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Microprocessor Lab

 IV Semester Electronics & Communication

Department of Electronics & Communication
 Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology
             Maralur, Tumkur
1.    To move data block from one location to other without overlap
2.    To move data block from one location to other with overlap
3.    To arrange a set of 8-bit numbers in ascending order
4.    Addition of binary numbers
5.    To add two multibyte binary numbers
6.    To add 2-digit BCD numbers
7.    To subtract 16-bit binary numbers
8.    To check the fourth bit of a byte
9.    To generate resultant byte for given Boolean equation
10.   Successive addition of two unsigned binary numbers
11.   To find the product of two unsigned binary numbers
12.   To divide two 16 bit numbers
13.   To implement counter from 00-99
14.   To implement counter from 99-00
15.   To implement counter from 00-FF
16.   To implement counter from FF-00
17.   To check 2 out of 5 code
18.   To add ‘N’ one byte binary numbers
19.   To realize real time clock
20.   To convert binary to BCD equivalent
21.   To convert binary to ASCII equivalent
22.   To convert ASCII to binary equivalent
23.   To convert BCD to binary equivalent
24.   To generate square wave of given duty cycle using DAC
25.   To generate a triangular waveform using DAC
26.   To generate a staircase waveform using DAC
27.   To sense a keyboard
28.   To implement a moving display of a given string of digits
29.   To display a message on the display unit using 8279 chip
30.   To simulate throw of a dice
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

1) (a) An ALP to transfer a given block of data from source memory block to destination memory block with
out overlap

                                    data segment
                                    var1 dw 12h,34h,45h,67h,56h
                                    cnt dw 5
                                    res dw ?
                                    data ends
                                    code segment
                                    assume cs:code,ds:data
                                    start: mov ax,data
                                              mov ds,ax
                                              mov ax,cnt
                                              mov si,0000h
                                    next: mov ax,var1[si]
                                              mov res[si],ax
                                              inc si
                                              inc si
                                              loop next
                                              mov ah,4ch
                                              int 21h
                                    code ends
                                    end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                      1
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

1 (b) An ALP to transfer a given block of data from source memory block to destination memory block with

                                data segment
                                y db 3 dup(0)
                                x db 11h,22h,33h,44h,55h
                                data ends
                                code segment
                                assume cs:code,ds:data
                                    start:     mov ax,data
                                               mov ds,ax
                                               lea si,x
                                               lea di,y
                                               mov cx,0005h
                                        loc1: mov al,[si]
                                               inc si
                                               inc di
                                               dec cx
                                               jnz loc1
                                               mov ah,4ch
                                               int 21h
                                code ends
                                end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                      2
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2) An ALP to add 16-bit bytes/words & to find the average of numbers.

                             data segment
                             N1 dw 0020h,0002h,0002h,0002h
                             res dw ?
                             cnt db 04h
                             data ends
                             code segment
                             assume cs:code,ds:data
                                     start: mov ax,data
                                            mov ds,ax
                                            mov cl,cnt
                                            mov si,0000h
                                            mov dx,0000h
                                     next: mov ax,N1[si]
                                            add dx,ax
                                            inc si
                                            inc si
                                            loop next
                                            mov ax,dx
                                            div cnt
                                            mov res,ax
                                            mov ah,4Ch
                                            int 21h
                              code ends
                              end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                   3
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

3) An ALP to multiply two 32 bit numbers

                                   data segment
                                   n1 dw 0AFFh,0AFFh
                                   n2 dw 0330h,4002h
                                   res dw ?
                                   data ends
                                   code segment
                                   assume cs:code,ds:data
                                      start:      mov ax,data
                                                  mov ds,ax
                                                  mov si,0000h
                                                  mov ax,n1[si]
                                                  mul n2[si]
                                                  mov res,ax
                                                  mov bx,dx
                                                  mov ax,n1[si+2]
                                                  mul n2[si]
                                                  add bx,ax
                                                  mov cx,dx
                                                  mov ax,n1[si]
                                                  mul n2[si+2]
                                                  add bx,ax
                                                  adc cx,dx
                                                  mov res+2,bx
                                                  mov ax,n1[si+2]
                                                  mul n2[si+2]
                                                  mul n2[si+2]
                                                  add cx,ax
                                                  mov res+4,cx
                                                  adc dx,0000h
                                                  mov res+6,dx
                                                  mov ah,4ch
                                                  int 21h
                                    code ends
                                    end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                               4
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

4)An ALP to multiply two ASCII byte numbers

                                   data segment
                                   n1 db '3'
                                   n2 db '2'
                                   res db ?
                                   data ends
                                   code segment
                                   assume cs:code,ds:data
                                      start:    mov ax,data
                                                mov ds,ax
                                                mov al,n1
                                                mov bl,n2
                                                sub al,30h
                                                sub bl,30h
                                                mul bl
                                                add ax,3030h
                                                mov res,al
                                                mov res+1,ah
                                                mov ah,4Ch
                                                int 21h
                                    code ends
                                    end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                          5
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

5)(a) An ALP to find LCM of two 16 bit unsigned integers.

                                  data segment
                                  n1 dw 019h
                                  n2 dw 00Fh
                                  lcm dw 2 dup(?)
                                  data ends
                                  code segment
                                  assume cs:code,ds:datastart:
                                            Start:     mov ax,data
                                                       mov ds,ax
                                                       mov ax,n1
                                                       mov bx,n2
                                                       mov dx,0000h
                                               again: push ax
                                                       push dx
                                                       div bx
                                                       cmp dx,0000h
                                                       je exit
                                                       pop dx
                                                       pop ax
                                                       add ax,n1
                                                       jnc nincdx
                                                       inc dx
                                             nincdx: jmp again
                                                 exit: pop lcm+2
                                                       pop lcm
                                                       mov ah,4ch
                                                       int 21h
                                  code ends
                                  end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                 6
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

     5)(b) An ALP to find GCF of two 16 bit unsigned integers.

                             data segment
                             n1 dw 005Ah,0078h
                             res dw ?
                             data ends
                             code segment
                             assume cs:code,ds:data
                                         start: mov ax,data
                                                 mov ds,ax
                                                 mov ax,n1
                                                 mov bx,n1+2
                                        again: cmp ax,bx
                                                 je exit
                                                 jb big
                                        above: mov dx,0h
                                                 div bx
                                                 cmp dx,0
                                                 je exit
                                                 mov ax,dx
                                                 jmp again
                                           big: xchg ax,bx
                                                 jmp above
                                          exit: mov res,bx
                                                 mov ah,4Ch
                                                 int 21h
                             code ends
                             end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                            7
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

6)(a) An ALP to sort a given set of 16 bit unsigned integers into ascending order using insertion sort.

Program to sort a given a 16bit unsigned integers into ascending order using insertion sort

                              data segment
                              a dw 78h,34h,12h,56h
                              si_ze dw ($-a)/2
                              data ends
                              code segment
                              assume cs:code,ds:data
                                           start : mov ax,data
                                                  mov ds,ax
                                                  mov cx,2
                                        outloop: mov dx,cx
                                                  dec dx
                                                  mov si,dx
                                                  add si,si
                                                  mov ax,a[si]
                                         inloop : cmp a[si-2],ax
                                                  jbe inexit
                                                  mov di,a[si-2]
                                                  mov a[si],di
                                                  dec si
                                                  dec si
                                                  dec dx
                                                  jnz inloop
                                          inexit : mov a[si],ax
                                                  inc cx
                                                  cmp cx,si_ze
                                                  jbe outloop
                                                  int 21h
                              code ends
                              end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                           8
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

6)(b) An ALP to sort a given set of 16 bit unsigned integers into ascending order using bubble sort.

                           data segment
                           a db 34h,78h,12h,56h
                           size dw $-a
                           data ends
                           code segment
                           assume cs:code,ds:data
                                         start: mov ax,data
                                                mov ds,ax
                                                mov bx,size
                                                dec bx
                                      outloop: mov cx,bx
                                                mov si,0
                                       inloop: mov al,a[si]
                                                inc si
                                                cmp al,a[si]
                                                jb nochang
                                                xchg al,a[si]
                                                mov a[si-1].al
                                     nochang: loop inloop
                                                dec bx
                                                jnz outloop
                                                mov ah,4ch
                                                int 21h
                           code ends
                           end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                          9
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7) An ALP to generate 10 fibonacci numbers.(Read initial values via key board)
                        data segment
                        n db 01fh
                        fib db 15 dup(?)
                        data ends
                        code segment
                        assume cs:code,ds:data
                                          start: mov ax,data
                                                  mov ds,ax
                                                  mov bx,0
                                         term : mov dl,0
                                                  push bx
                                                  call fibo
                                                  pop bx
                                                  cmp dx,n
                                                  ja exit
                                                  mov fib[bx],dx
                                                  inc bx
                                                  jmp term
                                           exit : mov ah,4ch
                                                  int 3
                                          fibo : cmp bx,0
                                                  je exit1
                                                  cmp bx,1
                                                  je exit2
                                                  dec bl
                                                  push bx
                                                  call fibo
                                                  pop bx
                                                  dec bx
                                                  call fibo
                                          exit1: ret
                                          exit2: inc dl
                                                  align 16
                        code ends
                        end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                       10
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

8) An ALP to generate prime numbers from 1 to 50 BCD.

                            data segment
                            x db 2,14 dup(?)
                            data ends
                            code segment
                            assume cs:code,ds:data
                                                     start: mov ax,data
                                                            mov ds,ax
                                                            mov dl,x
                                                            lea si,x+1
                                                            mov ch,14
                                                      loc1: mov dh,02
                                                            inc dl
                                                      loc2: mov ah,0
                                                            mov al,dl
                                                            div dh
                                                            cmp ah,0
                                                            je loc1
                                                            inc dh
                                                            cmp dh,dl
                                                            jb loc2
                                                            mov al,1
                                                            mul dl
                                                            mov cl,04
                                                            rol al,cl
                                                            ror ax,cl
                                                            inc si
                                                            dec ch
                                                            jnz loc1
                                                            mov ah,4ch
                                                            int 21h
                            code ends
                            end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                    11
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

9)An ALP to transfer given source string to destination string using string instructions.

                            Data segment
                            d1 db "welcome","$"
                            d2 db 10dup(0)
                            data ends
                            code segment
                            assume cs:code,ds:data
                                 start: mov ax,data
                                         mov ds,ax
                                         mov es,ax
                                         mov cx,07h
                                         mov si,offset d1
                                         mov di,offset d2
                                         rep movsb
                                         mov cx,07h
                                         mov si,offset d1+6
                                         mov di,offset d2+14
                                         rep movsb
                                         mov ah,4ch
                                         int 21h
                            code ends
                            end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                          12
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10)An ALP to perform the following operations.
    (a) Reverse a string.

                         data segment
                         m1 db 10,13,'enter the string:$'
                         m2 db 10,13,'reverse of a string:$'
                         buff db 80
                              db 0
                              db 80 dup(0)
                         counter1 dw 0
                         counter2 dw 0
                         data ends
                         code segment
                         assume cs: code, ds:data

                                           start: mov ax,data
                                                  mov ds,ax
                                                  mov ah,09h
                                                  mov dx,offset m1
                                                  int 21h
                                                  mov ah,0ah
                                                  lea dx,buff
                                                  int 21h
                                                  mov ah,09h
                                                  mov dx,offset m2
                                                  int 21h
                                                  lea bx,buff
                                                  inc bx
                                                  mov ch,00
                                                  mov cl,buff+1
                                                  mov di,cx
                                           back: mov dl,[bx+di]
                                                  mov ah,02h
                                                  int 21h
                                                  dec di
                                                  jnz back
                                            exit: mov ah,4ch
                                                  int 21h

                         code ends
                         end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                               13
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

     (b)Deleting a word from a string.

                               data segment
                               x db 'aa','bb', 'cc','dd','ee','ff'
                               z dw (z-x)/2
                               data ends
                               code segment
                               assume cs:code,ds:data
                                             start: mov ax,data
                                                       mov ds,ax
                                                       mov es,ax
                                                       lea di,x
                                                       mov cx,z
                                                       mov ax,'cc' ;word to be deleted
                                                       repne scasw
                                                       cmp cx,0
                                                       je loc2
                                                       mov ax,[di]
                                              loc1: mov [di-2],ax
                                                       inc di
                                                       inc di
                                                       dec cx
                                                       jnz loc1
                                                       mov byte ptr[di-2],'$'
                                              loc2: lea dx,x
                                                       mov ah,09h
                                                       int 21h
                                                       mov ah,4ch
                                                       int 21h
                               code ends
                               end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                             14
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c)Searching a word from a string.

                             data segment
                             n1 db 12h,14h,78h,67h,34h
                             key db 23h
                             cnt db 5
                             m1 db 'the key found in'
                             res db 'the position ',13h,10h,'$'
                             m2 db 'not found',13h,10h,'$'
                             data ends
                             code segment
                                        assume cs: code,ds:data
                                             start: mov ax,data
                                                       mov ds,ax
                                                       mov si,00h
                                                       mov cx,cnt
                                              next: mov al,n1[si]
                                                        cmp al,key
                                                        jz suc
                                                        inc si
                                                        loop next
                                                        jmp fall
                                               suc: mov ax,si
                                                       add al,01h
                                                       add al,'0'
                                                       mov res,al
                                                       lea dx,m1
                                                       jmp exit
                                               fall: lea dx,m2
                                                       jmp exit
                                               exit: mov ah,09h
                                                       int 21h
                                                       mov ah,4ch
                                                       int 21h
                             code ends
                             end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                               15
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(d) To check whether a string is palindrome or not.
               data segment
               inst db 20 dup(0)
               mes1 db 0Ah,0Dh,"insert the string:$"
               mes2 db 0Ah,0Dh,"it is a palindrome:$"
               mes3 db 0Ah,0Dh,"it is not a palindrome:$"
               data ends
               code segment
               assume cs:code,ds:data

                                  start:    mov ax,data
                                           mov ds,ax
                                           mov ah,09h
                                           lea dx,mes1
                                           int 21
                                           mov bx,00h
                                    up:    mov ah,01h
                                           int 21h
                                           cmp al,0Dh
                                           jz down
                                           inc bx
                                           jmp up
                                 down:     mov di,00h
                                           dec bx
                                 check:    mov al,[inst+bx]
                                           cmp al,[inst+di]
                                           jne fail
                                           inc di
                                           dec bx
                                           jnz check
                                           jmp finish
                                   fail:   mov ah,09h
                                           lea dx,mes3
                                           int 21h
                                           jmp term
                                 finish:   mov ah,09h
                                           lea dx,mes2
                                           int 21h
                                 term:     mov ah,4Ch
                                           int 21h

               code ends
               end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                        16
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11) An ALP to multiply two matrices .
                                  data segment
                                  ar1 db 1h,2h,-3h
                                  ar2 db 4h,5h,6h
                                  ar3 db 2h,-1h,3h
                                  bc1 db 2h,4h,-4h
                                  bc2 db 3h,-2h,5h
                                  bc3 db 1h,5h,2h
                                  c db 9 dup (?)
                                  l2 db (?)
                                  l1 db (?)
                                  data ends
                                  code segment
                                  assume cs:code,ds:data

                                                start:   mov ax,data
                                                         mov ds,ax
                                                         mov es,ax
                                                         mov bp,0h
                                                         mov l2,3h
                                                         lea si,ar1
                                              repeat2:   lea di,bc1
                                                         mov l1,3h
                                              repeat1:   mov cx,3h
                                                         mov bx,0h
                                                         mov dl,0h
                                                again:   mov al,[si][bx]
                                                         imul byte ptr[di][bx]
                                                         add dl,al
                                                         inc bx
                                                         loop again
                                                         mov ds:c[bp],dl
                                                         inc bp
                                                         add di,3h
                                                         dec l1
                                                         jne repeat1
                                                         add si,3h
                                                         dec l2
                                                         jne repeat2
                                                         mov ah,4ch
                                                         int 21h

                                  code ends
                                  end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                           17
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12)(a) An ALP to find trace of a matrix.

