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"To accomplish great
things, we must not
only act but also
dream, not only
dream, but also
believe." -Anatole France.
"The best of all things
is to learn. Money can
be lost or stolen,
health and strength
may fail, but what you
have committed to
your mind is yours
forever." -Louis L'Amour
Graduation Gives Students
Another Chance to Succeed
Attending school requires hard work
and discipline; follow some tips and
before you know it you'll have
completed another module.
 Bloom where you are planted and
excel wherever you go;
 Don’t expect your post-secondary
school to be like your senior year in
high school;
 When you choose your life’s work,
do something you love;
 When you get “that job,” make
yourself indispensable by being
highly productive and professional.
Don't forget about your family and
friends. Positive attitude brings
positive outcomes.
	JULY						 	 	 																Graduation	Edition 	 											 									 								2013
Jamaica Campus (pgs. 2-4)
Brooklyn Campus (pgs. 5-7)
Arizona Campus (pgs. 8-10)
Graduation Photos (pg. 11)
We’re on the Web
The Academic Advisor
Graduation Speech: Dr. Timothy Cheslik, Director of Academic Affairs-Jamaica
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions
drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and
The author is Steve Jobs, former CEO of APPLE; an individual with an idea, a goal, and the desire to get
there. Some number of months ago each of you had an idea, a goal, and the desire to embark on a new
career. You had the persistence, fortitude, and resolve to get to Graduation and you are to be commended
on a job well done!
As I think back over the last year, I remember all the students and their unique accomplishments but a few
who showed extraordinary determination, commitment, and enthusiasm come to mind:
The 9/17/2012 starting class with Kerwin Norville, Diandra Blades, Charmaine George, Jacob Roach,
Daly Lopez, Brian Ramkhelawan, Daquan Green, Adrine Morgan, Sabrina Roopnareine, and Kathy
Phillips, just to name a few. The entire 9/17 class worked with Students Learning-for-a-Cause to provide a
happier Christmas for children who were sick and in NYHQ. The class put on a bake sale raising over
$250 (the most ever raised in a bake sale at the Jamaica Campus) and collected toys to give to children at
Christmas time who were hospitalized in NYHQ. When the box of toys were full and needed to be packed
for delivery we organized them in the library; it covered 3 tables (15 feet long and 4 feet wide). Those
things alone would be enough for anyone but the class did not stop there. In order to generate as much
interest in attending the bake sale, a number of the students sang Christmas carols and other songs
dedicated to the children while a slide show ran in the background. Finally, a check was written to St.
Jude’s—and matched from the Allen School—from the funds collected at the bake sale.
I am proud to have worked with you and job well done!
Obtaining a certificate of completion for Medical
Assisting or Nursing Assisting takes many hours of
study, preparing homework assignments, listening to
classroom lectures, performing lab skills, and
completion of an internship; all this to be done before
or after a job, while taking care of children or family
members, and with the many personal responsibilities
adults have from day-to-day. No short order indeed and
that accomplishment commands recognition.
Can one person really make a difference? Can one
person persevere in the face of hardship and succeed?
We often think not, but I would like to consider the
words of one individual who posed these thoughts to
graduates at Stanford University in 2005.
The Jamaica campus has proudly announced
Roopchand Gopie as valedictorian for his
outstanding achievement at Allen School.
While Roopchand demonstrated both a GPA
of a 4.0 and a 100% attendance percentage
throughout the program, he also showed a
strong commitment to his studies and the
… That is only because I truly feel that I do not deserve
it more than any other faculty member in the school.
As a community, the faculty members all work as one
toward the same primary goal—to prepare our students
for a better future. It would be pretentious of me to say
that I am not elated to have been singled out for this
appreciation. Therefore, I would like to thank the
administration of Allen School, especially my Campus
Director, Ms. Jill Luke, and my Director of Academic
Affairs, Dr. Tim Cheslik, for this honor and recognition.
