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Assessment of Female Reproductive System
Presented by : Merga Wekwaya
Presented to: Mr Bikila T. (BSc, MSc, Ass’t Prof.)
Jun 2023
2:10:24 PM 1
Female Reproductive System
After studying this chapter you will be able to:
 Describe anatomy and physiology.
 Identify equipment, positioning, techniques.
 Explain process of performing assessment of
female reproductive systems.
 Differentiate between normal and abnormal
assessment data.
2:10:24 PM 2
Female Reproductive System
 The female reproductive system is responsible
for producing gametes, sex hormones, and
keeping fertilized eggs alive until they mature
into fetuses and are prepared for birth.
 History, a comprehensive physical examination,
and an assessment of the external and internal
genitalia are all part of the physical exam's
section on the female reproductive system.
2:10:24 PM 3
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
External Structures
 Mons Pubis, Clitoris
 Labia Majora
 Labia Minora
 Skene’s Glands
 Hymen
 Bartholin’s Glands
2:10:24 PM 4
Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System
Internal Structures
 Vagina: Muscular tube from cervix to vulva.
 Cervix: lower, narrow portion of uterus
 Uterus: pear-shaped organ containing growing
 Fallopian Tubes: pathway for egg travel during
 Ovaries: egg-producing organs
2:10:24 PM 5
Female Reproductive System
Internal Female Reproductive Organs
2:10:24 PM 6
Female Reproductive System
Equipment For Examination Female
Reproductive System
 Gloves
 Drape
 Vaginal Speculum
 Cotton-tipped
 Examination table
 Screen
 Ayre Spatula
(endocervical brush)
 Specimen container
 Small bottle(3)
 Warm water
 Lubricating jelly
 Flexible light source
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 7
General Consideration
 Begin with woman in sitting position
 Explain each step in the exam before you do it.
 The patient must have an empty bladder.
 Place woman in lithotomy position
 Appropriately drape, covering the stomach, and
legs, exposing only the vulva to your view.
 Ask if she would like a friend, family member
2:10:24 PM 8
Female Reproductive System
Health history:
 Present complaint
 Menstrual history: Age of Menarche? LMP?
Any changes or pain related to menstruation?
 Past Gynecological history: Age at which
puberty began? How old was the patient when
the first sexual encounter occurred and how
many sexual partners has the patient had?
2:10:24 PM 9
Female Reproductive System
 Obstetrics History:
 Past Medical, Surgical, and Social histories.
 Family history
 Medication and Drug history.
 Nutritional history
 Personal History
 Breast History:
2:10:24 PM 10
Female Reproductive System
Head-to-Toe Physical Assessment
 General Health Survey: Personality changes and
mental deterioration can accompany late-stage
syphilis, Depression can affect sexual functioning,
Loss of height seen in postmenopausal women
with osteoporosis, Wt. loss resulting from
anorexia can cause amenorrhea, Wt. gain is
associated with pregnancy, Unexplained weight
loss may be associated with malignancy.
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 11
Integumentary : Skin & Hair
 Rashes and skin lesions are associated with
many STDs.
 Systemic rash: Secondary syphilis.
 Vesicles: Herpes simplex types 1 and 2.
 Increased skin pigmentation: Increased
hormones during pregnancy.
 Alopecia: Secondary syphilis.
 Abnormal increase in body hair (hirsutism):
Decrease in female hormones.
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 12
 Palpable lymph nodes: May indicate systemic infection
or malignancy.
 Enlarged thyroid (hypo- or hyperthyroidism): May affect
reproductive and sexual functioning.
 Conjunctivitis: Can be caused by gonorrhea.
 Oral lesions: Associated with STDs.
Respiratory :
 Chronic lung disease may impair sexual functioning.
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 13
 Anemia can cause tachycardia and a systolic
flow murmur.
 Oral contraceptives associated with increased
risk of thrombus formation
 Cyclic hormonal changes may cause breast
fullness and tenderness
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 14
 Palpable abdominal masses: May be a fetus or fibroid
 Enlarged liver and ascites: Associated with metastasis
of gynecological cancers.
 Weakness may limit sexual functioning, Neurosyphilis.
 Charcot joints: Late syphilis.
 Unexplained fractures or spinal changes (dowager’s
bump): Osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 15
 Weakness and paralysis: Neurosyphilis.
 Changes in mental status/psychosis: Late syphilis.
 Depression may affect sexual functioning.
 Palpable lymph nodes: May indicate infection.
 Inguinal lymph nodes: Associated with metastatic
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 16
Physical Examination Female Organ
1. Inspection & Palpation of the External Genitalia
2. Speculum assessment of Internal Genitalia
3. Collection of Specimens for Laboratory
4. Bimanual Examination
5. Rectovaginal Assessment
2:10:24 PM 17
Female Reproductive System
Mons Pubis & Pubic Hair Inspection
Normal Findings
 Skin over Mons Pubis clear with normal hair
distribution, inverse triangle
 There may be some growth on abdomen and
upper inner thigh, no nits or lice
 Geriatric: Gray and sparse
2:10:24 PM 18
Female Reproductive System
Vulva: Inspection & Palpation
 Skin coloration and condition
of the mons pubis and vulva
 Inspecting the Vulva With gloved hands,
separate the labia majora
 Observe the labia majora and the labia minora
for discoloration, symmetric, lesions, trauma.
2:10:24 PM 19
Female Reproductive System
Normal Findings Labia majora and minora
• Symmetrical, Smooth to somewhat wrinkled,
unbroken, slightly pigmented skin surface
• No ecchymosis, excoriation, nodules, swelling,
rash, lesions.
• Occasional sebaceous cyst is within normal
limits, nontender, yellow nodules, < 1 cm.
2:10:24 PM 20
Female Reproductive System
 Geriatric: atrophied- appears flatter and smaller
 Nulliparous woman, labia meet in midline;
following vaginal delivery, labia are gaping and
slightly shriveled.
 Multiparrous women: majora are separated and
minora more prominent
2:10:24 PM 21
Female Reproductive System
Palpating the Labia
 Palpate each labium, vaginal introitus (Bartholin
glands) between the thumb and the index finger
of your dominant hand.
 Feel soft and uniform in structure, no swelling,
pain, induration, or purulent discharge.
 If discharge is present, obtain a specimen and
change the gloves into clean ones.
2:10:24 PM 22
Female Reproductive System
Clitoris: Inspection
 Using the dominant hand and index finger,
separate the labia minora laterally to expose the
prepuce of the clitoris
 ~ 2 cm in length and 0.5 cm in diameter
 Without lesions
 Abnormal Findings: Hypertrophy
(clitoromegaly), Chancre, FGM
2:10:24 PM 23
Female Reproductive System
Urethral Meatus: Inspect and Palpate
 Inspection by separate the labia minora to
expose the urethral meatus.
 Observe for shape, color, and size of urethra
 Urethral opening appears stellate or slit like
 Midline
 Free from discharge, swelling, or redness
 About the size of a pea
2:10:24 PM 24
Female Reproductive System
 Milking the urethra and paraurethral glands
 Insert your dominant index finger into the vagina
 Apply pressure to the anterior aspect of the
vaginal wall and milk the urethra
 Observe for discharge and client discomfort
2:10:24 PM 25
Female Reproductive System
Vaginal Introitus: Inspect and Palpate
 To inspect keep labia minora retracted laterally
 Vaginal opening may appear narrow, vertical slit
 Ask the patient to bear down.
 Observe for patency and bleeding.
 Normal Findings: pink and moist, patent, Without
bulging, normal vaginal discharge
2:10:24 PM 26
Female Reproductive System
 Insert your dominant finger in the vagina, ask the
client to squeeze the vaginal muscles around
your finger, evaluate muscle strength and tone
Normal Findings Vaginal muscle tone
 In nulliparous woman: tight and strong
 In a parrous woman: it is diminished
2:10:24 PM 27
Female Reproductive System
Abnormal Findings
 Pale color and dryness (atrophy, aging)
 Discharge: Foul-smelling, irritating discharge
 Tear, fissure, Bulging
 Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Cystocele, Rectocele,
Cystourethrocele, Uterine Prolapse
2:10:24 PM 28
Female Reproductive System
Inspection the Perineum
 Observe texture, and color of the perineum and
shape of the anus
Palpating the Perineum
 Place the index finger posterior to the perineum
and the thumb anterior to the perineum
 Assess perineum between the thumb and index
finger for muscular tone and texture
2:10:24 PM 29
Female Reproductive System
Normal Findings of Perineum
 Smooth and Firm,Homogenous in nulliparous
 Thinner in parous women, Slightly darkened
 Well-healed episiotomy.
Abnormal Findings
 Atrophy, Perianal cyst or lump, swelling,
 Tear,Tenderness
2:10:24 PM 30
Female Reproductive System
Abnormal Findings of External Genitalia
 Nits (eggs) adherent to pubic hair
 Swelling, discharge
 Bartholin’s Cyst ,
 Carcinoma
 Painless mass indicates malignancy
 Painful mass indicates hernia
 Prolapse of urethral mucosa
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 31
Common long-term complications of FGM
 Constant pain.
 Pain and difficulty having sex.
 Repeated infections, which can lead to infertility.
 Bleeding, cysts and abscesses.
 Problems peeing or holding pee in (incontinence)
 Depression, flashbacks and self-harm
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2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 33
Abnormal Findings of External Genitalia
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 34
Syphilitic Chancre
Herpes Simplex Virus- Type 2
excoriations, erythematous areas.
Genital Human Papillomavirus
2. Speculum Examination: Inspection
Cervical Examination
 Select the appropriate sized speculum
 Lubricate and warm the speculum by rinsing it with
warm water
 Do not use lubricant jel
 Hold the speculum with the closed blades between
the index and middle fingers .
2:10:24 PM 35
Female Reproductive System
 Insert your nondominant index and middle fingers,
ventral sides down, just inside the vagina and
apply pressure to the posterior vaginal wall
 Encourage client to bear down; this will help to
relax the perineal muscles opens introitus
 Encourage client to relax by taking deep breaths.
2:10:24 PM 36
Female Reproductive System
 Oblique insertion of the speculum
 Withdraw your nondominant hand from the
 Gently rotate the speculum to a horizontal angle
 Advance the speculum at a 45-degree angle
against the posterior vaginal wall. until it reaches
the end of the vagina.
2:10:24 PM 37
Female Reproductive System
 Final Adjustment of the Speculum
 Opening of the speculum blades, by depressing
the lever With your dominant thumb,
 Once the cervix is fully visualized, lock the
speculum blades into place.
 Adjust your light source so that it shines through
the speculum.
2:10:24 PM 38
Female Reproductive System
Normal Findings of cervix
 Glistening pink color, pale after menopause
 Blue (Chadwick’s sign) during pregnancy
 Midline in to the vaginal, 2.5 cm to 3 cm size in
young woman, Smaller in elderly
 Shape of cervical os: In nulliparous is small and
either round, In a parrous is a horizontal slit
2:10:24 PM 39
Female Reproductive System
Abnormal Findings
 Redness, Pallor wit anemia, cyanotic
 Lateral position- adhesion or tumor, Projection
>3 cm may be prolapse.
 Hypertrophy > 4 cm- inflammation or tumor.
 Venereal warts, Candidiasis, Endocervical
 Strawberry spots (trichomonal infection)
 Cervical lacerations, Cyst Ectropion, carcinoma
2:10:24 PM 40
Female Reproductive System
Inspection of the Vaginal Wall
 Inspection disengage the locking device of the
 Slowly withdraw the speculum but do not close
the blades
 Rotate the speculum into oblique, inspect the
vaginal walls for color and texture, Pink, Moist,
Deeply ruggated, Without lesions or redness.
2:10:24 PM 41
Female Reproductive System
 Geriatric Variation: thinner, drier, Less vascular,
 Abnormal Findings: Vaginal discharge: thick,
white, curdlike with candidiasis, gray, green-
yellow, white, or foul odorous discharge,
Vaginitis , Adenosis, Carcinoma, cysts contain
epithelial tissue, Bacterial Vaginosis
2:10:24 PM 42
Female Reproductive System
3. Collecting Specimens For Culture
 That are obtained from 3 sites- Cervix, Vaginal
pool, Posterior fornix of the vagina
Smears and Cultures Smear
1. Pap test
2. Gonococcal Smear
3. Vaginal wet Mount (Wet Prep)
4. KOH Prep
5. 5% Acetic Acid Wash
2:10:24 PM 43
Female Reproductive System
4. Bimanual Examination
Enables assessment of:
 Vagina
 Fornices
 Adnexa
 Cervix
2:10:24 PM 44
Female Reproductive System
Bimanual Examination Vaginal walls
 Palpate the walls of the vagina for any
irregularities or masses
 Lubricate the gloved index and middle fingers of
your dominant hand.
 Carefully separate the labia using the thumb and
index finger of your non-dominant hand.
2:10:24 PM 45
Female Reproductive System
 Gently insert the gloved index and middle finger
of your dominant hand into the vagina.
 Enter the vagina with your palm facing laterally
and then rotate 90 degrees so that your palm is
facing upwards.
2:10:24 PM 46
Female Reproductive System
Cervix; Examine the cervix to assess:
 Position (e.g. anterior or posterior)
 Consistency (e.g. irregular, smooth)
 Cervical motion tenderness: involves severe
pain on palpation of the cervix and may suggest
PID or ectopic pregnancy.
2:10:24 PM 47
Female Reproductive System
 The fornices are the superior portions of
the vagina, extending into the recesses created
by the vaginal portion of the cervix.
 Gently palpate lateral fornices for any masses.
2:10:24 PM 48
Female Reproductive System
Bimanually palpate the uterus:
1. Place your non-dominant hand 4cm above the pubis
2. Place two of your dominant hand’s fingers into
the posterior fornix.
3. Push upwards with the internal fingers whilst
simultaneously palpating the lower abdomen with
your non-dominant hand. You should be able to feel
the uterus between your hands.
2:10:24 PM 49
Female Reproductive System
Assess the uterus:
 Size: approximately orange-sized in an average
 Shape: may be distorted by masses
 Position: the uterus may be anteverted or
 Surface characteristics: note if the uterus feels
smooth or nodular.
 Tenderness: may suggest inflammation (e.g. PID,
ectopic pregnancy).
2:10:24 PM 50
Female Reproductive System
Bimanually palpate the adnexa:
1. Position your internal fingers in the left lateral
2. Position your external hand onto the left iliac
3. Perform deep palpation of the left iliac
fossa whilst moving your internal fingers
upwards and laterally (towards the left).
2:10:24 PM 51
Female Reproductive System
4. Feel for any palpable masses, size and shape
(e.g. ovarian cyst, ovarian tumour, fibroid).
5. Repeat adnexal assessment on the right.
6. Withdraw your fingers and inspect the glove for
blood or abnormal discharge.
 Provide paper towels for the patient to clean
 Dispose of the used equipment into a clinical
waste bin.
2:10:24 PM 52
Female Reproductive System
Abnormal Findings
 Enlargement and lateral displacement
(asymmetric uterus), Immobile
 Nodules or irregular surface (leiomyomas)
 Non palpable uterus (hysterectomy)
 Extreme pain on palpation with inflammation or
ectopic pregnancy.
2:10:24 PM 53
Female Reproductive System
5. Retrovaginal Examination
Performed to assess
 Pelvic pain,
 Rectal symptoms,
 Pelvic mass.
 It can also provide a
sample for fecal
occult blood testing.
2:10:24 PM 54
Female Reproductive System
Retrovaginal Examination
1. Assessing rectovaginal septum, post. Uterine wall,
cul-de-sac, and rectum.
2. Change gloves- avoids spreading poss. Infection.
3. Lubricate first two fingers.
4. Instruct pt. poss. Feeling of discomfort.
5. Ask pt. to bear down as fingers are inserted into
vagina, middle finger is gently inserted into rectum,
while pushing with abdominal hand.
2:10:24 PM 55
Female Reproductive System
6. Note: Rectovaginal spetum-smooth, thin, firm,
7. Rectovaginal pouch, or cul-de-sac- not palpated.
8. Uterine wall and fundus feel firm, smooth.
9. Rotate intrarectal finger to check rectal wall and
anal sphincter tone.
10.Give pt. tissue to wipe area, help her up.
2:10:24 PM 56
Female Reproductive System
Abnormal Findings
 Stool test positive for occult blood: Warrants
further investigation.
 Masses or lesions: Consider malignancy or
internal hemorrhoids.
 Lax sphincter tone: Perineal trauma from
childbirth, anal intercourse, or neurological
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 57
 The female reproductive system is an area
where you can have a major impact on your
patient’s health through routine screening and
 The assessment also requires sensitivity in
responding to the woman’s need for privacy and
in respecting her personal boundaries.
2:10:24 PM 58
Female Reproductive System
2. F.A. Davis, 2007, Nursing Health Assessment,
A Critical Thinking Case Studies approach
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 59
Thank You!
2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 60

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8.Assessment of Female Reproductive.pptx

  • 1. SALALE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES DEPARTMENT OF ADULT HEALTH NURSING Assessment of Female Reproductive System Presented by : Merga Wekwaya Presented to: Mr Bikila T. (BSc, MSc, Ass’t Prof.) Jun 2023 Fitche 2:10:24 PM 1 Female Reproductive System
  • 2. Objective After studying this chapter you will be able to:  Describe anatomy and physiology.  Identify equipment, positioning, techniques.  Explain process of performing assessment of female reproductive systems.  Differentiate between normal and abnormal assessment data. 2:10:24 PM 2 Female Reproductive System
  • 3. Introduction  The female reproductive system is responsible for producing gametes, sex hormones, and keeping fertilized eggs alive until they mature into fetuses and are prepared for birth.  History, a comprehensive physical examination, and an assessment of the external and internal genitalia are all part of the physical exam's section on the female reproductive system. 2:10:24 PM 3 Female Reproductive System
  • 4. Female Reproductive System External Structures  Mons Pubis, Clitoris  Labia Majora  Labia Minora  Skene’s Glands  Hymen  Bartholin’s Glands 2:10:24 PM 4 Female Reproductive System
  • 5. Female Reproductive System Internal Structures  Vagina: Muscular tube from cervix to vulva.  Cervix: lower, narrow portion of uterus  Uterus: pear-shaped organ containing growing fetus  Fallopian Tubes: pathway for egg travel during ovulation  Ovaries: egg-producing organs 2:10:24 PM 5 Female Reproductive System
  • 6. Internal Female Reproductive Organs 2:10:24 PM 6 Female Reproductive System
  • 7. Equipment For Examination Female Reproductive System  Gloves  Drape  Vaginal Speculum  Cotton-tipped applicator  Examination table  Screen  Ayre Spatula (endocervical brush)  Specimen container  Small bottle(3)  Warm water  Lubricating jelly  Flexible light source 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 7
  • 8. General Consideration  Begin with woman in sitting position  Explain each step in the exam before you do it.  The patient must have an empty bladder.  Place woman in lithotomy position  Appropriately drape, covering the stomach, and legs, exposing only the vulva to your view.  Ask if she would like a friend, family member present. 2:10:24 PM 8 Female Reproductive System
  • 9. Health history:  Present complaint  Menstrual history: Age of Menarche? LMP? Any changes or pain related to menstruation?  Past Gynecological history: Age at which puberty began? How old was the patient when the first sexual encounter occurred and how many sexual partners has the patient had? 2:10:24 PM 9 Female Reproductive System
  • 10. Cont’d  Obstetrics History:  Past Medical, Surgical, and Social histories.  Family history  Medication and Drug history.  Nutritional history  Personal History  Breast History: 2:10:24 PM 10 Female Reproductive System
  • 11. Head-to-Toe Physical Assessment  General Health Survey: Personality changes and mental deterioration can accompany late-stage syphilis, Depression can affect sexual functioning, Loss of height seen in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis, Wt. loss resulting from anorexia can cause amenorrhea, Wt. gain is associated with pregnancy, Unexplained weight loss may be associated with malignancy. 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 11
  • 12. Cont’d Integumentary : Skin & Hair  Rashes and skin lesions are associated with many STDs.  Systemic rash: Secondary syphilis.  Vesicles: Herpes simplex types 1 and 2.  Increased skin pigmentation: Increased hormones during pregnancy.  Alopecia: Secondary syphilis.  Abnormal increase in body hair (hirsutism): Decrease in female hormones. 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 12
  • 13. Cont’d HEENT:  Palpable lymph nodes: May indicate systemic infection or malignancy.  Enlarged thyroid (hypo- or hyperthyroidism): May affect reproductive and sexual functioning.  Conjunctivitis: Can be caused by gonorrhea.  Oral lesions: Associated with STDs. Respiratory :  Chronic lung disease may impair sexual functioning. 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 13
  • 14. Cont’d Cardiovascular  Anemia can cause tachycardia and a systolic flow murmur.  Oral contraceptives associated with increased risk of thrombus formation Breasts  Cyclic hormonal changes may cause breast fullness and tenderness 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 14
  • 15. Cont’d Abdomen  Palpable abdominal masses: May be a fetus or fibroid tumor.  Enlarged liver and ascites: Associated with metastasis of gynecological cancers. Musculoskeletal  Weakness may limit sexual functioning, Neurosyphilis.  Charcot joints: Late syphilis.  Unexplained fractures or spinal changes (dowager’s bump): Osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 15
  • 16. Cont’d Neurological  Weakness and paralysis: Neurosyphilis.  Changes in mental status/psychosis: Late syphilis.  Depression may affect sexual functioning. Lymphatic/Hematologic  Palpable lymph nodes: May indicate infection.  Inguinal lymph nodes: Associated with metastatic disease 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 16
  • 17. Physical Examination Female Organ 1. Inspection & Palpation of the External Genitalia 2. Speculum assessment of Internal Genitalia 3. Collection of Specimens for Laboratory 4. Bimanual Examination 5. Rectovaginal Assessment 2:10:24 PM 17 Female Reproductive System
  • 18. Mons Pubis & Pubic Hair Inspection Normal Findings  Skin over Mons Pubis clear with normal hair distribution, inverse triangle  There may be some growth on abdomen and upper inner thigh, no nits or lice  Geriatric: Gray and sparse 2:10:24 PM 18 Female Reproductive System
  • 19. Vulva: Inspection & Palpation Inspection  Skin coloration and condition of the mons pubis and vulva  Inspecting the Vulva With gloved hands, separate the labia majora  Observe the labia majora and the labia minora for discoloration, symmetric, lesions, trauma. 2:10:24 PM 19 Female Reproductive System
  • 20. Cont’d Normal Findings Labia majora and minora • Symmetrical, Smooth to somewhat wrinkled, unbroken, slightly pigmented skin surface • No ecchymosis, excoriation, nodules, swelling, rash, lesions. • Occasional sebaceous cyst is within normal limits, nontender, yellow nodules, < 1 cm. 2:10:24 PM 20 Female Reproductive System
  • 21. Cont’d  Geriatric: atrophied- appears flatter and smaller  Nulliparous woman, labia meet in midline; following vaginal delivery, labia are gaping and slightly shriveled.  Multiparrous women: majora are separated and minora more prominent 2:10:24 PM 21 Female Reproductive System
  • 22. Cont’d Palpating the Labia  Palpate each labium, vaginal introitus (Bartholin glands) between the thumb and the index finger of your dominant hand.  Feel soft and uniform in structure, no swelling, pain, induration, or purulent discharge.  If discharge is present, obtain a specimen and change the gloves into clean ones. 2:10:24 PM 22 Female Reproductive System
  • 23. Clitoris: Inspection  Using the dominant hand and index finger, separate the labia minora laterally to expose the prepuce of the clitoris  ~ 2 cm in length and 0.5 cm in diameter  Without lesions  Abnormal Findings: Hypertrophy (clitoromegaly), Chancre, FGM 2:10:24 PM 23 Female Reproductive System
  • 24. Urethral Meatus: Inspect and Palpate  Inspection by separate the labia minora to expose the urethral meatus.  Observe for shape, color, and size of urethra  Urethral opening appears stellate or slit like  Midline  Free from discharge, swelling, or redness  About the size of a pea 2:10:24 PM 24 Female Reproductive System
  • 25. Cont’d Palpation  Milking the urethra and paraurethral glands  Insert your dominant index finger into the vagina  Apply pressure to the anterior aspect of the vaginal wall and milk the urethra  Observe for discharge and client discomfort 2:10:24 PM 25 Female Reproductive System
  • 26. Vaginal Introitus: Inspect and Palpate Inspection  To inspect keep labia minora retracted laterally  Vaginal opening may appear narrow, vertical slit  Ask the patient to bear down.  Observe for patency and bleeding.  Normal Findings: pink and moist, patent, Without bulging, normal vaginal discharge 2:10:24 PM 26 Female Reproductive System
  • 27. Cont’d Palpation  Insert your dominant finger in the vagina, ask the client to squeeze the vaginal muscles around your finger, evaluate muscle strength and tone Normal Findings Vaginal muscle tone  In nulliparous woman: tight and strong  In a parrous woman: it is diminished 2:10:24 PM 27 Female Reproductive System
  • 28. Cont’d Abnormal Findings  Pale color and dryness (atrophy, aging)  Discharge: Foul-smelling, irritating discharge  Tear, fissure, Bulging  Pelvic Organ Prolapse: Cystocele, Rectocele, Cystourethrocele, Uterine Prolapse 2:10:24 PM 28 Female Reproductive System
  • 29. Perineum: Inspection the Perineum  Observe texture, and color of the perineum and shape of the anus Palpating the Perineum  Place the index finger posterior to the perineum and the thumb anterior to the perineum  Assess perineum between the thumb and index finger for muscular tone and texture 2:10:24 PM 29 Female Reproductive System
  • 30. Cont’d Normal Findings of Perineum  Smooth and Firm,Homogenous in nulliparous  Thinner in parous women, Slightly darkened  Well-healed episiotomy. Abnormal Findings  Atrophy, Perianal cyst or lump, swelling,  Tear,Tenderness 2:10:24 PM 30 Female Reproductive System
  • 31. Abnormal Findings of External Genitalia  Nits (eggs) adherent to pubic hair  Swelling, discharge  Bartholin’s Cyst ,  Carcinoma  Painless mass indicates malignancy  Painful mass indicates hernia  Prolapse of urethral mucosa 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 31
  • 32. Common long-term complications of FGM  Constant pain.  Pain and difficulty having sex.  Repeated infections, which can lead to infertility.  Bleeding, cysts and abscesses.  Problems peeing or holding pee in (incontinence)  Depression, flashbacks and self-harm 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 32
  • 33. Cont’d 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 33
  • 34. Abnormal Findings of External Genitalia 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 34 Syphilitic Chancre Herpes Simplex Virus- Type 2 excoriations, erythematous areas. Genital Human Papillomavirus
  • 35. 2. Speculum Examination: Inspection Cervical Examination  Select the appropriate sized speculum  Lubricate and warm the speculum by rinsing it with warm water  Do not use lubricant jel  Hold the speculum with the closed blades between the index and middle fingers . 2:10:24 PM 35 Female Reproductive System
  • 36. Cont’d  Insert your nondominant index and middle fingers, ventral sides down, just inside the vagina and apply pressure to the posterior vaginal wall  Encourage client to bear down; this will help to relax the perineal muscles opens introitus  Encourage client to relax by taking deep breaths. 2:10:24 PM 36 Female Reproductive System
  • 37. Cont’d  Oblique insertion of the speculum  Withdraw your nondominant hand from the vagina  Gently rotate the speculum to a horizontal angle  Advance the speculum at a 45-degree angle against the posterior vaginal wall. until it reaches the end of the vagina. 2:10:24 PM 37 Female Reproductive System
  • 38. Cont’d  Final Adjustment of the Speculum  Opening of the speculum blades, by depressing the lever With your dominant thumb,  Once the cervix is fully visualized, lock the speculum blades into place.  Adjust your light source so that it shines through the speculum. 2:10:24 PM 38 Female Reproductive System
  • 39. Cont’d Normal Findings of cervix  Glistening pink color, pale after menopause  Blue (Chadwick’s sign) during pregnancy  Midline in to the vaginal, 2.5 cm to 3 cm size in young woman, Smaller in elderly  Shape of cervical os: In nulliparous is small and either round, In a parrous is a horizontal slit 2:10:24 PM 39 Female Reproductive System
  • 40. Cont’d Abnormal Findings  Redness, Pallor wit anemia, cyanotic  Lateral position- adhesion or tumor, Projection >3 cm may be prolapse.  Hypertrophy > 4 cm- inflammation or tumor.  Venereal warts, Candidiasis, Endocervical Gonorrhea  Strawberry spots (trichomonal infection)  Cervical lacerations, Cyst Ectropion, carcinoma 2:10:24 PM 40 Female Reproductive System
  • 41. Cont’d Inspection of the Vaginal Wall  Inspection disengage the locking device of the speculum  Slowly withdraw the speculum but do not close the blades  Rotate the speculum into oblique, inspect the vaginal walls for color and texture, Pink, Moist, Deeply ruggated, Without lesions or redness. 2:10:24 PM 41 Female Reproductive System
  • 42. Cont’d  Geriatric Variation: thinner, drier, Less vascular, Atrophic  Abnormal Findings: Vaginal discharge: thick, white, curdlike with candidiasis, gray, green- yellow, white, or foul odorous discharge, Vaginitis , Adenosis, Carcinoma, cysts contain epithelial tissue, Bacterial Vaginosis 2:10:24 PM 42 Female Reproductive System
  • 43. 3. Collecting Specimens For Culture  That are obtained from 3 sites- Cervix, Vaginal pool, Posterior fornix of the vagina Smears and Cultures Smear 1. Pap test 2. Gonococcal Smear 3. Vaginal wet Mount (Wet Prep) 4. KOH Prep 5. 5% Acetic Acid Wash 2:10:24 PM 43 Female Reproductive System
  • 44. 4. Bimanual Examination Enables assessment of:  Vagina  Fornices  Adnexa  Cervix 2:10:24 PM 44 Female Reproductive System
  • 45. Cont’d Bimanual Examination Vaginal walls  Palpate the walls of the vagina for any irregularities or masses  Lubricate the gloved index and middle fingers of your dominant hand.  Carefully separate the labia using the thumb and index finger of your non-dominant hand. 2:10:24 PM 45 Female Reproductive System
  • 46. Cont’d  Gently insert the gloved index and middle finger of your dominant hand into the vagina.  Enter the vagina with your palm facing laterally and then rotate 90 degrees so that your palm is facing upwards. 2:10:24 PM 46 Female Reproductive System
  • 47. Cont’d Cervix; Examine the cervix to assess:  Position (e.g. anterior or posterior)  Consistency (e.g. irregular, smooth)  Cervical motion tenderness: involves severe pain on palpation of the cervix and may suggest PID or ectopic pregnancy. 2:10:24 PM 47 Female Reproductive System
  • 48. Cont’d Fornices  The fornices are the superior portions of the vagina, extending into the recesses created by the vaginal portion of the cervix.  Gently palpate lateral fornices for any masses. 2:10:24 PM 48 Female Reproductive System
  • 49. Cont’d Bimanually palpate the uterus: 1. Place your non-dominant hand 4cm above the pubis symphysis. 2. Place two of your dominant hand’s fingers into the posterior fornix. 3. Push upwards with the internal fingers whilst simultaneously palpating the lower abdomen with your non-dominant hand. You should be able to feel the uterus between your hands. 2:10:24 PM 49 Female Reproductive System
  • 50. Cont’d Assess the uterus:  Size: approximately orange-sized in an average female.  Shape: may be distorted by masses  Position: the uterus may be anteverted or retroverted.  Surface characteristics: note if the uterus feels smooth or nodular.  Tenderness: may suggest inflammation (e.g. PID, ectopic pregnancy). 2:10:24 PM 50 Female Reproductive System
  • 51. Cont’d Bimanually palpate the adnexa: 1. Position your internal fingers in the left lateral fornix. 2. Position your external hand onto the left iliac fossa. 3. Perform deep palpation of the left iliac fossa whilst moving your internal fingers upwards and laterally (towards the left). 2:10:24 PM 51 Female Reproductive System
  • 52. Cont’d 4. Feel for any palpable masses, size and shape (e.g. ovarian cyst, ovarian tumour, fibroid). 5. Repeat adnexal assessment on the right. 6. Withdraw your fingers and inspect the glove for blood or abnormal discharge.  Provide paper towels for the patient to clean themselves.  Dispose of the used equipment into a clinical waste bin. 2:10:24 PM 52 Female Reproductive System
  • 53. Cont’d Abnormal Findings  Enlargement and lateral displacement (asymmetric uterus), Immobile  Nodules or irregular surface (leiomyomas)  Non palpable uterus (hysterectomy)  Extreme pain on palpation with inflammation or ectopic pregnancy. 2:10:24 PM 53 Female Reproductive System
  • 54. 5. Retrovaginal Examination Performed to assess  Pelvic pain,  Rectal symptoms,  Pelvic mass.  It can also provide a sample for fecal occult blood testing. 2:10:24 PM 54 Female Reproductive System
  • 55. Retrovaginal Examination 1. Assessing rectovaginal septum, post. Uterine wall, cul-de-sac, and rectum. 2. Change gloves- avoids spreading poss. Infection. 3. Lubricate first two fingers. 4. Instruct pt. poss. Feeling of discomfort. 5. Ask pt. to bear down as fingers are inserted into vagina, middle finger is gently inserted into rectum, while pushing with abdominal hand. 2:10:24 PM 55 Female Reproductive System
  • 56. Cont’d 6. Note: Rectovaginal spetum-smooth, thin, firm, pliable. 7. Rectovaginal pouch, or cul-de-sac- not palpated. 8. Uterine wall and fundus feel firm, smooth. 9. Rotate intrarectal finger to check rectal wall and anal sphincter tone. 10.Give pt. tissue to wipe area, help her up. 2:10:24 PM 56 Female Reproductive System
  • 57. Abnormal Findings  Stool test positive for occult blood: Warrants further investigation.  Masses or lesions: Consider malignancy or internal hemorrhoids.  Lax sphincter tone: Perineal trauma from childbirth, anal intercourse, or neurological disorders. 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 57
  • 58. Summery  The female reproductive system is an area where you can have a major impact on your patient’s health through routine screening and education.  The assessment also requires sensitivity in responding to the woman’s need for privacy and in respecting her personal boundaries. 2:10:24 PM 58 Female Reproductive System
  • 59. Reference 1. montgomerycollege 2. F.A. Davis, 2007, Nursing Health Assessment, A Critical Thinking Case Studies approach 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 59
  • 60. Thank You! 2:10:24 PM Female Reproductive System 60

Editor's Notes

  1. gametes (also known as eggs or ova),
  2. gametes (also known as eggs or ova),
  3. gametes (also known as eggs or ova),
  4. gametes (also known as eggs or ova),
  5. gametes (also known as eggs or ova),
  6. Ecchymosis; form when blood pools under your skin. caused by a blood vessel break. Bruises look like a mark on your skin that's black and blue or red to purple
  7. Palpating around the vaginal introitus (Bartholin glands) Assess posterior of labia majora with index finger inside and thumb outside. Should feel soft and homogeneous. Skene’s glands and Bartholin’s glands are not normally seen by naked eye Normal Deviations If discharge is present , obtain a specimen and change the gloves into clean ones
  8. Do not touch the urethral meatus- may cause pain and urethral spasm
  9. Bulging -indicates cystocele, rectocele, or uterine prolapses. Normal Vaginal Discharge – white and free of foul odor (some white clumps may be seen—mass clamps of epithelia cells)
  10. the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface
  11. Oblique insertion of the speculum When you feel the muscles relax, until the speculum reaches the end of the fingers that are in the vagina
  12. Surface characteristics: Covered by glistening pink squamous epithelium, which is similar to vaginal epithelium Discharge: Note characteristics of any discharge Position: Located midline in the vagina with an anterior or posterior position relative to the vaginal vault, Projects 1-3 cm into vagina.
  13. Hypertrophy > 4 cm occurs with inflammation or tumor. (Cervicitis, Cervical Cancer) Cauliflower overgrowth (carcinoma) Cervical lacerations- Unilateral transverse, bilateral transvere, stellate
  14. Atrophic vaginitis External genitalia Note loss of labial and vulvar fullness, pallor of urethral and vaginal epithelium, and decreased vaginal moisture
  15. - Pap test; A speculum is inserted into the vagina to widen it. Then, a brush is inserted into the vagina to collect cells from the cervix. The cells are checked under a microscope for signs of disease. -Gonococcal Culture Specimen; Rotate swab against the wall of the endocervical canal several times for 20-30 seconds and withdraw without touching the vaginal surface. -A vaginal wet mount (or vaginal smear or wet prep) is a gynecologic test wherein a sample of vaginal discharge is observed by wet mount microscopy by placing the specimen on a glass slide and mixing with a salt solution. It is used to find the cause of vaginitis and vulvitis. - KOH prep test, also called a potassium hydroxide preparation test, is done when a fungal infection is suspected. 5% acetic acid is prepared by adding 5 ml of glacial acetic acid into 95 ml of distilled water- on visual screening for cervical neoplasia
  16. Bimanual Examination (per )
  17. The term adnexa refers to the area that includes the ovaries and fallopian tubes.
  18. irregular surface; malignancy,nabothian cyst, polyps