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Narrative Life Span Development
Miriam College, Quezon City. Philippines
This narrative report of different aspects of lifespan development aim to help a better
understanding of oneself by connecting personal experiences to different concepts and theories.
A students were able to know their strength and weaknesses above all understand themselves
as a whole. This aims to shape a personality lifespan development to be able to reach its zone
of proximal development in future. This also help motivates deeply about own personal journey
through life and better understanding of who Am I and what will be.
About the Author
I was born and raised in traditional lumad family of Mindanao, Zamboanga City. We are
currently a family of nine, my mother, my three brothers, my three sisters, my younger sister and
I. My parents Johnny Limba and Gloria Dawis, were born and raised in Sibuco, Zamboanga Del
Norte. They moved to Ipil, Zamboanga Del Sur, a province of South-West of the City to begin
their family. By time I become two years old. My family moved into our home in Zamboanga
City. Both my parents escaped to freedom by hiking Ipil to zamboanga because of the terrorist
attack in Zamboanga Del Sur. When I was born my mother was 36 years old and my father was
46 years old. By this time, my mother had become a stay home mom to take care for my
brothers and sisters and my father was employed as security guard in the City of Zamboanga.
My parents don’t have family planning. I was unwanted pregnancy and were not very happy
about my coming. According to my mother, my father disappointed when I was born because i
am already number seven children. They don’t have enough preparation for my birth. My
parents were worries about parenting and providing proper care for me. They don’t feel
competent because they are not ready financially. Lastly, they did not receive a tremendous
amount of support from family and friends.
Prenatal Development (conception to birth)
During the entire pregnancy and after i was born, my mother did not receive any financially, and
emotional support from her friends and family. She revealed that my father and grandmother in
particular were not very supportive and helpful, which makes her level of stress high. The
pregnancy was nine months and ten days long. During the pregnancy my mother did not felt
great, physically, emotionally, cognitively, and psychologically because she was under the state
of depression. According to my mom, she was not so excited to have another child or rather say
I was conceived unintentionally. In other words, I am levelled as unwanted child. A research
review indicated that pregnant women with high levels of stress are increased risk for having a
child with emotional or cognitive problems, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD),
language delay ( Taige & other,2007. Another research study revealed that depression during
pregnancy was related to increased risk for depression in 18-years- olds ( Pearson & others,
Therefore, I believe that during prenatal my personality and intelligence characteristics were
determined by the interaction between my genes and my environment. Behavioural geneticists
content that most behavioural attributes are the results of the interaction(s) between heredity
predisposition and environmental influences. In my opinion my physical, emotional, cognitive
development were established by Natured but shaped through Nurture influence. In other
words I was born with a genetic predisposition to behave and think a certain way. However, my
behavioural and intellectual attributes were cultivated and influenced by my family, peers, and
life experience. For example; I believe, that I was born with genetic predisposition of type A
personality: competitive, hardworking, achievement, oriented, and ambitious. However,
environmental influence were responsible for the expression or observable manifestation of this
traits. According to Calkin’s, 2012 & Thompson, 2013. The genes are individuals inherited
influence intellectual performance. He states that this attributes are genetically predetermined.
However, they are highly influenced by an individual’s environment. Therefore, my physical,
emotional, cognitive, development or personality were created by nature but largely determined
by my environment.
Physical development during infancy & Toddler (0-2 years old)
Delivery and Early Health
During the day of my arrival, my mother asked a friend to call a hilot (a traditional midwife) on
June 14th
,1977. I was born on June 15th
, 1977. The delivery went very smoothly, I was
approximately one week late or post-mature baby. My mother expected date was on June 5th
My mother did not receive any delivery drugs except herbal medicines from the hilot. I weighed
5 pounds and 18 inches long. My mother said that I was thin, with no hair, and big eyes. She
remarked that I cried to much the time I was born. I was breastfeed for two months only,
because my mother become ill after she was experience a problem with emotional breakdown
and distress (binat). My family experience adjustment issues after I was born. On an average I
slept for two to four hours, as my body weight increased, I begun sleeping for four to six hours.
Psychologist, Jean Piaget theorized theorized that children moved through a series of four
stages of cognitive developments. The four stages include the sensorimotor stage, the
preoperational stage, the concrete-operational stage, and the formal-operational stage. During
the sensorimotor stage, infants begin to coordinates motor responses and sensory input. This
stage typically lasts from birth to approximately two years of age. In the preoperational stage,
children begin to think symbolically. This begins at approximately two years of age and lasts up
to 7. In concrete-operational stage, children begin to think abstractly and logically. In the final
stage, the formal- operational stage, children begin to think rationally and systematically. This
stage begin approximately age 11 or 12 and lasts into adulthood. During each of this stages
they are developmental milestones that children encounter ( Shaffer,2008).
According to Piaget, an infant’s construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory
experiences such as seeing and hearing, with physical ,motoric actions- hence the term”
sensorimotor”. An infant’s coordination habits, such as grasping and sucking begin to occur
around 1 to 4 months of age ( primary circular reaction). Between 4 to 8 months of age, infants
recognize that they are beings from external objects and begin to retrieve attractive objects that
may be hidden or concealed; infant’s imitates some simple actions, such as the baby talk or
burbling of adults, and some physical gestures (secondary circular reactions). By ages 8 to 12
months, infants begin to exhibit problem solving skills. For example, infants might manipulate a
stick in order to bring a desired toy within reach (coordination of secondary circular reactions).
Between 12 to 18 months infants develops the ability to use primitive symbols. According to my
mother, there were developmental or major health concerns when I got skin diseased at the age
of 4 months. I have bouts of eczema as an infant. I believe that my physical developmental
milestone were generally on time. My mother revealed, when I was 3 months old I was able to
hold my head up, I began paying attention to faces and I began smiling this time at other
people. By 4 months of age, I could hold my head up unsupported and push up to my elbows
when lying on my stomach, and began to babble and copy sounds. I also make cooing and
gurgling noises at this time. By 8 months of age, bring things to my mouth. I began crawling and
saying my first word such as mama, when I was 10 months old. I began walking at around 13
months of age.
My Emotional Development during Infancy & Toddler (0- 2 years old)
According to Psychologist (Isand,2009, Shuman, & Schener, 2014). An infant shows emotion in
many ways, and they classify it into two. An emotion as either positive or negative. Positive
emotions include enthusiasm, joy and love. Negative emotions include anxiety, anger, guilt, and
sadness. In my case i would begin to describe my emotion on biological influences from my
parents ,( nature) and (Nurture)my environmental influences which I experience during infancy. I
believe biological influences plays important roles in my emotional capacities. Based on the
study of Thomson, 2014. Biological evolution has endowed human beings to be emotional.
Emotional development and coping with stress are influenced by whether caregivers have
maltreated or neglected children and whether children’s caregivers are depressed or not
(Hostinar & Gunnar, 2013). When toddlers hear their parents quarrelling, they often react to
distress and inhibit their play. My big brother revealed, when I was born the social relationship of
our parents was not well functioning. My father and my mother were always quarrelling. And my
brothers and sister were always fighting. No wonder why during toddler, I often react with
distress and I inhibit a habit of fighting and quarrelling with my playmates. I did not develop a
light mood to diffuse conflicts in fact I become a problem of my teacher and playmates because
I am a trouble maker. I inhibit negative emotions like anger, pride, shame and guilt and jealousy.
However, since are too many siblings, jealousy was very much common to us. It includes
sharing of food, when my mother gave attention to other brothers and sisters, I likely to display
negative emotions, such as anger and sadness which results to jealousy. This jealousy cause
me to feel frustrated and not being able to play with my big sisters and brothers.
However, based on the research of (Wilson, Havingher and Harly.2012), revealed that parents
elicit to talk about emotion with toddlers was associated with toddlers sharing and helping.
When all is going well, sensitive, responsible parents help their infants grow emotionally.
Whether the infants respond in distressed or happy ways. According to my mom, during infancy
I often cry my mom cannot attend to me immediately because she has too many works at home
and she needs to attend to my older siblings. I believe that my emotional experience during
infancy develops a feeling of fear due to negleance of my parents. I’ve shown a fear and
wariness to strangers. According to my mom, during the first year of my life. I develop an ability
to inhibit emotional reactions. I put my thumbs in my mouth to soothe myselves. After
breastfeed my mother just lay me down in the math were I sleep. After a long hours of crying
and feel tired I fall asleep.
However, according to brother by two years I can use language to express my feelings of
emotion. I can say if I am hungry. However, my brother revealed when I was 2 years old
sometimes my mother forgot to fed me before going to bed at night, with this I was crying in the
middle of the night and my mother was very angry because she was trying to comfort me but I
never stop crying until they give me food to eat. According to Thomson, 2014b, infants are often
affected by fatigue, and hunger. Which suggest that parents should soothe a crying infant. This
response should help infants develop a sense of trust and secure attachment to the caregiver.
Negative emotional reactions ( anger and anxiety) to crying increased the risk of subsequent
attachment insecurity ( Leerkes, Parade, & Gudmundson, 2011).
My Temperament during infancy
Chess and Thomas identify three basic types of temperament: an easy child, a difficult child,
and a slow-to-warm-up child. An easy child is generally in a positive mood, quickly establishes
regular routines in infancy, and adopt easily to the new experiences. a difficult child reacts
negatively to and cries frequently, engage in irregular daily routines, and is slow to accept
change. Lastly, a slow to warm up child has a low activity level, and is somewhat negative, and
displays a low intensity of mood. Based on how Chess and Thomas defined each category and
how my mother describes my temperament. I believed that easy temperament best describe my
temperament. According to my mother, I have always a positive mood except if I am hungry and
sleepy. She mentioned that I was very curious and always observing my surroundings. Thomas
and chess felt that relationship between a childs temperamental styles and child-rearing
practices used determines the stability of early temperament characteristics. They call this
notion “The Goodness of Fit”, occurs when a childs temperaments is compatible with their
environments (Goodvin, Winer, & Thompson, 2014: Rothbart, 2011). Lack of fit can produce
adjustment problems ( Rothbart,2011). According to Erik Erickson (1968), the first year of life is
characterized by the trust-versus-mistrust stages of development. If the infant is not well fed and
kept warm on a consistent basis, a sense of mistrust is likely to develop. Therefore, I believe
that my emotions develop at an early stage of my life.
My Attachment during infancy
There are 4 influential behaviour of attachment. The Psychoanalytic theory, learning theory,
cognitive- developmental theory, ecological theory. Each theory provides different insight as to
how and why infants form attachment. According to the psychoanalytic and Freud, infants form
attachments with their mother because they provide food. Erick Erikson also express that
feeding practices influence the string of attachment. However, he felt that a mother’s overall
responsiveness is more important than the actual feeding practicess. Learning theories also
believe that infants become attachhed to people who feed them and gently gratify their needs
because it increases the likelihood of caregivers affection and ability to provide many comforts.
Cognitive- development theorist think that the ability to form attachments depends on an infants
cognitive development. Lastly, the ethological theory states that human beings are born with
innate behaviors specifically designed to create attachment ( John Bowlby ( 1969, 1989).
Around the age 6 to 8 months, I was most securely attached to my mother. My mother revealed
that I did not develop any other attachments during this period. This attachment developed
because my mother was actively involved and interacted with me often. She spent time laughing
with me and learned how to meet my physical and emotional needs. Ainstworth Strange
situation revealed that there are four ways a child can illustrate his or her attachment to their
mother or caretaker:secure attachment, resistance attachment, avoidance attachment, and
disorganized/ disoriented attachment ( Chess and Thomas, 1991). Ainstworth describes, a
securely attached child as one who exhibits stress when separated from their caregiver, but
warmly greets this when he or she returns. Securely attached children are comfortable with
exploring new things and environments and are often outgoing with strangers if the cargiver is
present. Based on what I have learned I would characterize the quality of my attachment with
my mother as a secure. My mom stated that I always greeted her warmly and with a smile in my
face. I also always sought to be near her or her side. I showed signs of distress if we were
separated and she was still insight. I was always happy to see her when she returned. She also
that i was often friendly to strangers though sometimes i felt shy to strange people, and I
explored my surrounding with her nearby. Additionally, my mother revealed that i displayed a
secure attactment with my father, and it developed as I became a few months older. She states
that I did not displayed any secondary attachment during the first or two years of my life.
Mother illustrated that I reached for my Dad as soon as he arrived home from work and that I
would always greet him with smile. Theory and research on the role of the brain’s regions in
mother-infant attachment is just emerging ( De Haan & Gunnar, 2009). On theoretical view
proposed that the prefrontal cortex likely has an important role in maternal attachment behavior,
as do the subcortical regions of amygdala, and the hypothalamus ( Gonzalez, Atkinson, &
Fleming,2019).research study found that both at 6 weeks and 6 months after birth, when father
ingaged in more stimulation contact with babies, encourages their exploration, and directed their
attention to the objects, the father’s oxcytocin levels increased ( Gordon & others,2010). In this
study, mother’s behaviors that increased their oxytocin levels involved more affectionate
parenting, such as gazing at their babies, expressing positive effect toward them, and touching
them.another study found that fathers with lower testosterone levels engaged in more optimal
parenting with their infants ( Weisman, Zagoory-Sharon, & Feldman, 2014). Also in this study
revealed that when fathers were adminitered oxytocin, their parenting behavior improved as
evidenced in increased of positive affect, social gaze, touch, and vocal synchrony when
interacting with their infants.
Cognitive development during infancy & Toddler ( 0-2 years old)
There were five cognitvie- developmental theory: Piaget’s Theory, Kolhberg’s theory,
information processing theory, Vygotsky’s theory, and Bronfenbrenner’s theory.Piaget’s
cognitive- developmental theory focuses on how children construct knowledge and how they
constructions change overtime (1896-1980). Piaget’s believed that children naturally try to make
sense of their world. On the other hand, Kolhberg (1927-1987) built his theory of moral
reasoning on the foundations of Piaget’s theory of overall cognitive developmentand how it
develops through childhood and adolescence.Vygotsky’s theory, emphasize that children’s
thinking does not develop in a vacuum, but it influences by the sociocultural context in which
children grow up ( 1896-1934). Lastly, Bronfrenbrenner’s theory proposes that the developing
person is embedded in a series of complex and interactive systems (1989-1995).
According to Piaget’s cognitive-development believe that the first two years of life form distinct
phase in human development. The sensorimotor period, from birth to roughly 2 years of age, is
the first of Piaget’s four cognitive development. Between 1 to 4 months reflexes are first
modified by experience. About 8 months infants understanding of object permanence, 8 to 12
months old love to play the search for an objects- when adultovers the objects and the infants
sweeps away the cover, laughing and smilling all the while! By 18 months, most infants began
to talk and gesture, evidence by emerging capacity to use symbols. At 20 month- old infants
may move her hand back and forth in front of her mouth, pretanding to brush her teeth. But an
18 to 24 months old infants can close the door and move the tower of blocks. In just 2 years,
the infant progresses from reflexive responding to activily exploring the world. According to my
mother my cognitive developmental milestone was sligthly delay or late due my skin diseased at
the age of 4, my health affects my cognitive development during infancy but she revealed that
between 2 to 3 weeks i can open and close my mouth, i could stick out my touge matching my
mother’s action. Around 5 months of age before I was able to develop my memory, my mom
revealed Example when she showed to me a little bird, the first time i saw it i felt a little bit
surprise and I was afraid then i cried but when the second time she showed to me the bird i was
no longer afraid instead i’m already trying to reach it and want to play with it. in recent study of
cognitive development in terms of memory infants can recall more of what they experience and
remember it longer (Courage & Howe,2004; Pephrey et.,2004). My language developmental
milesstone was really delayed, i did not learn on time to speak even our primitive cultural
language. According to my mom, she can’t even remember when was the first utterances of my
first word. She revealed that among her 8 childrens i am the only one who learned to speak at
the age of 4. Reseacher have found that the child’s vocabulary development is linked to the
family’s socioeconomic status and the type of talk of parents direct to their children (Betty Hart
and Todd Risley, 1995). Another research study revelead that infants whose mother spokes
more often to them had markedly higher vocabularies( Janellen Huttenlocher, 1991). An
interactionist view emphasizes that both biology and experience contribute to language
development ( Holf,2014).
Early childhood development ( 2- 6 years old)
Physical development
Physical development during early childhood involves the body growth and change, motor and
perceptual development, sleep, nutrition and excercise. The average child grows 2 ½ inches
height and gains between 5 and 7 pounds a year during early childhood ( Wilson and
Hockenberry, 2012). According to my mom, I am smaller and lighter during this years. Looking
back on my preschool years, I observe that my classmate was taller than I am, they are fatier
than I am. I believe that my height being short was due to prenatal problems, or growth
hormones deficiency. Research study revealed that emotional difficulty or maternal problem
during pregnancy would affect the childs growth physically ( Ball, Bindler, & cowan, 2014; Wit,
Kiess, & Mullis, 2011). On the other hand my brain and nervous system develops normally at
this stage. By the time children reach 3 years of age, the brain is three-quarters of it’s adul size.
By age 6, the brain has reached about 95% of its adult size ( Lenroot & Giedd, 2006).
additionally, my motor and perceptual development continue to develop rapidly at this stage, at
3 years of age I enjoyed simple movements, such as hopping, jumping, and running back and
forth, but sometime i broke plates and glasses i am somewhat clumsy at this age. By the age 4 I
had become more adventurous. At age 5 I have started climbing to a guava trees or any trees
that I could see around. At 6 I am already playing with my playmates,like racing. In terms of my
perception at 4 i could already identify colors, but not shape. At 5 i know how to read letters in
alphabet except letter r,and f. And i am farsighted. My mom revealed, that i only sleep
approximately 8 to 10 hours at night and 2 hours nap during the day. Most of the time i got
sleep problems of nightmares. Sleep problems in early childhood were a subsequent indicator
of attention problem that in some cases persisted into early adolescence ( O’ Callaghan &
others, 2010). Lastly, in terms of my health at this stage i am considered to be malnurished. I
had iron deficiency anemia. Poverty is an especially strong risk factor for malnutrition in young
( Black & others,2013). Research study revealed that young children from low-income families
are the most likely to develop iron deficiency anemia ( Shamah & Villalpando, 2006).
Emotional development during early childhood (2-6 years old)
Emotional and personality development includes: the self, emotional development, moral
development, and gender. In Erik Erickson’s (1968) psychosocial developmental stages
associated with early childhood is initiative versus guilt. At this stage i began to discover what
kind of person will become. I can identify my parents as nagger, strict, sometimes appear to
me beautiful if not angry. Most of the time, i defined them powerful and demanding. Recent
research study revealed that young children are more psychologically aware of themeselves
and others than used to be thought ( Easterbrooks & others, 2013). I believe at this stage I
could already understand my my self and others. For example, i know that I am thiner and
shorter than my classmates or playmates, “ I am different from my sister because I have big
eyes”, and “ I am poorer than my classmates”. I believe at this stage, i already develop a
feeling guilt.I remember one day I cried to much because one of my classmate bully me. One
study revealed that insecurity attached preschool children whose mother reported a high level of
parenting stress and depressive symptoms had lower self-concept than other young children in
more positive family circumtances ( Goodvin & others, 2008). Additionally, by age 4 i could
already tell a lie to avoid punishment. For example, I accidentally hit the basket with full of eggs
while playing at the age of more or less 5 years old. To my scared of being punished i did not
tell my mom that i am the one who hit the basket and broke the eggs inside. Researcher have
found that even 4-years-olds understand that people may makes statements that aren’t true to
obtain what they want or to avoid trouble ( Lee & others,2002). As i grew older, my emotional
reactions develops and my ability to control my emotion also develops.i could say that evidence
when my mother was angry and tell me to stop crying, or stop playing, with this I know that even
i want to continue what i am doing i had to stop and follow my mother even if it is against my will
becasue i understand her emotions that if i will follow her command i will be punished. Recent
study revealed that between 2 and 4 years of age, children considerably increased the number
of terms they use to describe emotions. During this time,they are also learning about the causes
and consequences of feelings. ( Denham & others, 2011). According to Freud’s psychoanalytic
theory, children attempt to reduce anxiety, avoid punishement, and maintain parental affection
by identifying with parents and internalizing thier standards of right or wrong, thus forming the
superego-the moral elements of personality. Based on what I learn from this concepts, i believe
that at this age i develop a negative feelings- such as anger, outrage, shame, and guilt. In terms
of my moral reasoning; from 4 to 7 years of age, i displayed heteronomous morality. For
example; everytime i commit mistakes i know that i will be punished by my 7 to 10
years of age i reason out somtimes become confused about how my mom parenting styles.
Sometimes i obeyed them and sometimes i don’t . At about 10 years of age, i showed
autonomous morality toward my mom’s treatment. I become aware that her rules and laws was
different from other parents. I had started to deviates the norms in the family. I answer back, I
reason out. I discussed things and explain my side. According to Bandura (2009,2010a,b,2012),
children observe people morally they are likely to copy thier actions. To achieve the self-control,
children must learn to delay gratification. According to social cognitive theorists, the cognitive
factors are important in the child’s development of self-control.
Cognitive development during early childhood (2-6 years old)
There were three theorist of cognitive development such as; Piaget’s Preoperational stage,
Vygotsky’s theory, and information processing theory. According to preoperational stage, which
last from approximately 2 to 7 years of age, children begin to represent the world with words,
images, and drawings. They form stable concepts and begin to reason. At the same time, the
youngs cognitive world is dominated by egocintrism and magical beliefs. I could already recall
by at the age of 4,when my mother gave birth to my younger sister.I remember we are playing
with my friend and we used to played the character of mother, father, and child. We dress up
like how mom and dad mode of dressing, we dialog some of their conversations and discussion.
We immitate their actions. According to Mandler & Deloache (2012), this ability vastly expands
the child’s mental world.By age 4 and 6 years i thought intuitively, i could recall when started
asking my mom so many questions some she anwered it wrongly and philosopically and if she
cannot answer it correctly she will mad at me, and even bit me. Example, when i asked her why
the blood is red, not green,or yellow? She bit me and tell me that am i crazy for asking such
stupid question? Piaget’s called this substage intuitive because young children seem so sure
about their knowledge and understanding yet unaware of how they know what they know. That
is, they know something but know it without the use of rational thinking.
However, Vygotsky’s said that language and thougt initially develop independently of each
other and then merge.Example; age between 3 to 6 years of age children’s involves talking to
oneself, and after a while self-talk become second nature to children, and they can act without
verbalizing. Children have internalized their egocentric speech in the form if inner speech, which
becomes their thoughts. Example; i could recall when I was at this age, i am playing alone and i
am talking to myself, and sometimes i talk to my doll what to do if their is enemy,and i tell my
doll to run.etc. Vygotsky’s view that private speech plays’s a positive role in chidrens
development (Winsler, Carton, and Barry, 2000). Reseacher have found that children who use
private speech are more attentive and improve their perfomance more than children who do not
use private speech ( Berk & Spuhl, 1995).
Middle childhood development (6-12 years old)
Physical development
The period of middle and late childhood involves slow, and consistent growth ( Burns &
others,2013).this is the period of calm before the period of adolescence. During the elementary
school years children grow an average of 2 to 3 inches a year until, the age of 11, the average
girl is 4 feet, 10 inches tall.and the average boy is 4 feet, 9 inches tall. On the other hand brain
continue to develop during this stage,some areas become more active while others less active.
The areas of the brain not being used lose synaptic connections and those being used show
increased connection. In one study. researcher found less diffusion and more focal activation in
the prefrontal cortex from 7 to 30 years of age. This brain development during childhood was
link to the cognitive development of the middle or late childhood ( Diamond,2013).
During this period my motor development become more smoother and more coordinated than i
am during early childhood. I could already use my hands as tools. At 5 years of age I could
already hammer, carry chair, tie my shoes, and botton clothes. By 7 years of age, my fine motor
control develops well. My hands become steadier. By this time, I could already print letters, print
my name and my mothers name in smaller printing. At 8 to 10 years of age, i could already use
my hands to write independently with more ease and precision. And I learned to wave mat. At
age 10 to 12 years of age, i begin to manulate skills similar to my mom, I was able to wave mat
better quality than my mom did. And I learn to played guitar at this age. Also a nine year old
revealed that the higher level of physical activity was linked to a lower level of metabolic disease
risk based on measure such as cholesterol, waist circumference, and insulin ( Parrett & others,
2011). I could say that during middle childhood and late childhood we did a lot of excercise like
walking a long distance of approximately 6 to 8 kilometers morning and afternoon every school
days when we go to our school. Because our home was very far from our school. With this I
didn’t got problems on lowering my fat levels.
Emotional development and personality middle and late childhood
I could recall during my elementary school years, i always compare myself to others, i love
challenges and compitition, and most of the time i end up fighting and quarelling with my friends
because i don’t want to be defeated. According to Harter (2012, 2013), children at this point of
development are more likely to distinguish themselves from others in comparative rather than in
absolute terms. I remembered at age 7, I am not actually thinking what to do, but i was thinking
what i can do in comparison with others. At 8 years old, i develop understanding other people,
their thoughts, and feelings and learn to listen to others opinions especially when we had group
assignments. In terms of my self-esteem I coulds recall that during this period i had low self-
esteem and somewhat negative self-concept about myself. I don’t feel good about my
appearance, I am not academically compititive, and above all I was insecured of so many
things. According to Thompson(2011), thus children have low self-esteem in middle or late
childhood, they may have experience neglect or abuse in relationships with thier parents earlier
in development. Recent study revealed, that youth with low self-esteem had lower life
satisfaction at 30 years of age ( Berkinland & others, 2012). Another research study found that
low and decreasing self-esteem in adolescence was linked to adult depression two decades
later (Steiger & others, 2014). However, one of the most important aspects of self in middle and
late childhood was self-regulation. I could remembered when I was 9 years old and i’m in grade
3, i was challenge to get an honors or award because I always recieve negative feedback about
my performance in school and my mother always compare me to my sister who is always in
the list of top 10 every year. With this i study hard and exert to much effort to proved them that I
deserve positive feedback. Luckilly, at the end of the year I got second honors. I realized that
achieving something may results to joy.Recent study revealed that the increased capacity is
characterized by deliberate efforts to manage one’s behavior, emotions, and thoughts, leading
to increased social competence and achievement ( Schunk & Zimmerman, 2013; Thompson,
2014c, 2015). However, in Erik Erickson’s (1968) stage of psychosocial development middle
adulthood is the fourth stage, industry versus inferiority. Children become interested of how
things are made and how they work. When children are encouranged in their efforts to work for
something their sense of industry increases, however, parents who see their children’s efforts at
making things as ‘mischief’ or making a “mess” encourage children development of a sense of
inferiority. Based on this i learned that parents should be responsible, supportive in helping their
children to cope with stressful situations. I could recall during this stage when the terrorist attack
our home place in Mindanao, especifically in Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay. i was left alone in our
house while all my brothers and sisters run for their life. I was so scared, and trembling upon
knowing that they left me alone in the middle of the night, i couldn’t heard anything except the
firing of guns. Based on this experienced I have learned that disasters can especially harm
children’s development and produce adjustment problems ( Scheerings, Cobhan, &
McDermott,2014). Among the outcomes for children who experience disasters are acute stress
reactions, depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder ( pfefferbaum,newman, &
Nelson, 2014). However, my attachment in my family during middlie childhood I spent less time
with my parents instead i spent more time with my peers, teachers, and friends. A recent study
revealed that secure attachment was linked to a higher level of children’s emotion regulation
and less difficulty in identifying emotions ( Brumariu, kerns & Seibert, 2012).
Cognitive development during middle and late childhood (6-12 years old)
According to Piaget ( 1952), the preschool child thought is preoperational. They can form stable
concepts, and they begun to reason, but their thinking is flowed by egocentrism and magical
belief systems.during this period I could say that i improved my ability to sustain and control my
attention. Sometimes confuse appearances with reality.
Physical development during Adolescence ( 13-19 years old)
Regarding my physical development during this period i could say that there was a stricking
changes that take place in my body. At 13 years of age, my breast began to enlarge, few pubic
hair appearances then followed by the appearance of hair in my armpits. I grow a little bit in
height and my hips become wider than my shoulder. My first menstruation occurs late at the age
of 18. On the other hand my hormonal development changes at the same time. Example
widineng of my hips. Recent study revealed, the concentrations of certain hormones increase
dramatically during adolescence ( koolschijn, peper & Crone, 2014; Nguyen & others, 2013).
Additionally, late maturation has been linked with body image. Research found that late
maturing girls were more satisfied ( Simmon & Blyth, 1987) a posible reason for this is that in
late adolescence early- maturing girls are shorter and stockier, whereas late-maturing girls are
taller and thinner.further more early maturing girls increases vulnerability to a number of
problems ( Graber, 2013). I believe that in terms of my maturity i am somewhat late at the age
of 14. On the other hand, in terms of my brain development at this stage i could say that the
development of my brain changes in a botom-up,top-down sequence with sensory,
appetitive,sexual, sensation seeking, and risk taking brain linkages maturing first and higher-
level brain linkages such as self-control, planning, reasoni ng maturing later. For example, i am
capable of very strong emotions but my prefrontal cortext hasn’t adequate developed to the
point of which i cannot control passions. It is the brain doesn’t have the brakes to slow down the
emotion. So therefore, the development of my emotion and cognition in adolescence must be
congruence. With i learned that during adolecent that my brain develop normaly because i could
control my emotion and passion especially when it comes to opposite sex. Additionally, my
sexuality develops at this stage. I had develop a sense of sexual fantasies and curiousity. For
example, i could say that I am not sexually attractive. I was curious how to do sex, and confused
about what the future holds for my sexual life. Honestly, all these questions and my confussions
was only answered when I got married because i am not exposed to watch televisions and i am
not opened to my mother regarding this issues.
Emotional development during adolescence ( 13- 19 years old)
During this period adolescents face dramatic biological changes.adollescents thought become
more abstract and idealistic. G. Stanly Halll proposed the ‘ storm- and- stress” view that
adolescence is a turbulence time charged with conflict and mood savings. However, Daniel
(1980), study the self-image of adolescents in united States, at least 73% of the adloslecents
displayed a healthy self-image. They found out that the adololescents were happy most of the
time, they enjoy life, they perceived themselves as able to excercise self-control, they value
work and school, they felt confident about their sexual selves, they expressed positive feeling
toward their families, they felt that they have the capacity to cope with life’s stresses. In contrast,
based on the recent research adolescents today were more troubled, less respecful, more self-
centered, more assertive, and more adventurous than they are ( Feldman & Elliott, 1990).
It was Erik Erickson’s ( 1950,1968) identity versus identity confusion stage of psychosocial
development is the adolescence stage. It is during this stage that adolescents are faced with
deciding who they are,what they are all about, and where they are going in life. I could readily
recall during my adolescence age that my ambition is always changing, sometimes i want to
become a teacher, and then the next month i want to become a nurse. Also in my mode of
dressing i love to wore different styles of dresses. My purpose of doing such things because i
want to find out which one fit me most. If i receive a positive feedback or negative feedback that
will be my bases to decide what to wear next time. I believe at the age of approximately 17 to
19 I was able resolve this conflict identity confusion. I already know what i want, i learned to
accept negative criticism. But my self-esteem is low at this stage until i reach adulthodd.
In one study revealed, both girls and boys had paricularly high self-esteem in childhood, but
dropped considerably during adolescence ( Robins & others, 2002). Based on this research i
believe that one of the main reason of the decline of my self-esteem due to my negative body
image during pubertal change. It has something to do with my perception of about my selves.
During puberty stage of my development i have negative perception about my physical
apperance, intellectual ability as a results a develop this negative perception untill adolescence
period. Though some self-esteem do not always match reality ( Jordan & Ziegler-hill, 2013).
Another important development in my emotion during this period was my religious/ spiritual
development. During adolescence i was influence by a good christian friend of mine to attend
church every Sunday, attending bible study and prayer meetings. With this activity it helps me a
lot to mold my personal life to drawn closer to God but i wasn’t yet babtize as christian. Though i
had accepted Jesus as my personal savior, my creator, my provider, and healer. My belief on
religious helps shapes my daily lives and my spiritual growth. It is my great motivator to search
for my identity during adolescents and serve as my guide to begin with my adult life. Researcher
have found that adolescent girls are more religious than are adolescent boys, and more change
from religiousness occured from 14 to 18 years of age than from 20 to 24 years of age (King &
Roeser, 2009).
Cognitive development during Adolescence (13- 19 years old)
In Piaget’s psychosocial stages of development this is the formal operational stage which
children’s thought become more abstract than concrete operational thought. Adolescents are
no longer limited to actual concrete experiences as anchor for thought. For example, I have
already develops my ability to solve problems verbally. Like A=B and B=C, I could already
solve this problem merely through verbal presentation. Another evidence of the development of
my abstract thinking during this period was when I began thinking about “ the problem, there is
no problem that’s why there is a problem and what is the problem?” I usually ask my friends to
answer this puzzles. It sounds abstract because it focus on thought and abstract qualities.
Besides from thinking abstractly I also develop to think idealistically andI become more logical.
Though I solve problem through trial and error. Another study revealed that adolescent were
egocentrism, heightened self-consciousness ( David Elkind, 1976). According to Eklkind, the
parts of adolescent egocentrism involving a sense of uniqueness and invicibility ( or
invulnerability). For example, I am thinking about myself; “ No one understand me, particularly
my mother. They have no idea of what I am feeling,”. With this i was able to craft story about
myself whcih filled with fantacies, emerging myselves in a world that is far removed from
reality.evidence can be found in my diaries until now. On the other hand cognitive control also
develops during adolescents. According to Carlson, Zelazo, & Faja, (2013). For example, I this
stage I was aware that i need to change my way of thinking and motivate to do so. It involves
my decision making such as which friend to choose and what course to take. Recent study
revealed that older adolescents describe as more competent than younger adolescents (
Keiting, 1990).
Early Adulthood ( 20- 40 years old)
An important aspect of emerging adulthood is the reseliance that some individuals have shown
in moving their life in a positive direction ( Masten, 2013,2014; Masten & Tellegen, 2012). At this
point of my development I am still exploring which carreer path i want to follow, I have thought of
what identity I want to be, and I thought of lifestyle I want to adopt.
Physical development during earlyadulthood (20-40 years old)
Midlife physical changes are usually more gradual. The most visible sign of changes during
middle adulthood is physical appearance. For example, in my appearance i noticed that at the
age of 30 my skin begin to wrinkles specially my forehead, my hairs become thinner and grayer
due to a lower replacement rate and a decline of melanin production. My figernails and toenails
develop ridges and become thicker and more brittle. My tooth decayed..additionally, during
middle adulthood I lose my height of 1 inch , but not gain weight. Recent study shown that the
height lose for women can be as much as 2 inches from 25 to 75 years of age ( Hoyer &
Roodin, 2009). I also experience joint stiffness at age 30, presently I develops difficulty in
movement especially if I seated a long period of time. Research study found that maximum
bone density occurs by mid- to late thirties, after which their is a progressive lose of bone. The
rate of this bone loss begins slowly but accelerates with further aging ( Baron, 2012). Women
loss bone mass twice as fast as men do. My vision and my hearing, my ability to focus and
maintain image on my retina not like before, the sharpness decline at my age 38. I have
difficulty viewing close objects. In terms of my hearing ability, I could say that I had a problem on
hearing since I broke my eardrum at the age of 25. On my left ear 75% of my hearing was lose
and on the right 25% was lose. I didn’t have ability to hear low-pitched sounds. Reseacher
identify new posibilities for improving the vision and hearing as they age. One strategy involves
better control of glare or background noise ( Natalizia & others, 2010).
Emotional development during early and adulthood (20- 40 years old)
During thid period, my emotional development revolves around into more enjoyable
relationships with others, I was face to many challenges in life and I tried to adopt lifestyles that
would emotionally satisfying, predictable, and manageable. Current research shows that the first
20 years of life are not maeningless in predicting an adult socioemotional landscape ( Cicchetti
& Toth, 2015; Thomson, 2015).
My Temperament during early adulthood
In early adulthood, most individuals show fewer emotional mood swings than they did in
adolescence, and they become more responsible and engage in less risk- taking bahavior
( Charles & Luong, 2011). Early and difficult temperaments. In one of longitudinal study,
children who had easy temperament at 3 to 5 years old were likely to be well adjusted as young
adults ( Chess & Thomas, 1987). In contrast, many children who had difficult temperament at 3
to 5 years of age well not well adjusted as young adults. Based on this concepts. Based on this,
I believe that during adulthood I am already well adjusted. This concepts shows evidence of the
law of continuity.
My Attachment during early adulthood
Securely attached infants are defined as those who use the caregiver as a secure base from to
explore the environment. Similarly, adults may count on their romantic partners to ba a secure
base to which they can return and obtain comfort and security in stressful time ( shaver &
Mikulincer, 2013). Another research study revealed that young adults who were securely
attached in their romantic relationships were more likely to describe their early relationship with
their parents as securely attached ( Steele & others, 1998). Based on this concepts I believe
that the view of nature attachment during infancy and its nurture environmental influence on my
development. In my case, the attachment security in my infancy does not produce long-term
positive outcomes, but rather negative outcomes because my adulthood experiences in social
and cultural context was not good. For example, I was not securely attach with my husband
because we our marriage was through parental agreement, I felt uneasy and uncomfortable
being close to him, I find difficult to trust him completely to allow myself to depend on him. I get
nervous if he get close to me and it bothers me.I often worry that my husband doesn’t really love
me. So therefore I would conclude that even during infancy I have securely attached to my
mom. but during adulthood I am not securely attach to my partner because of environmental
experiences.I develop an avoidance attachment during adulthood. Additionally, national survey
indicated that adults with avoidant attachment have lower level of sexual satisfaction than their
counterparts with a secure attachment pattern ( Brassard & others, 2012). As a whole I could
reflect to my life journey that my avoidance attachment during adulthood affects my entire
marital relationship. Our relationship last only at appromately 7 years despite of our effort to stay
in marriage and tried to work things out we still ended to broke up. This challenges for me to
start all over again, though depression, anxiety, physical illnesses, and even thinking of
commiting suicide during this period, which i defind my mid-life crisis.
Middle Adulthood development ( 40-60 years old)
In Erikson’s Stage of psychosocial development this middle adulthood is generativity vs
Stagnation stage of development. Generativity encompasses adults desire to leave legacies of
themselves to the next generation ( Busch & Hofer, 2012). By contrast, Stagnation develops
when individuals sense that they have done nothing for the next generation.
However, My development at this stage will be predictions about my future since I am only 39
years old turning 40 by June next year.So to make it short I will summarize my developmental
lifespan in middle adulthood as one, such as physical, emotional, and cognitive develoment.
As an adult and teacher, i will continue to guide my students by teaching, leading, and doing
things that benifits the community. As a mother, I will continue to nurture and guide my children
to reach their zone of proximality development (ZPD) for them to be able to reach their fullest
potential personality development. In one study, Carol Ryff ( 1984) views of women and men at
different ages, and found that middle-aged adults especially were concerned about generativity.
Another study revealed that, the desire for generativity increased as adults ages from their
thirties and above ( Stewart, Ostrove, & Helson, 2001). Additionally, according to Lavinson by
age 40 one much reached a stable point of his career,and must outgrown his/ her earlier midlife
crisis and spent more tenuous attempt at learning to become an adult, and now must look
forward to be kind of life he/ she will lead as a middle-aged adult. I believe that this stage, i will
be in control of my life. I will be in control of my financies, my work, and my marriage than during
my early adulthood. though my physical development decline I will make it sure that I will gain
high marital quality in the future, to live my life with full self-actualization and contenment till my
last days in this wonderful world that God created for us to live happily.
My body and mind have changed in several ways since I was younger. Both my mind and my
body have matured with age. Although my body has matured. I am often told that I am
sometimes appear childish. However, sometimes I tend to act emotionally imatured for not able
to control my emotion even in front of so many people. I believe that at this time I become more
matured mentally for my age given my responsibilities and life experiences. I expect my mind
and body continue to mature with age. However, I do not view this a negative experience
because with this aging I believe I will gain an even better understanding of myself.
My decision to attend MA Dev. Psyh had significant impact on my development, I believe that
my Master education prepares people for entry into the real world upon graduation. Attending
MA. Allow me to mature and grow into adult I want to be in the future. It allow me to reflect who
am I and explore who I want to become as a wife, as a mother, or as a grand mother in the
future. Besides I beleive that, there are several benefits to receiving a higher education. This
benefits includes higher income upon graduation, financial success. A great commitment to
ones goals and values, knowledge, and future. Because it increase in confidence, and an
increase in critical thinking skills. I believe that taking this subjects will have positive impact on
my future because it has helped me become a better-rounded individual.
If I could pass on any piece of wisdom to my children, I would encourage them that what would
be my experience on the past, mistakes and to learn from these mistakes. Now those mistakes
how my parents raised me will hopefully not repeated for my children. I would express to my
Children that personal development is continuous, dynamic process. I would advise them not to
become stagnant and encourage them to become active participants of their own personal
development. In other words, there is always room for improvement. This assignment was
beneficial because it forced me to acquire a greater level of self- awareness of my whole
lifespan development and offered insight on my individual identity, my philosophies, and values.
I gain a better understanding of my past based on theoretical concepts, my strenght , and my
A life span journey  by gerlyn limba

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A life span journey by gerlyn limba

  • 1. Narrative Life Span Development GERLYN D. LIMBA MA. DEV.PSYH. STUDENT Miriam College, Quezon City. Philippines Abstract Objectives This narrative report of different aspects of lifespan development aim to help a better understanding of oneself by connecting personal experiences to different concepts and theories. A students were able to know their strength and weaknesses above all understand themselves as a whole. This aims to shape a personality lifespan development to be able to reach its zone of proximal development in future. This also help motivates deeply about own personal journey through life and better understanding of who Am I and what will be. About the Author I was born and raised in traditional lumad family of Mindanao, Zamboanga City. We are currently a family of nine, my mother, my three brothers, my three sisters, my younger sister and I. My parents Johnny Limba and Gloria Dawis, were born and raised in Sibuco, Zamboanga Del Norte. They moved to Ipil, Zamboanga Del Sur, a province of South-West of the City to begin their family. By time I become two years old. My family moved into our home in Zamboanga
  • 2. City. Both my parents escaped to freedom by hiking Ipil to zamboanga because of the terrorist attack in Zamboanga Del Sur. When I was born my mother was 36 years old and my father was 46 years old. By this time, my mother had become a stay home mom to take care for my brothers and sisters and my father was employed as security guard in the City of Zamboanga. My parents don’t have family planning. I was unwanted pregnancy and were not very happy about my coming. According to my mother, my father disappointed when I was born because i am already number seven children. They don’t have enough preparation for my birth. My parents were worries about parenting and providing proper care for me. They don’t feel competent because they are not ready financially. Lastly, they did not receive a tremendous amount of support from family and friends. Prenatal Development (conception to birth) During the entire pregnancy and after i was born, my mother did not receive any financially, and emotional support from her friends and family. She revealed that my father and grandmother in particular were not very supportive and helpful, which makes her level of stress high. The pregnancy was nine months and ten days long. During the pregnancy my mother did not felt great, physically, emotionally, cognitively, and psychologically because she was under the state of depression. According to my mom, she was not so excited to have another child or rather say I was conceived unintentionally. In other words, I am levelled as unwanted child. A research review indicated that pregnant women with high levels of stress are increased risk for having a child with emotional or cognitive problems, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD), language delay ( Taige & other,2007. Another research study revealed that depression during pregnancy was related to increased risk for depression in 18-years- olds ( Pearson & others, 2013).
  • 3. Therefore, I believe that during prenatal my personality and intelligence characteristics were determined by the interaction between my genes and my environment. Behavioural geneticists content that most behavioural attributes are the results of the interaction(s) between heredity predisposition and environmental influences. In my opinion my physical, emotional, cognitive development were established by Natured but shaped through Nurture influence. In other words I was born with a genetic predisposition to behave and think a certain way. However, my behavioural and intellectual attributes were cultivated and influenced by my family, peers, and life experience. For example; I believe, that I was born with genetic predisposition of type A personality: competitive, hardworking, achievement, oriented, and ambitious. However, environmental influence were responsible for the expression or observable manifestation of this traits. According to Calkin’s, 2012 & Thompson, 2013. The genes are individuals inherited influence intellectual performance. He states that this attributes are genetically predetermined. However, they are highly influenced by an individual’s environment. Therefore, my physical, emotional, cognitive, development or personality were created by nature but largely determined by my environment. Physical development during infancy & Toddler (0-2 years old) Delivery and Early Health During the day of my arrival, my mother asked a friend to call a hilot (a traditional midwife) on June 14th ,1977. I was born on June 15th , 1977. The delivery went very smoothly, I was approximately one week late or post-mature baby. My mother expected date was on June 5th . My mother did not receive any delivery drugs except herbal medicines from the hilot. I weighed 5 pounds and 18 inches long. My mother said that I was thin, with no hair, and big eyes. She remarked that I cried to much the time I was born. I was breastfeed for two months only, because my mother become ill after she was experience a problem with emotional breakdown
  • 4. and distress (binat). My family experience adjustment issues after I was born. On an average I slept for two to four hours, as my body weight increased, I begun sleeping for four to six hours. Psychologist, Jean Piaget theorized theorized that children moved through a series of four stages of cognitive developments. The four stages include the sensorimotor stage, the preoperational stage, the concrete-operational stage, and the formal-operational stage. During the sensorimotor stage, infants begin to coordinates motor responses and sensory input. This stage typically lasts from birth to approximately two years of age. In the preoperational stage, children begin to think symbolically. This begins at approximately two years of age and lasts up to 7. In concrete-operational stage, children begin to think abstractly and logically. In the final stage, the formal- operational stage, children begin to think rationally and systematically. This stage begin approximately age 11 or 12 and lasts into adulthood. During each of this stages they are developmental milestones that children encounter ( Shaffer,2008). According to Piaget, an infant’s construct an understanding of the world by coordinating sensory experiences such as seeing and hearing, with physical ,motoric actions- hence the term” sensorimotor”. An infant’s coordination habits, such as grasping and sucking begin to occur around 1 to 4 months of age ( primary circular reaction). Between 4 to 8 months of age, infants recognize that they are beings from external objects and begin to retrieve attractive objects that may be hidden or concealed; infant’s imitates some simple actions, such as the baby talk or burbling of adults, and some physical gestures (secondary circular reactions). By ages 8 to 12 months, infants begin to exhibit problem solving skills. For example, infants might manipulate a stick in order to bring a desired toy within reach (coordination of secondary circular reactions). Between 12 to 18 months infants develops the ability to use primitive symbols. According to my mother, there were developmental or major health concerns when I got skin diseased at the age of 4 months. I have bouts of eczema as an infant. I believe that my physical developmental milestone were generally on time. My mother revealed, when I was 3 months old I was able to
  • 5. hold my head up, I began paying attention to faces and I began smiling this time at other people. By 4 months of age, I could hold my head up unsupported and push up to my elbows when lying on my stomach, and began to babble and copy sounds. I also make cooing and gurgling noises at this time. By 8 months of age, bring things to my mouth. I began crawling and saying my first word such as mama, when I was 10 months old. I began walking at around 13 months of age. My Emotional Development during Infancy & Toddler (0- 2 years old) According to Psychologist (Isand,2009, Shuman, & Schener, 2014). An infant shows emotion in many ways, and they classify it into two. An emotion as either positive or negative. Positive emotions include enthusiasm, joy and love. Negative emotions include anxiety, anger, guilt, and sadness. In my case i would begin to describe my emotion on biological influences from my parents ,( nature) and (Nurture)my environmental influences which I experience during infancy. I believe biological influences plays important roles in my emotional capacities. Based on the study of Thomson, 2014. Biological evolution has endowed human beings to be emotional. Emotional development and coping with stress are influenced by whether caregivers have maltreated or neglected children and whether children’s caregivers are depressed or not (Hostinar & Gunnar, 2013). When toddlers hear their parents quarrelling, they often react to distress and inhibit their play. My big brother revealed, when I was born the social relationship of our parents was not well functioning. My father and my mother were always quarrelling. And my brothers and sister were always fighting. No wonder why during toddler, I often react with distress and I inhibit a habit of fighting and quarrelling with my playmates. I did not develop a light mood to diffuse conflicts in fact I become a problem of my teacher and playmates because I am a trouble maker. I inhibit negative emotions like anger, pride, shame and guilt and jealousy. However, since are too many siblings, jealousy was very much common to us. It includes sharing of food, when my mother gave attention to other brothers and sisters, I likely to display
  • 6. negative emotions, such as anger and sadness which results to jealousy. This jealousy cause me to feel frustrated and not being able to play with my big sisters and brothers. However, based on the research of (Wilson, Havingher and Harly.2012), revealed that parents elicit to talk about emotion with toddlers was associated with toddlers sharing and helping. When all is going well, sensitive, responsible parents help their infants grow emotionally. Whether the infants respond in distressed or happy ways. According to my mom, during infancy I often cry my mom cannot attend to me immediately because she has too many works at home and she needs to attend to my older siblings. I believe that my emotional experience during infancy develops a feeling of fear due to negleance of my parents. I’ve shown a fear and wariness to strangers. According to my mom, during the first year of my life. I develop an ability to inhibit emotional reactions. I put my thumbs in my mouth to soothe myselves. After breastfeed my mother just lay me down in the math were I sleep. After a long hours of crying and feel tired I fall asleep. However, according to brother by two years I can use language to express my feelings of emotion. I can say if I am hungry. However, my brother revealed when I was 2 years old sometimes my mother forgot to fed me before going to bed at night, with this I was crying in the middle of the night and my mother was very angry because she was trying to comfort me but I never stop crying until they give me food to eat. According to Thomson, 2014b, infants are often affected by fatigue, and hunger. Which suggest that parents should soothe a crying infant. This response should help infants develop a sense of trust and secure attachment to the caregiver. Negative emotional reactions ( anger and anxiety) to crying increased the risk of subsequent attachment insecurity ( Leerkes, Parade, & Gudmundson, 2011).
  • 7. My Temperament during infancy Chess and Thomas identify three basic types of temperament: an easy child, a difficult child, and a slow-to-warm-up child. An easy child is generally in a positive mood, quickly establishes regular routines in infancy, and adopt easily to the new experiences. a difficult child reacts negatively to and cries frequently, engage in irregular daily routines, and is slow to accept change. Lastly, a slow to warm up child has a low activity level, and is somewhat negative, and displays a low intensity of mood. Based on how Chess and Thomas defined each category and how my mother describes my temperament. I believed that easy temperament best describe my temperament. According to my mother, I have always a positive mood except if I am hungry and sleepy. She mentioned that I was very curious and always observing my surroundings. Thomas and chess felt that relationship between a childs temperamental styles and child-rearing practices used determines the stability of early temperament characteristics. They call this notion “The Goodness of Fit”, occurs when a childs temperaments is compatible with their environments (Goodvin, Winer, & Thompson, 2014: Rothbart, 2011). Lack of fit can produce adjustment problems ( Rothbart,2011). According to Erik Erickson (1968), the first year of life is characterized by the trust-versus-mistrust stages of development. If the infant is not well fed and kept warm on a consistent basis, a sense of mistrust is likely to develop. Therefore, I believe that my emotions develop at an early stage of my life. My Attachment during infancy There are 4 influential behaviour of attachment. The Psychoanalytic theory, learning theory, cognitive- developmental theory, ecological theory. Each theory provides different insight as to how and why infants form attachment. According to the psychoanalytic and Freud, infants form attachments with their mother because they provide food. Erick Erikson also express that feeding practices influence the string of attachment. However, he felt that a mother’s overall
  • 8. responsiveness is more important than the actual feeding practicess. Learning theories also believe that infants become attachhed to people who feed them and gently gratify their needs because it increases the likelihood of caregivers affection and ability to provide many comforts. Cognitive- development theorist think that the ability to form attachments depends on an infants cognitive development. Lastly, the ethological theory states that human beings are born with innate behaviors specifically designed to create attachment ( John Bowlby ( 1969, 1989). Around the age 6 to 8 months, I was most securely attached to my mother. My mother revealed that I did not develop any other attachments during this period. This attachment developed because my mother was actively involved and interacted with me often. She spent time laughing with me and learned how to meet my physical and emotional needs. Ainstworth Strange situation revealed that there are four ways a child can illustrate his or her attachment to their mother or caretaker:secure attachment, resistance attachment, avoidance attachment, and disorganized/ disoriented attachment ( Chess and Thomas, 1991). Ainstworth describes, a securely attached child as one who exhibits stress when separated from their caregiver, but warmly greets this when he or she returns. Securely attached children are comfortable with exploring new things and environments and are often outgoing with strangers if the cargiver is present. Based on what I have learned I would characterize the quality of my attachment with my mother as a secure. My mom stated that I always greeted her warmly and with a smile in my face. I also always sought to be near her or her side. I showed signs of distress if we were separated and she was still insight. I was always happy to see her when she returned. She also that i was often friendly to strangers though sometimes i felt shy to strange people, and I explored my surrounding with her nearby. Additionally, my mother revealed that i displayed a secure attactment with my father, and it developed as I became a few months older. She states that I did not displayed any secondary attachment during the first or two years of my life. Mother illustrated that I reached for my Dad as soon as he arrived home from work and that I would always greet him with smile. Theory and research on the role of the brain’s regions in
  • 9. mother-infant attachment is just emerging ( De Haan & Gunnar, 2009). On theoretical view proposed that the prefrontal cortex likely has an important role in maternal attachment behavior, as do the subcortical regions of amygdala, and the hypothalamus ( Gonzalez, Atkinson, & Fleming,2019).research study found that both at 6 weeks and 6 months after birth, when father ingaged in more stimulation contact with babies, encourages their exploration, and directed their attention to the objects, the father’s oxcytocin levels increased ( Gordon & others,2010). In this study, mother’s behaviors that increased their oxytocin levels involved more affectionate parenting, such as gazing at their babies, expressing positive effect toward them, and touching them.another study found that fathers with lower testosterone levels engaged in more optimal parenting with their infants ( Weisman, Zagoory-Sharon, & Feldman, 2014). Also in this study revealed that when fathers were adminitered oxytocin, their parenting behavior improved as evidenced in increased of positive affect, social gaze, touch, and vocal synchrony when interacting with their infants. Cognitive development during infancy & Toddler ( 0-2 years old) There were five cognitvie- developmental theory: Piaget’s Theory, Kolhberg’s theory, information processing theory, Vygotsky’s theory, and Bronfenbrenner’s theory.Piaget’s cognitive- developmental theory focuses on how children construct knowledge and how they constructions change overtime (1896-1980). Piaget’s believed that children naturally try to make sense of their world. On the other hand, Kolhberg (1927-1987) built his theory of moral reasoning on the foundations of Piaget’s theory of overall cognitive developmentand how it develops through childhood and adolescence.Vygotsky’s theory, emphasize that children’s thinking does not develop in a vacuum, but it influences by the sociocultural context in which children grow up ( 1896-1934). Lastly, Bronfrenbrenner’s theory proposes that the developing person is embedded in a series of complex and interactive systems (1989-1995).
  • 10. According to Piaget’s cognitive-development believe that the first two years of life form distinct phase in human development. The sensorimotor period, from birth to roughly 2 years of age, is the first of Piaget’s four cognitive development. Between 1 to 4 months reflexes are first modified by experience. About 8 months infants understanding of object permanence, 8 to 12 months old love to play the search for an objects- when adultovers the objects and the infants sweeps away the cover, laughing and smilling all the while! By 18 months, most infants began to talk and gesture, evidence by emerging capacity to use symbols. At 20 month- old infants may move her hand back and forth in front of her mouth, pretanding to brush her teeth. But an 18 to 24 months old infants can close the door and move the tower of blocks. In just 2 years, the infant progresses from reflexive responding to activily exploring the world. According to my mother my cognitive developmental milestone was sligthly delay or late due my skin diseased at the age of 4, my health affects my cognitive development during infancy but she revealed that between 2 to 3 weeks i can open and close my mouth, i could stick out my touge matching my mother’s action. Around 5 months of age before I was able to develop my memory, my mom revealed Example when she showed to me a little bird, the first time i saw it i felt a little bit surprise and I was afraid then i cried but when the second time she showed to me the bird i was no longer afraid instead i’m already trying to reach it and want to play with it. in recent study of cognitive development in terms of memory infants can recall more of what they experience and remember it longer (Courage & Howe,2004; Pephrey et.,2004). My language developmental milesstone was really delayed, i did not learn on time to speak even our primitive cultural language. According to my mom, she can’t even remember when was the first utterances of my first word. She revealed that among her 8 childrens i am the only one who learned to speak at the age of 4. Reseacher have found that the child’s vocabulary development is linked to the family’s socioeconomic status and the type of talk of parents direct to their children (Betty Hart and Todd Risley, 1995). Another research study revelead that infants whose mother spokes more often to them had markedly higher vocabularies( Janellen Huttenlocher, 1991). An
  • 11. interactionist view emphasizes that both biology and experience contribute to language development ( Holf,2014). Early childhood development ( 2- 6 years old) Physical development Physical development during early childhood involves the body growth and change, motor and perceptual development, sleep, nutrition and excercise. The average child grows 2 ½ inches height and gains between 5 and 7 pounds a year during early childhood ( Wilson and Hockenberry, 2012). According to my mom, I am smaller and lighter during this years. Looking back on my preschool years, I observe that my classmate was taller than I am, they are fatier than I am. I believe that my height being short was due to prenatal problems, or growth hormones deficiency. Research study revealed that emotional difficulty or maternal problem during pregnancy would affect the childs growth physically ( Ball, Bindler, & cowan, 2014; Wit, Kiess, & Mullis, 2011). On the other hand my brain and nervous system develops normally at this stage. By the time children reach 3 years of age, the brain is three-quarters of it’s adul size. By age 6, the brain has reached about 95% of its adult size ( Lenroot & Giedd, 2006). additionally, my motor and perceptual development continue to develop rapidly at this stage, at 3 years of age I enjoyed simple movements, such as hopping, jumping, and running back and forth, but sometime i broke plates and glasses i am somewhat clumsy at this age. By the age 4 I had become more adventurous. At age 5 I have started climbing to a guava trees or any trees
  • 12. that I could see around. At 6 I am already playing with my playmates,like racing. In terms of my perception at 4 i could already identify colors, but not shape. At 5 i know how to read letters in alphabet except letter r,and f. And i am farsighted. My mom revealed, that i only sleep approximately 8 to 10 hours at night and 2 hours nap during the day. Most of the time i got sleep problems of nightmares. Sleep problems in early childhood were a subsequent indicator of attention problem that in some cases persisted into early adolescence ( O’ Callaghan & others, 2010). Lastly, in terms of my health at this stage i am considered to be malnurished. I had iron deficiency anemia. Poverty is an especially strong risk factor for malnutrition in young children ( Black & others,2013). Research study revealed that young children from low-income families are the most likely to develop iron deficiency anemia ( Shamah & Villalpando, 2006). Emotional development during early childhood (2-6 years old) Emotional and personality development includes: the self, emotional development, moral development, and gender. In Erik Erickson’s (1968) psychosocial developmental stages associated with early childhood is initiative versus guilt. At this stage i began to discover what kind of person will become. I can identify my parents as nagger, strict, sometimes appear to me beautiful if not angry. Most of the time, i defined them powerful and demanding. Recent research study revealed that young children are more psychologically aware of themeselves and others than used to be thought ( Easterbrooks & others, 2013). I believe at this stage I
  • 13. could already understand my my self and others. For example, i know that I am thiner and shorter than my classmates or playmates, “ I am different from my sister because I have big eyes”, and “ I am poorer than my classmates”. I believe at this stage, i already develop a feeling guilt.I remember one day I cried to much because one of my classmate bully me. One study revealed that insecurity attached preschool children whose mother reported a high level of parenting stress and depressive symptoms had lower self-concept than other young children in more positive family circumtances ( Goodvin & others, 2008). Additionally, by age 4 i could already tell a lie to avoid punishment. For example, I accidentally hit the basket with full of eggs while playing at the age of more or less 5 years old. To my scared of being punished i did not tell my mom that i am the one who hit the basket and broke the eggs inside. Researcher have found that even 4-years-olds understand that people may makes statements that aren’t true to obtain what they want or to avoid trouble ( Lee & others,2002). As i grew older, my emotional reactions develops and my ability to control my emotion also develops.i could say that evidence when my mother was angry and tell me to stop crying, or stop playing, with this I know that even i want to continue what i am doing i had to stop and follow my mother even if it is against my will becasue i understand her emotions that if i will follow her command i will be punished. Recent study revealed that between 2 and 4 years of age, children considerably increased the number of terms they use to describe emotions. During this time,they are also learning about the causes and consequences of feelings. ( Denham & others, 2011). According to Freud’s psychoanalytic
  • 14. theory, children attempt to reduce anxiety, avoid punishement, and maintain parental affection by identifying with parents and internalizing thier standards of right or wrong, thus forming the superego-the moral elements of personality. Based on what I learn from this concepts, i believe that at this age i develop a negative feelings- such as anger, outrage, shame, and guilt. In terms of my moral reasoning; from 4 to 7 years of age, i displayed heteronomous morality. For example; everytime i commit mistakes i know that i will be punished by my 7 to 10 years of age i reason out somtimes become confused about how my mom parenting styles. Sometimes i obeyed them and sometimes i don’t . At about 10 years of age, i showed autonomous morality toward my mom’s treatment. I become aware that her rules and laws was different from other parents. I had started to deviates the norms in the family. I answer back, I reason out. I discussed things and explain my side. According to Bandura (2009,2010a,b,2012), children observe people morally they are likely to copy thier actions. To achieve the self-control, children must learn to delay gratification. According to social cognitive theorists, the cognitive factors are important in the child’s development of self-control. Cognitive development during early childhood (2-6 years old) There were three theorist of cognitive development such as; Piaget’s Preoperational stage, Vygotsky’s theory, and information processing theory. According to preoperational stage, which last from approximately 2 to 7 years of age, children begin to represent the world with words, images, and drawings. They form stable concepts and begin to reason. At the same time, the
  • 15. youngs cognitive world is dominated by egocintrism and magical beliefs. I could already recall by at the age of 4,when my mother gave birth to my younger sister.I remember we are playing with my friend and we used to played the character of mother, father, and child. We dress up like how mom and dad mode of dressing, we dialog some of their conversations and discussion. We immitate their actions. According to Mandler & Deloache (2012), this ability vastly expands the child’s mental world.By age 4 and 6 years i thought intuitively, i could recall when started asking my mom so many questions some she anwered it wrongly and philosopically and if she cannot answer it correctly she will mad at me, and even bit me. Example, when i asked her why the blood is red, not green,or yellow? She bit me and tell me that am i crazy for asking such stupid question? Piaget’s called this substage intuitive because young children seem so sure about their knowledge and understanding yet unaware of how they know what they know. That is, they know something but know it without the use of rational thinking. However, Vygotsky’s said that language and thougt initially develop independently of each other and then merge.Example; age between 3 to 6 years of age children’s involves talking to oneself, and after a while self-talk become second nature to children, and they can act without verbalizing. Children have internalized their egocentric speech in the form if inner speech, which becomes their thoughts. Example; i could recall when I was at this age, i am playing alone and i am talking to myself, and sometimes i talk to my doll what to do if their is enemy,and i tell my doll to run.etc. Vygotsky’s view that private speech plays’s a positive role in chidrens
  • 16. development (Winsler, Carton, and Barry, 2000). Reseacher have found that children who use private speech are more attentive and improve their perfomance more than children who do not use private speech ( Berk & Spuhl, 1995). Middle childhood development (6-12 years old) Physical development The period of middle and late childhood involves slow, and consistent growth ( Burns & others,2013).this is the period of calm before the period of adolescence. During the elementary school years children grow an average of 2 to 3 inches a year until, the age of 11, the average girl is 4 feet, 10 inches tall.and the average boy is 4 feet, 9 inches tall. On the other hand brain continue to develop during this stage,some areas become more active while others less active. The areas of the brain not being used lose synaptic connections and those being used show increased connection. In one study. researcher found less diffusion and more focal activation in the prefrontal cortex from 7 to 30 years of age. This brain development during childhood was link to the cognitive development of the middle or late childhood ( Diamond,2013). During this period my motor development become more smoother and more coordinated than i am during early childhood. I could already use my hands as tools. At 5 years of age I could already hammer, carry chair, tie my shoes, and botton clothes. By 7 years of age, my fine motor control develops well. My hands become steadier. By this time, I could already print letters, print my name and my mothers name in smaller printing. At 8 to 10 years of age, i could already use
  • 17. my hands to write independently with more ease and precision. And I learned to wave mat. At age 10 to 12 years of age, i begin to manulate skills similar to my mom, I was able to wave mat better quality than my mom did. And I learn to played guitar at this age. Also a nine year old revealed that the higher level of physical activity was linked to a lower level of metabolic disease risk based on measure such as cholesterol, waist circumference, and insulin ( Parrett & others, 2011). I could say that during middle childhood and late childhood we did a lot of excercise like walking a long distance of approximately 6 to 8 kilometers morning and afternoon every school days when we go to our school. Because our home was very far from our school. With this I didn’t got problems on lowering my fat levels. Emotional development and personality middle and late childhood I could recall during my elementary school years, i always compare myself to others, i love challenges and compitition, and most of the time i end up fighting and quarelling with my friends because i don’t want to be defeated. According to Harter (2012, 2013), children at this point of development are more likely to distinguish themselves from others in comparative rather than in absolute terms. I remembered at age 7, I am not actually thinking what to do, but i was thinking what i can do in comparison with others. At 8 years old, i develop understanding other people, their thoughts, and feelings and learn to listen to others opinions especially when we had group assignments. In terms of my self-esteem I coulds recall that during this period i had low self- esteem and somewhat negative self-concept about myself. I don’t feel good about my
  • 18. appearance, I am not academically compititive, and above all I was insecured of so many things. According to Thompson(2011), thus children have low self-esteem in middle or late childhood, they may have experience neglect or abuse in relationships with thier parents earlier in development. Recent study revealed, that youth with low self-esteem had lower life satisfaction at 30 years of age ( Berkinland & others, 2012). Another research study found that low and decreasing self-esteem in adolescence was linked to adult depression two decades later (Steiger & others, 2014). However, one of the most important aspects of self in middle and late childhood was self-regulation. I could remembered when I was 9 years old and i’m in grade 3, i was challenge to get an honors or award because I always recieve negative feedback about my performance in school and my mother always compare me to my sister who is always in the list of top 10 every year. With this i study hard and exert to much effort to proved them that I deserve positive feedback. Luckilly, at the end of the year I got second honors. I realized that achieving something may results to joy.Recent study revealed that the increased capacity is characterized by deliberate efforts to manage one’s behavior, emotions, and thoughts, leading to increased social competence and achievement ( Schunk & Zimmerman, 2013; Thompson, 2014c, 2015). However, in Erik Erickson’s (1968) stage of psychosocial development middle adulthood is the fourth stage, industry versus inferiority. Children become interested of how things are made and how they work. When children are encouranged in their efforts to work for something their sense of industry increases, however, parents who see their children’s efforts at
  • 19. making things as ‘mischief’ or making a “mess” encourage children development of a sense of inferiority. Based on this i learned that parents should be responsible, supportive in helping their children to cope with stressful situations. I could recall during this stage when the terrorist attack our home place in Mindanao, especifically in Ipil, Zamboanga Sibugay. i was left alone in our house while all my brothers and sisters run for their life. I was so scared, and trembling upon knowing that they left me alone in the middle of the night, i couldn’t heard anything except the firing of guns. Based on this experienced I have learned that disasters can especially harm children’s development and produce adjustment problems ( Scheerings, Cobhan, & McDermott,2014). Among the outcomes for children who experience disasters are acute stress reactions, depression, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder ( pfefferbaum,newman, & Nelson, 2014). However, my attachment in my family during middlie childhood I spent less time with my parents instead i spent more time with my peers, teachers, and friends. A recent study revealed that secure attachment was linked to a higher level of children’s emotion regulation and less difficulty in identifying emotions ( Brumariu, kerns & Seibert, 2012). Cognitive development during middle and late childhood (6-12 years old) According to Piaget ( 1952), the preschool child thought is preoperational. They can form stable concepts, and they begun to reason, but their thinking is flowed by egocentrism and magical belief systems.during this period I could say that i improved my ability to sustain and control my attention. Sometimes confuse appearances with reality.
  • 20. Physical development during Adolescence ( 13-19 years old) Regarding my physical development during this period i could say that there was a stricking changes that take place in my body. At 13 years of age, my breast began to enlarge, few pubic hair appearances then followed by the appearance of hair in my armpits. I grow a little bit in height and my hips become wider than my shoulder. My first menstruation occurs late at the age of 18. On the other hand my hormonal development changes at the same time. Example widineng of my hips. Recent study revealed, the concentrations of certain hormones increase dramatically during adolescence ( koolschijn, peper & Crone, 2014; Nguyen & others, 2013). Additionally, late maturation has been linked with body image. Research found that late maturing girls were more satisfied ( Simmon & Blyth, 1987) a posible reason for this is that in late adolescence early- maturing girls are shorter and stockier, whereas late-maturing girls are taller and thinner.further more early maturing girls increases vulnerability to a number of problems ( Graber, 2013). I believe that in terms of my maturity i am somewhat late at the age of 14. On the other hand, in terms of my brain development at this stage i could say that the development of my brain changes in a botom-up,top-down sequence with sensory, appetitive,sexual, sensation seeking, and risk taking brain linkages maturing first and higher- level brain linkages such as self-control, planning, reasoni ng maturing later. For example, i am capable of very strong emotions but my prefrontal cortext hasn’t adequate developed to the point of which i cannot control passions. It is the brain doesn’t have the brakes to slow down the
  • 21. emotion. So therefore, the development of my emotion and cognition in adolescence must be congruence. With i learned that during adolecent that my brain develop normaly because i could control my emotion and passion especially when it comes to opposite sex. Additionally, my sexuality develops at this stage. I had develop a sense of sexual fantasies and curiousity. For example, i could say that I am not sexually attractive. I was curious how to do sex, and confused about what the future holds for my sexual life. Honestly, all these questions and my confussions was only answered when I got married because i am not exposed to watch televisions and i am not opened to my mother regarding this issues. Emotional development during adolescence ( 13- 19 years old) During this period adolescents face dramatic biological changes.adollescents thought become more abstract and idealistic. G. Stanly Halll proposed the ‘ storm- and- stress” view that adolescence is a turbulence time charged with conflict and mood savings. However, Daniel (1980), study the self-image of adolescents in united States, at least 73% of the adloslecents displayed a healthy self-image. They found out that the adololescents were happy most of the time, they enjoy life, they perceived themselves as able to excercise self-control, they value work and school, they felt confident about their sexual selves, they expressed positive feeling toward their families, they felt that they have the capacity to cope with life’s stresses. In contrast, based on the recent research adolescents today were more troubled, less respecful, more self- centered, more assertive, and more adventurous than they are ( Feldman & Elliott, 1990).
  • 22. It was Erik Erickson’s ( 1950,1968) identity versus identity confusion stage of psychosocial development is the adolescence stage. It is during this stage that adolescents are faced with deciding who they are,what they are all about, and where they are going in life. I could readily recall during my adolescence age that my ambition is always changing, sometimes i want to become a teacher, and then the next month i want to become a nurse. Also in my mode of dressing i love to wore different styles of dresses. My purpose of doing such things because i want to find out which one fit me most. If i receive a positive feedback or negative feedback that will be my bases to decide what to wear next time. I believe at the age of approximately 17 to 19 I was able resolve this conflict identity confusion. I already know what i want, i learned to accept negative criticism. But my self-esteem is low at this stage until i reach adulthodd. In one study revealed, both girls and boys had paricularly high self-esteem in childhood, but dropped considerably during adolescence ( Robins & others, 2002). Based on this research i believe that one of the main reason of the decline of my self-esteem due to my negative body image during pubertal change. It has something to do with my perception of about my selves. During puberty stage of my development i have negative perception about my physical apperance, intellectual ability as a results a develop this negative perception untill adolescence period. Though some self-esteem do not always match reality ( Jordan & Ziegler-hill, 2013). Another important development in my emotion during this period was my religious/ spiritual development. During adolescence i was influence by a good christian friend of mine to attend
  • 23. church every Sunday, attending bible study and prayer meetings. With this activity it helps me a lot to mold my personal life to drawn closer to God but i wasn’t yet babtize as christian. Though i had accepted Jesus as my personal savior, my creator, my provider, and healer. My belief on religious helps shapes my daily lives and my spiritual growth. It is my great motivator to search for my identity during adolescents and serve as my guide to begin with my adult life. Researcher have found that adolescent girls are more religious than are adolescent boys, and more change from religiousness occured from 14 to 18 years of age than from 20 to 24 years of age (King & Roeser, 2009). Cognitive development during Adolescence (13- 19 years old) In Piaget’s psychosocial stages of development this is the formal operational stage which children’s thought become more abstract than concrete operational thought. Adolescents are no longer limited to actual concrete experiences as anchor for thought. For example, I have already develops my ability to solve problems verbally. Like A=B and B=C, I could already solve this problem merely through verbal presentation. Another evidence of the development of my abstract thinking during this period was when I began thinking about “ the problem, there is no problem that’s why there is a problem and what is the problem?” I usually ask my friends to answer this puzzles. It sounds abstract because it focus on thought and abstract qualities. Besides from thinking abstractly I also develop to think idealistically andI become more logical. Though I solve problem through trial and error. Another study revealed that adolescent were
  • 24. egocentrism, heightened self-consciousness ( David Elkind, 1976). According to Eklkind, the parts of adolescent egocentrism involving a sense of uniqueness and invicibility ( or invulnerability). For example, I am thinking about myself; “ No one understand me, particularly my mother. They have no idea of what I am feeling,”. With this i was able to craft story about myself whcih filled with fantacies, emerging myselves in a world that is far removed from reality.evidence can be found in my diaries until now. On the other hand cognitive control also develops during adolescents. According to Carlson, Zelazo, & Faja, (2013). For example, I this stage I was aware that i need to change my way of thinking and motivate to do so. It involves my decision making such as which friend to choose and what course to take. Recent study revealed that older adolescents describe as more competent than younger adolescents ( Keiting, 1990). Early Adulthood ( 20- 40 years old) An important aspect of emerging adulthood is the reseliance that some individuals have shown in moving their life in a positive direction ( Masten, 2013,2014; Masten & Tellegen, 2012). At this point of my development I am still exploring which carreer path i want to follow, I have thought of what identity I want to be, and I thought of lifestyle I want to adopt. Physical development during earlyadulthood (20-40 years old) Midlife physical changes are usually more gradual. The most visible sign of changes during middle adulthood is physical appearance. For example, in my appearance i noticed that at the
  • 25. age of 30 my skin begin to wrinkles specially my forehead, my hairs become thinner and grayer due to a lower replacement rate and a decline of melanin production. My figernails and toenails develop ridges and become thicker and more brittle. My tooth decayed..additionally, during middle adulthood I lose my height of 1 inch , but not gain weight. Recent study shown that the height lose for women can be as much as 2 inches from 25 to 75 years of age ( Hoyer & Roodin, 2009). I also experience joint stiffness at age 30, presently I develops difficulty in movement especially if I seated a long period of time. Research study found that maximum bone density occurs by mid- to late thirties, after which their is a progressive lose of bone. The rate of this bone loss begins slowly but accelerates with further aging ( Baron, 2012). Women loss bone mass twice as fast as men do. My vision and my hearing, my ability to focus and maintain image on my retina not like before, the sharpness decline at my age 38. I have difficulty viewing close objects. In terms of my hearing ability, I could say that I had a problem on hearing since I broke my eardrum at the age of 25. On my left ear 75% of my hearing was lose and on the right 25% was lose. I didn’t have ability to hear low-pitched sounds. Reseacher identify new posibilities for improving the vision and hearing as they age. One strategy involves better control of glare or background noise ( Natalizia & others, 2010). Emotional development during early and adulthood (20- 40 years old) During thid period, my emotional development revolves around into more enjoyable relationships with others, I was face to many challenges in life and I tried to adopt lifestyles that
  • 26. would emotionally satisfying, predictable, and manageable. Current research shows that the first 20 years of life are not maeningless in predicting an adult socioemotional landscape ( Cicchetti & Toth, 2015; Thomson, 2015). My Temperament during early adulthood In early adulthood, most individuals show fewer emotional mood swings than they did in adolescence, and they become more responsible and engage in less risk- taking bahavior ( Charles & Luong, 2011). Early and difficult temperaments. In one of longitudinal study, children who had easy temperament at 3 to 5 years old were likely to be well adjusted as young adults ( Chess & Thomas, 1987). In contrast, many children who had difficult temperament at 3 to 5 years of age well not well adjusted as young adults. Based on this concepts. Based on this, I believe that during adulthood I am already well adjusted. This concepts shows evidence of the law of continuity. My Attachment during early adulthood Securely attached infants are defined as those who use the caregiver as a secure base from to explore the environment. Similarly, adults may count on their romantic partners to ba a secure base to which they can return and obtain comfort and security in stressful time ( shaver & Mikulincer, 2013). Another research study revealed that young adults who were securely attached in their romantic relationships were more likely to describe their early relationship with their parents as securely attached ( Steele & others, 1998). Based on this concepts I believe
  • 27. that the view of nature attachment during infancy and its nurture environmental influence on my development. In my case, the attachment security in my infancy does not produce long-term positive outcomes, but rather negative outcomes because my adulthood experiences in social and cultural context was not good. For example, I was not securely attach with my husband because we our marriage was through parental agreement, I felt uneasy and uncomfortable being close to him, I find difficult to trust him completely to allow myself to depend on him. I get nervous if he get close to me and it bothers me.I often worry that my husband doesn’t really love me. So therefore I would conclude that even during infancy I have securely attached to my mom. but during adulthood I am not securely attach to my partner because of environmental experiences.I develop an avoidance attachment during adulthood. Additionally, national survey indicated that adults with avoidant attachment have lower level of sexual satisfaction than their counterparts with a secure attachment pattern ( Brassard & others, 2012). As a whole I could reflect to my life journey that my avoidance attachment during adulthood affects my entire marital relationship. Our relationship last only at appromately 7 years despite of our effort to stay in marriage and tried to work things out we still ended to broke up. This challenges for me to start all over again, though depression, anxiety, physical illnesses, and even thinking of commiting suicide during this period, which i defind my mid-life crisis.
  • 28. Middle Adulthood development ( 40-60 years old) In Erikson’s Stage of psychosocial development this middle adulthood is generativity vs Stagnation stage of development. Generativity encompasses adults desire to leave legacies of themselves to the next generation ( Busch & Hofer, 2012). By contrast, Stagnation develops when individuals sense that they have done nothing for the next generation. However, My development at this stage will be predictions about my future since I am only 39 years old turning 40 by June next year.So to make it short I will summarize my developmental lifespan in middle adulthood as one, such as physical, emotional, and cognitive develoment. As an adult and teacher, i will continue to guide my students by teaching, leading, and doing things that benifits the community. As a mother, I will continue to nurture and guide my children to reach their zone of proximality development (ZPD) for them to be able to reach their fullest potential personality development. In one study, Carol Ryff ( 1984) views of women and men at different ages, and found that middle-aged adults especially were concerned about generativity. Another study revealed that, the desire for generativity increased as adults ages from their thirties and above ( Stewart, Ostrove, & Helson, 2001). Additionally, according to Lavinson by age 40 one much reached a stable point of his career,and must outgrown his/ her earlier midlife crisis and spent more tenuous attempt at learning to become an adult, and now must look forward to be kind of life he/ she will lead as a middle-aged adult. I believe that this stage, i will be in control of my life. I will be in control of my financies, my work, and my marriage than during
  • 29. my early adulthood. though my physical development decline I will make it sure that I will gain high marital quality in the future, to live my life with full self-actualization and contenment till my last days in this wonderful world that God created for us to live happily. Conclusion My body and mind have changed in several ways since I was younger. Both my mind and my body have matured with age. Although my body has matured. I am often told that I am sometimes appear childish. However, sometimes I tend to act emotionally imatured for not able to control my emotion even in front of so many people. I believe that at this time I become more matured mentally for my age given my responsibilities and life experiences. I expect my mind and body continue to mature with age. However, I do not view this a negative experience because with this aging I believe I will gain an even better understanding of myself. My decision to attend MA Dev. Psyh had significant impact on my development, I believe that my Master education prepares people for entry into the real world upon graduation. Attending MA. Allow me to mature and grow into adult I want to be in the future. It allow me to reflect who am I and explore who I want to become as a wife, as a mother, or as a grand mother in the future. Besides I beleive that, there are several benefits to receiving a higher education. This benefits includes higher income upon graduation, financial success. A great commitment to ones goals and values, knowledge, and future. Because it increase in confidence, and an
  • 30. increase in critical thinking skills. I believe that taking this subjects will have positive impact on my future because it has helped me become a better-rounded individual. If I could pass on any piece of wisdom to my children, I would encourage them that what would be my experience on the past, mistakes and to learn from these mistakes. Now those mistakes how my parents raised me will hopefully not repeated for my children. I would express to my Children that personal development is continuous, dynamic process. I would advise them not to become stagnant and encourage them to become active participants of their own personal development. In other words, there is always room for improvement. This assignment was beneficial because it forced me to acquire a greater level of self- awareness of my whole lifespan development and offered insight on my individual identity, my philosophies, and values. I gain a better understanding of my past based on theoretical concepts, my strenght , and my weaknessess.