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Your step-by-step guide to a
[Stellar LinkedIn Profile]
30 Steps To Leverage This Powerful Recommendation Engine
V4 || Author: Barb Gray, Head Geek in Charge | Flutterby Media | Copyright © 2020 Atlas Branding Agencies, LLC
30 elements of a great LinkedIn personal profile
Hi there, I’m Barb Gray and I’m so excited to help you take this important
step on your journey toward LinkedIn Savvy-dom. In this workbook, I will
break it down in digestible and actionable chunks so you can get it done as
easily and efficiently as possible. I encourage you to use the yellow
highlighted prompts to get the most of out of this resource. Work at your own pace! If you
take it one-by-one and spend about 15 minutes a day, you’ll get it all done in about 30 days
(which is the way this workbook is set up. Use it the best way for you!).
We’re going to go through a lot of content and you might feel information overload, but the
good news is that I’m here to support you along the way and afterward… Simply join the
#FlutterbyChat group on Facebook and ask away! Your questions will be answered ASAP! I
urge you not to be shy – the chances are if you have that question, someone else does too. **
OR, it’s already been answered and you can search the group and not get stuck because it’s
already in the discussion! Also, since social media changes from time to time, as a member of
the group, you can stay current to help you be the best Social Savvy you can be 
{psst...prefer to skip ahead to get started optimizing? Flip to page 21 and get right to it}
In this guide:
1 - Introduction
2 – Mindset: When & What
3 – Mindset: Your Why
3 – Personal Branding
4 – Using LinkedIn for Social Selling
5 – Using LinkedIn for a Job Search
8 – Using LinkedIn as a Consultant
9 – Profinder
10 – The 10 Principles of Optimization
12 – Checking in
13 – 12 Principles of Social Savvy-dom
14 – The 6 Secrets of Online Marketing
21 – How: The Nitty-gritty
20 – Handy-dandy Checklist
21 – Ready? Set. Optimize!
21 – Profile picture & cover photo
23 – Headline
22 – Contact Information
24 – Set up unique “vanity” URL
25 – Profile Summary
27 – Current work
28 – Previous work history
31 – Add depth to your profile
22 – Skills
32 – Endorsements for skills
33 – Education
23 – More profile love
34 – Recommendations
36 – Connections
38 – Security
39 – Google Alerts Content Curation
39 – Share a post {{get feedback}}
41 – Get social!
42 – Wrapping it up
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WHEN? Now! What are you waiting for to take your personal brand to the next level?
WHAT? According to LinkedIn: “We are a social network and online platform for
professionals. People use our Services to find and be found for business opportunities and to
connect with others and information.”
My absolute favorite part is the connecting and nourishing relationships with folks and
learning and sharing helpful, relevant and timely information.
WHY? Now, clarify your objective … We’ll call it your “why.” That will inform what types of
content you share and what you focus on and how you go about your business on LinkedIn.
Here are a few common choices…
1. to build and maintain your personal brand and positioning as an authority and resource
2. to build and maintain your professional network and use the platform for social selling
3. to get eyeballs on your virtual resume in order to find Full-time work
4. get hired as a freelancer, consultant or independent contractor
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So, here is a little about each one …
1) You might want to on your subject– soposition yourself as an authority and a resource
you would be sharing relevant information and writing long-form articles (see examples
below) to share knowledge and funnel people over to your website with a soft call-to-action
(CTA) at the end of all your articles. You’d continually publish helpful/relevant/digestible
content to {this can be accomplished either as abuild your reputation as a thought leader
content curator or content producer or best case scenario, a combination of both}.
2. Your intention may be to –build your network and use the platform for social selling
you will spend most of your time connecting and nurturing these connections in relevant
LinkedIn groups (, chiming in where appropriate …
some of the groups that are relevant to you will likely have big numbers of members
(check out screenshot below of some of the groups I belong to – and these are all
specialized, places online where people who want to ‘talk’ about a subject can get
together). In my opinion, – you can still easily stand out since very few participate, but
instead sit like flies on the wall [which there is nothing wrong with that!]. My suggestion
is to get in the right groups and really take a lead in the conversation, you’ll be identified
by LinkedIn as a contributor and your replies and discussions will get a little umph… of
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course, this indirectly improves your credibility and addresses the goal of staying top of
mind, in sight and to be viewed as an expert in your niche on LinkedIn
As you can see above, some of the groups I’ve joined have thousands of members. That’s
a ton of people to possibly get in front of and show your expertise , but NOT to sell.
Perhaps you’ll get a new follower or connection out of it … I find that sometimes the
smaller groups tend to have more active and meaningful conversation. Find groups under
‘work’ tab in top blue menu. Use 3 dots on far right to access editing.
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3. Or your objective may be simply to get eyeballs on your virtual resume in order to
– in this case, you will spend time getting noticed by recruiters and submittingget hired
job applications, getting recommendations and endorsements
- without ever leaving the LinkedIn site! Their widget for
searching open positions is very powerful, I’d certainly
leverage it! Once you find something you are interested in, then you can dig into your
network (using LinkedIn’s widget) to find out if you know someone who works there or if
someone you know knows someone who works there to take advantage of the beauty of
the LinkedIn introduction feature!
And if you set it up, you can receive opportunities based on your preferences. Things like
specific titles, job locations and types.
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Hold on, don’t fret!
In personal settings, edit whether only recruiters or your whole network sees that info.
One especially cool feature is LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature…
Note: If you see the Apply button instead of the Easy Apply button, you'll be routed
to that company's website or job board to continue the application process.
The guided search functionality in LinkedIn Recruiter provides a recruiter with
intelligent suggestions to help them better target their results during their search.
LinkedIn has already figured out the right format for recruiters to find you, now, take
advantage! Your part is to be sure your profile is optimized so it’s chances of being
“picked up” more often by a recruiter increase because you have the right format and all
the information they need to at least get you into the consideration pile … and with your
brilliant self, that’s all you need … a chance to sell you!
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Get notified of positions that fit your parameters … you can set up as many specifics as
you want so you have the information you need when you need it … see below:
If you have the setting ‘on’ for getting job recommendations, you’ll see a screen like this:
{take note how alumni are mentioned, whether or not you share connections in common
and how long the job has been posted} Like most social channels you can tweak and
improve the types of information contained in your Newsfeed.
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4. Or if you are hoping to – you willget hired as a consultant or independent contractor
be publishing industry content to keep you top of mind, either as a content producer or a
content curator
use posts with tips with appropriate hashtags) to stay top of mind and offer
insight as an authority and resource,
reshare an expert’s post (include @mention) with proper attribution and source. I
often take the step of sending an invite to connect with the author (it’s usually
accepted), especially if I see they write content I like and can refer to their content
for expertise.
You might also spend time on ProFinder(*paid feature) submitting proposals to folks
who are looking for your specific skill set
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From LinkedIn, this is how it works to find freelance jobs and professional opportunities:
“Get leads in your inbox. LinkedIn members will make a
request for services or consultations they need. Once we find a
request that matches your expertise, we'll send you an email.
Respond on your terms If you're interested in their request,
respond to the member with a short proposal. They'll also get
access to your full LinkedIn profile.
Get hired If your offer fits the member's needs, they'll reach out
and start a conversation.”
As a bonus, your brand will have another vanity URL (a unique
ProFinder profile link) – one more place someone can ‘bump into you’ online and help you
increase your potential exposure! The more branded and unique vanity URLs your organization
has claimed, the more online ‘real estate’ you own, therefore as long as you have connected and
optimized your profiles your chances of being found online or someone ‘running’ into your brand
online increase … especially if you’re doing an awesome job with Content Marketing (e.g. using
long-form posts on LinkedIn) to further your position you as an authority and resource on your
Well, here is the good news, the principles are all the same when it comes to optimizing your
LinkedIn profile. So regardless of which you selected, because of the ah-mazing presence you’re
building as we go along, you are more often ‘in-sight and in-mind.’
Whether your objective is…
o to build and maintain your personal brand and positioning as an authority and resource
o to build and maintain your professional network and use the platform for social selling
o to get eyeballs on your virtual resume in order to find Full-time work
o to get hired as a freelancer, consultant or independent contractor
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When the opportunity arises to be found, you have a much higher chance of showing up in the
search results in comparison with someone who has a similar skill-set, but who isn’t taking full
advantage of:
o continually optimizing their profile to be found by search – and indirectly, “please” the
algorithm by providing ‘street cred’ (credibility) to users – your profile is not stagnant
o participating in the social networking aspect of this incredibly powerful online tool that can
play ‘key fiddle’ in your online marketing toolkit if your tribe is primarily on the channel (I’m
assuming if you’re holding this guide, they are!)
In contrast, when you are found – because of the stellar LinkedIn presence I mentioned (and
that you are learning how to create in this oh-so-awesome workbook I put together just for
you), you can stand out from the crowd, and use your new optimized online megaphone to get
‘the right’ eyeballs on your brand – and be heard above the noise in your niche that is
undoubtedly saturated). There is no magic bullet, you have to have something to say that
people want to hear … you have to show your personality and let your tribe find you – you’ll
never have a million followers. It’s not about numbers, it’s about engagement. 100 engaged
followers out of 100 is much more valuable than 10 followers engaged in a group of 1000.
BTW, You have probably gathered by now that I believe that each of us is in fact a brand.
Regardless of what you do, you are in sales. Your LinkedIn professional profile where you
get to toot your horn and describe your unique career path. We all are – we are selling
ourselves first so we can sell what we have to offer to you later, or to someone you know who
needs what you have now.
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I suggest to my clients that they come at it from this perspective:
- I am an individual and unique brand and I will take full advantage of being my
best PR agent, which will help me indirectly as a stakeholder in that organization!
- There are so many opportunities for me to ‘take credit’ for normal, day-to-day
responsibilities that give people a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look and sharing unique
‘VIP’ content. Those intimate views of your brand’s ‘bed-side manner’ will give
people a better sense if it’s going to be a good fit – again, you will NEVER get
100% of the market, so don’t be vanilla – “be yourself, because everyone else is
taken.”- Oscar Wilde
- When I engage in the social aspect of the channel, I’m able to make and build a
strong emotional connection with my audience / tribe so that when they think about
‘x,’ they’ll think of me...
(BTW, I am a humongous fan of all things vanilla when it comes to eating, so I’m not
knocking it, just not a good strategy for content marketing).
PRO insight  you are using a ‘recommendation engine’ anytime you use a social media
channel, and LinkedIn is just that – a place for your network to endorse you and give you a
recommendation to bolster and confirm your professional credibility. A place where you can
showcase your expertise and experience and support your claims of being an authority and
resource on your specific subject. No matter what you do, you can showcase what sets your
brand apart from all the other ‘x’s like you out there (pretty sure they call that a USP –
Unique Selling Proposition).
Two of the main things you will be doing during and after this challenge is to recommend and
endorse people you know for specific work-related skills. As you get down into the nitty-gritty
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(page 21), you will see that your LinkedIn profile serves as an interactive business card,
… in one package, wrapped up in a prettymicro-site all about you and a virtual resume
bow where everyone else is ‘hanging out’ and listening to each other (because people trust
others’ opinions more than anything else – there’s a stat in there somewhere…) And, by
default, you are vetted by your network– wowzah!
The really great news? Regardless of how you want to use this social media channel, it is plain
awesome – and powerful, waaaaay powerful. So I caution you to wield this tool very
carefully – guard your network. Keep in mind what I learned as a kid – “Tell me who your
friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” For our purpose, it would be connections, not friends.
 Are you growing your network – both your personal network from your personal career
as well as authorities in your niche
 Have you added interests, hashtags?
