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Achievements Of The Ancient Incas
The Ancient Incas
The Incas were a fascinating civilization of American Indian people who lived in the Andes region
in Peru during the 12th century A.D. They gradually developed the greatest political achievements
and the largest empire in pre–Columbian America, known as the Incan Empire. (Wikimedia
Foundation) The empire centered around the city of Cuzco in the Peruvian Andes, and the mighty
empire included the coastal and mountain regions of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and the northern areas
of Chile and Argentina. (Hagen, Von) The massive kingdom also consisted of 12 million inhabitants
from more than 100 different ethnic groups at its peak. ( This just showed how well the
Incas had expanded growth and maintained power throughout ... Show more content on ...
For the Incas, many sacrifices were given to the Sun God, Inti, who was most important. These gifts
included animals, plants, and material treasure, but also human life. Inca peoples did not sacrifice
adults, but children, probably because they believed that adults did not possess the unique quality
and purity of children. Child sacrifice was called capacocha. The process of capacocha could begin
years before the selected person was killed. The Incan state held annual rituals where they sacrificed
children to the gods in order to promote a healthy harvest and the working of the sun. Children were
sometimes brought to ceremonies from their homes, then returned to be killed. Several theories exist
explaining Incan motives for capacocha. One states that the Incans practiced this sacrifice in order to
ensure a plentiful harvest, rain, and protection for the people. Another focuses on the idea that the
children of local leaders were chosen because their parents would thus strengthen ties to the
emperor. A third perspective is based on sacrifice as response to vital occurrences such as eclipses
and deaths of emperors. The child, selected to perfection, may need to escort the emperor to the
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An Essay On The Inca Empire
Inca Empire
The Incas were originally a small empire/tribe in the southern highlands of Peru, the Incas are well
known as a complex society in our present day due to the significance of the technical advancement
that was happening during the 1438 AD time period. With that being said, many new structures in
the government expanded because of the hard working environment the society lived in. Since the
Incas were hard working, the basic system of taxes came into the Incas community. Taxes were a
huge advancement into the Incas society because this allowed the Incas to secure the small empire to
be one of the most well–built, tightly controlled empire the worlds has ever known of, the incas
complex society was accelerating at rapid speeds. ... Show more content on ...
All the farms of Peru did not have any higher advancements in tools like animals and iron tools
other than themselves(the people)"Incas built their empire without the wheel, powerful draft
animals, iron working, currency or even what we would consider to be a writing system."to help
with the growth of corn, beans, and potatoes. Since the land of Peru consists of various land
structures the Incas had to invent a new farming technique that allowed the Incas to grow plants on
the side of mountains which was called terrace farming. Terrace farming contains, building farms on
side of mountains called terrace farming which allowed running water off the side of cliffs to go
through a passage to plants that enabled a more superior way to farm. Terrace farming let no one
starve in the empire "Nobody went hungry in the Inca empire. The commoners ate little meat, but all
people ate well." many Incas were well fed and got to live a happy life. Farming lead to new things
as that was only the start. Farming guided the Incas towards new ideas to make farming more
effective towards their crops so they invented the calendar using the sun and moon as direction to
calculate time"Incas had a calendar based on the observation of both the Sun and the Moon, and
their relationship to the
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What Is The Inca Civilization?
I'm doing a research on the Inca civilization here is all the information I got for the Inca tribe. The
Inca civilization existed in 1438 A.D. The Inca civilization lived in a large portion of western South
America, centered on the Andean mountain ranges, Peru, large parts of modern Ecuador, western
and south central Bolivia, northwest Argentina. The type of structures the Inca built was roads, rope
bridges, cellular polygonal masonry, cyclopean polygonal masonry, encased coursed masonry,
sedimentary course masonry. Here is one of the examples of the most famous buildings the Inca
built the lost city of Inca, is one of the most archaeological sites in South America
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The Inca Empire
The Inca empire was one of the most advanced technology empires during the period of 1400 to
1533 C.E. The Inca Civilization thrive on the ancient Andean region of South America. By the end,
their empire spread across the western South America from Quito in the North to Santiago to the
South. Up until, its conquest by Spanish military in the 1530s. In this course of time, Incas were
facing some slumps and success moments.
Incas made their home high in the mountains, about 11,000 feet above the sea level. Inca built
bridges in between the mountain peaks and over the deep gorges. They never invented the wheels,
the only way to travel through these bridges was the animals that carry food. Inca empire was
developed in a long strip stretch through ... Show more content on ...
Conquering nearby lands and reorganize the government. In the period of 1438 A.D. Pachacuti Inca
Yupanqui becomes the leader of the Inca. He begins to conquer nearby tribes and expand the control
of the Inca Empire. He reorganizes the government into the Tawantinsuyu and builds the city of
Machu Picchu. Seeing that the Incas were very strict with the laws and punishments, every crime
had a severe punishment. Unlike other places, the Inca empire had low crime rates. If you made a
mistake for the first time, then you would get a scolding by the government. If you had a second
offense, then it would lead to death by hanging, stoning or by pushing the person off a cliff. The
death penalty was given for killing, robbing, taking other people's belongings or going into the
rooms of the Chosen Women. Laziness, which is considered as a serious crime, it is punishable by
death. Additionally, Rules also applied to people that were old or people with disabilities. For
example, even if a man is old and they aren't usually strong enough to work for a job, the
government still demanded for their tax so they had to collect firewood and other similar tasks. For
disabled people, who also does not have power to work, according to the rules, they had to do
something that was different and something they wouldn't affect the empire. Assuming that a man is
blind, he has to clean cotton or remove the husk maize. Another law for the disabled was that they
weren't allowed to marry anyone with the same
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Inca In Peru
Inca is a civilization long lived before in ancient Peru between C.1400 and 1533 CE. Inca had the
largest empire on planet Earth. Approximately twelve million people lived there before the Spanish
explorer Francisco Pizarro invaded the Incan empire in 1532–1572. This fight has lasted for forty
until it came to an end and the spanish had won and the former Inca lands had been incorporated and
turned in Viceroyalty of Peru. The Inca people was very wealth they could afford hundred people if
they wanted to. The Inca people had the greatest architecture The Incan people were not only great
for their riches. The Inca people would make arts and crafts out of what they could find. They used
natural resources to create arts that they did. Isn't that cool. The Inca people who made the art was
called Goldsmiths, feather workers, and tolects. You can still find Incas art in Peru in certain places.
–These were the goldsmiths who were Incas weavers they made Incas cloths and their cloth and the
best fabrics. Inca was not ... Show more content on ...
They made feathery things to hang up for the king and to keep their status going with the finest
clothing and arts.
The Toltecs were both goldsmiths and feather workers that is what they were called because Toltecs
were credited with mastering nature.
Inca incorporated their best artistic creations in their offerings to the gods. Their production would
be taken all parts to their empire and distributed.
This leads into their religion. Their religion was really unique let me tell you. In the Inca culture the
act of cannibalism was always ritualistic and would be selected from all parts of the Inca empire in
order to be trained and prepared for the ritual. They believed in the afterlife.
This shows that Ancient Inca had interesting existence. As a result the Inca lived a long a time ago.
They had a great environment and could live off nature and natural resources and had interesting
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Inca Dbq Essay
Ancient Society benefited from their skills as builders and artists. In Source four, " They constructed
thousands of miles of roads to link all parts of their vast empire." This shows that South America,
Inca Empire makes fine resistant buildings. The Incas are most popular for their architecture and
constructed finely done buildings. Also, in the Western part of South America it was difficult to farm
there. The Incas had plenty of solutions.
The article states, "To get news from one end of the empire to the other, the Incas developed a
messenger system using their roads." One can see from this the Inca road system was an advanced
transportation system. This also reveals Stone Highways were part of the Inca army's winning
strategy. Since there is little land in the mountains it became difficult to plant.
The text states, "Andean farmers also battled poor soil, bad frosts, and frequent droughts." The Incas
developed breeds of crops.This shows that the Andean farmers had ways that offered simple
solutions to help protect their harvest. The Anasazi,resided in the Four Corners of the region. The
text states, "Yet in the Andes people called the Incas built a great civilization and an empire that they
named Tahuantinsuyu, "the Four Quarters of ... Show more content on ...
The article states, "Stone lined irrigation canals brought water from rivers and mountain streams to
the tops of the terraces. " The Incas faced difficult conditions for agriculture. The Incas were great
farmers, with clever solutions to their farming problems. The Incas found solutions for there
geographic problems. The source states, "The Incas solved this problem by cutting huge steps, or
terraces into the mountainside, with stonewalls that kept the soil from being swept away by wind or
rain." Terracing helped increase the amount of land that they farmed on. This shows that the Incas
had solved lot of difficult decisions that they've successfully
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The Inca And The Incas
Have you ever wondered what it is like living on streets paved with gold? Well, the Inca had it
pretty close. Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizzaro landed in Peru in 1532, and found
unimaginable riches. The streets were not paved with gold– but their temples were. This empire was
the largest empire on Earth of it 's time, but it was a brittle empire held together only by promises
and threats. The true history of the Inca is still being written today.
The Inca held strong, polytheistic religious beliefs. The Incas were a polytheistic society, believing
in many different gods. According to peru–, "The belief system of the Incas was
polytheistic. This meant that the Incas worshiped many gods and ... Show more content on ...
Royalty was a high status in society, and came after the Sapa Inca. Furthermore, states, "Besides the Sapa Inca or the king, the relatives and
family of the king were known as Royalty. They were the wealthiest and the most powerful people
during the Inca civilization and enjoyed all the luxuries during these days." This depicts that the
Royalty were the second highest ranking in the social structure and they had many luxuries in life.
Below Royalty there were nobles. As an illustration, also claims,
"Below the royalty came the nobility which was the class of people who acted as leaders to govern
over the rest of the Incas population. The nobles were also respected people who can certain
privileges and enjoyed many freedoms." The article reveals that the Nobles (who were ranked third;
after the Royalty) were respected leaders. Lastly, describes the
lowest class (the Commoners). conveys, "Most of the Incas
population belonged to the category of commoners. These people took up low wage jobs like
farming, herding, and even worked as servants at the houses of the nobility or the royalty. This
indicates that
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The Incas And The Inca Empire
There were several ancient civilizations that built their cultures around their geography. The Incas
were among one of those ancient civilizations. They had amazing ingenuity to make use of their
environment. The Incas built agriculture terraces and they had a complex irrigation system. And
some crops that we use today. The physical environment of the Incas affected and shaped their
The Incan Indians started as a small tribe in South America in pre– Columbian times. According to
Lin Donn, author on the website, Inca Empire for Kids Quick History, "The Inca empire started as a
small tribe who lived in the village of Cuzco, high in the Andes Mountains of South America. One
day, another tribe tried to conquer them. Thanks to ... Show more content on ...
One can encounter every environmental extreme imaginable, from the intensely vertical terrain of
the Andes, soaring up to altitudes of 5,000 meters (16,404 ft.) above sea level, to dry, low–lying
lands along the western coast of South America. The climate zones are equally diverse, with some
areas that are constantly hot and humid to others with subfreezing temperatures year round. Also
within its boundaries are some of the driest places on earth– Chile's Atacama Desert– to some of the
most lush– the Amazonian rain forest to the east of the Andes– with rainy season lasting 11 months
of the year. (Suarez and George 3)
Within this extreme environmental variation, however, the geography of the Inca territory can be
divided into three categories: the coast (costa), the mountainous region (sierra), and the eastern
tropical region (selva) (Suarez and George 3). In these extreme variations of the physical climates
and geography, the Incas knew how to adapt. The coastal zone of the Inca Empire, which includes
present day Chile and Ecuador, was one of the longest deserts in South America and even the world.
In the book titled, Lost City of The Incas, Hiram Bingham writes, "In fact, one of the greatest
deserts in the world is the two–thousand–mile coastal strip extending from Chile to Ecuador." This
coastal zone was made up of a lot of desert. "The coastal zone stretches more than 2,000 kilometers
(1,2343 mi.) from Ecuador to Chile, where dry, desert
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The Gods Of The Inca Religion
Incas believed in many Gods such as Viracocha. Viracocha is one of the main Gods in the Inca
religion. Viracocha is the creator of everything. He created everything such as the sun, moon, stars
and the earth before he created living things such as humans and animals. When Viracocha created
human he gave them some rules which they disobeyed. He then became angry with the people and
cursed them all. Some were swallowed by the sea while the others were swallowed by the earth. He
then brought a flood named Uñu Pachacuti that washed away all the humans. After the flood,
Viracocha saved 2 humans which he called upon whenever he needed help. He then started creating
human beings again. He painted some women pregnant while others caring for their babies and on
each figure he painted clothes so that they would continue to wear. He also carved out the different
tribes and nations that he wanted to exist later on. After painting and carving, he then divided the
stones up into separate groups and buried them to wait for their command of summoning. Viracocha
commanded his 2 helpers to go and wake up all the people in the earth. Some were lying in the
caves, streams, rivers and waterfall. He sent one of the helper to the east region and the other to the
west region. Their job was to basically wake up all the people and inform them about the stories
they have experienced. Viracocha then travelled to Cuzco. On his way he woke up the people. The
Canas people didn't recognize and started
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Inca Religion: The Influence Of Religion On The Incas
Religion was a major impact for the Incas, as with many other ancient cultures, inextricable from
history, politics, or society in general. All sides of community life were connected to religious
beliefs, from government to burials, marriages to farming. Any failure or success of any kind in a
Incas life was suspected to be due by the influence of the gods. Keeping the gods pleased was
exercised, for they evade the wrath of the gods in the form of natural disasters, and was a very
important for religious practice. Inca religion was influenced by earlier and modern Andean
traditions, especially the Wari civilization and ancient Tiwanaku. Many communities still sticked to
their own beliefs throughout the empire even if they ... Show more content on ...
He was considered the creator of the universe. However, the Inca are more closely associated with
Viracocha most important servant god, Inti, the sun god. Inti's image became the symbol of the Inca
religion. The Incas became known as "The Children of The Sun." The Inca believed in an afterlife.
They took great care in saving and mummifying the bodies of the dead before burial. They brought
gifts to the dead that they thought the dead could use in the afterlife. They even kept some servants
to watch over the dead emperor. For the Incas, a good earthly life was achieved by following a
simple rule "Do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy". The objects and elements of nature of the Incas
were called "huaca". These could be rivers, man made objects like temples, or stones. Most of the
times, ceremonies showing the offering of huacas had take place during the Inca times. For example,
inside houses, the huacas were placed into the wall and offerings were brought to them. The Incas
believed that these offerings will control the balance of nature and society. The Incas believed that
they can this way influence their well being and
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Inca Civilization And The Inca Empire
Incan Civilization
Inca civilization began in the high plateaus of the Andes Mountains. The civilization grew slowly
until Pachacuti took the throne in 1438. He conquered all of Peru and more. The Inca were able to
do this because they had a strong military and they were good diplomats. The Inca only used force
when it was absolutely necessary. They prefered to have enemy civilizations surrender. If an enemy
civilization did surrender, the Inca would let them keep local customs and rituals in exchange for
their loyalty to the Inca Empire. Many people gave up to the Inca without resisting, and the Inca
found loyalty of conquered people to be vital to the development of their civilization. To govern
their civilization, the Inca used a bureaucracy. They also imposed a single language to create unity
amongst their empire. They created schools to teach Incan ways to other cultures within their
empire. This influenced the children of the conquered people to support the Incan Empire. The Inca
would also build cities in areas to show their control and power. The Inca were able to build roads,
cities, and schools because every man in the Incan Empire had to complete tax in the form of labor,
called Mita. This labor also allowed the government to support the sick and poor and save extra food
in case of a bad harvest. The Inca had a very advanced road system which allowed for faster
communication and transportation of goods. The road system was a 14,000 mile long network.
Some of the
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Taking a Look at the Inca Civilizaiton
Inca, the word is derived from Inti, the sun god, was one of the largest and oldest Pre–Columbian
civilization extending from Ecuador in north to whole of Chile in south. The region is
predominantly known as Andean region and is modern day Peru, with official language being
Quechua. They had their own flag which is a very impressive thing about this civilization because
flags gained prominence only in 17th–18th century. Incas were the most powerful Empire in that
region ruling more 12 million people for around 100 years. Incas are believed to be ruling from
1438 A.D– 1532 A.D with Aristocratic ruling system in the society. Inca Empire was founded by
Ayar Manco, popularly known Manco Capac and was known as Sapa Inca "child of the sun". Incas
were firm believer in god worshipping creator god Viracocha, Sun god Inti, Thunder god Illapa and
earth–mother goddess Pachamama. Incas had a very powerful army conquering different parts of
Pre–Columbian America using weapons such as axes, bow and arrow, spears, swords and more
importantly Clubs(it was considered as a unique weapon which Incas only used) majorly made up of
stone and copper. They had a very keen sense of clothing and dressed according to their position in
the society with noble donning more expensive clothing than the Inca commoner. As far as shelter is
concerned, housed were divided into two types one for commoners and other for Nobles, the latter
being highly decorated and made of stone whereas
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Inca Research Paper
The Inca civilization was one of the greatest of its time. It was a civilization that stretched far across
current day South America. They were some of the most advanced people for their time. And
because of that are one of the most well known pre Columbian empire. But what made them so
So the Inca empire was big; you know that. But, did you know it was the largest empire in the pre
Columbian America? When the Inca civilization was in its full extent it had an area of over
2,000,000² km (roughly 1242742 miles²). The land the Inca controlled kept growing until it reached
through 6 modern day countries, including
Chile, Argentina, Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia. The Inca even had a population of over
12,000,000 people.
The Inca culture was very diverse. ... Show more content on ...
Inca people were like most other civilizations at the time in that they were polytheistic, as the Inca
were also polytheistic. Which means they worshiped and believed in many gods for different things.
They believed Viracocha created the
Earth, the stars, and all living things. They believed Inta or Apu–punchau was the god of sun, and
that he was the ancestor of all Inca people. There are still so many other gods and goddesses the Inca
worshiped but I can't write about all of them.
There are many reasons the Inca were known as one of the greatest pre
Columbian American empire, too many to list. One of the more known reasons was the great
architecture the Inca made and created. I bet when you hear Inca architecture you think of Machu
Picchu. Thinking like this isn't very uncommon, and I can't necessarily blame you. Machu Picchu is
one of the most beautiful and most well preserved ancient civilization i've seen. But there's more
incredible features that don't meet the eye. Such as how the Inca civilization spread across the west
coast of South
America. Which means they were directly on a fault block, so many earthquakes.
Well the Inca architecture was so advanced that in places like Machu Picchu
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The Inca People In Peru
I'm glad I'm finally getting to write back to the Stanford and you, Professor DeRuntz. I must say it's
an amazing experience here in Peru and it has undoubtedly helped me in the field. There's nothing
like being here for my research. Speaking of which, just in case it's needed– here are some of the
terms we've been using. Ayllu is referring to an extended family group, common to be used for
governing. Mita was used to describe a labor tribute that the Inca put in place. Two terms to describe
the Inca people were mamakuna for young unmarried women and the young men, yamacuna– each
serving a different purpose.
4,500 miles along South America's western edge, the Andes here also hold the title as second highest
mountains. With the high elevation, ... Show more content on ...
The location brought the difficulties of the Andes. We traveled to the very rivers that sustained
villages of rudimentary hunter–gatherer villages starting in 3600 B.C. to 2500 B.C. These evolved
by 3000 B.C. by beginning to farm and ultimately became dignified civilizations. We discussed the
first of them, the Chavin, found in the mountains from 900 B.C. to 200 B.C. We visited the site of
their ruins that contained pyramids, plazas, and sizable earthen mounds. While having no evidence
of any significant political or economical framework, they had an importance placed on their
religious foundations. This, along with their art, carried on to the other cultures of the area. The
Nazca lasted from 200 B.C. to A.D. 600 on the dry Southern coast of Peru. They were able to utilize
agricultural techniques to their benefit to counteract the less–than–satisfactory land. What they were
mostly known for was their textiles and pottery, but especially the Nazca Lines. These are around
1,000 pictures etched into the dry plain. To clearly see the image, you must get an ariel view,
bringing up questions about the origins of these. I was even able to get to see one of them in the sky
from a helicopter. Then there were the Moche on the northern coast of Peru A.D. 100 to A.D. 700,
who were another to use irrigation for their crops. They created elaborate jewelry of gold, silver, and
gems. Although they never developed a written language, the pottery they made was comprised of
images of their customs and everyday
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Inca Research Paper
The Incas learnt to freeze their food , such as potatoes and meat, by leaving them out during cold
nights so it could be preserved longer. These skills they learnt helped them feed their people and the
army during droughts, they could feed them for years.
The Inca Empire was large so they had a large stretch from north to south and there were different
climates in the north than in the south, there were also different altitudes. This meant that there
would be different types of food around the empire. The potato was one of the main foods of the
Inca, they had hundreds of different kinds. In fact the potato was actually originated from the Incas.
Another typical food of the Incas was soup and stews, they also added some potatoes in it. They also
added some Ullucu and Arracacha, which are carrot like vegetable, in the soup. Maize was very
common during those days too.
The Incas didn't only eat vegetables they also ate meat, Llamas and Alpacas were the main domestic
animals in the empire so instead their main source of meat were guinea pigs. The Incas only ate
llamas if they were younger than 3 years old. The natives also brought fresh fish from the coast. The
Incas had a variety of different foods and were very good at preserving it. (machupicchu–inca) ...
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They brought wheat, olive oil, pork, beef, bananas, peas, salt pork, wine, cabbage and sugar. The
Spanish also learnt a lot of new foods from the Incas, they also didn't know anything about the
potatos or the squash, chiles, sweet potatoes, peanuts, corn, tomatoes, cocoa, manioc, coca, quinoa,
guava, turkey, beans, and pineapple. The spanish decided to follow some of the Inca practices
related to food, such as the soups and stews. The spanish let the Incas culture stay a bit how it was
and nowadays the food of Peru (earlier known as the inca empire) is derived from the Incas and is
known worldwide.
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The Incas
The Inca were South American Indian people who ruled one of the largest and richest empires in the
America's. The Inca Empire began to expand about 1438 and occupied a vast region that centered on
the capital, Cusco, in southern Peru. The Empire extended more than 2,500 miles (4,020 kilometers)
along the western coast of South America. It included parts of Present – Day Colombia, Ecuador,
Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. The Inca Empire was conquered by Spanish Forces soon after
their arrival in 1532. <br><br>Inca emperors ruled their far – reaching territory through a complex
political system. The Inca took over many areas by military force. Their political system kept a
balance between the central authority of the emperor and local ... Show more content on ...
The members of an ayllu owned an area of land in common. The leader of an ayllu gave each family
as much land as it needed to produce its own food. Men with noble rank could have no more than
one wife,and many marriages were arranged for political reasons. Emperors sometimes gave chosen
women to favored nobles or men who had performed a service for the emperor. These women, who
were selected by government officials, had great beauty and intelligence. Nobles had to marry
within the ayllu. Husbands and wives were expected to help each other with work in the fields and
other tasks. Inca children had little time for play because their families kept them very busy. Most
children helped with the family work after learning to walk. Boys were initiated into manhood when
they were 14 years old. Girls were initiated into womanhood after they started to menstruate. Boys
and girls received permanent adult names during the initiation ceremonies. However, young people
did not achieve full adult status until they married and started to pay taxes.<br><br>Religion for the
Inca played an important role in the public and private lives of the Inca. The people believed that
nature was created by their most important god, Viracocha. The ruling family prayed chiefly to Inti,
the sun god. Important goddesses included the earth and the sea. The Inca believed the will of the
gods could be learned through
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Personal Narrative: Living With The Incas
If I had to go back in time to live with a Mesoamerican group, I would live with the Incas. The Incas
lived in what is now Peru. The people lived in the mountains, even building one of their cities,
Machu Picchu, on a mountain top. Because of their geography, the Incas often used llamas for work.
I personally like llamas, which is one reason why I would want to live with the Incas. Another
reason is there are no slaves. I would not want to be a slave at all in my life. Living with a group that
does not have any slaves guarantees I will not go into slavery. The lowest class within the Incan
people are the farmers. I would not mind being a farmer at all. Finally, the Incas built roads. Roads
and bridges were built to connect Incan cities for
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Inca Empire Social Structure
The Inca Empire was the largest civilization in the pre– Columbian America. Its great extention
covered a large portion of the western South American countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia,
Argentina, Chile and Colombia. Their official language was Quechua. Their empire lived short
lasting 100 years.
Social Structure.
The Inca were ruled by a very strict social class that was divided in nobles and commoners. The
nobles were the people who originally stablished in the city of cuzco They had an emperor o king
called Sapa Inca who was on top of the Inca class and was even considered a god. They direct
relative from Sapa Inca were the royal family and his wife, the queen was called coya. The
commoners were farmers and artisans, however, artisans
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Aztec And Inca Similarities
In Mesoamerica and South America two very unique and mysterious settlements exist today. In the
15th century during the "Late Horizon" (Kleiner, p.1089) the Inca or Inka created an empire. In the
following 16th century the Aztec people established their own empire. Thousands of miles apart,
these two cultures share some striking similarities and differences. The religious beliefs of both
cultures would be the foundation for every facet of life, including the massive architectural
settlements they left behind. For the Inca in South America their religious beliefs were
interconnected to agricultural, personal and political outcomes. A strong connection to astrology is
very prevalent in the religious underpinnings of the Inca. According to Cartwright, ... Show more
content on ...
To date, both sites are exceedingly popular tourist sites. Both sites in addition to tourism actively
undergo archeological excavation and investigation to further aide in understanding the cultures of
the Aztec and Inca. The advanced intelligence and ability of both cultures to create such significant
structures steeped in their religious symbolism is awe inspiring. The remnants left behind solidify
the importance of astrology and deep sacred religious beliefs for both the Inca and the
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Inca Medical Advances
In the 1400s CE, the Incas were the medical geniuses of their time. As part of this 400–year process,
the Incas practiced many different styles of medical procedures, which influenced the overall Inca
society, located in South America. Brain surgery was a crucial invention contributing to the
advancement of this society because soldiers who fought in wars became prone to injuring their
brains and required surgery. The Incas practiced so many different medical procedures and
techniques that medical knowledge had a great impact on their society. The invention of brain
surgery and other advances in medicine guided the Incas as an empire and influenced later medical
treatments because of the invention of trepanation and the efforts of healers to ... Show more content
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As mentioned before, over a span of 400 years, the survival rate of brain surgery went from being
practically fatal to only a stunning 10% chance of death. (National Geographic 2008) One of the
reasons for this immense change is that the amount of blood loss and no bone repair contributed to
the dangers of surgery, but once the Incas invented pain–relieving medications, the surgeries became
beneficial to the people needing it, helping the overall advancement. They integrated many natural
ingredients from their area to create an alcoholic beverage used to make the patient unconscious.