I have been with Allen School for 13 years. I have
always cherished the opportunity that Allen School has
afforded me to do—the one thing that I have always
loved—teaching. The school has grown so much from
when I started teaching here. The programs that the
school offers have been improved, upgraded, and kept
current to keep up with the demands of new
methodology, trends, and technology. I am glad that I
have played a small part in the process. Allen School
has given me a great platform to impart what I know to
its student body. The school has given me not only the
opportunity to teach students and help them understand
the importance of education and what it can do to equip
them for whatever future endeavors they may have, but
also to a great extent, the chance for me to develop my
own skills and improve my self-worth. It is a great
pleasure being a part of the Allen School community
where I hope to remain for many more years to come.
The faculty of
the year award
came as a
surprise. I never
really expected
that such an
honor would be
bestowed upon
me … 
I have always told myself that if I get the chance, I would go back to school to get a job in the medical
field. I have always dreamed of working somewhere in this field! In 2011, I got that chance. I spent a few
months going back and forth about the idea, having long conversations with my family. Once the idea of
school became a reality, I started thinking “can I actually do this?” I have been out of school for quite some
time and was worried about getting back into the swing of things with homework, class work, and tests. I
didn’t want to let myself down and I wanted to show my daughter that it is never too late; you just have to
work for it. So, with the support of my family and a leap of faith I enrolled into the Allen School and
started in February 2012.
My time at the Allen School was great! I was pleasantly surprised to see I was not as rusty as I thought I
would be! My teachers were amazing. My classes and classmates were great! We worked together to make
sure we all made it to the end. I was very proud of myself to see how well I was doing in school and that I
was retaining what I was learning, though it wasn’t always easy! There were long nights and early
mornings. Weekends were spent studying and getting a head start on the next week’s homework. My
family helped me study for all my exams with flashcards and quizzed me when I needed it.
I cannot thank all my teachers enough for their patience, kindness, and giving up their free time to make
sure that my classmates and I were comfortable with all the material we were learning. I learned a lot about
myself in my short time at the Allen school feeling much more confident in my professional life. I thank all
my teachers and fellow students for helping me become a better me!
I finished my internship in August 2012, and was hired by my site. Not even 6 months later I was hired by
NYU Langone Medical Center. Now, I have my dream job, in my dream field. I owe it all, not only to
myself and to my hard work and my family, but to the amazing people that helped me along the way at the
Allen School! Thank you!
Forever grateful, for everything. - Cora Gold
Congratulations to Erik Soto on his dedication and 
commitment to the Allen School and our students.  
Although fairly new to his position, Mr. Soto has 
already made an impact on the lives of his students 
and the Jamaica Campus. 
We are lucky to have him as part of the team! 
Graduation Speech: Mr. Lyndon Thomas, Director of Academic Affairs-Brooklyn
Not to long ago I am sure all of you wondered if you would complete the program you set out to finish.
… What you set out to accomplish was not a simple task. It required long hours of reading and studying,
along with many hours of practicing and perfecting your clinical and administrative skills. While you had
some disappointments and some frustration and anger when things didn't go well, you still persevered to
accomplish your goal of graduation and the ability to get a stable career.
There may have even been people who thought that you couldn't do it. But you refused to lose, you refused
to quit, and you refused to give up. That what makes you special: your commitment, your dedication,
and your courage. The Medical Professional that you have become will now and forever always be an
inspiration for others.
Proud parent of an Allen School
There are two major opportunities that can be
afforded to us in this lifetime; the chance to give
comfort and/or healing for the sick, and the
chance to improve the quality of someone’s life.
In my case, I am fortunate enough to have been
given both opportunities.
After putting myself through nursing school at the
age of 18, and later becoming a Social Worker, I
have made it my goal to touch the life of at least
one person each day. Working here at the Allen
School has allowed me to enhance the lives of
many students by sharing my knowledge and
opening the door to much needed resources for
those students who feel like they have nowhere to
I am grateful to the Administration and staff for
their recognition of my work; however, my
greatest joy is in my ability to still touch the life of
at least one student each day. 
I have always been a compassionate person and
worked as a Certified Home Health Aide. I realized
that the medical field was for me and I wanted to go
pursue a career in it.
I am now a proud member of The Allen School of
Health Sciences, Medical Assistant Alumni! Although
I researched other schools prior to choosing Allen
School, I was, and still am, pleasantly surprised by the
level of excellence in academics. In submitting my
resume for employment, my only experience as a
medical assistant has been my training at Allen
School and my internship. In a field loaded with
experienced medical assistants, some with college
degrees, I am finding prestigious companies interested
in interviewing me. With my faith in the Supreme
Being, coupled with my Allen School training, I have
no doubts that I will find the perfect fit!
During my time at the Allen School, I have
learned a lot. My experiences helped me grow
both personally and professionally. At first, I was
not 100% sure this was what I wanted to do but as
time went on, I made friends and we helped pull
each other through. During each module, I pushed
myself harder and harder. Third module was the
toughest for me because we had 5 different
classes. Any obstacle that got in my way, there
were teachers I could go to that helped me
through and get focused on my studies. My
classmates never let me give up. It is so important
to have a good support system. You never know
what a person may be going through. I learned a
lot in my classes. My favorites were EKG and
Phlebotomy. I am so happy that I get the
opportunity to put those skills to use on my
internship. One of the best parts of my experience
at the Allen School was participating in Students
Learning-for-a-Cause. My class chose Hodgkin's
Lymphoma to raise awareness. We raised over
$1,200 to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma
Foundation. These 6 months went by so fast. It
was, by no means, an easy trip, but when you
give 100%, you will get 100% back. If I had to do
it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. I had
some good times and I made it!
Thank you very much for this award. I'm so pleased
and honored to receive it. This award makes my
work ever so much more enjoyable and challenging.
I enjoy teaching for so many reasons; the most
important one is that I learn so much from my
students. My knowledge could not be better without
their help and the help of my colleagues and friends
at Allen School.
I want to give a great big thank you to everyone who
has helped me to discover the joy of teaching. To my
department and colleagues, thank you for all the
support and mentoring you've given me. To all the
staff who keep everything running smoothly, thank
you very much for your hard work. Finally, to my
students: Be courteous to people. Be passionate
about your work. Remember – The More humble
you are the more respect you get.
Good luck to you in your all your future endeavors.
Graduation Speech: Dr. Libby Hunt, Director of Academic Affairs-Arizona Campus
Congratulations! You have worked hard and now have the privilege of joining the field of health care. This
gift should not be taken lightly. After almost 20 years of working in medicine, I can assure you the health
care field will not only bring great rewards and opportunity, but also challenges and adversity. You have
each exemplified The Allen School core values of dedication, integrity, teamwork, and excellence. These
values you have demonstrated during your educational journey will carry you through challenges as well as
successes. You began your course work 9 months ago nervous and excited all rolled up into one wonderful
and overwhelming feeling! Did you think it would be easy? No, but you knew that nothing is possible unless
you took that first step.
May today be the beginning of a long and successful career in healthcare …With each new day, try to learn
more, try to help more, try to serve your community more. Take chances. There will be challenges, but know
that the next rock in your path might be a stepping stone. Each and every one of you will use the core values
exemplified by this great school to achieve great success. You will learn something from every patient and
person who passes through your lives... Some lessons are painful, some are painless… but all are priceless.
Take this feeling of pride and accomplishment you have and continue to achieve greatness.
Congratulations, again!
It is an honor to be recognized as the Faculty-of-
the-Year for my work with our Allen School
online students and instructors. I'd like to thank
the students for letting me into their lives and
minds. It brings me great joy to contribute to their
I never imagined how much I would be able to
connect personally with online students, having
never met face-to-face. However, I continue to
learn from them daily and impart what I know to
help them succeed.
I would like to thank the Allen School of Health
Sciences and all of my instructors for the support
and encouragement given during my studies in the
Medical Billing and Coding Program.
I was always curious about the billing and coding
aspect in healthcare, and in January of 2012 I was
able to pursue that curiosity when I began the
MIBC program.
The schedule for my classes was a perfect fit for
my daily activities, and each day I was excited to
learn something new.
