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Ablation of Osteoid Osteoma of Lower Extremity using Dynamic 
Hip Screw Drill 
Freih Odeh Abu Hassan1, F.R.C.S (Eng), F.R.C.S M.B.,BCh. Tarek Nayef Altamimi1, M.B.,BCh,J.P.Orth 
الاهداف : لتقييم فعالية الاسترشاد بجهاز الاشعه ذو الصوره الأكثر حده ومثقاب مفصل الورك الديناميكي ) 9مم( كطريقه 
جراحيه دنيا في استئصال الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم عن طريق الجلد في الاطراف السفليه عند الاطفال والبالغين. 
مكان الدراسه : قسم جراحة العظام في مستشفى الجامعه الاردنيه - عمان 
4 سنه ومتوسط اعمارهم - المواد والطرق : تم علاج 18 من الاطفال والبالغين ) 11 ذكور، 7 اناث( عمرهم يتراوح بين 16 
) 18- 2006 . متوسط فترة المتابعه السريريه ) 35.37 ( شهر ) المدى 78 - 12.17 سنه في الفتره الواقعه مابين عام 1999 
شهر. حالات في عظم القصبه. 414 حاله كانت في عظم الفخذ كل المرضى تمت معالجتهم من قبل الباحث الاول عن طريق 
الجلد تحت المخدر العام باستخدام مثقاب مفصل الورك الديناميكي و جهاز الاشعه ذو الصوره الأكثر حده. 
النتائج: دلت النتائج الاوليه شفاء 16 مريض )% 88.88 ( في الاسبوع الاول عن طريق الثقب مره واحده. احتاج مريضين 
11.11% ( الثقب مره اخرى بعد اسبوعين نتيجة فشل المثقاب الاول أستهداف ( 
موطن نشوء الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم . المضاعفات تضمنت كسر في عظم القصبه وحالتين تضمنت خدوش جلديه في 
الساق نتيجة المثقاب. صنفت الاستجابه السريريه جيده في كل المرضى اعتمادا” على المتابعه الطويله والمتوسطه. 
الاستنتاج : أستخدام جهاز الاشعه ذو الصوره الأكثر حده لتحديد موقع الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم اثناء العمليه مع استخدام 
مثقاب مفصل الورك الديناميكي أعطى طريقة شافيه أمينه وفعاله مع فقدان عظم قليل. يمكن استخدام هذه الطريقه كبديل 
للتقنيات المعياريه لازالة الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم. استخدام هذه الطريقه للقصبه يمكن ان يؤدي الى مضاعفات اكثر. 
مفتاح الكلمات : الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم. 
Objectives: Evaluate the efficacy of Image Intensifier- guidance percutaneous ablation of osteoid osteoma of lower 
extremity in children and adolescents. using a dynamic hip-screw (DHS) drill pit (9- mm) as a minimally invasive 
Setting: Orthopaedic department at Jordan University Hospital –Amman. 
Methods: The Study Started from November 1999 October 2006, Treating 18 children, (eleven males and seven females), 
with a mean age of 12.17 years (range 4–16 years). The mean follow-up period was 35.37 months (range 18–78 months). 
There were fourteen lesions in the femur and four in the tibia. All patients were treated percutaneously under Image 
intensifier guidance by the first author under general anesthesia. 
Results: Initial clinical success in the first week was achieved in 88.88% of children (16/18) from drilling once. Two 
patients 11.11% needed redrilling two weeks later after failure of the first drilling to target the nidus. Complications 
included one fractured tibia and two skin abrasions over the tibia. At long- and medium term follow-up, all patients were 
classified to have good clinical response. 
Conclusion: The combination of intraoperative localization of osteoid osteoma by image intensifier, using a dynamic 
hip-screw (DHS) drill, resulted in an efficient, safe, and curative procedure with minimal bone loss. This method can be 
used as an alternative to the standard techniques for removal of osteoid osteoma. Using the technique for the tibia may 
be associated with higher incidence of complications 
Keywords: Osteoid osteoma, Nidus, Image intensifier, Drilling, DHS drill. 
