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‘A sense of belonging often emerges as a result of our...
English Essay
'A sense of belonging often emerges as a result of our feelings of acceptance and understanding.'
Belonging is a feeling that all humans want and need to survive. Without being accepted by anybody
you will feel left out and alone, you wouldn't have anybody to guide you or even help you make
good quality decisions in life. With a sense of acceptance you would feel on top of the world and
ready to take on anything because you know that the people with you will always have your back.
But belonging means something different to everybody, some people feel like they associate to a
group of friends/communities/sporting teams, while others may think they are attached to a certain
place. Texts explore many aspects of ... Show more content on ...
By the composer's understanding of his dad's heritage of his native land Poland he felt a sense of
acceptance from his mates but not only understanding the Poland heritage but the Australian
heritage to feel connected to the his land.
'Ancestors' explore the relationship between the people of the past and present, and how it affects
our ability to connect in the physical world. The ancestors are metaphors for 'shadows' that linger in
dreams, represented as 'bearded, faceless' spirits that once experienced a sense of identity with the
physical world, but now reside in a shadowy realm. The composer feels connected to this world and
feels a sense of belonging to it. The ancestors are illuminated through the juxtaposed images of
'walking' and 'sleeping', 'light' and 'darkness', and 'stillness' and 'motion'. The use of imagery in the
dream world of the ancestors is extrasensory and reflects aspects that the composer can comprehend
about the spirit world. By accepting and taking in what the composer's ancestors had to say he found
his sense of identity for himself and what he truly is.
'Migrant hostel' explores the separation and isolation of the migrants from the rest of the populations
even though they were invited into Australia. Because of the separation from their country they feel
isolated and alienated from their new country Australia. 'To pass in and out of lives' shows that the
promise of new life of
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Analysis Of Beyond Happiness: The Upside Of Feeling Down
"Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling Down" article by Matthew Hutson explains that
negative emotions often have a pessimistic stigma. Normally when one addresses fear, anger, guilt,
and regret, a positive outlook is not the first thing that comes to mind. Because these emotions are
mostly negative, people try to not act on them or conceal them when trouble arises; however, acting
on these emotions can bring a positive feeling. Hutson sheds light on why anger, shame, envy, fear,
and grief should not be looked at as "negative" emotions all the time, rather they should just be
looked at as emotions.
"Holding in anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." This is a commonly
repeated quote, usually credited to Buddha, he addressed the fact that holding in anger does one no
good. Anger results from one feel undervalued, unappreciated, ... Show more content on ...
Expressing that anger boosts confidence; it tells people that one has resolve, determination, and
strength to get what they want. It is said that people displaying anger are likely to be 'more
competent, and more credible.'
When an injustice is seen or experienced it often produces anger, an upset feeling that makes one
want change. Such is the case with civil rights, gender equality, and LGBTQ + rights movements.
Imagine if all the anger and frustration of people was held back because they did not want to offend
anyone or make others uncomfortable, we would not be in a progressive state; nothing in the world
would never change and nothing would get accomplished.
Some people recommend "turn anger into positive energy", which means take the 'negative' energy
that anger produces and turn that energy into an action that is beneficial. Anger motivates the
induvial to act in certain events. In a way, releasing anger helps us avoid progressing into potentially
harmful actions or emotions. Hiding the pain can lead to depression and other health
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Analysis Of Beyond Happiness: The Upside Of Feeling Down...
No one question the positive effect of feeling good, but are there any benefits from unpleasant
emotions? It seems that people has been chasing for good mood in the last 2 decades, but there are
several people trying to find positive influences for feeling bad underneath. In the Psychology Today
article "Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling Down" (2015), Hutson focuses his attention on
the how human beings benefit themselves from negative emotions. Hutson has some strong point
that there are many positive effects from negative emotions, which are expressing anger is good in
negotiation, guilt can motivate individuals to fix the mistake, and envy is one of the motivation to
drive people to success.
In" Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling ... Show more content on ...
First, anger comes from being undervalued. Expressing anger can show others that angry people
believe that they are underestimate. In other words, this could let the rest of individuals think twice
about angry people's ability, which means showing anger can change others opinions about
undervaluing people. Having a second chance to display the ability that are ignored at first will help
people in the negotiation. Second, expressing anger can let others fear you in negotiation. Recent
research in negotiations (Van Kleef et al., 2003) has shown that expressing one's anger can make
rivals to feel fear and make larger concessions. What more, showing anger can also prevent oneself
from being duped. Third, those who expressing anger are seen as higher in social status, because
people are afraid of those who are powerful or who do well in the field where normal individuals are
not good at. People can demonstrate a higher value by showing angry in the appropriate occasion.
That makes sense because it is rare to see the normal people to show their anger to authority or
powerful person compared with feeling fear of them. In sum, expressing anger can let people
revalued, make concessions for those rivals who feel the fear, and display a higher social status.
There is no doubt that showing one's anger can benefit people in the
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Analysis Of Leslie Bricusse's 'Feeling Good'
An anthem of triumph, Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse's "Feeling Good," has traversed the
generations with its inspirational and timeless lyrics. Since its debut in the 1960s musical The Roar
of the Greasepaint – The Smell of the Crowd, the song "Feeling Good" has been covered by dozens
of notable artists. Among them are Nina Simone and Avicii featuring the vocals of Audra Mae. The
song originates from a scene in the musical sung by the character "The Negro" after he wins the
game [of life] in spite of the abuse and racism he experiences at the hands of the musical's main
characters. In the same year of its Broadway premiere, Nina Simone recorded her own version of the
song for her album I Put a Spell on You. Simone's iconic rendition ... Show more content on ...
Like Grant, Simone uses vibrato throughout the song. However, while Grant has a steadily low
pitch, Simone has an almost magical voice that manages to flawlessly fluctuate between both high
and low pitches throughout the song. It is this technique that gives the song a strong emotional
texture. Where Grant's voice sounded desperately triumphant over hardships, Simone's sounds
eagerly hopeful for a bright new future. Simone makes the song her own even more with her
dynamic techniques. Unlike Grant who built up a crescendo throughout the song, Simone keeps a
relatively steady volume until the climax when she concludes the song powerfully loud. Another
way that Grant and Simone's versions differ is the way the timbre is altered by their
accompaniments. Simone has a typical jazz band accompanying her that is very heavy in the brass
department with its trumpet, trombone, and tuba. It also is heavy with piano and a little bit of drums
that all come together to create a bright and energetic tone that helps one feel empowered just by
hearing the song.
In one of the song's more recent covers, American singer Audra Mae has a steadily high pitch in
contrast to Grant's bass range and Simone's both low and high range vocals. Nevertheless, Audra
Mae's wavering voice pays a beautiful homage to both Grant and Simone's versions of the song.
However, it's the techno accompaniment performed by Swedish DJ Avicii that truly gives the song
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The Director Is The Conductor And The Audience 's Feelings
In cinematography, as Quentin Tarantino discusses in an interview, the director is the conductor and
the audience's feelings are the instrument that directors utilize to evoke emotion. Directors have
many tools they use to evoke the viewer's emotions and properly captivate the audience. One of the
tools directors use to control the audience, in addition to special effects, is dialogue. Dialogue has
the power to push an audience to tears when a character dies, or make them laugh at the same scene
with different dialogue between the characters. This dialogue is only possible through the creation of
a storyworld where absurd dialogue would be deemed appropriate. This is what makes Quentin
Tarantino such an effective director, he has mastered the skill of controlling the audience's emotions
through establishing a storyworld, and using dialogue with his horrifying scenes. His mastery of
evoking emotion can be seen in many of his films. Most notably in Pulp Fiction, which won an
Oscar and a Golden Globe for best screenplay. In Pulp Fiction, the viewer finds him or herself in a
whirlwind of emotion, laughing in horror at horrendous acts of violence. The emotions that are
elicited while watching these intense scenes are possible because of the dialogue Quentin Tarantino
uses. He masters the ability to evoke emotion through outrageous scenes in combination with
memorable dialogue. The social norms within a storyworld, as well as characters ridiculous
interactions with each other,
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Why Men Avoid Talking About Their Feelings
Why Men Avoid Talking About Their Feelings
One of Hollywood's most typical scenes is contrasting men and women's gatherings with their
same–sex friends and discussing their partner's behavior. It is easy to notice that while women tend
to talk about their feelings, the same episode depicting men talk is less emotional and more logical.
These stereotypes roughly reflect how gender differences works, which are actually not natural but
rather nurtured. Personally, I believe that men's fear to discuss their feelings is bewildering because
ability to feel is one of key features that human nature. Yet, it is easily explained by gender
stereotypes and the way men are brought up.
This starts in childhood when false masculinity is induced by a parent, mentor or neighbor. In a
number of social situations, a boy is continuously taught that emotions are not a man's zone. A
strong association of emotions and femininity is imposed on a boy when someone says that crying
makes him look like a girl. As a result, a low level of emotional intelligence is one of male typical
features by their teens. This means that the skill of being aware of their own feelings is
underdeveloped with most men. The greatest emotional outburst is usually about anger because it is
associated with "macho" type. This is why it is so typical when a man cannot help feeling angry
even in situations when he should normally feel another emotion like sorrow or offence. A
psychologist says that many men are "trapped in the
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Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy On The Feelings That...
Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy focusses on the feelings that impact behavior. The
importance is on receptiveness of the couple to the emotional needs that arise when discussing their
issues and finding solutions to the conflicts. A couple is helped to recognize and understand their
connection and need for attachment. This therapy is centered on the theory that couples childhood
experiences strongly influence the couple's behavior in the relationship. In order for this therapy to
be effective the professionals in the human service field must be competent in many facets. They
must be able to use non–verbal and verbal skills of communication, use reflective techniques and
ask closed and open ended questions. In addition the counselor ... Show more content on ...
In her mind she thinks that if Josh had a glimpse of what she perceives is here true self, he would
leave her. Susan fails to recognize how her behavior effects Josh.
Verbal and non–verbal communication forms the interactions that a person has with others. Susan
recognizes the important role that communication plays in enhancing positive outcome in their
counselling session. Susan's verbal and non–verbal communication allow the couple to quickly
become comfortable with her and open up about their feelings. Susan always faces the person that is
talking and she maintains a proper amount of eye contact with that person. Not making eye contact
gives the perception of not caring and excessive eye contact can make a person uncomfortable or
feel intruded upon. Susan maintains a soft demeanor throughout the session by speaking in a calm
comforting voice and having a relaxed posture. This non–verbal communication gives the couple the
perception that Susan genuinely cares about what they have to say. Susan asks the couple to describe
their relationship and how each individual feels about the state of the current relationship. She is
constantly showing the couple that she understands what is being said by verbally communicating to
them the emotions they must have felt in the situations they are describing. She expresses empathy
by saying statements like "I hear you" or "I understand" which gives the couple reassurance that
they are being heard and she cares about their
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq
After the War of 1812, the nation underwent the Era of Good Feelings, which reflected a sense of
nationalism and desire for unity among Americans. Monroe's presidency was closely associated with
this brief period of nationalism, where he began progress towards nationalization, and the collapse
of the Federalist party served to unify the government under a single political party.
Letter grade: B+
Around the time of Monroe's presidency, America experienced the "Era of Good Feelings" in 1815.
Victories during the War of 1812 instilled a new sense of confidence and brought many new
opportunities for Americans.
The "Era of Good Feelings" brought about a trend toward nationalization, inspired by the national
pride that arose from the War of 1812. The war made Monroe realize the necessity to promote
national growth, preparing to legislate them though John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay's American
The Hartford Convention doomed the Federalist party, who had been significantly weakened by
now. The Federalist party continued to fade during Monroe's administration, and lacked the
influence it once had ... Show more content on ...
products. Manufacturing industries in the North benefited from this tariff, since they no longer had
to compete with cheap British goods, but negatively affected the southern states, with mostly
planters that relied on imports. Congress forced Adams to choose between a stronger protective
tariff than he would've preferred, to having no tariff at all, so Adams chose the tariff. The Tariff of
1828 was denounced as unconstitutional and oppressive, called the "Tariff of Abominations" by the
Virginia legislature. Even Vice President John C. Calhoun condemned the tariff and drafted the
South Carolina Exposition, which declared that it was in the states' rights to nullify federal laws that
were blatantly harming the state's best
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Personal Reactions, Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors ) During...
1. Discussion of your personal reactions and experiences (thoughts, feelings, behaviors) during the
session. I am approaching this journal entry in hoping I can make sense out of group and my
feelings. After last session, I felt angry, misunderstood, disconnected, and untrusting of one of the
leaders. After this session I feel the same, but towards both of the leaders because I felt like the other
leader picked up where the first left off. I have never felt so uncomfortable with a facilitator, leader,
or therapist in my 40 years of both group and individual therapy. With that said; I was impressed
when one of the leaders spoke to her point of view and feelings about last week's session openly and
honestly. By her doing this, it opened up empathy and compassion in my heart for her. The other
leader continued to humanize both leaders by talking about their group experience together and tried
to bring our group into a realm of reflection about pain and its connection to growth. Each member
shared on this topic, even though it changed frequently, as I sat by and actively listened to each
individual share with no intention of sharing anything that would rock the boat because I am tired of
being singled out in the group. Twenty five minutes before the end of the meeting, one of the leaders
(the one I don't usually have an issue with) stated that we were going to talk to Alan now. I shared
openly and honestly about the way I felt and shared my gratitude for the other leader's
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The Feelings Of Nature And Man
The Feelings of Nature and Man
Shelley's novel Frankenstein really describes Victor Frankenstein's state of mind as it impacts the
thematic movement of the novel, using light, color, speed, temperature, sound and smell. The
similarities that are used in Shelley's novel between Frankenstein's feelings and the landscapes he
describes are striking. Victor Frankenstein, a man with great determination and pride, had a strong
desire to prove people wrong that he could create life. Trying to successfully prove to everyone that
he could become the greatest scientist ever, he attempted life–creating alchemy; however in the
process of doing so he created a monster that he feared. Shocked by the fact that he created such a
beast, he was not ... Show more content on ...
