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A Critical Path for the Virtual Child

                    Nasim Khan
                    Student ID-300621777
                    Course code- ECEP- 103
                    Date- November 08, 2011
                    Instructor- Chris Cadiewx
Nasim Khan                                           Student ID#300621777

                          Table of content

    Sl. No.   Description                    Page No.
        1.    Part – A                       03

        2.    Part – B                       10

        3.    Part – C                       14

        4.    Bibliography                   17

        5.    Self Evaluation                18

        6.    Reports of Virtual Child       Annexure-1

Nasim Khan                                                                             Student ID#300621777

Part A:
                                            The Infant Age (0-4 Months)
My baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains of the developmental milestones patterns. Is it typical?

 Developmental                  Answer                          Proof                                Example
    Domain              (My original thoughts)      (Examples from my reports)                    (My references)
                       I believe that even       Sarah was born about four            Normal birth weight is 6.6 to 7.9
                       though Sarah was a        weeks earlier. Her birth weight      pounds, and low birth weight is less
                       premature baby, but       was five pounds. Her APGAR           than 5.5 pound). Normal APGAR
     Physical          the Physical              score was 6. She seemed              score is 7. Typical 3-month babies
                       developmental             healthy otherwise. After five        eat well. Body immune system
                       progress is quite         days, her APGAR score had            develops during that time. They
                       typical.                  increased from six to eight. For     sleep 14-15 hours a day, and the
                                                 the first week or so she wasn’t      sleeping pattern is more
                                                 very hungry and actually lost a      manageable. They can follow the
                                                 little weight. However, Sarah        moving objects around them. (Kail &
                                                 has started to suck more milk        Zolner,2009:p101-107)
                                                 from breast, and gained some
                                                 weight back. At 3month, Sarah
                                                 was often drowsy, and even
                                                 when awoke, she spent a lot of
                                                 time calmly examining objects
                                                 or gazing quietly at people.
                       I think the social/       She had a particularly piercing      A basic cry starts softly then
                       emotional                 cry. Sarah slept virtually most of   gradually became more intense and
                       developmental             the time, only woke when             usually occurred when she was
Social / Emotional     milestones of Sarah are   hungry, cold or wet. I noticed       hungry or tired. It may be either
                       same as a typical baby.   that Sarah’s crying was rhythmic     mad cry, a more intense version of a
                                                 and moderately loud when she         basic cry, or a pain cry beginning
                                                 was hungry. When she awoke           with sudden, long burst of crying,
                                                 she spent a lot of time calmly       followed by a long pause, and
                                                 examining objects or gazing          gasping. (Kail & Zolner,2009:p101-
                                                 quietly at people. Sarah smiled      107)
                                                 at familiar people, laughed
                                                 when saw funny things.

Nasim Khan                                                                              Student ID#300621777

                    It seems that the         Sarah has started to suck more       They can respond to sounds of
                    intellectual              milk from breast, and gained         voice, rattle and bell. Vision of
                    development of Sarah      some weight back. Sarah              children goes through many changes
  Intellectual      is almost perfect as a    showed more intense interest in      during the first months. At first she
                    typical baby.             her surroundings. She had a lot      would see edges of things because
                                              of cute little habits. Sarah could   center of her visual field is still
                                              focus her eyes on me. I noticed      blurred.
                                              that Sarah could learn a thing or    He would like to look at objects held
                                              two, so I showed her the toy,        about 20-35 cm in front of him, just
                                              such as rattles mobiles. At that     the right distance for watching the
                                              time she looked at those for         face while feeding or holding.
                                              reaching of them.                    Baby focuses on faces of mother
                                                                                   and other strangers.
                                                                                   By one month she would be able to
                                                                                   focus on things as far as 90cm (3 ft).

                                            The Infant Age (5-8 Months)
My baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains of the developmental milestones patterns. Is it typical?

Developmental                 Answer                          Proof                               Example
   Domain             (My original thoughts)      (Examples from my reports)                  (My references)
                    Sarah had some digestion     Sarah had problems with           The child at 4 month can rollback on
                    problems, however her        indigestion and diarrhoea,        its tummy, and can move the eyes to
                    development was seemed       and seemed prone to               follow a person. She can creep, sit
    Physical        typical for her age          catching colds. Naturally she     upright without support, and can
                                                 did not have much appetite,       stand for a short period.
                                                 and cried a lot during these
                                                 illness periods.                  http://www.effective-parenting-
                                                  She could crawl, sit, and
                                                 standing up, but could not        1.html
                                                 To establish a regular bed
                                                 time and sleep through the
                                                 night, I put her well fed and
                                                 with cleaned diapers at the
                                                 same time every night, and
                                                 ignored crying unless it went
                                                 on more than ten minutes.
                                                 She learnt to go to bed on

Nasim Khan                                                                                        Student ID#300621777

                      The features with Sarah           Sarah cried sometimes when             The baby can recognize her parents,
                      indicate that she is              I put her to bed at night even         and becomes anxious of strangers.
                      socially/ emotionally             though she was obviously               She would become much more
Social / Emotional    typical for age like any          sleepy. She recognized me,             clingy and anxious when separated
                      other child.                      had preference on me than              from mother. Reassure her with lots
                                                        others, and was a little               of love and attention and eventually
                                                        reluctant to part me at                she would realize that parents will
                                                        daycare, and starts crying.            come back.
                                                        However, she got it over
                                                        quickly after I left.                  http://www.effective-parenting-

                      I found her developing            Sarah showed signs of                  Her understanding of language
                      cognitive skills typical for a    independence. She seemed               developed faster than her ability to
                      child for her age.                to have little goal that               talk.
   Intellectual                                         involved two steps planning            The child is keen to communicate,
                                                        ahead. I encouraged her to             and try to make different sounds
                                                        point to toys and keep trying          with his mouth.
                                                        to get those were out of               The baby tries to concentrate on any
                                                        reach.                                 activity if demonstrated, and if


                                               The Infant Years (9-12 Months)
 My baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains of the developmental milestones patterns. Is it typical?