Chicha was made of ingredients such as tobacco, datura, Espino, tobacco, San Pedro cactus, and
coca (National Geographic 2008). Even today, people still consume the non–alcoholic version as a
way of accepting Peruvian culture. The creation of chicha forwarded advancements in medicine
today, such as the creation of other pain relievers. Making the patient's surgery less painful was a
goal all Inca surgeons yearned to reach and relieving medications like chicha carried them towards
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Characteristics Of Inca Architecture
Every great civilization can be remembered for their architecture, such as the Roman Colosseum,
the Egyptian Pyramids, and the Jewish Temple, and the Incas are no different. The Incas were an
advanced civilization that had similar ideologies to modern people and created innovative
mechanical objects. From their architecture to their irrigation systems, the Incas put a lot of thought
into it. The Incan architecture has been one of the most fascinating, intriguing and mysterious
designs and placements. The Inca civilization can be considered as one of the best civilizations of
Mesoamerica. Alike many civilizations in the world, the Incas developed an irrigation system and a
government system. After all, Incas created a civilization on the mountains. ... Show more content
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The Inca understood the basic laws of physics and engineering and built amazing cities, irrigation
systems and other incredible architecture. Although, they did not last to this day, their architecture
will always live and keep puzzling historians on how they understood all of these laws. The Inca
Civilization was the most interesting, fascinating, good architects and engineers, and a very
advanced civilization for its time. "The New World." In the end, the Incas had similar beliefs,
architectural ideas, and concepts and have very specific details and
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Characteristics Of The Aztec And Incas
Before Christopher Columbus reached the Americas in 1492 CE, the Aztecs and Incas had existed
there for hundreds of years. They were fairly isolated peoples, who thrived in Central and South
America respectively. The Aztec and Inca have different ancestral backgrounds; the Aztecs claim to
be descendants of the Toltecs2 while the Incas were a series of separate tribes that joined together3.
Trade between the Aztec and Inca were rare4, but they were mostly self–sustaining. However, they
both conquered mass empires and build large temples. Why was their conquest so successful, and
The Aztecs were influenced by the Toltecs, their self–proclaimed ancestors, who were "a warlike
people, no doubt conquering surrounding tribes and imposing tribute without any concern for
integration into the Toltec political and religious culture"5. To justify their conquests, Itzcoatl, the
third Aztec ruler, devised a new vision of the Aztec as the "chosen people" who were the "true heirs"
to the Toltec. The Aztec rewrote history to link the Aztec to the Toltec and to show that the Aztec
were the heirs, the direct descendents, of the Toltec nobility"7. The Aztecs were a war faring people
who engaged in such to acquire territory, resources, quash rebellions, and to collect sacrificial
victims to honour their gods. Warfare was a fundamental to the Aztec culture10; warriors were
trained from youth, in special military compounds where children learnt to master weapons and
tactics and were regaled
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Inca Research Paper
The Incas learnt to freeze their food , such as potatoes and meat, by leaving them out during cold
nights so it could be preserved longer. These skills they learnt helped them feed their people and the
army during droughts, they could feed them for years.
The Inca Empire was large so they had a large stretch from north to south and there were different
climates in the north than in the south, there were also different altitudes. This meant that there
would be different types of food around the empire. The potato was one of the main foods of the
Inca, they had hundreds of different kinds. In fact the potato was actually originated from the Incas.
Another typical food of the Incas was soup and stews, they also added some potatoes in it. They also
added some Ullucu and Arracacha, which are carrot like vegetable, in the soup. Maize was very
common during those days too.
The Incas didn't only eat vegetables they also ate meat, Llamas and Alpacas were the main domestic
animals in the empire so instead their main source of meat were guinea pigs. The Incas only ate
llamas if they were younger than 3 years old. The natives also brought fresh fish from the coast. The
Incas had a variety of different foods and were very good at preserving it. (machupicchu–inca) ...
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They brought wheat, olive oil, pork, beef, bananas, peas, salt pork, wine, cabbage and sugar. The
Spanish also learnt a lot of new foods from the Incas, they also didn't know anything about the
potatos or the squash, chiles, sweet potatoes, peanuts, corn, tomatoes, cocoa, manioc, coca, quinoa,
guava, turkey, beans, and pineapple. The spanish decided to follow some of the Inca practices
related to food, such as the soups and stews. The spanish let the Incas culture stay a bit how it was
and nowadays the food of Peru (earlier known as the inca empire) is derived from the Incas and is
known worldwide.
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Inca Empire Essay
We know from history many various civilizations. Civilizations like Sumerian (4000 BC), Egyptian
(3000 BC), Minoan (2000 BC), and Babylonian (1700 BC). Later, the Greek civilization, throughout
the Macedonian empire, ranged as far east as northern India and as far south and west as Egypt.
Then Romans were the rulers of the whole area from Constantinopole, to Palestine and North Africa
to Britain. After centuries, the Vikings, people from what is now Norway, Sweden, and Denmark,
established colonies in northern France, Sicily, England, and Ireland. During the 13th century AD,
Mongols created a vast empire in Central Asia and the Mongol Empire controlled the expanse of
territory from the Ural mountains in Russia to the Pacific Ocean. The ... Show more content on ...
The basis of Inca society was the "ayllu", which was a clan of families living together in a restricted
area, including leaders, priests, wizards, and the rest of the people (Rosso 122). Everyone belonged
to an "ayllu". An individual was born in an "ayllu" and died within it. Even the choice of a male
could be determined by the "ayllu". If an Inca man did not marry by the age of 20, the "head" of the
"ayllu" selected a wife for him (Inca Empire 5). For administrative purposes the empire was divided
into four regions, known as the "four suyus", with Cusco as their center. The Incas called their
empire "Tahuantinsuyu", a Quechuan word meaning "Land of the Four Quarters". They further
divided each quarter into progressively smaller units, something like provinces (Inca Empire 3). The
political situation of Inca Empire was total dictatorship by one man, the emperor (picture). He had
all the power in his hands, and he was worshiped like a god, during his life, by the citizens who
believed that he was the son of the sun (Rosso 121). When the king died his property, in turn, passed
to his relations, while his successor, took up residence in a new compound (Inca 376). The throne
was not hereditary, so the emperor had to choose someone with great military and administrative
abilities, in order to become the new king (Rosso 121). Each one of the four regions had a governor
who was a blood
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Inca Tribe
My group I got was the Incas. The Incas had a unique way of life. The Incas lived in the Cuzco
valley. They were a very strong and smart empire. The Incas used their defeated enemies for many
massive building projects. They used totora reeds for boats and at times would fake retreat to lead
their enemies into a spot where they had a better chance of winning. Incas were masters at building
terraces. The Incas created provinces for 20–30 thousand people. Each province required labor to
the King. Local rulers stayed in their provinces and asserted their control. A person who was caught
betraying the government was thrown in a jail cell with poisonous snakes and dangerous animals or
had their eyes plucked out. The Incas revered the mountain peaks around them as gods or holy
beings. The Incas controlled about 2,400 miles of coastline and divided the highland Valleys into 4
divisions. They divided these divisions by elevation. Llamas and alpacas ... Show more content on ...
Human sacrifice was fairly common for thousands of years before the Incas took control. Incas
didn't force their enemies into believing in their gods. They believed that some people were gifted
and could talk to the gods. The Incas tracked the sun and stars through the skies. The Inca ruler sent
many gifts to the Spaniards and the leader of the Spaniards sent back. The Spaniards kidnapped the
Inca King and imprisoned him in the main temple of Cajamarca. The King traded gold and silver for
his freedom and once the gold and silver reached the Spaniards they killed the King. Inca rulers
claimed the title of Sapa Inca until 1572. Archaeologist have never found the mummy of the Inca
King. The Incas had a unique life. They were one of the strongest and smartest groups of that
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Economic Characteristics Of The Aztec And Inca Empires
In the 1400's through the 1500"s there were the Aztec and Inca empires, both were empires that
started out as marginalized peoples who conquered and absorbed other cultures. Aztec and Inca
Empires were based on managing resources, goods, and people in an economy centered on intensive
agriculture including having their currency systems. The economic characteristics of the Aztec and
Inca empires were similar in that they both changed their environment to improve their agricultural
system and they both focused on internal trade networks, however they differed in the way they
taxed their people. The Aztecs were a triple alliance; three city states that banded together for the
greater good. The joined civilizations were Mexico–Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan. The Incas
were located around modern day Peru, and are known as the largest empire in the pre–Columbian
The economic characteristics of the government differed from how they collected revenue. So, the
Inca government had a totalitarian complex government whether as Aztecs had a decentralized
government that focused on expansion. In document 4, it explains how the Aztecs required
conquered lands to pay a tribute. Aztecs would pay in goods and services rather than currency. From
the source document 5 Pedro de Cieza de Léon describes the Inca rule, that there was a king or
emperor, as well as representatives for each province. As for the aztecs as mentioning that they
formed a triple alliance, they did not end up
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Incas and Aztecs Essay
Incas and Aztecs
Like the Athenians and Spartans of ancient Greece, the Inca and the Aztec bear resemblance to the
two other ancient cultures. The Athenians and Incas were both more interested in developing their
Arts as well as their military, but both the Spartans and the Aztecs were highly interested more so in
warfare than religion. Although the Aztec and Inca never had to face each other, it is interesting to
compare them because of their dominant positions of extremely large and powerful tribes. I am
going to compare and contrast religion and the social system along with their system of government,
which can be put together.
The Inca and Aztec were both extremely religious. Their entire lives revolved around ... Show more
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They believed in good and evil things and saw omens in many things such as rainbows, falling stars,
and the hoot of an owl.
They believed that Viracocha was the most important god of all. He was similar to Omelecuhtli, the
Aztec god. He was the creator of the Sun, Moon, and Stars that were all seen as gods. The Sun was
the life giver and was the most important server of Viracocha. He watched over the crops and was
the father of the Emperor. His image was a human face surrounded by rays of flowing hair.
The Moon was the wife of the Sun. It was believed that an eclipse was the result a great serpent or
mountain lion trying to eat her. To frighten off the creatures, they would point their weapons at the
moon and start screaming and shouting at it.
The constellations, or Stars, all had duties assigned to them by Viracocha. For example, Pleiades had
the job of looking over the seeds in the fields, and Lyra, which looked like a llama, looked after the
They also worshipped some other gods such as Thunder, the god of weather, who was an important
deity. He was pictured as a man with a war club and a sling in the other hand. Thunder and lightning
came from the sling and he drew rain from the Milky Way. Farmers worshipped the Earth Mother
and fishermen worshipped that Mother Sea.
The Aztec and Inca both had very different beliefs for the afterlife.
The Aztec, like most Indians,
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Inca Empire Research Paper
The Inca were once one of the most advanced societies and largest empires in the early 16th century
Americas. They had an expansive empire that spread throughout South America, including what is
present day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and northern Chile. With a successful monarchical government
and large military system, the Incas also had complex irrigation systems and technologies that were
ahead of their time. The Spanish first arrived in 1527 while the Incas were still a thriving society led
by Huayna Capac who had kept the country unified. However, by the early 1530s, there was a
schism in the Inca Empire between the two sons of Huayna Capac, Huáscar and Atahualpa, who
were fighting for kingship, dividing the empire in two. The Spanish, led ... Show more content on ...
Spanish Jurisdiction was implemented, striping the Incas' economic, social, and political power. The
Spaniards attempted to convert the Incas to Christianity but most Incas were confused by the nature
of the religion and did not want to participate. Hernando Pizarro observed how religion and
traditions were a large part of Inca life meaning they were unlikely to give it up. When Atahualpa
was presented with a Bible, he threw it on the ground and stated, "I will not leave this place until
you have restored all that you have taken in my land. I know well who you are and what you have
come for." Atahualpa did not want to give up his religion and accept Spanish beliefs like the
Spaniards wanted him to. After the disbandment of the Inca people, the Peruvian government was
created by the Spanish, and the Inca were forcibly incorporated into the Spanish colonial society.
The Spaniards also erased Inca culture through replacement of Incan architecture and traditions. The
Inca had a distinct architecture that showed not only their innovations like stone work and single
rooms, but also their power in South America. Once the Spaniards arrived though, the architecture
of the Incas was lost and replaced with work of the Spanish showing their power and wealth that
they brought to South America. The Incas' fancy and elaborate cities were also looted by the
Spaniards. Graves were raided and gold was stolen. Atahualpa's palace was stripped of its silver
plaques that decorated its entrance. With the creation of Peru, Incas were marginalized and made to
accept Spanish culture and government at the loss of their
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The Inca Revolution Essay
At its peak, the Inca Empire extended from current–day Quito in the north to current–day Santiago
in the south, becoming the largest empire in the word at the time and remaining, to this day, the
largest empire to have existed in the western hemisphere. The expansion of the empire came about
quickly, with a single Inca credited with expanding the empire by 2,500 miles. It spread out 3,400
miles north to south, composed of about ten million subjects. Despite its large size, it had a smooth–
running, complex system of administration. This raised the question that came to be known as the
"Inca Paradox" – how could such an advanced and complex civilization not have had a writing
system? Some scholars believe quipus, sets of knotted strings used by the Incas to record
information, may provide the answer to this question. While the recording of numeral information
by quipus has been widely accepted, and has so far not been contested, its possible recording of
extra–numeral information has been the subject of debate. The theories concerning quipus center
around the numeral versus the extra–numeral content of quipus and, more specifically in the latter
category, whether they are a mnemonic device or an actual writing system. In this paper, I aim to
analyze and compare the literary and archeological evidence used in support of different scholars'
theses as to the nature of the information contained in quipus. The first record of a quipu being
catalogued goes back to the early
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The Inca And Inca Culture
Have you ever heard of the Inca civilization? Well, the Inca community was a very accomplished
empire ; everyone in the empire was unbelievable. The Inca people knew skills many others didn 't
know about ; like the Aztecs fought more than they focused on the arts and the Mayan people
mainly focused on the arts. Some of their skills were building, art, and farming. Incas built many
buildings, like Machu Picchu. The Inca people survived many decades because of their advanced
knowledge in farming ; they had many food resources for years ' worth. The Inca civilization
worked hard every single day to increase their civilization, from farming to building and dancing to
singing. The Inca government is called Tawantinsuyu, and it 's a monarchy ran by Sapa Inca. There
were many officers who helped around community wise and just naturally. A Viceroy was a close
family member to Sapa Inca that was next in line to rule. A High Priest is who takes care of the
religious parts of the empire, he keeps churches running and makes sure the gods are satisfied.
