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               SharePoint Governance

SharePoint Governance, Part 1
Robert Bogue

Microsoft SharePoint technologies offer an immense amount of power for
an organization, and harnessing this power is the goal of every business
that installs SharePoint.

But adoption of the SharePoint technologies can get out of control without
proper governance. In this two-part article you'll learn what governance is
and learn about

some of items that you should consider for a SharePoint technologies
governance plan.

Before delving into the details of the specifics of SharePoint governance,
it's important to clarify meaning and to understand an overall approach to
governance that works well for organizations of all sizes.

Governance is defined as quot;a method or system of government of
managementquot; ( It is also defined in part on
as quot;… focused on information technology systems and their performance
and risk management.quot; Governance is managing the deployment of
information technologies. Managing, like project management, is
concerned with the risks, the costs, and the usefulness of the solution
once it has been created. Thus when we define governance we are
attempting to manage risk, cost, and adoption.

We must strike a balance between these goals, seeking to find a
manageable path which is neither overly loose nor overly tight. We can
not exercise no governance and have broad adoption without
manageability nor can we exercise heavy governance which eliminates

                           EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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Now that we understand the purpose of governance it's time to review
categories that may be important in your SharePoint governance. They

  Project and Operational Management
  Development and Configuration
  Operational Concerns
  Education and Training
  Navigation, Taxonomy, and Search
The following sections drill into the details of each area and describe the specific items that
you may want to include in your governance plan. Each section contains a table which
indicates a name of a general grouping for the activities and decisions, the specific actions
(quot;What to doquot;) and the reasoning behind the actions (quot;Why to do itquot;). The objective here is to
provide you with both a practical guide for creating your governance plan as well as to
enlighten you on the background for the items so that you can identify additional,
organizationally unique, items that should be a part of your governance plan.

Project and Operational Management

Project and operational management encompasses traditional project
management concerns as well as those concerns which may be more
formally described as operational management - as they refer to the
ongoing management of the platform and not to the project management
associated with the initial construction. In this section we are concerned
with the initial construction and those operational items which need early
decisions to promote consistency.

                         Project and Operational Management
                  Item              What To Do                     Why To Do It
             Communication       Establish a                Establishing an
                               communications               expectation as to what
                               plan that includes:          communications will
                               1. Who will do the           happen will help users
                               communications               understand how to
                               2. When the                  contact the project team
                               communications will          and what they can
                               occur                        expect the
                               3. What each                 communications pattern
                               communication will           to be. This improves the
                               contain                      perceived openness of
                               4. How each                  the process and
                               communication will           facilitates adoption
                               come (i.e. email,

                                 EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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                  hard copy
                  newsletter, etc.)
                     Create central
                  points of contact for
                  those who are not
                  directly involved in
                  the governance.
Deployment        Define a process            Defining the deployment
Process           which will be used          process creates a clear
                  for in-house                understanding for
                  developed and third         development teams on
                  party software to be        what to expect if their
                  deployed to                 software is to be
                  SharePoint platform         installed on the platform.
                  or platforms.               This eliminates last
                                              minute problems during
                                              deployment and reduces
                                              the number of variations
                                              thus reducing
                                              management costs.
Change               Define how               Maintaining a high
Management        changes will be             availability is essential to
Process           tracked, cataloged,         adoption. Solid change
                  and approved                (configuration)
                     Decide what              management processes
                  repositories will hold      create better availability.
                  older versions of           Consistency in approach,
                  configuration, code,        approvers, and
                  and compiled                responsibilities
                  components of the           encourage ownership
                  solution                    and better stability.
Cost Allocation      Decide whether           SharePoint governance
                  you will be allocating      in general, and
                  costs back to               SharePoint technology
                  business units or not       platforms in particular
                     If not - Consider        cost money. Governance
                  where the costs             in most cases implies a
                  should be centered,         centralized platform.
                  often this is with          Finding the funding to
                  costs associated            pay for the centralized
                  with email.                 platform is an essential
                     If so - Consider         and sometimes difficult
                  what metrics you'll         task.
                  use for the charge
                  back: users: number
                  of sites, amount of
                  storage, amount of
                  activity, etc.

                   EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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Sponsorship          Establish a              SharePoint technologies
                  SharePoint                  have the potential to
                  Governance board to         radically redefine the
                  review adoption and         way software is
                  controls.                   developed and projects
                     Solicit executive        are run - for the better.
                  champions to create         However, if the
                  the right                   management team
                  management                  doesn't understand this
                  attention to the            and the users don't feel
                  value of the                excited about the
                  initiative.                 possibilities that
                     Encourage                SharePoint brings then
                  business evangelists        the prospects for success
                  to share the power          are not bright.
                  of SharePoint with
                  other business
Roles and            Define clear roles       Clearly defining roles and
Teams             and responsibilities        establishing formal
                  for the initiation of       teams to address both
                  the SharePoint              the specific tasks which
                  technologies                arise and to evaluate
                  platforms as well as        cross functional
                  its operation.              problems creates the
                     Define strategic         structure necessary to
                  teams to address            complete the initial
                  strategy issues.            development of the
                     Establish cross-         central platform and to
                  functional problem          resolve issues that arise
                  resolution teams to         quickly.
                  address complex
                  issues which arise.
Site and             Create a                 Create a common
Platform          classification by           understanding for the
Classification    number of users and         types of SharePoint
                  longevity:                  solutions the
                  enterprise,                 organization knows how
                  departmental, team,         to do well and a
                  project, and                vocabulary for speaking
                  personal.                   with parts of the
                     Create a                 business about what is
                  classification by type      needed.
                  of use: portal for
                  application for
                  tactical results, and
                  collaboration to
                  facilitate team
                   EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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          Service Level        Create a service         Establishing service level
          Agreements        level agreement             agreements drives the
                            around the length of        understanding of the
                            time and approvals          organization as to what
                            necessary to create         to expect. Service level
                            a site.                     agreements are a
                               Establish service        commitment upon the
                            level agreements for        part of the core team
                            problem resolution          that the systems will be
                            through the help            available which can in
                            desk                        turn drive adoption.
                            performance service
                            level agreements for
                            the first load of a
                            site, subsequent
                            loads of a site, and
                            performance at
                            remote locations

Development and Configuration

SharePoint technologies significantly blur the line between what is
development and what is configuration. This section covers the items
which are either software development or are configuration. These are
essential parts of the governance plan so that the solutions implemented
on the platform are consistent.

                          Development and Configuration
          Item            What To Do                            Why To Do It
          Branding           Establish templates for            Establishing a core
                          what the SharePoint sites             brand will not only
                          will look like                        make the site
                             Determine which types of           seem to belong to
                          sites may be modified and             the organization
                          which may not                         but will promote
                             Define which parts of the          better navigation
                          template may be changed               and organization.
                          by site owners, and which             Defining which
                          may not.                              areas can and can
                                                                not be changed
                                                                creates the
                                                                necessary for
          Customization   Define what customization Nearly every
          Tools         tools will be allowed.      business unit
                             EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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                  Communicate what                    within the
                actions will be allowed and           organization will
                not allowed in the tool. (i.e.        want to place their
                unghosting)                           stamp on their
                                                      site. The challenge
                                                      is controlling this
                                                      so that their need
                                                      for individuality
                                                      doesn't hinder
Site               Establish guidelines for           Site definitions
Definitions     the development of site               and site templates
and             definitions and mechanisms            have their own
Templates       for coordinating ID usage.            unique challenges
                   Communicate policies for           with regard to how
                site template deployment              to manage them
                such as the requirements for          in a large
                a globally installed template.        environment.
                                                      and decisions up
                                                      front can improve
                                                      the ability to
                                                      manage input
                                                      from multiple
Source Code                                           Source code is the
                  Determine if a central
and Build                                             essence of your
                repository will be required
Control                                               organizations
                for all code installed on the
                                                      enhancements to
                   Establish standards for
                                                      Establishing a
                building components either
                                                      common set of
                on a centralized server or as
                                                      expectations and
                guidelines for building
                                                      rules around the
                                                      development of
                                                      code will make the
                expectations as to reference
                documentation (compiler
                                                      process easier and
                generated) and warnings
                                                      will lead to a more
                (whether they are allowed)
                                                      stable system.
On-going          Describe the                        Defects will be
Source Code     responsibilities of business          found in code,
Support         unit for ongoing code                 sometimes long
                support.                              after it's initial
                                                      deployment -
                                                      who will address
                                                      those defects is

                   EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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                                                                   essential to the
                                                                   long term
                                                                   survivability of the
          Development           Establish guidelines for           The security of the
          Standards          which assemblies may be               site is determined
                             installed to the Global               by what code is
                             Assembly Cache and which              allowed to run and
                             may not.                              with what
                                Establish rules about the          permissions.
                             use of the                            .NET's code access
                             AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers          security and the
                             attribute.                            implications of
                                                                   GAC deployment
                                                                   are important to
                                                                   maintaining a
                                                                   secure system.


