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Key Term
You exert a force on a ball when you throw or kick the ball, and you exert a
force on a chair when you sit in the chair. Forces describe the interactions
between an object and its environment.
Forces can cause accelerations.
In many situations, a force exerted on an object can change the object’s
velocity with respect to time. Some examples of these situations are shown
in Figure 1.1. A force can cause a stationary object to move, as when you
throw a ball. Force also causes moving objects to stop, as when you catch a
ball. A force can also cause a moving object to change direction, such as
when a baseball collides with a bat and flies off in another direction.
Notice that in each of these cases, the force is responsible for a change in
velocity with respect to time—an acceleration.
The SI unit of force is the newton.
The SI unit of force is the newton, named after Sir Isaac Newton (1642–
1727), whose work contributed much to the modern understanding of
force and motion. The newton (N) is defined as the amount of force that,
when acting on a 1 kg mass, produces an acceleration of 1 m/s2.
Therefore, 1 N = 1 kg × 1 m/s2.
The weight of an object is a measure of the magnitude of the gravita-
tional force exerted on the object. It is the result of the interaction of an
Changes in Motion
Describe how force affects the
motion of an object.
Interpret and construct
free-body diagrams.
force an action exerted on an object
that may change the object’s state of
rest or motion
Three Ways That Forces Change Motion Force can cause objects to
(a) start moving, (b) stop moving, and/or (c) change direction.
(a) (c)
Chapter 4
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Differentiated Instruction
Below Level
Remind students that photographs, such as
those on this page, do not actually show
objects “experiencing force.” This is because
forces cause changes in velocity with respect
to time or direction. Challenge students to
explain what they would need to see in each
photograph if it was a video that showed the
effect of forces.
Preview Vocabulary
Academic Vocabulary In common
usage, the words pressure and force
sometimes are used interchangeably.
In physics, these words are distinctive.
Force is any effect or power that can
change the speed or direction of an
object in motion. Pressure is used only
to define the magnitude of a unit of
force exerted on a unit area. So, the
magnitude of pressure in physics
depends in part on the magnitude of
the force involved.
Teaching Tip
Now that students have studied motion
as complex as projectile motion, explore
their understanding of force. Ask them
what mechanism causes motion and
why some objects accelerate at higher
rates than others do. Point out that
force is attributed to any mechanism
that causes or may cause a change in an
object’s velocity with respect to time.
FIGURE 1.1 Point out to students that
the ball is experiencing force in all three
Ask How can you tell that the ball
experiences at least one force in each
Answer: by changes in the ball’s speed
or direction
 Plan and Prepare
118 Chapter 4
object’s mass with the gravitational field of another object, such as Earth.
As shown in Figure 1.2, many of the terms and units you use every day to
talk about weight are really units of force that can be converted to new-
tons. For example, a 1
lb stick of margarine has a weight equivalent to a
force of about 1 N, as shown in the following conversions:
1 lb = 4.448 N
1 N = 0.225 lb
Forces can act through contact or at a distance.
If you pull on a spring, the spring stretches. If you pull on a wagon, the
wagon moves. When a football is caught, its motion is stopped. These
pushes and pulls are examples of contact forces, which are so named
because they result from physical contact between two objects. Contact
forces are usually easy to identify when you analyze a situation.
Another class of forces—called field forces—does not involve physical
contact between two objects. One example of this kind of force is gravita-
tional force. Whenever an object falls to Earth, the object is accelerated
by Earth’s gravity. In other words, Earth exerts a force on the object even
when Earth is not in immediate physical contact with the object.
Another common example of a field force is the attraction or repulsion
between electric charges. You can observe this force by rubbing a balloon
against your hair and then observing how little pieces of paper appear to
jump up and cling to the balloon’s surface, as shown in Figure 1.3. The
paper is pulled by the balloon’s electric field.
The theory of fields was developed as a tool to explain how objects
could exert force on each other without touching. According to this
theory, masses create gravitational fields in the space around them.
An object falls to Earth because of the interaction between the object’s
mass and Earth’s gravitational field. Similarly, charged objects create
electromagnetic fields.