Developmental                  Answer                                  Proof                                    Example
   Domain              (My original thoughts)             (Examples from my reports)                        (My references)
                     Sarah’s development is            Sarah was ill several times from          By 9 months of age, many infants
                     consistent with a typical         colds or digestive upset. The             get themselves into a sitting
                     child of her age.                 doctor advised keeping her away           position on their own, and can also
    Physical                                           from sick people, and checking            pull to a stand while holding onto
                                                       out a new food for a few days to          furniture- the obvious first step
                                                       test for allergies. At the age of 12,     towards walking.
                                                       Sarah still had occasional                Children’s growth is dramatic
                                                       problems with indigestion, but            during first year. They grow taller,
                                                       could tolerate.                           and their heads get bigger.
                                                       Sarah is an efficient crawler and
                                                       started stepping to walk.                 ntent/special/hw251065.html
Nasim Khan                                                                               Student ID#300621777

                  I observed Sarah’s            When Sarah became upset, it was    Babies start to show their
                  emotional development,        difficult to soothe her down.      emotions and how they feel about
                  matched these with            Sometimes she accepted her         other people. They start to know
 Social /         reliable references, and      embraces and sometimes pushed      that when mom goes away, she
Emotional         found that Sarah is           me away.                           will come back.
                  growing as a typical child.                                      They start to understand they are a
                                                She readily adapted to the new person, and can recognize
                                                people. She made eye contact, themselves in the mirror.
                                                smiled at them, and vocalized to
                                                them quite a bit. Sarah had They have developed some
                                                typical emotional reactions for definite ideas about likes and
                                                her age, such as fear of total dislikes- they may kick and resist
                                                strangers, separation anxiety and change or other restrictions to
                                                a quick, loud cry when upset or in their freedom.
                                                pain.                              They are clingy and wary of
                                                                                   strangers. They smile and babble
                                                                                   and try to engage others in



                  Sarah’s intellectual          At the age 12, Sarah started to      Babies try to find hidden objects.
                  development is like a         explore her environment eagerly.     They try out new actions to reach
                  typical child.                She clearly understood a couple      the same goal, or change old
Intellectual                                    of dozen words.                      actions through trial and error.

                                                Sarah recently pronounced her        They develop stronger memory
                                                first clear word and pointed at      skills. Enjoy looking at pictures.
                                                the object in question. She was      Point to the correct parts of the
                                                able to find the object even after   body, and know that smaller
                                                long delays, and seemed to think     objects fit into larger ones.
                                                that as a great game.
Nasim Khan                                                                                 Student ID#300621777

                                           The Toddler Years (2 Years old)
My baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains of the developmental milestones patterns. Is it typical?

Developmental                 Answer                             Proof                                 Example
   Domain            (My original thoughts)          (Examples from my reports)                    (My references)
                   Sarah is physically like any   At 18 month, Sarah had a              Toddlers gain control and
                   typical girl of her age.       tremendous drive to use her           coordination and become steady
                                                  motor skills. She learned to walk.    walkers, and then climbing,
   Physical                                       I had to keep an eye on Sarah         running, and jumping. They can
                                                  because she might quickly toddle      walk around obstacles and walk
                                                  off into the crowd at public places   more erect. They Squats for long
                                                  or even into the street. Sarah        periods while playing.
                                                  usually preferred quiet activities    Often achieves toilet training
                                                  such as looking at her picture        during this year although accidents
                                                  books with an adult sitting in my     should still be expected. The child
                                                  lap and playing with toys, or         will indicate readiness for toilet
                                                  playing with objects such as          training.
                                                  puzzles, blocks, or other toys. I     They throw large ball underhand
                                                  went along with Sarah’s interests,    without losing balance, and hold
                                                  but also introduced some more         small cup or tumbler in one hand.
                                                  exciting games such as playing        Stacks four to six objects on top of
                                                  catch or climbing on the              one another.
                                                  equipment at the park.                Uses feet to propel wheeled riding
                                                  Sarah experienced a scary             toys.
                                                  accident in which she went off a
                                                  curb in the park and got    
                                                  scratched off. Since then she         wth-and-development-ages-12-to-
                                                  avoided riding her “Hot wheels”       24-months-overview
                                                  She was toilet trained by the age
                                                  2 years. She rarely had accidents.    _development_stages#Physical_5

                   I checked Sarah’s social/      Sarah sometimes talked to             Toddlers form strong emotional
                   emotional development          herself or makes the dolls and toy    attachments and often feel uneasy
                   with other reliable            figurines and talked to each          when they are separated from
   Social/         reference sources, and I       other. Sarah was very outgoing        their loved ones. This sets the
  Emotional        found a normal healthy         and friendly with new people.         stage for conflict, confusion, and
                   social/ emotional              Sarah’s communication skills          occasional breakdowns. Continues
                   development of Sarah           grew very well, she could speak       to use physical aggression if
                   during this age period.        mostly in three to four word          frustrated or angry.
                                                  sentences.                            Temper tantrums likely to peak
                                                  Sarah     has     shown      some     during this year; extremely difficult
                                                  interesting new behaviour. Some       to reason with during a tantrum.
Nasim Khan                                                                                   Student ID#300621777

                                                 things I noticed her shy smiles         Impatient. Enjoys "helping" with
                                                 when asked to be in photographs,        household chores; imitates
                                                 looking guilty when she broke           everyday activities: may try to
                                                 something, and embarrassment            toilet a stuffed animal, feed a doll.
                                                 when she had a potty accident.          "Bossy" with parents and
                                                 She knew her gender at age 2            caregivers; orders them around,
                                                 years, and preferred to categorize      makes demands, expects
                                                 behaviour and objects suited for        immediate compliance from
                                                 boys and girls. She preferred           adults.
                                                 playing with girls, but got along       Watches and imitates the play of
                                                 pretty well with boys.                  other children, but seldom
                                                 Sarah was initially excited with        interacts directly; plays near
                                                 her move to new day care, but           others, often choosing similar toys
                                                 became clinging and excited             and activities.
                                                 within one week.                        Offers toys to other children, but is
                                                  She often got frustrated, started      usually possessive of playthings;
                                                 whining and turned to me for            still tends to hoard toys.
                                                 help. Sometimes Sarah became            Making choices is difficult; wants it
                                                 resistant to my requests for            both ways.
                                                 cooperation. For example, she           Often defiant; shouting "no"
                                                 says “no”, or refuses things that       becomes automatic.
                                                 she accepted before such as food
                                                 or bath time. I realized that these
                                                 new emotions are related to her         wth-and-development-ages-12-to-
                                                 developing self awareness.              24-months-overview

                  I found Sarah’s intellectual   Sarah just turned 15 months of          Children start at this age to think,
                  development at this age        age, and I noticed that she often       learn, and remember recent
                  typical for a girl child of    studied things in her environment       events and actions. They can
Intellectual      her age.                       and performed simple little             understand symbols, imitate,
                                                 "experiments" with them, almost         imagine, and pretend.
                                                 like a little scientist. For example,   At 15 to 18 months, a typical
                                                 she built a little mount of dirt and    toddler understands 10 times
                                                 then studied the effects of             more words than he or she can
                                                 pouring water on it. In 19 month,       speak. By the second birthday,
                                                 Sarah’s language skills developed       most toddlers can say about 50 to
                                                 rapidly. Sarah seemed to know           100 words.
                                                 names of an unusual number for          Children begin to use objects for
                                                 things. Sometimes I heard her           purposes other than intended. Can
                                                 taking to herself as she played         do simple classification tasks based
                                                 alone in her room. In 19 month,         on single dimension (separates toy
                                                 Sarah was able to imitate actions       dinosaurs from toy cars).
                                                 or words that she had seen or           Children can attend to self-
Nasim Khan                                                 Student ID#300621777

             heard days before. Sarah also        selected activities for longer
             seems to be aware of basic           periods of time and can discover
             categories, such as big or little,   cause and effect.
             and blue or red- I could tell        They know where familiar persons
             because of the way she sorted        should be, note their absence, and
             her toys. In 24 month, Sarah         find a hidden object by looking in
             could      remember       recent     last hiding place first.
             experiences, and provided simple
             descriptions of what happened.
             Sarah’s communication skills         wth-and-development-ages-12-to-
             were growing up. She could           24-months-overview
             speak three and four word

Nasim Khan                                                                             Student ID#300621777

Part B

                                The Infant years (Birth to 12 Months Old)
Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the infant years.
                                    How will you address these issues?

Fall prevention:

        Sarah had a scary fall from her tricycle, and got scratched. It is a common
problem with children. It is required to keep the infant’s nursery safe by removing
hazards to minimize risk and installing safety devices. I always tried my level best
to make my house infant-friendly in respect of health and safety by using extra
safety devices. I have installed window guards and stops, and use children-safe
screens keep bugs out. I secured safety gates at the top and bottom of every room. I
always strap Sarah into high chairs, infant carriers, swings and strollers. retrieved on Nov 03, 2011

Choking and suffocation prevention:

        I attentively learnt from children safety books and videos that there are
simple things around the house that increase the risk of choking, suffocation and
strangulation for infants. I found Sarah always crawled around on the floor,
grabbed cords that were within reach and constantly put things in her mouth. I
always removed pillow, and soft blanket from her crib, because those can cover her
face that cause choking, and suffocation. retrieved on Nov 03, 2011

Nasim Khan                                                             Student ID#300621777

Poison Prevention:
        Poisoning is a serious illness. Poisoning can occurs when someone eats or
drinks a hazardous product. Younger children, especially infants, are at greatest
risk for domestic accidental poisoning by medicines, cosmetics, cleaning supplies,
art supplies, and pesticides. Nearly 64% of poisoning incident occur in the age 1to
4 months age children. I was always careful to protect those things beyond Sarah’s
potential reach.
(Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p 230) retrieved on Nov 03, 2011

Car Seat Safety:
        Car accident is a very important cause of child death. I followed the
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations (March 2011) to keep
Sarah rear facing up to at least the second birthday for the best possible protection.
Some parents argued with me with the old rule of “12 months and 20 pounds"
when turning their child forward-facing in the car. I travel always keeping Sarah in
a rear-facing child safety seat in a back seat for as long as possible. I was always
careful to protect my baby from the car accident. (SafeKids website) retrieved on Nov 03,

Prevent Diarrhoea:
        Diarrhoea and other infections are common killers for infants. In children, it
is the commonest symptom of gastroenteritis. My doctor gave me counseling after
Sarah’s birth about it. Breast feeding boost children’s defense against diseases,
prevents diarrhoea, increases ties with mother and helps to develop the chewing
muscles. For this reason, I practiced exclusive breast feeding to Sarah up to 4-6
months. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p 173)
Nasim Khan                                                                         Student ID#300621777

                                   The Toddler Years (2 Years Old)
      Have there been any environmental events that you think might have influenced your child’s
                   Does this create any health or safety concerns for your toddler?

Proper Nutrition:
        In the second year of life, most infants make a transition from breast milk or
formula to cow’s milk. At this age children should drink homogenized milk.
Children at that age need the fat from whole milk for brain development. I was
very cautious to provide proper nutrition for my baby. (Pimento & Kernested,
2010:p 230)
        Drowning is the second highest causes of childhood mortality and morbidity.
Toddlers can unbelievably be drowned in tiny water pool. Outdoor drowning on a
body of water is possible if a child falls through thin and melting ice during winter.
Another possible hazard is an open door that leaves to the play room to the
washroom. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p369) For this reason a secured the doors
in childproof manner when Sarah was a toddler.
        Childs are not mini-adults. Their skin is thinner and softer than skin of
adults. Toddlers are susceptible to scald from hot tap water, and drinking soups or
hot beverages as they cannot realize the danger of hot liquids and other burns
hazards. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p369) For this reason, I was alert when
Sarah was of two years old.