 Are you feeling a little stuck or overwhelmed? Need help, ask a question on
 Spend time ‘hanging out’ on your newsfeed and playing the fly on the wall role,” and trying
to ‘take it all in,’
 where appropriate augmenting the convo or asking a thoughtful
question to learn more or add wisdom – BUT, be sure to read the
comments to make sure you’re not repeating what’s already been said
 Are you turning the volume up and down so you can curate the gems
among the junk, filler and noise? Are you tweaking your newsfeed by
(dis)connecting / (un)following people / entities who are not relevant. IF you do connect
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with someone, but find their posts have little value, ‘unfollow’ them, without remorse (i.e.
you don’t have to disconnect, you just don’t have to see what they post. Use the ‘improve
my feed’ widget using the 3 dots at the top of an individual post – the purpose is for
there to be value from both sides. This is why I harp so much on providing only quality
content (curated or produced), without being overly concerned about deadlines or to meet
metrics of a certain number of posts.
 are you following your interests and companies, joining industry / discussion groups? Use
the 3 dots at the top of any post to make adjustments to what you ‘hear’ about / see in
your newsfeed. Take time to fine-tune your feed… each time you see something that you
don’t want to see something that doesn’t get you closer to your goal, adjust your settings.
It may sound callous or not ‘nice’ – believe me, it’s worth it, your time is precious, don’t
waste it reading content that doesn’t affect you professionally. Reminding you that you
are here on LinkedIn to network, build your reputation, to do things that have a positive
impact on your career. Tweaking your feed will be an ongoing process, as you continue to
connect and meet people as you are out and about IRL (In Real Life), chances are you
could start seeing people’s or company’s posts that are “clogging up” your feed … take
control, you decide who gets your valuable attention and who doesn’t (and think of that
from the other side too when you’re the one doing the posting … would you turn the
volume up or down on yourself?)
Be heard above the noise so your tribe can find you and will want to hang out with you
online, because you are the host(ess) with the mostest… having the answers or helping answer
 Are you noticing how things work? When posts are getting engagement (likes, comments,
shares), what makes them different than the ones that aren’t getting much interaction?
 Are you fine-tuning your strategy and vision of how you’ll participate and add value?
 What groups to join? Less is more here – get involved where you can/will have an impact
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 Identify your top 2-5 entities you want to form / nurture a bond and pay the most
attention here so you can take advantage of natural openings in the conversation and/or
re-sharing their content with proper attribution.
This gets easier and more natural with practice, time and experience. Be easy on you, “every
expert was once a beginner.” –Helen Hayes
When posting always keep the 12 principles of being a Social Savvy top of mind:
Be as concise as you can
Be visually engaging – Go Live, use videos and use pictures (that you have
permission to use – watch out for copyright infringement!)
Be personable and accessible, don’t go for perfection, shoot for authenticity
Be relevant to your audience, stay focused on the expertise they seek from
Be timely and aware of timing of campaigns/ sensitive to current events
Be authentic, show your brand’s personality
Be truthful and straightforward – own up to mistakes if/when you make them
Be transparent, show behind the scenes / your ‘bedside manner’ to help them
decide if they want to be a part of your tribe and hopefully vice versa,
you’re attracting ‘your folks’ – that will be a good fit
Be sure to convey WIFT (what’s in it for them)
Be helpful, be a resource, be “on top of it” and aware of industry changes
that will make an impact on the types of businesses you help – and help them
be informed
Be the host(ess) with the mostest – make it fun, relevant, fresh, interesting,
thought-provoking, insightful, shocking, interactive
And above all, be SOCIAL! It is actually another human being on the other
end afterall!
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6 secrets of online marketing to tame the social algorithm:
1. Become known as a sharer and a helper. Helping othersGo on… give a little or a lot!
rocks – it goes a long way in building your reputation as a part of the online (and offline)
community. By sharing helpful and relevant information and answering questions, or
providing your expert opinion on industry news, you position yourself as an authority and
a resource on your subject. Why is this important? So that when someone has a question
about your subject and/or the opportunity to recommend your services, you will be top of
mind to them and/or show up more often!
2. Chime in only if you are adding value. Don’t repeat,Don’t be a parrot for Pete’s sake!
only add to the conversation to augment it and add depth. Everyone knows when
someone else is just talking to be heard. Add your opinion, pull out a particular piece of
an article and tease it out … add a tip from your experience or share something you
learned from the article. Or better yet, admit that you would like more insight /
clarification on something the author wrote about, ask the question!
3. Start trying different terms to figure out what someone isKnow and use your keywords.
typing into the search bar to arrive at what you offer – and don’t be silly, write in the
language spoken in your industry niche – industry jargon is absolutely acceptable, if not
preferable here – remember, you are not trying to be everything to everyone, don’t post
vanilla – get specific and talk to your customer directly about what they want to hear
about and why they want to hear it from you (again don’t be a parrot here, add some
depth to the conversation!).
In the search bar, type the # and immediately after (no spaces) your subject… that
should get your juices flowing
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4. Use hashtags sparingly, but use them! All social#LongTailHashtags pack a punch.
media channels understand #hashtags. At the end of your posts on LinkedIn you can add
2-3 relevant keyword hashtags to help the search engines better organize the
conversation happening around a particular topic, like #SocialMediaMarketing. Use
these powerful phrases to summarize and give context to your posts. In my post below, I
shared my own content and used #HowTo #MarketingTips and #FlutterbyChat for my
hashtags. Get really specific here and avoid using one word hashtags, your subject is deep –
most importantly, use one that ‘nails’ the subject of the particular post you’re including it in.
{Personal preference I like to use capital letters for each word since it’s easier to read}
5. Be visual! Add images (that you haveA picture is worth 1000 words, but video?!
permission to use). Even better yet, add video … and best yet, stream / go LIVE and
actually have a conversation with your audience … give it to ‘em raw.
Yes, it’s the #YearOfVideo again/still.
6. with the website in the center and no leaks.Connect your entire Social Media Platform
Every branded channel should make it simple to get your prospect, customer, or interested
party over to your website and/or take an action, right there, right then whenever they
are in your 24/7 online ‘store’ … even if it’s just to sign up for your newsletter! I like to
think of the internet like a literal information highway and your social media channels are
akin to gas stations or rest stops they can choose to stop at along the way for ‘fuel’ (i.e.
answers to their questions)!
Each social channel has places to add websites, use those to add links to your other
‘online properties’ to keep folks movin’ around in your online network!
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HOW? (this is the Nitty-gritty I mentioned earlier)
My ask: Really try and get a handle on how things work on this social media channel. LinkedIn
is not about sharing motivational quotes– each channel has its own personality and it’s
important that you are following the principle … ‘when in Rome…’ The main thing you should
be doing on this channel is adding relevant and timely insight into your niche. No parroting.
No hard sales (and, in my opinion, only minimal soft selling positioned at the end as a gentle
call-to-action {CTA} in a long-form post). The goal is to stay top of mind as an authority and
resource on your subject (here is where you get granular with the information you share so
that your tribe/audience can find you and connect with you – and most importantly, know that
you’re a consistent source for a particular specialty – I’ll take this as another opportunity to
get on my soapbox and don’t try to be everything to everyone, get really, really, really
good at a part of a process and build your reputation for the guy/gal ‘you’ll want to talk to
about that’).
The things you find ‘basic’ about what you do are the things that your audience is searching
for the answer to... That’s how they become informed buyers – your mission, should you
choose to accept it is to guide them down that buying cycle and be there to serve as a trusted
advisor when they need answers, expertise and guidance.
… Let’s dissect what makes up a powerful LinkedIn profile – Start with a great foundation to
be found!
And here is the challenge: dedicate specific time to optimize your profile I think the saying
goes along these lines of‘what gets scheduled, gets done’ ... the rewards you’ll reap will be
well worth it. The workbook is set up for you to accomplish one thing per day so you can
focus all your energy into each particular step. By the time you reach the last task, by
default, you’ll be able to wield this social media channel like more of a Social Savvy since
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you’ve been spending so much time ‘hangin’ out’ on LinkedIn. As well, your exposure (a.k.a.
Reach) will continually increase the more optimization you complete and the further along you
get on establishing your credibility and the longer you work at building, maintaining and
nurturing your network. BUT, don’t forget, keep at the very forefront of your mind that in
order for all of this to work, you’ve gotta be regularly producing awesomely stellar content.
Always, always choose quality over quantity or schedule! You will also want to be curating
really great content to share from authorities / recognizable entities in your niche to position
you as an expert in that area. No one wants to hear you talking all the time! Keep in the
forefront of your actions and participation that it is all supporting your main goal – it’s easy
to stray and get distracted or overwhelmed. This channel is a tool to do your marketing on
steroids, a place to work, a place to network, be and stay professional…’
To keep the end in sight, use the checklist (page 20) to cross each item off! Spend a moment
relishing in marking each item completed and know that you are one step closer to a more
optimized LinkedIn profile and to reaching your goals for using this channel.
We will be working on 5 main areas:
1) Improving the consistency of “look and feel” (a.k.a. branding) of your profile so it fits and
matches your brand personality and the rest of your off /online presence
2) Keeping optimization front of mind, post by post so you make a great 1st impression and
a bigger splash. Your potential to get found more often and by more targeted eyeballs
improves chances of being ‘served-up’ more compared to someone not using these tactics
3) Positioning your brand as an authority and resource in your specific niche
4) Making the opportunity more readily available for you to grow and nourish your network
and enable / encourage collaborations  get creative here!
5) Continually improving your posts so the volume gets turned up, not down or off on you
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Have you joined the FlutterbyChat group on FB?
What questions do you have? Jot them down below.
Post them in the #FlutterbyChat Facebook Group and they will get answered!
scan QR code or visit:
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Handy-dandy checklist: cross each one off as you complete them:
◊ Add profile photo
◊ Add cover photo
◊ Work on headline
◊ Completed contact information
◊ Vanity URL secured
◊ Work on your profile summary / bio
◊ Current work – flesh it out
◊ Previous work: framework
◊ Add depth: relevant links,
publications, certifications, patents
◊ Add depth: courses, projects, honors,
and awards
◊ Add depth: test scores, languages,
◊ Review current skills: remove junk,
a.k.a. non-niche specific skills
◊ Review current skills: reorganize and
add specific “keywords” or skills that
you want to be known for
◊ Add education
◊ Review current skills: finish adding up
to 50 very specific and relevant skills
(consider your ‘why’ again, page 3)
◊ Give / get endorsements
◊ Give recommendation #1
◊ Give recommendation #2
◊ Give recommendation #3
◊ Request recommendation #1
◊ Request recommendation #2
◊ Request recommendation #3
◊ Request recommendation #4
◊ Run connections widget / work on
increasing network
◊ Address security of account
◊ Set up Google Alerts
◊ Do hashtag research (long-tail
keywords) & revisit skills
◊ Gather up to 5 relevant and timely
articles to share
◊ Post #1 {{ submit for feedback}}
◊ Join #FlutterbyChat on Facebook
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You can do this! Take it one step at a time and before you know it, this challenge
will be in your rearview mirror and your shiny new LinkedIn profile will be on your screen.
Let’s get started …
Get ready to get the most out of this roadmap in your hands… 2 deep breaths!
Snap a picture or take a screenshot of what your profile looks like now:
How to update your Introduction Card (^)a fancy way of saying all the items we are going to address here
1. Click the Me icon at top of your LinkedIn homepage.
2. Click View profile.
3. Click the Edit icon in your introduction card.
Or use this link to access your profile settings directly:
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day 1 & 2
Add pictures to your profile to make it stand out and inviting, take advantage of the ‘real-estate’
day 1: Profile Picture - make sure it's a headshot, of your bright and shiny face – get in there,
up close and personal. Ask yourself, would someone recognize me in person? The whole
profile is about you, so if you are a photographer, include your camera somehow - or if you
sell boats, be on a boat. Get the picture? Bottom line, make it recent, professional in content
(consider your attire for your particular industry) and make sure the picture is of good quality
(not grainy!), sobe sure your brilliant—unique-self shines through so that you are putting your
very best and authentic foot forward. Make sure to match look and feel across all your
PRO tip  update the picture occasionally to stay in-sight, in-mind and keep it fresh. You
don’t need a professional photo shoot, just a good camera and someone with a good eye.
day 2: Cover Photo – this is a place to express yourself and show more about you. I’ve seen
people use this for their favorite quotes, the skyline of the city they live in, a favorite sports
team, or even an image that alludes to the type of work they do. PRO tip  Get creative!
Use a free online product that has templates with the right dimensions for the channel where
you can reflect your brand and mission.
