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William L Seitshiro’s
Christianity without eternal life is bean soup without beans.
You can’t have one without the other.
If someone turned up solid evidence that Jesus stayed dead
and that the New Testament teaching about eternal life are
fiction, Christianity would go belly-up.
-Stephen M. Miller
Lord Speak a Word
From Sickness to Health
The Lamb of God
You are Released
The Prodigal Relationship
Theme: Lord speak a word
Scripture: Luke 7:1-10
Sometimes when we go through situations or when there is a passing
at home, we are in need of some encouragement. You can’t even
move from bed, you can’t even talk to someone. You are overwhelmed
with sadness and pain. Some people are overwhelmed with anger
when they go through situations, feeling like they would kill someone.
Sometimes the things that we face as people just make us feel like
there is no God, we become weak like there is nothing to live for, and
it is at that time that we realize that we are in need of a word.
Sometimes all that we need is an assurance that everything will be ok,
sometimes we need someone to speak a word and all will be fine.
Sometimes as people we want something to touch but even if that
word is untouchable, even if the word does not put food on the table,
even if that word does not heal you instantly you need that word.
What I am proposing today is that all that you need to make it to
another day is that intangible, unpromising, unreliable word. Because
it is through that word that if you believe in it, then you get your
As we get in the word, please do get your bible out and study the
word. I pray that you will see how powerful a word is.
A word is a very powerful thing. It is because of a word that you:-
1. Left your family and married a poor man who made a promise
to you.
2. You believed that you are going to die because the doctor aid
to you that you will never get well.
3. You bought this book believing that the more you study it the
more you get closer to God.
4. You believe that the Lord will save you.
5. You believe that all is well even though you are tired of trying
to fix your relationship (marriage) and your children are still
rebellious and you feel like they hate you for being a Christian.
We all have needs and for us to believe that our needs will be met we
need an assurance or rather we need a word to agree on:-
1. Abraham needed a word to believe that the God is with him.
2. Moses needed a word so that he may believe that God will
lead him and be with him,
a. Most especially Moses because he killed and God is
sending him back there to get his people.
3. Nehemiah needed the word.
4. Ester needed the word so that she can stand boldly before the
5. Peter, James, Andrew, and John needed a word so that they
can follow Jesus without any doubt.
It is not wrong for you to need a word or the assurance that all is well.
Sometimes all we need is a word, even in the bible there is a man who
is a centurion and needed a word from Jesus.
1. Capernaum
a. It was a village at the north corner of the sea of
b. In His (Jesus) time Capernaum prospered, because he
came in the times of the Roman Government
(Capernaum prospered in the time of the Roman
i. Most of the people would be fishermen like
Peter, Andrew, James and John,
ii. Some men would be tax collectors like
c. Peter, Andrew, James and John, Matthew might have
worked at Capernaum but we all know that they were
from Galilee,
d. Capernaum was the of Jesus Activities in Galilee and
his town during those days (if Jesus had a mansion,
then Capernaum would be his garden where he would
i. Surely Jesus knew the centurion because the
centurion was a commandeered of a century,
which is about 100 solders; he also loved the
Jews and built synagogues for them,
ii. Surely the centurion knew about Jesus
because Jesus performed many miraculous
signs by healing,
2. In the midst of that prosperity was the centurion, who seems
to be gate crashing,
a. This man unlike many other Roman officials, he was
liked and respected by the Jews because he loved
them and built them a synagogue,
b. He was a gentile, and a pagan worshiper,
i. He like the Canaanite woman deserves to be
called a dog,
ii. He most probably never met Jesus and never
heard him preach,
iii. He was a man who never met Jesus but most
probably heard about the healing power,
3. The centurion heard of Jesus,
a. The bible says “faith cometh by hearing and hearing
the word of God”
i. The man heard that Jesus was around,
1. John 1:1
a. In the beginning was the word
and the word was with God
and the word was God.
ii. The man heard that the word was around,
1. The word of God heals,
2. The word of God restores,
3. The word of God revives,
iii. When he heard about the word his faith was
1. Sometimes we need the word to
activate our faith,
b. The servants lost it,
i. They thought Jesus would help him because of
what he has done for the Jews,
c. Jesus was impressed by the faith not by what he has
i. Jesus knew that what he has done has no
value, but his faith,
1. Sometimes we as pastors complicate
things and say put money on my feet
to tap in the anointing,
a. All you need is faith nothing
4. Lord,
a. You have to understand that this man understood
i. Though he was a Roman official he understood
that every knee shall bow and every tongue
b. The bible says he said Lord,
i. Which exalted Jesus,
ii. The Centurion might have power by men but
Not over Jesus,
5. The servant was healed by faith,
a. Jesus might have touched people,
b. Jesus might have spit on the sand so that he can heal
people’s eyes,
c. But the centurion knew that if he speaks a word the
servant will be healed.
All you need is a word, but that word will activate your faith.
Theme: From sickness to Health
(Weeping may endure through the
night but joy comes in the Morning)
Scripture: Luke 5:12-14
There are times other people feel like they don’t belong, or there are
other people who are actually cast out.
1. People that were told that they were not good enough,
2. People who were told that they have nothing, even their dress
code says it all,
3. People that were told that they do not have enough money,
therefore they cannot sit with us,
Actually, others were never told verbally but they received the
massage when they were pushed aside, or through the non-verbal
What I am proposing to you is that God can change you from sickness
to health, from being unwanted to being needed. He can change you
from any negative thing that you are in right now and place you in the
positive. He is able to move you from victory to victory, prosperity to
prosperity. There is nothing impossible with God.
Where you are, right now as you move in scripture I want you to see
that God is not afraid of your situation or what you think you are and
he is able to change you.
