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Our Spatial and
Sequential Ordering

I fel a cleavage in m y m ind
         As if m y m ind had split;
 I tried to m atch it, s eam by s eam,
      But coul not m ake them fit

 The thought behind I strove to j
       Unto the thought before,
But s equence ravelled out of reach
        Like bal upon a fl
                ls        oor
Your child encounters the d em and s for sequential and
    spatial ordering throughout her d ay in school. Sequential
    ord ering com es into pl when :
     a stud ent recounts the steps in a science experim ent
     thinks through the stages of a planned art proj ect
     plays scales on the piano
     tracks the plot of a story
     pictures an octagon in his m ind

   Even when wel equipped with strengths in attention,
                                         earning would be
    m em ory, and language, a stud ent’s l
    chaotic were it not for the organizing j
                                           obs by these
    two ord ering system s.

   They have their head quarters on opposite sides of
    our brain ( sequential usually on the l sid e and
    spatial on the right ), and they are expected to grow
    in their capacities and efficiencies as kid s progress
    through school.
   Sequential and spatial ord ering hel our child ren
    l                  evels that range from the most
     earn on d istinct l
    rudimentary sorting out of sim ple instructions to the
    most intricate ways of l   earning and perform ing.

   The 5 levels of ord ering are as follows :
   Perceiving – figuring out the im portant
    characteristics and relationships insid e a sequence
    pattern ( ord er of beats in a m usical pattern )

   Remembering – retaining the serial ord er or spatial
    relationship that you have perceived for later use
    ( rem em bering the shape of a country on a m ap)

   Creating – putting out prod ucts that are arranged
    in a useful and / aesthetically pleasing sequence
    or spatial pattern ( creating a m elod y, m aking a
    ceram ic bowl )

   Organizing – being good at tim e m anagem ent
    ( sequential ) and m aterials ( spatial )

5. Thinking on a higher plane – using sophisticated
   reasoning, probl solving, and concept form ation
   through spatial and sequential ord ering ( thinking
   through a m ath problem in a logical m anner or
   picturing a hom e d esigned from a bl print )

Spatial Versus Sequential Ordering:
    W woul you r herbe good at
     hich    d     at           ?
   Assum ing that you want to succeed in school,
    sequential ordering would be preferred over spatial
    ord ering.

   School is a tangle of sequential chains that threatens
    to shackle our stud ents. So, d espite a d ysfunction in
    the spatial system – a child m ight still score straight
    A’s in the report card .

Keeping a watchful eye on sequential and
    spatial ordering as child ren age
   Parents and teachers can see that d uring the earl
    grad es, kid s are introduced to the world of time and
    sequence at a pretty sophisticated level.

   D iscerning the order of letters in the alphabet,
    figuring out which numbers are greater than which
    others, and telling time represent sequencing
    m ilestones for five to seven year ol s, who are also
    expected to m op up time-soaked vocabulary, word s
    such as “before”, “after”, “until”, and “ when”.

   Their ability to comprehend and use these term s
    d epend s in part upon their inner sense of tim e and

   By the m id d le of elem entary school stud ents m ust
    com ply d aily with m ul step instructions:
    “ Now go find yourwor  kbooks, t open t t exer
                                    hen      o he     cise
    on farm animals , t one we wer doing yest day, t
                          he            e        er     hen
    answert t d and fourh quest befor you r what
            he hir           t       ions    e     ead
    I have putup on t boar
                      he      d.”

   By the m id d le of el entary school sequencing is a
                         em            ,
    dominant force in mathematics.

   Multistep processes and m ultiplication facts, am ong
    other things, are strenuous exercises in sequential

   Meanwhile kid s are expected to tell stories, relate
    incid ents, and construct written paragraphs using
    logical sequences to guid e the flow of their thoughts.

   The d em and for accurate and fast sequential
    ordering d oes not d im inish in second ary school

   As the workload increases, m id d le schoolers need
    to d em onstrate time management skills.

   They are supposed to meet deadlines and
    complete long –range tasks in a logical
    sequence of steps.

