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2018 Edelman
Trust Barometer
2018 Edelman
Trust Barometer
Online Survey in 28 Countries
18 years of data
33,000+ respondents total
All fieldwork was conducted between
October 28 and November 20, 2017
General Online Population
7 years in 25+ countries
Ages 18+
1,150 respondents per country
All slides show general online
population data unless otherwise noted
Mass Population
All population not including informed public
Represents 85% of total global population
Informed Public
10 years in 20+ countries
Represents 15% of total global
500 respondents in U.S. and China;
200 in all other countries
Must meet 4 criteria:
Ages 25-64
University educated
In top 25% of household income per
age group in each country
Report significant media consumption
and engagement in business news
Trust in Retrospect
Rising Influence
of NGOs
Business Must
Partner with
Government to
Regain Trust
Fall of the
Celebrity CEO
Earned Media
More Credible
Companies in
Europe Suffer
Trust Discount
Shifts from
to Peers
“A Person Like
Me” Emerges
as Credible
Business More
Trusted Than
and Media
Have More Trust
in Business
Trust is Now an
Essential Line
of Business
Rise of
Fall of
Crisis of
to Lead
the Debate
for Change
Trust is
Essential to
of Trust
Trust in Crisis
The Battle
for Truth
Trust Matters
Source: 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer Q371-589. Thinking back over the past 12 months, have you taken any of the following actions in relation to companies that
you trust/do not trust? (Yes Summary) Q598-609. Thinking about the information you consume, how much do you trust the information from each of the following
authors or content creators? (Top 4 Box, Trust) Q178-182. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general
news and information? Please use a 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust)
General Population, 28-country global total, question asked of half the sample. 4
Percent who engage in each behavior based on trust
Behaviors for Distrusted Companies Behaviors for Trusted Companies
Refused to buy products/services
Criticised companies
Shared negative opinions
Disagreed with others
Paid more than wanted
Chose to buy products/services
Recommended them to a friend/colleague
Shared positive opinions online
Defended company
Paid more
Behaviors for
Trusted Companies
Behaviors for
Distrusted Companies
The State
of Trust
Two of four institutions distrusted
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do
what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box,
Trust) Informed Public and General Population, South Africa.
Percent trust in each institution, and change from 2017 to 2018, in South Africa
Institutional Trust Decreases
58 56
Business MediaNGOs Government
-8 -3 -1 -4
Y-to-Y Change− +0
37 37
45 46 46 46 48 49 50 50 52 54 55 55 57 58 58 59 59 61 61
64 66 67 68
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. [NGOs IN GENERAL] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to
do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) General
Population, 28-country global total.
Percent trust in NGOs, and change from 2017 to 2018
Trust in NGOs
Declines in 14 of 28 Countries
Distrusted in 10 countries
l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll0 +4 -2 +6 +19 -1 +3 -13 0 -4 -9 -9 -8 -2 +6 -4 -1 -3 -2 +5 +1 -2 +1 +6 0 +5 +3 -3 0
Y-to-Y Change− +0
36 36
40 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 49
53 54 56 57
60 60
68 70
74 74
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. [BUSINESS IN GENERAL] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that
institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box,
Trust) General Population, 28-country global total.
Percent trust in business, and change from 2017 to 2018
Trust in Business
Increases in 14 of 28 Countries
l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll0 +2 +7 -1 +2 -8 +1 +3 -2 -1 +1 -3 +3 +1 -10 -1 +3 -3 -1 -2 -4 +4 0 0 +4 +3 +7 0 +2
Distrusted in 16 countries
Y-to-Y Change− +0
24 25 27 28
33 33 34 35 35 36 37
41 43 44 45 46 46 46 46
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. [GOVERNMENT IN GENERAL] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution
to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) General
Population, 28-country global total.
Trust in Government
Increases in 16 of 26 Countries
Percent trust in government, and change from 2017 to 2018
l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll+2 -1 -6 -8 +5 -4 +4 +8 -14 +9 -2 +3 0 0 +8 +5 0 +17 +3 +6 +9 +1 0 +3 -4 -5 +2 +2 +8
Distrusted in 21 countries
Y-to-Y Change− +0
30 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 35
39 40 42 42 43 43 43 44 45 47 48 49
55 56
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. [MEDIA IN GENERAL] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust
that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great
deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total.
Percent trust in media, and change from 2017 to 2018
Media Now Least Trusted Institution
l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll0 +5 -1 0 -1 0 0 +4 +3 +4 -4 -1 0 0 -5 -5 -2 +1 0 -3 +5 +1 +4 -2 +1 +12 -5 +1 +6
Y-to-Y Change− +0
Declines in 10 countries & distrusted in 22 countries
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer.
The Trust Index is an average of a country's trust in the institutions
of government, business, media and NGOs. General population,
28-country global total.
