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Министерство культуры Российской Федерации
ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный университет
культуры и искусств»
Социально-гуманитарный институт
Кафедра иностранных языков
(английский язык)
Сборник интерактивных
профессионально ориентированных заданий
для студентов 1-го, 2-го курсов всех направлений
подготовки КемГУКИ
Кемерово 2014
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
ББК 81.2Англ-923
Утвержден на заседании кафедры иностранных языков
10 февраля 2014 года, протокол № 6.
Рекомендован к изданию учебно-методическим советом
социально-гуманитарного института 14 марта 2014 г., протокол № 7.
И68 Иностранный язык (английский язык) [Текст]: сб. интерактивных
профессионально ориентированных заданий для студентов 1-го, 2-го кур-
сов всех направлений подготовки КемГУКИ / авт.-сост.: М. В. Межова,
С. А. Золотарева. – Кемерово: Кемеров. гос. ун-т культуры и искусств,
2014. – 211 с.
кандидат культурологии, доцент
М. В. Межова
кандидат культурологии, доцент
С. А. Золотарева
ББК 81.2Англ-923
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
В соответствии с новой образовательной парадигмой, в основе которой
лежит компетентностный подход, иноязычное обучение в системе высшего
образования приобретает большую значимость. Компетентностный подход
понимается как формирование умений и навыков направленных на приме-
нение на практике коммуникативных способностей человека, его культурных,
социальных, и информационных и профессиональных компетенций. Компе-
тентностный подход осуществляется на основе таких методов, которые орга-
низуют обучение через желание, активизируют обучение учащихся, стиму-
лируют их к познанию, мотивируют интерес к самостоятельному приобрете-
нию знаний.
Основной образовательной целью дисциплины «Иностранный язык»
в условиях вуза является формирование у обучающихся способности прак-
тического владения иностранным языком, позволяющей использовать его
в будущей профессиональной деятельности. Показателем уровня сформи-
рованности такой способности является профессионально ориентированная
вторичная языковая личность.
В соответствии с ФГОС третьего поколения, приоритетом сегод-
няшнего дня в преподавании иностранных языков является ориентация на
формирование общекультурной компетенции. В связи с этим для достижения
основной образовательной цели дисциплины «Иностранный язык» предъяв-
ляются серьезные требования к содержанию и формам организации учебного
процесса. Реализация учебной цели в соответствии с новыми ФГОС в усло-
виях неязыкового вуза возможна только с учетом комплексности обозна-
ченных компетенций, а при обучении иностранному языку это, в основном,
общекультурные компетенции (ОК):
 способность свободно пользоваться русским и иностранным языками
как средством делового общения;
 знание иностранного языка,
 владение одним из иностранных языков на уровне не ниже
 способность осуществлять коммуникации в профессиональной среде
и в обществе в целом, в том числе на иностранном языке.
Требования к сформированности общекультурных компетенций при
обучении иностранному языку представлены комплексом умений в различ-
ных видах речевой деятельности: говорение, письмо, чтение, понимание на
слух (аудирование). В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
демонстрировать свои знания в цикле «знать, уметь, владеть», обозначенные
в рабочей учебной программе (или учебно-методическом комплексе
дисциплины) по всем направлениям подготовки вуза.
Качество полученных знаний иностранного языка проявляется в го-
товности обучающихся применять его не только в повседневном общении,
но и, в профессиональном общении, для формирования межкультурных
связей, представления своей страны на международных конференциях,
симпозиумах, международных научных и деловых профессиональных
мероприятиях, а также в ситуациях профессиональной коммуникации и
профессионального обмена опытом.
Компетентностный подход усиливает качество знаний иностранного
языка, подчеркивает роль опыта, умений реализовать свои знания на
В связи с таким усилением практико-ориентированного образования и
его предметно-профессионального аспекта, преподаватели кафедры иност-
ранного языка применяют новые подходы, формы, методы и технологии
обучения иностранным языкам. Их разработка в значительной степени
активизирует интерактивную форму обучения как один из эффективных
методов, способствующих формированию умений и навыков разговорной
речи, а также освоению лексического и грамматического материала.
Интерактивная деятельность занимает особое место в освоении курсов
по иностранному языку в КемГУКИ. Интерактивная деятельность предпо-
лагает организацию и развитие диалогового общения. В ходе диалогового
обучения обучающиеся учатся решать сложные проблемы на основе анализа
обстоятельств и соответствующей информации, взвешивать альтернативные
мнения, принимать продуманные решения, участвовать в дискуссиях,
общаться с представителями профессионального сообщества других культур.
Учебный процесс, опирающийся на использование интерактивных методов
обучения, организуется так, чтобы включить в процесс познания всех
обучающихся группы. Совместная деятельность означает, что каждый вносит
свой особый, индивидуальный вклад, в ходе работы идет обмен знаниями,
идеями, способами деятельности. Для этого на практических занятиях
организуется индивидуальная, парная и групповая работа, применяются
исследовательские проекты, ролевые и деловые игры, идет работа с доку-
ментами и различными источниками информации, используются творческие
и проектные работы.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Целью сборника интерактивных заданий по английскому языку
является оказание практической помощи в развитии речевых навыков
в контексте иноязычной коммуникации. Сборник состоит из Введения,
Методических рекомендаций для преподавателей по использованию
интерактивных заданий, Warm-up activities, Group Activities, Educational
Language Games (crosswords, wordsearch, role-play games), Contests and
Quizzes, Answers, списка литературы, перечня сайтов с элементами
интерактивных заданий, предназначенных для самостоятельного изучения
английского языка.
Сборник включает следующие обучающие интерактивные задания:
коммуникативные ситуации (диалоги), индивидуальные ситуативные задания
для малых групп, деловые и ролевые игры (как в малых группах, так и
коллективные), задания на основе сase-study (анализ конкретных ситуаций,
ситуационный анализ), коммуникативные задания на основе метода task-
based learning, кластерные задания-игры (cluster) (объединенные темы для
более детального рассмотрения, с использованием определенной лексики),
warm-up activities (задания, направленные на активизацию взаимодействия в
В сборник также вошли задания блока Language Games (Языковые
игры), которые включают: языковые кроссворды (для работы в малых
группах), wordsearch games (поиск слов в определенном тематическом поле
лексики), contests and quizzes (аутентичные задания для викторины и
Все материалы сборника являются аутентичными и разработаны с уче-
том требований к уровню владения иностранным языком для студентов
первого и второго курсов по всем направлениям подготовки студентов
Все задания снабжены ключами, что делает возможным использование
сборника для самоконтроля и самостоятельного изучения английского языка.
Последний раздел сборника включает перечень интернет-ресурсов,
содержащих интерактивные задания (в том числе тесты), как для само-
стоятельного, так и для группового изучения английского языка.
Enjoy your English Classes and make your English Classes fun!
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Данный сборник состоит из четырех разделов, в которых представлены
различные виды интерактивных заданий нескольких уровней сложности –
от Elementary до Upper-Intermediate.
Сборник предназначен как для самостоятельного изучения студентами
английского языка, так и для использования преподавателем во время
практических занятий в качестве дополнения к основному курсу. Задания
данного сборника направлены на формирование навыков во всех видах
речевой деятельности и отражают различные типы коммуникативных
ситуаций, и бытовых, и профессиональных. Большинство заданий обладают
достаточной гибкостью подхода, позволяющей встраивать их в различные
этапы занятия и применять в группах с различным уровнем языковой
Каждое задание (в некоторых случаях вид заданий) состоит из его
описания, включающего формулировку цели, указания времени, которое
необходимо для выполнения задания, и описания пошаговой стратегии и
особенностей его выполнения, а также, в большинстве случаев, непосред-
ственно самого задания. Некоторые задания требуют предварительной
подготовки, о чем можно прочитать в инструкции к нему. Каждое задание
сопровождается практическим материалом (рабочими листами), которые
предназначены для аудиторной работы студентов. Таким образом, даже
человек, не обладающий опытом педагогической деятельности, сможет легко
их использовать и, кроме того, опытные преподаватели также сэкономят
время на подготовку к занятиям.
Интерактивные задания служат важным средством активизации процес-
са изучения иностранного языка в условиях отсутствия языковой среды,
однако не рекомендуется вводить более одного задания в течение одного
практического занятия, так как это усложняет восприятие студентами
изучаемой темы.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aim: to practice Present Continuous Tense.
Timing: 20–25 minutes.
- Choose 2 or more people who will be the guessing persons.
- Explain the other students they are going to imitate anyone or anybody they
see in the picture.
- When the guessing persons are back in class, they must try to identify the
person or the object and say what they are doing.
- If they are right, the players go back to their seats.
- The game is over when the last person is identified.
Note: the activity can be done to practice Past Continuous as well.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aim: to practice basic question forms in the main tenses and with modals.
Timing: 45 minutes.
- Ask the students to think about their own character and to choose the five images
that best represent this. Then, tick or circle them.
- Ask the students to complete the sentences at the bottom of the worksheet.
- In pairs or small groups, the students explain their choices to each other.
Note: this activity can be done with the whole class.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Look at the pictures. Choose the five that best represent you. Talk about
yourself using the following structures:
The pictures that best represent me are
... the ______________________ because _____________________
... the ______________________ because _____________________
... the _______________________ because _____________________
... the _______________________ because _____________________
... the _______________________ because _____________________
The pictures that best represent the class are _____________________
because __________________.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aims: to practice adverbs of frequency and job-related questions.
Timing: 20–25 minutes.
- Make one copy of the worksheet for every student. Write names of 'jobs' on
separate post-it notes. You will need one job and post-it note per student.
- Explain to the students they are going to be given a job but they will not
know what it is. Their task will be to find it out. Possible examples of jobs:
accountant, bouncer, butcher, clown, dentist, farmer, fashion designer,
fireman, gardener, hairdresser, mechanic, musician, nurse, photographer,
pilot, plumber, pop star, postman, priest, scientist, soldier, taxi driver,
translator, waiter, weather forecaster, window cleaner, writer.
- Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Ask the students to read the
instructions and questions.
- Tell the students to add three extra questions of their own at the bottom. Help
with vocabulary problems.
- Ask the students to come to your desk to get their jobs stuck on their backs.
- Refer students to the instructions at the top of their sheet. Tell them to mingle
freely, asking each person a couple of questions and noting down the
- Circulate and encourage the use of frequency adverbs in the answers.
- After 10 minutes of questioning (or when the first student has correctly
guessed their job), stop the activity and ask students to write down what they
think their job is.
- Check answers and give feedback.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Ask questions to find out about your
job and write down the answers.
Answer questions about other
people's jobs, using the key on the
right for your answers. Change
partners after every couple of
Possible answers:
Yes, all the time
Very often
Quite often
Not very often
Hardly ever
No, never
1 Do I wear special clothes for my job?
2 Do I often work outdoors?
3 Do I work with the public?
4 Do I often work at weekends?
5 Do I have to travel to do my job?
6 Do I earn much?
7 Is my work glamorous or highly prestigious?
8 Do I work mainly with my hands?
9 Is my job sometimes dangerous?
10 Do I often receive tips?
11 Is my job creative?
12 Do I work with animals?
13 Do I work in a laboratory?
14 Do I usually work in a building? Is it an office?
15 Do I need to be fit for my job?
16 Do I need a university degree for my job?
17 Do I need to be good with numbers?
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aim: Practice of Yes/No questions and Past Perfect.
Timing: 15 minutes.
- Read out the first puzzle on the worksheet, or give it out to the students to read.
- Tell students they must ask good grammatical Yes/No questions to discover the
explanation behind the strange discovery.
- Answer questions, addressing language problems as they arise. This can best be
done by writing the incorrect questions asked on the board and analysing them as a
class. Establish that questions concerning the time before the discovery of the man
will usually need past perfect.
- When students have solved the first mystery, they can continue with the other
puzzles on the page. Again, you can give clues to help students solve the puzzles.
Note: in weaker classes, you can give students some clues and time to prepare
questions, possibly in pairs or small groups.
Puzzle 1.
In June 1998, a man was discovered in a forest in Australia. The trees in the forest
had no leaves. The man was wearing a mask. An ambulance took him to hospital.
Puzzle 2.
A man walked into a bar and asked the barman for a glass of water. The barman
pulled out a gun and pointed it at the man. The man said 'Thank you' and walked
Puzzle 3.
Two boxers were in a boxing match. The fight was scheduled for 12 rounds but
ended after 6 rounds, after one boxer knocked out the other boxer. Yet no man
threw a punch. How was this possible?
Puzzle 4.
A great king told his two sons to race their horses to a distant city. The son with the
slower horse would inherit the king's fortune. The brothers didn't know what to do.
They asked a wise man for advice. After hearing the advice they jumped on the
horses and raced as fast as they could to the city. What did the wise man say?
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aim: To practice using the Present Perfect for news events.
Timing: 20–40 minutes
- Invite a student to ask you 'How are you?' Mime 'Not too good', to show that it's
bad news, then mime crashing your car to elicit the 'I've crashed my car' sentence.
After the demonstration explain the rules:
• The game starts off with one of the team asking, 'How are you?'
• The person with the card from the opposite team must be silent and explain the
sentence with gestures.
• If the team says the complete sentence, they get the card.
- Put the students in groups of four or five and give each group a set of cards face
down. Students take it in turns to take a card from the top of the pack, to mime and
elicit the news.
- After all the cards have been completed check who has won (the team with most
cards wins).
Note: it is recommended to set a time limit for every card’s discussion.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
I've crashed my car. My cat has had kittens. I've passed my exams. I've won the lottery.
I've just had a great
I've just bought a new
My car's been stolen. I've lost my keys.
I've just got a new job. I've passed my driving
I haven't done my
English homework.
My brother's been arrested for
drink driving.
My goldfish has died. I've been ill recently. I've split up with my
I've just met my new boss.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aim: to teach the students to search for and report interesting information to
the class.
Timing: 10 minutes.
- Tell students to find some interesting facts to report in class.
- After everybody reports their information, ask the students to vote for the most
unusual and exciting material.
- The person who is the winner gets an excellent mark.
Examples of interesting facts:
1. You are born with 300 bones but as an adult you have 206.
2. Right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than left-handed people.
3. A car travelling at 80 km/h uses half its fuel to overcome wind resistance.
4. Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza a year.
5. The Apollo 11 only had 20 seconds of fuel left when it landed.
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Aim: to play a guessing game in order to practice talking about the relationships.
Timing: 15–30 minutes.
- Provide each student with the a card describing a perfect partner.
- Write on board: My partner…
- Tell the students they are going to mime what is written in their cards.
- Ask the students to show their cards in front of the class and guess its content.
- After this stage is done ask the students to rank the following factors from 1 to 16.
Try to discuss as much as you can in English.
- As a follow-up activity ask the students to complete the Love and Relationships
Cloze Worksheets in pairs or small groups.
- Check the answers.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
is attractive
has a lot in common with me
has lots of money/wealth
has a high level of education
is interesting/creative
is patient
has good communication skills
has a sense of humor
has a good family background
has the same racial/ethnic background
is open with his/her feelings
has a good sense of fashion
is outgoing/sociable
has a positive outlook in life
is open-minded
is easygoing
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes.
Beginning Relationships
crush ask sight courage blind
If you have a ________________________ on someone, then you have to work up
the _____________________ to ___________________ them out. You might also
ask a friend to arrange a ________________________ date. If you are lucky, it will
be love at first ________________________.
romantic falls on along know seeing
When couples go ______________________________ a date, they usually go to a
__________________________________ restaurant or café where they can get to
_________________________ each other better. When you start dating somebody
regularly, we say that you are '___________________________' somebody. If you
get____________________________ really well then you might become a couple.
Sometimes, one person ____________________ in love, which means they start to
have strong feelings for the other person.
Love and Marriage
wedding proposes engaged vows ring asks
When couples go out for a long time, they may decide to get __________________
. One partner, usually the man, ____________________. When he proposes, he
usually gives the woman a _____________________ and __________________
her to marry him. They invite their friends and family to the __________________
where they say their wedding ___________________.
Ending Relationships
apart divorced break argue heartbroken over
Sometimes couples start to ______________________ over
everything. Other couples just grow __________________.
And so, sometimes, couples ____________________ up.
If they are married, they get ___________________. However,
when couples split apart, often one person is____________. In
that case, the person will need some time to get
___________________the relationship.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aims: to practice countries’ names and defining relative clauses.
Timing: 30 minutes.
- Write on the board: Х is famous for wine, food and romance. There is a famous
tower in the capital city. Ask students to guess the country (France).
- Tell the students they are going to write some similar hints as clues for a
- Divide the class into Team A and Team B. Explain that you are going to give each
group the same crossword but that Team A will have the “across” words already
written in and Team В will have the “down” words already written in. Their task is
to write the clues for the words written on their crosswords.
- Give a copy of crossword A to each student in Team A and a copy of crossword
B to each student in Team B. Ask the students to work together with people in their
group to write a clue for each county.
- To help your students prepare the clues, monitor carefully and encourage them to
think particularly about: a) geographical location, b) what the country produces,
c) what it's famous for and d) what its capital city is called. All of these could make
useful clues.
- When they have finished writing their clues, students should work with a partner
from the other group. They must not show each other their crossword.
- Ask them to sit facing each other and take it in turns to ask their partner for clues
to the missing names on their crossword.
- When they have asked and answered all the questions and completed their
crosswords, they can look at each other's paper to check.
Note: this activity can be done as a group competition.
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Aim: to practice using Past Simple and Present Perfect and talking about jobs.
Timing: 60 minutes.
- Ask the students if they have been to a birthday party.
- Ask what people talk about when they meet for the first time (personal details, the
music, the food, the host/hostess etc.).
- Explain that they are going to pretend to be at Susie's birthday party. Susie is a
model. They all know Susie, but don't all know each other.
- Give one card to each student. Explain that they have to be the person on the card
and that they must ask questions to find out information about the other people at
the party.
- Elicit the questions (see Answers).
- Elicit what people say when they want to end a conversation, e.g.: I must get
another drink, or Oh, there's X. Would you excuse me?
- The students do the role-play. They are not allowed to write anything down or
show each other their cards. Walk around and listen and correct if necessary.
- Stop the students and let them sit down. Tell them they must try and remember
the details they have found out.
- Ask the students to write down what they know about Susie – her age, her job, her
lifestyle, etc. Let them compare notes in pairs/groups and discuss.
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Name: Tom Morris.
Occupation: Computer programmer. How
long you have known Susie: 2 years.
How you first met: you met her at a disco
and asked her out. You have been her
boyfriend ever since.
Name: Faizal Omid.
Occupation: Truck driver.
How long you have known Susie: 6 years.
How you first met: Your wife introduced
you. She and Susie were best friends at
Name: Sam Peters.
Occupation: Hairdresser. How long you have
known Susie: 6 months.
How you first met: She had an appointment
in your salon. She's had her hair done there
ever since.
Name: Gabriel Gabriella Martini.
Occupation: Personal assistant.
How long you have known Susie:
6 months. How you first met: You came to
live next door. Susie invited you in for a
cup of tea.
Name: Fatima Omit.
Occupation: Housewife.
How long you have known Susie: 20 years.
How you first met: At school. You were in
different classes, but you met at playtime and
after school.
Name: Daniel Daniela Williams.
Occupation: Computer programmer.
How long you have known Susie: One day.
How you first met: Here at the party. You
came with your friend, Tom Morris.
Name: Michel/Michelle Lebrun.
Occupation: Photographer.
How long you have known Susie: 8 years.
How you first met: On a photo shoot. You
started chatting and have been good friends
ever since.
Name: Frances/Francis Matthews.
Occupation: Musician.
How long you have known Susie: 5 years.
How you first met: You were a friend of
Susie's brother.
Name: Jo Joe Chambers.
Occupation: Sales manager.
How long you have known Susie: 3 years.
How you first met: Susie was promoting one
of your products at a show.
Name: Charlie Smith.
Occupation: Interior designer.
How long you have known Susie: 1 уear.
How you first met: She used your company
to decorate her house.
Name: Chris Glen.
Occupation: Teacher.
How long you have known Susie: 8 years.
How you first met: At college. Susie was on
the same course but left to become a model.
Name: Nick /Nicky McAllister.
Occupation: Nurse.
How long you have known Susie:
4 months.
How you first met: Susie broke her finger
while she was modelling some sports
equipment. You helped to look after her.
Name: Sarah Jacobson.
Occupation: Model.
How long you have known Susie: 6 months.
How you first met: On the same modeling
Name: Sandy Beach.
Occupation: Chef.
How long you have known Susie: 3 years.
How you first met: Susie came to eat at
your restaurant and loved the food! You've
done her catering ever since.
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Aim: to practice Preset Perfect for time up to now and Past Simple for finished
Timing: 30 minutes.
- Make one copy of the worksheet for every four students and cut in half where
- Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Hand out worksheet A to each student
in Group A and worksheet В to each student in Group B.
- Tell students that they are going to read one half of a telephone conversation and
they must try to reconstruct the other half. Students could work individually or in
pairs within their groups.
- Tell them to look at Andy's first sentence and imagine what Bob's reply is. They
should write Bob's reply in the 'blank conversation' section of the worksheet.
- Students continue, writing Bob's replies to Andy's remarks. Circulate, checking
students are completing Bob's half of the conversation naturally and accurately onto
the worksheet. Note down any serious or interesting mistakes for later correction.
- When students have finished, ask them to tear off the 'blank conversation' section
of their worksheet and exchange it with a student from the other group. The
students from Group A will now be looking at Group B's 'blank conversation'
sections and vice versa.
- Tell students to read Bob's replies in their new 'blank conversation' sections and
imagine what Andy's remarks are. They should then write Andy's remarks on the
lines provided in their new 'blank conversation' sections.
- When all students have finished writing Andy's remarks, ask them to get into pairs
with one student from Group A and one student from Group В in each pair. In their
pairs, students then check each other's conversations for mistakes and practise
reading them aloud.
- When all pairs have practised the conversations, ask several pairs to perform their
conversation for the class.
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Aim: To practise pronunciation, especially stress and intonation. To reinforce going
to and the use of the present continuous for the future.
Timing: up to 60 minutes.
- Make copies of the worksheet for all the students. Make one “wad of bank notes”
for each group of four students. Cut up paper to represent about ten bank notes.
Roll them together to make a wad.
- Write the title 1 of the play on the board. Tell the students the saving, Money is
the root of all evil. Ask them what they think it means (money often brings out the
worst in people).
- Give one сору of the worksheet to each student. Let the students read it. Ask if
they think events in the play illustrate the title.
- Divide the students into groups of four. If the class does not divide equally,
students in smaller groups can double up. Alternatively, one student can be the
director instead of an actor.
- Ask the students to take parts and read the play out loud. Explain that the sex of
the characters is not important, and he's can be changed to she's if appropriate.
- Walk round, helping especially with stress and intonation.
- If necessary, call the students' attention to the more difficult sentences such as
“I know, why don't we share it?” and “To see if anyone's come back to look for it.”
and drill.
- Ask the students to perform the play with actions and props (the 'banknotes').
They may need another rehearsal before the final performance.
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A - What's the matter?
B - Look what I've found!
A - Money! How much is there?
B - Looks like more than 400 quid! Hang on while I count it. (counts) £480!
A - Where did you find it?
B - Just outside in the street (moves towards the door).
A - Where are you going?
B - To the police station, I'm going to hand it in.
A - (snatches the money) Wait, you can't do that! You should keep it!
B - But it's not mine ... someone may be looking for it right now, (tries to take
the money back). Here, give it back. I found it! (they tussle over the money)
C - (enters) What's going on? (A and В stop. A still has the money.) Where did
you get that?
A - (pointing at B) Не/She found it! Just outside!
C - What are you going to do with it?
A and B (together) - Keep it. Spend it.
Take it to the police station.
C - I know, why don't we share it? Let's go out for a meal.
A - Yes, let's buy some new clothes and go to a smart restaurant.
B - We can't do that! It isn't ours! Give it back (snatches back the money).
I'm takingit to the police station!
(A and С rush to stop him. D comes in.)
D - What's going on? (A, B and С stop fighting) Where did you get that?
A - (pointing at B) Не/She found it! Just outside!
D - What are you going to do with it?
A, B and C (together) - Take it to the police station.
- Keep it. Spend it!
- Go out for an expensive meal! Buy new clothes.
D - Hey, you can't keep it. It isn't yours. Let me have it for a minute (takes the
money and moves towards the door).
A, B and C (together) - Where are you going?
D - To see if anyone's come back to look for it.
(D walks out. А, В and С wait. Half a minute goes by. D doesn't return. They get
A - I'm going to see what he's doing (goes out, pause, returns, upset). He's gone!
D's gone! He's nowhere to be seen! He's taken the money! He's taken the
B and C (together) - No!
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Aim: to practice language expressing opinions.
Timing: 60 minutes.
- Make one copy of the worksheet for every group of three to five students.
- Elicit the various causes onto the board: against globalisation; against cruelty to
annuals; against nuclear weapons; against student fees; against destruction of the
Encourage the students to come up with new ones also.
- Explain that the students are going to form their own pressure groups connected
with the causes on the board or with other causes that they can think of.
- Divide the students into groups of three to five students.
- Instruct the students to decide which cause they represent. Tell them to think of a
suitable name for their group and to appoint a leader. Explain that the leader will
present the group's ideas to the class at the end and that a vote will be taken on the
best manifesto.
- Either draw a skeleton of the manifesto leaflet on the board or photocopy it onto
an OHP. Do an example with the class and elicit possibilities to fill the gaps.
- Give out one worksheet per group and appoint a secretary who will write down
the group's ideas.
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THE __
Party le
We belie
We feel
We supp
We are a
We are s
We are n
We wan
We hope
We will
We will
We will
and ___
We prom
eve in___
very stron
port ____
strongly a
not in favo
nt to ban _
e to encou
try to stop
make __
mise to __
ngly about
our of ___
urage more
p people _
e new laws
t _______
e _______
s to _____
lease sup
port us!
____ co-op
perate toge
______ G
ether more
______ _
______ _
______ _
______ _
______ _
e closely
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Aim: to practise offers and requests and telephone language.
Timing: 30 minutes.
- Make one copy of the worksheet for every pair of students. Cut the copies into
columns A and B.
- Tell your students that they are going to work in pairs, phoning each other up to
make requests and offer help.
- Write on the board or prepare on an OHP the following phrases:
Can I speak to Jenny?
Shall I take the call?
Could you repeat the number, please?
Would you mind hanging on a moment?'
Is it okay if I call you back later?
Would you like me to come straight away?
- Ask them to copy sentences into their notebooks and then write offer or request
next to each sentence.
- Elicit ways of starting a phone conversation, and write them on the board, e.g.:
Hello, is John in?; It's John speaking, or Can I speak to Alison?
- Before the pair work, demonstrate the activity with a good student. Role play a
short phone call, asking the student to come five minutes early for the next class to
help you put some posters up in the classroom.
- Divide the class into pairs and give each Student A a copy of worksheet A and
each Student В a copy of worksheet B.
- Ask the students to read the instructions on their worksheets. Tell them they
should write down the basic requests and offers before starting their conversations.
- Students follow the instructions on their worksheets to make four telephone
- Circulate, checking that students use the appropriate question/answer forms for
the offers and requests, and that they are having “complete” telephone
- When most students have finished, ask one or two pairs to act out their
conversation for the whole group.
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Aim: to practice food vocabulary.
Timing: 30–40 minutes.
- Make one copy of the worksheet for each pair or group.
- Review the different ways of cooking (e.g. grill; bake) and discuss which method
are healthy and which are unhealthy.
- Ask the students what kind of food they would expect to find on the menu for
breakfast at a health farm. Discuss the elements of a healthy diet.
- Together with the students, brainstorm what might appear on the breakfast menu.
- Divide the students into pairs or small groups. Hand out one worksheet to each
pair or group of students.
- Ask the students to complete the menu for Celereton Health Farm by creating
different healthy dishes for the three remaining meals of the day. They must try to
follow the nutritional guidelines given in the worksheet. Tell the students they can
use their dictionaries.
- When they have finished, ask the students to swap menus with each other,
compare their results and choose the best one.
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Aim: To practise used to + infinitive for past habits and states.
Timing: 30–40 minutes.
- Make one copy of the worksheet for each student.
- Arouse students' interest by showing them old photographs/a short film clip that
depicts life 100 years ago. If you don't have access to such things, then ask students
to talk about the lives of their grandparents and how they were different from life
- Write up the first statement on the board with the I agree / I'm not sure / I disagree
boxes. Invite the students to agree or disagree with the statement and encourage
them to give reasons for their choice.
- Hand out the worksheets and tell the students to do the same with the statements.
Allow 5–10 minutes for this stage and make sure the students are working alone.
Monitor and help with any difficulties.
- Divide the class into pairs or groups as you require. Groups will probably lead to
more disagreement and ultimately a more productive discussion.
- Once students have discussed all the statements, conduct a class feedback session
focusing on those that proved to be most contentious and any that the students
created for themselves that proved interesting.
Note: The ideas generated could form the basis of a discursive essay on the
advantages and disadvantages of living now as opposed to 70–100 years ago.
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Think about life 100 years ago. Was it better or worse than it is now? Look at the
statements 1–12 below and decide if you agree with them. Tick (√) the
appropriate box to show how you feel. When you have finished, talk to your
partner and compare your answers. Try to give reasons for your choices.
One hundred years ago ... Agree Disagree Not sure
1. Children used to be happier.
2. People used to wear better
quality clothes.
3. People used to be fitter.
4. Family life used to be better.
5. People used to have more
interesting hobbies.
6. People used to have a better
quality of life.
7. People used to feel safer.
8. People work harder than they
used to.
9. It is more difficult to get around
than it used to be.
10. People have a worse diet than
they used to.
11. Women have worse lives than
they used to.
12. People are less intelligent than
they used to be.
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Aim: To practise recognizing, answering and asking questions.
Timing: 30 minutes.
- Give out one worksheet for each student. Tell students to read through the
answers and check the meanings of any words they don't understand, either with
you or using dictionaries.
- Working in pairs, the students have to find all the questions and write them next
to the appropriate answers.
- The students now take turns to ask each other these questions, writing down their
partner's answers in the spaces on the worksheet. Encourage the students to ask
follow-up questions to find out more information, e.g. “What's your favourite
city?” – “Madrid. And yours?” – “London.” – “Why London?”
- Ask each student to report back three things they have learned about their partner.
Have you got a pet?
Where would you like to be right now?
Do you play a musical instrument?
Would you like to go to the moon?
Which country would you most like to visit?
How often do you speak English?
Who is your favourite singer?
Are you reading a book at the moment?
Could you speak English when you were ten?
What kind of music do you like?
How many countries have you been to?
Which is your favourite city?
Have you ever been to the UK?
Are you any good at cooking?
Have you got any children?
Can you count to ten in five languages?
How are you feeling right now?
Who chose your name?
What were you doing at midnight last night?
What is your favourite colour?
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Aim: To practise writing the outline of a narrative.
Timing: 45–60 minutes.
- If you have a TV and video, play the first 3 minutes of a well-known film for the
students. Otherwise, write the title of a film on the board (e.g. 'Star Wars'). Ask
them what type of film it is (e.g. 'science fiction'),
- Brainstorm different categories/genres of film and write them on the board, e.g.
romance, adventure, drama, comedy, musical, western, thriller, horror, action,
science fiction, animation, documentary. Elicit films the students have seen in each
of the categories.
- Divide the students into groups of three or four.
- Tell them they are going to write an outline for a film. The group with the best
outline will get (a notional) $100 million to make their movie.
- Give each group a copy of the worksheet. Ask them to choose at least three items
from each column.
