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Dr. Sang Hun Lee
v. 1.3
Does a clay pot dare argue with its maker,
      a pot that is like all the others?
Does the clay ask the potter what he is doing?
      Does the pot complain that its maker has no skill? Isaiah 45:9
Potmaker = God, leading us in Our own Life on Earth!
Creating the Beauty for Future Life in the Spiritual World.
From Spirit
Body/World From Natural
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
From Physical
From Spirit
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
• Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright.
From Natural
From Physical
From Spirit
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
• Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright.
• When the inner and external men are perfectly
aligned you feel joy and power.
This is happening every day within you. 
From Natural
From Physical
From Spirit
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
• Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright.
• When the inner and external men are perfectly
aligned you feel joy and power.
This is happening every day within you. 
Reincarnation untrue - but explained as Returning Spirits!
Yang =
is provided
Yin =
requires effort
From Natural
From Physical
Analogy: Life in the Physical Body is like bicycling
You are the Spirit Body, not the bicycle (Physical Body)
You need it to get far and fast (spiritual development)
Once you discard the bike (die)
It takes so much longer/slower to travel (develop spiritually)
You can borrow another bicycle (returning resurrection)
but now you are two people on the same bicycle = slower!
• Sang Hun Lee is the creator of Unification Thought
based on the Principles as explained by
Dr SunMyungMoon.
• Dr Lee passed over to spirit world at age of 84, 1997.
• Dr Lee became a messenger between Spirit World
and this world during 1997-2001.
Dr Lee
Dr Moon
Dr. Sang Hun Lee
Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Part 1 - 2.1 - 2.2
3 - 4 - 5.1 - 5.2
Dr. Sang
Hun Lee
Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings from Spirit World
- Received through Mrs. Y. S. Kim, National
Section 1: To True Parents and Unification Church Members
Section 2a: Earthly Life and Life in the Spiritual World
Section 2b: Earthly Life and Life in the Spiritual World
Section 3: Life of the Spirit World Viewed from the Principle
Section 4: People whom I met in the spiritual world
 Table of Contents
Section 3
Life of the Spirit World Viewed from the Principle
1.Subject and Object (Law of the Spirit World)
July 21, 1997
All of the fundamental force of the world exists with the
force of action that forms a reciprocal relationship
between a subject and an object.
There is nothing that can independently exist by itself.
Existence itself can be possible only through the force
generated from give and take actions between a subject
and an object.
Whether in the spirit world or on earth, the force of all
existing beings is manifested in the process of reciprocal
relationship between a subject and an object.
B. Give and Receive Action
UPE common
give receive
receive give
(existence, action, multiplication)
forces of GRA
UPE: internal, causal, subject
a vertical force
forces of GRA: external, resultant, object
a horizontal force
atoms: proton electron
 
molecules: cation anion
atoms atoms
animals: male female
inhalation exhalation
between animals bees flowers
and plants: oxygen carbon dioxide
solar system: sun planets
earth moon
plants: stamen pistil
xylem phloem
human beings: man
world: other nationsnation
nation: peoplegovernment
society: employee
family: wife
The Force of Conscience from the Viewpoint of GRA
force of
subject of
=Subject object
Section 1
To Bear the Fruit of Human Life
and the Spirit Self
If an individual remains a living being, the individual
should inherit the fruit of life and, within his or herself
should always be prepared with a content that is related
to the fruit of life. If not, even if a time of bearing fruit
arrives, the individual will not be able to see fruits.
For this reason, we should overcome our environment.
Furthermore, we should inherit all the conditions that can
bear fruit in the future, and we should have abilities of
control that can be a motivation for all contents. Only
through the process of bearing fruit can we remain a fruit
that is needed for the progress of a new history and
human society.
From this perspective, humans must be able to
overcome their environment. But that is not the end.
They should undergo a process through which they can
inherit a new life and bear a fruit from it. Afterwards, they
should be able to stand in an appropriate position and
bring a result.
At this point, you must not forget that you are in a
position where you should, within yourself, solidify the
inner conditions that can inherit such hopes and wishes,
and centring on those conditions you must again be
adjusted to the external environment.
This should be done not in the position of defending
yourself, but in the position of offense.
Even among Blessed families, there are many insincere
families. I can tell the truth when looking at you carefully.
When you look at chestnut burrs, you can find both male
ones and female ones. Their shape is similar, but the
male is bigger. It is the lazy one that did not work hard.
Bearing fruit requires the overcoming of many
However, male chestnuts are void of the deep qualities
that come from tribulations, and, as a result, they are
void of life power. Their appearance is similar to that of
the female chestnuts, but their inside is not that of a real
1. Categories of Judgment
Would God, who knows that the way of the Principle is a
way that cannot be walked without loving one's enemies,
let people perish in the last days? No. God is in the
position of a parent towards humans. The judgment of
fire that is mentioned in today's Christianity is not literally
a fire judgment.
…if you do not pay attention to the words, you will be
judged by the words.
Next, we should produce substantial realization.
What are your actions for? It is to realize your words.
Without action, there will be a judgment of substance.
There are three different kinds of judgment:
that of Words,
that of Substance,
and that of Heart.
One should go through three different stages of
…we should go through a process of passing
a fearful test with substantial conditions. That is a law.
When the test is done, the foundation of heart will
automatically come into being. When you were
fundraising and witnessing hard, why were you
persecuted and accused for doing them? It was for
restoration, to discover heart, which you did not have. It
was for restoration, to discover love.
2. Be Prepared with a Passport to the Kingdom of
Your final moment on this earthly plane is death.
The day of death will come to everyone.
In order to establish the ultimate ideal world, you should
experience all kinds of things and pass through them.
What is the passport for? It is to expel Satan.
Satan is allowed to enter.
Everyone here, in your daily life, does Satan play a part
or not?
Did you separate good from evil on the levels of an
individual, a tribe, a people, a nation, the world and the
cosmos? If so, when?
You must have learned the words of the Principle, right?
Then you must have learned how to separate good from
evil. With what can it be done? It should be done centerd
on indemnity conditions.
When you go to spirit world, you cannot take even your
own wife and your children. When you die, you are
alone, not with each other.
Then, how lonely it must be! You must walk alone. Such
is the world where you need to go. The reason why
Reverend Moon is needed in the world is because
humans do not know where to go.
In order to teach them the right way, in the last days,
God sent such a person as Reverend Moon on earth.
3. Satan's Certificate is Also Required
Do you receive God's love? Yes or no?
God's love is a worldwide love which is priceless,
and that cannot be replaced with money.
Have you ever received such love?
Have you ever received love that is like flesh of all flesh
and bone of all bones?
In the Bible it says: "As you know the truth, the truth will
set you free." As we now know the answer, we should
love, even biting our own teeth.
To what level?
To the level of Cain, who is our enemy.
You should be able to say and claim before Satan:
"Satan, as I am where I am now because of you, I will
return after subjugating you."
So, unless you get a certificate that you subjugated
Satan, you cannot receive God's love. Jesus himself
brought victory in overcoming three temptations.
You will not able to go to the heavenly kingdom without a
signature from Satan that you won a victory in history.
The Unification Church is the only church that teaches
that one cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven without a
certificate from Satan. This is fundamentally different
from other Christian churches.
No matter what, we should receive Satan's signature.
When Jesus overcame the three temptations from
Satan, Satan admitted with tears: "You are truly and
eternally different from me." Unless he had admitted this,
his position would have been in danger.
4. Father's Signature Is Also Required
Do you want to obtain a passport to the Kingdom of
Heaven? [Yes.] But not freely. You can be real ones only
after meeting the exact standard.
In the final world, centerd on good and evil, unless you
become a true Moonie, you cannot reach the ideal.