1. A man came along covered with leprosy,
a. The man was a leper,
i. Among the Jews, several skin diseases were
classified as leprosy, including our modern
Hansen's disease. In spite of modern medical
advances, an estimated 10 million people
around the world have leprosy. One form of
leprosy attacks the nerves so that the victim
cannot feel pain. Infection easily sets in, and
this leads to degeneration of the tissues. The
limb becomes deformed and eventually falls
ii. It was the task of the Jewish priest to
examine people to determine whether they
were lepers. Infected people were isolated
and could not return to normal society until
declared "cleansed.",
iii. Like sin, leprosy is deeper than the skin and
cannot be helped by mere "surface"
measures. Like sin, leprosy spreads; and as it
spreads, it defiles. Because of his defilement,
a leprous person had to be isolated outside
the camp. People with leprosy were looked
on as "dead", and garments infected with
leprosy were fit only for the fire,
b. Leprosy was a serious case because when you touch
a leper you were considered sick and you have to be
i. Not only will you be isolated from your
friends and family but the whole entire
ii. You will be isolated until considered clean by
the priests,
c. Have you ever felt unwanted to an extent that
people will just walk passed you like you are nothing,
i. The way they look at you will just tell you
that you are dead to them,
ii. Have you ever failed on one simple thing and
people start defining and describing you by
your failure,
iii. Have you ever been looked at as if you are
dead because you simply do not dress the
way they do, as if your dress code defines
who you are,
iv. Whenever you walk in church, school or a
public place when people look at you they
make you feel unwanted,
d. The leper felt like that,
i. He would pass by and people would say
ii. People would walk away from him,
iii. People would see him as cast out,
iv. Unworthy to be among us, they would say,
e. Maybe you might be feeling the same way,
i. But Jesus is passing by you way tonight,
2. When he saw Jesus,
a. Now this man had a need,
i. You have to understand that when
somebody has a need and he sees the
answer to the need he had no time to
entertain doubt,
1. Sometimes as Christians we sit and
camp in our situations and entertain
a. Maybe I should, maybe I
should not,
b. Maybe it’s time, maybe not,
ii. But like the woman who was called a dog,
1. She had no time to entertain doubt,
2. She had no time to entertain
3. She had no time for a negative
b. He had to act, and he had to act now,
i. He knew that the enemy comes in the form
of the flood but God will raise the standard,
c. You need to know when Jesus passes by,
i. For your need will be met,
d. When he passes by,
i. Your healing is no longer on standby,
1. For there is no time to fix your make
a. Because your answer is
passing by,
3. He fell with his face to the ground and begged him…
a. Sometimes the key to your deliverance is in worship,
i. At is awkward time of need he worships the
Lord and exalts him,
1. By falling on his face and laying
prostrate before him, which is
another form of worship,
4. Lord if you are willing you can make me clean..
a. He exalted Jesus because he knew he had a need,
b. He lifted him up in worship and asked him to be cast
out for him,
c. He worshiped Jesus and asked him to take his
position as a leper,
d. And Jesus did,
5. Jesus stretched his hand and touched the man and said “I
am willing, be clean”
a. Jesus broke the law by touching him,
i. The law forbidden Jesus to touch the man
but he did,
ii. Therefore he should be a cast out leper,
because he would be considered unclean
because he touched the man,
b. Jesus would rather suffer, that you may live
c. Jesus would rather be cast out that you may belong,
d. Jesus would rather be sick and die that you may live,
e. Jesus would rather break the law that you may live,
6. Jesus knew that he broke the law but in verse 14, he said to
the man he should go to the priests and follow the law,
7. Jesus life is inspirational, because he came and died that we
may live,
a. Jesus sympathized with us
i. He was gossiped about,
ii. He was considered a threat,
iii. He was considered a cast out person,
iv. He was beaten,
v. He was ridiculed by being thrown at the
b. Jesus was persecuted, that 7 billion people around
the world may live,
8. Jesus moved the man from sickness to health,
a. Jesus moved you from death row to life.
Theme: The Lamb of God
Scripture: John 1:29-34
John the Baptist is simply a straight up person; this is the reason why
John the disciple decided to write about him, because what John the
Baptist is actually saying is that Jesus came to die.
I want you to consider the fact of Jesus being the Lamb of God; I want
you to transition from the fact that Jesus is rabbi to the disciples, a
healer to the centurion, a sinner to the teachers of the law to the fact
that he is a Lamb of God.
John shows us in several ways in chapter one who Jesus is.
Before you get there, consider how people viewed Jesus:-
1. Rabbi,
2. The healer,
3. The one who performed miracles,
4. Some compared him to Beelzebub,
5. The one who forgave the prostitute,
6. The one who walked on water,
7. A law breaker,
8. The one cursed on the tree,
9. The one who died and rose again,
The people did not know him, know him, they knew what he did not
who he was. They did not know him personally. Some never even seen
him, they just heard of him, they just heard of what he had done.
N.B Even in church there are people today who don’t know him, but
they simply heard of who he is.
AD 80-95 John comes again in chapter 1 and he tells them that he has
seen him, he walked with him, he knows him, and he shows the people
that he was even in the inner-circle.
He was arguing the heresy of the day, people speaking about who they
thought Jesus was,
He makes it clear in chapter 1 who Jesus is:-
1. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God,
and the word was God, he was with God in the beginning,
a. Not only is he the rabbi but he is the word,
b. He is the living breathing word of God,
2. He was not a law breaker, but he came to complete the law,
a. He is not a prophet but he makes prophets,
b. He is not curse instead through him all man are
3. He had no choice but to forgive the prostitute because he is
the light that shines in darkness,
a. He saw himself in her,
John builds his case and he tells a story about a man who testified
about Jesus:-
1. John the Baptist says he is the word that became flesh,
2. He is the one who brings grace and truth,
3. He is the only one who has ever seen God for he is from God,
1. Who takes away the sin of the world
a. What is sin?
i. Sin is an act of disobeying Gods commands.
The whole world fell into sin through Adam
and Eve. The bible says we all have sinned and
fallen short of the glory of God. We are sinners
in nature; we disobey God, whatever he says
we do the direct opposite.
ii. We are in need of a saviour.
b. According to history God made a system that the Jews
had to follow, without them following it they would
suffer Gods judgement. Lev 16 describes the Day of
Atonement. There you find that the Jews had to kill a
clean lamb or goat and the priests would sprinkle the
blood in the holy of holies for the forgiveness of their
i. God followed the Jewish custom that he made
to save the world,
ii. He understood that he needed a lamb that
had to be sacrificed and its blood to be
sprinkled in the holy of holies,
iii. God knew that the lamb he would choose, its
blood should cover the whole creation and
generations sin,
iv. God knew that the lamb had to die in order for
the blood to cover creations sin,
v. God knew it all for he made it all,
2. John now calls Jesus a lamb of God,
a. John now proposes that Jesus the carpenter is sent
from God to die,
b. John says to us that this carpenters blood will save the
c. What John knew he was saying was that this
carpenter, son to Mary and Joseph an unattractive
man, poor with no fancy robe is the lamb of God and
the Son of God,
3. John must have had a good idea of who Jesus is,
a. Let us remember that he was the one preparing the
way of Jesus,
b. He was the one that when his mother was pregnant
with him, at the point of greeting when marry came to
visit, he kicked or leaped in the mother’s womb and
his mother was filed with the Holy Spirit,
c. He is the voice that is crying out in the desert, prepare
ye the way of the Lord,
4. John gave this testimony,
a. Testimony is a witnessed truth, though it may be
subjective to other, when you have testimony against
someone it means you were there and you saw
therefore you testify,
b. John the Baptist shared his testimony, but his
testimony was unusual,
c. John had no doubt because someone bigger than the
teachers of the law told him to be on a look out,
d. God warned John,
i. John the Baptist says ‘I wouldn’t have known,
but the one who sends me told me the man I
see the spirit come and remain on him is the
one who will baptize with or in or by the spirit.
