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         SaaS Revenue Modeling:
     Details of the 7 Revenue Streams   Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Legacy Software

                     Customers          Developers


                           Three basic elements                     Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

                      Customers            Developers


                                 Same elements                     Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

                      Producers              Consumers


                                 Different approach                        Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

                      Producers          Consumers


                          Very different approach                      Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS)

                      Producers          Consumers

                                 Ecosystem                  Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
The goals for a SaaS vendor should be different than a
               Legacy Software vendor

     Producers                          Scalable Revenue Streams                      Consumers

                    Understanding why* allows
                   for proper Revenue Modeling
                    *business scalability, increased CLV, leveraging multi-tenancy, etc.                                                                Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Legacy Software Business Structure


                        Technology        Revenue

                         Loosely-coupled, at best                       Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Integrated Business Architecture




          One core piece of technology must be able to support
           multiple revenue streams with different pricing and
           distribution methods for multiple market segments.                          Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Revenue Model

  Marketing          Intellectual
                      Property      Recurring                    Ecosystem
           Network                              Network
           Centricity                            Effect
                                    Services                    Advertising
  Technology          Revenue
                       Model                    Ancillary

        Revenue Model consists of Revenue Streams              Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
SaaS is not a Revenue Model or Pricing Strategy!

                             ≠             Monthly

          If you only leverage “subscriptions” you
               are leaving money on the table                 Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Architecture                                 Marketing

  Revenue                                       Pricing
   Model                                       Strategy

          Understand where each piece fits into
          the overall SaaS Business Architecture                Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Pricing Strategy must be
                separated from Revenue Streams

    Revenue                                      Pricing
     Model                                      Strategy

Pricing Strategy is applied to customer-facing portions of
                    the Revenue Model               Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
How can you apply Pricing Strategy without
  knowing what Revenue Streams you’ll leverage?

  Revenue                                         Pricing
   Model                                         Strategy

            Use Pricing Strategy to drive users to
                 Scalable Revenue Streams                  Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Agile Revenue Generation is key...

    Architecture                               Marketing

      Revenue                                     Pricing
       Model                                     Strategy

    Revenue Model + Vertical Specific Pricing = Agility              Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
7 SaaS Revenue Streams


                     Recurring                Ecosystem

                       Services              Advertising

                                  Ancillary                          Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Less Scalable Revenue Streams


                     Recurring                Ecosystem

                       Services             Advertising

                                  Ancillary                         Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Scalable Revenue Streams


                     Recurring                Ecosystem


                       Services              Advertising

                                  Ancillary                          Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Traditional Marketing Mix

  Revenue           Intellectual
   Model             Property                  Product                Price
          Centricity                              Marketing Mix

 Technology         Marketing                   Place            Promotion

                Price is a function of Marketing, which is
                   applied to in-built Revenue Models                        Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Revenue Model
                                    Primary Revenue Stream can be any of the
                                       available seven and depends upon a
                                       multitude of factors including market
                                           alignment & level of funding

  Marketing          Intellectual
                      Property            Primary Revenue

  Technology          Revenue                Secondary
                       Model              Revenue Streams

                  Revenue Model consists of
             Primary & Secondary Revenue Streams                          Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Revenue Metrics

Modules        Users   Storage

   CPU         Units   Reports
Transactions   Files    etc.        Metrics
                                                                 Recurring                       Ecosystem

                                                                 Services                       Advertising
            In SaaS, metrics are built into the application;
        This is a key differentiator from Legacy or ASP Models                 Ancillary

                       Each revenue stream contains metrics
                                  Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Revenue Metrics


       Pricing Bundle #1                  Pricing Bundle #2                Pricing Bundle #3
  Modules        Users     Storage   Modules        Users   Storage   Modules        Users         Storage

     CPU         Units     Reports      CPU         Units   Reports      CPU         Units         Reports

  Transactions   Ads        etc.     Transactions   Ads      etc.     Transactions   Ads              etc.