In that sense, you should reexamine yourself and reflect
upon yourself.
You need a certificate. No matter how difficult it is, you
should get a certificate.
This world belongs to Satan. That is the problem.
It is a miserable fact.
On the other hand, the spirit world is rejoicing. Thus,
these two worlds are divided. Is it clear now? [Yes.]
You need a certificate which contains Father's signature.
One can go through all levels of the spirit world only with
Reverend Moon's signature. As long as you have it, no
one will stop you. You will be welcome at any place.
5. The Role of An Attorney in The Spirit World
Father's slogan is: "Let us kick out the devil," the
ringleader of the evil which has been violating countless
humans throughout history. From the first day to the last
day, let us take the position of a prosecutor ourselves,
accuse Satan of all the evil deeds that he has committed
in front of God, the judge of justice and righteousness.
Then would the devil surrender or not? There will be no
attorney available to the devil, but to humans, there will
Jesus is working as an attorney in the spirit world. He
would say, "This person did such and such good deeds
with faith in my name.
The devil cannot take people who were standing in a
good way. That is why people are asked to believe in
Jesus. But though you believe in Jesus unconditionally,
do you think you can go to Kingdom of Heaven?
6. Impossible to Accuse
Once We Come to Have a Citizenship
We must have a country.
Unless you were given a citizenship that is approved by
the country, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Satan cannot make accusations against people who
have a citizenship from any direction whether it is north,
south, west, or east, nor any time era--past, present or
Section 3. Entering the Spirit World
1. Freedom Possessed by the Citizens of the
Kingdom of Heaven
Then, what kind of people will the Unification Church
members become? It is ideal to become a person who
can travel to the world of the internal and the world of
the external, and thus you can freely travel to all
directions, north, south, east and west.
So what we are trying to do in the Unification Church is
to make a person who can be a subject to the internal
world and also have dominion over the external.
2. Special Gift That Can Be Carried to the Spirit
Everyone here, what is the present that you can take
when going to God in the spirit world? There is nothing.
Not money, nor the honour that was obtained through an
earthly academic degree, nor loving a spouse, nor living
a happy life. Such things cannot be a gift.
Then what is it?
It is our love for God and the world.
3. Triple-Subjects Thought and Registration
God is the teacher of the universe, the nation, the tribe,
and the family. God is also the master of the universe,
the nation, the tribe, and the family.
This is the triple-subjects Idea.
Since this has the essence of the love that lives for
others and then forgets about it,
this triple-subjects idea represents Heaven.
4. The Registration of Divine Spirits
What is the Fall? It is to be separated from the word, the
substance, and heart.
Therefore, you should first learn the word and live
substantiating it.
In order to substantiate it, we should have a parental
Only those who went through substantial actions for the
resolution of aggrievement, for restoration through
indemnity, can give blessings. It should not be only
words. Then, you become a life spirit.
There are form spirits, life spirits, and divine spirits, in
the spirit world. Then, what level are we in there? We
are like divine spirits, and the course of restoration is to
find our own position after being registered on that level.
Therefore, from now on, you should be registered.
That is why the Bible states: "Those who want to die will
live, and those who want to live will die."
Such a paradoxical theory can be logical. Only when you
are willing to die, you shall live.
For this, you must invest all of your life.
By so doing, you should launder everything.
In other words, everything should be restored through
Such a process is absolutely required.
5. Registration That Must Be Done
When you go to spirit world, if you had not completed a
7-day fasting for Heaven, you cannot be registered in
the other world. Why? Since God has been toiling during
the course of 6,000-year history of restoration, you must
fast, thinking of it. That is why the Unification Church has
a tradition of doing a 7-day fast.
It is not to give you a hard time, but to give you the
chance in front of heaven to make the condition of
having stricken your own physical body.
6. The Person Who Can Be a Chief in the Spirit
Once you are united with God as one, you should love
Cain. If you are standing in the position where you
receive love of God, just as with all of your life, heart,
and soul you love God, you should love your tribe,
people, and nation. This is the first commandment on
7. Unification and the Era of Registration
In the future, centring on God's Kingdom, an era of
registration will arrive. People will try to be part of the 12
tribes and 144,000 group of people. Do you know what
the 144,00 group of people is? An era of registration is
coming. Centerd on the unification of North Korea and
South Korea, in order to go towards the registration era,
your own tribe should stand in the position of a
homeland in the heavenly kingdom.
8. True Parents' Pictures and Registration
During the process of restoring the kingship of Israel, the
Israelites died with Moses while wandering in the
wilderness for 40 years. Understanding this, whether it is
a hundred people or a thousand people, everyone
should be totally united in mind and body, and should
walk the same path to the place where God wants,
towards the same direction that True Parents are
walking, making sure that there will be no difference
by even one inch.
In the future, all Unification Church members should
always carry True Parents' picture with them. Now a
time has come when all Korean people would desire to
hang True Parents' picture. That is the way the world is
supposed to be.
Section 4. the Spirit World and Ourselves
1.Our Attitude in Front of Spirit World
We'd better try until death. Let us be willing to die. When
we die, we should die well. Then, after death, we come
back to life. But dying well is our responsibility and
reviving us is God's. If God breaks His promise to revive
us, God will be the one who did not execute His own
2. Father and Us
As I am trying to make you a son or a daughter with the
qualification of going to the free world without walls or
barriers when you go to spirit world, how grateful you
should be for it. It is possible if you live according to my
words. Since there is no boundary in the spirit world, the
territory of the spirit world is endless
When they come to spirit world, who will they look for at
once? They will look for the True Parents.
Then I will bequeath all of my possessions to them as I
did on the earthly plane.
How amazing it is! Due to true love, since everything
could be inherited from God, you must understand that
with true love, the True Parents want to bequeath
everything to their children. It is the same for me.
Even in the spirit world, I intend to bequeath such a
glorious position to you one hundred percent. Eventually,
you must pass through this world at once. You must be
prepared for this.
Section 2: Earthly Life and Life in the Spiritual World
Meeting at the Seung Hwa Ceremony of Sang Hun Lee
March 24, 1997
Spirit World
Even though the spirit world appears to be the same as
the visible phenomenal world, the scale of the spirit
world cannot be compared with the scale of the physical
For instance, in the phenomenal world, materiality and
space limit a car, but in the spirit world, a car's form can
be changed at will. Its direction of movement is also free.
The car moves with a driver's thought and can even
pass through a mountain in a moment. Even though the
motion of the car may look chaotic, because they are
keeping spiritual law, there are no accidents at all.
Life in the Spirit World
Earthly people wake up in the morning and sleep at
night, and spirit persons behave the same way.
However, in the spirit world, morning and night do not
follow a regular order. Morning and night can be
changed according to one's thinking
I do not know who first described the spirit world as
containing hell, Paradise, and the kingdom of heaven
respectively, but the distinctions are proper. Huge gaps
exist in these levels of life.
Heaven Is the Place Where Thought and Action Become
In heaven, the environment abounds with many bright
jewels. Because of the surrounding brightness and
luster, you cannot hide any difficulties between each
Everything can be seen and known with the eyes and
mind. If I am filled with light and my hair dazzles golden,
it is due to a golden light that is filled with a radiant
Hell Is the Place You Cannot Imagine in Heaven
In hell you endure hunger and suffering; hell swims in
jealousy and discomfort. Due to such suffering, fighting
cannot be avoided. Everyone feels uncomfortable.
In hell you can't do a single thing according to your own
will. In hell, you take others' possessions by force and
eat by stealth. People on earth cannot imagine how bad
hell really is.
What Is the Middle Realm of Spirit World?
There are many similarities to the earth. As an example,
during mealtime in the kitchen, someone is working,
someone is cleaning dishes, preparing food, or serving
food; everyone will work together.