Paralleling nature and human emotion, the first part to that quote shows that Victor is accompany by
that bad storm because of the bad things that has happened to him. Victor is just like that sad man
you would see in cartoons accompanied by a dark cloud above his head. Then Victor was in a state
where he is clouded by every thought. The thick mist that hid the summits of the mountains is just
like Victor 's mind. Until that mist that is blocking him is gone you won 't be able to think clearly
about what has happened in his life. As Victor continues to climb up the mountain he gets this
emotional feeling looking into the distance. "I resolved to ascend to the summit of Montanvert. I
remembered the effect that the view of the tremendous and ever–moving glacier had produced upon
my mind when I first saw it." (Ch10). This nature that always accompanied him not only does it just
imamate his emotions but it also bring him joy. Victor was so into nature at that moment it was like
he just cease to exist and the only think that he cared about was nature. The affect that nature had for
Victor was such a huge impact that he didn 't want anyone to follow him into paradise as he
explained, "I determined to go without a guide, for I was well acquainted with the path, and the
presence of another would destroy the solitary grandeur of the scene."(Ch10). These passages shows
me that the sublime nature in the story accompanies Victor. Victor needed the
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Analysis Of Hooked On A Feelings By Blue Swede
The song "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede reflects me as a person. I am like this song because
the melody is easygoing and carefree, kind of like my personality and the way I deal with things.
Slow, but steady. In the chorus, the lyrics state: "I'm hooked on a feelin', I'm high on believin', that
you're in love with me, hooked on a feelin'. I do have mixed feelings on relationships and boys and
girls and everything else in life. But for me, the song "Hooked on a Feeling" takes on a different
meaning. Not the meaning that a boy thinks a girl loves him and vice versa, but the meaning of that I
have a feeling that everything will turn out fine. I'm hooked on a feeling that I will find my way
through life, through the pain, through the tears,
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The Director Is The Conductor And The Audience 's Feelings
In cinematography, as Quentin Tarantino talks about in an interview, the director is the conductor
and the audience's feelings are the instrument that directors utilize to evoke emotion. Directors have
to hone this skill in order to evoke the viewer's emotions and properly captivate the audience. One
of the tools directors use to control the audience, in addition to special effects, is dialogue. Dialogue
has the power to push an audience to tears when a character dies, or make them laugh at the same
scene with different dialogue between the characters. This dialogue is only possible through the
creation of a storyworld where absurd dialogue would be deemed appropriate. This is what makes
Quentin Tarantino such an effective director, he has mastered the skill of controlling the audience's
emotions through establishing a storyworld, and using dialogue with his horrifying scenes. His
mastery of evoking emotion can be seen in many of his films, however more notably in Pulp
Fiction, which won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for best screenplay. In Pulp Fiction, the viewer
finds him or herself in a whirlwind of emotion, laughing in horror at horrendous crimes. This
mixture of emotions that are elicited while watching these scenes are possible because of the
dialogue Quentin Tarantino uses. He masters the ability to evoke emotion through outrageous scenes
in combination with memorable dialogue. The social norms within a storyworld, as well as
characters' acknowledgement of being in a
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A Feelings For Fiction
The article "A Feeling For Fiction" explains the relationship exhibited between our lives,and those
existing in the realm of fictional works. The relationship itself is overwhelmingly positive, as
fictional works have the effect of humanizing us, as we empathize ,and identify with the characters
that are present. The article gives examples of this idea through the concepts presented in texts such
as Aristotle's Poetics, and the Hindu Treatise Natyasastra, that are used to emphasise the impact that
fiction exudes on the real world. While the majority of the article makes reference to literature,
fiction in the form of movies plays, an important roles as the article explains a study done regarding
the movies Vertigo and Bladerunner that exemplified
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Identify Basic Feelings Worksheet
Elementary Level
Title: How Do I Feel? Happy, Scared, Mad, Sad Grade Level: K
Length: 20–30 Minutes
Goal: Identify basic feelings
Objective: Recognize and draw the four basic feelings of happy, sad, mad, and scared.
Materials: Drawings and/or pictures from magazines showing examples of basic feelings (happy,
sad, mad, scared), Card Stock, Markers or Crayons and Feelings Worksheet (attached)
Procedures: Tell the students, "Today we will be talking about feelings. Each of the pictures on the
table has one of the four feelings being talked about today". Randomly choose a card, show it to
them and ask them, "Tell me the feeling that is on the picture", then say "Now show me how your
face would look if you were feeling this way." Give them ... Show more content on
Materials: School issued student planner/agenda, bell schedule, map of the school building, school
rules, attendance policy, school clubs and organizations list, names of staff (administrators,
counselors, campus police, custodians, etc...)
Procedures: You can recruit the help of your counseling department and coordinate with the English
or Social Studies teachers to give you permission to come into their class rooms during the second
week of school starting to educate students about their school schedule, policies, traditions,
expectations, school activities, support services, and other important aspects of being a new student
in a new school.
The session should be used as a community building exercise so that students become familiar with
being in the school and have the opportunity to meet one of the school counselors and know where
to find help.
Cover key issues about what is expected of the students as entering high school freshmen, discuss
school rules and identify key people and places including their school counselor, school nurse, and
principals. Address the importance of making two copies of their class schedule in case they
misplace their original and give them a copy of important school numbers such as the main office,
counseling office, attendance office, etc. It will also be beneficial to talk about joining one of the
many school clubs and sports available to
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Animal Rights : Respect And Feelings Are Within All Living...
Animal Rights: Respect and Feelings are within all living things Animals are living creatures with
feelings, emotions, and intelligence. We even have animals as pets because they bring us joy, love,
affection, and give people company when people find themselves alone. Animals do not have voices
to express their feelings and demand respect so we humans often take advantage of them. We share a
world with many different species. Over time Humans have gained power over all living creatures
and have took away from others. Humans have full control of many situations and have the upper
hand in many cases. I feel that animals deserve respect, and deserve laws in order to protect them. If
a human kills another human, that human will go to jail ... Show more content on ...
It is just like putting an 18 year old boy against a 6 year old boy, the chances of the 6 year old boy to
be able to defend himself are unlikely since the 18 year old has the upper hand.
There will always be people that agree and there will be those that do not agree, this world would be
pretty boring if everyone agreed on the same thing. The fun part about someone disagreeing is that
they can be educated and also brought to what is right. In this case philosopher Rene Descartes point
of view is respected but it is also very disrupting how an individual can have that view towards a
creature in the way that Rene Descartes has. Rene Descartes stated that "animals cannot reason and
do not feel pain; animals are living organic creatures, but they are automata, like mechanical robots.
Descartes held that only humans are conscious, have minds and souls, can learn and have language
and therefore only humans are deserving of compassion" ( It is absolutely
sad and concerning how an individual can come to that conclusion without testing it. Someone can
go up to a dog, pet the dog and the dog will react to it, the dog will be pleased and enjoy it, because
the dog feels a satisfaction which is developed by feelings. If you hit a dog, the dog will cry, and
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The Management Of Feeling : Hochschild 's Discussion Of...
3.4 Management of Feeling
Hochschild's discussion of feelings allows us to understand how our feeling provides us with the
bearings and guidance we need to reach a sense of both subjectivity and objectivity. The next
question is: what do we do with this knowledge? According to Hochschild, we need to manage our
feeling, either by surface or deep acting, in order to manage our display of feeling in the world.
Hochschild (2003, p. 35) is convinced that all of us do a certain amount of acting, that self is
performed. In understanding how surface and deep acting is accomplished, and in explaining its
connection to emotion, Hochschild used the work of Stanislavski (1965), who is known as the father
of 'method acting'.
Before we discuss Hochschild's surface and deep acting, let us review one of the classic sociological
accounts of the presentation of self, for the theatrical model of social roles has a long heritage that
Hochschild is drawing on. Particularly influential is Erving Goffman's 1959 work, Presentation of
Self in Everyday Life. By 'presentation of self', Goffman (1959, pp. 9–18) means the performance
that people put on, for the benefit of both other people and themselves. This performance is based on
how the individuals want to be perceived by others and themselves; guided by motives, it is an
attempt to control the responses from others that reflect on the self. Such performances can be
classified into two situations (Goffman, 1959, pp. 28–29). In the first
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Connecting To Feelings
I chose to teach the lesson on pages 62 and 63, Connecting to Feelings, because I felt that is would
be appropriate and work well with both of my children, who are in kindergarten and third grade. I
felt that you can make this activity easier for younger students and then ask older students to add
more details, so it was a great fit for my two children. We also have a lot of feelings going around in
this house because daddy was preparing to leave this week and flew off today for about a month for
work ups to deploy next February. Also, feelings are something that every child has and this is a
topic that is easy for them to connect to and write about. For the planning portion of this lesson, or
lesson one, we talked about what writing to invite the reader to make connections means. We talked
about why they think authors write books about feelings and if everyone has feelings. We explored
some different types of feelings that each of us has had by looking at a smiley face feelings chart.
Then we read the book How Full is Your Bucket?, ... Show more content on ...
My youngest daughter was happy to do the writing and seemed to enjoy the activity. She wanted to
write more on her own and I think I would do only phonetic spelling in the future, along with having
her add more detail. However, I did not ask her to do a writing piece other than a story strip and
illustrations because of her age and grade level. My older daughter was very resistant to writing
anything more after filling out the planning sheet. With this I decided to take out the writing a story
about one feeling part of this lesson. She has dyslexia and typically can be difficult to get motivated
to write. However, once she got started on doing the story strip and the illustrations, she seemed to
have enjoyed it. If I taught this lesson in the future I might do the writing of the story part on one
day and then have students create a story strip on another
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Feeling Death in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien
War is often thought about as something that hardens a soldier. It makes a person stronger
emotionally because they are taught not show it and deal with it internally. People say that death in
war is easier to handle because it is for the right reasons and a person can distance themselves from
the pain of losing someone. However, there is always a point when the pain becomes too real and it
is hard to maintain that distance. In doing so, the story disputes the idea that witnessing a traumatic
event causes a numbing or blockage of feelings. Rat Kiley's progression of sentiment began with an
initial concern for the buffalo, transforming into an irate killing of the animal, and then ending with
an ultimate acceptance of death. These ... Show more content on ...
Rat felt the sorrow of having recently lost a friend, which was indicated by him crying. Rat was so
overcome by emotion that he was unable to speak to the others. He could not verbally express how
he was feeling. When Rat went to leave, he did not just carry his gun. Instead, Rat "cradled his rifle"
(76). The act of cradling the gun implied that Rat was seeking comfort from his actions. He was also
seeking reassurance while he was grieving his loss. This is when Rat could no longer deny the
reality of war and death. Most of the other feelings were defenses; they helped him maintain that
distance for a little bit longer. When Rat was finally able to cry over the death, the distance was
completely gone. Rat was able to enter the grieving process and cope with Curt dying. The crying
was an apparent display of his acceptance of death. By facing the death head on, Rat became a
stronger soldier because he was not suppressing emotions. The other soldiers in the platoon did not
know how to react to the display. As the narrator stated, "We had witnessed something essential,
something brand–new and profound, a piece of the world so startling there was not yet a name for
it" (76). Since the other soldiers were not used to seeing outward presentations of grieving, the
entire event was perplexing and foreign to them. They were unsure of how to react or even proceed.
Therefore, in order to maintain the notion
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Era Of Good Feelings Dbq
The era of good feelings was a reflected spirit on the rise of the American nationalism that was
spreading throughout United States in the years after the war of 1812. Not only were there
patriarchal feelings towards America, there was also a rise of national politics. There were many
reasons why the years 1812–1817 was named the era of good feelings. The Hartford Convention
kicked off the process of the "Era of Good Feelings", and after the convention several things
happened to cause the era. These include the end of the two–party system and also the signal of the
end of the War of 1812. Although the Era of Good Feelings can sometimes be a misleading
characterization of the time period, overall it does deserve its name because of the peace ... Show
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But what about the prosperity? When James Madison was elected, the national bank was established
to ensure economic growth. Furthermore, inventions such as Eli Whitney's cotton gin made it easier
for landowners to make products more effectively and for a cheaper price. In addition to economic
prosperity, Madison stressed the importance of United States security following the War of 1812. "In
1816 James Monroe was elected president of the United States. Monroe's own diplomatic
experiences, combined with the skillful diplomacy of Monroe's Secretary of State John Quincy
Adams, led to important advances in American foreign relations during his two terms in the White
House. The Rush–Bagot and Transcontinental treaties firmed up America's borders and spread its
domain to the Pacific Ocean" (Sage). The Era of Good Feelings therefore deserves its name because
of the economic prosperity experienced at the time and also the peace that would settle over the
country due to the one party
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A Survivor Feeling Guilty of His Survival Essay
In the aftermath of a horrific experience, it is not uncommon for a survivor to feel guilty about their
survival. The most difficult thing for survivors can be finding the ability to move beyond what has
happened and look toward the future. An individual is often shaped by their past experiences. If
ensuing guilt is not dealt with, however, the past can hinder the ability to achieve in the present. In
Art Spielgelman's MAUS II, Vladek and Art struggle to live in the present and are laden with guilt
from their pasts. When not properly dealt with, guilt can become an overpowering emotion,
governing decisions and depleting self motivation. To move successfully past debilitating guilt one
often must learn to be accepting of the past and ... Show more content on ...