Governors of a Quarter are governors that ruled one of the four quarters.(The empire is divided in
quarters, called suyu ; the four quarters were Chinchay, Anti, Qulla, and Kunti Suyu). Council of the
Realm were powerful nobles. Inspectors are people who make sure you pay taxes, follow the rules,
and obey religion. Military generals are family members of Sapa Inca, that he feels are responsible.
There are many more, but those
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Change The Incas
Good morning/afternoon Ms Beck–Harris and my colleagues. At the beginning of today/evening I
will share my discoveries in light of my examination of the Mesoamerican individuals and the
change the Incas experienced and the causes and outcomes of these progressions. I found this
investigation a bit tedious since there weren't a great deal of primary sources to give a first hand
account of the changes but due to the extremely reliable secondary sources, I now have a solid
understanding of these complex and interesting people. The focus on this task was to investigate the
change the Incas experienced and the causes/consequences of these changes. After researching
extensively on my topic, I composed a preliminary hypothesis, which you can see ... Show more
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It acted as a starting point in my research since it was a simple question which was broken into 2 sub
questions which are my second and third focus question. I looked at what archeological evidence
and other primary and secondary texts were available on the Incas to piece together an
understanding of their culture.. My exploration has uncovered that the Incas utilised a system of
transmitting data using strings called quipus. Each thread would have knots that vary to each other
which would yield data. This framework allowed the Incas to have a reasonable, stable society since
the quipus recorded data such as; censuses, tax in the form of labour called mit'a, records of yields,
traded goods and most importantly historical events which were passed on from generation to
generation keeping their values alive since the founding of their empire. Another point is that the
Incas were exceptional craftsmen who excelled at masonry. Sources 4,5,9 10 all explicitly state how
skilful the Incas are when it came to building large structures such as the pyramids that are found all
over South America. Some of the said sources explicitly state that the techniques the Incas utilised
were influenced by past civilisations such as the Tihuanco empire and tribes that were conquered by
the Incas such as the Chimús. Overall, I can say that sources 4,5,9 and 10 all provide a dominant
idea that historians
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Inca Revolutionary Civilization
Inca – the revolutionary civilization.
Located on Andean Mountains, Inca stretched across Argentina, Peru and Chile. Throughout the
empire, there were 3 distinct geographical features: The Andes Mountains, The Atacama desert, and
the Amazon rainforest. Incas – also known as the Twantinsuyu ruled the largest pre–Columbian
native empire. Close to the end of the 14th century the Empire began to expand from its initial
origin, throughout Cuzco of the south of Andes, mountains of South America. By 1500 AD Incas
had the largest population in the Americas, but its expansion came to an end with the invasion of the
Language Incas spoke was Quechua, and all newly conquered or assimilated regions were required
to speak it. Incas incorporated
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Differences Between The Spanish And Inca
The balance of power was so uneven between the Spanish and Inca because Spanish has many
advantages they used such as they had modern technology that they had from Europe that the use
such as better weapons that helps when they fight and newer items. The Spanish also have
geography to their advantage because their land was good for farming unlike Inca. The Spanish also
had slaves and animals do much of their work so that they wouldn't have to. Inca tried to catch up to
them technology wise but by then it was too late and they fell behind so much. The spanish also had
things like reading and writing to help them make strategies and plans to attack as well as reading
other strategies that worked to help improve their attack on Inca. Spanish
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Machu Picchu And The Inca
Hiram Bingham observed the setting. "Stones covered in moss", he recorded. Bingham has explored
ruins, trying to find a city by the name a Vilcabamba according to Duane Damon. The Inca
civilization interested Bingham. The Inca's creations were worth finding. "Though the explorer was
seeking Vilcabamba, he found someplace better". Surely, you have heard of an ancient city in Peru
known as Machu Picchu. "The significance of Machu Picchu as a travel destination are the artistic
structures, the nature, and the mysteries." Because of Machu Picchu's mesmerizing structures, the
city is adored. In the words of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization,
(UNESCO), Machu Picchu is one of the most important cultural sites in Latin America. The setting
has many huge walls, terraces, and ramps as described by UNESCO. "The structures were created
manually by man" Bingham wrote. The stones you would think are simply rocks, ... Show more
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Machu Picchu is a mysterious site, according to Duane Damon, because the place does not seem to
have a purpose. "Hiram Bingham never had his many questions answered. He died a while after he
had found Machu Picchu." Many tourists and architects visit the ruins to admire Machu Picchu, but
to also wonder. Maybe you will find yourself doing the same. Scientists continue to find information
on Machu Picchu to this day.... As has been noted, Machu Picchu is the ruins of an ancient Inca city,
as written by Duane Damon. Machu Picchu contains artistic structures, nature, and mysteries. The
hand–crafted stones are considered art for some people. Animals enjoy living in the ruins of the city.
Machu Picchu is very mysterious. The place is researched and visited frequently, according to
Google. If you want someplace to visit, give Machu Picchu a
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Inca Principal Beliefs
Principal Beliefs
The Incas were fundamentally the leading class of the Emperor's family, who existed as the
mythological ancestors Manco Capac and Mama Occla. The Inca people consisted of the South
American Indians who ruled an empire that spanned from the northern border of modern Ecuador, to
Mendoza in west–central Argentina and the Maule river in central Chile. The Incas have been
estimated to have ruled over 12,000,000 people who spoke at least 20 different languages.
The Inca society believed that the rich and the poor shouldn't interact with each other because of
their social differences and was despised of by the emperor. At that time education was only
available for the rich and it was considered a privilege to wear clothes; the ... Show more content on ...
Mama Cocha has the power to control the amount of fish in the ocean, the prevention of storms and
the calmness of the seas. This meant that her main worshipers were fisherman and sailors.
The moon goddess, Mama Quilla, was commonly known as both, Inti's wife and sister. Women were
the main worshipers of Mama Quilla because of the belief that she had power over their menstrual
cycles and marriages. In the event of a lunar eclipse, the people thought it meant that she was being
attacked by an animal and in response, would throw their weapons, such as spears, bow & arrows,
slings, clubs and axes, at the moon to try and stop the animal. Mama Quilla was most often
represented and recognized as a silver disc because the people of the Inca religion believed that the
metal silver was from her tears that had fallen down onto the earth's surface. Some interpretations of
her were very similar to Inti, because they both show a semi–circle like disc above their
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Machu Picchu: Similarities Between The Inca And Inca Empires
Built at the height of the Inca empire, Machu Picchu is not only one of the world's most stunning
man–made wonders, but possibly the most well–known relic of the Americas' most powerful
civilization. At the time the structure was built, the Incas ruled the largest nation in the world ; it
covered much of South America's west coast and its borders stretched from present day Colombia,
southward to the border of modern day Chile. The empire thrived from the twelfth to the fifteenth
century until the Spanish conquest in 1572. Although the empire expanded at a rapid speed and
covered abundantly diverse areas, Incan emperors effectively unified their empire and maintained
legitimacy both socially and politically, by employing unique organizational ... Show more content
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One way the Inca emperors did this was through effectively gaining and organizing a state labor
force. The Roman and Inca empire had many similarities. Additionally to their comparable road
systems, the empires also shared an alike system of acquiring labor and handling their people.
Similar to the Roman bread and circuses, Inca rulers provided their people with "gifts of luxury
goods and elaborate entertainment. The people returned the favors by furnishing their leaders with
labor" (Morris). This helped the leaders gain and maintain legitimacy because it not only earned
them respect for their moral handling, but also gained them state labor. Possibly the greatest
achievement of the Incas were their ability to organise this labor, through the use of curacas.
Curacas were often rulers of conquered ethnic groups whose "chief responsibility was to make sure
the proper number of people showed up to work for the Incas and to distribute the workload among
the households for which each was responsible" (Malpass). This effective distribution of workloads
made the empire stronger and more powerful. For example, Pachacuti's use "of the mitmae (labor
tax) allowed for one of the most rapid developments of an empire infrastructure in world history"
("Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui"). The procuring and organisation of state labor helped emperors gain
legitimacy because they were effectively strengthening their
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Inca Empire Research Paper
How is it possible that the small amount of Spanish conquistadors were able to defeat the strong and
powerful Inca empire? The successful conquer was due to the death of the Inca king, Wayna Capac,
and the spread of smallpox brought over from Europe and carried by Pizarro and his people. This
caused the Inca's to break into a civil war on who should be the next king, dividing the people
making it easier for the Spaniards to conquer. Although Jared Diamond identified guns and steal and
some of the most important things in the spanish conquest, the ultimate fall of the Inca empire was
because of the germs from the Europeans and the civil war that broke loose after the fall of the Inca
king. The colonization of the Incan empire was made successful ... Show more content on ...
Many Spanish voyagers had built up a resistance to smallpox, meaning they carried the disease
without being affected by it . The Inca had never been exposed the the disease, so it spread very
quickly and was very lethal to all the Inca. The smallpox virus killed the many of the Inca
population, including the king, leading to the whole empire to be weakened by sickness before the
Spanish even arrived at the empire. The Inca had a much larger amount of people and the Spanish
would not have been able to overpower the mass of people if they had not been weakened by
smallpox brought over by the Spanish. Many Inca were mourning the loss of loved ones killed by
smallpox, and were therefore unready for the spanish invasion. The infections disease spread
quickly throughout the empire before the spanish arrived, killing many of the Inca before the
invasion even began. Finally, the Inca armies were severely weakened by the amount of soldiers lost
due to the dangerous sickness that took many lives. It was made possible for the Spanish
conquistadors to successfully conquer the Inca due to the weakened population and the widespread
smallpox epidemic that greatly affected the
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Inca Religion
The Incas worshiped gods in their temples. The Incas was a large group of people and most of them
went to the temples and worshiped. The Incas were influenced traditions while worshipping. The
Incas have 10,000,000 people in their population. The chaska owned one of the temples. The priest
aided the aulas only. Earthquakes were important to the Incas.
Macopacs wife is also is sister from his family. Hunters gathered information from the communities
The Incas lost control of an empire. A time scale can record very easily. The Incas map looks like
utopia. The head quarters ruled a land called tiwanaku. To the Incas quieu means knot. The Inca
tribe ruled massive terrain. The Inca roads were 14,000 miles long. The Incas shared ... Show more
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The Incas went to heaven if they were good but they went to the underworld if they lived a bad life.
Mummies are sacred to the Incas. The Incas said corichaanh means golden temples. The Incas
believed in an afterlife for their whole life. The Incas wrapped material around the dead people to
make them mummies. The Incas brought gifts to the dead people so they can use the gift in the
afterlife. When you went to the underworld for living a bad life you had to eat rocks. The Incas
makes ahuaca man made. The Incas done and made sacrifices in the church rooms. Where they
make the sacrifices the room is gold. The Incas temple rooms are made out of cuzco. Sapu acted like
himself was a god. The gods believed in innaha pacha. The rest of the temple rooms were for the
gods to use. Coricancha used to be the most important temple of them all. Most of the Incas
worshiped their own gods. Inti was the most important god of all the gods. There was one more
important god but she was the most important from the moon her name is mama quilla. The spanish
tore down the coricancha temple. The priest of the temples were the most important to the Incas.
The Incas thought that mountains were sacred to them. They had parades for the dead emperors.
They keep servant to look out for the dead emperor's body. The incas celebrated every month and
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Inca Music Research Paper
Who were the Inca? Little information pertaining to the Inca Empire has kept a significant aspect of
Latin American history shrouded in mystery. With an estimated population of between 15–20
million inhabitants, the Inca should be viewed as prime example of what the Americas were like
prior to the Spanish domination of their empire (Martin 41). This means an in depth understanding
of whom the Inca are must be accomplish before understanding specific aspects of Inca culture.
With so many aspects of the Inca Empire being undocumented, this paper will primarily focus on
and give new insight into Inca music, a rarely discussed topic. The paper will see if music of the
Inca lives on and how Inca customs have been radically altered from outside sources ranging from
religious institutions, foreign nations, and slaves being brought over from Africa. Cultural influences
have affected Inca music and have transformed their music into something it never was initially.
Background Information– ... Show more content on ...
However the beauty of ethnomusicology demonstrates that Inca music still lives on and will
continue to survive. Instruments of the Inca may not be made with the same materials or constructed
in the same fashion, however these instruments still have a presence in todays world. Hundreds of
years have past since truly authentic Inca instruments were played yet a new generation of
musicians demonstrates that Inca music is far from being eradicated.