Nasim Khan                                                             Student ID#300621777

Falls and slips:

        Falls are the commonest cause of childhood injury in different settings. Falls
at the playground are common and can be serious and life threatening. Sarah once
slipped from her “hot wheels” tricycle, and got scarred. From that incidence I
became very careful about her playing and any possibility of falls. (Pimento &
Kernested, 2010:p371) Toddlers also slip on wet surfaces, and get injured. That is
why, I always keep my floors dry where Sarah can move and play.

        Toddlers are very susceptible to respiratory, skin and other infections.
Immunization support toddler’s health and safety. I completed Sarah’s
immunization schedule in due time, however I checked with her family doctor
about availability and necessity for any new and emerging immunization (Pimento
& Kernested, 2010:p123).

Nasim Khan                                                                               Student ID#300621777

Part C
                                     The Pre-School and School Age
   My prediction about what might happen to my virtual child, Sarah, in the preschool and school age years.
                                Why do I think these things might happen?

Developmental    Evidence (Why I Predict)                    Prediction                            References
                I have reared her up from    My prediction for the upcoming years is        Pimento, B., &
                birth to twenty four         that she will continue to grow with her        Kernested, D. (2010).
                months, and experienced      typical gross motor skills in running,         Healthy Foundation in
   Physical     her physical, social,        climbing, and jumping. She will get back       Early Childhood
                emotional, and               on the tricycle, and eventually ride a         Settings. Toronto:
                intellectual development     bicycle, without the fear of falling off and   Nelson, pxv
                at different age levels. I   hurting herself.
                can now gaze that what       In regards to fine motor, she will get the     Kail, Z., & Zolner, T.
                might happen to my           hang of building replicated block towers,      (2009). Children: A
                virtual child in the         colour within the lines, and copy shapes       Chronological
                preschool and school age     making the objects available to her.           Approach. 2nd Can Ed.
                years.                       By age 5, she could go to the toilet alone,    New Jersey: Pearson,
                                             managing all aspects of dressing,              p229-230.
                In spite of her premature    undressing, wiping, and hand washing
                birth, occasional bouts of   though , about 30% of healthy 4-year-old       http://www.merckma
                indigestion, and cold, my    children and 10% of 6-year-old children
                child had normal physical    have not yet achieved regular nighttime        rens_health_issues/pr
                development, specifically    bladder control.                               eschool_and_school-
                with gross and fine          Doubling the child's height at age 24          aged_children/physica
                motor, during the infant     months fairly accurately predicts adult        l_development.html
                and toddler years.           height.
                                             While her fine motor skills continue to
                                             improve during the school year ages, I         http://www.nlm.nih.
                                             predict my child will be able to tie up her    gov/medlineplus/en
                                             laces, and cut with scissors.
                                             There can also be a big difference in the      m. Page last updated:
                                             age at which children begin to develop         02 November 2011.
                                             secondary sexual characteristics. For          Retrieved on
                                             Sarah, secondary sex characteristics           November 04, 2011
                                             •        Breast development
                                             •        Underarm and pubic hair growth
                She readily engaged with     Sarah would be very outgoing and               http://urbanext.illinois
                visitors with smiles, and    friendly with others. She would share her      .edu/babysitting/age-
   Social /     good eye contact. She        belongings with friends. Peer acceptance       school.html. © 2011
  Emotional     showed immediate signs       becomes more important during the              University of Illinois
Nasim Khan                                                                              Student ID#300621777

               of wanting to get down       school-age years. She would like to join      Board of Trustees
               and approach or beheld.      organized groups of her own sex, and
               She seemed at ease with      take part in certain group behaviours and
               the examiner throughout      activities.                                   http://www.nlm.nih.g
               the session.                 Children are increasingly able to             ov/medlineplus/ency/
               She was cheerful             understand another person's perspective       article/002017.htm.
               throughout the play          and so learn the essentials of taking turns   Page last updated: 02
               sessions and the             in games or conversations.                    November 2011.
               examinations sessions        She might have a strong need to feel          Retrieved on
               with the child specialist,   accepted and worthwhile. She might            November 04, 2011
               and rarely became tense      prefer individual achievements over
               or emotional during the      competition. She may like                     Kail, Z., & Zolner, T.
               period of observation.       encouragement and suggestions over            (2009). Children: A
               She felt shy when broke      competition. She would begin to take          Chronological
               anything.                    responsibility for her own actions.           Approach. 2nd Can Ed.
               Sarah played freely with                                                   New Jersey: Pearson,
               other children, and                                                        p107-110
               shared her toys.
               Intellectual development     For cognitive/intellectual development, I
               of Sarah is almost perfect   predict my child will be more
               as a typical baby.           experimental in her environment, and          http://www.merckma
Intellectual                                with the objects in her surroundings.
               At 2 years of age, she       I predict that Sarah will grow and be able    rens_health_issues/pr
               scored in the above          to speak at the normal range of a             eschool_and_school-
               average range on the         preschool child. I believe this will occur    aged_children/intellec
               tests of language            with my help and also by continuous 
               comprehension and            listening and using the available tools       ml. Last full
               production, and provided     (picture books with limited words,            review/revision May
               complete and                 storytelling time, and other children’s       2006 by Eve R. Colson,
               grammatically mature         communication skills). I also predict she     MD retrieved on
               sentences in a               will be able to write her name by the time    November 04, 2011
               conversation about a         she enrolls in kindergarten.                  Kail, Z., & Zolner, T.
               picture.                     By age 4, she might have a more               (2009). Children: A
               Sarah showed more            complicated understanding of time, and        Chronological
               intense interest in her      the difference between fantasy and            Approach. 2nd Can Ed.
               surroundings. She had a      reality. She might realize that the day is    New Jersey: Pearson
               lot of cute little habits.   divided into morning, afternoon, and          http://www.effective-
               Sarah could focus her        night, and the year into seasons.             parenting-
               eyes on me. I noticed that   By age 7, Sarah’s intellectual capabilities
               Sarah could learn a thing    would become more complex. By this            development-1.html
               or two, so I showed her      time, she could be increasingly able to
               the toy, such as rattles     focus on more than one aspect of an
               mobiles. At that time she    event or situation at the same time. For
               looked at those for          example, at school-aged children she
               reaching of them.            might appreciate that a tall, slender
Nasim Khan                                                 Student ID#300621777

             container can hold the same amount of
             water as a short, broad one. Her mother
             can be angry at her but can still love her.
             Also, I predict that she will begin to have
             a longer attention span and concentrate
             for longer periods. I predict this because
             when she was a toddler she was able to
             stay on task.

Nasim Khan                                                          Student ID#300621777


Kail, Z., & Zolner, T. (2009). Children: A Chronological Approach. 2nd Can Ed.
New Jersey: Pearson

Pimento, B., & Kernested, D. (2010). Healthy Foundation in Early Childhood
Settings. 4th edition. Toronto: Nelson
ol-aged_children/physical_development.html retrieved on November 04, 2011 Page last updated:
02 November 2011, retrieved on November 04, 2011 © 2011 University of
Illinois Board of Trustees, retrieved on November 04, 2011
retrieved on November 04, 2011 retrieved on November
03, 2011

Nasim Khan                                                             Student ID#300621777

                                  Self Evaluation

        I have done my research on my virtual child development up to 24 months. I
tried to gather information about Sarah as much as I could. I tried to provide wide a
clear idea about her physical, social/ emotional, and intellectual development.

        I believe my strength was to get into the depth in my research and to pull out
the information about Sarah’s development of each level of age. Also as a mother I
am experienced to rear up children. I applied my affection, devotion, and
experience to support developing Sarah’s physical, social/ emotional, and
intellectual development. Through this program I learned more using the computer,
citation and referencing adopting APA format, and paraphrasing documents. I
could upgrade my computer skills while doing this assignment.

        This research work was very much challenging for me too. The main reason
is that English is my second language; sometimes I faced difficulty to understand
some technical terms, descriptions and explanations.

        I had to work very hard to complete my research work. In order to submit it
within deadline, I had to be more organized, time sensitive, and skilled in computer
literacy. I became more knowledgeable to rear up a baby, more informative about
their daily needs, their requirement for support by knowing their development
milestones at each age level.

        Finally, I strongly believe, this hands-on experience would help me to be a
successful Early Childhood Educator.


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Virtual child part 1

  • 1. Assignment A Critical Path for the Virtual Child Nasim Khan Student ID-300621777 Course code- ECEP- 103 Section-001 Date- November 08, 2011 Instructor- Chris Cadiewx
  • 2. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 Table of content Sl. No. Description Page No. 1. Part – A 03 2. Part – B 10 3. Part – C 14 4. Bibliography 17 5. Self Evaluation 18 6. Reports of Virtual Child Annexure-1 2
  • 3. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 Part A: The Infant Age (0-4 Months) My baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains of the developmental milestones patterns. Is it typical? Developmental Answer Proof Example Domain (My original thoughts) (Examples from my reports) (My references) I believe that even Sarah was born about four Normal birth weight is 6.6 to 7.9 though Sarah was a weeks earlier. Her birth weight pounds, and low birth weight is less premature baby, but was five pounds. Her APGAR than 5.5 pound). Normal APGAR Physical the Physical score was 6. She seemed score is 7. Typical 3-month babies developmental healthy otherwise. After five eat well. Body immune system progress is quite days, her APGAR score had develops during that time. They typical. increased from six to eight. For sleep 14-15 hours a day, and the the first week or so she wasn’t sleeping pattern is more very hungry and actually lost a manageable. They can follow the little weight. However, Sarah moving objects around them. (Kail & has started to suck more milk Zolner,2009:p101-107) from breast, and gained some weight back. At 3month, Sarah was often drowsy, and even when awoke, she spent a lot of time calmly examining objects or gazing quietly at people. I think the social/ She had a particularly piercing A basic cry starts softly then emotional cry. Sarah slept virtually most of gradually became more intense and developmental the time, only woke when usually occurred when she was Social / Emotional milestones of Sarah are hungry, cold or wet. I noticed hungry or tired. It may be either same as a typical baby. that Sarah’s crying was rhythmic mad cry, a more intense version of a and moderately loud when she basic cry, or a pain cry beginning was hungry. When she awoke with sudden, long burst of crying, she spent a lot of time calmly followed by a long pause, and examining objects or gazing gasping. (Kail & Zolner,2009:p101- quietly at people. Sarah smiled 107) at familiar people, laughed when saw funny things. 3
  • 4. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 It seems that the Sarah has started to suck more They can respond to sounds of intellectual milk from breast, and gained voice, rattle and bell. Vision of development of Sarah some weight back. Sarah children goes through many changes Intellectual is almost perfect as a showed more intense interest in during the first months. At first she typical baby. her surroundings. She had a lot would see edges of things because of cute little habits. Sarah could center of her visual field is still focus her eyes on me. I noticed blurred. that Sarah could learn a thing or He would like to look at objects held two, so I showed her the toy, about 20-35 cm in front of him, just such as rattles mobiles. At that the right distance for watching the time she looked at those for face while feeding or holding. reaching of them. Baby focuses on faces of mother and other strangers. By one month she would be able to focus on things as far as 90cm (3 ft). http://www.effective-parenting- 1.html The Infant Age (5-8 Months) My baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains of the developmental milestones patterns. Is it typical? Developmental Answer Proof Example Domain (My original thoughts) (Examples from my reports) (My references) Sarah had some digestion Sarah had problems with The child at 4 month can rollback on problems, however her indigestion and diarrhoea, its tummy, and can move the eyes to development was seemed and seemed prone to follow a person. She can creep, sit Physical typical for her age catching colds. Naturally she upright without support, and can did not have much appetite, stand for a short period. and cried a lot during these illness periods. http://www.effective-parenting- She could crawl, sit, and standing up, but could not 1.html walk. To establish a regular bed time and sleep through the night, I put her well fed and with cleaned diapers at the same time every night, and ignored crying unless it went on more than ten minutes. She learnt to go to bed on time. 4
  • 5. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 The features with Sarah Sarah cried sometimes when The baby can recognize her parents, indicate that she is I put her to bed at night even and becomes anxious of strangers. socially/ emotionally though she was obviously She would become much more Social / Emotional typical for age like any sleepy. She recognized me, clingy and anxious when separated other child. had preference on me than from mother. Reassure her with lots others, and was a little of love and attention and eventually reluctant to part me at she would realize that parents will daycare, and starts crying. come back. However, she got it over quickly after I left. http://www.effective-parenting- 1.html I found her developing Sarah showed signs of Her understanding of language cognitive skills typical for a independence. She seemed developed faster than her ability to child for her age. to have little goal that talk. Intellectual involved two steps planning The child is keen to communicate, ahead. I encouraged her to and try to make different sounds point to toys and keep trying with his mouth. to get those were out of The baby tries to concentrate on any reach. activity if demonstrated, and if encouraged. http://www.effective-parenting- 1.html The Infant Years (9-12 Months) My baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains of the developmental milestones patterns. Is it typical? Developmental Answer Proof Example Domain (My original thoughts) (Examples from my reports) (My references) Sarah’s development is Sarah was ill several times from By 9 months of age, many infants consistent with a typical colds or digestive upset. The get themselves into a sitting child of her age. doctor advised keeping her away position on their own, and can also Physical from sick people, and checking pull to a stand while holding onto out a new food for a few days to furniture- the obvious first step test for allergies. At the age of 12, towards walking. Sarah still had occasional Children’s growth is dramatic problems with indigestion, but during first year. They grow taller, could tolerate. and their heads get bigger. Sarah is an efficient crawler and started stepping to walk. ntent/special/hw251065.html 5
  • 6. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 I observed Sarah’s When Sarah became upset, it was Babies start to show their emotional development, difficult to soothe her down. emotions and how they feel about matched these with Sometimes she accepted her other people. They start to know Social / reliable references, and embraces and sometimes pushed that when mom goes away, she Emotional found that Sarah is me away. will come back. growing as a typical child. They start to understand they are a She readily adapted to the new person, and can recognize people. She made eye contact, themselves in the mirror. smiled at them, and vocalized to them quite a bit. Sarah had They have developed some typical emotional reactions for definite ideas about likes and her age, such as fear of total dislikes- they may kick and resist strangers, separation anxiety and change or other restrictions to a quick, loud cry when upset or in their freedom. pain. They are clingy and wary of strangers. They smile and babble and try to engage others in conversation. ntent/special/hw251065.html u/bhcv2/bhcarticles.nsf/pages/Chil d_development_%284%29_nine_t o_12_months?open Sarah’s intellectual At the age 12, Sarah started to Babies try to find hidden objects. development is like a explore her environment eagerly. They try out new actions to reach typical child. She clearly understood a couple the same goal, or change old Intellectual of dozen words. actions through trial and error. Sarah recently pronounced her They develop stronger memory first clear word and pointed at skills. Enjoy looking at pictures. the object in question. She was Point to the correct parts of the able to find the object even after body, and know that smaller long delays, and seemed to think objects fit into larger ones. that as a great game. you-and-your-toddler-0- 36/toddler-development/ages-9- 12-months/cognitive- development.html 6
  • 7. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 The Toddler Years (2 Years old) My baby’s physical, social/emotional and intellectual domains of the developmental milestones patterns. Is it typical? Developmental Answer Proof Example Domain (My original thoughts) (Examples from my reports) (My references) Sarah is physically like any At 18 month, Sarah had a Toddlers gain control and typical girl of her age. tremendous drive to use her coordination and become steady motor skills. She learned to walk. walkers, and then climbing, Physical I had to keep an eye on Sarah running, and jumping. They can because she might quickly toddle walk around obstacles and walk off into the crowd at public places more erect. They Squats for long or even into the street. Sarah periods while playing. usually preferred quiet activities Often achieves toilet training such as looking at her picture during this year although accidents books with an adult sitting in my should still be expected. The child lap and playing with toys, or will indicate readiness for toilet playing with objects such as training. puzzles, blocks, or other toys. I They throw large ball underhand went along with Sarah’s interests, without losing balance, and hold but also introduced some more small cup or tumbler in one hand. exciting games such as playing Stacks four to six objects on top of catch or climbing on the one another. equipment at the park. Uses feet to propel wheeled riding Sarah experienced a scary toys. accident in which she went off a curb in the park and got scratched off. Since then she wth-and-development-ages-12-to- avoided riding her “Hot wheels” 24-months-overview tricycle. She was toilet trained by the age 2 years. She rarely had accidents. _development_stages#Physical_5 I checked Sarah’s social/ Sarah sometimes talked to Toddlers form strong emotional emotional development herself or makes the dolls and toy attachments and often feel uneasy with other reliable figurines and talked to each when they are separated from Social/ reference sources, and I other. Sarah was very outgoing their loved ones. This sets the Emotional found a normal healthy and friendly with new people. stage for conflict, confusion, and social/ emotional Sarah’s communication skills occasional breakdowns. Continues development of Sarah grew very well, she could speak to use physical aggression if during this age period. mostly in three to four word frustrated or angry. sentences. Temper tantrums likely to peak Sarah has shown some during this year; extremely difficult interesting new behaviour. Some to reason with during a tantrum. 7
  • 8. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 things I noticed her shy smiles Impatient. Enjoys "helping" with when asked to be in photographs, household chores; imitates looking guilty when she broke everyday activities: may try to something, and embarrassment toilet a stuffed animal, feed a doll. when she had a potty accident. "Bossy" with parents and She knew her gender at age 2 caregivers; orders them around, years, and preferred to categorize makes demands, expects behaviour and objects suited for immediate compliance from boys and girls. She preferred adults. playing with girls, but got along Watches and imitates the play of pretty well with boys. other children, but seldom Sarah was initially excited with interacts directly; plays near her move to new day care, but others, often choosing similar toys became clinging and excited and activities. within one week. Offers toys to other children, but is She often got frustrated, started usually possessive of playthings; whining and turned to me for still tends to hoard toys. help. Sometimes Sarah became Making choices is difficult; wants it resistant to my requests for both ways. cooperation. For example, she Often defiant; shouting "no" says “no”, or refuses things that becomes automatic. she accepted before such as food or bath time. I realized that these new emotions are related to her wth-and-development-ages-12-to- developing self awareness. 24-months-overview _development_stages#Physical_5 I found Sarah’s intellectual Sarah just turned 15 months of Children start at this age to think, development at this age age, and I noticed that she often learn, and remember recent typical for a girl child of studied things in her environment events and actions. They can Intellectual her age. and performed simple little understand symbols, imitate, "experiments" with them, almost imagine, and pretend. like a little scientist. For example, At 15 to 18 months, a typical she built a little mount of dirt and toddler understands 10 times then studied the effects of more words than he or she can pouring water on it. In 19 month, speak. By the second birthday, Sarah’s language skills developed most toddlers can say about 50 to rapidly. Sarah seemed to know 100 words. names of an unusual number for Children begin to use objects for things. Sometimes I heard her purposes other than intended. Can taking to herself as she played do simple classification tasks based alone in her room. In 19 month, on single dimension (separates toy Sarah was able to imitate actions dinosaurs from toy cars). or words that she had seen or Children can attend to self- 8
  • 9. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 heard days before. Sarah also selected activities for longer seems to be aware of basic periods of time and can discover categories, such as big or little, cause and effect. and blue or red- I could tell They know where familiar persons because of the way she sorted should be, note their absence, and her toys. In 24 month, Sarah find a hidden object by looking in could remember recent last hiding place first. experiences, and provided simple descriptions of what happened. Sarah’s communication skills wth-and-development-ages-12-to- were growing up. She could 24-months-overview speak three and four word sentences. _development_stages#Physical_5 9
  • 10. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 Part B The Infant years (Birth to 12 Months Old) Identify specific health and safety considerations that you will have to consider during the infant years. How will you address these issues? Fall prevention: Sarah had a scary fall from her tricycle, and got scratched. It is a common problem with children. It is required to keep the infant’s nursery safe by removing hazards to minimize risk and installing safety devices. I always tried my level best to make my house infant-friendly in respect of health and safety by using extra safety devices. I have installed window guards and stops, and use children-safe screens keep bugs out. I secured safety gates at the top and bottom of every room. I always strap Sarah into high chairs, infant carriers, swings and strollers. retrieved on Nov 03, 2011 Choking and suffocation prevention: I attentively learnt from children safety books and videos that there are simple things around the house that increase the risk of choking, suffocation and strangulation for infants. I found Sarah always crawled around on the floor, grabbed cords that were within reach and constantly put things in her mouth. I always removed pillow, and soft blanket from her crib, because those can cover her face that cause choking, and suffocation. retrieved on Nov 03, 2011 10
  • 11. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 Poison Prevention: Poisoning is a serious illness. Poisoning can occurs when someone eats or drinks a hazardous product. Younger children, especially infants, are at greatest risk for domestic accidental poisoning by medicines, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, art supplies, and pesticides. Nearly 64% of poisoning incident occur in the age 1to 4 months age children. I was always careful to protect those things beyond Sarah’s potential reach. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p 230) retrieved on Nov 03, 2011 Car Seat Safety: Car accident is a very important cause of child death. I followed the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommendations (March 2011) to keep Sarah rear facing up to at least the second birthday for the best possible protection. Some parents argued with me with the old rule of “12 months and 20 pounds" when turning their child forward-facing in the car. I travel always keeping Sarah in a rear-facing child safety seat in a back seat for as long as possible. I was always careful to protect my baby from the car accident. (SafeKids website) retrieved on Nov 03, 2011 Prevent Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea and other infections are common killers for infants. In children, it is the commonest symptom of gastroenteritis. My doctor gave me counseling after Sarah’s birth about it. Breast feeding boost children’s defense against diseases, prevents diarrhoea, increases ties with mother and helps to develop the chewing muscles. For this reason, I practiced exclusive breast feeding to Sarah up to 4-6 months. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p 173) 11
  • 12. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 The Toddler Years (2 Years Old) Have there been any environmental events that you think might have influenced your child’s development? Does this create any health or safety concerns for your toddler? Proper Nutrition: In the second year of life, most infants make a transition from breast milk or formula to cow’s milk. At this age children should drink homogenized milk. Children at that age need the fat from whole milk for brain development. I was very cautious to provide proper nutrition for my baby. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p 230) Drowning: Drowning is the second highest causes of childhood mortality and morbidity. Toddlers can unbelievably be drowned in tiny water pool. Outdoor drowning on a body of water is possible if a child falls through thin and melting ice during winter. Another possible hazard is an open door that leaves to the play room to the washroom. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p369) For this reason a secured the doors in childproof manner when Sarah was a toddler. Burns: Childs are not mini-adults. Their skin is thinner and softer than skin of adults. Toddlers are susceptible to scald from hot tap water, and drinking soups or hot beverages as they cannot realize the danger of hot liquids and other burns hazards. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p369) For this reason, I was alert when Sarah was of two years old. 12