Although Art can't feel exactly the same guilt his father felt, Art still feels guilt for not having
suffered as his parents did. Art never had to live through what his parents did; therefore he does not
know what the Holocuast was like. Sitting at his desk, Art proclaims "At least fifteen foreign
editions are coming out. I've gotten 4 serious offers to turn my book into a T.V. special or movie. In
May 1968 my mother killed herself. (She left no note)" (5, p 41). The disjointed nature of Art's
statement portrays his guilt in the sense that no matter what he accomplishes, his life will be
insignificant in comparison to his parents'. Because he cannot accept that he will never experience
what his parents have, Art has difficulty ever feeling accomplished and instead just feels more guilt.
Both Vladek and Art struggle to let go of their pasts as they both find themselves consumed with
what has happened rather than what is yet to come. When one cannot deal with guilt within oneself,
the feeling of guilt can be transferred to affect another. Art struggles throughout his life to
understand why he never had a great relationship with his father. After trying to write with no luck,
Art heads to his regular appointment with Pavel, another Holocaust survivor. Pavel suggests that
maybe "(Vladek) took his guilt out on YOU, where it was safe... on the REAL survivor." (7, p 44)
Vladek felt guilty about surviving the Holocaust, but instead of accepting it,
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Controversy About Feeling Healthy About Feeling Good
Feeling okay about feeling "bad" is healthy
Whether we're scrolling through social media or around our circle of friends, we're often taught to
feel good all the time. From our work to our health, it always seems to be about constantly having a
positive attitude, and this can be draining. It turns out it's okay to feel "bad". Here's why.
Feeling bad feels good
Not accepting any state of emotions is just as bad, so don't deny how you feel. Reacting to negative
feelings can be damaging, but so is ignoring the emotion. It's not so much about changing from low
to high, but accepting the feeling and staying in touch with what's going on in your mind.
Think of it as taking things for what they are. Accept the negative state instead of
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The James-Bard Bypothesis Of Feeling
The James–Lange hypothesis of feeling was proposed by clinicians William James and Carl Lange.
As indicated by this hypothesis, as we encounter diverse occasions, our sensory system creates
physical responses to these occasions. Cases of these responses incorporate expanded heart rate,
trembling, irritated stomach, and so forth. These physical responses thusly make enthusiastic
responses, for example, outrage, dread and pity.
For instance, envision sitting in a dim room without anyone else's input. All of a sudden you hear
breathing sound behind you. Your heart rate increments and you may even start to tremble. You
translate these physical reactions as you are terrified thus you encounter fear.
Gun Bard Theory
The Cannon–Bard hypothesis of feeling was created by physiologists Walter Cannon and Philip
Bard. As indicated by this hypothesis, we feel the feelings and experience the physiological
responses, for example, sweating, trembling and muscle strain at the same time.
For instance, you are in a dim room without anyone else's input and abruptly you hear breathing
sound adjacent. As indicated by the Cannon–Bard hypothesis, your heart rate increments and you
start to tremble. While you are encountering these physical responses, you additionally encounter
the feeling of dread.
According to Walter Cannon, our feelings are directed by the response of a little structure in the
cerebrum known as the thalamus. The
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Introversion, Gut Feelings, And Trust
Introversion, Gut Feelings, and Trust
By Lynette Crane | Submitted On January 20, 2015
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Expert Author Lynette Crane
Maybe – just maybe – your gut–level feeling that you shouldn 't be doing something is right. But if
you 're an introvert, you 've probably had a lifetime of being told to ignore your feelings, and urged
to act just the opposite.
Want to stay home and read? "What 's the matter with you, anyway?" It 's implied that you 're
neurotic or even antisocial. Want to leave a party before it ends? "You 're a party–pooper." Find
large groups overwhelming? "Just get out there and have fun (said with incredulity)!" (Even though
the event gives you a headache or even nausea.) Enjoying being quiet and listening when in a
group? "You 're shy, aren 't you?" a shaming label if ever there was one.
We end up forcing ourselves to do things that aren 't bringing us any pleasure, and somehow
berating ourselves for the demoralizing experiences we endure. Then we crawl back into our little
It 's no wonder we have never learned to trust our feelings as guides to what will lead to success and
There is a caveat here: if you are an introvert,
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Emotions Are Power. When It Comes To Feelings And Emotions,
Emotions are power. When it comes to feelings and emotions, there can often be disparity between
how one feels and how something truly is. As the author of the article titled, "Invisible: Why Do
People Feel Invisible?" Oliver Cooper writes, "One can feel that they are invisible to the world. And
this is regardless of their physical impact on life, the experience for not being noticed exists." Our
self–image plays an essential role in what we achieve in life and how. There have been multiple
investigations regarding the correlation between having high self–efficacy and being successful.
Famous behavioral psychologist, Albert Bandura, was quoted, "Perceived self–efficacy is defined as
people 's beliefs about their capabilities to produce ... Show more content on ...
If readers were to trace back the source of when and where Bastian's problems began, it would be
from the death of his mother. Following this tragedy, Bastian's father begins to isolate himself.
Bastian recalls, that his father was once, rather pleasant. He would play with Bastian and would tell
his son stories. Bastian was aware that his father was grieving as well but, "there was an invisible
wall around his father, and no one could get through to him. He never found fault and he never
praised...Bastian felt that as far as his father was concerned, he was not there at all" (Ende 37). From
the very beginning of the book, there is this disconnection between father and son. Cooper explains
that children who experience unempathetic care from their parents in their adolescent years, are
more likely to experience the feeling of isolation and invisibility. Children that experience being
ignored, "will then lead to the ego mind concluding that one is invisible and the associations will
then follow" (Cooper). The ego mind is a term to explain how children create associations with
different actions and behaviors as "safe" or "unsafe." The problem with this behavior, is that what
may be considered safe, may lead to more pain and suffering later in life. For example, Bastian's
father believed that he was handling his grief properly by isolating himself from Bastian. Bastian
eventually began to consider this behavior as normal and can
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The Feelings Of Emotions
Research has demonstrated that when we express our sentiments, it helps quiet and reset us. This is
particularly my experience. When I have solid emotions, on the off chance that I express them
completely, the sentiments blur and I feel nonpartisan once more. Which is unexpected, on the
grounds that to tell somebody how I fondle closes with me not even truly feeling that way any
longer. Like the time it requires to tell somebody the investment–once you've said it, it's never again
in fact even obvious. Be that as it may, I think about whether there isn't another probability: Assume
individuals developed to walk upright since we expected to wind up, practically, direct quickening
Consider the possibility that some way or another ... Show more content on ...
Would you be able to live without conveying everything that needs to be conveyed? Articulation is
out–happening to your contemplations, your interior conduct at crest. A few times it gives us
satisfaction, we cheer, we cry in distress, feel delight one of incomparable feeling when we are
infatuated, feel irate when hostility is there. Life is nothing in the event that you won't communicate
completely, you will dependably be in gridlock, and I felt it once in a while it truly harms and once
in a while you free some of your excellent breakthroughs of your life. I am likewise endeavoring to
learn convey what needs be completely, might be some time or another I will accomplish it.
The connection amongst social and innovative articulation is perplexing. Social factors plainly affect
proper outlets for innovative articulation, on the idea of the topic and type of articulation, on the
capacities that different types of articulation serve, and on the sorts of people chose for, or occupied
with, imaginative movement. There are various routes by which social orders shape all parts of
innovative articulation, running from the accessibility of assets to the arrangement of prizes or
disciplines. It likewise winds up plainly evident that the relationship of inventiveness with
innovation is to a great extent a Western viewpoint and that creative accomplishments in different
cultures don't really have this necessity.
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Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging Summary
My Jungian Typology is Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging (ESFJ). According to Carl Jung and
Isabel Briggs Myers' personality type theory, I enjoy entertaining, giving, and being in charge. I am
also easily hurt and when I feel hurt, it's impossible to hide. I have a hard time making a decision
because I am torn between choosing what is right for others instead of the right choice for me. I
have a good sense of danger and I tend to tread carefully in situations that could result in negative
consequences for others and myself.
I consider the description of my personality Jungian type to be pretty accurate. The only two
characteristics I am not so sure about is whether I enjoy entertaining and that I like to be in charge. I
don't feel very ... Show more content on ...
I sent the link to him so that he could take it himself. I was curious to see what his result would be.
He is nowhere near as sensitive as I am so I knew his result had to be different. His result is
different, but only in one dimension. He is considered Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging
(ESTJ); therefore, the only difference was that I was more Feeling than Thinking.
I learned from the Jungian personality assessment that I can handle communicating differently
depending on the topic. Communication is easier for me if the topic involves emotions or resolving
ongoing issues. I can have a hard time communicating if the discussion does not have a clear
direction or solution. I also prefer to be involved in helpful conversation as opposed to a
conversation that does not provide any gains. It is easier for me to retain information when tangible
examples are specified, so that I can relate the information to personal or emotional experience.
The results from the productivity quiz showed that I am productive, but still require some
improvement. There are five elements of being productive which include: organization, attitude,
delegations, information systems, and effective use of systems. The area of organization is where I
could use the most improvement.
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Lady Macbeth : The Importance Of Expressing Emotions And...
The Importance of Expressing Emotions and Feelings In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare,
Lady Macbeth goes through many emotions and feelings. It's important for people to express their
feelings and emotions, but do they know how to control what they are feeling? People often keep
their emotions bottled up such as Lady Macbeth does, which can cause negative emotional
reactions. William Shakespeare's play Macbeth shows how Lady Macbeth experiences many
emotions and keeps them bottled up, which eventually causes her to lose control of her own
emotions and thoughts. People need to learn how to express and control their emotions to avoid
negative reactions, such as what Lady Macbeth has come to experience. For the most part, Lady
Macbeth doesn't express her feelings and emotions, which can build up and lead to negative
reactions if a person isn't taught how to express them. Expressing emotions can help to show and
understand what people are feeling. Like in the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth wants to be
more powerful and to be masculine and manly. She invites the evil spirts in by saying, "Come, you
spirits that tend on mortal thought, unsex me here" (1.5.30–31). However, Lady Macbeth still wants
her feminine side to show, she keeps her feelings of being powerful and strong bottled up because
she doesn't know how to express them any other way. As Deppa David from MAG Magazine stated,
"The art of expressing emotions need to be taught, at least to those who have a problem in
understanding their own feelings." If people can all be taught at a young age to express one's
feelings we can avoid negative reactions and hopefully prevent negative things from happening. In
addition, dealing with emotions allows people to feel the emotions as they arise within each person.
When a person feels angry, they should allow themselves to feel that anger, and vent it out in some
form or the other, without causing any harm to others. Unlike Lady Macbeth starts to feeling angry,
nervous, scared, and freaks out when she thinks and imagines the blood on her hands. She states,
"O, proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear. This is the air–drawn dagger which you said
Led you to Duncan. O, these flaws and starts,
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Extrinsic, Intuitive, Feeling And Perception
MBTI preference as I recall is ENFP; Extrinsic, Intuitive, Feeling and Perception. I derive my
energy from an external source. I like being around people and their perception about me matters a
lot. I have lots of friends and I like to be in the company of people as well as being at the center of
attraction. I perceive things not only through my senses but through imagination and experience.
This phenomenon is known as having a sixth sense by many people. I consider the feelings of other
people in making decisions; I make decisions based on the effect it has on other people's feelings. I
am somewhat soft and kind hearted. I tend to be curious, interested and opened minded. I dislike
closure and I am opened to change. My career options include journalism, psychologist, counselor
and educationist.
It has been quite an exciting journey ... Show more content on ...
to be more reserved and to control the emotional imbalance that results from other people's
unpleasant opinions. These comments are made because people judge other people. Knowing this
will help me focus more on what is rather than what someone thinks.
I will use the SCARF model to decrease the use of promotion or monetary motivation. Now I know
that social needs are treated in much the same way as physical need. Instead of giving money, I
could just make the other person feel an increase in status and/or autonomy. According to the model,
the value should be the same if done right! This is like killing two birds with one stone; everybody
The 48 laws of power says leaders win through their actions, not words which I come have to
understand poses a threat to the status of other people to say their opinions are wrong. People get
argumentative when there is a threat to their status. So I will decrease threats by making them give
feedback to their own work, and giving a lot of positive feedback among other
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I 've Been Feeling Like A Beta Author Who Supplies...
As you know, I've been feeling like a beta author who supplies occasional story ideas and
grammatical and stylistic edits to our fics, rather than a full–fledged co–creator. We both know that
many of my feelings are irrational, and are deeply rooted in my own insecurities in my worth as an
independent human being. However, the fact is that I feel the way I do, no matter how absurd these
feelings may seem to you and me. I do think that at least some of these feelings have tangible
sources that, if you'll permit me, I will attempt to explain.
The crux of my feelings concerns the entire premise of our fictional series. When we first started
writing, we did so purely for fun, and to make ourselves happy. We indulged in our fancies without
any restrictions, and though we were embarrassed to confess our secret pleasure to others, we had
the freedom to be wild and inventive and simply write for the sake of experiencing relationships and
emotions against a canvass of creative thought. But now, the stories have become a spiritual
endeavor. Their purpose has evolved from pure fun and games into a process that is supposed to
bring us closer to God, and to uplift everyone around us. This purpose is pure, good, and noble, so it
has been difficult to explain why this new paradigm of story–making has left me feeling so trapped.
To be honest, when you first proposed dedicating our stories to Gurudev, and to making the premise
of our universe a spiritual one, my first instinct was to
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Happiness Is A Feeling Or Feeling Of Accomplishment
What is happiness? A feeling or euphoria or a feeling of accomplishment, perhaps both? Is
happiness something we can create or something that appears to us when we need it most? I feel that
happiness is something that is unique to each person. What fills me with inner joy might not for
others and vice versa. Happiness is subjective, but one thing I think everyone will find is that a part
of their happiness is found in growing as a person. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone and
maybe happiness is found there too! For me, happiness is best achieved when I am growing as a
person. Working through obstacles that have come up in my path, expanding my horizons through
meeting new people, or learning something new in a class. I have come to see that when I push
myself out of my comfort zone (physically or emotionally), this is where I find happiness.
Reaching the edge of your comfort zone can be done through many things. One example of when I
have felt truly happy is during travels. This can be travels to another state or travel in other
countries. When one are traveling, there is constant growth. There are different obstacles that result
from each new adventure. Plans for travel can be made, but in my experience, travel never goes
according to the plan and that is its beauty. One time, in Peru, I ended up having to ride an overnight
bus, then take a taxi to a hostel, then take another taxi to the airport. At the time I was eighteen, with
very flawed Spanish, and in a
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Eloquent Feelings And Safe Places
Eloquent Feelings and Safe Places Stephen Dunn 's poems makes sure to let the reader stop and
think, and as a creative writing teacher he knows how to do just that. Winner of awards such as the
"Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, "The James Wright Prize",and the "Paterson Award for Sustained Literary
Achievement", his work "The Sacred", published back in 1989, shows off his literary genius in
normal experiences and captures the vehement thought in his writing that has captured many hearts
of the readers. "The Sacred" speaks about what a student believes is his sacred space, and what it
means to him. Dunn uses three core poetic devices to not only show that everyone needs an escape
from reality, but also the herd mentality of youth when one has confidence. The nihilistic ending and
the free form moderate style add to the ideals that Dunn tries to present and helps add a twist ending
to the poem when you see the lack of desire for social interactions in the young man who was the
first to speak up. The contrast between his outer presentation and his inside emotions are shown
strongly between the first and second half, as if he only spoke up to "get it over with". The
enjambment that pushes through the whole poem create a string of consciousness feeling, as if a
person in the class is slightly nervous to share his response. In the beginning of the poem, Dunn
shows how much this student takes his
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States Of Feelings Through Collaboration Or Series
States of Feelings through Collaboration or Series
Everyone has feeling whether they show them or not, and they have a great impact on how, what
and why we create art. However, how much of our emotions are shown through our facial
expressions? How well can another read those expressions versus how well can we read that same
person's of state of emotion through their art. None the less anger may result in strong gestural
painting. Addition to anger any strong emotion can come through in whatever we create.
History shows us that great works can come from a highly agitated state of emotion. This goes along
with what Edvard Munch said about The Scream (1893), "For several years I was almost mad... You
know my picture, The Scream? I was ... Show more content on ...
What is the juxtaposition between the feeling in the photograph and the title.
If we observe the color pallets used in the examples we can see that they inspire melancholy in the
audience. Color can be pivotal when expressing your state of feelings.
How much do our deeper emotions drive our creations and do we ever hold back for fear of
repercussions from our audience? Are you willing to put raw emotion out there for others to judge?
How would you feel about sharing that with someone else? Collaborating on a piece that is deeply
involved with your feelings. Would you feel safe to express your state of feeling through a work
with another. Art evokes strong feelings in those that perceive it. When we look at art our state of
feeling changes depending on what you see.
Feelings are a fluid experience, constantly changing throughout the day. What would happen if you
recorded your state of feeling over a period of time? The picture to the left is of the National
Geographic's Girl with the Green Eyes. The photograph was taken years apart yet it still elicits a
strong emotional response from the viewer.
I have picked Grade 10, but I feel that this could be done with many other grades as well.
Learning Objectives
Subject matter and expressive intention can be
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Insights Into My Own Feelings
Insights into My Own Feelings
Poems often give you insights into your own feelings and experiences. Jimmy Baca wrote a poem
called So Mexicans Are Taking Jobs from Americans, and upon reading this poem, I discovered
many insights into my own feelings. Jimmy Baca seems to be angry at the fact that Americans think
Mexicans take their jobs away. The feelings I have towards what's happening in this poem is that
Americans are often victimized, a feeling of being offended, and I feel confused.
After reading the poem So We Are Taking Jobs from Americans, I as an American felt somewhat
victimized. In the poem, Baca says, "I hear Mexicans are taking your jobs away. Do they sneak into
town at night, and as you are walking home with your whore, do they mug you, a knife at your
throat, saying I want your job?"(Lines 7–11) What Jimmy Baca is saying is that Americans aren't
forced out of our jobs, but illegal immigrants do migrate to America through the night. No, they
don't hold guns or knives to our throats and make us give them our jobs, but they illegally come into
our country and work for little to nothing which is the same thing as forcefully taking our jobs away.
He also says, "O Yes? Do they come on horses with rifles, and say, Ese Gringo, gimmee your job?"
(1–3) Saying this makes it seem like the only way to take something from someone is by force. It
makes me feel victimized if someone comes over to America illegally and will work for anything, it
takes the work from me.
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My Dolls Feelings
Everyone has Feelings My Dolls names are Joe and Dowdy. Joe is 10 years old and an outgoing boy
who likes to play and make as many friends as he can. Joe also likes to ride bikes in his free time.
Joe likes to wear shorts all the time and his favorite color is blue and his favorite food is pizza and
nachos. Joe always wears a baseball cap of his favorite team, even when he goes to school because
his mother got permission from the school so Joe could wear his cap. Dowdy she is more of a laid
back person who is shy around other kids and doesn't really like to play outside; she feels
uncomfortable making new friends. Dowdy's favorite food is hamburgers with fries and ice cream,
and her favorite color is yellow, and she likes to wear dresses all the time. Dowdy feels like a
princess when she puts on a yellow dress with a big bright yellow daisy flower on it. Both ... Show
more content on ...
Is it important for people to like you based on the way you look and do we all have to look the same
way in order to feel accepted? Why would feeling of insecurity, loneliness, depression, and feeling
of being scare hurt us so much. If Joe feels so unsecure without his hat on all the time what should
Joe do to not feel this way? Should he get the same haircut that all the other boys have or should he
convince everyone else to wear a baseball hats? What about Dowdy she feels lonely and depress
because she doesn't have any friends. But she feels this way because she is struggling with being
overweight and she feels that people will just make fun of her. She has had people call her names
that have hurted her feeling so she has shut the doors to friendship. Should Dowdy loss weight in
order for people to like her or should she just try to ignore the hurtful comments that people my
make about the way she looks? Both brother and sister don't have too much in common but they do
share one thing and that is they suffer from low
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After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes
Emily Dickinson effectively captures human suffering in its rawest form. In comparison to her other
works, Dickinson's "After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes" may be her most discomforting
work. The piece is dismaying in that it forces the reader to unwrap our darkest emotions: sadness,
anguish, and anxiety. While other poets speak of the joys of love or the finality of death, Dickinson
unravels the emotional wounds inflicted upon humanity by grief, heartache, and loss. In the piece,
Dickinson painstakingly takes the reader through the process of dealing with our often ignored
The beginning of "After a Great Pain" features jarring iambic pentameter, "After great pain, a formal
feeling comes" (1) as well as strong alliterative "f" sounds that transform the poem into a violently
erratic hymn that is suddenly halted by the end–stopped line. In feeling "formal", humans will still
feel "great pain" yet attempt to hide their pain. In the process of hiding our pain from others, the
"Nerves sit ceremonious like tombs ... Show more content on ...
According to Dickinson, the "stiff Heart questions 'was it He that bore'" (3) "'And yesterday, or
centuries before?' (4). The multiple "s" sounds and rhyming scheme add a dismal singsong
symphony to the last few lines of the stanza. The gloominess within the first stanza is intensified as
the heart wonders if such an immense pain existed "yesterday" or "centuries before." Similarly to a
person who is grieving a loss, the heart has lost all sense of time. A lack of awareness only prolongs
the pain. Since Dickinson's family practiced Calvinism (Emily Dickinson and the Church), she
probably wondered if Jesus Christ went through the emotional agony that can decimate human
tenacity, hence the capitalization of "He" in line three. After all, Christ allows the numb soul to feel
less lonely as Jesus suffered the most painful ordeal of all, his
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Qp's CBT Activity Feed Towards Feelings
QP provided Robert with a CBT activity geared towards feelings. QP explained to Robert that the
activity will teach him how to identify feelings, be aware of different feelings, share and discuss his
feelings. QP asked Robert to list some feelings he has. QP provided Robert with feeling words in
which he had to provide an example of the last time he had that feeling. QP provided Robert with
sentences with feeling words in which he had to complete. QP provided Robert with a magazine in
which he had to cut out pictures of facial expression of the different feeling words provided to him.
QP assisted Robert in making a collage of the pictures he cut form the magazine of different
feelings. QP provided Robert with five different feeling words in ... Show more content on ...
QP asked Robert to list some things he does, when he is feeling down about himself. QP discussed
with Robert, how feelings can affect other people. QP brainstormed with Robert positive feeling
people have. QP asked Robert to list some things that make him feel good. QP provided Robert with
different facial expression in which he had to identify the facial expression feelings. QP read to
Robert different scenarios in which he had to explain how he feels, if he was in the same situation.
QP examined with Robert the last time he felt angry frustrated, embarrassed ashamed and sad. QP
provided Robert with feeling statements in which he had to share respond to the feeling sentences.
QP asked Robert to list the feelings he is afraid to show. QP discussed with Robert, how to better
express his feelings. QP asked Robert, how does he feels when someone ignores him. QP asked
Robert when he is anxious about something, what he do. QP provided Robert with verbal prompting
and redirection. QP provided Robert with words of encouragement and praises as he participated in
the session QP ended the session by reminding Robert of the next scheduled
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Therapist: Hi, Jane, How Are You Feeling Today?. Jane:
Therapist: Hi, Jane, how are you feeling today?
Jane: Not so great.
Therapist: How come?
Jane: I don't really know at this point. I always feel this way.
Therapist: And how would you describe how you feel?
Jane: I feel hopeless. Like there is no point in trying. I am exhausted and I want to give up.
Therapist: What do you mean by "give up?" What do you want to give up on?
Jane: I don't know. I guess everything.
Therapist: How long have you felt this way?
Jane: Since the beginning of this school year, so a few months.
Therapist: Is there nothing you enjoy? Any classes or clubs?
Jane: I used to love school. Lately though, it has just felt like a chore. It wears me out and I can't
focus in class.
Therapist: Are there any classes you ... Show more content on ...
I feel like having to ask her so many questions made Jane kind of uncomfortable. I think in this
situation, most patients would not open up, but rather shut down. I think that Jane could've stopped
answering the questions before, but thankfully she decided to open up instead.
Why is this therapy the best therapy for the disorder?
This is the best therapy for depression because patients need to feel like they are safe and able to
talk about their problems. In a closed environment, they will probably feel more comfortable
opening up about what is on their mind. I think a lot of people with depression believe they are
insignificant, or that no one cares about them, but having a person they can always rely on and talk
to will definitely change their minds about that. Their therapist will also be able to give them advice
about their situations, so they don't stay in their bad situations. With any other type of therapy, the
patient would not have these types of opportunities to talk.
How do you feel this type of therapy could be improved or more effective?
I think this therapy could be more effective if the therapist already knew why they were talking to
the patient. Perhaps they could have the patient fill out a questionnaire so the therapist has a better
idea of what is going on in their lives. I think it would also be helpful if the therapist got to know the
patient before they asked them about their problems.
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Dbq Era of Good Feeling Ap Us History Essay
The period after the war of 1812 was labeled "The Era of Good Feeling" by historians. Some people
believe that this is an accurate label of this time period, but others disagree. Due to the emergence of
sectionalism– concern with local interests, and nationalism– patriotic feelings and self pride, people
had mixed feelings about this time period. Many people felt that times were high, and that
nationalism and sectionalism could only bolster the union, while others thought that it was
sectionalism and nationalism that caused disunion. Some of the documents used in this essay
support the claim that the period after 1812 was an era of good feelings. Other documents will
oppose this claim with proof from their own perspectives. Document B ... Show more content on ...
(Doc. D). The case says that it would be difficult to sustain this proposition. Anna Hayes Johnson of
South Carolina wrote to her cousin in North Carolina complaining about the "unhappy business
which has filled with consternation all our city" and how nothing can save them. She writes that
fifty to sixty percent of the leaders are in jail, and twenty of them have been convicted and
sentenced. (Doc. G). The people living during this time period do not seem to think as highly of it as
the people discussed in the previous paragraph did. Documents E and I both portray different
feelings about this era. Document H is a political map that exemplifies sectionalism perfectly.
During the presidential election of 1820, James Monroe won every vote but one, but in 1824, the
votes were split up between four different candidates, and the results were just as varied. Each state
had its own mind and voted for who they felt was right, and not just as one union. Document E is a
density map that shows how populated each square mile of land was in 1820. Much of the land had
less than two inhabitants per square mile, and the people living there felt that they shouldn't be taxed
the same as somewhere where there were ninety or more inhabitants like in the northeast. This is a
prime example of people who did not think this was "The Era of Good Feeling." "The Era of Good
Feeling" is a label given to the time period
... Get more on ...
Don’T You Ever Wish You Know What That Feeling In Your
Don't you ever wish you know what that feeling in your gut was – or how hard it is to try not to
blow up on the slow person walking in front of you in the grocery store, or if your friend is having a
bad day but keeps saying " I 'm fine, I 'm fine." What your friend does not probably realize is that it
can affect the people around, might even make your day bad too. What I found really interesting is
Emotional Intelligence. If you never heard of emotional intelligence it is the ability to identify your
emotions, understand what you feet and others around you, manage good relationships with the
people in your everyday life. Howard Gardner said "Your EQ is the level of your ability to
understand other people, what motivates them and how to ... Show more content on
Goleman suggests that emotional intelligence has four pieces – self awareness, social awareness,
self management and relationship management. Some important elements of emotional intelligence
agree that a combination of emotional intelligence and conventional intelligences, such as linguistic,
mathematical, scientific to have good qualities of leadership.
Having good emotional intelligence usually means you have good self–awareness. Most people
even, according to Mind tools article, "Emotional Intelligence Developing Strong "People Skills."
Self awareness is the most important part of emotional intelligence. Benefits of having good self–
awareness is most times your emotions do not get out of control. If you are good at understanding
what you feel, it is usually easier to not let them control you. Having good intuition can sometimes
even help having a stronger emotional intelligence. Honestly comes in handy with being aware with
yourself. Being aware of what presses your buttons or your areas that have weakness is good, So
you can avoid those problems. People with high emotional intelligence most times are confident
with themselves, and what they know they feel and trust those feelings.
Page 3
Next, major part of emotional intelligence is self– regulation and/or self– management. Which
means if someone or something does make you angry or mad or sad you can control what your
feeling and say " hey maybe I need to take
... Get more on ...

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‘A Sense Of Belonging Often Emerges As A Result Of Our...

  • 1. ‘A sense of belonging often emerges as a result of our... English Essay 'A sense of belonging often emerges as a result of our feelings of acceptance and understanding.' Belonging is a feeling that all humans want and need to survive. Without being accepted by anybody you will feel left out and alone, you wouldn't have anybody to guide you or even help you make good quality decisions in life. With a sense of acceptance you would feel on top of the world and ready to take on anything because you know that the people with you will always have your back. But belonging means something different to everybody, some people feel like they associate to a group of friends/communities/sporting teams, while others may think they are attached to a certain place. Texts explore many aspects of ... Show more content on ... By the composer's understanding of his dad's heritage of his native land Poland he felt a sense of acceptance from his mates but not only understanding the Poland heritage but the Australian heritage to feel connected to the his land. 'Ancestors' explore the relationship between the people of the past and present, and how it affects our ability to connect in the physical world. The ancestors are metaphors for 'shadows' that linger in dreams, represented as 'bearded, faceless' spirits that once experienced a sense of identity with the physical world, but now reside in a shadowy realm. The composer feels connected to this world and feels a sense of belonging to it. The ancestors are illuminated through the juxtaposed images of 'walking' and 'sleeping', 'light' and 'darkness', and 'stillness' and 'motion'. The use of imagery in the dream world of the ancestors is extrasensory and reflects aspects that the composer can comprehend about the spirit world. By accepting and taking in what the composer's ancestors had to say he found his sense of identity for himself and what he truly is. 'Migrant hostel' explores the separation and isolation of the migrants from the rest of the populations even though they were invited into Australia. Because of the separation from their country they feel isolated and alienated from their new country Australia. 'To pass in and out of lives' shows that the promise of new life of ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Analysis Of Beyond Happiness: The Upside Of Feeling Down "Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling Down" article by Matthew Hutson explains that negative emotions often have a pessimistic stigma. Normally when one addresses fear, anger, guilt, and regret, a positive outlook is not the first thing that comes to mind. Because these emotions are mostly negative, people try to not act on them or conceal them when trouble arises; however, acting on these emotions can bring a positive feeling. Hutson sheds light on why anger, shame, envy, fear, and grief should not be looked at as "negative" emotions all the time, rather they should just be looked at as emotions. "Holding in anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die." This is a commonly repeated quote, usually credited to Buddha, he addressed the fact that holding in anger does one no good. Anger results from one feel undervalued, unappreciated, ... Show more content on ... Expressing that anger boosts confidence; it tells people that one has resolve, determination, and strength to get what they want. It is said that people displaying anger are likely to be 'more competent, and more credible.' When an injustice is seen or experienced it often produces anger, an upset feeling that makes one want change. Such is the case with civil rights, gender equality, and LGBTQ + rights movements. Imagine if all the anger and frustration of people was held back because they did not want to offend anyone or make others uncomfortable, we would not be in a progressive state; nothing in the world would never change and nothing would get accomplished. Some people recommend "turn anger into positive energy", which means take the 'negative' energy that anger produces and turn that energy into an action that is beneficial. Anger motivates the induvial to act in certain events. In a way, releasing anger helps us avoid progressing into potentially harmful actions or emotions. Hiding the pain can lead to depression and other health ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Analysis Of Beyond Happiness: The Upside Of Feeling Down... No one question the positive effect of feeling good, but are there any benefits from unpleasant emotions? It seems that people has been chasing for good mood in the last 2 decades, but there are several people trying to find positive influences for feeling bad underneath. In the Psychology Today article "Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling Down" (2015), Hutson focuses his attention on the how human beings benefit themselves from negative emotions. Hutson has some strong point that there are many positive effects from negative emotions, which are expressing anger is good in negotiation, guilt can motivate individuals to fix the mistake, and envy is one of the motivation to drive people to success. In" Beyond Happiness: The Upside of Feeling ... Show more content on ... First, anger comes from being undervalued. Expressing anger can show others that angry people believe that they are underestimate. In other words, this could let the rest of individuals think twice about angry people's ability, which means showing anger can change others opinions about undervaluing people. Having a second chance to display the ability that are ignored at first will help people in the negotiation. Second, expressing anger can let others fear you in negotiation. Recent research in negotiations (Van Kleef et al., 2003) has shown that expressing one's anger can make rivals to feel fear and make larger concessions. What more, showing anger can also prevent oneself from being duped. Third, those who expressing anger are seen as higher in social status, because people are afraid of those who are powerful or who do well in the field where normal individuals are not good at. People can demonstrate a higher value by showing angry in the appropriate occasion. That makes sense because it is rare to see the normal people to show their anger to authority or powerful person compared with feeling fear of them. In sum, expressing anger can let people revalued, make concessions for those rivals who feel the fear, and display a higher social status. There is no doubt that showing one's anger can benefit people in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Analysis Of Leslie Bricusse's 'Feeling Good' An anthem of triumph, Anthony Newley and Leslie Bricusse's "Feeling Good," has traversed the generations with its inspirational and timeless lyrics. Since its debut in the 1960s musical The Roar of the Greasepaint – The Smell of the Crowd, the song "Feeling Good" has been covered by dozens of notable artists. Among them are Nina Simone and Avicii featuring the vocals of Audra Mae. The song originates from a scene in the musical sung by the character "The Negro" after he wins the game [of life] in spite of the abuse and racism he experiences at the hands of the musical's main characters. In the same year of its Broadway premiere, Nina Simone recorded her own version of the song for her album I Put a Spell on You. Simone's iconic rendition ... Show more content on ... Like Grant, Simone uses vibrato throughout the song. However, while Grant has a steadily low pitch, Simone has an almost magical voice that manages to flawlessly fluctuate between both high and low pitches throughout the song. It is this technique that gives the song a strong emotional texture. Where Grant's voice sounded desperately triumphant over hardships, Simone's sounds eagerly hopeful for a bright new future. Simone makes the song her own even more with her dynamic techniques. Unlike Grant who built up a crescendo throughout the song, Simone keeps a relatively steady volume until the climax when she concludes the song powerfully loud. Another way that Grant and Simone's versions differ is the way the timbre is altered by their accompaniments. Simone has a typical jazz band accompanying her that is very heavy in the brass department with its trumpet, trombone, and tuba. It also is heavy with piano and a little bit of drums that all come together to create a bright and energetic tone that helps one feel empowered just by hearing the song. In one of the song's more recent covers, American singer Audra Mae has a steadily high pitch in contrast to Grant's bass range and Simone's both low and high range vocals. Nevertheless, Audra Mae's wavering voice pays a beautiful homage to both Grant and Simone's versions of the song. However, it's the techno accompaniment performed by Swedish DJ Avicii that truly gives the song ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. The Director Is The Conductor And The Audience 's Feelings In cinematography, as Quentin Tarantino discusses in an interview, the director is the conductor and the audience's feelings are the instrument that directors utilize to evoke emotion. Directors have many tools they use to evoke the viewer's emotions and properly captivate the audience. One of the tools directors use to control the audience, in addition to special effects, is dialogue. Dialogue has the power to push an audience to tears when a character dies, or make them laugh at the same scene with different dialogue between the characters. This dialogue is only possible through the creation of a storyworld where absurd dialogue would be deemed appropriate. This is what makes Quentin Tarantino such an effective director, he has mastered the skill of controlling the audience's emotions through establishing a storyworld, and using dialogue with his horrifying scenes. His mastery of evoking emotion can be seen in many of his films. Most notably in Pulp Fiction, which won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for best screenplay. In Pulp Fiction, the viewer finds him or herself in a whirlwind of emotion, laughing in horror at horrendous acts of violence. The emotions that are elicited while watching these intense scenes are possible because of the dialogue Quentin Tarantino uses. He masters the ability to evoke emotion through outrageous scenes in combination with memorable dialogue. The social norms within a storyworld, as well as characters ridiculous interactions with each other, ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Why Men Avoid Talking About Their Feelings Why Men Avoid Talking About Their Feelings One of Hollywood's most typical scenes is contrasting men and women's gatherings with their same–sex friends and discussing their partner's behavior. It is easy to notice that while women tend to talk about their feelings, the same episode depicting men talk is less emotional and more logical. These stereotypes roughly reflect how gender differences works, which are actually not natural but rather nurtured. Personally, I believe that men's fear to discuss their feelings is bewildering because ability to feel is one of key features that human nature. Yet, it is easily explained by gender stereotypes and the way men are brought up. This starts in childhood when false masculinity is induced by a parent, mentor or neighbor. In a number of social situations, a boy is continuously taught that emotions are not a man's zone. A strong association of emotions and femininity is imposed on a boy when someone says that crying makes him look like a girl. As a result, a low level of emotional intelligence is one of male typical features by their teens. This means that the skill of being aware of their own feelings is underdeveloped with most men. The greatest emotional outburst is usually about anger because it is associated with "macho" type. This is why it is so typical when a man cannot help feeling angry even in situations when he should normally feel another emotion like sorrow or offence. A psychologist says that many men are "trapped in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy On The Feelings That... Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy focusses on the feelings that impact behavior. The importance is on receptiveness of the couple to the emotional needs that arise when discussing their issues and finding solutions to the conflicts. A couple is helped to recognize and understand their connection and need for attachment. This therapy is centered on the theory that couples childhood experiences strongly influence the couple's behavior in the relationship. In order for this therapy to be effective the professionals in the human service field must be competent in many facets. They must be able to use non–verbal and verbal skills of communication, use reflective techniques and ask closed and open ended questions. In addition the counselor ... Show more content on ... In her mind she thinks that if Josh had a glimpse of what she perceives is here true self, he would leave her. Susan fails to recognize how her behavior effects Josh. Verbal and non–verbal communication forms the interactions that a person has with others. Susan recognizes the important role that communication plays in enhancing positive outcome in their counselling session. Susan's verbal and non–verbal communication allow the couple to quickly become comfortable with her and open up about their feelings. Susan always faces the person that is talking and she maintains a proper amount of eye contact with that person. Not making eye contact gives the perception of not caring and excessive eye contact can make a person uncomfortable or feel intruded upon. Susan maintains a soft demeanor throughout the session by speaking in a calm comforting voice and having a relaxed posture. This non–verbal communication gives the couple the perception that Susan genuinely cares about what they have to say. Susan asks the couple to describe their relationship and how each individual feels about the state of the current relationship. She is constantly showing the couple that she understands what is being said by verbally communicating to them the emotions they must have felt in the situations they are describing. She expresses empathy by saying statements like "I hear you" or "I understand" which gives the couple reassurance that they are being heard and she cares about their ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq After the War of 1812, the nation underwent the Era of Good Feelings, which reflected a sense of nationalism and desire for unity among Americans. Monroe's presidency was closely associated with this brief period of nationalism, where he began progress towards nationalization, and the collapse of the Federalist party served to unify the government under a single political party. Letter grade: B+ Around the time of Monroe's presidency, America experienced the "Era of Good Feelings" in 1815. Victories during the War of 1812 instilled a new sense of confidence and brought many new opportunities for Americans. The "Era of Good Feelings" brought about a trend toward nationalization, inspired by the national pride that arose from the War of 1812. The war made Monroe realize the necessity to promote national growth, preparing to legislate them though John C. Calhoun and Henry Clay's American System. The Hartford Convention doomed the Federalist party, who had been significantly weakened by now. The Federalist party continued to fade during Monroe's administration, and lacked the influence it once had ... Show more content on ... products. Manufacturing industries in the North benefited from this tariff, since they no longer had to compete with cheap British goods, but negatively affected the southern states, with mostly planters that relied on imports. Congress forced Adams to choose between a stronger protective tariff than he would've preferred, to having no tariff at all, so Adams chose the tariff. The Tariff of 1828 was denounced as unconstitutional and oppressive, called the "Tariff of Abominations" by the Virginia legislature. Even Vice President John C. Calhoun condemned the tariff and drafted the South Carolina Exposition, which declared that it was in the states' rights to nullify federal laws that were blatantly harming the state's best ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Personal Reactions, Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors ) During... 1. Discussion of your personal reactions and experiences (thoughts, feelings, behaviors) during the session. I am approaching this journal entry in hoping I can make sense out of group and my feelings. After last session, I felt angry, misunderstood, disconnected, and untrusting of one of the leaders. After this session I feel the same, but towards both of the leaders because I felt like the other leader picked up where the first left off. I have never felt so uncomfortable with a facilitator, leader, or therapist in my 40 years of both group and individual therapy. With that said; I was impressed when one of the leaders spoke to her point of view and feelings about last week's session openly and honestly. By her doing this, it opened up empathy and compassion in my heart for her. The other leader continued to humanize both leaders by talking about their group experience together and tried to bring our group into a realm of reflection about pain and its connection to growth. Each member shared on this topic, even though it changed frequently, as I sat by and actively listened to each individual share with no intention of sharing anything that would rock the boat because I am tired of being singled out in the group. Twenty five minutes before the end of the meeting, one of the leaders (the one I don't usually have an issue with) stated that we were going to talk to Alan now. I shared openly and honestly about the way I felt and shared my gratitude for the other leader's ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. The Feelings Of Nature And Man The Feelings of Nature and Man Shelley's novel Frankenstein really describes Victor Frankenstein's state of mind as it impacts the thematic movement of the novel, using light, color, speed, temperature, sound and smell. The similarities that are used in Shelley's novel between Frankenstein's feelings and the landscapes he describes are striking. Victor Frankenstein, a man with great determination and pride, had a strong desire to prove people wrong that he could create life. Trying to successfully prove to everyone that he could become the greatest scientist ever, he attempted life–creating alchemy; however in the process of doing so he created a monster that he feared. Shocked by the fact that he created such a beast, he was not ... Show more content on ... Paralleling nature and human emotion, the first part to that quote shows that Victor is accompany by that bad storm because of the bad things that has happened to him. Victor is just like that sad man you would see in cartoons accompanied by a dark cloud above his head. Then Victor was in a state where he is clouded by every thought. The thick mist that hid the summits of the mountains is just like Victor 's mind. Until that mist that is blocking him is gone you won 't be able to think clearly about what has happened in his life. As Victor continues to climb up the mountain he gets this emotional feeling looking into the distance. "I resolved to ascend to the summit of Montanvert. I remembered the effect that the view of the tremendous and ever–moving glacier had produced upon my mind when I first saw it." (Ch10). This nature that always accompanied him not only does it just imamate his emotions but it also bring him joy. Victor was so into nature at that moment it was like he just cease to exist and the only think that he cared about was nature. The affect that nature had for Victor was such a huge impact that he didn 't want anyone to follow him into paradise as he explained, "I determined to go without a guide, for I was well acquainted with the path, and the presence of another would destroy the solitary grandeur of the scene."(Ch10). These passages shows me that the sublime nature in the story accompanies Victor. Victor needed the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Analysis Of Hooked On A Feelings By Blue Swede The song "Hooked on a Feeling" by Blue Swede reflects me as a person. I am like this song because the melody is easygoing and carefree, kind of like my personality and the way I deal with things. Slow, but steady. In the chorus, the lyrics state: "I'm hooked on a feelin', I'm high on believin', that you're in love with me, hooked on a feelin'. I do have mixed feelings on relationships and boys and girls and everything else in life. But for me, the song "Hooked on a Feeling" takes on a different meaning. Not the meaning that a boy thinks a girl loves him and vice versa, but the meaning of that I have a feeling that everything will turn out fine. I'm hooked on a feeling that I will find my way through life, through the pain, through the tears, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Director Is The Conductor And The Audience 's Feelings In cinematography, as Quentin Tarantino talks about in an interview, the director is the conductor and the audience's feelings are the instrument that directors utilize to evoke emotion. Directors have to hone this skill in order to evoke the viewer's emotions and properly captivate the audience. One of the tools directors use to control the audience, in addition to special effects, is dialogue. Dialogue has the power to push an audience to tears when a character dies, or make them laugh at the same scene with different dialogue between the characters. This dialogue is only possible through the creation of a storyworld where absurd dialogue would be deemed appropriate. This is what makes Quentin Tarantino such an effective director, he has mastered the skill of controlling the audience's emotions through establishing a storyworld, and using dialogue with his horrifying scenes. His mastery of evoking emotion can be seen in many of his films, however more notably in Pulp Fiction, which won an Oscar and a Golden Globe for best screenplay. In Pulp Fiction, the viewer finds him or herself in a whirlwind of emotion, laughing in horror at horrendous crimes. This mixture of emotions that are elicited while watching these scenes are possible because of the dialogue Quentin Tarantino uses. He masters the ability to evoke emotion through outrageous scenes in combination with memorable dialogue. The social norms within a storyworld, as well as characters' acknowledgement of being in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. A Feelings For Fiction The article "A Feeling For Fiction" explains the relationship exhibited between our lives,and those existing in the realm of fictional works. The relationship itself is overwhelmingly positive, as fictional works have the effect of humanizing us, as we empathize ,and identify with the characters that are present. The article gives examples of this idea through the concepts presented in texts such as Aristotle's Poetics, and the Hindu Treatise Natyasastra, that are used to emphasise the impact that fiction exudes on the real world. While the majority of the article makes reference to literature, fiction in the form of movies plays, an important roles as the article explains a study done regarding the movies Vertigo and Bladerunner that exemplified ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Identify Basic Feelings Worksheet Elementary Level Title: How Do I Feel? Happy, Scared, Mad, Sad Grade Level: K Length: 20–30 Minutes Goal: Identify basic feelings Objective: Recognize and draw the four basic feelings of happy, sad, mad, and scared. Materials: Drawings and/or pictures from magazines showing examples of basic feelings (happy, sad, mad, scared), Card Stock, Markers or Crayons and Feelings Worksheet (attached) Procedures: Tell the students, "Today we will be talking about feelings. Each of the pictures on the table has one of the four feelings being talked about today". Randomly choose a card, show it to them and ask them, "Tell me the feeling that is on the picture", then say "Now show me how your face would look if you were feeling this way." Give them ... Show more content on ... Materials: School issued student planner/agenda, bell schedule, map of the school building, school rules, attendance policy, school clubs and organizations list, names of staff (administrators, counselors, campus police, custodians, etc...) Procedures: You can recruit the help of your counseling department and coordinate with the English or Social Studies teachers to give you permission to come into their class rooms during the second week of school starting to educate students about their school schedule, policies, traditions, expectations, school activities, support services, and other important aspects of being a new student in a new school. The session should be used as a community building exercise so that students become familiar with being in the school and have the opportunity to meet one of the school counselors and know where to find help. Cover key issues about what is expected of the students as entering high school freshmen, discuss school rules and identify key people and places including their school counselor, school nurse, and principals. Address the importance of making two copies of their class schedule in case they misplace their original and give them a copy of important school numbers such as the main office, counseling office, attendance office, etc. It will also be beneficial to talk about joining one of the many school clubs and sports available to ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Animal Rights : Respect And Feelings Are Within All Living... Animal Rights: Respect and Feelings are within all living things Animals are living creatures with feelings, emotions, and intelligence. We even have animals as pets because they bring us joy, love, affection, and give people company when people find themselves alone. Animals do not have voices to express their feelings and demand respect so we humans often take advantage of them. We share a world with many different species. Over time Humans have gained power over all living creatures and have took away from others. Humans have full control of many situations and have the upper hand in many cases. I feel that animals deserve respect, and deserve laws in order to protect them. If a human kills another human, that human will go to jail ... Show more content on ... It is just like putting an 18 year old boy against a 6 year old boy, the chances of the 6 year old boy to be able to defend himself are unlikely since the 18 year old has the upper hand. There will always be people that agree and there will be those that do not agree, this world would be pretty boring if everyone agreed on the same thing. The fun part about someone disagreeing is that they can be educated and also brought to what is right. In this case philosopher Rene Descartes point of view is respected but it is also very disrupting how an individual can have that view towards a creature in the way that Rene Descartes has. Rene Descartes stated that "animals cannot reason and do not feel pain; animals are living organic creatures, but they are automata, like mechanical robots. Descartes held that only humans are conscious, have minds and souls, can learn and have language and therefore only humans are deserving of compassion" ( It is absolutely sad and concerning how an individual can come to that conclusion without testing it. Someone can go up to a dog, pet the dog and the dog will react to it, the dog will be pleased and enjoy it, because the dog feels a satisfaction which is developed by feelings. If you hit a dog, the dog will cry, and will ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Management Of Feeling : Hochschild 's Discussion Of... 3.4 Management of Feeling Hochschild's discussion of feelings allows us to understand how our feeling provides us with the bearings and guidance we need to reach a sense of both subjectivity and objectivity. The next question is: what do we do with this knowledge? According to Hochschild, we need to manage our feeling, either by surface or deep acting, in order to manage our display of feeling in the world. Hochschild (2003, p. 35) is convinced that all of us do a certain amount of acting, that self is performed. In understanding how surface and deep acting is accomplished, and in explaining its connection to emotion, Hochschild used the work of Stanislavski (1965), who is known as the father of 'method acting'. Before we discuss Hochschild's surface and deep acting, let us review one of the classic sociological accounts of the presentation of self, for the theatrical model of social roles has a long heritage that Hochschild is drawing on. Particularly influential is Erving Goffman's 1959 work, Presentation of Self in Everyday Life. By 'presentation of self', Goffman (1959, pp. 9–18) means the performance that people put on, for the benefit of both other people and themselves. This performance is based on how the individuals want to be perceived by others and themselves; guided by motives, it is an attempt to control the responses from others that reflect on the self. Such performances can be classified into two situations (Goffman, 1959, pp. 28–29). In the first ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Connecting To Feelings I chose to teach the lesson on pages 62 and 63, Connecting to Feelings, because I felt that is would be appropriate and work well with both of my children, who are in kindergarten and third grade. I felt that you can make this activity easier for younger students and then ask older students to add more details, so it was a great fit for my two children. We also have a lot of feelings going around in this house because daddy was preparing to leave this week and flew off today for about a month for work ups to deploy next February. Also, feelings are something that every child has and this is a topic that is easy for them to connect to and write about. For the planning portion of this lesson, or lesson one, we talked about what writing to invite the reader to make connections means. We talked about why they think authors write books about feelings and if everyone has feelings. We explored some different types of feelings that each of us has had by looking at a smiley face feelings chart. Then we read the book How Full is Your Bucket?, ... Show more content on ... My youngest daughter was happy to do the writing and seemed to enjoy the activity. She wanted to write more on her own and I think I would do only phonetic spelling in the future, along with having her add more detail. However, I did not ask her to do a writing piece other than a story strip and illustrations because of her age and grade level. My older daughter was very resistant to writing anything more after filling out the planning sheet. With this I decided to take out the writing a story about one feeling part of this lesson. She has dyslexia and typically can be difficult to get motivated to write. However, once she got started on doing the story strip and the illustrations, she seemed to have enjoyed it. If I taught this lesson in the future I might do the writing of the story part on one day and then have students create a story strip on another ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Feeling Death in The Things They Carried by Tim O’Brien War is often thought about as something that hardens a soldier. It makes a person stronger emotionally because they are taught not show it and deal with it internally. People say that death in war is easier to handle because it is for the right reasons and a person can distance themselves from the pain of losing someone. However, there is always a point when the pain becomes too real and it is hard to maintain that distance. In doing so, the story disputes the idea that witnessing a traumatic event causes a numbing or blockage of feelings. Rat Kiley's progression of sentiment began with an initial concern for the buffalo, transforming into an irate killing of the animal, and then ending with an ultimate acceptance of death. These ... Show more content on ... Rat felt the sorrow of having recently lost a friend, which was indicated by him crying. Rat was so overcome by emotion that he was unable to speak to the others. He could not verbally express how he was feeling. When Rat went to leave, he did not just carry his gun. Instead, Rat "cradled his rifle" (76). The act of cradling the gun implied that Rat was seeking comfort from his actions. He was also seeking reassurance while he was grieving his loss. This is when Rat could no longer deny the reality of war and death. Most of the other feelings were defenses; they helped him maintain that distance for a little bit longer. When Rat was finally able to cry over the death, the distance was completely gone. Rat was able to enter the grieving process and cope with Curt dying. The crying was an apparent display of his acceptance of death. By facing the death head on, Rat became a stronger soldier because he was not suppressing emotions. The other soldiers in the platoon did not know how to react to the display. As the narrator stated, "We had witnessed something essential, something brand–new and profound, a piece of the world so startling there was not yet a name for it" (76). Since the other soldiers were not used to seeing outward presentations of grieving, the entire event was perplexing and foreign to them. They were unsure of how to react or even proceed. Therefore, in order to maintain the notion ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Era Of Good Feelings Dbq The era of good feelings was a reflected spirit on the rise of the American nationalism that was spreading throughout United States in the years after the war of 1812. Not only were there patriarchal feelings towards America, there was also a rise of national politics. There were many reasons why the years 1812–1817 was named the era of good feelings. The Hartford Convention kicked off the process of the "Era of Good Feelings", and after the convention several things happened to cause the era. These include the end of the two–party system and also the signal of the end of the War of 1812. Although the Era of Good Feelings can sometimes be a misleading characterization of the time period, overall it does deserve its name because of the peace ... Show more content on ... But what about the prosperity? When James Madison was elected, the national bank was established to ensure economic growth. Furthermore, inventions such as Eli Whitney's cotton gin made it easier for landowners to make products more effectively and for a cheaper price. In addition to economic prosperity, Madison stressed the importance of United States security following the War of 1812. "In 1816 James Monroe was elected president of the United States. Monroe's own diplomatic experiences, combined with the skillful diplomacy of Monroe's Secretary of State John Quincy Adams, led to important advances in American foreign relations during his two terms in the White House. The Rush–Bagot and Transcontinental treaties firmed up America's borders and spread its domain to the Pacific Ocean" (Sage). The Era of Good Feelings therefore deserves its name because of the economic prosperity experienced at the time and also the peace that would settle over the country due to the one party ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. A Survivor Feeling Guilty of His Survival Essay In the aftermath of a horrific experience, it is not uncommon for a survivor to feel guilty about their survival. The most difficult thing for survivors can be finding the ability to move beyond what has happened and look toward the future. An individual is often shaped by their past experiences. If ensuing guilt is not dealt with, however, the past can hinder the ability to achieve in the present. In Art Spielgelman's MAUS II, Vladek and Art struggle to live in the present and are laden with guilt from their pasts. When not properly dealt with, guilt can become an overpowering emotion, governing decisions and depleting self motivation. To move successfully past debilitating guilt one often must learn to be accepting of the past and ... Show more content on ... Although Art can't feel exactly the same guilt his father felt, Art still feels guilt for not having suffered as his parents did. Art never had to live through what his parents did; therefore he does not know what the Holocuast was like. Sitting at his desk, Art proclaims "At least fifteen foreign editions are coming out. I've gotten 4 serious offers to turn my book into a T.V. special or movie. In May 1968 my mother killed herself. (She left no note)" (5, p 41). The disjointed nature of Art's statement portrays his guilt in the sense that no matter what he accomplishes, his life will be insignificant in comparison to his parents'. Because he cannot accept that he will never experience what his parents have, Art has difficulty ever feeling accomplished and instead just feels more guilt. Both Vladek and Art struggle to let go of their pasts as they both find themselves consumed with what has happened rather than what is yet to come. When one cannot deal with guilt within oneself, the feeling of guilt can be transferred to affect another. Art struggles throughout his life to understand why he never had a great relationship with his father. After trying to write with no luck, Art heads to his regular appointment with Pavel, another Holocaust survivor. Pavel suggests that maybe "(Vladek) took his guilt out on YOU, where it was safe... on the REAL survivor." (7, p 44) Vladek felt guilty about surviving the Holocaust, but instead of accepting it, ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Controversy About Feeling Healthy About Feeling Good Feeling okay about feeling "bad" is healthy Whether we're scrolling through social media or around our circle of friends, we're often taught to feel good all the time. From our work to our health, it always seems to be about constantly having a positive attitude, and this can be draining. It turns out it's okay to feel "bad". Here's why. Feeling bad feels good Not accepting any state of emotions is just as bad, so don't deny how you feel. Reacting to negative feelings can be damaging, but so is ignoring the emotion. It's not so much about changing from low to high, but accepting the feeling and staying in touch with what's going on in your mind. Think of it as taking things for what they are. Accept the negative state instead of ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. The James-Bard Bypothesis Of Feeling The James–Lange hypothesis of feeling was proposed by clinicians William James and Carl Lange. As indicated by this hypothesis, as we encounter diverse occasions, our sensory system creates physical responses to these occasions. Cases of these responses incorporate expanded heart rate, trembling, irritated stomach, and so forth. These physical responses thusly make enthusiastic responses, for example, outrage, dread and pity. For instance, envision sitting in a dim room without anyone else's input. All of a sudden you hear breathing sound behind you. Your heart rate increments and you may even start to tremble. You translate these physical reactions as you are terrified thus you encounter fear. Gun Bard Theory The Cannon–Bard hypothesis of feeling was created by physiologists Walter Cannon and Philip Bard. As indicated by this hypothesis, we feel the feelings and experience the physiological responses, for example, sweating, trembling and muscle strain at the same time. For instance, you are in a dim room without anyone else's input and abruptly you hear breathing sound adjacent. As indicated by the Cannon–Bard hypothesis, your heart rate increments and you start to tremble. While you are encountering these physical responses, you additionally encounter the feeling of dread. HOW WE USE OUR EMOTIONS TO LEARN ABOUT OURSELVES, AND OTHERS According to Walter Cannon, our feelings are directed by the response of a little structure in the cerebrum known as the thalamus. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Introversion, Gut Feelings, And Trust Introversion, Gut Feelings, and Trust By Lynette Crane | Submitted On January 20, 2015 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Lynette Crane Maybe – just maybe – your gut–level feeling that you shouldn 't be doing something is right. But if you 're an introvert, you 've probably had a lifetime of being told to ignore your feelings, and urged to act just the opposite. Want to stay home and read? "What 's the matter with you, anyway?" It 's implied that you 're neurotic or even antisocial. Want to leave a party before it ends? "You 're a party–pooper." Find large groups overwhelming? "Just get out there and have fun (said with incredulity)!" (Even though the event gives you a headache or even nausea.) Enjoying being quiet and listening when in a group? "You 're shy, aren 't you?" a shaming label if ever there was one. We end up forcing ourselves to do things that aren 't bringing us any pleasure, and somehow berating ourselves for the demoralizing experiences we endure. Then we crawl back into our little cave. It 's no wonder we have never learned to trust our feelings as guides to what will lead to success and happiness. There is a caveat here: if you are an introvert, ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Emotions Are Power. When It Comes To Feelings And Emotions, Emotions are power. When it comes to feelings and emotions, there can often be disparity between how one feels and how something truly is. As the author of the article titled, "Invisible: Why Do People Feel Invisible?" Oliver Cooper writes, "One can feel that they are invisible to the world. And this is regardless of their physical impact on life, the experience for not being noticed exists." Our self–image plays an essential role in what we achieve in life and how. There have been multiple investigations regarding the correlation between having high self–efficacy and being successful. Famous behavioral psychologist, Albert Bandura, was quoted, "Perceived self–efficacy is defined as people 's beliefs about their capabilities to produce ... Show more content on ... If readers were to trace back the source of when and where Bastian's problems began, it would be from the death of his mother. Following this tragedy, Bastian's father begins to isolate himself. Bastian recalls, that his father was once, rather pleasant. He would play with Bastian and would tell his son stories. Bastian was aware that his father was grieving as well but, "there was an invisible wall around his father, and no one could get through to him. He never found fault and he never praised...Bastian felt that as far as his father was concerned, he was not there at all" (Ende 37). From the very beginning of the book, there is this disconnection between father and son. Cooper explains that children who experience unempathetic care from their parents in their adolescent years, are more likely to experience the feeling of isolation and invisibility. Children that experience being ignored, "will then lead to the ego mind concluding that one is invisible and the associations will then follow" (Cooper). The ego mind is a term to explain how children create associations with different actions and behaviors as "safe" or "unsafe." The problem with this behavior, is that what may be considered safe, may lead to more pain and suffering later in life. For example, Bastian's father believed that he was handling his grief properly by isolating himself from Bastian. Bastian eventually began to consider this behavior as normal and can ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Feelings Of Emotions Research has demonstrated that when we express our sentiments, it helps quiet and reset us. This is particularly my experience. When I have solid emotions, on the off chance that I express them completely, the sentiments blur and I feel nonpartisan once more. Which is unexpected, on the grounds that to tell somebody how I fondle closes with me not even truly feeling that way any longer. Like the time it requires to tell somebody the investment–once you've said it, it's never again in fact even obvious. Be that as it may, I think about whether there isn't another probability: Assume individuals developed to walk upright since we expected to wind up, practically, direct quickening agents? Consider the possibility that some way or another ... Show more content on ... Would you be able to live without conveying everything that needs to be conveyed? Articulation is out–happening to your contemplations, your interior conduct at crest. A few times it gives us satisfaction, we cheer, we cry in distress, feel delight one of incomparable feeling when we are infatuated, feel irate when hostility is there. Life is nothing in the event that you won't communicate completely, you will dependably be in gridlock, and I felt it once in a while it truly harms and once in a while you free some of your excellent breakthroughs of your life. I am likewise endeavoring to learn convey what needs be completely, might be some time or another I will accomplish it. The connection amongst social and innovative articulation is perplexing. Social factors plainly affect proper outlets for innovative articulation, on the idea of the topic and type of articulation, on the capacities that different types of articulation serve, and on the sorts of people chose for, or occupied with, imaginative movement. There are various routes by which social orders shape all parts of innovative articulation, running from the accessibility of assets to the arrangement of prizes or disciplines. It likewise winds up plainly evident that the relationship of inventiveness with innovation is to a great extent a Western viewpoint and that creative accomplishments in different cultures don't really have this necessity. ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging Summary My Jungian Typology is Extraverted Sensing Feeling Judging (ESFJ). According to Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers' personality type theory, I enjoy entertaining, giving, and being in charge. I am also easily hurt and when I feel hurt, it's impossible to hide. I have a hard time making a decision because I am torn between choosing what is right for others instead of the right choice for me. I have a good sense of danger and I tend to tread carefully in situations that could result in negative consequences for others and myself. I consider the description of my personality Jungian type to be pretty accurate. The only two characteristics I am not so sure about is whether I enjoy entertaining and that I like to be in charge. I don't feel very ... Show more content on ... I sent the link to him so that he could take it himself. I was curious to see what his result would be. He is nowhere near as sensitive as I am so I knew his result had to be different. His result is different, but only in one dimension. He is considered Extraverted Sensing Thinking Judging (ESTJ); therefore, the only difference was that I was more Feeling than Thinking. I learned from the Jungian personality assessment that I can handle communicating differently depending on the topic. Communication is easier for me if the topic involves emotions or resolving ongoing issues. I can have a hard time communicating if the discussion does not have a clear direction or solution. I also prefer to be involved in helpful conversation as opposed to a conversation that does not provide any gains. It is easier for me to retain information when tangible examples are specified, so that I can relate the information to personal or emotional experience. The results from the productivity quiz showed that I am productive, but still require some improvement. There are five elements of being productive which include: organization, attitude, delegations, information systems, and effective use of systems. The area of organization is where I could use the most improvement. ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. Lady Macbeth : The Importance Of Expressing Emotions And... The Importance of Expressing Emotions and Feelings In the play Macbeth by William Shakespeare, Lady Macbeth goes through many emotions and feelings. It's important for people to express their feelings and emotions, but do they know how to control what they are feeling? People often keep their emotions bottled up such as Lady Macbeth does, which can cause negative emotional reactions. William Shakespeare's play Macbeth shows how Lady Macbeth experiences many emotions and keeps them bottled up, which eventually causes her to lose control of her own emotions and thoughts. People need to learn how to express and control their emotions to avoid negative reactions, such as what Lady Macbeth has come to experience. For the most part, Lady Macbeth doesn't express her feelings and emotions, which can build up and lead to negative reactions if a person isn't taught how to express them. Expressing emotions can help to show and understand what people are feeling. Like in the beginning of the play, Lady Macbeth wants to be more powerful and to be masculine and manly. She invites the evil spirts in by saying, "Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thought, unsex me here" (1.5.30–31). However, Lady Macbeth still wants her feminine side to show, she keeps her feelings of being powerful and strong bottled up because she doesn't know how to express them any other way. As Deppa David from MAG Magazine stated, "The art of expressing emotions need to be taught, at least to those who have a problem in understanding their own feelings." If people can all be taught at a young age to express one's feelings we can avoid negative reactions and hopefully prevent negative things from happening. In addition, dealing with emotions allows people to feel the emotions as they arise within each person. When a person feels angry, they should allow themselves to feel that anger, and vent it out in some form or the other, without causing any harm to others. Unlike Lady Macbeth starts to feeling angry, nervous, scared, and freaks out when she thinks and imagines the blood on her hands. She states, "O, proper stuff! This is the very painting of your fear. This is the air–drawn dagger which you said Led you to Duncan. O, these flaws and starts, ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Extrinsic, Intuitive, Feeling And Perception MBTI preference as I recall is ENFP; Extrinsic, Intuitive, Feeling and Perception. I derive my energy from an external source. I like being around people and their perception about me matters a lot. I have lots of friends and I like to be in the company of people as well as being at the center of attraction. I perceive things not only through my senses but through imagination and experience. This phenomenon is known as having a sixth sense by many people. I consider the feelings of other people in making decisions; I make decisions based on the effect it has on other people's feelings. I am somewhat soft and kind hearted. I tend to be curious, interested and opened minded. I dislike closure and I am opened to change. My career options include journalism, psychologist, counselor and educationist. It has been quite an exciting journey ... Show more content on ... to be more reserved and to control the emotional imbalance that results from other people's unpleasant opinions. These comments are made because people judge other people. Knowing this will help me focus more on what is rather than what someone thinks. I will use the SCARF model to decrease the use of promotion or monetary motivation. Now I know that social needs are treated in much the same way as physical need. Instead of giving money, I could just make the other person feel an increase in status and/or autonomy. According to the model, the value should be the same if done right! This is like killing two birds with one stone; everybody wins! The 48 laws of power says leaders win through their actions, not words which I come have to understand poses a threat to the status of other people to say their opinions are wrong. People get argumentative when there is a threat to their status. So I will decrease threats by making them give feedback to their own work, and giving a lot of positive feedback among other ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. I 've Been Feeling Like A Beta Author Who Supplies... As you know, I've been feeling like a beta author who supplies occasional story ideas and grammatical and stylistic edits to our fics, rather than a full–fledged co–creator. We both know that many of my feelings are irrational, and are deeply rooted in my own insecurities in my worth as an independent human being. However, the fact is that I feel the way I do, no matter how absurd these feelings may seem to you and me. I do think that at least some of these feelings have tangible sources that, if you'll permit me, I will attempt to explain. The crux of my feelings concerns the entire premise of our fictional series. When we first started writing, we did so purely for fun, and to make ourselves happy. We indulged in our fancies without any restrictions, and though we were embarrassed to confess our secret pleasure to others, we had the freedom to be wild and inventive and simply write for the sake of experiencing relationships and emotions against a canvass of creative thought. But now, the stories have become a spiritual endeavor. Their purpose has evolved from pure fun and games into a process that is supposed to bring us closer to God, and to uplift everyone around us. This purpose is pure, good, and noble, so it has been difficult to explain why this new paradigm of story–making has left me feeling so trapped. To be honest, when you first proposed dedicating our stories to Gurudev, and to making the premise of our universe a spiritual one, my first instinct was to ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Happiness Is A Feeling Or Feeling Of Accomplishment What is happiness? A feeling or euphoria or a feeling of accomplishment, perhaps both? Is happiness something we can create or something that appears to us when we need it most? I feel that happiness is something that is unique to each person. What fills me with inner joy might not for others and vice versa. Happiness is subjective, but one thing I think everyone will find is that a part of their happiness is found in growing as a person. Life begins at the end of your comfort zone and maybe happiness is found there too! For me, happiness is best achieved when I am growing as a person. Working through obstacles that have come up in my path, expanding my horizons through meeting new people, or learning something new in a class. I have come to see that when I push myself out of my comfort zone (physically or emotionally), this is where I find happiness. Reaching the edge of your comfort zone can be done through many things. One example of when I have felt truly happy is during travels. This can be travels to another state or travel in other countries. When one are traveling, there is constant growth. There are different obstacles that result from each new adventure. Plans for travel can be made, but in my experience, travel never goes according to the plan and that is its beauty. One time, in Peru, I ended up having to ride an overnight bus, then take a taxi to a hostel, then take another taxi to the airport. At the time I was eighteen, with very flawed Spanish, and in a ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Eloquent Feelings And Safe Places Eloquent Feelings and Safe Places Stephen Dunn 's poems makes sure to let the reader stop and think, and as a creative writing teacher he knows how to do just that. Winner of awards such as the "Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, "The James Wright Prize",and the "Paterson Award for Sustained Literary Achievement", his work "The Sacred", published back in 1989, shows off his literary genius in normal experiences and captures the vehement thought in his writing that has captured many hearts of the readers. "The Sacred" speaks about what a student believes is his sacred space, and what it means to him. Dunn uses three core poetic devices to not only show that everyone needs an escape from reality, but also the herd mentality of youth when one has confidence. The nihilistic ending and the free form moderate style add to the ideals that Dunn tries to present and helps add a twist ending to the poem when you see the lack of desire for social interactions in the young man who was the first to speak up. The contrast between his outer presentation and his inside emotions are shown strongly between the first and second half, as if he only spoke up to "get it over with". The enjambment that pushes through the whole poem create a string of consciousness feeling, as if a person in the class is slightly nervous to share his response. In the beginning of the poem, Dunn shows how much this student takes his ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. States Of Feelings Through Collaboration Or Series States of Feelings through Collaboration or Series Everyone has feeling whether they show them or not, and they have a great impact on how, what and why we create art. However, how much of our emotions are shown through our facial expressions? How well can another read those expressions versus how well can we read that same person's of state of emotion through their art. None the less anger may result in strong gestural painting. Addition to anger any strong emotion can come through in whatever we create. History shows us that great works can come from a highly agitated state of emotion. This goes along with what Edvard Munch said about The Scream (1893), "For several years I was almost mad... You know my picture, The Scream? I was ... Show more content on ... What is the juxtaposition between the feeling in the photograph and the title. If we observe the color pallets used in the examples we can see that they inspire melancholy in the audience. Color can be pivotal when expressing your state of feelings. How much do our deeper emotions drive our creations and do we ever hold back for fear of repercussions from our audience? Are you willing to put raw emotion out there for others to judge? How would you feel about sharing that with someone else? Collaborating on a piece that is deeply involved with your feelings. Would you feel safe to express your state of feeling through a work with another. Art evokes strong feelings in those that perceive it. When we look at art our state of feeling changes depending on what you see. Feelings are a fluid experience, constantly changing throughout the day. What would happen if you recorded your state of feeling over a period of time? The picture to the left is of the National Geographic's Girl with the Green Eyes. The photograph was taken years apart yet it still elicits a strong emotional response from the viewer. I have picked Grade 10, but I feel that this could be done with many other grades as well. Learning Objectives Concepts Subject matter and expressive intention can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Insights Into My Own Feelings Insights into My Own Feelings Poems often give you insights into your own feelings and experiences. Jimmy Baca wrote a poem called So Mexicans Are Taking Jobs from Americans, and upon reading this poem, I discovered many insights into my own feelings. Jimmy Baca seems to be angry at the fact that Americans think Mexicans take their jobs away. The feelings I have towards what's happening in this poem is that Americans are often victimized, a feeling of being offended, and I feel confused. After reading the poem So We Are Taking Jobs from Americans, I as an American felt somewhat victimized. In the poem, Baca says, "I hear Mexicans are taking your jobs away. Do they sneak into town at night, and as you are walking home with your whore, do they mug you, a knife at your throat, saying I want your job?"(Lines 7–11) What Jimmy Baca is saying is that Americans aren't forced out of our jobs, but illegal immigrants do migrate to America through the night. No, they don't hold guns or knives to our throats and make us give them our jobs, but they illegally come into our country and work for little to nothing which is the same thing as forcefully taking our jobs away. He also says, "O Yes? Do they come on horses with rifles, and say, Ese Gringo, gimmee your job?" (1–3) Saying this makes it seem like the only way to take something from someone is by force. It makes me feel victimized if someone comes over to America illegally and will work for anything, it takes the work from me. ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. My Dolls Feelings Everyone has Feelings My Dolls names are Joe and Dowdy. Joe is 10 years old and an outgoing boy who likes to play and make as many friends as he can. Joe also likes to ride bikes in his free time. Joe likes to wear shorts all the time and his favorite color is blue and his favorite food is pizza and nachos. Joe always wears a baseball cap of his favorite team, even when he goes to school because his mother got permission from the school so Joe could wear his cap. Dowdy she is more of a laid back person who is shy around other kids and doesn't really like to play outside; she feels uncomfortable making new friends. Dowdy's favorite food is hamburgers with fries and ice cream, and her favorite color is yellow, and she likes to wear dresses all the time. Dowdy feels like a princess when she puts on a yellow dress with a big bright yellow daisy flower on it. Both ... Show more content on ... Is it important for people to like you based on the way you look and do we all have to look the same way in order to feel accepted? Why would feeling of insecurity, loneliness, depression, and feeling of being scare hurt us so much. If Joe feels so unsecure without his hat on all the time what should Joe do to not feel this way? Should he get the same haircut that all the other boys have or should he convince everyone else to wear a baseball hats? What about Dowdy she feels lonely and depress because she doesn't have any friends. But she feels this way because she is struggling with being overweight and she feels that people will just make fun of her. She has had people call her names that have hurted her feeling so she has shut the doors to friendship. Should Dowdy loss weight in order for people to like her or should she just try to ignore the hurtful comments that people my make about the way she looks? Both brother and sister don't have too much in common but they do share one thing and that is they suffer from low ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. After Great Pain, A Formal Feeling Comes Emily Dickinson effectively captures human suffering in its rawest form. In comparison to her other works, Dickinson's "After Great Pain, a Formal Feeling Comes" may be her most discomforting work. The piece is dismaying in that it forces the reader to unwrap our darkest emotions: sadness, anguish, and anxiety. While other poets speak of the joys of love or the finality of death, Dickinson unravels the emotional wounds inflicted upon humanity by grief, heartache, and loss. In the piece, Dickinson painstakingly takes the reader through the process of dealing with our often ignored emotions. The beginning of "After a Great Pain" features jarring iambic pentameter, "After great pain, a formal feeling comes" (1) as well as strong alliterative "f" sounds that transform the poem into a violently erratic hymn that is suddenly halted by the end–stopped line. In feeling "formal", humans will still feel "great pain" yet attempt to hide their pain. In the process of hiding our pain from others, the "Nerves sit ceremonious like tombs ... Show more content on ... According to Dickinson, the "stiff Heart questions 'was it He that bore'" (3) "'And yesterday, or centuries before?' (4). The multiple "s" sounds and rhyming scheme add a dismal singsong symphony to the last few lines of the stanza. The gloominess within the first stanza is intensified as the heart wonders if such an immense pain existed "yesterday" or "centuries before." Similarly to a person who is grieving a loss, the heart has lost all sense of time. A lack of awareness only prolongs the pain. Since Dickinson's family practiced Calvinism (Emily Dickinson and the Church), she probably wondered if Jesus Christ went through the emotional agony that can decimate human tenacity, hence the capitalization of "He" in line three. After all, Christ allows the numb soul to feel less lonely as Jesus suffered the most painful ordeal of all, his ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Qp's CBT Activity Feed Towards Feelings QP provided Robert with a CBT activity geared towards feelings. QP explained to Robert that the activity will teach him how to identify feelings, be aware of different feelings, share and discuss his feelings. QP asked Robert to list some feelings he has. QP provided Robert with feeling words in which he had to provide an example of the last time he had that feeling. QP provided Robert with sentences with feeling words in which he had to complete. QP provided Robert with a magazine in which he had to cut out pictures of facial expression of the different feeling words provided to him. QP assisted Robert in making a collage of the pictures he cut form the magazine of different feelings. QP provided Robert with five different feeling words in ... Show more content on ... QP asked Robert to list some things he does, when he is feeling down about himself. QP discussed with Robert, how feelings can affect other people. QP brainstormed with Robert positive feeling people have. QP asked Robert to list some things that make him feel good. QP provided Robert with different facial expression in which he had to identify the facial expression feelings. QP read to Robert different scenarios in which he had to explain how he feels, if he was in the same situation. QP examined with Robert the last time he felt angry frustrated, embarrassed ashamed and sad. QP provided Robert with feeling statements in which he had to share respond to the feeling sentences. QP asked Robert to list the feelings he is afraid to show. QP discussed with Robert, how to better express his feelings. QP asked Robert, how does he feels when someone ignores him. QP asked Robert when he is anxious about something, what he do. QP provided Robert with verbal prompting and redirection. QP provided Robert with words of encouragement and praises as he participated in the session QP ended the session by reminding Robert of the next scheduled ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Therapist: Hi, Jane, How Are You Feeling Today?. Jane: Therapist: Hi, Jane, how are you feeling today? Jane: Not so great. Therapist: How come? Jane: I don't really know at this point. I always feel this way. Therapist: And how would you describe how you feel? Jane: I feel hopeless. Like there is no point in trying. I am exhausted and I want to give up. Therapist: What do you mean by "give up?" What do you want to give up on? Jane: I don't know. I guess everything. Therapist: How long have you felt this way? Jane: Since the beginning of this school year, so a few months. Therapist: Is there nothing you enjoy? Any classes or clubs? Jane: I used to love school. Lately though, it has just felt like a chore. It wears me out and I can't focus in class. Therapist: Are there any classes you ... Show more content on ... I feel like having to ask her so many questions made Jane kind of uncomfortable. I think in this situation, most patients would not open up, but rather shut down. I think that Jane could've stopped answering the questions before, but thankfully she decided to open up instead. Why is this therapy the best therapy for the disorder? This is the best therapy for depression because patients need to feel like they are safe and able to talk about their problems. In a closed environment, they will probably feel more comfortable opening up about what is on their mind. I think a lot of people with depression believe they are insignificant, or that no one cares about them, but having a person they can always rely on and talk to will definitely change their minds about that. Their therapist will also be able to give them advice about their situations, so they don't stay in their bad situations. With any other type of therapy, the patient would not have these types of opportunities to talk. How do you feel this type of therapy could be improved or more effective? I think this therapy could be more effective if the therapist already knew why they were talking to the patient. Perhaps they could have the patient fill out a questionnaire so the therapist has a better idea of what is going on in their lives. I think it would also be helpful if the therapist got to know the patient before they asked them about their problems. ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Dbq Era of Good Feeling Ap Us History Essay The period after the war of 1812 was labeled "The Era of Good Feeling" by historians. Some people believe that this is an accurate label of this time period, but others disagree. Due to the emergence of sectionalism– concern with local interests, and nationalism– patriotic feelings and self pride, people had mixed feelings about this time period. Many people felt that times were high, and that nationalism and sectionalism could only bolster the union, while others thought that it was sectionalism and nationalism that caused disunion. Some of the documents used in this essay support the claim that the period after 1812 was an era of good feelings. Other documents will oppose this claim with proof from their own perspectives. Document B ... Show more content on ... (Doc. D). The case says that it would be difficult to sustain this proposition. Anna Hayes Johnson of South Carolina wrote to her cousin in North Carolina complaining about the "unhappy business which has filled with consternation all our city" and how nothing can save them. She writes that fifty to sixty percent of the leaders are in jail, and twenty of them have been convicted and sentenced. (Doc. G). The people living during this time period do not seem to think as highly of it as the people discussed in the previous paragraph did. Documents E and I both portray different feelings about this era. Document H is a political map that exemplifies sectionalism perfectly. During the presidential election of 1820, James Monroe won every vote but one, but in 1824, the votes were split up between four different candidates, and the results were just as varied. Each state had its own mind and voted for who they felt was right, and not just as one union. Document E is a density map that shows how populated each square mile of land was in 1820. Much of the land had less than two inhabitants per square mile, and the people living there felt that they shouldn't be taxed the same as somewhere where there were ninety or more inhabitants like in the northeast. This is a prime example of people who did not think this was "The Era of Good Feeling." "The Era of Good Feeling" is a label given to the time period ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Don’T You Ever Wish You Know What That Feeling In Your Don't you ever wish you know what that feeling in your gut was – or how hard it is to try not to blow up on the slow person walking in front of you in the grocery store, or if your friend is having a bad day but keeps saying " I 'm fine, I 'm fine." What your friend does not probably realize is that it can affect the people around, might even make your day bad too. What I found really interesting is Emotional Intelligence. If you never heard of emotional intelligence it is the ability to identify your emotions, understand what you feet and others around you, manage good relationships with the people in your everyday life. Howard Gardner said "Your EQ is the level of your ability to understand other people, what motivates them and how to ... Show more content on ... Goleman suggests that emotional intelligence has four pieces – self awareness, social awareness, self management and relationship management. Some important elements of emotional intelligence agree that a combination of emotional intelligence and conventional intelligences, such as linguistic, mathematical, scientific to have good qualities of leadership. Having good emotional intelligence usually means you have good self–awareness. Most people even, according to Mind tools article, "Emotional Intelligence Developing Strong "People Skills." Self awareness is the most important part of emotional intelligence. Benefits of having good self– awareness is most times your emotions do not get out of control. If you are good at understanding what you feel, it is usually easier to not let them control you. Having good intuition can sometimes even help having a stronger emotional intelligence. Honestly comes in handy with being aware with yourself. Being aware of what presses your buttons or your areas that have weakness is good, So you can avoid those problems. People with high emotional intelligence most times are confident with themselves, and what they know they feel and trust those feelings. Page 3 Next, major part of emotional intelligence is self– regulation and/or self– management. Which means if someone or something does make you angry or mad or sad you can control what your feeling and say " hey maybe I need to take ... Get more on ...