1 Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, Jordan University- Amman 
JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3 101
Freih Odeh Abu Hassan, Tarek Nayef Altamimi 
Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumour consisting of 
an osteoid nidus in a highly vascular connective tissue 
stroma.1, 2 It accounts for approximately two-to-three per 
cent of all primary bone neoplasms with a predilection for 
the major long bones of patients younger than forty years.1, 
2 These tumours are painful, and demonstrate characteristic 
clinical picture and radiographic features. Clinical 
diagnosis is made with the radiological appearance of a 
small radiolucent area, known as the nidus, equal to or 
less than 1.5 cms surrounded by a thick zone of sclerotic 
bone which is smooth, convex, and homogeneously dense, 
especially in the cortical bone.1 The traditional treatment 
of osteoid osteoma consists of surgical en bloc excision.2, 3 
but it has a high complication rate.4 Treatment varies from 
conservative to surgical en bloc excision of the nidus .2, 3, 5 
by percutaneous CT-guided excision, 6-8 destruction of the 
nidus using radiofrequency thermocoagulation, 9-11 or laser 
photocoagulation. 12, 13 These modalities have been shown 
to have many advantages and fewer complications over 
the traditional en block excision. Most minimal invasive 
techniques require a special equipments, CT scan and 
facilities for general anaesthesia for the removal of osteoid 
osteoma. 2, 5, 7, 11, 13 These facilities are usually available 
in special centers. We selected to use the commonly 
available instruments. We have used a minimal invasive 
percutaneous technique using a dynamic hip-screw (DHS) 
drill (9 mm) successfully, with the aim of mechanical local 
destruction of the nidus through a one centimetre incision 
with minimal bone loss under direct visualization of the 
image intensifier. 
Materials and methods 
From November 1999 to Octobar 2006, eighteen 
consecutive children with osteoid osteoma were treated 
with an image intensifier-guided percutaneous drilling 
using a Dynamic Hip Screw drill pit (9-mm). There were 
eleven males and seven females, with a mean age of 12.17 
years (range 4–16 years), and the mean follow-up period 
was 35.37 months (range 18–78 months). 
(Table-1) All patients had typical clinical and radiographic 
findings of osteoid osteoma. Pre-operative clinical 
evaluation included detailed medical history, patients’ 
gender, age, location of the lesion, and thorough clinical 
examination, pain severity, the response to aspirin or 
anti-inflammatory drugs, the limitations of function, and 
daily or recreational activities.All patients had severe 
pain that usually worsened at night and had taken some 
analgesics or narcotic injections and at least one course 
of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs for pain relief. 
Pre-operative imaging evaluation included standard 
radiographs, anterioposterior and lateral films.All patients 
Figure-1: Plain radiograph of the hip showing well 
visualized radiolucent nidus in the basal neck of the 
femur with mild sclerosis 
Table-1 Clinical characteristics of the patients 
(years) Sex Site of the Lesion 
(months) Approach 
1 10 F Femur neck 10 34 Lateral 
2 13 M Femur neck 18 43 Lateral 
3 10 F Femur neck 10 34 Lateral 
4 14 F Femur neck 12 36 Lateral 
5 16 M Femur neck 10 66 Lateral 
6 16 M Femur neck 16 18 Lateral 
7 12 M Femur neck 23 18 Medial 
8 15 M Femur neck 13 20 Medial 
9 13 F Trochanteric area 15 44 Lateral 
10 15 M Trochanteric area 96 48 Lateral 
11 5 M Subtrochanteric 
area 18 20 Medial 
12 4 F Proximal third 
femur 6 22 Lateral 
13 10 F Distal third 
femur 18 42 Medial 
14 15 F Distal third 
femur 24 18 Lateral 
15 11 F Proximal tibia 5 42 Anterior 
16 14 M Proximal tibia 36 37 Anterior 
17 14 M Shaft tibia 6 38 Medial 
18 15 M Distal tibia 12 30 Anterior 
102 JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3
Ablation of Osteoid Osteoma of Lower Extremity using Dynamic Hip Screw Drill 
had computed axial tomography scans with positive 
nidus, which allowed precise assessment of its size and 
location. Six referred patients had bone Scintigraphy and 
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) inspite all lesions 
were very clear on a computed tomography (CT) scan. 