        data segment
        matrix db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh ;3*3
        row dw 0003h ;no. of rows
        col dw 0003h ;no. of cols
        trace dw ?
        data ends
        code segment
        assume cs:code,ds:data
                    start: mov ax,data
                              mov ds,ax
                              mov si,00h
                              mov bx,00h
                              mov ax,row
                              cmp ax,col
                              jnz fail
                              mov ax,00h
                              mov cx,row
                   again: add al,matrix[si][bx]
                              jnc skip
                              inc ah
                     skip: inc si
                              add bx,col
                              loop again
                              mov trace,ax
                              jmp ovr
                      fail: mov trace,00h
                      ovr: mov ah,4ch
                              int 21h
        code ends
        end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                        18
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12)(b) An ALP to find the norms of the matrix.
Program to find trace of the matrix

         data segment
         matrix db 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;3x3row dw 0003h ;no. of rows
         col dw 0003h ;no. of cols
         norm dw 2 dup (0000h)
         data ends
         code segment
         assume cs:code,ds:data
                        start: mov ax,data
                                mov ds,ax
                                mov si,00h
                                mov bx,00h
                                mov ax,row
                                cmp ax,col
                                jnz fail
                                mov cx,row
                       again: mov ax,norm
                                mov al,matrix[si][bx]
                                mul matrix[si][bx]
                                mov ax,norm
                                jnc skip
                                add norm+2,01h
                                inc ah
                         skip: mov norm,ax
                                inc si
                                add bx,0003h
                                loop again
                                jmp ovr
                          fail: mov norm,00h
                          ovr: mov ah,4ch
                                int 21h
         code ends
         end start

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13)An ALP to search that implements binary search algorithm.
                               data segment
                               x dw 11h,22h,33h,44h,55h,66h,77h
                               z dw (z-x)
                               key dw 66h
                               y dw ?
                               data ends
                               code segment
                               assume cs:code,ds:data

                                                 start:   mov ax,data
                                                          mov ds,ax
                                                          mov cx,key
                                                          mov dx,z
                                                          dec bx
                                                          mov bx,0
                                                  loc3:   mov si,bx
                                                          add si,1
                                                          and si,0fffeh
                                                          cmp cx,x[si]
                                                          je loc1
                                                          jb loc2
                                                          add si,2
                                                          mov bx,si
                                                  loc5:   cmp bx,dx
                                                          jna loc3
                                                          mov y,0
                                                  loc4:   mov ah,4ch
                                                          int 21h
                                                  loc1:   shr si,1
                                                          inc si
                                                          mov y,si
                                                          jmp loc1
                                                  loc2:   sub si,2
                                                          mov dx,si
                                                          jmp loc5
                                                          mov ah,4ch
                                                          int 21h

                               code ends
                               end start

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                    20
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                            Part-II 8051 8-bit Microcontroller

1. Program to transfer a block from source to destination

                    ADDRESS                 LABEL    MNEMONIC
                    8000                             MOV DPTR,#9000H
                    8003                             MOV R0,#04H
                    8005                             MOV R1,#90H
                    8007                             MOV R2,#91H
                    8009                    BACK     MOVX A,@DPTR
                    800A                             MOV 83H,R2
                    800C                             MOVX @DPTR,A
                    800D                             MOV 83H,R1
                    800F                             INC DPTR
                    8010                             DJNZ R0,8009(BACK)
                    8012                             LCALL 0003

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                    21
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

2. Program to exchange data between two blocks
          Starting address of block1, data memory 9000& starting address of block2, data memory 9100.

                 ADDRESS                      LABEL                MNEMONIC
                 8000                                              MOV DPTR, #9000H
                 8003                                              MOV R0, #04H
                 8005                                              MOV R1, #90H
                 8007                                              MOV R2, #91H
                 8009                                              MOVX A, @DPTR
                 800A                                              MOV R3, A
                 800B                                              MOV 83H,R2
                 800D                                              MOVX A, @DPTR
                 800E                                              MOV 83H,R1
                 8010                                              MOVX @DPTR, A
                 8011                                              MOV A, R3
                 8012                                              MOV 83H,R2
                 8014                                              MOVX @DPTR, A
                 8015                                              MOV 83H,R1
                 8017                                              INC DPTR
                 8018                                              DJNZ R0, 8009
                 801A                                              LCALL 0003

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3.Program to find average of n numbers.
               ADDRESS            LABEL     MNEMONIC
               8000                         MOV DPTR,#9000H
               8003                         MOV R0,#O4H
               8005                         MOV R1,#00H
               8007                         MOV R2,#00H
               8009                         CLR C
               800A                         MOV R4,#04H
               800C               BACK      MOVX A,DPTR
               800D                         MOV R3,A
               800E                         INC DPTR
               800F                         MOV A,R1
               8010                         ADD A,R3
               8011                         JNC 8014H(AHEAD)
               8013                         IND R2
               8014               AHEAD     MOV R1,A
               8015                         DJNZ R0,800CH
               8017                         MOV R5,#00H
               8019                         CLR C
               801A                         MOV A,R1
               801B               AGAIN     SUBB A,R4
               801C                         INC R5
               801D                         JC 8021H
               801F                         SJMP 801BH
               8021               NEXT      CJNE R2,#00H,802CH
               8024                         DEC R5
               8025                         ADD A,R4
               8026                         MOVX @DPTR,A
               8027                         MOV A,R5
               8028                         INC DPTR
               8029                         MOVX @DPTR,A
               802A                         SJMP 802FH(END)
               802C               LOC       DEC R2
               802D                         SJMP 801BH
               802F               END       LCALL 0003

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                           23
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

4. Program to multiply a 16 bit number with an 8 bit number
          8 bit stored at data memory 9000 & 16 bit stored at data memory 9001 & 9002, result stored at data memory 9003, 9004 &
                 ADDRESS                         LABEL              MNEMONIC
                 8000                                               MOV DPTR,#9000
                 8003                                               MOVX A,@DPTR
                 8004                                               MOV RO,A
                 8005                                               INC DPTR
                 8006                                               MOVX A,DPTR
                 8007                                               MOV R1,A
                 8008                                               INC DPTR
                 8009                                               MOVX A,DPTR
                 800B                                               MOV F0,A
                 800C                                               MOV A,RO
                 800D                                               MUL AB
                 800E                                               MOV R3,A
                 8010                                               MOV R4,F0
                 8012                                               MOV F0,R1
                 8013                                               MOV A,R0
                 8014                                               MUL AB
                 8015                                               MOV R5,A
                 8017                                               MOV R6,F0
                 8018                                               INC DPTR
                 8019                                               MOV A,R3
                 801A                                               MOVX @DPTR,A
                 801B                                               MOV A,R4
                 801C                                               CLR C
                 801D                                               INC DPTR
                 801E                                               ADD A,R5
                 801F                                               MOVX @DPTR,A
                 8021                                               MOV A,#00
                 8022                                               ADDC A,R6
                 8023                                               INC DPTR
                 8024                                               MOVX @DPTR,A
                 8026                                               LCALL 0003


Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                                       24
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

5. Program to generate 10 Fibonacci numbers.
          Stored in data memory address 9000 & 9001

                   ADDRESS                  LABEL     MNEMONIC
                   8000                               MOV DPTR,#9000
                   8003                               MOV R3,#08
                   8005                               MOVX A,@DPTR
                   8006                               MOV R0,A
                   8007                               INC DPTR
                   8008                               MOVX A,@DPTR
                   8009                     BACK      XCH A,R0
                   800A                               ADD A,R0
                   800B                               INC DPTR
                   800C                               MOVX @DPTR,A
                   800D                               DJNZ R3,BACK(8009)
                   800F                               LCALL 0003

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                     25
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

. Program to find GCD & LCM of two 8-bit numbers.
          Two 8-bit numbers are stored at location 9000&9001, GCD at location 9002 & LCM At location 9003

                ADDRESS                 LABEL           MNEUMONIC
                8000                                    MOV DPTR,#9000H
                8003                                    MOVX A,@DPTR
                8004                                    MOV R0,A
                8005                                    NOP
                8006                                    INC DPTR
                8007                                    MOVX A,@DPTR
                8008                                    CJNE A,000H,NEXT(800D
                800B                                    SJMP AHEAD(8014)
                800D                                    JNC GO(8010)
                800F                                    XCH A,R1
                8010                                    CLR C
                8011                                    SUBB A,R0
                8012                                    SJMP BACK(8008)
                8014                                    INC DPTR
                8015                                    MOVX @DPTR,A
                8016                                    INC DPTR
                8017                                    MOV 0F0H,A
                8000                                    MOV 82H,#OOH
                8000                                    MOVX A,@DPTR
                8000                                    DIV AB
                8000                                    MOV OFOH,A
                8000                                    INC DPTR
                8000                                    MOVX A,@DPTR
                8000                                    MUL AB
                8000                                    MOV 82H,#03H
                8000                                    MOVX @DPTR,A
                                                        LCALL 0003

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                                    26
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

7(a) Program to add multibyte numbers

                ADDRESS               LABEL   MNEMONIC
                8000                          MOV DPTR,#9000H
                8003                          MOV R1,#04H
                8005                          MOV R2,#90H
                8007                          MOV R3,#91H
                8009                          MOV R4,#92H
                800B                          CLR C
                800C                          MOV 83H,R2
                800E                          MOVX A,@DPTR
                800F                          MOV R5,A
                8010                          MOV 83H,R3
                8012                          MOVX A,@DPTR
                8013                          ADDC A,R5
                8014                          MOV 83H,R4
                8016                          MOVX @DPTR,A
                8017                          INC DPTR
                8018                          DJNZ R1,800CH
                801A                          JNC 801FH
                801C                          MOV A,#01H
                801E                          MOVX @DPTR,A
                801F                          LCALL 0003

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                          27
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

7(b) program to subtract multibyte numbers

                ADDRESS               LABEL   MNEMONIC
                8000                          MOV DPTR,#9000H
                8003                          MOV R1,#04H
                8005                          MOV R2,#90H
                8007                          MOV R3,#91H
                8009                          MOV R4,#92H
                800B                          CLR C
                800C                          MOV 83H,R2
                800E                          MOVX A,@DPTR
                800F                          MOV R5,A
                8010                          MOV 83H,R3
                8012                          MOVX A,@DPTR
                8013                          SUBB A,R5
                8014                          MOV 83H,R4
                8016                          MOVX @DPTR,A
                8017                          INC DPTR
                8018                          DJNZ R1,800CH
                801A                          LCALL 0003H
                801C                          MOV A,#01H
                801E                          MOVX @DPTR,A
                801F                          LCALL 0003

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                          28
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

8.Program to search the key element in the block of data and displays it’s position and it’s position number if
it is found, else display not found.

                     ADDRESS                LABEL       MNEOMONIC
                     8000                               MOV 0DOH,#20H
                     8003                               MOV DPTR,#9000H
                     8006                               MOV R2,00H
                     8008                               MOV R1,#04H
                     800A                               MOVX A,@DPTR
                     800B                               MOV R0,A
                     800C                               INC DPTR
                     800D                               INC R2
                     800E                               MOVX A,@DPTR
                     800F                               CJNE A,00H,8014H
                     8012                               SJMP 801BH
                     8014                               DJNZ R1,800CH
                     8016                               MOV DPTR,#9500H
                     8019                               SJMP 8025H
                     801B                               MOV A,R2
                     801C                               ADD A,#30H
                     801E                               MOV DPTR,#940CH
                     8021                               MOVX @DPTR,A
                     8022                               MOV DPTR,#9400H
                     8025                               LCALL 164BH
                     8028                               LCALL 0003

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                          29
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

9. Program to sort the number in ascending order using bubble sort.

                ADDRESS               LABEL     MNEMONIC
                8000                            MOV DPTR,#9000
                8003                            MOV R1,#04H
                8005                  AGAIN     PUSH 82H
                8007                            MOV A,R1
                8008                            MOV R4,A
                8009                            MOV R2,82H
                800B                  BACK      MOVX A,@DPTR
                800C                            MOV R3,A
                800D                            INC DPTR
                800E                            INC R2
                800F                            MOVX A,DPTR
                8010                            CJNE A,03H,NEXT(8015)
                8013                            SJMP AHEAD(8020)
                8015                  NEXT      JNC AHEAD
                8017                            DEC R2
                8018                            MOV 82H,R2
                801A                            MOVX @DPTR,A
                801B                            MOV A,R3
                801C                            INC R2
                801D                            MOV 82H,R2
                801F                            MOVX @DPTR,A
                8020                  AHEAD     DJNZ R4,BACK(800B)
                8022                            POP 82H
                8024                            NOP
                8025                            DJNZ R1,AGAIN(8005)
                8027                            LCALL 0003

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                  30
Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology

Branch: EC                                                                 Semester: VI
Subject code: EC6L2
Subject title: Advanced microprocessor & Micro controller lab
                                                                       QUESTION BANK

1.Experiments on micro controller can be carried out using any 8-bit/16-bit micro controller kit.
2.A student should be given only one question either from part-1 or from part-II for the examination.
3.For each batch in examination, around 60% of the questions should be from part-I and around 40% of the questions should be from part-II.
4.No change of experiment/question is permitted in the examination.

1.Write an ALP to transfer a given block of data (byte/word) from source memory block to destination memory block with or without overlapping.
2. Write an ALP to transfer given source string to destination using string instructions.
3.Write an ALP to perform the following string operations:
              a) Reverse a string, search/delete a word from a string
              b) Check if the given string is palindrome or not.
4.Write an ALP to add 16 bytes/words and find the average and display.
5.write an ALP to multiply two 32 bit numbers and display.
6.Write an ALP to multiply two ASCII byte numbers and display.
7.Develop and execute an ALP to find GCF/LCM of two 16-bit unsigned integers.
8.Develop and execute an ALP to sort a given set of 16-bit unsigned integers into ascending order using insertion/bubble sort algorithm.
9.Write an ALP to generate 10 fibonacci numbers, Read initial values via keyboard.
10.Write an Alp to generate prime numbers between 1 to 50 BCD.
11.Write an ALP to multiply two matrices &display.
12.Write an ALP to find
a) Sum of principal diagonal elements (trace of a matrix)
b) Norms of the matrix (sum of the squares of the principal diagonal elements)
13.Develop and execute an ALP that implements binary search algorithm. Assume that the data consist of sorted 16-bit integers. Search key is also a 16-bit
unsigned integer.
14.Interface a logic controller via 8255 using I/O cards and perform the following operations.
Read all the 8 inputs from the logic controller. Complement and display on the outputs.

15.Write an Alp to transfer a block of data from a given source to destination using 8051/equivalent.
16.Writ an ALP to find average of 10 data bytes in a memory using 8051/equivalent.
17.Write an ALP to multiply 16bit by 8-bit data using micro controller.
18 Write an ALP to generate 10 fibonacci numbers using 8051/equivalent.
19.Interface a printer to 8051/equivalent to operate in
a) Handshake mode
b) Interrupt driven mode
20.Develop and execute an ALP to find GCF/LCM of two 8-bit numbers using 8051/equivalent.
21.Write an ALP to add/subtract two multibyte numbers using micro controller.
22.Write an ALP to search a given key element from an array of integers using 8051/equivalent.
23.Write an ALP to sort an array using bubble sort. Display the sorted array.
24.Write an ALP to interchange two blocks of data residing at memory using 8051/equivalent.

