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PublicPOLICY           2013               Guide
     As Utah’s business leader, we stand as the voice of business, we support
             our members’ success and we champion community prosperity
The Salt Lake Chamber

   7,700 50 29 10   Businesses Represented
                                                            Of Utah's Workforce                                  Counties                          Other States

     The Salt Lake Chamber is a statewide chamber of commerce                City Chamber/Bureau, Richfield Area Chamber of Commerce,
     representing 7,700 businesses, which employ nearly half                 Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce, South Jordan Chamber of
     the workforce of our state. We are a capital city chamber               Commerce, South Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, St. George
     with a statewide mission and reach. Just as the capital city is         Area Chamber of Commerce, Utah Asian Chamber of Commerce,
     the center of commerce in our state, the Chamber works to               Utah Hispanic Chamber, Utah Nonprofits Association, Utah
     strengthen the statewide business climate. The Chamber has              Valley Chamber of Commerce, Utah Small Business Coalition,
     members in all 29 Utah counties, as well as 10 other states and         Vestpocket Business Coalition and Wayne County Chamber of
     Washington, D.C.                                                        Commerce—and we continue to establish new partnerships to
                                                                             strengthen the Utah economy.
     Nearly 80 percent of our membership is comprised of small
     businesses. We have two strategic partners: the Downtown                The Salt Lake Chamber formalized a relationship with the
     Alliance and World Trade Center Utah. Currently, we have formal         World Bank Group to act as the state’s Private Sector Liaison
     partnerships with 25 other chambers of commerce or business             Officer, and has signed memorandums of agreement with nine
     associations: U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Utah State Chamber              international chambers: Tokyo Chamber of Commerce, AMCHAM
     of Commerce, Brigham City Area Chamber of Commerce, Cedar               Camera del Comercio Americana del Peru (Lima), Paris Chamber
     City Area Chamber of Commerce, ChamberWest, Davis Chamber               of Commerce, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry,
     of Commerce, East Valley Chamber of Commerce, Lehi Area                 Monterrey Chamber of Commerce (Mexico), Shan’xi Bureau
     Chamber of Commerce, Moab Area Chamber of Commerce,                     of Commerce (China), Wuhan Chamber of Commerce (China),
     Murray Area Chamber of Commerce, National Association                   Chinese Committee for Promotion of International Trade and
     of Women Business Owners, Odgen/Weber Chamber, Park                     Italy Utah Cooperation Center.

     Statement on Civility                                                        Introduction  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 1
     The Salt Lake Chamber believes civility must be a guiding                    Economic Development  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 2
     value in public discourse. We commit ourselves to respectful                 Prosperity 2020 .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  6
     discourse in the public square and pledge to do our part to                  Transportation .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 10
     promote civil society.                                                       Immigration .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 12
                                                                                  Clean Air  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 14
                                                                                  Health System Reform  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 16
     “We invite elected officials, community                                      Energy  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 18
     leaders, members of the media and all                                        Downtown Rising  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 20
                                                                                  International Business  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 22
     Utahns to join us in advancing polite and                                    Small Business .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  . 24
     civil discourse. I have no doubt that our
     public policies will be better if we develop                            Follow us online:
     them with civility.”                                                                                 
                                                                                            blog                                            saltlakechamber

     Lane Beattie, President and CEO, Salt Lake Chamber                                                    
                                                                                            saltlakechamber                                 saltlakechamber

Cover photo by Brent Rowland
Dear Fellow Utahns,
Nearly four years after the official end of the Great Recession, the Utah economy is strong and the national
economy is expanding. A number of issues impacting the business community reached critical decision
points in 2012. The Supreme Court issued landmark decisions on immigration and health care reform, yet
both issues remain largely unresolved. Billions of dollars were poured into political campaigns, yet we find
ourselves faced with unproductive gridlock. No matter what the challenges, the business community stands
ready to help shape 2013 for the betterment of our state and country.
Let’s begin by focusing on the fundamentals. As business leaders we understand that lasting change is
incremental. It takes patience and commitment. This 2013 Public Policy Guide contains business leaders’
steady vision for a more prosperous Utah. Year after year, we strengthen business by collaborating with our
elected officials. This year will be no exception, and this publication will guide our efforts with federal, state
and local policy makers.
Benjamin Franklin noted, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Business leaders agree.
There is no better place for Utahns to invest than in the education of our youth. Education is critical to our
long-term success as communities, as a state and as a nation. An educated and skilled workforce is the
foundation of community prosperity.
Investment in infrastructure has never been glamorous, but is an absolute necessity. We must continue to build
and maintain our transportation and energy systems if we expect a robust economy and prosperous society.
Disciplined and principled investment in infrastructure is a fundamental practice that deserves our focus.
Regulatory burdens continue to hinder economic growth. In the coming years we will sharpen our focus on
cultivating a regulatory environment for business to thrive while maintaining a level playing field to boost
healthy competition.
The Salt Lake Chamber is proud to stand as the voice of business in Utah. History has taught us that when
business thrives, communities prosper. There is an inseparable connection between the success of our
economy and the well-being of our state. We invite you to join us in focusing on the fundamentals and
building a future second to none.

Lane Beattie				                        Ray Pickup
President and CEO			                    Chair

“The collaboration between the Chamber and Gov. Herbert has further
                                    enabled our Utah brand to gain international recognition in the
                                    business, tourism, film, culture, innovation, outdoor recreation and sport
              Development           communities. Life Elevated is not just a tag line, but a way of life.”
                                    Spencer P. Eccles, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Economic Development

                                               Statement of Principles
                                               n	 Free enterprise – We support America’s free enterprise system as the best way to
                                                  grow the economy, stimulate innovation and create jobs over the long term.
                                               n	 Ingredients for success – We believe low taxes, effective regulations, top-notch
                                                  infrastructure, a talented workforce, and well-managed and limited government
                                                  create the environment for economic success.
                                               n	 Thriving community – We champion Utah’s enviable life quality and commitment to
                                                  the greater good, including support for Utah’s major arts organizations.
                                               n	 Strategic partnerships – We create and sustain model partnerships with the U.S.
                                                  Chamber of Commerce, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, Economic
                                                  Development Corporation of Utah, Utah Technology Council, BioUtah, other
                                                  chambers of commerce and business associations, World Trade Center Utah, the
                                                  Downtown Alliance, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, Utah Small Business
                                                  Coalition and other like-minded entities.

                                               2013 public polic y priorit ies
                                               n	 Jobs – The Salt Lake Chamber joins forces with Gov. Herbert to make job creation
                                                  a top priority. We support the governor’s plan to facilitate the creation of 100,000
                                                  jobs in 1,000 days and also offer a complementary private sector job creation plan
                                                  called the Utah Jobs Agenda. We are on track to reach our goal and will continue to
                                                  make job creation a major focus.

                                                   Utah jobs agenda
                                                   A plan to create 150,000 jobs in five years
                                                  60,000 -      55,594
                                                                         47,368                                     48,000 YTD
                                                  40,000 -                                                  34,734                                    Projected
                                                  20,000 -                                                                                            Average
                                                  -20,000 -

                                                  -40,000 -
                                                                                                                                                Jobs Created
                                                  -60,000 -
                                                  -80,000 -









                                                   Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services and the Salt Lake Chamber

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Utah jobs reach pre-recession peak                                                        Utah job growth
Utah job count                                                                            Monthly year-over percent change
                                                                                           5% -
1,280,000 -                                                                                4% -
1,260,000 -     Pre-recession peak                                                         3% -
                                                                           Back to peak
                                                                                           2% -
1,240,000 -
                                                                                           1% -
1,220,000 -                                                                                  0
1,200,000 -                          Trough                                               -1% -
1,180,000 -                                                                               -2% -
1,160,000 -                                                                               -3% -
                                                                                          -4% -
1,140,000 -
                                                                                          -5% -
1,120,000 -                                                                               -6% -
1,100,000 -                                                                               -7% -
              2008         2009                2010                 2011           2012           2008          2009                  2010                 2011     2012

Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services and Bureau of Labor Statistics                   Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services and Bureau of Labor Statistics

n	 No general tax increase – We oppose increases in income,                               n	 Sustain USTAR – We support the Utah Science Technology
   sales or property taxes that are not supported by the public.                             and Research initiative (USTAR) and will ask the Utah
   Transportation user fees should be increased in order to                                  Legislature to commit $3 million of on-going funding.
   meet critical mobility needs and should be adjusted over                                  We also support increasing USTAR’s ongoing research
   time to keep pace with inflation.                                                         allocation by $9 million annually.
n	 Taxes and fiscal flexibility – We recognize federal and state                          n	 Statewide non-discrimination ordinance – A patchwork of
   tax reform as an emerging issue that must be addressed.                                   non-discrimination ordinances currently exists in the state.
   We will work actively with elected leaders to consider                                    We support a standardized statewide non-discrimination
   the best process, approach and options for meaningful                                     ordinance, modeled after that passed in Salt Lake City and
   tax reform. We will also work with legislators to preserve                                15 other local governments in Utah.
   legislative flexibility for future appropriations and support
                                                                                          n	 Fund life science tax credits – Utah’s life science sector—
   fair tax policies for Utah’s hospitality industry.
                                                                                             comprised of medical device, diagnostics, drug delivery
n	 Improve regulatory environment – The federal, state and                                   and biotech companies—employs 20,000 Utahns and
   local government regulatory system must protect the                                       contributes $15 billion in revenue to the state. We support
   health, safety and general welfare of Americans, while                                    tax credit incentives for this important sector.
   being cost-effective, flexible and fair. We will actively
                                                                                          n	 Enhance Utah’s image – Perceptions of Utah are an
   pursue opportunities to reduce the regulatory burden on
                                                                                             important component of our economic development
   business and improve the fairness and effectiveness of
                                                                                             success. We oppose unproductive “message bills” in the
   government regulations.
                                                                                             Utah Legislature that detract from our state’s image. We
n	 Liquor law modernization – We support reforms of                                          seek to improve Utah’s reputation in the world and will
   Utah’s liquor laws that protect public safety, reinforce a                                continue to support the efforts of the Governor’s Office of
   welcoming and hospitable climate for tourism and business                                 Economic Development and other stakeholders to better
   recruitment efforts, and retain state control of wholesale                                coordinate and extend Utah’s global branding, both in
   distribution.                                                                             tourism and business.
n	 Support high priority developments/activities – So long                                n	 Support ambassador program – We will coordinate with,
   as specific criteria are met, we support the proposed Utah                                support and complement Gov. Herbert’s ambassador
   Performing Arts Center, a convention-headquarters hotel,                                  program to cultivate relationships with existing, expanding
   a public market, the Sugar House streetcar development,                                   and targeted businesses across the state and throughout
   expansion of the Salt Lake City International Airport and an                              the world.
   effort to bid for another Olympic Winter Games.
                                                                                          n	 Broadband – We support broadband access so that Utah
                                                                                             can remain a leader in economic development.

The Regulatory Flood
      E xc e s s i v e a n d C o s t ly R e g u l at i o n s H A R M t h e E c o n o my
      Most regulations are necessary to ensure there are clear rules for operating in a complex society. But excessive and costly
      regulations harm the economy and inhibit job creation. Regulatory uncertainty is one of several reasons employers are
      reluctant to hire and job growth remains sluggish.

                                                                                                        W e Must Restor e Bal ance
     Regulations in the Pipeline                                                                        to Federal Regul at ion

        Dodd-Frank financial reform law                     The Affordable Care Act                     Regulatory burdens are imposed
           This legislation mandates                               This bill is                         through a system that operates

     447                                           2,700
                                                                                                        without effective checks and balances,
                                                                                   pages                or accountability. Currently, nearly all
                             new                                                   long
                                                                                                        major regulations go into effect without
                             rules                                                                      our elected representatives in Congress
                                                                                                        ever voting on them.
           Regulators have finalized                “The Secretary shall determine”                     Furthermore, the agencies creating
             only a third of them.                              appears in the bill                     these regulations often are not

                                                     1,563 times                                        transparent. Unaccountable agencies
                                                                                                        rarely have to justify decisions they

       Environmental Protection Agency
                                                                                                        make that harm the livelihoods of
     Proposed regulations could negatively
                                                                                                        millions of Americans because the
    impact power plants, hydraulic fracturing
                                                                                                        process does not allow for effective
      and refineries, costing the economy                                                               judicial or other independent review

     hundreds                                                                                           of major rules.

     of billions
                                                                                                        We support U.S. Chamber efforts
                                                                                                        to fight onerous rules and advance
                                                                                                        systemic regulator reform so we can
         of dollars and millions of jobs               boards and commissions created                   remain a productive, innovative and
                                                                                                        free economy.

           Harming Small Business                                                                       W e Must Remain Vigil ant
                                                                                                        on State Regul at ion
            Compliance costs harm small businesses. They are the jobs engine
                         of the economy, and will pay the most.                                         The Salt Lake Chamber endorses
                                                                                                        the excellent work performed by the
        Businesses with fewer than 20                The average regulatory cost for each               executive branch at the direction of
       employees incur regulatory costs             employee of a small business exceeds                Gov. Herbert in the Utah Business

      42%Higher $10,000
                                                                                                        Regulation Review. This review resulted
                                                                                                        in 295 rule changes, 32 organizational
                                                                                                        changes and 41 statutory changes to
                                                                                                        improve the Utah economy.
        higher than larger businesses of
             up to 500 employees.                            per year.                                  The Chamber will be vigilant in its
                                                                                                        efforts to continually improve Utah’s
                                                                                                        regulatory landscape.

           “Sometimes our economic or policy challenges become so big and so daunting that politicians,
            pundits and the media have to use dramatic or catastrophic images in nature to effectively
                  describe them. The fiscal cliff comes to mind. Next up? The regulatory flood.”
                                           - Tom Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce

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Hill Air
Force Base
                                                                  = 1,000 Direct Jobs
                                                                  = 1,000 Indirect Jobs   48,800 Jobs                     Annual Payroll

The Salt Lake Chamber salutes                                                                                             $1,060,000,000
Hill Air Force Base for the vital                                                                                         Annual Expenditures
mission it fulfills for our country and
the economic contribution it makes
to our state. The base is a mainstay                                                                                      Annual value of indirect and induced spending
for the Utah economy and delivers
military excellence to our nation.
Utah business leaders pledge to                                Total annual economic impact (direct, indirect and induced)

support Hill Air Force Base through
the next round of Defense Base
Closure and Realignment.

                                                               Source: Hill Air Force Base Economic Impact Statement

RECENT ACCOMPLIS HMENTS                                                                                                   Utah was named as the

                                                                                                  “Best State for
n	 Job growth – The Utah economy created an estimated
   48,000 jobs during 2012, enough to lower the
   unemployment rate to 5.2 percent and rank Utah among

   an elite group of top-performing states. Utah has now
   recovered all of the jobs lost during the Great Recession.
n	 Marquee expansions – Prominent companies are
   expanding or relocating in Utah. Adobe, BioFire
   Diagnostics, Edward Life Sciences, EMC Corp., Exactware
   Solutions, Inc., Family Dollar, FLSmidth, Goldman Sachs,
   Vexxel, Xi3 and Workday are a few of the many examples
   of companies expanding in our state.
                                                                                                        and             Careers”
n	 USTAR – Utah’s high-achieving science initiative has                                                      by Forbes for the third consecutive year.
   attracted 50 catalyst-type interdisciplinary faculty to the
   Beehive State. Each faculty member is aligned in one of
   seven Utah Innovation Centers and engaged in research
   related to the state’s targeted industry clusters. USTAR
   research teams have attracted $131 million in federal and
   industry-sponsored grant funding to the state.

Economic Development Le ader s
Chair: Jake Boyer, The Boyer Company                                            Governor's Economic Council                         Ron Jibson, Questar Corporation
Utah on the Move – Chris Redgrave, Zions Bank                                   Spencer Eccles, Chair, Governor's Office of         Mel Lavitt, Governor's Office of Economic
COMMITTEE MEMBERS – Salt Lake Chamber Board of Governors – As the                Economic Development                                Development
primary advisory board to the Salt Lake Chamber, each member of the             Scott Anderson, Zions Bank                          Dinesh Patel, vSpring
Board serves as an ambassador for economic development throughout the           Rob Behunin, Utah State University                  Pat Richards, Utah Symphony Utah Opera
state: Peggy Larsen (WCF), Brett Okland (Okland Construction), Jason Perry      Spencer Cox, CentraCom Interactive                  Randy Shumway, Cicero Group
(University of Utah) and Ted McAleer (USTAR) also provide strategic support.    Natalie Gochnour, Salt Lake Chamber                 Will West, Control4

“We now have a bold, innovative and business-minded plan for education
                                    that brings together education experts, state policy makers and the business
                                    community. The plan includes clear goals, essential metrics, targeted strategies
              Prosperity 2020       and the required investment to build the strongest economy in the nation.”
                                    Mark Bouchard, Chair, Prosperity 2020 and Senior Managing Director, CBRE

                                               The Salt Lake Chamber joins chambers of commerce and business associations
                                               throughout Utah in the Prosperity 2020 movement to improve the Utah economy
                                               by strengthening education. We commit our best efforts to improve innovation,
                                               accountability, efficiency and investment in Utah’s education system.
                                               For the past three years, Prosperity 2020 has worked with the Governor’s Educational
                                               Excellence Commission, our partners in the Legislature and education leadership
                                               to create a plan to build the strongest economy in the nation through purposeful
                                               innovation and investment in education. The plan has now been approved by the
                                               governor, Utah State Office of Education, Utah College of Applied Technology, Utah
                                               System of Higher Education and the Prosperity 2020 Founders’ Council. Legislative
                                               approval will be a major focus in the coming year.

                                               Prosperit y 2020 Goals
                                               n	 90% – 90 percent of third, sixth and eighth graders will be proficient in reading
                                                  and mathematics. Currently, approximately 80 percent meet this goal.
                                               n	 66% – 66 percent of Utah adults will have postsecondary certificates or degrees.
                                                  Currently, 43 percent meet this goal.
                                               n	 STEM Top 10 – The Greater Salt Lake Area will rank in the Top 10 metropolitan areas
                                                  for science and technology jobs and businesses. Currently, we rank in the top 30.

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 Utah’s big goal
 Postsecondary education attainment levels by 2020 (ages 25–64)

 2010: 42.6%* 68,143 4.3%**                            143,171 9.0%                    315,627                            19.9%                          149,514 9.4%

 GOAL: 66% 221,100                            13%      222,200                 14%     466,700                                                    28%    177,700         11%
                       Board-approved                  Associate’s degree             Bachelor’s degree                                                  Graduate or
                       postsecondary                                                                                                                     professional
                       certificates                                                                                                                      degree
 * 2010 census **highest postsecondary award Source: HigherEdUtah 2020, 2011

 Prosperit y 2020 Legisl at ive Priorit ies                                                    Percent of Utahns with a Bachelor’s Degree
                                                                                               By age cohort: 2009
 Prosperity 2020 supports the following strategic priorities and
                                                                                                 35% –                              Bachelor’s Degree Completion
 investments this year.                                                                                                                Rates are Falling in Utah
 n	Pass a joint resolution in the Utah Legislature endorsing                                     30% –
                                                                                                                29.6%                    30.3%
   the achievement of the 66 percent goal through increased                                                                                                      28.2%
                                                                                                 25% –
   innovation and investment.
                                                                                                 20% –
 n	Make strategic investments toward the 66 percent goal:
        •	 Higher education – $20 million investment in capacity                                 15% –
           at Utah’s institutions of higher learning for high-growth,                            10% –
           high-wage degrees (STEM and health professions). This
           investment will be matched by $20 million in institutional                             5% –
           funding and innovations for more online courses, more
           concurrent enrollment, increased use of instructional                                            Current 45–64           Current 35–44          Current 25–34
           technologies and other improvements.                                                              Age Group               Age Group              Age Group
                                                                                               Source: American Community Survey, 2009
        •	 Technical education –$9.75 million investment in
           increased capacity at the Utah College of Applied                                         of top science and math schools, and other capacity-
           Technology campuses for a year-one commitment to                                          building improvements. Prosperity 2020 also supports
           achieve 153,000 more certificates by 2020.                                                the Beverley Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning Program
        •	 Public education – $43.6 million investment in our                                        because of the important interplay of the arts, math,
           computer adaptive testing, early intervention and                                         science and technology in the development of new ideas,
           programs for children at risk, ACT testing for every high                                 products and services that improve our economy and
           school student, and promising STEM priorities such as an                                  advance our life quality.
           educational resource center, expansion and replication

 Utah’s K-12 education funding effort ranks 29th among states
 Education revenues per $1,000 personal income
$60 -
                                                                                                                                                         U.S. Average
$50 -

$40 -

$30 -

$20 -

$10 -
           8       9        8        7       11      11       12       16      17       19      20       29       25      22       32        33     24      26     29
         1992            1994              1996             1998             2000             2002              2004             2006             2008        2010
Sources: Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Utah State Office of Education, Governor’s Budget Summaries. Calculations by Utah Foundation
                                                                                                                                                     National Rank

QA               &
    Q:            What is
                  Prosperity 2020?                                  Q:            Why focus on
                                                                                  66 percent?
    A:             The largest business-led movement to enhance
                   education in state history. Seventeen chambers
                   of commerce and industry associations from
    throughout the state support Prosperity 2020 and more
                                                                    A:             A seminal study conducted at Georgetown
                                                                                   University projected that by 2018, 66 percent
                                                                                   of the jobs in Utah will require postsecondary
                                                                    education. To fulfill this economic potential as a state we must
    organizations sign on every year.                               increase degrees and certificates awarded each year by four
                                                                    percent. Success begins early. Utah business leaders desire to

                                                                    have 90 percent of third, sixth and eighth graders proficient in

                  Why is                                            reading and math by 2020.

                  Prosperity 2020
                  important?                                                      What are Utah

    A:             In a globally competitive, information-based
                   economy, education is the path to enduring
                   prosperity. The jobs of the 21st Century will
    flow to centers of knowledge and innovation. Prosperity
                                                                                  doing to help
                                                                                  achieve the 66
    2020 seeks to enhance Utah’s competitive advantage in the
                                                                                  percent goal?
    area of educational excellence.
                                                                                   Business leaders launched the Prosperity

                                                                                   2020 Business Promise to deploy 20,200
                  Why are                                                          volunteers in Utah classrooms with the goal of
                                                                    helping children learn reading, math and other critical skills.
                  business leaders

                   In recent years, many Utah companies have
                                                                    Q:            Who leads
                                                                                  Prosperity 2020?

                   found it difficult to hire the skilled workers
                   they need, particularly in the science and
                                                                                    A Business Executive Leadership Council
    technology occupations. A closer look reveals Utah students
                                                                                    comprised of leading Utah companies and
    perform below peer states on national tests and Utah young
                                                                                    small businesses direct the movement (see
    adults attain less education than their parents’ generation.
                                                                    the list on the opposing page). The Salt Lake Chamber serves
    Importantly, Utah’s population is becoming much more
                                                                    as the backbone organization.
    racially and ethnically diverse, which creates cultural and
    language barriers for learning. The combination of skilled
    labor shortages, disappointing educational outcomes and
    rapid growth in racial/ethnic populations has motivated                         To learn more, visit
    Utah business leaders to step up and help enhance                     
    education in Utah.

8   S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
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                                                                                                                                    “This is
Utah’s minority share of the population is increasing rapidly
Minority share of population

50% -

45% -
40% -
                                                                           35%                           34%
35% -

                                                                                                                                   the future
                                                         31%                           32%
30% -                                                                27%
                                       24%                                                         25%
25% -                                                                            22%

                                                                                                                                    of Utah.”
20% -                                              19%         19%
15% -
10% -      8% 8%            9%

  5% -
  0%                                                                                                                          Gov. Gary Herbert speaking to business leaders
               1980            1990             2000             2010              2020              2030                           about the importance of education

                   Utah                Salt Lake County                     U.S.
Source: Bureau of the Census and the Univ. of Utah, Bureau of Economic and Business Research

Recent Accomplishments                                                                             n	 Increased accountability and improved teaching tools –
                                                                                                      Prosperity 2020 worked hand-in-hand with the governor
n	 Volunteers – Prosperity 2020 launched the Business
                                                                                                      and the Utah Legislature to invest in assessment
   Promise Initiative—committing 20,200 volunteers to assist
                                                                                                      technology for schools that will provide timely and
   in Utah classrooms, with particular focus on reading and
                                                                                                      accurate data on student performance. This technology
   math skills in elementary schools and scholarships for
                                                                                                      increases accountability at all levels— students, teachers,
   higher education.
                                                                                                      administrators, parents and elected officials.
n	 STEM education and workforce partnership – Convened
                                                                                                   n	 Collective action – The Prosperity 2020 movement is the
   leaders in industry, government and education to identify
                                                                                                      largest education movement in Utah history and continues
   best practices in science, technology, engineering and math
                                                                                                      to grow.
   education that will elevate Utah to be one of the top tech
   centers in the U.S. and fuel the state economy.

Ta sk Force BUSINESS MemberShip
Founders Council                                               South Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce                          David Golden, Wells Fargo
Citizens for Educational Excellence                            St. George Area Chamber of Commerce                          Alan Hall, MarketStar
Economic Development Corporation of Utah                       Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce                              Gordy Haycock, Grant Thornton
Friends of Utah Higher Education                               Wayne County Business Association                            Mary Ann Holladay, Holladay & Associates
Governor’s Office of Economic Development                                                                                   Carol Hunter, Rocky Mountain Power
Junior Achievement of Utah                                     Business Executive Leadership Council                        Clark Ivory, Ivory Homes
United Way of Salt Lake                                        CHAIR: Mark Bouchard, CBRE                                   Ron Jibson, Questar Corporation
Utah Foundation                                                Gary Carlston, Senior Public Education Policy Advisor        Nolan Karras, Investment Management Research
Utah Technology Council                                        Paul Thompson, Emeritus Senior Higher Education              David Layton, Layton Construction Company
World Trade Center Utah                                          Policy Advisor                                             Richard Linder, Coherex Medical
Brigham City Area Chamber of Commerce                          Vicki Varela, Senior Communication Consultant                Stan Lockhart, IM Flash
Cache Valley Chamber                                           Jeff Alexander, Alexander’s Print Advantage                  Tom Love, Love Communications
Cedar City Area Chamber of Commerce                            Scott Anderson, Zions Bank                                   Brent Low, MediaOne of Utah
ChamberWest                                                    Lane Beattie, Salt Lake Chamber                              Bob Marquardt, Management & Training Corporation
East Valley Chamber of Commerce                                Bruce Bingham, Hamilton Partners                             Rich McKeown, Leavitt Partners
Davis Chamber of Commerce                                      Jake Boyer, The Boyer Company                                Andrea Moss, American Express
Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce                                  Roger Boyer, The Boyer Company                               Jeff Nelson, Nelson Laboratories
Moab Area Chamber of Commerce                                  Mona Burton, Holland & Hart                                  Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies
Murray Area Chamber of Commerce                                Keith M. Buswell, Wadman Corporation                         Ray Pickup, WCF
Ogden/Weber Chamber of Commerce                                Lori Chillingworth, Zions Bank                               Patricia Richards, SelectHealth
Park City Chamber                                              Wilford Clyde, Clyde Companies                               Kelly Sanders, Rio Tinto - Kennecott Utah Copper
Richfield Area Chamber                                         Lew Cramer, World Trade Center Utah                          Randy Shumway, Cicero Group
Salt Lake Chamber                                              Jeff Edwards, Economic Development Corporation of Utah
Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce                                 Rick Folkerson, Ken Garff Automotive Group
South Jordan Chamber of Commerce                               Kem Gardner, The Gardner Company

“We have made a substantial investment in our mobility infrastructure. Today, with
                                     one of the fastest growing populations in the nation, our challenge is to capitalize on
Transportation                       our past investments and continue to invest for the future, so we can keep the
               Delivering for Utah   commerce of one of the nation’s strongest economies flowing through our state.”
                                     — Lane Beattie, President and CEO, Salt Lake Chamber

                                                Statement of Principles
                                                n	 Mobility is critical to economic prosperity – A safe and efficient transportation system
                                                   creates the foundation for economic growth, personal prosperity and improved life
                                                   quality. As the state population is projected to nearly double by 2040, we must ensure
                                                   that our state’s transportation system will be able to keep up with population growth.
                                                n	 Technological innovation – We embrace technological advances and design
                                                   innovations that enhance the efficiency and safety of our transportation systems,
                                                   expand their scope, improve user satisfaction and protect Utah’s air quality.

                                                Polic y Posit ion s
                                                n	 Disciplined planning – Such dynamic growth requires a long-term view and stable,
                                                   adequate funding. Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan: 2011–2040 addresses
                                                   this planning need. Developed collaboratively by Utah’s Metropolitan Planning
                                                   Organizations (Cache MPO, Dixie MPO, Mountainland Association of Governments
                                                   and Wasatch Front Regional Council), Utah Department of Transportation and Utah
                                                   Transit Authority, the Unified Plan forecasts statewide demand on Utah’s mobility
                                                   system based on population and economic growth. It also comprehensively
                                                   addresses capacity expansion, operation and maintenance of Utah’s transportation
                                                   systems, including state and local roads, and public transit.
                                                n	 Disciplined investment – Users should bear the primary responsibility for funding
                                                   Utah’s mobility infrastructure. User fees should be increased and/or expanded in
                                                   innovative ways in order to meet critical mobility needs, and should be adjusted
                                                   over time to keep pace with inflation. Prudent use of financing techniques—such as
                                                   bonding—should be considered to take advantage of historically low interest rates
                                                   and favorable construction costs. Such funding should also be adequate, stable
                                                   and transparent.

                                                2013 Public Polic y Priorit ies
                                                n	 Preserve and maintain – Utah must protect its substantial transportation investment
                                                   by properly preserving and maintaining the state-of-the-art transportation assets we
                                                   have already put in place.
                                                    Financial case for highway maintenance

                                                     Very Poor
                                                                                                      $   6
                                                       Maintenance Cost
                                                       Road Condition/

                                                                                 $   1
                                                                                                                           $   10
                                                     Very Good
                                                                          0          5       10        15          20          25        30
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              40                             %                       24 14                     .5¢                                         .7¢
  Buying                                                     The
 power of
motor fuel
  tax has
                                                                                                                                                 in inflation-
 declined                                     Since 1997                                          is now worth
                                                                                                                                                 adjusted terms

Cents per mile paid by drivers has declined from 0.8 cents in 1998 to 0.6 cents in 2011.
                                At current rates, cents per mile is projected to decline to 0.3            cents by 2020.

n	 Transparent and stable funding – Funding for transportation                     n	 Mountain View Corridor – This project will connect the
   in Utah must be stable and keep up with inflation.                                 western sides of Salt Lake and Utah counties, alleviating
                                                                                      pressure on Utah’s primary north-south corridor, I-15. Nine
n	 Raise awareness – We support the Utah Mobility Coalition’s
                                                                                      miles of this phased construction is already complete in
   effort to educate legislators and the public about the
                                                                                      Salt Lake County and over three miles of frontage road are
   positive return-on-investment that adequately funding
                                                                                      complete in Utah County. Already featuring designated bike
   transportation provides. It is essential to our economic
                                                                                      lanes in all completed miles of the project, the MVC will
   prosperity and air quality.
                                                                                      provide 21 miles of trails when completed.
Recent Accomplishments                                                             n	 Mountain transportation system - The Salt Lake Chamber
                                                                                      has a long history of support for Utah’s ski industry. We
n	 I-15 CORE project – The largest public works project in
                                                                                      support development that advances Utah’s ski industry
   state history is now complete. It has added 10 freeway
                                                                                      and protects natural amenities, including wildlife and
   interchanges and replaced or restored 55 aging bridges in
                                                                                      watershed, which are important to our long-term prosperity
   Utah County.
                                                                                      and quality of life. Future developments should be a net
n	 FrontLines 2015 – The south FrontRunner line opened in                             positive for the environment and pass a rigorous local
   December 2012. In 2013, the Draper and Airport TRAX lines                          process that covers land use, water quality, wildlife and
   will begin operating.                                                              other environmental matters. Any resort development
                                                                                      should be considered as part of a larger strategic plan that
n	 Sugar House Streetcar – The Sugar House Streetcar will
                                                                                      encourages transit and maintains Utah’s mountains as
   operate between South Salt Lake and Sugar House. It is
                                                                                      unique long-term environmental and economic assets for
   scheduled to open in late 2013.
                                                                                      future generations. 
n	 Bus rapid transit – In addition to the highly successful
                                                                                   n	 Flex Lanes – Utah’s first ever “flex lanes” were opened
   BRT being used in West Valley City, other BRT routes are
                                                                                      in 2012 on 5400 South between Bangerter Highway and
   currently being developed.
                                                                                      Redwood Road. These lanes are an effective way to improve
n	 Transit innovation – Studies of other innovative transit                           traffic flow using the existing roadway.
   options are underway and pilot projects are being
   contemplated. These include wireless electric buses
   and mountain transit.

Ta sk Force Industry MemberShip
CHAIR: Abby Albrecht, Granite Construction Company   Neil Hafer, Enterprise Holdings                           Matt Riffkin, InterPlan
Michael Allegra, Utah Transit Authority              Dan Harbeke, Union Pacific Railroad                       Neka Roundy, Davis County Economic Development
David Allred, CR England                             Dave Hardman, Ogden / Weber Chamber                       Michael Seare, Kiewit
Mike Alter, Geneva Rock Products                     Greg Hardy, Chevron                                       Lincoln Shurtz, Utah League of Cities & Towns
Des Barker, Chevron                                  Brandi Honey, Skywest Airlines                            Jim Smith, Davis Chamber of Commerce
Mark Brennan, Ames Construction                      Tom Hori, REDCON                                          Michael Smith, American Council of Engineering Companies
Kenneth Bullock, Utah League of Cities & Towns       Linda Hull, Utah Department of Transportation             Suzanne Somers, Somers-Jaramillo & Associates
Deborah Burney-Sigman, Breathe Utah                  Andrew Jackson, Mountainland Association of Governments   Brad Sweet, Granite Construction Company
Rick Chesnut, Terracon                               Rob Jolley, RRJ Consulting                                Richard Thorn, Associated General Contractors
Richard Clasby, Utah Trucking Association            Sam Klemm, Wasatch Front Regional Council                 Kip Wadsworth, Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction
Bill Cook, Ogden City Council                        Stephen Kroes, Utah Foundation                            LaVarr Webb, The Exoro Group
Chad England, CR England                             Doug Larsen, Weber Economic Development Partnership       Mike Winder, West Valley City
Dan England, CR England                              Andrea Packer, Utah Transit Authority
Brent Gardner, Utah Association of Counties          Stan Parrish, Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce
Andrew Gruber, Wasatch Front Regional Council        Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies

“The Salt Lake Chamber has provided a consistent and
                                     reasonable voice in the national immigration discussion.
                                     The time is right to reform our outdated immigration system.
                                     Comprehensive reform will strengthen our economy and society.”
                                     Brian Bethers, 1-800-Contacts

                                                THE UTA H COMPACT
                                                A declaration of five principles to guide Utah’s immigration discussion
                                                n	 FEDERAL SOLUTIONS – Immigration is a federal policy issue between the U.S.
                                                   government and other countries—not Utah and other countries. We urge Utah’s
                                                   congressional delegation, and others, to lead efforts to strengthen federal laws and
                                                   protect our national borders. We urge state leaders to adopt reasonable policies
                                                   addressing immigrants in Utah.
                                                n	 LAW ENFORCEMENT – We respect the rule of law and support law enforcement’s
                                                   professional judgment and discretion. Local law enforcement resources should focus
                                                   on criminal activities, not civil violations of federal code.
                                                n	 FAMILIES – Strong families are the foundation of successful communities. We oppose
                                                   policies that unnecessarily separate families. We champion policies that support
                                                   families and improve the health, education and well-being of all Utah children.
                                                n	 ECONOMY – Utah is best served by a free-market philosophy that maximizes
                                                   individual freedom and opportunity. We acknowledge the economic role immigrants
                                                   play as workers and taxpayers. Utah’s immigration policies must reaffirm our global
                                                   reputation as a welcoming and business-friendly state.
                                                n	 A FREE SOCIETY – Immigrants are integrated into communities across Utah. We
                                                   must adopt a humane approach to this reality, reflecting our unique culture, history
                                                   and spirit of inclusion. The way we treat immigrants will say more about us as a free
                                                   society and less about our immigrant neighbors. Utah should always be a place that
                                                   welcomes people of goodwill.

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Polic y Posit ion s
n	 Mandatory electronic verification – We support a national

   electronic verification system for new employees that
   reduces the existing regulatory burden on business. This
   less-onerous system should be implemented by all 50

   states, merged with the I-9 verification process to eliminate
   duplication and include visa reform that ensures access to
   critical labor. We oppose revocation of business licenses
   as a penalty for non-compliance. In the event the federal
   government grants Utah waivers to implement the Utah
   Guest Worker law, a mandatory state-level verification
   system would be workable.
n	 In-state tuition – We support extending educational
   opportunities to all Utah residents. Children who have
   attended three or more years of high school in Utah should
   be eligible for in-state tuition. 

2013 Public Polic y Priorit ies
n	 Federal solutions – We call on our elected officials to
   advance comprehensive immigration reform that is
   consistent with the principles of The Utah Compact. We ask                                                                                                             Photo: Jack Gordon

   for Utah’s congressional delegation to unite in common
   purpose, and work as a team to reform America’s broken                                         The Salt Lake Chamber played a critical role in drafting
   immigration system. We are encouraged political leaders                                        The Utah Compact. The five principles of the Compact
   from both major parties are calling for civil, compassionate                                   guided Utah's immigration reform efforts, resulted in Utah
   and comprehensive reform efforts.                                                              passing the Utah Solution—landmark legislation that
                                                                                                  balanced the legitimate need for improved enforcement
n	 Improve and replace Utah Guest Worker law – Utah law
                                                                                                  with the very real economic and human needs associated
   provides a way for existing residents who pass a criminal
                                                                                                  with immigration reform.
   background check and meet basic health and insurance
   requirements to work in our state legally. This statute can                                    In December 2012, Salt Lake Chamber Executive Vice
   and should be improved, but it must not be repealed. We                                        President Natalie Gochnour traveled to Washington, D.C. to
   oppose new legislation that detracts from the Utah Solution.                                   join 250 leaders from 26 states at the National Immigration
   Reasonable refinements, such as implementation contingent                                      Forum's strategy session. The powerful bipartisan alliance
   upon federal approval, merit further consideration. 
                                          of faith, law enforcement and business leaders called for
                                                                                                  federal immigration reform in early 2013.

Ta sk Force BUSINESS MemberShip
CHAIR: Tim Wheelwright, Kuck Immigration Partners           David Garbett, Garbett Homes                                   Genevie Olivares, Shumway Van & Hansen
Carlos Alegre, Granite Construction Company                 Sharon Garn, Senator Orrin G. Hatch                            Roger Parsell, Sysco Intermountain
Jeff Alexander, Alexander's Print Advantage                 Tom Guinney, Gastronomy                                        Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies
Brian Bethers, 1-800-Contacts                               Chris Hipwell, ABC-Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc.   Ray Pickup, WCF
Mark Compton, Utah Mining Association                       Tom Hori, REDCON                                               Stan Rasmussen, The Sutherland Institute
Todd Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association                Deneece Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College                  Mike Reberg, Congressman Jim Matheson
Cynthia Bioteau, Salt Lake Community College                Clark Ivory, Ivory Homes                                       Alan Rindlisbacher, Layton Construction Company
Melanie H. Bowen, Senator Orrin G. Hatch                    Scott Jenkins, Utah State Senate                               Rebecca Sanchez, Salt Lake County Mayor's Office
Jake Boyer, The Boyer Company                               Jonathan Johnson,                                Jennifer Seelig, 1-800-Contacts
Mark Brennan, Ames Construction                             Jason Keith, Enterprise Holdings, Inc.                         Jennifer Somers, Congressman Rob Bishop
Lonnie Bullard, Jacobsen Construction Company               Bill Lee, Senator Mike Lee                                     Alice Steiner, Utah Transit Authority
Patrick Burt, Kipp & Christian Attorney's of Law P.C.       Ted McAleer, USTAR                                             Paul Torres, Manuel's Fine Foods
Diego Carroll, Parsons Brinckerhoff                         Roger McConkie, Prince, Yeates & Geldzahler                    Roger Tsai, Holland & Hart
Wilford Clyde, Clyde Companies                              Lynn McMurray, Kirton & McConkie                               Steven Tyler, Holland & Hart
Mary Kate Ivory, Ivory Homes                                Barbara Melendez, Kuck Immigration Partners                    Vicki Varela, Vicki Varela Strategic Communications
Spencer Eccles, Governor's Office of Economic Development   Doug Moody, Solution Services                                  Winston Wilkinson, Salt Lake County
Elizabeth Garbe, United Way of Salt Lake                    Brett Okland, Okland Construction Company                      Joe Zeidner, 1-800-Contacts

“Clean air benefits everyone’s quality of life.  It also helps Utah’s tourism
                                     industry, corporate recruitment efforts, regulatory environment and,
                                     ultimately, the economy. The Chamber has been a leader on this issue
Clean Air
                                     for a long time because we know business can make a difference.”
                                     —Jonathan Johnson,

                                                Statement of Principles
                                                n	 Balance economic interests – We must carefully address air quality issues while
                                                   minimizing the cost to business. Without action we may lose federal highway
                                                   funding, garner additional regulatory burdens and impair economic development
                                                   and corporate recruitment.
                                                n	 Private sector solutions – Clean air makes good business sense and the business
                                                   community will be a significant part of the solution. The Chamber is leading a
                                                   private sector initiative to promote and recognize voluntary clean air practices
                                                   for businesses.
                                                 n	 Personal responsibility – As a shared public resource, our air quality is
                                                    susceptible to the “tragedy of the commons” that occurs when rational choices
                                                    by individuals—choosing to benefit from a community resource—damage the
                                                    common resource. In the greater Salt Lake area, more than half of the pollutant
                                                    particles in the air come from motor vehicles. We all have a role in keeping our air
                                                    clean. Business, citizens and government share our roads and each should do its
                                                    part to drive cleaner and smarter. 

                                                Polic y Posit ion s
                                                n	 Federal regulatory compliance – The Chamber supports efforts to comply with
                                                   current federal air quality standards. Reaching compliance will limit regulatory
                                                   burdens on business and help secure future federal highway funding. The Chamber
                                                   remains actively engaged and supportive of the Division of Air Quality’s PM2.5
                                                   State Implementation Plan.
                                                n	 Clean air and economic development – We support efforts to promote the
                                                   importance of clean air to the Utah economy and its impact on the state’s economic
                                                   development efforts. In particular, we support:
                                                   •	 The work of the Legislative Economic            Increased ridership of mass
                                                      Development Task Force and its focus            transit, especially prior to and
                                                      on air quality                                  on poor air days
                                                   •	 The creation of a suite of properly             Energy conservation by
                                                      placed incentives or low/no interest            weatherization, purchase of
                                                      loan programs to incentivize action,            Energy Star rate products and
                                                      including efforts that encourage:               phasing out old pilot lights
                                                        Purchases of cleaner burning             •	 Gov. Herbert’s UCAIR initiative as a
                                                        vehicles, with an emphasis on               coordinating entity for the various
                                                        fleet vehicles                              air quality efforts in our state to help
                                                                                                    unify clean air messaging and promote
                                                        Implementation of no idling policies
                                                                                                    beneficial changes in behavior
                                                        and idle monitoring systems for
                                                        corporate fleets

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                                The Clean Air Champions program is a business-led initiative to promote and recognize voluntarily
                                implemented clean air practices. The program website,, highlights best business
                                practices for clean air that benefit an organization’s bottom line. Some highlighted practices include:

1                                                                                  3
         Granite Office operates a compressed natural gas (CNG)                    incentivizes employees who participate
         fleet of delivery vehicles.  This dedicated CNG fleet not                          in the corporate carpool program. Carpoolers can
         only achieves significant reduction of emissions, but                              receive as much as $80 per month each and are given
         also allows Granite Office to offer reduced delivery costs                         preferred parking places. All carpool groups are listed
and maintain its free same-day delivery policy.  Granite Office is                 on the company intranet by geographical location so employees
currently saving approximately $2,500 in fuel costs per month.                     can find groups close to where they live.

2                                                                                  4
         UPS utilizes technology to optimize travel routes                                   Parsons Behle & Latimer encourages employees to drive
         and minimize left-hand turns to reduce vehicle travel                               less on poor air days and reimburses for any additional
         and idle time. UPS managers combine personal and                                    costs of utilizing alternative transportation on such
         historical experience with computer programs to                                     days. The firm annually participates in Clear the Air
design efficient delivery routes that have saved UPS more                          Challenge and incentivizes employee participation via weekly
than 10 million gallons of fuel since 2004.                                        prize drawings and public transit passes. During that month
                                                                                   alone, firm employees collectively save approximately $3,500.

n	 Fleet conversion – We support efforts, over time, to convert                    n	 Launched the Clean Air Ambassadors program – The
   a significant portion of state and private sector fleets to                        Chamber unveiled the Clean Air Ambassador program, a
   natural gas, electric, hybrid or cleaner burning engine                            collaborative initiative bringing together members from
   vehicles. We will continue to support efforts to increase                          government, business, nonprofit, health, economics and
   production of alternative fuel vehicles.                                           science to teach community leaders how they can inform
                                                                                      others about the realities of air quality, its importance to
n	 Increase availability of natural gas – Utah has abundant
                                                                                      our economy, existing air quality efforts and resources
   and inexpensive natural gas reserves. We support
                                                                                      available to help clean our air.
   environmentally responsible expansion of Utah’s natural
   gas infrastructure and encourage business, organizations                        n	 Produced “Utah Air Quality 101” – This eight-page,
   and individuals throughout the state to explore natural gas                        educational brochure outlines the business case for clean
   vehicle options to help improve air quality.                                       air, the challenges we face and strategies to improve air
                                                                                      quality. Available in print and web formats, this document
Recent Accomplishments                                                                will help Utahns understand the basics of air quality.

n	 Clean Air Champions ( – 	                              n	 Hosted 2nd Annual Clean Air Conference – The Business
     This business-led initiative encourages Utah companies to                        Case for Clean Air convened close to 100 business leaders
     voluntarily implement clear air practices, recognizing those                     to discuss and emphasize the economic importance of
     businesses that participate in and demonstrate the value of                      clean air.
     such practices. Since its launch, more than 50 companies
     have enrolled as Clean Air Champions.

Ta sk Force BUSIneSS MemberShip
CHAIR: Jonathan Johnson,              Jeff Edwards, Economic Development 	                     E. Blaine Rawson, Ray Quinney & Nebeker
Stacee Adams, Department of Environmental Quality       Corporation of Utah                                  Irene Rizza, Utah Clean Cities Coalition
C. Lance Allen, Waste Management of Utah            Mark Eggett, Sysco Intermountain                         Dave Robertson, CBRE
Alan Anderson, ChamberWest                          Kim Frost, Economic Development 	                        Stephen Sands, Rio Tinto - Kennecott Utah Copper
Des Barker, Rio-TInto - Kennecott Utah Copper           Corporation of Utah                                  Elizabeth Schulte, Parsons Behle & Latimer
Vicki Bennett, City of Salt Lake                    Carl Galbraith, Questar Gas Company                      Don Schulthies, Wal-Mart Stores
Steve Bergstrom, Intermountain Healthcare           Andrew Gruber, Wasatch Front Regional Council            Matt Sibul, Utah Transit Authority
Kip Billings, Wasatch Front Regional Council        Greg Hardy, Chevron                                      Rob Simmons, Utah Office of Energy Development
Josh Brown, Rio Tinto - Kennecott Utah Copper       Gary Harter, Governor's Office of Economic Development   Brett Slack, Comcast Cable Communications
Douglas Carver, Carver Energy Services              Karen Hevel-Mingo, Breathe Utah                          Pike Sowle, Goldman, Sachs & Co.
Phil Case, Fluid Studio                             G.J. LaBonty, Utah Transit Authority                     R. Tee Spjute, Shumway Van & Hansen
Jen Colby, University of Utah                       Kate Lilja Lohnes, City of Salt Lake                     Robert Storey, Zions Bank
Jim Crowder, Enterprise Holdings                    MK Mortensen, Grant Thornton                             Mike Tait, American Express Centurion Bank
Mike Dalley, Staker Parson Companies                Jon Osier, Rio Tinto - Kennecott Utah Copper             Sherry Weaver, The Canyons
Quinn Dietlein, Hale Centre Theatre                 Angelo Papastamos, UDOT TravelWise

“The Salt Lake Chamber is leading the way on controlling costs
                                    in health care. If businesses utilize the Employer’s Toolbox, they
                                    can save money and strengthen market forces that will ultimately
              System Reform         dictate the future of health reform.” 
                                    Rich McKeown, President and CEO, Leavitt Partners

                                               Statement of Principles
                                               n	 Reform based on market principles – We support reform that applies market
                                                  principles to contain costs and improve health. Such reform includes increasing
                                                  transparency of cost and quality, as well as fostering competition and providing
                                                  incentives for patients, doctors, hospitals and insurers to utilize resources in ways
                                                  that lead to measurably better outcomes.
                                               n	 Controlling costs – We support bold action to contain unsustainable health care
                                                  costs, including minimizing the growth of insurance costs to all businesses.
                                               n	 Health of Utahns – A healthy workforce is necessary to a productive business
                                                  community. We support reform that addresses the growing epidemic of obesity
                                                  and lifestyle-induced diseases, and results in better health for Utahns.

                                               Polic y Posit ion s
                                               n	 The Health System Reform Business Bill of Rights
and Responsibilities summarizes
                                                  the Chamber’s position on health system reform efforts. 

                                               2013 Public Polic y Priorit ies
                                               n	 Repeal of the Medical Device Tax – The Salt Lake Chamber supports the repeal
                                                  of the 2.3 percent medical device excise tax on gross revenue that was passed
                                                  in the Affordable Care Act. This tax will impede American innovation that creates
                                                  jobs and saves lives. It will also immediately result in layoffs at medical device
                                                  manufacturing companies.
                                               n	 Medicaid expansion – We support a comprehensive analysis of expansion in
                                                  the context of wider health system reform. We favor a measured approach that
                                                  recognizes the necessity of balancing the financial ability of the state with the needs
                                                  of Utahns. This approach also includes efforts to apply market principles to any
                                                  possible expansion, such as utilizing Medicaid dollars through the employer market
                                                  or a health insurance exchange.
                                               n	 Improve Employer’s Toolbox – In 2012, the Chamber outlined about a dozen
                                                  strategies for employers to contain health care costs. The Chamber will add several
                                                  strategies to this list in 2013.
                                               n	 Addressing physician workforce shortage — Only three states have fewer
                                                  physicians per capita than Utah. To address this shortage, the Salt Lake Chamber
                                                  supports state funding for 40 additional student seats per year at the University of
                                                  Utah’s medical school. Because 93 percent of Utah’s medical school class each year
                                                  are Utah residents or have strong Utah ties, this expanded class will meaningfully
                                                  address our physician shortage while tremendously benefitting our state.

 16   S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
2013 Public Policy Guide
2013 Public Policy Guide
2013 Public Policy Guide
2013 Public Policy Guide
2013 Public Policy Guide
2013 Public Policy Guide
2013 Public Policy Guide
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2013 Public Policy Guide

  • 1. PublicPOLICY 2013 Guide As Utah’s business leader, we stand as the voice of business, we support our members’ success and we champion community prosperity
  • 2. The Salt Lake Chamber 7,700 50 29 10 Businesses Represented % Of Utah's Workforce Counties Other States The Salt Lake Chamber is a statewide chamber of commerce City Chamber/Bureau, Richfield Area Chamber of Commerce, representing 7,700 businesses, which employ nearly half Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce, South Jordan Chamber of the workforce of our state. We are a capital city chamber Commerce, South Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce, St. George with a statewide mission and reach. Just as the capital city is Area Chamber of Commerce, Utah Asian Chamber of Commerce, the center of commerce in our state, the Chamber works to Utah Hispanic Chamber, Utah Nonprofits Association, Utah strengthen the statewide business climate. The Chamber has Valley Chamber of Commerce, Utah Small Business Coalition, members in all 29 Utah counties, as well as 10 other states and Vestpocket Business Coalition and Wayne County Chamber of Washington, D.C. Commerce—and we continue to establish new partnerships to strengthen the Utah economy. Nearly 80 percent of our membership is comprised of small businesses. We have two strategic partners: the Downtown The Salt Lake Chamber formalized a relationship with the Alliance and World Trade Center Utah. Currently, we have formal World Bank Group to act as the state’s Private Sector Liaison partnerships with 25 other chambers of commerce or business Officer, and has signed memorandums of agreement with nine associations: U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Utah State Chamber international chambers: Tokyo Chamber of Commerce, AMCHAM of Commerce, Brigham City Area Chamber of Commerce, Cedar Camera del Comercio Americana del Peru (Lima), Paris Chamber City Area Chamber of Commerce, ChamberWest, Davis Chamber of Commerce, London Chamber of Commerce and Industry, of Commerce, East Valley Chamber of Commerce, Lehi Area Monterrey Chamber of Commerce (Mexico), Shan’xi Bureau Chamber of Commerce, Moab Area Chamber of Commerce, of Commerce (China), Wuhan Chamber of Commerce (China), Murray Area Chamber of Commerce, National Association Chinese Committee for Promotion of International Trade and of Women Business Owners, Odgen/Weber Chamber, Park Italy Utah Cooperation Center. Contents: Statement on Civility Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Salt Lake Chamber believes civility must be a guiding Economic Development . . . . . . . . 2 value in public discourse. We commit ourselves to respectful Prosperity 2020 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 discourse in the public square and pledge to do our part to Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 promote civil society. Immigration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Clean Air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Health System Reform . . . . . . . . 16 “We invite elected officials, community Energy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 leaders, members of the media and all Downtown Rising . . . . . . . . . . . 20 International Business . . . . . . . . 22 Utahns to join us in advancing polite and Small Business . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 civil discourse. I have no doubt that our public policies will be better if we develop Follow us online: them with civility.” blog saltlakechamber Lane Beattie, President and CEO, Salt Lake Chamber saltlakechamber saltlakechamber saltlakechamber Cover photo by Brent Rowland
  • 3. Dear Fellow Utahns, Nearly four years after the official end of the Great Recession, the Utah economy is strong and the national economy is expanding. A number of issues impacting the business community reached critical decision points in 2012. The Supreme Court issued landmark decisions on immigration and health care reform, yet both issues remain largely unresolved. Billions of dollars were poured into political campaigns, yet we find ourselves faced with unproductive gridlock. No matter what the challenges, the business community stands ready to help shape 2013 for the betterment of our state and country. Let’s begin by focusing on the fundamentals. As business leaders we understand that lasting change is incremental. It takes patience and commitment. This 2013 Public Policy Guide contains business leaders’ steady vision for a more prosperous Utah. Year after year, we strengthen business by collaborating with our elected officials. This year will be no exception, and this publication will guide our efforts with federal, state and local policy makers. Benjamin Franklin noted, “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” Business leaders agree. There is no better place for Utahns to invest than in the education of our youth. Education is critical to our long-term success as communities, as a state and as a nation. An educated and skilled workforce is the foundation of community prosperity. Investment in infrastructure has never been glamorous, but is an absolute necessity. We must continue to build and maintain our transportation and energy systems if we expect a robust economy and prosperous society. Disciplined and principled investment in infrastructure is a fundamental practice that deserves our focus. Regulatory burdens continue to hinder economic growth. In the coming years we will sharpen our focus on cultivating a regulatory environment for business to thrive while maintaining a level playing field to boost healthy competition. The Salt Lake Chamber is proud to stand as the voice of business in Utah. History has taught us that when business thrives, communities prosper. There is an inseparable connection between the success of our economy and the well-being of our state. We invite you to join us in focusing on the fundamentals and building a future second to none. Lane Beattie Ray Pickup President and CEO Chair 1
  • 4. “The collaboration between the Chamber and Gov. Herbert has further enabled our Utah brand to gain international recognition in the business, tourism, film, culture, innovation, outdoor recreation and sport Economic Development communities. Life Elevated is not just a tag line, but a way of life.” Spencer P. Eccles, Executive Director, Governor’s Office of Economic Development Statement of Principles n Free enterprise – We support America’s free enterprise system as the best way to grow the economy, stimulate innovation and create jobs over the long term. n Ingredients for success – We believe low taxes, effective regulations, top-notch infrastructure, a talented workforce, and well-managed and limited government create the environment for economic success. n Thriving community – We champion Utah’s enviable life quality and commitment to the greater good, including support for Utah’s major arts organizations. n Strategic partnerships – We create and sustain model partnerships with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Governor’s Office of Economic Development, Economic Development Corporation of Utah, Utah Technology Council, BioUtah, other chambers of commerce and business associations, World Trade Center Utah, the Downtown Alliance, Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses, Utah Small Business Coalition and other like-minded entities. 2013 public polic y priorit ies n Jobs – The Salt Lake Chamber joins forces with Gov. Herbert to make job creation a top priority. We support the governor’s plan to facilitate the creation of 100,000 jobs in 1,000 days and also offer a complementary private sector job creation plan called the Utah Jobs Agenda. We are on track to reach our goal and will continue to make job creation a major focus. Utah jobs agenda A plan to create 150,000 jobs in five years 60,000 - 55,594 47,368 48,000 YTD 40,000 - 34,734 Projected 20,000 - Average 23,282 1,291 0- -7217 -20,000 - -40,000 - Jobs Created -60,000 - -63,734 -80,000 - 2010 2006 2007 2008 2009 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services and the Salt Lake Chamber 2 S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
  • 5. S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide Utah jobs reach pre-recession peak Utah job growth Utah job count Monthly year-over percent change 5% - 1,280,000 - 4% - 1,260,000 - Pre-recession peak 3% - Back to peak 2% - 1,240,000 - 1% - 1,220,000 - 0 1,200,000 - Trough -1% - 1,180,000 - -2% - 1,160,000 - -3% - -4% - 1,140,000 - -5% - 1,120,000 - -6% - 1,100,000 - -7% - 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services and Bureau of Labor Statistics Source: Utah Dept. of Workforce Services and Bureau of Labor Statistics n No general tax increase – We oppose increases in income, n Sustain USTAR – We support the Utah Science Technology sales or property taxes that are not supported by the public. and Research initiative (USTAR) and will ask the Utah Transportation user fees should be increased in order to Legislature to commit $3 million of on-going funding. meet critical mobility needs and should be adjusted over We also support increasing USTAR’s ongoing research time to keep pace with inflation.  allocation by $9 million annually. n Taxes and fiscal flexibility – We recognize federal and state n Statewide non-discrimination ordinance – A patchwork of tax reform as an emerging issue that must be addressed. non-discrimination ordinances currently exists in the state. We will work actively with elected leaders to consider We support a standardized statewide non-discrimination the best process, approach and options for meaningful ordinance, modeled after that passed in Salt Lake City and tax reform. We will also work with legislators to preserve 15 other local governments in Utah. legislative flexibility for future appropriations and support n Fund life science tax credits – Utah’s life science sector— fair tax policies for Utah’s hospitality industry. comprised of medical device, diagnostics, drug delivery n Improve regulatory environment – The federal, state and and biotech companies—employs 20,000 Utahns and local government regulatory system must protect the contributes $15 billion in revenue to the state. We support health, safety and general welfare of Americans, while tax credit incentives for this important sector. being cost-effective, flexible and fair. We will actively n Enhance Utah’s image – Perceptions of Utah are an pursue opportunities to reduce the regulatory burden on important component of our economic development business and improve the fairness and effectiveness of success. We oppose unproductive “message bills” in the government regulations. Utah Legislature that detract from our state’s image. We n Liquor law modernization – We support reforms of seek to improve Utah’s reputation in the world and will Utah’s liquor laws that protect public safety, reinforce a continue to support the efforts of the Governor’s Office of welcoming and hospitable climate for tourism and business Economic Development and other stakeholders to better recruitment efforts, and retain state control of wholesale coordinate and extend Utah’s global branding, both in distribution. tourism and business. n Support high priority developments/activities – So long n Support ambassador program – We will coordinate with, as specific criteria are met, we support the proposed Utah support and complement Gov. Herbert’s ambassador Performing Arts Center, a convention-headquarters hotel, program to cultivate relationships with existing, expanding a public market, the Sugar House streetcar development, and targeted businesses across the state and throughout expansion of the Salt Lake City International Airport and an the world. effort to bid for another Olympic Winter Games. n Broadband – We support broadband access so that Utah can remain a leader in economic development. 3
  • 6. The Regulatory Flood E xc e s s i v e a n d C o s t ly R e g u l at i o n s H A R M t h e E c o n o my Most regulations are necessary to ensure there are clear rules for operating in a complex society. But excessive and costly regulations harm the economy and inhibit job creation. Regulatory uncertainty is one of several reasons employers are reluctant to hire and job growth remains sluggish. W e Must Restor e Bal ance Regulations in the Pipeline to Federal Regul at ion Dodd-Frank financial reform law The Affordable Care Act Regulatory burdens are imposed This legislation mandates This bill is through a system that operates 447 2,700 without effective checks and balances, pages or accountability. Currently, nearly all new long major regulations go into effect without rules our elected representatives in Congress ever voting on them. Regulators have finalized “The Secretary shall determine” Furthermore, the agencies creating only a third of them. appears in the bill these regulations often are not 1,563 times transparent. Unaccountable agencies rarely have to justify decisions they 180 Environmental Protection Agency make that harm the livelihoods of Proposed regulations could negatively millions of Americans because the impact power plants, hydraulic fracturing process does not allow for effective and refineries, costing the economy judicial or other independent review hundreds of major rules. of billions We support U.S. Chamber efforts to fight onerous rules and advance systemic regulator reform so we can of dollars and millions of jobs boards and commissions created remain a productive, innovative and free economy. Harming Small Business W e Must Remain Vigil ant on State Regul at ion Compliance costs harm small businesses. They are the jobs engine of the economy, and will pay the most. The Salt Lake Chamber endorses the excellent work performed by the Businesses with fewer than 20 The average regulatory cost for each executive branch at the direction of employees incur regulatory costs employee of a small business exceeds Gov. Herbert in the Utah Business 42%Higher $10,000 Regulation Review. This review resulted in 295 rule changes, 32 organizational changes and 41 statutory changes to improve the Utah economy. higher than larger businesses of up to 500 employees. per year. The Chamber will be vigilant in its efforts to continually improve Utah’s regulatory landscape. “Sometimes our economic or policy challenges become so big and so daunting that politicians, pundits and the media have to use dramatic or catastrophic images in nature to effectively describe them. The fiscal cliff comes to mind. Next up? The regulatory flood.” - Tom Donohue, President and CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce 4 S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
  • 7. S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide Hill Air Force Base = 1,000 Direct Jobs = 1,000 Indirect Jobs 48,800 Jobs Annual Payroll The Salt Lake Chamber salutes $1,060,000,000 Hill Air Force Base for the vital Annual Expenditures mission it fulfills for our country and the economic contribution it makes $1,010,000,000 to our state. The base is a mainstay Annual value of indirect and induced spending for the Utah economy and delivers military excellence to our nation. $1,060,000,000 Utah business leaders pledge to Total annual economic impact (direct, indirect and induced) $3,130,000,000 support Hill Air Force Base through the next round of Defense Base Closure and Realignment. Source: Hill Air Force Base Economic Impact Statement RECENT ACCOMPLIS HMENTS Utah was named as the “Best State for n Job growth – The Utah economy created an estimated 48,000 jobs during 2012, enough to lower the unemployment rate to 5.2 percent and rank Utah among Business an elite group of top-performing states. Utah has now recovered all of the jobs lost during the Great Recession. n Marquee expansions – Prominent companies are expanding or relocating in Utah. Adobe, BioFire Diagnostics, Edward Life Sciences, EMC Corp., Exactware Solutions, Inc., Family Dollar, FLSmidth, Goldman Sachs, Vexxel, Xi3 and Workday are a few of the many examples of companies expanding in our state. and Careers” n USTAR – Utah’s high-achieving science initiative has by Forbes for the third consecutive year. attracted 50 catalyst-type interdisciplinary faculty to the Beehive State. Each faculty member is aligned in one of seven Utah Innovation Centers and engaged in research related to the state’s targeted industry clusters. USTAR research teams have attracted $131 million in federal and industry-sponsored grant funding to the state. Economic Development Le ader s Chair: Jake Boyer, The Boyer Company Governor's Economic Council Ron Jibson, Questar Corporation Utah on the Move – Chris Redgrave, Zions Bank Spencer Eccles, Chair, Governor's Office of Mel Lavitt, Governor's Office of Economic COMMITTEE MEMBERS – Salt Lake Chamber Board of Governors – As the Economic Development Development primary advisory board to the Salt Lake Chamber, each member of the Scott Anderson, Zions Bank Dinesh Patel, vSpring Board serves as an ambassador for economic development throughout the Rob Behunin, Utah State University Pat Richards, Utah Symphony Utah Opera state: Peggy Larsen (WCF), Brett Okland (Okland Construction), Jason Perry Spencer Cox, CentraCom Interactive Randy Shumway, Cicero Group (University of Utah) and Ted McAleer (USTAR) also provide strategic support. Natalie Gochnour, Salt Lake Chamber Will West, Control4 5
  • 8. “We now have a bold, innovative and business-minded plan for education that brings together education experts, state policy makers and the business community. The plan includes clear goals, essential metrics, targeted strategies Education Prosperity 2020 and the required investment to build the strongest economy in the nation.” Mark Bouchard, Chair, Prosperity 2020 and Senior Managing Director, CBRE The Salt Lake Chamber joins chambers of commerce and business associations throughout Utah in the Prosperity 2020 movement to improve the Utah economy by strengthening education. We commit our best efforts to improve innovation, accountability, efficiency and investment in Utah’s education system. For the past three years, Prosperity 2020 has worked with the Governor’s Educational Excellence Commission, our partners in the Legislature and education leadership to create a plan to build the strongest economy in the nation through purposeful innovation and investment in education. The plan has now been approved by the governor, Utah State Office of Education, Utah College of Applied Technology, Utah System of Higher Education and the Prosperity 2020 Founders’ Council. Legislative approval will be a major focus in the coming year. Prosperit y 2020 Goals n 90% – 90 percent of third, sixth and eighth graders will be proficient in reading and mathematics. Currently, approximately 80 percent meet this goal. n 66% – 66 percent of Utah adults will have postsecondary certificates or degrees. Currently, 43 percent meet this goal. n STEM Top 10 – The Greater Salt Lake Area will rank in the Top 10 metropolitan areas for science and technology jobs and businesses. Currently, we rank in the top 30. 6 S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
  • 9. S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide Utah’s big goal Postsecondary education attainment levels by 2020 (ages 25–64) 2010: 42.6%* 68,143 4.3%** 143,171 9.0% 315,627 19.9% 149,514 9.4% GOAL: 66% 221,100 13% 222,200 14% 466,700 28% 177,700 11% Board-approved Associate’s degree Bachelor’s degree Graduate or postsecondary professional certificates degree * 2010 census **highest postsecondary award Source: HigherEdUtah 2020, 2011 Prosperit y 2020 Legisl at ive Priorit ies Percent of Utahns with a Bachelor’s Degree By age cohort: 2009 Prosperity 2020 supports the following strategic priorities and 35% – Bachelor’s Degree Completion investments this year. Rates are Falling in Utah n Pass a joint resolution in the Utah Legislature endorsing 30% – 29.6% 30.3% the achievement of the 66 percent goal through increased 28.2% 25% – innovation and investment. 20% – n Make strategic investments toward the 66 percent goal: • Higher education – $20 million investment in capacity 15% – at Utah’s institutions of higher learning for high-growth, 10% – high-wage degrees (STEM and health professions). This investment will be matched by $20 million in institutional 5% – funding and innovations for more online courses, more 0% concurrent enrollment, increased use of instructional Current 45–64 Current 35–44 Current 25–34 technologies and other improvements. Age Group Age Group Age Group Source: American Community Survey, 2009 • Technical education –$9.75 million investment in increased capacity at the Utah College of Applied of top science and math schools, and other capacity- Technology campuses for a year-one commitment to building improvements. Prosperity 2020 also supports achieve 153,000 more certificates by 2020. the Beverley Sorenson Elementary Arts Learning Program • Public education – $43.6 million investment in our because of the important interplay of the arts, math, computer adaptive testing, early intervention and science and technology in the development of new ideas, programs for children at risk, ACT testing for every high products and services that improve our economy and school student, and promising STEM priorities such as an advance our life quality. educational resource center, expansion and replication Utah’s K-12 education funding effort ranks 29th among states Education revenues per $1,000 personal income $60 - U.S. Average $50 - $40 - $30 - $20 - $10 - 8 9 8 7 11 11 12 16 17 19 20 29 25 22 32 33 24 26 29 0- 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Sources: Census, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Utah State Office of Education, Governor’s Budget Summaries. Calculations by Utah Foundation National Rank 7
  • 10. QA & Q: What is Prosperity 2020? Q: Why focus on 66 percent? A: The largest business-led movement to enhance education in state history. Seventeen chambers of commerce and industry associations from throughout the state support Prosperity 2020 and more A: A seminal study conducted at Georgetown University projected that by 2018, 66 percent of the jobs in Utah will require postsecondary education. To fulfill this economic potential as a state we must organizations sign on every year. increase degrees and certificates awarded each year by four percent. Success begins early. Utah business leaders desire to Q: have 90 percent of third, sixth and eighth graders proficient in Why is reading and math by 2020. Q: Prosperity 2020 important? What are Utah A: In a globally competitive, information-based economy, education is the path to enduring prosperity. The jobs of the 21st Century will flow to centers of knowledge and innovation. Prosperity businesses doing to help achieve the 66 2020 seeks to enhance Utah’s competitive advantage in the percent goal? A: area of educational excellence. Business leaders launched the Prosperity Q: 2020 Business Promise to deploy 20,200 Why are volunteers in Utah classrooms with the goal of helping children learn reading, math and other critical skills. business leaders A: concerned? In recent years, many Utah companies have Q: Who leads Prosperity 2020? A: found it difficult to hire the skilled workers they need, particularly in the science and A Business Executive Leadership Council technology occupations. A closer look reveals Utah students comprised of leading Utah companies and perform below peer states on national tests and Utah young small businesses direct the movement (see adults attain less education than their parents’ generation. the list on the opposing page). The Salt Lake Chamber serves Importantly, Utah’s population is becoming much more as the backbone organization. racially and ethnically diverse, which creates cultural and language barriers for learning. The combination of skilled labor shortages, disappointing educational outcomes and rapid growth in racial/ethnic populations has motivated To learn more, visit Utah business leaders to step up and help enhance education in Utah. 8 S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
  • 11. S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide “This is Utah’s minority share of the population is increasing rapidly Minority share of population 50% - about 45% 45% - 40% 40% - 35% 34% 35% - the future 31% 32% 30% - 27% 24% 25% 25% - 22% 20% of Utah.” 20% - 19% 19% 15% 15% - 10% 10% - 8% 8% 9% 5% - 0% Gov. Gary Herbert speaking to business leaders 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 about the importance of education Utah Salt Lake County U.S. Source: Bureau of the Census and the Univ. of Utah, Bureau of Economic and Business Research Recent Accomplishments n Increased accountability and improved teaching tools – Prosperity 2020 worked hand-in-hand with the governor n Volunteers – Prosperity 2020 launched the Business and the Utah Legislature to invest in assessment Promise Initiative—committing 20,200 volunteers to assist technology for schools that will provide timely and in Utah classrooms, with particular focus on reading and accurate data on student performance. This technology math skills in elementary schools and scholarships for increases accountability at all levels— students, teachers, higher education. administrators, parents and elected officials. n STEM education and workforce partnership – Convened n Collective action – The Prosperity 2020 movement is the leaders in industry, government and education to identify largest education movement in Utah history and continues best practices in science, technology, engineering and math to grow. education that will elevate Utah to be one of the top tech centers in the U.S. and fuel the state economy. Ta sk Force BUSINESS MemberShip Founders Council South Salt Lake Chamber of Commerce David Golden, Wells Fargo Citizens for Educational Excellence St. George Area Chamber of Commerce Alan Hall, MarketStar Economic Development Corporation of Utah Utah Valley Chamber of Commerce Gordy Haycock, Grant Thornton Friends of Utah Higher Education Wayne County Business Association Mary Ann Holladay, Holladay & Associates Governor’s Office of Economic Development Carol Hunter, Rocky Mountain Power Junior Achievement of Utah Business Executive Leadership Council Clark Ivory, Ivory Homes United Way of Salt Lake CHAIR: Mark Bouchard, CBRE Ron Jibson, Questar Corporation Utah Foundation Gary Carlston, Senior Public Education Policy Advisor Nolan Karras, Investment Management Research Utah Technology Council Paul Thompson, Emeritus Senior Higher Education David Layton, Layton Construction Company World Trade Center Utah Policy Advisor Richard Linder, Coherex Medical Brigham City Area Chamber of Commerce Vicki Varela, Senior Communication Consultant Stan Lockhart, IM Flash Cache Valley Chamber Jeff Alexander, Alexander’s Print Advantage Tom Love, Love Communications Cedar City Area Chamber of Commerce Scott Anderson, Zions Bank Brent Low, MediaOne of Utah ChamberWest Lane Beattie, Salt Lake Chamber Bob Marquardt, Management & Training Corporation East Valley Chamber of Commerce Bruce Bingham, Hamilton Partners Rich McKeown, Leavitt Partners Davis Chamber of Commerce Jake Boyer, The Boyer Company Andrea Moss, American Express Lehi Area Chamber of Commerce Roger Boyer, The Boyer Company Jeff Nelson, Nelson Laboratories Moab Area Chamber of Commerce Mona Burton, Holland & Hart Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies Murray Area Chamber of Commerce Keith M. Buswell, Wadman Corporation Ray Pickup, WCF Ogden/Weber Chamber of Commerce Lori Chillingworth, Zions Bank Patricia Richards, SelectHealth Park City Chamber Wilford Clyde, Clyde Companies Kelly Sanders, Rio Tinto - Kennecott Utah Copper Richfield Area Chamber Lew Cramer, World Trade Center Utah Randy Shumway, Cicero Group Salt Lake Chamber Jeff Edwards, Economic Development Corporation of Utah Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce Rick Folkerson, Ken Garff Automotive Group South Jordan Chamber of Commerce Kem Gardner, The Gardner Company 9
  • 12. “We have made a substantial investment in our mobility infrastructure. Today, with one of the fastest growing populations in the nation, our challenge is to capitalize on Transportation our past investments and continue to invest for the future, so we can keep the Delivering for Utah commerce of one of the nation’s strongest economies flowing through our state.” — Lane Beattie, President and CEO, Salt Lake Chamber Statement of Principles n Mobility is critical to economic prosperity – A safe and efficient transportation system creates the foundation for economic growth, personal prosperity and improved life quality. As the state population is projected to nearly double by 2040, we must ensure that our state’s transportation system will be able to keep up with population growth. n Technological innovation – We embrace technological advances and design innovations that enhance the efficiency and safety of our transportation systems, expand their scope, improve user satisfaction and protect Utah’s air quality. Polic y Posit ion s n Disciplined planning – Such dynamic growth requires a long-term view and stable, adequate funding. Utah’s Unified Transportation Plan: 2011–2040 addresses this planning need. Developed collaboratively by Utah’s Metropolitan Planning Organizations (Cache MPO, Dixie MPO, Mountainland Association of Governments and Wasatch Front Regional Council), Utah Department of Transportation and Utah Transit Authority, the Unified Plan forecasts statewide demand on Utah’s mobility system based on population and economic growth. It also comprehensively addresses capacity expansion, operation and maintenance of Utah’s transportation systems, including state and local roads, and public transit. n Disciplined investment – Users should bear the primary responsibility for funding Utah’s mobility infrastructure. User fees should be increased and/or expanded in innovative ways in order to meet critical mobility needs, and should be adjusted over time to keep pace with inflation. Prudent use of financing techniques—such as bonding—should be considered to take advantage of historically low interest rates and favorable construction costs. Such funding should also be adequate, stable and transparent. 2013 Public Polic y Priorit ies n Preserve and maintain – Utah must protect its substantial transportation investment by properly preserving and maintaining the state-of-the-art transportation assets we have already put in place. Financial case for highway maintenance Very Poor Rehabilitation $ 6 Maintenance Cost Road Condition/ Reconstruction Preservation $ 1 $ 10 Very Good 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Years 10 S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
  • 13. S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide 40 % 24 14 .5¢ .7¢ Buying The power of motor fuel tax has in inflation- declined Since 1997 is now worth adjusted terms Cents per mile paid by drivers has declined from 0.8 cents in 1998 to 0.6 cents in 2011. At current rates, cents per mile is projected to decline to 0.3 cents by 2020. n Transparent and stable funding – Funding for transportation n Mountain View Corridor – This project will connect the in Utah must be stable and keep up with inflation. western sides of Salt Lake and Utah counties, alleviating pressure on Utah’s primary north-south corridor, I-15. Nine n Raise awareness – We support the Utah Mobility Coalition’s miles of this phased construction is already complete in effort to educate legislators and the public about the Salt Lake County and over three miles of frontage road are positive return-on-investment that adequately funding complete in Utah County. Already featuring designated bike transportation provides. It is essential to our economic lanes in all completed miles of the project, the MVC will prosperity and air quality. provide 21 miles of trails when completed. Recent Accomplishments n Mountain transportation system - The Salt Lake Chamber has a long history of support for Utah’s ski industry. We n I-15 CORE project – The largest public works project in support development that advances Utah’s ski industry state history is now complete. It has added 10 freeway and protects natural amenities, including wildlife and interchanges and replaced or restored 55 aging bridges in watershed, which are important to our long-term prosperity Utah County. and quality of life. Future developments should be a net n FrontLines 2015 – The south FrontRunner line opened in positive for the environment and pass a rigorous local December 2012. In 2013, the Draper and Airport TRAX lines process that covers land use, water quality, wildlife and will begin operating. other environmental matters. Any resort development should be considered as part of a larger strategic plan that n Sugar House Streetcar – The Sugar House Streetcar will encourages transit and maintains Utah’s mountains as operate between South Salt Lake and Sugar House. It is unique long-term environmental and economic assets for scheduled to open in late 2013. future generations.  n Bus rapid transit – In addition to the highly successful n Flex Lanes – Utah’s first ever “flex lanes” were opened BRT being used in West Valley City, other BRT routes are in 2012 on 5400 South between Bangerter Highway and currently being developed. Redwood Road. These lanes are an effective way to improve n Transit innovation – Studies of other innovative transit traffic flow using the existing roadway. options are underway and pilot projects are being contemplated. These include wireless electric buses and mountain transit. Ta sk Force Industry MemberShip CHAIR: Abby Albrecht, Granite Construction Company Neil Hafer, Enterprise Holdings Matt Riffkin, InterPlan Michael Allegra, Utah Transit Authority Dan Harbeke, Union Pacific Railroad Neka Roundy, Davis County Economic Development David Allred, CR England Dave Hardman, Ogden / Weber Chamber Michael Seare, Kiewit Mike Alter, Geneva Rock Products Greg Hardy, Chevron Lincoln Shurtz, Utah League of Cities & Towns Des Barker, Chevron Brandi Honey, Skywest Airlines Jim Smith, Davis Chamber of Commerce Mark Brennan, Ames Construction Tom Hori, REDCON Michael Smith, American Council of Engineering Companies Kenneth Bullock, Utah League of Cities & Towns Linda Hull, Utah Department of Transportation Suzanne Somers, Somers-Jaramillo & Associates Deborah Burney-Sigman, Breathe Utah Andrew Jackson, Mountainland Association of Governments Brad Sweet, Granite Construction Company Rick Chesnut, Terracon Rob Jolley, RRJ Consulting Richard Thorn, Associated General Contractors Richard Clasby, Utah Trucking Association Sam Klemm, Wasatch Front Regional Council Kip Wadsworth, Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Bill Cook, Ogden City Council Stephen Kroes, Utah Foundation LaVarr Webb, The Exoro Group Chad England, CR England Doug Larsen, Weber Economic Development Partnership Mike Winder, West Valley City Dan England, CR England Andrea Packer, Utah Transit Authority Brent Gardner, Utah Association of Counties Stan Parrish, Sandy Area Chamber of Commerce Andrew Gruber, Wasatch Front Regional Council Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies 11
  • 14. “The Salt Lake Chamber has provided a consistent and reasonable voice in the national immigration discussion. The time is right to reform our outdated immigration system. Immigration Comprehensive reform will strengthen our economy and society.” Brian Bethers, 1-800-Contacts THE UTA H COMPACT A declaration of five principles to guide Utah’s immigration discussion n FEDERAL SOLUTIONS – Immigration is a federal policy issue between the U.S. government and other countries—not Utah and other countries. We urge Utah’s congressional delegation, and others, to lead efforts to strengthen federal laws and protect our national borders. We urge state leaders to adopt reasonable policies addressing immigrants in Utah. n LAW ENFORCEMENT – We respect the rule of law and support law enforcement’s professional judgment and discretion. Local law enforcement resources should focus on criminal activities, not civil violations of federal code. n FAMILIES – Strong families are the foundation of successful communities. We oppose policies that unnecessarily separate families. We champion policies that support families and improve the health, education and well-being of all Utah children. n ECONOMY – Utah is best served by a free-market philosophy that maximizes individual freedom and opportunity. We acknowledge the economic role immigrants play as workers and taxpayers. Utah’s immigration policies must reaffirm our global reputation as a welcoming and business-friendly state. n A FREE SOCIETY – Immigrants are integrated into communities across Utah. We must adopt a humane approach to this reality, reflecting our unique culture, history and spirit of inclusion. The way we treat immigrants will say more about us as a free society and less about our immigrant neighbors. Utah should always be a place that welcomes people of goodwill. 12 S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
  • 15. S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide National Polic y Posit ion s n Mandatory electronic verification – We support a national Immigration electronic verification system for new employees that reduces the existing regulatory burden on business. This less-onerous system should be implemented by all 50 Forum states, merged with the I-9 verification process to eliminate duplication and include visa reform that ensures access to critical labor. We oppose revocation of business licenses as a penalty for non-compliance. In the event the federal government grants Utah waivers to implement the Utah Guest Worker law, a mandatory state-level verification system would be workable. n In-state tuition – We support extending educational opportunities to all Utah residents. Children who have attended three or more years of high school in Utah should be eligible for in-state tuition. 
 2013 Public Polic y Priorit ies n Federal solutions – We call on our elected officials to advance comprehensive immigration reform that is consistent with the principles of The Utah Compact. We ask Photo: Jack Gordon for Utah’s congressional delegation to unite in common purpose, and work as a team to reform America’s broken The Salt Lake Chamber played a critical role in drafting immigration system. We are encouraged political leaders The Utah Compact. The five principles of the Compact from both major parties are calling for civil, compassionate guided Utah's immigration reform efforts, resulted in Utah and comprehensive reform efforts. passing the Utah Solution—landmark legislation that balanced the legitimate need for improved enforcement n Improve and replace Utah Guest Worker law – Utah law with the very real economic and human needs associated provides a way for existing residents who pass a criminal with immigration reform. background check and meet basic health and insurance requirements to work in our state legally. This statute can In December 2012, Salt Lake Chamber Executive Vice and should be improved, but it must not be repealed. We President Natalie Gochnour traveled to Washington, D.C. to oppose new legislation that detracts from the Utah Solution. join 250 leaders from 26 states at the National Immigration Reasonable refinements, such as implementation contingent Forum's strategy session. The powerful bipartisan alliance upon federal approval, merit further consideration. 
 of faith, law enforcement and business leaders called for federal immigration reform in early 2013. Ta sk Force BUSINESS MemberShip CHAIR: Tim Wheelwright, Kuck Immigration Partners David Garbett, Garbett Homes Genevie Olivares, Shumway Van & Hansen Carlos Alegre, Granite Construction Company Sharon Garn, Senator Orrin G. Hatch Roger Parsell, Sysco Intermountain Jeff Alexander, Alexander's Print Advantage Tom Guinney, Gastronomy Scott Parson, Staker Parson Companies Brian Bethers, 1-800-Contacts Chris Hipwell, ABC-Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc. Ray Pickup, WCF Mark Compton, Utah Mining Association Tom Hori, REDCON Stan Rasmussen, The Sutherland Institute Todd Bingham, Utah Manufacturers Association Deneece Huftalin, Salt Lake Community College Mike Reberg, Congressman Jim Matheson Cynthia Bioteau, Salt Lake Community College Clark Ivory, Ivory Homes Alan Rindlisbacher, Layton Construction Company Melanie H. Bowen, Senator Orrin G. Hatch Scott Jenkins, Utah State Senate Rebecca Sanchez, Salt Lake County Mayor's Office Jake Boyer, The Boyer Company Jonathan Johnson, Jennifer Seelig, 1-800-Contacts Mark Brennan, Ames Construction Jason Keith, Enterprise Holdings, Inc. Jennifer Somers, Congressman Rob Bishop Lonnie Bullard, Jacobsen Construction Company Bill Lee, Senator Mike Lee Alice Steiner, Utah Transit Authority Patrick Burt, Kipp & Christian Attorney's of Law P.C. Ted McAleer, USTAR Paul Torres, Manuel's Fine Foods Diego Carroll, Parsons Brinckerhoff Roger McConkie, Prince, Yeates & Geldzahler Roger Tsai, Holland & Hart Wilford Clyde, Clyde Companies Lynn McMurray, Kirton & McConkie Steven Tyler, Holland & Hart Mary Kate Ivory, Ivory Homes Barbara Melendez, Kuck Immigration Partners Vicki Varela, Vicki Varela Strategic Communications Spencer Eccles, Governor's Office of Economic Development Doug Moody, Solution Services Winston Wilkinson, Salt Lake County Elizabeth Garbe, United Way of Salt Lake Brett Okland, Okland Construction Company Joe Zeidner, 1-800-Contacts 13
  • 16. “Clean air benefits everyone’s quality of life.  It also helps Utah’s tourism industry, corporate recruitment efforts, regulatory environment and, ultimately, the economy. The Chamber has been a leader on this issue Clean Air for a long time because we know business can make a difference.” —Jonathan Johnson, Statement of Principles n Balance economic interests – We must carefully address air quality issues while minimizing the cost to business. Without action we may lose federal highway funding, garner additional regulatory burdens and impair economic development and corporate recruitment. n Private sector solutions – Clean air makes good business sense and the business community will be a significant part of the solution. The Chamber is leading a private sector initiative to promote and recognize voluntary clean air practices for businesses.  n Personal responsibility – As a shared public resource, our air quality is susceptible to the “tragedy of the commons” that occurs when rational choices by individuals—choosing to benefit from a community resource—damage the common resource. In the greater Salt Lake area, more than half of the pollutant particles in the air come from motor vehicles. We all have a role in keeping our air clean. Business, citizens and government share our roads and each should do its part to drive cleaner and smarter.  Polic y Posit ion s n Federal regulatory compliance – The Chamber supports efforts to comply with current federal air quality standards. Reaching compliance will limit regulatory burdens on business and help secure future federal highway funding. The Chamber remains actively engaged and supportive of the Division of Air Quality’s PM2.5 State Implementation Plan. n Clean air and economic development – We support efforts to promote the importance of clean air to the Utah economy and its impact on the state’s economic development efforts. In particular, we support: • The work of the Legislative Economic Increased ridership of mass Development Task Force and its focus transit, especially prior to and on air quality on poor air days • The creation of a suite of properly Energy conservation by placed incentives or low/no interest weatherization, purchase of loan programs to incentivize action, Energy Star rate products and including efforts that encourage: phasing out old pilot lights Purchases of cleaner burning • Gov. Herbert’s UCAIR initiative as a vehicles, with an emphasis on coordinating entity for the various fleet vehicles air quality efforts in our state to help unify clean air messaging and promote Implementation of no idling policies beneficial changes in behavior and idle monitoring systems for corporate fleets 14 S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide
  • 17. S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide The Clean Air Champions program is a business-led initiative to promote and recognize voluntarily implemented clean air practices. The program website,, highlights best business practices for clean air that benefit an organization’s bottom line. Some highlighted practices include: 1 3 Granite Office operates a compressed natural gas (CNG) incentivizes employees who participate fleet of delivery vehicles.  This dedicated CNG fleet not in the corporate carpool program. Carpoolers can only achieves significant reduction of emissions, but receive as much as $80 per month each and are given also allows Granite Office to offer reduced delivery costs preferred parking places. All carpool groups are listed and maintain its free same-day delivery policy.  Granite Office is on the company intranet by geographical location so employees currently saving approximately $2,500 in fuel costs per month. can find groups close to where they live. 2 4 UPS utilizes technology to optimize travel routes Parsons Behle & Latimer encourages employees to drive and minimize left-hand turns to reduce vehicle travel less on poor air days and reimburses for any additional and idle time. UPS managers combine personal and costs of utilizing alternative transportation on such historical experience with computer programs to days. The firm annually participates in Clear the Air design efficient delivery routes that have saved UPS more Challenge and incentivizes employee participation via weekly than 10 million gallons of fuel since 2004. prize drawings and public transit passes. During that month alone, firm employees collectively save approximately $3,500. n Fleet conversion – We support efforts, over time, to convert n Launched the Clean Air Ambassadors program – The a significant portion of state and private sector fleets to Chamber unveiled the Clean Air Ambassador program, a natural gas, electric, hybrid or cleaner burning engine collaborative initiative bringing together members from vehicles. We will continue to support efforts to increase government, business, nonprofit, health, economics and production of alternative fuel vehicles. science to teach community leaders how they can inform others about the realities of air quality, its importance to n Increase availability of natural gas – Utah has abundant our economy, existing air quality efforts and resources and inexpensive natural gas reserves. We support available to help clean our air. environmentally responsible expansion of Utah’s natural gas infrastructure and encourage business, organizations n Produced “Utah Air Quality 101” – This eight-page, and individuals throughout the state to explore natural gas educational brochure outlines the business case for clean vehicle options to help improve air quality. air, the challenges we face and strategies to improve air quality. Available in print and web formats, this document Recent Accomplishments will help Utahns understand the basics of air quality. n Clean Air Champions ( – n Hosted 2nd Annual Clean Air Conference – The Business This business-led initiative encourages Utah companies to Case for Clean Air convened close to 100 business leaders voluntarily implement clear air practices, recognizing those to discuss and emphasize the economic importance of businesses that participate in and demonstrate the value of clean air. such practices. Since its launch, more than 50 companies have enrolled as Clean Air Champions. Ta sk Force BUSIneSS MemberShip CHAIR: Jonathan Johnson, Jeff Edwards, Economic Development E. Blaine Rawson, Ray Quinney & Nebeker Stacee Adams, Department of Environmental Quality Corporation of Utah Irene Rizza, Utah Clean Cities Coalition C. Lance Allen, Waste Management of Utah Mark Eggett, Sysco Intermountain Dave Robertson, CBRE Alan Anderson, ChamberWest Kim Frost, Economic Development Stephen Sands, Rio Tinto - Kennecott Utah Copper Des Barker, Rio-TInto - Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation of Utah Elizabeth Schulte, Parsons Behle & Latimer Vicki Bennett, City of Salt Lake Carl Galbraith, Questar Gas Company Don Schulthies, Wal-Mart Stores Steve Bergstrom, Intermountain Healthcare Andrew Gruber, Wasatch Front Regional Council Matt Sibul, Utah Transit Authority Kip Billings, Wasatch Front Regional Council Greg Hardy, Chevron Rob Simmons, Utah Office of Energy Development Josh Brown, Rio Tinto - Kennecott Utah Copper Gary Harter, Governor's Office of Economic Development Brett Slack, Comcast Cable Communications Douglas Carver, Carver Energy Services Karen Hevel-Mingo, Breathe Utah Pike Sowle, Goldman, Sachs & Co. Phil Case, Fluid Studio G.J. LaBonty, Utah Transit Authority R. Tee Spjute, Shumway Van & Hansen Jen Colby, University of Utah Kate Lilja Lohnes, City of Salt Lake Robert Storey, Zions Bank Jim Crowder, Enterprise Holdings MK Mortensen, Grant Thornton Mike Tait, American Express Centurion Bank Mike Dalley, Staker Parson Companies Jon Osier, Rio Tinto - Kennecott Utah Copper Sherry Weaver, The Canyons Quinn Dietlein, Hale Centre Theatre Angelo Papastamos, UDOT TravelWise 15
  • 18. “The Salt Lake Chamber is leading the way on controlling costs in health care. If businesses utilize the Employer’s Toolbox, they can save money and strengthen market forces that will ultimately Health System Reform dictate the future of health reform.”  Rich McKeown, President and CEO, Leavitt Partners Statement of Principles n Reform based on market principles – We support reform that applies market principles to contain costs and improve health. Such reform includes increasing transparency of cost and quality, as well as fostering competition and providing incentives for patients, doctors, hospitals and insurers to utilize resources in ways that lead to measurably better outcomes. n Controlling costs – We support bold action to contain unsustainable health care costs, including minimizing the growth of insurance costs to all businesses. n Health of Utahns – A healthy workforce is necessary to a productive business community. We support reform that addresses the growing epidemic of obesity and lifestyle-induced diseases, and results in better health for Utahns. Polic y Posit ion s n The Health System Reform Business Bill of Rights
and Responsibilities summarizes the Chamber’s position on health system reform efforts. 
 2013 Public Polic y Priorit ies n Repeal of the Medical Device Tax – The Salt Lake Chamber supports the repeal of the 2.3 percent medical device excise tax on gross revenue that was passed in the Affordable Care Act. This tax will impede American innovation that creates jobs and saves lives. It will also immediately result in layoffs at medical device manufacturing companies. n Medicaid expansion – We support a comprehensive analysis of expansion in the context of wider health system reform. We favor a measured approach that recognizes the necessity of balancing the financial ability of the state with the needs of Utahns. This approach also includes efforts to apply market principles to any possible expansion, such as utilizing Medicaid dollars through the employer market or a health insurance exchange. n Improve Employer’s Toolbox – In 2012, the Chamber outlined about a dozen strategies for employers to contain health care costs. The Chamber will add several strategies to this list in 2013. n Addressing physician workforce shortage — Only three states have fewer physicians per capita than Utah. To address this shortage, the Salt Lake Chamber supports state funding for 40 additional student seats per year at the University of Utah’s medical school. Because 93 percent of Utah’s medical school class each year are Utah residents or have strong Utah ties, this expanded class will meaningfully address our physician shortage while tremendously benefitting our state. 16 S alt L a k e C hamber 2 0 1 3 P ublic P olicy G uide