The distinction between contact forces and field forces is useful when
dealing with forces that we observe at the macroscopic level. (Macroscopic
refers to the realm of phenomena that are visible to the naked eye.) As we
will see later, all macroscopic contact forces are actually due to microscopic
field forces. For instance, contact forces in a collision are due to electric
fields between atoms and molecules. In fact, every force can be categorized
as one of four fundamental field forces.
Did YOU Know?
The symbol for the pound, lb, comes
from libra, the Latin word for “pound,”
a unit of measure that has been used
since medieval times to measure
Electric Force The electric field
around the rubbed balloon exerts an
attractive electric force on the pieces
of paper.
System Mass Acceleration Force
SI kg m/s2 N = kg•m/s2
cgs g cm/s2 dyne = g•cm/s2
Avoirdupois slug ft/s2 lb = slug•ft/s2
Forces and the Laws of Motion 119
Untitled-310 119 5/6/2011 12:01:58 PM
FIGURE 1.3 Tell students that
both contact and field forces are
demonstrated in this picture.
Ask Identify the contact and field force
examples in the picture.
Answer: contact forces: the figure
supporting the pieces of paper, a person
supporting the balloon;
field forces: gravitational force pulling
down on the paper and balloon, electric
force pulling up on the paper
English Learners
Write the prefixes macro- and micro- on the
board or overhead projector. Explain that the
prefix macro- refers to something large, while
the prefix micro- refers to something small.
Challenge students to come up with a definition
for words such as macroeconomics, microbe
macrobiology, microwave, and micrometer.
Allow students to use a dictionary to confirm
their definitions.
Forces and the Laws of Motion 119
Spec. Number PH 99 PE C04-001-006-A
Boston Graphics, Inc.
Force Diagrams
When you push a toy car, it accelerates. If you push the car harder, the
acceleration will be greater. In other words, the acceleration of the car
depends on the force’s magnitude. The direction in which the car moves
depends on the direction of the force. For example, if you push the toy car
from the front, the car will move in a different direction than if you push it
from behind.
Force is a vector.
Because the effect of a force depends on both magnitude and direction,
force is a vector quantity. Diagrams that show force vectors as arrows,
such as Figure 1.4(a), are called force diagrams. In this book, the arrows
used to represent forces are blue. The tail of an arrow is attached to the
object on which the force is acting. A force vector points in the direction
of the force, and its length is proportional to the magnitude of the force.
At this point, we will disregard the size and shape of objects and assume
that all forces act at the center of an object. In force diagrams, all forces are
drawn as if they act at that point, no matter where the force is applied.
A free-body diagram helps analyze a situation.
After engineers analyzing a test-car crash have identified all of the forces
involved, they isolate the car from the other objects in its environment.
One of their goals is to determine which forces affect the car and its
passengers. Figure 1.4(b) is a free-body diagram. This diagram represents
the same collision that the force diagram (a) does but shows only the car
and the forces acting on the car. The forces exerted by the car on other
objects are not included in the free-body diagram because they do not
affect the motion of the car.
A free-body diagram is used to analyze only the forces affecting the
motion of a single object. Free-body diagrams are constructed and
analyzed just like other vector diagrams. In Sample Problem A, you will
learn to draw free-body diagrams for some situations described in this
book. Later, you will learn to use free-body diagrams to find component
and resultant forces.
Use a toy car and a book to
model a car colliding with a
brick wall. Observe the motion
of the car before and after the
crash. Identify as many chang-
es in its motion as you can,
such as changes in speed or
direction. Make a list of all of
the changes, and try to identify
the forces that caused them.
Make a force diagram of the
1 toy car
1 book
Force Diagrams Versus Free-body
Diagrams (a) In a force diagram, vector
arrows represent all the forces acting in a
situation. (b) A free-body diagram shows only
the forces acting on the object of interest—in
this case, the car.
Chapter 4
Untitled-310 120 5/6/2011 12:02:00 PM
Differentiated Instruction
Explain to students that forces acting on a
body at different points can produce transla-
tional movement of the body without
rotation; rotation without translational
movement; or translational movement and
rotation together, depending on exactly where
the forces act on the body. Discuss examples
of each situation. Then explain that the
examples in this chapter are limited to
translational movement without rotation,
so the sum of forces is all that is required.