   They need to be aware of time’s passage when
    they take tests and quizzes in cl ass, so they won’t
    run out of tim e or rush through item s they would
    have tackled m ore accurately at an easier pace.       12
   Spatial Ordering is m ost im portant d uring the
    earliest grad es as child ren are assim ilating the shapes
    of num bers and l  etter sym bols and engaging in such
    tasks as pasting, tracing, cutting out, and so on, but
    tends to fade som ewhat as a higher level acad em ic

Practical Considerations / strategies:
   To help stud ents overcom e their sequential
    d ysfunctions - child ren and teenagers should wear
    analog, not digital watches; they need to observe
    the sweeping second hand and program
    them selves for the passage of tim e in continuous

   Every class in school should stress time
    management, having kid s d evise sched ul  es,
    com plete projects in stages and d em onstrate work
    in progress.                                          14
   Teachers and parents need to alert to kid s who
    becom e disoriented, inattentive or possibl even
    disruptive when faced with m ulti step instructions.
    They m ay be battling inadequate sequential

   Teachers should repeat directions and     encourage
    these stud ents to check with   classm ates
    regard ing what is expected .

   These child ren m ay also gain from receiving written
    or graphic directions. Al these child ren need to
    be aware that their m ind s are not hospitable to newly
    arriving sequences.
   Songs and rhym es about the alphabet,
           the months of the year, and other practical
    sequences are particularly effective.

   Music, in general can be a forceful
     prom oter of sequential ord ering.

   A well-organized workspace at hom e is especial     ly
    curative. Parents should be accom m od ating in
    helping a m aterially confused chil get organised .

Mind over Muscle
      Our Motor Sys tem

   Motor activity fosters physical cond itioning and
    perm its the acquisition of a wide repertoire of
    self help skills, ranging from clipping fingernails
    without blood letting, to repairing a bicycle chain, to
    sewing a hem .

   At its best it can also encourage coll
    planning, sel onitoring, and high m oral stand ard s
    ( i.e. good sportsm anship).

   Efficient m otor output also hel accom plish som e
    important academic skills.

   Most obviously, som e of the m ost com plex
    m uscular m anipulations are demanded for writing.

   There are countless stud ents with
    good id eas whose fingers j can’t
    keep pace with their thinking, as a
    result of which they come to despise
    and avoid writing.

   Well coord inated m uscular output also works its
    wond ers in som e less obvious ways. When
    operating well, m otor actions reinforce
    memory and learning.

   D irect hand s-on experience,
    m anipulating m aterials in a
    science experim ent, or engaging in athletic pursuits
    can actually improve various neurod evelopm ental
    functions, such as active working m em ory and
    problem solving.
Forms of Motor Function
   Five d istinct form s of m otor
    function d om inate work and play
    and together com prise the m aj or
    com ponents of the m otor
    system . They incl e:
   Gross motor function
   Fine motor function
   Graphomotor function
   Musical motor function
   Oromotor function
Gross Motor       Fine Motor
                                    ( Writing )

                  THE MOTOR

                               Musical Motor
    ( Speaking)

   Gross motor function involves the activity of
    large muscles, m aking possible all
    actions need ed to serve a tennis ball,
        engage in strenuous workout,
      ped al a tricycle or toss a bal of hay.

   Sm all m uscles, principally those in our hand s and
    fingers, d ed icate them sel to our fine motor
    function. The nearl synonym ous term – eye
    hand co ordination – rem ind s us that the
    purposeful m ovem ents of our fingers need visual

   Fine m otor and graphom otor functions are quite
    d ifferent.

   Graphomotor function is the highly specialized m otor
    output used in writing. M any stud ents boast superb
    fine m otor abilities and unacceptable
    graphomotor function.

   Music motor incl es the ability to play the harp,
    square d ance, appreciate and m im ick rock rhythm s
    which in turn all d raw upon an ind ivid ual’s m usical
    m otor coord ination – yielding varying degrees of
    triumph or despair.                                       24
   Oromotor function is another m anifestation
    of controlled muscular activity.

   O ur cheeks are stuffed with som e of our busiest muscle
    groups, which carry out the incom patible rol of pul izing
                                                 es     ver
    food and gener ing speech.

   Such activity plays a critical rol across the gam ut of oral
    com m unication from complaining to yodeling. O rom otor
    fluency facil
                itates participation in class d iscussions.