To describe the people in this realm: in heaven people
are very bright; in hell, people are always uneasy and
restless, but here people are always very busy and
working hard, never resting.
At a special event, people will be alive with energy, but
there is no concern whatsoever for God or religion.
It's a place where it is very difficult to get across to
people any idea of God or Principle or Unification
Compared to our members, others appear very different.
They have no pulse, no life. Their activities are very
passive and lazy. They have weary and tired faces.
Unification Church members in the middle realms have
hope and desire because they expect and wait for God's
special privilege to come to them and they know God's
basic will.
You don't understand the meaning of the Blessing while
on earth, because you can't see it. But from heaven
there is an exorbitant condition that can be received.
True Parents are giving the Blessing without price. The
reason is because of our Parents' merit. While True
Parents are living on the earth in this time, they are
giving great Blessings to you. So we must go out to give
the Blessing to many people in our area.
That is the Unification way of giving Blessing to others.
Paradise on earth was thought to be somewhere
between heaven and hell, but that is not accurate.
In Paradise people form groups within which they
naturally belong. For example, Koreans go to Korea
town, Chinese go to Chinatown, and Japanese go to
Japan town.
How people live life on earth determines what is
recorded in Spirit World.
If your life was just spent on petty things or you were
irrationally materialistic, or if you were simply an evil
person, not a true person, it is all recorded.
Just as if you were to write your own autobiography.
You become a complete spirit person 40 days after your
life ends.
During this 40 days you travel back and forth between
the physical and spirit worlds, and your place of
residence is prepared.
During this time God does not intervene. Although your
ancestors will cooperate with you, they cannot help you
100 percent.
In spirit world, the field of your work is different from your
scholarly major on earth.
But your greatest embarrassment is not that, but comes
rather if you made a mistake in your life and you were
ignorant of the value of your life.
Many levels exist according to the nature of the crime or
sin committed.
How wonderful it is we can go the way of indemnifying
our sin by gathering in such a place among those
No place exists where one can indemnify and solve sin
alone. Through prayer, tithing, service and other such
public efforts made by their descendants on earth, the
door to the prison will be opened for spirit persons and
they will be able to leave.
If our descendants pray for us and offer their whole
heart, the spirits which benefit from that indemnity will
escape their misery.
But our position is to escape only to return again.
If earthly people pray and invest their heart, it inevitably
shortens a person's indemnity period.
However, on earth they mostly don't know a person's
situation. So many must undergo a course of mental
suffering for quite a long time.
Life in Spirit World
Spirit people decide their own position by how they lived
on earth. If you lived selfishly, then you will suffer in a
position praying for a thousand years without special
People in the Spirit World who lived in peace on earth
also enable their descendants to live peacefully.
But if people lived evil lives, then when they come to
Spirit World, they live in hell and their descendants are
always oppressed with problems.
Therefore, people's lives on earth are very
It takes too much time to improve your position as a
spirit person so you can receive effective grace. It takes
a long time to move beyond ignorance. Because of that,
adjust your focus now on the eternal world and live that
To speak more plainly: committing sin leads only to hell.
Live a life of goodness. That is the way of heaven.
Please live well for the sake of eternity.
Earthly People
Earthly people look with physical eyes, touch physically
and act physically. – (5 senses)
Earthly people live physically limited to a confined
amount of space. For example: Human beings live
through a time period of 10, 20, or 60 years.
- (time restriction=biological process)
Also, on earth, though I desired an object, I could not
automatically obtain it.
Earth people may artificially make things, but they
cannot adequately bring into existence something in the
mind that occurred as thought.
Earth people get hungry, but if they don't move they
won't eat.
Because you act within finite space, when someone
misses you in the realm of thought, it just stops there.
Also, when you go through physical pain, you don't know
the solution as a certainty.
For example, when people of faith have an illness, they
will turn to prayer and other such approaches to healing,
but non-believers just go to the hospital.
Spirit People
Spirit people are different. Spirit people, because the
physical body does not confine them, have an infinite
realm in which to act.
Let's look at an example: whether looking, touching or
acting, because it appears immediately with your
thought, there is no length of time.
At the same instant a spirit person thinks, another spirit
person can receive it, and this doesn't require words.
He can transmit the exact details and they will appear
right before the face of the other person
Spirit people can know completely all of God's creation
process from the beginning, as well as the whole
concept of what we call a person, so we can never
cause God pain.
If I summarize,
Physical people live and act within the confines of space.
They remain busy acting to solve difficult problems and
they suffer due to food and clothing needs,
But spirit people can move freely throughout limitless
Because the worries of food and clothing have been
removed, we are infinitely bright and humble.
Our conclusion: bear good fruit in your physical life
and when you come to heaven you will appreciate the
correctness of this teaching.
Sweden Spring 2015
The Principle of Duality in Spirit World
In the Divine Principle, in the discourse on Unification
Thought, the principle of duality teaches that
Give and receive action takes place when subject and
object give and receive,
Reciprocally generating Origin-Division-Union Action
(O-D-U Action).
Through this we receive joy.
This is the fundamental principle of God.
In the physical realm in O-D-U Action there is joy at
becoming one.
In the the spiritual realm the process of giving to another
and its reception, there is no time involved.
Because O-D-U happens with thought, you don't actually
see any sign of give and take action.
This is a clearly revealed account of the basis for
heaven, where completed individuals are gathered
according to the principle of duality.
In heaven, give and receive action happens even when
you just look up towards each other; you become literally
one perfect body.
The fundamental teaching of the Creation Principle is
that give and receive action in heaven is where you
fundamentally accomplish and complete the purpose of
God's creation.
Hell is the place where you cannot understand God's
foundation at all, there exists only one relative principle
in hell. - (Selfishness- Live for yourself)
Even as you progress, you must think of one very
important point in order to achieve the liberation of hell:
You must strive towards the goal of give and take action.
This is very similar to the situation on earth.
Based on whom my life was centered upon on earth, my
position in the eternal world (God's side, Satan's side,
atheist) is decided.
The formation of personality is far more important in
heaven than is a spirit of nationalism or a worldview.
Live with my heart centered on God, renouncing
personal greed and leading a life of reverence and
respect. Then we can live with our heads up in heaven.
Conjugal Love
Conjugal love is the love where men and women are
connected physically. On earth, we can feel emotion
when our bodies can meet and love.
But in heaven, a man and woman without physical
bodies can love. The conjugal love between those high
spirits (those who are close to God) is like a beautiful
It is like creating a higher existence from the state of a
complete absence of ego. It is like feeling you are in a
magical world.
Spiritual Love
Since spiritual love is not physically observed through
the action of the body, it looks to some as though it is
not related to those who live on the Earth. Yet, it is a
love that is absolutely necessary to those who live on the
Since everybody has his or her own inner self, if you do
not cultivate your inner self well, you are going to
encounter many problems in making your love complete
(becoming one as husband and wife) in heaven.
When the husband's heart to respect his wife and the
wife's heart to love her husband become one,
their love can develop and mature into a complete love.
Since this takes a longer time to achieve in heaven,
when you are on Earth, with your own physical body,
you have to try to cultivate your heart and bear the fruit
of complete love.
Agape Love Due to Religion
When God created us, He bestowed on us the capacity
for unconditional love. This is Agape Love.
Due to the Human Fall and the subsequent changes
over the ages, the original standard of love God gave to
us has been deteriorating
By acknowledging the worth of unconditional,
fundamental love, the path to the liberation of hell can be
opened up and hell can be destroyed.
By becoming one with the love God bestowed upon us,
the road to the liberation of all humankind will be opened
and hell in the eternal world will disappear.
