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Theology of the
Middle School
St. Francis de Sales
Catholic School
Chapter 1
Who Am I?
Discovering My True Identity
Because knowing who you are
and God’s plan for you is key
to your happiness and
understanding of how much
God loves you.
Ch. 1 DVD
Exit Slip
1. What was one thing Mother Teresa or Bl. Pier Giorgio Frasatti
do to show love to their brothers and sisters in Christ?
2. What is one question ToB asks/answers?
3. Where is your ultimate destination?
Ch. 1 Story Starter [p. 2-3]
If you ask me… [p. 4]
In your composition book, jot down your answers to these
question. Just write the words in your composition book. No
need to write entire sentence.
❖ 1. If I had to leave home tonight and could take only take one
thing with me, I would take ________________.
❖ 2. When I was eight years old, my idea of freedom was
❖ 3. I think a human person needs __________ to survive.
❖ 4. I think a human person needs _____________ to thrive.
❖ 1. my phone and charger
❖ 2. sleeping as late as I wanted
❖ 3.
❖ 4.
If you ask me… [p. 4] Sharing
❖ Talk to a partner and share what you put for #1
❖ Now share with 3-4 people next to you what you put for
If you ask me… [p. 4] Sharing
❖ 1. If I had to leave home tonight and could take only take
one thing with me, I would take ________________.
❖ 2. When I was eight years old, my idea of freedom was
❖ 3. I think a human person needs __________ to survive.
❖ 4. I think a human person needs _____________ to
Ch. 1 Bridging the Gap [p. 4]
Bridging the Gap
❖ If you walked into a room full of
strangers and had to identify
yourself without writing your
actual name, what would your
name tag say?
❖ Would you describe your
❖ Your personality?
❖ What you like to do?
❖ What you like?
Write 3-4 things that describes who
you are.
Write 3-4 things that describes who
you are.
a friendly Filipino
guy that loves
Write 3-4 things that describes who
you are.
Write 3-4 things that describes who
you are.
a child of
If you ask me… [p. 4]
❖ 1. Please describe three relationships that helped make
you who you are today.
❖ 2. Explain what makes humans different from animals.
To the Core [p.5]
❖ Happiness
❖ i. Everyone wants to be ______________.
❖ ii. Happiness depends on our ______________.
❖ iii. We oftentimes look for happiness in all the ____________
❖ (Empty Heart Dude poster!)
❖ iv. We were made by ________ and for ________, and will only
be truly happy when we give our hearts to Him and live like
_______________. (St. Augustine quote!)
To the Core [p.5]
❖ Happiness
❖ i. Everyone wants to be happy.
❖ ii. Happiness depends on our choices.
❖ iii. We oftentimes look for happiness in all the wrong places and
in all the wrong ways.
❖ (Empty Heart Dude poster!)
❖ iv. We were made by God and for God, and will only be truly
happy when we give our hearts to Him and live like saints. (St.
Augustine quote!)
Page 6-8
❖ a. TOB asks and answers 2 main questions:
❖ i. __________________________________
❖ ii. __________________________________________
❖ b. VOCAB ____________________: ___________________________________
❖ c. VOCAB Human Person:
❖ i. Both a _________ and a _________
❖ ii. Made in the ___________ and __________________ of God
❖ iii. Is __________________ and __________________
❖ iv. Meant to be a ___________
❖ v. NOT just a smart ________________
Page 6-8
❖ a. TOB asks and answers 2 main questions:
❖ i. Who am I?
❖ ii. How should I live?
❖ b. VOCAB Incarnation: God becomes man (Jesus)
❖ c. VOCAB Human Person:
❖ i. Both a body and a soul
❖ ii. Made in the image and likeness of God
❖ iii. Is unique and unrepeatable
❖ iv. Meant to be a SAINT
❖ v. NOT just a smart monkey
To the Core [p.5]
❖ -Read page 5.
❖ -Jot down the answers to these two questions:
❖ 1. What do human beings desire?
❖ 2. How do these desires evolve or change as we grow older?
❖ Discuss.
Read “Looking for the Beach,”
p. 6-8.
❖ Each group will discuss its question and present their
answers or conclusions to the class.
❖ Group 1: What makes a person truly happy?
❖ Group 2: What makes a person matter?
❖ Group 3: Why does the Incarnation challenge how we
think about ourselves?
❖ Group 4: Why do we study “Theology of the Body”?
Ch. 1 Bridging the Gap [p. 4]
❖ --Please read page 4 and answer the following
❖ 1. What would you choose as the three most
fundamental characteristics to describe humans?
❖ 2. Why do you think God created us and became one of
us to redeem us?
❖ -Read page 5.
❖ -Jot down the answers to these two questions:
❖ 1. What do human beings desire?
❖ 2. How do these desires evolve or change as we grow older?
❖ Discuss.
❖ Humans have a deep desire to grow up, be independent,
and find happiness.
❖ The more freedom you have, the more your happiness
depends on your own choices.
❖ As your life changes, it is very important that you know
who you really are as a human person.
Who Am I?
How Should I Live?
Theology of the Body’s Two Questions
The body, and it alone, is capable of making visible
what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine. It was
created to transfer into the visible reality of the world,
the mystery hidden since time immemorial in God,
and thus to be a sign of it.
Theology of the Body Thesis
Session 1 Recap
❖ Our view about sex has been grossly distorted by the
modern world because of people like Playboy’s Hugh
❖ Fortunately, inspired by the Holy Spirit, St. John Paul II,
wrote a series of talks, The Theology of the Body, that
teaches us about God and the purpose of our existence, as
discovered and revealed through our bodies.
❖ Theology of the Body is God’s map given to help us find our
way to true happiness and fulfillment as human persons.
❖ The Theology of the Body asks and answers two main
questions: Who am I? and How should I live?
Session 1 Recap
❖ Each and every one of us were created in the image and
likeness of God, we were born with both a body and soul, and
we were given the gift of free will in order to choose love.
❖ God intended for Adam and Eve to live in communion with Him
and have a pure and perfect relationship with Him, but because
Adam and Eve committed Original Sin, Original Sin triggered
the cycle of broken relationships and selfishness.
❖ In order to restore and heal us from the brokenness and
divisions because of Original Sin, God allowed the Incarnation,
which allowed Jesus to give His own life on the Cross: to defeat
sin and death.
❖ Christ is the key to understanding our humanity because He
came to restore creation to the purity of humanity’s origins.
Session 2
Body and Soul &
How Should I
Because the language of our
bodies should say that we are
men and women of virtue.
Steve Harvey Video
Body Language Bible Skit
1. Mt 25:36: I was sick and you visited me.
2. Mk 10:21: Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor
3. Mt 6:6: But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and
pray to your Father in secret.
4. Lk 9:3: Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor
food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic.
5. Acts 2:42: They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles
and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the
6. Gal 5:1: For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit
again to the yoke of slavery.
7. Eph 5:1: So be imitators of God, as beloved children.
Because the world needs
more knights in shining
Be Your True Self
Practice makes perfect.
Practice makes perfect.
Session 2 Recap
❖ The language of your body is important because actions
speak louder than words.
❖ Jesus was the “human-est” person to ever live. The
more we live like Jesus, the more truly ourselves we will
become because the more truly ourselves we are the
happier we will be. That it means to be FULLY human.
❖ First we make our habits, then our habits make us.
❖ Virtues form one’s character to be good, holy, and
happy, while vices do the opposite.
Session 2 Recap
❖ Virtuous behavior is synonymous with truly human behavior because
the more our bodies practice virtuous behavior, practice how to love,
the more our bodies become how God destined them to act.
❖ The greatest way to be men and women of virtue and receive God’s
grace is through the sacraments, most especially the Eucharist and
❖ If you want to become your true self (St. INSERT YOUR NAME), you
can’t be a different “you” depending on who you’re with. Ask God,
“Who do YOU want me to be?”
❖ Practice makes perfect. If you want to be able to have a Christ-
centered and experience true agape in your future vocation, especially
marriage, it’s most important to practice the virtuous habits that will
allow you to reach to your desired fulfilling destination.
Session 3
Sex, Love and
Because sex isn’t just
something that we do, it’s also
who we are.
Diamond Dee Interview
God said it was “not
good for the man to
be alone.”
The notion that the differences
between men and women
aren’t bad, but good because
they bring out the best in one
The Church teaches that
sexuality and sex are good
and beautiful, not bad and
dirty as many people
“Hardly anyone today thinks about
... We joke about it, dream about it,
lust about it, hear songs about it,
and watch TV shows and movies about it.
But we don’t ever really THINK about it.
- Jason Evert
Why didn’t God pick another way
for people to come into the world?
Body Language of Sex
❖ The body language of sex says, “We have no barriers.
I’m making myself totally vulnerable with you, so I
trust you to be faithful to me for life, and you can also
trust me for life.”
❖ In other words, “I give all of myself to you.”
❖ The language of marriage (the wedding vows) is, “I give
all of myself to you.”
❖ “I freely give myself to you, so freely that I’m ready to
be a parent with you.”
❖ Sex, therefore, belongs within marriage!
The FTFF of Marriage
❖ Marriage speaks a language of love that expresses four
main ways that God love us:
❖ Free
❖ Total
❖ Faithful
❖ Fruitful
Catholic Wedding Vows
❖ is refraining from sexual intimacy before being married
❖ is the vice that causes people to view and treat others as
objects to be used instead of persons to be loved
❖ is speaking, dressing, and acting in a way that
encourages others to love, not lust
❖ is the virtue that helps us love ourselves and others
through our bodies
Modesty Article on Workbook p. 21
Session 3 Recap
❖ Men and women are uniquely different and bring out the best in each
❖ The Church teaches that sexuality and sex are good and beautiful, not
bad and dirty as many people mistakenly say.
❖ The purpose of sex is to procreate, anything that goes against that is
against God’s plan for our sexuality.
❖ Sex, like fire, in the right place, can be an amazing blessing in your life
(warmth or fireworks), but if used wrongly it will damage you
emotionally, spiritually and even physically because sex is powerful but
must be respected. If it’s misused, the consequences are serious, just
like a forest fire or a house that burns to the ground.
❖ The body language of sex says, “I give all of myself to you.” The
language of marriage (the wedding vows) is, “I give all of myself to
you.” Sex, therefore, belongs within marriage.
Session 3 Recap
❖ Modern society has divorced sex with procreation, as a result,
catastrophic consequences have ensued: broken families, non-
traditional families, same-sex marriage, homosexuality, gender
confusion, “safe” sex options, abortion, IVF babies, and
surrogate moms.
❖ A person’s understanding of chastity, abstinence, modesty,
purity and lust dictates how you should treat others, especially
those you are attracted to.
❖ Catholic wedding vows promise that one’s love will always be:
Free, Total, Faithful and Fruitful.
❖ Treat others, especially those you date, the way you would want
your future spouse, your brother or sister, or even your own
future children to be treated.
Session 4
To Use or Not to
Because recognizing what true
love is is the key to your
How Porn Affects the Brain
The Language of
❖ When a couple introduces contraception into their
sexual union, they’re saying with their bodies, “I refuse to
give you all of myself. I won’t give you my fertility. I
refuse to receive all of you. I won’t receive your fertility.”
❖ Instead of becoming one flesh, they bring a barrier into
the act of sex—a barrier between their full love and gift
of self.
The Language of
❖ Contraception treats fertility as something that needs to
be fixed.
❖ Couples who use contraception treat pregnancy as a
disease against which they must be protected or
vaccinated. They don’t see the gift of fertility as
something to be received with joy.
Birth Control for Medical
The Language of
❖ “If I can’t use a condom, then how am I supposed to protect
❖ Does it really sound like love if you’re trying to protect
yourself somehow from your beloved and his/her fertility?
❖ We protect ourselves from enemies, not our spouses’
fertility or the child that may come from a union of love.
❖ We’re called to receive our beloved without reserve.
❖ If you’re not married and ready to receive that person fully,
it’s not time to give that person your body.
❖ God didn't design us to give ourselves away in pieces.
Consequences of Not Using Your
Sexuality According to the Way God
Designed It to Be Used
Pastor Testimony
• Video
What’s Wrong with Pornography?
Isn’t It Just Looking?
The Science of Porn Addiciton
With porn, it has nothing to do with
and everything to do with
Overcome Porn Addiction
Top Googled porn star exits industry, reveals
shocking truth about life on the inside
Sex Before Kissing: How 15-Year-Old Girls Are
Dealing With Porn-Obsessed Boys
Family Help
Professional Help
❖ Our mission at Integrity Restored is to help restore the
integrity of individuals, spouses, and families that have been
affected by pornography and pornography addiction. Integrity
Restored provides education, training, encouragement, and
resources to break free from pornography, heal relationships,
and to assist parents in preventing and responding to
pornography exposure which is so devastating in the lives of
our children. We are also a resource that trains and helps
clergy in assisting families at the parish level, so that the
domestic church truly becomes what it is, the human space in
which we encounter Christ.
Human Sex Trafficking and
Children Left Behind By
The porn problem: Prayer isn’t
The Effects of Porn on the
❖ Padilla Family
Priest Arrested
Boyfriends Do Not Get Husband
St. Josemaria Escriva on
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
The Flip-Flopper
Mr. Can’t-make-up-his-mind flip flops back and
forth from a boyfriend to an ex. The sad part is
you are just one of many girls that “he cannot live
without.” While he goes back and forth, you are
eagerly waiting for him to come back to you like a
puppy waiting for that treat. However, this vicious
cycle keeps on going. You are hoping “the spark
will come back” once you are together again, and
he is just hoping for another “quick fix.” When a
guy really loves a woman, she doesn’t have to
plead with him to commit. He’d commit to her
even if she lived on the moon.
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
#2: The Problem
Child (aka: The
You know the type, bad to the bone. This
man has struggled with an addiction, the law,
or a combination of things that lead him to
being misunderstood. After forming an
attachment to this boy you start to feel sorry
for his predicament and start defending him.
Naturally the next step is trying to change
him, this will never work because he should
be fixed before he is “datable.” Falling in love
with the problem child is like moving into a
dilapidated home because you plan to
remodel it as soon as you win the lottery.
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
The Walking
The walking hormone is the Hugh Hefner of
men. Why? Because he is a sex fiend. This
sexual deviant will make you feel bad though
for not giving in to his desires. The phrase
“Aren’t you into me though?” Seems rather
familiar to your ears. The words “walking
hormone” sound a lot like “teenage boy.”
However, some men control their hormones
while others are controlled by them. Lastly, if
a man prefers porn to the love of an actual
woman, let him commit to his imaginary
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
Smooth Criminal
This little devil knows how to talk a
women into thinking his intentions were
her decisions. Persuasion is the weapon
of choice, like Don Draper in Mad Man.
He feeds women line after line just to
dispose of them after one fling. He might
seem sincere, but learn to see through
his mask of lies.
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
The Control
His title is self-explanatory. There is an
imaginary list that he has for you and you
wouldn’t dare step over one of those because
you fear the outcome. This includes
interrogation, insults, guilt, pressure, and
detachment from friends or family. Care is
good, but this type of devotion is just plain
unhealthy. You should never have to feel
unsafe or the need to hide anything. You are
not a dog, so don’t act like he’s your master.
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
The Older Guy
In the words of Ke$ha: “D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R a dinosaur
An O-L-D M-A-N. You’re just an old man hitting on
me what? You need a cat scan!” I would not trust
everything Ke$ha sings about in her songs, but she
honestly hit this one dead on. When an older man is
interested in you, you really have to stop and ask
yourself, “what is he REALLY interested in?” What
are his motives? You might be scared to find out the
truth. When you find a man that is considerably older
than you, there is a gap of interest. If he is older than
your brother, who is ten years older than you, he’s
probably too old.
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
The Potty Mouth
It is important to evaluate a man’s words
because his speech expresses his inmost
desires. His speech may reveal his unfaithful
heart. So, his mouth affects both of you. Once
you become comfortable with this type of talk,
you begin to feel comfortable with the actions
associated with it. “Dirty talk makes us feel
comfortable with dirty actions.” Not only does
this show his immaturity, lack of intelligence,
and undeveloped vocabulary, it expresses his
impure and selfish intentions.
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
The Tearful
This one in a tricky guy. You think he is really
sorry, but it is all an act. The truth of the
matter is: you deserve WAY WAY WAY
better than to be cheated on. End of story.
Period. The cause of cheating isn’t the
absence of physical perfection in a girlfriend,
it’s caused by the presence of infidelity in the
heart of the boyfriend. Even if he is sorry for
cheating, you deserve better. Odds are he
will cheat again. Your little heart is worth
much more than that.
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
The Spiritual
Do you want a man or a mouse? If you are
like me, you want a hunk-a hunk- a burnin’
love (aka a MAN). The spiritual midget is the
guy that does not value prayer, religion, or
faith in general. And even worse than that, he
does not see why it is so important to you.
Stop lowering the bar! You need a man who
will lead you in your faith towards the ultimate
goal: heaven.
The Top Ten Guys to Avoid
#10: Mr. I-Don’t-Have-
In the words of Kip from Napoleon
Dynamite: “Don’t be jealous that I have
been chatting online with babes all day.”
“Well things are getting pretty serious
right now. I mean, we chat online for, like,
two hours every day so I guess you could
say things are getting pretty serious.”
Enough said.
If a woman wants to receive a more
dignified response from men,
she needs one quality above all: a
Women are the
gateways of morality,
if women don’t insist on
If you’re not dating with eyes on
you’re just dating to break up.
Perfect Man Wish List
❖ I want him to by my best friend.
❖ He needs to love God more than he loves
❖ Instead of bringing out my weaknesses,
he brings out my dignity.
❖ He’s kind and gentle with me.
❖ He builds me up and doesn’t wear me
❖ He treats his mom with love.
❖ Besides respecting me, he respects
❖ I want him to have strong morals so I don’t
need to convince him of mine.
The key to your happiness
in dating relationships is
having patience and self-
The Inconvenient Truth Many Pro-Lifers Don’t
Want to Face About Contraception
Case Studies
❖ Read the different case studies by clicking here
❖ Analyze the situation.
❖ What level of the purity ladder is each character on?
❖ Describe what’s going on using any of the following
words: sex, chastity, lust (eros), love (agape),
modesty, purity, abstinence, language of the body,
vice, virtue, habit
Session 5
Vocation &
Hope and Future
Because it’s your life, but
God’s call.
How Can I Be Single
Without Being Weird? Video
A call from God to live a specific kind of
life for the Church.
Actively seek to discover the vocation
God has for you.
❖ Vocation #1: Holiness
❖ To become the best version of
❖ All people are called to be
❖ Vocation #2:
❖ Husband or wife
❖ Single person
❖ Religious brother or sister
❖ Priest or deacon
A Surprise and a Pure Love Promise

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2019-2020 SFdS ToB Slides

  • 1. Theology of the Body Middle School Edition St. Francis de Sales Catholic School
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
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  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18.
  • 19.
  • 20. Chapter 1 Who Am I? Discovering My True Identity Because knowing who you are and God’s plan for you is key to your happiness and understanding of how much God loves you.
  • 22. Exit Slip 1. What was one thing Mother Teresa or Bl. Pier Giorgio Frasatti do to show love to their brothers and sisters in Christ? 2. What is one question ToB asks/answers? 3. Where is your ultimate destination? Name/# 1. 2. 3.
  • 23. Ch. 1 Story Starter [p. 2-3]
  • 24. If you ask me… [p. 4] In your composition book, jot down your answers to these question. Just write the words in your composition book. No need to write entire sentence. ❖ 1. If I had to leave home tonight and could take only take one thing with me, I would take ________________. ❖ 2. When I was eight years old, my idea of freedom was ___________________. ❖ 3. I think a human person needs __________ to survive. ❖ 4. I think a human person needs _____________ to thrive.
  • 25. Example ❖ 1. my phone and charger ❖ 2. sleeping as late as I wanted ❖ 3. ❖ 4.
  • 26. If you ask me… [p. 4] Sharing ❖ Talk to a partner and share what you put for #1 ❖ Now share with 3-4 people next to you what you put for #2
  • 27. If you ask me… [p. 4] Sharing ❖ 1. If I had to leave home tonight and could take only take one thing with me, I would take ________________. ❖ 2. When I was eight years old, my idea of freedom was ___________________. ❖ 3. I think a human person needs __________ to survive. ❖ 4. I think a human person needs _____________ to thrive.
  • 28. Ch. 1 Bridging the Gap [p. 4]
  • 29. Bridging the Gap ❖ If you walked into a room full of strangers and had to identify yourself without writing your actual name, what would your name tag say? ❖ Would you describe your relationships? ❖ Your personality? ❖ What you like to do? ❖ What you like?
  • 30. Write 3-4 things that describes who you are.
  • 31. Write 3-4 things that describes who you are. a friendly Filipino guy that loves music!
  • 32. Write 3-4 things that describes who you are.
  • 33. Write 3-4 things that describes who you are. a child of God!
  • 34. If you ask me… [p. 4] ❖ 1. Please describe three relationships that helped make you who you are today. ❖ 2. Explain what makes humans different from animals.
  • 35. To the Core [p.5] ❖ Happiness ❖ i. Everyone wants to be ______________. ❖ ii. Happiness depends on our ______________. ❖ iii. We oftentimes look for happiness in all the ____________ ____________. ❖ (Empty Heart Dude poster!) ❖ iv. We were made by ________ and for ________, and will only be truly happy when we give our hearts to Him and live like _______________. (St. Augustine quote!)
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. To the Core [p.5] ❖ Happiness ❖ i. Everyone wants to be happy. ❖ ii. Happiness depends on our choices. ❖ iii. We oftentimes look for happiness in all the wrong places and in all the wrong ways. ❖ (Empty Heart Dude poster!) ❖ iv. We were made by God and for God, and will only be truly happy when we give our hearts to Him and live like saints. (St. Augustine quote!)
  • 39. Page 6-8 ❖ a. TOB asks and answers 2 main questions: ❖ i. __________________________________ ❖ ii. __________________________________________ ❖ b. VOCAB ____________________: ___________________________________ ❖ c. VOCAB Human Person: ❖ i. Both a _________ and a _________ ❖ ii. Made in the ___________ and __________________ of God ❖ iii. Is __________________ and __________________ ❖ iv. Meant to be a ___________ ❖ v. NOT just a smart ________________
  • 40. Page 6-8 ❖ a. TOB asks and answers 2 main questions: ❖ i. Who am I? ❖ ii. How should I live? ❖ b. VOCAB Incarnation: God becomes man (Jesus) ❖ c. VOCAB Human Person: ❖ i. Both a body and a soul ❖ ii. Made in the image and likeness of God ❖ iii. Is unique and unrepeatable ❖ iv. Meant to be a SAINT ❖ v. NOT just a smart monkey
  • 41. To the Core [p.5] ❖ -Read page 5. ❖ -Jot down the answers to these two questions: ❖ 1. What do human beings desire? ❖ 2. How do these desires evolve or change as we grow older? ❖ Discuss.
  • 42. Read “Looking for the Beach,” p. 6-8. ❖ Each group will discuss its question and present their answers or conclusions to the class. ❖ Group 1: What makes a person truly happy? ❖ Group 2: What makes a person matter? ❖ Group 3: Why does the Incarnation challenge how we think about ourselves? ❖ Group 4: Why do we study “Theology of the Body”?
  • 43. Ch. 1 Bridging the Gap [p. 4] ❖ --Please read page 4 and answer the following questions: ❖ 1. What would you choose as the three most fundamental characteristics to describe humans? ❖ 2. Why do you think God created us and became one of us to redeem us?
  • 44. ❖ -Read page 5. ❖ -Jot down the answers to these two questions: ❖ 1. What do human beings desire? ❖ 2. How do these desires evolve or change as we grow older? ❖ Discuss.
  • 45. ❖ Humans have a deep desire to grow up, be independent, and find happiness. ❖ The more freedom you have, the more your happiness depends on your own choices. ❖ As your life changes, it is very important that you know who you really are as a human person.
  • 47. Who Am I? How Should I Live? Theology of the Body’s Two Questions
  • 48. The body, and it alone, is capable of making visible what is invisible: the spiritual and the divine. It was created to transfer into the visible reality of the world, the mystery hidden since time immemorial in God, and thus to be a sign of it. Theology of the Body Thesis
  • 49.
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  • 53.
  • 54. Session 1 Recap ❖ Our view about sex has been grossly distorted by the modern world because of people like Playboy’s Hugh Hefner. ❖ Fortunately, inspired by the Holy Spirit, St. John Paul II, wrote a series of talks, The Theology of the Body, that teaches us about God and the purpose of our existence, as discovered and revealed through our bodies. ❖ Theology of the Body is God’s map given to help us find our way to true happiness and fulfillment as human persons. ❖ The Theology of the Body asks and answers two main questions: Who am I? and How should I live?
  • 55. Session 1 Recap ❖ Each and every one of us were created in the image and likeness of God, we were born with both a body and soul, and we were given the gift of free will in order to choose love. ❖ God intended for Adam and Eve to live in communion with Him and have a pure and perfect relationship with Him, but because Adam and Eve committed Original Sin, Original Sin triggered the cycle of broken relationships and selfishness. ❖ In order to restore and heal us from the brokenness and divisions because of Original Sin, God allowed the Incarnation, which allowed Jesus to give His own life on the Cross: to defeat sin and death. ❖ Christ is the key to understanding our humanity because He came to restore creation to the purity of humanity’s origins.
  • 56.
  • 57. Session 2 Body and Soul & How Should I Act? Because the language of our bodies should say that we are men and women of virtue.
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  • 61.
  • 62. Body Language Bible Skit 1. Mt 25:36: I was sick and you visited me. 2. Mk 10:21: Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor 3. Mt 6:6: But when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret. 4. Lk 9:3: Take nothing for the journey, neither walking stick, nor sack, nor food, nor money, and let no one take a second tunic. 5. Acts 2:42: They devoted themselves to the teaching of the apostles and to the communal life, to the breaking of the bread and to the prayers. 6. Gal 5:1: For freedom Christ set us free; so stand firm and do not submit again to the yoke of slavery. 7. Eph 5:1: So be imitators of God, as beloved children.
  • 64. Because the world needs more knights in shining armour.
  • 65.
  • 66. grace
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  • 68.
  • 69. Be Your True Self
  • 72. Session 2 Recap ❖ The language of your body is important because actions speak louder than words. ❖ Jesus was the “human-est” person to ever live. The more we live like Jesus, the more truly ourselves we will become because the more truly ourselves we are the happier we will be. That it means to be FULLY human. ❖ First we make our habits, then our habits make us. ❖ Virtues form one’s character to be good, holy, and happy, while vices do the opposite.
  • 73. Session 2 Recap ❖ Virtuous behavior is synonymous with truly human behavior because the more our bodies practice virtuous behavior, practice how to love, the more our bodies become how God destined them to act. ❖ The greatest way to be men and women of virtue and receive God’s grace is through the sacraments, most especially the Eucharist and Reconciliation. ❖ If you want to become your true self (St. INSERT YOUR NAME), you can’t be a different “you” depending on who you’re with. Ask God, “Who do YOU want me to be?” ❖ Practice makes perfect. If you want to be able to have a Christ- centered and experience true agape in your future vocation, especially marriage, it’s most important to practice the virtuous habits that will allow you to reach to your desired fulfilling destination.
  • 74.
  • 75. Session 3 Sex, Love and Chastity Because sex isn’t just something that we do, it’s also who we are.
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  • 78. God said it was “not good for the man to be alone.”
  • 79. Complementar ity The notion that the differences between men and women aren’t bad, but good because they bring out the best in one another.
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  • 83. The Church teaches that sexuality and sex are good and beautiful, not bad and dirty as many people
  • 84. “Hardly anyone today thinks about sex...” ... We joke about it, dream about it, lust about it, hear songs about it, and watch TV shows and movies about it. But we don’t ever really THINK about it. - Jason Evert Why didn’t God pick another way for people to come into the world?
  • 85. Sex
  • 86. Body Language of Sex ❖ The body language of sex says, “We have no barriers. I’m making myself totally vulnerable with you, so I trust you to be faithful to me for life, and you can also trust me for life.” ❖ In other words, “I give all of myself to you.” ❖ The language of marriage (the wedding vows) is, “I give all of myself to you.” ❖ “I freely give myself to you, so freely that I’m ready to be a parent with you.” ❖ Sex, therefore, belongs within marriage!
  • 88.
  • 89. The FTFF of Marriage ❖ Marriage speaks a language of love that expresses four main ways that God love us: ❖ Free ❖ Total ❖ Faithful ❖ Fruitful
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  • 100. Sex
  • 101. Abstinence ❖ is refraining from sexual intimacy before being married Lust ❖ is the vice that causes people to view and treat others as objects to be used instead of persons to be loved Modesty ❖ is speaking, dressing, and acting in a way that encourages others to love, not lust Chastity ❖ is the virtue that helps us love ourselves and others through our bodies
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  • 114. Modesty Article on Workbook p. 21
  • 115. Session 3 Recap ❖ Men and women are uniquely different and bring out the best in each other. ❖ The Church teaches that sexuality and sex are good and beautiful, not bad and dirty as many people mistakenly say. ❖ The purpose of sex is to procreate, anything that goes against that is against God’s plan for our sexuality. ❖ Sex, like fire, in the right place, can be an amazing blessing in your life (warmth or fireworks), but if used wrongly it will damage you emotionally, spiritually and even physically because sex is powerful but must be respected. If it’s misused, the consequences are serious, just like a forest fire or a house that burns to the ground. ❖ The body language of sex says, “I give all of myself to you.” The language of marriage (the wedding vows) is, “I give all of myself to you.” Sex, therefore, belongs within marriage.
  • 116. Session 3 Recap ❖ Modern society has divorced sex with procreation, as a result, catastrophic consequences have ensued: broken families, non- traditional families, same-sex marriage, homosexuality, gender confusion, “safe” sex options, abortion, IVF babies, and surrogate moms. ❖ A person’s understanding of chastity, abstinence, modesty, purity and lust dictates how you should treat others, especially those you are attracted to. ❖ Catholic wedding vows promise that one’s love will always be: Free, Total, Faithful and Fruitful. ❖ Treat others, especially those you date, the way you would want your future spouse, your brother or sister, or even your own future children to be treated.
  • 117. Session 4 To Use or Not to Use? Because recognizing what true love is is the key to your happiness.
  • 118. How Porn Affects the Brain Video ?v=qBtgA0ZLWo0&feature=yout
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  • 122. The Language of Contraception ❖ When a couple introduces contraception into their sexual union, they’re saying with their bodies, “I refuse to give you all of myself. I won’t give you my fertility. I refuse to receive all of you. I won’t receive your fertility.” ❖ Instead of becoming one flesh, they bring a barrier into the act of sex—a barrier between their full love and gift of self.
  • 123. The Language of Contraception ❖ Contraception treats fertility as something that needs to be fixed. ❖ Couples who use contraception treat pregnancy as a disease against which they must be protected or vaccinated. They don’t see the gift of fertility as something to be received with joy.
  • 124. Birth Control for Medical Reasons ❖ reasons
  • 125. The Language of Contraception ❖ “If I can’t use a condom, then how am I supposed to protect myself?” ❖ Does it really sound like love if you’re trying to protect yourself somehow from your beloved and his/her fertility? ❖ We protect ourselves from enemies, not our spouses’ fertility or the child that may come from a union of love. ❖ We’re called to receive our beloved without reserve. ❖ If you’re not married and ready to receive that person fully, it’s not time to give that person your body. ❖ God didn't design us to give ourselves away in pieces.
  • 126. Consequences of Not Using Your Sexuality According to the Way God Designed It to Be Used
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  • 131.
  • 133. What’s Wrong with Pornography? Isn’t It Just Looking?
  • 134. The Science of Porn Addiciton
  • 135.
  • 136. With porn, it has nothing to do with self-gift and everything to do with selfishness.
  • 137. Overcome Porn Addiction ❖
  • 138. Top Googled porn star exits industry, reveals shocking truth about life on the inside ❖ star-exits-industry-reveals-shocking-truth-about-life-on-t
  • 139. Sex Before Kissing: How 15-Year-Old Girls Are Dealing With Porn-Obsessed Boys ❖ old-girls-dealing-with-boys/
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  • 145. ❖ Our mission at Integrity Restored is to help restore the integrity of individuals, spouses, and families that have been affected by pornography and pornography addiction. Integrity Restored provides education, training, encouragement, and resources to break free from pornography, heal relationships, and to assist parents in preventing and responding to pornography exposure which is so devastating in the lives of our children. We are also a resource that trains and helps clergy in assisting families at the parish level, so that the domestic church truly becomes what it is, the human space in which we encounter Christ.
  • 147. Human Sex Trafficking and Prostitution
  • 148. Children Left Behind By Tourists ❖
  • 149. The porn problem: Prayer isn’t enough ❖ isnt-enough/
  • 151. The Effects of Porn on the Family ❖ Padilla Family
  • 153. Dating
  • 154. Boyfriends Do Not Get Husband Privileges ❖ get-husband-privileges-megan-aaron/
  • 155. St. Josemaria Escriva on Dating ❖
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  • 157. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #1: The Flip-Flopper Mr. Can’t-make-up-his-mind flip flops back and forth from a boyfriend to an ex. The sad part is you are just one of many girls that “he cannot live without.” While he goes back and forth, you are eagerly waiting for him to come back to you like a puppy waiting for that treat. However, this vicious cycle keeps on going. You are hoping “the spark will come back” once you are together again, and he is just hoping for another “quick fix.” When a guy really loves a woman, she doesn’t have to plead with him to commit. He’d commit to her even if she lived on the moon.
  • 158. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #2: The Problem Child (aka: The Fixer-Upper) You know the type, bad to the bone. This man has struggled with an addiction, the law, or a combination of things that lead him to being misunderstood. After forming an attachment to this boy you start to feel sorry for his predicament and start defending him. Naturally the next step is trying to change him, this will never work because he should be fixed before he is “datable.” Falling in love with the problem child is like moving into a dilapidated home because you plan to remodel it as soon as you win the lottery.
  • 159. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #3: The Walking Hormone The walking hormone is the Hugh Hefner of men. Why? Because he is a sex fiend. This sexual deviant will make you feel bad though for not giving in to his desires. The phrase “Aren’t you into me though?” Seems rather familiar to your ears. The words “walking hormone” sound a lot like “teenage boy.” However, some men control their hormones while others are controlled by them. Lastly, if a man prefers porn to the love of an actual woman, let him commit to his imaginary girlfriend.
  • 160. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #4: Smooth Criminal This little devil knows how to talk a women into thinking his intentions were her decisions. Persuasion is the weapon of choice, like Don Draper in Mad Man. He feeds women line after line just to dispose of them after one fling. He might seem sincere, but learn to see through his mask of lies.
  • 161. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #5: The Control Freak His title is self-explanatory. There is an imaginary list that he has for you and you wouldn’t dare step over one of those because you fear the outcome. This includes interrogation, insults, guilt, pressure, and detachment from friends or family. Care is good, but this type of devotion is just plain unhealthy. You should never have to feel unsafe or the need to hide anything. You are not a dog, so don’t act like he’s your master.
  • 162. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #6: The Older Guy In the words of Ke$ha: “D-I-N-O-S-A-U-R a dinosaur An O-L-D M-A-N. You’re just an old man hitting on me what? You need a cat scan!” I would not trust everything Ke$ha sings about in her songs, but she honestly hit this one dead on. When an older man is interested in you, you really have to stop and ask yourself, “what is he REALLY interested in?” What are his motives? You might be scared to find out the truth. When you find a man that is considerably older than you, there is a gap of interest. If he is older than your brother, who is ten years older than you, he’s probably too old.
  • 163. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #7: The Potty Mouth It is important to evaluate a man’s words because his speech expresses his inmost desires. His speech may reveal his unfaithful heart. So, his mouth affects both of you. Once you become comfortable with this type of talk, you begin to feel comfortable with the actions associated with it. “Dirty talk makes us feel comfortable with dirty actions.” Not only does this show his immaturity, lack of intelligence, and undeveloped vocabulary, it expresses his impure and selfish intentions.
  • 164. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #8: The Tearful Cheater This one in a tricky guy. You think he is really sorry, but it is all an act. The truth of the matter is: you deserve WAY WAY WAY better than to be cheated on. End of story. Period. The cause of cheating isn’t the absence of physical perfection in a girlfriend, it’s caused by the presence of infidelity in the heart of the boyfriend. Even if he is sorry for cheating, you deserve better. Odds are he will cheat again. Your little heart is worth much more than that.
  • 165. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #9: The Spiritual Midget Do you want a man or a mouse? If you are like me, you want a hunk-a hunk- a burnin’ love (aka a MAN). The spiritual midget is the guy that does not value prayer, religion, or faith in general. And even worse than that, he does not see why it is so important to you. Stop lowering the bar! You need a man who will lead you in your faith towards the ultimate goal: heaven.
  • 166. The Top Ten Guys to Avoid #10: Mr. I-Don’t-Have- Enough-Social-Skills-to- Meet-Girls-Without-the- Internet In the words of Kip from Napoleon Dynamite: “Don’t be jealous that I have been chatting online with babes all day.” “Well things are getting pretty serious right now. I mean, we chat online for, like, two hours every day so I guess you could say things are getting pretty serious.” Enough said.
  • 167. If a woman wants to receive a more dignified response from men, she needs one quality above all: a
  • 168. Women are the gateways of morality, if women don’t insist on manners,
  • 169. If you’re not dating with eyes on forever, you’re just dating to break up.
  • 170. Perfect Man Wish List ❖ I want him to by my best friend. ❖ He needs to love God more than he loves me. ❖ Instead of bringing out my weaknesses, he brings out my dignity. ❖ He’s kind and gentle with me. ❖ He builds me up and doesn’t wear me down. ❖ He treats his mom with love. ❖ Besides respecting me, he respects himself. ❖ I want him to have strong morals so I don’t need to convince him of mine.
  • 171. The key to your happiness in dating relationships is having patience and self- control.
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  • 173. The Inconvenient Truth Many Pro-Lifers Don’t Want to Face About Contraception ❖ pro-lifers-dont-want-to-face/
  • 174. Case Studies ❖ Read the different case studies by clicking here ❖ Analyze the situation. ❖ What level of the purity ladder is each character on? ❖ Describe what’s going on using any of the following words: sex, chastity, lust (eros), love (agape), modesty, purity, abstinence, language of the body, vice, virtue, habit
  • 175. Session 5 Vocation & Hope and Future Because it’s your life, but God’s call.
  • 176. How Can I Be Single Without Being Weird? Video vfE6CKA4Y&index=3&list=PL0A1vaQ SD1PVSUTbrST96VuYheIo0zr7L
  • 177. Vocation A call from God to live a specific kind of life for the Church. Discernment Actively seek to discover the vocation God has for you.
  • 178. Vocations ❖ Vocation #1: Holiness ❖ To become the best version of yourself ❖ All people are called to be saints! ❖ Vocation #2: ❖ Husband or wife ❖ Single person ❖ Religious brother or sister ❖ Priest or deacon
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  • 181. A Surprise and a Pure Love Promise Video DyWTcb9KCtc