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day 3
Update your headline Use
this 'real-estate' to highlight
your TOP skills, not where
you work or your position at
the company where you
work. Why not? Because
that information is already
included in the portion of
your profile that is dedicated to employment and your work history. Most importantly, this
real estate is way too valuable. The headline helps both the users immediately understand
what you are all about and the LinkedIn search engines (that are driven by algorithms), so
yeah, ummmm go ahead, use these 200 or so characters to include your 'elevator pitch' or
your motto, a very subtle call to action, or even just a list of top skills.
For example:
Expert Floral Designer | Specializing in Unique Flower Arrangements | Wedding Floral Arrangements | Floral Gifts
#MommyPreneur | Content Curator | Geek | Portable Social Savvy Training | #FlutterbyChat: Social Media Marketing Tips
Social Media Marketing Consultations & Trainer & Speaker | Content Curator | Email & Video Marketing Training & Consults
My mission: to coach & mentor women entrepreneurs in developing their business thru connections, creativity, & courage.
Chief Ignition Officer | Consultant | Professional Speaker | Best-Selling Author | Executive Coach | @CoachClarity
Personal Fitness Coach | High Intensity Training | Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant | Public Speaker
Your turn, ideas for headlines:
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day 4
Make it easy for people to get in touch or take action! Is all of
your contact information filled in? Be sure to include 3
websites (use the 'other' function so you can give people an
idea of where they are headed and more of what to expect
vs. 'company website' – (see page 25 for a look at the
editing section and where to change it to ‘other’). In my
profile, I’ve included a link to a Pinterest board I created for
managing social media, a link to get in touch, and a link to my
#FlutterbyChat group on Facebook (
This is a good place to add a link to your Facebook page, a
specific page on your website, or even a ‘subscribe to our newsletter’ link! Bottom line, get
creative here and keep your main objectives in mind by being intentional in the use of this great
marketing real-estate. Use this space for the opportunity that it is, direct traffic to where you
want them to go online. Maybe a contact form on your site? Or an FAQ page or your YouTube
channel – so many opportunities!
Hopefully you have made it simple for them to complete the action you want them to complete an
action you want them to do. Isn’t this the entire reason for spending time on social media?! If
you’ve linked things properly, created “in’s” to your network, plugged any leaks and have also
managed to get people interested enough in what you have to say because you are answering
their questions and helping them become more informed … then by keeping them moving around
inside your online real estate, when they are ready to buy, they have been informed either or
both by great content you created or great content you curated. And all this interlinking will
benefit you by keeping you in sight and in mind.
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Once you click on edit contact info, you will see the other label in the dropdown. Make sure the
spot for Type (other) is not misleading and useful to your end goal, for example:
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day 5
Create a branded custom URL for your profile. Look up in the URL bar, are there a lot of
numbers at the end, like below screenshot:
Or, does it look like this:
If it looks like the top example, then it’s time to create a vanity URL for two purposes: one to
claim that ‘online real estate’ for your brand, and also to make it easier for users to find you
(update in personal settings: This is your
opportunity to brand yourself and make it easier for people to find you on LinkedIn – all they
(and you!) have to remember is the part at the end of the URL … Plus, it adds information
about you that helps the ‘back-end’ of the channel (a.k.a. algorithm), better matches you with
folks who would be in your tribe and vice versa.
Here is where most people get stuck, so let me share these examples for inspiration:
You could use a social media handle:
You could use your niche plus specific targeting
You could spotlight your expertise / niche / field by using keywords:
You could add what you’re known for or the title of your book
According to LinkedIn:
“Your custom URL can have 5-30 letters or numbers. Don't use spaces, symbols, or special characters.
We recommend using a variation of your name and/or your professional brand since you'll share this
URL with people, so they can find your LinkedIn profile. Some job applications may also ask you for
your LinkedIn profile URL.”
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day 6
Make a great impression with your Profile Summary, a.k.a. your bio. This is the section on your
profile that is apart from your specific jobs. Don’t skimp on this step. This is your calling card
and your sales pitch. According to LinkedIn, this “is a space for you to make a statement that
voices your mission, motivation, and skills to people who view your profile. You can create it in
Spanish too.
I want to call your attention to the media I’ve included in my profile summary section (these are
the images at the bottom of the box above). And, FYI, when you look at mine online it might be
different because one of the elements of ‘savviness’ is to ‘change it up’ – improve.
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If you work for a company, you can use this space to highlight your unique combination
of skills that makes you indispenable – apart from working in your current position.
What are your career differentiators? Provide an overview of how your skills have
developed over for your professional journey and how you’ve been able to contribute
to the organizations where you were working. Talk about your professional growth.
If you are working to establish yourself as an authority and resource, you would want
to highlight things that make you credible and trustworthy, your unique USP (unique
selling proposition) and any relevant awards & certifications
If you’re in between jobs – use this as a place to write a personal letter to recruiters,
like a cover letter: highlight your unique skill set, your work ethic and especially that
you are looking for a great company to work for so you can bring your particular
brand of skills to bear.
Your homework: write about yourself, your mission, your motivation and your specific
combination of skills that makes you unique. Have someone else read it… did you miss
anything that should be included? Spend time getting this part just right – after reading
this section, the reader should have a crystal clear idea of who you are professionally,
what makes you tick and what your sweet spot is when it comes to work. You’ll also want
to outline what your general career path looks like – using broad strokes at a 20k view.
If you are stuck on how to start, do a brain dump and then reorganize or read others’
About section for inspiration. Still stuck? Ask your coworkers, people who know you …
get creative here!
Over to you, jot some ideas down for your profile section, create a rough draft.
You’ll want to keep coming back to work on this section – on those ‘light’ days Just sayin’ 
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day 7
Current work. Include a short overview of the company you work for and very specifically
how you fit in and what your ‘secret sauce’ is that you take with you to work day-in-day-out
what solutions you provide (WIFT: what’s in it for them) – describe the role you play in the
grand scheme of things and the results you get – how do you help move the mission forward?
[If there is a LinkedIn company page for the place you work, link to it! You’ll know you did it
right if there is an image next to the company name]. I cannot stress enough how the
accumulation of all these small efforts to make back-end connections in as many places as
possible will do nothing but give you an edge).
PRO tip #1  add media! (these can be links to website pages, PDF uploads, or any other
related and relevant content that serves as helpful reference materials to that particular
position ( get really creative here!) These can also serve as entrances to the rest of your
online network, so a link to a contact page on your website, or a link to your Facebook Group
are good ones to use!
PRO tip #2  As a consultant, you might consider listing out your top clients and what you do for
them as a part of your profile / virtual resume. Why? It’s a ‘win-win’ – exposure for you and the
other and boosting credibility (but be sure it’s with
permission!) And, adding their media (again with their
permission!) is another win-win … you add depth and
relevance and information to your profile, and the company gets “press.”.
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days 8 & 9
Previous work history. List all relevant jobs you have held that are significant to your
professional journey. This is a ‘living’ document you and others can refer to moving forward,
so be sure to include only correct information – don’t exaggerate your accomplishments. You’’
just set yourself up for failure and not be able to meet expectations at a company you’ve
snowed. Gaps?– find a way to spin it in your favor! You are your best PR agent 
What did you do professionally leading up to now to set you apart as the ideal candidate?
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Just like in the current work section, you will want to take advantage of adding media to each
position. You can add a document, photo, link, video or presentation to add depth and
breadth to your profile – get creative here, this could create an avenue for someone to
potentially enter your network and indirectly create connections! It doesn’t have to be your
content either, as long as it’s relevant and potentially helpful and not gated (i.e. you didn’t
have to enter your email address to get the resource), then you should be able to add it as
media to your profile (with proper attribution).
Where have you worked? You will notice that when you start typing the name of the
company, a drop down appears … if the organization has a company page on
LinkedIn, you will be able to select it and connect the two. If it doesn’t come up right
away, you might be calling it by a variation of the name. If it’s not pulling up in the
dropdown, you might have to do a bit of sleuthing on Google with a search like: “xx
company on LinkedIn”. There may not be a page to link to and that’s ok too!
As a best practice, try and make the connections where and when you can, it all helps
your brand’s online reputation!
What action-words describe what your role and accomplishments were? You can use
this space to include a brief summary of why you moved on from each position - stay
positive friends – and of course honest, helpful and most importantly authentic!
Some additional thoughts about work history: In the descriptions, use actionable words,
demonstrate what you did/do to set yourself apart from the rest. YOU are unique! For
our purposes, we’re going to focus more on where you’re headed and to get noticed for what
you’re doing now!
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See screenshot below for examples of resources added as ‘media’ …
In the example below, I added a link as ‘media’ …
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day 10 - 12
Continue to add lots of depth to your profile! Another place to
get creative - there are sections for so many types of things
… it's up to you to leverage them! You can add relevant
publications, certifications, patents, courses, projects – here
you can even make a connection by listing other people in
the project section and link to their LinkedIn profile! Win-win
for all from the exposure for those connected!). You can
include honors & awards, test scores, languages you speak
and organizations you belong to… If it fits and it’s relevant,
use the space the way it best makes sense to put your
achievements, accomplishments and the ‘secret sauce’ that
makes you indispensable in the work-world into the spotlight
and tell your brand’s story. The more someone can connect with your brand online, the
more chances they or someone in your or their network will engage with your posts. Don’t
fret if you don’t have much (or anything to add here) … just a reminder that there are
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days 13-16
Add up to 50 skills. This is the place for relevant and pivotal skills for your particular expertise.
Focus on really fleshing out what you do and adding all variations of that skill.
You will have to play around with it a bit, but start typing and see what options are available
in the drop down. Get creative here, this is how people find you, and what people will
endorse you for ... If you already have 50 skills, consider removing skills that don’t support
your objectives and/or move the order of them, depending on their importance as it relates.
day 13 – 14: review skills you already have in place … are they in line with what you’re
trying to be found for and that your tribe is going to look for)? Does it serve to
differentiate you or build credibility for what you want your brand to be known for? No?
Remove, even if you’ve been endorsed for them, and replace with different specialized
variations of what you bring to the table. LinkedIn also provides suggestions …
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Reorganize your skills so they appear in order of importance and relevance to your expertise
And, take advantage of ‘pinning’ 3 top skills. Click the push pin so it turns blue to ‘pin it to
the top’ so it’s the first thing your visitors see.
You can also take the skills quiz and get a badge for a specialized skill and supporting your credibility!
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15 – 16: Give endorsements, get endorsements! Each day, endorse 3-5 people for 1-4
skill sets (only that you are personally aware of or that you can vouch for, remember your
reputation is on the line here). These endorsements serve to help both the giver and
receiver – both getting exposure to the others’ network. Take a look at an example of
endorsements given, as you can see there is more weight given to others’ who are
endorsing for you for something they are also “highly” skilled at that – and thereby
indirectly increasing your credibility.
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day 17
Add education. Again, you don’t have to go all the way back to high school, but do include
relevant education as well as any additional classes or coursework / continuing education or
certifications that you’ve taken since graduating.
PRO tip: Include media for each – for example, you can add a link to your college's site here
to help connect things! The more you take advantage of making the back-end connections, the
more often you’ll have the chance of showing up in the search results. Think of it like weaving a
web of tiny threads connecting your brand to other places online that are relevant. In the
case of connecting with your alma mater, you can be found more easily by making the
connection to the school from your profile. Users can sort by companies they’ve worked at or
schools attended – if you have it listed and someone finds it in common with you plus you’re a
good match for what they’re looking for … well, I’m sure you filled in the rest of the story!
LinkedIn is basically a big search engine, so the more (NON-private) details you include, the
better for you (e.g. you could include Women’s Rugby, like I played for a semester!)! I
digress. It’s also helpful from the perspective that when you go into a meeting, you and the
other people in the appointment, you can both be more informed – about each other and the
other organization (especially a LinkedIn company page). You can also more easily build
rapport. What do they say? Information is valuable. On LinkedIn it is literally there for the
taking, why wouldn’t you use it to your
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day 18
Address the look and feel of your profile (yes, again!)
Review optimization you’ve done so far … any further improvements to make?