5. Testimony is the key to salvation,
a. John testimony was unshaken because not only did he
hear about Jesus from God but he saw,
i. John saw the spirit come upon him,
ii. He saw the radiance of God in him,
b. He testifies that this is the son of God,
c. The bible says even the next day he proclaimed ‘look
the lamb of God, who takes away the Sin of the world’
when he saw Jesus,
d. Your testimony is a key to someone’s salvation,
6. Jesus is the lamb of God,
a. He came to die for us that we may live,
b. We deserved death but he came to change that and
give us life.
Theme: You are released
Scripture: Matthew 27:11-26 and Isaiah 53:8
I have learned that we are walking around with chains on our hands
and ankles. We have becomes bound to sin and it pleases us. We have
becomes slaves to alcohol, pornography and cheating on our spouses.
We have become subjects in the devils kingdom. We have become
Christians that are walking dead. We have become a generation that
does not fear God anymore.
Right where you are, I want to propose a new thought to you, that
right where you are God can still release you, release you from the
chains around your hands and ankle.
As you engage in the word of the Lord, I want you to see why Jesus
came and why he was judged by the governor.
325 A.D.
Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was
incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man;
and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was
buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures
Historical background
The book of Matthew was written by Matthew who was an eye
witness. Him being and eye witness suggests to us that he knew who
Jesus was. When we look at the four gospels they speak about Jesus
but in a different way.
When four people are writing about a room but standing at different
sides they will talk about that room according to what they see, not to
mean that the room has different things about it that makes it
complex but they write about what they have seen and learned from
the room.
Same goes to the writers of the gospels, they write about the same
Jesus but in deferent ways that they have learned from watching and
following him. Matthew speaks about the Kingship of Jesus Christ,
writes about Jesus as a human savior and John writes about his
Matthew writing about Jesus as Messiah suggests that this man is the
king of the Jews and also the king of Heaven, which means he is the
rightful owner of the throne of David.
Though the bible was written but human being just as you and i, God
was the protagonist of the day, meaning that God played a major role
in writing the bible.
2 Timothy says that it is God breathed, which says to us that without
God being involved there will not be any bible.
The life of Jesus Christ is the most inspirational story ever told, yet his
story is not only remembered because of the kinds of miracles that he
performed but by the undeserving death on the cross of shame. It has
always been about the cross; Jesus never took his eyes of the cross
because he knew that the cross will please the father in heaven
because deliverance of all people and all nations will come from his
death on the cross. Never has it been about miracles but by Jesus
establishing his kingdom through the work and the blood of the cross.
But as we study the work of Calvary we come across a man who seems
to be a nobody and starts getting in the picture, a man who seems to
be disturbing the whole process, and the man who reminds us the
work of the cross.
I want to tell you about these two men, what was happening and why
they were there and who are they because I believe that the
information is essential. First of all let’s start with the man Jesus.
Jesus Christ
1. He was there to be judged,
a. We see this when we look at verse 11 when he was
questioned by Pilate because he wanted to know who
he is and what he did,
b. We also see this when the verdict was taken by the
Jews in verse 23,
2. He was there to be ridiculed,
a. Verse 31 when he was mocked,
3. He was there to be killed,
a. We see this again in verse 23,
4. He committed no sin,
5. He healed people,
a. Throughout his ministry in the book of Mathew we see
him healing people even though that’s all they wanted
from him,
b. He preached to people,
i. Chapter to chapter we see him teaching about
the kingdom of heaven and having compassion
for all people,
1. He had compassion for all including
tax collector,
a. Let us not forget Matthew was
a tax collector,
b. Zacheus whom Jesus visited,
6. He did not deserve to die,
7. We do not know him, he just appeared out of nowhere,
8. He committed murder, treason and felony,
a. Which are the crimes that deserve death by the sword
of Justice,
9. Mathew Considered him notorious prisoner,
10. He deserves death,
Jesus came to set us free, when Barabbas was released, Jesus did not
say a word because he knew that is the reason why he came. Barabbas
might have thought that the crowed loved him but Jesus knew he
came for such as these. The bible says whoever the Son of Man sets
free is free indeed.
In this world there is system of rules that we follow. We follow these
rules every day and when you break one of these rules, you are
considered an outlaw. Outlaw simply mean that you do not follow the
law that was set for you to follow.
Back in the days of the Old Testament there were set of rules that
were set. I am not talking only about the 10 commandments, but
moral laws. You are supposed to eat like this and not eat on such a
day; if you want to be an outlaw then you will be stoned. The Israelites
had the law they were expected to follow.
This law would show you what the Israelites believed in and where
they are going in life, they foundation their live and vision for the
community around the law. But as time went on they started coming
up with their own laws and decided to be disobedient. The Lord would
rebuke them in love but they wouldn’t listen. As we study further we
find that the Lord begins to tell them about their coming redeemer.
Their rules began to tell people how to live and what to do. Their rules
ruled the people. There was no grace and no mercy when it came to
their life style. In the temple there would be positions to show who
should sit where, and the reason why they set there. They were so
cold towards each other to an extent that they wouldn’t even eat with
a gentile.
In the midst of all those rules Jesus comes and he says I have come
from the father. What he basically does is to teach people about the
kingdom of heaven, he teaches them love, self-respect, and respecting
their neighbor. He teaches them a whole new belief that the father is
interested to reconciling all the people to himself. He teaches that in
this world they will go through situations. He teaches them that he will
build a church but that church is not made out of stones and brick but
by heart.
After all his teachings, showing love towards his people, and his
followers including the twelve. He went to the cross and he died for all
to see that he loves them to the point of death.
Jesus came to build a relationship.
Theme: The prodigal Relationship
Scripture: Luke 15:11-31
Jesus continued: "There was a man who had two sons. The younger
one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he
divided his property between them.
"Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off
for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living.
After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole
country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out
to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He
longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but
no one gave him anything.
"When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired
men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out
and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against
heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son;
make me like one of your hired men.' So he got up and went to his
"But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled
with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him
and kissed him.
"The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against
you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.'
"But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put
it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the
fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of
mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they
began to celebrate.
"Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the
house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants
and asked him what was going on. Your brother has come,' he replied,
'and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back
safe and sound.'
"The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father
went out and pleaded with him. But he answered his father, 'Look! All
these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders.
Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my
friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property
with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!'
"'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I
have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this
brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is
Lead sentence: Have you ever found yourself in a situation
whereby you know that you have ruined your
relationship with a family member or a friend or
maybe someone you are married too or you are
about to marry.
You feel like the way things are even if you go
and ask for forgiveness, he or she will not forgive
you. You feel like dying because you know that
you are at fault, or maybe you do not even care
about the damage you have done, but as soon
as you come to your senses and decide to go
back and ask for forgiveness, the person does
not even care about what happened but cares
about your relationship with him or her.
Proposition: We always find ourselves in those situations, but
what I am proposing tonight is that God came to
fix The Prodigal Relationship.
Transitional sentence: Prodigal is a Latin word that means
‘wasted’, because the son wasted what
was given to him, not only did he waste
the money but the relationship.
He did what Christians today do, he focused on the blessing than the
blesse, he focused on the riches than what he already had, and he
focused on what money can buy and forgot about what money cannot
buy, like relationship with his family and friends.
He was more interested on what he could receive through money, and
how he would live and who he would be and forgot about the love of
the father.
That we would go around chasing blessings and we forget that Jesus
came to build a relationship.
Stephan Joubert says about the early church “looking for structures,
buildings, positions and titles as the most eminent characteristics, we
forget that relationship initially motivated and drove ekklesia even
while it grew missionally. The fingerprints of these Christians did not
show up in buildings, offices and religious orders, but on each other’s
Sara Tulloch says a relationship is “A condition or character due to
being related” she also says it is “a connection or an association”.
Jesus came to build a relationship between ourselves and also with
God, not a temple or religious order or liturgy.
Francis Schaefer says “Our relationship with each other is a criterion
the world uses to judge whether our massage is truthful.”
Jesus says that the only way that people will recognize that you are my
followers, is when you love one another as you love God the Father.
Relationship in our religion is imperative; Even Jesus says to the
Sanhedrin that the greatest commandment is Love. Without a Good
relationship in the church people will never get saved.
That is the reason why God came to fix the prodigal relationship.
There was a man who had two sons; automatically this should say to
you that his inheritance for them should be divided among them
accordingly. His younger son said to his Father give me my share of the
estate, it was normal for this to happen but when it does the younger
son was saying I wish you were dead because all that you are is the
money that I can get from you.
The father divided the estate among them accordingly and when the
younger son got what he wanted he left to live his desired life of wild
living. There was a server famine that he started looking for a job like
normal people.
One day he decided to go to his father and work for him like one of his
slaves or servants. When he got there he told his father what he
wanted to say but what excited the father was the fact that he
repented, and accepted his wrong, the way he disowned his father
between people and God.
Notice what the father does!
The father dresses him with fine clothes, and also killed a fattened calf
for him and threw a party. This bothered the older brother because he
says the father never gave him a goat.
The sin of the younger son was so huge to an extent that he should be
reconciled to the whole community and the family, so this was a
reconciliation party.
Fattened calf would feed = 50 – 100 people which is a village in those
Goat would feed = a family in those days.
What he did was so wrong and sinful not only against the father and
his family but the whole village.
1) Parables of Luke 15
a) Unlike the lost sheep and the lost coin, Jesus wants to
emphasize to the Pharisees and the teachers of the law that
God does not care about what kind of sin you have committed
but he cares about your life and your relationship with him.
i) Let us remember what happened to Zacheus, who
repented because Jesus visited him and Jesus said to him
salvation has come.
ii) Jesus is interested in the repentance of the sinner and
reconciliation with the father.
b) Jesus wants to make sure that every teacher of the law and
Pharisee understand that it is not about the building that we
call a temple, it is not about the liturgy, it is not about where
you sit and how you dress or who you are, it is about the
relationship that you have with God.
2) The church in our generation hides away in big walls and hope that
people will just come in.
a) Jesus says to the disciples that the way you relate to each
other will show people that you are my followers.
3) Jesus tell this incomplete story to show people that it is not about
what the son had done,
a) But about the love of the father, forgiving heart that he has,
i) Let us remember the woman who had been caught
committing adultery and Jesus says let he who has no sin
cast the first stone, after they had left he asked where are
they that accused thee, well I also do not judge you go and
sin no more.
(1) Jesus builds a relationship with this woman and this
woman lived a life of gratitude to Jesus.
b) The church has lost the meaning of relationship.
4) We need to go back and understand why Jesus came
I believe that when we stop writing the world will stop living. What
that means is that without wisdom and knowledge that is passed from
generation to generation then we will die with the testimonies of how
marvelous our Lord has been when we were alive. Without
testimonies that were told in the bible and testimonies from our
parents and grand Parents then, what were the chances of us knowing
the Lord like we do today?
We are all saved by grace and grace alone, therefore we need to share
the goodness of the Lord in our lives that many might know, grow, and
understand that Jesus is Lord and through him we all have a purpose
which is to tell people about him. Gods will for your life is simple know,
grow, and alert others about what he has done and his second coming.
•W.L Seitshiro
Pastor, Author, Columnist, Realist and ideologist.
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  • 2. Christianity without eternal life is bean soup without beans. You can’t have one without the other. If someone turned up solid evidence that Jesus stayed dead and that the New Testament teaching about eternal life are fiction, Christianity would go belly-up. -Stephen M. Miller
  • 3. Content Lord Speak a Word From Sickness to Health The Lamb of God You are Released The Prodigal Relationship
  • 4. Theme: Lord speak a word Scripture: Luke 7:1-10 Sometimes when we go through situations or when there is a passing at home, we are in need of some encouragement. You can’t even move from bed, you can’t even talk to someone. You are overwhelmed with sadness and pain. Some people are overwhelmed with anger when they go through situations, feeling like they would kill someone. Sometimes the things that we face as people just make us feel like there is no God, we become weak like there is nothing to live for, and it is at that time that we realize that we are in need of a word. Sometimes all that we need is an assurance that everything will be ok, sometimes we need someone to speak a word and all will be fine. Sometimes as people we want something to touch but even if that word is untouchable, even if the word does not put food on the table, even if that word does not heal you instantly you need that word. What I am proposing today is that all that you need to make it to another day is that intangible, unpromising, unreliable word. Because it is through that word that if you believe in it, then you get your deliverance. As we get in the word, please do get your bible out and study the word. I pray that you will see how powerful a word is. Word A word is a very powerful thing. It is because of a word that you:- 1. Left your family and married a poor man who made a promise to you.
  • 5. 2. You believed that you are going to die because the doctor aid to you that you will never get well. 3. You bought this book believing that the more you study it the more you get closer to God. 4. You believe that the Lord will save you. 5. You believe that all is well even though you are tired of trying to fix your relationship (marriage) and your children are still rebellious and you feel like they hate you for being a Christian. We all have needs and for us to believe that our needs will be met we need an assurance or rather we need a word to agree on:- 1. Abraham needed a word to believe that the God is with him. 2. Moses needed a word so that he may believe that God will lead him and be with him, a. Most especially Moses because he killed and God is sending him back there to get his people. 3. Nehemiah needed the word. 4. Ester needed the word so that she can stand boldly before the king. 5. Peter, James, Andrew, and John needed a word so that they can follow Jesus without any doubt. It is not wrong for you to need a word or the assurance that all is well. Sometimes all we need is a word, even in the bible there is a man who is a centurion and needed a word from Jesus.
  • 6. 1. Capernaum a. It was a village at the north corner of the sea of Galilee, b. In His (Jesus) time Capernaum prospered, because he came in the times of the Roman Government (Capernaum prospered in the time of the Roman Government), i. Most of the people would be fishermen like Peter, Andrew, James and John, ii. Some men would be tax collectors like Matthew, c. Peter, Andrew, James and John, Matthew might have worked at Capernaum but we all know that they were from Galilee, d. Capernaum was the of Jesus Activities in Galilee and his town during those days (if Jesus had a mansion, then Capernaum would be his garden where he would sit) i. Surely Jesus knew the centurion because the centurion was a commandeered of a century, which is about 100 solders; he also loved the Jews and built synagogues for them, ii. Surely the centurion knew about Jesus because Jesus performed many miraculous signs by healing,
  • 7. 2. In the midst of that prosperity was the centurion, who seems to be gate crashing, a. This man unlike many other Roman officials, he was liked and respected by the Jews because he loved them and built them a synagogue, b. He was a gentile, and a pagan worshiper, i. He like the Canaanite woman deserves to be called a dog, ii. He most probably never met Jesus and never heard him preach, iii. He was a man who never met Jesus but most probably heard about the healing power, 3. The centurion heard of Jesus, a. The bible says “faith cometh by hearing and hearing the word of God” i. The man heard that Jesus was around, 1. John 1:1 a. In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God. ii. The man heard that the word was around, 1. The word of God heals, 2. The word of God restores,
  • 8. 3. The word of God revives, iii. When he heard about the word his faith was activated, 1. Sometimes we need the word to activate our faith, b. The servants lost it, i. They thought Jesus would help him because of what he has done for the Jews, c. Jesus was impressed by the faith not by what he has done, i. Jesus knew that what he has done has no value, but his faith, 1. Sometimes we as pastors complicate things and say put money on my feet to tap in the anointing, a. All you need is faith nothing else, 4. Lord, a. You have to understand that this man understood authority, i. Though he was a Roman official he understood that every knee shall bow and every tongue confess,
  • 9. b. The bible says he said Lord, i. Which exalted Jesus, ii. The Centurion might have power by men but Not over Jesus, 5. The servant was healed by faith, a. Jesus might have touched people, b. Jesus might have spit on the sand so that he can heal people’s eyes, c. But the centurion knew that if he speaks a word the servant will be healed. All you need is a word, but that word will activate your faith.
  • 10. Theme: From sickness to Health (Weeping may endure through the night but joy comes in the Morning) Scripture: Luke 5:12-14 There are times other people feel like they don’t belong, or there are other people who are actually cast out. 1. People that were told that they were not good enough, 2. People who were told that they have nothing, even their dress code says it all, 3. People that were told that they do not have enough money, therefore they cannot sit with us, Actually, others were never told verbally but they received the massage when they were pushed aside, or through the non-verbal communication. What I am proposing to you is that God can change you from sickness to health, from being unwanted to being needed. He can change you from any negative thing that you are in right now and place you in the positive. He is able to move you from victory to victory, prosperity to prosperity. There is nothing impossible with God. Where you are, right now as you move in scripture I want you to see that God is not afraid of your situation or what you think you are and he is able to change you. 1. A man came along covered with leprosy,
  • 11. a. The man was a leper, i. Among the Jews, several skin diseases were classified as leprosy, including our modern Hansen's disease. In spite of modern medical advances, an estimated 10 million people around the world have leprosy. One form of leprosy attacks the nerves so that the victim cannot feel pain. Infection easily sets in, and this leads to degeneration of the tissues. The limb becomes deformed and eventually falls off, ii. It was the task of the Jewish priest to examine people to determine whether they were lepers. Infected people were isolated and could not return to normal society until declared "cleansed.", iii. Like sin, leprosy is deeper than the skin and cannot be helped by mere "surface" measures. Like sin, leprosy spreads; and as it spreads, it defiles. Because of his defilement, a leprous person had to be isolated outside the camp. People with leprosy were looked on as "dead", and garments infected with leprosy were fit only for the fire, b. Leprosy was a serious case because when you touch a leper you were considered sick and you have to be isolated, i. Not only will you be isolated from your friends and family but the whole entire
  • 12. society, ii. You will be isolated until considered clean by the priests, c. Have you ever felt unwanted to an extent that people will just walk passed you like you are nothing, i. The way they look at you will just tell you that you are dead to them, ii. Have you ever failed on one simple thing and people start defining and describing you by your failure, iii. Have you ever been looked at as if you are dead because you simply do not dress the way they do, as if your dress code defines who you are, iv. Whenever you walk in church, school or a public place when people look at you they make you feel unwanted, d. The leper felt like that, i. He would pass by and people would say unclean, ii. People would walk away from him, iii. People would see him as cast out, iv. Unworthy to be among us, they would say, e. Maybe you might be feeling the same way, i. But Jesus is passing by you way tonight,