Follow-up evaluation included clinical examination and a 
questionnaire, and radiographic evaluation was conducted 
postoperatively at regular intervals.Three cases required 
postoperative CT-scans, two due to the persistence of their 
initial symptoms and one for parents’ request. The delay 
between referral to hospital and correct diagnosis varied 
from 5 to 96 months (mean 19.75 months).The diagnosis 
was clear on the plain radiographs by a well-visualized 
nidus in thirteenpatients (Figure -1).Three cases of tibial 
lesions needed a preoperative application of cross skin 
mark under CT-scan guidance due to excessively dense 
Figure-2A: Anterior posterior plain radiograph 
demonstrating the insertion of the Kirschner wire inside 
the nidus 
bone. All cases had preoperative plan of the direction of 
the guide wire after proper study of their plain radiograph 
and CT-scan images for the exact location of the nidus. 
Operative technique The Proce edures were performed by 
first author with the patient on a radiolucent table under 
general anaesthesia the affected part of the limb is examined 
by a high- resolution image intensifier. Magnification and 
adjustment of contrast are often required to see the nidus 
clearly in both antero – posterior and lateral planes. After 
cleaning and draping, a small (1 cm) skin incision was made 
at the entry point guided by image intensifier and blunt 
dissection was done with haemostat or mosquito.All cases 
of neck femur lesions were approached from the lateral side 
in the intertrochanteric region except two case from the 
medial side, while in the other femoral and tibial lesions 
we selected the appropriate approach.A 2.5 mms Kirschner 
wire is introduced into the centre of the nidus crossing the 
sclerotic bones by an air drill, under image-intensifier control 
and viewed in two planes (Figure- 2A, B). 
Figure-2B: Lateral plain radiograph demonstrating the 
insertion of the kirschner wire inside the nidus. 
Figure-3: Anterior posterior plain radiograph demonstrating 
the insertion of the dynamic hip-screw (DHS) drill to 
destruct the nidus. 
In those cases with difficult visualization by image 
intensifier the Kirschner wire is advanced perpendicular to 
the transection of cross skin mark lines.A cannulated 9 mm 
DHS drill pit is advanced automatically gradually along 
the guide wire under the control of an image intensifier, 
followed by drilling through the nidus without removing 
a block of bone or curettage. (Figure-3) Two lesions, one 
in the proximal tibia and one in the distal tibia, required 
perforation of the anterior and posterior cortices of the 
bone because the nidus was located in the posterior cortex. 
At the end of the Proceedures, irrigation of the tract with 
normal saline was performed and the wound was closed 
with one stitch, followed by compressive sterile dressing. 
JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3 103
Freih Odeh Abu Hassan, Tarek Nayef Altamimi 
The patients were mobilized on protected, full-weight 
bearing, on the first postoperative day with the help of 
crutches for two weeks, and advised to avoid sports for a 
minimum of six weeks. 
There were fourteen lesions in the femur and four in the 
tibia. Lesion size was calculated from the CT scan from 
the axial, sagittal and coronal cuts. The size was measured 
from 5×5×3 mm to 14×13×8 mm. The average operating 
time was sixteen minutes (range 7–21 minute). In the 
morning following the operation a clinical evaluation was 
performed for each patient to assess changes in his/her 
preoperative symptoms. Patients were discharged home 
on simple oral paracetamol analgesia for 5 days after 
discharge. The average time in hospital after surgery was 
1.3 days (range 1– 3 days). During follow-up, patients 
were examined by the first author in the first week, second 
week, and fourth week after the procedure, and then at 
three months, six months and then annually, evaluating the 
presence of pain or associated symptoms. A good initial 
clinical response was achieved in 88.88 per cent of children 
(16/18) in the first week postoperatively. 
Figure-4: CT scan of the neck of femur showing nidus in 
the posterior medial aspect of femoral neck that needed 
twice drilling due to poor visualization. 
There were two failures in the primary procedure, one 
patient had a lesion situated within the posterior medial 
cortex of the neck of the femur (Figure-4), and the other 
in the posterior cortex of the proximal tibia, those two 
cases had the same pattern of night pain after one week of 
surgery, they required CT scan to identify the remaining 
nidus, a repeat procedure through the original incision after 
2 weeks of the original procedure and was successful in 
both patients. Other complications included one case who 
encountered a fractured tibia due to non compliant patient 
who had a fall while playing football after two weeks of 
surgery (Figure-5), which was treated conservatively by 
the application of a cast for eight weeks. Two cases had 
skin abrasions over the distal tibia caused by the drill, 
which responded to local treatment. Rehabilitation was 
rapid and uncomplicated and by six weeks patients had 
returned to normal activities, including sport. At long- and 
Figure-5: Lateral plain radiograph demonstrating the long 
oblique fractured tibia with slight displacement and the 
site of drilling hole in the midshaft of tibia . 
medium term follow-up, all patients were classified as 
good clinical response, thus 100% of the patients had a 
good rating at the last evaluation. 
For many years, traditional surgical treatments have ranged 
from local resection with a burr and curettage to wide 
resection with bone grafting and metallic fixation, because 
patients cannot tolerate the pain and wished to avoid the 
long-term use of oral medications.2, 3, 5 Complete excision 
of the nidus involves removal of the surrounding normal 
bone. It is difficult to make an exact identification intra-operatively 
because the nidus is usually too small, even 
when CT, bone scanning, angiography, or fluoroscopic 
guidance are used.2 Usually the nidus is well visualized 
in good quality plain radiograph as happened in most 
of our cases. The disadvantages of traditional surgical 
excision are the need for wide resections disproportionate 
to the small size of the lesion to ensure complete tumour 
removal.2, 14 Therefore, patients may require longer period 
of protected weight-bearing, may have pain at the bone 
graft donor site, and may need to refrain from normal 
activities for a prolonged interval.3, 5, 14 Surgical therapy is 
successful in 88–100% of cases in the published series.15 
Surgical treatment of osteoid osteoma should be used 
only in locations that are inaccessible for a percutaneous 
approach.2 Minimally invasive techniques have been 
104 JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3
Ablation of Osteoid Osteoma of Lower Extremity using Dynamic Hip Screw Drill 
developed to match the tissue damage to the small size of 
the lesion. Different percutaneous techniques have been 
described as alternative therapeutic options: percutaneous 
resection under CT-guided radiofrequency ablation; and 
laser photocoagulation.6, 8, 9, 10, 12 The advantages of these 
minimally invasive techniques include the immediate 
verification of complete nidus removal and rapid 
relief of symptoms after nidus excision.7, 8, 11, 13 Many 
current minimally invasive methods needs special tools, 
instruments, anesthesia machine in the CT room and set up 
system, which may not be present in each hospital. 
Our technique a part from being minimally invasive, simple 
and does not require special set up system, is performed by 
general orthopaedist. This technique has been effective, 
with a good clinical response in 88.23 per cent of cases 
from the first drilling, and 100 per cent from the second 
drilling. These results are comparable with other minimal 
invasive methods. 5, 7, 8, 11, 13 There was one fracture in our 
series due to non-compliance to strict non-sport activity 
for six weeks postoperatively. The main disadvantage 
of this technique is the lack of sufficient material for 
pathological examination but this disadvantage should 
not be viewed as a major insufficiency of the method, 
especially as this is even observed after surgical excision 
and other minimal invasive surgical procedures.3, 4, 8, 10, 12 
On the other hand, histological confirmation with minimal-access 
techniques is not crucial as appropriate diagnosis 
can be made on clinical grounds reinforced by imaging 
techniques.3, 9, 16,17 Other disadvantages is the limitation of 
their use on the spine, and small-bone lesions owing to the 
risk of a large drill hole, difficult localization of the nidus 
under image intensifier and the risk of thermal injury to 
neural tissue and this is applicable to other percutaneous 
resection techniques.6-8 The patient needs to use crutches 
as a protective precaution for the first two weeks only, 
but this is not a real disadvantage as many other surgical 
procedures need the same.18 The advantages to the patient 
of a minimally invasive procedure, with small scars and 
rapid mobilization, brief hospitalization, and immediate 
protected, weight-bearing mobilization.We suggest that 
our method is more applicable for the well-visualized 
nidus through a plain radiograph by most orthopaedic 
surgeons. The use of the radiolucent table and the high-resolution 
image intensifier for anteroposterior and lateral 
radiographs is familiar to all orthopaedic doctors and the 
equipment of DHS reamer is widely available. The results 
of this study confirm the long- and medium term efficacy 
of this simple percutaneous technique of osteoid osteoma 
in children and adolescents. We think that our technique 
is a minimally invasive technique, simple, easy, safe, has 
minimal bone loss, easily tolerated by the patient, with 
shorter hospital stay, and a reliable procedure for well-visualized 
osteoid osteoma of large bones of the lower 
limbs if other expensive special tools are not available. 
However using the technique for the tibia is associated 
with more complications than with using it for the femoral 
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JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3 105

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Prof Freih Abu Hassan البروفيسور فريح ابوحسان
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Prof Freih Abu Hassan البروفيسور فريح ابوحسان
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Ablation of osteoid osteoma - البروفيسور فريح ابوحسان – استشاري جراحة العظام في الاردن

  • 1. Ablation of Osteoid Osteoma of Lower Extremity using Dynamic Hip Screw Drill Freih Odeh Abu Hassan1, F.R.C.S (Eng), F.R.C.S M.B.,BCh. Tarek Nayef Altamimi1, M.B.,BCh,J.P.Orth الخلاصة الاهداف : لتقييم فعالية الاسترشاد بجهاز الاشعه ذو الصوره الأكثر حده ومثقاب مفصل الورك الديناميكي ) 9مم( كطريقه جراحيه دنيا في استئصال الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم عن طريق الجلد في الاطراف السفليه عند الاطفال والبالغين. مكان الدراسه : قسم جراحة العظام في مستشفى الجامعه الاردنيه - عمان 4 سنه ومتوسط اعمارهم - المواد والطرق : تم علاج 18 من الاطفال والبالغين ) 11 ذكور، 7 اناث( عمرهم يتراوح بين 16 ) 18- 2006 . متوسط فترة المتابعه السريريه ) 35.37 ( شهر ) المدى 78 - 12.17 سنه في الفتره الواقعه مابين عام 1999 شهر. حالات في عظم القصبه. 414 حاله كانت في عظم الفخذ كل المرضى تمت معالجتهم من قبل الباحث الاول عن طريق الجلد تحت المخدر العام باستخدام مثقاب مفصل الورك الديناميكي و جهاز الاشعه ذو الصوره الأكثر حده. النتائج: دلت النتائج الاوليه شفاء 16 مريض )% 88.88 ( في الاسبوع الاول عن طريق الثقب مره واحده. احتاج مريضين 11.11% ( الثقب مره اخرى بعد اسبوعين نتيجة فشل المثقاب الاول أستهداف ( موطن نشوء الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم . المضاعفات تضمنت كسر في عظم القصبه وحالتين تضمنت خدوش جلديه في الساق نتيجة المثقاب. صنفت الاستجابه السريريه جيده في كل المرضى اعتمادا” على المتابعه الطويله والمتوسطه. الاستنتاج : أستخدام جهاز الاشعه ذو الصوره الأكثر حده لتحديد موقع الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم اثناء العمليه مع استخدام مثقاب مفصل الورك الديناميكي أعطى طريقة شافيه أمينه وفعاله مع فقدان عظم قليل. يمكن استخدام هذه الطريقه كبديل للتقنيات المعياريه لازالة الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم. استخدام هذه الطريقه للقصبه يمكن ان يؤدي الى مضاعفات اكثر. مفتاح الكلمات : الورم العظمي شبيه بالعظم. Abstract Objectives: Evaluate the efficacy of Image Intensifier- guidance percutaneous ablation of osteoid osteoma of lower extremity in children and adolescents. using a dynamic hip-screw (DHS) drill pit (9- mm) as a minimally invasive therapy. Setting: Orthopaedic department at Jordan University Hospital –Amman. Methods: The Study Started from November 1999 October 2006, Treating 18 children, (eleven males and seven females), with a mean age of 12.17 years (range 4–16 years). The mean follow-up period was 35.37 months (range 18–78 months). There were fourteen lesions in the femur and four in the tibia. All patients were treated percutaneously under Image intensifier guidance by the first author under general anesthesia. Results: Initial clinical success in the first week was achieved in 88.88% of children (16/18) from drilling once. Two patients 11.11% needed redrilling two weeks later after failure of the first drilling to target the nidus. Complications included one fractured tibia and two skin abrasions over the tibia. At long- and medium term follow-up, all patients were classified to have good clinical response. Conclusion: The combination of intraoperative localization of osteoid osteoma by image intensifier, using a dynamic hip-screw (DHS) drill, resulted in an efficient, safe, and curative procedure with minimal bone loss. This method can be used as an alternative to the standard techniques for removal of osteoid osteoma. Using the technique for the tibia may be associated with higher incidence of complications Keywords: Osteoid osteoma, Nidus, Image intensifier, Drilling, DHS drill. 1 Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery, Jordan University- Amman JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3 101
  • 2. Freih Odeh Abu Hassan, Tarek Nayef Altamimi Introduction Osteoid osteoma is a benign bone tumour consisting of an osteoid nidus in a highly vascular connective tissue stroma.1, 2 It accounts for approximately two-to-three per cent of all primary bone neoplasms with a predilection for the major long bones of patients younger than forty years.1, 2 These tumours are painful, and demonstrate characteristic clinical picture and radiographic features. Clinical diagnosis is made with the radiological appearance of a small radiolucent area, known as the nidus, equal to or less than 1.5 cms surrounded by a thick zone of sclerotic bone which is smooth, convex, and homogeneously dense, especially in the cortical bone.1 The traditional treatment of osteoid osteoma consists of surgical en bloc excision.2, 3 but it has a high complication rate.4 Treatment varies from conservative to surgical en bloc excision of the nidus .2, 3, 5 by percutaneous CT-guided excision, 6-8 destruction of the nidus using radiofrequency thermocoagulation, 9-11 or laser photocoagulation. 12, 13 These modalities have been shown to have many advantages and fewer complications over the traditional en block excision. Most minimal invasive techniques require a special equipments, CT scan and facilities for general anaesthesia for the removal of osteoid osteoma. 2, 5, 7, 11, 13 These facilities are usually available in special centers. We selected to use the commonly available instruments. We have used a minimal invasive percutaneous technique using a dynamic hip-screw (DHS) drill (9 mm) successfully, with the aim of mechanical local destruction of the nidus through a one centimetre incision with minimal bone loss under direct visualization of the image intensifier. Materials and methods From November 1999 to Octobar 2006, eighteen consecutive children with osteoid osteoma were treated with an image intensifier-guided percutaneous drilling using a Dynamic Hip Screw drill pit (9-mm). There were eleven males and seven females, with a mean age of 12.17 years (range 4–16 years), and the mean follow-up period was 35.37 months (range 18–78 months). (Table-1) All patients had typical clinical and radiographic findings of osteoid osteoma. Pre-operative clinical evaluation included detailed medical history, patients’ gender, age, location of the lesion, and thorough clinical examination, pain severity, the response to aspirin or anti-inflammatory drugs, the limitations of function, and daily or recreational activities.All patients had severe pain that usually worsened at night and had taken some analgesics or narcotic injections and at least one course of non-steroidal anti- inflammatory drugs for pain relief. Pre-operative imaging evaluation included standard radiographs, anterioposterior and lateral films.All patients Figure-1: Plain radiograph of the hip showing well visualized radiolucent nidus in the basal neck of the femur with mild sclerosis Table-1 Clinical characteristics of the patients Patient No. Age (years) Sex Site of the Lesion Duration of symptoms (months) Follow-up (months) Approach 1 10 F Femur neck 10 34 Lateral 2 13 M Femur neck 18 43 Lateral 3 10 F Femur neck 10 34 Lateral 4 14 F Femur neck 12 36 Lateral 5 16 M Femur neck 10 66 Lateral 6 16 M Femur neck 16 18 Lateral 7 12 M Femur neck 23 18 Medial 8 15 M Femur neck 13 20 Medial 9 13 F Trochanteric area 15 44 Lateral 10 15 M Trochanteric area 96 48 Lateral 11 5 M Subtrochanteric area 18 20 Medial 12 4 F Proximal third femur 6 22 Lateral 13 10 F Distal third femur 18 42 Medial 14 15 F Distal third femur 24 18 Lateral 15 11 F Proximal tibia 5 42 Anterior 16 14 M Proximal tibia 36 37 Anterior 17 14 M Shaft tibia 6 38 Medial 18 15 M Distal tibia 12 30 Anterior 102 JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3
  • 3. Ablation of Osteoid Osteoma of Lower Extremity using Dynamic Hip Screw Drill had computed axial tomography scans with positive nidus, which allowed precise assessment of its size and location. Six referred patients had bone Scintigraphy and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) inspite all lesions were very clear on a computed tomography (CT) scan. Follow-up evaluation included clinical examination and a questionnaire, and radiographic evaluation was conducted postoperatively at regular intervals.Three cases required postoperative CT-scans, two due to the persistence of their initial symptoms and one for parents’ request. The delay between referral to hospital and correct diagnosis varied from 5 to 96 months (mean 19.75 months).The diagnosis was clear on the plain radiographs by a well-visualized nidus in thirteenpatients (Figure -1).Three cases of tibial lesions needed a preoperative application of cross skin mark under CT-scan guidance due to excessively dense Figure-2A: Anterior posterior plain radiograph demonstrating the insertion of the Kirschner wire inside the nidus bone. All cases had preoperative plan of the direction of the guide wire after proper study of their plain radiograph and CT-scan images for the exact location of the nidus. Operative technique The Proce edures were performed by first author with the patient on a radiolucent table under general