For this reason, the forces can be drawn as
if they act on the body at a common point.
The concept of torque is discussed in the
chapter “Circular Motion and Gravitation.”
Rotational equilibrium and dynamics are
covered in the Take It Further feature
“Rotational Dynamics.”
Teacher’s Notes
If the toy car is rolled an appreciable
distance before the collision, students
may observe the car slowing down
because of friction. Give students a brief
explanation of friction.
 Teach continued
120 Chapter 4
Drawing Free-Body Diagrams
Sample Problem A The photograph at right shows a person
pulling a sled. Draw a free-body diagram for this sled. The
magnitudes of the forces acting on the sled are 60 N by the string,
130 N by Earth (gravitational force), and 90 N upward by
the ground.
ANALYZE Identify the forces acting on the object
and the directions of the forces.
• The string exerts 60 N on the sled in the direction that the
string pulls.
• Earth exerts a downward force of 130 N on the sled.
• The ground exerts an upward force of 90 N on the sled.
PLAN Draw a diagram to represent the isolated object.
It is often helpful to draw a very simple shape with
some distinguishing characteristics that will help you
visualize the object, as shown in (a). Free-body
diagrams are often drawn using simple squares,
circles, or even points to represent the object.
SOLVE Draw and label vector arrows for all external forces
acting on the object.
A free-body diagram of the sled will show all the forces
acting on the sled as if the forces are acting on the center
of the sled. First, draw and label an arrow that represents
the force exerted by the string attached to the sled. The
arrow should point in the same direction as the force
that the string exerts on the sled, as in (b).
Next, draw and label the gravitational force, which is
directed toward the center of Earth, as shown in (c).
Finally, draw and label the upward force exerted by the
ground, as shown in (d). Diagram (d) is the completed
free-body diagram of the sled being pulled.
Tips and Tricks
In a free-body diagram, only include forces acting on
the object. Do not include forces that the object exerts
on other objects. In this problem, the forces are given,
but later in the chapter, you will need to identify the
forces when drawing a free-body diagram.
Tips and Tricks
When you draw an arrow representing a force, it is
important to label the arrow with either the magnitude
of the force or a name that will distinguish it from the
other forces acting on the object. Also, be sure that
the length of the arrow approximately represents the
magnitude of the force.
Forces and the Laws of Motion 121
ntitled-310 121 5/6/2011 12:02:01 PM
Problem Solving
Misconception Alert!
It is important to emphasize early and
consistently that a free-body diagram
shows only the forces acting on the
object. A separate free-body diagram for
the person pulling the sled in Sample
Problem A can be used to emphasize
this point and to introduce Newton’s
third law.
Teaching Tip
This Sample Problem focuses on drawing
free-body diagrams for given forces.
Return to this skill after students have
studied Newton’s laws and have learned
about everyday forces. At that point, ask
students to build on this skill by drawing
free-body diagrams for given situations
where they must identify each force
Use this guide to assign problems.
SE = Student Edition Textbook
PW = Sample Problem Set I (online)
PB = Sample Problem Set II (online)
Solving for:
Sample, 1–2;
Ch. Rvw. 7–9
PW	 Sample, 1–3
PB Sample, 1–3
*Challenging Problem
Deconstructing Problems
A good understanding of free-body diagrams
is essential to developing strong physics
problem-solving skills. Take this time to make
sure students can properly dissect a situation
involving several forces.
Forces and the Laws of Motion 121
Spec. Number PH 99 PE C04-001-006-A
Boston Graphics, Inc.
Reviewing Main Ideas
1. List three examples of each of the following:
a. a force causing an object to start moving
b. a force causing an object to stop moving
c. a force causing an object to change its direction of motion
2. Give two examples of field forces described in this section and two ex-
amples of contact forces you observe in everyday life. Explain why you
think that these are forces.
3. What is the SI unit of force? What is this unit equivalent to in terms of
fundamental units?
4. Why is force a vector quantity?
5. Draw a free-body diagram of a football being kicked. Assume that the
only forces acting on the ball are the force due to gravity and the force
exerted by the kicker.
Interpreting Graphics
6. Study the force diagram on the right.
Redraw the diagram, and label each
vector arrow with a description of the
force. In each description, include
the object exerting the force and the
object on which the force is acting.
Drawing Free-Body Diagrams (continued)
1. A truck pulls a trailer on a flat stretch of road. The forces acting on the trailer are
the force due to gravity (250 000 N downward), the force exerted by the road
(250 000 N upward), and the force exerted by the cable connecting the trailer to
the truck (20 000 N to the right). The forces acting on the truck are the force due to
gravity (80 000 N downward), the force exerted by the road (80 000 N upward), the
force exerted by the cable (20 000 N to the left), and the force causing the truck to
move forward (26 400 N to the right).
a. Draw and label a free-body diagram of the trailer.
b. Draw and label a free-body diagram of the truck.
2. A physics book is at rest on a desk. Gravitational force pulls the book down.
The desk exerts an upward force on the book that is equal in magnitude to the
gravitational force. Draw a free-body diagram of the book.
Chapter 4
Untitled-310 122 5/6/2011 12:02:02 PM
Answers to Section Assessment
1. Answers will vary.
2. gravity and electric force, answers will vary;
because they can cause a change in motion
3. the newton; 1 N = 1 kg•1 m/s2
4. because force has both magnitude and
5. Fg
points down, and Fkicker
points in the
direction of the kick.
6. Each arrow should have a label identifying
the object exerting the force and the
object acted on by the force.
Practice A
1. Each diagram should include all
forces acting on the object, pointing
in the correct directions and with
the lengths roughly proportional to
the magnitudes of the forces. Be sure
each vector is labeled.
2. Diagrams should include a downward
gravitational force and an upward
force of the desk on the book; both
vectors should have the same length
and should be labeled.
Assess Use the Formative Assessment
on this page to evaluate student
mastery of the section.
Reteach For students who need
additional instruction, download the
Section Study Guide.
Response to Intervention To reassess
students’ mastery, use the Section Quiz,
available to print or to take directly
online at
 Teach continued
 Assess and Reteach
122 Chapter 4

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  • 1. Key Term force Force You exert a force on a ball when you throw or kick the ball, and you exert a force on a chair when you sit in the chair. Forces describe the interactions between an object and its environment. Forces can cause accelerations. In many situations, a force exerted on an object can change the object’s velocity with respect to time. Some examples of these situations are shown in Figure 1.1. A force can cause a stationary object to move, as when you throw a ball. Force also causes moving objects to stop, as when you catch a ball. A force can also cause a moving object to change direction, such as when a baseball collides with a bat and flies off in another direction. Notice that in each of these cases, the force is responsible for a change in velocity with respect to time—an acceleration. The SI unit of force is the newton. The SI unit of force is the newton, named after Sir Isaac Newton (1642– 1727), whose work contributed much to the modern understanding of force and motion. The newton (N) is defined as the amount of force that, when acting on a 1 kg mass, produces an acceleration of 1 m/s2. Therefore, 1 N = 1 kg × 1 m/s2. The weight of an object is a measure of the magnitude of the gravita- tional force exerted on the object. It is the result of the interaction of an Changes in Motion Objectives Describe how force affects the motion of an object. Interpret and construct free-body diagrams. force an action exerted on an object that may change the object’s state of rest or motion Three Ways That Forces Change Motion Force can cause objects to (a) start moving, (b) stop moving, and/or (c) change direction. FIGURE 1.1 (b) (a) (c) Chapter 4 118 SECTION 1 Untitled-310 118 5/6/2011 12:01:56 PM Differentiated Instruction Below Level Remind students that photographs, such as those on this page, do not actually show objects “experiencing force.” This is because forces cause changes in velocity with respect to time or direction. Challenge students to explain what they would need to see in each photograph if it was a video that showed the effect of forces. Preview Vocabulary Academic Vocabulary In common usage, the words pressure and force sometimes are used interchangeably. In physics, these words are distinctive. Force is any effect or power that can change the speed or direction of an object in motion. Pressure is used only to define the magnitude of a unit of force exerted on a unit area. So, the magnitude of pressure in physics depends in part on the magnitude of the force involved. Teaching Tip Now that students have studied motion as complex as projectile motion, explore their understanding of force. Ask them what mechanism causes motion and why some objects accelerate at higher rates than others do. Point out that force is attributed to any mechanism that causes or may cause a change in an object’s velocity with respect to time. FIGURE 1.1 Point out to students that the ball is experiencing force in all three pictures. Ask How can you tell that the ball experiences at least one force in each picture? Answer: by changes in the ball’s speed or direction Plan and Prepare Teach TEACH FROM VISUALS 118 Chapter 4 SECTION 1
  • 2. object’s mass with the gravitational field of another object, such as Earth. As shown in Figure 1.2, many of the terms and units you use every day to talk about weight are really units of force that can be converted to new- tons. For example, a 1 _ 4 lb stick of margarine has a weight equivalent to a force of about 1 N, as shown in the following conversions: 1 lb = 4.448 N 1 N = 0.225 lb Forces can act through contact or at a distance. If you pull on a spring, the spring stretches. If you pull on a wagon, the wagon moves. When a football is caught, its motion is stopped. These pushes and pulls are examples of contact forces, which are so named because they result from physical contact between two objects. Contact forces are usually easy to identify when you analyze a situation. Another class of forces—called field forces—does not involve physical contact between two objects. One example of this kind of force is gravita- tional force. Whenever an object falls to Earth, the object is accelerated by Earth’s gravity. In other words, Earth exerts a force on the object even when Earth is not in immediate physical contact with the object. Another common example of a field force is the attraction or repulsion between electric charges. You can observe this force by rubbing a balloon against your hair and then observing how little pieces of paper appear to jump up and cling to the balloon’s surface, as shown in Figure 1.3. The paper is pulled by the balloon’s electric field. The theory of fields was developed as a tool to explain how objects could exert force on each other without touching. According to this theory, masses create gravitational fields in the space around them. An object falls to Earth because of the interaction between the object’s mass and Earth’s gravitational field. Similarly, charged objects create electromagnetic fields. The distinction between contact forces and field forces is useful when dealing with forces that we observe at the macroscopic level. (Macroscopic refers to the realm of phenomena that are visible to the naked eye.) As we will see later, all macroscopic contact forces are actually due to microscopic field forces. For instance, contact forces in a collision are due to electric fields between atoms and molecules. In fact, every force can be categorized as one of four fundamental field forces. Did YOU Know? The symbol for the pound, lb, comes from libra, the Latin word for “pound,” a unit of measure that has been used since medieval times to measure weight. Electric Force The electric field around the rubbed balloon exerts an attractive electric force on the pieces of paper. FIGURE 1.3 FIGURE 1.2 UNITS OF MASS, ACCELERATION, AND FORCE System Mass Acceleration Force SI kg m/s2 N = kg•m/s2 cgs g cm/s2 dyne = g•cm/s2 Avoirdupois slug ft/s2 lb = slug•ft/s2 Forces and the Laws of Motion 119 Untitled-310 119 5/6/2011 12:01:58 PM FIGURE 1.3 Tell students that both contact and field forces are demonstrated in this picture. Ask Identify the contact and field force examples in the picture. Answer: contact forces: the figure supporting the pieces of paper, a person supporting the balloon; field forces: gravitational force pulling down on the paper and balloon, electric force pulling up on the paper TEACH FROM VISUALS English Learners Write the prefixes macro- and micro- on the board or overhead projector. Explain that the prefix macro- refers to something large, while the prefix micro- refers to something small. Challenge students to come up with a definition for words such as macroeconomics, microbe macrobiology, microwave, and micrometer. Allow students to use a dictionary to confirm their definitions. Forces and the Laws of Motion 119
  • 3. PHYSICS Spec. Number PH 99 PE C04-001-006-A Boston Graphics, Inc. 617.523.1333 Force Diagrams When you push a toy car, it accelerates. If you push the car harder, the acceleration will be greater. In other words, the acceleration of the car depends on the force’s magnitude. The direction in which the car moves depends on the direction of the force. For example, if you push the toy car from the front, the car will move in a different direction than if you push it from behind. Force is a vector. Because the effect of a force depends on both magnitude and direction, force is a vector quantity. Diagrams that show force vectors as arrows, such as Figure 1.4(a), are called force diagrams. In this book, the arrows used to represent forces are blue. The tail of an arrow is attached to the object on which the force is acting. A force vector points in the direction of the force, and its length is proportional to the magnitude of the force. At this point, we will disregard the size and shape of objects and assume that all forces act at the center of an object. In force diagrams, all forces are drawn as if they act at that point, no matter where the force is applied. A free-body diagram helps analyze a situation. After engineers analyzing a test-car crash have identified all of the forces involved, they isolate the car from the other objects in its environment. One of their goals is to determine which forces affect the car and its passengers. Figure 1.4(b) is a free-body diagram. This diagram represents the same collision that the force diagram (a) does but shows only the car and the forces acting on the car. The forces exerted by the car on other objects are not included in the free-body diagram because they do not affect the motion of the car. A free-body diagram is used to analyze only the forces affecting the motion of a single object. Free-body diagrams are constructed and analyzed just like other vector diagrams. In Sample Problem A, you will learn to draw free-body diagrams for some situations described in this book. Later, you will learn to use free-body diagrams to find component and resultant forces. FORCE AND CHANGES IN MOTION Use a toy car and a book to model a car colliding with a brick wall. Observe the motion of the car before and after the crash. Identify as many chang- es in its motion as you can, such as changes in speed or direction. Make a list of all of the changes, and try to identify the forces that caused them. Make a force diagram of the collision. MATERIALS 1 toy car • 1 book • Force Diagrams Versus Free-body Diagrams (a) In a force diagram, vector arrows represent all the forces acting in a situation. (b) A free-body diagram shows only the forces acting on the object of interest—in this case, the car. FIGURE 1.4 (b) (a) Chapter 4 120 Untitled-310 120 5/6/2011 12:02:00 PM Differentiated Instruction Pre-AP Explain to students that forces acting on a body at different points can produce transla- tional movement of the body without rotation; rotation without translational movement; or translational movement and rotation together, depending on exactly where the forces act on the body. Discuss examples of each situation. Then explain that the examples in this chapter are limited to translational movement without rotation, so the sum of forces is all that is required. For this reason, the forces can be drawn as if they act on the body at a common point. The concept of torque is discussed in the chapter “Circular Motion and Gravitation.” Rotational equilibrium and dynamics are covered in the Take It Further feature “Rotational Dynamics.” Teacher’s Notes If the toy car is rolled an appreciable distance before the collision, students may observe the car slowing down because of friction. Give students a brief explanation of friction. Teach continued QuickLab 120 Chapter 4
  • 4. ©Birgit Koch/age fotostock Continued Drawing Free-Body Diagrams Sample Problem A The photograph at right shows a person pulling a sled. Draw a free-body diagram for this sled. The magnitudes of the forces acting on the sled are 60 N by the string, 130 N by Earth (gravitational force), and 90 N upward by the ground. ANALYZE Identify the forces acting on the object and the directions of the forces. • The string exerts 60 N on the sled in the direction that the string pulls. • Earth exerts a downward force of 130 N on the sled. • The ground exerts an upward force of 90 N on the sled. PLAN Draw a diagram to represent the isolated object. It is often helpful to draw a very simple shape with some distinguishing characteristics that will help you visualize the object, as shown in (a). Free-body diagrams are often drawn using simple squares, circles, or even points to represent the object. SOLVE Draw and label vector arrows for all external forces acting on the object. A free-body diagram of the sled will show all the forces acting on the sled as if the forces are acting on the center of the sled. First, draw and label an arrow that represents the force exerted by the string attached to the sled. The arrow should point in the same direction as the force that the string exerts on the sled, as in (b). Next, draw and label the gravitational force, which is directed toward the center of Earth, as shown in (c). Finally, draw and label the upward force exerted by the ground, as shown in (d). Diagram (d) is the completed free-body diagram of the sled being pulled. Fstring Fstring FEarth Fstring FEarth Fground Tips and Tricks In a free-body diagram, only include forces acting on the object. Do not include forces that the object exerts on other objects. In this problem, the forces are given, but later in the chapter, you will need to identify the forces when drawing a free-body diagram. Tips and Tricks When you draw an arrow representing a force, it is important to label the arrow with either the magnitude of the force or a name that will distinguish it from the other forces acting on the object. Also, be sure that the length of the arrow approximately represents the magnitude of the force. (a) (b) (c) (d) Forces and the Laws of Motion 121 ntitled-310 121 5/6/2011 12:02:01 PM Problem Solving Misconception Alert! It is important to emphasize early and consistently that a free-body diagram shows only the forces acting on the object. A separate free-body diagram for the person pulling the sled in Sample Problem A can be used to emphasize this point and to introduce Newton’s third law. Teaching Tip This Sample Problem focuses on drawing free-body diagrams for given forces. Return to this skill after students have studied Newton’s laws and have learned about everyday forces. At that point, ask students to build on this skill by drawing free-body diagrams for given situations where they must identify each force involved. PROBLEM guide A Use this guide to assign problems. SE = Student Edition Textbook PW = Sample Problem Set I (online) PB = Sample Problem Set II (online) Solving for: free- body diagrams SE Sample, 1–2; Ch. Rvw. 7–9 PW Sample, 1–3 PB Sample, 1–3 *Challenging Problem Deconstructing Problems A good understanding of free-body diagrams is essential to developing strong physics problem-solving skills. Take this time to make sure students can properly dissect a situation involving several forces. Forces and the Laws of Motion 121
  • 5. PHYSICS Spec. Number PH 99 PE C04-001-006-A Boston Graphics, Inc. 617.523.1333 Reviewing Main Ideas 1. List three examples of each of the following: a. a force causing an object to start moving b. a force causing an object to stop moving c. a force causing an object to change its direction of motion 2. Give two examples of field forces described in this section and two ex- amples of contact forces you observe in everyday life. Explain why you think that these are forces. 3. What is the SI unit of force? What is this unit equivalent to in terms of fundamental units? 4. Why is force a vector quantity? 5. Draw a free-body diagram of a football being kicked. Assume that the only forces acting on the ball are the force due to gravity and the force exerted by the kicker. Interpreting Graphics 6. Study the force diagram on the right. Redraw the diagram, and label each vector arrow with a description of the force. In each description, include the object exerting the force and the object on which the force is acting. Drawing Free-Body Diagrams (continued) 1. A truck pulls a trailer on a flat stretch of road. The forces acting on the trailer are the force due to gravity (250 000 N downward), the force exerted by the road (250 000 N upward), and the force exerted by the cable connecting the trailer to the truck (20 000 N to the right). The forces acting on the truck are the force due to gravity (80 000 N downward), the force exerted by the road (80 000 N upward), the force exerted by the cable (20 000 N to the left), and the force causing the truck to move forward (26 400 N to the right). a. Draw and label a free-body diagram of the trailer. b. Draw and label a free-body diagram of the truck. 2. A physics book is at rest on a desk. Gravitational force pulls the book down. The desk exerts an upward force on the book that is equal in magnitude to the gravitational force. Draw a free-body diagram of the book. Chapter 4 122 SECTION 1 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT Untitled-310 122 5/6/2011 12:02:02 PM Answers to Section Assessment 1. Answers will vary. 2. gravity and electric force, answers will vary; because they can cause a change in motion 3. the newton; 1 N = 1 kg•1 m/s2 4. because force has both magnitude and direction 5. Fg points down, and Fkicker points in the direction of the kick. 6. Each arrow should have a label identifying the object exerting the force and the object acted on by the force. Answers Practice A 1. Each diagram should include all forces acting on the object, pointing in the correct directions and with the lengths roughly proportional to the magnitudes of the forces. Be sure each vector is labeled. 2. Diagrams should include a downward gravitational force and an upward force of the desk on the book; both vectors should have the same length and should be labeled. Assess Use the Formative Assessment on this page to evaluate student mastery of the section. Reteach For students who need additional instruction, download the Section Study Guide. Response to Intervention To reassess students’ mastery, use the Section Quiz, available to print or to take directly online at Teach continued Assess and Reteach 122 Chapter 4