  • 13. 2. When he saw Jesus, a. Now this man had a need, i. You have to understand that when somebody has a need and he sees the answer to the need he had no time to entertain doubt, 1. Sometimes as Christians we sit and camp in our situations and entertain doubt, a. Maybe I should, maybe I should not, b. Maybe it’s time, maybe not, ii. But like the woman who was called a dog, 1. She had no time to entertain doubt, 2. She had no time to entertain criticism, 3. She had no time for a negative atmosphere, b. He had to act, and he had to act now, i. He knew that the enemy comes in the form of the flood but God will raise the standard, c. You need to know when Jesus passes by, i. For your need will be met, d. When he passes by,
  • 14. i. Your healing is no longer on standby, 1. For there is no time to fix your make up, a. Because your answer is passing by, 3. He fell with his face to the ground and begged him… a. Sometimes the key to your deliverance is in worship, i. At is awkward time of need he worships the Lord and exalts him, 1. By falling on his face and laying prostrate before him, which is another form of worship, 4. Lord if you are willing you can make me clean.. a. He exalted Jesus because he knew he had a need, b. He lifted him up in worship and asked him to be cast out for him, c. He worshiped Jesus and asked him to take his position as a leper, d. And Jesus did, 5. Jesus stretched his hand and touched the man and said “I am willing, be clean” a. Jesus broke the law by touching him, i. The law forbidden Jesus to touch the man but he did,
  • 15. ii. Therefore he should be a cast out leper, because he would be considered unclean because he touched the man, b. Jesus would rather suffer, that you may live c. Jesus would rather be cast out that you may belong, d. Jesus would rather be sick and die that you may live, e. Jesus would rather break the law that you may live, 6. Jesus knew that he broke the law but in verse 14, he said to the man he should go to the priests and follow the law, 7. Jesus life is inspirational, because he came and died that we may live, a. Jesus sympathized with us i. He was gossiped about, ii. He was considered a threat, iii. He was considered a cast out person, iv. He was beaten, v. He was ridiculed by being thrown at the cross, b. Jesus was persecuted, that 7 billion people around the world may live, 8. Jesus moved the man from sickness to health, a. Jesus moved you from death row to life.
  • 16. Theme: The Lamb of God Scripture: John 1:29-34 John the Baptist is simply a straight up person; this is the reason why John the disciple decided to write about him, because what John the Baptist is actually saying is that Jesus came to die. I want you to consider the fact of Jesus being the Lamb of God; I want you to transition from the fact that Jesus is rabbi to the disciples, a healer to the centurion, a sinner to the teachers of the law to the fact that he is a Lamb of God. John shows us in several ways in chapter one who Jesus is. Before you get there, consider how people viewed Jesus:- 1. Rabbi, 2. The healer, 3. The one who performed miracles, 4. Some compared him to Beelzebub, 5. The one who forgave the prostitute, 6. The one who walked on water, 7. A law breaker, 8. The one cursed on the tree, 9. The one who died and rose again,
  • 17. The people did not know him, know him, they knew what he did not who he was. They did not know him personally. Some never even seen him, they just heard of him, they just heard of what he had done. N.B Even in church there are people today who don’t know him, but they simply heard of who he is. AD 80-95 John comes again in chapter 1 and he tells them that he has seen him, he walked with him, he knows him, and he shows the people that he was even in the inner-circle. He was arguing the heresy of the day, people speaking about who they thought Jesus was, He makes it clear in chapter 1 who Jesus is:- 1. In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God, he was with God in the beginning, a. Not only is he the rabbi but he is the word, b. He is the living breathing word of God, 2. He was not a law breaker, but he came to complete the law, a. He is not a prophet but he makes prophets, b. He is not curse instead through him all man are blessed, 3. He had no choice but to forgive the prostitute because he is the light that shines in darkness, a. He saw himself in her,
  • 18. John builds his case and he tells a story about a man who testified about Jesus:- 1. John the Baptist says he is the word that became flesh, 2. He is the one who brings grace and truth, 3. He is the only one who has ever seen God for he is from God, 1. Who takes away the sin of the world a. What is sin? i. Sin is an act of disobeying Gods commands. The whole world fell into sin through Adam and Eve. The bible says we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. We are sinners in nature; we disobey God, whatever he says we do the direct opposite. ii. We are in need of a saviour. b. According to history God made a system that the Jews had to follow, without them following it they would suffer Gods judgement. Lev 16 describes the Day of Atonement. There you find that the Jews had to kill a clean lamb or goat and the priests would sprinkle the blood in the holy of holies for the forgiveness of their sins. i. God followed the Jewish custom that he made to save the world,
  • 19. ii. He understood that he needed a lamb that had to be sacrificed and its blood to be sprinkled in the holy of holies, iii. God knew that the lamb he would choose, its blood should cover the whole creation and generations sin, iv. God knew that the lamb had to die in order for the blood to cover creations sin, v. God knew it all for he made it all, 2. John now calls Jesus a lamb of God, a. John now proposes that Jesus the carpenter is sent from God to die, b. John says to us that this carpenters blood will save the world, c. What John knew he was saying was that this carpenter, son to Mary and Joseph an unattractive man, poor with no fancy robe is the lamb of God and the Son of God, d. (JOHN 1:30) A MAN WHO COMES AFTER ME HAS SURPASSED ME BECAUSE HE WAS BEFORE ME. I MAYSELF DID NOT KNOW HIM, BUT THE REASON WHY I CAME BAPTIZING WITH WATER WAS THAT HE MIGHT BE REVEALED TO ISRAEL, 3. John must have had a good idea of who Jesus is,
  • 20. a. Let us remember that he was the one preparing the way of Jesus, b. He was the one that when his mother was pregnant with him, at the point of greeting when marry came to visit, he kicked or leaped in the mother’s womb and his mother was filed with the Holy Spirit, c. He is the voice that is crying out in the desert, prepare ye the way of the Lord, 4. John gave this testimony, a. Testimony is a witnessed truth, though it may be subjective to other, when you have testimony against someone it means you were there and you saw therefore you testify, b. John the Baptist shared his testimony, but his testimony was unusual, c. John had no doubt because someone bigger than the teachers of the law told him to be on a look out, d. God warned John, i. John the Baptist says ‘I wouldn’t have known, but the one who sends me told me the man I see the spirit come and remain on him is the one who will baptize with or in or by the spirit. 5. Testimony is the key to salvation, a. John testimony was unshaken because not only did he hear about Jesus from God but he saw,
  • 21. i. John saw the spirit come upon him, ii. He saw the radiance of God in him, b. He testifies that this is the son of God, c. The bible says even the next day he proclaimed ‘look the lamb of God, who takes away the Sin of the world’ when he saw Jesus, d. Your testimony is a key to someone’s salvation, 6. Jesus is the lamb of God, a. He came to die for us that we may live, b. We deserved death but he came to change that and give us life.