   Interestingl m any of the sam e kid s who have trouble with
    orom otor function experience difficulty with graphomotor

Gross motor
   Intense com m unication passes back and forth between a
    coach or physical ed ucation teacher and his players. Kid s
    d iffer in their ability to process language that describes or
    regulates motor function.

   Som e very good l inguists in all areas of school have trouble
    interpreting the word s of coaches! They sim ply cannot
    d ecipher language that im parts m otor instruction.

   Attention is a starting player in m ost gross              m otor
    perform ance. The planning and previewing                of an
    athletic m ove d em and s tight control                     of

Fine Motor Function
   Because so m uch of fine m otor output is kept on course
    through visual inputs, you are apt to notice a strong
    correlation between your child ’s effectiveness in spatial
    ord ering and his/ fine m otor d exterity.

   An art class m ay becom e an acad em ic oasis, a m agnificent
    blessing for stud ents with l
                                anguage – based learning
    d ifficulties.

    A num ber of kid s who thrive and d istinguish
    them sel at easel or with a lum p of clay live
    with humbling delays in reading, spelling or mathematics.
Graphomotor Function
   It is com m on to be im pressively d exterous at fine m otor
    function while harboring, disabling and disturbing
    graphom otor d ysfunction.

   Graphom otor d ysfunctions are the most common             reasons
    a child is referred to the therapist.

   Parents and teachers are baffl by a bright kid who can’t or
    won’t write. There can be m any reasons for this kind of output
    failure, but graphomotor dys function is often the
    m ost com m on cause.

   Your child hates to write because of feeble connections
    between his memory and his fingers . M otor m em ory
    guid es writing as it d oes the m oves in sports. A very heavy
    flow from m em ory takes place when your chil sets out to
    put things d own on paper.

   Interestingly, stud ents who have troubl recal
                                            e      ling the m otor
    sequences as wel as those who have trouble visualizing the
    letters seem to arrive at one very consistent conclusion: they
    discover and prefer printing to cursive writing.

   C ursive writing, invol the m astery of an unend ing flow of
    lengthy visual sequences. So, if and when a child insists
    he can print better and faster than he can d o cursive, invite
    him to use printing for the rest of his writing l
   M ost often, they com e to detest writing, and talk so
    much better than they write.

   These stud ents have motor implementation problems.
    As a parent or teacher of such a child you m ay have
    noted his awkward pencil grips. He m ay exert far too
    m uch pressure, write with a fistlike grasp, or m aintain
    his pen perpend icular to the writing surface. Every
    muscle might seem to have put in for stabilization
    duty, and none remain to move the pencil through

   Too often the effort required is so great that the quality
    of ideas and spelling accuracy are eclipsed .
   D ifferent breakd owns in graphom otor function can
    dishearten your otherwise highly competent child,
    rend ering him und erprod uctive when it com es to hom ework
    com pl  etion, test taking, and all written output in general.

   For m any the answer to this problem rests on a keyboard.
    M aking use of a com puter’s word processing
    program , they m ay evol into respectable
    writers d espite their graphom otor d ysfunction.

   O ne cautionary note: m any of the sam e stud ents who
    have d ifficul with graphom otor function experience
    trouble with keyboarding.

   This is because keyboard ing, l ord inary writing,
    involves rapid motor sequencing.

   Yet, a com puter keyboard offers a child a definite
    advantage: the resul are l
                          ts   ikely to be m uch m ore
    aes thetically pleas ing.

Minds over time:        Keeping a watchful eye on motor
    function as children age

   In the earliest grad es, arts and crafts pursuits take on
    special significance as manual mastery is valued and
    respected by both teachers and classm ates.

   Graphom otor function is a potential d elicate issue. Rapid
    and precise l etter form ation can start to be a problem in
    kind ergarten and persist stubbornl for years. Often
    children who can’t write won’t write.

   They can lose even m ore ground at this age
         due to a serious shortage of practice.

   Computers offers stud ents convenient opportunity to
    savor m otor effectiveness. Those with hand writing
    problem s can prod uce attractive looking text.

