international conference on Human factors in computing promising first evidence that illiterate users can use text systems, ACM (2009), 1751–1760. messaging in conjunction with audio, text and visuals when initial 4. Huenerfauth, M.P. Design approaches for developing user- training is provided. Overall, users we interviewed were interested interfaces accessible to illiterate users. University College in making use of text messaging and some of them wanted to take Dublin, Ireland, (2002). the application home with them. From our findings we argue that 5. Katre, D. One-handed thumb use on smart phones by semi- ICTD research should not reduce mobile phones to mere literate and illiterate users in India: A usability report with telephones with simplified storage for contacts. This restrictive design improvements for precision and ease. Proceedings of approach would most likely fail in the market place because it Workshop on Cultural Usability and Human Work Interaction denies illiterates to enjoy other functions such as entertainment Design, NordiCHI Conference, Lund, Sweden, (2008). through music, pictures and video. Touch screen phones with on- 6. Knoche, H., Huang, J. Text is not the enemy - How illiterates demand voice feedback can enable illiterate users to use use their mobile phones. NUIs for New Worlds: New potentially important information services by leveraging the Interaction Forms and Interfaces for Mobile Applications in affordances of multimedia UIs on touch screen phones. Chipchase Developing Countries - CHI’2012 workshop, (2012). concluded that to improve literacy skills the best solution would 7. Kothari, B., Takeda, J., Joshi, A., and Pandey, A. Same be a phone. We aimed at this by providing an application that language subtitling: a butterfly for literacy? International allows illiterates to compose and listen to SMS. We combined Journal of Lifelong Education 21, 1 (2002), 55–66. icons, audio and text and in-synch highlighting of read out words 8. Kotkar, P., Thies, W., and Amarasinghe, S. An audio wiki for to aid recognition and possibly reading acquisition. In our publishing user-generated content in the developing world. application words are objects that react to taps and reveal their HCI for Community and International Development meaning in audio form. Initial tests with touch-screen experienced (Workshop at CHI 2008), Florence, Italy, (2008). participants showed potential for this approach. 9. Kumar, A., Agarwal, S.K., and Manwani, P. The spoken web application framework: user generated content and service 9. FUTURE WORK creation through low-end mobiles. Proceedings of the 2010 We plan to further add to this application by improving the input International Cross Disciplinary Conference on Web of text a) through keyboard entries, e.g. for numbers b) through Accessibility (W4A), ACM (2010), 1–10. speech recognition c) by reusing words from previous SMS from 10. Lalji, Z. and Good, J. Designing new technologies for illiterate all threads d) providing tactile feedback when words are added to populations: A study in mobile phone interface design. the message composer e) by providing a movable insertion point. Interacting with Computers 20, 6 (2008), 574–586. We would like to improve the contact manager for illiterate users 11. Medhi, I., Gautama, S.N., and Toyama, K. A comparison of both for picking contacts and the management itself. Searching mobile money-transfer UIs for non-literate and semi-literate through a contact long list of contacts is time consuming for users. Proceedings of the 27th international conference on illiterate users since the search is based on alphabetic order. Human factors in computing systems, (2009), 1741–1750. Moreover, creating a new entry can be difficult when written 12. Medhi, I., Prasad, A., and Toyama, K. Optimal audio-visual names are required for a contact – see [6] for more details. representations for illiterate users of computers. Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, We plan to port the application to the Android platform and (2007), 882. extend it with speech recognition for the composition of messages 13. Medhi, I., Sagar, A., and Toyama, K. Text-free user interfaces and carry out field studies. We would like to evaluate the for illiterate and semiliterate users. Information Technologies application with illiterate and semi-literate users was well as and International Development 4, 1 (2007), 37–50. elderly. 14. Patel, N., Chittamuru, D., Jain, A., Dave, P., and Parikh, T.S. Avaaj Otalo—A Field Study of an Interactive Voice Forum 10. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS for Small Farmers in Rural India. Proceedings of the We would like to express our gratitude to Oscar Bolanos and Proceedings of the 28th international conference on Human Lukas Frelich for helping with the implementation; Anne factors in computing systems (Atlanta, GA, USA, 2010). ACM, Marquis, Catherine Wick, Annick Mello Spano and the teachers (2010). from Lire-et-écrire and Français-en-jeu and all interviewees for 15. Prasad, A., Medhi, I., Toyama, K., and Balakrishnan, R. their time; Jeffrey Huang, Jan Blom, Florian Egger, Mairi Willis, Exploring the feasibility of video mail for illiterate users. Daniel Keller, Gunnar Harboe and Saket Sathe for providing Proceedings of the working conference on Advanced visual valuable feedback and guidance. This research has been funded by interfaces, (2008), 103–110. the Swiss Development Council in collaboration with 16. Rao, K.V. and Sonar, R.M. M4D Applications in Agriculture: cooperation@EPFL. Some Developments and Perspectives in India. 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