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Globalization, Complexity, Speed, Agility
Is Your Supply Chain Talent
Ready for Growth?
By Geoff Deines
Now that the “Great Recession” has
ended, growth is once again an
imperative for global businesses. Because
this growth is occurring almost entirely in
emerging markets, a two-speed economy
has developed that is likely to endure for
some time to come.1 In this new era of
globalization,2 emerging markets require
more resources (investments, materials,
commodities and talent) than mature markets,
which are being asked to do more with less
and still deliver expected profitability.

This disparity contributes to a hyper-
competitive, complex environment of rapidly
evolving customer expectations and eroding
margins. Most supply chain workforces are
unable to execute at the pace required to excel
in this environment.
Why are supply chain
organizations struggling to adapt?

Many companies used the downturn            Putting these human capital elements
to streamline operations and become         together in alignment with supply
more efficient. Some companies              chain operational strategies is the
invested in new technology, capital         critical action that high performers are
and infrastructure; and some focused        pursuing today. Witness the success
on luring talent from less fortunate        of supply chains at UPS, P&G, Danaher
companies. These tactics, while useful,     and Reckitt Benckiser in leveraging
were typically executed in isolation and    talent to outperform their peers in a
outside the context of a clear talent       consistent and enduring manner.4
strategy. As a result, few companies
reaped the returns they expected.

Supply chains must now embrace a
constant diet of volatility and create a
level of operational excellence that will
allow them to “sustain performance
no matter what is occurring in the
larger economy.”3 And while both of
these are core operational objectives,
we believe that, to excel, supply chains
must also create a human capital
strategy that integrates operational
performance objectives with the
organization, talent, culture, leadership
and analytic capabilities required to
drive sustainable growth and create a
lasting talent advantage.

What are the first steps in
creating human capital or talent
advantage in a supply chain

In the current two-speed recovery, companies can create a
supply chain talent advantage by aligning their operational
strategies with an integrated human capital program focused on:

Removing                     Creating                      Leveraging
operational and              leadership and talent         analytics to enable
organizational complexity    strategies to create          and predict business
to increase agility and      an environment of             and human capital
speed to business results.   improvement and               performance to align
                             accountability for success.   supply chain operations
                                                           and results.

Figure 1: Sample benefit/effort matrix

Before Diagnostic Prioritization and Sequencing                         After Diagnostic Prioritization and Sequencing

                                                                                                                  strategic and
                                                                                                                  structural issues


                                                                                             complex projects
                                                                                             with high benefits


          low                medium                 high                          low               medium                     high
                             Effort                                                                 Effort

Remove                                      The payoff is well worth the work:
                                            more efficient and agile organizations
                                                                                          Enabler: Focus
                                                                                          Focus allows companies to identify,
complexity from                             can better respond to existing and
                                            emerging consumer demands, and                pursue and measure operational and
                                                                                          organizational improvements that
the supply chain.                           the ability to execute allows supply
                                            chain organizations to maximize the           are likely to have the largest impact
Complexity in supply chains grows           productivity of their talent. In a seller’s   on business results with the least
by accretion, one process, product,         market, with top talent once again in         effort. Prioritizing these efforts, along
and software tool layered on top of         high demand, an agile organization is a       with longer-term projects with high
another. A wide range of factors in         strong drawing card for attracting and        returns, enables the organization
the current global market —the global       retaining key talent.                         to quickly improve performance
dispersion of production facilities, lack                                                 and contribute to the short-term
of access to commodities, increased         In our work with supply chain                 and long-term bottom line.
volatility in commodity pricing, and        organizations, we see leading supply
                                            chains taking a holistic, end-to-end          Figure 1 shows how a supply chain
political disruptions, to name a few —
                                            approach rather than the tactical             team can map opportunities (projects)
spurs on this increased complexity.
                                            spot fixes sometimes associated               on the benefits/effort matrix. Then
Removing complexity from the supply         with continuous improvement (CI)              the team prioritizes and filters the
chain requires concerted will and           efforts. As part of this holistic and         opportunities based on the criteria and
continual effort from all levels of the     foundational approach, companies              buckets the opportunities into short-
organization. Such simplification is        develop the organization, talent,             and longer-term categories.
necessary to align processes and build      culture and leadership to remove
an operating model and organization         complexity and then activate with
capable of balancing emerging               “enablers” such as:5
business strategies, talent strategies
                                            • Focus
and available talent globally.
                                            • Simplicity and speed
                                            • Discipline

These high-value impact areas              Enablers: Simplicity                        process and organization complexities
are further solidified when                                                            create agility in their workforce
organizational structures and              and Speed                                   to deliver new outcomes in new
capabilities are aligned to these          Inflexible processes, too many              markets and increased customer
business priorities. High-performing       offerings, inefficient distribution, long   value (see the sidebar “Using Talent
supply chains create the structure         cycle times, and poorly understood          Data to Sustain Simplicity”).
and decision- making practices             customer needs are all root causes of
(governance) that institutionalize                                                     Agility requires the alignment of
                                           complexity. To simplify, companies
the constant focus on measurement                                                      operating metrics, targets, and
                                           need to eliminate complexities that are
and operational improvements.                                                          incentives across the supply chain
                                           neither seen nor valued by customers.
                                                                                       organization with the goal of driving
                                           And where customers value complexity,
Consider the leading global retailer                                                   speed, reducing complexity and
                                           processes need to be standardized.
that has integrated its supply chain                                                   eliminating waste. These enablers
                                           Process variation is a drag on an
and process improvement capabilities                                                   create a cultural mindset that is
                                           enterprise’s speed and agility, like a
to focus on “perfect” customer order                                                   critical to sustained results. Our
                                           weight tied to the leg of a runner.
fulfillment while optimizing processes                                                 experience and research suggests
and business profitability. This focus     Often, companies focus on the pain          that companies that excel at
area could drive inventory costs beyond    points (e.g., budget overruns, transport    creating agility in their organization
sustainable levels, given the need to be   delays, high employee turnover) rather      through simplicity and speed do
in-stock and meet customer demand.         than the root causes of complexity.         so because they have created
To balance this risk, the retailer has     Or they simply eliminate low-volume         a culture that demands it.
applied Lean Six Sigma principles          products and services to streamline
to its operations while evolving its                                                   UPS is an example of a supply chain
                                           operations — all under the guise of
organization to increase usage of                                                      company that has created a culture
                                           efficiency. These approaches fail to
predictive analytics. The combination                                                  of “constructive dissatisfaction”6
                                           give companies insight into which
of Lean principles with advanced                                                       that fosters change and agility. The
                                           customers and offerings are truly
analytics capabilities has provided a                                                  company has mastered the ability
                                           profitable and which services build
sustainable foundation to link process                                                 to reduce complexity in process
                                           flexibility and brand loyalty. Supply
improvements, business performance                                                     execution (e.g., global delivery
                                           chains that attack and remove
and organization priorities.                                                           standard practices for drivers) while

Using Talent Data to Sustain Simplicity
The increasing need to remove complexity from supply chain operations is
presenting unique challenges related to talent. Many companies have taken
costs out of their supply chains via process improvements and operational cost
changes. However, leading supply chain organizations have taken an additional
step. They use data and talent analytics to drive focus, speed, and discipline
into their organizations — in essence, institutionalizing these enablers.