   As noted earlier, kid s facing writing probl s can use
    word processing program s, but they also need
    consistent practice forming letters. M any require help
    d eveloping a m ore workabl way of hold ing a pen or

   Finally – it is all about find ing m atches for stud ents
    to m ake the m ost of their school years and
    have m ore opportunities to succeed.


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A mind at a time –3

  • 1. Our Spatial and Sequential Ordering Systems 1
  • 2. I fel a cleavage in m y m ind t As if m y m ind had split; I tried to m atch it, s eam by s eam, But coul not m ake them fit d The thought behind I strove to j oin Unto the thought before, But s equence ravelled out of reach Like bal upon a fl ls oor 2
  • 3. Your child encounters the d em and s for sequential and spatial ordering throughout her d ay in school. Sequential ord ering com es into pl when : ay  a stud ent recounts the steps in a science experim ent  thinks through the stages of a planned art proj ect  plays scales on the piano  tracks the plot of a story  pictures an octagon in his m ind 3
  • 4. Even when wel equipped with strengths in attention, l earning would be m em ory, and language, a stud ent’s l chaotic were it not for the organizing j obs by these two ord ering system s.  They have their head quarters on opposite sides of our brain ( sequential usually on the l sid e and eft spatial on the right ), and they are expected to grow in their capacities and efficiencies as kid s progress through school. 4
  • 5. Sequential and spatial ord ering hel our child ren p l evels that range from the most earn on d istinct l rudimentary sorting out of sim ple instructions to the most intricate ways of l earning and perform ing.  The 5 levels of ord ering are as follows :  Perceiving – figuring out the im portant characteristics and relationships insid e a sequence pattern ( ord er of beats in a m usical pattern ) 5
  • 6.   Remembering – retaining the serial ord er or spatial relationship that you have perceived for later use ( rem em bering the shape of a country on a m ap)  Creating – putting out prod ucts that are arranged in a useful and / aesthetically pleasing sequence or or spatial pattern ( creating a m elod y, m aking a ceram ic bowl )  Organizing – being good at tim e m anagem ent ( sequential ) and m aterials ( spatial ) 6
  • 7. 5. Thinking on a higher plane – using sophisticated reasoning, probl solving, and concept form ation em through spatial and sequential ord ering ( thinking through a m ath problem in a logical m anner or picturing a hom e d esigned from a bl print ) ue 7
  • 8. Spatial Versus Sequential Ordering: W woul you r herbe good at hich d at ?  Assum ing that you want to succeed in school, sequential ordering would be preferred over spatial ord ering.  School is a tangle of sequential chains that threatens to shackle our stud ents. So, d espite a d ysfunction in the spatial system – a child m ight still score straight A’s in the report card . 8
  • 9. Keeping a watchful eye on sequential and spatial ordering as child ren age  Parents and teachers can see that d uring the earl iest grad es, kid s are introduced to the world of time and sequence at a pretty sophisticated level.  D iscerning the order of letters in the alphabet, figuring out which numbers are greater than which others, and telling time represent sequencing m ilestones for five to seven year ol s, who are also d expected to m op up time-soaked vocabulary, word s such as “before”, “after”, “until”, and “ when”. 9
  • 10. Their ability to comprehend and use these term s d epend s in part upon their inner sense of tim e and sequence.  By the m id d le of elem entary school stud ents m ust , com ply d aily with m ul step instructions: ti  “ Now go find yourwor kbooks, t open t t exer hen o he cise on farm animals , t one we wer doing yest day, t he e er hen answert t d and fourh quest befor you r what he hir t ions e ead I have putup on t boar he d.” 10
  • 11. By the m id d le of el entary school sequencing is a em , dominant force in mathematics.  Multistep processes and m ultiplication facts, am ong other things, are strenuous exercises in sequential ordering.  Meanwhile kid s are expected to tell stories, relate incid ents, and construct written paragraphs using logical sequences to guid e the flow of their thoughts. 11
  • 12. The d em and for accurate and fast sequential ordering d oes not d im inish in second ary school .  As the workload increases, m id d le schoolers need to d em onstrate time management skills.  They are supposed to meet deadlines and complete long –range tasks in a logical sequence of steps.  They need to be aware of time’s passage when they take tests and quizzes in cl ass, so they won’t run out of tim e or rush through item s they would have tackled m ore accurately at an easier pace. 12
  • 13. Spatial Ordering is m ost im portant d uring the earliest grad es as child ren are assim ilating the shapes of num bers and l etter sym bols and engaging in such tasks as pasting, tracing, cutting out, and so on, but tends to fade som ewhat as a higher level acad em ic necessity. 13
  • 14. Practical Considerations / strategies:  To help stud ents overcom e their sequential d ysfunctions - child ren and teenagers should wear analog, not digital watches; they need to observe the sweeping second hand and program them selves for the passage of tim e in continuous intervals.  Every class in school should stress time management, having kid s d evise sched ul es, com plete projects in stages and d em onstrate work in progress. 14
  • 15. Teachers and parents need to alert to kid s who becom e disoriented, inattentive or possibl even y disruptive when faced with m ulti step instructions. They m ay be battling inadequate sequential memory.  Teachers should repeat directions and encourage these stud ents to check with classm ates regard ing what is expected .  These child ren m ay also gain from receiving written or graphic directions. Al these child ren need to so, be aware that their m ind s are not hospitable to newly arriving sequences. 15
  • 16. Songs and rhym es about the alphabet, the months of the year, and other practical sequences are particularly effective.  Music, in general can be a forceful prom oter of sequential ord ering.  A well-organized workspace at hom e is especial ly curative. Parents should be accom m od ating in helping a m aterially confused chil get organised . d 16
  • 17. Mind over Muscle Our Motor Sys tem 17
  • 18. Motor activity fosters physical cond itioning and perm its the acquisition of a wide repertoire of self help skills, ranging from clipping fingernails without blood letting, to repairing a bicycle chain, to sewing a hem .  At its best it can also encourage coll aboration, planning, sel onitoring, and high m oral stand ard s f-m ( i.e. good sportsm anship). 18
  • 19. Efficient m otor output also hel accom plish som e ps important academic skills.  Most obviously, som e of the m ost com plex m uscular m anipulations are demanded for writing.  There are countless stud ents with good id eas whose fingers j can’t ust keep pace with their thinking, as a result of which they come to despise and avoid writing. 19
  • 20. Well coord inated m uscular output also works its wond ers in som e less obvious ways. When operating well, m otor actions reinforce memory and learning.  D irect hand s-on experience, m anipulating m aterials in a science experim ent, or engaging in athletic pursuits can actually improve various neurod evelopm ental functions, such as active working m em ory and problem solving. 20
  • 21. Forms of Motor Function  Five d istinct form s of m otor function d om inate work and play and together com prise the m aj or com ponents of the m otor system . They incl e: ud  Gross motor function  Fine motor function  Graphomotor function  Musical motor function  Oromotor function 21
  • 22. Graphomotor Gross Motor Fine Motor ( Writing ) THE MOTOR SYSTEM Oromotor Musical Motor ( Speaking) 22
  • 23. Gross motor function involves the activity of large muscles, m aking possible all actions need ed to serve a tennis ball, engage in strenuous workout, ped al a tricycle or toss a bal of hay. e  Sm all m uscles, principally those in our hand s and fingers, d ed icate them sel to our fine motor ves function. The nearl synonym ous term – eye y hand co ordination – rem ind s us that the purposeful m ovem ents of our fingers need visual supervision. 23
  • 24. Fine m otor and graphom otor functions are quite d ifferent.  Graphomotor function is the highly specialized m otor output used in writing. M any stud ents boast superb fine m otor abilities and unacceptable graphomotor function.  Music motor incl es the ability to play the harp, ud square d ance, appreciate and m im ick rock rhythm s which in turn all d raw upon an ind ivid ual’s m usical m otor coord ination – yielding varying degrees of triumph or despair. 24
  • 25. Oromotor function is another m anifestation of controlled muscular activity.  O ur cheeks are stuffed with som e of our busiest muscle groups, which carry out the incom patible rol of pul izing es ver food and gener ing speech. at  Such activity plays a critical rol across the gam ut of oral e com m unication from complaining to yodeling. O rom otor fluency facil itates participation in class d iscussions.  Interestingl m any of the sam e kid s who have trouble with y, orom otor function experience difficulty with graphomotor function. 25