I took the Certified Professional Coding exam the
day after the program ended and I passed. Two
weeks later I began my new career as a medical
biller and coder.
Again, thank you to all of my instructors and
fellow classmates, and a special thank you to Ms.
Rosalin Dent. You encouraged me to go after what
I wanted to achieve!
I am much honored to receive the 2013 Core
Educate Values Award. This is my seventh year with
Allen School, and I had the privilege of creating the
original, and now updated—Health Information
Management and Medical Law and Ethics courses
for the MIBC program. I've enjoyed teaching both
courses and have worked to continuously improve
them ever since that time. I have also substituted for
every single course in the program, so I have come
to understand just how much students learn in their
studies at the school.
The thing which I appreciate most about teaching for
Allen School is the opportunity to see students
succeed, creating better lives for themselves and
their families in the process. I am very pleased to be
a part of their success.
Congratulations to the graduates and thank you
When I received the Educate Values Student
award, I was honored and surprised. I just
thought it was fantastic.
At the Allen School, I love helping people and
my classmates. The Allen School instructors
made it so much fun to learn. As we get older in
age, sometimes we think we are not quite ready
to start something new. My time spent at Allen
school was an excellent choice; I had a
wonderful time and I got to meet wonderful
people while creating new friendships that
hopefully will last a lifetime. The instructors
that we had were helpful and informative …
… Take my advice, if you get the urge to say “I
want to try a new career or try something new”,
The Allen School of Health Sciences is the way
to go.
Completing the Allen school training in medical
coding and billing made me so proud. I am
stepping out on faith … I will prosper and you
will too.

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July 2013 Academic Affairs Newsletter

  • 1.                                                   "To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only dream, but also believe." -Anatole France. "The best of all things is to learn. Money can be lost or stolen, health and strength may fail, but what you have committed to your mind is yours forever." -Louis L'Amour Graduation Gives Students Another Chance to Succeed 2013 SUCCESS TIPS: Attending school requires hard work and discipline; follow some tips and before you know it you'll have completed another module.  Bloom where you are planted and excel wherever you go;  Don’t expect your post-secondary school to be like your senior year in high school;  When you choose your life’s work, do something you love;  When you get “that job,” make yourself indispensable by being highly productive and professional. Don't forget about your family and friends. Positive attitude brings positive outcomes.       JULY Graduation Edition 2013  IN THIS ISSUE Jamaica Campus (pgs. 2-4) Brooklyn Campus (pgs. 5-7) Arizona Campus (pgs. 8-10) Graduation Photos (pg. 11)  We’re on the Web The Academic Advisor
  • 2. JAMAICA CAMPUS Graduation Speech: Dr. Timothy Cheslik, Director of Academic Affairs-Jamaica Campus “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” The author is Steve Jobs, former CEO of APPLE; an individual with an idea, a goal, and the desire to get there. Some number of months ago each of you had an idea, a goal, and the desire to embark on a new career. You had the persistence, fortitude, and resolve to get to Graduation and you are to be commended on a job well done! As I think back over the last year, I remember all the students and their unique accomplishments but a few who showed extraordinary determination, commitment, and enthusiasm come to mind: The 9/17/2012 starting class with Kerwin Norville, Diandra Blades, Charmaine George, Jacob Roach, Daly Lopez, Brian Ramkhelawan, Daquan Green, Adrine Morgan, Sabrina Roopnareine, and Kathy Phillips, just to name a few. The entire 9/17 class worked with Students Learning-for-a-Cause to provide a happier Christmas for children who were sick and in NYHQ. The class put on a bake sale raising over $250 (the most ever raised in a bake sale at the Jamaica Campus) and collected toys to give to children at Christmas time who were hospitalized in NYHQ. When the box of toys were full and needed to be packed for delivery we organized them in the library; it covered 3 tables (15 feet long and 4 feet wide). Those things alone would be enough for anyone but the class did not stop there. In order to generate as much interest in attending the bake sale, a number of the students sang Christmas carols and other songs dedicated to the children while a slide show ran in the background. Finally, a check was written to St. Jude’s—and matched from the Allen School—from the funds collected at the bake sale. I am proud to have worked with you and job well done! Obtaining a certificate of completion for Medical Assisting or Nursing Assisting takes many hours of study, preparing homework assignments, listening to classroom lectures, performing lab skills, and completion of an internship; all this to be done before or after a job, while taking care of children or family members, and with the many personal responsibilities adults have from day-to-day. No short order indeed and that accomplishment commands recognition. Can one person really make a difference? Can one person persevere in the face of hardship and succeed? We often think not, but I would like to consider the words of one individual who posed these thoughts to graduates at Stanford University in 2005.
  • 3. JAMAICA CAMPUS STUDENT VALEDICTORIAN ROOPCHAND GOPIE The Jamaica campus has proudly announced Roopchand Gopie as valedictorian for his outstanding achievement at Allen School. While Roopchand demonstrated both a GPA of a 4.0 and a 100% attendance percentage throughout the program, he also showed a strong commitment to his studies and the Institution. Congratulations!             FACULTY FACULTY-OF-THE-YEAR DR. OLIVA RODRIGO   … That is only because I truly feel that I do not deserve it more than any other faculty member in the school. As a community, the faculty members all work as one toward the same primary goal—to prepare our students for a better future. It would be pretentious of me to say that I am not elated to have been singled out for this appreciation. Therefore, I would like to thank the administration of Allen School, especially my Campus Director, Ms. Jill Luke, and my Director of Academic Affairs, Dr. Tim Cheslik, for this honor and recognition. I have been with Allen School for 13 years. I have always cherished the opportunity that Allen School has afforded me to do—the one thing that I have always loved—teaching. The school has grown so much from when I started teaching here. The programs that the school offers have been improved, upgraded, and kept current to keep up with the demands of new methodology, trends, and technology. I am glad that I have played a small part in the process. Allen School has given me a great platform to impart what I know to its student body. The school has given me not only the opportunity to teach students and help them understand the importance of education and what it can do to equip them for whatever future endeavors they may have, but also to a great extent, the chance for me to develop my own skills and improve my self-worth. It is a great pleasure being a part of the Allen School community where I hope to remain for many more years to come. The faculty of the year award came as a pleasant surprise. I never really expected that such an honor would be bestowed upon me … 
  • 4. JAMAICA CAMPUS STUDENT CORE EDUCATE VALUES RECIPIENT CORA GOLD I have always told myself that if I get the chance, I would go back to school to get a job in the medical field. I have always dreamed of working somewhere in this field! In 2011, I got that chance. I spent a few months going back and forth about the idea, having long conversations with my family. Once the idea of school became a reality, I started thinking “can I actually do this?” I have been out of school for quite some time and was worried about getting back into the swing of things with homework, class work, and tests. I didn’t want to let myself down and I wanted to show my daughter that it is never too late; you just have to work for it. So, with the support of my family and a leap of faith I enrolled into the Allen School and started in February 2012. My time at the Allen School was great! I was pleasantly surprised to see I was not as rusty as I thought I would be! My teachers were amazing. My classes and classmates were great! We worked together to make sure we all made it to the end. I was very proud of myself to see how well I was doing in school and that I was retaining what I was learning, though it wasn’t always easy! There were long nights and early mornings. Weekends were spent studying and getting a head start on the next week’s homework. My family helped me study for all my exams with flashcards and quizzed me when I needed it. I cannot thank all my teachers enough for their patience, kindness, and giving up their free time to make sure that my classmates and I were comfortable with all the material we were learning. I learned a lot about myself in my short time at the Allen school feeling much more confident in my professional life. I thank all my teachers and fellow students for helping me become a better me! I finished my internship in August 2012, and was hired by my site. Not even 6 months later I was hired by NYU Langone Medical Center. Now, I have my dream job, in my dream field. I owe it all, not only to myself and to my hard work and my family, but to the amazing people that helped me along the way at the Allen School! Thank you! Forever grateful, for everything. - Cora Gold FACULTY CORE EDUCATE VALUES RECIPIENT ERIK SOTO   Congratulations to Erik Soto on his dedication and  commitment to the Allen School and our students.   Although fairly new to his position, Mr. Soto has  already made an impact on the lives of his students  and the Jamaica Campus.  We are lucky to have him as part of the team! 
  • 5. BROOKLYN CAMPUS Graduation Speech: Mr. Lyndon Thomas, Director of Academic Affairs-Brooklyn Campus Not to long ago I am sure all of you wondered if you would complete the program you set out to finish. … What you set out to accomplish was not a simple task. It required long hours of reading and studying, along with many hours of practicing and perfecting your clinical and administrative skills. While you had some disappointments and some frustration and anger when things didn't go well, you still persevered to accomplish your goal of graduation and the ability to get a stable career. There may have even been people who thought that you couldn't do it. But you refused to lose, you refused to quit, and you refused to give up. That what makes you special: your commitment, your dedication, and your courage. The Medical Professional that you have become will now and forever always be an inspiration for others. Proud parent of an Allen School graduate—Congratulations!
  • 6. BROOKLYN CAMPUS FACULTY FACULTY-OF-THE-YEAR DEBORAH BINGHAM There are two major opportunities that can be afforded to us in this lifetime; the chance to give comfort and/or healing for the sick, and the chance to improve the quality of someone’s life. In my case, I am fortunate enough to have been given both opportunities. After putting myself through nursing school at the age of 18, and later becoming a Social Worker, I have made it my goal to touch the life of at least one person each day. Working here at the Allen School has allowed me to enhance the lives of many students by sharing my knowledge and opening the door to much needed resources for those students who feel like they have nowhere to turn. I am grateful to the Administration and staff for their recognition of my work; however, my greatest joy is in my ability to still touch the life of at least one student each day.  STUDENT VALEDICTORIAN SHIRLEEN V. CHANDLER + I have always been a compassionate person and worked as a Certified Home Health Aide. I realized that the medical field was for me and I wanted to go pursue a career in it. I am now a proud member of The Allen School of Health Sciences, Medical Assistant Alumni! Although I researched other schools prior to choosing Allen School, I was, and still am, pleasantly surprised by the level of excellence in academics. In submitting my resume for employment, my only experience as a medical assistant has been my training at Allen School and my internship. In a field loaded with experienced medical assistants, some with college degrees, I am finding prestigious companies interested in interviewing me. With my faith in the Supreme Being, coupled with my Allen School training, I have no doubts that I will find the perfect fit!
  • 7. BROOKLYN CAMPUS STUDENT CORE EDUCATE VALUES RECIPIENT BRANDI BAINES  During my time at the Allen School, I have learned a lot. My experiences helped me grow both personally and professionally. At first, I was not 100% sure this was what I wanted to do but as time went on, I made friends and we helped pull each other through. During each module, I pushed myself harder and harder. Third module was the toughest for me because we had 5 different classes. Any obstacle that got in my way, there were teachers I could go to that helped me through and get focused on my studies. My classmates never let me give up. It is so important to have a good support system. You never know what a person may be going through. I learned a lot in my classes. My favorites were EKG and Phlebotomy. I am so happy that I get the opportunity to put those skills to use on my internship. One of the best parts of my experience at the Allen School was participating in Students Learning-for-a-Cause. My class chose Hodgkin's Lymphoma to raise awareness. We raised over $1,200 to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Foundation. These 6 months went by so fast. It was, by no means, an easy trip, but when you give 100%, you will get 100% back. If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing. I had some good times and I made it! FACULTY CORE EDUCATE VALUES RECIPIENT RANEN KUNDU Thank you very much for this award. I'm so pleased and honored to receive it. This award makes my work ever so much more enjoyable and challenging. I enjoy teaching for so many reasons; the most important one is that I learn so much from my students. My knowledge could not be better without their help and the help of my colleagues and friends at Allen School. I want to give a great big thank you to everyone who has helped me to discover the joy of teaching. To my department and colleagues, thank you for all the support and mentoring you've given me. To all the staff who keep everything running smoothly, thank you very much for your hard work. Finally, to my students: Be courteous to people. Be passionate about your work. Remember – The More humble you are the more respect you get. Good luck to you in your all your future endeavors.
  • 8. ARIZONA CAMPUS Graduation Speech: Dr. Libby Hunt, Director of Academic Affairs-Arizona Campus Congratulations! You have worked hard and now have the privilege of joining the field of health care. This gift should not be taken lightly. After almost 20 years of working in medicine, I can assure you the health care field will not only bring great rewards and opportunity, but also challenges and adversity. You have each exemplified The Allen School core values of dedication, integrity, teamwork, and excellence. These values you have demonstrated during your educational journey will carry you through challenges as well as successes. You began your course work 9 months ago nervous and excited all rolled up into one wonderful and overwhelming feeling! Did you think it would be easy? No, but you knew that nothing is possible unless you took that first step. May today be the beginning of a long and successful career in healthcare …With each new day, try to learn more, try to help more, try to serve your community more. Take chances. There will be challenges, but know that the next rock in your path might be a stepping stone. Each and every one of you will use the core values exemplified by this great school to achieve great success. You will learn something from every patient and person who passes through your lives... Some lessons are painful, some are painless… but all are priceless. Take this feeling of pride and accomplishment you have and continue to achieve greatness. Congratulations, again!
  • 9. ARIZONA CAMPUS   Congratulations! FACULTY FACULTY-OF-THE-YEAR DR. JAMIE GOTTO It is an honor to be recognized as the Faculty-of- the-Year for my work with our Allen School online students and instructors. I'd like to thank the students for letting me into their lives and minds. It brings me great joy to contribute to their success! I never imagined how much I would be able to connect personally with online students, having never met face-to-face. However, I continue to learn from them daily and impart what I know to help them succeed. STUDENT VALEDICTORIAN TONI BONNETTE, CPC-A I would like to thank the Allen School of Health Sciences and all of my instructors for the support and encouragement given during my studies in the Medical Billing and Coding Program. I was always curious about the billing and coding aspect in healthcare, and in January of 2012 I was able to pursue that curiosity when I began the MIBC program. The schedule for my classes was a perfect fit for my daily activities, and each day I was excited to learn something new. I took the Certified Professional Coding exam the day after the program ended and I passed. Two weeks later I began my new career as a medical biller and coder. Again, thank you to all of my instructors and fellow classmates, and a special thank you to Ms. Rosalin Dent. You encouraged me to go after what I wanted to achieve!
  • 10. ARIZONA CAMPUS FACULTY CORE EDUCATE VALUES RECIPIENT DERYL GULLIFORD I am much honored to receive the 2013 Core Educate Values Award. This is my seventh year with Allen School, and I had the privilege of creating the original, and now updated—Health Information Management and Medical Law and Ethics courses for the MIBC program. I've enjoyed teaching both courses and have worked to continuously improve them ever since that time. I have also substituted for every single course in the program, so I have come to understand just how much students learn in their studies at the school. The thing which I appreciate most about teaching for Allen School is the opportunity to see students succeed, creating better lives for themselves and their families in the process. I am very pleased to be a part of their success. Congratulations to the graduates and thank you again! STUDENT CORE EDUCATE VALUES RECIPIENT DOMINIQUE “DOMO” LAWSON   When I received the Educate Values Student award, I was honored and surprised. I just thought it was fantastic. At the Allen School, I love helping people and my classmates. The Allen School instructors made it so much fun to learn. As we get older in age, sometimes we think we are not quite ready to start something new. My time spent at Allen school was an excellent choice; I had a wonderful time and I got to meet wonderful people while creating new friendships that hopefully will last a lifetime. The instructors that we had were helpful and informative … … Take my advice, if you get the urge to say “I want to try a new career or try something new”, The Allen School of Health Sciences is the way to go. Completing the Allen school training in medical coding and billing made me so proud. I am stepping out on faith … I will prosper and you will too.