Accordingly, if we trust and love each other, neither hell
nor war will afflict humankind.
We must cultivate and keep a strong love between
husband and wife, and cultivate the fundamental inborn
love God bestowed to us.
Our spirit selves were created to live forever in the Spirit
World based upon the foundation of life on the Earth.
Therefore, unless spirit selves can rid themselves of the
sins they committed, they are destined to live receiving
punishment, forever
How Do Spirit Selves Help Persons on Earth?
In order for the spirit selves to be liberated from their
positions, they cannot avoid pain and suffering
without the help of the people on Earth.
(– Returning Ressurection)
Also, since they cannot rid themselves of the sins they
committed, the spirit selves definitely go to the place
(they lived on Earth).
They go to their own blood and flesh, or someone
related in some way, and keep sending signals.
If a family cannot find any problems in their faith, but
nevertheless has continuous accidents big or small, it
can be concluded that this family has ancestors who
have complicated problems.
Then the fastest way to solve these problems is through
prayer, with faith.
Twin hurricanes Aug 2015
The Relationship between Spirit Selves
and Persons on Earth
The relationship between the people on Earth and the
spirit self in the Spirit World is like the relationship
between the body and spirit.
From Spirit
• You should know that you are like two people in one.
• Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright.
• When the inner and external men are perfectly
aligned you feel joy and power.
This is happening every day within you. 
Yang =
is provided
Yin =
requires effort
From Natural
From Physical
It goes without saying that the person on Earth should
lead a good life when they have a physical body.
When you live on Earth with your body, you have to
prepare for the eternal life, summarize your life, and lead
everyday life sincerely and faithfully.
Because my life on Earth can be made comfortable by
praying for my ancestors, thereby having them ascend
to more comfortable places, it is natural that I should
save my ancestors.
Keeping in mind that this is the path by which we can offer
a little help to our True Parents,
by easing the pain of our True Parents in the Spirit World,
we have to complete our lives when we have our own
bodies on Earth well.
Because of the tie of the blood lineage, they are sending
signals, sometimes for good purposes and sometimes
for bad.
The person on Earth should be able to discriminate
between these based on the Law of Principle,
and the spirit self should not confuse the person on
Common Point of Spirit Selves and
Persons on Earth
Since the people on Earth have bodies, there are
times when they cannot do whatever they wish.
The spirit selves, though, do not have a body and are
free to move within their position
Common Point of Spirit Selves and
Persons on Earth
The person on Earth, though, has a body and cannot
occupy an eternal place.
Spirit selves do not have a body, so they can have an
eternal place.
If I list the differences between those two, it will be
Both life on Earth and life in the Spirit World
are only half the story.
Therefore each can accomplish only half.
When the spirit person comes to Spirit World with their
spirits not fully ripe, there arise problems.
Therefore, to solve the problems, the relationship
between the ancestors and the descendent becomes
Bear in mind the importance of life lived on Earth.
In order to live forever in the beautiful house God
prepared for us, we should not live for the "half life" as
our goal.
True Love and False Love
Love is a precious element God gives human beings
when they are born.
But the heartbreaking situation is that it was this very
love that led to the reality of men and women serving
two owners even from birth. This is the beginning of our
Love is the most precious constituent of personality
endowed to us.
Freedom cannot have caused the human Fall
Human beings lost their true freedom as a result of the Fall
Death Line
Death Life
True Love
Unprincipled Love
Not Free
Due to the human Fall, we lost the essence of love.
Original love was overlaid with fallen and ugly love,
so love manifests as artificial love. (- Pleasure)
Eye fo
Law and Indemnity needed!
“Eye for an eye”
Paradise opened! – follow
Jesus Christ! Indemnity on Earth still needed
KoH opened! – Receive Blessing
follow True Parents/ODP! Live for Others!
Sweden Ocean Sunset Autumn 2015
Original man lives under God's direct dominion
apart from Satan's rule, and yet they live in the
fallen realm due to the fall.
In order to get away from it, he/she must pay individual
indemnity, family indemnity. . .
Without this he cannot come out.
Spirits appear in each age through the rule of
returning resurrection,
and so each stage looks (wrongly)
like a phenomenon of reincarnation.
/SMM 1972
In the spirit world we breathe love.
Those who fail to love on earth will suffocate in the
other world.
Earthly life is a training ground where we train ourselves
to breathe in the other world.
That is why we should love others more than our
own spouse
/SMM 1982
What is it like to live in the other world?
There is no need to worry about what to eat,
where to live or what to wear.
Anything is possible just by thinking about it or wishing it.
People eat in the spirit world.
They can feel the pulse in the veins.
Although theirs is a spiritual body, they can feel it just
the same as the pulse in a physical body.
What is the governing and active force
that can mobilize the whole?
It is not power, nor is it knowledge or money.
It is love, only love.
/SMM 1989
When you go to the spirit world
you will find that your life has been
completely recorded in the computer there.
It will all be revealed.
The conscience is like a computer file that is exhibited
in the eternal world. Everything is in that file.
/SMM 1993
Once you enter the spirit world,
you breathe through the cells of the fontanel
located on the top of the head. 
The atmosphere in the spirit world is not earthly air;
it is love.  We breathe the elements of love. . .
Therefore, during earthly life we should prepare
for the day of death by cultivating our inner self;
this is done through experiencing children’s love,
sibling’s love, conjugal love and parental love
/SMM 1998
How To Gain Spiritual Help = Attitude
Sun Myung Moon
November 27, 1978
• Respect all things as holy things.
• Respect all men as holy men.
• Respect yourself as a holy person.
• Respect your mind as holy.
• Respect your body as holy.
Pay deep respect to all people, no matter what kind
of person they may be. As a child, be respectful towards
an elderly man.
Think over your words three times before uttering
them and always have a humble attitude.
How to Witness: To State Leaders = Prayer
Sun Myung Moon
April 1, 1977
 People will come, desiring to have their lives connected to
your life when they feel that God is present with you.
You have to feel God's presence in your centers.
When you maintain this spiritually then people will come
and rest in you. Each day, without thinking, you will know
who will come to visit and what kind of events will occur.
When you can develop such a heart, then imagine how
interesting witnessing will become.
For this reason I am telling you that
you must have deep and intense prayer.
How to Witness: To State Leaders = Prayer
Sun Myung Moon
April 1, 1977
You can have an intense prayer and deep spiritual
connection even with your eyes open.
Your spiritual eyes are miraculous, and with them you
can see anything. 
It is not possible to cheat in spiritual things as it is in
worldly matters.
Anger, for example, brings much disturbance to the spirit world
Divine Good Spirits
Dominating Evil
Spiritual World
Jesus SM Moon
Jesus casting out demons!
Spiritually untouchable!
The Cosmic True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind
Short Vocabulary:
CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook
CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH
CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea
DP = Divine Principle, v1973
EDP = Divine Principle, v1996
ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008
KoH = Kingdom of Heaven
LSA = Lord of Second Advent
OT = Old Testament
NT = New Testament
CT = Completed Testament
TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon
TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon
UC = Unification Church
See also extended Vocabulary:
Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there
to inspire the beauty inside all of us!
Have a great Blessed week.
Prepared for 2nd, 3rd + Gen. inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.

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Life in the Spirit World and on Earth Sang Hun Lee - updated 2019

  • 1. Dr. Sang Hun Lee 1998 v. 1.3
  • 2. Does a clay pot dare argue with its maker,       a pot that is like all the others? Does the clay ask the potter what he is doing?       Does the pot complain that its maker has no skill? Isaiah 45:9 Potmaker = God, leading us in Our own Life on Earth! Creating the Beauty for Future Life in the Spiritual World.
  • 3. 1 3 1 22 Yin Yang Yin Yang From Spirit Body/World From Natural World • You should know that you are like two people in one. From Physical Body
  • 4. Yin Yang Yin Yang From Spirit Body/World • You should know that you are like two people in one. • Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright. From Natural World From Physical Body
  • 5. Yin Yang Yin Yang From Spirit Body/World • You should know that you are like two people in one. • Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright. • When the inner and external men are perfectly aligned you feel joy and power. This is happening every day within you.  From Natural World From Physical Body
  • 6. Yin Yang Yin Yang From Spirit Body/World • You should know that you are like two people in one. • Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright. • When the inner and external men are perfectly aligned you feel joy and power. This is happening every day within you.  Reincarnation untrue - but explained as Returning Spirits! Yang = is provided Yin = requires effort From Natural World From Physical Body
  • 7. Analogy: Life in the Physical Body is like bicycling You are the Spirit Body, not the bicycle (Physical Body) You need it to get far and fast (spiritual development) Once you discard the bike (die) It takes so much longer/slower to travel (develop spiritually) You can borrow another bicycle (returning resurrection) but now you are two people on the same bicycle = slower!
  • 8.
  • 9. Introduction • Sang Hun Lee is the creator of Unification Thought based on the Principles as explained by Dr SunMyungMoon. • Dr Lee passed over to spirit world at age of 84, 1997. • Dr Lee became a messenger between Spirit World and this world during 1997-2001. Dr Lee Dr Moon Link
  • 10. Dr. Sang Hun Lee 2000 Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 1998 Part 1 - 2.1 - 2.2 3 - 4 - 5.1 - 5.2
  • 12. Dr. Sang Hun Lee's Teachings from Spirit World - Received through Mrs. Y. S. Kim, National Messiah Section 1: To True Parents and Unification Church Members Section 2a: Earthly Life and Life in the Spiritual World Section 2b: Earthly Life and Life in the Spiritual World Section 3: Life of the Spirit World Viewed from the Principle Section 4: People whom I met in the spiritual world  Table of Contents
  • 13. Section 3 Life of the Spirit World Viewed from the Principle 1.Subject and Object (Law of the Spirit World) July 21, 1997
  • 14. All of the fundamental force of the world exists with the force of action that forms a reciprocal relationship between a subject and an object. There is nothing that can independently exist by itself.
  • 15. Existence itself can be possible only through the force generated from give and take actions between a subject and an object. Whether in the spirit world or on earth, the force of all existing beings is manifested in the process of reciprocal relationship between a subject and an object.
  • 16. B. Give and Receive Action UPE common base objectsubject God forces give receive receive give  (existence, action, multiplication) (HS) forces of GRA (SS)
  • 17. UPE: internal, causal, subject a vertical force forces of GRA: external, resultant, object a horizontal force
  • 18. e.g., atoms: proton electron   molecules: cation anion atoms atoms animals: male female inhalation exhalation between animals bees flowers and plants: oxygen carbon dioxide solar system: sun planets earth moon plants: stamen pistil xylem phloem
  • 19. human beings: man mind arteries woman body veins world: other nationsnation nation: peoplegovernment society: employee pupil employer teacher family: wife children husband parents
  • 20. The Force of Conscience from the Viewpoint of GRA force of conscience subject of goodness conscience God =Subject object
  • 21.
  • 22. Section 1 To Bear the Fruit of Human Life and the Spirit Self
  • 23. If an individual remains a living being, the individual should inherit the fruit of life and, within his or herself should always be prepared with a content that is related to the fruit of life. If not, even if a time of bearing fruit arrives, the individual will not be able to see fruits. For this reason, we should overcome our environment.
  • 24. Furthermore, we should inherit all the conditions that can bear fruit in the future, and we should have abilities of control that can be a motivation for all contents. Only through the process of bearing fruit can we remain a fruit that is needed for the progress of a new history and human society.
  • 25. From this perspective, humans must be able to overcome their environment. But that is not the end. They should undergo a process through which they can inherit a new life and bear a fruit from it. Afterwards, they should be able to stand in an appropriate position and bring a result.
  • 26. At this point, you must not forget that you are in a position where you should, within yourself, solidify the inner conditions that can inherit such hopes and wishes, and centring on those conditions you must again be adjusted to the external environment. This should be done not in the position of defending yourself, but in the position of offense.
  • 27. Even among Blessed families, there are many insincere families. I can tell the truth when looking at you carefully. When you look at chestnut burrs, you can find both male ones and female ones. Their shape is similar, but the male is bigger. It is the lazy one that did not work hard. Bearing fruit requires the overcoming of many tribulations.
  • 28. However, male chestnuts are void of the deep qualities that come from tribulations, and, as a result, they are void of life power. Their appearance is similar to that of the female chestnuts, but their inside is not that of a real chestnut.
  • 29. 1. Categories of Judgment Would God, who knows that the way of the Principle is a way that cannot be walked without loving one's enemies, let people perish in the last days? No. God is in the position of a parent towards humans. The judgment of fire that is mentioned in today's Christianity is not literally a fire judgment.
  • 30. …if you do not pay attention to the words, you will be judged by the words. Next, we should produce substantial realization. What are your actions for? It is to realize your words. Without action, there will be a judgment of substance.
  • 31. There are three different kinds of judgment: that of Words, that of Substance, and that of Heart. One should go through three different stages of judgment.
  • 32. …we should go through a process of passing a fearful test with substantial conditions. That is a law. When the test is done, the foundation of heart will automatically come into being. When you were fundraising and witnessing hard, why were you persecuted and accused for doing them? It was for restoration, to discover heart, which you did not have. It was for restoration, to discover love.
  • 33. 2. Be Prepared with a Passport to the Kingdom of Heaven Your final moment on this earthly plane is death. The day of death will come to everyone. In order to establish the ultimate ideal world, you should experience all kinds of things and pass through them.
  • 34. What is the passport for? It is to expel Satan. Satan is allowed to enter. Everyone here, in your daily life, does Satan play a part or not? Did you separate good from evil on the levels of an individual, a tribe, a people, a nation, the world and the cosmos? If so, when? You must have learned the words of the Principle, right? Then you must have learned how to separate good from evil. With what can it be done? It should be done centerd on indemnity conditions.
  • 35. When you go to spirit world, you cannot take even your own wife and your children. When you die, you are alone, not with each other. Then, how lonely it must be! You must walk alone. Such is the world where you need to go. The reason why Reverend Moon is needed in the world is because humans do not know where to go. In order to teach them the right way, in the last days, God sent such a person as Reverend Moon on earth.
  • 36. 3. Satan's Certificate is Also Required Do you receive God's love? Yes or no? God's love is a worldwide love which is priceless, and that cannot be replaced with money. Have you ever received such love? Have you ever received love that is like flesh of all flesh and bone of all bones?
  • 37. In the Bible it says: "As you know the truth, the truth will set you free." As we now know the answer, we should love, even biting our own teeth. To what level? To the level of Cain, who is our enemy.
  • 38. You should be able to say and claim before Satan: "Satan, as I am where I am now because of you, I will return after subjugating you." So, unless you get a certificate that you subjugated Satan, you cannot receive God's love. Jesus himself brought victory in overcoming three temptations. You will not able to go to the heavenly kingdom without a signature from Satan that you won a victory in history.
  • 39. Nepal
  • 40. The Unification Church is the only church that teaches that one cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven without a certificate from Satan. This is fundamentally different from other Christian churches. No matter what, we should receive Satan's signature. When Jesus overcame the three temptations from Satan, Satan admitted with tears: "You are truly and eternally different from me." Unless he had admitted this, his position would have been in danger.
  • 41. 4. Father's Signature Is Also Required Do you want to obtain a passport to the Kingdom of Heaven? [Yes.] But not freely. You can be real ones only after meeting the exact standard. In the final world, centerd on good and evil, unless you become a true Moonie, you cannot reach the ideal. In that sense, you should reexamine yourself and reflect upon yourself. You need a certificate. No matter how difficult it is, you should get a certificate.
  • 42. This world belongs to Satan. That is the problem. It is a miserable fact. On the other hand, the spirit world is rejoicing. Thus, these two worlds are divided. Is it clear now? [Yes.] You need a certificate which contains Father's signature. One can go through all levels of the spirit world only with Reverend Moon's signature. As long as you have it, no one will stop you. You will be welcome at any place.
  • 43. 5. The Role of An Attorney in The Spirit World Father's slogan is: "Let us kick out the devil," the ringleader of the evil which has been violating countless humans throughout history. From the first day to the last day, let us take the position of a prosecutor ourselves, accuse Satan of all the evil deeds that he has committed in front of God, the judge of justice and righteousness. Then would the devil surrender or not? There will be no attorney available to the devil, but to humans, there will be.
  • 44. Jesus is working as an attorney in the spirit world. He would say, "This person did such and such good deeds with faith in my name. The devil cannot take people who were standing in a good way. That is why people are asked to believe in Jesus. But though you believe in Jesus unconditionally, do you think you can go to Kingdom of Heaven?
  • 45. 6. Impossible to Accuse Once We Come to Have a Citizenship We must have a country. Unless you were given a citizenship that is approved by the country, you cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Satan cannot make accusations against people who have a citizenship from any direction whether it is north, south, west, or east, nor any time era--past, present or future.
  • 46. Section 3. Entering the Spirit World 1. Freedom Possessed by the Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven Then, what kind of people will the Unification Church members become? It is ideal to become a person who can travel to the world of the internal and the world of the external, and thus you can freely travel to all directions, north, south, east and west. So what we are trying to do in the Unification Church is to make a person who can be a subject to the internal world and also have dominion over the external.
  • 47. 2. Special Gift That Can Be Carried to the Spirit World Everyone here, what is the present that you can take when going to God in the spirit world? There is nothing. Not money, nor the honour that was obtained through an earthly academic degree, nor loving a spouse, nor living a happy life. Such things cannot be a gift. Then what is it? It is our love for God and the world.
  • 48. 3. Triple-Subjects Thought and Registration God is the teacher of the universe, the nation, the tribe, and the family. God is also the master of the universe, the nation, the tribe, and the family. This is the triple-subjects Idea. Since this has the essence of the love that lives for others and then forgets about it, this triple-subjects idea represents Heaven.
  • 49. 4. The Registration of Divine Spirits What is the Fall? It is to be separated from the word, the substance, and heart. Therefore, you should first learn the word and live substantiating it. In order to substantiate it, we should have a parental heart.
  • 50. Only those who went through substantial actions for the resolution of aggrievement, for restoration through indemnity, can give blessings. It should not be only words. Then, you become a life spirit. There are form spirits, life spirits, and divine spirits, in the spirit world. Then, what level are we in there? We are like divine spirits, and the course of restoration is to find our own position after being registered on that level. Therefore, from now on, you should be registered.
  • 51. That is why the Bible states: "Those who want to die will live, and those who want to live will die." Such a paradoxical theory can be logical. Only when you are willing to die, you shall live. For this, you must invest all of your life. By so doing, you should launder everything. In other words, everything should be restored through indemnity. Such a process is absolutely required.
  • 52. 5. Registration That Must Be Done When you go to spirit world, if you had not completed a 7-day fasting for Heaven, you cannot be registered in the other world. Why? Since God has been toiling during the course of 6,000-year history of restoration, you must fast, thinking of it. That is why the Unification Church has a tradition of doing a 7-day fast. It is not to give you a hard time, but to give you the chance in front of heaven to make the condition of having stricken your own physical body.
  • 53. 6. The Person Who Can Be a Chief in the Spirit World Once you are united with God as one, you should love Cain. If you are standing in the position where you receive love of God, just as with all of your life, heart, and soul you love God, you should love your tribe, people, and nation. This is the first commandment on earth.
  • 54. 7. Unification and the Era of Registration In the future, centring on God's Kingdom, an era of registration will arrive. People will try to be part of the 12 tribes and 144,000 group of people. Do you know what the 144,00 group of people is? An era of registration is coming. Centerd on the unification of North Korea and South Korea, in order to go towards the registration era, your own tribe should stand in the position of a homeland in the heavenly kingdom.
  • 55. 8. True Parents' Pictures and Registration During the process of restoring the kingship of Israel, the Israelites died with Moses while wandering in the wilderness for 40 years. Understanding this, whether it is a hundred people or a thousand people, everyone should be totally united in mind and body, and should walk the same path to the place where God wants, towards the same direction that True Parents are walking, making sure that there will be no difference by even one inch.
  • 56. In the future, all Unification Church members should always carry True Parents' picture with them. Now a time has come when all Korean people would desire to hang True Parents' picture. That is the way the world is supposed to be.
  • 57. Section 4. the Spirit World and Ourselves 1.Our Attitude in Front of Spirit World We'd better try until death. Let us be willing to die. When we die, we should die well. Then, after death, we come back to life. But dying well is our responsibility and reviving us is God's. If God breaks His promise to revive us, God will be the one who did not execute His own word.
  • 58. 2. Father and Us As I am trying to make you a son or a daughter with the qualification of going to the free world without walls or barriers when you go to spirit world, how grateful you should be for it. It is possible if you live according to my words. Since there is no boundary in the spirit world, the territory of the spirit world is endless
  • 59. When they come to spirit world, who will they look for at once? They will look for the True Parents. Then I will bequeath all of my possessions to them as I did on the earthly plane. How amazing it is! Due to true love, since everything could be inherited from God, you must understand that with true love, the True Parents want to bequeath everything to their children. It is the same for me. Even in the spirit world, I intend to bequeath such a glorious position to you one hundred percent. Eventually, you must pass through this world at once. You must be prepared for this.
  • 60.
  • 61. Section 2: Earthly Life and Life in the Spiritual World Meeting at the Seung Hwa Ceremony of Sang Hun Lee March 24, 1997
  • 62. Spirit World Even though the spirit world appears to be the same as the visible phenomenal world, the scale of the spirit world cannot be compared with the scale of the physical world. For instance, in the phenomenal world, materiality and space limit a car, but in the spirit world, a car's form can be changed at will. Its direction of movement is also free. The car moves with a driver's thought and can even pass through a mountain in a moment. Even though the motion of the car may look chaotic, because they are keeping spiritual law, there are no accidents at all.
  • 63. Life in the Spirit World Earthly people wake up in the morning and sleep at night, and spirit persons behave the same way. However, in the spirit world, morning and night do not follow a regular order. Morning and night can be changed according to one's thinking
  • 64. I do not know who first described the spirit world as containing hell, Paradise, and the kingdom of heaven respectively, but the distinctions are proper. Huge gaps exist in these levels of life. Heaven Is the Place Where Thought and Action Become One
  • 65. In heaven, the environment abounds with many bright jewels. Because of the surrounding brightness and luster, you cannot hide any difficulties between each other. Everything can be seen and known with the eyes and mind. If I am filled with light and my hair dazzles golden, it is due to a golden light that is filled with a radiant ecstasy.
  • 66. Hell Is the Place You Cannot Imagine in Heaven In hell you endure hunger and suffering; hell swims in jealousy and discomfort. Due to such suffering, fighting cannot be avoided. Everyone feels uncomfortable. In hell you can't do a single thing according to your own will. In hell, you take others' possessions by force and eat by stealth. People on earth cannot imagine how bad hell really is.