By analyzing performance management data, supply chain organizations
can identify compensation imbalances that over- or underpay
resources. These imbalances in pay-for-performance can severely
impact the culture of discipline we have described here.

For example, consider the value of identifying employees who are
significantly overpaid (e.g., two standard deviations above their peer set)
based on the outcomes and performance they drive (e.g., two standard
deviations below). At one company, we identified almost $5M in annual
compensation costs that fell into this category — costs that weren’t
driving business results or reinforcing focus, speed and discipline.

Our belief that talent is the “new currency” for high performance further
reinforces the need to optimize investments and expect returns on
these costs. Creating a recurring and robust capability — most likely by
partnering with HR — that uses talent data and analytic modeling is
essential for high performance. This capability gives supply chain leaders
another data set to drive results and maintain organization agility.

managing business complexities
that customers are willing to pay for
                                             cycles and corrective actions all
                                             support the achievement of those
                                                                                        Companies need to
(e.g., overnight delivery, real-time         goals. Leadership serves as the critical   eliminate complexities
tracking, financial services offered).       conduit for sustaining this discipline.
                                                                                        that are neither
Additionally, supply chain leaders and       Leadership focus on discipline should
managers with experience in both             not be underestimated. Today’s supply      seen nor valued
the production (where the products
come from) and the commercial
                                             chain leaders face multiple challenges
                                             to their efforts to maintain discipline,
                                                                                        by customers.
(where the products are going) sides         such as global and diverse talent,
of the business will drive the cultural      complex stakeholder groups, and
elements often needed to reduce              the need to develop local leaders in
complexity and enable speed. This type       emerging countries.
of background fosters a collaborative
mindset and an intuitive business            Discipline in the supply chain is
savvy that is essential for success in       just as important when times are
today’s global supply chain.                 good as in times of economic crisis.
                                             High-performing companies strive
                                             to create a leadership culture based
Enabler: Discipline                          on a vision of execution excellence.
The discipline enabler is an essential       These outcomes benefit the enterprise
foundation for the focus, simplicity         (e.g., by making jobs easier or
and speed enablers. Discipline               less frustrating and by building
is required to “swim against the             transferrable skills) as well as improve
current” and continuously remove             overall performance. Such a vision
complexity out of the supply chain.          celebrates the benefits of collaborating
To do that, companies need a                 both inside and outside the supply
performance management system                chain organization.
aligned with their strategic goals
so that the metrics, targets, review

Create                                    in their talent currency curtail their
                                          capacity for success.
                                                                                     When an organization rigorously
                                                                                     follows competence standards, people
Environments for                          Global and agile supply chain
                                                                                     at all levels of the organization
                                                                                     know what they must do to execute
                                          organizations require new ways
Supply Chain Talent                       to lead, learn and collaborate to
                                                                                     their jobs well. At UPS, truck drivers
                                                                                     memorize the “340 methods,” which
                                          effectively develop their talent. Role
to Succeed                                clarity, from senior leaders to the shop
                                                                                     cover everything from the most
                                                                                     ef¬ficient way to carry keys (to avoid
Talent is one of the largest investment   floor, is essential. And organizations     fumbling for them) to the number
costs for a company. And talent is also   need talent strategies and workforce       of steps per second that would be
the means by which organizations put      models that capitalize on clearly          con¬sidered walking at a “brisk pace.”7
tangible assets to work. Employees        defined roles as well as the capability
                                          development programs to drive              In addition, companies need an
manage costs, identify efficiencies,                                                 aligned supply chain leadership team
streamline processes, manage              collaborative results.
                                                                                     composed of champions in each region
inventory and make it possible to                                                    or business. These leaders drive the
delight customers. For an increasing      Role Clarity for                           talent vision forward through the
number of companies, future growth        Execution Excellence                       performance metrics they choose for
is dependent on the success of these                                                 their workforce, the learning options
costly, intangible assets.                The first requirement for a successful     they sanction, and the license they
                                          talent environment is role clarity at      give employees to fit development into
In fact, Accenture research and           all levels of the organization. Clarity    their daily work schedules.
experiences suggest that talent is        drives predictability and accountability
becoming the global currency for          in the execution of supply chain           Then, as part of the discipline involved
high performance. High-performing         processes. And clarity is critical for     in driving operational excellence,
organizations create talent surpluses,    defining required competencies.            these leaders communicate the
invest in the right local talent pools,                                              importance they place on tracking
and maintain a strong global balance                                                 and measuring talent programs. They
to hedge on future talent needs. In                                                  pose questions such as: “Are people
contrast, companies that under-invest                                                taking advantage of learning or
                                                                                     seeking development opportunities?”

and “Are employees able to articulate     Talent Strategies for a                  • Foster employee-defined
the skills and knowledge they have                                                   personalization (e.g., using social
gained and how they apply their           Workforce of One                           media to create a customized
expertise in their daily work?”           Once role clarity and competence           learning experience).
At Accenture, our Supply Chain and        expectations are defined, high
                                                                                   While significant literature and
Talent & Organization Performance         performers then look for ways to
                                                                                   research have delved into these
practices are jointly applying these      customize their talent strategies to
                                                                                   customization approaches, the critical
principles of discipline internally to    meet the needs of a “workforce of
                                                                                   focus for supply chain organizations
improve our consultants’ performance.     one.” This concept has sprung from
                                                                                   should be on partnering with HR to
Our practice leaders have determined      creative efforts to engage and retain
                                                                                   define the talent needed to achieve
the desired industry, business and        talent in today’s hyper-competitive
                                                                                   supply chain results. Once the talent
supply chain acumen needed to             labor market. Workforce-of-one
                                                                                   demand is defined, the approaches to
effectively serve our clients.            approaches include:8
                                                                                   hire, develop, retain and engage the
                                          • Segment the workforce (e.g.,           workforce may incorporate workforce-
This curriculum is then supported by                                               of-one ideas.
senior leaders teaching, measuring          based on learning styles, values,
and mentoring consultants on these          personality, wellness profiles,
                                                                                   Limited Brands is an example of
principles while also leveraging new        mobility).
                                                                                   an organization segmenting its
collaboration and learning techniques     • Offer modular choices from a list of   workforce to focus on specific value
(e.g., knowledge portals, podcasts,         defined and sanctioned alternatives    potential. Limited Brands has identified
social media formats). This approach        (e.g., international job rotation      merchants, merchandise planners,
helps align metrics and performance         opportunities).                        and allocators as critical segments.
expectations with leaders who are         • Define broad and simple rules (e.g.,   These segments make the buying and
responsible for enabling their teams to     Google’s rule of spending 20% of       product flow decisions to achieve the
serve and deliver outcomes for clients.     time on projects that create value     company’s financial targets. On the
                                            for the organization).                 basis of that analysis, Limited Brands
                                                                                   has created customized development
                                                                                   and career path programs for talent
                                                                                   segments. As a result, the company

has maximized the value of its supply       Fostering New                             generations entering the workforce
chain and has achieved financial                                                      and keep pace with best practices
targets while creating a talent             Learning and                              across industries. Social media, mobile
advantage in the market.9                   Collaborative Channels                    applications and wikis, for example,
                                                                                      are important alternatives to the
Furthermore, developing programs            Rapidly changing markets and              traditional classroom.
that enable these talent management         competitive landscapes require a
approaches supports role clarity            nimble supply chain workforce —           People learn best when they
and enables collaboration. A supply         and a flexible learning architecture.10   understand the relevance of the
chain organization that focuses on          Structured learning available             experience. To meet the diverse needs
driving workforce performance and           anytime, anywhere, combined with          and demands of a workforce that
strengthening its talent encourages job     effective use of social technologies      spans three generations, supply chain
rotations and movement in and out of        helps keep content fresh. For             organizations must transition from
traditional supply chain roles.             example, insights from conference         standardized, HR-driven curricula to
                                            calls, presentations and third-party      personalized learning experiences
A supply chain workforce that includes      vendors can be turned into 3- to          targeted to the strengths, competency
individuals experienced in sales,           5-minute podcasts or vodcasts easily      gaps, career goals and learning styles
customer management, planning,              accessible to mobile workers and          of individuals.
procurement, manufacturing and the          uploaded within a day of the event.
like is significantly more collaborative,                                             Supply chain learning solutions
agile, and prepared for global business     As with the discipline enabler, the       have traditionally been founded
realities. People who understand and        learning strategy must be disseminated    on competency-based coverage
appreciate the value of these roles         top-down and reinforced bottom-up.        of supply chain functions such as
as well as the expectations of each         Furthermore, the learning strategy        procurement, planning, forecasting,
of these disciplines can better meet        must draw on expertise outside the        inventory management and logistics.
customer demands and drive greater          core competencies of the supply           Filling competency gaps, however,
business outcomes.                          chain organization. For example,          is only part of the story. It is just
                                            organizations need to research and        as important to identify people’s
                                            support delivery, collaboration and       strengths and to find opportunities
                                            learning technologies that engage new     to develop and communicate these

Figure 2: Analytics capability12
                                                                                                                         •   Workforce mix scenario modeling
Competitive Advantage                                                                                     Optimization
                                                                                                                         •   Build workforce optimization
                                                                                                                         •   Recruitment optimization
                                                                                                                         •   Constraint based optimization
                                                                                                                         •   Optimized broadband rollout
                                                                                                                         • Attrition prediction
                                                                                                                         • Demand prediction

                                                                                                                         • Demand forecasting
                                                                 Statistical                                             • Supply forecasting

                                                                                                                         • Causality/driver correlation

                                              Query                                                                      • Exception alerts

                                  Ad hoc                                                                                 • Efficient drill to detail
                                                                                                                         • Rapid analysis

                                                                                                Degree of Intellegence   • Rapid report development

 strengths for the benefit of the
 individual and of the company. For
                                                                         Consider the example of a major
                                                                         retailer addressing an issue with the
                                                                                                                         Align Talent and
 example, having recognized experts in
 different areas provides opportunities
                                                                         on-shelf availability of four product
                                                                         categories. Poor communication
                                                                                                                         Supply Chain
 for mentoring and informal assistance
 that are a vital complement to
                                                                         between the supply chain
                                                                         organization and its 6000 suppliers
 any set of formal courses.                                              was identified as the first root                The value of quantitative data in
                                                                         cause of the problem, and a lack of             shaping decisions in the supply chain
 A blended learning architecture                                         understanding of each other’s supply            has been well recognized for over a
 supports these formal and informal                                      chain operations was the second.                decade. For example, we know that
 learning opportunities. A good blend                                                                                    higher-performing companies are
 includes instructor-led sessions,                                       The retailer adopted a two-pronged              five times as likely to use analytics
 simulations, classroom workshops,                                       solution: Training to ensure all parties        strategically, compared with low
 blogs, webcasts, and online self-study,                                 were speaking the same language                 performers.11 These companies use
 to name a few. Learning opportunities                                   and using the same processes for                analytics as a differentiator by
 should be provided 24/7 in a variety of                                 forecasting and satisfying demand,              ensuring they have the processes,
 languages and draw on expertise from                                    combined with new technologies to               culture and expertise in place to gather
 consulting, business and academia.                                      support timely communications and               raw data, distil it into insights and use
                                                                         real-time decision making. As a result          those insights to shape decisions and
 Cross-training through job rotations                                    of this initiative, shelf availability of
 or collaborations with other parts of                                                                                   create value (see the analytics value
                                                                         the four product categories moved               chain in Figure 2).
 the business should have a prominent                                    back to acceptable levels.
 place in the blend. Because of the                                                                                      Supply chain organizations can use
 interdependencies between the                                                                                           analytics in the same way to drive
 supply chain and other parts of the                                                                                     talent performance and therefore
 organization, supply chain talent must                                                                                  improve execution and business
 understand how the business works as                                                                                    outcomes. Just as companies
 well as how the company’s positioning                                                                                   predict demand for transportation
 in the competitive landscape                                                                                            needs using statistics and robust
 influences the supply chain.

models, leading companies are now            Most supply chain organizations,            • Workforce investment analysis to
predicting the talent needed to              however, lack the analytical muscle           determine the impact of variables
optimally staff their organization and       and organizational commitment to              such as work climate, employee
deliver on consumer expectations.            translate insights into action and            satisfaction and retention on supply
                                             to integrate analysis into everyday           chain performance.
Leading supply chain organizations are       processes. In one of our recent surveys,    • Workforce forecasts to analyze
moving beyond traditional reporting          fewer than one in five respondents            turnover, succession planning, and
and looking at emerging opportunities        used a disciplined, repeatable analytical     business opportunity data and fill
to use talent as a critical analytic         approach to inform how work gets              potential shortages of key supply
opportunity. These organizations solve       done and decisions are made.13                chain capabilities.
business issues by using robust tools
and data models, including business          As a result, execution is hampered in       • Talent value model, which uses
and human resource inputs, to predict        every aspect of the supply chain, such        analytics to determine what
supply chain talent impacts.                 as sourcing, transportation, inventory        employees value and then create
                                             management and talent management.             personalized performance incentives
For example, workforce skill                 Of these, the role of analytics in talent     and development plans.
segmentation can be combined                 management is the least recognized.         • Talent supply chain, which covers
with customer demand to schedule             “The best organizations see their             how to make real-time decisions
service technicians during the hours         people not only as individuals but            about talent-related demands.
customers will most likely need their        also as a rich source of collective data    Human capital data and reports have
specialized skills. This type of analytics   that managers can use to make better        long been used in organizations.
has measureable business outcomes            decisions about talent.”14 For a supply     Analytic solutions for human capital,
that drive critical alignment of talent      chain organization, the rich collective     however, have only recently adopted
and supply chain metrics — customers         data could cover:                           the rigor and analytic capabilities that
are happy, service technicians are
                                                                                         have been traditionally used to analyze
engaged, and the company achieves            • Human capital facts (head count,
                                                                                         networking, logistical and inventory
higher profitability.                          turnover, recruiting success,
                                                                                         challenges in the supply chain.
                                               willingness to recommend the
                                               company) across unique supply
                                               chain workforces.

High- performing organisations
couple the robust and predictive
                                           This analysis demonstrated the
                                           cultural and business performance
                                                                                      High- performing
methods used in supply chain analytics     breakdowns across regions, functions       organizations couple
with the emerging trends in human          and individual leaders. The CEO then
capital analytics designed to address      spearheaded cultural, leadership, talent   the robust and
workforce optimization, organizational
analysis, functional diagnostics and
                                           and organization changes to create
                                           “interlock” between the supply chain
                                                                                      predictive methods
benchmarking capabilities. Human           culture and business performance.          used in supply
capital analytic solutions now use the     This interlock was created through
same mature analytic platforms that        revisions to the operating model           chain analytics
supply chains have used (e.g., SAS,        across the enterprise and then
Cognos) for some time. This analysis,      creation of two new leadership             with the emerging
based on consistent platforms, drives
new insights and capabilities.
                                           competencies and expectations to
                                           address the desired business outcomes.
                                                                                      trends in human
As an example, a large, global
                                           Additionally, human resources              capital analytics to
                                           processes were revised to sustain and
conglomerate needed to address an          enable these new accountabilities          address workforce
underperforming healthcare business.
A new supply chain function had been
                                           and expected outcomes.                     optimization,
created to serve new regions and
the organization wasn’t executing as
                                                                                      organizational analysis,
expected. This data-driven company                                                    functional diagnostics
was searching for insights to address
the poor performance. An organization                                                 and benchmarking
value analysis, based on robust
statistical models and structured
executive interviews, was used to
assess the client’s culture and barriers
to business outcomes.

Do Not Leave Value on the Table
Supply chain organizations are              It is important to move on all three
leaving value on the table. They are        fronts in an integrated manner. The
not growing as fast as they could and       highest value to the organization is
they are missing market opportunities       achieved when these three elements
because their supply chains are unable      are focused on achieving the same
to execute successfully in what is likely   outcomes in a defined time period.
to be a permanent era of volatility.
                                            High-performing organizations
In response, high-performing                demonstrate an urgency to deliver
organizations are developing a              streamlined operations that enable
concerted plan of action that includes      new leadership and collaboration while
all three of the following initiatives:     using talent analytics to sustain their
                                            performance. These high performers
• Creating a simplified and “at speed”
  organization as well as talent            also realize that the organizational
  strategies that create the future         changes these three initiatives drive
  rather than sustain the past.             is substantial. Thoughtful change
                                            management programs are required to
• Developing new leadership,
                                            support and sustain them. In today’s
  learning and collaboration
                                            volatile market, in which resources are
  capabilities that enable the pace
                                            at a premium, companies must create a
  of change for supply chains.
                                            talent advantage in their supply chain
• Building talent analytic models           to deliver short- and long-term results.
  and predictive capabilities that
  mirror supply chain analytics
  and process models.

About the Author
Geoff Deines is a Senior Executive
in Accenture Talent & Organization
Performance consulting. He has
over 15 years experience in talent
management and organization change
management across Retail, Consumer
Goods and Automotive clients. He has
supported many clients in developing
their workforces to improve and
sustain high business performance.
He is currently the Global Supply
Chain Workforce Practice co-lead,
responsible for developing client
solutions across all industries. Based
in Detroit, he can be reached at

The author would like to extend
a special note of thanks to the
following Accenture colleagues
for their contributions to this
paper: Terry Nulty, Marjorie Arnold,
Irfan Rahman, Randy Boyd, Marc
Sotkiewicz and Ritvik Bhawan.

 Caroline Firstbrook, “Gearing Up      6
                                           Nunes and Breene, p. 97.             12
                                                                                  Adopted from Dave Rich, Brian
for the Two-Speed Global Recovery,”                                             McCarthy, and Jeanne Harris, “Getting
Outlook (October 2010).
                                        Paul Nunes, Tim Breene, and David       Serious About Analytics: Better
                                       Smith, “A Team You Can Count On,”        Insights, Better Outcomes,” 2010.
 Accenture, “Competing in the New      Outlook (January, 2011).
World: The Services Imperative,”                                                13
                                                                                  Dave Rich, Brian McCarthy, and
March 2010.
                                        Drawn from David Smith and Susan        Jeanne Harris, “Getting Serious About
                                       M. Cantrell, “A Workforce of One,”       Analytics: Better Insights, Better
 Mark George, “Transforming Business   Outlook (June 2010); Susan M. Cantrell   Outcomes,” 2010.
Performance through Execution          and David Smith, Workforce of One:
Excellence,” Harvard Duesto Business   Revolutionizing Talent Management        14
                                                                                  Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne Harris
Review Nº 197 - Harvard-Deusto         Through Customization.                   and Jeremy Shapiro, “Competing on
Business Review (enero, 2011).         HBR Press, 2010                          Talent Analytics,” Harvard Business
                                                                                Review (October 2010).
 Paul Nunes and Tim Breene, Jumping    9
                                        Susan M. Cantrell and David Smith,
the S Curve – How to Beat the Growth   Workforce of One, p. 73.
Cycle, Get on Top, and Stay There.
Cambridge: HBR Press, 2011.
                                         See Peter Cheese, Yaarit Silverstone
                                       and David Y. Smith, “Creating an Agile
 Adopted from Mark George,             Organization,” Outlook (October 2009).
“Transforming Business Performance
through Execution Excellence,”
                                         Thomas Davenport, Jeanne Harris,
Harvard Duesto Business Review Nº      and Robert Morison, Analytics
197 - Harvard-Deusto Business Review   at Work: Smarter Decisions,
(enero, 2011).                         Better Results, Harvard Business
                                       School Press, January 2010.

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All rights reserved.
                               Accenture is a global management
Accenture, its logo, and       consulting, technology services and
High Performance Delivered     outsourcing company, with more than
are trademarks of Accenture.   223,000 people serving clients in
                               more than 120 countries. Combining
                               unparalleled experience, comprehensive
                               capabilities across all industries and
                               business functions, and extensive
                               research on the world’s most successful
                               companies, Accenture collaborates
                               with clients to help them become
                               high-performance businesses and
                               governments. The company generated
                               net revenues of US$21.6 billion for the
                               fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2010. Its
                               home page is


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Is Your Supply Chain Talent Ready for Growth?

  • 1. Globalization, Complexity, Speed, Agility Is Your Supply Chain Talent Ready for Growth? By Geoff Deines
  • 2. Now that the “Great Recession” has ended, growth is once again an imperative for global businesses. Because this growth is occurring almost entirely in emerging markets, a two-speed economy has developed that is likely to endure for some time to come.1 In this new era of globalization,2 emerging markets require more resources (investments, materials, commodities and talent) than mature markets, which are being asked to do more with less and still deliver expected profitability. This disparity contributes to a hyper- competitive, complex environment of rapidly evolving customer expectations and eroding margins. Most supply chain workforces are unable to execute at the pace required to excel in this environment.
  • 3. Why are supply chain organizations struggling to adapt? Many companies used the downturn Putting these human capital elements to streamline operations and become together in alignment with supply more efficient. Some companies chain operational strategies is the invested in new technology, capital critical action that high performers are and infrastructure; and some focused pursuing today. Witness the success on luring talent from less fortunate of supply chains at UPS, P&G, Danaher companies. These tactics, while useful, and Reckitt Benckiser in leveraging were typically executed in isolation and talent to outperform their peers in a outside the context of a clear talent consistent and enduring manner.4 strategy. As a result, few companies reaped the returns they expected. Supply chains must now embrace a constant diet of volatility and create a level of operational excellence that will allow them to “sustain performance no matter what is occurring in the larger economy.”3 And while both of these are core operational objectives, we believe that, to excel, supply chains must also create a human capital strategy that integrates operational performance objectives with the organization, talent, culture, leadership and analytic capabilities required to drive sustainable growth and create a lasting talent advantage. 3
  • 4. What are the first steps in creating human capital or talent advantage in a supply chain organization? In the current two-speed recovery, companies can create a supply chain talent advantage by aligning their operational strategies with an integrated human capital program focused on: Removing Creating Leveraging operational and leadership and talent analytics to enable organizational complexity strategies to create and predict business to increase agility and an environment of and human capital speed to business results. improvement and performance to align accountability for success. supply chain operations and results. 4
  • 5. Figure 1: Sample benefit/effort matrix Before Diagnostic Prioritization and Sequencing After Diagnostic Prioritization and Sequencing high high strategic and structural issues medium medium Benefit Benefit complex projects with high benefits rapid improvements low low low medium high low medium high Effort Effort Remove The payoff is well worth the work: more efficient and agile organizations Enabler: Focus Focus allows companies to identify, complexity from can better respond to existing and emerging consumer demands, and pursue and measure operational and organizational improvements that the supply chain. the ability to execute allows supply chain organizations to maximize the are likely to have the largest impact Complexity in supply chains grows productivity of their talent. In a seller’s on business results with the least by accretion, one process, product, market, with top talent once again in effort. Prioritizing these efforts, along and software tool layered on top of high demand, an agile organization is a with longer-term projects with high another. A wide range of factors in strong drawing card for attracting and returns, enables the organization the current global market —the global retaining key talent. to quickly improve performance dispersion of production facilities, lack and contribute to the short-term of access to commodities, increased In our work with supply chain and long-term bottom line. volatility in commodity pricing, and organizations, we see leading supply chains taking a holistic, end-to-end Figure 1 shows how a supply chain political disruptions, to name a few — approach rather than the tactical team can map opportunities (projects) spurs on this increased complexity. spot fixes sometimes associated on the benefits/effort matrix. Then Removing complexity from the supply with continuous improvement (CI) the team prioritizes and filters the chain requires concerted will and efforts. As part of this holistic and opportunities based on the criteria and continual effort from all levels of the foundational approach, companies buckets the opportunities into short- organization. Such simplification is develop the organization, talent, and longer-term categories. necessary to align processes and build culture and leadership to remove an operating model and organization complexity and then activate with capable of balancing emerging “enablers” such as:5 business strategies, talent strategies • Focus and available talent globally. • Simplicity and speed • Discipline 5
  • 6. These high-value impact areas Enablers: Simplicity process and organization complexities are further solidified when create agility in their workforce organizational structures and and Speed to deliver new outcomes in new capabilities are aligned to these Inflexible processes, too many markets and increased customer business priorities. High-performing offerings, inefficient distribution, long value (see the sidebar “Using Talent supply chains create the structure cycle times, and poorly understood Data to Sustain Simplicity”). and decision- making practices customer needs are all root causes of (governance) that institutionalize Agility requires the alignment of complexity. To simplify, companies the constant focus on measurement operating metrics, targets, and need to eliminate complexities that are and operational improvements. incentives across the supply chain neither seen nor valued by customers. organization with the goal of driving And where customers value complexity, Consider the leading global retailer speed, reducing complexity and processes need to be standardized. that has integrated its supply chain eliminating waste. These enablers Process variation is a drag on an and process improvement capabilities create a cultural mindset that is enterprise’s speed and agility, like a to focus on “perfect” customer order critical to sustained results. Our weight tied to the leg of a runner. fulfillment while optimizing processes experience and research suggests and business profitability. This focus Often, companies focus on the pain that companies that excel at area could drive inventory costs beyond points (e.g., budget overruns, transport creating agility in their organization sustainable levels, given the need to be delays, high employee turnover) rather through simplicity and speed do in-stock and meet customer demand. than the root causes of complexity. so because they have created To balance this risk, the retailer has Or they simply eliminate low-volume a culture that demands it. applied Lean Six Sigma principles products and services to streamline to its operations while evolving its UPS is an example of a supply chain operations — all under the guise of organization to increase usage of company that has created a culture efficiency. These approaches fail to predictive analytics. The combination of “constructive dissatisfaction”6 give companies insight into which of Lean principles with advanced that fosters change and agility. The customers and offerings are truly analytics capabilities has provided a company has mastered the ability profitable and which services build sustainable foundation to link process to reduce complexity in process flexibility and brand loyalty. Supply improvements, business performance execution (e.g., global delivery chains that attack and remove and organization priorities. standard practices for drivers) while 6
  • 7. Using Talent Data to Sustain Simplicity The increasing need to remove complexity from supply chain operations is presenting unique challenges related to talent. Many companies have taken costs out of their supply chains via process improvements and operational cost changes. However, leading supply chain organizations have taken an additional step. They use data and talent analytics to drive focus, speed, and discipline into their organizations — in essence, institutionalizing these enablers. By analyzing performance management data, supply chain organizations can identify compensation imbalances that over- or underpay resources. These imbalances in pay-for-performance can severely impact the culture of discipline we have described here. For example, consider the value of identifying employees who are significantly overpaid (e.g., two standard deviations above their peer set) based on the outcomes and performance they drive (e.g., two standard deviations below). At one company, we identified almost $5M in annual compensation costs that fell into this category — costs that weren’t driving business results or reinforcing focus, speed and discipline. Our belief that talent is the “new currency” for high performance further reinforces the need to optimize investments and expect returns on these costs. Creating a recurring and robust capability — most likely by partnering with HR — that uses talent data and analytic modeling is essential for high performance. This capability gives supply chain leaders another data set to drive results and maintain organization agility. managing business complexities that customers are willing to pay for cycles and corrective actions all support the achievement of those Companies need to (e.g., overnight delivery, real-time goals. Leadership serves as the critical eliminate complexities tracking, financial services offered). conduit for sustaining this discipline. that are neither Additionally, supply chain leaders and Leadership focus on discipline should managers with experience in both not be underestimated. Today’s supply seen nor valued the production (where the products come from) and the commercial chain leaders face multiple challenges to their efforts to maintain discipline, by customers. (where the products are going) sides such as global and diverse talent, of the business will drive the cultural complex stakeholder groups, and elements often needed to reduce the need to develop local leaders in complexity and enable speed. This type emerging countries. of background fosters a collaborative mindset and an intuitive business Discipline in the supply chain is savvy that is essential for success in just as important when times are today’s global supply chain. good as in times of economic crisis. High-performing companies strive to create a leadership culture based Enabler: Discipline on a vision of execution excellence. The discipline enabler is an essential These outcomes benefit the enterprise foundation for the focus, simplicity (e.g., by making jobs easier or and speed enablers. Discipline less frustrating and by building is required to “swim against the transferrable skills) as well as improve current” and continuously remove overall performance. Such a vision complexity out of the supply chain. celebrates the benefits of collaborating To do that, companies need a both inside and outside the supply performance management system chain organization. aligned with their strategic goals so that the metrics, targets, review 7