Department of Electronics & Communication                                                                                                                    31
Operation Code-Sheet

  Mnemonic      Hex        Mnemonic         Hex      Mnemonic        Hex       Mnemonic       Hex
 ACI    8-bit   CE    DCX         SP        3B    MOV      D, H      54     RAR                1F
ADC       A     8F      DI                  F3    MOV      D, L      55      RC                D8
ADC       B     88      EI                  FB    MOV      D, M      56     RET                C9
ADC      C      89     HLT                  76    MOV      E, A      5F     RIM                C2
ADC      D      8A      IN       8-bit      DB    MOV      E, B      58     RLC                07
ADC       E     8B     INR         A        3C    MOV      E, C      59     RM                 F8
ADC      H      8C     INR         B        04    MOV      E, D      5A     RNC                D0
ADC       L     8D     INR         C        0C    MOV      E, E      5B     RNZ                C0
ADC      M      8E     INR         D        14    MOV      E, H      5C      RP                F0
ADD       A     87     INR         E        1C    MOV      E, L      5D     RPE                E8
ADD       B     80     INR         H        24    MOV      E, M      5E     RPO                E0
ADD      C      81     INR         L        2C    MOV      H, A      67     RRC                0F
ADD      D      82     INR         M        34    MOV      H, B      60     RST        0       C7
ADD       E     83     INX         B        03    MOV      H, C      61     RST        1       CF
ADD      H      84     INX         D        13    MOV      H, D      62     RST        2       D7
ADD       L     85     INX         H        23    MOV      H, E      63     RST        3       DF
ADD      M      86     INX        SP        33    MOV      H, H      64     RST        4       E7
 ADI    8-bit   C6      JC      16-bit      DA    MOV      H, L      65     RST        5       EF
ANA       A     A7      JM      16-bit      FA    MOV      H, M      66     RST        6       F7
ANA       B     A0     JMP      16-bit      C3    MOV      L, A      6F     RST        7       FF
ANA      C      A1     JNC      16-bit      D2    MOV      L, B      68      RZ                C8
ANA      D      A2     JNZ      16-bit      C2    MOV      L, C      69     SBB        A       9F
ANA       E     A3      JP      16-bit      F2    MOV      L, D      6A     SBB        B       98
ANA      H      A4     JPE      16-bit      EA    MOV      L, E      6B     SBB        C       99
ANA       L     A5     JPO      16-bit      E2    MOV      L, H      6C     SBB        D       9A
ANA      M      A6      JZ      16-bit      CA    MOV       L, L     6D     SBB        E       9B
 ANI    8-bit   E6     LDA      16-bit      3A    MOV      L, M      6E     SBB        H       9C
CALL   16-bit   CD    LDAX         B        0A    MOV      M, A      77     SBB        L       9D
 CC    16-bit   DC    LDAX         D        1A    MOV      M, B      70     SBB        M       9E
 CM    16-bit   FC    LHLD      16-bit      2A    MOV      M, C      71     SBI      8-bit     DE
CMA             2F     LXI     B, 16-bit    01    MOV      M, D      72    SHLD     16-bit     22
CMC             3F     LXI     D, 16-bit    11    MOV      M, E      73     SIM                30
CMP       A     BF     LXI     H, 16-bit    21    MOV      M, H      74    SPHL                F9
CMP       B     B8     LXI     SP, 16-bit   31    MOV      M, L      75     STA     16-bit     32
CMP      C      B9    MOV        A, A       7F     MVI    A, 8-bit   3E    STAX        B       02
CMP      D      BA    MOV        A, B       78     MVI    B, 8-bit   06    STAX        D       12
CMP       E     BB    MOV        A, C       79     MVI    C, 8-bit   0E     STC                37
CMP      H      BC    MOV        A, D       7A     MVI    D, 8-bit   16     SUB        A       97
CMP       L     BD    MOV        A, E       7B     MVI    E, 8-bit   1E     SUB        B       90
CMP      M      BE    MOV        A, H       7C     MVI    H, 8-bit   26     SUB        C       91
CNC    16-bit   D4    MOV        A, L       7D     MVI    L, 8-bit   2E     SUB        D       92
CNZ    16-bit   C4    MOV        A, M       7E     MVI   M, 8-bit    36     SUB        E       93
 CP    16-bit   F4    MOV        B, A       47    NOP                00     SUB        H       94
CPE    16-bit   EC    MOV        B, B       40    ORA        A       B7     SUB        L       95
 CPI    8-bit   FE    MOV        B, C       41    ORA        B       B0     SUB        M       96
CPO    16-bit   E4    MOV        B, D       42    ORA        C       B1     SUI      8-bit     D6
 CZ    16-bit   CC    MOV        B, E       43    ORA        D       B2    XCHG                EB
DAA             27    MOV        B, H       44    ORA        E       B3     XRA        A       AF
DAD       B     09    MOV        B, L       45    ORA        H       B4     XRA        B       A8
DAD      D      19    MOV        B, M       46    ORA        L       B5     XRA        C       A9
DAD      H      29    MOV        C, A       4F    ORA        M       B6     XRA        D       AA
DAD      SP     39    MOV        C, B       48     ORI     8-bit     F6     XRA        E       AB
DCR       A     3D    MOV        C, C       49    OUT      8-bit     D3     XRA        H       AC
DCR       B     05    MOV        C, D       4A    PCHL               E9     XRA        L       AD
DCR      C      0D    MOV        C, E       4B    POP        B       C1     XRA        M       AE
DCR      D      15    MOV        C, H       4C    POP        D       D1     XRI      8-bit     EE
DCR       E     1D    MOV        C, L       4D    POP        H       E1    XTHL                E3
DCR      H      25    MOV        C, M       4E    POP      PSW       F1      UPDAD         06BF
DCR       L     2D    MOV        D, A       57    PUSH       B       C5      UPDDT         06D6
DCR      M      35    MOV        D, B       50    PUSH       D       D5
DCX       B     0B    MOV        D, C       51    PUSH       H       E5
DCX      D      1B    MOV        D, D       52    PUSH     PSW       F5
DCX      H      2B    MOV        D, E       53     RAL               17

Department of E & C                                                                    SSIT