  • 67. What Is the Middle Realm of Spirit World? There are many similarities to the earth. As an example, during mealtime in the kitchen, someone is working, someone is cleaning dishes, preparing food, or serving food; everyone will work together. To describe the people in this realm: in heaven people are very bright; in hell, people are always uneasy and restless, but here people are always very busy and working hard, never resting. At a special event, people will be alive with energy, but there is no concern whatsoever for God or religion.
  • 68. It's a place where it is very difficult to get across to people any idea of God or Principle or Unification Thought. Compared to our members, others appear very different. They have no pulse, no life. Their activities are very passive and lazy. They have weary and tired faces. Unification Church members in the middle realms have hope and desire because they expect and wait for God's special privilege to come to them and they know God's basic will.
  • 69. You don't understand the meaning of the Blessing while on earth, because you can't see it. But from heaven there is an exorbitant condition that can be received. True Parents are giving the Blessing without price. The reason is because of our Parents' merit. While True Parents are living on the earth in this time, they are giving great Blessings to you. So we must go out to give the Blessing to many people in our area. That is the Unification way of giving Blessing to others.
  • 70. Paradise Paradise on earth was thought to be somewhere between heaven and hell, but that is not accurate. In Paradise people form groups within which they naturally belong. For example, Koreans go to Korea town, Chinese go to Chinatown, and Japanese go to Japan town.
  • 71. How people live life on earth determines what is recorded in Spirit World. If your life was just spent on petty things or you were irrationally materialistic, or if you were simply an evil person, not a true person, it is all recorded. Just as if you were to write your own autobiography.
  • 72. You become a complete spirit person 40 days after your life ends. During this 40 days you travel back and forth between the physical and spirit worlds, and your place of residence is prepared. During this time God does not intervene. Although your ancestors will cooperate with you, they cannot help you 100 percent.
  • 73. In spirit world, the field of your work is different from your scholarly major on earth. But your greatest embarrassment is not that, but comes rather if you made a mistake in your life and you were ignorant of the value of your life.
  • 74. Many levels exist according to the nature of the crime or sin committed. How wonderful it is we can go the way of indemnifying our sin by gathering in such a place among those criminals. No place exists where one can indemnify and solve sin alone. Through prayer, tithing, service and other such public efforts made by their descendants on earth, the door to the prison will be opened for spirit persons and they will be able to leave.
  • 75. If our descendants pray for us and offer their whole heart, the spirits which benefit from that indemnity will escape their misery. But our position is to escape only to return again. If earthly people pray and invest their heart, it inevitably shortens a person's indemnity period. However, on earth they mostly don't know a person's situation. So many must undergo a course of mental suffering for quite a long time.
  • 76.
  • 77. Life in Spirit World Spirit people decide their own position by how they lived on earth. If you lived selfishly, then you will suffer in a position praying for a thousand years without special grace. People in the Spirit World who lived in peace on earth also enable their descendants to live peacefully. But if people lived evil lives, then when they come to Spirit World, they live in hell and their descendants are always oppressed with problems.
  • 78. Therefore, people's lives on earth are very important. It takes too much time to improve your position as a spirit person so you can receive effective grace. It takes a long time to move beyond ignorance. Because of that, adjust your focus now on the eternal world and live that way.
  • 79. To speak more plainly: committing sin leads only to hell. Live a life of goodness. That is the way of heaven. Please live well for the sake of eternity.
  • 80. Earthly People Earthly people look with physical eyes, touch physically and act physically. – (5 senses) Earthly people live physically limited to a confined amount of space. For example: Human beings live through a time period of 10, 20, or 60 years. - (time restriction=biological process)
  • 81. Also, on earth, though I desired an object, I could not automatically obtain it. Earth people may artificially make things, but they cannot adequately bring into existence something in the mind that occurred as thought. Earth people get hungry, but if they don't move they won't eat.
  • 82. Because you act within finite space, when someone misses you in the realm of thought, it just stops there. Also, when you go through physical pain, you don't know the solution as a certainty. For example, when people of faith have an illness, they will turn to prayer and other such approaches to healing, but non-believers just go to the hospital.
  • 83. Spirit People Spirit people are different. Spirit people, because the physical body does not confine them, have an infinite realm in which to act. Let's look at an example: whether looking, touching or acting, because it appears immediately with your thought, there is no length of time.
  • 84. At the same instant a spirit person thinks, another spirit person can receive it, and this doesn't require words. He can transmit the exact details and they will appear right before the face of the other person Spirit people can know completely all of God's creation process from the beginning, as well as the whole concept of what we call a person, so we can never cause God pain.
  • 85. If I summarize, Physical people live and act within the confines of space. They remain busy acting to solve difficult problems and they suffer due to food and clothing needs, But spirit people can move freely throughout limitless space. Because the worries of food and clothing have been removed, we are infinitely bright and humble.
  • 86. Our conclusion: bear good fruit in your physical life and when you come to heaven you will appreciate the correctness of this teaching.
  • 88. The Principle of Duality in Spirit World In the Divine Principle, in the discourse on Unification Thought, the principle of duality teaches that Give and receive action takes place when subject and object give and receive, Reciprocally generating Origin-Division-Union Action (O-D-U Action). Through this we receive joy. This is the fundamental principle of God.
  • 89. In the physical realm in O-D-U Action there is joy at becoming one. In the the spiritual realm the process of giving to another and its reception, there is no time involved. Because O-D-U happens with thought, you don't actually see any sign of give and take action. This is a clearly revealed account of the basis for heaven, where completed individuals are gathered according to the principle of duality.
  • 90. In heaven, give and receive action happens even when you just look up towards each other; you become literally one perfect body. The fundamental teaching of the Creation Principle is that give and receive action in heaven is where you fundamentally accomplish and complete the purpose of God's creation.
  • 91. Hell is the place where you cannot understand God's foundation at all, there exists only one relative principle in hell. - (Selfishness- Live for yourself) Even as you progress, you must think of one very important point in order to achieve the liberation of hell: You must strive towards the goal of give and take action. This is very similar to the situation on earth.
  • 92. Based on whom my life was centered upon on earth, my position in the eternal world (God's side, Satan's side, atheist) is decided. The formation of personality is far more important in heaven than is a spirit of nationalism or a worldview. Live with my heart centered on God, renouncing personal greed and leading a life of reverence and respect. Then we can live with our heads up in heaven.
  • 93. Conjugal Love Conjugal love is the love where men and women are connected physically. On earth, we can feel emotion when our bodies can meet and love. But in heaven, a man and woman without physical bodies can love. The conjugal love between those high spirits (those who are close to God) is like a beautiful picture It is like creating a higher existence from the state of a complete absence of ego. It is like feeling you are in a magical world.
  • 94. Spiritual Love Since spiritual love is not physically observed through the action of the body, it looks to some as though it is not related to those who live on the Earth. Yet, it is a love that is absolutely necessary to those who live on the Earth. Since everybody has his or her own inner self, if you do not cultivate your inner self well, you are going to encounter many problems in making your love complete (becoming one as husband and wife) in heaven.
  • 95. When the husband's heart to respect his wife and the wife's heart to love her husband become one, their love can develop and mature into a complete love. Since this takes a longer time to achieve in heaven, when you are on Earth, with your own physical body, you have to try to cultivate your heart and bear the fruit of complete love.
  • 96. Agape Love Due to Religion When God created us, He bestowed on us the capacity for unconditional love. This is Agape Love. Due to the Human Fall and the subsequent changes over the ages, the original standard of love God gave to us has been deteriorating By acknowledging the worth of unconditional, fundamental love, the path to the liberation of hell can be opened up and hell can be destroyed.