Average trust in institutions,
general population, 2017 vs. 2018
Trust Index
A World
of Distrust
Biggest changes in
47 Global
72 India
69 Indonesia
67 China
60 Singapore
60 UAE
53 The Netherlands
52 Mexico
52 U.S.
50 Colombia
49 Canada
48 Brazil
48 Italy
48 Malaysia
45 Argentina
44 Hong Kong
44 Spain
43 Turkey
42 Australia
42 S. Africa
41 Germany
40 France
40 U.K.
38 S. Korea
37 Sweden
36 Ireland
35 Japan
35 Poland
34 Russia
U.S. -9
China +7
S. Korea +6
UAE +6
Italy -5
Trust decline in the U.S. is
the steepest ever measured
48 Global
74 China
71 Indonesia
68 India
66 UAE
58 Singapore
54 Mexico
54 The Netherlands
53 Malaysia
49 Canada
47 Argentina
47 Colombia
47 Spain
46 Turkey
45 Hong Kong
44 Brazil
44 S. Korea
43 Italy
43 U.S.
41 Germany
41 Sweden
40 Australia
40 France
39 Poland
39 U.K.
38 Ireland
38 S. Africa
37 Japan
36 Russia
General Population
General Population
Global Trust Index remains at distruster level
20 of 28 countries are distrusters, up 1 from 2017
Polarisation of
-17 -17 -13 -13 -10 -10
-3 -2 -1
3 3 5 7 7 8 9 9 10 12 13 17 19 20 23 24 27
16 countries with
Typical Changes in Trust
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust Volatility Measure. The net year-over-year (2017-2018) percentage point change across the four institutions
(TRU_INS). General population, 28-country global total. For more details on how the Trust Volatility Measure was calculated, please refer to the Technical
Aggregate percentage point change in trust in the four institutions, and change from 2017 to 2018
The Polarisation of Trust
6 countries with extreme
Trust Losses
6 countries with extreme
Trust Gains
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do
what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box,
Trust) Informed Public and General Population, South Africa.
Percent trust in each institution, and change from 2017 to 2018, in South Africa
Institutional Trust Decreases
50 53
60 59
-7 -10 +5 -4
Business MediaNGOs Government
-8 -3 -1 -4
In Search
of Truth
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_MED_AGR. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how much you agree or disagree with that statement
using a nine-point scale where one means “strongly disagree” and nine means “strongly agree”. (Top 4 Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. General
population, South Africa.
Percent who worry about false
information or fake news
being used as a weapon
World Worried About Fake
News as a Weapon
in South Africa worry
about false information
or fake news being used
as a weapon
55-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80
S. Africa
Hong Kong
S. Korea
People Define
“Media” As
Both Content
and Platforms
What did you assume was meant by
the phrase “media in general”?
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_MED. In the above
question, what did you assume was meant by the phrase “media
in general”? General population, South Africa. Social is a net of
TRU_MEDr3 and r12, Influencers is r5, Search is r7, Brands is a
net of r10 and r11, Journalists is a net of r1 and r6, News Apps is
2014 2018
Search engines* 72 59
Traditional media 63 55
51 53
Owned media 51 34
Social media 44 33
Media as an
45 35
Trust in Media Continues to Plummet
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news
and information? Please use a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal.” (Top 4 Box,
Trust) General Population, South Africa, question asked of half the sample.
*From 2012-2015, “Online Search Engines” were included as a media type. In 2016, this was changed to “Search Engines.”
**From 2012-2015, “Hybrid Media” was included as a media type. In 2016, this was changed to “Online-Only media.”
Percent trust in each source for general news and information
2014 - 2018
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. COM_MCL. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for
general news and information? Please use a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal.”
(Top 4 Box, Trust), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa.
Journalism is an average of traditional media and online-only media. Platforms is an average of search engines and social media.
Percent trust in each source for general news
and information, 2014 to 2018, in South Africa
Trust in Platforms and
Journalism Declines
Average trust in search engines
and social media platforms
Average trust in traditional
and online-only media
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
How frequently do you consume news
produced by major news organisations,
either at the original source, shared by
others or pushed to you in a feed?
Nearly Half Disengaged
With the News
The Disengaged
Consume news
less than weekly
Consume news
about weekly
or more
Consume news about
weekly or more AND
share or post content
several times a month
or more
How often do you share or forward news
items, or post opinions or other content?
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. News Engagement
Scale, built from MED_SEG_OFT. How often do you engage in
the following activities related to news and information? Indicate
your answer using the 7-point scale below. General population,
South Africa. For details on how the News Engagement Scale was
built, please refer to the Technical Appendix.
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_MED_AGR. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how much you agree or disagree with
that statement using a nine-point scale where one means “strongly disagree” and nine means “strongly agree”. (Top 4 Box, Agree), question asked of half
of the sample. General population, South Africa.
Percent who agree that news
organisations are overly focused on …
Skeptical About
News Organisations
are more concerned
with attracting a big
audience than reporting
Large Audiences
support an ideology vs.
informing the public
sacrifice accuracy to be
the first to break a story
Breaking News
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_MED_AGR. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how much you agree or disagree with
that statement using a nine-point scale where one means “strongly disagree” and nine means “strongly agree”. (Top 4 Box, Agree), question asked of half
of the sample. General population, South Africa.
Percent who agree that …
Uncertainty Over
Real vs. Fake News
The average person does not
know how to tell good journalism
from rumor or falsehoods
It is becoming harder to tell if a
piece of news was produced by a
respected media organisation
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust-building mandates Analysis. The most effective trust building mandates for each institution. INS_EXP_MED. Below is
a list of potential expectations or responsibilities that a social institution might have. Thinking about the media in general, how would you characterize each using the
following three-point scale. INS_PER_MED. How well do you feel the media is currently meeting this obligation to society? Please indicate your answer using the 5-
point scale below. (Top 2 Box, Performing well), question only asked of those codes 2 or 3 at the expectation question with data displayed only among code 3.
General population, South Africa. For more details on the Trust-building mandates Analysis, please refer to the Technical Appendix.
Top three trust-building mandates for
media, and percent who say the media is
performing well or very well against
them, in South Africa
Media Failing
to Meet Expectations
Trust-Building Mandate Performance Score
Guard information quality 24
Educate on issues 47
Inform good life decisions 35
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. MED_CON. What consequences are you experiencing as a direct result of the media not doing a good job fulfilling
its responsibilities? Question asked of those who answered codes 1-3 at MED_RSP. General population, South Africa.
Percent of respondents who feel they are experiencing these
consequences as a result of media not fulfilling its responsibilities, in South Africa
Lack of Confidence in Media Undermining Trust and Truth
I am not sure what is true
and what is not
Loss of Truth
I do not know which politicians to trust
Loss of Trust
in Government Leaders
I don't know which companies
or brands to trust
Loss of Trust
in Business
67% 64% 43%
Navigating a
Polarised World
Government Most Broken
in South Africa
Which institution is the
most broken?
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_STE. Please indicate which institution – Government, Media, Business or NGO’s – is best described by each of the
following statements? General population, 28-country global total and South Africa.
Business Path to Better
Future in South Africa
Which institution is most likely
to lead to a better future?
Global Global
% 6%
CEOs Expected to Lead
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_AGR. Thinking about CEOs, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Top 4
Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. CEO_EXP. Below is a list of potential expectations that you might have for a company CEO. Thinking
about CEOs in general, whether they are global CEOs or a CEO who oversees a particular country, how would you characterize each using the following
three-point scale? (Most important responsibility, code 3), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa.
Percent who agree and percent who say each is one of the most
important expectations they have for a CEO, in South Africa
Percent who say that CEOs
should take the lead on change
rather than waiting for
government to impose it
For CEOs, building trust is job one
Business decisions reflect
company values
Their company is trusted
Their products and services
are high quality
Set high ethical standards
76 75
71 71
63 63 61
56 56
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. CRE_PPL. Below is a list of people. In general, when forming an opinion of a company, if you heard information
about a company from each person, how credible would the information be—extremely credible, very credible, somewhat credible, or not credible at all?
(Top 2 Box, Very/Extremely Credible), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa.
Percent who rate each spokesperson as very/extremely credible,
and change from 2017 to 2018, in South Africa
Voices of Authority Regain Credibility
+5 +5 +5 -2 -7 +11 +12 +3 +4 +13 +6
− Y-to-Y Change+0
33 33 34 34 34
38 39 39 40 40 41 42
45 45
52 53
60 60 61
63 63
An Uptick in CEO Credibility
SOURCE: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Below is a list of people. In general, when forming an opinion of a company, if you heard information about a company
from each person, how credible would the information be—extremely credible, very credible, somewhat credible, or not credible at all? (Top 2 Box, Very/Extremely
Percent rate CEOs as extremely/very credible, 2017 vs. 2018
CEOs only credible in two countries
+4 +11 +5+3 +15+0+5+16+4+10+9+5+9+14+14+7 +13 +5 +13 +2+9 -8 +6 +11+0 +7 +5+7 +11
Increases in 27 of 28 countries
Y-to-Y Change+−
NeutralDistrust Trust
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_IND. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use
the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust), industries shown to half
of the sample. General Population, South Africa.
Trust in each industry sector, and change from 2014 to 2018, in South Africa
Sector Trends
Trust Decreases Across Almost All Industries
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Industry 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
5 yr.
Technology 80 80 78 79 76 -4
Automotive 71 73 65 68 61 -10
Food and beverage 66 71 67 68 60 -6
Entertainment 67 71 67 67 59 -8
Telecommunications 62 62 55 59 57 -5
Consumer packaged goods 62 65 62 65 56 -6
Health care - - 57 62 56 -
Financial Services 55 59 57 58 52 -3
Energy 53 51 42 52 54 +1
Change, 2014 to 2018− +0
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TMA_SIE_SHV. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. (Top 4 Box,
Agree), question asked of half of the sample. CEO_AGR. Thinking about CEOs, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
(Top4 Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa.
Percent who agree that …
Business Must Show
Commitment to Long-Term
Companies that only
think about themselves
and their profits are
bound to fail
CEOs are driven more
by greed than a desire
to make a positive
difference in the world
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust Volatility Measure. The net year-over-year (2017-2018) percentage point change across the four institutions
(TRU_INS). General population, 28-country global total. Trust-building mandates Analysis. The most effective trust building mandates for each institution.
Mandates not shown in rank order. INS_EXP_BUS. Below is a list of potential expectations or responsibilities that a social institution might have. Thinking
about business in general, how would you characterize each using the following three-point scale. General population, 28-country global total. For more
details on the Trust Volatility Measure and Trust Mandates Analysis, please refer to the Technical Appendix.
Trust-building mandates for business in countries with extreme or typical trust changes
Business Must Address Market Dynamics
Countries with
Typical Changes in Trust
Countries include Russia, Mexico, U.K., Japan
Countries with extreme
Trust Gains
Countries include China, UAE, South Korea
Countries with extreme
Trust Losses
Countries include U.S., India, Colombia, Brazil, S. Africa
Consumer Safety
Invest in Jobs
Improve Quality of Life
Ensure Competitive Workforce
Ensure Equal Opportunity
Invest in Jobs
Safeguard Privacy
Provide for Future Generations
Drive Economic Prosperity
Consumer Safety
Guard Information Quality
Safeguard Privacy
Drive Economic Prosperity
Top trust-building mandates for
each institution, in South Africa
Each Institution
Must Play its Role
Support the poor
Create a sense of community
Call out abuses of power
Safeguard privacy
Invest in jobs
Drive economic prosperity
Invest in jobs
Prevent discrimination
Guard information quality
Educate on issues
Inform good life decisions
Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust-Building Mandates Analysis. The most effective trust building mandates for each institution. INS_EXP_GOV;
INS_EXP_MED; INS_EXP_BUS; and INS_EXP_NGO. Below is a list of potential expectations or responsibilities that a social institution might have. Thinking
about [insert institution] in general, how would you characterize each using the following three-point scale. General population, South Africa. For more details
on the Trust Mandates Analysis, please refer to the Technical Appendix.
Re-think “media”
Leverage a cross-channel strategy
Bring back voices of authority and influence
The CEO must take action and be the leading voice
Demonstrate a long-term commitment and put purpose at the centre
Bringing it All Together
2018 Edelman
Trust Barometer

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2016 Edelman Trust Barometer Malaysia
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2017 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER™- Global Results
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2016 trust barometer global master deck woolf institute
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2016 trust barometer global master deck woolf institute
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Barómetro sobre CONFIANZA de Edelman 2016
2016 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER - Global Results
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2016 Edelman TRUST BAROMETER - Global Results
2017 Edelman Trust Barometer - Energy Results
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2018 Edelman Trust Barometer - South Africa

  • 2. 2 Methodology 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer Online Survey in 28 Countries 18 years of data 33,000+ respondents total All fieldwork was conducted between October 28 and November 20, 2017 General Online Population 7 years in 25+ countries Ages 18+ 1,150 respondents per country All slides show general online population data unless otherwise noted Mass Population All population not including informed public Represents 85% of total global population Informed Public 10 years in 20+ countries Represents 15% of total global population 500 respondents in U.S. and China; 200 in all other countries Must meet 4 criteria: Ages 25-64 University educated In top 25% of household income per age group in each country Report significant media consumption and engagement in business news
  • 3. Trust in Retrospect 3 Rising Influence of NGOs 2001 Business Must Partner with Government to Regain Trust 2009 Fall of the Celebrity CEO 2002 Earned Media More Credible Than Advertising 2003 U.S. Companies in Europe Suffer Trust Discount 2004 Trust Shifts from “Authorities” to Peers 2005 “A Person Like Me” Emerges as Credible Spokesperson 2006 Business More Trusted Than Government and Media 2007 Young Influencers Have More Trust in Business 2008 Trust is Now an Essential Line of Business 2010 Rise of Authority Figures 2011 Fall of Government 2012 Crisis of Leadership 2013 Business to Lead the Debate for Change 2014 Trust is Essential to Innovation 2015 Growing Inequality of Trust 2016 Trust in Crisis 2017 The Battle for Truth 2018
  • 4. 88 80 58 55 55 16 58 56 37 31 49 7 Trust Matters Source: 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer Q371-589. Thinking back over the past 12 months, have you taken any of the following actions in relation to companies that you trust/do not trust? (Yes Summary) Q598-609. Thinking about the information you consume, how much do you trust the information from each of the following authors or content creators? (Top 4 Box, Trust) Q178-182. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news and information? Please use a 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total, question asked of half the sample. 4 Percent who engage in each behavior based on trust Behaviors for Distrusted Companies Behaviors for Trusted Companies Refused to buy products/services Criticised companies Shared negative opinions Disagreed with others Paid more than wanted Sold shares Chose to buy products/services Recommended them to a friend/colleague Shared positive opinions online Defended company Paid more Bought shares Behaviors for Trusted Companies Behaviors for Distrusted Companies
  • 6. Two of four institutions distrusted Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and General Population, South Africa. 6 Percent trust in each institution, and change from 2017 to 2018, in South Africa Institutional Trust Decreases 58 56 15 39 50 53 14 35 Business MediaNGOs Government -8 -3 -1 -4 General Population 20182017 Y-to-Y Change− +0 50% Neutral Trusted Distrusted
  • 7. 53 25 37 37 42 45 46 46 46 48 49 50 50 52 54 55 55 57 58 58 59 59 61 61 64 66 67 68 71 Global28 Russia Germany Japan Sweden The Netherlands Ireland Italy U.K. Australia U.S. Canada S.Africa France Poland HongKong S.Korea Brazil Colombia Turkey Malaysia Singapore Spain UAE Argentina China Indonesia India Mexico Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. [NGOs IN GENERAL] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total. 7 Percent trust in NGOs, and change from 2017 to 2018 Trust in NGOs Declines in 14 of 28 Countries Distrusted in 10 countries l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll0 +4 -2 +6 +19 -1 +3 -13 0 -4 -9 -9 -8 -2 +6 -4 -1 -3 -2 +5 +1 -2 +1 +6 0 +5 +3 -3 0 TrustNeutralDistrust Y-to-Y Change− +0
  • 8. 52 36 36 40 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 46 47 48 49 49 53 54 56 57 60 60 64 68 70 74 74 78 Global28 HongKong S.Korea Ireland Russia France Japan Poland U.K. Argentina Germany Australia Turkey Sweden U.S. Canada Spain S.Africa Italy Singapore Brazil Malaysia The Netherlands Colombia UAE Mexico China India Indonesia Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. [BUSINESS IN GENERAL] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total. 8 Percent trust in business, and change from 2017 to 2018 Trust in Business Increases in 14 of 28 Countries l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll0 +2 +7 -1 +2 -8 +1 +3 -2 -1 +1 -3 +3 +1 -10 -1 +3 -3 -1 -2 -4 +4 0 0 +4 +3 +7 0 +2 Distrusted in 16 countries TrustNeutralDistrust Y-to-Y Change− +0
  • 9. 43 14 18 24 25 27 28 33 33 34 35 35 36 37 41 43 44 45 46 46 46 46 51 54 65 70 73 77 84 Global28 S.Africa Brazil Colombia Poland Italy Mexico France U.S. Spain Australia Ireland U.K. Japan Argentina Germany Russia S.Korea Canada HongKong Malaysia Sweden Turkey The Netherlands Singapore India Indonesia UAE China Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. [GOVERNMENT IN GENERAL] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total. 9 Trust in Government Increases in 16 of 26 Countries Percent trust in government, and change from 2017 to 2018 l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll+2 -1 -6 -8 +5 -4 +4 +8 -14 +9 -2 +3 0 0 +8 +5 0 +17 +3 +6 +9 +1 0 +3 -4 -5 +2 +2 +8 Distrusted in 21 countries TrustNeutralDistrust Y-to-Y Change− +0
  • 10. 43 30 31 32 32 32 33 33 34 35 35 39 40 42 42 43 43 43 44 45 47 48 49 52 55 56 61 68 71 Global28 Turkey Australia Japan Sweden U.K. France Ireland Poland Russia S.Africa Argentina S.Korea Germany U.S. Brazil Colombia HongKong Spain Italy Malaysia Mexico Canada Singapore The Netherlands UAE India Indonesia China Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. [MEDIA IN GENERAL] Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.“ (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, 28-country global total. 10 Percent trust in media, and change from 2017 to 2018 Media Now Least Trusted Institution l llllllllllllllllllllllllllll0 +5 -1 0 -1 0 0 +4 +3 +4 -4 -1 0 0 -5 -5 -2 +1 0 -3 +5 +1 +4 -2 +1 +12 -5 +1 +6 TrustNeutralDistrust Y-to-Y Change− +0 Declines in 10 countries & distrusted in 22 countries
  • 11. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. The Trust Index is an average of a country's trust in the institutions of government, business, media and NGOs. General population, 28-country global total. 11 Average trust in institutions, general population, 2017 vs. 2018 Trust Index A World of Distrust Biggest changes in 47 Global 72 India 69 Indonesia 67 China 60 Singapore 60 UAE 53 The Netherlands 52 Mexico 52 U.S. 50 Colombia 49 Canada 48 Brazil 48 Italy 48 Malaysia 45 Argentina 44 Hong Kong 44 Spain 43 Turkey 42 Australia 42 S. Africa 41 Germany 40 France 40 U.K. 38 S. Korea 37 Sweden 36 Ireland 35 Japan 35 Poland 34 Russia U.S. -9 China +7 S. Korea +6 UAE +6 Italy -5 Trust (60-100) Neutral (50-59) Distrust (1-49) Trust decline in the U.S. is the steepest ever measured 48 Global 74 China 71 Indonesia 68 India 66 UAE 58 Singapore 54 Mexico 54 The Netherlands 53 Malaysia 49 Canada 47 Argentina 47 Colombia 47 Spain 46 Turkey 45 Hong Kong 44 Brazil 44 S. Korea 43 Italy 43 U.S. 41 Germany 41 Sweden 40 Australia 40 France 39 Poland 39 U.K. 38 Ireland 38 S. Africa 37 Japan 36 Russia 2017 General Population 2018 General Population Global Trust Index remains at distruster level 20 of 28 countries are distrusters, up 1 from 2017
  • 13. -37 -21 -17 -17 -13 -13 -10 -10 -3 -2 -1 3 3 5 7 7 8 9 9 10 12 13 17 19 20 23 24 27 U.S. Italy Brazil S.Africa India Colombia Australia Singapore Canada U.K. France Germany TheNetherlands HongKong Argentina Japan Mexico Indonesia Ireland Russia Spain Turkey Poland Malaysia Sweden S.Korea UAE China 16 countries with Typical Changes in Trust Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust Volatility Measure. The net year-over-year (2017-2018) percentage point change across the four institutions (TRU_INS). General population, 28-country global total. For more details on how the Trust Volatility Measure was calculated, please refer to the Technical Appendix. 13 Aggregate percentage point change in trust in the four institutions, and change from 2017 to 2018 The Polarisation of Trust 6 countries with extreme Trust Losses 6 countries with extreme Trust Gains
  • 14. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_INS. Below is a list of institutions. For each one, please indicate how much you trust that institution to do what is right using a nine-point scale, where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) Informed Public and General Population, South Africa. 14 Percent trust in each institution, and change from 2017 to 2018, in South Africa Institutional Trust Decreases 50 53 14 35 60 59 17 45 -7 -10 +5 -4 Business MediaNGOs Government -8 -3 -1 -4 Informed Public General Population 50% Neutral Trusted Distrusted 50% Neutral Trusted Distrusted
  • 16. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_MED_AGR. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how much you agree or disagree with that statement using a nine-point scale where one means “strongly disagree” and nine means “strongly agree”. (Top 4 Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa. 16 Percent who worry about false information or fake news being used as a weapon World Worried About Fake News as a Weapon in South Africa worry about false information or fake news being used as a weapon 69% 55-60 61-65 66-70 71-75 76-80 France Sweden Netherlands Canada Ireland Japan Germany Italy Singapore S. Africa UAE U.K. Australia Hong Kong Poland Turkey Brazil India Colombia Malaysia S. Korea U.S. China Russia Mexico Argentina Spain Indonesia
  • 17. 17 People Define “Media” As Both Content and Platforms What did you assume was meant by the phrase “media in general”? Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_MED. In the above question, what did you assume was meant by the phrase “media in general”? General population, South Africa. Social is a net of TRU_MEDr3 and r12, Influencers is r5, Search is r7, Brands is a net of r10 and r11, Journalists is a net of r1 and r6, News Apps is r8. PLATFORMS PUBLISHERS 21%54% SearchSocial 41% News Apps 29% Influencers 90% Journalists 45% Brands
  • 18. 2014 2018 Search engines* 72 59 Traditional media 63 55 Online-only media** 51 53 Owned media 51 34 Social media 44 33 Media as an institution 45 35 Trust in Media Continues to Plummet Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news and information? Please use a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust) General Population, South Africa, question asked of half the sample. *From 2012-2015, “Online Search Engines” were included as a media type. In 2016, this was changed to “Search Engines.” **From 2012-2015, “Hybrid Media” was included as a media type. In 2016, this was changed to “Online-Only media.” Percent trust in each source for general news and information 18 Change, 2014 - 2018 -13 -8 +2 -17 -11 -10 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 59 55 35 33
  • 19. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. COM_MCL. When looking for general news and information, how much would you trust each type of source for general news and information? Please use a nine-point scale where one means that you “do not trust it at all” and nine means that you “trust it a great deal.” (Top 4 Box, Trust), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa. Journalism is an average of traditional media and online-only media. Platforms is an average of search engines and social media. 19 Percent trust in each source for general news and information, 2014 to 2018, in South Africa Trust in Platforms and Journalism Declines Platforms -8 Journalism -2 Average trust in search engines and social media platforms Average trust in traditional and online-only media 57 58 60 56 54 58 61 56 54 46 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
  • 20. 20 Consumption How frequently do you consume news produced by major news organisations, either at the original source, shared by others or pushed to you in a feed? Nearly Half Disengaged With the News 48% The Disengaged Consume news less than weekly 24% Consumers Consume news about weekly or more 27% Amplifiers Consume news about weekly or more AND share or post content several times a month or more Amplification How often do you share or forward news items, or post opinions or other content? Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. News Engagement Scale, built from MED_SEG_OFT. How often do you engage in the following activities related to news and information? Indicate your answer using the 7-point scale below. General population, South Africa. For details on how the News Engagement Scale was built, please refer to the Technical Appendix.
  • 21. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_MED_AGR. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how much you agree or disagree with that statement using a nine-point scale where one means “strongly disagree” and nine means “strongly agree”. (Top 4 Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa. 21 Percent who agree that news organisations are overly focused on … Skeptical About News Organisations 61% are more concerned with attracting a big audience than reporting Attracting Large Audiences 55% support an ideology vs. informing the public Politics 59% sacrifice accuracy to be the first to break a story Breaking News
  • 22. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_MED_AGR. Below is a list of statements. For each one, please rate how much you agree or disagree with that statement using a nine-point scale where one means “strongly disagree” and nine means “strongly agree”. (Top 4 Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa. 22 Percent who agree that … Uncertainty Over Real vs. Fake News 62% The average person does not know how to tell good journalism from rumor or falsehoods 54% It is becoming harder to tell if a piece of news was produced by a respected media organisation
  • 23. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust-building mandates Analysis. The most effective trust building mandates for each institution. INS_EXP_MED. Below is a list of potential expectations or responsibilities that a social institution might have. Thinking about the media in general, how would you characterize each using the following three-point scale. INS_PER_MED. How well do you feel the media is currently meeting this obligation to society? Please indicate your answer using the 5- point scale below. (Top 2 Box, Performing well), question only asked of those codes 2 or 3 at the expectation question with data displayed only among code 3. General population, South Africa. For more details on the Trust-building mandates Analysis, please refer to the Technical Appendix. 23 Top three trust-building mandates for media, and percent who say the media is performing well or very well against them, in South Africa Media Failing to Meet Expectations Trust-Building Mandate Performance Score Guard information quality 24 Educate on issues 47 Inform good life decisions 35 % % %
  • 24. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. MED_CON. What consequences are you experiencing as a direct result of the media not doing a good job fulfilling its responsibilities? Question asked of those who answered codes 1-3 at MED_RSP. General population, South Africa. 24 Percent of respondents who feel they are experiencing these consequences as a result of media not fulfilling its responsibilities, in South Africa Lack of Confidence in Media Undermining Trust and Truth I am not sure what is true and what is not Loss of Truth I do not know which politicians to trust Loss of Trust in Government Leaders I don't know which companies or brands to trust Loss of Trust in Business 67% 64% 43%
  • 26. 26 Government Most Broken in South Africa Which institution is the most broken? Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. ATT_STE. Please indicate which institution – Government, Media, Business or NGO’s – is best described by each of the following statements? General population, 28-country global total and South Africa. Business 42% Government 82% Government Government✓ Business Path to Better Future in South Africa Which institution is most likely to lead to a better future? Global Global Business✓23% % 30% % 6% 11% 23% 45%
  • 27. CEOs Expected to Lead Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. CEO_AGR. Thinking about CEOs, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Top 4 Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. CEO_EXP. Below is a list of potential expectations that you might have for a company CEO. Thinking about CEOs in general, whether they are global CEOs or a CEO who oversees a particular country, how would you characterize each using the following three-point scale? (Most important responsibility, code 3), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa. 27 Percent who agree and percent who say each is one of the most important expectations they have for a CEO, in South Africa Percent who say that CEOs should take the lead on change rather than waiting for government to impose it 76 79 80 81 For CEOs, building trust is job one 77% Business decisions reflect company values Their company is trusted Their products and services are high quality Set high ethical standards
  • 28. 76 75 71 71 63 63 61 56 56 44 26 Technicalexpert Academic expert Financial industryanalyst Successful entrepreneur Apersonlike yourself CEO Boardof directors Employee NGO representative Journalist Government official/regulator Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. CRE_PPL. Below is a list of people. In general, when forming an opinion of a company, if you heard information about a company from each person, how credible would the information be—extremely credible, very credible, somewhat credible, or not credible at all? (Top 2 Box, Very/Extremely Credible), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa. 28 Percent who rate each spokesperson as very/extremely credible, and change from 2017 to 2018, in South Africa Voices of Authority Regain Credibility +5 +5 +5 -2 -7 +11 +12 +3 +4 +13 +6 − Y-to-Y Change+0
  • 29. 44 21 27 30 33 33 34 34 34 36 38 39 39 40 40 41 42 45 45 49 52 53 55 60 60 61 63 63 75 Global 28-Country Japan The Netherlands France Italy S.Korea Argentina Germany Poland Canada Sweden Australia Russia HongKong US Ireland UK Singapore Spain Malaysia Brazil Turkey Indonesia China UAE Mexico Colombia S.Africa India An Uptick in CEO Credibility SOURCE: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Below is a list of people. In general, when forming an opinion of a company, if you heard information about a company from each person, how credible would the information be—extremely credible, very credible, somewhat credible, or not credible at all? (Top 2 Box, Very/Extremely Credible) 29 Percent rate CEOs as extremely/very credible, 2017 vs. 2018 CEOs only credible in two countries 50% +4 +11 +5+3 +15+0+5+16+4+10+9+5+9+14+14+7 +13 +5 +13 +2+9 -8 +6 +11+0 +7 +5+7 +11 Increases in 27 of 28 countries Y-to-Y Change+− NeutralDistrust Trust
  • 30. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TRU_IND. Please indicate how much you trust businesses in each of the following industries to do what is right. Again, please use the same 9-point scale where one means that you “do not trust them at all” and nine means that you “trust them a great deal”. (Top 4 Box, Trust), industries shown to half of the sample. General Population, South Africa. 30 Trust in each industry sector, and change from 2014 to 2018, in South Africa Sector Trends Trust Decreases Across Almost All Industries 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 TrustNeutralDistrust Industry 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 5 yr. Trend Technology 80 80 78 79 76 -4 Automotive 71 73 65 68 61 -10 Food and beverage 66 71 67 68 60 -6 Entertainment 67 71 67 67 59 -8 Telecommunications 62 62 55 59 57 -5 Consumer packaged goods 62 65 62 65 56 -6 Health care - - 57 62 56 - Financial Services 55 59 57 58 52 -3 Energy 53 51 42 52 54 +1 Change, 2014 to 2018− +0
  • 31. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. TMA_SIE_SHV. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements. (Top 4 Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. CEO_AGR. Thinking about CEOs, how strongly do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (Top4 Box, Agree), question asked of half of the sample. General population, South Africa. 31 Percent who agree that … Business Must Show Commitment to Long-Term 53% Companies that only think about themselves and their profits are bound to fail 63% CEOs are driven more by greed than a desire to make a positive difference in the world
  • 32. Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust Volatility Measure. The net year-over-year (2017-2018) percentage point change across the four institutions (TRU_INS). General population, 28-country global total. Trust-building mandates Analysis. The most effective trust building mandates for each institution. Mandates not shown in rank order. INS_EXP_BUS. Below is a list of potential expectations or responsibilities that a social institution might have. Thinking about business in general, how would you characterize each using the following three-point scale. General population, 28-country global total. For more details on the Trust Volatility Measure and Trust Mandates Analysis, please refer to the Technical Appendix. 32 Trust-building mandates for business in countries with extreme or typical trust changes Business Must Address Market Dynamics Countries with Typical Changes in Trust Countries include Russia, Mexico, U.K., Japan Countries with extreme Trust Gains Countries include China, UAE, South Korea Countries with extreme Trust Losses Countries include U.S., India, Colombia, Brazil, S. Africa Consumer Safety Invest in Jobs Improve Quality of Life Innovate Ensure Competitive Workforce Ensure Equal Opportunity Invest in Jobs Safeguard Privacy Provide for Future Generations Drive Economic Prosperity Consumer Safety Guard Information Quality Safeguard Privacy Innovate Drive Economic Prosperity
  • 33. 33 Top trust-building mandates for each institution, in South Africa Each Institution Must Play its Role NGOs Support the poor Create a sense of community Call out abuses of power Business Safeguard privacy Invest in jobs Innovate Government Drive economic prosperity Invest in jobs Prevent discrimination Media Guard information quality Educate on issues Inform good life decisions Source: 2018 Edelman Trust Barometer. Trust-Building Mandates Analysis. The most effective trust building mandates for each institution. INS_EXP_GOV; INS_EXP_MED; INS_EXP_BUS; and INS_EXP_NGO. Below is a list of potential expectations or responsibilities that a social institution might have. Thinking about [insert institution] in general, how would you characterize each using the following three-point scale. General population, South Africa. For more details on the Trust Mandates Analysis, please refer to the Technical Appendix.
  • 34. Re-think “media” Leverage a cross-channel strategy Bring back voices of authority and influence The CEO must take action and be the leading voice Demonstrate a long-term commitment and put purpose at the centre 1 2 3 4 5 Bringing it All Together 34

Editor's Notes

  1. 2016: Rise of populism, business scandal and “fake news”, but 2017 was more tumultuous, especially here in South Africa. Trust explains forces, but acts as a roadmap for orgnizations. Look at Global Trust, Fake News, Oppty for Biz
  2. Prior to ANC Elections.
  3. “Battle for Truth“ with many populations not believing what they’re hearing from business, NGOs or even their own government.
  4. SA Flag. Vote w/ Wallets and Mouth
  5. Global stability in trust across all four institutions South Africa dropping in all 4, last year 3 of 4 2 of 4 institutions are distrusted; 2 are on the cusp; Business is the most trusted institution, creating a real opportunity
  6. South Africa: Esidimeni Scandal Italy Decline: Migrant Crisis Sweeden Increase: Gender equality, homelessness
  7. South Africa on the upper end (barely). Economies in Indonesia, India and China
  8. South Africa Trust, continues to erode to all time low Brazil economy shrinking Gain: South Korea & Spain Decrease USA
  9. One word: Fake News Given Bell Pottinger, this could have been worse in SA State-run media continues to be trusted (Indonesia, china)
  10. Trust Index: Average of Business/Media/Gov’t/NGOs Last year 3 pt. decrease, this year 1 pt. increase. Living in a world of Distrust.
  11. Due to issues such as populism and economic growth, we’re seeing trust diverge, creating a gap between our informed/mass pop, as well as polarization of trust.
  12. Historically, we countries have moved in sync, with a general tendency to rise or decline as one, global population. However, for the first time we’re seeing a polarization in trust trends with an equal number moving in opposite directions. The stable center in the middle does not mean they have not experienced change. USA and China at extreme ends, moving in opposite directions, but SA is also experiencing a dramatic loss.
  13. Informed vs. Gen Pop Greatest gap in NGO and Media Overall Trust gap increasing: 7.5 Trust in gov’t among the informed pubic actually went up.
  14. We see that the decline in trust is actually a battle for truth. It is a concern about whether we are getting factual information. For the first time, we are in the search of truth. People are scared they do not know whether the information they are consuming is true or not.
  15. So far, we have discussed a world of contrast. Global commonality is “Fake News.” South Africa is front and center due to Bell Pottinger. Germany and Singapore looking at new laws and regulations to address the challenge.
  16. The definition of “media” has changed dramatically. We asked people to define what they mean by “media.” South Africans consider Social, Influencers and Brands “media” much more than the global population.
  17. Trust in Media continues it’s epic decline; all types declining Trust in Search Engines (once a shining star) and Owned Media took a 10-point hit this year Social media least trusted source of information Due to a declining trust across platforms, brands must leverage all channels in order to reach audiences
  18. Historically, journalism and platforms have been fairly close together in their trust levels. Journalism: traditional and online media Platforms: Social and search This year they have started moving in dramatically different directions. First time these two things are actually separate and distinct it he eyes of the population
  19. Half of those that consume news are are amplifiers, meaning they not only consume news but they also share and post content among their online community.
  20. And as you can imagine. there is skepticism about the motive of the industry. Overly focused on click-throughs, breaking news, or supporting political beliefs
  21. This has created a situation where we don’t know how to tell the difference between what is real and what is fake.
  22. The media is failing to perform on its most important mandate: to be the guardian of information quality. They’re getting a failing score
  23. The culmination is a broken system and fundamental loss of truth.
  24. Perhaps the most important part of the discussion this morning is how organizations can navigate the such a polarized world.
  25. 42 percent believe that government is the most broken. South Africa is double that. However, for business there is hope. Half believe business can lead us to a better future.
  26. In a distrustful world, people continue to look to business to take the lead. 60% Global Not surprising given business is trusted 4X
  27. The good news is that there are positive trends. Voices of authority are regaining credibility. People want more credentialed individuals A “person like yourself” is at an all-time low, but still among the top 5.
  28. This is huge for South Africa 2018 we see trust in CEOs rising in nearly every market. After a tough year, we’re seeing an 11 pt. increase in SA. In 2017 we saw a decrease in every single market and 16-point drop in SA. There is hope, CEOs should not bury heads in sand.
  29. Nearly every industry declined Energy continues to dig out of a dismal pit Companies need to act like tech cos. 15 pt. gap b/w automotive
  30. This is not an easy solution, will take long term view towards business In order to be successful business must show long-term commitment in order to be successful. So, we must consider executive visibility programming carefully, thoughtfully. Purpose is still key
  31. When we analyze the trust building mandates, priorities vary. Trust Strong: , business is expected to lean in and invest in growth and jobs. Trust Losss: protections and safeguards (including information quality and filling the void of distrust in media)
  32. While we’ve focused on business, every institution must play a role in rebuilding trust. All institutions have the responsibility of being guardians of information We will never going to have trust if we cannot first agree on the truth.