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8086 labmanual

  • 1. Microprocessor Lab For IV Semester Electronics & Communication Department of Electronics & Communication Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology Maralur, Tumkur
  • 2. CONTENTS 8085 MICROPROCESSOR LAB PROGRAMS 1. To move data block from one location to other without overlap 2. To move data block from one location to other with overlap 3. To arrange a set of 8-bit numbers in ascending order 4. Addition of binary numbers 5. To add two multibyte binary numbers 6. To add 2-digit BCD numbers 7. To subtract 16-bit binary numbers 8. To check the fourth bit of a byte 9. To generate resultant byte for given Boolean equation 10. Successive addition of two unsigned binary numbers 11. To find the product of two unsigned binary numbers 12. To divide two 16 bit numbers 13. To implement counter from 00-99 14. To implement counter from 99-00 15. To implement counter from 00-FF 16. To implement counter from FF-00 17. To check 2 out of 5 code 18. To add ‘N’ one byte binary numbers 19. To realize real time clock 20. To convert binary to BCD equivalent 21. To convert binary to ASCII equivalent 22. To convert ASCII to binary equivalent 23. To convert BCD to binary equivalent INTERFACING PROGRAMS 24. To generate square wave of given duty cycle using DAC 25. To generate a triangular waveform using DAC 26. To generate a staircase waveform using DAC 27. To sense a keyboard 28. To implement a moving display of a given string of digits 29. To display a message on the display unit using 8279 chip 30. To simulate throw of a dice
  • 3. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 1) (a) An ALP to transfer a given block of data from source memory block to destination memory block with out overlap data segment var1 dw 12h,34h,45h,67h,56h cnt dw 5 res dw ? data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov ax,cnt mov si,0000h next: mov ax,var1[si] mov res[si],ax inc si inc si loop next mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 1
  • 4. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 1 (b) An ALP to transfer a given block of data from source memory block to destination memory block with overlap data segment y db 3 dup(0) x db 11h,22h,33h,44h,55h data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax lea si,x lea di,y mov cx,0005h loc1: mov al,[si] mov[di],al inc si inc di dec cx jnz loc1 mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 2
  • 5. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 2) An ALP to add 16-bit bytes/words & to find the average of numbers. data segment N1 dw 0020h,0002h,0002h,0002h res dw ? cnt db 04h data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov cl,cnt mov si,0000h mov dx,0000h next: mov ax,N1[si] add dx,ax inc si inc si loop next mov ax,dx div cnt mov res,ax mov ah,4Ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 3
  • 6. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 3) An ALP to multiply two 32 bit numbers data segment n1 dw 0AFFh,0AFFh n2 dw 0330h,4002h res dw ? data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov si,0000h mov ax,n1[si] mul n2[si] mov res,ax mov bx,dx mov ax,n1[si+2] mul n2[si] add bx,ax mov cx,dx mov ax,n1[si] mul n2[si+2] add bx,ax adc cx,dx mov res+2,bx mov ax,n1[si+2] mul n2[si+2] mul n2[si+2] add cx,ax mov res+4,cx adc dx,0000h mov res+6,dx mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 4
  • 7. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 4)An ALP to multiply two ASCII byte numbers data segment n1 db '3' n2 db '2' res db ? data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov al,n1 mov bl,n2 sub al,30h sub bl,30h mul bl aam add ax,3030h mov res,al mov res+1,ah mov ah,4Ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 5
  • 8. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 5)(a) An ALP to find LCM of two 16 bit unsigned integers. data segment n1 dw 019h n2 dw 00Fh lcm dw 2 dup(?) data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:datastart: Start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov ax,n1 mov bx,n2 mov dx,0000h again: push ax push dx div bx cmp dx,0000h je exit pop dx pop ax add ax,n1 jnc nincdx inc dx nincdx: jmp again exit: pop lcm+2 pop lcm mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 6
  • 9. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 5)(b) An ALP to find GCF of two 16 bit unsigned integers. data segment n1 dw 005Ah,0078h res dw ? data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov ax,n1 mov bx,n1+2 again: cmp ax,bx je exit jb big above: mov dx,0h div bx cmp dx,0 je exit mov ax,dx jmp again big: xchg ax,bx jmp above exit: mov res,bx mov ah,4Ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 7
  • 10. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 6)(a) An ALP to sort a given set of 16 bit unsigned integers into ascending order using insertion sort. Program to sort a given a 16bit unsigned integers into ascending order using insertion sort data segment a dw 78h,34h,12h,56h si_ze dw ($-a)/2 data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start : mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov cx,2 outloop: mov dx,cx dec dx mov si,dx add si,si mov ax,a[si] inloop : cmp a[si-2],ax jbe inexit mov di,a[si-2] mov a[si],di dec si dec si dec dx jnz inloop inexit : mov a[si],ax inc cx cmp cx,si_ze jbe outloop int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 8
  • 11. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 6)(b) An ALP to sort a given set of 16 bit unsigned integers into ascending order using bubble sort. data segment a db 34h,78h,12h,56h size dw $-a data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov bx,size dec bx outloop: mov cx,bx mov si,0 inloop: mov al,a[si] inc si cmp al,a[si] jb nochang xchg al,a[si] mov a[si-1].al nochang: loop inloop dec bx jnz outloop mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 9
  • 12. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 7) An ALP to generate 10 fibonacci numbers.(Read initial values via key board) data segment n db 01fh fib db 15 dup(?) data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov bx,0 term : mov dl,0 push bx call fibo pop bx cmp dx,n ja exit mov fib[bx],dx inc bx jmp term exit : mov ah,4ch int 3 fibo : cmp bx,0 je exit1 cmp bx,1 je exit2 dec bl push bx call fibo pop bx dec bx call fibo ret exit1: ret exit2: inc dl ret align 16 code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 10
  • 13. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 8) An ALP to generate prime numbers from 1 to 50 BCD. data segment x db 2,14 dup(?) data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov dl,x lea si,x+1 mov ch,14 loc1: mov dh,02 inc dl loc2: mov ah,0 mov al,dl div dh cmp ah,0 je loc1 inc dh cmp dh,dl jb loc2 mov al,1 mul dl aam mov cl,04 rol al,cl ror ax,cl mov[si],al inc si dec ch jnz loc1 mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 11
  • 14. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 9)An ALP to transfer given source string to destination string using string instructions. Data segment d1 db "welcome","$" d2 db 10dup(0) data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov cx,07h cld mov si,offset d1 mov di,offset d2 rep movsb mov cx,07h std mov si,offset d1+6 mov di,offset d2+14 rep movsb mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 12
  • 15. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 10)An ALP to perform the following operations. (a) Reverse a string. data segment m1 db 10,13,'enter the string:$' m2 db 10,13,'reverse of a string:$' buff db 80 db 0 db 80 dup(0) counter1 dw 0 counter2 dw 0 data ends code segment assume cs: code, ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov ah,09h mov dx,offset m1 int 21h mov ah,0ah lea dx,buff int 21h mov ah,09h mov dx,offset m2 int 21h lea bx,buff inc bx mov ch,00 mov cl,buff+1 mov di,cx back: mov dl,[bx+di] mov ah,02h int 21h dec di jnz back exit: mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 13
  • 16. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology (b)Deleting a word from a string. data segment x db 'aa','bb', 'cc','dd','ee','ff' z dw (z-x)/2 data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov es,ax lea di,x mov cx,z cld mov ax,'cc' ;word to be deleted repne scasw cmp cx,0 je loc2 mov ax,[di] loc1: mov [di-2],ax inc di inc di dec cx jnz loc1 mov byte ptr[di-2],'$' loc2: lea dx,x mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 14
  • 17. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology c)Searching a word from a string. data segment n1 db 12h,14h,78h,67h,34h key db 23h cnt db 5 m1 db 'the key found in' res db 'the position ',13h,10h,'$' m2 db 'not found',13h,10h,'$' data ends code segment assume cs: code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov si,00h mov cx,cnt next: mov al,n1[si] cmp al,key jz suc inc si loop next jmp fall suc: mov ax,si add al,01h add al,'0' mov res,al lea dx,m1 jmp exit fall: lea dx,m2 jmp exit exit: mov ah,09h int 21h mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 15
  • 18. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology (d) To check whether a string is palindrome or not. data segment inst db 20 dup(0) mes1 db 0Ah,0Dh,"insert the string:$" mes2 db 0Ah,0Dh,"it is a palindrome:$" mes3 db 0Ah,0Dh,"it is not a palindrome:$" data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov ah,09h lea dx,mes1 int 21 mov bx,00h up: mov ah,01h int 21h cmp al,0Dh jz down mov[inst+bx],al inc bx jmp up down: mov di,00h dec bx check: mov al,[inst+bx] cmp al,[inst+di] jne fail inc di dec bx jnz check jmp finish fail: mov ah,09h lea dx,mes3 int 21h jmp term finish: mov ah,09h lea dx,mes2 int 21h term: mov ah,4Ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 16
  • 19. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 11) An ALP to multiply two matrices . data segment ar1 db 1h,2h,-3h ar2 db 4h,5h,6h ar3 db 2h,-1h,3h bc1 db 2h,4h,-4h bc2 db 3h,-2h,5h bc3 db 1h,5h,2h c db 9 dup (?) l2 db (?) l1 db (?) data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov es,ax mov bp,0h mov l2,3h lea si,ar1 repeat2: lea di,bc1 mov l1,3h repeat1: mov cx,3h mov bx,0h mov dl,0h again: mov al,[si][bx] imul byte ptr[di][bx] add dl,al inc bx loop again mov ds:c[bp],dl inc bp add di,3h dec l1 jne repeat1 add si,3h dec l2 jne repeat2 mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 17
  • 20. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 12)(a) An ALP to find trace of a matrix. data segment matrix db 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh, 0ffh ;3*3 row dw 0003h ;no. of rows col dw 0003h ;no. of cols trace dw ? data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov si,00h mov bx,00h mov ax,row cmp ax,col jnz fail mov ax,00h mov cx,row again: add al,matrix[si][bx] jnc skip inc ah skip: inc si add bx,col loop again mov trace,ax jmp ovr fail: mov trace,00h ovr: mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 18
  • 21. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 12)(b) An ALP to find the norms of the matrix. Program to find trace of the matrix data segment matrix db 0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh,0ffh ;3x3row dw 0003h ;no. of rows col dw 0003h ;no. of cols norm dw 2 dup (0000h) data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov si,00h mov bx,00h mov ax,row cmp ax,col jnz fail mov cx,row again: mov ax,norm mov al,matrix[si][bx] mul matrix[si][bx] mov ax,norm jnc skip add norm+2,01h inc ah skip: mov norm,ax inc si add bx,0003h loop again jmp ovr fail: mov norm,00h ovr: mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 19
  • 22. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 13)An ALP to search that implements binary search algorithm. data segment x dw 11h,22h,33h,44h,55h,66h,77h z dw (z-x) key dw 66h y dw ? data ends code segment assume cs:code,ds:data start: mov ax,data mov ds,ax mov cx,key mov dx,z dec bx mov bx,0 loc3: mov si,bx add si,1 and si,0fffeh cmp cx,x[si] je loc1 jb loc2 add si,2 mov bx,si loc5: cmp bx,dx jna loc3 mov y,0 loc4: mov ah,4ch int 21h loc1: shr si,1 inc si mov y,si jmp loc1 loc2: sub si,2 mov dx,si jmp loc5 mov ah,4ch int 21h code ends end start Department of Electronics & Communication 20
  • 23. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology Part-II 8051 8-bit Microcontroller 1. Program to transfer a block from source to destination ADDRESS LABEL MNEMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR,#9000H 8003 MOV R0,#04H 8005 MOV R1,#90H 8007 MOV R2,#91H 8009 BACK MOVX A,@DPTR 800A MOV 83H,R2 800C MOVX @DPTR,A 800D MOV 83H,R1 800F INC DPTR 8010 DJNZ R0,8009(BACK) 8012 LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 21
  • 24. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 2. Program to exchange data between two blocks Starting address of block1, data memory 9000& starting address of block2, data memory 9100. ADDRESS LABEL MNEMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR, #9000H 8003 MOV R0, #04H 8005 MOV R1, #90H 8007 MOV R2, #91H 8009 MOVX A, @DPTR 800A MOV R3, A 800B MOV 83H,R2 800D MOVX A, @DPTR 800E MOV 83H,R1 8010 MOVX @DPTR, A 8011 MOV A, R3 8012 MOV 83H,R2 8014 MOVX @DPTR, A 8015 MOV 83H,R1 8017 INC DPTR 8018 DJNZ R0, 8009 801A LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 22
  • 25. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 3.Program to find average of n numbers. ADDRESS LABEL MNEMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR,#9000H 8003 MOV R0,#O4H 8005 MOV R1,#00H 8007 MOV R2,#00H 8009 CLR C 800A MOV R4,#04H 800C BACK MOVX A,DPTR 800D MOV R3,A 800E INC DPTR 800F MOV A,R1 8010 ADD A,R3 8011 JNC 8014H(AHEAD) 8013 IND R2 8014 AHEAD MOV R1,A 8015 DJNZ R0,800CH 8017 MOV R5,#00H 8019 CLR C 801A MOV A,R1 801B AGAIN SUBB A,R4 801C INC R5 801D JC 8021H 801F SJMP 801BH 8021 NEXT CJNE R2,#00H,802CH 8024 DEC R5 8025 ADD A,R4 8026 MOVX @DPTR,A 8027 MOV A,R5 8028 INC DPTR 8029 MOVX @DPTR,A 802A SJMP 802FH(END) 802C LOC DEC R2 802D SJMP 801BH 802F END LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 23
  • 26. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 4. Program to multiply a 16 bit number with an 8 bit number 8 bit stored at data memory 9000 & 16 bit stored at data memory 9001 & 9002, result stored at data memory 9003, 9004 & 9005. ADDRESS LABEL MNEMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR,#9000 8003 MOVX A,@DPTR 8004 MOV RO,A 8005 INC DPTR 8006 MOVX A,DPTR 8007 MOV R1,A 8008 INC DPTR 8009 MOVX A,DPTR 800B MOV F0,A 800C MOV A,RO 800D MUL AB 800E MOV R3,A 8010 MOV R4,F0 8012 MOV F0,R1 8013 MOV A,R0 8014 MUL AB 8015 MOV R5,A 8017 MOV R6,F0 8018 INC DPTR 8019 MOV A,R3 801A MOVX @DPTR,A 801B MOV A,R4 801C CLR C 801D INC DPTR 801E ADD A,R5 801F MOVX @DPTR,A 8021 MOV A,#00 8022 ADDC A,R6 8023 INC DPTR 8024 MOVX @DPTR,A 8026 LCALL 0003 . Department of Electronics & Communication 24
  • 27. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 5. Program to generate 10 Fibonacci numbers. Stored in data memory address 9000 & 9001 ADDRESS LABEL MNEMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR,#9000 8003 MOV R3,#08 8005 MOVX A,@DPTR 8006 MOV R0,A 8007 INC DPTR 8008 MOVX A,@DPTR 8009 BACK XCH A,R0 800A ADD A,R0 800B INC DPTR 800C MOVX @DPTR,A 800D DJNZ R3,BACK(8009) 800F LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 25
  • 28. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology . Program to find GCD & LCM of two 8-bit numbers. Two 8-bit numbers are stored at location 9000&9001, GCD at location 9002 & LCM At location 9003 ADDRESS LABEL MNEUMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR,#9000H 8003 MOVX A,@DPTR 8004 MOV R0,A 8005 NOP 8006 INC DPTR 8007 MOVX A,@DPTR 8008 CJNE A,000H,NEXT(800D 800B SJMP AHEAD(8014) 800D JNC GO(8010) 800F XCH A,R1 8010 CLR C 8011 SUBB A,R0 8012 SJMP BACK(8008) 8014 INC DPTR 8015 MOVX @DPTR,A 8016 INC DPTR 8017 MOV 0F0H,A 8000 MOV 82H,#OOH 8000 MOVX A,@DPTR 8000 DIV AB 8000 MOV OFOH,A 8000 INC DPTR 8000 MOVX A,@DPTR 8000 MUL AB 8000 MOV 82H,#03H 8000 MOVX @DPTR,A LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 26