While most infrastructure items can honestly be considered
implementation details there are a few which will have a significant impact
on how you implement SharePoint and what the features will be available.
The infrastructure items outlined here are important for inclusion in your
governance plan because their impact on the way the solution will be

              Item              What To Do                      Why To Do It
          Firewalls            Establish and           Best practice is to not allow
                            communicate rules          servers to access the web
                            for outbound               directly. Further including
                            connections from           content from a third party
                            the web servers for        site through a content
                            use by the Content         editor web part or through
                            editor web part and        the RSS reader web part
                            RSS Viewer web             creates exposure for cross
                            part                       site scripting attacks.
                                                       Controlling what sites can
                                                       be linked to from these
                                                       tools is a security and
                                                       operational concern.
          Load                Decide upon and          Developers must know if
          Balancing         communicate the            they are expected to handle
                            load balancing             situations where a single
                            settings related to        session is transferred
                                EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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                         session stickiness.       between servers.
          Environments     Define the              Defining the environments
                         environments which        helps business users and
                         will be used to           developers know what
                         develop and test          resources they have
                         solutions in              available to test changes
                         SharePoint.               without impacting
                           Describe the            production.
                         actions which are
                         expected and those
                         which are
                         prohibited in each
                         policies for site
                         deployment such as
                         the requirements
                         for a globally
                         installed template.

Tune in later this week for Part 2 of this article, where I'll cover
operational concerns, education and training, and navigation, taxonomy,
and search.

SharePoint Governance, Part 2
Robert Bogue


Microsoft SharePoint technologies offer an immense amount of power for
an organization, and harnessing this power is the goal of every business
that installs SharePoint.

But adoption of SharePoint can get out of control without proper
governance. In part two of this article, you'll learn more about some of
the issues that you should consider

for a SharePoint technologies governance plan.

                            EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
9 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 -

Click here for part 1.

Operational Concerns

Operating a SharePoint environment, like any large scale web
environment, has many components. The items listed here are an
important part of your SharePoint governance plan because they help to
ensure that the system will remain operational and because they set
proper expectations with the business about the availability of SharePoint

               Item           What To Do
          Monitoring         Establish
                           monitoring at the
                           server, site, and
                           SharePoint level
                           responses to each
                           type of failure
                           that may occur
          Uptime and          Define
          Downtime         Scheduled
                           downtime periods
                           the procedure to
                           downtime or
                              Define response
                           procedures to
          Disaster            Plan for single       Disasters will happen. It's
          Recovery         file recovery            not a question of if but of
                           (perhaps using           when and how. Planning
                           version control          for them further reinforces
                           and the recycle          the commitment to the
                           bin)                     platform and the instance
                              Plan for single       that it will remain
                           or multiple site         available.
                              Plan for server

                            EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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                              Plan for geo-
                            disaster recovery
          Data and            Codify                  SharePoint technologies
          Documentation     corporate records         can help with the records
          Recovery          management                management issues
                            requirements into         associated with maintaining
                            SharePoint.               too much - or too little
                              Define rules for        information. Defining how
                            archival of sites         SharePoint will work aligns
                            including                 it with the corporate
                            warnings and              governance.
          Quotas               Establish              Storage management is
                            storage quotas by         the responsibility of
                            site type                 everyone within the
                               Establish a            organization the
                            process for               establishment of
                            requesting a              technology supported
                            larger quota              guidelines can help to
                                                      provide reasonable control
                                                      around disk space
          Reporting           Define required         Reporting upon what has
                            auditing reports          been done is essential for
                               Establish              various compliance needs.
                            storage usage             Developing user reporting
                            reports                   to report on activity and
                              Develop activity        storage create a necessary
                            based reporting           feedback loop for the
                            for administrators        organization to understand
                            and business              the value that is being
                            users                     derived from the
                                                      SharePoint technologies

Education and Training

As adoption is an important measure of SharePoint governance success,
education and training are important proactive tools. Education and
training not only explains the features that SharePoint technologies
expose but it also helps users understand real world solutions that they
can create.