- The groups build up the details of a plot, using their chosen location, characters,
props and events. Set a time limit.
- Circulate and help them with vocabulary and ideas as necessary.
- Each group also thinks of three possible titles for their movie and chooses the
actors and actresses to appear in their film.
- Each group, in turn, presents its outline to the rest of the class.
- The class then decides which of the three titles is the best for the movie that has
been described.
- After the presentations, the class votes for the best idea (they can't vote for their
own) and a winner is declared.
Notes & comments:
As an alternative for larger classes: each group invents one title for their movie and
gives it to the teacher, who writes up all the titles on the board. The class listens to
the presentations and guesses which title was written for each film outline.
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Aim: To practise forms of past tense verbs (both regular and irregular).
Timing: 30–40 minutes.
- Divide the class into groups of four or six. Ask the students in each group to sit in
a circle and number themselves 1–4 or 1–6, anti-clockwise.
- Ask the students to imagine that this morning they heard a surprising piece of
news on their local radio station and that they are going to tell a friend about it.
- Give one set of pictures from the worksheet to each group. Ask students number
1 to shuffle the pictures well and deal out four to six pictures face down to every
student in the group.
- Tell the students that they have five to ten minutes to make up a newsworthy story
which includes at least three of their pictures. Explain that the story should take one
minute to tell. Ask the students to write short notes about the story. Encourage them
to be imaginative.
- Circulate, helping with vocabulary and grammar problems.
- When the students are ready, tell them that the activity is in two rounds and that
they only need half of their story for the first round.
First round
- Ask students 1, 3 and 5 to tell their story to the student on their left, beginning
with “This morning I heard on the news that ...” Tell the students that the telling-
listening periods will be exactly one minute and that you will be giving the “go”
and “stop” commands.
- Ask students 2, 4 and 6 to pass the story they have just heard on to the student on
their left, again beginning with “This morning I heard on the news that ...”
- Ask the students to make the stories 'travel' anti-clockwise. Repeat this until the
stories have been told to the original storyteller.
- The original storytellers explain to the whole group what in the story is correct
and what has been omitted or changed by showing the pictures they used.
Second round
- Repeat stages 7–10, working with the other half of the stories. Ask students 2, 4
and 6 to start.
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Aim: To practise reported speech.
Timing: 30 minutes.
- Introduce the activity by telling or asking the students what it feels like to be in a
foreign country where you don't speak the language. Elicit some of the most
embarrassing or difficult situations for the traveller.
- Ask students to form groups of three. In each group there are three roles:
• police officer
• foreigner
• interpreter
If there are four students in a group, double up the role of foreigner.
- Explain that in each group the foreigner(s) takes a role card at random from the
pile. The card describes a situation. They will have to explain it to the police
officer, who does not speak English, via the interpreter.
- If necessary, demonstrate one of the situations with two students.
- Make sure that they take turns to change roles for the subsequent cards so that
everyone gets the chance to be the police officer, the foreigner and the interpreter.
Follow up:
Allow some time at the end of the group work to role play some of the situations in
front of the whole class - those that have worked best with the smaller groups.
(Make notes as you monitor group work on particularly productive and generative
situations and groups for a final demonstration.)
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Aim: to practice classroom language.
Timing: 20–25 minutes.
- Elicit the important questions:
Can you repeat that please?
How do you spell ________?
What does __________ mean?
Can you give me an example?
How do you say _______ in (my Language)?
- Ask one student to pick up a card with a strange word. Write the spelling,
meanings, examples, and native language translation of these words on the board.
My language:
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I am reading a book about mammals.
Meaning: A mammal is an animal
that gives milk to its babies.
Examples: dogs, lions, horses,
Learner’s Language:___________
I am reading a book about herbivores.
Meaning: A herbivore is an animal
that eats only plants.
Examples: cows, deer.
Learner’s Language:___________
I am reading a book about reptiles.
Meaning: A reptile is a cold-blooded
Examples: lizards, snakes.
Learner’s Language:___________
I am reading a book about carnivores.
Meaning: A carnivore is an animal
that eats only meat.
Examples: lions, great white sharks.
Learner’s Language:___________
I am reading a book about
Meaning: An animal that is born in
water but can live on land.
Examples: frogs
Learner’s Language:___________
I am reading a book about omnivores.
Meaning: An omnivore is an animal
that eats both plants and animals.
Examples: human, bear.
Learner’s Language:___________
I am reading a book about insects.
Meaning: An insect is an animal that
has six legs and three body sections.
Examples: ant, grasshopper, bee.
Learner’s Language:___________
I am reading a book about mollusks.
Meaning: A mollusk is an animal
that has a soft body.
Examples: octopus, oyster, snail.
Learner’s Language:___________
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Aim: to practice presenting personal information.
Timing: 20–25 minutes.
Ask every student to fill in the blanks with information about themselves. Try to
think of an appropriate question for finding out each of those facts.
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Aim: to practice the use of Present Perfect.
Timing: 20–25 minutes.
- Divide students into groups of four.
- Ask them to think of how the quality of life has changed in the last 50 years. Give
a list of examples.
People are wealthier now.
People eat better now.
People eat more instant food now.
More people drive cars now.
People were thinner in the past.
People were more honest in the past.
- After looking at this list each group should make up sentences about how our life
has changed over the last 50 years using Present Perfect.
- Then ask the students to make up their own sentences and present them to the
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Aim: to practice certain grammar structures.
Timing: 20–25 minutes.
- Elicit the following sentences:
We have a lot in common.
We have nothing in common.
I have a lot in common with ____________.
- Students should mingle around the class and ask and answer the following
What do you do in your free time?
What kind of music do you like?
Who is your favorite actor?
- Ask the class to walk around and find three people that you have a lot in common
with (three things in common)
- After finishing the task they should report the results to the class using these
I have a lot in common with ____________________
We both like... We both play... We both come from...
What are some things that people have in common? Make a list as a class:
Things we have in common: ___________________________________
(1) ______________________________________________
(2) ______________________________________________
(3) ______________________________________________
(4) ______________________________________________
(5) ______________________________________________
(6) ______________________________________________
(7) ______________________________________________
(8) ______________________________________________
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Aim: to practice Past Simple.
Timing: 60 minutes.
- Write on board some examples of what people could do at the weekend:
drank coffee.
watched TV.
played basketball or soccer.
skipped breakfast.
took the bus to University.
cut their hair.
had a date.
took a trip.
went shopping.
- Ask the students to brainstorm other examples.
- Divide the class into groups of three or four.
- Tell them to make up questions in Past Simple using the expressions on the board.
- After they have finished the teams ask each other to find out who was involved in
the most activities last weekend.
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Aim: to practice certain grammar structures.
Timing: 60 minutes.
- Write on board some examples of grammar patterns used to express dislikes:
I hate ____________________________
I dislike __________________________
I can’t stand _______________________
I’m tired of ________________________
I’m fed up with ____________________
I’m sick of ________________________
I’m sick and tired of _________________
_____________ really bugs me.
_____________ makes me mad.
_____________ drives me crazy.
_____________ pisses me off.
_____________ annoys me.
- Ask the students to brainstorm their own ideas to complete these sentences.
- Divide the class into pairs and tell the students to ask each other the following
What does your friend do that annoys you?
What does your friend do that pisses you off?
What type of person bugs you?
What kind of teacher makes you mad?
What does your mother do that drives you crazy?
What do your neighbors do that you are fed up with?
What do you do that bugs your friends?
What are you tired of these days?
- After they have finished they report the most interesting information to the class.
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Aim: to discuss different social issues using certain grammar structures.
Timing: 60 minutes.
- Write on board some examples of grammar patterns used to express opinions:
I’m for it. I don’t really care I’m against it.
I’m in favor of it. It doesn’t concern me. I’m opposed to it.
- Look at the following issues. Decide whether you are for them or against. Express
your opinion giving your reasons.
Smoking in public places ________________
Drinking in public places ________________
Free university education ________________
Free high school education ________________
Free trade ________________
High taxes on tobacco ________________
High taxes on alcohol ________________
High taxes on imports ________________
Smaller classes ________________
Students electing teachers ________________
Paying teachers more ________________
Paying politicians more ________________
Giving money to the poor ________________
Giving food to the poor ________________
Mandatory military service ________________
Women’s Mandatory service ________________
Giving homes to the homeless ________________
Free Medicine ________________
Free Public Transportation ________________
Raising the drinking age to 25 ________________
Raising the driving age to 25 ________________
Lowering the voting age to 15 ________________
Lowering the smoking age to 15 ________________
- Vote in class for or against every issue and ask the students to make a report on
the conducted survey.
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Aim: to discuss different social issues using certain grammar structures.
Timing: 60 minutes.
- Write on board some examples of grammar patterns used to express agreement or
disagreement and to explain problems.
One problem is that ... (sentence)
One problem is ... (noun)
One solution is to ... (verb)
We could ... (verb)
I think we should ... (verb)
I recommend that ... (verb)
Agree: Disagree:
I think it’s a good idea. It’s a good idea but ___________
I agree with _______. I disagree with ______ because
I am for __________. I am against it because ________
The problem with that is ...
- Explain the situation to the students.
- Ask the students to pick a problem card and discuss it in groups.
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The situation is:
You are the management staff of a large resort hotel. Lately, you have had a lot of
problems. You must discuss these problems with the other managers and then come
up with solutions.The hotel is on an island surrounded by beautiful beaches, coral
reefs, and mountains. It seems like the perfect place to have a hotel but ... .
Theft: There is a lot of theft at the hotel. Someone is stealing food from the
kitchen, money from front desk, and sports equipment from the gym. Guests have
also complained that somebody stole their wallets.
Guests are bored: Guests have complained that there is nothing to do. There are
no activities at night. In the day, there are few sports and nothing to see.
Complaints about the food: The guests have complained that the food tastes
terrible. They also complained that the food is the same every night. Some
vegetarians were very angry because every dinner has meat.
There are few guests: Very few people know about the hotel. And the guests who
do come say it is too expensive.
Complaints about the staff: Many guests say that the staff is rude and unhelpful.
The staff members argue with each other. Sometimes they swear at the managers.
Many things are broken: The roof leaks and many TVs in the room don’t work.
Sometimes there is no electricity or hot water.
The hotel is difficult to get to: There are no buses coming from the airport to the
hotel. The taxi from the airport to the hotel is very expensive.
- Ask the students to report the results of the discussions in the following form:
Possible Solutions:
Management Recommendation:
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Aim: to practice speaking about movies.
Timing: 30 minutes.
- In class discuss these questions:
What kind of movies do you like the best?
Who is your favorite actor? Actress?
What movies have you seen recently?
How often do you watch movies or videos?
What movies do you want to see?
- Divide the class into three or four groups and ask the students to make three
riddles for movies that they have seen according to the model.
Movie1: It’s a _______________
_______________ is in it.
It takes place ________________________
It’s about ___________________________
In the end, ________________________
Use the following expressions:
Who: Who’s in it? (be in a movie= act in a movie)
Bruce Willis is in it.
It’s starring Bruce Willis.
Setting: It takes place ___________________
Where: In the city, in the country, in Italy, on Mars, on a ship, in an airplane ...
When: In the 80s, in the 90s, in the 1800s, in the future, in the past, in winter ...
Plot: What’s it about?
It’s about ___________________________
What: Two people who fall in love, a meteor that crashes into the earth,
Climax: In the end, ____________________
What happened: They get married, they save the earth ...
Category: What kind of movie is it?
It’s a _________________
What kind: comedy, romance, sci-fi, documentary, horror, animation, thriller,
action movie.
- Tell the students to share their riddles and try to guess the answer.
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Aim: group discussion.
Timing: 60 minutes.
- Write on board some examples of grammar patterns used to express annoyance:
It bugs me when...
I can’t stand it when...
It gets on my nerves when...
It annoys me when...
It bothers me when...
It drives me crazy when...
It makes me angry when...
It makes my blood boil when...
- Ask the students to brainstorm their ideas to complete these sentences.
It bugs me when I’m on the subway and_____________________________
It bothers me when I am at a movie and somebody ____________________
It gets on my nerves when I’m trying to sleep and _____________________
It annoys me when women _______________________________________
It really makes me angry when teachers ____________________________
It really pisses me off when parents ________________________________
It makes my blood boil when I am at a restaurant and __________________
It drives me crazy when my neighbors ______________________________
It drives me crazy when my boyfriend/girlfriend ______________________
It bugs me when my best friend ___________________________________
It annoys me when my brother/sister _______________________________
It drives me crazy when I run to answer the phone and _________________
It bugs me when I go to an internet site and __________________________
I can’t stand it when people _____________________________ while they
are eating.
It gets on my nerves when people ____________________before they
really know me.
- Divide the class into groups.
- Give each group a set of cards made from the worksheet.
- Ask the students to take cards in turn and answer the questions.
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1. Do you take the subway on a
regular basis?
2. What drives you crazy on the
1. What bugs you the most when
you go to the movies?
2. Have you ever told anybody to
be quiet?
1. Do you get along well with your
2. What do you neighbors do that
makes your blood boil?
Girlfriends and Boyfriends
1. Do you have a girlfriend or
2. What do they do that gets on
your nerves?
1. Do you get along well with your
2. What do they do that annoys you?
1. How many hours a week do you
surf the internet?
2. What bugs you the most when
you go to a website?
1. What do young men do that makes
your blood boil?
2. What do old men do that gets on
your nerves?
1. What do young women do that
gets on your nerves?
2. What do old women do that
bugs you?
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Aim: to encourage students for communication within the class and the groups as
well as for collecting opinions and systematizing information on a certain issue.
Timing: 40 minutes.
- If necessary provide the students with vocabulary and grammar patterns useful for
conducting survey and further discussion.
- Distribute the problem cards among the class (this can be done both for an
individual or pairs of students).
- Ask the students to move around and record everybody’s opinions on the issue.
- Tell them to present their results to the class (this can be done orally or as
a written home task).
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1. Are you worried that your country
will go to war in the near future?
2. What would you do if your
country went to war?
1. What superhero would you like
to be?
2. If you could have any power
what would it be?
1. Do you ever buy lottery tickets?
2. What would you do with the
money if you won?
1. Do you believe in ghosts?
2. What would you do if you saw a
1. Do you believe in reincarnation?
2. What would you like to be
reincarnated as?
1. Have you ever found money on
the ground?
2. If you saw 10,000 won fall out
of somebody’s pocket, would you
keep it or tell them?
Ethics II
1. Do you ever pretend you are
sleeping on the subway so that you
don’t have to give up your seat?
2. If you saw a pregnant woman on
the subway, would you stand up?
Space Travel
1. Do you think that people will
live on other planets someday?
2. Would you travel to Mars if you
had the chance?
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Survey on Tuition
How much tuition did
you pay this year?
Do you think university
education should be free
for everyone?
Do you think students
ought to be given student
loans from the
government at zero
Survey on Class Size
When you were in high
school, how many students
were in your class?
What should the
maximum number of
students per class be in
high school?
Would you be willing to
pay more tuition for
smaller class sizes?
Survey on Homework
How much homework do
you do everyday?
How much homework
should university students
be given everyday?
How much homework
should high school
students be given
Survey on Tests
Do you think there ought
to be a university
entrance exam?
What do you think
should be the most
important thing for
university students?
Tests, essays, or projects?
What punishment should
students receive if they
get caught cheating on a
Survey on Teachers
Do you think high school
students should be able to
choose their own teachers?
What do you think is the
most important quality for
a good teacher?
Do you think teacher
should be paid extra if
they have good student
Survey on Punishment
What is the worst
punishment you have ever
Should corporal
punishment be allowed in
Should students be given
failing grades for
Survey on Grades
Have you ever received
an F grade in a university
Do you think teachers
should mark students on
a bell curve?
Do you think teachers
ought to fail some
students every semester?
Survey on Technology
Do you ever use the
internet to do research?
Do you think students
ought to be given internet
access in class?
Should students be
required to do multi-media
presentations like Power
Point in class?
Survey on Being Late
How often are you late for
How often is your teacher
late for class?
What should the teacher
do if a student comes late?
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Animal Research
1. How do you feel about using
animals for research?
2. Is OK to use animals for medical
research? How about cosmetic
Death Penalty
1. What’s your opinion on the
death penalty?
2. Do you think that innocent
people are sometimes put to death?
Corporal Punishment
1. How do you feel about corporal
punishment in schools?
2. How about corporal punishment
by parents?
Nuclear Energy
1. What’s your opinion on nuclear
2. Do you think the government
should build more nuclear power
Violence on TV
1. How do you feel about violence
on TV?
2. Do you think the violence on TV
causes children to be violent?
Women’s Equality
1. What’s your opinion on women
2. Do you think women have the
same opportunities as men?
Youth Offenders
1. How do you feel about young
2. Should parents of young offenders
be responsible for any damage that
the young offenders cause?
Tough Anti-Drug Laws
1. What’s your opinion on drugs?
2. Do you think that people should
go to jail for life for taking drugs?
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What were you watching
when you were in high
What have you been
watching recently?
How long have you been
watching that program?
Where do you live now?
How long have you been
living there?
What city would you like
to live?
What were you doing
when you heard
about 9-11?
Where were you
when you heard
about 9-11?
Who were you with?
Your University
How long have you been
studying at your
When you were in high
school, were you planning
on studying at your
What were you doing
when you found out you
got accepted into your
Do you play any sports?
How long have you been
playing that sport?
Where were you living
during the last Olympics?
Do you have a
boyfriend or a
If no, have you been
looking for one?
If yes, how long have
you been going out?
What were you wearing
this time last year?
What were you wearing
How long have you had
the clothes you are
What were you listening
to when you were in high
What were you listening
to last summer?
Who is you favorite
singer and how long have
you liked them?
What were you doing
this time last year?
What were you doing
five years ago at this
What were you doing
last semester at this
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Survey on Best Actors
(1) Who is the best
male actor?
(2) Who is the best
female actor?
Survey on Horror
(1) Do you enjoy
horror movies?
(2) What is the scariest
movie you have seen?
Survey on Comedies
(1) Do you like to
watch comedies?
(2) Who is the funniest
Survey on Action
(1) Do you enjoy
action films?
(2) Is it OK for young
kids to watch violence
on TV?
Survey on Movie
(1) How often do you
go to the movies?
(2) Who do you usually
go with?
Survey on Movie
(1) What was the last
movie that you saw?
(2) What was the first
movie you ever saw?
Survey on Sci-fi
(1) Do you enjoy sci-fi
(2) What was the last
sci-fi movie you saw?
Survey on Best Films
(1) What is the best
film you’ve seen
(2) Who was starring in
Survey on Worst Films
(1) What is the worst
film you’ve seen
(2) Who was starring in
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Survey on Breakfast
(1) Did you have
breakfast this
(2) What do you
usually have for
(3) Who do you eat
breakfast with?
Survey on Lunch
(1) Where do you
usually have lunch?
(2) What do you
typically have for lunch?
(3) Who do you eat
lunch with?
Survey on Dinners
(1) Where do you
usually have dinner?
(2) What time do you
usually eat dinner?
(3) What did you have
for dinner yesterday?
Survey on Fast-food
(1) Do you go to fast-
food restaurants often?
(2) What is your
favorite fast-food
(3) Do you prefer fast-
food or your mom’s
Survey on Restaurants
(1) How often do you
eat at restaurants?
(2) What is your favorite
(3) Do you usually leave
a tip?
Survey on Ordering
(1) How often do you
order food at your
(2) Do you ever order
(3) Do you ever order
Chinese food?
Survey on Favorite
(1) What is your
favorite food?
(2) How often do you
eat it?
(3) What is your least
favorite food?
Survey on Cooking
(1) Who cooks in your
(2) Who is a better cook
your mom or your dad?
(3) What do you know
how to cook well?
Survey on Spicy Food
(1) Do you enjoy spicy
(2) What is the hottest
food you’ve eaten?
(3) Have you ever had
food that was so hot you
couldn’t eat it?
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Aim: To consolidate asking questions.
Timing: 30–40 minutes.
- Make one copy of the worksheet per student.
- Fold the worksheet so only the left column is visible. Give one worksheet to each
- Ask the students to write a different classmate's name on each line in the left
column. Alternatively, the worksheet is passed around the class and the students
write their own names on the lines. (The latter ensures all students' names appear
equally as often)
- The worksheet is unfolded to reveal incomplete statements about the students'
classmates. For example,
Thierry feels ________ today.
Emily is named after _________ .
- The students mingle around the classroom, asking and answering questions and
completing the statements. For example, Thierry feels worried about his exam
today. Emily is named after her grandmother.
- Encourage the students to ask further questions to find out more information.
- When all the sentences have been completed, the students, in pairs or small
groups, tell each other what they have learned. Ask the students to report to the
class anything interesting they have learned.
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Aim: Тo practise using gerund- and infinitives after particular verbs.
Timing: 30–45 minutes.
- Write two examples on the board – one which requires the gerund and one which
requires the infinitive.
Do you like (go) to the theatre? (going)
Have you decided (go) out tonight? (to go)
- Elicit the correct form for each sentence.
- Divide the class into groups of three.
- Explain the rules of the game:
Students throw the dice and move around the board.
If they land on a question, the student must form the question correctly using the
gerund or infinitive form. The student then asks this question to another member of
the group who must give an appropriate answer.
If the student lands on a one word prompt, e.g.: DECIDE, then another member of
the group must form a question for the person who landed on that square. The
question must use the key word in an appropriate tense and with the correct verb
pattern e.g.: When did you decide to come to England?
The students proceed until someone has finished. If time and inclination allow, they
can start again in new groups.
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Aim: To practice different verb patterns and vocabulary related to describing
Timing: 30–40 minutes.
- Put your students into groups of three (two players and one referee) or rive (two
pairs and one referee) and give each group a copy of the worksheet, two counters
and a dice. You will need let give the referee a copy of the answers.
- The students place their counter on the START square and then roll the dice to see
who goes first.
- The students take it turns to roll the dice, move that number of squares forward
and then choose the correct alternative. The referee checks the answers, if correct,
the student's counter remains on the square. If incorrect, the student has to return
his/her counter to its original square.
- If the player lands on a SMILE! They should square; move forward but not have
to answer the question, if a player lands on an OOPS!: square, they automatically
miss a go.
- This continues until a player pair reaches the final SMILE! square and wins the
2 I need to speak/speaking English for my job.
3 She's got long, wavy hair/hairs.
4 He's always telling us what to do - he's very bossy /shy.
6 I can swim/to swim faster than vou.
7 He's got freckles / dimples all over his face.
8 He grew a moustache/ beard to cover the scar on his chin.
10 She's got fair hair /eyes.
11 I enjoy watching/to watch sport on TV.
12 He's got pale skin /hair.
14 What does look like/look?
15 I want being/to be rich.
16 She's wearing false eyelashes / eyebrоws!
18 I put on /take off my shoes before I leave the house.
19 She's got the most perfect tooth/teeth.
20 I think I'm going to give up /hang up smoking.
22 He looks tired – he's got bags under his ears /eyes.
23 I'm looking forward to meet/meeting her.
24 She's got a beautiful hair /smile.
26 She feels things very strongly – she's sensitive / sensible.
27 What is she like/look like?
28 When she smiles, small wrists /wrinkles appear next to her eyes.
29 I've decided getting/to get my hair cut.
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Aim: To consolidate the main language areas.
Timing: 30–40 minutes.
- Put the students into pairs and give one the Student A worksheet and the other the
Student В worksheet. Tell the students that six of the questions contain a grammar
mistake and six are correct.
- Ask the students to work individually to find and correct the grammar mistakes.
- When they have done this, ask Students A and В to compare the corrections they
have made and to identify the correct version of each question.
- Check answers with the whole class.
- Follow up
- Ask the students, working in pairs or small groups, to ask and answer the
questions. Encourage them to ask further questions to find out more information.
For example, for question 1: When did you first hear the song? Why do you like it
so much? Does it remind you of a particular time, place or person?
- Ask the students to report back to the class anything interesting from their
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Aim: To practice spelling of irregular verbs forms.
Timing: 30–40 minutes.
- Ask if any of the students have played the game “Battleships”. If anyone has, ask
them to explain it to the rest of the class.
- Ask the students to form pairs of Student A and Student B.
- Give each student a copy of the relevant worksheet.
- Tell the students that the object of the game is to find ten irregular verbs in the
past tense and past participle in their partner's grid.
- Ask the students to read the instructions on their worksheets carefully. You may
want to pre-teach some of the key lexis: a grid, to score a hit, to miss, your turn,
your go.
- Circulate, checking that students spell the verbs correctly.
The verbs on Worksheet A are: grew, stolen, won, led, put, heard, gone, ate,
thrown, drove. The verbs on Worksheet B are: sung, drunk, made, built, sat, hurt,
woke, swam, cut, taught.
Follow up:
• Ask the students to make a list with the infinitive, past tense and past participle
forms of the twenty verbs that they have found.
• Use the blank grids below to play the game again: students can write in their
own verbs. The grids can also be used for other lexical fields.
Notes & comments:
For lower level classes, if you think it will take too long for the students to find out
the verbs, write the twenty verbs on the blackboard before starting the game.
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Aim: To practice listening and speaking in a humorous context.
Timing: 15–20 minutes.
- Tell your students that they will each be given half of a joke: either the opening or
the ending (punchline). You can use a well-known joke such as “Doctor, Doctor,
everyone keeps ignoring me. – Next please”, to exemplify the kind of humour they
can expect.
- Give out the cards – one or more to each student, depending on class size. Allow a
few minutes for students to check any vocabulary they don't know, either with you
or in a dictionary.
- Ask the students to walk around the classroom reading out their incomplete jokes
to each other and deciding whether their halves match.
- Ask the students to check with you when they think they have found their 'other
- When the activity is over, pairs read out their “complete” jokes.
The jokes are:
I can still remember my university days ... – All three of them.
I'll never learn how to spell. – The teacher keeps changing the words.
What is black when clean and white when dirty? – A blackboard.
Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? – At the bottom.
One day I brought an apple for the teacher and she kissed me. – The next day
I brought her a watermelon.
I spent three years in college taking medicine. – You poor thing. Are you well
It took me a whole year to write a book. – You idiot. Don't you know you can buy
one for a fiver?
Before we begin this final exam, are there any questions? – Yes. What's the name
of this course?
I want to read a book ... something very deep. – What about “20,000 Leagues
Under the Sea?”
So you flunked the history exam. – Yes. They kept asking questions about things
that happened before I was born.
Now, class, are there any questions? – Yes. Where do those words go when you rub
them off the blackboard?
What comes after six? – The milkman.
I got an A in spelling. – You fool. There isn't any A in 'spelling'.
Who needs a dictionary? – If you've read one you've read them all.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aim: To practise question forms.
Timing: 20 minutes.
- Fold each of the worksheets as shown so that only the spaces where the students
write their names are visible.
- If possible, ask the students to sit in a circle or horseshoe.
- Give out one worksheet to each student. They should not open out the worksheet.
- Each student then writes their name in one of the spaces and passes the folded
worksheet to the right.
- The next student writes their name in any one of the remaining spaces, before
passing it on again.
- Continue until all the spaces have been filled. Then hand on the worksheet one
more time.
- Each student opens out the worksheet to find sixteen questions about different
e.g. Where did Anna last go on holiday?
- The students try to guess the answer to each of the questions and write this next to
the question.
- The students then mingle and ask the questions. They record with a tick (√) or a
cross (X) whether or not they had guessed correctly.
This continues until all the questions have been asked.
- The winner is the person who has the most correct guesses.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
What's 's favourite possession?
Who in the world would most like to meet?
What's 's greatest wish?
When did last have a haircut?
Which would rather be – a frog or a snake?
Where in the world would like to be right now?
How many times has been in love?
When did first kiss someone?
What's 's idea of a perfect day?
Where did last go on holiday?
What will be doing at nine tonight?
How often does speek English outside class
What's 's favourite smell?
How many languages can count to ten in?
What's 's favourite English word?
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Aim: to practice talking about jobs and participating in an job interview.
Timing: 60 minutes
- This lesson follows a format of a discussion, followed by a role-play activity.
- Print out photocopy of three documents: Benefits and Qualifications, Employers
Activity Sheets, Job Seekers Activity Sheets (see below).
- Divide the class into seven different employers and seven different job seekers.
- Tell the students that you will be talking about job interviews today. Define the
words benefit and qualification on the board.
- Write the key vocabulary items on the board: promotion, work experience,
medical insurance, vacation, bachelor/masters/doctor, degree, references,
salary wage housing, license, commissions, tips bonus, well-spoken, hardworking,
discounts, training courses, dental insurance, creativity, report card/transcript, raise,
neat appearance/dress.
- Give the students some examples of the key languages patterns: What kind of
experience do you have? What did you study in university? Do you have any
special skills? What are your good points and bad points? What company do you
represent? What kind of job do you offer?
- Make a chart with the headings benefits and qualifications on the board and ask
the students to come up with some examples. Write the examples under the
appropriate headings.
- Now hand out the worksheet titled Benefits and Qualifications. Go over it as a
class. In groups decide what the most important benefits and qualifications are. Ask
a few students what benefits they want. Then ask a few students what qualifications
they have.
- Ask the students to practice doing job interviews in English.
- Let the companies line up in row. And tell the job seekers go from company to
company and ask about the jobs. Explain to the students that the job seekers are
primarily interested in what benefits they can get, and the companies are primarily
interested in the qualifications of potential employees.
- Before you let the students go at it, you should probably model an example
interview with one student. You may also want to discuss the questions that each
party will want to ask.
- Ask both groups should fill out the table on their activity worksheets. And when
they are done and if time permits, you can ask the employers who they would like
to hire and why.
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Benefits and Qualifications:
A benefit is something you receive from a job
A qualification is something you need to do a job.
Look at the following list of vocabulary items. Are they benefits of a job or qualifications for a
__________________ promotion
__________________ work experience
__________________ medical insurance
__________________ vacation
__________________ bachelor/masters/doctor degree
__________________ references
__________________ salary
__________________ wage
__________________ housing
__________________ license
__________________ commissions
__________________ tips
__________________ bonus
__________________ being well-spoken
__________________ being hardworking
__________________ discount on goods
__________________ training courses
__________________ dental insurance
__________________ creativity
__________________ report card/transcript
__________________ raise
__________________ neat appearance/dress
In a group, decide what the most important qualifications and benefits are?
Most Important Benefits Most Important Qualifications
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник
820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник

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820.иностранный язык (английский язык) сборник

  • 1. 1 Министерство культуры Российской Федерации ФГБОУ ВПО «Кемеровский государственный университет культуры и искусств» Социально-гуманитарный институт Кафедра иностранных языков ИНОСТРАННЫЙ ЯЗЫК (английский язык) Сборник интерактивных профессионально ориентированных заданий для студентов 1-го, 2-го курсов всех направлений подготовки КемГУКИ Кемерово 2014 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 2. 2 ББК 81.2Англ-923 И68 Утвержден на заседании кафедры иностранных языков 10 февраля 2014 года, протокол № 6. Рекомендован к изданию учебно-методическим советом социально-гуманитарного института 14 марта 2014 г., протокол № 7. И68 Иностранный язык (английский язык) [Текст]: сб. интерактивных профессионально ориентированных заданий для студентов 1-го, 2-го кур- сов всех направлений подготовки КемГУКИ / авт.-сост.: М. В. Межова, С. А. Золотарева. – Кемерово: Кемеров. гос. ун-т культуры и искусств, 2014. – 211 с. Авторы-составители: кандидат культурологии, доцент М. В. Межова кандидат культурологии, доцент С. А. Золотарева ББК 81.2Англ-923 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 3. 3 ВВЕДЕНИЕ В соответствии с новой образовательной парадигмой, в основе которой лежит компетентностный подход, иноязычное обучение в системе высшего образования приобретает большую значимость. Компетентностный подход понимается как формирование умений и навыков направленных на приме- нение на практике коммуникативных способностей человека, его культурных, социальных, и информационных и профессиональных компетенций. Компе- тентностный подход осуществляется на основе таких методов, которые орга- низуют обучение через желание, активизируют обучение учащихся, стиму- лируют их к познанию, мотивируют интерес к самостоятельному приобрете- нию знаний. Основной образовательной целью дисциплины «Иностранный язык» в условиях вуза является формирование у обучающихся способности прак- тического владения иностранным языком, позволяющей использовать его в будущей профессиональной деятельности. Показателем уровня сформи- рованности такой способности является профессионально ориентированная вторичная языковая личность. В соответствии с ФГОС третьего поколения, приоритетом сегод- няшнего дня в преподавании иностранных языков является ориентация на формирование общекультурной компетенции. В связи с этим для достижения основной образовательной цели дисциплины «Иностранный язык» предъяв- ляются серьезные требования к содержанию и формам организации учебного процесса. Реализация учебной цели в соответствии с новыми ФГОС в усло- виях неязыкового вуза возможна только с учетом комплексности обозна- ченных компетенций, а при обучении иностранному языку это, в основном, общекультурные компетенции (ОК):  способность свободно пользоваться русским и иностранным языками как средством делового общения;  знание иностранного языка,  владение одним из иностранных языков на уровне не ниже разговорного,  способность осуществлять коммуникации в профессиональной среде и в обществе в целом, в том числе на иностранном языке. Требования к сформированности общекультурных компетенций при обучении иностранному языку представлены комплексом умений в различ- ных видах речевой деятельности: говорение, письмо, чтение, понимание на слух (аудирование). В результате освоения дисциплины обучающийся должен Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 4. 4 демонстрировать свои знания в цикле «знать, уметь, владеть», обозначенные в рабочей учебной программе (или учебно-методическом комплексе дисциплины) по всем направлениям подготовки вуза. Качество полученных знаний иностранного языка проявляется в го- товности обучающихся применять его не только в повседневном общении, но и, в профессиональном общении, для формирования межкультурных связей, представления своей страны на международных конференциях, симпозиумах, международных научных и деловых профессиональных мероприятиях, а также в ситуациях профессиональной коммуникации и профессионального обмена опытом. Компетентностный подход усиливает качество знаний иностранного языка, подчеркивает роль опыта, умений реализовать свои знания на практике. В связи с таким усилением практико-ориентированного образования и его предметно-профессионального аспекта, преподаватели кафедры иност- ранного языка применяют новые подходы, формы, методы и технологии обучения иностранным языкам. Их разработка в значительной степени активизирует интерактивную форму обучения как один из эффективных методов, способствующих формированию умений и навыков разговорной речи, а также освоению лексического и грамматического материала. Интерактивная деятельность занимает особое место в освоении курсов по иностранному языку в КемГУКИ. Интерактивная деятельность предпо- лагает организацию и развитие диалогового общения. В ходе диалогового обучения обучающиеся учатся решать сложные проблемы на основе анализа обстоятельств и соответствующей информации, взвешивать альтернативные мнения, принимать продуманные решения, участвовать в дискуссиях, общаться с представителями профессионального сообщества других культур. Учебный процесс, опирающийся на использование интерактивных методов обучения, организуется так, чтобы включить в процесс познания всех обучающихся группы. Совместная деятельность означает, что каждый вносит свой особый, индивидуальный вклад, в ходе работы идет обмен знаниями, идеями, способами деятельности. Для этого на практических занятиях организуется индивидуальная, парная и групповая работа, применяются исследовательские проекты, ролевые и деловые игры, идет работа с доку- ментами и различными источниками информации, используются творческие и проектные работы. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 5. 5 Целью сборника интерактивных заданий по английскому языку является оказание практической помощи в развитии речевых навыков в контексте иноязычной коммуникации. Сборник состоит из Введения, Методических рекомендаций для преподавателей по использованию интерактивных заданий, Warm-up activities, Group Activities, Educational Language Games (crosswords, wordsearch, role-play games), Contests and Quizzes, Answers, списка литературы, перечня сайтов с элементами интерактивных заданий, предназначенных для самостоятельного изучения английского языка. Сборник включает следующие обучающие интерактивные задания: коммуникативные ситуации (диалоги), индивидуальные ситуативные задания для малых групп, деловые и ролевые игры (как в малых группах, так и коллективные), задания на основе сase-study (анализ конкретных ситуаций, ситуационный анализ), коммуникативные задания на основе метода task- based learning, кластерные задания-игры (cluster) (объединенные темы для более детального рассмотрения, с использованием определенной лексики), warm-up activities (задания, направленные на активизацию взаимодействия в группе). В сборник также вошли задания блока Language Games (Языковые игры), которые включают: языковые кроссворды (для работы в малых группах), wordsearch games (поиск слов в определенном тематическом поле лексики), contests and quizzes (аутентичные задания для викторины и конкурсов). Все материалы сборника являются аутентичными и разработаны с уче- том требований к уровню владения иностранным языком для студентов первого и второго курсов по всем направлениям подготовки студентов КемГУКИ. Все задания снабжены ключами, что делает возможным использование сборника для самоконтроля и самостоятельного изучения английского языка. Последний раздел сборника включает перечень интернет-ресурсов, содержащих интерактивные задания (в том числе тесты), как для само- стоятельного, так и для группового изучения английского языка. Enjoy your English Classes and make your English Classes fun! Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 6. 6 МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ ДЛЯ ПРЕПОДАВАТЕЛЕЙ ПО ИСПОЛЬЗОВАНИЮ ИНТЕРАКТИВНЫХ ЗАДАНИЙ Данный сборник состоит из четырех разделов, в которых представлены различные виды интерактивных заданий нескольких уровней сложности – от Elementary до Upper-Intermediate. Сборник предназначен как для самостоятельного изучения студентами английского языка, так и для использования преподавателем во время практических занятий в качестве дополнения к основному курсу. Задания данного сборника направлены на формирование навыков во всех видах речевой деятельности и отражают различные типы коммуникативных ситуаций, и бытовых, и профессиональных. Большинство заданий обладают достаточной гибкостью подхода, позволяющей встраивать их в различные этапы занятия и применять в группах с различным уровнем языковой подготовки. Каждое задание (в некоторых случаях вид заданий) состоит из его описания, включающего формулировку цели, указания времени, которое необходимо для выполнения задания, и описания пошаговой стратегии и особенностей его выполнения, а также, в большинстве случаев, непосред- ственно самого задания. Некоторые задания требуют предварительной подготовки, о чем можно прочитать в инструкции к нему. Каждое задание сопровождается практическим материалом (рабочими листами), которые предназначены для аудиторной работы студентов. Таким образом, даже человек, не обладающий опытом педагогической деятельности, сможет легко их использовать и, кроме того, опытные преподаватели также сэкономят время на подготовку к занятиям. Интерактивные задания служат важным средством активизации процес- са изучения иностранного языка в условиях отсутствия языковой среды, однако не рекомендуется вводить более одного задания в течение одного практического занятия, так как это усложняет восприятие студентами изучаемой темы. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 7. 7 WARM-UP ACTIVITIES A FROZEN PICTURE Aim: to practice Present Continuous Tense. Timing: 20–25 minutes. Procedure: - Choose 2 or more people who will be the guessing persons. - Explain the other students they are going to imitate anyone or anybody they see in the picture. - When the guessing persons are back in class, they must try to identify the person or the object and say what they are doing. - If they are right, the players go back to their seats. - The game is over when the last person is identified. Note: the activity can be done to practice Past Continuous as well. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 8. 8 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 9. 9 YOU IN PICTURES Aim: to practice basic question forms in the main tenses and with modals. Timing: 45 minutes. Procedure: - Ask the students to think about their own character and to choose the five images that best represent this. Then, tick or circle them. - Ask the students to complete the sentences at the bottom of the worksheet. - In pairs or small groups, the students explain their choices to each other. Note: this activity can be done with the whole class. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 10. 10 Look at the pictures. Choose the five that best represent you. Talk about yourself using the following structures: The pictures that best represent me are ... the ______________________ because _____________________ ... the ______________________ because _____________________ ... the _______________________ because _____________________ ... the _______________________ because _____________________ ... the _______________________ because _____________________ The pictures that best represent the class are _____________________ because __________________. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 11. 11 WHAT IS MY JOB? Aims: to practice adverbs of frequency and job-related questions. Timing: 20–25 minutes. Procedure: - Make one copy of the worksheet for every student. Write names of 'jobs' on separate post-it notes. You will need one job and post-it note per student. - Explain to the students they are going to be given a job but they will not know what it is. Their task will be to find it out. Possible examples of jobs: accountant, bouncer, butcher, clown, dentist, farmer, fashion designer, fireman, gardener, hairdresser, mechanic, musician, nurse, photographer, pilot, plumber, pop star, postman, priest, scientist, soldier, taxi driver, translator, waiter, weather forecaster, window cleaner, writer. - Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Ask the students to read the instructions and questions. - Tell the students to add three extra questions of their own at the bottom. Help with vocabulary problems. - Ask the students to come to your desk to get their jobs stuck on their backs. - Refer students to the instructions at the top of their sheet. Tell them to mingle freely, asking each person a couple of questions and noting down the answers. - Circulate and encourage the use of frequency adverbs in the answers. - After 10 minutes of questioning (or when the first student has correctly guessed their job), stop the activity and ask students to write down what they think their job is. - Check answers and give feedback. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 12. 12 Ask questions to find out about your job and write down the answers. Answer questions about other people's jobs, using the key on the right for your answers. Change partners after every couple of questions. Possible answers: Yes/no Yes, all the time Usually Very often Quite often Not very often Rarely Hardly ever No, never Sometimes Questions 1 Do I wear special clothes for my job? 2 Do I often work outdoors? 3 Do I work with the public? 4 Do I often work at weekends? 5 Do I have to travel to do my job? 6 Do I earn much? 7 Is my work glamorous or highly prestigious? 8 Do I work mainly with my hands? 9 Is my job sometimes dangerous? 10 Do I often receive tips? 11 Is my job creative? 12 Do I work with animals? 13 Do I work in a laboratory? 14 Do I usually work in a building? Is it an office? 15 Do I need to be fit for my job? 16 Do I need a university degree for my job? 17 Do I need to be good with numbers? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 13. 13 SOLVE THE MYSTERY Aim: Practice of Yes/No questions and Past Perfect. Timing: 15 minutes. Procedure: - Read out the first puzzle on the worksheet, or give it out to the students to read. - Tell students they must ask good grammatical Yes/No questions to discover the explanation behind the strange discovery. - Answer questions, addressing language problems as they arise. This can best be done by writing the incorrect questions asked on the board and analysing them as a class. Establish that questions concerning the time before the discovery of the man will usually need past perfect. - When students have solved the first mystery, they can continue with the other puzzles on the page. Again, you can give clues to help students solve the puzzles. Note: in weaker classes, you can give students some clues and time to prepare questions, possibly in pairs or small groups. Puzzle 1. In June 1998, a man was discovered in a forest in Australia. The trees in the forest had no leaves. The man was wearing a mask. An ambulance took him to hospital. Puzzle 2. A man walked into a bar and asked the barman for a glass of water. The barman pulled out a gun and pointed it at the man. The man said 'Thank you' and walked out. Puzzle 3. Two boxers were in a boxing match. The fight was scheduled for 12 rounds but ended after 6 rounds, after one boxer knocked out the other boxer. Yet no man threw a punch. How was this possible? Puzzle 4. A great king told his two sons to race their horses to a distant city. The son with the slower horse would inherit the king's fortune. The brothers didn't know what to do. They asked a wise man for advice. After hearing the advice they jumped on the horses and raced as fast as they could to the city. What did the wise man say? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 14. 14 HI! HOW ARE YOU? Aim: To practice using the Present Perfect for news events. Timing: 20–40 minutes Procedure: - Invite a student to ask you 'How are you?' Mime 'Not too good', to show that it's bad news, then mime crashing your car to elicit the 'I've crashed my car' sentence. After the demonstration explain the rules: • The game starts off with one of the team asking, 'How are you?' • The person with the card from the opposite team must be silent and explain the sentence with gestures. • If the team says the complete sentence, they get the card. - Put the students in groups of four or five and give each group a set of cards face down. Students take it in turns to take a card from the top of the pack, to mime and elicit the news. - After all the cards have been completed check who has won (the team with most cards wins). Note: it is recommended to set a time limit for every card’s discussion. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 15. 15 I've crashed my car. My cat has had kittens. I've passed my exams. I've won the lottery. I've just had a great holiday. I've just bought a new computer. My car's been stolen. I've lost my keys. I've just got a new job. I've passed my driving test. I haven't done my English homework. My brother's been arrested for drink driving. My goldfish has died. I've been ill recently. I've split up with my fiance(e). I've just met my new boss. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 16. 16 AMAZING FACTS Aim: to teach the students to search for and report interesting information to the class. Timing: 10 minutes. Procedure: - Tell students to find some interesting facts to report in class. - After everybody reports their information, ask the students to vote for the most unusual and exciting material. - The person who is the winner gets an excellent mark. Examples of interesting facts: 1. You are born with 300 bones but as an adult you have 206. 2. Right-handed people live on average 9 years longer than left-handed people. 3. A car travelling at 80 km/h uses half its fuel to overcome wind resistance. 4. Americans on average eat 18 acres of pizza a year. 5. The Apollo 11 only had 20 seconds of fuel left when it landed. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 17. 17 SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPS Aim: to play a guessing game in order to practice talking about the relationships. Timing: 15–30 minutes. Procedure: - Provide each student with the a card describing a perfect partner. - Write on board: My partner… - Tell the students they are going to mime what is written in their cards. - Ask the students to show their cards in front of the class and guess its content. - After this stage is done ask the students to rank the following factors from 1 to 16. Try to discuss as much as you can in English. - As a follow-up activity ask the students to complete the Love and Relationships Cloze Worksheets in pairs or small groups. - Check the answers. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 18. 18 SUCCESSFUL RELATIONSHIPS WORKSHEET 1 is attractive has a lot in common with me has lots of money/wealth has a high level of education is interesting/creative is patient has good communication skills has a sense of humor has a good family background has the same racial/ethnic background is open with his/her feelings has a good sense of fashion is outgoing/sociable has a positive outlook in life is open-minded is easygoing Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 19. 19 LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS CLOZE WORKSHEET 2 Fill in the blanks with the words in the boxes. Beginning Relationships crush ask sight courage blind If you have a ________________________ on someone, then you have to work up the _____________________ to ___________________ them out. You might also ask a friend to arrange a ________________________ date. If you are lucky, it will be love at first ________________________. Dating romantic falls on along know seeing When couples go ______________________________ a date, they usually go to a __________________________________ restaurant or café where they can get to _________________________ each other better. When you start dating somebody regularly, we say that you are '___________________________' somebody. If you get____________________________ really well then you might become a couple. Sometimes, one person ____________________ in love, which means they start to have strong feelings for the other person. Love and Marriage wedding proposes engaged vows ring asks When couples go out for a long time, they may decide to get __________________ . One partner, usually the man, ____________________. When he proposes, he usually gives the woman a _____________________ and __________________ her to marry him. They invite their friends and family to the __________________ where they say their wedding ___________________. Ending Relationships apart divorced break argue heartbroken over Sometimes couples start to ______________________ over everything. Other couples just grow __________________. And so, sometimes, couples ____________________ up. If they are married, they get ___________________. However, when couples split apart, often one person is____________. In that case, the person will need some time to get ___________________the relationship. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 20. 20 GROUP ACTIVITIES WORLD SEARCH Aims: to practice countries’ names and defining relative clauses. Timing: 30 minutes. Procedure: - Write on the board: Х is famous for wine, food and romance. There is a famous tower in the capital city. Ask students to guess the country (France). - Tell the students they are going to write some similar hints as clues for a crossword. - Divide the class into Team A and Team B. Explain that you are going to give each group the same crossword but that Team A will have the “across” words already written in and Team В will have the “down” words already written in. Their task is to write the clues for the words written on their crosswords. - Give a copy of crossword A to each student in Team A and a copy of crossword B to each student in Team B. Ask the students to work together with people in their group to write a clue for each county. - To help your students prepare the clues, monitor carefully and encourage them to think particularly about: a) geographical location, b) what the country produces, c) what it's famous for and d) what its capital city is called. All of these could make useful clues. - When they have finished writing their clues, students should work with a partner from the other group. They must not show each other their crossword. - Ask them to sit facing each other and take it in turns to ask their partner for clues to the missing names on their crossword. - When they have asked and answered all the questions and completed their crosswords, they can look at each other's paper to check. Note: this activity can be done as a group competition. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 21. 21 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 22. 22 SUSIE'S PARTY Aim: to practice using Past Simple and Present Perfect and talking about jobs. Timing: 60 minutes. Procedure: - Ask the students if they have been to a birthday party. - Ask what people talk about when they meet for the first time (personal details, the music, the food, the host/hostess etc.). - Explain that they are going to pretend to be at Susie's birthday party. Susie is a model. They all know Susie, but don't all know each other. - Give one card to each student. Explain that they have to be the person on the card and that they must ask questions to find out information about the other people at the party. - Elicit the questions (see Answers). - Elicit what people say when they want to end a conversation, e.g.: I must get another drink, or Oh, there's X. Would you excuse me? - The students do the role-play. They are not allowed to write anything down or show each other their cards. Walk around and listen and correct if necessary. - Stop the students and let them sit down. Tell them they must try and remember the details they have found out. - Ask the students to write down what they know about Susie – her age, her job, her lifestyle, etc. Let them compare notes in pairs/groups and discuss. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 23. 23 Name: Tom Morris. Occupation: Computer programmer. How long you have known Susie: 2 years. How you first met: you met her at a disco and asked her out. You have been her boyfriend ever since. Name: Faizal Omid. Occupation: Truck driver. How long you have known Susie: 6 years. How you first met: Your wife introduced you. She and Susie were best friends at school. Name: Sam Peters. Occupation: Hairdresser. How long you have known Susie: 6 months. How you first met: She had an appointment in your salon. She's had her hair done there ever since. Name: Gabriel Gabriella Martini. Occupation: Personal assistant. How long you have known Susie: 6 months. How you first met: You came to live next door. Susie invited you in for a cup of tea. Name: Fatima Omit. Occupation: Housewife. How long you have known Susie: 20 years. How you first met: At school. You were in different classes, but you met at playtime and after school. Name: Daniel Daniela Williams. Occupation: Computer programmer. How long you have known Susie: One day. How you first met: Here at the party. You came with your friend, Tom Morris. Name: Michel/Michelle Lebrun. Occupation: Photographer. How long you have known Susie: 8 years. How you first met: On a photo shoot. You started chatting and have been good friends ever since. Name: Frances/Francis Matthews. Occupation: Musician. How long you have known Susie: 5 years. How you first met: You were a friend of Susie's brother. Name: Jo Joe Chambers. Occupation: Sales manager. How long you have known Susie: 3 years. How you first met: Susie was promoting one of your products at a show. Name: Charlie Smith. Occupation: Interior designer. How long you have known Susie: 1 уear. How you first met: She used your company to decorate her house. Name: Chris Glen. Occupation: Teacher. How long you have known Susie: 8 years. How you first met: At college. Susie was on the same course but left to become a model. Name: Nick /Nicky McAllister. Occupation: Nurse. How long you have known Susie: 4 months. How you first met: Susie broke her finger while she was modelling some sports equipment. You helped to look after her. Name: Sarah Jacobson. Occupation: Model. How long you have known Susie: 6 months. How you first met: On the same modeling job. Name: Sandy Beach. Occupation: Chef. How long you have known Susie: 3 years. How you first met: Susie came to eat at your restaurant and loved the food! You've done her catering ever since. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 24. 24 HALF A CONVERSATION Aim: to practice Preset Perfect for time up to now and Past Simple for finished time. Timing: 30 minutes. Procedure: - Make one copy of the worksheet for every four students and cut in half where indicated. - Divide the class into two groups, A and B. Hand out worksheet A to each student in Group A and worksheet В to each student in Group B. - Tell students that they are going to read one half of a telephone conversation and they must try to reconstruct the other half. Students could work individually or in pairs within their groups. - Tell them to look at Andy's first sentence and imagine what Bob's reply is. They should write Bob's reply in the 'blank conversation' section of the worksheet. - Students continue, writing Bob's replies to Andy's remarks. Circulate, checking students are completing Bob's half of the conversation naturally and accurately onto the worksheet. Note down any serious or interesting mistakes for later correction. - When students have finished, ask them to tear off the 'blank conversation' section of their worksheet and exchange it with a student from the other group. The students from Group A will now be looking at Group B's 'blank conversation' sections and vice versa. - Tell students to read Bob's replies in their new 'blank conversation' sections and imagine what Andy's remarks are. They should then write Andy's remarks on the lines provided in their new 'blank conversation' sections. - When all students have finished writing Andy's remarks, ask them to get into pairs with one student from Group A and one student from Group В in each pair. In their pairs, students then check each other's conversations for mistakes and practise reading them aloud. - When all pairs have practised the conversations, ask several pairs to perform their conversation for the class. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 25. 25 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 26. 26 THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL Aim: To practise pronunciation, especially stress and intonation. To reinforce going to and the use of the present continuous for the future. Timing: up to 60 minutes. Procedure: - Make copies of the worksheet for all the students. Make one “wad of bank notes” for each group of four students. Cut up paper to represent about ten bank notes. Roll them together to make a wad. - Write the title 1 of the play on the board. Tell the students the saving, Money is the root of all evil. Ask them what they think it means (money often brings out the worst in people). - Give one сору of the worksheet to each student. Let the students read it. Ask if they think events in the play illustrate the title. - Divide the students into groups of four. If the class does not divide equally, students in smaller groups can double up. Alternatively, one student can be the director instead of an actor. - Ask the students to take parts and read the play out loud. Explain that the sex of the characters is not important, and he's can be changed to she's if appropriate. - Walk round, helping especially with stress and intonation. - If necessary, call the students' attention to the more difficult sentences such as “I know, why don't we share it?” and “To see if anyone's come back to look for it.” and drill. - Ask the students to perform the play with actions and props (the 'banknotes'). They may need another rehearsal before the final performance. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 27. 27 A - What's the matter? B - Look what I've found! A - Money! How much is there? B - Looks like more than 400 quid! Hang on while I count it. (counts) £480! A - Where did you find it? B - Just outside in the street (moves towards the door). A - Where are you going? B - To the police station, I'm going to hand it in. A - (snatches the money) Wait, you can't do that! You should keep it! B - But it's not mine ... someone may be looking for it right now, (tries to take the money back). Here, give it back. I found it! (they tussle over the money) C - (enters) What's going on? (A and В stop. A still has the money.) Where did you get that? A - (pointing at B) Не/She found it! Just outside! C - What are you going to do with it? A and B (together) - Keep it. Spend it. Take it to the police station. C - I know, why don't we share it? Let's go out for a meal. A - Yes, let's buy some new clothes and go to a smart restaurant. B - We can't do that! It isn't ours! Give it back (snatches back the money). I'm takingit to the police station! (A and С rush to stop him. D comes in.) D - What's going on? (A, B and С stop fighting) Where did you get that? A - (pointing at B) Не/She found it! Just outside! D - What are you going to do with it? A, B and C (together) - Take it to the police station. - Keep it. Spend it! - Go out for an expensive meal! Buy new clothes. D - Hey, you can't keep it. It isn't yours. Let me have it for a minute (takes the money and moves towards the door). A, B and C (together) - Where are you going? D - To see if anyone's come back to look for it. (D walks out. А, В and С wait. Half a minute goes by. D doesn't return. They get uneasy). A - I'm going to see what he's doing (goes out, pause, returns, upset). He's gone! D's gone! He's nowhere to be seen! He's taken the money! He's taken the money! B and C (together) - No! Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 28. 28 MANIFESTO Aim: to practice language expressing opinions. Timing: 60 minutes. Procedure: - Make one copy of the worksheet for every group of three to five students. - Elicit the various causes onto the board: against globalisation; against cruelty to annuals; against nuclear weapons; against student fees; against destruction of the environment. Encourage the students to come up with new ones also. - Explain that the students are going to form their own pressure groups connected with the causes on the board or with other causes that they can think of. - Divide the students into groups of three to five students. - Instruct the students to decide which cause they represent. Tell them to think of a suitable name for their group and to appoint a leader. Explain that the leader will present the group's ideas to the class at the end and that a vote will be taken on the best manifesto. - Either draw a skeleton of the manifesto leaflet on the board or photocopy it onto an OHP. Do an example with the class and elicit possibilities to fill the gaps. - Give out one worksheet per group and appoint a secretary who will write down the group's ideas. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 29. THE __ Party le _______ FOR We belie We feel _______ _______ We supp because AGAIN We are a We are s because We are n OUR PR We wan We hope We will We will We will and ___ We prom ________ eader: ________ eve in___ very stron ________ ________ port ____ _______ NST anti-____ strongly a _______ not in favo ROPOSA nt to ban _ e to encou try to stop introduce make __ ________ mise to __ _________ _________ _________ ngly about _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ against___ _________ our of ___ ALS _________ urage more p people _ e new laws _________ _________ _________ P _________ _________ _________ t _______ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ e _______ _________ s to _____ _________ _________ _________ 29 lease sup ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ port us! _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ ____ co-op _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ _________ perate toge _________ ______ G ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ether more ________ GROUP ______ _ ______ _ _______ _because ______ _ _______ _______ ______ _ ______ _ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ e closely _______ Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 30. 30 HELLO! Aim: to practise offers and requests and telephone language. Timing: 30 minutes. Procedure: - Make one copy of the worksheet for every pair of students. Cut the copies into columns A and B. - Tell your students that they are going to work in pairs, phoning each other up to make requests and offer help. - Write on the board or prepare on an OHP the following phrases: Can I speak to Jenny? Shall I take the call? Could you repeat the number, please? Would you mind hanging on a moment?' Is it okay if I call you back later? Would you like me to come straight away? - Ask them to copy sentences into their notebooks and then write offer or request next to each sentence. - Elicit ways of starting a phone conversation, and write them on the board, e.g.: Hello, is John in?; It's John speaking, or Can I speak to Alison? - Before the pair work, demonstrate the activity with a good student. Role play a short phone call, asking the student to come five minutes early for the next class to help you put some posters up in the classroom. - Divide the class into pairs and give each Student A a copy of worksheet A and each Student В a copy of worksheet B. - Ask the students to read the instructions on their worksheets. Tell them they should write down the basic requests and offers before starting their conversations. - Students follow the instructions on their worksheets to make four telephone conversations. - Circulate, checking that students use the appropriate question/answer forms for the offers and requests, and that they are having “complete” telephone conversations. - When most students have finished, ask one or two pairs to act out their conversation for the whole group. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 31. 31 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 32. 32 HEALTHY EATING Aim: to practice food vocabulary. Timing: 30–40 minutes. Procedure: - Make one copy of the worksheet for each pair or group. - Review the different ways of cooking (e.g. grill; bake) and discuss which method are healthy and which are unhealthy. - Ask the students what kind of food they would expect to find on the menu for breakfast at a health farm. Discuss the elements of a healthy diet. - Together with the students, brainstorm what might appear on the breakfast menu. - Divide the students into pairs or small groups. Hand out one worksheet to each pair or group of students. - Ask the students to complete the menu for Celereton Health Farm by creating different healthy dishes for the three remaining meals of the day. They must try to follow the nutritional guidelines given in the worksheet. Tell the students they can use their dictionaries. - When they have finished, ask the students to swap menus with each other, compare their results and choose the best one. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 33. 33 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 34. 34 THEN OR NOW? Aim: To practise used to + infinitive for past habits and states. Timing: 30–40 minutes. Procedure: - Make one copy of the worksheet for each student. - Arouse students' interest by showing them old photographs/a short film clip that depicts life 100 years ago. If you don't have access to such things, then ask students to talk about the lives of their grandparents and how they were different from life now. - Write up the first statement on the board with the I agree / I'm not sure / I disagree boxes. Invite the students to agree or disagree with the statement and encourage them to give reasons for their choice. - Hand out the worksheets and tell the students to do the same with the statements. Allow 5–10 minutes for this stage and make sure the students are working alone. Monitor and help with any difficulties. - Divide the class into pairs or groups as you require. Groups will probably lead to more disagreement and ultimately a more productive discussion. - Once students have discussed all the statements, conduct a class feedback session focusing on those that proved to be most contentious and any that the students created for themselves that proved interesting. Note: The ideas generated could form the basis of a discursive essay on the advantages and disadvantages of living now as opposed to 70–100 years ago. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 35. 35 Think about life 100 years ago. Was it better or worse than it is now? Look at the statements 1–12 below and decide if you agree with them. Tick (√) the appropriate box to show how you feel. When you have finished, talk to your partner and compare your answers. Try to give reasons for your choices. One hundred years ago ... Agree Disagree Not sure 1. Children used to be happier. 2. People used to wear better quality clothes. 3. People used to be fitter. 4. Family life used to be better. 5. People used to have more interesting hobbies. 6. People used to have a better quality of life. 7. People used to feel safer. Nowadays... 8. People work harder than they used to. 9. It is more difficult to get around than it used to be. 10. People have a worse diet than they used to. 11. Women have worse lives than they used to. 12. People are less intelligent than they used to be. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 36. 36 QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS, QUESTIONS… Aim: To practise recognizing, answering and asking questions. Timing: 30 minutes. Procedure: - Give out one worksheet for each student. Tell students to read through the answers and check the meanings of any words they don't understand, either with you or using dictionaries. - Working in pairs, the students have to find all the questions and write them next to the appropriate answers. - The students now take turns to ask each other these questions, writing down their partner's answers in the spaces on the worksheet. Encourage the students to ask follow-up questions to find out more information, e.g. “What's your favourite city?” – “Madrid. And yours?” – “London.” – “Why London?” - Ask each student to report back three things they have learned about their partner. Answers: Have you got a pet? Where would you like to be right now? Do you play a musical instrument? Would you like to go to the moon? Which country would you most like to visit? How often do you speak English? Who is your favourite singer? Are you reading a book at the moment? Could you speak English when you were ten? What kind of music do you like? How many countries have you been to? Which is your favourite city? Have you ever been to the UK? Are you any good at cooking? Have you got any children? Can you count to ten in five languages? How are you feeling right now? Who chose your name? What were you doing at midnight last night? What is your favourite colour? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 37. 37 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 38. 38 BLOCKBUSTER Aim: To practise writing the outline of a narrative. Timing: 45–60 minutes. Procedure: - If you have a TV and video, play the first 3 minutes of a well-known film for the students. Otherwise, write the title of a film on the board (e.g. 'Star Wars'). Ask them what type of film it is (e.g. 'science fiction'), - Brainstorm different categories/genres of film and write them on the board, e.g. romance, adventure, drama, comedy, musical, western, thriller, horror, action, science fiction, animation, documentary. Elicit films the students have seen in each of the categories. - Divide the students into groups of three or four. - Tell them they are going to write an outline for a film. The group with the best outline will get (a notional) $100 million to make their movie. - Give each group a copy of the worksheet. Ask them to choose at least three items from each column. - The groups build up the details of a plot, using their chosen location, characters, props and events. Set a time limit. - Circulate and help them with vocabulary and ideas as necessary. - Each group also thinks of three possible titles for their movie and chooses the actors and actresses to appear in their film. - Each group, in turn, presents its outline to the rest of the class. - The class then decides which of the three titles is the best for the movie that has been described. - After the presentations, the class votes for the best idea (they can't vote for their own) and a winner is declared. Notes & comments: As an alternative for larger classes: each group invents one title for their movie and gives it to the teacher, who writes up all the titles on the board. The class listens to the presentations and guesses which title was written for each film outline. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 39. 39 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 40. 40 MAKING NEWS Aim: To practise forms of past tense verbs (both regular and irregular). Timing: 30–40 minutes. Procedure: - Divide the class into groups of four or six. Ask the students in each group to sit in a circle and number themselves 1–4 or 1–6, anti-clockwise. - Ask the students to imagine that this morning they heard a surprising piece of news on their local radio station and that they are going to tell a friend about it. - Give one set of pictures from the worksheet to each group. Ask students number 1 to shuffle the pictures well and deal out four to six pictures face down to every student in the group. - Tell the students that they have five to ten minutes to make up a newsworthy story which includes at least three of their pictures. Explain that the story should take one minute to tell. Ask the students to write short notes about the story. Encourage them to be imaginative. - Circulate, helping with vocabulary and grammar problems. - When the students are ready, tell them that the activity is in two rounds and that they only need half of their story for the first round. First round - Ask students 1, 3 and 5 to tell their story to the student on their left, beginning with “This morning I heard on the news that ...” Tell the students that the telling- listening periods will be exactly one minute and that you will be giving the “go” and “stop” commands. - Ask students 2, 4 and 6 to pass the story they have just heard on to the student on their left, again beginning with “This morning I heard on the news that ...” - Ask the students to make the stories 'travel' anti-clockwise. Repeat this until the stories have been told to the original storyteller. - The original storytellers explain to the whole group what in the story is correct and what has been omitted or changed by showing the pictures they used. Second round - Repeat stages 7–10, working with the other half of the stories. Ask students 2, 4 and 6 to start. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 41. 41 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 42. 42 INTERPRETER Aim: To practise reported speech. Timing: 30 minutes. Procedure: - Introduce the activity by telling or asking the students what it feels like to be in a foreign country where you don't speak the language. Elicit some of the most embarrassing or difficult situations for the traveller. - Ask students to form groups of three. In each group there are three roles: • police officer • foreigner • interpreter If there are four students in a group, double up the role of foreigner. - Explain that in each group the foreigner(s) takes a role card at random from the pile. The card describes a situation. They will have to explain it to the police officer, who does not speak English, via the interpreter. - If necessary, demonstrate one of the situations with two students. - Make sure that they take turns to change roles for the subsequent cards so that everyone gets the chance to be the police officer, the foreigner and the interpreter. Follow up: Allow some time at the end of the group work to role play some of the situations in front of the whole class - those that have worked best with the smaller groups. (Make notes as you monitor group work on particularly productive and generative situations and groups for a final demonstration.) Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 43. 43 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 44. 44 CLASSROOM ENGLISH Aim: to practice classroom language. Timing: 20–25 minutes. Procedure: - Elicit the important questions: Can you repeat that please? How do you spell ________? What does __________ mean? Can you give me an example? How do you say _______ in (my Language)? - Ask one student to pick up a card with a strange word. Write the spelling, meanings, examples, and native language translation of these words on the board. Word: Meaning: Example: My language: Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 45. 45 I am reading a book about mammals. Meaning: A mammal is an animal that gives milk to its babies. Examples: dogs, lions, horses, humans. Learner’s Language:___________ I am reading a book about herbivores. Meaning: A herbivore is an animal that eats only plants. Examples: cows, deer. Learner’s Language:___________ I am reading a book about reptiles. Meaning: A reptile is a cold-blooded animal. Examples: lizards, snakes. Learner’s Language:___________ I am reading a book about carnivores. Meaning: A carnivore is an animal that eats only meat. Examples: lions, great white sharks. Learner’s Language:___________ I am reading a book about amphibians. Meaning: An animal that is born in water but can live on land. Examples: frogs Learner’s Language:___________ I am reading a book about omnivores. Meaning: An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and animals. Examples: human, bear. Learner’s Language:___________ I am reading a book about insects. Meaning: An insect is an animal that has six legs and three body sections. Examples: ant, grasshopper, bee. Learner’s Language:___________ I am reading a book about mollusks. Meaning: A mollusk is an animal that has a soft body. Examples: octopus, oyster, snail. Learner’s Language:___________ Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 46. 46 GETTING TO KNOW YOUR CLASS Aim: to practice presenting personal information. Timing: 20–25 minutes. Procedure: Ask every student to fill in the blanks with information about themselves. Try to think of an appropriate question for finding out each of those facts. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 47. 47 Strategiesforsaying: HelloandGood-bye A:Niceweather,isn’tit? Greatparty, Interestingclass, B:Yes,itis. A:Bytheway,I’mMike.FactsAboutMe I’m______________.(job) Question:____________________________ Igrewupin_______________.(hometown) Question:____________________________ Icomefromabigfamily/smallfamily. Ihave______________.(numberofsiblings). Question:____________________________ I’minto_____________(hobby/interests). Question:____________________________ I’mstudying/studied____________(major). Question:____________________________ Inthefuture,I’dliketo________________ __________________.(futureplans/dreams) Question:____________________________ A:Hi.How’sitgoing? Howareyoudoing? B:Good. InterestingFactsAbout YourClassmates NameFact A:Hi.Whathaveyoubeenupto? B:Notmuch. I’vebeenbusy. A:Well,itwasnicetalkingtoyou. chattingwith seeing B:You,too.Seeyou. A:Well,I’vegottogonow. run B:Alright,seeyoulater. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 48. 48 HOW HAS LIFE CHANGED IN 50 YEARS? Aim: to practice the use of Present Perfect. Timing: 20–25 minutes. Procedure: - Divide students into groups of four. - Ask them to think of how the quality of life has changed in the last 50 years. Give a list of examples. People are wealthier now. People eat better now. People eat more instant food now. More people drive cars now. People were thinner in the past. People were more honest in the past. - After looking at this list each group should make up sentences about how our life has changed over the last 50 years using Present Perfect. - Then ask the students to make up their own sentences and present them to the class. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 49. 49 FINDING SOMEONE WHO HAS A LOT IN COMMON Aim: to practice certain grammar structures. Timing: 20–25 minutes. Procedure: - Elicit the following sentences: We have a lot in common. We have nothing in common. I have a lot in common with ____________. - Students should mingle around the class and ask and answer the following questions: What do you do in your free time? What kind of music do you like? Who is your favorite actor? - Ask the class to walk around and find three people that you have a lot in common with (three things in common) - After finishing the task they should report the results to the class using these patterns: I have a lot in common with ____________________ We both like... We both play... We both come from... What are some things that people have in common? Make a list as a class: Person: Things we have in common: ___________________________________ (1) ______________________________________________ (2) ______________________________________________ (3) ______________________________________________ (4) ______________________________________________ (5) ______________________________________________ (6) ______________________________________________ (7) ______________________________________________ (8) ______________________________________________ Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 50. 50 FIND SOMEONE WHO… PAST TENSE Aim: to practice Past Simple. Timing: 60 minutes. Procedure: - Write on board some examples of what people could do at the weekend: drank coffee. watched TV. played basketball or soccer. skipped breakfast. took the bus to University. cut their hair. had a date. took a trip. went shopping. - Ask the students to brainstorm other examples. - Divide the class into groups of three or four. - Tell them to make up questions in Past Simple using the expressions on the board. - After they have finished the teams ask each other to find out who was involved in the most activities last weekend. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 51. 51 EXPRESSING DISLIKES Aim: to practice certain grammar structures. Timing: 60 minutes. Procedure: - Write on board some examples of grammar patterns used to express dislikes: I hate ____________________________ I dislike __________________________ I can’t stand _______________________ I’m tired of ________________________ I’m fed up with ____________________ I’m sick of ________________________ I’m sick and tired of _________________ _____________ really bugs me. _____________ makes me mad. _____________ drives me crazy. _____________ pisses me off. _____________ annoys me. - Ask the students to brainstorm their own ideas to complete these sentences. - Divide the class into pairs and tell the students to ask each other the following questions: What does your friend do that annoys you? What does your friend do that pisses you off? What type of person bugs you? What kind of teacher makes you mad? What does your mother do that drives you crazy? What do your neighbors do that you are fed up with? What do you do that bugs your friends? What are you tired of these days? - After they have finished they report the most interesting information to the class. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 52. 52 FOR AND AGAINST Aim: to discuss different social issues using certain grammar structures. Timing: 60 minutes. Procedure: - Write on board some examples of grammar patterns used to express opinions: I’m for it. I don’t really care I’m against it. I’m in favor of it. It doesn’t concern me. I’m opposed to it. - Look at the following issues. Decide whether you are for them or against. Express your opinion giving your reasons. Smoking in public places ________________ Drinking in public places ________________ Free university education ________________ Free high school education ________________ Free trade ________________ High taxes on tobacco ________________ High taxes on alcohol ________________ High taxes on imports ________________ Smaller classes ________________ Students electing teachers ________________ Paying teachers more ________________ Paying politicians more ________________ Giving money to the poor ________________ Giving food to the poor ________________ Mandatory military service ________________ Women’s Mandatory service ________________ Giving homes to the homeless ________________ Free Medicine ________________ Free Public Transportation ________________ Raising the drinking age to 25 ________________ Raising the driving age to 25 ________________ Lowering the voting age to 15 ________________ Lowering the smoking age to 15 ________________ - Vote in class for or against every issue and ask the students to make a report on the conducted survey. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 53. 53 PROBLEMS AND SOLUTIONS Aim: to discuss different social issues using certain grammar structures. Timing: 60 minutes. Procedure: - Write on board some examples of grammar patterns used to express agreement or disagreement and to explain problems. Problems: One problem is that ... (sentence) One problem is ... (noun) Solutions: One solution is to ... (verb) We could ... (verb) I think we should ... (verb) I recommend that ... (verb) Agree: Disagree: I think it’s a good idea. It’s a good idea but ___________ I agree with _______. I disagree with ______ because I am for __________. I am against it because ________ The problem with that is ... - Explain the situation to the students. - Ask the students to pick a problem card and discuss it in groups. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 54. 54 The situation is: You are the management staff of a large resort hotel. Lately, you have had a lot of problems. You must discuss these problems with the other managers and then come up with solutions.The hotel is on an island surrounded by beautiful beaches, coral reefs, and mountains. It seems like the perfect place to have a hotel but ... . PROBLEM CARDS Theft: There is a lot of theft at the hotel. Someone is stealing food from the kitchen, money from front desk, and sports equipment from the gym. Guests have also complained that somebody stole their wallets. Guests are bored: Guests have complained that there is nothing to do. There are no activities at night. In the day, there are few sports and nothing to see. Complaints about the food: The guests have complained that the food tastes terrible. They also complained that the food is the same every night. Some vegetarians were very angry because every dinner has meat. There are few guests: Very few people know about the hotel. And the guests who do come say it is too expensive. Complaints about the staff: Many guests say that the staff is rude and unhelpful. The staff members argue with each other. Sometimes they swear at the managers. Many things are broken: The roof leaks and many TVs in the room don’t work. Sometimes there is no electricity or hot water. The hotel is difficult to get to: There are no buses coming from the airport to the hotel. The taxi from the airport to the hotel is very expensive. - Ask the students to report the results of the discussions in the following form: MANAGEMENT DISCUSSION Problem: Possible Solutions: Management Recommendation: Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 55. 55 AT THE MOVIES Aim: to practice speaking about movies. Timing: 30 minutes. Procedure: - In class discuss these questions: What kind of movies do you like the best? Who is your favorite actor? Actress? What movies have you seen recently? How often do you watch movies or videos? What movies do you want to see? - Divide the class into three or four groups and ask the students to make three riddles for movies that they have seen according to the model. Movie1: It’s a _______________ _______________ is in it. It takes place ________________________ It’s about ___________________________ In the end, ________________________ Use the following expressions: Who: Who’s in it? (be in a movie= act in a movie) Bruce Willis is in it. It’s starring Bruce Willis. Setting: It takes place ___________________ Where: In the city, in the country, in Italy, on Mars, on a ship, in an airplane ... When: In the 80s, in the 90s, in the 1800s, in the future, in the past, in winter ... Plot: What’s it about? It’s about ___________________________ What: Two people who fall in love, a meteor that crashes into the earth, Climax: In the end, ____________________ What happened: They get married, they save the earth ... Category: What kind of movie is it? It’s a _________________ What kind: comedy, romance, sci-fi, documentary, horror, animation, thriller, action movie. - Tell the students to share their riddles and try to guess the answer. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 56. 56 SURVEYS ON ANNOYING HABITS Aim: group discussion. Timing: 60 minutes. Procedure: - Write on board some examples of grammar patterns used to express annoyance: It bugs me when... I can’t stand it when... It gets on my nerves when... It annoys me when... It bothers me when... It drives me crazy when... It makes me angry when... It makes my blood boil when... - Ask the students to brainstorm their ideas to complete these sentences. It bugs me when I’m on the subway and_____________________________ It bothers me when I am at a movie and somebody ____________________ It gets on my nerves when I’m trying to sleep and _____________________ It annoys me when women _______________________________________ It really makes me angry when teachers ____________________________ It really pisses me off when parents ________________________________ It makes my blood boil when I am at a restaurant and __________________ It drives me crazy when my neighbors ______________________________ It drives me crazy when my boyfriend/girlfriend ______________________ It bugs me when my best friend ___________________________________ It annoys me when my brother/sister _______________________________ It drives me crazy when I run to answer the phone and _________________ It bugs me when I go to an internet site and __________________________ I can’t stand it when people _____________________________ while they are eating. It gets on my nerves when people ____________________before they really know me. - Divide the class into groups. - Give each group a set of cards made from the worksheet. - Ask the students to take cards in turn and answer the questions. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 57. 57 WORKSHEET Subway 1. Do you take the subway on a regular basis? 2. What drives you crazy on the subway? Movies 1. What bugs you the most when you go to the movies? 2. Have you ever told anybody to be quiet? Neighbors 1. Do you get along well with your neighbors? 2. What do you neighbors do that makes your blood boil? Girlfriends and Boyfriends 1. Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? 2. What do they do that gets on your nerves? Parents 1. Do you get along well with your parents? 2. What do they do that annoys you? Internet 1. How many hours a week do you surf the internet? 2. What bugs you the most when you go to a website? Men 1. What do young men do that makes your blood boil? 2. What do old men do that gets on your nerves? Women 1. What do young women do that gets on your nerves? 2. What do old women do that bugs you? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 58. 58 MAKING SURVEYS Aim: to encourage students for communication within the class and the groups as well as for collecting opinions and systematizing information on a certain issue. Timing: 40 minutes. Procedure: - If necessary provide the students with vocabulary and grammar patterns useful for conducting survey and further discussion. - Distribute the problem cards among the class (this can be done both for an individual or pairs of students). - Ask the students to move around and record everybody’s opinions on the issue. - Tell them to present their results to the class (this can be done orally or as a written home task). Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 59. 59 SURVEYS ON HYPOTHETICAL SITUATIONS War 1. Are you worried that your country will go to war in the near future? 2. What would you do if your country went to war? Superheroes 1. What superhero would you like to be? 2. If you could have any power what would it be? Lottery 1. Do you ever buy lottery tickets? 2. What would you do with the money if you won? Ghosts 1. Do you believe in ghosts? 2. What would you do if you saw a ghost? Reincarnation 1. Do you believe in reincarnation? 2. What would you like to be reincarnated as? Ethics 1. Have you ever found money on the ground? 2. If you saw 10,000 won fall out of somebody’s pocket, would you keep it or tell them? Ethics II 1. Do you ever pretend you are sleeping on the subway so that you don’t have to give up your seat? 2. If you saw a pregnant woman on the subway, would you stand up? Really? Space Travel 1. Do you think that people will live on other planets someday? 2. Would you travel to Mars if you had the chance? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 60. 60 SURVEYS ON EDUCATION Survey on Tuition How much tuition did you pay this year? Do you think university education should be free for everyone? Do you think students ought to be given student loans from the government at zero interest? Survey on Class Size When you were in high school, how many students were in your class? What should the maximum number of students per class be in high school? Would you be willing to pay more tuition for smaller class sizes? Survey on Homework How much homework do you do everyday? How much homework should university students be given everyday? How much homework should high school students be given everyday? Survey on Tests Do you think there ought to be a university entrance exam? What do you think should be the most important thing for university students? Tests, essays, or projects? What punishment should students receive if they get caught cheating on a test? Survey on Teachers Do you think high school students should be able to choose their own teachers? What do you think is the most important quality for a good teacher? Do you think teacher should be paid extra if they have good student evaluations? Survey on Punishment What is the worst punishment you have ever received? Should corporal punishment be allowed in school? Should students be given failing grades for plagiarism? Survey on Grades Have you ever received an F grade in a university class? Do you think teachers should mark students on a bell curve? Do you think teachers ought to fail some students every semester? Survey on Technology Do you ever use the internet to do research? Do you think students ought to be given internet access in class? Should students be required to do multi-media presentations like Power Point in class? Survey on Being Late How often are you late for class? How often is your teacher late for class? What should the teacher do if a student comes late? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 61. 61 SURVEYS ON CONTENTIOUS ISSUES Animal Research 1. How do you feel about using animals for research? 2. Is OK to use animals for medical research? How about cosmetic research? Death Penalty 1. What’s your opinion on the death penalty? 2. Do you think that innocent people are sometimes put to death? Corporal Punishment 1. How do you feel about corporal punishment in schools? 2. How about corporal punishment by parents? Nuclear Energy 1. What’s your opinion on nuclear energy? 2. Do you think the government should build more nuclear power plants? Violence on TV 1. How do you feel about violence on TV? 2. Do you think the violence on TV causes children to be violent? Women’s Equality 1. What’s your opinion on women working? 2. Do you think women have the same opportunities as men? Youth Offenders 1. How do you feel about young criminals? 2. Should parents of young offenders be responsible for any damage that the young offenders cause? Tough Anti-Drug Laws 1. What’s your opinion on drugs? 2. Do you think that people should go to jail for life for taking drugs? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 62. 62 PAST PROGRESSIVE AND PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE SURVEY Television What were you watching when you were in high school? What have you been watching recently? How long have you been watching that program? Housing Where do you live now? How long have you been living there? What city would you like to live? 911 What were you doing when you heard about 9-11? Where were you when you heard about 9-11? Who were you with? Your University How long have you been studying at your university? When you were in high school, were you planning on studying at your university? What were you doing when you found out you got accepted into your university? Sports Do you play any sports? How long have you been playing that sport? Where were you living during the last Olympics? Dating Do you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend? If no, have you been looking for one? If yes, how long have you been going out? Fashion What were you wearing this time last year? What were you wearing yesterday? How long have you had the clothes you are wearing Music What were you listening to when you were in high school? What were you listening to last summer? Who is you favorite singer and how long have you liked them? Time What were you doing this time last year? What were you doing five years ago at this time? What were you doing last semester at this time? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 63. 63 SURVEYS ON MOVIES Survey on Best Actors (1) Who is the best male actor? (2) Who is the best female actor? Survey on Horror Films (1) Do you enjoy horror movies? (2) What is the scariest movie you have seen? Survey on Comedies (1) Do you like to watch comedies? (2) Who is the funniest actor? Survey on Action Films (1) Do you enjoy action films? (2) Is it OK for young kids to watch violence on TV? Survey on Movie Going (1) How often do you go to the movies? (2) Who do you usually go with? Survey on Movie Going (1) What was the last movie that you saw? (2) What was the first movie you ever saw? Survey on Sci-fi Movies (1) Do you enjoy sci-fi movies? (2) What was the last sci-fi movie you saw? Survey on Best Films (1) What is the best film you’ve seen recently? (2) Who was starring in it? Survey on Worst Films (1) What is the worst film you’ve seen recently? (2) Who was starring in it? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 64. 64 SURVEYS ON EATING Survey on Breakfast (1) Did you have breakfast this morning? (2) What do you usually have for breakfast? (3) Who do you eat breakfast with? Survey on Lunch (1) Where do you usually have lunch? (2) What do you typically have for lunch? (3) Who do you eat lunch with? Survey on Dinners (1) Where do you usually have dinner? (2) What time do you usually eat dinner? (3) What did you have for dinner yesterday? Survey on Fast-food (1) Do you go to fast- food restaurants often? (2) What is your favorite fast-food restaurant? (3) Do you prefer fast- food or your mom’s cooking? Survey on Restaurants (1) How often do you eat at restaurants? (2) What is your favorite restaurant? (3) Do you usually leave a tip? Survey on Ordering Food (1) How often do you order food at your home? (2) Do you ever order pizza? (3) Do you ever order Chinese food? Survey on Favorite Food (1) What is your favorite food? (2) How often do you eat it? (3) What is your least favorite food? Survey on Cooking (1) Who cooks in your family? (2) Who is a better cook your mom or your dad? (3) What do you know how to cook well? Survey on Spicy Food (1) Do you enjoy spicy food? (2) What is the hottest food you’ve eaten? (3) Have you ever had food that was so hot you couldn’t eat it? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 65. 65 EDUCATIONAL LANGUAGE GAMES A FEW QUICK QUESTIONS Aim: To consolidate asking questions. Timing: 30–40 minutes. Procedure: - Make one copy of the worksheet per student. - Fold the worksheet so only the left column is visible. Give one worksheet to each student. - Ask the students to write a different classmate's name on each line in the left column. Alternatively, the worksheet is passed around the class and the students write their own names on the lines. (The latter ensures all students' names appear equally as often) - The worksheet is unfolded to reveal incomplete statements about the students' classmates. For example, Thierry feels ________ today. Emily is named after _________ . - The students mingle around the classroom, asking and answering questions and completing the statements. For example, Thierry feels worried about his exam today. Emily is named after her grandmother. - Encourage the students to ask further questions to find out more information. - When all the sentences have been completed, the students, in pairs or small groups, tell each other what they have learned. Ask the students to report to the class anything interesting they have learned. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 66. 66 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 67. 67 LETS TALK! Aim: Тo practise using gerund- and infinitives after particular verbs. Timing: 30–45 minutes. Procedure: - Write two examples on the board – one which requires the gerund and one which requires the infinitive. Do you like (go) to the theatre? (going) Have you decided (go) out tonight? (to go) - Elicit the correct form for each sentence. - Divide the class into groups of three. - Explain the rules of the game: Students throw the dice and move around the board. If they land on a question, the student must form the question correctly using the gerund or infinitive form. The student then asks this question to another member of the group who must give an appropriate answer. If the student lands on a one word prompt, e.g.: DECIDE, then another member of the group must form a question for the person who landed on that square. The question must use the key word in an appropriate tense and with the correct verb pattern e.g.: When did you decide to come to England? The students proceed until someone has finished. If time and inclination allow, they can start again in new groups. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 68. 68 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 69. 69 LET’S TALK Aim: To practice different verb patterns and vocabulary related to describing appearance. Timing: 30–40 minutes. Procedure: - Put your students into groups of three (two players and one referee) or rive (two pairs and one referee) and give each group a copy of the worksheet, two counters and a dice. You will need let give the referee a copy of the answers. - The students place their counter on the START square and then roll the dice to see who goes first. - The students take it turns to roll the dice, move that number of squares forward and then choose the correct alternative. The referee checks the answers, if correct, the student's counter remains on the square. If incorrect, the student has to return his/her counter to its original square. - If the player lands on a SMILE! They should square; move forward but not have to answer the question, if a player lands on an OOPS!: square, they automatically miss a go. - This continues until a player pair reaches the final SMILE! square and wins the game. Answers: 2 I need to speak/speaking English for my job. 3 She's got long, wavy hair/hairs. 4 He's always telling us what to do - he's very bossy /shy. 6 I can swim/to swim faster than vou. 7 He's got freckles / dimples all over his face. 8 He grew a moustache/ beard to cover the scar on his chin. 10 She's got fair hair /eyes. 11 I enjoy watching/to watch sport on TV. 12 He's got pale skin /hair. 14 What does look like/look? 15 I want being/to be rich. 16 She's wearing false eyelashes / eyebrоws! 18 I put on /take off my shoes before I leave the house. 19 She's got the most perfect tooth/teeth. 20 I think I'm going to give up /hang up smoking. 22 He looks tired – he's got bags under his ears /eyes. 23 I'm looking forward to meet/meeting her. 24 She's got a beautiful hair /smile. 26 She feels things very strongly – she's sensitive / sensible. 27 What is she like/look like? 28 When she smiles, small wrists /wrinkles appear next to her eyes. 29 I've decided getting/to get my hair cut. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 70. 70 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 71. 71 FIND THE MISTAKE Aim: To consolidate the main language areas. Timing: 30–40 minutes. Procedure: - Put the students into pairs and give one the Student A worksheet and the other the Student В worksheet. Tell the students that six of the questions contain a grammar mistake and six are correct. - Ask the students to work individually to find and correct the grammar mistakes. - When they have done this, ask Students A and В to compare the corrections they have made and to identify the correct version of each question. - Check answers with the whole class. - Follow up - Ask the students, working in pairs or small groups, to ask and answer the questions. Encourage them to ask further questions to find out more information. For example, for question 1: When did you first hear the song? Why do you like it so much? Does it remind you of a particular time, place or person? - Ask the students to report back to the class anything interesting from their discussions. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 72. 72 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 73. 73 IRREGULAR BATTLESHIR Aim: To practice spelling of irregular verbs forms. Timing: 30–40 minutes. Procedure: - Ask if any of the students have played the game “Battleships”. If anyone has, ask them to explain it to the rest of the class. - Ask the students to form pairs of Student A and Student B. - Give each student a copy of the relevant worksheet. - Tell the students that the object of the game is to find ten irregular verbs in the past tense and past participle in their partner's grid. - Ask the students to read the instructions on their worksheets carefully. You may want to pre-teach some of the key lexis: a grid, to score a hit, to miss, your turn, your go. - Circulate, checking that students spell the verbs correctly. Answers: The verbs on Worksheet A are: grew, stolen, won, led, put, heard, gone, ate, thrown, drove. The verbs on Worksheet B are: sung, drunk, made, built, sat, hurt, woke, swam, cut, taught. Follow up: • Ask the students to make a list with the infinitive, past tense and past participle forms of the twenty verbs that they have found. • Use the blank grids below to play the game again: students can write in their own verbs. The grids can also be used for other lexical fields. Notes & comments: For lower level classes, if you think it will take too long for the students to find out the verbs, write the twenty verbs on the blackboard before starting the game. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 74. 74 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 75. 75 SCHOOL JOKES Aim: To practice listening and speaking in a humorous context. Timing: 15–20 minutes. Procedure: - Tell your students that they will each be given half of a joke: either the opening or the ending (punchline). You can use a well-known joke such as “Doctor, Doctor, everyone keeps ignoring me. – Next please”, to exemplify the kind of humour they can expect. - Give out the cards – one or more to each student, depending on class size. Allow a few minutes for students to check any vocabulary they don't know, either with you or in a dictionary. - Ask the students to walk around the classroom reading out their incomplete jokes to each other and deciding whether their halves match. - Ask the students to check with you when they think they have found their 'other half. - When the activity is over, pairs read out their “complete” jokes. Solution: The jokes are: I can still remember my university days ... – All three of them. I'll never learn how to spell. – The teacher keeps changing the words. What is black when clean and white when dirty? – A blackboard. Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? – At the bottom. One day I brought an apple for the teacher and she kissed me. – The next day I brought her a watermelon. I spent three years in college taking medicine. – You poor thing. Are you well now? It took me a whole year to write a book. – You idiot. Don't you know you can buy one for a fiver? Before we begin this final exam, are there any questions? – Yes. What's the name of this course? I want to read a book ... something very deep. – What about “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea?” So you flunked the history exam. – Yes. They kept asking questions about things that happened before I was born. Now, class, are there any questions? – Yes. Where do those words go when you rub them off the blackboard? What comes after six? – The milkman. I got an A in spelling. – You fool. There isn't any A in 'spelling'. Who needs a dictionary? – If you've read one you've read them all. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 76. 76 Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 77. 77 HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR CLASSMATES? Aim: To practise question forms. Timing: 20 minutes. Procedure: - Fold each of the worksheets as shown so that only the spaces where the students write their names are visible. - If possible, ask the students to sit in a circle or horseshoe. - Give out one worksheet to each student. They should not open out the worksheet. - Each student then writes their name in one of the spaces and passes the folded worksheet to the right. - The next student writes their name in any one of the remaining spaces, before passing it on again. - Continue until all the spaces have been filled. Then hand on the worksheet one more time. - Each student opens out the worksheet to find sixteen questions about different people, e.g. Where did Anna last go on holiday? - The students try to guess the answer to each of the questions and write this next to the question. - The students then mingle and ask the questions. They record with a tick (√) or a cross (X) whether or not they had guessed correctly. This continues until all the questions have been asked. - The winner is the person who has the most correct guesses. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 78. 78 FOLD FOLD What's 's favourite possession? Who in the world would most like to meet? What's 's greatest wish? When did last have a haircut? Which would rather be – a frog or a snake? Where in the world would like to be right now? How many times has been in love? When did first kiss someone? What's 's idea of a perfect day? Where did last go on holiday? What will be doing at nine tonight? How often does speek English outside class What's 's favourite smell? How many languages can count to ten in? What's 's favourite English word? Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 79. 79 JOB FAIR ROLE PLAY Aim: to practice talking about jobs and participating in an job interview. Timing: 60 minutes Procedure: - This lesson follows a format of a discussion, followed by a role-play activity. - Print out photocopy of three documents: Benefits and Qualifications, Employers Activity Sheets, Job Seekers Activity Sheets (see below). - Divide the class into seven different employers and seven different job seekers. - Tell the students that you will be talking about job interviews today. Define the words benefit and qualification on the board. - Write the key vocabulary items on the board: promotion, work experience, medical insurance, vacation, bachelor/masters/doctor, degree, references, salary wage housing, license, commissions, tips bonus, well-spoken, hardworking, discounts, training courses, dental insurance, creativity, report card/transcript, raise, neat appearance/dress. - Give the students some examples of the key languages patterns: What kind of experience do you have? What did you study in university? Do you have any special skills? What are your good points and bad points? What company do you represent? What kind of job do you offer? - Make a chart with the headings benefits and qualifications on the board and ask the students to come up with some examples. Write the examples under the appropriate headings. - Now hand out the worksheet titled Benefits and Qualifications. Go over it as a class. In groups decide what the most important benefits and qualifications are. Ask a few students what benefits they want. Then ask a few students what qualifications they have. - Ask the students to practice doing job interviews in English. - Let the companies line up in row. And tell the job seekers go from company to company and ask about the jobs. Explain to the students that the job seekers are primarily interested in what benefits they can get, and the companies are primarily interested in the qualifications of potential employees. - Before you let the students go at it, you should probably model an example interview with one student. You may also want to discuss the questions that each party will want to ask. - Ask both groups should fill out the table on their activity worksheets. And when they are done and if time permits, you can ask the employers who they would like to hire and why. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»
  • 80. 80 Benefits and Qualifications: A benefit is something you receive from a job A qualification is something you need to do a job. Look at the following list of vocabulary items. Are they benefits of a job or qualifications for a job? __________________ promotion __________________ work experience __________________ medical insurance __________________ vacation __________________ bachelor/masters/doctor degree __________________ references __________________ salary __________________ wage __________________ housing __________________ license __________________ commissions __________________ tips __________________ bonus __________________ being well-spoken __________________ being hardworking __________________ discount on goods __________________ training courses __________________ dental insurance __________________ creativity __________________ report card/transcript __________________ raise __________________ neat appearance/dress In a group, decide what the most important qualifications and benefits are? Most Important Benefits Most Important Qualifications Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис»