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A second look at loyalty
programs under the microscope
Avoiding the pitfalls that make retention strategies
detrimental to profitability

With another perspective from "Commitment-Led Marketing,” by Jan Hofmeyr and
Butch Rice, consultants, professors at Cape University.

our sources
Analysis based on ideas published
                                                      key ideas
                                                         What could improve the performance of a business more than retaining its
by leading experts, in particular in
the publications presented below                      customers? Isn’t repeat business a good way to amortize often high customer
and in the “Find Out More” insets.                    acquisition costs over a greater purchasing volume? Don’t faithful customers
                                                      who have learned to trust the brand tend to consume more? Because they are
                                                      satisfied, don’t they have a greater propensity to recommend the brand?

                              Managing                   These are mistaken assumptions, according to the experts. This is not to
                              Customers               say that a solid base of regular customers is not a great asset. However, many
                              for Profit              companies err in making retention the ultimate objective, and focusing on
                              V. Kumar,
                              Wharton School          minimizing the attrition rate. In the process, they lose sight of two impor-
                              Publishing, 2008,
                              296 pages.              tant facts. First, loyalty isn’t necessarily synonymous with profitability, and
                                                      second, the focus should be on lifetime customer value, that is, the present
                                                      and future value of customers. In fact, all customers do not justify the same
                                                      loyalty investments, and don’t have the same behavioral profiles, or even the
                                                      same present and potential value.
Customer retention is not
The McKinsey Quarterly, May 2002. (Article)           -- Carefully differentiate your retention strategy by customer profile.
Your loyalty program is                               -- Design your loyalty program with profitability – not just retention
betraying you,
Harvard Business Review, April 2006. (Article)           – in mind.
The right way to manage                               -- Learn how to guide some customers to the door.
unprofitable customers
Harvard Business Review, April 2008. (Article)

Manageris synopses are original works resulting
from critical analysis. They are intended to
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implications of selected publications. They are not
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A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope                                                      m • N° 170b                1
    1 Customer                                          By over-focusing on retention at             hand in hand! Indeed, the authors
    loyalty traps                                    all costs, however, businesses may              of Managing Customers for Profit noted
                                                     lose their perspective on the legi-             a low degree of correlation between
    Businesses must not lose                         timacy of this strategy. Retaining              loyalty and profitability when they
    sight of profitability in                        customers is certainly desirable in             analyzed the customer portfolio of
    their desire to retain                           many situations. However, focusing              four B-to-C or B-to-B companies in
    customers.                                       exclusively on customer loyalty may             a number of different sectors. About
       In an increasingly competitive                sometimes incite employees to do                20 percent of customers turned out
    landscape, in which products and                 things that run counter to the inte-            to be loyal, but not very profita-
    services run the permanent risk of               rests of the company. Indeed, ob-               ble, while another 20 percent were
    becoming commoditized, compa-                    servation shows that many mistakes              conversely very profitable, but not
    nies rival one another to find inge-             are made in the name of retention               loyal!
    nious ways to keep their customers.              (Figure A):                                        Initially, retaining customers is a
    Indeed, the ability to establish du-                                                             good way to amortize acquisition
    rable relationships with customers               •	 First trap: confusing loyalty                costs. Over time, however, the idea
    is a great asset. Don’t they say that            and profitability.                              that customers are more profitable
    companies double their profits when                 Too many companies start with
    they increase customer retention by              the assumption that loyalty is the              Find Out More
    just five points? As a result, many              key to a profitable customer port-               In drafting this synopsis, we relied not only on
    companies have made customer                     folio. They thus concentrate on re-              the publications presented on the cover page,
    retention a cornerstone of their                 tention, forgetting that loyalty and             but also on the following sources:
    strategy.                                        profitability don’t necessarily go               -- Customer retention is not enough,
                                                                                                      The McKinsey Quarterly, May 2002. (Article
                                                                                                      available at
    A                                                                                                 Work on the intensity of the relationship as much
                                                                                                      as its longevity.
         Some false assumptions about customer retention                                              -- Your loyalty program is betraying you,
                                                                                                      Harvard Business Review, April 2006. (Article
                                                                      Loyalty is directly             on sale at
             Loyal customers are
                                                                   correlated to customer             Make your customer retention programs more
             the most profitable
                                                                         satisfaction                 effective.
                                                                                                      -- The mismanagement of customer
               An in-depth analysis of                                   In the telephony or          loyalty, Harvard Business Review, July 2002.
               four companies in a range                                 banking industry, many       (Article on sale at
               of industries showed                                      dissatisfied customers       How are loyalty and profitability not always
               that about one-third of                                   stick with the same          correlated?
               loyal customers are not                                   supplier to avoid            -- How valuable is word of mouth?
               particularly profitable.                                  administrative headaches.    Harvard Business Review, October 2007.
                                                                                                      (Article on sale at
                                           Loyal customers                                            Take account of the influence of customers in
                                             recommend                                                recommending the brand when analyzing their
                                              the brand                                               value.
                                                                                                      -- The price of loyalty, The McKinsey
                                       Customer satisfaction is                                       Quarterly, 2000. (Article available at www.
                                       a better indicator of the                            
                                       propensity to defend the                                       Optimize the impact of loyalty programs.
                                       brand than longevity.                                          -- Managing your business as if customer
                                                                                                      segments matter, The McKinsey Quarterly,
                                                                                                      August 2006. (Article available at www.
            Loyal customers cost less                              Rewarding loyalty is the 
           to serve, because they know                             best way to reinforce it           Refine your customer portfolio segmentation to
                 our offering well                                                                    optimize your retention strategy.
                                                                                                      -- The right way to manage unprofitable
                    Loyal customers understand                        “Points-based” loyalty          customers, Harvard Business Review, April
                    their value to the                                programs often incite           2008. (Article on sale at www.hbsp.harvard.
                    company and negotiate                             customers to shop around        edu)
                    better price terms or free                        in search of the best offer.    Some alternatives to try before getting rid of
                    complementary services.                                                           unprofitable customers.

2   m • N° 170b                                                     A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope
year after year is far from proven.              Loyal customers are far from being ideal customers!
In the analyzed companies, three
                                            Experience shows that loyal customers, even when they are profitable, are not always as valuable as
assumptions generally cited to sup-         one might think.
port this assertion were shown to be        In fact, on the grounds that they are old customers attached to the brand, loyal customers tend to:
inconclusive: loyal customers were
not less costly to serve, they were         -- Negotiate discounts or demand special privileges.
not willing to pay more, and they           e.g. Loyal customers consider that they should naturally receive discounts, due to the total volumes they
                                            generate for the company.
were not more active in promoting
the company (Figure B).                     -- Refuse annual or periodic price revisions.
                                            e.g. On the grounds they are old customers, many loyal customers want to freeze their price conditions.
•	 Second trap: focusing on the             -- Demand more favorable treatment than other customers.
customer lifespan.                          e.g. Loyal customers rarely appreciate being asked to wait before being served (queuing time at a call
    When companies decide to tac-           center, for example).
kle the issue of loyalty, they often
implicitly establish the objective of       -- Demand more customized services.
                                            e.g. At a retail bank, for example, loyal customers often consider that a specific account manager should
maximizing the customer lifespan.           be assigned to them and personally follow all of their transactions.
Yet, customer longevity may be only
a marginal performance factor; the          -- React with greater virulence.
intensity of the relationship appears       e.g. Loyal customers make more noise when they are dissatisfied, make formal complaints more
to be more important in many cases.         systematically and return a greater proportion of merchandise.