Check back on your profile photo – do you love it? No? update and tweak!
Do you have a branded cover photo that you don’t absolutely love? change it!
Ask your questions in #FlutterbyChat []
days 19-20
Recommend someone. Whether you are in a position to manage people or not, you can still
recommend someone for their work ethic, for their ability to handle pressure, and on and on
… those types of peer-to-peer recommendations demonstrate ability to work within a team
and often go farther than a supervisor’s might. Who can you recommend? Get your juices
flowing – get creative here. But make sure it’s a heartfelt and honest recommendation (your
reputation is on the line here!) Why do I care so much about this part? Because this is how
someone will use others’ vetting of you to by-default vet you – thereby accessing the
recommendation aspect of this unbelievably powerful professional social media channel. I
highly recommend you avoid anything that will dilute your credibility.*Seriously, don’t bother
giving a superficial or ‘canned’ recommendation, it’s not going to help your cause – likely it
will have a negative impact on both you and the person requesting it. I’m not saying to
overstress it, but definitely don’t go vanilla here. &
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Over to you …
day 18: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________
Relationship at the time: _______________________________________________________
For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________
day 19: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________
Relationship at the time: _______________________________________________________
For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________
day 20: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________
Relationship at the time: _______________________________________________________
For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________
Feeling a little stuck?
Here’s a very special recommendation I received from someone I never worked with directly
and who I’d never even thought of asking for one from her … I hope this inspires you:
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days 21-24
Request recommendations. using LinkedIn’s widget, send a tailored request for a
recommendation {unless you know the person well enough that they will accept when they see
your name – I say this in the interest of saving everyone time since they won’t likely read it
anyway – see below, it’s a canned message and if I’d take the time to write you a
recommendation you’d hopefully have a less
formal relationship}.
For example, reach out to a previous supervisor or
a coworker. You’ll have the opportunity to define
the relationship before sending the request in case
it’s been a while (I’d suggest not being shy here – even if it’s been a while, explain that you’re
trying to ‘shine up’ your profile and wanted to connect with them to stay in better touch. My
personal goal is to get at least a recommendation under each position I included in my work
history on my profile. Be sure to only ask for recommendations from those who know you best
in a professional capacity. Personal recommendations belong on a channel that is not devoted
to your professional journey.
day 21 Request a recommendation: __________________Relationship: ________________
day 22 Request a recommendation: __________________Relationship: ________________
day 23 Request a recommendation: __________________Relationship: ________________
day 24 Request a recommendation: __________________Relationship: ________________
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This is what it will look like …
day 25
Make and keep connections. To help illustrate how straightforward it is, the nurturing can take
place simply by sharing relevant and helpful content.
It is incredibly important to spend time nurturing
relationships. It’s not as hard as it sounds and the
tool that is LinkedIn can be utilized to accomplish this
without too much time or effort spent. One of my
favorite things is being able to connect on the spot
using the LinkedIn app when you’re IRL (in the ‘real
world’ / ‘in real life’). Once you connect with someone on LinkedIn, then their posts and then
ones they interact with will become a part of your newsfeed (which you can turn the volume
up and down at your discretion by using the 3 dots at top of a post and ‘unfollowing that
person’ – that does not disconnect you). – and the
beautiful part about that? You have the
opportunity to interact and engage with their
Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions !
content – you can keep up with their promotions and new positions to be able to congratulate
them (and get in front of their audience and potentially grow yours; you can hear about the
products and services they provide and perhaps fill a need or build a synergistic relationship.
I caution you again… Only add value to your network, beware of muddying the waters or
diluting the strength of your connections by ‘parroting’ others, doing any hard selling (or soft
selling in my opinion), and/or posting irrelevant, inappropriate or outdated information. The
cool thing is that even though you might not see those connections IRL (in real life), you can
maintain a virtual relationship so the next time you bump into them at a networking event or
industry function, you’ll be more prepared for a personalized conversation where you can
continue to develop and foster the relationship. As the connection grows, ways to collaborate
or find a way to work together or recommend business their way (and vice versa) may make
themselves apparent. Even if it’s just staying top of mind and supporting your claim to being
an authority and resource on your subject, it’s a win-win for them to offer valuable
informationi to their audience and for you to be able to teach/share and build your tribe.
PRO tip  use LinkedIn’s suggestions for connections (
Also use the LinkedIn widget to easily search your email accounts for a match so you can
connect with people you already know and are in your address book (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, or
other provider – you can also upload a database).
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Checking in:
 Keep it top of mind to connect on LinkedIn on the spot with people at networking events,
while you were out and about – get creative here! The more ‘valuable’ connections in
their network, the more chances there are of getting an organic lead (via word-of-mouth
or because you ‘see’ each other ‘around and about’ online).
 Are you connected to your coworkers / supervisors from current and previous positions?
 Are you connected with your mentors? Customers? Relevant professional connections?
Ideas on who to connect with:
Follow and attempt to connect with
authorities and resources in your space so
you can participate in the conversation and
stay up to date and relevant by riding their
waves and re-sharing their content with
proper attribution and helping to augment
the convo!. You’ll be (pleasantly) surprised
how often they will connect with you, even if
they are ‘stars’ in your field – especially with
your ah-mazing LinkedIn presence! For
example, I often read a great article and in
preparation of sharing, immediately search for
them on LinkedIn so I can mention them and
give them the credit they deserve. I also like
to include the publication
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day 26
It’s time to address the security of your account. Never add too much personal information or
details. Address privacy (security) and other settings at this link:
#1 Do you want your profile to be ‘public’? This means that your profile is made available
to the search engines and when someone who is not on the LinkedIn platform types your name
into Google or their search engine of choice, they could find your profile outside of LinkedIn’s
‘walled garden.’ Of course those chances go waaaaay up when you optimize your profile
with this here handy-dandy guide 
Yes (public) No (not visible to search engines
OR Choose to hide parts of your profile to public view:
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#2 What email addresses do you want showing or associated with your account? You can
change this in personal settings. Think on this: you may want to add a personal email (which
doesn’t need to be displayed, but will provide access) along with your work email.. This is a
good time to remind you that YOU are a brand – regardless of where you work, you will
want to retain and ensure your profile stays yours 
Email addresses to display / add / remove: _____________________________________
#3 What information is showing on your profile? In profile settings, you can select for any
section to show publicly or not to show. Make sure never to include information like your date
of birth, leave that type of setting on ‘show only to me.’ Beware the ‘bad’ guys doing ‘bad
things’ online – thing aren’t always what they appear and I’ll leave it at that 
days 27-30
day 27
o Set up Google Alerts for 2-5 main topics in your purview. Visit: to
get curated articles on any topic right to your inbox on your schedule. You’ll be able
to stay current and re-share relevant and timely information to position yourself as an
authority and resource on your subject. Keep adding and tweaking your alerts so as
you get deeper in the conversation, you are listening in the right places.
o Find 5-10 relevant, helpful articles to share, don’t worry, they’ll pop up as your set up
your alerts … Ride others’ waves, be social by re-sharing others’ great content, with
proper attribution. When you use the ‘mention’ feature, that entity will know you are
talking about them so they can potentially get involved in the conversation …
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day 29-30
TO DO: Post link to relevant article with your opinion – include your professional insight. Keep
it short and sweet, make it helpful, insightful, thought-provoking (share a document) …
something special. Would you give it your valuable attention? Make it visual (share a video
or go Live!). Clean up links. Keep it to no more than 2 sentences. Use1-3 relevant and very
fine-tuned hashtags (you can even use the auto-generated suggestions for inspiration – just
get as specific as you can to match up the content of your post with the user’s query.
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Submit your post’s URL to:
PRO tips  These bear repeating, to post properly and for the most eyeballs to see it:
Seek to inspire (go Live!), inform (add a document) and ignite your audience (teach!).
Don’t clog the pipes by simply reposting content – add value to the ongoing conversation
with a tip, takeaway, question for the author or for your audience about the topic,
Be sure to use #hashtags (a.k.a. keywords) so others can find your posts, and the
algorithm matches it up more. Think of it as figuring out what category it fits into and
how people would talk about it to find it..
Use mentions so entity (author of the article as well as the source and/or the publication)
receives a notification and possibly engages in the conversation created by your post
Keep in mind that posts are different than long-form articles. We are talking about posts here.
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days 31+
Get involved in the social aspect of this channel. Are you following Influencers and companies
that are relevant to you and your business (look at this with a very broad brush! E.g.
competitors, providers, authorities, industry entities and on and on…?) This is a great way to
find out what's going on and join in the ongoing conversation. For example,
Take some time to fine-tune your newsfeed by customizing your preferences to determine
what shows up more and what shows up less. Turn the volume up and down on what subjects
and who you want to hear from (manage:
BTW, you can unfollow someone without disconnecting. That means you will stop seeing their
posts in your newsfeed, but they’ll stay a connection. You can choose to disconnect completely
or start to follow them again. You’re in control of your feed. Your time is valuable, so if
Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions !
you’re not getting value from the profiles and companies you’ve chosen to follow, keep
tweaking! Check out what your connections are posting and chime in (only to add to the
conversation, not to repeat - avoid being a parrot here!). If you have something to say that is
in-depth, write a long-form article to share your knowledge and set yourself apart- the cool
part is that all the articles you post will 'live on' your profile and be available at all times (to
both users and search engines)!
Pro-tip  Focus on creating ‘evergreen’ content that doesn’t ‘age’ and is relevant over the
years. There are many authorities still using content from a number of years ago – both
because it’s great “evergreen” content that is still helpful and useful to people trying to learn
subject ‘x,’ or inform themselves about topic ‘y.’ The really good news, the more you have
people returning to your older content, the more points it gets as far as the almighty algorithm
is concerned. The type of content I’m suggesting you create is based a lot on the frequently
asked questions you get, or some of the things you would consider ‘basic’… those ‘building
Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions !
blocks’ types of content help people start to learn and become informed on what they’re
considering buying. Wouldn’t you like it to be your megaphone they’re hearing above the
A valid concern to address: In case you were worried, yes, you can edit and update that
post so it’s always up to date if anything major changes to affect the article, see below:
LinkedIn success is a combination of:
Having an optimized profile to serve as a foundation for being found and positioning your
brand as an authority and resource on your subject
Having a network of gold that you are responsible for guarding and nurturing like your
reputation depends on it (because it does!)
Adding value and avoiding making ‘noise for noise sake’
I’ll leave you with this, think of walking into a busy bar where there are lots of conversations
already happening, social media is a lot like that and the same rules apply to the online
world, if not more stringently – just like IRL (in real life), don’t barge in on the conversation
and start handing out business cards as soon as you meet. It would be very inappropriate
and moreover off-putting if you tried to sell right off the bat– ease into it and find non-
intrusive openings where you can add value by informing others or using it as an opportunity
for you to learn.
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Here I caution you again to spend time listening to the conversation before simply jumping in
and posting and chiming in. There is a way that each social media channel works – the
unwritten rules that you can only pick up on by spending some time on it. Spend some time
studying your newsfeed and what others in your network are posting and how they are doing
it. Are they getting engagement (likes, comments, shares)? Yes? Follow suit! No? Find others
who have valuable content. If it speaks to you, engage with it and the author. You can start
following them when you arrive at their profile and you can potentially seek to connect with
them. If they interact with your content or you with theirs, it indirectly increases the chances of
getting in front of their audience and at the very least, gets your name out. The more you
build your online credibility by being social, the more your ‘street cred’ will go up.
Above all, ensure that everything you include in your profile is accurate and does not stretch
the truth. This is your reputation, manage it carefully. Use this powerful channel to share your
message, further your mission, and build your personal brand and drive people to your
(optimized) website.
Consider it marketing you and your services or products every day – who doesn’t have 15
minutes to do that if the payoff for the activity will come ten-fold?.
Take a snapshot of your profile today and compare it to the picture
from about a month ago! This is what my shiny updated one looks like!
I’m incredibly proud of the work and learning you’ve done during this
challenge … if there was something you feel is missing and/or you
have additional questions about, join my #FlutterbyChat group on
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Facebook, and get the answers you need.
Keep the social in social media y’all!
Disclaimer: Please verify any particular industry regulations or rules that affect you, this guide is meant for general use.

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30 Steps to a Stellar LinkedIn Business Profile

  • 1. Full support! or scan QR code below to get answers to your social media marketing questions Your step-by-step guide to a [Stellar LinkedIn Profile] 30 Steps To Leverage This Powerful Recommendation Engine V4 || Author: Barb Gray, Head Geek in Charge | Flutterby Media | Copyright © 2020 Atlas Branding Agencies, LLC
  • 2. 30 elements of a great LinkedIn personal profile Hi there, I’m Barb Gray and I’m so excited to help you take this important step on your journey toward LinkedIn Savvy-dom. In this workbook, I will break it down in digestible and actionable chunks so you can get it done as easily and efficiently as possible. I encourage you to use the yellow highlighted prompts to get the most of out of this resource. Work at your own pace! If you take it one-by-one and spend about 15 minutes a day, you’ll get it all done in about 30 days (which is the way this workbook is set up. Use it the best way for you!). We’re going to go through a lot of content and you might feel information overload, but the good news is that I’m here to support you along the way and afterward… Simply join the #FlutterbyChat group on Facebook and ask away! Your questions will be answered ASAP! I urge you not to be shy – the chances are if you have that question, someone else does too. ** OR, it’s already been answered and you can search the group and not get stuck because it’s already in the discussion! Also, since social media changes from time to time, as a member of the group, you can stay current to help you be the best Social Savvy you can be  {psst...prefer to skip ahead to get started optimizing? Flip to page 21 and get right to it}
  • 3. In this guide: 1 - Introduction 2 – Mindset: When & What 3 – Mindset: Your Why 3 – Personal Branding 4 – Using LinkedIn for Social Selling 5 – Using LinkedIn for a Job Search 8 – Using LinkedIn as a Consultant 9 – Profinder 10 – The 10 Principles of Optimization 12 – Checking in 13 – 12 Principles of Social Savvy-dom 14 – The 6 Secrets of Online Marketing 21 – How: The Nitty-gritty 20 – Handy-dandy Checklist 21 – Ready? Set. Optimize! 21 – Profile picture & cover photo 23 – Headline 22 – Contact Information 24 – Set up unique “vanity” URL 25 – Profile Summary 27 – Current work 28 – Previous work history 31 – Add depth to your profile 22 – Skills 32 – Endorsements for skills 33 – Education 23 – More profile love 34 – Recommendations 36 – Connections 38 – Security 39 – Google Alerts Content Curation 39 – Share a post {{get feedback}} 41 – Get social! 42 – Wrapping it up
  • 4. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page3 WHEN? Now! What are you waiting for to take your personal brand to the next level? WHAT? According to LinkedIn: “We are a social network and online platform for professionals. People use our Services to find and be found for business opportunities and to connect with others and information.” My absolute favorite part is the connecting and nourishing relationships with folks and learning and sharing helpful, relevant and timely information. WHY? Now, clarify your objective … We’ll call it your “why.” That will inform what types of content you share and what you focus on and how you go about your business on LinkedIn. Here are a few common choices… 1. to build and maintain your personal brand and positioning as an authority and resource 2. to build and maintain your professional network and use the platform for social selling 3. to get eyeballs on your virtual resume in order to find Full-time work 4. get hired as a freelancer, consultant or independent contractor
  • 5. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page4 So, here is a little about each one … 1) You might want to on your subject– soposition yourself as an authority and a resource you would be sharing relevant information and writing long-form articles (see examples below) to share knowledge and funnel people over to your website with a soft call-to-action (CTA) at the end of all your articles. You’d continually publish helpful/relevant/digestible content to {this can be accomplished either as abuild your reputation as a thought leader content curator or content producer or best case scenario, a combination of both}. 2. Your intention may be to –build your network and use the platform for social selling you will spend most of your time connecting and nurturing these connections in relevant LinkedIn groups (, chiming in where appropriate … some of the groups that are relevant to you will likely have big numbers of members (check out screenshot below of some of the groups I belong to – and these are all specialized, places online where people who want to ‘talk’ about a subject can get together). In my opinion, – you can still easily stand out since very few participate, but instead sit like flies on the wall [which there is nothing wrong with that!]. My suggestion is to get in the right groups and really take a lead in the conversation, you’ll be identified by LinkedIn as a contributor and your replies and discussions will get a little umph… of
  • 6. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page5 course, this indirectly improves your credibility and addresses the goal of staying top of mind, in sight and to be viewed as an expert in your niche on LinkedIn As you can see above, some of the groups I’ve joined have thousands of members. That’s a ton of people to possibly get in front of and show your expertise , but NOT to sell. Perhaps you’ll get a new follower or connection out of it … I find that sometimes the smaller groups tend to have more active and meaningful conversation. Find groups under ‘work’ tab in top blue menu. Use 3 dots on far right to access editing.
  • 7. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page6 3. Or your objective may be simply to get eyeballs on your virtual resume in order to – in this case, you will spend time getting noticed by recruiters and submittingget hired job applications, getting recommendations and endorsements - without ever leaving the LinkedIn site! Their widget for searching open positions is very powerful, I’d certainly leverage it! Once you find something you are interested in, then you can dig into your network (using LinkedIn’s widget) to find out if you know someone who works there or if someone you know knows someone who works there to take advantage of the beauty of the LinkedIn introduction feature! And if you set it up, you can receive opportunities based on your preferences. Things like specific titles, job locations and types.
  • 8. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page7 Hold on, don’t fret! In personal settings, edit whether only recruiters or your whole network sees that info. One especially cool feature is LinkedIn’s “Easy Apply” feature… Note: If you see the Apply button instead of the Easy Apply button, you'll be routed to that company's website or job board to continue the application process. The guided search functionality in LinkedIn Recruiter provides a recruiter with intelligent suggestions to help them better target their results during their search. LinkedIn has already figured out the right format for recruiters to find you, now, take advantage! Your part is to be sure your profile is optimized so it’s chances of being “picked up” more often by a recruiter increase because you have the right format and all the information they need to at least get you into the consideration pile … and with your brilliant self, that’s all you need … a chance to sell you!
  • 9. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page8 Get notified of positions that fit your parameters … you can set up as many specifics as you want so you have the information you need when you need it … see below: If you have the setting ‘on’ for getting job recommendations, you’ll see a screen like this: {take note how alumni are mentioned, whether or not you share connections in common and how long the job has been posted} Like most social channels you can tweak and improve the types of information contained in your Newsfeed.
  • 10. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page9 4. Or if you are hoping to – you willget hired as a consultant or independent contractor be publishing industry content to keep you top of mind, either as a content producer or a content curator use posts with tips with appropriate hashtags) to stay top of mind and offer insight as an authority and resource, reshare an expert’s post (include @mention) with proper attribution and source. I often take the step of sending an invite to connect with the author (it’s usually accepted), especially if I see they write content I like and can refer to their content for expertise. You might also spend time on ProFinder(*paid feature) submitting proposals to folks who are looking for your specific skill set
  • 11. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page10 From LinkedIn, this is how it works to find freelance jobs and professional opportunities: “Get leads in your inbox. LinkedIn members will make a request for services or consultations they need. Once we find a request that matches your expertise, we'll send you an email. Respond on your terms If you're interested in their request, respond to the member with a short proposal. They'll also get access to your full LinkedIn profile. Get hired If your offer fits the member's needs, they'll reach out and start a conversation.” As a bonus, your brand will have another vanity URL (a unique ProFinder profile link) – one more place someone can ‘bump into you’ online and help you increase your potential exposure! The more branded and unique vanity URLs your organization has claimed, the more online ‘real estate’ you own, therefore as long as you have connected and optimized your profiles your chances of being found online or someone ‘running’ into your brand online increase … especially if you’re doing an awesome job with Content Marketing (e.g. using long-form posts on LinkedIn) to further your position you as an authority and resource on your subject.! Well, here is the good news, the principles are all the same when it comes to optimizing your LinkedIn profile. So regardless of which you selected, because of the ah-mazing presence you’re building as we go along, you are more often ‘in-sight and in-mind.’ Whether your objective is… o to build and maintain your personal brand and positioning as an authority and resource o to build and maintain your professional network and use the platform for social selling o to get eyeballs on your virtual resume in order to find Full-time work o to get hired as a freelancer, consultant or independent contractor
  • 12. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page11 When the opportunity arises to be found, you have a much higher chance of showing up in the search results in comparison with someone who has a similar skill-set, but who isn’t taking full advantage of: o continually optimizing their profile to be found by search – and indirectly, “please” the algorithm by providing ‘street cred’ (credibility) to users – your profile is not stagnant o participating in the social networking aspect of this incredibly powerful online tool that can play ‘key fiddle’ in your online marketing toolkit if your tribe is primarily on the channel (I’m assuming if you’re holding this guide, they are!) In contrast, when you are found – because of the stellar LinkedIn presence I mentioned (and that you are learning how to create in this oh-so-awesome workbook I put together just for you), you can stand out from the crowd, and use your new optimized online megaphone to get ‘the right’ eyeballs on your brand – and be heard above the noise in your niche that is undoubtedly saturated). There is no magic bullet, you have to have something to say that people want to hear … you have to show your personality and let your tribe find you – you’ll never have a million followers. It’s not about numbers, it’s about engagement. 100 engaged followers out of 100 is much more valuable than 10 followers engaged in a group of 1000. BTW, You have probably gathered by now that I believe that each of us is in fact a brand. Regardless of what you do, you are in sales. Your LinkedIn professional profile where you get to toot your horn and describe your unique career path. We all are – we are selling ourselves first so we can sell what we have to offer to you later, or to someone you know who needs what you have now.
  • 13. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page12 I suggest to my clients that they come at it from this perspective: - I am an individual and unique brand and I will take full advantage of being my best PR agent, which will help me indirectly as a stakeholder in that organization! - There are so many opportunities for me to ‘take credit’ for normal, day-to-day responsibilities that give people a ‘behind-the-scenes’ look and sharing unique ‘VIP’ content. Those intimate views of your brand’s ‘bed-side manner’ will give people a better sense if it’s going to be a good fit – again, you will NEVER get 100% of the market, so don’t be vanilla – “be yourself, because everyone else is taken.”- Oscar Wilde - When I engage in the social aspect of the channel, I’m able to make and build a strong emotional connection with my audience / tribe so that when they think about ‘x,’ they’ll think of me... (BTW, I am a humongous fan of all things vanilla when it comes to eating, so I’m not knocking it, just not a good strategy for content marketing). PRO insight  you are using a ‘recommendation engine’ anytime you use a social media channel, and LinkedIn is just that – a place for your network to endorse you and give you a recommendation to bolster and confirm your professional credibility. A place where you can showcase your expertise and experience and support your claims of being an authority and resource on your specific subject. No matter what you do, you can showcase what sets your brand apart from all the other ‘x’s like you out there (pretty sure they call that a USP – Unique Selling Proposition). Two of the main things you will be doing during and after this challenge is to recommend and endorse people you know for specific work-related skills. As you get down into the nitty-gritty
  • 14. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page13 (page 21), you will see that your LinkedIn profile serves as an interactive business card, … in one package, wrapped up in a prettymicro-site all about you and a virtual resume bow where everyone else is ‘hanging out’ and listening to each other (because people trust others’ opinions more than anything else – there’s a stat in there somewhere…) And, by default, you are vetted by your network– wowzah! The really great news? Regardless of how you want to use this social media channel, it is plain awesome – and powerful, waaaaay powerful. So I caution you to wield this tool very carefully – guard your network. Keep in mind what I learned as a kid – “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.” For our purpose, it would be connections, not friends. CHECKING IN  Are you growing your network – both your personal network from your personal career as well as authorities in your niche  Have you added interests, hashtags?  Are you feeling a little stuck or overwhelmed? Need help, ask a question on #FlutterbyChat.  Spend time ‘hanging out’ on your newsfeed and playing the fly on the wall role,” and trying to ‘take it all in,’  where appropriate augmenting the convo or asking a thoughtful question to learn more or add wisdom – BUT, be sure to read the comments to make sure you’re not repeating what’s already been said  Are you turning the volume up and down so you can curate the gems among the junk, filler and noise? Are you tweaking your newsfeed by (dis)connecting / (un)following people / entities who are not relevant. IF you do connect
  • 15. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page14 with someone, but find their posts have little value, ‘unfollow’ them, without remorse (i.e. you don’t have to disconnect, you just don’t have to see what they post. Use the ‘improve my feed’ widget using the 3 dots at the top of an individual post – the purpose is for there to be value from both sides. This is why I harp so much on providing only quality content (curated or produced), without being overly concerned about deadlines or to meet metrics of a certain number of posts.  are you following your interests and companies, joining industry / discussion groups? Use the 3 dots at the top of any post to make adjustments to what you ‘hear’ about / see in your newsfeed. Take time to fine-tune your feed… each time you see something that you don’t want to see something that doesn’t get you closer to your goal, adjust your settings. It may sound callous or not ‘nice’ – believe me, it’s worth it, your time is precious, don’t waste it reading content that doesn’t affect you professionally. Reminding you that you are here on LinkedIn to network, build your reputation, to do things that have a positive impact on your career. Tweaking your feed will be an ongoing process, as you continue to connect and meet people as you are out and about IRL (In Real Life), chances are you could start seeing people’s or company’s posts that are “clogging up” your feed … take control, you decide who gets your valuable attention and who doesn’t (and think of that from the other side too when you’re the one doing the posting … would you turn the volume up or down on yourself?) Be heard above the noise so your tribe can find you and will want to hang out with you online, because you are the host(ess) with the mostest… having the answers or helping answer  Are you noticing how things work? When posts are getting engagement (likes, comments, shares), what makes them different than the ones that aren’t getting much interaction?  Are you fine-tuning your strategy and vision of how you’ll participate and add value?  What groups to join? Less is more here – get involved where you can/will have an impact
  • 16. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page15  Identify your top 2-5 entities you want to form / nurture a bond and pay the most attention here so you can take advantage of natural openings in the conversation and/or re-sharing their content with proper attribution. This gets easier and more natural with practice, time and experience. Be easy on you, “every expert was once a beginner.” –Helen Hayes When posting always keep the 12 principles of being a Social Savvy top of mind: Be as concise as you can Be visually engaging – Go Live, use videos and use pictures (that you have permission to use – watch out for copyright infringement!) Be personable and accessible, don’t go for perfection, shoot for authenticity Be relevant to your audience, stay focused on the expertise they seek from you Be timely and aware of timing of campaigns/ sensitive to current events Be authentic, show your brand’s personality Be truthful and straightforward – own up to mistakes if/when you make them Be transparent, show behind the scenes / your ‘bedside manner’ to help them decide if they want to be a part of your tribe and hopefully vice versa, you’re attracting ‘your folks’ – that will be a good fit Be sure to convey WIFT (what’s in it for them) Be helpful, be a resource, be “on top of it” and aware of industry changes that will make an impact on the types of businesses you help – and help them be informed Be the host(ess) with the mostest – make it fun, relevant, fresh, interesting, thought-provoking, insightful, shocking, interactive And above all, be SOCIAL! It is actually another human being on the other end afterall!
  • 17. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page16 6 secrets of online marketing to tame the social algorithm: 1. Become known as a sharer and a helper. Helping othersGo on… give a little or a lot! rocks – it goes a long way in building your reputation as a part of the online (and offline) community. By sharing helpful and relevant information and answering questions, or providing your expert opinion on industry news, you position yourself as an authority and a resource on your subject. Why is this important? So that when someone has a question about your subject and/or the opportunity to recommend your services, you will be top of mind to them and/or show up more often! 2. Chime in only if you are adding value. Don’t repeat,Don’t be a parrot for Pete’s sake! only add to the conversation to augment it and add depth. Everyone knows when someone else is just talking to be heard. Add your opinion, pull out a particular piece of an article and tease it out … add a tip from your experience or share something you learned from the article. Or better yet, admit that you would like more insight / clarification on something the author wrote about, ask the question! 3. Start trying different terms to figure out what someone isKnow and use your keywords. typing into the search bar to arrive at what you offer – and don’t be silly, write in the language spoken in your industry niche – industry jargon is absolutely acceptable, if not preferable here – remember, you are not trying to be everything to everyone, don’t post vanilla – get specific and talk to your customer directly about what they want to hear about and why they want to hear it from you (again don’t be a parrot here, add some depth to the conversation!). In the search bar, type the # and immediately after (no spaces) your subject… that should get your juices flowing
  • 18. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page17 4. Use hashtags sparingly, but use them! All social#LongTailHashtags pack a punch. media channels understand #hashtags. At the end of your posts on LinkedIn you can add 2-3 relevant keyword hashtags to help the search engines better organize the conversation happening around a particular topic, like #SocialMediaMarketing. Use these powerful phrases to summarize and give context to your posts. In my post below, I shared my own content and used #HowTo #MarketingTips and #FlutterbyChat for my hashtags. Get really specific here and avoid using one word hashtags, your subject is deep – most importantly, use one that ‘nails’ the subject of the particular post you’re including it in. {Personal preference I like to use capital letters for each word since it’s easier to read} 5. Be visual! Add images (that you haveA picture is worth 1000 words, but video?! permission to use). Even better yet, add video … and best yet, stream / go LIVE and actually have a conversation with your audience … give it to ‘em raw. Yes, it’s the #YearOfVideo again/still. 6. with the website in the center and no leaks.Connect your entire Social Media Platform Every branded channel should make it simple to get your prospect, customer, or interested party over to your website and/or take an action, right there, right then whenever they are in your 24/7 online ‘store’ … even if it’s just to sign up for your newsletter! I like to think of the internet like a literal information highway and your social media channels are akin to gas stations or rest stops they can choose to stop at along the way for ‘fuel’ (i.e. answers to their questions)! Each social channel has places to add websites, use those to add links to your other ‘online properties’ to keep folks movin’ around in your online network!
  • 19. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page18 HOW? (this is the Nitty-gritty I mentioned earlier) My ask: Really try and get a handle on how things work on this social media channel. LinkedIn is not about sharing motivational quotes– each channel has its own personality and it’s important that you are following the principle … ‘when in Rome…’ The main thing you should be doing on this channel is adding relevant and timely insight into your niche. No parroting. No hard sales (and, in my opinion, only minimal soft selling positioned at the end as a gentle call-to-action {CTA} in a long-form post). The goal is to stay top of mind as an authority and resource on your subject (here is where you get granular with the information you share so that your tribe/audience can find you and connect with you – and most importantly, know that you’re a consistent source for a particular specialty – I’ll take this as another opportunity to get on my soapbox and don’t try to be everything to everyone, get really, really, really good at a part of a process and build your reputation for the guy/gal ‘you’ll want to talk to about that’). The things you find ‘basic’ about what you do are the things that your audience is searching for the answer to... That’s how they become informed buyers – your mission, should you choose to accept it is to guide them down that buying cycle and be there to serve as a trusted advisor when they need answers, expertise and guidance. … Let’s dissect what makes up a powerful LinkedIn profile – Start with a great foundation to be found! And here is the challenge: dedicate specific time to optimize your profile I think the saying goes along these lines of‘what gets scheduled, gets done’ ... the rewards you’ll reap will be well worth it. The workbook is set up for you to accomplish one thing per day so you can focus all your energy into each particular step. By the time you reach the last task, by default, you’ll be able to wield this social media channel like more of a Social Savvy since
  • 20. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page19 you’ve been spending so much time ‘hangin’ out’ on LinkedIn. As well, your exposure (a.k.a. Reach) will continually increase the more optimization you complete and the further along you get on establishing your credibility and the longer you work at building, maintaining and nurturing your network. BUT, don’t forget, keep at the very forefront of your mind that in order for all of this to work, you’ve gotta be regularly producing awesomely stellar content. Always, always choose quality over quantity or schedule! You will also want to be curating really great content to share from authorities / recognizable entities in your niche to position you as an expert in that area. No one wants to hear you talking all the time! Keep in the forefront of your actions and participation that it is all supporting your main goal – it’s easy to stray and get distracted or overwhelmed. This channel is a tool to do your marketing on steroids, a place to work, a place to network, be and stay professional…’ To keep the end in sight, use the checklist (page 20) to cross each item off! Spend a moment relishing in marking each item completed and know that you are one step closer to a more optimized LinkedIn profile and to reaching your goals for using this channel. We will be working on 5 main areas: 1) Improving the consistency of “look and feel” (a.k.a. branding) of your profile so it fits and matches your brand personality and the rest of your off /online presence 2) Keeping optimization front of mind, post by post so you make a great 1st impression and a bigger splash. Your potential to get found more often and by more targeted eyeballs improves chances of being ‘served-up’ more compared to someone not using these tactics 3) Positioning your brand as an authority and resource in your specific niche 4) Making the opportunity more readily available for you to grow and nourish your network and enable / encourage collaborations  get creative here! 5) Continually improving your posts so the volume gets turned up, not down or off on you
  • 21. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page20 Have you joined the FlutterbyChat group on FB? What questions do you have? Jot them down below. Post them in the #FlutterbyChat Facebook Group and they will get answered! scan QR code or visit:
  • 22. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page21 Handy-dandy checklist: cross each one off as you complete them: ◊ Add profile photo ◊ Add cover photo ◊ Work on headline ◊ Completed contact information ◊ Vanity URL secured ◊ Work on your profile summary / bio ◊ Current work – flesh it out ◊ Previous work: framework ◊ Add depth: relevant links, publications, certifications, patents ◊ Add depth: courses, projects, honors, and awards ◊ Add depth: test scores, languages, organizations ◊ Review current skills: remove junk, a.k.a. non-niche specific skills ◊ Review current skills: reorganize and add specific “keywords” or skills that you want to be known for ◊ Add education ◊ Review current skills: finish adding up to 50 very specific and relevant skills (consider your ‘why’ again, page 3) ◊ Give / get endorsements ◊ Give recommendation #1 ◊ Give recommendation #2 ◊ Give recommendation #3 ◊ Request recommendation #1 ◊ Request recommendation #2 ◊ Request recommendation #3 ◊ Request recommendation #4 ◊ Run connections widget / work on increasing network ◊ Address security of account ◊ Set up Google Alerts ◊ Do hashtag research (long-tail keywords) & revisit skills ◊ Gather up to 5 relevant and timely articles to share ◊ Post #1 {{ submit for feedback}} ◊ Join #FlutterbyChat on Facebook
  • 23. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page22 You can do this! Take it one step at a time and before you know it, this challenge will be in your rearview mirror and your shiny new LinkedIn profile will be on your screen. Let’s get started … Get ready to get the most out of this roadmap in your hands… 2 deep breaths! Snap a picture or take a screenshot of what your profile looks like now: How to update your Introduction Card (^)a fancy way of saying all the items we are going to address here 1. Click the Me icon at top of your LinkedIn homepage. 2. Click View profile. 3. Click the Edit icon in your introduction card. Or use this link to access your profile settings directly:
  • 24. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page23 day 1 & 2 Add pictures to your profile to make it stand out and inviting, take advantage of the ‘real-estate’ day 1: Profile Picture - make sure it's a headshot, of your bright and shiny face – get in there, up close and personal. Ask yourself, would someone recognize me in person? The whole profile is about you, so if you are a photographer, include your camera somehow - or if you sell boats, be on a boat. Get the picture? Bottom line, make it recent, professional in content (consider your attire for your particular industry) and make sure the picture is of good quality (not grainy!), sobe sure your brilliant—unique-self shines through so that you are putting your very best and authentic foot forward. Make sure to match look and feel across all your channels PRO tip  update the picture occasionally to stay in-sight, in-mind and keep it fresh. You don’t need a professional photo shoot, just a good camera and someone with a good eye. day 2: Cover Photo – this is a place to express yourself and show more about you. I’ve seen people use this for their favorite quotes, the skyline of the city they live in, a favorite sports team, or even an image that alludes to the type of work they do. PRO tip  Get creative! Use a free online product that has templates with the right dimensions for the channel where you can reflect your brand and mission.
