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“A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization:
A special reference to”
Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the
Degree of
Under the Guidance of
Associate Lecturer
Guide No.:16CQFG013
Digital marketing is growing rapidly to increase the conversion rate of visitors to
clients/customers. To increase B2B clients, Search engine optimization technique is used to
give details about page ranking and position on search engine. Creation of backlinks in off-
page techniques and social media leads to engagements of websites. SEO helps to increase
the clienteles and by using analytical tools, which backlink has got more clicks and traffic to
reach the website Backlinks are generated through social bookmarking,
directory submissions sites and social media like facebook and twitter. This backlinks creates
a path to identify the source website Sterling Marketing Solutions requires
more number of clients to increase opportunities. This study enhances the referral traffic and
website ranking of Sterling Marketing Solutions through organic listing which supports to
creates brand awareness, promotions on products and services and increase the engagement
of B2B clients.
The path to success is never so smooth and simple to achieve. However our learning’s and
motivation by our close ones and our mentors helps us to reach beyond our potential. My
project would remain partial without acknowledging people who encouraged me to achieve a
I sincerely thank Bangalore University for providing me an opportunity to enhance
my knowledge through this project.
I sincerely show gratitude to director Dr. LATHA KRISHNAN, Dayananda Sagar
College of Arts, Science and Commerce, for giving me an opportunity to discover more
knowledge through practical learning by knowledgeable project work.
I am privileged to pay my sincere gratitude to my guide Mr. K.S. GOPAL, Professor,
Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science & Commerce, for their keen interest and
encouragement in my project work whose co-operation and guidance helped me in nurturing
the project into reality.
I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. RAGHU.H.T, SEO Team Leader,
Sterling Marketing Solutions, Bangalore.
I am grateful to the staff of Department of Master of Business Administration and all
my classmates and friends for their timely help during the course of the project.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to my family members for the support from
the beginning of my career and the successful completion of this project.
Acknowledgement ii
1. Introduction 1
1.1 Digital Marketing 1
1.2 Introduction to SEO 5
1.3 Introduction to Backlinks 10
1.4 Importance of Backlinks in Sterling Marketing Solutions 17
1.5 Need for the Study 18
2. Literature Review 19
2.1 Review of Literature 19
2.2 Statement of the problem 23
2.3 Scope of the Study 23
2.4 Objectives of the Study 23
2.5 Tools for Data Collection 24
2.6 Limitations of the Study 24
3. Company Profile 25
3.1 History of the Company 26
3.2 Our Products and Services 27
3.3 SWOT analysis of the Company 28
3.4 Bio-data of the Company 29
4. Data Analysis and Interpretation 30
4.1 Methodology 30
4.2 Procedure for creating Backlinks 30
4.3 Social Media 38
4.4 Tools for Data Collection 47
4.5 Data Analysis 59
4.6 Interpretation 78
5. Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions 79
5.1 Findings 79
5.2 Conclusion 79
5.3 Suggestions 79
1.1 Architecture of SEO 7
1.2 Process of SEO 9
4.1 Verification file from webmaster tool 48
4.2 Dashboard of your property 49
4.3 Site Messages 50
4.4 Search Queries 51
4.5 Link to your sites 52
4.6 Internal links 52
4.7 Index Status of the site 53
4.8 Crawl Errors 54
4.9 Crawl Stats 55
4.10 Fetch report 56
4.11 Site Maps 57
4.1 Web page of 31
4.2 Registration form of 31
4.3 Profile of the karthiksolns 32
4.4 Modification of profile on settings tab 32
4.5 Enter the URL to create backlink 33
4.6 Entering Title, Description for creating backlink 33
4.7 Submitted links in 34
4.8 Likes to published links in 34
4.9 a directory site 36
4.10 Selection of review type 37
4.11 Submission form of the site 38
4.12 S M S Business Page in FaceBook 39
4.13 post on Salesforce users listin FB 40
4.14 Image on technology email list 41
4.15 Page insights of S M S Business Page 42
4.16 Twitter Page for Sterling Marketing Solutions 43
4.17 post on SalesForce Customers List in Twitter 43
4.18 244 Followers for our business page 44
4.19 Summary of business page in Twitter 44
4.20 Top tweets of June, 2017 45
4.21 Top Follower of June, 2017 45
4.22 Tweet Activity of Last 28 Days 46
4.23 Percentage of Audiences 47
4.24 Home page of webmaster tool 59
4.25 DashBoard of Sterling Marketing Solutions 60
4.26 Search Analytics of S M S 60
4.27 Keywords and their positions in Google search engine 61
4.28 Source links to 62
4.29 Internal links present in 62
4.30 Index Status of 63
4.31 Advanced Status of index of 63
4.32 Crawl Status for 64
4.33 Fetch the links of as Google 65
4.34 Sitemaps of 65
4.35 Audience overview of 66
4.36 Location of users using 66
4.37 Frequency and Recency of 67
4.38 Engagement of 67
4.39 Referral traffic links towards 68
4.40 Social media Overview of 69
4.41 Distribution Channels adopted by 69
4.42 Page views of 70
4.43 Page Speed Insights of for mobile 71
4.44 Page speed insights of for desktop 71
4.45 On-Site issues of 72
4.46 Competitor link profile of 72
4.47 Social citations o 73
4.48 Overview ranking of 74
4.49 WooRank analysis for SEO of 74
4.50 Analysis of keywords consistency for 75
4.51 Internal and External links analysis of 76
4.52 Mobile compatibility analysis for 77
4.53 Backlinks score of 78
4.54 Traffic rank of 78
A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine
Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1
Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 1 2015-2017
1.1 Digital Marketing
Digital marketing implies to promotions conveyed through digital channels like web
crawlers, sites, online networking, email, and versatile applications. Digital marketing is
characterized as "marketing that makes utilization of electronic gadgets, for example, PCs,
propelled cells, mobile phones, tablets and diversion consoles to connect with clients. Digital
marketing applies innovations or stages, for example, sites, email, applications and
interpersonal organizations".
People groups regularly imply digital marketing as 'web based marketing' or 'web marketing'.
Digital marketing spins around the Internet, which discloses why individuals have a tendency
to trust that digital marketing and Internet marketing are synonymous. Web marketing falls
under the classification of digital marketing. Web marketing includes digital marketing
administrations, for example, site improvement, indicate promoting, and email marketing.
1.1.1 Areas in Digital Marketing
1. Content
Google has coordinated an extensive move in the path in which most advertisers utilize their
substance. They have put a major accentuation on awesome, unique and significant substance
remunerating members with a lot of activity and higher pursuit rankings.
Google need their clients to discover helpful substance, that is their principle point. This has
seen a gigantic increment in the significance of having some type of blog, article rundown or
news nourish inside most sites with the recently made substance turning into a carrot for
drawing new individuals in. When you have baited a guest with your incredible, insightful
and useful substance you at that point need a technique for changing over these guests into
purchasers which is by and large an advert for an awesome offer or an information catch
shape for some more profitable substance that they can't help it. Make it one of a kind, make
it valuable and offer it!
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Numerous organizations are taking on the position of educator and sharing substance which
intends to teach the peruser. This both makes significant substance and lifts the maker to a
place of high aptitude.
2. Email
Email has had its offer of terrible press regarding the part it plays in the advertising procedure
yet lets not disparage the part it can play however as it is as yet one of the solid arms of most
promoting techniques.
An email is an incredible method for contacting somebody keeping in mind the end goal to
draw them back into a point of arrival or position on your site where you may show an
apparatus for changing over the client into a customer.
The email may well be a mystery of the substance you are making for your blog conveyed
each time your blog is refreshed or it might be vital offers gone for alluring your clients into
purchase once more.
The two in number parts to it are that individuals once in a while change their email address
and it is an exceptionally non-nosy approach to connect with individuals.
3. Pay-per-click
Pay-per-click is an awesome approach to get obvious quick. Similarly as it says on the tin
you are paying for a tick, the snap in this example is basically a guest to your site or greeting
page. For the most part this is quite wanted to paying per show of your promotion as it is
more like a genuine change however regularly still extremely distant.
The greatest player in this field is Google Adwords, with their adverts timing up a huge
number of snaps each day. These can be discovered either at the top, over the correct hand
side or along the base of the indexed lists.
Google Adwords chip away at an offering premise with the more sought after search queries
costing in some cases a lot of cash. Another key element is content significance to inquiry
term, Google need their clients to get to the correct substance, on the off chance that you send
them to very important substance you will be compensated with less expensive snap costs.
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A considerable measure of the Social Media channels offer comparable promoting
arrangements with the capacity to very focus on your gatherings of people in view of ages,
sex, area et cetera.
4. Pay-per-view
Dealing with comparative standards as pay-per-click however the enormous distinction is that
you aren't paying for a tick of a URL yet paying for a perspective of a video.
Youtube is the biggest player around there giving their promoters a lot of choices regarding
targetting. Key offering focuses are that it is for the most part less aggressive than Pay-per-
click because of the section cost of making a video and you pay for perspectives which
haven't been skipped close to the start.
5. Social Media
Which business hasn't got an online networking nearness nowadays? Relatively few
organizations set out pass up a great opportunity albeit a large portion of them have accounts
with no genuine methodology for utilize.
Does each business should be social? I wouldn't say as much however there is an enormous
measure of good activity to be stolen on the off chance that you do. Would you be able to
envision making a social chasing after a burial service parlor?
Most organizations have a two dimensional goal for this, right off the bat growing a taking
after. Get a few numbers, assemble a crowd of people. Furthermore is to send that gathering
of people back to your site where you have your customer grabbing transformation machine.
At the end of the day most organizations see their sites as the place for changing over their
potential customers into real customers thus produce an arrangement to drive movement from
their online networking stages back to presentation pages and exceptionally enhanced
transformation pages.
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6. SEO
Search engine streamlining is as yet imperative with third party referencing still observed as a
vital part of securing long haul natural movement. The fundamental standard to this is a
connection on another site goes about as a suggestion, the more connections you have on
various sites the more famous or believed your site or area apparently is. The search engines
give you a rank for how trustworthy your area is esteemed to be and after that utilization that
as an element (one of numerous) when working out who ought to be indicated first.
Similar guidelines of improving page speeds, evacuating copy substance and composing right
HTML still stand however perhaps assume a lesser part than the more seasoned days of
activity era.
By and large this is viewed as the more drawn out methodology however the one that will
acquire the greatest prizes what's to come.
7. Mobile
On the off chance that you read any type of web perusing details you will see the tremendous
significance portable is having on the web and this proceeds into promoting. Not exclusively
does your website improvement depend partially on having a versatile form yet clients who
are given non-portable upgraded content when survey from their advanced mobile phone exit
as quick as they arrive.
Google offer inclination to sites who show an alternate perspective of their substance for
versatile clients as they need their guests to have a decent ordeal wherever they send them.
This doesn't mean you need to have a totally new versatile rendition of your site as
responsive outline enables you to plan your site in a way that diverse estimated screens are
given marginally extraordinary perspectives with a specific end goal to fill the screen in the
most ideal way.
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1.2 Introduction to SEO
Search Engine Optimization is a marketing regimen focused on developing perceivability in
organic (non-paid) search engine results. Search Engine Optimization incorporates both the
specialized and imaginative components required to enhance rankings, drive traffic, and
increment mindfulness in search engines. There are various perspectives to Search Engine
Optimization, from the words on your page to the way different locales connect to you on the
web. Website optimization is just an issue of guaranteeing your webpage is organized in a
way that search engines get it. At Moz we trust these standards go as an inseparable unit.
Website design enhancement is about improving your webpage for individuals moreover.
At whatever point you enter a question in a search engine and hit "enter" you get a quick
overview of web results that contain that inquiry term. Clients routinely tend to visit sites that
are at the most elevated need on this rundown as they see those to be more applicable to the
inquiry. If you have ever asked why some of these sites rank superior to anything the others
then you ought to understand that it is a direct result of an effective web marketing strategy
called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Website optimization is a method which searches engines find and rank your webpage higher.
Search Engine Optimization encourages you get traffic from search engines.
1.2.1 History of SEO
The principal known creation of a web crawler existing was back in the July of 1945 by a Dr.
Vannevar Bush. He utilized the idea of hypertext and a memory augmentation to accumulate
a gathering of researchers to set out and cooperate to help construct a group of information
for all humankind. He not exclusively was a firm adherent to putting away information, yet
he likewise trusted that if the information source was to be valuable to the human personality,
we ought to have it speak to how the mind attempts to the best of our capacities.
He at that point proposed the possibility of a for all intents and purposes boundless, quick,
dependable, extensible, cooperative memory stockpiling and recovery framework. He named
this gadget a memex.
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A couple of decades later Gerard Salton and his groups at Harvard and Cornell, built up a
program called the SMART educational recovery framework (Salton's Magic Automatic
Retriever of Text). Gerard additionally created a 56-page book which he called 'A Theory of
Indexing' which clarifies huge numbers of his tests whereupon pursuit can be seen still to a
great extent in view of.
This inevitably prompt the primary web search tool which was named 'Archie'. The program
was made by Alan Emtage, an understudy at McGill University in Montreal. The initial
couple of sites started in around 1993, yet the vast majority of these got using Archie. The
web crawler assisted with taking care of information disperse issues by consolidating a script-
based information gatherer, which had a standard expression matcher for recovering record
names coordinating a client inquiry.
Google didn't go ahead the scene until September of 1998 and was initially made by Larry
Page and Sergey Brin while they were PhD understudies at Stanford University, in
It wasn't long after when web crawlers began turning into a typical easily recognized name as
more families getting to be plainly associated with the Internet. It wasn't until two children
(Page and Brin) at Stanford distributed a paper called 'The Anatomy of Large-Scale
Hypertext Web Search Engine'. The report contained data with respect to 'Page Ranking'
which is a framework that web crawlers today, for example, Google, still use to help rank
indexed lists in view of value, and not catchphrases alone.
The mid 2000's was the place Google gradually started its takeover and started to set the rules
of essential SEO.
In 2003 the way to deal with the web being something beyond words, begun to truly come to
fruition in November 2003 as the "Florida" refresh to Google's calculation happened.
Destinations started to lose their rankings and Search Engine Watch called the reaction to
Florida a huge 'clamor'. It is vital to note that many destinations profited from this occurrence
also. It was the primary episode where locales were accepting punishments for things like
watchword stuffing, flagging Google's accentuation on tackling for the client first - for the
most part with quality substance.
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2005 was a major year for the improvement of SEO. This was the year that Google joined
with Yahoo and MSN for the Nofollow Attribute. This was to help diminish the measure of
spammy connections and remarks on sites. In June of that year, Google appeared customized
seek! Customized seek utilized somebody's inquiry history to help make their outcomes more
Today individuals are as yet growing better approaches to help enhance the utilization of
SEO to ensure that the general population who show up at the highest point of list items are
by and large genuinely positioned. Ensuring that your organizations site is enhanced to its
fullest with pertinent catchphrases and substance will enable you to climb the immeasurably
imperative SEO stepping stool and enable you to get higher movement moving through to
your site.
1.2.2 Architecture of SEO
Fig-1.1: Architecture of SEO
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1.2.3 Process of SEO
Step-1: Keyword Research
As of late a customer stated, "Well I can disclose to you what the watchwords are so you can
simply avoid this and get to the vital stuff". This is by all accounts a typical confusion.
Without a doubt, you may have been working in a specific industry for quite a long time and
years, yet that may likewise imply that you are "excessively close" to it all. Possibly the
watchwords that you'd propose aren't what real potential clients would use to discover you.
Catchphrase research can reveal new watchwords alongside long tail openings. It's
exceptionally uncommon to no end to happen to catchphrase examine. Keep in mind, the
catchphrases are the establishment of your battle and will be utilized all through your website
and inside substance that is distributed over the web. You would prefer not to miss any open
doors since you were tenacious.
Step-2: On-Site Optimization
When watchwords have been chosen and affirmed they should be executed normally into on
location content and inside meta data including the title, depiction, H labels, and picture
labels. It's imperative to be careful. Without a doubt, the depiction tag won't not convey any
weight with the web search tools for positioning purposes, however despite everything it
shows up on a SERP (web index comes about page). Investigate the back end and coding of
the site too. Are the internet searcher bots permitted to slither the webpage? If not, you will
experience considerable difficulties your site positioned! Utilize SEO programming to run a
specialized SEO review to ensure that you aren't liable of copying any substance.
Step-3: Link Building
This is the place numerous customers have a tendency to get restless. "On the off chance that
connections level with trust, shouldn't we attempt to get however many as could be allowed?"
truly interface quality and significance is more vital with regards to internet searcher trust
than connection amount. The web crawlers need to see joins develop normally after some
time. On the off chance that you go from 100 inbound connects to 1,000 inbound connections
inside a brief timeframe outline, something is up. A forceful approach like that can bring
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about an unnatural connection punishment. It's not worth the hazard. Gradual wins the SEO
amusement without fail.
Obviously, there are a few special cases to this procedure. For instance, if your site
incorporates many pages it can require a long investment to finish the on location part. In the
event that that is the situation, it's best to do it in pieces and choose your need pages first
while beginning with external link establishment couple.
Fig-1.2: Process of SEO
1.2.4 Types of SEO Techniques:
White hat SEO
This is a standout amongst the most prominent SEO system and is one which uses strategies
and procedures to enhance web index rankings of a site which don't cross paths with internet
searcher rules. A portion of the procedures which white cap SEO makes utilization of
incorporate excellent substance advancement, connect obtaining efforts upheld by superb
substance, site HTML streamlining and rebuilding and manual effort and research. When you
pick this strategy for SEO then you can expect a slow yet relentless yet enduring
development in your rankings.
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Black hat SEO
Black hat SEO then again is a kind of a SEO strategy which abuses the different
shortcomings in the calculations or web crawlers keeping in mind the end goal to get high
rankings for sites. This sort of a technique for SEO is not as per the SEO rules set via web
crawlers and particularly Google. The healthiness level is low a result of the way that a
portion of the black hat SEO methods incorporate watchword stuffing, interface spam,
shrouded content, concealed connection, shrouding. When you pick this strategy, you can
expect eccentric, brisk yet short enduring development in positioning.
Grey hat SEO
This sort of a SEO is a sort of a SEO which is neither dark nor white. This is a system that
does not completely utilize the dark hat SEO and rather consolidates both. This is a change
from dark to white and from white to black. Regardless of whether it is because of weight
from the site or organization or to convey better outcomes, some SEO organizations may
hone Gray hat SEO to some degree. They may not go too far to dark hat SEO.
1.3 Introduction to Backlinks
Backlinks are connections that are coordinated towards your site. Likewise knows as Inbound
connections (IBL's). The quantity of backlinks means that the ubiquity or significance of that
site. Backlinks would vital for SEO on the fact that a portion web indexes, especially Google,
will provide for additional credit on destinations that bring An conventional amount of
quality backlinks and consider those sites more significant than others in their outcomes
pages for an inquiry question.
At the point when web crawlers ascertain the importance of a website to a catchphrase, they
consider the quantity of quality inbound connects to that webpage. So we ought not be happy
with simply getting inbound connections, it is the nature of the inbound connection that
A web index considers the substance of the locales to decide the quality of a connection. At
the point when inbound connects to your site originated from different destinations, and those
locales have content identified with your site, these inbound connections are viewed as more
important to your site. On the off chance that inbound connections are found on destinations
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with disconnected substance, they are viewed as less applicable. The higher the importance of
inbound connections, the more noteworthy their quality.
Web crawlers need sites to have a level playing field, and search for characteristic
connections manufactured gradually after some time. While it is genuinely simple to control
connects on a page to attempt to accomplish a higher positioning, it is a ton harder to impact
a web search tool with outer backlinks from different sites. This is additionally a motivation
behind why backlinks figure so exceedingly into an internet searcher's calculation. Of late, in
any case, a web index's criteria for quality inbound connections has become much harder, on
account of deceitful website admins attempting to accomplish these inbound connections by
misleading or slippery methods, for example, with shrouded joins, or consequently created
pages whose sole reason for existing is to give inbound connects to sites. These pages are
called connect ranches, and they are ignored via web indexes, as well as connecting to a
connection homestead could get your website prohibited completely.
Another motivation to accomplish quality backlinks is to tempt guests to go to your site. You
can't fabricate a site, and afterward expect that individuals will discover your site without
indicating the way. You will presumably need to get the word out there about your site. One
way website admins got the word out used to be through complementary connecting. We
should discuss proportional connecting for a minute.
There is much talk in these most recent couple of months about equal connecting. In the last
Google refresh, corresponding connections were one of the objectives of the web index's
most recent channel. Numerous website admins had settled upon proportional connection
trades, so as to lift their webpage's rankings with the sheer number of inbound connections. In
a connection trade, one website admin places a connection on his site that focuses to another
website admins site, and the other way around. Large portions of these connections were
basically not pertinent, and were recently reduced. So while the immaterial inbound
connection was overlooked, the outbound connections still got tallied, weakening the
pertinence score of numerous sites. This made a considerable number of sites drop off the
Google delineate.
We should be watchful with our corresponding connections. There is a Google patent
underway that will manage not just the prominence of the locales being connected to,
additionally how reliable a webpage is that you connect to from your own site. This will
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imply that you could cause harm with the web search tool only to link to a rotten one. We
could start planning for this future change in the web index calculation by being choosier
with which we trade connects at this moment. By picking just pertinent destinations to
connect with, and locales that don't have huge amounts of outbound connections on a page, or
destinations that don't rehearse dark cap SEO procedures, we will have a superior possibility
that our proportional connections won't be marked down.
Numerous website admins have more than one site. Now and again these sites are connected,
here and there they are most certainly not. You need to likewise be cautious about
interlinking different sites on a similar IP. In the event that you possess seven related sites, at
that point a connection to each of those sites on a page could hurt you, as it might look like to
an internet searcher that you are attempting to accomplish something fishy. Numerous
website admins have attempted to control backlinks along these lines; and excessively
numerous connects to destinations with a similar IP deliver is alluded to as backlink shelling.
One thing is sure: interlinking locales doesn't help you from an internet searcher angle. The
main reason you might need to interlink your destinations in any case may be to furnish your
guests with additional assets to visit. For this situation, it would likely be alright to furnish
guests with a connection to another of your sites, however attempt to keep many occurrences
of connecting to a similar IP deliver to an absolute minimum. Maybe a couple interfaces on a
page all over most likely won't hurt you.
There are a couple of things to consider when starting your backlink building effort. It is
useful to monitor your backlinks, to know which locales are connecting back to you, and how
the stay content of the backlink fuses catchphrases identifying with your site. A device to
enable you to monitor your backlinks is the Domain Stats Tool. This device shows the
backlinks of a space in Google, Yahoo, and MSN. It will likewise reveal to you a couple of
different insights about your site, similar to your postings in the Open Directory, or DMOZ,
from which Google respects backlinks exceedingly critical; Alexa activity rank, and what
number of pages from your site that have been listed, to give some examples.
Another device to help you with your third party referencing effort is the Backlink Builder
Tool. It is insufficient just to have countless connections indicating your site. Or maybe, you
need countless inbound connections. This instrument looks for sites that have a related
subject to your site which are probably going to add your connection to their site. You
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determine a specific catchphrase or watchword expression, and afterward the device searches
out related destinations for you. This disentangles your backlink building endeavors by
helping you make quality, important backlinks to your site, and making the occupation less
demanding all the while.
There is another approach to increase quality backlinks to your site, notwithstanding related
site subjects: grapple content. At the point when a connection consolidates a watchword into
the content of the hyperlink, we call this quality grapple content. A connection's grapple
content might be one of the under-evaluated assets a website admin has. Rather than utilizing
words like "snap here" which most likely won't relate in any capacity to your site, utilizing
the words "Please visit our tips page for how to nurture a stranded cat" is an obviously better
approach to use a hyperlink. A decent device for helping you discover your backlinks and
what content is being utilized to connection to your site is the Backlink Anchor Text Analysis
Tool. On the off chance that you find that your webpage is being connected to from another
site, yet the grapple content is not being used appropriately, you ought to demand that the site
change the stay content to something joining applicable catchphrases. This will likewise help
support your quality backlinks score.
Building quality backlinks is critical to Search Engine Optimization, and due to their
significance, it ought to be high on your need list in your SEO endeavors. We trust you have
a superior comprehension of why you require great quality inbound connects to your site, and
have an idea about a couple of accommodating instruments to pick up those connections.
1.3.1 Search Engine Ranking
Web indexes frequently utilize the quantity of backlinks that a site has as a standout amongst
the most critical elements for establishing that site's internet searcher positioning, prevalence
and significance. Google's depiction of its PageRank framework, for example, takes note of
that "Google deciphers a connection from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page
B". Information of this type of web crawler rankings has powered a bit of the SEO business
regularly named linkspam, where an organization endeavors to put whatever number inbound
connections as could be allowed to their webpage paying little mind to the setting of the
starting website. The noteworthiness of Search Engine rankings is entirely high, and it is
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viewed as a critical parameter in online business and the transformation rate of guests to any
site, especially with regards to internet shopping.
Sites regularly utilize SEO systems to build the quantity of backlinks indicating their site. A
few techniques are free for use by everybody while a few strategies, such as linkbaiting,
require a lot of arranging and showcasing to work. There are additionally paid methods to
build the quantity of backlinks to an objective site. For instance, private blog systems can be
utilized to buy backlinks.
There are a few elements that decide the estimation of a backlink. Backlinks from definitive
destinations on a given subject are exceptionally important. On the off chance that both
destinations have content intended for the watchword point, the backlink is viewed as
pertinent and accepted to have solid impact on the web index rankings of the site page
allowed the backlink. A backlink speaks to a good 'article vote' for the getting website page
from another giving page. Another imperative component is the stay content of the backlink.
Stay content is the elucidating naming of the hyperlink as it shows up on a site page. Web
search tool bots (i.e., arachnids, crawlers, and so on.) look at the grapple content to assess that
it is so significant to the substance on a page. Stay content and site page content congruency
are exceptionally weighted in web search tool comes about page (SERP) rankings of a
website page regarding any given watchword inquiry by an internet searcher client.
Changes to the calculations that create web index rankings can put an uplifted concentrate on
pertinence to a specific point. While some backlinks may be from sources containing
exceedingly profitable measurements, they could likewise be random to the buyer's question
or intrigue. A case of this would be a connection from a well known shoe blog (with
important measurements) to a webpage offering vintage pencil sharpeners. While the
connection seems important, it gives little to the shopper regarding significance.
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1.3.2 Off - Page Techniques to Build Backlinks
1. Social Media Engagement
Social media is believed to be one of the most extreme effective approaches to create site
guests through helping a social media advancement organization talk straightforwardly with
its capacity customers and likely make a phenomenal move of their disposition with perceive
to its image, item or thought. Solid social media markers are considered positively with the
guide of Google, following in a higher region specialist for any business/web website.
2. Search Engine Submissions
In the event that you build up a fresh out of the box new site, you need to distribute it to
motors like google all together that insects can quick move gradually and file it.
Notwithstanding for a present site, if there are any updates or new substance material has
been included, it's far advantageous to distribute your site to web indexes to analyzed more
prominent quick. Else it can take various weeks to your site to be crawled and recorded once
3. Blog Posting/Content Marketing
Creating and sharing applicable and useful content to your intended interest group is the great
way to produce natural guests. As more prominent traffic see and extent your content
material, your traffic and area expert will increment.
4. Link Baiting
Hyperlink goading is however every other method for utilizing guests through charming
content. Truly guarantee that your content has something that distinctive content makers and
advertisers might need to make hyperlinks to it. higher the scope of inbound hyperlinks on
your content material, the better in your capacity on area specialist.
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5. Video Marketing
Information recommends that most surfers at the net pick seeing fresh exciting films over
breaking down long verbose writings. Indeed, even the Forrester look at demonstrates that
pages containing video have as tons as 50 times higher opportunity to be positioned on
Google's initially page of Seek impacts.
6. Photo Sharing
Likewise with movies, depictions may furthermore discover as additional engaging,
additional brilliant and more prominent sharable content material. Therefore, Photo sharing
must be a piece of your off-site page strategy. it's far this transcendent which has taken Image
sharing sites like Pinterest and Instagram to commendable achievement.
7. Natural Link Building
one of the most secure and most productive strategies to advance your site can be by means
of posting content inside the type of websites, photographs, movies et cetera. That at no time
in the future best helps your adherents, however likewise draws proprietors of different sites
since they see how useful can the content material be for their own one of a kind guests and
8. Guest Blogging
In the meantime as Visitor Running a blog guarantees marvelous surrender outcomes, the
catch Right here is that a site wishes to constantly distribute pertinent Guest online journals,
in a perfect world by utilizing eminent creators, for you to live on apex of the region
specialist scale.
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9. Directory Submission
Getting ordered on differing indexes with respect to your venture verticals and the web
indexes you yearning to rank high on, is pretty a key stride in Building your region expert.
This can furthermore enable you to whip your rivals hands inside the race of achieving
additional reputation and increasing capable hyperlinks.
10. Active Contributions on Q/A Platforms and Forums
As a business venture, you could posting down a few locales and Forums that discussion
content identified with your area of comprehension, and arrangement the inquiries raised by
utilizing traffic truly. The catch lies in sliding in a couple of pertinent key expressions to
enable you to produce traffic to your site and at last lead you towards a higher area expert
1.3.3 Importance of Backlinks
Search engines like Google would attempt to make sense of the significance of a watchword
to a site and takes a gander at the quantity of value backlinks that indicate back that site. The
nature of backlinks makes the site significant to search engines. At the point when there is a
backlink indicating your site and the content on that site is important to your own site then it
turns into a quality connection. The key here is pertinence. As the pertinence of the content
builds; the nature of the backlink increments as well.
Benefits of Backlinks are:
 Branding
 Authority
 Relationship Building
 Improves Organic Ranking
 Faster Indexing
 Referral Traffic
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1.4 Importance of Backlinks in Sterling Marketing Solutions:
Sterling Marketing Solutions is start-up which deals with data of technology and provides
database management service to clients. To create awareness of the products and services,
Backlinks are created to increase the traffic towards website which helps to
convert visitors to customers.
Using Backlinks I can determine the present visitors to websites with location and tools help
me to check the website is unique, fast accessible and from which link visitor enters the
Backlinks creation leads to starting of New Business and assist you to get connected with
prospective customers on business needs for genuine leads and better sales opportunities.
Backlinks help the company to generate best leads and to boost the sales profit.
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1.5 Need for the Study:
Backlinks are most important part of SEO to create awareness, promote business products
and services and to rank higher in search engine results based on keywords, link building,
social bookmarking, directory submissions, photo sharing, blogging etc.
Sterling Marketing Solutions is start-up which deals with data of technology and provides
database management service to clients. To create awareness of the products and services,
Backlinks are created to increase the traffic towards website which helps to
convert visitors to customers.
Using Backlinks I can determine the present visitors to websites with location and tools help
me to check the website is unique, fast accessible and from which link visitor enters the
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Literature Review
2.1 Review of Literature
Search Engine Friendliness of Search Engine Marketing Methods by
Vladimir Minasyan
Published on: Journal of Business; ISSN 2233-36 9X; Volume 3, Issue 1, 2014
The article looks at web index invitingness of the most mainstream and broadly utilized web
search tool advertising (SEM) strategies. In the initial segment, SEM techniques and
methodologies that are in accordance with web crawlers' authentic rules are inspected and
broke down. The second part manages prevalent techniques which are not invited via web
search tools and are executed by organizations exclusively for web index rankings control
purposes. At long last, the last area portrays a few analyses led on live sites to make sense of
current web search tools' capacities to distinguish generally utilized beguiling practices and
gives the dangers related SEM strategies which are firmly conflicting with web crawlers'
authentic rules.
The PageRank Citation Ranking: Brining Order to Web
Published on: January 28,1998
The significance of a Web page is an intrinsically subjective matter, which relies on upon the
perusers interests, information and dispositions. In any case, there is still much that can be
said impartially in regards to the relative significance of Web pages. This paper depicts
PageRank, a strategy for rating Web pages equitably and mechanically, successfully
measuring the human intrigue and consideration dedicated to them.
We contrast PageRank with a romanticized arbitrary Web surfer. We demonstrate to
productively figure PageRank for substantial quantities of pages. What's more, we
demonstrate to apply PageRank to search and to client route.
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Analytical survey of Web Page Rank Algorithm by Mrs.M.Usha, Research
Scholar, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore and Dr.N.Nagadeepa, Associate
Professor, Jairams Arts and Science College, Karur.
Published on: December 11, 2014
We utilize Search Engines to search for data over the Internet. Web being a perpetually
growing sea of information, their significance developed with each passing day. The assorted
qualities of the data itself made it important to have a device to eliminate the time spent in
searching. It is exceptionally troublesome for a client to locate the excellent data which he
needs to require. When we search any data on the web, the quantity of URL's has been
opened. Client needs to demonstrate the significant on the highest priority on the rundown.
So Page Ranking algorithm is required which give the higher ranking to the imperative pages.
In this paper, we talk about the Page Ranking algorithm to give the higher ranking to vital
Comparative Analysis of Google Panda and Penguin SEO Algorithms on
Blogs: A Review by Sakshi Saurabh Charaya, Om Institute of Engineering
and Technology, Hisar.
Published on: International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 4, Issue 04,
This Paper depends on the investigation of different Research Papers in the field of Search
Engine Optimization and its Algorithms. Our point is to do the near investigation of the
Google SEO Algorithms i.e. Panda and Penguin impact on the Traffic of the Blogs. Panda is
the Content based algorithm which is executed by the Google to disregard the sites or the
Blogs having the copy or duplicated content. Penguin depends on the Back Links i.e. Sites or
the Blogs having the High quality Back Links won't be punished by the Google. We focused
on two web Blogs to expand their perspectives by advancing their code and data. For
consistently we focused on each blog to the above algorithms keeping in mind the end goal to
build/diminish their perceivability to search motor. The outcomes in light of correlations are
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then used to finish up the better of two algorithms for snappy and stable addition in website
page ranking.
On-page search engine optimization analysis by Tanja Krunic, The Higher
Technical School of Professional Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia,
Published on: Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013
Posting a Website on the Internet is not adequate to advance business effectively. It is notable
that clients essentially enter Websites just in the event that they are recorded among the initial
two search motor outcome pages. Search motor improvement is an arrangement of ventures
to be performed with a specific end goal to be all around positioned via search engines. This
is a persistent procedure and comprises of two primary gatherings of steps approached page
enhancement and off-page advancement. This paper manages a few parts of on-page
streamlining of Websites by and by. A study is directed on an example of roughly 500 main 5
Google positioned Websites for pertinent Keywords from various classifications and nations.
Build Quality Backlinks At The Article Marketing Network -
Philadelphia Internet Business
You will discover numerous approaches to get center for your site from search engines like
google. This article concentrates on tips on the best way to utilize fantastic content you've
composed notwithstanding hyperlink making to drive colossal measures of webpage guests
for your weblog and move your web website to the prime of the rankings actually. Making a
decent and steady procedure for building hyperlinks to your weblog or site is not going to just
impact your rankings with search engines, make your site page more unmistakable and raise
your site traffic, yet it will give your website pages significantly more trust and specialist
inside the eyes of search engines like google and people. At the point when a site having a
high PageRank hyperlinks to content in your page, it truly is a positive "vote" for your site
page. These "votes", "backlinks", are an indication of one's prevalence. Search engines like
google will accept your web webpage has clout and can expand your site page rank in light of
the quantity of "votes". Different connections may comprise of these you put yourself inside
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the remark segment of an applicable blog or discussion, to hyperlink back to your own web
Page Ranking Algorithms for Web Mining by Rekha Jain and Dr. G. N.
Purohit, Department of Computer Science, Apaji Institute, Banasthali
Published on: International Journal of Computer Applications, January 2011
As the web is growing rapidly, the customers get successfully lost in the web's rich hyper
structure. The fundamental goal of the site proprietor is to give the huge information to the
customers to fulfill their necessities. Web mining framework is used to sort customers and
pages by separating customers direct, the substance of pages and demand of URLs got to.
Web Structure Mining expect a fundamental part in this approach. In this paper we discuss
and investigate the typically used figurings i.e. PageRank, Weighted PageRank and HITS.
Using SEO techniques Google Panda to Improve the Website Ranking by
Muhammad Ismail, Irfan Jamil, Rehan Jamil.
Published on: International Journal of Engineering Works, Sept. 2014
You will discover numerous approaches to get center for your site from search engines like
google. This article concentrates on tips on the most proficient method to utilize fabulous
content you've outlined notwithstanding hyperlink making to drive tremendous measures of
website guests for your weblog and move your web webpage to the prime of the rankings
actually. Making a decent and consistent methodology for building hyperlinks to your weblog
or site is not going to just impact your rankings with search engines, make your site page
more obvious and raise your site traffic, however it will give your site pages significantly
more trust and specialist inside the eyes of search engines like google and people. At the
point when a site having a high PageRank hyperlinks to content in your site page, it truly is a
positive "vote" for your website page. These "votes", "backlinks", are an indication of one's
notoriety. Search engines like google will accept your web website has clout and can expand
your site page rank in view of the quantity of "votes". Different connections may comprise of
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these you put yourself inside the remark area of a significant blog or gathering, to hyperlink
back to your own web website.
2.2 Statement of the Problem
Sterling Marketing Solutions is Database Management Company requires strategies for brand
creation, improving organic ranking, referral traffic to website through digital marketing and
how this strategies are influenced to increase prospective customers on B2B campaigns for
genuine leads and better sales opportunities.
2.3 Scope of the Study
This study describes about strategies developed on sterling marketing solutions by SEO
which results as
 Developing brand creation and visibility through digital marketing.
 Increasing the traffic for website.
 Improving pagerank on search engine.
 Determining response generated through Backlinks.
2.4 Objectives of the Study
 To study the role of Backlinks in SEO.
 To study the impact of Backlinks in improving the Rank of in Search
Engine results.
 To study the impact of Backlinks in boosting Online Traffic of
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2.5 Tools for Data Collection
 Web Master Tool
 Page Speed Insights
 Google Analytics
 Tools which are necessary to identify the company’s information on ranking and
2.6 Limitations of the Study
The study was designed to know about the SEO and its impact on website ranking and traffic
for increasing sales opportunities for the company. This study is restricted to create Backlinks
for website and promote the products and services in off-page SEO techniques like social
bookmarking, directory submissions, image sharing and so on.
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Company Profile
Devising a strong foundation for your business entails target marketing and tailoring your
marketing pitch accordingly in the international market. Sterlingsolns understands every
marketing strategy and hence we succour you to focus your marketing dollars and brand
message on your niche market.
With experts in delivering database marketing solutions, we have been bestowing a success
factor in many recognized organizations around the globe. As a one-size –fits-all marketing
and sales approach doesn’t works, hence our authentic target marketing campaign could
make that happen for you to reach targeted audience.
In defiance of the type and the size of business, we deliver inventive B2B and B2C lead
generation solutions. Data is an important asset of an organization that needs to be fortified;
hence we focus on offering every clientele secured data from a blend of sources to meet the
needs. We pride ourselves on being the growth hacker of many recognized companies.
Being a thought leader in the international market, Sterlingsolns focuses on improving the
data driven marketing of businesses and fostering it. We understand customer’s business pain
points in lead generation and then we assist optimize them through comprehensive
experiential campaigns that produce scalable results.
Present position of the company:
Today we are the best-in-class information administration organization for innovation clients
email records and human services clients email records over the globe. Our huge master
database offers reliable users email lists to more than 500 clienteles around the globe. We
have developed into offering high caliber and information driven outcomes on enhancing
ROI and increasing brand visibility in the competitive market.
What Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC does?
Today we are the best-in-class information administration organization for innovation clients
email records and human services clients email records over the globe. Our huge master
database offers reliable users email lists to more than 500 clienteles around the globe. We
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have developed into offering high caliber and information driven outcomes on enhancing
ROI and increasing brand visibility in the competitive market.
Sterling Marketing Solutions Process:
Today we are the best-in-class data management company for technology users email lists
and health care users email lists across the globe. Our huge master database offers reliable
users email lists to more than 500 clienteles around the globe. We have evolved into offering
high quality and data-driven results on enhancing ROI and increasing brand visibility in the
competitive market.
When Sterling Marketing Solutions Does?
If you are in need of some relevant technology email list and validated database to launch a
successful B2B marketing, then you have approached the right place. We’re the one stop
solution for successful B2B marketing. We offer every customer a verified and authentic
database to ensure a quality service. While delivering services to the customers, we enable
you to deliver unique marketing solutions to target decision makers in top-notch
organizations. We are committed to deliver a greater ROI and productivity.
History of the company:
Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC started in June 2016 by Atul Kumtekar and on March 2017
Vasudeva Reddy joined as a venture capitalist and to develop the company to provide best in
class data management service. Sterling is Data Company which provides digital marketing
service, data appending, data management and data on technology users.
After March 2017, the company explored with technology to increase the clientele and to
assist organizations with updated contacts list through the integration of data and analytics.
Sterling Marketing Solutions share the best-in-class data management solutions to our clients
and provide authentic and lucid data through advanced research and systematic disposition.
We share to you; because we care for you.
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We aim at relinquish best-in-class data services to our prospective clients and accredit them
to achieve great results.
To help clienteles wangle opulence through data and augment their opportunities to
Our Products and Services:
a. Data appending:
 Email appending
 Phone appending
 Multiple contact appending
b. Data Management
 Data Verfication
 Data Enhancement / Cleansing
 Data Segmentation
 List Management Services
c. Data Licensing
 Data analysis
 Top Data Acquisition Techniques
 Structured Data Maintenance
a. Digital Marketing Service
b. Technology User List
c. Healthcare List
d. C Level List
e. Industry List
f. Importer – Exporter List
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SWOT Analysis of the Company:
 Engaged in digital marketing services.
 Gain prospective clients by emphasize opportunities.
 Built good business network through SEO Techniques.
 Ease to create brand and promote the product and service digital platform.
 Focus on quality of data and delivering best-in-class data.
 Enjoys more active users on website.
 Transparency in fulfilling needs and wants.
 Since it is Startup, requires time to position itself as a brand.
 Less followers on social media networks.
 Poor engagement with followers of social media outlets.
 Fewer clicks on posts of social media networks.
 Data Servicing Company requires to increase prospective clients.
 More customers taking their business to next level through online platform.
 Government supports new upcoming business.
 Connect to customers through digital marketing service.
 Generating leads through creating Backlinks and posting on social media.
 More efficient marketing strategies to reach the prospective customers.
 Swift support through social media.
 Employment to become professional.
 Existing companies are the competitors in market.
 Revamp in client needs.
 Negative criticism on internet.
 Time consuming promotional strategy.
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Bio-data of the company:
Name of the company : Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC
Nature of the company : Private Limited
Managing Director : Atul Kumtekar
Employees : 50-60
Type of company : Data Management and Digital marketing Services
Clients : Global
Address : India: - 31, 1st Floor, 7th Cross Rd, 6th Block, Koramangala,
Bangalore, Karnataka – 560047
United States: - 17774, Preston road 2B, Dallas, Texas-75252
Contact info : Email: -
Phone: - (888) 346-0094
Website URL :
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Data Analysis and Interpretation
4.1 Methodology
1. Creation of Backlinks for and its deep links, publishing the content
in social bookmarking sites and directory submission sites.
2. To promote the business social media’s like facebook and twitter is used to posting
images, blogs, videos, etc.
3. Creating Backlinks through social bookmarking, directory submission and social
media is analysed to know the current position in Google search engine by keywords
4. Tools like webmaster, google analytics, page insights are used to analyse the website
ranking and traffic.
4.2 Procedure for creating Backlinks in Social bookmarking sites and
directory submissions sites
4.2.1 Social Bookmarking:
Social Bookmarking is essentially labelling a site page with an electronic instrument so you
can without much of a stretch get to it later. Rather than sparing them to your web program,
you are sparing them to the web.
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1. Identify high PageRank social bookmarking sites on internet.
Screenshot 4.1: Web page of
2. Open the website and register using email id and password.
Screenshot 4.2: Registration form of
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3. Go to profile settings by clicking on username on top-right side.
Screenshot 4.3: Profile of the karthiksolns
4. Click settings tab which is next to profile tab and fill your details and submit.
Screenshot 4.4: modification of profile on settings tab
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5. Click on submit tab at the top and enter the URL to be published.
And click on continue.
Screenshot 4.5: Enter the URL to create backlink
6. Next webpage shows you to enter title, description of URL, Keywords and category.
Den click on submit.
Screenshot 4.6: Entering Title, Description and category for creating backlink
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7. After submitting the story, you can check how many links you submitted in the same
Screenshot 4.7: Submitted links in
8. User can check how many likes are engaged to published links in published tab.
Screenshot 4.8: Likes to published links in
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4.2.2 Directory Submissions
Directory submission in seo is one of the off page seo strategy , for this you have to choose
best directory to present your site points of interest, similar to name , connection and
depiction of your site. In the event that you continue doing this frequently your page rank will
increment and encourages you to get more traffic from google internet searcher, this third
party referencing will expand your space specialist and page rank in google.
Simple steps to get your site submitted to various blog directories and make backlinks:
Step: 1 Some pre-submission work.Before presenting your site here is a straightforward
assignment to perform. This will really help in simple submission without much bother.
Make a notebook record and spare the accompanying there.
Your blog URL
Your blog's RSS channel URL
Your social profile joins.
Furthermore, a concise passage depicting your site (a few directories require this.)
Step: 2 find some marvelous and immense arrangements of blog catalogs. You can discover
two most mainstream blog directory records here and here.
Step: 3 choose the blog catalogs in view of your decisions, similar to number of sites related,
PR of the website (on the off chance that you are exclusively considering backlinks), alexa
rank, area expert, no. of recorded pages in Google and so on.
Step: 4 suppose you pick a directory named
Step: 5 choose an applicable class for your submission.
Step: 6 dig further to pick an ideal sub-class.
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Step: 7 choose the class/sub-classification that fits your blog's specialty precisely.
Screenshot 4.9: a directory site
Step: 8 once you found the appropriate sub category click on submit website on the top of
the page.
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Step: 9 select the review type which is displayed below the guidelines.
Screenshot 4.10: Selection of review type
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Step: 10 fill on the details from the notepad file you just created.
Screenshot 4.11: Submission form of the site
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4.3 Social Media
Social media is the group of online interchanges channels committed to group based
information, cooperation, content-sharing and joint effort.
Social media networks used in Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC is majorly Facebook and
1) FaceBook
 To promote the business and increase the prospective clients we need to create
a page on our business name in facebook.
Screenshot 4.12: Sterling Marketing Solutions Business Page in FaceBook
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 Post a blog about business products and services in business page.
Screenshot 4.13: post on Salesforce users list is service provided by
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 Post a image to promote the business in our page and share the link with
keywords in similar pages on facebook.
Screenshot 4.14: Image on technology email list service by
 By posting blogs, contents, images and videos, business page is analysed by
FaceBook Analytics to determine the status of page insights.
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 Business page insights shows how many of them visited the page, liked the
page, followers for the page and engaged to the page.
Screenshot 4.15: Page insights of Sterling Marketing Solutions Business Page
 From FaceBook Analytics, the page is viewed by 19 members till 11 June,
 Page has been liked by 2 members till 11 June, 2017.
 42 Post engagements till 11 June, 2017.
 2 followers till 11 June, 2017.
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2) Twitter
 Create a account in Twitter on Sterling Marketing Solutions.
 Create profile on our business with location and description about business.
Screenshot 4.16: Twitter Page for Sterling Marketing Solutions
 Post content, image and links with keywords about the service render the
Screenshot 4.17: post on SalesForce Customers List by Sterling Marketing Solutions
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 To promote business we need followers which converts them into clients for
our business.
Screenshot 4.18: 244 Followers for our business page
 Similar to facebook analytics we have Twitter Analytics.
 Twitter Analytics gives report on tweet impressions on page, top tweets,
profile visits and monthly status.
Screenshot 4.19: Summary of business page in Twitter
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 Monthly report of Sterling Marketing Solutions in Twitter.
Screenshot 4.20: Top tweets, tweet impressions, profile visits, new followers of June, 2017
Screenshot 4.21: Top Follower of June, 2017
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 Twitter Analytics explores the organic impressions on daily basis.
Screenshot 4.22: Tweet Activity of Last 28 Days
 In tweet activity 813 organic impressions and 2 tweets are recorded on 14
June, 2017.
 0.9% engagement rate on 14 June, 2017.
 SAP users email Database tweet has 71 impressions.
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 Twitter Analytics gives the percentage of audiences on their interest with
respect to Sterling Marketing Solutions.
Screenshot 4.23: Percentage of Audiences on based on interest and demography
 From Twitter analytics, our business page needs to more tweets and reach to
increase B2B customers.
 Since it is Start-up, Social media marketing has to be increased to maximum.
4.4 Tools for Data Collections:
 Web Master Tool
 Page Speed Insights
 Google Analytics
4.4.1 Web Master Tool:
Google Web Master Tool is a tool which enables you to speak with Google and how Google
sees your website, for example, list the outside and inward connects to your webpage, alter
the slither rate at which Google-Bot lists your webpage, check the keywords clients written to
arrive on your webpage, and the active visitor clicking percentage for every watchword, see
your website's measurements.
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1. Verification
Before you can get to any information on your site, you need to demonstrate that you're an
approved illustrative of the site. This is done through a procedure of verification.
There are five fundamental strategies for verification right now set up for GWT. There's no
genuine inclination as to which strategy you utilize, despite the fact that the initial two have a
tendency to be the most regularly utilized as they've been around for more.
Fig 4.1: Verification file from webmaster tool
 The HTML file upload. Google gives you a clear, extraordinarily named document
that you simply need to drop in the root directory of your site. Once you've done that,
you simply tap on the check catch and you'll approach your GWT information for this
 HTML tag. Tapping on this alternative will give you a metatag that you can embed
into the leader of your landing page. When it's there, tap on the confirm catch to see
your GWT information. One thing to note about utilizing this strategy for verification
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is that it's feasible for the tag to be coincidentally expelled amid a refresh to the
landing page, which would prompt a denial of the verification, yet reinserting the tag
and clicking check again will settle that.
 Domain Name Provider. Select your Domain Name supplier starting from the drop
rundown and Google will give you a well ordered guide for verification alongside a
one of a kind security token for you to utilize.
 Google Analytics. On the off chance that the Google record you're utilizing for GWT
is an indistinguishable record from for GA (accepting you're utilizing GA as your
examination arrangement), is an administrator on the GA account, and you're utilizing
the offbeat following code (with the code being in the leader of your landing page), at
that point you can confirm the site along these lines.
 Google Tag Manager. This option allows you to use the Google Tag Manager to
verify your site.
2. The Dashboard
Now that you’re verified, you can log in and start to examine the data for your site.
Fig 5.2: Dashboard of your property
The first screen you’ll see is the dashboard. This gives you a quick view into some of the
more pertinent information for your site, along with any new messages from Google. We’ll
cover each of the widgets shown here in their own sections.
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3. Site Messages
Fig 5.3: Site messages
At the point when Google needs to speak with a webmaster, this is the place they'll do as
such. There might be messages that educate you that you have pages tainted with malware,
that they've recognized countless on your site, which might be an indication of different
issues, or even only an enlightening message that your WordPress establishment truly should
be refreshed to evacuate the likelihood of anybody abusing definitely known security
openings in that stage.
Not all messages are terrible. There's likewise the likelihood that you'll get one that praises
you on an expansion in traffic to at least one of your pages.
4. Search Traffic
Search Queries
Here you can get an outline of the top keywords that restored a page from your site in the list
items. Take note of the information appeared here is gathered in a marginally unique manner
from your investigation stage, including GA, so don't anticipate that the number will
precisely count.
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Fig 5.4: Search Queries
It gives you a thought of the top traffic-driving keywords for your site, the quantity of
impressions and clicks, and along these lines the active visitor clicking percentage (CTR),
and the normal position that your page was positioning for that specific inquiry. You can
likewise see similar information by page as opposed to by watchword. This demonstrates to
you the top traffic-producing pages on your site, and maybe encourages you distinguish those
that you ought to focus on improving, as a high traffic generator in eleventh position would
be a significantly higher traffic generator in eighth.
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5. Links to Your Site
This segment distinguishes the spaces that connect to you the most, alongside your most-
connected to content. While you no doubt won't see each connection that Google's found for
your site, you will see more than if you went to and played out a scan for
Fig 5.5: Links to your sites
6. Internal Links
Fig 5.6: Internal Links
Here you can see the main 1,000 pages on your site sorted by the quantity of inner connects
to those pages. In the event that you have few pages on your site, you can turn around the sort
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arrange by tapping on the Links header. Any pages that show zero inward connections have
been stranded and ought to either be connected to from some place on your site, or diverted to
a proper page in the event that they're old heritage pages.
7. Google Index
Index Status
Fig 5.7: Index Status of the site
The Index Status allows you to track the status of your site within the Google index. How
many pages are they showing as being indexed? Are there any worrying trends? Have you
accidentally blocked large sections of your site from Googlebot? This is a great place to get
the answers to those questions and more.
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8. Crawl
8.1 Site Errors
Fig 5.8: Crawl errors
Here's the place you get some answers concerning the mistakes that Google has distinguished
when creeping your site in the course of recent days. This is a priceless tool as it can
completely enable you to distinguish an assortment of issues on your site, from server
mistakes to missing pages, and blunders in the middle.
GWT demonstrates to you the quantity of blunders, records the pages, and demonstrates a
diagram of your number after some time for that specific mistake so you can see whether it's
been a steady change or a more sudden event (maybe a code push caused unanticipated
blunders with an area of the site that nobody took note).
This area ought to be a regular port of call, as you watch out for any new issues that could be
affecting the creeping of your site. On the off chance that your site has either a portable
nearness or is in Google News, you will see tabs committed to any creep blunders particular
to those items.
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8.2 Crawl Stats
Fig 5.9: Crawl Stats
The crawl stats area gives you a thought of how quick the crawlers can read pages on your
site. Spikes are not out of the ordinary here, yet in the event that you see a supported drop in
pages slithered, or a managed spike in time spent downloading a page, or in the extent of a
page, at that point that means that you ought to investigate and see what's changed on your
webpage – maybe you included another accomplice module that is made a greater than
anticipated expansion to the impression on your website.
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9. Fetch as Google
Fig 5.10: Fetch report
Here is the place you can essentially see your pages as Google sees them. They'll restore the
HTTP reaction, the date and time, and the HTML code, including the initial 100kb of obvious
content on the page. This is an awesome method for checking that the Google crawler sees
the page as you anticipate that it will (recall the crawler should see an indistinguishable page
from the client would see), and that there are no remotely infused shrouded interfaces on the
page. On the off chance that the page looks how you anticipate that it will, at that point you
can submit it to the list. You are permitted 500 gets/submissions seven days, and 10
connected page submissions for every week (presenting a page and all pages connected from
it in the meantime).
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10. Sitemaps
Fig 5.11: Site Maps
Here's the place you can get to the majority of the data about the sitemaps that GWT has been
educated of. To test a sitemap, tap the include/test sitemap catch, and GWT will illuminate
you if the sitemap has all the earmarks of being substantial. On the off chance that it is, at that
point essentially include the sitemap utilizing a similar technique, with the exception of
tapping the include sitemap catch. Take note of that the default sees here is to just
demonstrate the sitemaps that you have included. To see those that have been included by
other approved clients the record tap the "all" tab. The page demonstrates to you the sitemaps
that you've presented, the quantity of pages they found in each, and the quantity of those
pages that they've recorded. You can likewise observe obviously if there are any issues that
they've recognized inside your sitemaps. Just tap on the notices hyperlink to view them all.
4.4.2 WooRank
WooRank is a super quick, super simple to-utilize SEO review and computerized promoting
tool. We take a gander at your site through Google's eyes and produce a moment review of
your site's specialized, on-page and off-page SEO.
Our straightforward, clear, noteworthy experiences will help you not just expand your pursuit
positioning and website traffic, additionally your gathering of people engagement and, at last,
your transformation and client standards for dependability.
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Consistently, 40,000 organizations, advertisers and website proprietors depend on
WooRank's web-based tool to review their website and get straightforward and pertinent
exhortation on the best way to enhance their websites.
4.4.3 Google Analytics
Google Analytics is a free Web investigation benefit that gives insights and fundamental
logical tools for site improvement (SEO) and showcasing purposes. The administration is
accessible to anybody with a Google account. Google purchased Urchin Software
Corporation in April 2005 and utilized that organization's Urchin on Demand item as the
reason for its present administration.
Google Analytics highlights include:
 Data representation tools including a dashboard, scorecards and movement graphs,
which show changes in information after some time.
 Segmentation for examination of subsets, for example, changes.
 Custom reports.
 Email-based sharing and correspondence.
 Integration with other Google items, for example, AdWords, Public Data Explorer
and Website Optimizer.
Google Analytics is intended for little and medium-sized retail websites. The administration
has constraints that make it less suited to more mind boggling websites and bigger
undertakings. For instance, the framework gathers information through a JavaScript page tag
embedded in the code of pages the client needs to gather information on. The page label
works as a Web bug to accumulate guest data. In any case, since it's dependent on treats, the
framework can't gather information for clients who have impaired them. Google additionally
utilizes inspecting in its reports as opposed to investigating every single accessible data.
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4.4.4 WebCEO
WebCEO Professional Suite is instant SEO programming for search motor advertising
fledglings, website proprietors and website admins who at times hone SEM and SEO and in
addition for prepared experts.
Our SEO programming is a brought together workspace with twelve projects that assistance
you accomplish genuine outcomes in search motor promoting, perform wise web traffic
examination, successfully deal with your online domain and effortlessly look after it.
4.5 Data Analysis
The above mentioned tools are used to analyse the page insights, speed of website, referral
ranking of website, distribution channels utilized for SEO, and Google ranking of the website
based on keywords.
1. Webmaster tool
Screenshot 4.24: home page of webmaster tool
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Screenshot 4.25: DashBoard of Sterling Marketing Solutions
Screenshot 4.26: Search Analytics of Sterling Marketing Solutions
 From search analytics, on 11 June, 2017 1371 impressions and position of is 25.9
 Keywords like vmware users list in google search engine ranks at 12.7 position.
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Screenshot 4.27: keywords and their positions in google search engine
 Keywords used for are
 For Oracle Users list- Oracle users list, Oracle users database, Oracle users
marketing list, Oracle users contact list, Oracle users customers list, Oracle
users mailing list, Oracle users email list.
 For homepage- Technology users list, Healthcare database, Oracle users, SAP
users lists.
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Screenshot 4.28: source links to
Screenshot 4.29: Internal links present in
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Screenshot 4.30: Index Status of
Screenshot 4.31: Advanced Status of index of
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Screenshot 4.32: Crawl Status for
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Screenshot 4.33: Fetch the links of as google
Screenshot 4.34: Sitemaps of
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2. Google analytics
Screenshot 4.35: Audience overview of
Screenshot 4.36: Location of users using
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Screenshot 4.37: Frequency and Recency of
Screenshot 4.38: Engagement of
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Screenshot 4.39: Referral traffic links towards
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Screenshot 4.40: Social media Overview of
Screenshot 4.41: Distribution Channels adopted by
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Screenshot 4.42: page views of
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3. Page Insights
Screenshot 4.43: Page Speed Insights of for mobile
Screenshot 4.44: Page speed insights of for desktop
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4. WebCEO
Screenshot 4.45: On-Site issues of
Screenshot 4.46: Competitor link profile of
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Screenshot 4.47: Social citations o
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5. WooRank
Screenshot 4.48: Overview ranking of
Screenshot 4.49: WooRank analysis for SEO of
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Screenshot 4.50: WooRank analysis of keywords consistency for
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Screenshot 4.51: Internal and External links analysis of
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Screenshot 4.52: Mobile compatibility analysis for
A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine
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Screenshot 4.53: Backlinks score of
Screenshot 4.54: Traffic rank of
A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine
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4.6 Interpretation
Sterling Marketing Solutions is a Database management company, which required to promote
business through search engine optimization and social media. Sterling requires brand
creation, awareness of products and services to increase B2B prospective clients globally.
Creation of Backlinks in social bookmarking and directory submissions using keywords,
meta keywords, descriptions, meta description, tools used for analysis the ranking of in Google search engine and referral traffic analysis is represented in
The analytics report gives the present position of sterling marketing solutions, from which
backlink customers visits the website and impressions created on website.
Promotion in social media like Facebook and twitter are analysed by facebook and twitter
analytics. This analysed report exhibits the views and impressions of sterling marketing
solutions business page, posts reach in social media.
The tools are used identify the status of increasing backlinks, crawls, referral traffic for, the graph in Screenshots shows the organic search reach by keywords
posted in social bookmarking, directory submissions and social media.
A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine
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Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions
5.1 Findings
 Sterling Marketing Solutions is a small scale business firm operating in India and
America with 50 employees.
 SEO team is lacking with employees and innovative thoughts.
 Since it is start-up social media promotions are less compared to SEO.
 Company is concentrating only in free campaigns in digital marketing.
 The ranking of is identified by keywords utilized in backlinks and
which backlink created more impressions for the company.
5.2 Conclusion
We increased the engagements of off-page SEO to gain more number of prospective
customers from global. Utilization of social media to promote the business products and
services for generating leads to assist opportunities. Every weekend we ensure the status of
position and referral traffic is boosted or decreased. Creating backlinks is a non-stop process
in SEO, if we are slow in generating backlinks it results in lowest position in Google search
The impact of creating backlinks resulted in 12th
position of Google page by free listing in
social bookmarking, directory submissions and social media.
5.3 Suggestions
 Company has to utilize the Google adwords to improve the ranking in search engine.
 Company should engage with paid campaigns to increase business opportunities.
 Maximize Employment opportunities.
 Adaption of video marketing, blogging boosts the business profits.
 Enhancing of digital marketing to sterling marketing solutions increase B2B
A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine
Optimization: A special reference to Bibliography
Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 80 2015-2017
 Digital Marketing Strategies for Online Success by Godfrey Parkin, New Holland
Publishers Ltd (25 July 2009
 Search Engine Optimization Book, Aaron Matthew Wall
 Digital Marketing by Raghavendra.K
 Laxmi Choudhary and Bhawani Shankar Burdak, “Role of Ranking Algorithms for
Information Retrieval”.
 Geetanjali Tyagi, Megha Sharma, Kumar Kaushik , “Using Search Engine Optimization
Technique Increasing Website Traffic and Online Visibility” In: International Journal
of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 5,
Issue 1, January 2015 ISSN: 2277 128X.
International Conference “Risk in Contemporary Economy, ISSN-L 2067-0532 ISSN
online 2344-5386
 L. Page, S. Brin, R. Motwani, T. Winograd. “The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing
Order To The Web”. Technical Report Stanford Digital Library Technologies Project
SIDL-WP-1999-0120, 1998.

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A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to

  • 1. “A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to” Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Of BANGALORE UNIVERSITY By KARTHIK M 15CQCMD067 Under the Guidance of Prof. K.S.GOPAL Associate Lecturer Guide No.:16CQFG013 DEPARTMENT OF MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION DAYANANDA SAGAR COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCE AND COMMERECE, BANGALORE-560064 2015-2017
  • 2. i Abstract Digital marketing is growing rapidly to increase the conversion rate of visitors to clients/customers. To increase B2B clients, Search engine optimization technique is used to give details about page ranking and position on search engine. Creation of backlinks in off- page techniques and social media leads to engagements of websites. SEO helps to increase the clienteles and by using analytical tools, which backlink has got more clicks and traffic to reach the website Backlinks are generated through social bookmarking, directory submissions sites and social media like facebook and twitter. This backlinks creates a path to identify the source website Sterling Marketing Solutions requires more number of clients to increase opportunities. This study enhances the referral traffic and website ranking of Sterling Marketing Solutions through organic listing which supports to creates brand awareness, promotions on products and services and increase the engagement of B2B clients.
  • 3. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The path to success is never so smooth and simple to achieve. However our learning’s and motivation by our close ones and our mentors helps us to reach beyond our potential. My project would remain partial without acknowledging people who encouraged me to achieve a milestone. I sincerely thank Bangalore University for providing me an opportunity to enhance my knowledge through this project. I sincerely show gratitude to director Dr. LATHA KRISHNAN, Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science and Commerce, for giving me an opportunity to discover more knowledge through practical learning by knowledgeable project work. I am privileged to pay my sincere gratitude to my guide Mr. K.S. GOPAL, Professor, Dayananda Sagar College of Arts, Science & Commerce, for their keen interest and encouragement in my project work whose co-operation and guidance helped me in nurturing the project into reality. I would like to express my gratitude to Mr. RAGHU.H.T, SEO Team Leader, Sterling Marketing Solutions, Bangalore. I am grateful to the staff of Department of Master of Business Administration and all my classmates and friends for their timely help during the course of the project. I would like to express my sincere thanks to my family members for the support from the beginning of my career and the successful completion of this project.
  • 4. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTERS PAGE NO Acknowledgement ii 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Digital Marketing 1 1.2 Introduction to SEO 5 1.3 Introduction to Backlinks 10 1.4 Importance of Backlinks in Sterling Marketing Solutions 17 1.5 Need for the Study 18 2. Literature Review 19 2.1 Review of Literature 19 2.2 Statement of the problem 23 2.3 Scope of the Study 23 2.4 Objectives of the Study 23 2.5 Tools for Data Collection 24 2.6 Limitations of the Study 24 3. Company Profile 25 3.1 History of the Company 26 3.2 Our Products and Services 27 3.3 SWOT analysis of the Company 28 3.4 Bio-data of the Company 29 4. Data Analysis and Interpretation 30 4.1 Methodology 30 4.2 Procedure for creating Backlinks 30 4.3 Social Media 38 4.4 Tools for Data Collection 47 4.5 Data Analysis 59 4.6 Interpretation 78
  • 5. iv CHAPTERS PAGE NO 5. Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions 79 5.1 Findings 79 5.2 Conclusion 79 5.3 Suggestions 79 BIBLOGRAPHY 80 Annexure
  • 6. v LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO FIGURE NAME PAGE NO 1.1 Architecture of SEO 7 1.2 Process of SEO 9 4.1 Verification file from webmaster tool 48 4.2 Dashboard of your property 49 4.3 Site Messages 50 4.4 Search Queries 51 4.5 Link to your sites 52 4.6 Internal links 52 4.7 Index Status of the site 53 4.8 Crawl Errors 54 4.9 Crawl Stats 55 4.10 Fetch report 56 4.11 Site Maps 57
  • 7. vi LIST OF SCREEN SHOTS SS NO SCREEN SHOT NAME PAGE NO 4.1 Web page of 31 4.2 Registration form of 31 4.3 Profile of the karthiksolns 32 4.4 Modification of profile on settings tab 32 4.5 Enter the URL to create backlink 33 4.6 Entering Title, Description for creating backlink 33 4.7 Submitted links in 34 4.8 Likes to published links in 34 4.9 a directory site 36 4.10 Selection of review type 37 4.11 Submission form of the site 38 4.12 S M S Business Page in FaceBook 39 4.13 post on Salesforce users listin FB 40 4.14 Image on technology email list 41 4.15 Page insights of S M S Business Page 42 4.16 Twitter Page for Sterling Marketing Solutions 43 4.17 post on SalesForce Customers List in Twitter 43 4.18 244 Followers for our business page 44 4.19 Summary of business page in Twitter 44 4.20 Top tweets of June, 2017 45 4.21 Top Follower of June, 2017 45
  • 8. vii SS NO SCREEN SHOT NAME PAGE NO 4.22 Tweet Activity of Last 28 Days 46 4.23 Percentage of Audiences 47 4.24 Home page of webmaster tool 59 4.25 DashBoard of Sterling Marketing Solutions 60 4.26 Search Analytics of S M S 60 4.27 Keywords and their positions in Google search engine 61 4.28 Source links to 62 4.29 Internal links present in 62 4.30 Index Status of 63 4.31 Advanced Status of index of 63 4.32 Crawl Status for 64 4.33 Fetch the links of as Google 65 4.34 Sitemaps of 65 4.35 Audience overview of 66 4.36 Location of users using 66 4.37 Frequency and Recency of 67 4.38 Engagement of 67 4.39 Referral traffic links towards 68 4.40 Social media Overview of 69 4.41 Distribution Channels adopted by 69 4.42 Page views of 70 4.43 Page Speed Insights of for mobile 71 4.44 Page speed insights of for desktop 71
  • 9. viii SS NO SCREEN SHOT NAME PAGE NO 4.45 On-Site issues of 72 4.46 Competitor link profile of 72 4.47 Social citations o 73 4.48 Overview ranking of 74 4.49 WooRank analysis for SEO of 74 4.50 Analysis of keywords consistency for 75 4.51 Internal and External links analysis of 76 4.52 Mobile compatibility analysis for 77 4.53 Backlinks score of 78 4.54 Traffic rank of 78
  • 11. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 1 2015-2017 Chapter-1 Introduction 1.1 Digital Marketing Digital marketing implies to promotions conveyed through digital channels like web crawlers, sites, online networking, email, and versatile applications. Digital marketing is characterized as "marketing that makes utilization of electronic gadgets, for example, PCs, propelled cells, mobile phones, tablets and diversion consoles to connect with clients. Digital marketing applies innovations or stages, for example, sites, email, applications and interpersonal organizations". People groups regularly imply digital marketing as 'web based marketing' or 'web marketing'. Digital marketing spins around the Internet, which discloses why individuals have a tendency to trust that digital marketing and Internet marketing are synonymous. Web marketing falls under the classification of digital marketing. Web marketing includes digital marketing administrations, for example, site improvement, indicate promoting, and email marketing. 1.1.1 Areas in Digital Marketing 1. Content Google has coordinated an extensive move in the path in which most advertisers utilize their substance. They have put a major accentuation on awesome, unique and significant substance remunerating members with a lot of activity and higher pursuit rankings. Google need their clients to discover helpful substance, that is their principle point. This has seen a gigantic increment in the significance of having some type of blog, article rundown or news nourish inside most sites with the recently made substance turning into a carrot for drawing new individuals in. When you have baited a guest with your incredible, insightful and useful substance you at that point need a technique for changing over these guests into purchasers which is by and large an advert for an awesome offer or an information catch shape for some more profitable substance that they can't help it. Make it one of a kind, make it valuable and offer it!
  • 12. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 2 2015-2017 Numerous organizations are taking on the position of educator and sharing substance which intends to teach the peruser. This both makes significant substance and lifts the maker to a place of high aptitude. 2. Email Email has had its offer of terrible press regarding the part it plays in the advertising procedure yet lets not disparage the part it can play however as it is as yet one of the solid arms of most promoting techniques. An email is an incredible method for contacting somebody keeping in mind the end goal to draw them back into a point of arrival or position on your site where you may show an apparatus for changing over the client into a customer. The email may well be a mystery of the substance you are making for your blog conveyed each time your blog is refreshed or it might be vital offers gone for alluring your clients into purchase once more. The two in number parts to it are that individuals once in a while change their email address and it is an exceptionally non-nosy approach to connect with individuals. 3. Pay-per-click Pay-per-click is an awesome approach to get obvious quick. Similarly as it says on the tin you are paying for a tick, the snap in this example is basically a guest to your site or greeting page. For the most part this is quite wanted to paying per show of your promotion as it is more like a genuine change however regularly still extremely distant. The greatest player in this field is Google Adwords, with their adverts timing up a huge number of snaps each day. These can be discovered either at the top, over the correct hand side or along the base of the indexed lists. Google Adwords chip away at an offering premise with the more sought after search queries costing in some cases a lot of cash. Another key element is content significance to inquiry term, Google need their clients to get to the correct substance, on the off chance that you send them to very important substance you will be compensated with less expensive snap costs.
  • 13. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 3 2015-2017 A considerable measure of the Social Media channels offer comparable promoting arrangements with the capacity to very focus on your gatherings of people in view of ages, sex, area et cetera. 4. Pay-per-view Dealing with comparative standards as pay-per-click however the enormous distinction is that you aren't paying for a tick of a URL yet paying for a perspective of a video. Youtube is the biggest player around there giving their promoters a lot of choices regarding targetting. Key offering focuses are that it is for the most part less aggressive than Pay-per- click because of the section cost of making a video and you pay for perspectives which haven't been skipped close to the start. 5. Social Media Which business hasn't got an online networking nearness nowadays? Relatively few organizations set out pass up a great opportunity albeit a large portion of them have accounts with no genuine methodology for utilize. Does each business should be social? I wouldn't say as much however there is an enormous measure of good activity to be stolen on the off chance that you do. Would you be able to envision making a social chasing after a burial service parlor? Most organizations have a two dimensional goal for this, right off the bat growing a taking after. Get a few numbers, assemble a crowd of people. Furthermore is to send that gathering of people back to your site where you have your customer grabbing transformation machine. At the end of the day most organizations see their sites as the place for changing over their potential customers into real customers thus produce an arrangement to drive movement from their online networking stages back to presentation pages and exceptionally enhanced transformation pages.
  • 14. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 4 2015-2017 6. SEO Search engine streamlining is as yet imperative with third party referencing still observed as a vital part of securing long haul natural movement. The fundamental standard to this is a connection on another site goes about as a suggestion, the more connections you have on various sites the more famous or believed your site or area apparently is. The search engines give you a rank for how trustworthy your area is esteemed to be and after that utilization that as an element (one of numerous) when working out who ought to be indicated first. Similar guidelines of improving page speeds, evacuating copy substance and composing right HTML still stand however perhaps assume a lesser part than the more seasoned days of activity era. By and large this is viewed as the more drawn out methodology however the one that will acquire the greatest prizes what's to come. 7. Mobile On the off chance that you read any type of web perusing details you will see the tremendous significance portable is having on the web and this proceeds into promoting. Not exclusively does your website improvement depend partially on having a versatile form yet clients who are given non-portable upgraded content when survey from their advanced mobile phone exit as quick as they arrive. Google offer inclination to sites who show an alternate perspective of their substance for versatile clients as they need their guests to have a decent ordeal wherever they send them. This doesn't mean you need to have a totally new versatile rendition of your site as responsive outline enables you to plan your site in a way that diverse estimated screens are given marginally extraordinary perspectives with a specific end goal to fill the screen in the most ideal way.
  • 15. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 5 2015-2017 1.2 Introduction to SEO Search Engine Optimization is a marketing regimen focused on developing perceivability in organic (non-paid) search engine results. Search Engine Optimization incorporates both the specialized and imaginative components required to enhance rankings, drive traffic, and increment mindfulness in search engines. There are various perspectives to Search Engine Optimization, from the words on your page to the way different locales connect to you on the web. Website optimization is just an issue of guaranteeing your webpage is organized in a way that search engines get it. At Moz we trust these standards go as an inseparable unit. Website design enhancement is about improving your webpage for individuals moreover. At whatever point you enter a question in a search engine and hit "enter" you get a quick overview of web results that contain that inquiry term. Clients routinely tend to visit sites that are at the most elevated need on this rundown as they see those to be more applicable to the inquiry. If you have ever asked why some of these sites rank superior to anything the others then you ought to understand that it is a direct result of an effective web marketing strategy called Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Website optimization is a method which searches engines find and rank your webpage higher. Search Engine Optimization encourages you get traffic from search engines. 1.2.1 History of SEO The principal known creation of a web crawler existing was back in the July of 1945 by a Dr. Vannevar Bush. He utilized the idea of hypertext and a memory augmentation to accumulate a gathering of researchers to set out and cooperate to help construct a group of information for all humankind. He not exclusively was a firm adherent to putting away information, yet he likewise trusted that if the information source was to be valuable to the human personality, we ought to have it speak to how the mind attempts to the best of our capacities. He at that point proposed the possibility of a for all intents and purposes boundless, quick, dependable, extensible, cooperative memory stockpiling and recovery framework. He named this gadget a memex.
  • 16. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 6 2015-2017 A couple of decades later Gerard Salton and his groups at Harvard and Cornell, built up a program called the SMART educational recovery framework (Salton's Magic Automatic Retriever of Text). Gerard additionally created a 56-page book which he called 'A Theory of Indexing' which clarifies huge numbers of his tests whereupon pursuit can be seen still to a great extent in view of. This inevitably prompt the primary web search tool which was named 'Archie'. The program was made by Alan Emtage, an understudy at McGill University in Montreal. The initial couple of sites started in around 1993, yet the vast majority of these got using Archie. The web crawler assisted with taking care of information disperse issues by consolidating a script- based information gatherer, which had a standard expression matcher for recovering record names coordinating a client inquiry. Google didn't go ahead the scene until September of 1998 and was initially made by Larry Page and Sergey Brin while they were PhD understudies at Stanford University, in California. It wasn't long after when web crawlers began turning into a typical easily recognized name as more families getting to be plainly associated with the Internet. It wasn't until two children (Page and Brin) at Stanford distributed a paper called 'The Anatomy of Large-Scale Hypertext Web Search Engine'. The report contained data with respect to 'Page Ranking' which is a framework that web crawlers today, for example, Google, still use to help rank indexed lists in view of value, and not catchphrases alone. The mid 2000's was the place Google gradually started its takeover and started to set the rules of essential SEO. In 2003 the way to deal with the web being something beyond words, begun to truly come to fruition in November 2003 as the "Florida" refresh to Google's calculation happened. Destinations started to lose their rankings and Search Engine Watch called the reaction to Florida a huge 'clamor'. It is vital to note that many destinations profited from this occurrence also. It was the primary episode where locales were accepting punishments for things like watchword stuffing, flagging Google's accentuation on tackling for the client first - for the most part with quality substance.
  • 17. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 7 2015-2017 2005 was a major year for the improvement of SEO. This was the year that Google joined with Yahoo and MSN for the Nofollow Attribute. This was to help diminish the measure of spammy connections and remarks on sites. In June of that year, Google appeared customized seek! Customized seek utilized somebody's inquiry history to help make their outcomes more applicable. Today individuals are as yet growing better approaches to help enhance the utilization of SEO to ensure that the general population who show up at the highest point of list items are by and large genuinely positioned. Ensuring that your organizations site is enhanced to its fullest with pertinent catchphrases and substance will enable you to climb the immeasurably imperative SEO stepping stool and enable you to get higher movement moving through to your site. 1.2.2 Architecture of SEO Fig-1.1: Architecture of SEO
  • 18. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 8 2015-2017 1.2.3 Process of SEO Step-1: Keyword Research As of late a customer stated, "Well I can disclose to you what the watchwords are so you can simply avoid this and get to the vital stuff". This is by all accounts a typical confusion. Without a doubt, you may have been working in a specific industry for quite a long time and years, yet that may likewise imply that you are "excessively close" to it all. Possibly the watchwords that you'd propose aren't what real potential clients would use to discover you. Catchphrase research can reveal new watchwords alongside long tail openings. It's exceptionally uncommon to no end to happen to catchphrase examine. Keep in mind, the catchphrases are the establishment of your battle and will be utilized all through your website and inside substance that is distributed over the web. You would prefer not to miss any open doors since you were tenacious. Step-2: On-Site Optimization When watchwords have been chosen and affirmed they should be executed normally into on location content and inside meta data including the title, depiction, H labels, and picture labels. It's imperative to be careful. Without a doubt, the depiction tag won't not convey any weight with the web search tools for positioning purposes, however despite everything it shows up on a SERP (web index comes about page). Investigate the back end and coding of the site too. Are the internet searcher bots permitted to slither the webpage? If not, you will experience considerable difficulties your site positioned! Utilize SEO programming to run a specialized SEO review to ensure that you aren't liable of copying any substance. Step-3: Link Building This is the place numerous customers have a tendency to get restless. "On the off chance that connections level with trust, shouldn't we attempt to get however many as could be allowed?" truly interface quality and significance is more vital with regards to internet searcher trust than connection amount. The web crawlers need to see joins develop normally after some time. On the off chance that you go from 100 inbound connects to 1,000 inbound connections inside a brief timeframe outline, something is up. A forceful approach like that can bring
  • 19. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 9 2015-2017 about an unnatural connection punishment. It's not worth the hazard. Gradual wins the SEO amusement without fail. Obviously, there are a few special cases to this procedure. For instance, if your site incorporates many pages it can require a long investment to finish the on location part. In the event that that is the situation, it's best to do it in pieces and choose your need pages first while beginning with external link establishment couple. Fig-1.2: Process of SEO 1.2.4 Types of SEO Techniques: White hat SEO This is a standout amongst the most prominent SEO system and is one which uses strategies and procedures to enhance web index rankings of a site which don't cross paths with internet searcher rules. A portion of the procedures which white cap SEO makes utilization of incorporate excellent substance advancement, connect obtaining efforts upheld by superb substance, site HTML streamlining and rebuilding and manual effort and research. When you pick this strategy for SEO then you can expect a slow yet relentless yet enduring development in your rankings.
  • 20. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 10 2015-2017 Black hat SEO Black hat SEO then again is a kind of a SEO strategy which abuses the different shortcomings in the calculations or web crawlers keeping in mind the end goal to get high rankings for sites. This sort of a technique for SEO is not as per the SEO rules set via web crawlers and particularly Google. The healthiness level is low a result of the way that a portion of the black hat SEO methods incorporate watchword stuffing, interface spam, shrouded content, concealed connection, shrouding. When you pick this strategy, you can expect eccentric, brisk yet short enduring development in positioning. Grey hat SEO This sort of a SEO is a sort of a SEO which is neither dark nor white. This is a system that does not completely utilize the dark hat SEO and rather consolidates both. This is a change from dark to white and from white to black. Regardless of whether it is because of weight from the site or organization or to convey better outcomes, some SEO organizations may hone Gray hat SEO to some degree. They may not go too far to dark hat SEO. 1.3 Introduction to Backlinks Backlinks are connections that are coordinated towards your site. Likewise knows as Inbound connections (IBL's). The quantity of backlinks means that the ubiquity or significance of that site. Backlinks would vital for SEO on the fact that a portion web indexes, especially Google, will provide for additional credit on destinations that bring An conventional amount of quality backlinks and consider those sites more significant than others in their outcomes pages for an inquiry question. At the point when web crawlers ascertain the importance of a website to a catchphrase, they consider the quantity of quality inbound connects to that webpage. So we ought not be happy with simply getting inbound connections, it is the nature of the inbound connection that matters. A web index considers the substance of the locales to decide the quality of a connection. At the point when inbound connects to your site originated from different destinations, and those locales have content identified with your site, these inbound connections are viewed as more important to your site. On the off chance that inbound connections are found on destinations
  • 21. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 11 2015-2017 with disconnected substance, they are viewed as less applicable. The higher the importance of inbound connections, the more noteworthy their quality. Web crawlers need sites to have a level playing field, and search for characteristic connections manufactured gradually after some time. While it is genuinely simple to control connects on a page to attempt to accomplish a higher positioning, it is a ton harder to impact a web search tool with outer backlinks from different sites. This is additionally a motivation behind why backlinks figure so exceedingly into an internet searcher's calculation. Of late, in any case, a web index's criteria for quality inbound connections has become much harder, on account of deceitful website admins attempting to accomplish these inbound connections by misleading or slippery methods, for example, with shrouded joins, or consequently created pages whose sole reason for existing is to give inbound connects to sites. These pages are called connect ranches, and they are ignored via web indexes, as well as connecting to a connection homestead could get your website prohibited completely. Another motivation to accomplish quality backlinks is to tempt guests to go to your site. You can't fabricate a site, and afterward expect that individuals will discover your site without indicating the way. You will presumably need to get the word out there about your site. One way website admins got the word out used to be through complementary connecting. We should discuss proportional connecting for a minute. There is much talk in these most recent couple of months about equal connecting. In the last Google refresh, corresponding connections were one of the objectives of the web index's most recent channel. Numerous website admins had settled upon proportional connection trades, so as to lift their webpage's rankings with the sheer number of inbound connections. In a connection trade, one website admin places a connection on his site that focuses to another website admins site, and the other way around. Large portions of these connections were basically not pertinent, and were recently reduced. So while the immaterial inbound connection was overlooked, the outbound connections still got tallied, weakening the pertinence score of numerous sites. This made a considerable number of sites drop off the Google delineate. We should be watchful with our corresponding connections. There is a Google patent underway that will manage not just the prominence of the locales being connected to, additionally how reliable a webpage is that you connect to from your own site. This will
  • 22. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 12 2015-2017 imply that you could cause harm with the web search tool only to link to a rotten one. We could start planning for this future change in the web index calculation by being choosier with which we trade connects at this moment. By picking just pertinent destinations to connect with, and locales that don't have huge amounts of outbound connections on a page, or destinations that don't rehearse dark cap SEO procedures, we will have a superior possibility that our proportional connections won't be marked down. Numerous website admins have more than one site. Now and again these sites are connected, here and there they are most certainly not. You need to likewise be cautious about interlinking different sites on a similar IP. In the event that you possess seven related sites, at that point a connection to each of those sites on a page could hurt you, as it might look like to an internet searcher that you are attempting to accomplish something fishy. Numerous website admins have attempted to control backlinks along these lines; and excessively numerous connects to destinations with a similar IP deliver is alluded to as backlink shelling. One thing is sure: interlinking locales doesn't help you from an internet searcher angle. The main reason you might need to interlink your destinations in any case may be to furnish your guests with additional assets to visit. For this situation, it would likely be alright to furnish guests with a connection to another of your sites, however attempt to keep many occurrences of connecting to a similar IP deliver to an absolute minimum. Maybe a couple interfaces on a page all over most likely won't hurt you. There are a couple of things to consider when starting your backlink building effort. It is useful to monitor your backlinks, to know which locales are connecting back to you, and how the stay content of the backlink fuses catchphrases identifying with your site. A device to enable you to monitor your backlinks is the Domain Stats Tool. This device shows the backlinks of a space in Google, Yahoo, and MSN. It will likewise reveal to you a couple of different insights about your site, similar to your postings in the Open Directory, or DMOZ, from which Google respects backlinks exceedingly critical; Alexa activity rank, and what number of pages from your site that have been listed, to give some examples. Another device to help you with your third party referencing effort is the Backlink Builder Tool. It is insufficient just to have countless connections indicating your site. Or maybe, you need countless inbound connections. This instrument looks for sites that have a related subject to your site which are probably going to add your connection to their site. You
  • 23. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 13 2015-2017 determine a specific catchphrase or watchword expression, and afterward the device searches out related destinations for you. This disentangles your backlink building endeavors by helping you make quality, important backlinks to your site, and making the occupation less demanding all the while. There is another approach to increase quality backlinks to your site, notwithstanding related site subjects: grapple content. At the point when a connection consolidates a watchword into the content of the hyperlink, we call this quality grapple content. A connection's grapple content might be one of the under-evaluated assets a website admin has. Rather than utilizing words like "snap here" which most likely won't relate in any capacity to your site, utilizing the words "Please visit our tips page for how to nurture a stranded cat" is an obviously better approach to use a hyperlink. A decent device for helping you discover your backlinks and what content is being utilized to connection to your site is the Backlink Anchor Text Analysis Tool. On the off chance that you find that your webpage is being connected to from another site, yet the grapple content is not being used appropriately, you ought to demand that the site change the stay content to something joining applicable catchphrases. This will likewise help support your quality backlinks score. Building quality backlinks is critical to Search Engine Optimization, and due to their significance, it ought to be high on your need list in your SEO endeavors. We trust you have a superior comprehension of why you require great quality inbound connects to your site, and have an idea about a couple of accommodating instruments to pick up those connections. 1.3.1 Search Engine Ranking Web indexes frequently utilize the quantity of backlinks that a site has as a standout amongst the most critical elements for establishing that site's internet searcher positioning, prevalence and significance. Google's depiction of its PageRank framework, for example, takes note of that "Google deciphers a connection from page A to page B as a vote, by page A, for page B". Information of this type of web crawler rankings has powered a bit of the SEO business regularly named linkspam, where an organization endeavors to put whatever number inbound connections as could be allowed to their webpage paying little mind to the setting of the starting website. The noteworthiness of Search Engine rankings is entirely high, and it is
  • 24. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 14 2015-2017 viewed as a critical parameter in online business and the transformation rate of guests to any site, especially with regards to internet shopping. Sites regularly utilize SEO systems to build the quantity of backlinks indicating their site. A few techniques are free for use by everybody while a few strategies, such as linkbaiting, require a lot of arranging and showcasing to work. There are additionally paid methods to build the quantity of backlinks to an objective site. For instance, private blog systems can be utilized to buy backlinks. There are a few elements that decide the estimation of a backlink. Backlinks from definitive destinations on a given subject are exceptionally important. On the off chance that both destinations have content intended for the watchword point, the backlink is viewed as pertinent and accepted to have solid impact on the web index rankings of the site page allowed the backlink. A backlink speaks to a good 'article vote' for the getting website page from another giving page. Another imperative component is the stay content of the backlink. Stay content is the elucidating naming of the hyperlink as it shows up on a site page. Web search tool bots (i.e., arachnids, crawlers, and so on.) look at the grapple content to assess that it is so significant to the substance on a page. Stay content and site page content congruency are exceptionally weighted in web search tool comes about page (SERP) rankings of a website page regarding any given watchword inquiry by an internet searcher client. Changes to the calculations that create web index rankings can put an uplifted concentrate on pertinence to a specific point. While some backlinks may be from sources containing exceedingly profitable measurements, they could likewise be random to the buyer's question or intrigue. A case of this would be a connection from a well known shoe blog (with important measurements) to a webpage offering vintage pencil sharpeners. While the connection seems important, it gives little to the shopper regarding significance.
  • 25. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 15 2015-2017 1.3.2 Off - Page Techniques to Build Backlinks 1. Social Media Engagement Social media is believed to be one of the most extreme effective approaches to create site guests through helping a social media advancement organization talk straightforwardly with its capacity customers and likely make a phenomenal move of their disposition with perceive to its image, item or thought. Solid social media markers are considered positively with the guide of Google, following in a higher region specialist for any business/web website. 2. Search Engine Submissions In the event that you build up a fresh out of the box new site, you need to distribute it to motors like google all together that insects can quick move gradually and file it. Notwithstanding for a present site, if there are any updates or new substance material has been included, it's far advantageous to distribute your site to web indexes to analyzed more prominent quick. Else it can take various weeks to your site to be crawled and recorded once more. 3. Blog Posting/Content Marketing Creating and sharing applicable and useful content to your intended interest group is the great way to produce natural guests. As more prominent traffic see and extent your content material, your traffic and area expert will increment. 4. Link Baiting Hyperlink goading is however every other method for utilizing guests through charming content. Truly guarantee that your content has something that distinctive content makers and advertisers might need to make hyperlinks to it. higher the scope of inbound hyperlinks on your content material, the better in your capacity on area specialist.
  • 26. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 16 2015-2017 5. Video Marketing Information recommends that most surfers at the net pick seeing fresh exciting films over breaking down long verbose writings. Indeed, even the Forrester look at demonstrates that pages containing video have as tons as 50 times higher opportunity to be positioned on Google's initially page of Seek impacts. 6. Photo Sharing Likewise with movies, depictions may furthermore discover as additional engaging, additional brilliant and more prominent sharable content material. Therefore, Photo sharing must be a piece of your off-site page strategy. it's far this transcendent which has taken Image sharing sites like Pinterest and Instagram to commendable achievement. 7. Natural Link Building one of the most secure and most productive strategies to advance your site can be by means of posting content inside the type of websites, photographs, movies et cetera. That at no time in the future best helps your adherents, however likewise draws proprietors of different sites since they see how useful can the content material be for their own one of a kind guests and perusers. 8. Guest Blogging In the meantime as Visitor Running a blog guarantees marvelous surrender outcomes, the catch Right here is that a site wishes to constantly distribute pertinent Guest online journals, in a perfect world by utilizing eminent creators, for you to live on apex of the region specialist scale.
  • 27. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 17 2015-2017 9. Directory Submission Getting ordered on differing indexes with respect to your venture verticals and the web indexes you yearning to rank high on, is pretty a key stride in Building your region expert. This can furthermore enable you to whip your rivals hands inside the race of achieving additional reputation and increasing capable hyperlinks. 10. Active Contributions on Q/A Platforms and Forums As a business venture, you could posting down a few locales and Forums that discussion content identified with your area of comprehension, and arrangement the inquiries raised by utilizing traffic truly. The catch lies in sliding in a couple of pertinent key expressions to enable you to produce traffic to your site and at last lead you towards a higher area expert cost. 1.3.3 Importance of Backlinks Search engines like Google would attempt to make sense of the significance of a watchword to a site and takes a gander at the quantity of value backlinks that indicate back that site. The nature of backlinks makes the site significant to search engines. At the point when there is a backlink indicating your site and the content on that site is important to your own site then it turns into a quality connection. The key here is pertinence. As the pertinence of the content builds; the nature of the backlink increments as well. Benefits of Backlinks are:  Branding  Authority  Relationship Building  Improves Organic Ranking  Faster Indexing  Referral Traffic
  • 28. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 18 2015-2017 1.4 Importance of Backlinks in Sterling Marketing Solutions: Sterling Marketing Solutions is start-up which deals with data of technology and provides database management service to clients. To create awareness of the products and services, Backlinks are created to increase the traffic towards website which helps to convert visitors to customers. Using Backlinks I can determine the present visitors to websites with location and tools help me to check the website is unique, fast accessible and from which link visitor enters the website. Backlinks creation leads to starting of New Business and assist you to get connected with prospective customers on business needs for genuine leads and better sales opportunities. Backlinks help the company to generate best leads and to boost the sales profit.
  • 29. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-1 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 19 2015-2017 1.5 Need for the Study: Backlinks are most important part of SEO to create awareness, promote business products and services and to rank higher in search engine results based on keywords, link building, social bookmarking, directory submissions, photo sharing, blogging etc. Sterling Marketing Solutions is start-up which deals with data of technology and provides database management service to clients. To create awareness of the products and services, Backlinks are created to increase the traffic towards website which helps to convert visitors to customers. Using Backlinks I can determine the present visitors to websites with location and tools help me to check the website is unique, fast accessible and from which link visitor enters the website.
  • 31. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-2 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 19 2015-2017 Chapter-2 Literature Review 2.1 Review of Literature Paper-1: Search Engine Friendliness of Search Engine Marketing Methods by Vladimir Minasyan Published on: Journal of Business; ISSN 2233-36 9X; Volume 3, Issue 1, 2014 Abstract: The article looks at web index invitingness of the most mainstream and broadly utilized web search tool advertising (SEM) strategies. In the initial segment, SEM techniques and methodologies that are in accordance with web crawlers' authentic rules are inspected and broke down. The second part manages prevalent techniques which are not invited via web search tools and are executed by organizations exclusively for web index rankings control purposes. At long last, the last area portrays a few analyses led on live sites to make sense of current web search tools' capacities to distinguish generally utilized beguiling practices and gives the dangers related SEM strategies which are firmly conflicting with web crawlers' authentic rules. Paper-2: The PageRank Citation Ranking: Brining Order to Web Published on: January 28,1998 Abstract: The significance of a Web page is an intrinsically subjective matter, which relies on upon the perusers interests, information and dispositions. In any case, there is still much that can be said impartially in regards to the relative significance of Web pages. This paper depicts PageRank, a strategy for rating Web pages equitably and mechanically, successfully measuring the human intrigue and consideration dedicated to them. We contrast PageRank with a romanticized arbitrary Web surfer. We demonstrate to productively figure PageRank for substantial quantities of pages. What's more, we demonstrate to apply PageRank to search and to client route.
  • 32. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-2 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 20 2015-2017 Paper-3 Analytical survey of Web Page Rank Algorithm by Mrs.M.Usha, Research Scholar, Bharathiyar University, Coimbatore and Dr.N.Nagadeepa, Associate Professor, Jairams Arts and Science College, Karur. Published on: December 11, 2014 Abstract: We utilize Search Engines to search for data over the Internet. Web being a perpetually growing sea of information, their significance developed with each passing day. The assorted qualities of the data itself made it important to have a device to eliminate the time spent in searching. It is exceptionally troublesome for a client to locate the excellent data which he needs to require. When we search any data on the web, the quantity of URL's has been opened. Client needs to demonstrate the significant on the highest priority on the rundown. So Page Ranking algorithm is required which give the higher ranking to the imperative pages. In this paper, we talk about the Page Ranking algorithm to give the higher ranking to vital pages. Paper-4 Comparative Analysis of Google Panda and Penguin SEO Algorithms on Blogs: A Review by Sakshi Saurabh Charaya, Om Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hisar. Published on: International Journal for Scientific Research & Development, Vol. 4, Issue 04, 2016. Abstract: This Paper depends on the investigation of different Research Papers in the field of Search Engine Optimization and its Algorithms. Our point is to do the near investigation of the Google SEO Algorithms i.e. Panda and Penguin impact on the Traffic of the Blogs. Panda is the Content based algorithm which is executed by the Google to disregard the sites or the Blogs having the copy or duplicated content. Penguin depends on the Back Links i.e. Sites or the Blogs having the High quality Back Links won't be punished by the Google. We focused on two web Blogs to expand their perspectives by advancing their code and data. For consistently we focused on each blog to the above algorithms keeping in mind the end goal to build/diminish their perceivability to search motor. The outcomes in light of correlations are
  • 33. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-2 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 21 2015-2017 then used to finish up the better of two algorithms for snappy and stable addition in website page ranking. Paper-5 On-page search engine optimization analysis by Tanja Krunic, The Higher Technical School of Professional Studies, Novi Sad, Serbia, Published on: Online Journal of Applied Knowledge Management, Volume 1, Issue 1, 2013 Abstract: Posting a Website on the Internet is not adequate to advance business effectively. It is notable that clients essentially enter Websites just in the event that they are recorded among the initial two search motor outcome pages. Search motor improvement is an arrangement of ventures to be performed with a specific end goal to be all around positioned via search engines. This is a persistent procedure and comprises of two primary gatherings of steps approached page enhancement and off-page advancement. This paper manages a few parts of on-page streamlining of Websites by and by. A study is directed on an example of roughly 500 main 5 Google positioned Websites for pertinent Keywords from various classifications and nations. Paper-6 Build Quality Backlinks At The Article Marketing Network - Philadelphia Internet Business You will discover numerous approaches to get center for your site from search engines like google. This article concentrates on tips on the best way to utilize fantastic content you've composed notwithstanding hyperlink making to drive colossal measures of webpage guests for your weblog and move your web website to the prime of the rankings actually. Making a decent and steady procedure for building hyperlinks to your weblog or site is not going to just impact your rankings with search engines, make your site page more unmistakable and raise your site traffic, yet it will give your website pages significantly more trust and specialist inside the eyes of search engines like google and people. At the point when a site having a high PageRank hyperlinks to content in your page, it truly is a positive "vote" for your site page. These "votes", "backlinks", are an indication of one's prevalence. Search engines like google will accept your web webpage has clout and can expand your site page rank in light of the quantity of "votes". Different connections may comprise of these you put yourself inside
  • 34. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-2 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 22 2015-2017 the remark segment of an applicable blog or discussion, to hyperlink back to your own web website. Paper-7 Page Ranking Algorithms for Web Mining by Rekha Jain and Dr. G. N. Purohit, Department of Computer Science, Apaji Institute, Banasthali University. Published on: International Journal of Computer Applications, January 2011 Abstract: As the web is growing rapidly, the customers get successfully lost in the web's rich hyper structure. The fundamental goal of the site proprietor is to give the huge information to the customers to fulfill their necessities. Web mining framework is used to sort customers and pages by separating customers direct, the substance of pages and demand of URLs got to. Web Structure Mining expect a fundamental part in this approach. In this paper we discuss and investigate the typically used figurings i.e. PageRank, Weighted PageRank and HITS. Paper-8 Using SEO techniques Google Panda to Improve the Website Ranking by Muhammad Ismail, Irfan Jamil, Rehan Jamil. Published on: International Journal of Engineering Works, Sept. 2014 Abstract: You will discover numerous approaches to get center for your site from search engines like google. This article concentrates on tips on the most proficient method to utilize fabulous content you've outlined notwithstanding hyperlink making to drive tremendous measures of website guests for your weblog and move your web webpage to the prime of the rankings actually. Making a decent and consistent methodology for building hyperlinks to your weblog or site is not going to just impact your rankings with search engines, make your site page more obvious and raise your site traffic, however it will give your site pages significantly more trust and specialist inside the eyes of search engines like google and people. At the point when a site having a high PageRank hyperlinks to content in your site page, it truly is a positive "vote" for your website page. These "votes", "backlinks", are an indication of one's notoriety. Search engines like google will accept your web website has clout and can expand your site page rank in view of the quantity of "votes". Different connections may comprise of
  • 35. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-2 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 23 2015-2017 these you put yourself inside the remark area of a significant blog or gathering, to hyperlink back to your own web website. 2.2 Statement of the Problem Sterling Marketing Solutions is Database Management Company requires strategies for brand creation, improving organic ranking, referral traffic to website through digital marketing and how this strategies are influenced to increase prospective customers on B2B campaigns for genuine leads and better sales opportunities. 2.3 Scope of the Study This study describes about strategies developed on sterling marketing solutions by SEO which results as  Developing brand creation and visibility through digital marketing.  Increasing the traffic for website.  Improving pagerank on search engine.  Determining response generated through Backlinks. 2.4 Objectives of the Study  To study the role of Backlinks in SEO.  To study the impact of Backlinks in improving the Rank of in Search Engine results.  To study the impact of Backlinks in boosting Online Traffic of
  • 36. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-2 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 24 2015-2017 2.5 Tools for Data Collection  Web Master Tool  Page Speed Insights   Google Analytics   Tools which are necessary to identify the company’s information on ranking and traffic. 2.6 Limitations of the Study The study was designed to know about the SEO and its impact on website ranking and traffic for increasing sales opportunities for the company. This study is restricted to create Backlinks for website and promote the products and services in off-page SEO techniques like social bookmarking, directory submissions, image sharing and so on.
  • 38. A study on role of Backlinks in search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-3 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 25 2015-2017 Chapter-3 Company Profile Devising a strong foundation for your business entails target marketing and tailoring your marketing pitch accordingly in the international market. Sterlingsolns understands every marketing strategy and hence we succour you to focus your marketing dollars and brand message on your niche market. With experts in delivering database marketing solutions, we have been bestowing a success factor in many recognized organizations around the globe. As a one-size –fits-all marketing and sales approach doesn’t works, hence our authentic target marketing campaign could make that happen for you to reach targeted audience. In defiance of the type and the size of business, we deliver inventive B2B and B2C lead generation solutions. Data is an important asset of an organization that needs to be fortified; hence we focus on offering every clientele secured data from a blend of sources to meet the needs. We pride ourselves on being the growth hacker of many recognized companies. Being a thought leader in the international market, Sterlingsolns focuses on improving the data driven marketing of businesses and fostering it. We understand customer’s business pain points in lead generation and then we assist optimize them through comprehensive experiential campaigns that produce scalable results. Present position of the company: Today we are the best-in-class information administration organization for innovation clients email records and human services clients email records over the globe. Our huge master database offers reliable users email lists to more than 500 clienteles around the globe. We have developed into offering high caliber and information driven outcomes on enhancing ROI and increasing brand visibility in the competitive market. What Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC does? Today we are the best-in-class information administration organization for innovation clients email records and human services clients email records over the globe. Our huge master database offers reliable users email lists to more than 500 clienteles around the globe. We
  • 39. A study on role of Backlinks in search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-3 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 26 2015-2017 have developed into offering high caliber and information driven outcomes on enhancing ROI and increasing brand visibility in the competitive market. Sterling Marketing Solutions Process: Today we are the best-in-class data management company for technology users email lists and health care users email lists across the globe. Our huge master database offers reliable users email lists to more than 500 clienteles around the globe. We have evolved into offering high quality and data-driven results on enhancing ROI and increasing brand visibility in the competitive market. When Sterling Marketing Solutions Does? If you are in need of some relevant technology email list and validated database to launch a successful B2B marketing, then you have approached the right place. We’re the one stop solution for successful B2B marketing. We offer every customer a verified and authentic database to ensure a quality service. While delivering services to the customers, we enable you to deliver unique marketing solutions to target decision makers in top-notch organizations. We are committed to deliver a greater ROI and productivity. History of the company: Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC started in June 2016 by Atul Kumtekar and on March 2017 Vasudeva Reddy joined as a venture capitalist and to develop the company to provide best in class data management service. Sterling is Data Company which provides digital marketing service, data appending, data management and data on technology users. After March 2017, the company explored with technology to increase the clientele and to assist organizations with updated contacts list through the integration of data and analytics. Policy: Sterling Marketing Solutions share the best-in-class data management solutions to our clients and provide authentic and lucid data through advanced research and systematic disposition. We share to you; because we care for you.
  • 40. A study on role of Backlinks in search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-3 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 27 2015-2017 Vision: We aim at relinquish best-in-class data services to our prospective clients and accredit them to achieve great results. Mission: To help clienteles wangle opulence through data and augment their opportunities to maximize. Our Products and Services: Products: a. Data appending:  Email appending  Phone appending  Multiple contact appending b. Data Management  Data Verfication  Data Enhancement / Cleansing  Data Segmentation  List Management Services c. Data Licensing  Data analysis  Top Data Acquisition Techniques  Structured Data Maintenance Services: a. Digital Marketing Service b. Technology User List c. Healthcare List d. C Level List e. Industry List f. Importer – Exporter List
  • 41. A study on role of Backlinks in search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-3 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 28 2015-2017 SWOT Analysis of the Company: Strength:  Engaged in digital marketing services.  Gain prospective clients by emphasize opportunities.  Built good business network through SEO Techniques.  Ease to create brand and promote the product and service digital platform.  Focus on quality of data and delivering best-in-class data.  Enjoys more active users on website.  Transparency in fulfilling needs and wants. Weakness:  Since it is Startup, requires time to position itself as a brand.  Less followers on social media networks.  Poor engagement with followers of social media outlets.  Fewer clicks on posts of social media networks.  Data Servicing Company requires to increase prospective clients. Opportunities:  More customers taking their business to next level through online platform.  Government supports new upcoming business.  Connect to customers through digital marketing service.  Generating leads through creating Backlinks and posting on social media.  More efficient marketing strategies to reach the prospective customers.  Swift support through social media.  Employment to become professional. Threats:  Existing companies are the competitors in market.  Revamp in client needs.  Negative criticism on internet.  Time consuming promotional strategy.
  • 42. A study on role of Backlinks in search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-3 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 29 2015-2017 Bio-data of the company: Name of the company : Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC Nature of the company : Private Limited Managing Director : Atul Kumtekar Employees : 50-60 Type of company : Data Management and Digital marketing Services Clients : Global Address : India: - 31, 1st Floor, 7th Cross Rd, 6th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka – 560047 United States: - 17774, Preston road 2B, Dallas, Texas-75252 Contact info : Email: - Phone: - (888) 346-0094 Website URL :
  • 44. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 30 2015-2017 Chapter-4 Data Analysis and Interpretation 4.1 Methodology 1. Creation of Backlinks for and its deep links, publishing the content in social bookmarking sites and directory submission sites. 2. To promote the business social media’s like facebook and twitter is used to posting images, blogs, videos, etc. 3. Creating Backlinks through social bookmarking, directory submission and social media is analysed to know the current position in Google search engine by keywords used. 4. Tools like webmaster, google analytics, page insights are used to analyse the website ranking and traffic. 4.2 Procedure for creating Backlinks in Social bookmarking sites and directory submissions sites 4.2.1 Social Bookmarking: Social Bookmarking is essentially labelling a site page with an electronic instrument so you can without much of a stretch get to it later. Rather than sparing them to your web program, you are sparing them to the web.
  • 45. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 31 2015-2017 1. Identify high PageRank social bookmarking sites on internet. Example: Screenshot 4.1: Web page of 2. Open the website and register using email id and password. Screenshot 4.2: Registration form of
  • 46. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 32 2015-2017 3. Go to profile settings by clicking on username on top-right side. Screenshot 4.3: Profile of the karthiksolns 4. Click settings tab which is next to profile tab and fill your details and submit. Screenshot 4.4: modification of profile on settings tab
  • 47. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 33 2015-2017 5. Click on submit tab at the top and enter the URL to be published. And click on continue. Screenshot 4.5: Enter the URL to create backlink 6. Next webpage shows you to enter title, description of URL, Keywords and category. Den click on submit. Screenshot 4.6: Entering Title, Description and category for creating backlink
  • 48. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 34 2015-2017 7. After submitting the story, you can check how many links you submitted in the same website. Screenshot 4.7: Submitted links in 8. User can check how many likes are engaged to published links in published tab. Screenshot 4.8: Likes to published links in
  • 49. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 35 2015-2017 4.2.2 Directory Submissions Directory submission in seo is one of the off page seo strategy , for this you have to choose best directory to present your site points of interest, similar to name , connection and depiction of your site. In the event that you continue doing this frequently your page rank will increment and encourages you to get more traffic from google internet searcher, this third party referencing will expand your space specialist and page rank in google. Simple steps to get your site submitted to various blog directories and make backlinks: Step: 1 Some pre-submission work.Before presenting your site here is a straightforward assignment to perform. This will really help in simple submission without much bother. Make a notebook record and spare the accompanying there. Your blog URL Your blog's RSS channel URL Your social profile joins. Furthermore, a concise passage depicting your site (a few directories require this.) Step: 2 find some marvelous and immense arrangements of blog catalogs. You can discover two most mainstream blog directory records here and here. Step: 3 choose the blog catalogs in view of your decisions, similar to number of sites related, PR of the website (on the off chance that you are exclusively considering backlinks), alexa rank, area expert, no. of recorded pages in Google and so on. Step: 4 suppose you pick a directory named Step: 5 choose an applicable class for your submission. Step: 6 dig further to pick an ideal sub-class.
  • 50. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 36 2015-2017 Step: 7 choose the class/sub-classification that fits your blog's specialty precisely. Screenshot 4.9: a directory site Step: 8 once you found the appropriate sub category click on submit website on the top of the page.
  • 51. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 37 2015-2017 Step: 9 select the review type which is displayed below the guidelines. Screenshot 4.10: Selection of review type
  • 52. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 38 2015-2017 Step: 10 fill on the details from the notepad file you just created. Screenshot 4.11: Submission form of the site
  • 53. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 39 2015-2017 4.3 Social Media Social media is the group of online interchanges channels committed to group based information, cooperation, content-sharing and joint effort. Social media networks used in Sterling Marketing Solutions LLC is majorly Facebook and Twitter. 1) FaceBook  To promote the business and increase the prospective clients we need to create a page on our business name in facebook. Screenshot 4.12: Sterling Marketing Solutions Business Page in FaceBook
  • 54. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 40 2015-2017  Post a blog about business products and services in business page. Screenshot 4.13: post on Salesforce users list is service provided by
  • 55. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 41 2015-2017  Post a image to promote the business in our page and share the link with keywords in similar pages on facebook. Screenshot 4.14: Image on technology email list service by  By posting blogs, contents, images and videos, business page is analysed by FaceBook Analytics to determine the status of page insights.
  • 56. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 42 2015-2017  Business page insights shows how many of them visited the page, liked the page, followers for the page and engaged to the page. Screenshot 4.15: Page insights of Sterling Marketing Solutions Business Page  From FaceBook Analytics, the page is viewed by 19 members till 11 June, 2017.  Page has been liked by 2 members till 11 June, 2017.  42 Post engagements till 11 June, 2017.  2 followers till 11 June, 2017.
  • 57. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 43 2015-2017 2) Twitter  Create a account in Twitter on Sterling Marketing Solutions.  Create profile on our business with location and description about business. Screenshot 4.16: Twitter Page for Sterling Marketing Solutions  Post content, image and links with keywords about the service render the company. Screenshot 4.17: post on SalesForce Customers List by Sterling Marketing Solutions
  • 58. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 44 2015-2017  To promote business we need followers which converts them into clients for our business. Screenshot 4.18: 244 Followers for our business page  Similar to facebook analytics we have Twitter Analytics.  Twitter Analytics gives report on tweet impressions on page, top tweets, profile visits and monthly status. Screenshot 4.19: Summary of business page in Twitter
  • 59. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 45 2015-2017  Monthly report of Sterling Marketing Solutions in Twitter. Screenshot 4.20: Top tweets, tweet impressions, profile visits, new followers of June, 2017 Screenshot 4.21: Top Follower of June, 2017
  • 60. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 46 2015-2017  Twitter Analytics explores the organic impressions on daily basis. Screenshot 4.22: Tweet Activity of Last 28 Days  In tweet activity 813 organic impressions and 2 tweets are recorded on 14 June, 2017.  0.9% engagement rate on 14 June, 2017.  SAP users email Database tweet has 71 impressions.
  • 61. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 47 2015-2017  Twitter Analytics gives the percentage of audiences on their interest with respect to Sterling Marketing Solutions. Screenshot 4.23: Percentage of Audiences on based on interest and demography  From Twitter analytics, our business page needs to more tweets and reach to increase B2B customers.  Since it is Start-up, Social media marketing has to be increased to maximum. 4.4 Tools for Data Collections:  Web Master Tool  Page Speed Insights   Google Analytics  4.4.1 Web Master Tool: Google Web Master Tool is a tool which enables you to speak with Google and how Google sees your website, for example, list the outside and inward connects to your webpage, alter the slither rate at which Google-Bot lists your webpage, check the keywords clients written to arrive on your webpage, and the active visitor clicking percentage for every watchword, see your website's measurements.
  • 62. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 48 2015-2017 1. Verification Before you can get to any information on your site, you need to demonstrate that you're an approved illustrative of the site. This is done through a procedure of verification. There are five fundamental strategies for verification right now set up for GWT. There's no genuine inclination as to which strategy you utilize, despite the fact that the initial two have a tendency to be the most regularly utilized as they've been around for more. Fig 4.1: Verification file from webmaster tool  The HTML file upload. Google gives you a clear, extraordinarily named document that you simply need to drop in the root directory of your site. Once you've done that, you simply tap on the check catch and you'll approach your GWT information for this site.  HTML tag. Tapping on this alternative will give you a metatag that you can embed into the leader of your landing page. When it's there, tap on the confirm catch to see your GWT information. One thing to note about utilizing this strategy for verification
  • 63. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 49 2015-2017 is that it's feasible for the tag to be coincidentally expelled amid a refresh to the landing page, which would prompt a denial of the verification, yet reinserting the tag and clicking check again will settle that.  Domain Name Provider. Select your Domain Name supplier starting from the drop rundown and Google will give you a well ordered guide for verification alongside a one of a kind security token for you to utilize.  Google Analytics. On the off chance that the Google record you're utilizing for GWT is an indistinguishable record from for GA (accepting you're utilizing GA as your examination arrangement), is an administrator on the GA account, and you're utilizing the offbeat following code (with the code being in the leader of your landing page), at that point you can confirm the site along these lines.  Google Tag Manager. This option allows you to use the Google Tag Manager to verify your site. 2. The Dashboard Now that you’re verified, you can log in and start to examine the data for your site. Fig 5.2: Dashboard of your property The first screen you’ll see is the dashboard. This gives you a quick view into some of the more pertinent information for your site, along with any new messages from Google. We’ll cover each of the widgets shown here in their own sections.
  • 64. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 50 2015-2017 3. Site Messages Fig 5.3: Site messages At the point when Google needs to speak with a webmaster, this is the place they'll do as such. There might be messages that educate you that you have pages tainted with malware, that they've recognized countless on your site, which might be an indication of different issues, or even only an enlightening message that your WordPress establishment truly should be refreshed to evacuate the likelihood of anybody abusing definitely known security openings in that stage. Not all messages are terrible. There's likewise the likelihood that you'll get one that praises you on an expansion in traffic to at least one of your pages. 4. Search Traffic Search Queries Here you can get an outline of the top keywords that restored a page from your site in the list items. Take note of the information appeared here is gathered in a marginally unique manner from your investigation stage, including GA, so don't anticipate that the number will precisely count.
  • 65. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 51 2015-2017 Fig 5.4: Search Queries It gives you a thought of the top traffic-driving keywords for your site, the quantity of impressions and clicks, and along these lines the active visitor clicking percentage (CTR), and the normal position that your page was positioning for that specific inquiry. You can likewise see similar information by page as opposed to by watchword. This demonstrates to you the top traffic-producing pages on your site, and maybe encourages you distinguish those that you ought to focus on improving, as a high traffic generator in eleventh position would be a significantly higher traffic generator in eighth.
  • 66. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 52 2015-2017 5. Links to Your Site This segment distinguishes the spaces that connect to you the most, alongside your most- connected to content. While you no doubt won't see each connection that Google's found for your site, you will see more than if you went to and played out a scan for "" Fig 5.5: Links to your sites 6. Internal Links Fig 5.6: Internal Links Here you can see the main 1,000 pages on your site sorted by the quantity of inner connects to those pages. In the event that you have few pages on your site, you can turn around the sort
  • 67. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 53 2015-2017 arrange by tapping on the Links header. Any pages that show zero inward connections have been stranded and ought to either be connected to from some place on your site, or diverted to a proper page in the event that they're old heritage pages. 7. Google Index Index Status Fig 5.7: Index Status of the site The Index Status allows you to track the status of your site within the Google index. How many pages are they showing as being indexed? Are there any worrying trends? Have you accidentally blocked large sections of your site from Googlebot? This is a great place to get the answers to those questions and more.
  • 68. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 54 2015-2017 8. Crawl 8.1 Site Errors Fig 5.8: Crawl errors Here's the place you get some answers concerning the mistakes that Google has distinguished when creeping your site in the course of recent days. This is a priceless tool as it can completely enable you to distinguish an assortment of issues on your site, from server mistakes to missing pages, and blunders in the middle. GWT demonstrates to you the quantity of blunders, records the pages, and demonstrates a diagram of your number after some time for that specific mistake so you can see whether it's been a steady change or a more sudden event (maybe a code push caused unanticipated blunders with an area of the site that nobody took note). This area ought to be a regular port of call, as you watch out for any new issues that could be affecting the creeping of your site. On the off chance that your site has either a portable nearness or is in Google News, you will see tabs committed to any creep blunders particular to those items.
  • 69. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 55 2015-2017 8.2 Crawl Stats Fig 5.9: Crawl Stats The crawl stats area gives you a thought of how quick the crawlers can read pages on your site. Spikes are not out of the ordinary here, yet in the event that you see a supported drop in pages slithered, or a managed spike in time spent downloading a page, or in the extent of a page, at that point that means that you ought to investigate and see what's changed on your webpage – maybe you included another accomplice module that is made a greater than anticipated expansion to the impression on your website.
  • 70. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 56 2015-2017 9. Fetch as Google Fig 5.10: Fetch report Here is the place you can essentially see your pages as Google sees them. They'll restore the HTTP reaction, the date and time, and the HTML code, including the initial 100kb of obvious content on the page. This is an awesome method for checking that the Google crawler sees the page as you anticipate that it will (recall the crawler should see an indistinguishable page from the client would see), and that there are no remotely infused shrouded interfaces on the page. On the off chance that the page looks how you anticipate that it will, at that point you can submit it to the list. You are permitted 500 gets/submissions seven days, and 10 connected page submissions for every week (presenting a page and all pages connected from it in the meantime).
  • 71. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 57 2015-2017 10. Sitemaps Fig 5.11: Site Maps Here's the place you can get to the majority of the data about the sitemaps that GWT has been educated of. To test a sitemap, tap the include/test sitemap catch, and GWT will illuminate you if the sitemap has all the earmarks of being substantial. On the off chance that it is, at that point essentially include the sitemap utilizing a similar technique, with the exception of tapping the include sitemap catch. Take note of that the default sees here is to just demonstrate the sitemaps that you have included. To see those that have been included by other approved clients the record tap the "all" tab. The page demonstrates to you the sitemaps that you've presented, the quantity of pages they found in each, and the quantity of those pages that they've recorded. You can likewise observe obviously if there are any issues that they've recognized inside your sitemaps. Just tap on the notices hyperlink to view them all. 4.4.2 WooRank WooRank is a super quick, super simple to-utilize SEO review and computerized promoting tool. We take a gander at your site through Google's eyes and produce a moment review of your site's specialized, on-page and off-page SEO. Our straightforward, clear, noteworthy experiences will help you not just expand your pursuit positioning and website traffic, additionally your gathering of people engagement and, at last, your transformation and client standards for dependability.
  • 72. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 58 2015-2017 Consistently, 40,000 organizations, advertisers and website proprietors depend on WooRank's web-based tool to review their website and get straightforward and pertinent exhortation on the best way to enhance their websites. 4.4.3 Google Analytics Google Analytics is a free Web investigation benefit that gives insights and fundamental logical tools for site improvement (SEO) and showcasing purposes. The administration is accessible to anybody with a Google account. Google purchased Urchin Software Corporation in April 2005 and utilized that organization's Urchin on Demand item as the reason for its present administration. Google Analytics highlights include:  Data representation tools including a dashboard, scorecards and movement graphs, which show changes in information after some time.  Segmentation for examination of subsets, for example, changes.  Custom reports.  Email-based sharing and correspondence.  Integration with other Google items, for example, AdWords, Public Data Explorer and Website Optimizer. Google Analytics is intended for little and medium-sized retail websites. The administration has constraints that make it less suited to more mind boggling websites and bigger undertakings. For instance, the framework gathers information through a JavaScript page tag embedded in the code of pages the client needs to gather information on. The page label works as a Web bug to accumulate guest data. In any case, since it's dependent on treats, the framework can't gather information for clients who have impaired them. Google additionally utilizes inspecting in its reports as opposed to investigating every single accessible data.
  • 73. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 59 2015-2017 4.4.4 WebCEO WebCEO Professional Suite is instant SEO programming for search motor advertising fledglings, website proprietors and website admins who at times hone SEM and SEO and in addition for prepared experts. Our SEO programming is a brought together workspace with twelve projects that assistance you accomplish genuine outcomes in search motor promoting, perform wise web traffic examination, successfully deal with your online domain and effortlessly look after it. 4.5 Data Analysis The above mentioned tools are used to analyse the page insights, speed of website, referral ranking of website, distribution channels utilized for SEO, and Google ranking of the website based on keywords. 1. Webmaster tool Screenshot 4.24: home page of webmaster tool
  • 74. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 60 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.25: DashBoard of Sterling Marketing Solutions Screenshot 4.26: Search Analytics of Sterling Marketing Solutions  From search analytics, on 11 June, 2017 1371 impressions and position of is 25.9  Keywords like vmware users list in google search engine ranks at 12.7 position.
  • 75. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 61 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.27: keywords and their positions in google search engine  Keywords used for are  For Oracle Users list- Oracle users list, Oracle users database, Oracle users marketing list, Oracle users contact list, Oracle users customers list, Oracle users mailing list, Oracle users email list.  For homepage- Technology users list, Healthcare database, Oracle users, SAP users lists.
  • 76. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 62 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.28: source links to Screenshot 4.29: Internal links present in
  • 77. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 63 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.30: Index Status of Screenshot 4.31: Advanced Status of index of
  • 78. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 64 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.32: Crawl Status for
  • 79. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 65 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.33: Fetch the links of as google Screenshot 4.34: Sitemaps of
  • 80. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 66 2015-2017 2. Google analytics Screenshot 4.35: Audience overview of Screenshot 4.36: Location of users using
  • 81. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 67 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.37: Frequency and Recency of Screenshot 4.38: Engagement of
  • 82. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 68 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.39: Referral traffic links towards
  • 83. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 69 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.40: Social media Overview of Screenshot 4.41: Distribution Channels adopted by
  • 84. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 70 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.42: page views of
  • 85. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 71 2015-2017 3. Page Insights Screenshot 4.43: Page Speed Insights of for mobile Screenshot 4.44: Page speed insights of for desktop
  • 86. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 72 2015-2017 4. WebCEO Screenshot 4.45: On-Site issues of Screenshot 4.46: Competitor link profile of
  • 87. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 73 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.47: Social citations o
  • 88. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 74 2015-2017 5. WooRank Screenshot 4.48: Overview ranking of Screenshot 4.49: WooRank analysis for SEO of
  • 89. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 75 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.50: WooRank analysis of keywords consistency for
  • 90. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 76 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.51: Internal and External links analysis of
  • 91. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 77 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.52: Mobile compatibility analysis for
  • 92. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 78 2015-2017 Screenshot 4.53: Backlinks score of Screenshot 4.54: Traffic rank of
  • 93. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 79 2015-2017 4.6 Interpretation Sterling Marketing Solutions is a Database management company, which required to promote business through search engine optimization and social media. Sterling requires brand creation, awareness of products and services to increase B2B prospective clients globally. Creation of Backlinks in social bookmarking and directory submissions using keywords, meta keywords, descriptions, meta description, tools used for analysis the ranking of in Google search engine and referral traffic analysis is represented in Screenshots. The analytics report gives the present position of sterling marketing solutions, from which backlink customers visits the website and impressions created on website. Promotion in social media like Facebook and twitter are analysed by facebook and twitter analytics. This analysed report exhibits the views and impressions of sterling marketing solutions business page, posts reach in social media. The tools are used identify the status of increasing backlinks, crawls, referral traffic for, the graph in Screenshots shows the organic search reach by keywords posted in social bookmarking, directory submissions and social media.
  • 95. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Chapter-4 Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 79 2015-2017 Chapter-5 Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Suggestions 5.1 Findings  Sterling Marketing Solutions is a small scale business firm operating in India and America with 50 employees.  SEO team is lacking with employees and innovative thoughts.  Since it is start-up social media promotions are less compared to SEO.  Company is concentrating only in free campaigns in digital marketing.  The ranking of is identified by keywords utilized in backlinks and which backlink created more impressions for the company. 5.2 Conclusion We increased the engagements of off-page SEO to gain more number of prospective customers from global. Utilization of social media to promote the business products and services for generating leads to assist opportunities. Every weekend we ensure the status of position and referral traffic is boosted or decreased. Creating backlinks is a non-stop process in SEO, if we are slow in generating backlinks it results in lowest position in Google search engine. The impact of creating backlinks resulted in 12th position of Google page by free listing in social bookmarking, directory submissions and social media. 5.3 Suggestions  Company has to utilize the Google adwords to improve the ranking in search engine.  Company should engage with paid campaigns to increase business opportunities.  Maximize Employment opportunities.  Adaption of video marketing, blogging boosts the business profits.  Enhancing of digital marketing to sterling marketing solutions increase B2B Clienteles.
  • 97. A study on role of Backlinks in Search Engine Optimization: A special reference to Bibliography Dept. of MBA, DSCASC Page 80 2015-2017 Bibliography Books:  Digital Marketing Strategies for Online Success by Godfrey Parkin, New Holland Publishers Ltd (25 July 2009  Search Engine Optimization Book, Aaron Matthew Wall  Digital Marketing by Raghavendra.K Journals:  Laxmi Choudhary and Bhawani Shankar Burdak, “Role of Ranking Algorithms for Information Retrieval”.  Geetanjali Tyagi, Megha Sharma, Kumar Kaushik , “Using Search Engine Optimization Technique Increasing Website Traffic and Online Visibility” In: International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering, Volume 5, Issue 1, January 2015 ISSN: 2277 128X.  Maria Cristina ENACHE, “OPTIMIZATION METHODS AND SEO TOOLS”, In: International Conference “Risk in Contemporary Economy, ISSN-L 2067-0532 ISSN online 2344-5386  L. Page, S. Brin, R. Motwani, T. Winograd. “The PageRank Citation Ranking: Bringing Order To The Web”. Technical Report Stanford Digital Library Technologies Project SIDL-WP-1999-0120, 1998. Websites:      