The authors of the article Customer                            Based on Managing Customers for Profit, V. Kumar, Wharton School Publishing, 2008.
retention is not enough cite the example
of a retail bank that lost approxima-      the number of stamps issued for the                      –– Learn how to guide less profitable
tely 5 percent of its customers every      same purchase. What was originally                          customers to the door.
year, eroding its managed assets by        designed to retain customers beca-
3 percent in the process. This was
certainly an incitation for the bank
                                           me a factor in encouraging them to
                                           shop around for the store offering
                                                                                                    2 Segment your
to do something to keep these cus-         the largest number of stamps for a                       retention efforts
tomers from leaving! However, in a         given purchase!                                          The company should not
less visible manner, customers who            Sometimes, retention efforts are                      make efforts to retain
maintained their accounts but had          actually made in the wrong direc-                        every customer.
significantly reduced the amount of        tion. For instance, a financial institu-
their assets actually eroded mana-         tion invested significantly to increase                      All customers do not deserve the
ged assets by 24 percent! For this         customer satisfaction, and achieved                      same amount of retention effort. A
bank, rather than preventing these         excellent scores, but with hardly any                    thorough analysis of the customer
customers from closing their ac-           impact on growth! The reason for                         portfolio often highlights conside-
counts, the objective was primarily        this was that the observed revenue                       rable differences between segments,
to increase the intensity of the re-       declines were actually due to chan-                      which can be decisive in determi-
lationship, or increase its share of       ges in the personal situations of the                    ning the relevance of potential re-
wallet with them. What is more, this       concerned customers, and thus to a                       tention measures, such as margin,
phenomenon is nothing exceptio-            radical change in their needs, more                      development potential, sensitivity
nal, as it was observed in two-thirds      than to their level of satisfaction.                     to various marketing drivers, etc. A
of the sixteen industries studied by       Generally speaking, companies are                        first step in targeting retention ef-
the authors.                               often observed to confuse satisfac-                      forts is thus to distinguish between
                                           tion and loyalty. In reality, there are                  the different customer segments.
•	 Third trap: tackling the wrong          many dissatisfied, but faithful custo-
loyalty drivers.                           mers, as well as satisfied customers                     •	 Reason in terms of
   A third type of mistake concerns        who are nonetheless unfaithful.                          profitability rather than sales
the means deployed to ensure cus-                                                                   volume.
tomer loyalty. Examples of failed             So, the focus on customer loyalty                        All customers do not contribute
customer loyalty programs abound.          must be handled carefully. In par-                       equally to company profitability
One famous example is the Green           ticular, observation has shown that                      (Figure C). It is not rare that a small
Stamp program in the U.S., in             companies can apply three main                           proportion of customers accounts
which consumers received stamps            principles to avoid these missteps:                      for an important share of profits,
when making purchases at participa-        –– Carefully identify which custo-                       whereas another fraction generates
ting stores. The mechanism ended              mers deserve to be the target of                      more cost than income. A prere-
up achieving the exact opposite of            retention efforts;                                    quisite for developing an efficient
what it was designed to do, as stores      –– Design loyalty measures with an                       retention strategy thus consists in
began to compete with one another,            eye on profitability, and not just                    prioritizing customers according to
by doubling or even quadrupling               retention;                                            their contribution to profitability.
A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope                                                                 m • N° 170b                     3
    This can require a relatively com-                Analyze the profitability of your customer portfolio
    plex analysis process, both in terms
                                             Classifying customers in increasing order of profitability can often help companies understand the
    of collecting and processing data,       need to adopt a segmented approach, rather than try to retain all customers indiscriminately.
    but generally produces valuable in-
    sights. For example, the Harrah’s
    casino chain used data collected by            100 %
    magnetic cards used by players to

                                                 Cumulative profit
    discover that 26 percent of gamblers
    generated 82 percent of revenues.                                            Example of a typical customer portfolio                 A small number
    More importantly, this analysis also                                                                                                   of customers
    helped identify the profile of the                                                                                                    represents the
    most profitable customers. Surpri-                                                                                                      majority of
    singly, these were not the super-rich                                                                                                company profits
    players whom casinos habitually
    woo with a passion, but retirees with
    an entertainment budget who like                                                                                                   Number of customers
    to spend time at the slot machines!
    Armed with this information, the
    chain was able to direct its marke-
    ting efforts much more efficiently.                                Costly         Unprofitable      Unattractive Very profitable
                                                                     customers         customers         customers     customers
    •	 Integrate future as well as                                   (negative          (almost         (low profit)  (majority of
    present customer value.                                            profit)         no profit)                       profits)
       The retention strategy must be
    targeted not only based on the
    observed economic contribution             Based on Driving Customer Equity, Roland Rust, Valarie Zeithaml, Katherine Lemon, The Free Press, 2000.
    of customers – which is actually
    based on their past behavior – but      tomer shopped, the company was                                      Experience shows that this custo-
    also their future potential. This is    able to target its efforts much more                                mer sub-segment is clearly the most
    why retail banks take great pains to    effectively.                                                        sensitive to customer retention me-
    attract customers such as students                                                                          chanisms. Identifying the customers
    and young executives, who may be        •	 Focus first on potentially                                       composing this segment is therefore
    moderately attractive in the short      switchable customers.                                               essential to target loyalty initiatives
    term but are expected with time to          Customers have different reasons                                effectively.
    become the profitable portfolio of      for remaining faithful to a supplier.
    the future.                             Some become emotionally attached,                                   •	 Take account of the influencer
       Reliably predicting future custo-    others find switching too tedious,                                  role.
    mer potential is no easy task, but is   and still others make a deliberate                                     When selecting customers who
    extremely valuable. The best ap-        choice and continuously reevaluate                                  merit special attention, a fourth
    proach is to analyze data on the        their decision. The article Customer                                dimension should be considered,
    profile and behavior of these custo-    retention is not enough underlines the                              namely, their influence on those
    mers in order to continually refine     fact that the objectives of a loyalty                               around them in terms of word of
    predictive models, based on an ana-     strategy should vary greatly de-                                    mouth. Indeed, some customers are
    lysis of probable future behavior.      pending on the customer segment.                                    more proactive and credible spokes-
    For example, a mail-order company       Customers with a strong emotional                                   people for the brand than others,
    habitually targeted communication       attachment – 7 percent of clothing                                  just as some are more or less viru-
    efforts based on a traditional indus-   customers and 40 percent of car-                                    lent detractors. Companies there-
    try indicator, the RFM score, reflec-   bonated beverage customers – are                                    fore have an interest in identifying
    ting the Recency with which custo-      highly unlikely to switch brands.                                   influential customers in order to win
    mers had last made a purchase, the      Likewise, depending on the indus-                                   their attachment, or at least minimi-
    Frequency of their purchases and        try, between 10 and 25 percent of                                   ze their hostility. This can be done
    the Monetary value of their expen-      customers naturally tend to avoid                                   by conducting surveys, running
    ditures. A critical analysis showed     challenging their initial choice and                                sponsorship campaigns or facilita-
    that this approach cost about $1        stick with the same supplier out of                                 ting user forums, for example. Em-
    million in wasted communication         mere inertia. On the other hand,                                    ployees should also be sensitized to
    efforts. By conducting a more de-       about half of customers – ranging                                   certain factors that can be indicative
    tailed analysis taking account of       from 30 percent in fixed telephony                                  of influence, e.g. people who send
    not only the purchasing volume,         to nearly 80 percent for groceries –                                requests for information, who chat a
    but the type of products purchased      are very deliberate in their choices                                lot with salespeople, who read spe-
    and the pace at which each cus-         every time they make a purchase.                                    cialized trade magazines, etc.
4   m • N° 170b                                                     A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope
3 Design the                                              to optimize the profitability of se-                information, rather than focusing its
retention                                                 lected measures.                                    efforts on all the customers it ho-
                                                                                                              ped to retain, the company could
policy… with                                              •	 Select loyalty drivers based on                  concentrate primarily on those
an eye on                                                 an in-depth behavioral analysis.                    whose behavior indicated that they
                                                              The efficiency of various reten-                were at risk, at a time when they
profitability                                             tion techniques varies considerably                 were still hesitating.
The retention policy                                      depending on the characteristics                       Similarly, Harrah's casinos
should be fine-tuned                                      of target customers and the timi-                   conducted a very detailed analysis
very precisely.                                           ng of execution. This is why data                   of gambler behavior that identified
                                                          mining is often an excellent means                  no less than 90 different segments.
   Just as attempting to retain all                       to optimize the retention strategy.                 Harrah’s used this information to de-
customers indiscriminately is not a                       The article Managing your business as               velop offers and advantages adapted
good idea, it is also not recommen-                       if customer segments matter relates the             to the consumption habits of each
ded to apply the same loyalty policy                      example of a telecommunications                     of these segments, and achieved
to every customer a company wishes                        firm that significantly improved the                spectacular results – visits rose by
to retain (Figure D). Many com-                           performance of its retention strategy
panies now regret having launched                         by using detailed statistical analysis.             Find Out More
apparently attractive retention pro-                      An initial score was established to                             Managing
grams that ended up so costly that                        calculate the probability that cus-                             Customers for
they became counterproductive.                            tomers would cancel service depen-                              Profit
   The key to avoiding this trap is                       ding on their behavior over time.                               V. Kumar, Wharton School
to move away from the rationale of                        For example, they discovered that                               Publishing, 2008.
retention at any price, even for a                        canceling a broadband line was one
particularly profitable segment. Ins-                     of the advance warning signs that
tead, the retention policy should be                      a customer was likely to cancel a                    In this book, the author analyzes the most
differentiated very precisely in order                    landline as well. Using this kind of                 effective marketing strategies to support
                                                                                                               sustained growth. He takes an objective look at
D                                                                                                              the “customer orientation at any price” craze,
                                                                                                               and underlines the need for a scientific approach
                 Adopt a segmented retention approach                                                          to optimize the retention strategy.
 The loyalty policy must not lose sight of the fact that the objective is to improve company profitability     According to the author, the point is not to
 over time. Businesses should consequently differentiate the resources they want to invest based on            define a universally effective strategy, but
 the profitability and potential loyalty of the customers they are addressing.                                 to select the right strategies using the most
                                                                                                               suitable indicators. In particular, he encourages
      Loyal unprofitable customers                                 Loyal profitable customers                  managers to get back to the basics in their
   Objective: Improve the contribution                   Objective: Convince these customers to              thinking, the ultimate goal being to increase the

               of these customers to the                              continue to choose the brand             profitability of the sales strategy, rather than the
               company’s performance by                   Principal means:                                     number or lifespan of customers.
               changing their behavior and                –– Advertising, to reassure them about               His main message focuses on the need to
               consumption habits in line                    the quality and advantages of the                 adopt a differentiated strategy depending on
               with the company’s interests                  product / brand                                   total customer value over their entire lifespan
   Principal means:                                       –– Further customize the offering, to reinforce      (Customer Lifetime Value). He proposes various
   –– Encourage them to adopt other                          their attachment to the brand                     methods to calculate customer contribution to
      products and services                               –– Reward and grant special advantages,              company performance, in a usable form.
   –– Give them incentives to increase the                   to show the company values them and               In the process, he helps readers become aware of
      company’s share of their wallet                        reinforce their attachment in the process         many popular misconceptions about retention.
                                                                                                               For example, the most valuable customers
                                                                                     Profitability             are not necessarily the most loyal, and the
   Unfaithful unprofitable customers                            Unfaithful profitable customers                profitability of a retention strategy depends not
   Objective: Avoid wasting resources on                 Objective: Influence the purchasing decision at     only on its efficiency in reducing the attrition
               a target unlikely to create                            the last minute                          rate, but also on how well resources are invested
               value for the company                                                                           according to the profitability of each customer
                                                          Principal means:                                     segment.
   Principal means:                                       –– Make special offers, when price has a decisive
   –– Set prices to ensure each purchase                     influence on the purchasing decision              Finally, he proposes a set of ideas on adapting
      is profitable, invoice additional                   –– Conduct initiatives at the point of sale to       the marketing strategy to each customer profile,
      services                                               trigger purchases                                 including relevant management of various
   –– Simplify service to make it less                    –– Undertake direct marketing to keep                possible sales and distribution channels and
      costly                                                 customers up to date and encourage them           potential customization of service levels.
                                                             to try out and consume new offerings              A book that incites companies to take an
                                                                                                               objective look at the way they understand and
               Based on The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty, Harvard Business Review, July 2002.             manager customer retention.

A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope                                                                           m • N° 170b                         5
40 percent and the profitability of its                lose sight of a more serious problem,              washes realized that drivers ten-
    best customers rose by 25 percent.                     i.e. losing business. Second, because              ded to space their visits more clo-
                                                           the most active customers happen to                sely to obtain this advantage. The
    •	 Aim not only to retain                              often also be the most loyal.                      company’s loyalty program thus
    customers, but also to expand                             Measures designed to strengthen                 killed two birds with one stone:
    the relationship.                                      the relationship with customers                    not only did it increase the firm’s
        Effectively retaining customers                    are founded upon two dimensions,                   share of wallet with its customers,
    means more than just extending the                     which should be generally addressed                who saw the benefit of going to a
    lifespan of the relationship. It often                 simultaneously:                                    single suppler rather than shop-
    also includes trying to increase the                   –– Increase the usage intensity of                 ping around, but it also increased
    share of sales realized with them.                        products and services.                          the frequency with which they
    First, because focusing on the at-                        A carwash company that offered                  used the service.
    trition rate can cause companies to                       a free wash for every eight paid             –– Diversify consumed products and
                                                                                                              Rather than offering a systematic
    E                                                                                                         discount to reward consumption,
                           Learn to manage bad customers                                                      a more astute strategy is to reward
     Although companies should avoid trying to retain customers who cost more than they generate,             loyalty in such a way that triggers
     the authors of The right way to manage unprofitable customers recommend that companies apply a           the purchase of other products
     gradual approach before finally showing customers the door.                                              and services. This is the strategy
                                                                                                              chosen by stores that offer dis-
                                                                                                              counts only on certain types of
                                                                                                              products, selected among the
              Why is a given customer so unprofitable? Has the company misunderstood or                       most profitable, or brands that
              mismanaged this customer?                                                                       offer a product that customers
              e.g. An advertising agency noted that its small customers were unattractive largely
              because it devoted meager resources to them, and they were thus not encouraged to               would ordinarily not have pur-
              use more of the agency’s services!                                                              chased, but which they try out
                                                                                                              on that occasion, and are often
                                                                                                              tempted to purchase subsequent-
                                                                                                              ly. An example would be offering
                                                      Educate                                                 a night flight in business class to a
              Can a given customer be made to behave in ways that the company finds more                      passenger who habitually travels
              acceptable?                                                                                     in tourist class.
              e.g. Fidelity Investment trained a segment of very costly time-consuming customers
              to use its web site to find answers to their questions, and thus reduced call center         •	 Use invisible advantages to
              traffic considerably.                                                                        retain customers.
                                                                                                              When the loyalty program beco-
                                                                                                           mes a dimension of the core offe-
                                                   Renegotiate                                             ring, the risk of escalation and price
              Can an agreement be found to make the relationship more satisfactory for both                wars is very real. The author of Ma-
              the customer and the company?                                                                naging Customers for Profit recommends
              e.g. A U.S. hospital established a prepayment system to continue to serve insolvent          managing the retention policy in
              patients, and defined a roster of less expensive drugs to propose to them first.             a non-transparent manner: openly
                                                                                                           presenting a not too generous tradi-
                                                                                                           tional loyalty program, while simul-
                                                                                                           taneously applying a more discreet
                                                                                                           policy in which customers are diffe-
              Can the company recommend another supplier that will consider this customer                  rentiated according to their contri-
              attractive?                                                                                  bution to company performance.
              e.g. A large legal firm recommends independent lawyers to customers that it finds
              unattractive. These customers are then better served, because they are valued by             Rather than announcing a simple
              these independent attorneys.                                                                 discount according to purchased
                                                                                                           volume, it is often more effective
                                                                                                           to surprise customers by rewarding
                                                                                                           them with a service of higher quality
                                                   Terminate                                               or one that is better adapted to their
              If a satisfactory response has not been found to any of the above questions, it is           particular needs. Citybank esta-
              probably time to take the initiative to terminate the relationship.                          blished a caller ID system, for exam-
                                                                                                           ple, in order to cut the call center
           Based on The right way to manage unprofitable customers, Harvard Business Review, April 2008.   queuing time of its most profitable
                                                                                                           customers. These customers thus re-
6   m • N° 170b                                                          A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope
ceived a highly appreciated benefit       company. Poor information on how        •	 Guide customers to other
at very low cost for the bank. Simi-      to use a product may explain why        suppliers.
larly, many hotel chains offer loyal      the customer service hot line is sa-       If certain customers nonetheless
customers upgrades on their hotel         turated, for example. Rather than       continue to weigh heavily on profi-
rooms, without openly advertising         jumping to the conclusion that          tability, the best solution is probably
or guaranteeing this service.             certain customers are simply not        to encourage them to switch to ano-
                                          attractive, companies may want to       ther supplier. Instead of simply jet-
•	 Invest in continuously winning         start by educating these customers.     tisoning these customers, however,
new profitable, but unfaithful            Fidelity Investment, for example,       companies are advised to help them
customers.                                established a training program faci-    make the transition, for example, by
   Finally, companies should not try      litated by remote operators to teach    proposing a list of suppliers more
to retain even the most profitable        time-consuming customers how            adapted to their needs. This is a
customer segments at all costs, be-       to use the Internet online support.     good way to avoid the negative im-
cause a large share of their profitabi-   The calls made by these customers       pact of word of mouth on company
lity is generated by customers who        to customer service representatives     reputation, preserve the possibility
are naturally fickle. The resources       consequently dropped significantly,     of reestablishing a relationship with
invested in fruitless attempts to re-     and their profitability rose. Other     these customers later on, and may
tain these customers can often be         customers limit their consumption       even lead to agreements between
used more efficiently to win other        because they don’t understand the       firms to refer various customer profi-
such customers in replacement. A          full extent and value of the services   les to one another.
European telephony operator did           offered by the brand. In one case,
this brilliantly, for example. This       doctors who lacked the requisite
firm built an offering dedicated to       computer skills failed to take ad-
the 25 percent of “flighty” custo-        vantage of the full range of services
mers neglected by competitors. Two        connected with a piece of sophis-          Although retaining customers is
years later, the brand represents 10      ticated medical equipment. A little     theoretically the royal road to higher
percent of the market. For this type      training was all it took to grow the    profits, companies must be careful to
of customer, short but intensive ad-      corresponding volume of business        avoid the trap of trying to win their
vertising campaigns are generally         and make this segment profitable.       loyalty at any price. Instead, they
more profitable than an impossible                                                should focus on a precisely segmen-
retention strategy.                       •	 Revise past contractual terms        ted approach that does not attempt
                                          with customers.                         to increase the customer lifespan
                                             Before eliminating customers,        systematically, but takes account of
4 Learn how                               companies should always ask them-       the profitability of targeted custo-
to manage bad                             selves whether it is possible to do     mers, as well as the effort required
                                          something to make the relationship      to retain them.
customers                                 acceptable. This might mean re-
An optimized retention                    negotiating the contractual terms.
strategy may ultimately                   This solution can often be effective
require dropping                          if it is well communicated and ex-
unattractive customers.                   plained to customers. A heavy ma-
                                          chinery supplier revised its pricing
   Retaining customers must not be        terms with this in mind. Defining
an end in itself. Many companies          different levels of service enabled     Find Out More
have a portfolio containing custo-        this supplier to invoice on-site ser-    The following sources are recommended to
mers who are not only unprofitable,       vice to unprofitable customers and       those who would like to explore this topic
but even cause them to lose money.        thus move toward a more profitable       further:
Trying to retain this segment would       relationship.                            -- Commitment-Led Marketing, Jan
naturally be senseless!                      Revising the methods used to          Hofmeyr, Butch Rice, John Wiley  Sons, 2000.
   Yet, companies should not always       manage customer relationships can        (Book)
simply get rid of costly customers.       also encourage them to shift to more     Base your marketing policy on customer
The risk to a company’s reputation,       appropriate distribution channels        attachment to the brand.
the prohibition on refusing to sell,      or payment methods. The Echos-           -- Driving Customer Equity, Roland Rust,
long-term contracts, etc. are often       tar satellite television channel, for    Valarie Zeithaml, Katherine Lemon, The Free
good reasons to adopt a more gra-         instance, created a prepaid service      Press, 2000. (Book)
dual approach (Figure E):                 offering for customers who had a         Develop your customer equity with a segmented
                                          bad payment history. This approach       approach.
•	 Educate customers.                     helped the company keep these cus-       -- The Anatomy of Buzz, Emanuel Rozen,
   Some customers are expensive           tomers, while making them more           Currency-Doubleday, 2000. (Book)
to serve for reasons related to the       profitable.                              Take advantage of word of mouth.

A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope                                             m • N° 170b                    7
a wider perspective
    Another perspective from Commitment-Led Marketing, by Jan Hofmeyr and Butch Rice, consultants,
    professors at Cape University.

                       n what does cus-             pointed or dissatisfied customers          target. It could also probably raise
                       tomer loyalty de-            tend to stick with the same brand,         prices without losing much volume.
                       pend? What are the           because they are skeptical of the
                       key drivers to retain        ability of alternative brands to sa-          Conversely, consider the case of
                       the most profitable          tisfy their needs better.                  Pepsi in the nineties. Pepsi noted
    customers? Regardless of their inhe-                                                       that its customers were strongly
    rent interest for the company, do all           The structure of the market in             committed to its brand – but much
    customers deserve the same atten-            terms of customer commitment calls            less so were the customers of several
    tion to ensure their fidelity?               for marketing strategies – particu-           competing soda brands. In this si-
                                                 larly in terms of the role and impor-         tuation, a conquest strategy is often
       Jan Hofmeyr and Butch Rice take           tance of the retention policy – that          the best bet, preferably focused on
    an original and illuminating look at         are highly differentiated depending           brands to which customers show a
    this topic, based on the concept of          on the context.                               relatively low degree of attachment.
    brand commitment. What is com-
    mitment? For marketing experts, it’s           For instance, suppose that you                 Studying the degree of customer
    the conviction of customers that the         observe that your brand has a lower           attachment to your brand and com-
    brand they use is the best possible          degree of customer commitment                 peting brands also helps identify
    choice. This concept turns out to            than competing brands. You should             the most suitable marketing drivers.
    be much more powerful in practice            probably resolve this problem by              For instance, for customers who are
    than the degree of satisfaction in           focusing on retention, rather than            extremely committed to the brand,
    predicting the likelihood of custo-          continuing to invest to win custo-            compared both to non-customers
    mer attrition. This is for the very          mers who would be not only difficult          and uncommitted customers, adver-
    good reason that commitment en-              to entice away from competitors,              tising appears to have the greatest
    compasses not only the notion of sa-         but would also probably not stay              impact in terms of favorable res-
    tisfaction, but also two other factors       with your brand for long! This is             ponse and memorization. A brand
    that are just as important in determi-       what happened to the Le Chat laun-            that is highly visible on the market
    ning loyalty:                                dry detergent brand in France, when           and enjoys a high degree of custo-
                                                 confronted with Ariel. Le Chat fi-            mer commitment generally should
    –– The importance of brand choi-             nally turned this situation around            invest in advertising, as an excel-
       ce. Depending on the purchase,            by focusing more on the ecological            lent means to maintain the level of
       brand choice is more or less impor-       dimension of its product.                     commitment. On the other hand,
       tant. For example, many travelers                                                       when customers are not particularly
       between Paris and London consi-              Suppose this time that the obser-          attached to the brand, the efficiency
       der departure and arrival airports        ved level of customer commitment              of advertising should be verified ca-
       and flight schedules or even price        is high both for your brand and               refully, as observation shows that
       to be more important than the             competing brands. This happened               it has less impact, or can even be
       choice between British Airways            to a breakfast cereal, for example,           counter-productive, by arousing cy-
       or Air France. On the other hand,         which was positioned as “healthy,”            nical responses.
       most laundry detergent buyers             but was not very tasty. Fans of this
       are very concerned about finding          cereal had clearly made a deliberate             Breaking down the marketing
       their preferred brand and are very        choice in light of the importance             strategy very precisely is a challen-
       reluctant to switch or give into          they give to their diet. Customers            ge that many companies find to be
       the siren’s song of promotional           of competing brands also knew very            complex, but which can have a ma-
       offers by competitors.                    well why they didn’t like it! In this         jor impact on performance. Indeed,
                                                 context, the brand should probably            the notion of commitment adds to
    –– Perceived potential alternatives.         minimize advertising investments to           the arsenal of approaches that ena-
       On some markets, even disap-              concentrate on satisfying its core            ble them to fine-tune their efforts.

    MANAGERIS • 28, rue des Petites Écuries - 75010 Paris • Tél: +33 1 53 24 39 39 • Fax: +33 1 53 24 39 30 • E.mail:
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A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope

  • 1. A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope Avoiding the pitfalls that make retention strategies detrimental to profitability With another perspective from "Commitment-Led Marketing,” by Jan Hofmeyr and Butch Rice, consultants, professors at Cape University. our sources Analysis based on ideas published key ideas What could improve the performance of a business more than retaining its by leading experts, in particular in the publications presented below customers? Isn’t repeat business a good way to amortize often high customer and in the “Find Out More” insets. acquisition costs over a greater purchasing volume? Don’t faithful customers who have learned to trust the brand tend to consume more? Because they are satisfied, don’t they have a greater propensity to recommend the brand? Managing These are mistaken assumptions, according to the experts. This is not to Customers say that a solid base of regular customers is not a great asset. However, many for Profit companies err in making retention the ultimate objective, and focusing on V. Kumar, Wharton School minimizing the attrition rate. In the process, they lose sight of two impor- Publishing, 2008, 296 pages. tant facts. First, loyalty isn’t necessarily synonymous with profitability, and second, the focus should be on lifetime customer value, that is, the present and future value of customers. In fact, all customers do not justify the same loyalty investments, and don’t have the same behavioral profiles, or even the same present and potential value. Customer retention is not enough The McKinsey Quarterly, May 2002. (Article) -- Carefully differentiate your retention strategy by customer profile. Your loyalty program is -- Design your loyalty program with profitability – not just retention betraying you, Harvard Business Review, April 2006. (Article) – in mind. The right way to manage -- Learn how to guide some customers to the door. unprofitable customers Harvard Business Review, April 2008. (Article) Manageris synopses are original works resulting from critical analysis. They are intended to highlight the most useful and innovative practical implications of selected publications. They are not intended to condense or replace the publications in question. Learn more about Manageris on A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope m • N° 170b 1
  • 2. analysis 1 Customer By over-focusing on retention at hand in hand! Indeed, the authors loyalty traps all costs, however, businesses may of Managing Customers for Profit noted lose their perspective on the legi- a low degree of correlation between Businesses must not lose timacy of this strategy. Retaining loyalty and profitability when they sight of profitability in customers is certainly desirable in analyzed the customer portfolio of their desire to retain many situations. However, focusing four B-to-C or B-to-B companies in customers. exclusively on customer loyalty may a number of different sectors. About In an increasingly competitive sometimes incite employees to do 20 percent of customers turned out landscape, in which products and things that run counter to the inte- to be loyal, but not very profita- services run the permanent risk of rests of the company. Indeed, ob- ble, while another 20 percent were becoming commoditized, compa- servation shows that many mistakes conversely very profitable, but not nies rival one another to find inge- are made in the name of retention loyal! nious ways to keep their customers. (Figure A): Initially, retaining customers is a Indeed, the ability to establish du- good way to amortize acquisition rable relationships with customers • First trap: confusing loyalty costs. Over time, however, the idea is a great asset. Don’t they say that and profitability. that customers are more profitable companies double their profits when Too many companies start with they increase customer retention by the assumption that loyalty is the Find Out More just five points? As a result, many key to a profitable customer port- In drafting this synopsis, we relied not only on companies have made customer folio. They thus concentrate on re- the publications presented on the cover page, retention a cornerstone of their tention, forgetting that loyalty and but also on the following sources: strategy. profitability don’t necessarily go -- Customer retention is not enough, The McKinsey Quarterly, May 2002. (Article available at A Work on the intensity of the relationship as much as its longevity. Some false assumptions about customer retention -- Your loyalty program is betraying you, Harvard Business Review, April 2006. (Article Loyalty is directly on sale at Loyal customers are correlated to customer Make your customer retention programs more the most profitable satisfaction effective. -- The mismanagement of customer An in-depth analysis of In the telephony or loyalty, Harvard Business Review, July 2002. four companies in a range banking industry, many (Article on sale at of industries showed dissatisfied customers How are loyalty and profitability not always that about one-third of stick with the same correlated? loyal customers are not supplier to avoid -- How valuable is word of mouth? particularly profitable. administrative headaches. Harvard Business Review, October 2007. (Article on sale at Loyal customers Take account of the influence of customers in recommend recommending the brand when analyzing their the brand value. -- The price of loyalty, The McKinsey Customer satisfaction is Quarterly, 2000. (Article available at www. a better indicator of the propensity to defend the Optimize the impact of loyalty programs. brand than longevity. -- Managing your business as if customer segments matter, The McKinsey Quarterly, August 2006. (Article available at www. Loyal customers cost less Rewarding loyalty is the to serve, because they know best way to reinforce it Refine your customer portfolio segmentation to our offering well optimize your retention strategy. -- The right way to manage unprofitable Loyal customers understand “Points-based” loyalty customers, Harvard Business Review, April their value to the programs often incite 2008. (Article on sale at www.hbsp.harvard. company and negotiate customers to shop around edu) better price terms or free in search of the best offer. Some alternatives to try before getting rid of complementary services. unprofitable customers. 2 m • N° 170b A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope
  • 3. B year after year is far from proven. Loyal customers are far from being ideal customers! In the analyzed companies, three Experience shows that loyal customers, even when they are profitable, are not always as valuable as assumptions generally cited to sup- one might think. port this assertion were shown to be In fact, on the grounds that they are old customers attached to the brand, loyal customers tend to: inconclusive: loyal customers were not less costly to serve, they were -- Negotiate discounts or demand special privileges. not willing to pay more, and they e.g. Loyal customers consider that they should naturally receive discounts, due to the total volumes they generate for the company. were not more active in promoting the company (Figure B). -- Refuse annual or periodic price revisions. e.g. On the grounds they are old customers, many loyal customers want to freeze their price conditions. • Second trap: focusing on the -- Demand more favorable treatment than other customers. customer lifespan. e.g. Loyal customers rarely appreciate being asked to wait before being served (queuing time at a call When companies decide to tac- center, for example). kle the issue of loyalty, they often implicitly establish the objective of -- Demand more customized services. e.g. At a retail bank, for example, loyal customers often consider that a specific account manager should maximizing the customer lifespan. be assigned to them and personally follow all of their transactions. Yet, customer longevity may be only a marginal performance factor; the -- React with greater virulence. intensity of the relationship appears e.g. Loyal customers make more noise when they are dissatisfied, make formal complaints more to be more important in many cases. systematically and return a greater proportion of merchandise. The authors of the article Customer Based on Managing Customers for Profit, V. Kumar, Wharton School Publishing, 2008. retention is not enough cite the example of a retail bank that lost approxima- the number of stamps issued for the –– Learn how to guide less profitable tely 5 percent of its customers every same purchase. What was originally customers to the door. year, eroding its managed assets by designed to retain customers beca- 3 percent in the process. This was certainly an incitation for the bank me a factor in encouraging them to shop around for the store offering 2 Segment your to do something to keep these cus- the largest number of stamps for a retention efforts tomers from leaving! However, in a given purchase! The company should not less visible manner, customers who Sometimes, retention efforts are make efforts to retain maintained their accounts but had actually made in the wrong direc- every customer. significantly reduced the amount of tion. For instance, a financial institu- their assets actually eroded mana- tion invested significantly to increase All customers do not deserve the ged assets by 24 percent! For this customer satisfaction, and achieved same amount of retention effort. A bank, rather than preventing these excellent scores, but with hardly any thorough analysis of the customer customers from closing their ac- impact on growth! The reason for portfolio often highlights conside- counts, the objective was primarily this was that the observed revenue rable differences between segments, to increase the intensity of the re- declines were actually due to chan- which can be decisive in determi- lationship, or increase its share of ges in the personal situations of the ning the relevance of potential re- wallet with them. What is more, this concerned customers, and thus to a tention measures, such as margin, phenomenon is nothing exceptio- radical change in their needs, more development potential, sensitivity nal, as it was observed in two-thirds than to their level of satisfaction. to various marketing drivers, etc. A of the sixteen industries studied by Generally speaking, companies are first step in targeting retention ef- the authors. often observed to confuse satisfac- forts is thus to distinguish between tion and loyalty. In reality, there are the different customer segments. • Third trap: tackling the wrong many dissatisfied, but faithful custo- loyalty drivers. mers, as well as satisfied customers • Reason in terms of A third type of mistake concerns who are nonetheless unfaithful. profitability rather than sales the means deployed to ensure cus- volume. tomer loyalty. Examples of failed So, the focus on customer loyalty All customers do not contribute customer loyalty programs abound. must be handled carefully. In par- equally to company profitability One famous example is the Green ticular, observation has shown that (Figure C). It is not rare that a small Stamp program in the U.S., in companies can apply three main proportion of customers accounts which consumers received stamps principles to avoid these missteps: for an important share of profits, when making purchases at participa- –– Carefully identify which custo- whereas another fraction generates ting stores. The mechanism ended mers deserve to be the target of more cost than income. A prere- up achieving the exact opposite of retention efforts; quisite for developing an efficient what it was designed to do, as stores –– Design loyalty measures with an retention strategy thus consists in began to compete with one another, eye on profitability, and not just prioritizing customers according to by doubling or even quadrupling retention; their contribution to profitability. A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope m • N° 170b 3
  • 4. C This can require a relatively com- Analyze the profitability of your customer portfolio plex analysis process, both in terms Classifying customers in increasing order of profitability can often help companies understand the of collecting and processing data, need to adopt a segmented approach, rather than try to retain all customers indiscriminately. but generally produces valuable in- sights. For example, the Harrah’s casino chain used data collected by 100 % magnetic cards used by players to Cumulative profit discover that 26 percent of gamblers generated 82 percent of revenues. Example of a typical customer portfolio A small number More importantly, this analysis also of customers helped identify the profile of the represents the most profitable customers. Surpri- majority of singly, these were not the super-rich company profits players whom casinos habitually woo with a passion, but retirees with an entertainment budget who like Number of customers to spend time at the slot machines! Armed with this information, the chain was able to direct its marke- ting efforts much more efficiently. Costly Unprofitable Unattractive Very profitable customers customers customers customers • Integrate future as well as (negative (almost (low profit) (majority of present customer value. profit) no profit) profits) The retention strategy must be targeted not only based on the observed economic contribution Based on Driving Customer Equity, Roland Rust, Valarie Zeithaml, Katherine Lemon, The Free Press, 2000. of customers – which is actually based on their past behavior – but tomer shopped, the company was Experience shows that this custo- also their future potential. This is able to target its efforts much more mer sub-segment is clearly the most why retail banks take great pains to effectively. sensitive to customer retention me- attract customers such as students chanisms. Identifying the customers and young executives, who may be • Focus first on potentially composing this segment is therefore moderately attractive in the short switchable customers. essential to target loyalty initiatives term but are expected with time to Customers have different reasons effectively. become the profitable portfolio of for remaining faithful to a supplier. the future. Some become emotionally attached, • Take account of the influencer Reliably predicting future custo- others find switching too tedious, role. mer potential is no easy task, but is and still others make a deliberate When selecting customers who extremely valuable. The best ap- choice and continuously reevaluate merit special attention, a fourth proach is to analyze data on the their decision. The article Customer dimension should be considered, profile and behavior of these custo- retention is not enough underlines the namely, their influence on those mers in order to continually refine fact that the objectives of a loyalty around them in terms of word of predictive models, based on an ana- strategy should vary greatly de- mouth. Indeed, some customers are lysis of probable future behavior. pending on the customer segment. more proactive and credible spokes- For example, a mail-order company Customers with a strong emotional people for the brand than others, habitually targeted communication attachment – 7 percent of clothing just as some are more or less viru- efforts based on a traditional indus- customers and 40 percent of car- lent detractors. Companies there- try indicator, the RFM score, reflec- bonated beverage customers – are fore have an interest in identifying ting the Recency with which custo- highly unlikely to switch brands. influential customers in order to win mers had last made a purchase, the Likewise, depending on the indus- their attachment, or at least minimi- Frequency of their purchases and try, between 10 and 25 percent of ze their hostility. This can be done the Monetary value of their expen- customers naturally tend to avoid by conducting surveys, running ditures. A critical analysis showed challenging their initial choice and sponsorship campaigns or facilita- that this approach cost about $1 stick with the same supplier out of ting user forums, for example. Em- million in wasted communication mere inertia. On the other hand, ployees should also be sensitized to efforts. By conducting a more de- about half of customers – ranging certain factors that can be indicative tailed analysis taking account of from 30 percent in fixed telephony of influence, e.g. people who send not only the purchasing volume, to nearly 80 percent for groceries – requests for information, who chat a but the type of products purchased are very deliberate in their choices lot with salespeople, who read spe- and the pace at which each cus- every time they make a purchase. cialized trade magazines, etc. 4 m • N° 170b A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope
  • 5. 3 Design the to optimize the profitability of se- information, rather than focusing its retention lected measures. efforts on all the customers it ho- ped to retain, the company could policy… with • Select loyalty drivers based on concentrate primarily on those an eye on an in-depth behavioral analysis. whose behavior indicated that they The efficiency of various reten- were at risk, at a time when they profitability tion techniques varies considerably were still hesitating. The retention policy depending on the characteristics Similarly, Harrah's casinos should be fine-tuned of target customers and the timi- conducted a very detailed analysis very precisely. ng of execution. This is why data of gambler behavior that identified mining is often an excellent means no less than 90 different segments. Just as attempting to retain all to optimize the retention strategy. Harrah’s used this information to de- customers indiscriminately is not a The article Managing your business as velop offers and advantages adapted good idea, it is also not recommen- if customer segments matter relates the to the consumption habits of each ded to apply the same loyalty policy example of a telecommunications of these segments, and achieved to every customer a company wishes firm that significantly improved the spectacular results – visits rose by to retain (Figure D). Many com- performance of its retention strategy panies now regret having launched by using detailed statistical analysis. Find Out More apparently attractive retention pro- An initial score was established to Managing grams that ended up so costly that calculate the probability that cus- Customers for they became counterproductive. tomers would cancel service depen- Profit The key to avoiding this trap is ding on their behavior over time. V. Kumar, Wharton School to move away from the rationale of For example, they discovered that Publishing, 2008. retention at any price, even for a canceling a broadband line was one particularly profitable segment. Ins- of the advance warning signs that tead, the retention policy should be a customer was likely to cancel a In this book, the author analyzes the most differentiated very precisely in order landline as well. Using this kind of effective marketing strategies to support sustained growth. He takes an objective look at D the “customer orientation at any price” craze, and underlines the need for a scientific approach Adopt a segmented retention approach to optimize the retention strategy. The loyalty policy must not lose sight of the fact that the objective is to improve company profitability According to the author, the point is not to over time. Businesses should consequently differentiate the resources they want to invest based on define a universally effective strategy, but the profitability and potential loyalty of the customers they are addressing. to select the right strategies using the most suitable indicators. In particular, he encourages Loyal unprofitable customers Loyal profitable customers managers to get back to the basics in their Objective: Improve the contribution Objective: Convince these customers to thinking, the ultimate goal being to increase the Loyalty of these customers to the continue to choose the brand profitability of the sales strategy, rather than the company’s performance by Principal means: number or lifespan of customers. changing their behavior and –– Advertising, to reassure them about His main message focuses on the need to consumption habits in line the quality and advantages of the adopt a differentiated strategy depending on with the company’s interests product / brand total customer value over their entire lifespan Principal means: –– Further customize the offering, to reinforce (Customer Lifetime Value). He proposes various –– Encourage them to adopt other their attachment to the brand methods to calculate customer contribution to products and services –– Reward and grant special advantages, company performance, in a usable form. –– Give them incentives to increase the to show the company values them and In the process, he helps readers become aware of company’s share of their wallet reinforce their attachment in the process many popular misconceptions about retention. For example, the most valuable customers Profitability are not necessarily the most loyal, and the Unfaithful unprofitable customers Unfaithful profitable customers profitability of a retention strategy depends not Objective: Avoid wasting resources on Objective: Influence the purchasing decision at only on its efficiency in reducing the attrition a target unlikely to create the last minute rate, but also on how well resources are invested value for the company according to the profitability of each customer Principal means: segment. Principal means: –– Make special offers, when price has a decisive –– Set prices to ensure each purchase influence on the purchasing decision Finally, he proposes a set of ideas on adapting is profitable, invoice additional –– Conduct initiatives at the point of sale to the marketing strategy to each customer profile, services trigger purchases including relevant management of various –– Simplify service to make it less –– Undertake direct marketing to keep possible sales and distribution channels and costly customers up to date and encourage them potential customization of service levels. to try out and consume new offerings A book that incites companies to take an objective look at the way they understand and Based on The Mismanagement of Customer Loyalty, Harvard Business Review, July 2002. manager customer retention. A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope m • N° 170b 5
  • 6. 40 percent and the profitability of its lose sight of a more serious problem, washes realized that drivers ten- best customers rose by 25 percent. i.e. losing business. Second, because ded to space their visits more clo- the most active customers happen to sely to obtain this advantage. The • Aim not only to retain often also be the most loyal. company’s loyalty program thus customers, but also to expand Measures designed to strengthen killed two birds with one stone: the relationship. the relationship with customers not only did it increase the firm’s Effectively retaining customers are founded upon two dimensions, share of wallet with its customers, means more than just extending the which should be generally addressed who saw the benefit of going to a lifespan of the relationship. It often simultaneously: single suppler rather than shop- also includes trying to increase the –– Increase the usage intensity of ping around, but it also increased share of sales realized with them. products and services. the frequency with which they First, because focusing on the at- A carwash company that offered used the service. trition rate can cause companies to a free wash for every eight paid –– Diversify consumed products and services. Rather than offering a systematic E discount to reward consumption, Learn to manage bad customers a more astute strategy is to reward Although companies should avoid trying to retain customers who cost more than they generate, loyalty in such a way that triggers the authors of The right way to manage unprofitable customers recommend that companies apply a the purchase of other products gradual approach before finally showing customers the door. and services. This is the strategy chosen by stores that offer dis- Understand counts only on certain types of products, selected among the Why is a given customer so unprofitable? Has the company misunderstood or most profitable, or brands that mismanaged this customer? offer a product that customers e.g. An advertising agency noted that its small customers were unattractive largely because it devoted meager resources to them, and they were thus not encouraged to would ordinarily not have pur- use more of the agency’s services! chased, but which they try out on that occasion, and are often tempted to purchase subsequent- ly. An example would be offering Educate a night flight in business class to a Can a given customer be made to behave in ways that the company finds more passenger who habitually travels acceptable? in tourist class. e.g. Fidelity Investment trained a segment of very costly time-consuming customers to use its web site to find answers to their questions, and thus reduced call center • Use invisible advantages to traffic considerably. retain customers. When the loyalty program beco- mes a dimension of the core offe- Renegotiate ring, the risk of escalation and price Can an agreement be found to make the relationship more satisfactory for both wars is very real. The author of Ma- the customer and the company? naging Customers for Profit recommends e.g. A U.S. hospital established a prepayment system to continue to serve insolvent managing the retention policy in patients, and defined a roster of less expensive drugs to propose to them first. a non-transparent manner: openly presenting a not too generous tradi- tional loyalty program, while simul- taneously applying a more discreet Migrate policy in which customers are diffe- Can the company recommend another supplier that will consider this customer rentiated according to their contri- attractive? bution to company performance. e.g. A large legal firm recommends independent lawyers to customers that it finds unattractive. These customers are then better served, because they are valued by Rather than announcing a simple these independent attorneys. discount according to purchased volume, it is often more effective to surprise customers by rewarding them with a service of higher quality Terminate or one that is better adapted to their If a satisfactory response has not been found to any of the above questions, it is particular needs. Citybank esta- probably time to take the initiative to terminate the relationship. blished a caller ID system, for exam- ple, in order to cut the call center Based on The right way to manage unprofitable customers, Harvard Business Review, April 2008. queuing time of its most profitable customers. These customers thus re- 6 m • N° 170b A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope
  • 7. ceived a highly appreciated benefit company. Poor information on how • Guide customers to other at very low cost for the bank. Simi- to use a product may explain why suppliers. larly, many hotel chains offer loyal the customer service hot line is sa- If certain customers nonetheless customers upgrades on their hotel turated, for example. Rather than continue to weigh heavily on profi- rooms, without openly advertising jumping to the conclusion that tability, the best solution is probably or guaranteeing this service. certain customers are simply not to encourage them to switch to ano- attractive, companies may want to ther supplier. Instead of simply jet- • Invest in continuously winning start by educating these customers. tisoning these customers, however, new profitable, but unfaithful Fidelity Investment, for example, companies are advised to help them customers. established a training program faci- make the transition, for example, by Finally, companies should not try litated by remote operators to teach proposing a list of suppliers more to retain even the most profitable time-consuming customers how adapted to their needs. This is a customer segments at all costs, be- to use the Internet online support. good way to avoid the negative im- cause a large share of their profitabi- The calls made by these customers pact of word of mouth on company lity is generated by customers who to customer service representatives reputation, preserve the possibility are naturally fickle. The resources consequently dropped significantly, of reestablishing a relationship with invested in fruitless attempts to re- and their profitability rose. Other these customers later on, and may tain these customers can often be customers limit their consumption even lead to agreements between used more efficiently to win other because they don’t understand the firms to refer various customer profi- such customers in replacement. A full extent and value of the services les to one another. European telephony operator did offered by the brand. In one case, this brilliantly, for example. This doctors who lacked the requisite ••• firm built an offering dedicated to computer skills failed to take ad- the 25 percent of “flighty” custo- vantage of the full range of services mers neglected by competitors. Two connected with a piece of sophis- Although retaining customers is years later, the brand represents 10 ticated medical equipment. A little theoretically the royal road to higher percent of the market. For this type training was all it took to grow the profits, companies must be careful to of customer, short but intensive ad- corresponding volume of business avoid the trap of trying to win their vertising campaigns are generally and make this segment profitable. loyalty at any price. Instead, they more profitable than an impossible should focus on a precisely segmen- retention strategy. • Revise past contractual terms ted approach that does not attempt with customers. to increase the customer lifespan Before eliminating customers, systematically, but takes account of 4 Learn how companies should always ask them- the profitability of targeted custo- to manage bad selves whether it is possible to do mers, as well as the effort required something to make the relationship to retain them. customers acceptable. This might mean re- An optimized retention negotiating the contractual terms. strategy may ultimately This solution can often be effective require dropping if it is well communicated and ex- unattractive customers. plained to customers. A heavy ma- chinery supplier revised its pricing Retaining customers must not be terms with this in mind. Defining an end in itself. Many companies different levels of service enabled Find Out More have a portfolio containing custo- this supplier to invoice on-site ser- The following sources are recommended to mers who are not only unprofitable, vice to unprofitable customers and those who would like to explore this topic but even cause them to lose money. thus move toward a more profitable further: Trying to retain this segment would relationship. -- Commitment-Led Marketing, Jan naturally be senseless! Revising the methods used to Hofmeyr, Butch Rice, John Wiley Sons, 2000. Yet, companies should not always manage customer relationships can (Book) simply get rid of costly customers. also encourage them to shift to more Base your marketing policy on customer The risk to a company’s reputation, appropriate distribution channels attachment to the brand. the prohibition on refusing to sell, or payment methods. The Echos- -- Driving Customer Equity, Roland Rust, long-term contracts, etc. are often tar satellite television channel, for Valarie Zeithaml, Katherine Lemon, The Free good reasons to adopt a more gra- instance, created a prepaid service Press, 2000. (Book) dual approach (Figure E): offering for customers who had a Develop your customer equity with a segmented bad payment history. This approach approach. • Educate customers. helped the company keep these cus- -- The Anatomy of Buzz, Emanuel Rozen, Some customers are expensive tomers, while making them more Currency-Doubleday, 2000. (Book) to serve for reasons related to the profitable. Take advantage of word of mouth. A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope m • N° 170b 7
  • 8. a wider perspective Another perspective from Commitment-Led Marketing, by Jan Hofmeyr and Butch Rice, consultants, professors at Cape University. O n what does cus- pointed or dissatisfied customers target. It could also probably raise tomer loyalty de- tend to stick with the same brand, prices without losing much volume. pend? What are the because they are skeptical of the key drivers to retain ability of alternative brands to sa- Conversely, consider the case of the most profitable tisfy their needs better. Pepsi in the nineties. Pepsi noted customers? Regardless of their inhe- that its customers were strongly rent interest for the company, do all The structure of the market in committed to its brand – but much customers deserve the same atten- terms of customer commitment calls less so were the customers of several tion to ensure their fidelity? for marketing strategies – particu- competing soda brands. In this si- larly in terms of the role and impor- tuation, a conquest strategy is often Jan Hofmeyr and Butch Rice take tance of the retention policy – that the best bet, preferably focused on an original and illuminating look at are highly differentiated depending brands to which customers show a this topic, based on the concept of on the context. relatively low degree of attachment. brand commitment. What is com- mitment? For marketing experts, it’s For instance, suppose that you Studying the degree of customer the conviction of customers that the observe that your brand has a lower attachment to your brand and com- brand they use is the best possible degree of customer commitment peting brands also helps identify choice. This concept turns out to than competing brands. You should the most suitable marketing drivers. be much more powerful in practice probably resolve this problem by For instance, for customers who are than the degree of satisfaction in focusing on retention, rather than extremely committed to the brand, predicting the likelihood of custo- continuing to invest to win custo- compared both to non-customers mer attrition. This is for the very mers who would be not only difficult and uncommitted customers, adver- good reason that commitment en- to entice away from competitors, tising appears to have the greatest compasses not only the notion of sa- but would also probably not stay impact in terms of favorable res- tisfaction, but also two other factors with your brand for long! This is ponse and memorization. A brand that are just as important in determi- what happened to the Le Chat laun- that is highly visible on the market ning loyalty: dry detergent brand in France, when and enjoys a high degree of custo- confronted with Ariel. Le Chat fi- mer commitment generally should –– The importance of brand choi- nally turned this situation around invest in advertising, as an excel- ce. Depending on the purchase, by focusing more on the ecological lent means to maintain the level of brand choice is more or less impor- dimension of its product. commitment. On the other hand, tant. For example, many travelers when customers are not particularly between Paris and London consi- Suppose this time that the obser- attached to the brand, the efficiency der departure and arrival airports ved level of customer commitment of advertising should be verified ca- and flight schedules or even price is high both for your brand and refully, as observation shows that to be more important than the competing brands. This happened it has less impact, or can even be choice between British Airways to a breakfast cereal, for example, counter-productive, by arousing cy- or Air France. On the other hand, which was positioned as “healthy,” nical responses. most laundry detergent buyers but was not very tasty. Fans of this are very concerned about finding cereal had clearly made a deliberate Breaking down the marketing their preferred brand and are very choice in light of the importance strategy very precisely is a challen- reluctant to switch or give into they give to their diet. Customers ge that many companies find to be the siren’s song of promotional of competing brands also knew very complex, but which can have a ma- offers by competitors. well why they didn’t like it! In this jor impact on performance. Indeed, context, the brand should probably the notion of commitment adds to –– Perceived potential alternatives. minimize advertising investments to the arsenal of approaches that ena- On some markets, even disap- concentrate on satisfying its core ble them to fine-tune their efforts. MANAGERIS • 28, rue des Petites Écuries - 75010 Paris • Tél: +33 1 53 24 39 39 • Fax: +33 1 53 24 39 30 • E.mail: Publication Director: Etienne Baërd Monthly publication of 2 original Manageris One year subscription to Manageris Editor: Chrystel Martin synopses. 22 synopses, key ideas and expert articles: Commercial development: Sabine de Virieu SA with a reg'd capital of € 62,592 € 850 or US $ 850 + V.A.T. Sales: Marcelina Labare Corp reg. # B 388 524 290 One year subscription to Manageris “Gold” Subscriptions: Christophe Leroux Parity commission: 0607 I 86735 Regular subscription + access to full backlist Format: BC ( ISSN: 1243-3462 - Copyright 2008. of synopses: € 1,850 or US $ 1,850 + V.A.T. 8 m • N° 170b A second look at loyalty programs under the microscope