                           Metrics from any or all revenue streams that are
                         represented in the application are bundled, along with
                            timeframes (monthly, annual, etc.), during Pricing
                                  Strategy based on marketing goals                                                            Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Revenue Metrics

    Different bundles for different market segments

       Pricing Bundle #1                Pricing Bundle #2                 Pricing Bundle #3
  Modules        Users   Storage   Modules        Users   Storage    Modules        Users        Storage

     CPU         Units   Reports      CPU         Units   Reports       CPU         Units        Reports

  Transactions   Ads      etc.     Transactions   Ads      etc.      Transactions   Ads             etc.

           Separating Revenue Model & Pricing Strategy improves agility
             and allows pricing to be aligned with market requirements;
            critical when tightly focusing on a target market segment or
                           when entering adjacent markets                                                   Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Revenue Metrics

    Different bundles for different market segments

       Pricing Bundle #1                Pricing Bundle #2                 Pricing Bundle #3
  Modules        Users   Storage   Modules        Users   Storage    Modules        Users        Storage

     CPU         Units   Reports      CPU         Units   Reports       CPU         Units        Reports

  Transactions   Ads       etc.    Transactions   Ads      etc.      Transactions   Ads             etc.

                          But what are these metrics? How are the pricing
                         bundles determined? These are tied to your company
                                          and your market!                                                   Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Key Concepts in SaaS Revenue Modeling

                                         Move any repeatable
                 SaaS is about Rules,   processes common to
                   not Exceptions       all clients into the SaaS

                 Critical to focus as   Be aware of all revenue
                 much on revenue             streams when
                streams beyond the        architecting system
                application as within    even if they will only
                 the core product        be used in the future                       Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Revenue Stream Scalability Index

             Symbol                          Definition

                                     Scalable Revenue Stream

                                  Less-scalable Revenue Stream

                                    Not Scalable in most cases

     Scalability refers to margins per revenue stream; the more a revenue
     stream can benefit from economies of scale & improve margins with
      growth, the more “scalable” the revenue stream. Its not possible to
      eliminate all of the non-scalable streams (nor should you), but their
     value should be improved and the price charged should reflect that.                             Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Products                                                                Recurring
 Recurring               Ecosystem


                                                  Pros                              Cons

 Services                Advertising


                                            1-Infinity Scaling            Revenue Recognition

   -Examples -                         Captive Audience for upsell         High initial CAC
  Per User, Per                                                           Churn / Customer
                                       Predictable revenue stream
     Month                                                                   Retention
Per Transaction
                                         Flexibility in pricing for
  Usage-based                               different markets
                                                                      No large up-front payments
Pre-paid Credits                        Downside guarantee on         Cannot be idle; must focus
                                               CLTV                    on CLTV/ARPU growth                                             Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Products                                                         Ecosystem
Recurring               Ecosystem


 Services               Advertising

                                              Pros                            Cons

                                         1-Infinity Scaling        interdependencies can
 -Examples -                                                        grow if unchecked
Affiliate Sales                         Improved value for       Lack of visibility into value
  Channels                             ecosystem partners            chain for clients
White Label                           Exposure to ancillary &
                                                                 Need to market to end-
  Licensing                                                     users to create demand in
                                         adjacent markets
                                                                front of channel partners                                        Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Products                                                                 Ancillary
  Recurring               Ecosystem


  Services                Advertising            Pros                             Cons
                                                                     Some options are complex
                                             Super margins
                                                                      and not applicable early
                                                                     Overuse of add-on “fees”
  -Examples -                             Often not tied to any
                                                                      can hurt other revenue
                                             underlying cost
Processing Fees                                                              streams
  Setup Fees                            Discounts / Float are tied
  Other Fees                              directly to the proxy      You can really turn away
  Discounts                             nature of the SaaS vendor    clients by nickel & diming
                                             in a Multi-tent         them with fees that have
     Float                              environment and have no          no underlying value
                                         direct exposure to the         associated with them
                                                  clients                                          Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Products                                                        Network Effect
 Recurring               Ecosystem


                                                    Pros                                 Cons
  Services               Advertising


                                        Fully leverages data collected in      Privacy concerns require
                                           multi-tenant environment       disclosure of intentions by vendor

  -Examples -                              An asset that increases
                                                                            Requires planning up front an
                                                                          execution early on data collection
 Anonymized/                           exponentially in value as usage of
                                                                             otherwise value is lost until
                                          the system grows linearly
Aggregate Data                                                                     capture begins

   Reports                              Leverage ecosystem partners to
                                        develop reports or add value to
                                                                             Vendor must be diligent in
                                                                              adhering to regulations,
 Benchmarks                                    data through APIs            governance, and privacy laws

     APIs                              Does not require a “critical mass”
                                                                            Careful planning to determine
                                                                              when network effect data
                                           of users as many think for
                                                                            becomes valuable & to whom
                                       network effect data to be valuable
                                                                                       required                                                  Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Products                                                                      Products
Recurring               Ecosystem


                                                 Pros                                  Cons

Services                Advertising

                                           Can be high margin             Requires capital to produce

                                       Can produce vendor lock-in      1-1 or 1-few on each transaction

 -Examples -                          Can develop ancillary revenue
                                                                            Support costs are high
 Equipment                                      streams
                                                                             Logistics, supply chain
  Devices                             Will improve value of Network     management, returns, support,
 Appliances                           Effect Data through automation    etc. add to overhead in dealing
                                                                                with hardware
                                       Inbuilt support for channel
                                        relationships can allow the
                                                                       Installation & support are difficult
                                      hardware partner to integrate
                                       (OEM) the product w/SaaS                                                Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Products                                                                         Services
Recurring               Ecosystem


                                                  Pros                                   Cons
 Services               Advertising


                                      Core-competency for professional
                                       services companies moving to                  1-1 or 1-few
 -Examples -                                     High price                 Exception, not rule-based
 Installation                                Often high-margin
                                                                         Human-centric and humans don’t
                                                                                scale efficiently
  Creation                            When more repeatable processes
                                        are inbuilt to SaaS application, Takes away resources from more
   Training                            services in less demand, but can working on more scalable revenue
                                      be more expensive since they are               streams
                                               more specialized                                                 Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Products                                                                Advertising
    Recurring               Ecosystem

                 Effect                                 Pros                                    Cons
    Services                Advertising       (mostly tongue-in-cheek)                      (all serious)

                                          You don’t have to convince people Ads for SaaS products are part of
                                             that your product has value         a hope-based strategy

 Ads only work when they                   You don’t have to manage cash
   are the main revenue                                                            De-values core product
     stream and not an
  afterthought. When ads
 work, the main customers                  Clients don’t have to pay you to   Difficult to plan and forecast sales
  of the company are the                      use the product you built             (impressions? clicks?)
advertisers and the revenue
  generated is part of the                  There are close to 3B sets of
                                                                              Too much inventory (each screen)
 recurring revenue stream                   eyeballs, if you only get 1% of
                                                                                  and not enough demand
                                                   those to click...

                                                  Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Wait... what about Free? If you have to ask...

Download the Reality of Freemium in SaaS paper (PDF) today!              Copyright© 2009 Sixteen Ventures / Lincoln Murphy. All Rights Reserved
Appendix A:
         Case Studies in SaaS Network Effect &
             Ecosystem Revenue Modeling              Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Quick Start Sessions
SaaS Case Studies

        SaaS Product                    Description of the SaaS offering

       End-Customer             Description of the SaaS vendor’s end-customer

                           Who did the end-customer buy from, listen to, etc. that the
                         SaaS vendor could leverage, and help, in an effort to secure the
      Trusted Advisors
                                          end-customer relationship

                         What benefits the clients derived from the network centricity
      Network Effect
                                of the SaaS solution, including aggregate data

                           How the Vendor derived value from, and added value to, its
                               ecosystem, including VARs, SIs, Distributors, etc.

      Revenue Streams                    How the Vendor makes money                                         Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
SaaS Case Study #1 - SCM/EDI Vendor
      SaaS Product                        Retail Supply Chain / EDI

     End-Customer       Small to Medium Consumer Packaged Goods manufacturer

                       •Big Box Retailers
    End-Customer’s     •Freight Brokers
    Trusted Advisors   •Third-party Logistics Providers
                       •Manufacturers reps

                       Benchmarks on retail category performance available to all of
    Network Effect
                                 the end-customers’ Trusted Advisors

                       Pre-built EDI maps, access to discounted & expedited shipping,
                             visibility for intermediaries and interested parties

                        Recurring (monthly & per-transaction), Ecosystem, Network
    Revenue Streams
                                           Effect Data, Services                                           Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
SaaS Case Study #2 - Pharmaceutical Distributor

                        Vendor Managed Inventory Control System (internal product
      SaaS Product
                                   re-architected & exposed as SaaS)

     End-Customer              Fragmented network of small independent pharmacies

                       •Pharma Distributor that created the SaaS product
    End-Customer’s     •Industry Association
    Trusted Advisors   •Product Suppliers (whom the Distributor buys from; value-

                       Sophisticated inventory system allows distributor to aggregate
    Network Effect
                          order history and current inventory for all pharmacies

                        Use aggregate data to predict restocks, share that w/ vendor
                                to get better terms for the pharmacy client
                       Ancillary (float interest), Ecosystem (distributor commissions),
    Revenue Streams      improved margins), Network Effect Data (suppliers pay),
                                    Services, Products (hardware device)                                         Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
SaaS Case Study #3 - Healthcare Revenue Cycle Mgmt
       SaaS Product                        Revenue Cycle Management

      End-Customer              Fragmented network of small independent hospitals

                        •Hospital Industry Associations
     End-Customer’s     •Independent Consulting Firms
     Trusted Advisors   •Complementary Software Vendors
                        •Insurance companies and Government Payors

                               Revenue & Collection Benchmarks against similar-sized
     Network Effect
                                               Hospitals (per-bed)

                          Medicare, Medicaid, and Commercial Payer clearinghouse,
        Ecosystem                               Channel partners
                              (visibility into their customers’ usage of system)

                        Recurring (per-transaction, % collected), Ecosystem, Network
     Revenue Streams
                                       Effect Data, Services, Products                                          Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
SaaS Case Study #4 - Restaurant Menu Management

      SaaS Product            Managed Care Menu Management (ancillary market)

     End-Customer                       Small Assisted Living Facilities

    End-Customer’s     •Food Distributors
    Trusted Advisors   •Industry Association
                       •Assisted Living Management Companies

                       Aggregate menu item usage data to help negotiate better deals
    Network Effect
                        for end-clients (through channel partners where applicable)

                            Directly monetized relationship with Food Distributor
       Ecosystem          (channel) to salvage unprofitable existing relationship w/o
                         getting in front of partner or negatively affecting end-client

                          Recurring (Annual per-location), Ecosystem (Distributor
    Revenue Streams
                            visibility), Network Effect Data, Services, Products                                           Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
SaaS Case Study #5 - Mail Center Management

      SaaS Product                Mail Center Management & Package Tracking

     End-Customer                  Large Corporate & Fortune 500 mailrooms

                       •Mailing Industry Associations
    End-Customer’s     •Shipping Carrier Auditors
    Trusted Advisors   •Industry Consultants
                       •Complementary Software and Hardware Vendors
                        Most Mail Center managers are in a position to justify their
                        existence so benchmarks against other Mail Centers helped
    Network Effect
                         prove operational efficiency, Complementary vendors and
                                industry associations found data useful, too
                       shipment tracking, spend management & procurement, carrier

                              Recurring (per-transaction), Ancillary (carrier audits),
    Revenue Streams
                                           Ecosystem, Network Effect                                             Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
SaaS Case Study #6 - Treasury Management

     SaaS Product                      Treasury & Cash Management

    End-Customer                Large Corporate & Fortune 500 mailrooms

                      •Industry Associations
   End-Customer’s     •Anti-Money Laundering Groups
   Trusted Advisors   •Banks
                       Aggregation of transactional details across industries, locales,
   Network Effect      etc. Benchmarks on interest, float, sweeps, etc. against similar
                         Anonymous Aggregated (A/A) data used by Anti-Money
                       Laundering groups to “teach” their software patterns, Banks
                       and Consultants leverage A/A of their clients & others in the
                       system to judge performance and offer guidance, upsell, etc.
                          Recurring (per user, per-transaction), Ancillary (float,
   Revenue Streams      brokerage/forex commissions), Ecosystem, Network Effect
                                                  Data                                           Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
SaaS Case Study #7 - Bank Spend Management

      SaaS Product                        Bank Spend Management

     End-Customer                Local and Regional Banks & Credit Unions
                       •Industry associations
    End-Customer’s     •Local & Regional Printing Companies
    Trusted Advisors   •Complementary Software Vendors
                       •Office Supply vendors
                          Aggregate orders across bank branches allows vendors to
                        aggregate order history and current inventory for customers,
    Network Effect
                         customers get group purchasing power through aggregation
                          under one SaaS vendor in addition to core product value
                       Office Supply vendors gain visibility into the buying behavior of
                       specific target market, complementary software vendors gain
                       visiblity into transaction history of customers for inclusion in
                                                 their product
                        Recurring (per branch, vendor visibility), Ancillary, Ecosystem
    Revenue Streams
                                (vendor commissions, API), Network Effect                                          Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Appendix B:
        Seven SaaS Revenue Streams Worksheet            Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
                Seven Revenue
              Streams Worksheet

Consumers          Original     Other                           Stand-Alone
                  Producers   Producers                         Consumers



Network Effect




                                          Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
Follow @lincolnmurphy on Twitter

Share this with your colleagues, too:   Twitter

   If you need help with your Revenue Model, Pricing
 Strategy, Distribution or other SaaS Business Strategy
 issues contact Sixteen Ventures and get started today!

                     (972) 200-9317


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7 SaaS Revenue Streams

  • 1. Draft 03/10.9 SaaS Revenue Modeling: Details of the 7 Revenue Streams Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 2. Legacy Software Customers Developers Channels Three basic elements Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 3. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Customers Developers Channels Same elements Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 4. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Producers Consumers Ecosystem Different approach Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 5. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Producers Consumers Network Effect Ecosystem Very different approach Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 6. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Producers Consumers Network Effect Key differentiators Ecosystem Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 7. The goals for a SaaS vendor should be different than a Legacy Software vendor Producers Scalable Revenue Streams Consumers Understanding why* allows for proper Revenue Modeling *business scalability, increased CLV, leveraging multi-tenancy, etc. Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 8. Legacy Software Business Structure Intellectual Marketing Property Technology Revenue Model Loosely-coupled, at best Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 9. Integrated Business Architecture Intellectual Marketing Property Network Centricity Revenue Technology Model One core piece of technology must be able to support multiple revenue streams with different pricing and distribution methods for multiple market segments. Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 10. Revenue Model Products Marketing Intellectual Property Recurring Ecosystem Network Network Centricity Effect Services Advertising Technology Revenue Model Ancillary Revenue Model consists of Revenue Streams Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 11. SaaS is not a Revenue Model or Pricing Strategy! SaaS ≠ Monthly Subscriptions If you only leverage “subscriptions” you are leaving money on the table Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 12. Architecture Marketing Revenue Pricing separate Model Strategy Understand where each piece fits into the overall SaaS Business Architecture Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 13. Pricing Strategy must be separated from Revenue Streams Revenue Pricing separate Model Strategy Pricing Strategy is applied to customer-facing portions of the Revenue Model Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 14. How can you apply Pricing Strategy without knowing what Revenue Streams you’ll leverage? Revenue Pricing separate Model Strategy Use Pricing Strategy to drive users to Scalable Revenue Streams Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 15. Agile Revenue Generation is key... Architecture Marketing Revenue Pricing separate Model Strategy Revenue Model + Vertical Specific Pricing = Agility Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 16. 7 SaaS Revenue Streams Products Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Services Advertising Ancillary Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 17. Less Scalable Revenue Streams Products Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Services Advertising Ancillary Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 18. Scalable Revenue Streams Products Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Services Advertising Ancillary Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 19. Traditional Marketing Mix Revenue Intellectual Model Property Product Price Network Centricity Marketing Mix Technology Marketing Place Promotion Price is a function of Marketing, which is applied to in-built Revenue Models Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 20. Revenue Model Primary Revenue Stream can be any of the available seven and depends upon a multitude of factors including market alignment & level of funding Marketing Intellectual Property Primary Revenue Network Stream Centricity Technology Revenue Secondary Model Revenue Streams Revenue Model consists of Primary & Secondary Revenue Streams Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 21. Revenue Metrics Modules Users Storage CPU Units Reports Products Transactions Files etc. Metrics Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Services Advertising In SaaS, metrics are built into the application; This is a key differentiator from Legacy or ASP Models Ancillary Each revenue stream contains metrics Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 22. Revenue Metrics Metrics Pricing Bundle #1 Pricing Bundle #2 Pricing Bundle #3 Modules Users Storage Modules Users Storage Modules Users Storage CPU Units Reports CPU Units Reports CPU Units Reports Transactions Ads etc. Transactions Ads etc. Transactions Ads etc. Metrics from any or all revenue streams that are represented in the application are bundled, along with timeframes (monthly, annual, etc.), during Pricing Strategy based on marketing goals Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 23. Revenue Metrics Metrics Different bundles for different market segments Pricing Bundle #1 Pricing Bundle #2 Pricing Bundle #3 Modules Users Storage Modules Users Storage Modules Users Storage CPU Units Reports CPU Units Reports CPU Units Reports Transactions Ads etc. Transactions Ads etc. Transactions Ads etc. Separating Revenue Model & Pricing Strategy improves agility and allows pricing to be aligned with market requirements; critical when tightly focusing on a target market segment or when entering adjacent markets Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 24. Revenue Metrics Metrics Different bundles for different market segments Pricing Bundle #1 Pricing Bundle #2 Pricing Bundle #3 Modules Users Storage Modules Users Storage Modules Users Storage CPU Units Reports CPU Units Reports CPU Units Reports Transactions Ads etc. Transactions Ads etc. Transactions Ads etc. But what are these metrics? How are the pricing bundles determined? These are tied to your company and your market! Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 25. Key Concepts in SaaS Revenue Modeling Move any repeatable SaaS is about Rules, processes common to not Exceptions all clients into the SaaS application Critical to focus as Be aware of all revenue much on revenue streams when streams beyond the architecting system application as within even if they will only the core product be used in the future Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 26. Revenue Stream Scalability Index Symbol Definition Scalable Revenue Stream Less-scalable Revenue Stream Not Scalable in most cases Scalability refers to margins per revenue stream; the more a revenue stream can benefit from economies of scale & improve margins with growth, the more “scalable” the revenue stream. Its not possible to eliminate all of the non-scalable streams (nor should you), but their value should be improved and the price charged should reflect that. Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 27. Products Recurring Recurring Ecosystem Network Pros Cons Effect Services Advertising Ancillary 1-Infinity Scaling Revenue Recognition -Examples - Captive Audience for upsell High initial CAC Subscriptions Per User, Per Churn / Customer Predictable revenue stream Month Retention Per Transaction Flexibility in pricing for Usage-based different markets No large up-front payments Capacity-based Pre-paid Credits Downside guarantee on Cannot be idle; must focus CLTV on CLTV/ARPU growth Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 28. Products Ecosystem Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Services Advertising Ancillary Pros Cons Unwanted 1-Infinity Scaling interdependencies can -Examples - grow if unchecked Affiliate Sales Improved value for Lack of visibility into value Channels ecosystem partners chain for clients APIs White Label Exposure to ancillary & Need to market to end- Licensing users to create demand in adjacent markets front of channel partners Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 29. Products Ancillary Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Services Advertising Pros Cons Ancillary Some options are complex Super margins and not applicable early Overuse of add-on “fees” -Examples - Often not tied to any can hurt other revenue underlying cost Processing Fees streams Setup Fees Discounts / Float are tied Other Fees directly to the proxy You can really turn away Discounts nature of the SaaS vendor clients by nickel & diming in a Multi-tent them with fees that have Float environment and have no no underlying value direct exposure to the associated with them clients Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 30. Products Network Effect Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Pros Cons Services Advertising Ancillary Fully leverages data collected in Privacy concerns require multi-tenant environment disclosure of intentions by vendor -Examples - An asset that increases Requires planning up front an execution early on data collection Anonymized/ exponentially in value as usage of otherwise value is lost until the system grows linearly Aggregate Data capture begins Reports Leverage ecosystem partners to develop reports or add value to Vendor must be diligent in adhering to regulations, Benchmarks data through APIs governance, and privacy laws APIs Does not require a “critical mass” Careful planning to determine when network effect data of users as many think for becomes valuable & to whom network effect data to be valuable required Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 31. Products Products Recurring Ecosystem Network Pros Cons Effect Services Advertising Ancillary Can be high margin Requires capital to produce Can produce vendor lock-in 1-1 or 1-few on each transaction -Examples - Can develop ancillary revenue Support costs are high Equipment streams Logistics, supply chain Devices Will improve value of Network management, returns, support, Appliances Effect Data through automation etc. add to overhead in dealing with hardware Hardware Inbuilt support for channel relationships can allow the Installation & support are difficult hardware partner to integrate (OEM) the product w/SaaS Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 32. Products Services Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Pros Cons Services Advertising Ancillary Core-competency for professional services companies moving to 1-1 or 1-few SaaS -Examples - High price Exception, not rule-based Programming Installation Often high-margin Human-centric and humans don’t scale efficiently Content Creation When more repeatable processes are inbuilt to SaaS application, Takes away resources from more Training services in less demand, but can working on more scalable revenue be more expensive since they are streams more specialized Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 33. Products Advertising Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Pros Cons Services Advertising (mostly tongue-in-cheek) (all serious) Ancillary You don’t have to convince people Ads for SaaS products are part of that your product has value a hope-based strategy Ads only work when they You don’t have to manage cash are the main revenue De-values core product flow stream and not an afterthought. When ads work, the main customers Clients don’t have to pay you to Difficult to plan and forecast sales of the company are the use the product you built (impressions? clicks?) advertisers and the revenue generated is part of the There are close to 3B sets of Too much inventory (each screen) recurring revenue stream eyeballs, if you only get 1% of and not enough demand those to click... Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 34. Wait... what about Free? If you have to ask... Download the Reality of Freemium in SaaS paper (PDF) today! Copyright© 2009 Sixteen Ventures / Lincoln Murphy. All Rights Reserved
  • 35. Appendix A: Case Studies in SaaS Network Effect & Ecosystem Revenue Modeling Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 37. SaaS Case Studies SaaS Product Description of the SaaS offering End-Customer Description of the SaaS vendor’s end-customer Who did the end-customer buy from, listen to, etc. that the End-Customer’s SaaS vendor could leverage, and help, in an effort to secure the Trusted Advisors end-customer relationship What benefits the clients derived from the network centricity Network Effect of the SaaS solution, including aggregate data How the Vendor derived value from, and added value to, its Ecosystem ecosystem, including VARs, SIs, Distributors, etc. Revenue Streams How the Vendor makes money Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 38. SaaS Case Study #1 - SCM/EDI Vendor SaaS Product Retail Supply Chain / EDI End-Customer Small to Medium Consumer Packaged Goods manufacturer •Big Box Retailers End-Customer’s •Freight Brokers Trusted Advisors •Third-party Logistics Providers •Manufacturers reps Benchmarks on retail category performance available to all of Network Effect the end-customers’ Trusted Advisors Pre-built EDI maps, access to discounted & expedited shipping, Ecosystem visibility for intermediaries and interested parties Recurring (monthly & per-transaction), Ecosystem, Network Revenue Streams Effect Data, Services Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 39. SaaS Case Study #2 - Pharmaceutical Distributor Vendor Managed Inventory Control System (internal product SaaS Product re-architected & exposed as SaaS) End-Customer Fragmented network of small independent pharmacies •Pharma Distributor that created the SaaS product End-Customer’s •Industry Association Trusted Advisors •Product Suppliers (whom the Distributor buys from; value- pull) Sophisticated inventory system allows distributor to aggregate Network Effect order history and current inventory for all pharmacies Use aggregate data to predict restocks, share that w/ vendor Ecosystem to get better terms for the pharmacy client Ancillary (float interest), Ecosystem (distributor commissions), Revenue Streams improved margins), Network Effect Data (suppliers pay), Services, Products (hardware device) Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 40. SaaS Case Study #3 - Healthcare Revenue Cycle Mgmt SaaS Product Revenue Cycle Management End-Customer Fragmented network of small independent hospitals •Hospital Industry Associations End-Customer’s •Independent Consulting Firms Trusted Advisors •Complementary Software Vendors •Insurance companies and Government Payors Revenue & Collection Benchmarks against similar-sized Network Effect Hospitals (per-bed) Medicare, Medicaid, and Commercial Payer clearinghouse, Ecosystem Channel partners (visibility into their customers’ usage of system) Recurring (per-transaction, % collected), Ecosystem, Network Revenue Streams Effect Data, Services, Products Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 41. SaaS Case Study #4 - Restaurant Menu Management SaaS Product Managed Care Menu Management (ancillary market) End-Customer Small Assisted Living Facilities End-Customer’s •Food Distributors Trusted Advisors •Industry Association •Assisted Living Management Companies Aggregate menu item usage data to help negotiate better deals Network Effect for end-clients (through channel partners where applicable) Directly monetized relationship with Food Distributor Ecosystem (channel) to salvage unprofitable existing relationship w/o getting in front of partner or negatively affecting end-client Recurring (Annual per-location), Ecosystem (Distributor Revenue Streams visibility), Network Effect Data, Services, Products Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 42. SaaS Case Study #5 - Mail Center Management SaaS Product Mail Center Management & Package Tracking End-Customer Large Corporate & Fortune 500 mailrooms •Mailing Industry Associations End-Customer’s •Shipping Carrier Auditors Trusted Advisors •Industry Consultants •Complementary Software and Hardware Vendors Most Mail Center managers are in a position to justify their existence so benchmarks against other Mail Centers helped Network Effect prove operational efficiency, Complementary vendors and industry associations found data useful, too shipment tracking, spend management & procurement, carrier Ecosystem audits Recurring (per-transaction), Ancillary (carrier audits), Revenue Streams Ecosystem, Network Effect Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 43. SaaS Case Study #6 - Treasury Management SaaS Product Treasury & Cash Management End-Customer Large Corporate & Fortune 500 mailrooms •Industry Associations End-Customer’s •Anti-Money Laundering Groups Trusted Advisors •Banks •Consultants Aggregation of transactional details across industries, locales, Network Effect etc. Benchmarks on interest, float, sweeps, etc. against similar industries Anonymous Aggregated (A/A) data used by Anti-Money Laundering groups to “teach” their software patterns, Banks Ecosystem and Consultants leverage A/A of their clients & others in the system to judge performance and offer guidance, upsell, etc. Recurring (per user, per-transaction), Ancillary (float, Revenue Streams brokerage/forex commissions), Ecosystem, Network Effect Data Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 44. SaaS Case Study #7 - Bank Spend Management SaaS Product Bank Spend Management End-Customer Local and Regional Banks & Credit Unions •Industry associations End-Customer’s •Local & Regional Printing Companies Trusted Advisors •Complementary Software Vendors •Office Supply vendors Aggregate orders across bank branches allows vendors to aggregate order history and current inventory for customers, Network Effect customers get group purchasing power through aggregation under one SaaS vendor in addition to core product value Office Supply vendors gain visibility into the buying behavior of specific target market, complementary software vendors gain Ecosystem visiblity into transaction history of customers for inclusion in their product Recurring (per branch, vendor visibility), Ancillary, Ecosystem Revenue Streams (vendor commissions, API), Network Effect Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 45. Appendix B: Seven SaaS Revenue Streams Worksheet Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 46. Seven Revenue Streams Worksheet Consumers Original Other Stand-Alone Producers Producers Consumers Recurring Ecosystem Network Effect Ancillary Products Services Advertising Copyright© 2010 Sixteen Ventures. All Rights Reserved
  • 47. Follow @lincolnmurphy on Twitter Share this with your colleagues, too: Twitter LinkedIn Facebook If you need help with your Revenue Model, Pricing Strategy, Distribution or other SaaS Business Strategy issues contact Sixteen Ventures and get started today! (972) 200-9317