This can be seen especially with the Inca wind instruments. Having grown in popularity, instruments
like the Kena flute are actively played especially in soundtracks of nature programs. The
modernized Kena is now longer in length and no longer made of llama bones. It is now made from
wood, which has altered the sound of the instrument. Luckily the sound it produces still sounds like
wild life from the Andes (Quena or Kena Flute
... Get more on ...

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Achievements Of The Ancient Incas

  • 1. Achievements Of The Ancient Incas The Ancient Incas The Incas were a fascinating civilization of American Indian people who lived in the Andes region in Peru during the 12th century A.D. They gradually developed the greatest political achievements and the largest empire in pre–Columbian America, known as the Incan Empire. (Wikimedia Foundation) The empire centered around the city of Cuzco in the Peruvian Andes, and the mighty empire included the coastal and mountain regions of Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, and the northern areas of Chile and Argentina. (Hagen, Von) The massive kingdom also consisted of 12 million inhabitants from more than 100 different ethnic groups at its peak. ( This just showed how well the Incas had expanded growth and maintained power throughout ... Show more content on ... For the Incas, many sacrifices were given to the Sun God, Inti, who was most important. These gifts included animals, plants, and material treasure, but also human life. Inca peoples did not sacrifice adults, but children, probably because they believed that adults did not possess the unique quality and purity of children. Child sacrifice was called capacocha. The process of capacocha could begin years before the selected person was killed. The Incan state held annual rituals where they sacrificed children to the gods in order to promote a healthy harvest and the working of the sun. Children were sometimes brought to ceremonies from their homes, then returned to be killed. Several theories exist explaining Incan motives for capacocha. One states that the Incans practiced this sacrifice in order to ensure a plentiful harvest, rain, and protection for the people. Another focuses on the idea that the children of local leaders were chosen because their parents would thus strengthen ties to the emperor. A third perspective is based on sacrifice as response to vital occurrences such as eclipses and deaths of emperors. The child, selected to perfection, may need to escort the emperor to the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. An Essay On The Inca Empire Inca Empire The Incas were originally a small empire/tribe in the southern highlands of Peru, the Incas are well known as a complex society in our present day due to the significance of the technical advancement that was happening during the 1438 AD time period. With that being said, many new structures in the government expanded because of the hard working environment the society lived in. Since the Incas were hard working, the basic system of taxes came into the Incas community. Taxes were a huge advancement into the Incas society because this allowed the Incas to secure the small empire to be one of the most well–built, tightly controlled empire the worlds has ever known of, the incas complex society was accelerating at rapid speeds. ... Show more content on ... All the farms of Peru did not have any higher advancements in tools like animals and iron tools other than themselves(the people)"Incas built their empire without the wheel, powerful draft animals, iron working, currency or even what we would consider to be a writing system."to help with the growth of corn, beans, and potatoes. Since the land of Peru consists of various land structures the Incas had to invent a new farming technique that allowed the Incas to grow plants on the side of mountains which was called terrace farming. Terrace farming contains, building farms on side of mountains called terrace farming which allowed running water off the side of cliffs to go through a passage to plants that enabled a more superior way to farm. Terrace farming let no one starve in the empire "Nobody went hungry in the Inca empire. The commoners ate little meat, but all people ate well." many Incas were well fed and got to live a happy life. Farming lead to new things as that was only the start. Farming guided the Incas towards new ideas to make farming more effective towards their crops so they invented the calendar using the sun and moon as direction to calculate time"Incas had a calendar based on the observation of both the Sun and the Moon, and their relationship to the ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. What Is The Inca Civilization? I'm doing a research on the Inca civilization here is all the information I got for the Inca tribe. The Inca civilization existed in 1438 A.D. The Inca civilization lived in a large portion of western South America, centered on the Andean mountain ranges, Peru, large parts of modern Ecuador, western and south central Bolivia, northwest Argentina. The type of structures the Inca built was roads, rope bridges, cellular polygonal masonry, cyclopean polygonal masonry, encased coursed masonry, sedimentary course masonry. Here is one of the examples of the most famous buildings the Inca built the lost city of Inca, is one of the most archaeological sites in South America ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. The Inca Empire The Inca empire was one of the most advanced technology empires during the period of 1400 to 1533 C.E. The Inca Civilization thrive on the ancient Andean region of South America. By the end, their empire spread across the western South America from Quito in the North to Santiago to the South. Up until, its conquest by Spanish military in the 1530s. In this course of time, Incas were facing some slumps and success moments. Incas made their home high in the mountains, about 11,000 feet above the sea level. Inca built bridges in between the mountain peaks and over the deep gorges. They never invented the wheels, the only way to travel through these bridges was the animals that carry food. Inca empire was developed in a long strip stretch through ... Show more content on ... Conquering nearby lands and reorganize the government. In the period of 1438 A.D. Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui becomes the leader of the Inca. He begins to conquer nearby tribes and expand the control of the Inca Empire. He reorganizes the government into the Tawantinsuyu and builds the city of Machu Picchu. Seeing that the Incas were very strict with the laws and punishments, every crime had a severe punishment. Unlike other places, the Inca empire had low crime rates. If you made a mistake for the first time, then you would get a scolding by the government. If you had a second offense, then it would lead to death by hanging, stoning or by pushing the person off a cliff. The death penalty was given for killing, robbing, taking other people's belongings or going into the rooms of the Chosen Women. Laziness, which is considered as a serious crime, it is punishable by death. Additionally, Rules also applied to people that were old or people with disabilities. For example, even if a man is old and they aren't usually strong enough to work for a job, the government still demanded for their tax so they had to collect firewood and other similar tasks. For disabled people, who also does not have power to work, according to the rules, they had to do something that was different and something they wouldn't affect the empire. Assuming that a man is blind, he has to clean cotton or remove the husk maize. Another law for the disabled was that they weren't allowed to marry anyone with the same ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Inca In Peru Inca is a civilization long lived before in ancient Peru between C.1400 and 1533 CE. Inca had the largest empire on planet Earth. Approximately twelve million people lived there before the Spanish explorer Francisco Pizarro invaded the Incan empire in 1532–1572. This fight has lasted for forty until it came to an end and the spanish had won and the former Inca lands had been incorporated and turned in Viceroyalty of Peru. The Inca people was very wealth they could afford hundred people if they wanted to. The Inca people had the greatest architecture The Incan people were not only great for their riches. The Inca people would make arts and crafts out of what they could find. They used natural resources to create arts that they did. Isn't that cool. The Inca people who made the art was called Goldsmiths, feather workers, and tolects. You can still find Incas art in Peru in certain places. –These were the goldsmiths who were Incas weavers they made Incas cloths and their cloth and the best fabrics. Inca was not ... Show more content on ... They made feathery things to hang up for the king and to keep their status going with the finest clothing and arts. The Toltecs were both goldsmiths and feather workers that is what they were called because Toltecs were credited with mastering nature. Inca incorporated their best artistic creations in their offerings to the gods. Their production would be taken all parts to their empire and distributed. This leads into their religion. Their religion was really unique let me tell you. In the Inca culture the act of cannibalism was always ritualistic and would be selected from all parts of the Inca empire in order to be trained and prepared for the ritual. They believed in the afterlife. This shows that Ancient Inca had interesting existence. As a result the Inca lived a long a time ago. They had a great environment and could live off nature and natural resources and had interesting ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Inca Dbq Essay Ancient Society benefited from their skills as builders and artists. In Source four, " They constructed thousands of miles of roads to link all parts of their vast empire." This shows that South America, Inca Empire makes fine resistant buildings. The Incas are most popular for their architecture and constructed finely done buildings. Also, in the Western part of South America it was difficult to farm there. The Incas had plenty of solutions. The article states, "To get news from one end of the empire to the other, the Incas developed a messenger system using their roads." One can see from this the Inca road system was an advanced transportation system. This also reveals Stone Highways were part of the Inca army's winning strategy. Since there is little land in the mountains it became difficult to plant. The text states, "Andean farmers also battled poor soil, bad frosts, and frequent droughts." The Incas developed breeds of crops.This shows that the Andean farmers had ways that offered simple solutions to help protect their harvest. The Anasazi,resided in the Four Corners of the region. The text states, "Yet in the Andes people called the Incas built a great civilization and an empire that they named Tahuantinsuyu, "the Four Quarters of ... Show more content on ... The article states, "Stone lined irrigation canals brought water from rivers and mountain streams to the tops of the terraces. " The Incas faced difficult conditions for agriculture. The Incas were great farmers, with clever solutions to their farming problems. The Incas found solutions for there geographic problems. The source states, "The Incas solved this problem by cutting huge steps, or terraces into the mountainside, with stonewalls that kept the soil from being swept away by wind or rain." Terracing helped increase the amount of land that they farmed on. This shows that the Incas had solved lot of difficult decisions that they've successfully ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. The Inca And The Incas Have you ever wondered what it is like living on streets paved with gold? Well, the Inca had it pretty close. Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizzaro landed in Peru in 1532, and found unimaginable riches. The streets were not paved with gold– but their temples were. This empire was the largest empire on Earth of it 's time, but it was a brittle empire held together only by promises and threats. The true history of the Inca is still being written today. RELIGION– The Inca held strong, polytheistic religious beliefs. The Incas were a polytheistic society, believing in many different gods. According to peru–, "The belief system of the Incas was polytheistic. This meant that the Incas worshiped many gods and ... Show more content on ... Royalty was a high status in society, and came after the Sapa Inca. Furthermore, states, "Besides the Sapa Inca or the king, the relatives and family of the king were known as Royalty. They were the wealthiest and the most powerful people during the Inca civilization and enjoyed all the luxuries during these days." This depicts that the Royalty were the second highest ranking in the social structure and they had many luxuries in life. Below Royalty there were nobles. As an illustration, also claims, "Below the royalty came the nobility which was the class of people who acted as leaders to govern over the rest of the Incas population. The nobles were also respected people who can certain privileges and enjoyed many freedoms." The article reveals that the Nobles (who were ranked third; after the Royalty) were respected leaders. Lastly, describes the lowest class (the Commoners). conveys, "Most of the Incas population belonged to the category of commoners. These people took up low wage jobs like farming, herding, and even worked as servants at the houses of the nobility or the royalty. This indicates that ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Incas And The Inca Empire There were several ancient civilizations that built their cultures around their geography. The Incas were among one of those ancient civilizations. They had amazing ingenuity to make use of their environment. The Incas built agriculture terraces and they had a complex irrigation system. And some crops that we use today. The physical environment of the Incas affected and shaped their civilization. The Incan Indians started as a small tribe in South America in pre– Columbian times. According to Lin Donn, author on the website, Inca Empire for Kids Quick History, "The Inca empire started as a small tribe who lived in the village of Cuzco, high in the Andes Mountains of South America. One day, another tribe tried to conquer them. Thanks to ... Show more content on ... One can encounter every environmental extreme imaginable, from the intensely vertical terrain of the Andes, soaring up to altitudes of 5,000 meters (16,404 ft.) above sea level, to dry, low–lying lands along the western coast of South America. The climate zones are equally diverse, with some areas that are constantly hot and humid to others with subfreezing temperatures year round. Also within its boundaries are some of the driest places on earth– Chile's Atacama Desert– to some of the most lush– the Amazonian rain forest to the east of the Andes– with rainy season lasting 11 months of the year. (Suarez and George 3) Within this extreme environmental variation, however, the geography of the Inca territory can be divided into three categories: the coast (costa), the mountainous region (sierra), and the eastern tropical region (selva) (Suarez and George 3). In these extreme variations of the physical climates and geography, the Incas knew how to adapt. The coastal zone of the Inca Empire, which includes present day Chile and Ecuador, was one of the longest deserts in South America and even the world. In the book titled, Lost City of The Incas, Hiram Bingham writes, "In fact, one of the greatest deserts in the world is the two–thousand–mile coastal strip extending from Chile to Ecuador." This coastal zone was made up of a lot of desert. "The coastal zone stretches more than 2,000 kilometers (1,2343 mi.) from Ecuador to Chile, where dry, desert ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. The Gods Of The Inca Religion Incas believed in many Gods such as Viracocha. Viracocha is one of the main Gods in the Inca religion. Viracocha is the creator of everything. He created everything such as the sun, moon, stars and the earth before he created living things such as humans and animals. When Viracocha created human he gave them some rules which they disobeyed. He then became angry with the people and cursed them all. Some were swallowed by the sea while the others were swallowed by the earth. He then brought a flood named Uñu Pachacuti that washed away all the humans. After the flood, Viracocha saved 2 humans which he called upon whenever he needed help. He then started creating human beings again. He painted some women pregnant while others caring for their babies and on each figure he painted clothes so that they would continue to wear. He also carved out the different tribes and nations that he wanted to exist later on. After painting and carving, he then divided the stones up into separate groups and buried them to wait for their command of summoning. Viracocha commanded his 2 helpers to go and wake up all the people in the earth. Some were lying in the caves, streams, rivers and waterfall. He sent one of the helper to the east region and the other to the west region. Their job was to basically wake up all the people and inform them about the stories they have experienced. Viracocha then travelled to Cuzco. On his way he woke up the people. The Canas people didn't recognize and started ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Inca Religion: The Influence Of Religion On The Incas Religion was a major impact for the Incas, as with many other ancient cultures, inextricable from history, politics, or society in general. All sides of community life were connected to religious beliefs, from government to burials, marriages to farming. Any failure or success of any kind in a Incas life was suspected to be due by the influence of the gods. Keeping the gods pleased was exercised, for they evade the wrath of the gods in the form of natural disasters, and was a very important for religious practice. Inca religion was influenced by earlier and modern Andean traditions, especially the Wari civilization and ancient Tiwanaku. Many communities still sticked to their own beliefs throughout the empire even if they ... Show more content on ... He was considered the creator of the universe. However, the Inca are more closely associated with Viracocha most important servant god, Inti, the sun god. Inti's image became the symbol of the Inca religion. The Incas became known as "The Children of The Sun." The Inca believed in an afterlife. They took great care in saving and mummifying the bodies of the dead before burial. They brought gifts to the dead that they thought the dead could use in the afterlife. They even kept some servants to watch over the dead emperor. For the Incas, a good earthly life was achieved by following a simple rule "Do not steal, do not lie, do not be lazy". The objects and elements of nature of the Incas were called "huaca". These could be rivers, man made objects like temples, or stones. Most of the times, ceremonies showing the offering of huacas had take place during the Inca times. For example, inside houses, the huacas were placed into the wall and offerings were brought to them. The Incas believed that these offerings will control the balance of nature and society. The Incas believed that they can this way influence their well being and ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Inca Civilization And The Inca Empire Incan Civilization Inca civilization began in the high plateaus of the Andes Mountains. The civilization grew slowly until Pachacuti took the throne in 1438. He conquered all of Peru and more. The Inca were able to do this because they had a strong military and they were good diplomats. The Inca only used force when it was absolutely necessary. They prefered to have enemy civilizations surrender. If an enemy civilization did surrender, the Inca would let them keep local customs and rituals in exchange for their loyalty to the Inca Empire. Many people gave up to the Inca without resisting, and the Inca found loyalty of conquered people to be vital to the development of their civilization. To govern their civilization, the Inca used a bureaucracy. They also imposed a single language to create unity amongst their empire. They created schools to teach Incan ways to other cultures within their empire. This influenced the children of the conquered people to support the Incan Empire. The Inca would also build cities in areas to show their control and power. The Inca were able to build roads, cities, and schools because every man in the Incan Empire had to complete tax in the form of labor, called Mita. This labor also allowed the government to support the sick and poor and save extra food in case of a bad harvest. The Inca had a very advanced road system which allowed for faster communication and transportation of goods. The road system was a 14,000 mile long network. Some of the ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Taking a Look at the Inca Civilizaiton THE INCA CIVILIZATION Inca, the word is derived from Inti, the sun god, was one of the largest and oldest Pre–Columbian civilization extending from Ecuador in north to whole of Chile in south. The region is predominantly known as Andean region and is modern day Peru, with official language being Quechua. They had their own flag which is a very impressive thing about this civilization because flags gained prominence only in 17th–18th century. Incas were the most powerful Empire in that region ruling more 12 million people for around 100 years. Incas are believed to be ruling from 1438 A.D– 1532 A.D with Aristocratic ruling system in the society. Inca Empire was founded by Ayar Manco, popularly known Manco Capac and was known as Sapa Inca "child of the sun". Incas were firm believer in god worshipping creator god Viracocha, Sun god Inti, Thunder god Illapa and earth–mother goddess Pachamama. Incas had a very powerful army conquering different parts of Pre–Columbian America using weapons such as axes, bow and arrow, spears, swords and more importantly Clubs(it was considered as a unique weapon which Incas only used) majorly made up of stone and copper. They had a very keen sense of clothing and dressed according to their position in the society with noble donning more expensive clothing than the Inca commoner. As far as shelter is concerned, housed were divided into two types one for commoners and other for Nobles, the latter being highly decorated and made of stone whereas ... Get more on ...
  • 24.
  • 25. Inca Research Paper The Inca civilization was one of the greatest of its time. It was a civilization that stretched far across current day South America. They were some of the most advanced people for their time. And because of that are one of the most well known pre Columbian empire. But what made them so monumental? So the Inca empire was big; you know that. But, did you know it was the largest empire in the pre Columbian America? When the Inca civilization was in its full extent it had an area of over 2,000,000² km (roughly 1242742 miles²). The land the Inca controlled kept growing until it reached through 6 modern day countries, including Chile, Argentina, Perú, Bolivia, Ecuador, Colombia. The Inca even had a population of over 12,000,000 people. The Inca culture was very diverse. ... Show more content on ... Inca people were like most other civilizations at the time in that they were polytheistic, as the Inca were also polytheistic. Which means they worshiped and believed in many gods for different things. They believed Viracocha created the Earth, the stars, and all living things. They believed Inta or Apu–punchau was the god of sun, and that he was the ancestor of all Inca people. There are still so many other gods and goddesses the Inca worshiped but I can't write about all of them. There are many reasons the Inca were known as one of the greatest pre Columbian American empire, too many to list. One of the more known reasons was the great architecture the Inca made and created. I bet when you hear Inca architecture you think of Machu Picchu. Thinking like this isn't very uncommon, and I can't necessarily blame you. Machu Picchu is one of the most beautiful and most well preserved ancient civilization i've seen. But there's more incredible features that don't meet the eye. Such as how the Inca civilization spread across the west coast of South America. Which means they were directly on a fault block, so many earthquakes. Well the Inca architecture was so advanced that in places like Machu Picchu ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. The Inca People In Peru I'm glad I'm finally getting to write back to the Stanford and you, Professor DeRuntz. I must say it's an amazing experience here in Peru and it has undoubtedly helped me in the field. There's nothing like being here for my research. Speaking of which, just in case it's needed– here are some of the terms we've been using. Ayllu is referring to an extended family group, common to be used for governing. Mita was used to describe a labor tribute that the Inca put in place. Two terms to describe the Inca people were mamakuna for young unmarried women and the young men, yamacuna– each serving a different purpose. 4,500 miles along South America's western edge, the Andes here also hold the title as second highest mountains. With the high elevation, ... Show more content on ... The location brought the difficulties of the Andes. We traveled to the very rivers that sustained villages of rudimentary hunter–gatherer villages starting in 3600 B.C. to 2500 B.C. These evolved by 3000 B.C. by beginning to farm and ultimately became dignified civilizations. We discussed the first of them, the Chavin, found in the mountains from 900 B.C. to 200 B.C. We visited the site of their ruins that contained pyramids, plazas, and sizable earthen mounds. While having no evidence of any significant political or economical framework, they had an importance placed on their religious foundations. This, along with their art, carried on to the other cultures of the area. The Nazca lasted from 200 B.C. to A.D. 600 on the dry Southern coast of Peru. They were able to utilize agricultural techniques to their benefit to counteract the less–than–satisfactory land. What they were mostly known for was their textiles and pottery, but especially the Nazca Lines. These are around 1,000 pictures etched into the dry plain. To clearly see the image, you must get an ariel view, bringing up questions about the origins of these. I was even able to get to see one of them in the sky from a helicopter. Then there were the Moche on the northern coast of Peru A.D. 100 to A.D. 700, who were another to use irrigation for their crops. They created elaborate jewelry of gold, silver, and gems. Although they never developed a written language, the pottery they made was comprised of images of their customs and everyday ... Get more on ...
  • 28.
  • 29. Inca Research Paper The Incas learnt to freeze their food , such as potatoes and meat, by leaving them out during cold nights so it could be preserved longer. These skills they learnt helped them feed their people and the army during droughts, they could feed them for years. The Inca Empire was large so they had a large stretch from north to south and there were different climates in the north than in the south, there were also different altitudes. This meant that there would be different types of food around the empire. The potato was one of the main foods of the Inca, they had hundreds of different kinds. In fact the potato was actually originated from the Incas. Another typical food of the Incas was soup and stews, they also added some potatoes in it. They also added some Ullucu and Arracacha, which are carrot like vegetable, in the soup. Maize was very common during those days too. The Incas didn't only eat vegetables they also ate meat, Llamas and Alpacas were the main domestic animals in the empire so instead their main source of meat were guinea pigs. The Incas only ate llamas if they were younger than 3 years old. The natives also brought fresh fish from the coast. The Incas had a variety of different foods and were very good at preserving it. (machupicchu–inca) ... Show more content on ... They brought wheat, olive oil, pork, beef, bananas, peas, salt pork, wine, cabbage and sugar. The Spanish also learnt a lot of new foods from the Incas, they also didn't know anything about the potatos or the squash, chiles, sweet potatoes, peanuts, corn, tomatoes, cocoa, manioc, coca, quinoa, guava, turkey, beans, and pineapple. The spanish decided to follow some of the Inca practices related to food, such as the soups and stews. The spanish let the Incas culture stay a bit how it was and nowadays the food of Peru (earlier known as the inca empire) is derived from the Incas and is known worldwide. ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. The Incas The Inca were South American Indian people who ruled one of the largest and richest empires in the America's. The Inca Empire began to expand about 1438 and occupied a vast region that centered on the capital, Cusco, in southern Peru. The Empire extended more than 2,500 miles (4,020 kilometers) along the western coast of South America. It included parts of Present – Day Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Chile, and Argentina. The Inca Empire was conquered by Spanish Forces soon after their arrival in 1532. <br><br>Inca emperors ruled their far – reaching territory through a complex political system. The Inca took over many areas by military force. Their political system kept a balance between the central authority of the emperor and local ... Show more content on ... The members of an ayllu owned an area of land in common. The leader of an ayllu gave each family as much land as it needed to produce its own food. Men with noble rank could have no more than one wife,and many marriages were arranged for political reasons. Emperors sometimes gave chosen women to favored nobles or men who had performed a service for the emperor. These women, who were selected by government officials, had great beauty and intelligence. Nobles had to marry within the ayllu. Husbands and wives were expected to help each other with work in the fields and other tasks. Inca children had little time for play because their families kept them very busy. Most children helped with the family work after learning to walk. Boys were initiated into manhood when they were 14 years old. Girls were initiated into womanhood after they started to menstruate. Boys and girls received permanent adult names during the initiation ceremonies. However, young people did not achieve full adult status until they married and started to pay taxes.<br><br>Religion for the Inca played an important role in the public and private lives of the Inca. The people believed that nature was created by their most important god, Viracocha. The ruling family prayed chiefly to Inti, the sun god. Important goddesses included the earth and the sea. The Inca believed the will of the gods could be learned through ... Get more on ...
  • 32.
  • 33. Personal Narrative: Living With The Incas If I had to go back in time to live with a Mesoamerican group, I would live with the Incas. The Incas lived in what is now Peru. The people lived in the mountains, even building one of their cities, Machu Picchu, on a mountain top. Because of their geography, the Incas often used llamas for work. I personally like llamas, which is one reason why I would want to live with the Incas. Another reason is there are no slaves. I would not want to be a slave at all in my life. Living with a group that does not have any slaves guarantees I will not go into slavery. The lowest class within the Incan people are the farmers. I would not mind being a farmer at all. Finally, the Incas built roads. Roads and bridges were built to connect Incan cities for ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Inca Empire Social Structure The Inca Empire was the largest civilization in the pre– Columbian America. Its great extention covered a large portion of the western South American countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Argentina, Chile and Colombia. Their official language was Quechua. Their empire lived short lasting 100 years. Social Structure. The Inca were ruled by a very strict social class that was divided in nobles and commoners. The nobles were the people who originally stablished in the city of cuzco They had an emperor o king called Sapa Inca who was on top of the Inca class and was even considered a god. They direct relative from Sapa Inca were the royal family and his wife, the queen was called coya. The commoners were farmers and artisans, however, artisans ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Aztec And Inca Similarities In Mesoamerica and South America two very unique and mysterious settlements exist today. In the 15th century during the "Late Horizon" (Kleiner, p.1089) the Inca or Inka created an empire. In the following 16th century the Aztec people established their own empire. Thousands of miles apart, these two cultures share some striking similarities and differences. The religious beliefs of both cultures would be the foundation for every facet of life, including the massive architectural settlements they left behind. For the Inca in South America their religious beliefs were interconnected to agricultural, personal and political outcomes. A strong connection to astrology is very prevalent in the religious underpinnings of the Inca. According to Cartwright, ... Show more content on ... To date, both sites are exceedingly popular tourist sites. Both sites in addition to tourism actively undergo archeological excavation and investigation to further aide in understanding the cultures of the Aztec and Inca. The advanced intelligence and ability of both cultures to create such significant structures steeped in their religious symbolism is awe inspiring. The remnants left behind solidify the importance of astrology and deep sacred religious beliefs for both the Inca and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Inca Medical Advances In the 1400s CE, the Incas were the medical geniuses of their time. As part of this 400–year process, the Incas practiced many different styles of medical procedures, which influenced the overall Inca society, located in South America. Brain surgery was a crucial invention contributing to the advancement of this society because soldiers who fought in wars became prone to injuring their brains and required surgery. The Incas practiced so many different medical procedures and techniques that medical knowledge had a great impact on their society. The invention of brain surgery and other advances in medicine guided the Incas as an empire and influenced later medical treatments because of the invention of trepanation and the efforts of healers to ... Show more content on ... As mentioned before, over a span of 400 years, the survival rate of brain surgery went from being practically fatal to only a stunning 10% chance of death. (National Geographic 2008) One of the reasons for this immense change is that the amount of blood loss and no bone repair contributed to the dangers of surgery, but once the Incas invented pain–relieving medications, the surgeries became beneficial to the people needing it, helping the overall advancement. They integrated many natural ingredients from their area to create an alcoholic beverage used to make the patient unconscious. Chicha was made of ingredients such as tobacco, datura, Espino, tobacco, San Pedro cactus, and coca (National Geographic 2008). Even today, people still consume the non–alcoholic version as a way of accepting Peruvian culture. The creation of chicha forwarded advancements in medicine today, such as the creation of other pain relievers. Making the patient's surgery less painful was a goal all Inca surgeons yearned to reach and relieving medications like chicha carried them towards that ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Characteristics Of Inca Architecture Every great civilization can be remembered for their architecture, such as the Roman Colosseum, the Egyptian Pyramids, and the Jewish Temple, and the Incas are no different. The Incas were an advanced civilization that had similar ideologies to modern people and created innovative mechanical objects. From their architecture to their irrigation systems, the Incas put a lot of thought into it. The Incan architecture has been one of the most fascinating, intriguing and mysterious designs and placements. The Inca civilization can be considered as one of the best civilizations of Mesoamerica. Alike many civilizations in the world, the Incas developed an irrigation system and a government system. After all, Incas created a civilization on the mountains. ... Show more content on ... The Inca understood the basic laws of physics and engineering and built amazing cities, irrigation systems and other incredible architecture. Although, they did not last to this day, their architecture will always live and keep puzzling historians on how they understood all of these laws. The Inca Civilization was the most interesting, fascinating, good architects and engineers, and a very advanced civilization for its time. "The New World." In the end, the Incas had similar beliefs, architectural ideas, and concepts and have very specific details and ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Characteristics Of The Aztec And Incas Before Christopher Columbus reached the Americas in 1492 CE, the Aztecs and Incas had existed there for hundreds of years. They were fairly isolated peoples, who thrived in Central and South America respectively. The Aztec and Inca have different ancestral backgrounds; the Aztecs claim to be descendants of the Toltecs2 while the Incas were a series of separate tribes that joined together3. Trade between the Aztec and Inca were rare4, but they were mostly self–sustaining. However, they both conquered mass empires and build large temples. Why was their conquest so successful, and what The Aztecs were influenced by the Toltecs, their self–proclaimed ancestors, who were "a warlike people, no doubt conquering surrounding tribes and imposing tribute without any concern for integration into the Toltec political and religious culture"5. To justify their conquests, Itzcoatl, the third Aztec ruler, devised a new vision of the Aztec as the "chosen people" who were the "true heirs" to the Toltec. The Aztec rewrote history to link the Aztec to the Toltec and to show that the Aztec were the heirs, the direct descendents, of the Toltec nobility"7. The Aztecs were a war faring people who engaged in such to acquire territory, resources, quash rebellions, and to collect sacrificial victims to honour their gods. Warfare was a fundamental to the Aztec culture10; warriors were trained from youth, in special military compounds where children learnt to master weapons and tactics and were regaled ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Inca Research Paper The Incas learnt to freeze their food , such as potatoes and meat, by leaving them out during cold nights so it could be preserved longer. These skills they learnt helped them feed their people and the army during droughts, they could feed them for years. The Inca Empire was large so they had a large stretch from north to south and there were different climates in the north than in the south, there were also different altitudes. This meant that there would be different types of food around the empire. The potato was one of the main foods of the Inca, they had hundreds of different kinds. In fact the potato was actually originated from the Incas. Another typical food of the Incas was soup and stews, they also added some potatoes in it. They also added some Ullucu and Arracacha, which are carrot like vegetable, in the soup. Maize was very common during those days too. The Incas didn't only eat vegetables they also ate meat, Llamas and Alpacas were the main domestic animals in the empire so instead their main source of meat were guinea pigs. The Incas only ate llamas if they were younger than 3 years old. The natives also brought fresh fish from the coast. The Incas had a variety of different foods and were very good at preserving it. (machupicchu–inca) ... Show more content on ... They brought wheat, olive oil, pork, beef, bananas, peas, salt pork, wine, cabbage and sugar. The Spanish also learnt a lot of new foods from the Incas, they also didn't know anything about the potatos or the squash, chiles, sweet potatoes, peanuts, corn, tomatoes, cocoa, manioc, coca, quinoa, guava, turkey, beans, and pineapple. The spanish decided to follow some of the Inca practices related to food, such as the soups and stews. The spanish let the Incas culture stay a bit how it was and nowadays the food of Peru (earlier known as the inca empire) is derived from the Incas and is known worldwide. ... Get more on ...
  • 46.
  • 47. Inca Empire Essay We know from history many various civilizations. Civilizations like Sumerian (4000 BC), Egyptian (3000 BC), Minoan (2000 BC), and Babylonian (1700 BC). Later, the Greek civilization, throughout the Macedonian empire, ranged as far east as northern India and as far south and west as Egypt. Then Romans were the rulers of the whole area from Constantinopole, to Palestine and North Africa to Britain. After centuries, the Vikings, people from what is now Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, established colonies in northern France, Sicily, England, and Ireland. During the 13th century AD, Mongols created a vast empire in Central Asia and the Mongol Empire controlled the expanse of territory from the Ural mountains in Russia to the Pacific Ocean. The ... Show more content on ... The basis of Inca society was the "ayllu", which was a clan of families living together in a restricted area, including leaders, priests, wizards, and the rest of the people (Rosso 122). Everyone belonged to an "ayllu". An individual was born in an "ayllu" and died within it. Even the choice of a male could be determined by the "ayllu". If an Inca man did not marry by the age of 20, the "head" of the "ayllu" selected a wife for him (Inca Empire 5). For administrative purposes the empire was divided into four regions, known as the "four suyus", with Cusco as their center. The Incas called their empire "Tahuantinsuyu", a Quechuan word meaning "Land of the Four Quarters". They further divided each quarter into progressively smaller units, something like provinces (Inca Empire 3). The political situation of Inca Empire was total dictatorship by one man, the emperor (picture). He had all the power in his hands, and he was worshiped like a god, during his life, by the citizens who believed that he was the son of the sun (Rosso 121). When the king died his property, in turn, passed to his relations, while his successor, took up residence in a new compound (Inca 376). The throne was not hereditary, so the emperor had to choose someone with great military and administrative abilities, in order to become the new king (Rosso 121). Each one of the four regions had a governor who was a blood ... Get more on ...
  • 48.
  • 49. Inca Tribe My group I got was the Incas. The Incas had a unique way of life. The Incas lived in the Cuzco valley. They were a very strong and smart empire. The Incas used their defeated enemies for many massive building projects. They used totora reeds for boats and at times would fake retreat to lead their enemies into a spot where they had a better chance of winning. Incas were masters at building terraces. The Incas created provinces for 20–30 thousand people. Each province required labor to the King. Local rulers stayed in their provinces and asserted their control. A person who was caught betraying the government was thrown in a jail cell with poisonous snakes and dangerous animals or had their eyes plucked out. The Incas revered the mountain peaks around them as gods or holy beings. The Incas controlled about 2,400 miles of coastline and divided the highland Valleys into 4 divisions. They divided these divisions by elevation. Llamas and alpacas ... Show more content on ... Human sacrifice was fairly common for thousands of years before the Incas took control. Incas didn't force their enemies into believing in their gods. They believed that some people were gifted and could talk to the gods. The Incas tracked the sun and stars through the skies. The Inca ruler sent many gifts to the Spaniards and the leader of the Spaniards sent back. The Spaniards kidnapped the Inca King and imprisoned him in the main temple of Cajamarca. The King traded gold and silver for his freedom and once the gold and silver reached the Spaniards they killed the King. Inca rulers claimed the title of Sapa Inca until 1572. Archaeologist have never found the mummy of the Inca King. The Incas had a unique life. They were one of the strongest and smartest groups of that ... Get more on ...
  • 50.
  • 51. Economic Characteristics Of The Aztec And Inca Empires In the 1400's through the 1500"s there were the Aztec and Inca empires, both were empires that started out as marginalized peoples who conquered and absorbed other cultures. Aztec and Inca Empires were based on managing resources, goods, and people in an economy centered on intensive agriculture including having their currency systems. The economic characteristics of the Aztec and Inca empires were similar in that they both changed their environment to improve their agricultural system and they both focused on internal trade networks, however they differed in the way they taxed their people. The Aztecs were a triple alliance; three city states that banded together for the greater good. The joined civilizations were Mexico–Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan. The Incas were located around modern day Peru, and are known as the largest empire in the pre–Columbian America. The economic characteristics of the government differed from how they collected revenue. So, the Inca government had a totalitarian complex government whether as Aztecs had a decentralized government that focused on expansion. In document 4, it explains how the Aztecs required conquered lands to pay a tribute. Aztecs would pay in goods and services rather than currency. From the source document 5 Pedro de Cieza de Léon describes the Inca rule, that there was a king or emperor, as well as representatives for each province. As for the aztecs as mentioning that they formed a triple alliance, they did not end up ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Incas and Aztecs Essay Incas and Aztecs Like the Athenians and Spartans of ancient Greece, the Inca and the Aztec bear resemblance to the two other ancient cultures. The Athenians and Incas were both more interested in developing their Arts as well as their military, but both the Spartans and the Aztecs were highly interested more so in warfare than religion. Although the Aztec and Inca never had to face each other, it is interesting to compare them because of their dominant positions of extremely large and powerful tribes. I am going to compare and contrast religion and the social system along with their system of government, which can be put together. The Inca and Aztec were both extremely religious. Their entire lives revolved around ... Show more content on ... They believed in good and evil things and saw omens in many things such as rainbows, falling stars, and the hoot of an owl. They believed that Viracocha was the most important god of all. He was similar to Omelecuhtli, the Aztec god. He was the creator of the Sun, Moon, and Stars that were all seen as gods. The Sun was the life giver and was the most important server of Viracocha. He watched over the crops and was the father of the Emperor. His image was a human face surrounded by rays of flowing hair. The Moon was the wife of the Sun. It was believed that an eclipse was the result a great serpent or mountain lion trying to eat her. To frighten off the creatures, they would point their weapons at the moon and start screaming and shouting at it. The constellations, or Stars, all had duties assigned to them by Viracocha. For example, Pleiades had the job of looking over the seeds in the fields, and Lyra, which looked like a llama, looked after the herds. They also worshipped some other gods such as Thunder, the god of weather, who was an important deity. He was pictured as a man with a war club and a sling in the other hand. Thunder and lightning came from the sling and he drew rain from the Milky Way. Farmers worshipped the Earth Mother and fishermen worshipped that Mother Sea. The Aztec and Inca both had very different beliefs for the afterlife.
  • 54. The Aztec, like most Indians, ... Get more on ...
  • 55.
  • 56. Inca Empire Research Paper The Inca were once one of the most advanced societies and largest empires in the early 16th century Americas. They had an expansive empire that spread throughout South America, including what is present day Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, and northern Chile. With a successful monarchical government and large military system, the Incas also had complex irrigation systems and technologies that were ahead of their time. The Spanish first arrived in 1527 while the Incas were still a thriving society led by Huayna Capac who had kept the country unified. However, by the early 1530s, there was a schism in the Inca Empire between the two sons of Huayna Capac, Huáscar and Atahualpa, who were fighting for kingship, dividing the empire in two. The Spanish, led ... Show more content on ... Spanish Jurisdiction was implemented, striping the Incas' economic, social, and political power. The Spaniards attempted to convert the Incas to Christianity but most Incas were confused by the nature of the religion and did not want to participate. Hernando Pizarro observed how religion and traditions were a large part of Inca life meaning they were unlikely to give it up. When Atahualpa was presented with a Bible, he threw it on the ground and stated, "I will not leave this place until you have restored all that you have taken in my land. I know well who you are and what you have come for." Atahualpa did not want to give up his religion and accept Spanish beliefs like the Spaniards wanted him to. After the disbandment of the Inca people, the Peruvian government was created by the Spanish, and the Inca were forcibly incorporated into the Spanish colonial society. The Spaniards also erased Inca culture through replacement of Incan architecture and traditions. The Inca had a distinct architecture that showed not only their innovations like stone work and single rooms, but also their power in South America. Once the Spaniards arrived though, the architecture of the Incas was lost and replaced with work of the Spanish showing their power and wealth that they brought to South America. The Incas' fancy and elaborate cities were also looted by the Spaniards. Graves were raided and gold was stolen. Atahualpa's palace was stripped of its silver plaques that decorated its entrance. With the creation of Peru, Incas were marginalized and made to accept Spanish culture and government at the loss of their ... Get more on ...
  • 57.
  • 58. The Inca Revolution Essay At its peak, the Inca Empire extended from current–day Quito in the north to current–day Santiago in the south, becoming the largest empire in the word at the time and remaining, to this day, the largest empire to have existed in the western hemisphere. The expansion of the empire came about quickly, with a single Inca credited with expanding the empire by 2,500 miles. It spread out 3,400 miles north to south, composed of about ten million subjects. Despite its large size, it had a smooth– running, complex system of administration. This raised the question that came to be known as the "Inca Paradox" – how could such an advanced and complex civilization not have had a writing system? Some scholars believe quipus, sets of knotted strings used by the Incas to record information, may provide the answer to this question. While the recording of numeral information by quipus has been widely accepted, and has so far not been contested, its possible recording of extra–numeral information has been the subject of debate. The theories concerning quipus center around the numeral versus the extra–numeral content of quipus and, more specifically in the latter category, whether they are a mnemonic device or an actual writing system. In this paper, I aim to analyze and compare the literary and archeological evidence used in support of different scholars' theses as to the nature of the information contained in quipus. The first record of a quipu being catalogued goes back to the early ... Get more on ...
  • 59.
  • 60. The Inca And Inca Culture Have you ever heard of the Inca civilization? Well, the Inca community was a very accomplished empire ; everyone in the empire was unbelievable. The Inca people knew skills many others didn 't know about ; like the Aztecs fought more than they focused on the arts and the Mayan people mainly focused on the arts. Some of their skills were building, art, and farming. Incas built many buildings, like Machu Picchu. The Inca people survived many decades because of their advanced knowledge in farming ; they had many food resources for years ' worth. The Inca civilization worked hard every single day to increase their civilization, from farming to building and dancing to singing. The Inca government is called Tawantinsuyu, and it 's a monarchy ran by Sapa Inca. There were many officers who helped around community wise and just naturally. A Viceroy was a close family member to Sapa Inca that was next in line to rule. A High Priest is who takes care of the religious parts of the empire, he keeps churches running and makes sure the gods are satisfied. Governors of a Quarter are governors that ruled one of the four quarters.(The empire is divided in quarters, called suyu ; the four quarters were Chinchay, Anti, Qulla, and Kunti Suyu). Council of the Realm were powerful nobles. Inspectors are people who make sure you pay taxes, follow the rules, and obey religion. Military generals are family members of Sapa Inca, that he feels are responsible. There are many more, but those ... Get more on ...
  • 61.
  • 62. Change The Incas Good morning/afternoon Ms Beck–Harris and my colleagues. At the beginning of today/evening I will share my discoveries in light of my examination of the Mesoamerican individuals and the change the Incas experienced and the causes and outcomes of these progressions. I found this investigation a bit tedious since there weren't a great deal of primary sources to give a first hand account of the changes but due to the extremely reliable secondary sources, I now have a solid understanding of these complex and interesting people. The focus on this task was to investigate the change the Incas experienced and the causes/consequences of these changes. After researching extensively on my topic, I composed a preliminary hypothesis, which you can see ... Show more content on ... It acted as a starting point in my research since it was a simple question which was broken into 2 sub questions which are my second and third focus question. I looked at what archeological evidence and other primary and secondary texts were available on the Incas to piece together an understanding of their culture.. My exploration has uncovered that the Incas utilised a system of transmitting data using strings called quipus. Each thread would have knots that vary to each other which would yield data. This framework allowed the Incas to have a reasonable, stable society since the quipus recorded data such as; censuses, tax in the form of labour called mit'a, records of yields, traded goods and most importantly historical events which were passed on from generation to generation keeping their values alive since the founding of their empire. Another point is that the Incas were exceptional craftsmen who excelled at masonry. Sources 4,5,9 10 all explicitly state how skilful the Incas are when it came to building large structures such as the pyramids that are found all over South America. Some of the said sources explicitly state that the techniques the Incas utilised were influenced by past civilisations such as the Tihuanco empire and tribes that were conquered by the Incas such as the Chimús. Overall, I can say that sources 4,5,9 and 10 all provide a dominant idea that historians ... Get more on ...
  • 63.
  • 64. Inca Revolutionary Civilization Inca – the revolutionary civilization. Located on Andean Mountains, Inca stretched across Argentina, Peru and Chile. Throughout the empire, there were 3 distinct geographical features: The Andes Mountains, The Atacama desert, and the Amazon rainforest. Incas – also known as the Twantinsuyu ruled the largest pre–Columbian native empire. Close to the end of the 14th century the Empire began to expand from its initial origin, throughout Cuzco of the south of Andes, mountains of South America. By 1500 AD Incas had the largest population in the Americas, but its expansion came to an end with the invasion of the Spaniards. Language Incas spoke was Quechua, and all newly conquered or assimilated regions were required to speak it. Incas incorporated ... Get more on ...
  • 65.
  • 66. Differences Between The Spanish And Inca The balance of power was so uneven between the Spanish and Inca because Spanish has many advantages they used such as they had modern technology that they had from Europe that the use such as better weapons that helps when they fight and newer items. The Spanish also have geography to their advantage because their land was good for farming unlike Inca. The Spanish also had slaves and animals do much of their work so that they wouldn't have to. Inca tried to catch up to them technology wise but by then it was too late and they fell behind so much. The spanish also had things like reading and writing to help them make strategies and plans to attack as well as reading other strategies that worked to help improve their attack on Inca. Spanish ... Get more on ...
  • 67.
  • 68. Machu Picchu And The Inca Hiram Bingham observed the setting. "Stones covered in moss", he recorded. Bingham has explored ruins, trying to find a city by the name a Vilcabamba according to Duane Damon. The Inca civilization interested Bingham. The Inca's creations were worth finding. "Though the explorer was seeking Vilcabamba, he found someplace better". Surely, you have heard of an ancient city in Peru known as Machu Picchu. "The significance of Machu Picchu as a travel destination are the artistic structures, the nature, and the mysteries." Because of Machu Picchu's mesmerizing structures, the city is adored. In the words of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, (UNESCO), Machu Picchu is one of the most important cultural sites in Latin America. The setting has many huge walls, terraces, and ramps as described by UNESCO. "The structures were created manually by man" Bingham wrote. The stones you would think are simply rocks, ... Show more content on ... Machu Picchu is a mysterious site, according to Duane Damon, because the place does not seem to have a purpose. "Hiram Bingham never had his many questions answered. He died a while after he had found Machu Picchu." Many tourists and architects visit the ruins to admire Machu Picchu, but to also wonder. Maybe you will find yourself doing the same. Scientists continue to find information on Machu Picchu to this day.... As has been noted, Machu Picchu is the ruins of an ancient Inca city, as written by Duane Damon. Machu Picchu contains artistic structures, nature, and mysteries. The hand–crafted stones are considered art for some people. Animals enjoy living in the ruins of the city. Machu Picchu is very mysterious. The place is researched and visited frequently, according to Google. If you want someplace to visit, give Machu Picchu a ... Get more on ...
  • 69.
  • 70. Inca Principal Beliefs Principal Beliefs The Incas were fundamentally the leading class of the Emperor's family, who existed as the mythological ancestors Manco Capac and Mama Occla. The Inca people consisted of the South American Indians who ruled an empire that spanned from the northern border of modern Ecuador, to Mendoza in west–central Argentina and the Maule river in central Chile. The Incas have been estimated to have ruled over 12,000,000 people who spoke at least 20 different languages. The Inca society believed that the rich and the poor shouldn't interact with each other because of their social differences and was despised of by the emperor. At that time education was only available for the rich and it was considered a privilege to wear clothes; the ... Show more content on ... Mama Cocha has the power to control the amount of fish in the ocean, the prevention of storms and the calmness of the seas. This meant that her main worshipers were fisherman and sailors. The moon goddess, Mama Quilla, was commonly known as both, Inti's wife and sister. Women were the main worshipers of Mama Quilla because of the belief that she had power over their menstrual cycles and marriages. In the event of a lunar eclipse, the people thought it meant that she was being attacked by an animal and in response, would throw their weapons, such as spears, bow & arrows, slings, clubs and axes, at the moon to try and stop the animal. Mama Quilla was most often represented and recognized as a silver disc because the people of the Inca religion believed that the metal silver was from her tears that had fallen down onto the earth's surface. Some interpretations of her were very similar to Inti, because they both show a semi–circle like disc above their ... Get more on ...
  • 71.
  • 72. Machu Picchu: Similarities Between The Inca And Inca Empires Built at the height of the Inca empire, Machu Picchu is not only one of the world's most stunning man–made wonders, but possibly the most well–known relic of the Americas' most powerful civilization. At the time the structure was built, the Incas ruled the largest nation in the world ; it covered much of South America's west coast and its borders stretched from present day Colombia, southward to the border of modern day Chile. The empire thrived from the twelfth to the fifteenth century until the Spanish conquest in 1572. Although the empire expanded at a rapid speed and covered abundantly diverse areas, Incan emperors effectively unified their empire and maintained legitimacy both socially and politically, by employing unique organizational ... Show more content on ... One way the Inca emperors did this was through effectively gaining and organizing a state labor force. The Roman and Inca empire had many similarities. Additionally to their comparable road systems, the empires also shared an alike system of acquiring labor and handling their people. Similar to the Roman bread and circuses, Inca rulers provided their people with "gifts of luxury goods and elaborate entertainment. The people returned the favors by furnishing their leaders with labor" (Morris). This helped the leaders gain and maintain legitimacy because it not only earned them respect for their moral handling, but also gained them state labor. Possibly the greatest achievement of the Incas were their ability to organise this labor, through the use of curacas. Curacas were often rulers of conquered ethnic groups whose "chief responsibility was to make sure the proper number of people showed up to work for the Incas and to distribute the workload among the households for which each was responsible" (Malpass). This effective distribution of workloads made the empire stronger and more powerful. For example, Pachacuti's use "of the mitmae (labor tax) allowed for one of the most rapid developments of an empire infrastructure in world history" ("Pachacuti Inca Yupanqui"). The procuring and organisation of state labor helped emperors gain legitimacy because they were effectively strengthening their ... Get more on ...
  • 73.
  • 74. Inca Empire Research Paper How is it possible that the small amount of Spanish conquistadors were able to defeat the strong and powerful Inca empire? The successful conquer was due to the death of the Inca king, Wayna Capac, and the spread of smallpox brought over from Europe and carried by Pizarro and his people. This caused the Inca's to break into a civil war on who should be the next king, dividing the people making it easier for the Spaniards to conquer. Although Jared Diamond identified guns and steal and some of the most important things in the spanish conquest, the ultimate fall of the Inca empire was because of the germs from the Europeans and the civil war that broke loose after the fall of the Inca king. The colonization of the Incan empire was made successful ... Show more content on ... Many Spanish voyagers had built up a resistance to smallpox, meaning they carried the disease without being affected by it . The Inca had never been exposed the the disease, so it spread very quickly and was very lethal to all the Inca. The smallpox virus killed the many of the Inca population, including the king, leading to the whole empire to be weakened by sickness before the Spanish even arrived at the empire. The Inca had a much larger amount of people and the Spanish would not have been able to overpower the mass of people if they had not been weakened by smallpox brought over by the Spanish. Many Inca were mourning the loss of loved ones killed by smallpox, and were therefore unready for the spanish invasion. The infections disease spread quickly throughout the empire before the spanish arrived, killing many of the Inca before the invasion even began. Finally, the Inca armies were severely weakened by the amount of soldiers lost due to the dangerous sickness that took many lives. It was made possible for the Spanish conquistadors to successfully conquer the Inca due to the weakened population and the widespread smallpox epidemic that greatly affected the ... Get more on ...
  • 75.
  • 76. Inca Religion The Incas worshiped gods in their temples. The Incas was a large group of people and most of them went to the temples and worshiped. The Incas were influenced traditions while worshipping. The Incas have 10,000,000 people in their population. The chaska owned one of the temples. The priest aided the aulas only. Earthquakes were important to the Incas. Macopacs wife is also is sister from his family. Hunters gathered information from the communities The Incas lost control of an empire. A time scale can record very easily. The Incas map looks like utopia. The head quarters ruled a land called tiwanaku. To the Incas quieu means knot. The Inca tribe ruled massive terrain. The Inca roads were 14,000 miles long. The Incas shared ... Show more content on ... The Incas went to heaven if they were good but they went to the underworld if they lived a bad life. Mummies are sacred to the Incas. The Incas said corichaanh means golden temples. The Incas believed in an afterlife for their whole life. The Incas wrapped material around the dead people to make them mummies. The Incas brought gifts to the dead people so they can use the gift in the afterlife. When you went to the underworld for living a bad life you had to eat rocks. The Incas makes ahuaca man made. The Incas done and made sacrifices in the church rooms. Where they make the sacrifices the room is gold. The Incas temple rooms are made out of cuzco. Sapu acted like himself was a god. The gods believed in innaha pacha. The rest of the temple rooms were for the gods to use. Coricancha used to be the most important temple of them all. Most of the Incas worshiped their own gods. Inti was the most important god of all the gods. There was one more important god but she was the most important from the moon her name is mama quilla. The spanish tore down the coricancha temple. The priest of the temples were the most important to the Incas. The Incas thought that mountains were sacred to them. They had parades for the dead emperors. They keep servant to look out for the dead emperor's body. The incas celebrated every month and every ... Get more on ...
  • 77.
  • 78. Inca Music Research Paper Who were the Inca? Little information pertaining to the Inca Empire has kept a significant aspect of Latin American history shrouded in mystery. With an estimated population of between 15–20 million inhabitants, the Inca should be viewed as prime example of what the Americas were like prior to the Spanish domination of their empire (Martin 41). This means an in depth understanding of whom the Inca are must be accomplish before understanding specific aspects of Inca culture. With so many aspects of the Inca Empire being undocumented, this paper will primarily focus on and give new insight into Inca music, a rarely discussed topic. The paper will see if music of the Inca lives on and how Inca customs have been radically altered from outside sources ranging from religious institutions, foreign nations, and slaves being brought over from Africa. Cultural influences have affected Inca music and have transformed their music into something it never was initially. Background Information– ... Show more content on ... However the beauty of ethnomusicology demonstrates that Inca music still lives on and will continue to survive. Instruments of the Inca may not be made with the same materials or constructed in the same fashion, however these instruments still have a presence in todays world. Hundreds of years have past since truly authentic Inca instruments were played yet a new generation of musicians demonstrates that Inca music is far from being eradicated. This can be seen especially with the Inca wind instruments. Having grown in popularity, instruments like the Kena flute are actively played especially in soundtracks of nature programs. The modernized Kena is now longer in length and no longer made of llama bones. It is now made from wood, which has altered the sound of the instrument. Luckily the sound it produces still sounds like wild life from the Andes (Quena or Kena Flute ... Get more on ...