  • 29. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 7(a) Program to add multibyte numbers ADDRESS LABEL MNEMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR,#9000H 8003 MOV R1,#04H 8005 MOV R2,#90H 8007 MOV R3,#91H 8009 MOV R4,#92H 800B CLR C 800C MOV 83H,R2 800E MOVX A,@DPTR 800F MOV R5,A 8010 MOV 83H,R3 8012 MOVX A,@DPTR 8013 ADDC A,R5 8014 MOV 83H,R4 8016 MOVX @DPTR,A 8017 INC DPTR 8018 DJNZ R1,800CH 801A JNC 801FH 801C MOV A,#01H 801E MOVX @DPTR,A 801F LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 27
  • 30. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 7(b) program to subtract multibyte numbers ADDRESS LABEL MNEMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR,#9000H 8003 MOV R1,#04H 8005 MOV R2,#90H 8007 MOV R3,#91H 8009 MOV R4,#92H 800B CLR C 800C MOV 83H,R2 800E MOVX A,@DPTR 800F MOV R5,A 8010 MOV 83H,R3 8012 MOVX A,@DPTR 8013 SUBB A,R5 8014 MOV 83H,R4 8016 MOVX @DPTR,A 8017 INC DPTR 8018 DJNZ R1,800CH 801A LCALL 0003H 801C MOV A,#01H 801E MOVX @DPTR,A 801F LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 28
  • 31. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 8.Program to search the key element in the block of data and displays it’s position and it’s position number if it is found, else display not found. ADDRESS LABEL MNEOMONIC 8000 MOV 0DOH,#20H 8003 MOV DPTR,#9000H 8006 MOV R2,00H 8008 MOV R1,#04H 800A MOVX A,@DPTR 800B MOV R0,A 800C INC DPTR 800D INC R2 800E MOVX A,@DPTR 800F CJNE A,00H,8014H 8012 SJMP 801BH 8014 DJNZ R1,800CH 8016 MOV DPTR,#9500H 8019 SJMP 8025H 801B MOV A,R2 801C ADD A,#30H 801E MOV DPTR,#940CH 8021 MOVX @DPTR,A 8022 MOV DPTR,#9400H 8025 LCALL 164BH 8028 LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 29
  • 32. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology 9. Program to sort the number in ascending order using bubble sort. ADDRESS LABEL MNEMONIC 8000 MOV DPTR,#9000 8003 MOV R1,#04H 8005 AGAIN PUSH 82H 8007 MOV A,R1 8008 MOV R4,A 8009 MOV R2,82H 800B BACK MOVX A,@DPTR 800C MOV R3,A 800D INC DPTR 800E INC R2 800F MOVX A,DPTR 8010 CJNE A,03H,NEXT(8015) 8013 SJMP AHEAD(8020) 8015 NEXT JNC AHEAD 8017 DEC R2 8018 MOV 82H,R2 801A MOVX @DPTR,A 801B MOV A,R3 801C INC R2 801D MOV 82H,R2 801F MOVX @DPTR,A 8020 AHEAD DJNZ R4,BACK(800B) 8022 POP 82H 8024 NOP 8025 DJNZ R1,AGAIN(8005) 8027 LCALL 0003 Department of Electronics & Communication 30
  • 33. Sri Siddhartha Institute of Technology VISVESHWARAIAH TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY, BELGAUM Branch: EC Semester: VI Subject code: EC6L2 Subject title: Advanced microprocessor & Micro controller lab QUESTION BANK Instructions: 1.Experiments on micro controller can be carried out using any 8-bit/16-bit micro controller kit. 2.A student should be given only one question either from part-1 or from part-II for the examination. 3.For each batch in examination, around 60% of the questions should be from part-I and around 40% of the questions should be from part-II. 4.No change of experiment/question is permitted in the examination. PART-I 1.Write an ALP to transfer a given block of data (byte/word) from source memory block to destination memory block with or without overlapping. 2. Write an ALP to transfer given source string to destination using string instructions. 3.Write an ALP to perform the following string operations: a) Reverse a string, search/delete a word from a string b) Check if the given string is palindrome or not. 4.Write an ALP to add 16 bytes/words and find the average and display. 5.write an ALP to multiply two 32 bit numbers and display. 6.Write an ALP to multiply two ASCII byte numbers and display. 7.Develop and execute an ALP to find GCF/LCM of two 16-bit unsigned integers. 8.Develop and execute an ALP to sort a given set of 16-bit unsigned integers into ascending order using insertion/bubble sort algorithm. 9.Write an ALP to generate 10 fibonacci numbers, Read initial values via keyboard. 10.Write an Alp to generate prime numbers between 1 to 50 BCD. 11.Write an ALP to multiply two matrices &display. 12.Write an ALP to find a) Sum of principal diagonal elements (trace of a matrix) b) Norms of the matrix (sum of the squares of the principal diagonal elements) 13.Develop and execute an ALP that implements binary search algorithm. Assume that the data consist of sorted 16-bit integers. Search key is also a 16-bit unsigned integer. 14.Interface a logic controller via 8255 using I/O cards and perform the following operations. Read all the 8 inputs from the logic controller. Complement and display on the outputs. PART-II 15.Write an Alp to transfer a block of data from a given source to destination using 8051/equivalent. 16.Writ an ALP to find average of 10 data bytes in a memory using 8051/equivalent. 17.Write an ALP to multiply 16bit by 8-bit data using micro controller. 18 Write an ALP to generate 10 fibonacci numbers using 8051/equivalent. 19.Interface a printer to 8051/equivalent to operate in a) Handshake mode b) Interrupt driven mode 20.Develop and execute an ALP to find GCF/LCM of two 8-bit numbers using 8051/equivalent. 21.Write an ALP to add/subtract two multibyte numbers using micro controller. 22.Write an ALP to search a given key element from an array of integers using 8051/equivalent. 23.Write an ALP to sort an array using bubble sort. Display the sorted array. 24.Write an ALP to interchange two blocks of data residing at memory using 8051/equivalent. Department of Electronics & Communication 31
  • 34. Operation Code-Sheet Mnemonic Hex Mnemonic Hex Mnemonic Hex Mnemonic Hex ACI 8-bit CE DCX SP 3B MOV D, H 54 RAR 1F ADC A 8F DI F3 MOV D, L 55 RC D8 ADC B 88 EI FB MOV D, M 56 RET C9 ADC C 89 HLT 76 MOV E, A 5F RIM C2 ADC D 8A IN 8-bit DB MOV E, B 58 RLC 07 ADC E 8B INR A 3C MOV E, C 59 RM F8 ADC H 8C INR B 04 MOV E, D 5A RNC D0 ADC L 8D INR C 0C MOV E, E 5B RNZ C0 ADC M 8E INR D 14 MOV E, H 5C RP F0 ADD A 87 INR E 1C MOV E, L 5D RPE E8 ADD B 80 INR H 24 MOV E, M 5E RPO E0 ADD C 81 INR L 2C MOV H, A 67 RRC 0F ADD D 82 INR M 34 MOV H, B 60 RST 0 C7 ADD E 83 INX B 03 MOV H, C 61 RST 1 CF ADD H 84 INX D 13 MOV H, D 62 RST 2 D7 ADD L 85 INX H 23 MOV H, E 63 RST 3 DF ADD M 86 INX SP 33 MOV H, H 64 RST 4 E7 ADI 8-bit C6 JC 16-bit DA MOV H, L 65 RST 5 EF ANA A A7 JM 16-bit FA MOV H, M 66 RST 6 F7 ANA B A0 JMP 16-bit C3 MOV L, A 6F RST 7 FF ANA C A1 JNC 16-bit D2 MOV L, B 68 RZ C8 ANA D A2 JNZ 16-bit C2 MOV L, C 69 SBB A 9F ANA E A3 JP 16-bit F2 MOV L, D 6A SBB B 98 ANA H A4 JPE 16-bit EA MOV L, E 6B SBB C 99 ANA L A5 JPO 16-bit E2 MOV L, H 6C SBB D 9A ANA M A6 JZ 16-bit CA MOV L, L 6D SBB E 9B ANI 8-bit E6 LDA 16-bit 3A MOV L, M 6E SBB H 9C CALL 16-bit CD LDAX B 0A MOV M, A 77 SBB L 9D CC 16-bit DC LDAX D 1A MOV M, B 70 SBB M 9E CM 16-bit FC LHLD 16-bit 2A MOV M, C 71 SBI 8-bit DE CMA 2F LXI B, 16-bit 01 MOV M, D 72 SHLD 16-bit 22 CMC 3F LXI D, 16-bit 11 MOV M, E 73 SIM 30 CMP A BF LXI H, 16-bit 21 MOV M, H 74 SPHL F9 CMP B B8 LXI SP, 16-bit 31 MOV M, L 75 STA 16-bit 32 CMP C B9 MOV A, A 7F MVI A, 8-bit 3E STAX B 02 CMP D BA MOV A, B 78 MVI B, 8-bit 06 STAX D 12 CMP E BB MOV A, C 79 MVI C, 8-bit 0E STC 37 CMP H BC MOV A, D 7A MVI D, 8-bit 16 SUB A 97 CMP L BD MOV A, E 7B MVI E, 8-bit 1E SUB B 90 CMP M BE MOV A, H 7C MVI H, 8-bit 26 SUB C 91 CNC 16-bit D4 MOV A, L 7D MVI L, 8-bit 2E SUB D 92 CNZ 16-bit C4 MOV A, M 7E MVI M, 8-bit 36 SUB E 93 CP 16-bit F4 MOV B, A 47 NOP 00 SUB H 94 CPE 16-bit EC MOV B, B 40 ORA A B7 SUB L 95 CPI 8-bit FE MOV B, C 41 ORA B B0 SUB M 96 CPO 16-bit E4 MOV B, D 42 ORA C B1 SUI 8-bit D6 CZ 16-bit CC MOV B, E 43 ORA D B2 XCHG EB DAA 27 MOV B, H 44 ORA E B3 XRA A AF DAD B 09 MOV B, L 45 ORA H B4 XRA B A8 DAD D 19 MOV B, M 46 ORA L B5 XRA C A9 DAD H 29 MOV C, A 4F ORA M B6 XRA D AA DAD SP 39 MOV C, B 48 ORI 8-bit F6 XRA E AB DCR A 3D MOV C, C 49 OUT 8-bit D3 XRA H AC DCR B 05 MOV C, D 4A PCHL E9 XRA L AD DCR C 0D MOV C, E 4B POP B C1 XRA M AE DCR D 15 MOV C, H 4C POP D D1 XRI 8-bit EE DCR E 1D MOV C, L 4D POP H E1 XTHL E3 DCR H 25 MOV C, M 4E POP PSW F1 UPDAD 06BF DCR L 2D MOV D, A 57 PUSH B C5 UPDDT 06D6 DCR M 35 MOV D, B 50 PUSH D D5 DCX B 0B MOV D, C 51 PUSH H E5 DCX D 1B MOV D, D 52 PUSH PSW F5 DCX H 2B MOV D, E 53 RAL 17 Department of E & C SSIT