  • 97. By becoming one with the love God bestowed upon us, the road to the liberation of all humankind will be opened and hell in the eternal world will disappear. Accordingly, if we trust and love each other, neither hell nor war will afflict humankind. We must cultivate and keep a strong love between husband and wife, and cultivate the fundamental inborn love God bestowed to us.
  • 98. Our spirit selves were created to live forever in the Spirit World based upon the foundation of life on the Earth. Therefore, unless spirit selves can rid themselves of the sins they committed, they are destined to live receiving punishment, forever
  • 99. How Do Spirit Selves Help Persons on Earth? In order for the spirit selves to be liberated from their positions, they cannot avoid pain and suffering without the help of the people on Earth. (– Returning Ressurection)
  • 100. Also, since they cannot rid themselves of the sins they committed, the spirit selves definitely go to the place (they lived on Earth). They go to their own blood and flesh, or someone related in some way, and keep sending signals.
  • 101. If a family cannot find any problems in their faith, but nevertheless has continuous accidents big or small, it can be concluded that this family has ancestors who have complicated problems. Then the fastest way to solve these problems is through prayer, with faith.
  • 103. The Relationship between Spirit Selves and Persons on Earth The relationship between the people on Earth and the spirit self in the Spirit World is like the relationship between the body and spirit.
  • 104. Yin Yang Yin Yang From Spirit Body/World • You should know that you are like two people in one. • Your inner man is like a mirror, clean and bright. • When the inner and external men are perfectly aligned you feel joy and power. This is happening every day within you.  Yang = is provided Yin = requires effort From Natural World From Physical Body
  • 105. It goes without saying that the person on Earth should lead a good life when they have a physical body. When you live on Earth with your body, you have to prepare for the eternal life, summarize your life, and lead everyday life sincerely and faithfully.
  • 106. Because my life on Earth can be made comfortable by praying for my ancestors, thereby having them ascend to more comfortable places, it is natural that I should save my ancestors.
  • 107. Keeping in mind that this is the path by which we can offer a little help to our True Parents, by easing the pain of our True Parents in the Spirit World, we have to complete our lives when we have our own bodies on Earth well.
  • 108. Because of the tie of the blood lineage, they are sending signals, sometimes for good purposes and sometimes for bad. The person on Earth should be able to discriminate between these based on the Law of Principle, and the spirit self should not confuse the person on Earth.
  • 109. Common Point of Spirit Selves and Persons on Earth Since the people on Earth have bodies, there are times when they cannot do whatever they wish. The spirit selves, though, do not have a body and are free to move within their position
  • 110. Common Point of Spirit Selves and Persons on Earth The person on Earth, though, has a body and cannot occupy an eternal place. Spirit selves do not have a body, so they can have an eternal place. If I list the differences between those two, it will be endless.
  • 111. Both life on Earth and life in the Spirit World are only half the story. Therefore each can accomplish only half. When the spirit person comes to Spirit World with their spirits not fully ripe, there arise problems. Therefore, to solve the problems, the relationship between the ancestors and the descendent becomes complicated.
  • 112. Bear in mind the importance of life lived on Earth. In order to live forever in the beautiful house God prepared for us, we should not live for the "half life" as our goal.
  • 113. True Love and False Love Love is a precious element God gives human beings when they are born. But the heartbreaking situation is that it was this very love that led to the reality of men and women serving two owners even from birth. This is the beginning of our misfortune. Love is the most precious constituent of personality endowed to us.
  • 114. Freedom cannot have caused the human Fall Human beings lost their true freedom as a result of the Fall Satan God Man Death Line Freedom Death Life True Love Unprincipled Love Not Free
  • 115. Due to the human Fall, we lost the essence of love. Original love was overlaid with fallen and ugly love, so love manifests as artificial love. (- Pleasure)
  • 117. Law and Indemnity needed! “Eye for an eye” Paradise opened! – follow Jesus Christ! Indemnity on Earth still needed KoH opened! – Receive Blessing follow True Parents/ODP! Live for Others!
  • 118. Sweden Ocean Sunset Autumn 2015
  • 119. Original man lives under God's direct dominion apart from Satan's rule, and yet they live in the fallen realm due to the fall. In order to get away from it, he/she must pay individual indemnity, family indemnity. . . Without this he cannot come out. Spirits appear in each age through the rule of returning resurrection, and so each stage looks (wrongly) like a phenomenon of reincarnation. /SMM 1972
  • 120. In the spirit world we breathe love. Those who fail to love on earth will suffocate in the other world. Earthly life is a training ground where we train ourselves to breathe in the other world. That is why we should love others more than our own spouse /SMM 1982
  • 121. What is it like to live in the other world? There is no need to worry about what to eat, where to live or what to wear. Anything is possible just by thinking about it or wishing it. People eat in the spirit world. They can feel the pulse in the veins. Although theirs is a spiritual body, they can feel it just the same as the pulse in a physical body.
  • 122. What is the governing and active force that can mobilize the whole? It is not power, nor is it knowledge or money. It is love, only love. /SMM 1989
  • 123. When you go to the spirit world you will find that your life has been completely recorded in the computer there. It will all be revealed. The conscience is like a computer file that is exhibited in the eternal world. Everything is in that file. /SMM 1993
  • 124. Once you enter the spirit world, you breathe through the cells of the fontanel located on the top of the head.  The atmosphere in the spirit world is not earthly air; it is love.  We breathe the elements of love. . . Therefore, during earthly life we should prepare for the day of death by cultivating our inner self; this is done through experiencing children’s love, sibling’s love, conjugal love and parental love /SMM 1998
  • 125. How To Gain Spiritual Help = Attitude Sun Myung Moon November 27, 1978 • Respect all things as holy things. • Respect all men as holy men. • Respect yourself as a holy person. • Respect your mind as holy. • Respect your body as holy. Pay deep respect to all people, no matter what kind of person they may be. As a child, be respectful towards an elderly man. Think over your words three times before uttering them and always have a humble attitude.
  • 126. How to Witness: To State Leaders = Prayer Sun Myung Moon April 1, 1977  People will come, desiring to have their lives connected to your life when they feel that God is present with you. You have to feel God's presence in your centers. When you maintain this spiritually then people will come and rest in you. Each day, without thinking, you will know who will come to visit and what kind of events will occur. When you can develop such a heart, then imagine how interesting witnessing will become. For this reason I am telling you that you must have deep and intense prayer.
  • 127. How to Witness: To State Leaders = Prayer Sun Myung Moon April 1, 1977 You can have an intense prayer and deep spiritual connection even with your eyes open. Your spiritual eyes are miraculous, and with them you can see anything.  It is not possible to cheat in spiritual things as it is in worldly matters. Anger, for example, brings much disturbance to the spirit world
  • 128. Divine Good Spirits Dominating Evil Spiritual World Jesus SM Moon &
  • 129. Jesus casting out demons! Exorcism
  • 131. The Cosmic True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind
  • 132. Short Vocabulary: CSG = Cheon Seong Gyeong, Holy Textbook CIG = Cheon Il Guk, Two persons become one, KoH CP = Cheong Pyeong, Spir. training ground Korea DP = Divine Principle, v1973 EDP = Divine Principle, v1996 ODP = Original Divine Principle, 2008 KoH = Kingdom of Heaven LSA = Lord of Second Advent OT = Old Testament NT = New Testament CT = Completed Testament TF = True Father, SMM = Sun Myung Moon TM = True Mother, Hak Ja Han Moon UC = Unification Church See also extended Vocabulary:
  • 133. End
  • 134. Remember the beauty in Gods nature is there to inspire the beauty inside all of us! Have a great Blessed week. Prepared for 2nd, 3rd + Gen. inspiration by Bengt de Paulis.