  • 25. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page24 day 3 Update your headline Use this 'real-estate' to highlight your TOP skills, not where you work or your position at the company where you work. Why not? Because that information is already included in the portion of your profile that is dedicated to employment and your work history. Most importantly, this real estate is way too valuable. The headline helps both the users immediately understand what you are all about and the LinkedIn search engines (that are driven by algorithms), so yeah, ummmm go ahead, use these 200 or so characters to include your 'elevator pitch' or your motto, a very subtle call to action, or even just a list of top skills. For example: Expert Floral Designer | Specializing in Unique Flower Arrangements | Wedding Floral Arrangements | Floral Gifts #MommyPreneur | Content Curator | Geek | Portable Social Savvy Training | #FlutterbyChat: Social Media Marketing Tips Social Media Marketing Consultations & Trainer & Speaker | Content Curator | Email & Video Marketing Training & Consults My mission: to coach & mentor women entrepreneurs in developing their business thru connections, creativity, & courage. Chief Ignition Officer | Consultant | Professional Speaker | Best-Selling Author | Executive Coach | @CoachClarity Personal Fitness Coach | High Intensity Training | Licensed Physical Therapist Assistant | Public Speaker Your turn, ideas for headlines:
  • 26. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page25 day 4 Make it easy for people to get in touch or take action! Is all of your contact information filled in? Be sure to include 3 websites (use the 'other' function so you can give people an idea of where they are headed and more of what to expect vs. 'company website' – (see page 25 for a look at the editing section and where to change it to ‘other’). In my profile, I’ve included a link to a Pinterest board I created for managing social media, a link to get in touch, and a link to my #FlutterbyChat group on Facebook ( This is a good place to add a link to your Facebook page, a specific page on your website, or even a ‘subscribe to our newsletter’ link! Bottom line, get creative here and keep your main objectives in mind by being intentional in the use of this great marketing real-estate. Use this space for the opportunity that it is, direct traffic to where you want them to go online. Maybe a contact form on your site? Or an FAQ page or your YouTube channel – so many opportunities! Hopefully you have made it simple for them to complete the action you want them to complete an action you want them to do. Isn’t this the entire reason for spending time on social media?! If you’ve linked things properly, created “in’s” to your network, plugged any leaks and have also managed to get people interested enough in what you have to say because you are answering their questions and helping them become more informed … then by keeping them moving around inside your online real estate, when they are ready to buy, they have been informed either or both by great content you created or great content you curated. And all this interlinking will benefit you by keeping you in sight and in mind.
  • 27. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page26 Once you click on edit contact info, you will see the other label in the dropdown. Make sure the spot for Type (other) is not misleading and useful to your end goal, for example:
  • 28. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page27 day 5 Create a branded custom URL for your profile. Look up in the URL bar, are there a lot of numbers at the end, like below screenshot: Or, does it look like this: If it looks like the top example, then it’s time to create a vanity URL for two purposes: one to claim that ‘online real estate’ for your brand, and also to make it easier for users to find you (update in personal settings: This is your opportunity to brand yourself and make it easier for people to find you on LinkedIn – all they (and you!) have to remember is the part at the end of the URL … Plus, it adds information about you that helps the ‘back-end’ of the channel (a.k.a. algorithm), better matches you with folks who would be in your tribe and vice versa. Here is where most people get stuck, so let me share these examples for inspiration: You could use a social media handle: You could use your niche plus specific targeting You could spotlight your expertise / niche / field by using keywords: You could add what you’re known for or the title of your book According to LinkedIn: “Your custom URL can have 5-30 letters or numbers. Don't use spaces, symbols, or special characters. We recommend using a variation of your name and/or your professional brand since you'll share this URL with people, so they can find your LinkedIn profile. Some job applications may also ask you for your LinkedIn profile URL.”
  • 29. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page28 day 6 Make a great impression with your Profile Summary, a.k.a. your bio. This is the section on your profile that is apart from your specific jobs. Don’t skimp on this step. This is your calling card and your sales pitch. According to LinkedIn, this “is a space for you to make a statement that voices your mission, motivation, and skills to people who view your profile. You can create it in Spanish too. I want to call your attention to the media I’ve included in my profile summary section (these are the images at the bottom of the box above). And, FYI, when you look at mine online it might be different because one of the elements of ‘savviness’ is to ‘change it up’ – improve.
  • 30. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page29 If you work for a company, you can use this space to highlight your unique combination of skills that makes you indispenable – apart from working in your current position. What are your career differentiators? Provide an overview of how your skills have developed over for your professional journey and how you’ve been able to contribute to the organizations where you were working. Talk about your professional growth. If you are working to establish yourself as an authority and resource, you would want to highlight things that make you credible and trustworthy, your unique USP (unique selling proposition) and any relevant awards & certifications If you’re in between jobs – use this as a place to write a personal letter to recruiters, like a cover letter: highlight your unique skill set, your work ethic and especially that you are looking for a great company to work for so you can bring your particular brand of skills to bear. Your homework: write about yourself, your mission, your motivation and your specific combination of skills that makes you unique. Have someone else read it… did you miss anything that should be included? Spend time getting this part just right – after reading this section, the reader should have a crystal clear idea of who you are professionally, what makes you tick and what your sweet spot is when it comes to work. You’ll also want to outline what your general career path looks like – using broad strokes at a 20k view. If you are stuck on how to start, do a brain dump and then reorganize or read others’ About section for inspiration. Still stuck? Ask your coworkers, people who know you … get creative here! Over to you, jot some ideas down for your profile section, create a rough draft. You’ll want to keep coming back to work on this section – on those ‘light’ days Just sayin’ 
  • 31. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page30 day 7 Current work. Include a short overview of the company you work for and very specifically how you fit in and what your ‘secret sauce’ is that you take with you to work day-in-day-out what solutions you provide (WIFT: what’s in it for them) – describe the role you play in the grand scheme of things and the results you get – how do you help move the mission forward? [If there is a LinkedIn company page for the place you work, link to it! You’ll know you did it right if there is an image next to the company name]. I cannot stress enough how the accumulation of all these small efforts to make back-end connections in as many places as possible will do nothing but give you an edge). PRO tip #1  add media! (these can be links to website pages, PDF uploads, or any other related and relevant content that serves as helpful reference materials to that particular position ( get really creative here!) These can also serve as entrances to the rest of your online network, so a link to a contact page on your website, or a link to your Facebook Group are good ones to use! PRO tip #2  As a consultant, you might consider listing out your top clients and what you do for them as a part of your profile / virtual resume. Why? It’s a ‘win-win’ – exposure for you and the other and boosting credibility (but be sure it’s with permission!) And, adding their media (again with their permission!) is another win-win … you add depth and relevance and information to your profile, and the company gets “press.”.
  • 32. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page31 days 8 & 9 Previous work history. List all relevant jobs you have held that are significant to your professional journey. This is a ‘living’ document you and others can refer to moving forward, so be sure to include only correct information – don’t exaggerate your accomplishments. You’’ just set yourself up for failure and not be able to meet expectations at a company you’ve snowed. Gaps?– find a way to spin it in your favor! You are your best PR agent  What did you do professionally leading up to now to set you apart as the ideal candidate? ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________
  • 33. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page32 Just like in the current work section, you will want to take advantage of adding media to each position. You can add a document, photo, link, video or presentation to add depth and breadth to your profile – get creative here, this could create an avenue for someone to potentially enter your network and indirectly create connections! It doesn’t have to be your content either, as long as it’s relevant and potentially helpful and not gated (i.e. you didn’t have to enter your email address to get the resource), then you should be able to add it as media to your profile (with proper attribution). Where have you worked? You will notice that when you start typing the name of the company, a drop down appears … if the organization has a company page on LinkedIn, you will be able to select it and connect the two. If it doesn’t come up right away, you might be calling it by a variation of the name. If it’s not pulling up in the dropdown, you might have to do a bit of sleuthing on Google with a search like: “xx company on LinkedIn”. There may not be a page to link to and that’s ok too! As a best practice, try and make the connections where and when you can, it all helps your brand’s online reputation! What action-words describe what your role and accomplishments were? You can use this space to include a brief summary of why you moved on from each position - stay positive friends – and of course honest, helpful and most importantly authentic! Some additional thoughts about work history: In the descriptions, use actionable words, demonstrate what you did/do to set yourself apart from the rest. YOU are unique! For our purposes, we’re going to focus more on where you’re headed and to get noticed for what you’re doing now!
  • 34. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page33 See screenshot below for examples of resources added as ‘media’ … In the example below, I added a link as ‘media’ …
  • 35. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page34 day 10 - 12 Continue to add lots of depth to your profile! Another place to get creative - there are sections for so many types of things … it's up to you to leverage them! You can add relevant publications, certifications, patents, courses, projects – here you can even make a connection by listing other people in the project section and link to their LinkedIn profile! Win-win for all from the exposure for those connected!). You can include honors & awards, test scores, languages you speak and organizations you belong to… If it fits and it’s relevant, use the space the way it best makes sense to put your achievements, accomplishments and the ‘secret sauce’ that makes you indispensable in the work-world into the spotlight and tell your brand’s story. The more someone can connect with your brand online, the more chances they or someone in your or their network will engage with your posts. Don’t fret if you don’t have much (or anything to add here) … just a reminder that there are opportunities!
  • 36. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page35 days 13-16 Add up to 50 skills. This is the place for relevant and pivotal skills for your particular expertise. Focus on really fleshing out what you do and adding all variations of that skill. You will have to play around with it a bit, but start typing and see what options are available in the drop down. Get creative here, this is how people find you, and what people will endorse you for ... If you already have 50 skills, consider removing skills that don’t support your objectives and/or move the order of them, depending on their importance as it relates. day 13 – 14: review skills you already have in place … are they in line with what you’re trying to be found for and that your tribe is going to look for)? Does it serve to differentiate you or build credibility for what you want your brand to be known for? No? Remove, even if you’ve been endorsed for them, and replace with different specialized variations of what you bring to the table. LinkedIn also provides suggestions …
  • 37. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page36 Reorganize your skills so they appear in order of importance and relevance to your expertise And, take advantage of ‘pinning’ 3 top skills. Click the push pin so it turns blue to ‘pin it to the top’ so it’s the first thing your visitors see. You can also take the skills quiz and get a badge for a specialized skill and supporting your credibility!
  • 38. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page37 15 – 16: Give endorsements, get endorsements! Each day, endorse 3-5 people for 1-4 skill sets (only that you are personally aware of or that you can vouch for, remember your reputation is on the line here). These endorsements serve to help both the giver and receiver – both getting exposure to the others’ network. Take a look at an example of endorsements given, as you can see there is more weight given to others’ who are endorsing for you for something they are also “highly” skilled at that – and thereby indirectly increasing your credibility.
  • 39. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page38 day 17 Add education. Again, you don’t have to go all the way back to high school, but do include relevant education as well as any additional classes or coursework / continuing education or certifications that you’ve taken since graduating. PRO tip: Include media for each – for example, you can add a link to your college's site here to help connect things! The more you take advantage of making the back-end connections, the more often you’ll have the chance of showing up in the search results. Think of it like weaving a web of tiny threads connecting your brand to other places online that are relevant. In the case of connecting with your alma mater, you can be found more easily by making the connection to the school from your profile. Users can sort by companies they’ve worked at or schools attended – if you have it listed and someone finds it in common with you plus you’re a good match for what they’re looking for … well, I’m sure you filled in the rest of the story! LinkedIn is basically a big search engine, so the more (NON-private) details you include, the better for you (e.g. you could include Women’s Rugby, like I played for a semester!)! I digress. It’s also helpful from the perspective that when you go into a meeting, you and the other people in the appointment, you can both be more informed – about each other and the other organization (especially a LinkedIn company page). You can also more easily build rapport. What do they say? Information is valuable. On LinkedIn it is literally there for the taking, why wouldn’t you use it to your advantage?
  • 40. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page39 day 18 Address the look and feel of your profile (yes, again!) Review optimization you’ve done so far … any further improvements to make? Check back on your profile photo – do you love it? No? update and tweak! Do you have a branded cover photo that you don’t absolutely love? change it! Ask your questions in #FlutterbyChat [] days 19-20 Recommend someone. Whether you are in a position to manage people or not, you can still recommend someone for their work ethic, for their ability to handle pressure, and on and on … those types of peer-to-peer recommendations demonstrate ability to work within a team and often go farther than a supervisor’s might. Who can you recommend? Get your juices flowing – get creative here. But make sure it’s a heartfelt and honest recommendation (your reputation is on the line here!) Why do I care so much about this part? Because this is how someone will use others’ vetting of you to by-default vet you – thereby accessing the recommendation aspect of this unbelievably powerful professional social media channel. I highly recommend you avoid anything that will dilute your credibility.*Seriously, don’t bother giving a superficial or ‘canned’ recommendation, it’s not going to help your cause – likely it will have a negative impact on both you and the person requesting it. I’m not saying to overstress it, but definitely don’t go vanilla here. &
  • 41. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page40 Over to you … day 18: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________ Relationship at the time: _______________________________________________________ For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________ day 19: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________ Relationship at the time: _______________________________________________________ For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________ day 20: Give a recommendation to: ______________________________________________ Relationship at the time: _______________________________________________________ For what? ___________________ __________________________ __________________ Feeling a little stuck? Here’s a very special recommendation I received from someone I never worked with directly and who I’d never even thought of asking for one from her … I hope this inspires you:
  • 42. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page41 days 21-24 Request recommendations. using LinkedIn’s widget, send a tailored request for a recommendation {unless you know the person well enough that they will accept when they see your name – I say this in the interest of saving everyone time since they won’t likely read it anyway – see below, it’s a canned message and if I’d take the time to write you a recommendation you’d hopefully have a less formal relationship}. For example, reach out to a previous supervisor or a coworker. You’ll have the opportunity to define the relationship before sending the request in case it’s been a while (I’d suggest not being shy here – even if it’s been a while, explain that you’re trying to ‘shine up’ your profile and wanted to connect with them to stay in better touch. My personal goal is to get at least a recommendation under each position I included in my work history on my profile. Be sure to only ask for recommendations from those who know you best in a professional capacity. Personal recommendations belong on a channel that is not devoted to your professional journey. day 21 Request a recommendation: __________________Relationship: ________________ day 22 Request a recommendation: __________________Relationship: ________________ day 23 Request a recommendation: __________________Relationship: ________________ day 24 Request a recommendation: __________________Relationship: ________________
  • 43. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page42 This is what it will look like … day 25 Make and keep connections. To help illustrate how straightforward it is, the nurturing can take place simply by sharing relevant and helpful content. It is incredibly important to spend time nurturing relationships. It’s not as hard as it sounds and the tool that is LinkedIn can be utilized to accomplish this without too much time or effort spent. One of my favorite things is being able to connect on the spot using the LinkedIn app when you’re IRL (in the ‘real world’ / ‘in real life’). Once you connect with someone on LinkedIn, then their posts and then ones they interact with will become a part of your newsfeed (which you can turn the volume up and down at your discretion by using the 3 dots at top of a post and ‘unfollowing that person’ – that does not disconnect you). – and the beautiful part about that? You have the opportunity to interact and engage with their
  • 44. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page43 content – you can keep up with their promotions and new positions to be able to congratulate them (and get in front of their audience and potentially grow yours; you can hear about the products and services they provide and perhaps fill a need or build a synergistic relationship. I caution you again… Only add value to your network, beware of muddying the waters or diluting the strength of your connections by ‘parroting’ others, doing any hard selling (or soft selling in my opinion), and/or posting irrelevant, inappropriate or outdated information. The cool thing is that even though you might not see those connections IRL (in real life), you can maintain a virtual relationship so the next time you bump into them at a networking event or industry function, you’ll be more prepared for a personalized conversation where you can continue to develop and foster the relationship. As the connection grows, ways to collaborate or find a way to work together or recommend business their way (and vice versa) may make themselves apparent. Even if it’s just staying top of mind and supporting your claim to being an authority and resource on your subject, it’s a win-win for them to offer valuable informationi to their audience and for you to be able to teach/share and build your tribe. PRO tip  use LinkedIn’s suggestions for connections ( Also use the LinkedIn widget to easily search your email accounts for a match so you can connect with people you already know and are in your address book (Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, or other provider – you can also upload a database).
  • 45. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page44 Checking in:  Keep it top of mind to connect on LinkedIn on the spot with people at networking events, while you were out and about – get creative here! The more ‘valuable’ connections in their network, the more chances there are of getting an organic lead (via word-of-mouth or because you ‘see’ each other ‘around and about’ online).  Are you connected to your coworkers / supervisors from current and previous positions?  Are you connected with your mentors? Customers? Relevant professional connections? Ideas on who to connect with: ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Follow and attempt to connect with authorities and resources in your space so you can participate in the conversation and stay up to date and relevant by riding their waves and re-sharing their content with proper attribution and helping to augment the convo!. You’ll be (pleasantly) surprised how often they will connect with you, even if they are ‘stars’ in your field – especially with your ah-mazing LinkedIn presence! For example, I often read a great article and in preparation of sharing, immediately search for them on LinkedIn so I can mention them and give them the credit they deserve. I also like to include the publication
  • 46. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page45 day 26 It’s time to address the security of your account. Never add too much personal information or details. Address privacy (security) and other settings at this link: #1 Do you want your profile to be ‘public’? This means that your profile is made available to the search engines and when someone who is not on the LinkedIn platform types your name into Google or their search engine of choice, they could find your profile outside of LinkedIn’s ‘walled garden.’ Of course those chances go waaaaay up when you optimize your profile with this here handy-dandy guide  Yes (public) No (not visible to search engines OR Choose to hide parts of your profile to public view:
  • 47. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page46 #2 What email addresses do you want showing or associated with your account? You can change this in personal settings. Think on this: you may want to add a personal email (which doesn’t need to be displayed, but will provide access) along with your work email.. This is a good time to remind you that YOU are a brand – regardless of where you work, you will want to retain and ensure your profile stays yours  Email addresses to display / add / remove: _____________________________________ #3 What information is showing on your profile? In profile settings, you can select for any section to show publicly or not to show. Make sure never to include information like your date of birth, leave that type of setting on ‘show only to me.’ Beware the ‘bad’ guys doing ‘bad things’ online – thing aren’t always what they appear and I’ll leave it at that  days 27-30 day 27 o Set up Google Alerts for 2-5 main topics in your purview. Visit: to get curated articles on any topic right to your inbox on your schedule. You’ll be able to stay current and re-share relevant and timely information to position yourself as an authority and resource on your subject. Keep adding and tweaking your alerts so as you get deeper in the conversation, you are listening in the right places. o Find 5-10 relevant, helpful articles to share, don’t worry, they’ll pop up as your set up your alerts … Ride others’ waves, be social by re-sharing others’ great content, with proper attribution. When you use the ‘mention’ feature, that entity will know you are talking about them so they can potentially get involved in the conversation …
  • 48. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page47 day 29-30 TO DO: Post link to relevant article with your opinion – include your professional insight. Keep it short and sweet, make it helpful, insightful, thought-provoking (share a document) … something special. Would you give it your valuable attention? Make it visual (share a video or go Live!). Clean up links. Keep it to no more than 2 sentences. Use1-3 relevant and very fine-tuned hashtags (you can even use the auto-generated suggestions for inspiration – just get as specific as you can to match up the content of your post with the user’s query.
  • 49. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page48 Submit your post’s URL to: PRO tips  These bear repeating, to post properly and for the most eyeballs to see it: Seek to inspire (go Live!), inform (add a document) and ignite your audience (teach!). Don’t clog the pipes by simply reposting content – add value to the ongoing conversation with a tip, takeaway, question for the author or for your audience about the topic, Be sure to use #hashtags (a.k.a. keywords) so others can find your posts, and the algorithm matches it up more. Think of it as figuring out what category it fits into and how people would talk about it to find it.. Use mentions so entity (author of the article as well as the source and/or the publication) receives a notification and possibly engages in the conversation created by your post Keep in mind that posts are different than long-form articles. We are talking about posts here.
  • 50. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page49 days 31+ Get involved in the social aspect of this channel. Are you following Influencers and companies that are relevant to you and your business (look at this with a very broad brush! E.g. competitors, providers, authorities, industry entities and on and on…?) This is a great way to find out what's going on and join in the ongoing conversation. For example, Take some time to fine-tune your newsfeed by customizing your preferences to determine what shows up more and what shows up less. Turn the volume up and down on what subjects and who you want to hear from (manage: BTW, you can unfollow someone without disconnecting. That means you will stop seeing their posts in your newsfeed, but they’ll stay a connection. You can choose to disconnect completely or start to follow them again. You’re in control of your feed. Your time is valuable, so if
  • 51. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page50 you’re not getting value from the profiles and companies you’ve chosen to follow, keep tweaking! Check out what your connections are posting and chime in (only to add to the conversation, not to repeat - avoid being a parrot here!). If you have something to say that is in-depth, write a long-form article to share your knowledge and set yourself apart- the cool part is that all the articles you post will 'live on' your profile and be available at all times (to both users and search engines)! Pro-tip  Focus on creating ‘evergreen’ content that doesn’t ‘age’ and is relevant over the years. There are many authorities still using content from a number of years ago – both because it’s great “evergreen” content that is still helpful and useful to people trying to learn subject ‘x,’ or inform themselves about topic ‘y.’ The really good news, the more you have people returning to your older content, the more points it gets as far as the almighty algorithm is concerned. The type of content I’m suggesting you create is based a lot on the frequently asked questions you get, or some of the things you would consider ‘basic’… those ‘building
  • 52. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page51 blocks’ types of content help people start to learn and become informed on what they’re considering buying. Wouldn’t you like it to be your megaphone they’re hearing above the noise? A valid concern to address: In case you were worried, yes, you can edit and update that post so it’s always up to date if anything major changes to affect the article, see below: LinkedIn success is a combination of: Having an optimized profile to serve as a foundation for being found and positioning your brand as an authority and resource on your subject Having a network of gold that you are responsible for guarding and nurturing like your reputation depends on it (because it does!) Adding value and avoiding making ‘noise for noise sake’ I’ll leave you with this, think of walking into a busy bar where there are lots of conversations already happening, social media is a lot like that and the same rules apply to the online world, if not more stringently – just like IRL (in real life), don’t barge in on the conversation and start handing out business cards as soon as you meet. It would be very inappropriate and moreover off-putting if you tried to sell right off the bat– ease into it and find non- intrusive openings where you can add value by informing others or using it as an opportunity for you to learn.
  • 53. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page52 Here I caution you again to spend time listening to the conversation before simply jumping in and posting and chiming in. There is a way that each social media channel works – the unwritten rules that you can only pick up on by spending some time on it. Spend some time studying your newsfeed and what others in your network are posting and how they are doing it. Are they getting engagement (likes, comments, shares)? Yes? Follow suit! No? Find others who have valuable content. If it speaks to you, engage with it and the author. You can start following them when you arrive at their profile and you can potentially seek to connect with them. If they interact with your content or you with theirs, it indirectly increases the chances of getting in front of their audience and at the very least, gets your name out. The more you build your online credibility by being social, the more your ‘street cred’ will go up. Above all, ensure that everything you include in your profile is accurate and does not stretch the truth. This is your reputation, manage it carefully. Use this powerful channel to share your message, further your mission, and build your personal brand and drive people to your (optimized) website. Consider it marketing you and your services or products every day – who doesn’t have 15 minutes to do that if the payoff for the activity will come ten-fold?. PUTTING A LITTLE BOW ON IT: Take a snapshot of your profile today and compare it to the picture from about a month ago! This is what my shiny updated one looks like! I’m incredibly proud of the work and learning you’ve done during this challenge … if there was something you feel is missing and/or you have additional questions about, join my #FlutterbyChat group on
  • 54. Flutterby Media © 2020: V4| Ask your questions ! Page53 Facebook, and get the answers you need. Keep the social in social media y’all! Disclaimer: Please verify any particular industry regulations or rules that affect you, this guide is meant for general use.