  • 26. Gross motor  Intense com m unication passes back and forth between a coach or physical ed ucation teacher and his players. Kid s d iffer in their ability to process language that describes or regulates motor function.  Som e very good l inguists in all areas of school have trouble interpreting the word s of coaches! They sim ply cannot d ecipher language that im parts m otor instruction.  Attention is a starting player in m ost gross m otor perform ance. The planning and previewing of an athletic m ove d em and s tight control of attention. 26
  • 27. Fine Motor Function  Because so m uch of fine m otor output is kept on course through visual inputs, you are apt to notice a strong correlation between your child ’s effectiveness in spatial ord ering and his/ fine m otor d exterity. her  An art class m ay becom e an acad em ic oasis, a m agnificent blessing for stud ents with l anguage – based learning d ifficulties.  A num ber of kid s who thrive and d istinguish them sel at easel or with a lum p of clay live ves with humbling delays in reading, spelling or mathematics. 27
  • 28. Graphomotor Function  It is com m on to be im pressively d exterous at fine m otor function while harboring, disabling and disturbing graphom otor d ysfunction.  Graphom otor d ysfunctions are the most common reasons a child is referred to the therapist.  Parents and teachers are baffl by a bright kid who can’t or ed won’t write. There can be m any reasons for this kind of output failure, but graphomotor dys function is often the  m ost com m on cause. 28
  • 29. Your child hates to write because of feeble connections between his memory and his fingers . M otor m em ory guid es writing as it d oes the m oves in sports. A very heavy flow from m em ory takes place when your chil sets out to d put things d own on paper.  Interestingly, stud ents who have troubl recal e ling the m otor sequences as wel as those who have trouble visualizing the l letters seem to arrive at one very consistent conclusion: they discover and prefer printing to cursive writing.  C ursive writing, invol the m astery of an unend ing flow of ves lengthy visual sequences. So, if and when a child insists he can print better and faster than he can d o cursive, invite him to use printing for the rest of his writing l ife. 29
  • 30. M ost often, they com e to detest writing, and talk so much better than they write.  These stud ents have motor implementation problems. As a parent or teacher of such a child you m ay have noted his awkward pencil grips. He m ay exert far too m uch pressure, write with a fistlike grasp, or m aintain his pen perpend icular to the writing surface. Every muscle might seem to have put in for stabilization duty, and none remain to move the pencil through letters.  Too often the effort required is so great that the quality of ideas and spelling accuracy are eclipsed . 30
  • 31. D ifferent breakd owns in graphom otor function can dishearten your otherwise highly competent child, rend ering him und erprod uctive when it com es to hom ework com pl etion, test taking, and all written output in general.  For m any the answer to this problem rests on a keyboard. M aking use of a com puter’s word processing program , they m ay evol into respectable ve writers d espite their graphom otor d ysfunction. 31
  • 32. O ne cautionary note: m any of the sam e stud ents who have d ifficul with graphom otor function experience ties trouble with keyboarding.  This is because keyboard ing, l ord inary writing, ike involves rapid motor sequencing.  Yet, a com puter keyboard offers a child a definite advantage: the resul are l ts ikely to be m uch m ore aes thetically pleas ing. 32
  • 33. Minds over time: Keeping a watchful eye on motor function as children age  In the earliest grad es, arts and crafts pursuits take on special significance as manual mastery is valued and respected by both teachers and classm ates.  Graphom otor function is a potential d elicate issue. Rapid and precise l etter form ation can start to be a problem in kind ergarten and persist stubbornl for years. Often y children who can’t write won’t write.  They can lose even m ore ground at this age due to a serious shortage of practice. 33
  • 34. Computers offers stud ents convenient opportunity to savor m otor effectiveness. Those with hand writing problem s can prod uce attractive looking text.  As noted earlier, kid s facing writing probl s can use em word processing program s, but they also need consistent practice forming letters. M any require help d eveloping a m ore workabl way of hold ing a pen or e pencil.  Finally – it is all about find ing m atches for stud ents to m ake the m ost of their school years and ing have m ore opportunities to succeed. 34