anaesthesia the affected part of the limb is examined by a high- resolution image intensifier. Magnification and adjustment of contrast are often required to see the nidus clearly in both antero – posterior and lateral planes. After cleaning and draping, a small (1 cm) skin incision was made at the entry point guided by image intensifier and blunt dissection was done with haemostat or mosquito.All cases of neck femur lesions were approached from the lateral side in the intertrochanteric region except two case from the medial side, while in the other femoral and tibial lesions we selected the appropriate approach.A 2.5 mms Kirschner wire is introduced into the centre of the nidus crossing the sclerotic bones by an air drill, under image-intensifier control and viewed in two planes (Figure- 2A, B). Figure-2B: Lateral plain radiograph demonstrating the insertion of the kirschner wire inside the nidus. Figure-3: Anterior posterior plain radiograph demonstrating the insertion of the dynamic hip-screw (DHS) drill to destruct the nidus. In those cases with difficult visualization by image intensifier the Kirschner wire is advanced perpendicular to the transection of cross skin mark lines.A cannulated 9 mm DHS drill pit is advanced automatically gradually along the guide wire under the control of an image intensifier, followed by drilling through the nidus without removing a block of bone or curettage. (Figure-3) Two lesions, one in the proximal tibia and one in the distal tibia, required perforation of the anterior and posterior cortices of the bone because the nidus was located in the posterior cortex. At the end of the Proceedures, irrigation of the tract with normal saline was performed and the wound was closed with one stitch, followed by compressive sterile dressing. JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3 103
  • 4. Freih Odeh Abu Hassan, Tarek Nayef Altamimi The patients were mobilized on protected, full-weight bearing, on the first postoperative day with the help of crutches for two weeks, and advised to avoid sports for a minimum of six weeks. Results There were fourteen lesions in the femur and four in the tibia. Lesion size was calculated from the CT scan from the axial, sagittal and coronal cuts. The size was measured from 5×5×3 mm to 14×13×8 mm. The average operating time was sixteen minutes (range 7–21 minute). In the morning following the operation a clinical evaluation was performed for each patient to assess changes in his/her preoperative symptoms. Patients were discharged home on simple oral paracetamol analgesia for 5 days after discharge. The average time in hospital after surgery was 1.3 days (range 1– 3 days). During follow-up, patients were examined by the first author in the first week, second week, and fourth week after the procedure, and then at three months, six months and then annually, evaluating the presence of pain or associated symptoms. A good initial clinical response was achieved in 88.88 per cent of children (16/18) in the first week postoperatively. Figure-4: CT scan of the neck of femur showing nidus in the posterior medial aspect of femoral neck that needed twice drilling due to poor visualization. There were two failures in the primary procedure, one patient had a lesion situated within the posterior medial cortex of the neck of the femur (Figure-4), and the other in the posterior cortex of the proximal tibia, those two cases had the same pattern of night pain after one week of surgery, they required CT scan to identify the remaining nidus, a repeat procedure through the original incision after 2 weeks of the original procedure and was successful in both patients. Other complications included one case who encountered a fractured tibia due to non compliant patient who had a fall while playing football after two weeks of surgery (Figure-5), which was treated conservatively by the application of a cast for eight weeks. Two cases had skin abrasions over the distal tibia caused by the drill, which responded to local treatment. Rehabilitation was rapid and uncomplicated and by six weeks patients had returned to normal activities, including sport. At long- and Figure-5: Lateral plain radiograph demonstrating the long oblique fractured tibia with slight displacement and the site of drilling hole in the midshaft of tibia . medium term follow-up, all patients were classified as good clinical response, thus 100% of the patients had a good rating at the last evaluation. Discussion For many years, traditional surgical treatments have ranged from local resection with a burr and curettage to wide resection with bone grafting and metallic fixation, because patients cannot tolerate the pain and wished to avoid the long-term use of oral medications.2, 3, 5 Complete excision of the nidus involves removal of the surrounding normal bone. It is difficult to make an exact identification intra-operatively because the nidus is usually too small, even when CT, bone scanning, angiography, or fluoroscopic guidance are used.2 Usually the nidus is well visualized in good quality plain radiograph as happened in most of our cases. The disadvantages of traditional surgical excision are the need for wide resections disproportionate to the small size of the lesion to ensure complete tumour removal.2, 14 Therefore, patients may require longer period of protected weight-bearing, may have pain at the bone graft donor site, and may need to refrain from normal activities for a prolonged interval.3, 5, 14 Surgical therapy is successful in 88–100% of cases in the published series.15 Surgical treatment of osteoid osteoma should be used only in locations that are inaccessible for a percutaneous approach.2 Minimally invasive techniques have been 104 JBMS Journal of the Bahrain Medical Society, July 2008 Vol 20, No. 3
  • 5. Ablation of Osteoid Osteoma of Lower Extremity using Dynamic Hip Screw Drill developed to match the tissue damage to the small size of the lesion. Different percutaneous techniques have been described as alternative therapeutic options: percutaneous resection under CT-guided radiofrequency ablation; and laser photocoagulation.6, 8, 9, 10, 12 The advantages of these minimally invasive techniques include the immediate verification of complete nidus removal and rapid relief of symptoms after nidus excision.7, 8, 11, 13 Many current minimally invasive methods needs special tools, instruments, anesthesia machine in the CT room and set up system, which may not be present in each hospital. Our technique a part from being minimally invasive, simple and does not require special set up system, is performed by general orthopaedist. This technique has been effective, with a good clinical response in 88.23 per cent of cases from the first drilling, and 100 per cent from the second drilling. These results are comparable with other minimal invasive methods. 5, 7, 8, 11, 13 There was one fracture in our series due to non-compliance to strict non-sport activity for six weeks postoperatively. The main disadvantage of this technique is the lack of sufficient material for pathological examination but this disadvantage should not be viewed as a major insufficiency of the method, especially as this is even observed after surgical excision and other minimal invasive surgical procedures.3, 4, 8, 10, 12 On the other hand, histological confirmation with minimal-access techniques is not crucial as appropriate diagnosis can be made on clinical grounds reinforced by imaging techniques.3, 9, 16,17 Other disadvantages is the limitation of their use on the spine, and small-bone lesions owing to the risk of a large drill hole, difficult localization of the nidus under image intensifier and the risk of thermal injury to neural tissue and this is applicable to other percutaneous resection techniques.6-8 The patient needs to use crutches as a protective precaution for the first two weeks only, but this is not a real disadvantage as many other surgical procedures need the same.18 The advantages to the patient of a minimally invasive procedure, with small scars and rapid mobilization, brief hospitalization, and immediate protected, weight-bearing mobilization.We suggest that our method is more applicable for the well-visualized nidus through a plain radiograph by most orthopaedic surgeons. The use of the radiolucent table and the high-resolution image intensifier for anteroposterior and lateral radiographs is familiar to all orthopaedic doctors and the equipment of DHS reamer is widely available. The results of this study confirm the long- and medium term efficacy of this simple percutaneous technique of osteoid osteoma in children and adolescents. We think that our technique is a minimally invasive technique, simple, easy, safe, has minimal bone loss, easily tolerated by the patient, with shorter hospital stay, and a reliable procedure for well-visualized osteoid osteoma of large bones of the lower limbs if other expensive special tools are not available. However using the technique for the tibia is associated with more complications than with using it for the femoral neck. References 1. Dahlin DC, Unni KK. Bone tumours: general aspects and data on 8542 cases, 4th edn. Thomas, Springfield 1987, pp 88–101. 2. Gangi A. 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