  • 8. Create in their talent currency curtail their capacity for success. When an organization rigorously follows competence standards, people Environments for Global and agile supply chain at all levels of the organization know what they must do to execute organizations require new ways Supply Chain Talent to lead, learn and collaborate to their jobs well. At UPS, truck drivers memorize the “340 methods,” which effectively develop their talent. Role to Succeed clarity, from senior leaders to the shop cover everything from the most ef¬ficient way to carry keys (to avoid Talent is one of the largest investment floor, is essential. And organizations fumbling for them) to the number costs for a company. And talent is also need talent strategies and workforce of steps per second that would be the means by which organizations put models that capitalize on clearly con¬sidered walking at a “brisk pace.”7 tangible assets to work. Employees defined roles as well as the capability development programs to drive In addition, companies need an manage costs, identify efficiencies, aligned supply chain leadership team streamline processes, manage collaborative results. composed of champions in each region inventory and make it possible to or business. These leaders drive the delight customers. For an increasing Role Clarity for talent vision forward through the number of companies, future growth Execution Excellence performance metrics they choose for is dependent on the success of these their workforce, the learning options costly, intangible assets. The first requirement for a successful they sanction, and the license they talent environment is role clarity at give employees to fit development into In fact, Accenture research and all levels of the organization. Clarity their daily work schedules. experiences suggest that talent is drives predictability and accountability becoming the global currency for in the execution of supply chain Then, as part of the discipline involved high performance. High-performing processes. And clarity is critical for in driving operational excellence, organizations create talent surpluses, defining required competencies. these leaders communicate the invest in the right local talent pools, importance they place on tracking and maintain a strong global balance and measuring talent programs. They to hedge on future talent needs. In pose questions such as: “Are people contrast, companies that under-invest taking advantage of learning or seeking development opportunities?” 8
  • 9. and “Are employees able to articulate Talent Strategies for a • Foster employee-defined the skills and knowledge they have personalization (e.g., using social gained and how they apply their Workforce of One media to create a customized expertise in their daily work?” Once role clarity and competence learning experience). At Accenture, our Supply Chain and expectations are defined, high While significant literature and Talent & Organization Performance performers then look for ways to research have delved into these practices are jointly applying these customize their talent strategies to customization approaches, the critical principles of discipline internally to meet the needs of a “workforce of focus for supply chain organizations improve our consultants’ performance. one.” This concept has sprung from should be on partnering with HR to Our practice leaders have determined creative efforts to engage and retain define the talent needed to achieve the desired industry, business and talent in today’s hyper-competitive supply chain results. Once the talent supply chain acumen needed to labor market. Workforce-of-one demand is defined, the approaches to effectively serve our clients. approaches include:8 hire, develop, retain and engage the • Segment the workforce (e.g., workforce may incorporate workforce- This curriculum is then supported by of-one ideas. senior leaders teaching, measuring based on learning styles, values, and mentoring consultants on these personality, wellness profiles, Limited Brands is an example of principles while also leveraging new mobility). an organization segmenting its collaboration and learning techniques • Offer modular choices from a list of workforce to focus on specific value (e.g., knowledge portals, podcasts, defined and sanctioned alternatives potential. Limited Brands has identified social media formats). This approach (e.g., international job rotation merchants, merchandise planners, helps align metrics and performance opportunities). and allocators as critical segments. expectations with leaders who are • Define broad and simple rules (e.g., These segments make the buying and responsible for enabling their teams to Google’s rule of spending 20% of product flow decisions to achieve the serve and deliver outcomes for clients. time on projects that create value company’s financial targets. On the for the organization). basis of that analysis, Limited Brands has created customized development and career path programs for talent segments. As a result, the company 9
  • 10. has maximized the value of its supply Fostering New generations entering the workforce chain and has achieved financial and keep pace with best practices targets while creating a talent Learning and across industries. Social media, mobile advantage in the market.9 Collaborative Channels applications and wikis, for example, are important alternatives to the Furthermore, developing programs Rapidly changing markets and traditional classroom. that enable these talent management competitive landscapes require a approaches supports role clarity nimble supply chain workforce — People learn best when they and enables collaboration. A supply and a flexible learning architecture.10 understand the relevance of the chain organization that focuses on Structured learning available experience. To meet the diverse needs driving workforce performance and anytime, anywhere, combined with and demands of a workforce that strengthening its talent encourages job effective use of social technologies spans three generations, supply chain rotations and movement in and out of helps keep content fresh. For organizations must transition from traditional supply chain roles. example, insights from conference standardized, HR-driven curricula to calls, presentations and third-party personalized learning experiences A supply chain workforce that includes vendors can be turned into 3- to targeted to the strengths, competency individuals experienced in sales, 5-minute podcasts or vodcasts easily gaps, career goals and learning styles customer management, planning, accessible to mobile workers and of individuals. procurement, manufacturing and the uploaded within a day of the event. like is significantly more collaborative, Supply chain learning solutions agile, and prepared for global business As with the discipline enabler, the have traditionally been founded realities. People who understand and learning strategy must be disseminated on competency-based coverage appreciate the value of these roles top-down and reinforced bottom-up. of supply chain functions such as as well as the expectations of each Furthermore, the learning strategy procurement, planning, forecasting, of these disciplines can better meet must draw on expertise outside the inventory management and logistics. customer demands and drive greater core competencies of the supply Filling competency gaps, however, business outcomes. chain organization. For example, is only part of the story. It is just organizations need to research and as important to identify people’s support delivery, collaboration and strengths and to find opportunities learning technologies that engage new to develop and communicate these 10
  • 11. Figure 2: Analytics capability12 • Workforce mix scenario modeling Competitive Advantage Optimization • Build workforce optimization • Recruitment optimization • Constraint based optimization Predictive • Optimized broadband rollout Modeling • Attrition prediction • Demand prediction Forecasting • Demand forecasting Statistical • Supply forecasting Analysis • Causality/driver correlation Alerts Query • Exception alerts Drilldown Ad hoc • Efficient drill to detail Reports Std. Reports • Rapid analysis Degree of Intellegence • Rapid report development strengths for the benefit of the individual and of the company. For Consider the example of a major retailer addressing an issue with the Align Talent and example, having recognized experts in different areas provides opportunities on-shelf availability of four product categories. Poor communication Supply Chain for mentoring and informal assistance that are a vital complement to between the supply chain organization and its 6000 suppliers Analytics any set of formal courses. was identified as the first root The value of quantitative data in cause of the problem, and a lack of shaping decisions in the supply chain A blended learning architecture understanding of each other’s supply has been well recognized for over a supports these formal and informal chain operations was the second. decade. For example, we know that learning opportunities. A good blend higher-performing companies are includes instructor-led sessions, The retailer adopted a two-pronged five times as likely to use analytics simulations, classroom workshops, solution: Training to ensure all parties strategically, compared with low blogs, webcasts, and online self-study, were speaking the same language performers.11 These companies use to name a few. Learning opportunities and using the same processes for analytics as a differentiator by should be provided 24/7 in a variety of forecasting and satisfying demand, ensuring they have the processes, languages and draw on expertise from combined with new technologies to culture and expertise in place to gather consulting, business and academia. support timely communications and raw data, distil it into insights and use real-time decision making. As a result those insights to shape decisions and Cross-training through job rotations of this initiative, shelf availability of or collaborations with other parts of create value (see the analytics value the four product categories moved chain in Figure 2). the business should have a prominent back to acceptable levels. place in the blend. Because of the Supply chain organizations can use interdependencies between the analytics in the same way to drive supply chain and other parts of the talent performance and therefore organization, supply chain talent must improve execution and business understand how the business works as outcomes. Just as companies well as how the company’s positioning predict demand for transportation in the competitive landscape needs using statistics and robust influences the supply chain. 11
  • 12. models, leading companies are now Most supply chain organizations, • Workforce investment analysis to predicting the talent needed to however, lack the analytical muscle determine the impact of variables optimally staff their organization and and organizational commitment to such as work climate, employee deliver on consumer expectations. translate insights into action and satisfaction and retention on supply to integrate analysis into everyday chain performance. Leading supply chain organizations are processes. In one of our recent surveys, • Workforce forecasts to analyze moving beyond traditional reporting fewer than one in five respondents turnover, succession planning, and and looking at emerging opportunities used a disciplined, repeatable analytical business opportunity data and fill to use talent as a critical analytic approach to inform how work gets potential shortages of key supply opportunity. These organizations solve done and decisions are made.13 chain capabilities. business issues by using robust tools and data models, including business As a result, execution is hampered in • Talent value model, which uses and human resource inputs, to predict every aspect of the supply chain, such analytics to determine what supply chain talent impacts. as sourcing, transportation, inventory employees value and then create management and talent management. personalized performance incentives For example, workforce skill Of these, the role of analytics in talent and development plans. segmentation can be combined management is the least recognized. • Talent supply chain, which covers with customer demand to schedule “The best organizations see their how to make real-time decisions service technicians during the hours people not only as individuals but about talent-related demands. customers will most likely need their also as a rich source of collective data Human capital data and reports have specialized skills. This type of analytics that managers can use to make better long been used in organizations. has measureable business outcomes decisions about talent.”14 For a supply Analytic solutions for human capital, that drive critical alignment of talent chain organization, the rich collective however, have only recently adopted and supply chain metrics — customers data could cover: the rigor and analytic capabilities that are happy, service technicians are have been traditionally used to analyze engaged, and the company achieves • Human capital facts (head count, networking, logistical and inventory higher profitability. turnover, recruiting success, challenges in the supply chain. willingness to recommend the company) across unique supply chain workforces. 12
  • 13. High- performing organisations couple the robust and predictive This analysis demonstrated the cultural and business performance High- performing methods used in supply chain analytics breakdowns across regions, functions organizations couple with the emerging trends in human and individual leaders. The CEO then capital analytics designed to address spearheaded cultural, leadership, talent the robust and workforce optimization, organizational analysis, functional diagnostics and and organization changes to create “interlock” between the supply chain predictive methods benchmarking capabilities. Human culture and business performance. used in supply capital analytic solutions now use the This interlock was created through same mature analytic platforms that revisions to the operating model chain analytics supply chains have used (e.g., SAS, across the enterprise and then Cognos) for some time. This analysis, creation of two new leadership with the emerging based on consistent platforms, drives new insights and capabilities. competencies and expectations to address the desired business outcomes. trends in human As an example, a large, global Additionally, human resources capital analytics to processes were revised to sustain and conglomerate needed to address an enable these new accountabilities address workforce underperforming healthcare business. A new supply chain function had been and expected outcomes. optimization, created to serve new regions and the organization wasn’t executing as organizational analysis, expected. This data-driven company functional diagnostics was searching for insights to address the poor performance. An organization and benchmarking value analysis, based on robust statistical models and structured capabilities. executive interviews, was used to assess the client’s culture and barriers to business outcomes. 13
  • 14. Do Not Leave Value on the Table Supply chain organizations are It is important to move on all three leaving value on the table. They are fronts in an integrated manner. The not growing as fast as they could and highest value to the organization is they are missing market opportunities achieved when these three elements because their supply chains are unable are focused on achieving the same to execute successfully in what is likely outcomes in a defined time period. to be a permanent era of volatility. High-performing organizations In response, high-performing demonstrate an urgency to deliver organizations are developing a streamlined operations that enable concerted plan of action that includes new leadership and collaboration while all three of the following initiatives: using talent analytics to sustain their performance. These high performers • Creating a simplified and “at speed” organization as well as talent also realize that the organizational strategies that create the future changes these three initiatives drive rather than sustain the past. is substantial. Thoughtful change management programs are required to • Developing new leadership, support and sustain them. In today’s learning and collaboration volatile market, in which resources are capabilities that enable the pace at a premium, companies must create a of change for supply chains. talent advantage in their supply chain • Building talent analytic models to deliver short- and long-term results. and predictive capabilities that mirror supply chain analytics and process models. About the Author Geoff Deines is a Senior Executive in Accenture Talent & Organization Performance consulting. He has over 15 years experience in talent management and organization change management across Retail, Consumer Goods and Automotive clients. He has supported many clients in developing their workforces to improve and sustain high business performance. He is currently the Global Supply Chain Workforce Practice co-lead, responsible for developing client solutions across all industries. Based in Detroit, he can be reached at The author would like to extend a special note of thanks to the following Accenture colleagues for their contributions to this paper: Terry Nulty, Marjorie Arnold, Irfan Rahman, Randy Boyd, Marc Sotkiewicz and Ritvik Bhawan. 14
  • 15. Reference 1 Caroline Firstbrook, “Gearing Up 6 Nunes and Breene, p. 97. 12 Adopted from Dave Rich, Brian for the Two-Speed Global Recovery,” McCarthy, and Jeanne Harris, “Getting Outlook (October 2010). 7 Paul Nunes, Tim Breene, and David Serious About Analytics: Better Smith, “A Team You Can Count On,” Insights, Better Outcomes,” 2010. 2 Accenture, “Competing in the New Outlook (January, 2011). World: The Services Imperative,” 13 Dave Rich, Brian McCarthy, and March 2010. 8 Drawn from David Smith and Susan Jeanne Harris, “Getting Serious About M. Cantrell, “A Workforce of One,” Analytics: Better Insights, Better 3 Mark George, “Transforming Business Outlook (June 2010); Susan M. Cantrell Outcomes,” 2010. Performance through Execution and David Smith, Workforce of One: Excellence,” Harvard Duesto Business Revolutionizing Talent Management 14 Thomas H. Davenport, Jeanne Harris Review Nº 197 - Harvard-Deusto Through Customization. and Jeremy Shapiro, “Competing on Business Review (enero, 2011). HBR Press, 2010 Talent Analytics,” Harvard Business Review (October 2010). 4 Paul Nunes and Tim Breene, Jumping 9 Susan M. Cantrell and David Smith, the S Curve – How to Beat the Growth Workforce of One, p. 73. Cycle, Get on Top, and Stay There. Cambridge: HBR Press, 2011. 10 See Peter Cheese, Yaarit Silverstone and David Y. Smith, “Creating an Agile 5 Adopted from Mark George, Organization,” Outlook (October 2009). “Transforming Business Performance through Execution Excellence,” 11 Thomas Davenport, Jeanne Harris, Harvard Duesto Business Review Nº and Robert Morison, Analytics 197 - Harvard-Deusto Business Review at Work: Smarter Decisions, (enero, 2011). Better Results, Harvard Business School Press, January 2010. 15
  • 16. Copyright © 2011 Accenture About Accenture All rights reserved. Accenture is a global management Accenture, its logo, and consulting, technology services and High Performance Delivered outsourcing company, with more than are trademarks of Accenture. 223,000 people serving clients in more than 120 countries. Combining unparalleled experience, comprehensive capabilities across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Accenture collaborates with clients to help them become high-performance businesses and governments. The company generated net revenues of US$21.6 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2010. Its home page is ACC11-1437