  • 13. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 Falls and slips: Falls are the commonest cause of childhood injury in different settings. Falls at the playground are common and can be serious and life threatening. Sarah once slipped from her “hot wheels” tricycle, and got scarred. From that incidence I became very careful about her playing and any possibility of falls. (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p371) Toddlers also slip on wet surfaces, and get injured. That is why, I always keep my floors dry where Sarah can move and play. Immunization: Toddlers are very susceptible to respiratory, skin and other infections. Immunization support toddler’s health and safety. I completed Sarah’s immunization schedule in due time, however I checked with her family doctor about availability and necessity for any new and emerging immunization (Pimento & Kernested, 2010:p123). 13
  • 14. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 Part C The Pre-School and School Age My prediction about what might happen to my virtual child, Sarah, in the preschool and school age years. Why do I think these things might happen? Developmental Evidence (Why I Predict) Prediction References Domain I have reared her up from My prediction for the upcoming years is Pimento, B., & birth to twenty four that she will continue to grow with her Kernested, D. (2010). months, and experienced typical gross motor skills in running, Healthy Foundation in Physical her physical, social, climbing, and jumping. She will get back Early Childhood emotional, and on the tricycle, and eventually ride a Settings. Toronto: intellectual development bicycle, without the fear of falling off and Nelson, pxv at different age levels. I hurting herself. can now gaze that what In regards to fine motor, she will get the Kail, Z., & Zolner, T. might happen to my hang of building replicated block towers, (2009). Children: A virtual child in the colour within the lines, and copy shapes Chronological preschool and school age making the objects available to her. Approach. 2nd Can Ed. years. By age 5, she could go to the toilet alone, New Jersey: Pearson, managing all aspects of dressing, p229-230. In spite of her premature undressing, wiping, and hand washing birth, occasional bouts of though , about 30% of healthy 4-year-old http://www.merckma indigestion, and cold, my children and 10% of 6-year-old children child had normal physical have not yet achieved regular nighttime rens_health_issues/pr development, specifically bladder control. eschool_and_school- with gross and fine Doubling the child's height at age 24 aged_children/physica motor, during the infant months fairly accurately predicts adult l_development.html and toddler years. height. While her fine motor skills continue to improve during the school year ages, I http://www.nlm.nih. predict my child will be able to tie up her gov/medlineplus/en laces, and cut with scissors. cy/article/ There can also be a big difference in the m. Page last updated: age at which children begin to develop 02 November 2011. secondary sexual characteristics. For Retrieved on Sarah, secondary sex characteristics November 04, 2011 include: • Breast development • Underarm and pubic hair growth She readily engaged with Sarah would be very outgoing and http://urbanext.illinois visitors with smiles, and friendly with others. She would share her .edu/babysitting/age- Social / good eye contact. She belongings with friends. Peer acceptance school.html. © 2011 Emotional showed immediate signs becomes more important during the University of Illinois 14
  • 15. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 of wanting to get down school-age years. She would like to join Board of Trustees and approach or beheld. organized groups of her own sex, and She seemed at ease with take part in certain group behaviours and the examiner throughout activities. http://www.nlm.nih.g the session. Children are increasingly able to ov/medlineplus/ency/ She was cheerful understand another person's perspective article/002017.htm. throughout the play and so learn the essentials of taking turns Page last updated: 02 sessions and the in games or conversations. November 2011. examinations sessions She might have a strong need to feel Retrieved on with the child specialist, accepted and worthwhile. She might November 04, 2011 and rarely became tense prefer individual achievements over or emotional during the competition. She may like Kail, Z., & Zolner, T. period of observation. encouragement and suggestions over (2009). Children: A She felt shy when broke competition. She would begin to take Chronological anything. responsibility for her own actions. Approach. 2nd Can Ed. Sarah played freely with New Jersey: Pearson, other children, and p107-110 shared her toys. Intellectual development For cognitive/intellectual development, I of Sarah is almost perfect predict my child will be more as a typical baby. experimental in her environment, and http://www.merckma Intellectual with the objects in her surroundings. At 2 years of age, she I predict that Sarah will grow and be able rens_health_issues/pr scored in the above to speak at the normal range of a eschool_and_school- average range on the preschool child. I believe this will occur aged_children/intellec tests of language with my help and also by continuous comprehension and listening and using the available tools ml. Last full production, and provided (picture books with limited words, review/revision May complete and storytelling time, and other children’s 2006 by Eve R. Colson, grammatically mature communication skills). I also predict she MD retrieved on sentences in a will be able to write her name by the time November 04, 2011 conversation about a she enrolls in kindergarten. Kail, Z., & Zolner, T. picture. By age 4, she might have a more (2009). Children: A Sarah showed more complicated understanding of time, and Chronological intense interest in her the difference between fantasy and Approach. 2nd Can Ed. surroundings. She had a reality. She might realize that the day is New Jersey: Pearson lot of cute little habits. divided into morning, afternoon, and http://www.effective- Sarah could focus her night, and the year into seasons. parenting- eyes on me. I noticed that By age 7, Sarah’s intellectual capabilities Sarah could learn a thing would become more complex. By this development-1.html or two, so I showed her time, she could be increasingly able to the toy, such as rattles focus on more than one aspect of an mobiles. At that time she event or situation at the same time. For looked at those for example, at school-aged children she reaching of them. might appreciate that a tall, slender 15
  • 16. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 container can hold the same amount of water as a short, broad one. Her mother can be angry at her but can still love her. Also, I predict that she will begin to have a longer attention span and concentrate for longer periods. I predict this because when she was a toddler she was able to stay on task. 16
  • 17. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 Bibliography: Kail, Z., & Zolner, T. (2009). Children: A Chronological Approach. 2nd Can Ed. New Jersey: Pearson Pimento, B., & Kernested, D. (2010). Healthy Foundation in Early Childhood Settings. 4th edition. Toronto: Nelson ol-aged_children/physical_development.html retrieved on November 04, 2011 Page last updated: 02 November 2011, retrieved on November 04, 2011 © 2011 University of Illinois Board of Trustees, retrieved on November 04, 2011 retrieved on November 04, 2011 retrieved on November 03, 2011 17
  • 18. Nasim Khan Student ID#300621777 Self Evaluation I have done my research on my virtual child development up to 24 months. I tried to gather information about Sarah as much as I could. I tried to provide wide a clear idea about her physical, social/ emotional, and intellectual development. I believe my strength was to get into the depth in my research and to pull out the information about Sarah’s development of each level of age. Also as a mother I am experienced to rear up children. I applied my affection, devotion, and experience to support developing Sarah’s physical, social/ emotional, and intellectual development. Through this program I learned more using the computer, citation and referencing adopting APA format, and paraphrasing documents. I could upgrade my computer skills while doing this assignment. This research work was very much challenging for me too. The main reason is that English is my second language; sometimes I faced difficulty to understand some technical terms, descriptions and explanations. I had to work very hard to complete my research work. In order to submit it within deadline, I had to be more organized, time sensitive, and skilled in computer literacy. I became more knowledgeable to rear up a baby, more informative about their daily needs, their requirement for support by knowing their development milestones at each age level. Finally, I strongly believe, this hands-on experience would help me to be a successful Early Childhood Educator. 18