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        Guide       2010
     As Utah’s business leader, we stand as the voice of business, we support
             our members’ success and we champion community prosperity
The Salt Lake Chamber is a statewide business organization that represents
approximately 5,700 businesses, more than 1/3 of the workforce in Utah, has members in 10 states and Washington, D.C. and has

members in all 29 counties in Utah. Roughly 78% of the businesses we represent are small businesses. We have two strategic

partners - the Downtown Alliance & World Trade Center Utah. Currently, we have formal partnerships with 7 other chambers of

commerce in Utah: ChamberWest (Taylorsville, Kearns, West Valley), Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce, Murray Area Chamber of

Commerce, South Jordan Chamber of Commerce, South Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, Utah Asian Chamber of Commerce and

Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce — and this number will grow significantly. The Salt Lake Chamber has signed memorandums

of agreement with two international chambers: Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and London Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

        Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
        Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
        Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
        Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
        Health System Reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .       12
        International Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
        Salt Lake City - Downtown Rising . . . . . . . . . . 18
        Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

   Follow us online: saltlakechamber        saltlakechamber      saltlakechamber   saltlakechamber   saltlakechamber
Dear Fellow Utahns,
As Utah’s business leader, the Salt Lake Chamber stands as the voice of business in Utah. We recognize that strong business
support for sound policy creates the most favorable circumstances for commercial enterprises and communities to thrive.
Throughout the year, and particularly during Utah’s legislative sessions, we are actively engaged in important business issues
at the federal, state and municipal levels of government. Each year the Chamber focuses on advancing sound public policy
responsive to changing needs and circumstances. In this endeavor, the Chamber is guided by the following business principles:

n   Grow Utah’s Economy: We support policies that                n   Relieve Regulatory Burdens: We recognize government’s
    create a climate wherein our economy will flourish, a            role in establishing boundaries and standards that
    qualified workforce is readily available, our economic           support free enterprise. Regulation should be limited,
    competitiveness is enhanced, and people, goods, and              equitable, effective and efficient, fostering competitive
    services can be efficiently transported.                         forces to govern the success or failure of businesses.
n   Low Taxes: Taxes distort market behavior and can             n   Strengthen the Community: A strong economy is
    limit economic growth. We support a nimble                       synonymous with a healthy community. While the
    government that is efficient and effective.                      Chamber’s primary focus is the success of Utah
    Tax policy should be fair and balanced.                          businesses, we recognize that a prosperous economy
                                                                     and strong community are interdependent.

This 2010 Public Policy Guide outlines our approach to the Chamber’s top policy priorities. Fortunately, Utah is starting
from an advantageous position. Utah is the best-managed state in the nation and positioned to lead the country out of the
current recession. We thank current and past elected officials for their wise management and look forward to contributing
our best efforts moving forward.
We invite you to join with us in advancing sound public policy to meet today’s unique challenges.

Lane Beattie President and CEO                                       Jake Boyer Chair

                                                                               2 0 1 0   P U B L I C   P o L I C y   G U I D E   1
             “The Can-Do
           Coalition’s focus                           Celebrating What’s Right With Utah, Strengthening Our Economy
            on consumers is
      imperative to getting             statement Of PrinCiPles:

      the economy back on               n   Collaborate – State leadership on economic development issues can unite public
                                            and private sector efforts and bring cohesion to state and municipal action.
    track. It’s so refreshing               Collaboration will increase the efficiency and success of Utah’s efforts, both in
                                            business and government.
         to have a business
                                        n   Short-term Economic Stimulus – We support policy that facilitates Utah’s
     organization pushing                   economic recovery. Such policy should be timely, targeted and leveraged.
            positive news to            n   Promote Long-term Economic Development – We seek to assist in the
                                            development and execution of economic policies that will result in sustained
    balance the negativity                  economic growth, building a better future for Utah’s businesses and families.
          that is constantly            n   Drive Optimism – While we acknowledge economic facts, we choose to approach
                                            economic development issues proactively and with optimism. We seek to publicize
            bombarding us                   what’s right with Utah and strengthen consumer confidence in Utah’s economy.
             in the media.”
                                        2010 PubliC POliCy PriOrities:
                michael Waddoups
                                        n   No General Tax Increase – During an economic downturn we do not support any
        Utah State Senate President
                                            increase in income, sales or property tax.
                                        n   Decrease Sales Tax Rate and Add Stability to Tax System – our economy will
                                            be stronger if we put the sales tax back on food and lower the sales tax rate
                                            commensurately. Utah’s economy will be more competitive, and next time we
                                            have a downturn we will have less volatility.
                                        n   Keep Commitment to Transportation – Transportation investment lowers business
                                            costs, increases productivity and enhances our quality of life. Investment in roads
                                            and transit improves our economic competitiveness.
                                        n   Invest in Human Capital – A well-trained workforce is the single most important
                                            business input. Further reductions in public and higher education will put
                                            our workforce at risk.

2   S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
n                  Maximize State Efficiencies – Make additional targeted                                                      reCent aCCOmPlishments:
                   cuts in state government. The best-managed state
                                                                                                                               n       Bolstered Utah Housing – Governor Huntsman and
                   must get even better.
                                                                                                                                       Governor Herbert both embraced the Chamber’s
n                  Utilize Targeted User Fees – Where possible and appropriate,                                                        recommendations to kick-start Utah’s housing industry
                   those who use government services should pay for them.                                                              by launching the Home Run grant programs in 2009.
                   Highways should be funded primarily with user fees (such                                                            These programs supported the industry hardest hit by
                   as auto-related sales taxes or indexed fuel taxes). Health                                                          the recession—construction—and resulted in an efficient
                   costs should be partially paid for with tobacco taxes.                                                              clearing of excess inventory.

utah Job Growth rates have Only been negative four times in modern history


Annual % Change




































Source: Utah Department of Workforce Services

                   Committee membership:
                   Chair: Chris Redgrave, Immediate Past Chair                                  Jake Boyer, The Boyer Company                                                  Ted McAleer, USTAR
                   of the Salt Lake Chamber Board of Governors                                  Wilford Clyde, Clyde Companies                                                 Jennifer Nakao, Grant Thornton
                                                                                                Steve Creamer, EnergySolutions                                                 Richard Nelson, Utah Technology Council
                   Scott Anderson, Zions Bank
                                                                                                Jeff Edwards, Economic Development                                             Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies
                   Scott Beck, Salt Lake Visitor’s and
                                                                                                   Corporation of Utah                                                         Jill Taylor, Key Bank
                      Convention Bureau
                                                                                                Tom Guinney, Gastronomy                                                        Ex officio representation from Governor’s
                   Janet Bingham, Huntsman Cancer Foundation
                                                                                                Clark Ivory, Ivory Homes                                                           office of Economic Development
                   Mark Bouchard, CB Richard Ellis

                                                                                                                                                                2 0 1 0        P U B L I C           P o L I C y       G U I D E                3
“Public policy that supports business and its need for a qualified labor
                 force is good for Utah. As businesses thrive, employees and the
                         community benefit. A rising tide lifts all boats.”

                                        scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies

4   S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
state revenue has Declined for three Consecutive years                                 80% of utahns support an increase in the
Combined General and Education Fund (in millions)                                      tobacco tax that Will limit Cuts in education
     $6,000                                                                                  “Would you favor or oppose increasing the sales tax on cigarettes
     $5,000         $5,308               $5,213                                                and other tobacco products to limit the cuts to education?”
     $4,000                                                   $4,567          $4,377
                     FY 07                FY 08               FY 09           FY 10
Source: State of Utah Budget Summary, Fy2010/Budget Recommendations Fy2011,            Source: Dan Jones Survey, November 2009
Governor’s office of Planning and Budget

n     Strengthened Utah’s Transportation Infrastructure and                             n     Advancing USTAR – The Utah Science, Technology and
      Put Utahns Back to Work – The Chamber championed                                        Research Initiative is critical to the development of Utah’s
      aggressive investment in transportation projects resulting                              innovation economy. The Chamber’s support in a difficult
      in over $4 billion invested in Utah’s infrastructure between                            budget year helped keep USTAR a bright part of Utah’s future.
      now and 2014. For every $1 billion invested in Utah
                                                                                        n     Promoting Salt Lake City as a University Town – The
      highways 29,000 jobs are created or preserved. Investing
                                                                                              Chamber’s strategic partner, the Downtown Alliance, led
      at this time also takes advantage of low construction and
                                                                                              the “Home of the Utes” campaign to invigorate the city
      bonding costs.
                                                                                              with a university town atmosphere and promote economic

                              Additional BusineSs Priorities
           The Salt Lake                     Protect Vote by secret ballot – on November 2, 2010, Utahns will go to the polls to cast their votes
                 Chamber                     for elected officials and the Secret Ballot Initiative. If approved by a majority of the voters this
                                             initiative will amend Utah’s constitution to preserve election by secret ballot. Misguided federal
                                             legislation threatens this fundamental right. In response, state lawmakers overwhelmingly passed
               supports an                   this proposed amendment by the requisite two-thirds majority required to amend the constitution.
           amendment to                      Continued support of an employer-sponsored Work Program – Immigration is an incredible benefit
     Utah’s Constitution                     to Utah and also presents some unique challenges. The Chamber supports comprehensive state
             to protect the                  action to manage immigration in Utah. The Chamber’s proposed Employer-Sponsored Work Program
        individual’s right                   takes into account Utah’s economic needs and realities while mitigating difficulties associated with an
                                             undocumented population.
           to express their
    opinions via a secret-                   legislative ethics – The Salt Lake Chamber supports landmark legislative ethics reform that ensures
                                             transparency in government and high standards of conduct. The Chamber does not support any
      ballot vote without
                                             policy that denies most business persons, community leaders and even many property owners the
          fear of coercion                   opportunity to serve. The Chamber also opposes onerous financial disclosure requirments that
           or retribution.                   violate personal privacy beyond the scope needed for public accountability.
         The secret ballot                   retirement – In this economic environment many traditional ideas about financing are being re-
          is fundamental                     thought. This is especially true in programs such as health care and pensions. The state of Utah is
       to our democratic                     leading the nation in health system reform. Similarly, the state is now also considering reform of its
       process and merits                    pension system. The Chamber applauds forward thinking legislators and the Utah State Retirement
                                             System for innovative ideas that would fund reasonable benefits to retiring state and local
                                             employees while keeping the pension system funded and actuarially viable for future state and local
                protection.                  employees without imposing crippling debt on our children and grandchildren.

                                                                                                                 2 0 1 0         P U B L I C   P o L I C y   G U I D E   5
EDUCATION  The key to a qualified workforce

           “The Chamber’s                statement oF prinCiples:
                                         n                    Invest in the Most Important Business Input: Human Capital – Education fuels
     advocacy of statewide                                    Utah’s economy by developing the potential of our children and grandchildren
        educational goals is                                  and attracting millions of research dollars resulting in jobs and income for
                                                              Utah residents.
      critical to improving              n                    Create Long-term Prosperity – We are committed to acting in Utah’s long-term
            results. We must                                  interest. Education drives economic development.

       invest, improve and               n                    Act – Many studies have documented the need for educational improvement and
                                                              innovation. Now is the time to take decisive action to ensure all students get a
         innovate in public                                   sound start in reading and math, to better prepare all students for postsecondary
                                                              education, and to increase participation in postsecondary education.
    and higher education.
          A highly educated              2010 publiC poliCy priorities:
     workforce is the most               n                    Adopt statewide goals and strategies – Utah must embrace unified goals and
          critical long-term                                  strategies to improve public and higher education.
                                         n                    Maintain existing funding levels – We support continuing Fy2010 funding levels
     strategy for a vibrant                                   for public and higher education in Fy2011. Further reductions in public and higher
               economy and                                    education will put Utah’s workforce at risk. Enrollment growth in both public and
                                                              higher education is at record levels.
             healthy society”
                  richard Kendell,
    Former Commissioner of Higher
                                          utah Public education enrollment is at an all-time high
     Education and Superintendent                            600,000
            of Davis School District
                                        Number of Students






                                         Source: Utah State office of Education, Finance and Statistics

6   S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
n     Lead change – The Chamber recognizes that Utah faces                                          “The long-term well being of our state depends
      a clear imperative: To maintain our quality of life and to
      create the human capital needed for the viability of our                                          directly on our commitment to education.”
      economy, we must embrace changing demographics and
      improve education results for every ethnic group.                                                     Governor Gary herbert, 2009 Inaugural Address
n     Support Utah educators – Utah educators achieve great
      outcomes with limited resources. Business leaders applaud                                   reCent aCComplishments:
      high-performing Utah educators and support performance-
      based compensation for teachers.                                                            n     Establishment of Education Committee, Priorities and Work
                                                                                                        Plan – The Chamber’s Board of Governors has identified
                                                                                                        education funding and innovation as a critical issue facing
    minority Contributions to utah Population and                                                       the business community. An Education Committee has been
    school enrollment Growth: 2000-2007                                                                 organized to identify and advance the business community’s
                                                                                                        educational priorities. Key priorities include funding
            Population Growth                              enrollment Growth
                                                                                                        enrollment growth, embracing demographic diversity and
             33%                                                               35%                      improving college readiness, participation and completion.
                            67%                                65%                                n     Cultivation of Key Partnerships – The Chamber has created a
                                                                                                        partnership with public and higher education leaders. They
                                                                                                        play an advisory role in our discussions. Using business
                                                                                                        principles and educational expertise, we are beginning to
                    n White Non-Hispanic n Minority
                                                                                                        identify strategies to improve educational outcomes.
              Source: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah

      Committee membership:
      Chair: Mark Bouchard, Senior Managing                                Ron Jibson, Questar                                    Randy Shumway, Cicero and former school
      Director, CB Richard Ellis                                           Scott Jolley, Cedar City Area Chamber                     board member
                                                                           David Jordan, Stoel Rives and Member of                Kami Taylor, CB Richard Ellis
      Scott Anderson, Zions Bank and Co-Chair of Citizens
                                                                              State Board of Regents                              Tom Thatcher, Thatcher Pharmaceutical
         for Education Excellence
                                                                           Dan Lofgren, Cowboy Partners and                       olene Walker, former governor and Co-Chair Citizens
      Russ Behrman, St. George Area Chamber
                                                                              Granite School Board Member                            for Education Excellence
      Phil Cofield, Junior Achievement
                                                                           Bob Marquardt, Management and Training                 Anne-Marie Wright, Merit Medical
      Steve Densely, Utah Valley Chamber
                                                                              Corporation, Friends of Utah Higher Education       Ex officio representation from public and
      Sandy Emile/David Simmons, Cache Chamber
                                                                              and Member of State Board of Regents                   higher education partners and Governor’s
      Dave Golden, Wells Fargo
                                                                           Andrea Moss, American Express                             office of Economic Development
      Phil Hansen, ClearLink
                                                                           Rich Nelson, Utah Technology Council
      Dave Hardman, ogden/Weber Chamber of Commerce                                                                               Richard Kendall, Education Advisor
                                                                           Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies
      Clark Ivory, Ivory Homes and Member of University of                                                                        Vicki Varela, Communication Advisor
                                                                           David Peterson, o.C. Tanner
         Utah Board of Trustees
                                                                           Clint Sanderson, Crexendo

                                                                                                                        2 0 1 0   P U B L I C   P o L I C y    G U I D E       7
K-12 expenditures as a Percent of state Personal income: fy 2006
Source: National Center of Education Statistics; U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis


Public education expenditures Per Pupil: fy 2006
Source: National Center of Education Statistics


seleCt COntributiOns frOm utah’s larGest institutiOns Of hiGher learninG

university of utah (2009 Total Headcount: 31,407)                                   salt lake Community College (2009 Total Headcount: 33,774)
n      Draws $7 in outside funding for every $1 in state funds.                     n   Largest university or college in the State of Utah,
                                                                                        serving approximately 60,000 students annually.
n      Started 74 companies in the past four years. These companies
       have attracted $111 million in venture capital to Utah.                      n   Largest applied technology college in the state.
n      For two years in a row the U has been second only to MIT                     n   Serves over 500 businesses through corporate
       in the number of startup companies formed by universities                        training partnerships.
       (even though MIT receives four times the amount of research
                                                                                    n   Fourth largest community college in the entire country.
       funding as the U).
                                                                                    n   Enrolled almost 4,000 additional students this fall.
n      The U is on track to bring $400 million in federal research
       grants and contracts to the state this year.                                 n   Serves the largest minority population of all the
                                                                                        USHE institutions.
n      The U now claims two Nobel Prize winners – Mario Capecchi
       and Venkatraman Ramakrishnan.                                                n   2009 NJCAA men’s basketball champion.

n      World class companies founded by University of Utah faculty
       or alumni include Netscape, Wordperfect, Adobe, Pixar, Atari,
       Novell, Iomega, TerraTek, Ceramatec, Myriad Genetics, and
       Evans and Sutherland.

8         S A L T       L A K E       C H A M B E R
           “The Salt Lake       statement Of PrinCiPles:

                                n                          Strengthen Utah’s Energy Economy – We recognize Utah’s potential to become a
Chamber has taken the                                      world leader in energy development and environmental stewardship. By relying
     lead in developing a                                  on market forces and Utah’s innovative spirit, we can responsibly develop our
                                                           state’s abundant energy resources.
  dynamic energy policy
                                n                          Secure Sources of Energy – We support the development of Utah’s abundant
        that will combine                                  energy resources. Such strategic development ensures access to energy and
                                                           decreases economic volatility.
        reasonable growth
                                n                          Responsible Environmental Stewardship – Utah’s spectacular natural environment
          with responsible                                 is a legacy passed on to us from preceding generations and deserves protection.
                                                           We support innovative and responsible development of energy resources.
        stewardship while
                                2010 publiC poliCy priorities:
taking advantage of the
                                n                          Business, State and Federal Advocacy – The Chamber will work with Utah
 state’s energy producing                                  businesses, state officials and the U.S. Congress to influence energy and
                                                           environmental policies that impact our state.
  resources, including its
abundant natural gas.”
                                utah Possesses a Wealth of energy resources
                                Total Annual Value of Utah’s Energy Production
                  ron Jibson,
           President and CEO,
                  Questar Gas
                                                           $5,000      ■ Crude Oil
                                                                       ■ Natural Gas
                                Millions of 2009 Dollars

                                                                       ■ Coal
                                                           $4,000      ■ Uranium




                                                                1960    1965     1970   1975   1980      1985    1990      1995       2000   2005

                                Source: Utah Geological Survey

                                                                                               2 0 1 0   P U B L I C    P o L I C y    G U I D E    9
n   Cap and trade – Federal regulation of greenhouse gases         reCent aCComplishments:
      must be designed to prevent the transfer of economic
                                                                     n	 Key Legislation - The Chamber supported key energy
      wealth from Utah to other states or nations, to minimize
                                                                        legislation passed in 2009, including:
      the economic hardship on businesses and consumers, to
      allow for alternative means of compliance and to recognize        • HB 392, Natural Gas for Vehicles, which allows the Public
      that global warming is a global problem that requires               Service Commission (PSC) to authorize a natural gas
      global solutions. Utah should NoT participate in regional           vehicle rate less than full cost of service.
      greenhouse gas initiatives.
                                                                        • HB 412, Energy Policy Amendments, which requires the
  n   Nuclear – We support development of nuclear power if                state to determine the economic impacts of a proposed
      economically viable, including an assessment of economic            legislative or executive action involving climate change,
      risks and a policy for storing or reprocessing locally              and to promote and advocate for fair and consistent
      produced spent fuel.                                                federal climate change regulation.
  n   Support Energy Innovation and Research – Invest in Utah           • HB 430, Economic Development Incentives for
      Science, Technology and Research Initiative (USTAR),                Alternative Energy Projects, which created renewable
      Utah’s research universities, and the Utah energy and               energy development zones in which tax credits could be
      natural resources cluster initiatives, as well as new ideas
                                                                          given for developing renewable energy projects.
      such as the development of a regional and/or national
      center for energy research.                                       • HJR 1, Joint Resolution on Cost-effective Energy Efficiency
                                                                          and Utility Demand-side Management, which urges state
  n   Conservation – The Chamber supports energy efficiency
                                                                          and local governments, electrical power and natural
      on the part of all residents, businesses, large energy users
                                                                          gas utilities, rural electric cooperatives, and municipal
      and utilities. Combined, our efforts will do more to reduce
                                                                          utilities to work together to promote energy efficiency
      harmful emissions, clean up the air, and address carbon
      restrictions than any single thing we can do as a citizenry.        as a priority.

                                                                        • HJR 12, Joint Resolution Supporting Hydrogen Power from
  n   Prudent regulation – Advance sensible utility regulation,
      which encourages capital investment, removes utility                Advanced Coal and Carbon Capture and Sequestration
      disincentives for demand side management, creates enablers          Technology, which supports producing hydrogen from
      for energy management and provides consumers with pricing           coal with carbon capture and sequestration technology
      signals which reflect the cost of providing energy.                 as a means of strengthening Utah’s economy and energy
  n   Support Natural Gas Vehicles – Tax credits for natural gas
      vehicles should be transferable so local governments
      can better utilize natural gas fleets. Enhancements to
      the natural gas corridor are necessary to support cleaner
      vehicles in Utah.

1 0    S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
• SB 75, Utility Amendments, which allows a public                     utah benefits from low electricity rates
      utility to expedite rate case decisions and the PSC’s                Average Rate per Kilowatt hour (in cents)
      approval process for allowing cost recovery of a major
                                                                           ten lowest rate states:
      plant addition.                                                                        0            3.0            6.0           9.0       12.0         15.0

    • SJR 16, Joint Resolution Supporting Nuclear Power, which                  Wyoming                               6.3
      encourages new nuclear power development in Utah.                                                                6.6
                                                                           West Virginia
n   Sustainable Practices – The Downtown Alliance decorated                          Idaho                              6.8
    Salt Lake City with LED lights that stretch over 19 miles                Washington                                 6.8
    in Utah’s capital city. The switch to LED lights from
                                                                                Louisiana                                 7.0
    incandescent lights results in a savings of 95% on ongoing
                                                                                Kentucky                                  7.0
    energy costs. The Downtown Alliance is a strategic partner
                                                                           North Dakota                                     7.3
    of the Salt Lake Chamber.
                                                                                 Montana                                    7.3
n   Infrastructure Planning – The Salt Lake Chamber is a partner
                                                                                      Utah                                   7.4
    in the Salt Lake County Electrical Plan Task Force. The task
    force is developing a plan for the location of substations                     Oregon                                    7.5

    and transmission corridors in Salt Lake County to
                                                                                                                                   National Average 10.4
    accommodate the expected rapid growth in the production
                                                                           Source: Electric Power Monthly, Energy Information Administration
    of electrical power.

    Committee membership:
    CO-Chairs: Carol Hunter, Vice President of      Brad Cahoon, Snell & Wilmer                                     Ron Mangone, Strong and Hanni
      Services, Rocky Mountain Power                Steve Christiansen, Parr Brown and Waddoups                     Dave Pershing, University of Utah
      Clayton Walker, COO, Kennecott Utah Copper    Jeff Edwards, Economic Development                              Keith Rattie, Questar
                                                       Corporation of Utah                                          Bob Reeder, Parsons Behle & Latimer
    Bette Arial, EnergySolutions
                                                    Mike Farmer, Commerce CRG                                       Gary Robinson, Questar
    John Barabino, Barabino Group
                                                    Christian Gardner, Gardner Company                              Reed Searle, EnergySolutions
    Kimi Barnett, Salt Lake County Mayor’s office
                                                    Jeff Hartley, Riester                                           Ian Spencer, CB Richard Ellis
    Vicki Bennett, Salt Lake City Mayor’s office
                                                    Dennis Haslam, D.H. Consulting & Investments LLC                Roger Tew, Utah League of Cities and Towns
    Todd Bingham, Utah Mining Association
                                                    David Jensen, Innovision Property Group                         Sarah Wright, Utah Clean Energy
    Tom Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association
                                                    John Kirkham, Stoel Rives                                       Ted Rampton, Utah Associated Municipal
    Bob Bonar, Snowbird
                                                    Dennis Klaus, Salt Lake Community College                          Power Systems
    Matthew Buell, Tesoro
                                                    Stan Lockhart, IM Flash

                                                                                                      2 0 1 0      P U B L I C         P o L I C y      G U I D E    1 1
Health System
             “Health reform               statement Of PrinCiPles:
                                          n     Reform Based on Market Principles – We support reform that applies market
          is a vital business                   principles to contain costs, strengthen Utah’s economy and improve lives. Such
            issue. If we can’t                  reform includes increasing transparency regarding cost and quality, fostering
                                                competition and realigning incentives for patients, doctors, hospitals and health
                  get this cost                 insurance companies.

           under control, it              n     Accountability – We believe that Utah’s health reform must expand accountability
                                                at all levels of the health system—patients, providers, purchasers, payers and
            will continue to                    political leaders. By so doing, every Utahn will take more personal responsibility
             undermine our                      for their health and we can realign the system to be more consumer-driven.
                                          n     State Reform with Urgency – With very serious actions underway at the federal
             competitiveness                    level, Utah must not be deterred or delayed in its state reform. With world-
            as a nation and                     renowned health care experts and the best managed state in the nation, Utahns
                                                are in the best position to reform and improve Utah’s health care system.
                state. This is
              one of the most             2010 publiC poliCy priorities:
        important economic                n     Continue implementation of the Health Reform Bill of Rights and Responsibilities –
                                                Entities representing over half Utah’s work force signed the Chamber’s Bill of Rights
                development                     and Responsibilities, a document that lays out the pathway for Utah reform.
               issues that we
             currently face.”
                                          utah health Care Premium Costs have Doubled

                          Jake boyer
       President, The Boyer Company




                                                          1997        1998       1999       2000   2001   2002   2003   2004   2005   2006   2007

                                          Source: Utah Governor’s office of Planning and Budget

1 2   S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
Federal Health System Reform Statement
    The Salt Lake Chamber supports health reform that applies market principles to contain costs,
    strengthen the economy and improve lives. Current health reform efforts by the U.S. Congress
    miss the mark by focusing primarily on expanding access rather than controlling costs. Employer
    mandates, tax increases and a government-run plan will increase the cost of doing business and
    jeopardize the competitiveness of Utah companies in the global marketplace. We do not support
    federal reform that fails to address the major controllable costs in our health system, most notably
    excessive utilization, unhealthy lifestyle choices, waste and medical liability.
    We ask the U.S. Congress to allow states like Utah, which are actively engaged in fixing the broken
    health care system, to implement innovative reform tailored to their unique circumstances. Through
    purposeful state action, in partnership with the federal government, we can sustain a vibrant
    economy and enable people to live healthier, more productive lives.

n   Preserve State Reform Flexibility – We support state                        Utah faces a critical physician shortage that is worsening
    flexibility provisions in any potential federal policy, which               each year. We must adequately fund the education of new
    will allow Utah to progress and reform more rapidly than the                physicians to replace retiring physicians and to care for a
    “lowest common denominator” that federal policy targets.                    rapidly growing population.
n   Restore Funding to University of Utah School of Medicine –             n    Strengthen the Utah Health Exchange – The Chamber
    The School of Medicine reduced its class size by 20% (from                  supports legislative action that addresses the disparity
    102 incoming students to 82) in response to the loss of $10                 of pricing between businesses that join the Utah Health
    million in federal funds and state budget cuts in Fy 2010.                  Exchange and those that remain outside of the exchange.

    Committee membership:
    Chair: Scott Hymas, RC Willey                 Chip Everest, EnergySolutions                       Kevin R. Pinegar, Durham Jones & Pinegar, P.C.
                                                  Christian Gardner, The Gardner Company              Chris Redgrave, Utah Economy Can-Do Coalition
    Bob Baker, Café Rio
                                                  Paul Glauser, Staker Parson Companies               Jill Taylor, Key Bank
    Deborah Bayle, United Way of Salt Lake
                                                  Kay Mickelson, City of Salt Lake                    Nathan Wickizer, Cache Valley Electric Company
    Tom Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association
                                                  Johanna Nielsen, Grant Thornton
    Candice Daly, National Federation of
                                                  Jim olsen, Utah Retail Merchant Association
      Independent Businesses

                                                                                                2 0 1 0   P U B L I C   P o L I C y   G U I D E        1 3
utah Consumers are less involved in Paying for health Care
             1960                 1965           1970          1975    1980       1985         1990          1995          2000         2005
             ■ Out of Pocket              ■ Private Health Insurance

  Source: Utah Department of Health

  reCent aCComplishments:
  n     Passage of HB 188, Health System Reform – Insurance:                  n   Participation in Community Working Groups Created by the
        The Chamber enthusiastically supported this reform                        Health System Reform Legislative Task Force – The Chamber
        legislation sponsored by House Speaker David Clark. The bill              was invited to participate on both the Transparency-Quality-
        received overwhelming bipartisan support. Two of its most                 Infrastructure and the oversight and Implementation
        important provisions are:                                                 work groups. These work groups provide feedback and
                                                                                  recommendations to the legislative task force.
            Creation of a Defined Contribution Market – The legislation
            established the Utah Health Exchange—an internet portal           n   2009 Utah Health Forum – The Chamber, along with
            opened to small group employers January 1, 2010 as a                  United Way of Salt Lake and Mediaone, sponsored the
            marketplace for health insurance products. The exchange               2009 Utah Health Forum held at the Salt Palace. Governor
            is scheduled to be open to all by 2012. It features tools             Herbert and Speaker Clark delivered keynote speeches
            for comparison shopping to introduce more transparency                and addressed Utah’s path to reform. Breakout sessions
            on cost and quality issues in health care. It also allows             covering twelve of the most important health care topics
            households to aggregate contributions from multiple                   and hosted by the state’s expert health care minds were
            employers to put toward the purchase of a health                      provided for participants. The forum highlighted Utah’s
            benefit plan.                                                         reform work to this point as well as the urgent need for
                                                                                  further reform. A 24-page newspaper insert on Utah health
            Disclosure of Broker Commission – H.B. 188 requires
                                                                                  reform was distributed to 200,000 households.
            brokers and producers to disclose their commission and
            compensation to their customers prior to the sale of a
            health benefit plan.
  n     Passage of HB 165, Administrative Simplification –
        The Chamber supported this legislation sponsored
        by Representative Merlynn Newbold, which provides
        standards for the exchange of information between health
        care providers, insurers and patients. It is the first step to
        realigning incentives for providers, insurers and patients and
        improving the health of our community.

1 4        S A L T      L A K E       C H A M B E R
“The Chamber has been and continues to be a vital partner in Utah’s effort to
reform our health care system. The Chamber’s involvement has provided the Legislature
           with much needed support in addressing this complicated issue.”
                     David Clark, Speaker of the Utah State House of Representatives

                                                                       2 0 1 0   P U B L I C   P o L I C y   G U I D E   1 5
               “In 2008 Utah               statement oF prinCiples:
                                           n      Open Markets – The Salt Lake Chamber supports public policy that encourages
            experienced record                    open markets and the full participation of Utah businesses in the world economy.
          exports and even in              n      Global Perspective – Public policy should take into account the global nature of
                                                  competition and empower Utah businesses to succeed in such an environment.
            the midst of tough
              economic times,              2010 publiC poliCy priorities:
          international trade              n      Continued funding of World Trade Center Utah – We support continued state
         expansion continues                      sponsorship for WTCU.
                                           n      Health System Reform – We must continue to reform our health system to reduce
               to be a key job                    costs. Utah businesses cannot afford to pay double digit increases in premium
       creator in Utah. The                       costs while competing in global markets.
                                                  Workforce Readiness – Cultivating and attracting human capital is critical
         World Trade Center                n
                                                  to international competition. We must adopt policy that attracts talent from
       Utah and its strategic                     outside the state/country and develops indigenous talent. Access to a qualified
                                                  workforce is requisite to compete internationally.
      partner, the Salt Lake
      Chamber, play critical               reCent aCComplishments:
           roles in facilitating           n      Educating Utah Businesses – Training and educational services are provided by
                                                  WTCU and our strategic partners – the Salt Lake Chamber, Governor’s office of
              Utah businesses’
         success in the global
                                           utah merchandise exports have more than tripled in the last Decade
                 marketplace.”                                                                                     This graph does not
                                                                                                                   include listings of services
                                                                                                                   and other intangible
                                                                                                                   exports from Utah such
                       Jack sunderlage,                                                                            as travel and tourism.
                     CEO, ContentWatch                                                                             Nationally, merchandise
                                                                                                                   exports decreased by
                                                                                                                   an estimated average of
                                                                                                                   19% in 2009. Despite
                                                                                                                   an estimated decrease
                                                                                                                   of 10% from 2008 to
                                                                                                                   2009, only three states
                                                                                                                   performed better than Utah
                                                                                                                   in maintaining its level of
                                                                                                                   merchandise exports.
                                           Source: U.S. Census Bureau and

1 6    S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
    Economic Development, and the U.S. Commercial Service.                  n     Connecting Utah Businesses – WTCU co-sponsored (with
    2009 training and education resources and events included:                    our international partners) over 250 events this past year,
                                                                                  where Utah firms and individuals made connections with
    • Logistics and Trade Seminars on both exports and imports
                                                                                  relevant people and resources for international business.
    • Doing Business in: Peru, Israel, Germany, Canada,
      Southeast Asia, China, United Kingdom and Hong Kong
                                                                            estimated utah merchandise exports
    • Rural Development Economic Conferences
                                                                            by industry: 2009 (in millions)
    • International Trade Finance Seminars
                                                                                          Primary Metals                                                $4,067
    • Global Utah Newsletter: Every week, 2,000+                             Computers and Electronics                       $1,359
                                                                             Transportation Equipment
                                                                                          Primary Metals              $596                              $4,067
      internationalists receive the WTCU email newsletter                                        Minerals
                                                                             Computers and Electronics               $515    $1,359
                                                                             Transportation Equipment               $472
      Global Utah with key articles on international business in                               Chemicals
                                                                                                 Minerals            $515
      Utah, global events, useful links to valuable websites and                       Fabricated Metals
                                                                                                    Food           $350
                                                                            Miscellaneous Manufactures
                                                                                               Chemicals           $308
      more. Global Utah also has the state’s only International                                Machinery
                                                                                       Fabricated Metals          $263
                                                                                    Electrical Equipment
                                                                            Miscellaneous Manufactures           $102
      Calendar of Events                                                                       Machinery          $263
                                                                                    Electrical Equipment         $102
n   Assessing Utah Businesses – WTCU offered in-depth                       estimated utah merchandise exports to top ten
    assessment services and assistance to 150+ companies in                 Purchasing Countries: 2009 (in millions)
                                                                                    United Kingdom                                                          $4,207
    the following industry clusters:                                                               Canada                $904
                                                                                          United Kingdom                $719                                $4,207
                                                                                                   Canada            $512$904
    Companies assisted, by industry sector                                                          China
                                                                                                     India           $473
                                                                                                   Taiwan           $336
        ■ Products/Services 42%                                                                    Mexico
                                                                                                    China          $252
        ■ Finance/Consulting Firms 13%                                                          Singapore
                                                                                                    Japan          $251
        ■ Technology/IT Firms 13%                                                             South Korea
                                                                                                   Mexico         $240
        ■ Construction/Manufacturing 11%                                                          Belgium
                                                                                                Singapore         $186
        ■ Energy Firms 11%                                                                    South Korea         $240
        ■ Nutraceuticals/Life Sciences 10%                                                        Belgium         $186

    Source: World Trade Center Utah                                         Source: U.S. Census Bureau and

    world trade Center utah board oF direCtors:
    Lew Cramer, President & CEO,                     Natalie Gochnour, Salt Lake Chamber                           ex-oFFiCio:
       World Trade Center Utah                       David Golden, Wells Fargo                                     Spencer Eccles, GoED
    Chair, Jack Sunderlage, ContentWatch             Alan Hall, MarketStar                                         Jeff Edwards, EDCUtah
    Lane Beattie, Salt Lake Chamber                  Greg Miller, Larry H. Miller Group of Companies               Craig Peterson, GoED
    H. David Burton, The Church of Jesus Christ      Richard Nelson, Utah Technology Council
       of Latter-day Saints.                         Dinesh Patel, vSpring Capital
                                                                                                                   Scott Anderson, Zions Bank
    Ladd Christensen, Global Bridge                  Jason Perry, Chief of Staff to Governor Herbert
    Gary Crittenden, Huntsman Gay Capital Partners   Paul Savage, Kirton & McConkie
    David Clark, Utah House of Representatives       Michael Waddoups, Utah State Senate
    Bryan Davis, Xango                               Michael young, University of Utah
    Mark Garfield, Zions Bank

                                                                                                      2 0 1 0     P U B L I C   P o L I C y     G U I D E        1 7
            “With the rise of the          statement oF prinCiples:

         City Creek project, the           n   Heart of our Region – We recognize downtown Salt Lake City as the regional
                                               center for culture, commerce and entertainment. Downtown is also the historic
       transformation of Main                  hub for transportation, finance, banking, law and federal, state and local
        Street, the development                governments. It is also the headquarters for a world religion. Accordingly, we
                                               advocate public policies that compliment the historical investment that has
           of The Leonardo and                 already occurred in Utah’s capital city and that will strengthen downtown’s
         the Utah Performance                  unique role as the heart of our region.
                                           n   Downtown Development – We affirm that a vibrant metropolitan center is an
       Theater, downtown Salt
                                               important economic engine for the regional community and support economic
            Lake City’s dynamic                development that energizes downtown. A strong downtown is essential for the
                                               economic strength of the entire region.
          cityscape attests to our
                                           n   Interconnected – We recognize the economic relationship between urban,
           progression as a great              suburban and rural communities and support fair tax and expenditure policies
       American city. The Salt                 that are focused on appropriate economic development for all geographic areas.

        Lake Chamber and the
      Downtown Alliance have               2010 publiC poliCy priorities:

      been exceptional partners            n   Economic Development – Corporate recruitment for downtown is our highest
                                               priority. We look to local and state governments to improve funding and
              in our capital city’s            coordination with the economic development offices of Salt Lake City and Salt
                      evolution.”              Lake County, along with the Governor’s office of Economic Development and
                                               the Economic Development Corporation of Utah to bring new regional corporate
                                               headquarters to Utah’s Capital City.
                    mayor ralph becker     n   Fair Tax Policies – Property tax rates in Salt Lake City should be fair, reasonable
                                               and competitive with suburban communities and competing metropolitan centers
                                               in other states. The state should evaluate how to best achieve statewide school
                                               capital equalization over time.
                                           n   Advancing Public and Private Projects – Local and state governments have an
                                               important role to play in building Utah’s capital city to support the entire region.
                                               Specific projects, including the Performance Center on Main, the Utah Film
                                               Center, a year-round public market and a convention center hotel should be
                                               supported where economically fair and viable.

1 8    S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
n   Financing Mechanisms – We support Salt Lake City’s efforts                   • The newly remodeled lobby of the Key Bank Tower is
    to find reasonable funding mechanisms that will extend                         complete and the new food court is open and serving
    quality of life amenities and jobs to Utah citizens and                        customers.
    residents of the Intermountain Region.
                                                                                 • The largest residential tower has topped off.
                                                                                 • Injection of more than $1 million in construction wages
reCent aCComplishments:                                                            for the people of Utah each day.
Private	Investment                                                               • A commitment to sustainability. City Center is a
                                                                                   Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for
n   Downtown Business Growth – over 30 businesses opened
                                                                                   Neighborhood Development (ND) pilot project. It is one of
    or relocated in the central business district during
                                                                                   60 pilot projects in the country selected to participate in a
    2009. The majority of these businesses are small, locally
                                                                                   focus group that is helping the U.S. Green Building Council
    owned establishments that have made the decision to
                                                                                   finalize its new LEED ND certification process.
    invest in the growth of downtown and in the shared vision
    of Downtown Rising.                                                     n    222 Main – The $125 million project, 222 Main, adds
                                                                                 459,000 square feet of new office space to downtown’s
n   City Creek Center – The City Creek Center development
                                                                                 Class-A inventory.
    continues to move forward and leads the way in private
    capital investment in Utah’s capital city.                                   • First Silver LEED Certified Class-A office building in
                                                                                   the Salt Lake Valley.
    major highlights include:
                                                                                 • Tenants include the law firms Holland & Hart and Brinks
    • over 1,600 construction jobs on site.
                                                                                   Hofer Gilson & Lione and commercial real estate company
    • The first residential component, Richards Court, will be                     CB Richard Ellis.
      completed and ready for occupancy in early 2010.

    leaders: Vasilios Priskos, Chair,               Bruce Bingham, Hamilton Partners (Past Chair)      ex oFFiCio board members:
       Downtown Alliance Board of Trustees          Lane Beattie, Salt Lake Chamber                    Mayor Ralph Becker, Salt Lake City
    Lane Beattie, President and CEO, Salt           John Dahlstrom, Wasatch Properties                 Mayor Peter Corroon, Salt Lake County
       Lake Chamber / Downtown Alliance             Jerry Fenn, Qwest Corporation                      Councilman Luke Garrott, Salt Lake City
    Jason Mathis, Executive Director,               John Gates, Snow Christensen & Martineau           Scott Beck, Salt Lake Convention & Visitors Bureau
       Downtown Alliance                            David Golden, Wells Fargo Bank                     D.J. Baxter, Redevelopment Agency of
    Natalie Gochnour, Chief Operating Officer,      Tom Guinney, Gastronomy Inc.                          Salt Lake City
       Salt Lake Chamber                            Dennis Haslam, D.H. Consulting & Investments LLC   Amy Coady, Downtown Retail Merchants
                                                    Peggy Lander, Richter 7                               Association
    downtown allianCe board oF trustees:
                                                    Gary Porter, The Church of Jesus Christ
    Vasilios Priskos, Internet Properties (Chair)
                                                       of Latter-day Saints
    Kent Gibson, Zions Securities Corporation
                                                    Randy Rigby, Utah Jazz
      (Vice Chair)

                                                                                                2 0 1 0   P U B L I C   P o L I C y    G U I D E        1 9
“We are committed to revitalizing Main Street and the area around the
       Salt Lake Temple. We are grateful for the support of the Chamber and
           Downtown Alliance as community partners in this endeavor.”
                                          mark Gibbons, President, City Creek Reserve, Inc. (CCRI).

2 0   S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
Did You Know that in 2008:
    69,745 Utahns work downtown One in every four                               I
    downtown workers lives outside of Salt Lake County   Nearly
                                                                a quarter of Utah’s hotel      I
    transient room taxes was collected from downtown hotels
                                                             10% of Utah’s restaurant tax was generated from
    downtown businesses Downtown companies accounted for 7.3% of personal income tax revenues to the state totaling

    $230.2 million I        $1.4 billion                                                    Downtown generated                                                             in

         I      $64.8 million
    taxable sales              Downtown generated

    Source: Data compiled by Utah Department of Workforce Services, Utah State Tax Comission and U.S. Bureau of Census
                                                                                                                                    in sales tax for Utah’s general fund

n   O.C. Tanner – Emerging from a $24 million renovation, the                                             regional assets:
    historic Hansen Planetarium building is the new flagship
                                                                                                          n     Utah Performance Center on Main – Salt Lake City recently
    retail location for venerable Utah jeweler, o.C. Tanner.
                                                                                                                awarded a contract to Hamilton Partners and Garfield Traub
n   Gateway Office 6 – Proposed Class-A office space is                                                         Swisher as the development team for the Utah Performance
    currently being developed by The Boyer Company as part of                                                   Center on Main. The Performance Center will include a 2,500
    The Gateway master plan.                                                                                    seat theater, attracting first-run Broadway touring shows.
                                                                                                                Located at 135 South Main, the project is one of 20 signature
n   Hyatt Place Salt Lake City/Downtown/The Gateway –
                                                                                                                projects defined as part of the Downtown Rising Vision.
    Construction on the 128-room limited service hotel was
    completed in summer of 2009 offering additional downtown                                              n     Utah Film and Media Center – The RDA has purchased the
    lodging. The new hotel is located on the north side of                                                      Utah Theater and will convert the facility to the Utah Film and
    Gateway with close proximity to the Salt Palace Convention                                                  Media Center showcasing Utah’s independent film industry.
    Center, Temple Square and EnergySolutions Arena.

publiC Commitment:                                                                                          “Salt Lake City witnessed a landmark
n   Federal Courthouse – Historic odd Fellows Hall successfully
    relocated to the north side of Market Street clearing the
                                                                                                                day in downtown development
    site for construction of the Moss Federal Courthouse.                                                    when Mayor Ralph Becker, Gov. Jon
    Construction is set to begin in 2010.
n   UTA Airport TRAX Extension – The highly anticipated TRAX
                                                                                                            Huntsman and LDS Church Presiding
    extension to Salt Lake City International Airport is under                                              Bishop H. David Burton were present
    construction. This project will include the construction
    of a shortened North Temple viaduct that will enhance                                                     to celebrate the new site for a large
    transportation between downtown and surrounding
    neighborhoods. The Chamber thanks the Utah Legislature
                                                                                                                   theater and the associated
    for helping to fund a new viaduct in the capital city.                                                         development downtown.”
n   Salt Lake City Public Safety Complex – A voter approved
    $125 million bond was passed in the November election.
                                                                                                                          bruce bingham, Hamilton Partners
    The new Public Safety Complex will replace the current
    50-year-old headquarters located at 315 East 200 South
    and the project is expected to be completed by 2012.

                                                                                                                             2 0 1 0   P U B L I C   P o L I C y   G U I D E    2 1
               “The Salt Lake                statement Of PrinCiPles:

      Chamber has repeatedly                 n                 Economic Prosperity Requires Transportation Viability – A viable transportation
                                                               system is critical to economic growth and prosperity. We support a vibrant
         demonstrated a bold                                   transportation system that moves our people and delivers our goods on the
          vision for the state’s                               ground and through the air.
                                             n                 Sufficient Funding for our Transportation Infrastructure – A viable multi-modal
         transportation needs
                                                               transportation system is critical to economic growth and prosperity. State
              as well as a clear                               government and business leaders have already shown tremendous wisdom in
                                                               obtaining unprecedented funding for highway, transit and air traffic systems in
       understanding of how
                                                               Utah. Continued funding efforts are necessary to keep our transportation system
             critical a vibrant                                vibrant and healthy.
        transportation system                n                 Efficient Movement Makes Life Better – The best transportation systems are those
                                                               that are on the cutting edge of technological advances that move goods and people
           is to Utah’s growth                                 in the most efficient ways possible and for the best price. We support innovation to
                and economy.”                                  help lower unnecessary travel time, streamline the flow of traffic, maximize the use
                                                               of tax dollars and user fees through technology, and reduce congestion.

         state senator stuart adams
                  Former Chair, Utah
                                              utah’s transportation Challenge:
         Transportation Commission            travel Demand Compared with Population and highway Construction

                                                                          ■ Vehicle Miles Traveled                                               99%
                                                             100          ■ Population
                                                                          ■ State Highway Lane Miles

                                          Percent Increase














                                              Source: Utah Department of Transportation

2 2   S A L T   L A K E   C H A M B E R
2010 publiC poliCy priorities:
n   Increase Transportation User Fees – While we do not support                     its way to building 70 miles of rail in seven years. Salt Lake
    any increase in income, sales or property tax during an                         City International Airport is slated for a major overhaul. We
    economic downturn, an increase in the highway user fee or                       strongly support all of these projects. Continued investment
    motor fuel tax is necessary to provide sufficient funding for                   in roads, transit and air traffic improves our economic
    highways. We propose an increase of 10 cents per gallon or                      competitiveness.
    its indexed equivalent. This proposed increase will generate
                                                                               n    Invest in the Future – our economy will be stronger if we
    $100 million in state revenues to fund Utah’s transportation
                                                                                    invest in transportation projects of the future. Innovative
                                                                                    intersections, urban streetcars, mountain railways, high-
n   Keep Our Current Commitment to Transportation –                                 speed interstate travel and strategic bypasses are examples
    Transportation investment lowers business costs, increases                      of ways in which Utah can become even more competitive.
    productivity and enhances our quality of life. Highway
    construction in Utah is at an all time high at nearly $4
    billion in highway projects in the works. Transit is well on

    Committee membership:
    Chair: Kip Wadsworth, President, Ralph Wadsworth      Dan England, CR England Trucking                      Brett okland, okland Construction
      Construction                                        Chris Ensign, JLC Signs                               Clark olsen, Pacific Bridge
                                                          Bob Ett, MHTN                                         Jim olsen, Utah Food Industry Association
    Carlos Alegre, Granite Construction
                                                          Rolayne Fairclough, AAA Utah                          Mike ostermiller, ogden Weber Association
    Mike Allegra, Utah Transit Authority
                                                          Chris Gamvroulas, Ivory Development                      of Realtors
    Zane Atkinson, Flying J
                                                          Andrew Gemperline, CB Richard Ellis                   Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies
    Des Barker, Barker & Associates
                                                          Steve Goodrich, UPS                                   Lee Peacock, Utah Petroleum Association
    Craig Bickmore, Utah Auto Dealers Association
                                                          Joe Grose, Sunstate Equipment                         Craig Peterson, ACEC Utah
    Tom Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association
                                                          Tim Harpst, Salt Lake City                            Monica Rafferty, Coldwell Banker Commerical
    Michael Brodsky, Hamlet Homes
                                                          Jeffery Harris, HNTB                                  Lincoln Shurtz, Utah League of Cities and Towns
    Ken Bullock, Utah League of Cities and Towns
                                                          Bill Holder, ASPD                                     Michael Smith, ACEC Utah
    Kristine Cartwright, K. Cartwright Associates, Inc.
                                                          Tom Hori, Redcon                                      Shelly Teuscher, Parson Behle & Latimer
    Chuck Chappell, Wasatch Front Regional Council
                                                          Dan Johnson, Chevron Texaco                           Rich Thorn, Associated General Contractors of Utah
    Rick Chesnut, Terracon
                                                          Sam Klemm, Wasatch Front Regional Council             Clint Topham, Parsons Brinckerhoff
    Wilford Clyde, Clyde Companies
                                                          Steve Kroes, Utah Foundation                          Royce Van Tassell, Utah Taxpayers Association
    Darrell Cook, Mountainland Association of
                                                          Chris Kyler, Utah Association of Realtors             Guy Wadsworth, Wadsworth Brothers Construction
                                                          Dave Layton, Layton Construction                      Kip Wadsworth, Ralph Wadsworth Construction
    Ed Cooper, Ashgrove Cement
                                                          Mike Long, Holcim Cement                              Tom Warne, Tom Warne and Associates
    David Creer, Utah Trucking Association
                                                          Alan Lord, Presidio Group                             LaVarr Webb, Exoro Group
    Gina Crezee, Rio Tinto
                                                          Alan Matheson, Envision Utah                          Clare Williams, Union Pacific
    Jerry Dewey, Associated Food Stores
                                                          Rand MacDonald, WR Advisors                           Eli Willis, Godfrey Trucking
    Carrie Dunn, Xo Marketing Group
                                                          Matthew Miller, Wilbur Smith                          David Zimmerman, Holland & Hart

                                                                                                      2 0 1 0   P U B L I C   P o L I C y   G U I D E        2 3
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2010 Public Policy Guide
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2010 Public Policy Guide

  • 1. PublicPOLICY Guide 2010 As Utah’s business leader, we stand as the voice of business, we support our members’ success and we champion community prosperity
  • 2. The Salt Lake Chamber is a statewide business organization that represents approximately 5,700 businesses, more than 1/3 of the workforce in Utah, has members in 10 states and Washington, D.C. and has members in all 29 counties in Utah. Roughly 78% of the businesses we represent are small businesses. We have two strategic partners - the Downtown Alliance & World Trade Center Utah. Currently, we have formal partnerships with 7 other chambers of commerce in Utah: ChamberWest (Taylorsville, Kearns, West Valley), Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce, Murray Area Chamber of Commerce, South Jordan Chamber of Commerce, South Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, Utah Asian Chamber of Commerce and Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce — and this number will grow significantly. The Salt Lake Chamber has signed memorandums of agreement with two international chambers: Tokyo Chamber of Commerce and London Chamber of Commerce and Industry. COntents: Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Economic Development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Health System Reform . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 International Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Salt Lake City - Downtown Rising . . . . . . . . . . 18 Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Follow us online: saltlakechamber saltlakechamber saltlakechamber saltlakechamber saltlakechamber
  • 3. Dear Fellow Utahns, As Utah’s business leader, the Salt Lake Chamber stands as the voice of business in Utah. We recognize that strong business support for sound policy creates the most favorable circumstances for commercial enterprises and communities to thrive. Throughout the year, and particularly during Utah’s legislative sessions, we are actively engaged in important business issues at the federal, state and municipal levels of government. Each year the Chamber focuses on advancing sound public policy responsive to changing needs and circumstances. In this endeavor, the Chamber is guided by the following business principles: n Grow Utah’s Economy: We support policies that n Relieve Regulatory Burdens: We recognize government’s create a climate wherein our economy will flourish, a role in establishing boundaries and standards that qualified workforce is readily available, our economic support free enterprise. Regulation should be limited, competitiveness is enhanced, and people, goods, and equitable, effective and efficient, fostering competitive services can be efficiently transported. forces to govern the success or failure of businesses. n Low Taxes: Taxes distort market behavior and can n Strengthen the Community: A strong economy is limit economic growth. We support a nimble synonymous with a healthy community. While the government that is efficient and effective. Chamber’s primary focus is the success of Utah Tax policy should be fair and balanced. businesses, we recognize that a prosperous economy and strong community are interdependent. This 2010 Public Policy Guide outlines our approach to the Chamber’s top policy priorities. Fortunately, Utah is starting from an advantageous position. Utah is the best-managed state in the nation and positioned to lead the country out of the current recession. We thank current and past elected officials for their wise management and look forward to contributing our best efforts moving forward. We invite you to join with us in advancing sound public policy to meet today’s unique challenges. Lane Beattie President and CEO Jake Boyer Chair 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 1
  • 4. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT “The Can-Do Coalition’s focus Celebrating What’s Right With Utah, Strengthening Our Economy on consumers is imperative to getting statement Of PrinCiPles: the economy back on n Collaborate – State leadership on economic development issues can unite public and private sector efforts and bring cohesion to state and municipal action. track. It’s so refreshing Collaboration will increase the efficiency and success of Utah’s efforts, both in business and government. to have a business n Short-term Economic Stimulus – We support policy that facilitates Utah’s organization pushing economic recovery. Such policy should be timely, targeted and leveraged. positive news to n Promote Long-term Economic Development – We seek to assist in the development and execution of economic policies that will result in sustained balance the negativity economic growth, building a better future for Utah’s businesses and families. that is constantly n Drive Optimism – While we acknowledge economic facts, we choose to approach economic development issues proactively and with optimism. We seek to publicize bombarding us what’s right with Utah and strengthen consumer confidence in Utah’s economy. in the media.” 2010 PubliC POliCy PriOrities: michael Waddoups n No General Tax Increase – During an economic downturn we do not support any Utah State Senate President increase in income, sales or property tax. n Decrease Sales Tax Rate and Add Stability to Tax System – our economy will be stronger if we put the sales tax back on food and lower the sales tax rate commensurately. Utah’s economy will be more competitive, and next time we have a downturn we will have less volatility. n Keep Commitment to Transportation – Transportation investment lowers business costs, increases productivity and enhances our quality of life. Investment in roads and transit improves our economic competitiveness. n Invest in Human Capital – A well-trained workforce is the single most important business input. Further reductions in public and higher education will put our workforce at risk. 2 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 5. n Maximize State Efficiencies – Make additional targeted reCent aCCOmPlishments: cuts in state government. The best-managed state n Bolstered Utah Housing – Governor Huntsman and must get even better. Governor Herbert both embraced the Chamber’s n Utilize Targeted User Fees – Where possible and appropriate, recommendations to kick-start Utah’s housing industry those who use government services should pay for them. by launching the Home Run grant programs in 2009. Highways should be funded primarily with user fees (such These programs supported the industry hardest hit by as auto-related sales taxes or indexed fuel taxes). Health the recession—construction—and resulted in an efficient costs should be partially paid for with tobacco taxes. clearing of excess inventory. utah Job Growth rates have Only been negative four times in modern history 10.0% 8.0% 6.0% Annual % Change 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% -2.0% -4.0% -6.0% 1950 1952 1954 1956 1958 1960 1962 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Source: Utah Department of Workforce Services Committee membership: Chair: Chris Redgrave, Immediate Past Chair Jake Boyer, The Boyer Company Ted McAleer, USTAR of the Salt Lake Chamber Board of Governors Wilford Clyde, Clyde Companies Jennifer Nakao, Grant Thornton Steve Creamer, EnergySolutions Richard Nelson, Utah Technology Council Scott Anderson, Zions Bank Jeff Edwards, Economic Development Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies Scott Beck, Salt Lake Visitor’s and Corporation of Utah Jill Taylor, Key Bank Convention Bureau Tom Guinney, Gastronomy Ex officio representation from Governor’s Janet Bingham, Huntsman Cancer Foundation Clark Ivory, Ivory Homes office of Economic Development Mark Bouchard, CB Richard Ellis 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 3
  • 6. “Public policy that supports business and its need for a qualified labor force is good for Utah. As businesses thrive, employees and the community benefit. A rising tide lifts all boats.” scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies 4 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 7. state revenue has Declined for three Consecutive years 80% of utahns support an increase in the Combined General and Education Fund (in millions) tobacco tax that Will limit Cuts in education $6,000 “Would you favor or oppose increasing the sales tax on cigarettes $5,000 $5,308 $5,213 and other tobacco products to limit the cuts to education?” $4,000 $4,567 $4,377 $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 Source: State of Utah Budget Summary, Fy2010/Budget Recommendations Fy2011, Source: Dan Jones Survey, November 2009 Governor’s office of Planning and Budget n Strengthened Utah’s Transportation Infrastructure and n Advancing USTAR – The Utah Science, Technology and Put Utahns Back to Work – The Chamber championed Research Initiative is critical to the development of Utah’s aggressive investment in transportation projects resulting innovation economy. The Chamber’s support in a difficult in over $4 billion invested in Utah’s infrastructure between budget year helped keep USTAR a bright part of Utah’s future. now and 2014. For every $1 billion invested in Utah n Promoting Salt Lake City as a University Town – The highways 29,000 jobs are created or preserved. Investing Chamber’s strategic partner, the Downtown Alliance, led at this time also takes advantage of low construction and the “Home of the Utes” campaign to invigorate the city bonding costs. with a university town atmosphere and promote economic development. Additional BusineSs Priorities The Salt Lake Protect Vote by secret ballot – on November 2, 2010, Utahns will go to the polls to cast their votes Chamber for elected officials and the Secret Ballot Initiative. If approved by a majority of the voters this initiative will amend Utah’s constitution to preserve election by secret ballot. Misguided federal unequivocally legislation threatens this fundamental right. In response, state lawmakers overwhelmingly passed supports an this proposed amendment by the requisite two-thirds majority required to amend the constitution. amendment to Continued support of an employer-sponsored Work Program – Immigration is an incredible benefit Utah’s Constitution to Utah and also presents some unique challenges. The Chamber supports comprehensive state to protect the action to manage immigration in Utah. The Chamber’s proposed Employer-Sponsored Work Program individual’s right takes into account Utah’s economic needs and realities while mitigating difficulties associated with an undocumented population. to express their opinions via a secret- legislative ethics – The Salt Lake Chamber supports landmark legislative ethics reform that ensures transparency in government and high standards of conduct. The Chamber does not support any ballot vote without policy that denies most business persons, community leaders and even many property owners the fear of coercion opportunity to serve. The Chamber also opposes onerous financial disclosure requirments that or retribution. violate personal privacy beyond the scope needed for public accountability. The secret ballot retirement – In this economic environment many traditional ideas about financing are being re- is fundamental thought. This is especially true in programs such as health care and pensions. The state of Utah is to our democratic leading the nation in health system reform. Similarly, the state is now also considering reform of its process and merits pension system. The Chamber applauds forward thinking legislators and the Utah State Retirement System for innovative ideas that would fund reasonable benefits to retiring state and local constitutional employees while keeping the pension system funded and actuarially viable for future state and local protection. employees without imposing crippling debt on our children and grandchildren. 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 5
  • 8. EDUCATION The key to a qualified workforce “The Chamber’s statement oF prinCiples: n Invest in the Most Important Business Input: Human Capital – Education fuels advocacy of statewide Utah’s economy by developing the potential of our children and grandchildren educational goals is and attracting millions of research dollars resulting in jobs and income for Utah residents. critical to improving n Create Long-term Prosperity – We are committed to acting in Utah’s long-term results. We must interest. Education drives economic development. invest, improve and n Act – Many studies have documented the need for educational improvement and innovation. Now is the time to take decisive action to ensure all students get a innovate in public sound start in reading and math, to better prepare all students for postsecondary education, and to increase participation in postsecondary education. and higher education. A highly educated 2010 publiC poliCy priorities: workforce is the most n Adopt statewide goals and strategies – Utah must embrace unified goals and critical long-term strategies to improve public and higher education. n Maintain existing funding levels – We support continuing Fy2010 funding levels strategy for a vibrant for public and higher education in Fy2011. Further reductions in public and higher economy and education will put Utah’s workforce at risk. Enrollment growth in both public and higher education is at record levels. healthy society” richard Kendell, Former Commissioner of Higher utah Public education enrollment is at an all-time high Education and Superintendent 600,000 of Davis School District 500,000 Number of Students 400,000 300,000 200,000 100,000 0 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Source: Utah State office of Education, Finance and Statistics 6 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 9. n Lead change – The Chamber recognizes that Utah faces “The long-term well being of our state depends a clear imperative: To maintain our quality of life and to create the human capital needed for the viability of our directly on our commitment to education.” economy, we must embrace changing demographics and improve education results for every ethnic group. Governor Gary herbert, 2009 Inaugural Address n Support Utah educators – Utah educators achieve great outcomes with limited resources. Business leaders applaud reCent aCComplishments: high-performing Utah educators and support performance- based compensation for teachers. n Establishment of Education Committee, Priorities and Work Plan – The Chamber’s Board of Governors has identified education funding and innovation as a critical issue facing minority Contributions to utah Population and the business community. An Education Committee has been school enrollment Growth: 2000-2007 organized to identify and advance the business community’s educational priorities. Key priorities include funding Population Growth enrollment Growth enrollment growth, embracing demographic diversity and 33% 35% improving college readiness, participation and completion. 67% 65% n Cultivation of Key Partnerships – The Chamber has created a partnership with public and higher education leaders. They play an advisory role in our discussions. Using business principles and educational expertise, we are beginning to n White Non-Hispanic n Minority identify strategies to improve educational outcomes. Source: Bureau of Economic and Business Research, University of Utah Committee membership: Chair: Mark Bouchard, Senior Managing Ron Jibson, Questar Randy Shumway, Cicero and former school Director, CB Richard Ellis Scott Jolley, Cedar City Area Chamber board member David Jordan, Stoel Rives and Member of Kami Taylor, CB Richard Ellis Scott Anderson, Zions Bank and Co-Chair of Citizens State Board of Regents Tom Thatcher, Thatcher Pharmaceutical for Education Excellence Dan Lofgren, Cowboy Partners and olene Walker, former governor and Co-Chair Citizens Russ Behrman, St. George Area Chamber Granite School Board Member for Education Excellence Phil Cofield, Junior Achievement Bob Marquardt, Management and Training Anne-Marie Wright, Merit Medical Steve Densely, Utah Valley Chamber Corporation, Friends of Utah Higher Education Ex officio representation from public and Sandy Emile/David Simmons, Cache Chamber and Member of State Board of Regents higher education partners and Governor’s Dave Golden, Wells Fargo Andrea Moss, American Express office of Economic Development Phil Hansen, ClearLink Rich Nelson, Utah Technology Council Dave Hardman, ogden/Weber Chamber of Commerce Richard Kendall, Education Advisor Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies Clark Ivory, Ivory Homes and Member of University of Vicki Varela, Communication Advisor David Peterson, o.C. Tanner Utah Board of Trustees Clint Sanderson, Crexendo 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 7
  • 10. K-12 expenditures as a Percent of state Personal income: fy 2006 Source: National Center of Education Statistics; U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis 3.7% Public education expenditures Per Pupil: fy 2006 Source: National Center of Education Statistics $5,706 seleCt COntributiOns frOm utah’s larGest institutiOns Of hiGher learninG university of utah (2009 Total Headcount: 31,407) salt lake Community College (2009 Total Headcount: 33,774) n Draws $7 in outside funding for every $1 in state funds. n Largest university or college in the State of Utah, serving approximately 60,000 students annually. n Started 74 companies in the past four years. These companies have attracted $111 million in venture capital to Utah. n Largest applied technology college in the state. n For two years in a row the U has been second only to MIT n Serves over 500 businesses through corporate in the number of startup companies formed by universities training partnerships. (even though MIT receives four times the amount of research n Fourth largest community college in the entire country. funding as the U). n Enrolled almost 4,000 additional students this fall. n The U is on track to bring $400 million in federal research grants and contracts to the state this year. n Serves the largest minority population of all the USHE institutions. n The U now claims two Nobel Prize winners – Mario Capecchi and Venkatraman Ramakrishnan. n 2009 NJCAA men’s basketball champion. n World class companies founded by University of Utah faculty or alumni include Netscape, Wordperfect, Adobe, Pixar, Atari, Novell, Iomega, TerraTek, Ceramatec, Myriad Genetics, and Evans and Sutherland. 8 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 11. ENERGY “The Salt Lake statement Of PrinCiPles: n Strengthen Utah’s Energy Economy – We recognize Utah’s potential to become a Chamber has taken the world leader in energy development and environmental stewardship. By relying lead in developing a on market forces and Utah’s innovative spirit, we can responsibly develop our state’s abundant energy resources. dynamic energy policy n Secure Sources of Energy – We support the development of Utah’s abundant that will combine energy resources. Such strategic development ensures access to energy and decreases economic volatility. reasonable growth n Responsible Environmental Stewardship – Utah’s spectacular natural environment with responsible is a legacy passed on to us from preceding generations and deserves protection. We support innovative and responsible development of energy resources. environmental stewardship while 2010 publiC poliCy priorities: taking advantage of the n Business, State and Federal Advocacy – The Chamber will work with Utah state’s energy producing businesses, state officials and the U.S. Congress to influence energy and environmental policies that impact our state. resources, including its abundant natural gas.” utah Possesses a Wealth of energy resources Total Annual Value of Utah’s Energy Production ron Jibson, $6,000 President and CEO, Questar Gas $5,000 ■ Crude Oil ■ Natural Gas Millions of 2009 Dollars ■ Coal $4,000 ■ Uranium $3,000 $2,000 $1,000 $0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 Source: Utah Geological Survey 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 9
  • 12. n Cap and trade – Federal regulation of greenhouse gases reCent aCComplishments: must be designed to prevent the transfer of economic n Key Legislation - The Chamber supported key energy wealth from Utah to other states or nations, to minimize legislation passed in 2009, including: the economic hardship on businesses and consumers, to allow for alternative means of compliance and to recognize • HB 392, Natural Gas for Vehicles, which allows the Public that global warming is a global problem that requires Service Commission (PSC) to authorize a natural gas global solutions. Utah should NoT participate in regional vehicle rate less than full cost of service. greenhouse gas initiatives. • HB 412, Energy Policy Amendments, which requires the n Nuclear – We support development of nuclear power if state to determine the economic impacts of a proposed economically viable, including an assessment of economic legislative or executive action involving climate change, risks and a policy for storing or reprocessing locally and to promote and advocate for fair and consistent produced spent fuel. federal climate change regulation. n Support Energy Innovation and Research – Invest in Utah • HB 430, Economic Development Incentives for Science, Technology and Research Initiative (USTAR), Alternative Energy Projects, which created renewable Utah’s research universities, and the Utah energy and energy development zones in which tax credits could be natural resources cluster initiatives, as well as new ideas given for developing renewable energy projects. such as the development of a regional and/or national center for energy research. • HJR 1, Joint Resolution on Cost-effective Energy Efficiency and Utility Demand-side Management, which urges state n Conservation – The Chamber supports energy efficiency and local governments, electrical power and natural on the part of all residents, businesses, large energy users gas utilities, rural electric cooperatives, and municipal and utilities. Combined, our efforts will do more to reduce utilities to work together to promote energy efficiency harmful emissions, clean up the air, and address carbon restrictions than any single thing we can do as a citizenry. as a priority. • HJR 12, Joint Resolution Supporting Hydrogen Power from n Prudent regulation – Advance sensible utility regulation, which encourages capital investment, removes utility Advanced Coal and Carbon Capture and Sequestration disincentives for demand side management, creates enablers Technology, which supports producing hydrogen from for energy management and provides consumers with pricing coal with carbon capture and sequestration technology signals which reflect the cost of providing energy. as a means of strengthening Utah’s economy and energy competitiveness. n Support Natural Gas Vehicles – Tax credits for natural gas vehicles should be transferable so local governments can better utilize natural gas fleets. Enhancements to the natural gas corridor are necessary to support cleaner vehicles in Utah. 1 0 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 13. • SB 75, Utility Amendments, which allows a public utah benefits from low electricity rates utility to expedite rate case decisions and the PSC’s Average Rate per Kilowatt hour (in cents) approval process for allowing cost recovery of a major ten lowest rate states: plant addition. 0 3.0 6.0 9.0 12.0 15.0 • SJR 16, Joint Resolution Supporting Nuclear Power, which Wyoming 6.3 encourages new nuclear power development in Utah. 6.6 West Virginia n Sustainable Practices – The Downtown Alliance decorated Idaho 6.8 Salt Lake City with LED lights that stretch over 19 miles Washington 6.8 in Utah’s capital city. The switch to LED lights from Louisiana 7.0 incandescent lights results in a savings of 95% on ongoing Kentucky 7.0 energy costs. The Downtown Alliance is a strategic partner North Dakota 7.3 of the Salt Lake Chamber. Montana 7.3 n Infrastructure Planning – The Salt Lake Chamber is a partner Utah 7.4 in the Salt Lake County Electrical Plan Task Force. The task force is developing a plan for the location of substations Oregon 7.5 and transmission corridors in Salt Lake County to National Average 10.4 accommodate the expected rapid growth in the production Source: Electric Power Monthly, Energy Information Administration of electrical power. Committee membership: CO-Chairs: Carol Hunter, Vice President of Brad Cahoon, Snell & Wilmer Ron Mangone, Strong and Hanni Services, Rocky Mountain Power Steve Christiansen, Parr Brown and Waddoups Dave Pershing, University of Utah Clayton Walker, COO, Kennecott Utah Copper Jeff Edwards, Economic Development Keith Rattie, Questar Corporation of Utah Bob Reeder, Parsons Behle & Latimer Bette Arial, EnergySolutions Mike Farmer, Commerce CRG Gary Robinson, Questar John Barabino, Barabino Group Christian Gardner, Gardner Company Reed Searle, EnergySolutions Kimi Barnett, Salt Lake County Mayor’s office Jeff Hartley, Riester Ian Spencer, CB Richard Ellis Vicki Bennett, Salt Lake City Mayor’s office Dennis Haslam, D.H. Consulting & Investments LLC Roger Tew, Utah League of Cities and Towns Todd Bingham, Utah Mining Association David Jensen, Innovision Property Group Sarah Wright, Utah Clean Energy Tom Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association John Kirkham, Stoel Rives Ted Rampton, Utah Associated Municipal Bob Bonar, Snowbird Dennis Klaus, Salt Lake Community College Power Systems Matthew Buell, Tesoro Stan Lockhart, IM Flash 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 1 1
  • 14. Health System Reform “Health reform statement Of PrinCiPles: n Reform Based on Market Principles – We support reform that applies market is a vital business principles to contain costs, strengthen Utah’s economy and improve lives. Such issue. If we can’t reform includes increasing transparency regarding cost and quality, fostering competition and realigning incentives for patients, doctors, hospitals and health get this cost insurance companies. under control, it n Accountability – We believe that Utah’s health reform must expand accountability at all levels of the health system—patients, providers, purchasers, payers and will continue to political leaders. By so doing, every Utahn will take more personal responsibility undermine our for their health and we can realign the system to be more consumer-driven. n State Reform with Urgency – With very serious actions underway at the federal competitiveness level, Utah must not be deterred or delayed in its state reform. With world- as a nation and renowned health care experts and the best managed state in the nation, Utahns are in the best position to reform and improve Utah’s health care system. state. This is one of the most 2010 publiC poliCy priorities: important economic n Continue implementation of the Health Reform Bill of Rights and Responsibilities – Entities representing over half Utah’s work force signed the Chamber’s Bill of Rights development and Responsibilities, a document that lays out the pathway for Utah reform. issues that we currently face.” utah health Care Premium Costs have Doubled $12,000 Jake boyer $10,000 President, The Boyer Company $8,000 $6,000 $4,000 $2,000 $0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Source: Utah Governor’s office of Planning and Budget 1 2 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 15. Federal Health System Reform Statement The Salt Lake Chamber supports health reform that applies market principles to contain costs, strengthen the economy and improve lives. Current health reform efforts by the U.S. Congress miss the mark by focusing primarily on expanding access rather than controlling costs. Employer mandates, tax increases and a government-run plan will increase the cost of doing business and jeopardize the competitiveness of Utah companies in the global marketplace. We do not support federal reform that fails to address the major controllable costs in our health system, most notably excessive utilization, unhealthy lifestyle choices, waste and medical liability. We ask the U.S. Congress to allow states like Utah, which are actively engaged in fixing the broken health care system, to implement innovative reform tailored to their unique circumstances. Through purposeful state action, in partnership with the federal government, we can sustain a vibrant economy and enable people to live healthier, more productive lives. n Preserve State Reform Flexibility – We support state Utah faces a critical physician shortage that is worsening flexibility provisions in any potential federal policy, which each year. We must adequately fund the education of new will allow Utah to progress and reform more rapidly than the physicians to replace retiring physicians and to care for a “lowest common denominator” that federal policy targets. rapidly growing population. n Restore Funding to University of Utah School of Medicine – n Strengthen the Utah Health Exchange – The Chamber The School of Medicine reduced its class size by 20% (from supports legislative action that addresses the disparity 102 incoming students to 82) in response to the loss of $10 of pricing between businesses that join the Utah Health million in federal funds and state budget cuts in Fy 2010. Exchange and those that remain outside of the exchange. Committee membership: Chair: Scott Hymas, RC Willey Chip Everest, EnergySolutions Kevin R. Pinegar, Durham Jones & Pinegar, P.C. Christian Gardner, The Gardner Company Chris Redgrave, Utah Economy Can-Do Coalition Bob Baker, Café Rio Paul Glauser, Staker Parson Companies Jill Taylor, Key Bank Deborah Bayle, United Way of Salt Lake Kay Mickelson, City of Salt Lake Nathan Wickizer, Cache Valley Electric Company Tom Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association Johanna Nielsen, Grant Thornton Candice Daly, National Federation of Jim olsen, Utah Retail Merchant Association Independent Businesses 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 1 3
  • 16. utah Consumers are less involved in Paying for health Care 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 ■ Out of Pocket ■ Private Health Insurance Source: Utah Department of Health reCent aCComplishments: n Passage of HB 188, Health System Reform – Insurance: n Participation in Community Working Groups Created by the The Chamber enthusiastically supported this reform Health System Reform Legislative Task Force – The Chamber legislation sponsored by House Speaker David Clark. The bill was invited to participate on both the Transparency-Quality- received overwhelming bipartisan support. Two of its most Infrastructure and the oversight and Implementation important provisions are: work groups. These work groups provide feedback and recommendations to the legislative task force. Creation of a Defined Contribution Market – The legislation established the Utah Health Exchange—an internet portal n 2009 Utah Health Forum – The Chamber, along with opened to small group employers January 1, 2010 as a United Way of Salt Lake and Mediaone, sponsored the marketplace for health insurance products. The exchange 2009 Utah Health Forum held at the Salt Palace. Governor is scheduled to be open to all by 2012. It features tools Herbert and Speaker Clark delivered keynote speeches for comparison shopping to introduce more transparency and addressed Utah’s path to reform. Breakout sessions on cost and quality issues in health care. It also allows covering twelve of the most important health care topics households to aggregate contributions from multiple and hosted by the state’s expert health care minds were employers to put toward the purchase of a health provided for participants. The forum highlighted Utah’s benefit plan. reform work to this point as well as the urgent need for further reform. A 24-page newspaper insert on Utah health Disclosure of Broker Commission – H.B. 188 requires reform was distributed to 200,000 households. brokers and producers to disclose their commission and compensation to their customers prior to the sale of a health benefit plan. n Passage of HB 165, Administrative Simplification – The Chamber supported this legislation sponsored by Representative Merlynn Newbold, which provides standards for the exchange of information between health care providers, insurers and patients. It is the first step to realigning incentives for providers, insurers and patients and improving the health of our community. 1 4 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 17. “The Chamber has been and continues to be a vital partner in Utah’s effort to reform our health care system. The Chamber’s involvement has provided the Legislature with much needed support in addressing this complicated issue.” David Clark, Speaker of the Utah State House of Representatives 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 1 5
  • 18. International WORLD TRADE CENTER UTAH “In 2008 Utah statement oF prinCiples: n Open Markets – The Salt Lake Chamber supports public policy that encourages experienced record open markets and the full participation of Utah businesses in the world economy. exports and even in n Global Perspective – Public policy should take into account the global nature of competition and empower Utah businesses to succeed in such an environment. the midst of tough economic times, 2010 publiC poliCy priorities: international trade n Continued funding of World Trade Center Utah – We support continued state expansion continues sponsorship for WTCU. n Health System Reform – We must continue to reform our health system to reduce to be a key job costs. Utah businesses cannot afford to pay double digit increases in premium creator in Utah. The costs while competing in global markets. Workforce Readiness – Cultivating and attracting human capital is critical World Trade Center n to international competition. We must adopt policy that attracts talent from Utah and its strategic outside the state/country and develops indigenous talent. Access to a qualified workforce is requisite to compete internationally. partner, the Salt Lake Chamber, play critical reCent aCComplishments: roles in facilitating n Educating Utah Businesses – Training and educational services are provided by WTCU and our strategic partners – the Salt Lake Chamber, Governor’s office of Utah businesses’ success in the global utah merchandise exports have more than tripled in the last Decade marketplace.” This graph does not include listings of services and other intangible exports from Utah such Jack sunderlage, as travel and tourism. CEO, ContentWatch Nationally, merchandise exports decreased by an estimated average of 19% in 2009. Despite an estimated decrease of 10% from 2008 to 2009, only three states performed better than Utah in maintaining its level of merchandise exports. (est.) Source: U.S. Census Bureau and 1 6 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 19. Business Economic Development, and the U.S. Commercial Service. n Connecting Utah Businesses – WTCU co-sponsored (with 2009 training and education resources and events included: our international partners) over 250 events this past year, where Utah firms and individuals made connections with • Logistics and Trade Seminars on both exports and imports relevant people and resources for international business. • Doing Business in: Peru, Israel, Germany, Canada, Southeast Asia, China, United Kingdom and Hong Kong estimated utah merchandise exports • Rural Development Economic Conferences by industry: 2009 (in millions) • International Trade Finance Seminars Primary Metals $4,067 • Global Utah Newsletter: Every week, 2,000+ Computers and Electronics $1,359 Transportation Equipment Primary Metals $596 $4,067 internationalists receive the WTCU email newsletter Minerals Computers and Electronics $515 $1,359 Food Transportation Equipment $472 $596 Global Utah with key articles on international business in Chemicals Minerals $515 $611 Utah, global events, useful links to valuable websites and Fabricated Metals Food $350 $472 Miscellaneous Manufactures Chemicals $308 $611 more. Global Utah also has the state’s only International Machinery Fabricated Metals $263 $350 Electrical Equipment Miscellaneous Manufactures $102 $308 Calendar of Events Machinery $263 Electrical Equipment $102 n Assessing Utah Businesses – WTCU offered in-depth estimated utah merchandise exports to top ten assessment services and assistance to 150+ companies in Purchasing Countries: 2009 (in millions) United Kingdom $4,207 the following industry clusters: Canada $904 India United Kingdom $719 $4,207 Taiwan Canada $512$904 Companies assisted, by industry sector China India $473 $719 Japan Taiwan $336 $512 ■ Products/Services 42% Mexico China $252 $473 ■ Finance/Consulting Firms 13% Singapore Japan $251 $336 ■ Technology/IT Firms 13% South Korea Mexico $240 $252 ■ Construction/Manufacturing 11% Belgium Singapore $186 $251 ■ Energy Firms 11% South Korea $240 ■ Nutraceuticals/Life Sciences 10% Belgium $186 Source: World Trade Center Utah Source: U.S. Census Bureau and world trade Center utah board oF direCtors: Lew Cramer, President & CEO, Natalie Gochnour, Salt Lake Chamber ex-oFFiCio: World Trade Center Utah David Golden, Wells Fargo Spencer Eccles, GoED Chair, Jack Sunderlage, ContentWatch Alan Hall, MarketStar Jeff Edwards, EDCUtah Lane Beattie, Salt Lake Chamber Greg Miller, Larry H. Miller Group of Companies Craig Peterson, GoED H. David Burton, The Church of Jesus Christ Richard Nelson, Utah Technology Council emeritus: of Latter-day Saints. Dinesh Patel, vSpring Capital Scott Anderson, Zions Bank Ladd Christensen, Global Bridge Jason Perry, Chief of Staff to Governor Herbert Gary Crittenden, Huntsman Gay Capital Partners Paul Savage, Kirton & McConkie David Clark, Utah House of Representatives Michael Waddoups, Utah State Senate Bryan Davis, Xango Michael young, University of Utah Mark Garfield, Zions Bank 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 1 7
  • 20. DOwntown RISING “With the rise of the statement oF prinCiples: City Creek project, the n Heart of our Region – We recognize downtown Salt Lake City as the regional center for culture, commerce and entertainment. Downtown is also the historic transformation of Main hub for transportation, finance, banking, law and federal, state and local Street, the development governments. It is also the headquarters for a world religion. Accordingly, we advocate public policies that compliment the historical investment that has of The Leonardo and already occurred in Utah’s capital city and that will strengthen downtown’s the Utah Performance unique role as the heart of our region. n Downtown Development – We affirm that a vibrant metropolitan center is an Theater, downtown Salt important economic engine for the regional community and support economic Lake City’s dynamic development that energizes downtown. A strong downtown is essential for the economic strength of the entire region. cityscape attests to our n Interconnected – We recognize the economic relationship between urban, progression as a great suburban and rural communities and support fair tax and expenditure policies American city. The Salt that are focused on appropriate economic development for all geographic areas. Lake Chamber and the Downtown Alliance have 2010 publiC poliCy priorities: been exceptional partners n Economic Development – Corporate recruitment for downtown is our highest priority. We look to local and state governments to improve funding and in our capital city’s coordination with the economic development offices of Salt Lake City and Salt evolution.” Lake County, along with the Governor’s office of Economic Development and the Economic Development Corporation of Utah to bring new regional corporate headquarters to Utah’s Capital City. mayor ralph becker n Fair Tax Policies – Property tax rates in Salt Lake City should be fair, reasonable and competitive with suburban communities and competing metropolitan centers in other states. The state should evaluate how to best achieve statewide school capital equalization over time. n Advancing Public and Private Projects – Local and state governments have an important role to play in building Utah’s capital city to support the entire region. Specific projects, including the Performance Center on Main, the Utah Film Center, a year-round public market and a convention center hotel should be supported where economically fair and viable. 1 8 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 21. n Financing Mechanisms – We support Salt Lake City’s efforts • The newly remodeled lobby of the Key Bank Tower is to find reasonable funding mechanisms that will extend complete and the new food court is open and serving quality of life amenities and jobs to Utah citizens and customers. residents of the Intermountain Region. • The largest residential tower has topped off. • Injection of more than $1 million in construction wages reCent aCComplishments: for the people of Utah each day. Private Investment • A commitment to sustainability. City Center is a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) for n Downtown Business Growth – over 30 businesses opened Neighborhood Development (ND) pilot project. It is one of or relocated in the central business district during 60 pilot projects in the country selected to participate in a 2009. The majority of these businesses are small, locally focus group that is helping the U.S. Green Building Council owned establishments that have made the decision to finalize its new LEED ND certification process. invest in the growth of downtown and in the shared vision of Downtown Rising. n 222 Main – The $125 million project, 222 Main, adds 459,000 square feet of new office space to downtown’s n City Creek Center – The City Creek Center development Class-A inventory. continues to move forward and leads the way in private capital investment in Utah’s capital city. • First Silver LEED Certified Class-A office building in the Salt Lake Valley. major highlights include: • Tenants include the law firms Holland & Hart and Brinks • over 1,600 construction jobs on site. Hofer Gilson & Lione and commercial real estate company • The first residential component, Richards Court, will be CB Richard Ellis. completed and ready for occupancy in early 2010. leaders: Vasilios Priskos, Chair, Bruce Bingham, Hamilton Partners (Past Chair) ex oFFiCio board members: Downtown Alliance Board of Trustees Lane Beattie, Salt Lake Chamber Mayor Ralph Becker, Salt Lake City Lane Beattie, President and CEO, Salt John Dahlstrom, Wasatch Properties Mayor Peter Corroon, Salt Lake County Lake Chamber / Downtown Alliance Jerry Fenn, Qwest Corporation Councilman Luke Garrott, Salt Lake City Jason Mathis, Executive Director, John Gates, Snow Christensen & Martineau Scott Beck, Salt Lake Convention & Visitors Bureau Downtown Alliance David Golden, Wells Fargo Bank D.J. Baxter, Redevelopment Agency of Natalie Gochnour, Chief Operating Officer, Tom Guinney, Gastronomy Inc. Salt Lake City Salt Lake Chamber Dennis Haslam, D.H. Consulting & Investments LLC Amy Coady, Downtown Retail Merchants Peggy Lander, Richter 7 Association downtown allianCe board oF trustees: Gary Porter, The Church of Jesus Christ Vasilios Priskos, Internet Properties (Chair) of Latter-day Saints Kent Gibson, Zions Securities Corporation Randy Rigby, Utah Jazz (Vice Chair) 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 1 9
  • 22. “We are committed to revitalizing Main Street and the area around the Salt Lake Temple. We are grateful for the support of the Chamber and Downtown Alliance as community partners in this endeavor.” mark Gibbons, President, City Creek Reserve, Inc. (CCRI). 2 0 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 23. Did You Know that in 2008: 69,745 Utahns work downtown One in every four I downtown workers lives outside of Salt Lake County Nearly a quarter of Utah’s hotel I transient room taxes was collected from downtown hotels I 10% of Utah’s restaurant tax was generated from I downtown businesses Downtown companies accounted for 7.3% of personal income tax revenues to the state totaling $230.2 million I $1.4 billion Downtown generated in I $64.8 million taxable sales Downtown generated Source: Data compiled by Utah Department of Workforce Services, Utah State Tax Comission and U.S. Bureau of Census in sales tax for Utah’s general fund n O.C. Tanner – Emerging from a $24 million renovation, the regional assets: historic Hansen Planetarium building is the new flagship n Utah Performance Center on Main – Salt Lake City recently retail location for venerable Utah jeweler, o.C. Tanner. awarded a contract to Hamilton Partners and Garfield Traub n Gateway Office 6 – Proposed Class-A office space is Swisher as the development team for the Utah Performance currently being developed by The Boyer Company as part of Center on Main. The Performance Center will include a 2,500 The Gateway master plan. seat theater, attracting first-run Broadway touring shows. Located at 135 South Main, the project is one of 20 signature n Hyatt Place Salt Lake City/Downtown/The Gateway – projects defined as part of the Downtown Rising Vision. Construction on the 128-room limited service hotel was completed in summer of 2009 offering additional downtown n Utah Film and Media Center – The RDA has purchased the lodging. The new hotel is located on the north side of Utah Theater and will convert the facility to the Utah Film and Gateway with close proximity to the Salt Palace Convention Media Center showcasing Utah’s independent film industry. Center, Temple Square and EnergySolutions Arena. publiC Commitment: “Salt Lake City witnessed a landmark n Federal Courthouse – Historic odd Fellows Hall successfully relocated to the north side of Market Street clearing the day in downtown development site for construction of the Moss Federal Courthouse. when Mayor Ralph Becker, Gov. Jon Construction is set to begin in 2010. n UTA Airport TRAX Extension – The highly anticipated TRAX Huntsman and LDS Church Presiding extension to Salt Lake City International Airport is under Bishop H. David Burton were present construction. This project will include the construction of a shortened North Temple viaduct that will enhance to celebrate the new site for a large transportation between downtown and surrounding neighborhoods. The Chamber thanks the Utah Legislature theater and the associated for helping to fund a new viaduct in the capital city. development downtown.” n Salt Lake City Public Safety Complex – A voter approved $125 million bond was passed in the November election. bruce bingham, Hamilton Partners The new Public Safety Complex will replace the current 50-year-old headquarters located at 315 East 200 South and the project is expected to be completed by 2012. 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 2 1
  • 24. Transportation “The Salt Lake statement Of PrinCiPles: Chamber has repeatedly n Economic Prosperity Requires Transportation Viability – A viable transportation system is critical to economic growth and prosperity. We support a vibrant demonstrated a bold transportation system that moves our people and delivers our goods on the vision for the state’s ground and through the air. n Sufficient Funding for our Transportation Infrastructure – A viable multi-modal transportation needs transportation system is critical to economic growth and prosperity. State as well as a clear government and business leaders have already shown tremendous wisdom in obtaining unprecedented funding for highway, transit and air traffic systems in understanding of how Utah. Continued funding efforts are necessary to keep our transportation system critical a vibrant vibrant and healthy. transportation system n Efficient Movement Makes Life Better – The best transportation systems are those that are on the cutting edge of technological advances that move goods and people is to Utah’s growth in the most efficient ways possible and for the best price. We support innovation to and economy.” help lower unnecessary travel time, streamline the flow of traffic, maximize the use of tax dollars and user fees through technology, and reduce congestion. state senator stuart adams Former Chair, Utah utah’s transportation Challenge: Transportation Commission travel Demand Compared with Population and highway Construction 120 ■ Vehicle Miles Traveled 99% 100 ■ Population ■ State Highway Lane Miles 80 Percent Increase 60 61% 40 20 5% 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Source: Utah Department of Transportation 2 2 S A L T L A K E C H A M B E R
  • 25. 2010 publiC poliCy priorities: n Increase Transportation User Fees – While we do not support its way to building 70 miles of rail in seven years. Salt Lake any increase in income, sales or property tax during an City International Airport is slated for a major overhaul. We economic downturn, an increase in the highway user fee or strongly support all of these projects. Continued investment motor fuel tax is necessary to provide sufficient funding for in roads, transit and air traffic improves our economic highways. We propose an increase of 10 cents per gallon or competitiveness. its indexed equivalent. This proposed increase will generate n Invest in the Future – our economy will be stronger if we $100 million in state revenues to fund Utah’s transportation invest in transportation projects of the future. Innovative infrastructure. intersections, urban streetcars, mountain railways, high- n Keep Our Current Commitment to Transportation – speed interstate travel and strategic bypasses are examples Transportation investment lowers business costs, increases of ways in which Utah can become even more competitive. productivity and enhances our quality of life. Highway construction in Utah is at an all time high at nearly $4 billion in highway projects in the works. Transit is well on Committee membership: Chair: Kip Wadsworth, President, Ralph Wadsworth Dan England, CR England Trucking Brett okland, okland Construction Construction Chris Ensign, JLC Signs Clark olsen, Pacific Bridge Bob Ett, MHTN Jim olsen, Utah Food Industry Association Carlos Alegre, Granite Construction Rolayne Fairclough, AAA Utah Mike ostermiller, ogden Weber Association Mike Allegra, Utah Transit Authority Chris Gamvroulas, Ivory Development of Realtors Zane Atkinson, Flying J Andrew Gemperline, CB Richard Ellis Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies Des Barker, Barker & Associates Steve Goodrich, UPS Lee Peacock, Utah Petroleum Association Craig Bickmore, Utah Auto Dealers Association Joe Grose, Sunstate Equipment Craig Peterson, ACEC Utah Tom Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association Tim Harpst, Salt Lake City Monica Rafferty, Coldwell Banker Commerical Michael Brodsky, Hamlet Homes Jeffery Harris, HNTB Lincoln Shurtz, Utah League of Cities and Towns Ken Bullock, Utah League of Cities and Towns Bill Holder, ASPD Michael Smith, ACEC Utah Kristine Cartwright, K. Cartwright Associates, Inc. Tom Hori, Redcon Shelly Teuscher, Parson Behle & Latimer Chuck Chappell, Wasatch Front Regional Council Dan Johnson, Chevron Texaco Rich Thorn, Associated General Contractors of Utah Rick Chesnut, Terracon Sam Klemm, Wasatch Front Regional Council Clint Topham, Parsons Brinckerhoff Wilford Clyde, Clyde Companies Steve Kroes, Utah Foundation Royce Van Tassell, Utah Taxpayers Association Darrell Cook, Mountainland Association of Chris Kyler, Utah Association of Realtors Guy Wadsworth, Wadsworth Brothers Construction Governments Dave Layton, Layton Construction Kip Wadsworth, Ralph Wadsworth Construction Ed Cooper, Ashgrove Cement Mike Long, Holcim Cement Tom Warne, Tom Warne and Associates David Creer, Utah Trucking Association Alan Lord, Presidio Group LaVarr Webb, Exoro Group Gina Crezee, Rio Tinto Alan Matheson, Envision Utah Clare Williams, Union Pacific Jerry Dewey, Associated Food Stores Rand MacDonald, WR Advisors Eli Willis, Godfrey Trucking Carrie Dunn, Xo Marketing Group Matthew Miller, Wilbur Smith David Zimmerman, Holland & Hart 2 0 1 0 P U B L I C P o L I C y G U I D E 2 3