                               Education and Training
             Item             What To Do                      Why To Do It

                              EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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Initial              Acquire end user         Training both in the
Training          training and                facilities and capabilities of
                  resources                   SharePoint as well as the
                     Acquire help desk        policies that have been
                  training and                defined by the organization
                  resources                   is the most important
                     Acquire                  proactive step to ensuring
                  administrator               the consistency and
                  training and                manageability of the
                  resources                   SharePoint technologies
                     Develop                  platform.
                  administrator policy
                  guides which
                  organization specific
                     Acquire developer
                  training and
                  developer policy
                  guides which
                  organization specific
Community           Create online             Some kinds of information
Development       forums where users          doesn't communicate well
                  can support each            through structured training.
                  other and ask               The context necessary for
                  questions.                  users to understand how to
                    Create                    apply it in their
                  opportunities for           environment is sometimes
                  face-to-face                best created through users
                  learning in                 talking with each other
                  unstructured or             about the kinds of solutions
                  semi structured             they've implemented.
                  environments such
                  as lunch and learns
                  or after hours
Renewal              Plan for renewal         Formally defining your
Training          training which              intention to review
                  gathers the learning        progress from a user
                  from multiple               adoption standpoint can
                  groups and exposes          encourage the health
                  it to other groups.         review of the solution and
                     Perform periodic         what additional training is
                  audits of the               required.
                  platform to discover
                      EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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                           what features are
                           not being utilized
                           and which features
                           are not being
                           utilized correctly.

Navigation, Taxonomy, and Search

The final set of considerations for your governance plan are those related
to finding information - those related to navigation, taxonomy, and
search. They are important for the long term adoption of SharePoint
because they are the framework by which users find the information that
they are looking for when they don't know where it's located.

                         Navigation, Taxonomy, and Search
             Item            What To Do                       Why To Do It
          Site             Define the                Defining a structure for how
          Directories   structure of the site        sites will be organized is an
                        directories including        essential part of helping
                        the major groupings          users find the information
                        and associations.            they need. Developing a
                           Develop a linking         linking strategy is necessary
                        strategy between             when a single directory
                        different types of           becomes to unwieldy to
                        sites such as                manage as a one entity.
                        enterprise, divisional,
                        departmental, team,
          Content          Define core content       Consistency, which leads to
          Types         types in the                 a greater ability to locate
                        organization                 information, can be
                           Define key fields to      encouraged through the use
                        link documents and           of standardized fields
                        operational systems          through standard content
          Search          Establish content          Search is an immensely
          Locations     sources to the file          powerful tool which can be
                        based repositories in        essential in being able to find
                        the organization.            information throughout the
                          Use the Business           enterprise. The more content
                        Data Catalog to allow        SharePoint search can index,
                        searching of business        the easier it will be for users
                        data                         to find the information
                                                     they're looking for.
          Search           Define who will be        Although search relevancy

                               EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
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         Relevancy   responsible for core        has dramatically improved in
                     relevancy settings          the SharePoint 2007
                        Implement                platform, additional
                     organizational              efficiencies can be gained by
                     enhancements of the         fine tuning search for the
                     noise words file,           organization.
                     thesaurus file, and
                     keyword best bets

Defining Success

SharePoint technologies governance is a broad need with guidance needed
in many different areas. By developing a minimally sufficient governance
plan that emphasizes expectation setting and communication, you can
have a successful adoption of SharePoint technologies while maintaining
an appropriate amount of control.

                           EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue

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Share Point Governance

  • 1. 1 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - SharePoint Governance SharePoint Governance, Part 1 Robert Bogue Microsoft SharePoint technologies offer an immense amount of power for an organization, and harnessing this power is the goal of every business that installs SharePoint. But adoption of the SharePoint technologies can get out of control without proper governance. In this two-part article you'll learn what governance is and learn about some of items that you should consider for a SharePoint technologies governance plan. Before delving into the details of the specifics of SharePoint governance, it's important to clarify meaning and to understand an overall approach to governance that works well for organizations of all sizes. Governance is defined as quot;a method or system of government of managementquot; ( It is also defined in part on as quot;… focused on information technology systems and their performance and risk management.quot; Governance is managing the deployment of information technologies. Managing, like project management, is concerned with the risks, the costs, and the usefulness of the solution once it has been created. Thus when we define governance we are attempting to manage risk, cost, and adoption. We must strike a balance between these goals, seeking to find a manageable path which is neither overly loose nor overly tight. We can not exercise no governance and have broad adoption without manageability nor can we exercise heavy governance which eliminates adoption. EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 2. 2 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - Now that we understand the purpose of governance it's time to review categories that may be important in your SharePoint governance. They are: Project and Operational Management Development and Configuration Infrastructure Operational Concerns Education and Training Navigation, Taxonomy, and Search The following sections drill into the details of each area and describe the specific items that you may want to include in your governance plan. Each section contains a table which indicates a name of a general grouping for the activities and decisions, the specific actions (quot;What to doquot;) and the reasoning behind the actions (quot;Why to do itquot;). The objective here is to provide you with both a practical guide for creating your governance plan as well as to enlighten you on the background for the items so that you can identify additional, organizationally unique, items that should be a part of your governance plan. Project and Operational Management Project and operational management encompasses traditional project management concerns as well as those concerns which may be more formally described as operational management - as they refer to the ongoing management of the platform and not to the project management associated with the initial construction. In this section we are concerned with the initial construction and those operational items which need early decisions to promote consistency. Project and Operational Management Item What To Do Why To Do It Communication Establish a Establishing an communications expectation as to what plan that includes: communications will 1. Who will do the happen will help users communications understand how to 2. When the contact the project team communications will and what they can occur expect the 3. What each communications pattern communication will to be. This improves the contain perceived openness of 4. How each the process and communication will facilitates adoption come (i.e. email, EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 3. 3 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - hard copy document, newsletter, etc.) Create central points of contact for those who are not directly involved in the governance. Deployment Define a process Defining the deployment Process which will be used process creates a clear for in-house understanding for developed and third development teams on party software to be what to expect if their deployed to software is to be SharePoint platform installed on the platform. or platforms. This eliminates last minute problems during deployment and reduces the number of variations thus reducing management costs. Change Define how Maintaining a high Management changes will be availability is essential to Process tracked, cataloged, adoption. Solid change and approved (configuration) Decide what management processes repositories will hold create better availability. older versions of Consistency in approach, configuration, code, approvers, and and compiled responsibilities components of the encourage ownership solution and better stability. Cost Allocation Decide whether SharePoint governance you will be allocating in general, and costs back to SharePoint technology business units or not platforms in particular If not - Consider cost money. Governance where the costs in most cases implies a should be centered, centralized platform. often this is with Finding the funding to costs associated pay for the centralized with email. platform is an essential If so - Consider and sometimes difficult what metrics you'll task. use for the charge back: users: number of sites, amount of storage, amount of activity, etc. EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 4. 4 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - Sponsorship Establish a SharePoint technologies SharePoint have the potential to Governance board to radically redefine the review adoption and way software is controls. developed and projects Solicit executive are run - for the better. champions to create However, if the the right management team management doesn't understand this attention to the and the users don't feel value of the excited about the initiative. possibilities that Encourage SharePoint brings then business evangelists the prospects for success to share the power are not bright. of SharePoint with other business leaders. Roles and Define clear roles Clearly defining roles and Teams and responsibilities establishing formal for the initiation of teams to address both the SharePoint the specific tasks which technologies arise and to evaluate platforms as well as cross functional its operation. problems creates the Define strategic structure necessary to teams to address complete the initial strategy issues. development of the Establish cross- central platform and to functional problem resolve issues that arise resolution teams to quickly. address complex issues which arise. Site and Create a Create a common Platform classification by understanding for the Classification number of users and types of SharePoint longevity: solutions the enterprise, organization knows how departmental, team, to do well and a project, and vocabulary for speaking personal. with parts of the Create a business about what is classification by type needed. of use: portal for communications, application for tactical results, and collaboration to facilitate team operations. EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 5. 5 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - Service Level Create a service Establishing service level Agreements level agreement agreements drives the around the length of understanding of the time and approvals organization as to what necessary to create to expect. Service level a site. agreements are a Establish service commitment upon the level agreements for part of the core team problem resolution that the systems will be through the help available which can in desk turn drive adoption. Negotiate performance service level agreements for the first load of a site, subsequent loads of a site, and performance at remote locations Development and Configuration SharePoint technologies significantly blur the line between what is development and what is configuration. This section covers the items which are either software development or are configuration. These are essential parts of the governance plan so that the solutions implemented on the platform are consistent. Development and Configuration Item What To Do Why To Do It Branding Establish templates for Establishing a core what the SharePoint sites brand will not only will look like make the site Determine which types of seem to belong to sites may be modified and the organization which may not but will promote Define which parts of the better navigation template may be changed and organization. by site owners, and which Defining which may not. areas can and can not be changed creates the flexibility necessary for adoption. Customization Define what customization Nearly every Tools tools will be allowed. business unit EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 6. 6 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - Communicate what within the actions will be allowed and organization will not allowed in the tool. (i.e. want to place their unghosting) stamp on their site. The challenge is controlling this so that their need for individuality doesn't hinder maintainability. Site Establish guidelines for Site definitions Definitions the development of site and site templates and definitions and mechanisms have their own Templates for coordinating ID usage. unique challenges Communicate policies for with regard to how site template deployment to manage them such as the requirements for in a large a globally installed template. environment. Clear communication and decisions up front can improve the ability to manage input from multiple groups. Source Code Source code is the Determine if a central and Build essence of your repository will be required Control organizations for all code installed on the enhancements to platform. SharePoint. Establish standards for Establishing a building components either common set of on a centralized server or as expectations and guidelines for building rules around the software. development of Communicate code will make the expectations as to reference maintenance documentation (compiler process easier and generated) and warnings will lead to a more (whether they are allowed) stable system. On-going Describe the Defects will be Source Code responsibilities of business found in code, Support unit for ongoing code sometimes long support. after it's initial deployment - understanding who will address those defects is EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 7. 7 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - essential to the long term survivability of the platform. Development Establish guidelines for The security of the Standards which assemblies may be site is determined installed to the Global by what code is Assembly Cache and which allowed to run and may not. with what Establish rules about the permissions. use of the .NET's code access AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers security and the attribute. implications of GAC deployment are important to maintaining a secure system. Infrastructure While most infrastructure items can honestly be considered implementation details there are a few which will have a significant impact on how you implement SharePoint and what the features will be available. The infrastructure items outlined here are important for inclusion in your governance plan because their impact on the way the solution will be used. Infrastructure Item What To Do Why To Do It Firewalls Establish and Best practice is to not allow communicate rules servers to access the web for outbound directly. Further including connections from content from a third party the web servers for site through a content use by the Content editor web part or through editor web part and the RSS reader web part RSS Viewer web creates exposure for cross part site scripting attacks. Controlling what sites can be linked to from these tools is a security and operational concern. Load Decide upon and Developers must know if Balancing communicate the they are expected to handle load balancing situations where a single settings related to session is transferred EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 8. 8 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - session stickiness. between servers. Environments Define the Defining the environments environments which helps business users and will be used to developers know what develop and test resources they have solutions in available to test changes SharePoint. without impacting Describe the production. actions which are expected and those which are prohibited in each environment Communicate policies for site template deployment such as the requirements for a globally installed template. Tune in later this week for Part 2 of this article, where I'll cover operational concerns, education and training, and navigation, taxonomy, and search. SharePoint Governance, Part 2 Robert Bogue 11/29/2006 Microsoft SharePoint technologies offer an immense amount of power for an organization, and harnessing this power is the goal of every business that installs SharePoint. But adoption of SharePoint can get out of control without proper governance. In part two of this article, you'll learn more about some of the issues that you should consider for a SharePoint technologies governance plan. EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 9. 9 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - Click here for part 1. Operational Concerns Operating a SharePoint environment, like any large scale web environment, has many components. The items listed here are an important part of your SharePoint governance plan because they help to ensure that the system will remain operational and because they set proper expectations with the business about the availability of SharePoint technologies. Item What To Do Monitoring Establish monitoring at the server, site, and SharePoint level Define responses to each type of failure that may occur Uptime and Define Downtime Scheduled downtime periods Communicate the procedure to report unscheduled downtime or specific performance issues Define response procedures to unscheduled downtime Disaster Plan for single Disasters will happen. It's Recovery file recovery not a question of if but of (perhaps using when and how. Planning version control for them further reinforces and the recycle the commitment to the bin) platform and the instance Plan for single that it will remain or multiple site available. recovery Plan for server recovery EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 10. 10 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - Plan for geo- disaster recovery Data and Codify SharePoint technologies Documentation corporate records can help with the records Recovery management management issues requirements into associated with maintaining SharePoint. too much - or too little Define rules for information. Defining how archival of sites SharePoint will work aligns including it with the corporate warnings and governance. approvals Quotas Establish Storage management is storage quotas by the responsibility of site type everyone within the Establish a organization the process for establishment of requesting a technology supported larger quota guidelines can help to provide reasonable control around disk space consumption. Reporting Define required Reporting upon what has auditing reports been done is essential for Establish various compliance needs. storage usage Developing user reporting reports to report on activity and Develop activity storage create a necessary based reporting feedback loop for the for administrators organization to understand and business the value that is being users derived from the SharePoint technologies platform. Education and Training As adoption is an important measure of SharePoint governance success, education and training are important proactive tools. Education and training not only explains the features that SharePoint technologies expose but it also helps users understand real world solutions that they can create. Education and Training Item What To Do Why To Do It EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 11. 11 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - Initial Acquire end user Training both in the Training training and facilities and capabilities of resources SharePoint as well as the Acquire help desk policies that have been training and defined by the organization resources is the most important Acquire proactive step to ensuring administrator the consistency and training and manageability of the resources SharePoint technologies Develop platform. administrator policy guides which describe organization specific policies Acquire developer training and resources Develop developer policy guides which describe organization specific development policies Community Create online Some kinds of information Development forums where users doesn't communicate well can support each through structured training. other and ask The context necessary for questions. users to understand how to Create apply it in their opportunities for environment is sometimes face-to-face best created through users learning in talking with each other unstructured or about the kinds of solutions semi structured they've implemented. environments such as lunch and learns or after hours discussions. Renewal Plan for renewal Formally defining your Training training which intention to review gathers the learning progress from a user from multiple adoption standpoint can groups and exposes encourage the health it to other groups. review of the solution and Perform periodic what additional training is audits of the required. platform to discover EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 12. 12 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - what features are not being utilized and which features are not being utilized correctly. Navigation, Taxonomy, and Search The final set of considerations for your governance plan are those related to finding information - those related to navigation, taxonomy, and search. They are important for the long term adoption of SharePoint because they are the framework by which users find the information that they are looking for when they don't know where it's located. Navigation, Taxonomy, and Search Item What To Do Why To Do It Site Define the Defining a structure for how Directories structure of the site sites will be organized is an directories including essential part of helping the major groupings users find the information and associations. they need. Developing a Develop a linking linking strategy is necessary strategy between when a single directory different types of becomes to unwieldy to sites such as manage as a one entity. enterprise, divisional, departmental, team, etc. Content Define core content Consistency, which leads to Types types in the a greater ability to locate organization information, can be Define key fields to encouraged through the use link documents and of standardized fields operational systems through standard content types. Search Establish content Search is an immensely Locations sources to the file powerful tool which can be based repositories in essential in being able to find the organization. information throughout the Use the Business enterprise. The more content Data Catalog to allow SharePoint search can index, searching of business the easier it will be for users data to find the information they're looking for. Search Define who will be Although search relevancy EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue
  • 13. 13 – CLUB MOSS – 0493878854 - Relevancy responsible for core has dramatically improved in relevancy settings the SharePoint 2007 Implement platform, additional organizational efficiencies can be gained by enhancements of the fine tuning search for the noise words file, organization. thesaurus file, and keyword best bets Defining Success SharePoint technologies governance is a broad need with guidance needed in many different areas. By developing a minimally sufficient governance plan that emphasizes expectation setting and communication, you can have a successful adoption of SharePoint technologies while maintaining an appropriate amount of control. EROL GIRAUDY – source : Robert Bogue