  • 22. Theme: You are released Scripture: Matthew 27:11-26 and Isaiah 53:8 I have learned that we are walking around with chains on our hands and ankles. We have becomes bound to sin and it pleases us. We have becomes slaves to alcohol, pornography and cheating on our spouses. We have become subjects in the devils kingdom. We have become Christians that are walking dead. We have become a generation that does not fear God anymore. Right where you are, I want to propose a new thought to you, that right where you are God can still release you, release you from the chains around your hands and ankle. As you engage in the word of the Lord, I want you to see why Jesus came and why he was judged by the governor. NICENE CREED 325 A.D. EARLY CHURCH FATHERS Who, for us men for our salvation, came down from heaven, and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the virgin Mary, and was made man; and was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried; and the third day He rose again, according to the Scriptures amen. Historical background The book of Matthew was written by Matthew who was an eye
  • 23. witness. Him being and eye witness suggests to us that he knew who Jesus was. When we look at the four gospels they speak about Jesus but in a different way. e.g. When four people are writing about a room but standing at different sides they will talk about that room according to what they see, not to mean that the room has different things about it that makes it complex but they write about what they have seen and learned from the room. Same goes to the writers of the gospels, they write about the same Jesus but in deferent ways that they have learned from watching and following him. Matthew speaks about the Kingship of Jesus Christ, Marks writes about THE SUFFERING SERVENT AND SON OF GOD, Luke writes about Jesus as a human savior and John writes about his divinity. Matthew writing about Jesus as Messiah suggests that this man is the king of the Jews and also the king of Heaven, which means he is the rightful owner of the throne of David. Though the bible was written but human being just as you and i, God was the protagonist of the day, meaning that God played a major role in writing the bible. 2 Timothy says that it is God breathed, which says to us that without God being involved there will not be any bible. The life of Jesus Christ is the most inspirational story ever told, yet his story is not only remembered because of the kinds of miracles that he
  • 24. performed but by the undeserving death on the cross of shame. It has always been about the cross; Jesus never took his eyes of the cross because he knew that the cross will please the father in heaven because deliverance of all people and all nations will come from his death on the cross. Never has it been about miracles but by Jesus establishing his kingdom through the work and the blood of the cross. But as we study the work of Calvary we come across a man who seems to be a nobody and starts getting in the picture, a man who seems to be disturbing the whole process, and the man who reminds us the work of the cross. NB I want to tell you about these two men, what was happening and why they were there and who are they because I believe that the information is essential. First of all let’s start with the man Jesus. Jesus Christ 1. He was there to be judged, a. We see this when we look at verse 11 when he was questioned by Pilate because he wanted to know who he is and what he did, b. We also see this when the verdict was taken by the Jews in verse 23, 2. He was there to be ridiculed, a. Verse 31 when he was mocked, 3. He was there to be killed,
  • 25. a. We see this again in verse 23, 4. He committed no sin, 5. He healed people, a. Throughout his ministry in the book of Mathew we see him healing people even though that’s all they wanted from him, b. He preached to people, i. Chapter to chapter we see him teaching about the kingdom of heaven and having compassion for all people, 1. He had compassion for all including tax collector, a. Let us not forget Matthew was a tax collector, b. Zacheus whom Jesus visited, 6. He did not deserve to die, Barabbas 7. We do not know him, he just appeared out of nowhere, 8. He committed murder, treason and felony,
  • 26. a. Which are the crimes that deserve death by the sword of Justice, 9. Mathew Considered him notorious prisoner, 10. He deserves death, CUSTOM IT WAS THE CUSTOM OF THE DAY THAT WHEN THE GOVERNOR WOULD FIND THE ACCUSED NOT GUILTY HE WILL SEND OUT ANOTHER PRISIONER AND BARGAIN WITH THE CROWD, THEREFORE PONTUS PILATE SENT OUT FOR BARABBAS AND HE WANTED TO BARGAIN BUT IN HIS HEART HE KNEW THAT IT WAS BECAUSE OF ENVY THAT THEY BROUGHT Jesus TO HIM TO BE CRUCIFIED. Jesus came to set us free, when Barabbas was released, Jesus did not say a word because he knew that is the reason why he came. Barabbas might have thought that the crowed loved him but Jesus knew he came for such as these. The bible says whoever the Son of Man sets free is free indeed.
  • 27. RULES In this world there is system of rules that we follow. We follow these rules every day and when you break one of these rules, you are considered an outlaw. Outlaw simply mean that you do not follow the law that was set for you to follow. Back in the days of the Old Testament there were set of rules that were set. I am not talking only about the 10 commandments, but moral laws. You are supposed to eat like this and not eat on such a day; if you want to be an outlaw then you will be stoned. The Israelites had the law they were expected to follow. This law would show you what the Israelites believed in and where they are going in life, they foundation their live and vision for the community around the law. But as time went on they started coming up with their own laws and decided to be disobedient. The Lord would rebuke them in love but they wouldn’t listen. As we study further we find that the Lord begins to tell them about their coming redeemer. Their rules began to tell people how to live and what to do. Their rules ruled the people. There was no grace and no mercy when it came to their life style. In the temple there would be positions to show who should sit where, and the reason why they set there. They were so cold towards each other to an extent that they wouldn’t even eat with a gentile. JESUS In the midst of all those rules Jesus comes and he says I have come from the father. What he basically does is to teach people about the kingdom of heaven, he teaches them love, self-respect, and respecting
  • 28. their neighbor. He teaches them a whole new belief that the father is interested to reconciling all the people to himself. He teaches that in this world they will go through situations. He teaches them that he will build a church but that church is not made out of stones and brick but by heart. After all his teachings, showing love towards his people, and his followers including the twelve. He went to the cross and he died for all to see that he loves them to the point of death. BY OPPRESSION AND JUDGEMENT HE WAS TAKEN AWAY, WHO CAN SPEAK OF HIS DESCENDANTS FOR HE WAS CUT OF FROM THE LAND OF THE LIVING, FOR THE TRANSGRESSIONS OF MY PEOPLE HE WAS STRICKENED. Jesus came to build a relationship.
  • 29. Theme: The prodigal Relationship Scripture: Luke 15:11-31 Jesus continued: "There was a man who had two sons. The younger one said to his father, 'Father, give me my share of the estate.' So he divided his property between them. "Not long after that, the younger son got together all he had, set off for a distant country and there squandered his wealth in wild living. After he had spent everything, there was a severe famine in that whole country, and he began to be in need. So he went and hired himself out to a citizen of that country, who sent him to his fields to feed pigs. He longed to fill his stomach with the pods that the pigs were eating, but no one gave him anything. "When he came to his senses, he said, 'How many of my father's hired men have food to spare, and here I am starving to death! I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son; make me like one of your hired men.' So he got up and went to his father. "But while he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. "The son said to him, 'Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.' "But the father said to his servants, 'Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let's have a feast and celebrate. For this son of
  • 30. mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.' So they began to celebrate. "Meanwhile, the older son was in the field. When he came near the house, he heard music and dancing. So he called one of the servants and asked him what was going on. Your brother has come,' he replied, 'and your father has killed the fattened calf because he has him back safe and sound.' "The older brother became angry and refused to go in. So his father went out and pleaded with him. But he answered his father, 'Look! All these years I've been slaving for you and never disobeyed your orders. Yet you never gave me even a young goat so I could celebrate with my friends. But when this son of yours who has squandered your property with prostitutes comes home, you kill the fattened calf for him!' "'My son,' the father said, 'you are always with me, and everything I have is yours. But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.'" Lead sentence: Have you ever found yourself in a situation whereby you know that you have ruined your relationship with a family member or a friend or maybe someone you are married too or you are about to marry.
  • 31. You feel like the way things are even if you go and ask for forgiveness, he or she will not forgive you. You feel like dying because you know that you are at fault, or maybe you do not even care about the damage you have done, but as soon as you come to your senses and decide to go back and ask for forgiveness, the person does not even care about what happened but cares about your relationship with him or her. Proposition: We always find ourselves in those situations, but what I am proposing tonight is that God came to fix The Prodigal Relationship. Transitional sentence: Prodigal is a Latin word that means ‘wasted’, because the son wasted what was given to him, not only did he waste the money but the relationship. He did what Christians today do, he focused on the blessing than the blesse, he focused on the riches than what he already had, and he focused on what money can buy and forgot about what money cannot buy, like relationship with his family and friends. He was more interested on what he could receive through money, and how he would live and who he would be and forgot about the love of the father.
  • 32. DOES IT NOT SOUND LIKE CHRISTIANS TODAYS? That we would go around chasing blessings and we forget that Jesus came to build a relationship. Stephan Joubert says about the early church “looking for structures, buildings, positions and titles as the most eminent characteristics, we forget that relationship initially motivated and drove ekklesia even while it grew missionally. The fingerprints of these Christians did not show up in buildings, offices and religious orders, but on each other’s lives”. NB Sara Tulloch says a relationship is “A condition or character due to being related” she also says it is “a connection or an association”. Jesus came to build a relationship between ourselves and also with God, not a temple or religious order or liturgy. Francis Schaefer says “Our relationship with each other is a criterion the world uses to judge whether our massage is truthful.” Jesus says that the only way that people will recognize that you are my followers, is when you love one another as you love God the Father. Relationship in our religion is imperative; Even Jesus says to the Sanhedrin that the greatest commandment is Love. Without a Good relationship in the church people will never get saved. That is the reason why God came to fix the prodigal relationship. Historicity:
  • 33. There was a man who had two sons; automatically this should say to you that his inheritance for them should be divided among them accordingly. His younger son said to his Father give me my share of the estate, it was normal for this to happen but when it does the younger son was saying I wish you were dead because all that you are is the money that I can get from you. The father divided the estate among them accordingly and when the younger son got what he wanted he left to live his desired life of wild living. There was a server famine that he started looking for a job like normal people. One day he decided to go to his father and work for him like one of his slaves or servants. When he got there he told his father what he wanted to say but what excited the father was the fact that he repented, and accepted his wrong, the way he disowned his father between people and God. Notice what the father does! The father dresses him with fine clothes, and also killed a fattened calf for him and threw a party. This bothered the older brother because he says the father never gave him a goat. NB The sin of the younger son was so huge to an extent that he should be reconciled to the whole community and the family, so this was a reconciliation party. Fattened calf would feed = 50 – 100 people which is a village in those days. Goat would feed = a family in those days.
  • 34. What he did was so wrong and sinful not only against the father and his family but the whole village. 1) Parables of Luke 15 a) Unlike the lost sheep and the lost coin, Jesus wants to emphasize to the Pharisees and the teachers of the law that God does not care about what kind of sin you have committed but he cares about your life and your relationship with him. i) Let us remember what happened to Zacheus, who repented because Jesus visited him and Jesus said to him salvation has come. ii) Jesus is interested in the repentance of the sinner and reconciliation with the father. b) Jesus wants to make sure that every teacher of the law and Pharisee understand that it is not about the building that we call a temple, it is not about the liturgy, it is not about where you sit and how you dress or who you are, it is about the relationship that you have with God. 2) The church in our generation hides away in big walls and hope that people will just come in. a) Jesus says to the disciples that the way you relate to each other will show people that you are my followers. 3) Jesus tell this incomplete story to show people that it is not about what the son had done, a) But about the love of the father, forgiving heart that he has,
  • 35. i) Let us remember the woman who had been caught committing adultery and Jesus says let he who has no sin cast the first stone, after they had left he asked where are they that accused thee, well I also do not judge you go and sin no more. (1) Jesus builds a relationship with this woman and this woman lived a life of gratitude to Jesus. b) The church has lost the meaning of relationship. 4) We need to go back and understand why Jesus came I believe that when we stop writing the world will stop living. What that means is that without wisdom and knowledge that is passed from generation to generation then we will die with the testimonies of how marvelous our Lord has been when we were alive. Without testimonies that were told in the bible and testimonies from our parents and grand Parents then, what were the chances of us knowing the Lord like we do today? We are all saved by grace and grace alone, therefore we need to share the goodness of the Lord in our lives that many might know, grow, and understand that Jesus is Lord and through him we all have a purpose which is to tell people about him. Gods will for your life is simple know, grow, and alert others about what he has done and his second coming.
  • 36. MY NAME IS WILLIAM SEITSHIRO AND WELCOME TO CHRISTIANITY 121. •W.L Seitshiro Pastor, Author, Columnist, Realist and ideologist. 0742778857 Follow his blog: