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Development of film idea, script and storyboard
Synopsis- A teenage female travels to the state in-between life and death-
Bardo. It is here that she encounters three projections- the past, the present
and the future. She sees snippets of her past life, her current situation and
what is to come. Desperate to escape a dark fate she searches the room until
she comes across a sand timer. With her heart fading fast as the last grains
trickle away she turns the sand timer on its head, the next thing she knows
she is revived in the hospital and desperate to seize the day.
Using my initial developed synopsis I have created a script in order to convert
my idea into ‘film language’ as to visualise how my movie is going to play out.
By doing this I will gain a rough idea about the complexity of my film, locations
needed and the feasibility of creating my idea. I understand that the purpose of
a script is to narrate the scenes and break down the acts so that the crew,
actors and directors are aware of stage directions, settings, dialog and the
emotion of the characters. A good script can make or break a film, this is why I
spent a lot of time developing and redeveloping the script and making
numerous drafts. Scripts are fundamental to the success of a film so I will
attempt to write a script that reflects the high standard film I intend to make.
My first attempt at script writing was not good. I included technical language to describe
how the scene will be shot and made references to the sounds in the scenes in brackets
which, I have now learnt, are aspects that shouldn’t be specified in a script. In addition I
referred to the transitions between each scene which is again unnecessary technical
information. I have also included ‘INT’ (to imply the scene will be shot internally) in only
some scenes and that is an inconsistency that I will change. The characters names are
unclearly stated therefore difficult for actors to read, I will develop on this. The scene
numbers are also not in order, making it hard to follow. Even though this was a very rough
draft it doesn’t follow the conventions of script writing and does not reflect the film I intend
to make.
Over all it is a poor initial attempt at script writing and my main aim is to improve on my
mistakes by going over the conventions of screenplay writing again to reaffirm that I
understand the structure and content of a good script.
For my second draft I have improved on the
script structure and presentation. The scene
numbers are in order and I have specified which
scenes are ‘INT’. The locations are in capital
letters which makes it clear for the reader to see
where each scene is set. I have also centralised
and put the characters names in italics to
indicate their speech.
However I have made it too complicated by
writing 22 scenes. I have to remember my film
is only five minutes long. I have included a
number of location changes which will be
difficult to accomplish. I think the concept is too
complex to achieve in five minutes, so I will
redevelop my idea to come up with a story that
complies with the five minute time period.
I transferred my idea into a story board so I could depict and break down each
scene into shots in order to achieve a visual impact. By drawing out how I’d like to
shoot my film, as a director I will be able to save time whilst filming as the majority
of the decisions about composition, camera angle, camera movement and actors
have been illustrated.
In addition, film is a visual media which ironically begins with written words. Words
are naturally limited in what they express and leave room for interpretation, where
as storyboards have no such limitations as they are direct and act like a visual
manual on how to shoot a movie. This is easier to follow than a script and makes a
film explore more visually innovative ideas.
I scanned my story board and saved them as
JPEGs as to electronically incorporate them
into this PowerPoint. Unfortunately they have
turned out unclear and it is difficult to read
them, however in person they are much more
legible. I found it difficult to draw so many
illustrations for such a detailed and extended
script. I showed the script to a selection of
people and the response was unanimous, the
concept is too intricate. Half way through I
realized that drawing out every shot was both
time consuming and pointless. So I went
immediately back to the drawing board to
work on developing a more achievable story
After consulting and presenting the story to an audience the response was
mixed. Some thought the idea would be better for a feature length film and
others where confused by the story. After reviewing the script and storyboard
I can clearly see that my idea is too complicated to be conveyed in the
definite time period of 5 minutes. It has a lot of scenes, location changes and
actors that will be difficult to coordinate. My inspiration of ‘A Christmas Carol’
is recognizable and makes my film seem unoriginal. I will reassess my idea
and develop it further to make it more simple and achievable.
• Production name- PassTime production
• Working title- Carpe diem
• Duration- 5 minutes
• Format- video
Synopsis- This short film follows the story of a teenage girl who travels to Bardo- the
intermediate state between life and death. It is here that she watches the real world
continue while she is trapped in a transitional state. Her desire go into the light is rivaled
by her families efforts to keep her alive. A heart warming drama that will make you
seize the day.
First thing I need to figure out is what ‘medium’ could connecting the girl to the outside
Story ideas – The
conventional concept of having
three small conflicts that build
up to the final a climax, needs
to be explored. I could possibly
uses cyber bullying as one of
the conflicts that make the girl
want to give up on life. Her
desire to give up could be
conveyed through her wanting
to go through ‘the glowing doors
of heaven’ yet interventions
from the real world pulls her
back from the brink of death.
Cinematography ideas – How could I make my film look like its in a hospital
without having to film in one? (incase I cant secure the location)
My first shot could be of a hospital bed wheel rolling down a corridor, followed by a
track of a ceiling fading in and out to communicate a lose of consciousness.
The medium– The iPad ad or iPhone could be the
medium that connects the main character to the outside
world. Through the teenage girl going on social media
sights and surfing the web she will be able to see what is
happening in the real world whilst she is unconscious.
This can be visually represented by her activity on the
iPad or iPhone . This medium is current and can access
social media sights (which are a believable method of
viewing what is currently happening) making my film
relatable (as the target audience uses iPads or iPhones
and social media sights) and conceivable.
• Teenage girl
• Father
• Mother
• Sister
• 2 nurses
• Hospital
• Bardo-white room
• Trolly
• Glass desk
• Glass chair
• iPad/ iPhone
• Mirror
• Telephone
The social media aspect- my initial idea of incorporating social media into my
short film, was not necessarily a bad one. Instead of having my character
consumed by social media I could uses it as a way for my character to view
what is currently happening. This leads me to consider choosing an iPad ad or
iPhone as the medium that connects the protagonist to the outside world.
I am inspired by two well known TV series; The Ghost Whisper and The Medium, as the subject matter and
concepts of entrapment and visions are similar to mine. Both of them deal with ideas that I explore in my film
and they target similar audience. The Ghost Whisper is predominately aimed at teenage audiences where as
The Medium is aimed at slightly older audiences. The technical elements and story structure from these two TV
shows will help me to create a plausible and interesting moving picture that will be depicted using similar
cinematic features.
The ghost whisper is a TV show about Melinda Gordon, a young woman who has the ability to see and
communicate with the dead. Each episode deals with one or more ghosts seeking Melinda's help in relaying a
message or completing a task that will put the spirit to rest, and allow them to "cross over" into The Light, a
metaphor presented by the show as its conception of Heaven. Crossing over is when a spirit leaves earth and
goes to heaven.
The Medium is a TV series that follows the same thread, suburban mum Allison Dubois attempts to balance
family life with solving mysteries using her special gift. The dead send her visions of their deaths or other crimes
while she sleeps.
I have found the filming techniques for The Ghost Whisper influential and I would like to recreate the same
faded style in my short film. The concept of The Medium having visions when she is unconscious is an element
that I will include in my film.
Outer Motivation
The beginning of the film starts in a hospital where a teenage females’ life hangs in the balance. She is falling in and out of
conciseness then the heart monitor goes flat line, it is at this point that she travel to the immediate state of Bardo. In a
white room she encounters- a glass table and chair, a mirror, a telephone and an iPad. On the iPad she tries to
communicate but none of her messages are delivered, she is in a location that can not communicate with the living world.
There is a glowing door to symbolise heaven, she walks towards it in desperation. Meanwhile in the hospital her sister is
sat beside her listening to a song, the girl faintly hears the tune playing and is distracted. Going away from the door the girl
notices there is a news update and she reads the article - “Teens suicidal attempt fail” it is about herself. Devastated she
heads to the glowing door, yet her fathers holds her hand this stops her in her tracks. Returning to the iPad she sees her
friends supporting her and wishing her to come back home on Facebook, yet there are negative comments from cyber
bullies that encourage her to give up. For the final time she angrily walks to the glowing door, yet as she turns the handle
the phone rings. In the hospital her mother is talking to her and through the phone the girl can hear her. The mother kisses
her good bye and the girl looks in the mirror to see a kiss mark imprinted on her cheek. Through turning the iPad off this
triggers her life to flashes before her eyes, then the fait sound of the heart monitor restarting grows in volume as her eyes
flick open.
Inner Motivation
The protagonist of the film is conflicted with the desire to give up and the reasons to stay alive. The internal struggle of
being cyber bullied, leads the main character having to make the biggest decision of her life. Her going back and forth to
the glowing door indicates her desire to die yet through the interventions from the outside world her family and friends pull
her back by reminding her that she has so much to live for and that she is loved. This is a relatable storyline that I believe
will communicate to todays audiences about the priorities of life.
The conflict for my character is the challenge of facing her mortality. Each visit to the iPhone presents a
conflict, each becoming more insurmountable and provocative than the last. Yet it is matched by the
efforts of her friends and family that keep her from going to ‘the other side’. Theses conflicts creates
tension for the audience and intrigues their curiosity about the outcome. Resulting in the character to
develop a plan of action to save herself. The characters personal struggle gives her depth and realism
making the storyline relatable which will keep the audience involved and capture their emotion.
The theme for this film is ‘Carpe Diem’. The idea that life should be seized daily is a present factor in
my short film. This theme does not only embody my personal opinions on ‘how life should be lived’ but it
also explores the meaning of life itself. The theme is developed through the inner storyline, which deals
with my characters personal growth and realisation. The character takes action after she experiences
the increasing conflicts and listens to her families efforts to get her back. At the same time this allows
my theme of Carpe Diem to expand as the values of my character are revealed and tested. My theme
is not too obvious making my film ‘thought provoking’. As my film will have very limited dialog I will use
carefully chosen symbols, metaphors and motifs to effectively convey the theme.
Female- A classic girl next door.
She will need to look ordinary so
that the audience can relate to
Emotionally unstable- wants to
give up whenever she is faced
with negativity.
Aged 14-16 a typical 21st century
Expressive- due to a small amount of
dialog the actress playing this
character will have to be expressive.
Cyber bully victim.
Owns an iPad or iPhone.
She is a good person at heart-
which is why she gets a second
chance to make her decision (to
live or to die).
Protagonist of the film.
A strong female lead.
Intelligent- she has to figure out
how get herself out of Bardo
Heroine- saves herself.
After redeveloping my movie idea I have produced a script that is far more
achievable and clear. I have clearly defined the scenes by numbers and
centralised the characters names, speech and location descriptions as to
structure my script with existing conventions. I have also incorporated the time
of day (referring to the lighting that the scenes will be filmed in). Over all this
script is a great improvement to my first attempt and is starting to reflect the
professionalism I intend to portray in my own film. However there are some
copyrights issues with the music and cartoon I intend to use, this is an aspect I
am prepared to be flexible with and may change. I think I need to start using
original ideas and cease to include aspects of existing work such as the song
from ‘Dead poets society’.
The storyboard for my redeveloped film idea flows a lot better and is
achievable in the given time period. I have been more diverse in my
choice of camera angles and shot types. The storyboard follows a film
narrative structure where by there are three conflicts and a conclusive
resolution. This is reflected in each family member as well as the
character going back to the iPad (which may change to an iPhone). I
intended to portray the internal struggle of my character by using two
locations- the hospital- the real world and Bardo- the spiritual world. I
feel I have achieved this and am excited to explore more technical
positioning and movements to convey a proficient and cinematically
diverse short film. But there is still room for improvement and I am
tweaking a few aspects in order to make my final idea perfect.
Finalised version of the script and storyboard so far
Outer Motivation
The beginning of the film starts in a hospital where a teenage females’ life hangs in the balance. She is falling in and out
of conciseness then the heart monitor goes flat line, it is at this point that she travel to the immediate state of Bardo. In a
white room she encounters- a glass table and chair, a mirror, a telephone and an iPhone. On the iPhone she tries to
communicate but none of her messages are delivered, she is in a location that can not communicate with the living
world, she can only sit back and watch what is happening. There is a glowing door to symbolise heaven, she walks
towards it in desperation. Meanwhile in the hospital her father is sat at her bedside when his phone rings, the girl faintly
hears the ringtone and is distracted. Going away from the door the girl notices there is a news update and she reads the
article - “Teen suicide attempt brings to light the dark side of social media” it is about herself. Devastated she heads to
the glowing door, yet her mother kisses her on her cheek this stops her in her tracks as in the mirror she sees her
reflection and the kiss mark on her cheek. Returning to the iPhone she receives an abuse text from her cyber bully. For
the final time she walks to the glowing door, she turns the handle and begins to walk up the lighted stairs. In the hospital
the girls sister is racing against time to get to her, before its too late. As she walks up the stairs the girl hears her sisters
voice begging her to live. As she returns down the stairs she turns the iPhone off this triggers her life to flashes before
her eyes, then the fait sound of the heart monitor restarting grows in volume as her eyes flick open.
Inner Motivation
The protagonist of the film is conflicted with the desire to give up and the reasons to stay alive. The internal struggle of
being cyber bullied, leads the main character having to make an important life choice. Her going back and forth to the
glowing door indicates her desire to die yet through the interventions from the outside world, her family pull her back. The
cyber bullying aspect to the film is a relatable storyline that I believe will communicate to todays audiences about the
priorities of life.
After many attempts I have correctly developed a script following
screenplay conventions. Using my final film synopsis as the main
structure, I have created a script with a clear scene break down as well as
clear directions, locations and character dialog. I have worked on my last
script by specifying where in the hospital each scene occurs. I have now
seen the location that I will use therefore I have tailored my script to the
facilities that ‘Belmedic’ offer.
I have changed the order that the family visits the girl (from; sister, father,
mother. To; father, mother, sister) based on my questionnaire results
indicating audiences are more emotionally inclined to younger children.
And would be more touched by a sibling bond then mother and daughter
bond. I have taken out aspects that might breach copyright regulations
such as the ‘Phines and Ferb’ carton and the ‘dead poets society’ music. I
have tried to build tension towards the end by making quick scenes that
flicker between real life and Bardo.
Overall I feel I have developed my ideas to a satisfactory standard and have
created a excellent starting point for my preproduction task. My storyline has
mass appeal whilst also being educational through raising important issues that
are relevant to society and audiences alike.
It was through the process of creating a script and storyboard that my idea has
developed to a higher quality. As I have combined the technical, visual and
symbolic elements in film production to create a script and storyboard that
comply with film making codes and conventions. This has resulted in a better
structured and cinematically diverse film idea which would be recognised and
accepted by the film industry.
From this point on my attention will be on preparing and coordinating the filming
for my A2 Media Studies task, as to successfully achieve an organised and
professional production standard, whilst working to deadlines.

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A2 Media Studies Preproduction Development

  • 1. SHORT FILM SCRIPT DEVELOPMENT & PREPRODUCTION Development of film idea, script and storyboard
  • 2. FILM SYNOPSIS DEVELOPMENT Synopsis- A teenage female travels to the state in-between life and death- Bardo. It is here that she encounters three projections- the past, the present and the future. She sees snippets of her past life, her current situation and what is to come. Desperate to escape a dark fate she searches the room until she comes across a sand timer. With her heart fading fast as the last grains trickle away she turns the sand timer on its head, the next thing she knows she is revived in the hospital and desperate to seize the day.
  • 3. SCRIPT Using my initial developed synopsis I have created a script in order to convert my idea into ‘film language’ as to visualise how my movie is going to play out. By doing this I will gain a rough idea about the complexity of my film, locations needed and the feasibility of creating my idea. I understand that the purpose of a script is to narrate the scenes and break down the acts so that the crew, actors and directors are aware of stage directions, settings, dialog and the emotion of the characters. A good script can make or break a film, this is why I spent a lot of time developing and redeveloping the script and making numerous drafts. Scripts are fundamental to the success of a film so I will attempt to write a script that reflects the high standard film I intend to make.
  • 5. EVALUATION OF SCRIPT 1 My first attempt at script writing was not good. I included technical language to describe how the scene will be shot and made references to the sounds in the scenes in brackets which, I have now learnt, are aspects that shouldn’t be specified in a script. In addition I referred to the transitions between each scene which is again unnecessary technical information. I have also included ‘INT’ (to imply the scene will be shot internally) in only some scenes and that is an inconsistency that I will change. The characters names are unclearly stated therefore difficult for actors to read, I will develop on this. The scene numbers are also not in order, making it hard to follow. Even though this was a very rough draft it doesn’t follow the conventions of script writing and does not reflect the film I intend to make. Over all it is a poor initial attempt at script writing and my main aim is to improve on my mistakes by going over the conventions of screenplay writing again to reaffirm that I understand the structure and content of a good script.
  • 7. For my second draft I have improved on the script structure and presentation. The scene numbers are in order and I have specified which scenes are ‘INT’. The locations are in capital letters which makes it clear for the reader to see where each scene is set. I have also centralised and put the characters names in italics to indicate their speech. However I have made it too complicated by writing 22 scenes. I have to remember my film is only five minutes long. I have included a number of location changes which will be difficult to accomplish. I think the concept is too complex to achieve in five minutes, so I will redevelop my idea to come up with a story that complies with the five minute time period. EVALUATION OF SCRIPT 2
  • 8. STORYBOARD I transferred my idea into a story board so I could depict and break down each scene into shots in order to achieve a visual impact. By drawing out how I’d like to shoot my film, as a director I will be able to save time whilst filming as the majority of the decisions about composition, camera angle, camera movement and actors have been illustrated. In addition, film is a visual media which ironically begins with written words. Words are naturally limited in what they express and leave room for interpretation, where as storyboards have no such limitations as they are direct and act like a visual manual on how to shoot a movie. This is easier to follow than a script and makes a film explore more visually innovative ideas.
  • 9.
  • 10. I scanned my story board and saved them as JPEGs as to electronically incorporate them into this PowerPoint. Unfortunately they have turned out unclear and it is difficult to read them, however in person they are much more legible. I found it difficult to draw so many illustrations for such a detailed and extended script. I showed the script to a selection of people and the response was unanimous, the concept is too intricate. Half way through I realized that drawing out every shot was both time consuming and pointless. So I went immediately back to the drawing board to work on developing a more achievable story concept. EVALUATION OF STORYBOARD 1
  • 11. REVIEW After consulting and presenting the story to an audience the response was mixed. Some thought the idea would be better for a feature length film and others where confused by the story. After reviewing the script and storyboard I can clearly see that my idea is too complicated to be conveyed in the definite time period of 5 minutes. It has a lot of scenes, location changes and actors that will be difficult to coordinate. My inspiration of ‘A Christmas Carol’ is recognizable and makes my film seem unoriginal. I will reassess my idea and develop it further to make it more simple and achievable.
  • 12. REDEVELOPMENT OF FILM IDEA • Production name- PassTime production • Working title- Carpe diem • Duration- 5 minutes • Format- video Synopsis- This short film follows the story of a teenage girl who travels to Bardo- the intermediate state between life and death. It is here that she watches the real world continue while she is trapped in a transitional state. Her desire go into the light is rivaled by her families efforts to keep her alive. A heart warming drama that will make you seize the day. First thing I need to figure out is what ‘medium’ could connecting the girl to the outside world.
  • 14. BACK TO THE DRAWING BOARD Story ideas – The conventional concept of having three small conflicts that build up to the final a climax, needs to be explored. I could possibly uses cyber bullying as one of the conflicts that make the girl want to give up on life. Her desire to give up could be conveyed through her wanting to go through ‘the glowing doors of heaven’ yet interventions from the real world pulls her back from the brink of death. Cinematography ideas – How could I make my film look like its in a hospital without having to film in one? (incase I cant secure the location) My first shot could be of a hospital bed wheel rolling down a corridor, followed by a track of a ceiling fading in and out to communicate a lose of consciousness. The medium– The iPad ad or iPhone could be the medium that connects the main character to the outside world. Through the teenage girl going on social media sights and surfing the web she will be able to see what is happening in the real world whilst she is unconscious. This can be visually represented by her activity on the iPad or iPhone . This medium is current and can access social media sights (which are a believable method of viewing what is currently happening) making my film relatable (as the target audience uses iPads or iPhones and social media sights) and conceivable. Actors- • Teenage girl • Father • Mother • Sister • 2 nurses Locations- • Hospital • Bardo-white room Props- • Trolly • Glass desk • Glass chair • iPad/ iPhone • Mirror • Telephone The social media aspect- my initial idea of incorporating social media into my short film, was not necessarily a bad one. Instead of having my character consumed by social media I could uses it as a way for my character to view what is currently happening. This leads me to consider choosing an iPad ad or iPhone as the medium that connects the protagonist to the outside world.
  • 15. INSPIRATION I am inspired by two well known TV series; The Ghost Whisper and The Medium, as the subject matter and concepts of entrapment and visions are similar to mine. Both of them deal with ideas that I explore in my film and they target similar audience. The Ghost Whisper is predominately aimed at teenage audiences where as The Medium is aimed at slightly older audiences. The technical elements and story structure from these two TV shows will help me to create a plausible and interesting moving picture that will be depicted using similar cinematic features. The ghost whisper is a TV show about Melinda Gordon, a young woman who has the ability to see and communicate with the dead. Each episode deals with one or more ghosts seeking Melinda's help in relaying a message or completing a task that will put the spirit to rest, and allow them to "cross over" into The Light, a metaphor presented by the show as its conception of Heaven. Crossing over is when a spirit leaves earth and goes to heaven. The Medium is a TV series that follows the same thread, suburban mum Allison Dubois attempts to balance family life with solving mysteries using her special gift. The dead send her visions of their deaths or other crimes while she sleeps. I have found the filming techniques for The Ghost Whisper influential and I would like to recreate the same faded style in my short film. The concept of The Medium having visions when she is unconscious is an element that I will include in my film.
  • 16. SCREENWRITING Outer Motivation The beginning of the film starts in a hospital where a teenage females’ life hangs in the balance. She is falling in and out of conciseness then the heart monitor goes flat line, it is at this point that she travel to the immediate state of Bardo. In a white room she encounters- a glass table and chair, a mirror, a telephone and an iPad. On the iPad she tries to communicate but none of her messages are delivered, she is in a location that can not communicate with the living world. There is a glowing door to symbolise heaven, she walks towards it in desperation. Meanwhile in the hospital her sister is sat beside her listening to a song, the girl faintly hears the tune playing and is distracted. Going away from the door the girl notices there is a news update and she reads the article - “Teens suicidal attempt fail” it is about herself. Devastated she heads to the glowing door, yet her fathers holds her hand this stops her in her tracks. Returning to the iPad she sees her friends supporting her and wishing her to come back home on Facebook, yet there are negative comments from cyber bullies that encourage her to give up. For the final time she angrily walks to the glowing door, yet as she turns the handle the phone rings. In the hospital her mother is talking to her and through the phone the girl can hear her. The mother kisses her good bye and the girl looks in the mirror to see a kiss mark imprinted on her cheek. Through turning the iPad off this triggers her life to flashes before her eyes, then the fait sound of the heart monitor restarting grows in volume as her eyes flick open. Inner Motivation The protagonist of the film is conflicted with the desire to give up and the reasons to stay alive. The internal struggle of being cyber bullied, leads the main character having to make the biggest decision of her life. Her going back and forth to the glowing door indicates her desire to die yet through the interventions from the outside world her family and friends pull her back by reminding her that she has so much to live for and that she is loved. This is a relatable storyline that I believe will communicate to todays audiences about the priorities of life.
  • 17. SCREENWRITING Conflict The conflict for my character is the challenge of facing her mortality. Each visit to the iPhone presents a conflict, each becoming more insurmountable and provocative than the last. Yet it is matched by the efforts of her friends and family that keep her from going to ‘the other side’. Theses conflicts creates tension for the audience and intrigues their curiosity about the outcome. Resulting in the character to develop a plan of action to save herself. The characters personal struggle gives her depth and realism making the storyline relatable which will keep the audience involved and capture their emotion. Theme The theme for this film is ‘Carpe Diem’. The idea that life should be seized daily is a present factor in my short film. This theme does not only embody my personal opinions on ‘how life should be lived’ but it also explores the meaning of life itself. The theme is developed through the inner storyline, which deals with my characters personal growth and realisation. The character takes action after she experiences the increasing conflicts and listens to her families efforts to get her back. At the same time this allows my theme of Carpe Diem to expand as the values of my character are revealed and tested. My theme is not too obvious making my film ‘thought provoking’. As my film will have very limited dialog I will use carefully chosen symbols, metaphors and motifs to effectively convey the theme.
  • 18. CHARACTER PROFILE Female- A classic girl next door. She will need to look ordinary so that the audience can relate to her. Emotionally unstable- wants to give up whenever she is faced with negativity. Aged 14-16 a typical 21st century teen. Expressive- due to a small amount of dialog the actress playing this character will have to be expressive. Cyber bully victim. Owns an iPad or iPhone. She is a good person at heart- which is why she gets a second chance to make her decision (to live or to die). Protagonist of the film. A strong female lead. Intelligent- she has to figure out how get herself out of Bardo alive. Heroine- saves herself.
  • 20. EVALUATION OF SCRIPT 3 After redeveloping my movie idea I have produced a script that is far more achievable and clear. I have clearly defined the scenes by numbers and centralised the characters names, speech and location descriptions as to structure my script with existing conventions. I have also incorporated the time of day (referring to the lighting that the scenes will be filmed in). Over all this script is a great improvement to my first attempt and is starting to reflect the professionalism I intend to portray in my own film. However there are some copyrights issues with the music and cartoon I intend to use, this is an aspect I am prepared to be flexible with and may change. I think I need to start using original ideas and cease to include aspects of existing work such as the song from ‘Dead poets society’.
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  • 23. STORYBOARD EVALUATION The storyboard for my redeveloped film idea flows a lot better and is achievable in the given time period. I have been more diverse in my choice of camera angles and shot types. The storyboard follows a film narrative structure where by there are three conflicts and a conclusive resolution. This is reflected in each family member as well as the character going back to the iPad (which may change to an iPhone). I intended to portray the internal struggle of my character by using two locations- the hospital- the real world and Bardo- the spiritual world. I feel I have achieved this and am excited to explore more technical positioning and movements to convey a proficient and cinematically diverse short film. But there is still room for improvement and I am tweaking a few aspects in order to make my final idea perfect.
  • 24. FINAL SCRIPT & STORYBOARD Finalised version of the script and storyboard so far
  • 25. SCREENWRITING Outer Motivation The beginning of the film starts in a hospital where a teenage females’ life hangs in the balance. She is falling in and out of conciseness then the heart monitor goes flat line, it is at this point that she travel to the immediate state of Bardo. In a white room she encounters- a glass table and chair, a mirror, a telephone and an iPhone. On the iPhone she tries to communicate but none of her messages are delivered, she is in a location that can not communicate with the living world, she can only sit back and watch what is happening. There is a glowing door to symbolise heaven, she walks towards it in desperation. Meanwhile in the hospital her father is sat at her bedside when his phone rings, the girl faintly hears the ringtone and is distracted. Going away from the door the girl notices there is a news update and she reads the article - “Teen suicide attempt brings to light the dark side of social media” it is about herself. Devastated she heads to the glowing door, yet her mother kisses her on her cheek this stops her in her tracks as in the mirror she sees her reflection and the kiss mark on her cheek. Returning to the iPhone she receives an abuse text from her cyber bully. For the final time she walks to the glowing door, she turns the handle and begins to walk up the lighted stairs. In the hospital the girls sister is racing against time to get to her, before its too late. As she walks up the stairs the girl hears her sisters voice begging her to live. As she returns down the stairs she turns the iPhone off this triggers her life to flashes before her eyes, then the fait sound of the heart monitor restarting grows in volume as her eyes flick open. Inner Motivation The protagonist of the film is conflicted with the desire to give up and the reasons to stay alive. The internal struggle of being cyber bullied, leads the main character having to make an important life choice. Her going back and forth to the glowing door indicates her desire to die yet through the interventions from the outside world, her family pull her back. The cyber bullying aspect to the film is a relatable storyline that I believe will communicate to todays audiences about the priorities of life.
  • 26.
  • 27. EVALUATION OF FINAL SCRIPT After many attempts I have correctly developed a script following screenplay conventions. Using my final film synopsis as the main structure, I have created a script with a clear scene break down as well as clear directions, locations and character dialog. I have worked on my last script by specifying where in the hospital each scene occurs. I have now seen the location that I will use therefore I have tailored my script to the facilities that ‘Belmedic’ offer. I have changed the order that the family visits the girl (from; sister, father, mother. To; father, mother, sister) based on my questionnaire results indicating audiences are more emotionally inclined to younger children. And would be more touched by a sibling bond then mother and daughter bond. I have taken out aspects that might breach copyright regulations such as the ‘Phines and Ferb’ carton and the ‘dead poets society’ music. I have tried to build tension towards the end by making quick scenes that flicker between real life and Bardo.
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  • 30. EVALUATION Overall I feel I have developed my ideas to a satisfactory standard and have created a excellent starting point for my preproduction task. My storyline has mass appeal whilst also being educational through raising important issues that are relevant to society and audiences alike. It was through the process of creating a script and storyboard that my idea has developed to a higher quality. As I have combined the technical, visual and symbolic elements in film production to create a script and storyboard that comply with film making codes and conventions. This has resulted in a better structured and cinematically diverse film idea which would be recognised and accepted by the film industry. From this point on my attention will be on preparing and coordinating the filming for my A2 Media Studies task, as to successfully achieve an organised and professional production standard, whilst working to deadlines.